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lUFRO Conference on COLLECTING and ANALYZING INFORMATION for SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT and BIODIVERSITY MONITORING with special reference to MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS PROCEEDINGS 4-7 December 2001 Palermo, Sicily (Italy) Edited by Piermaria Corona, Sten Folving, Marco Marchetti International EUROPEAN COMMISSION ÌÈEtìL Università Union of Forestry JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE degli Studi Research di Palermo A Organizations - 2002 EUR 20392 EN lUFRO Conference on COLLECTING and ANALYZING INFORMATION for SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT and BIODIVERSITY MONITORING with special reference to MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS PROCEEDINGS 4-7 December 2001 Palermo, Sicily (Italy) Edited by Piermaria Corona, Sten Folving, Marco Marchetti International EUROPEAN COMMISSION Università Union of Forestry JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE degli Studi Research di Palermo * Organizations - 2002 EUR 20392 EN Organisers Joint Research ICentre à European Commission IUFRO 4.02.05 Accademia Italiana di Space Application Institute Università degli Studi Remote Sensing and World Scienze Forestali Joint Research Center di Palermo Forest Monitoring European Commission Dipartimento di IUFRO 4.02.06 Colture Arboree Resource Data in the Boreal and Temperate Regions Co-organisers European Forest Associazione Italiana Azienda Foreste Demaniali Federazione delle geoLAB Institute di Telerilevamento della Regione Siciliana Associazioni Scientifiche Laboratory of Geomatics per le Informazioni Università degli Studi di Territoriali e Ambientali Firenze FTPS EURO-landscape - Forest Informadon from Remote Sensing For further information concerning the forestry activities in the EURO-landscape Project, contact: Dr. Pam Kennedy Email: Pamela.Kennedvfâ Dr. Sten Folving Email: Sten.Folving(5) Institute for Environment and Sustainability Land Management Unit, TP 262 Joint Research Centre, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy joint research centre EUROPEAN COMMISSION COLLECTING and ANALYZING INFORMATION for SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT and BIODIVERSITY MONITORING with special reference to MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS Proceedings Edited by Piermaria Corona Sten Folving Marco Marchetti EURO-landscape Project Land Management Unit Institute for Environment and Sustainability EUR 20392 EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for 4*Environmen5t and Sustainability LEGAL NOTICE Neither the European Commission nor any person Acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might Be made of the following information A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server ( Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication © European Communities, 2002 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Italy CONTENTS FOREWORD 1 Structural types in pure beech and mixed beech-fir woods in Mediterranean environment and their relationships to the silvicultural practices L. Arcidiaco, V. Gart', F. ¡ovino, G. Menguzzato 3 Monitoring technique and evaluation of damage due to Mica quercetorum Foudras (Coleóptera Chrysomelidae) in Sicilian deciduous oak woodlands V. Caleca, G. Gammino 6 Wildfire risk potential and expected impact analysis for sustainable forest management A. Camia, G. Bovio 9 GIS for monitoring of middle Siberia forests V. P. Cherkashin, F.I. Pleshikov, M.A. Korets 17 Probability fuzzy mapping of forest disease in central Italy G. China, M. Marchetti " 20 Conceptual issues of close-to-nature silviculture and biodiversity conservation and related monitoring requirements O. Ciancio, S. Nocentini 27 Digital analysis of multitemporal aerial images for forest and landscape change detection M. Ciolli, E. Milesi, P. Zatelli 40 Determination of tree diameter-at-breast-height and volume from crown size A. Dudek, R. Tomusiak 48 Monitoring ecological stability trough tree-ring analysis as a contribution to sustainable forest management in protected areas in Sicily G Garft 56 Analysis of land use in Sicilian NATURA 2000 sites and in Protected Areas for an ecological network implementation Giuseppe Garfi, Sebastiano Cullotta, Marco Marchetti and Tommaso La Mantia 59 Synphytosociological and ecological analysis of landscape applied to the management of protected areas in Sicily. 1 "Isola di Pantelleria" Natural Reserve L Gianguzzi, A. La Mantia 65 Synphytosociological and ecological analysis of landscape applied to the management of protected areas in Sicily. 2. "Monte Cofano" Natural Reserve L Gianguzzi, A. La Mantia, D. Ottonello 58 Synphytosociological and ecological analysis of landscape applied to the management of protected areas in Sicily. 3. Bosco Ficuzza-Rocca Busambra Natural Reserve L. Gianguzz?, A. La Manti1, A. Rigoglioso 72 Synphytosociological and ecological analysis of landscape applied to the management of protected areas in Sicily. 4. "Vallone Calagna sopra Tortorici" Natural Reserve L Gianguzz1, A. La Mantia 76 Forest assessment in view of social and economic sustainability R. Giannini 79 Detection of landscape changes on the former interior German border by Landsat TM data M. Hehmke, M. Köhi 84 Ecological land classification for root and butt rots susceptibility: an application of Geographic Information Systems in the Alpine region N. La Porta, R. Valentinotti, P. Ambrosi 92 Arthropods abundance on the foliage of evergreen oak (Quercus ilex), deciduous oak (Q. pubescens) and Aleppo's pine [Pinus halepensis) E. Leto, G. Lo Verd, B. Massa, M. Navobi 97 Soil quality and pedomesofauna: a case study in Sicily G. Lo Papa, C. Dazzi, B. Massa, G. Costa 101 Cork oak distribution in Sardinia: integration of GIS and empirical models G. Manca 105 Interpretation of ETM+ data for natural and semi-natural areas of Sardinia Italy A. Marini, M.T. Melis, M.B. Careddu, A. Pitzalis 109 Study of land cover change of Karnali region (Western Nepal) by remote sensing L Perugini C. Belli, R. Valentin i 114 Estimation of forest canopy closure on the Mt Etna Volcano using Landsat TM data and digital ortho-photos V. Puzzole, S. Folving, M. Marchetti 119 Vegetation and floristic composition diversity of the Mt Etna beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests V. Ruzzolo, E. Poli Marchese 124 Predicting stand structure in Mediterranean conifer and hardwood stands by MIVIS airborne hyperspectral imagery S. Raddi, L Bernasconi, I. Pippi 133 Relationship between SPOT-2 HRV 2 data and forest stand parameters in a managed Pine plantation R.L. Ratnayake, M.D. Steven, C. Watkins 142 Mediterranean forestry: data modeling research needs R.P. Ribeiro, V. Oliveira, J. G. Borges, A. Falcão, M. Marques 151 Landscape evenness measures: their nature and mutual relatedness C. Ricotta, P. Corona, M. Marchetti 155 Environmental incompatibility in the competition between territories. The productive valorisation of wooded property F. Rossi, D. Cristiano 163 White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) as a indicator-species for monitoring forest biodiversity O. Schweindtner, S. Cárcamo 166 Assessment of animal grazing pressure on woody pastures in Central Italy N. Stagliano, M. Di Prinzio, G. Argenti, S. Sabatini, P. Talamucci 169 A habitat classification of climax vegetation in mountains of southern Siberia N.M. Tchebakova, Y.l. Parfenova 173 Plant-phytophagous interactions in pine-forests. Oviposition preferences of pine processionar/ moth for different host-plants R. Tiberí, A. Niccoli, T. Panzavolta, L Marziali, L Bonuomo 176 Development of an authenticity-index for forests, as a performance-evaluation-tool for forest management in function of biodiversity K. Vandekerkhove, D. Van Den Meersschaut, K. Van Loy 179 Cartography of vegetation biodiversity in Val Peliice (Italy) P. Varese, F. Giannetti, F. Longo, A. Selvaggi 188 APPENDIXES Conference Programme II Conference Report IV Scientific and Organizing Committees XIV List of Participants XV IV FOREWORD The idea of organizing a Conference on "Collecting and analyzing information for sustainable forest management and biodiversity monitoring with special reference to Mediterranean ecosystems" was conceived by Piermaria Corona, Sten Folving and Marco Marchetti, as a main issue of their activities within IUFRO Working Parties 4.02.05 (Remote Sensing and World Forest Monitoring) and 4.02.06 (Resource Data in the Boreal and Temperate Regions). The need of reviewing and discussing recent improvements of forest inventory/monitoring was acknowledged to cope with the required assessment and understanding of ecosystem attributes on a global environmental and georeferenced scale. Properly targeted application improvements must be primarily focused on technical advancements in a broad sense. Changes in land cover and in other ecosystem features have a direct impact on the social expectations concerning forests, especially for its links with nature conservation, global climatic changes and recreation activities. On one hand, the increasing concern of people, researchers and public administration for the values of such environments has enhanced the need for reliable and standardised information on forest attributes: statistics, georeferenced data-bases, thematic cartography, etc. On the other hand, inventories are often not fully exploited for actual forest planning and control. This is distinctively true for the issues related to sustainable forest management. Within such a framework, fostering sound forest inventory and monitoring initiatives and extension encourages the technical and organisational development of the whole forestry sector.