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Logcluster SOM 001 A2P 201 !( !( !( !( !( !( Madgoul Sulula 45°0'0"E 50°0'0"E Dorra !( Lofefle !( Balho !( Serdo !( Calluulla !( Dedai !(!( !( Obock BBeerreeeeddaa !( Tadjoura !( !( AAbboo !( !( Dubti !( TTooooxxiinn ! Djibouti !( GGeeeessaalleeyy ( Tendaho G U L F O F A D E N !( BBaannddaarr Muurrccaaaayyoo DDhhuurrbboo Djibouti CANDAo LA !( !( ! BBuurròò 'Arta . !( !( !( !( !( Yoboki Loyado !( BBoottiiaallaa Coralehe !( Afambo Saylac CCeeeell GGaaaall !( Coralehe Mile Saylac BOSASO BBaaccaaaadd !( Holhol !( !( Qandalla !( !( !( Takhushih h !( BBaarrggaaaall !( Takhushih BOSASO (!! CCeeeellaaaayyoo!( !( !( Ali Sabih Laasqorray Bender Siyaada !( !(!( Bender Siyaada o !( Bossaso BBeeeellii Waaccaattaayy Dikhil !( Maayyddhh DDaannccuugg !( Airoli !( !( !( CCaaddaayyoo Dewele !( !( HHaaiiss KKaarriinn BBaallllii DDhhiiddddiinn !( !( Muullaaaaxx BBeeyyllee Aysha !( Jiingadda !( Miiddhhiisshhoo !( HHaaddaaaaffttiimoo Jiingadda Lughaye !( !( !( !( CCeeeell DDooooffaaaarr UUffeeyynn !( BBaaddhhaann !( !( !( !( (! KKoodd DDhheexxaaaadd Hurdiyo Biyanot !( GGaaaarrrriissaa SSaabbaawwaannaaaagg Ceerriigaab!( o !(o ERIGAVO Hurdiyo !( Dayaxa !( BERBERA Woqooyi Dayaxa CCaarrmaaaallee LLaazz DDaauuàà Awdal !( !( Meeeellaaddeeeenn !( BBuullllaaxxaaaarr !(!h Sanaag !( SCUSCIUBAN !( Adigala !( !( Galbeed XXaaaaffuuuunn Baki GGeeeerrii o Berrberra Weeeerraaaarr !( !( !( !(XXaaggaall CCeeeellbbuuhh !( DDaallwweeyynn !(o BERBERA !( BBuurraaaann!( !( !( !( IIskushuban !( Waraqadhigta DDaarraaggooddllee LLaaaass DDhhuuuurree GGoodd AAnnoodd Gewane Waraqadhigta !( !( Bari Milo Laaso Dawaco !( Laaleys Koolo !( Laaso Dawaco!( Laaleys Koolo Fiqi Fuliye Waaaacciiyyee Fiqi Fuliye!( !( XXiirriiiirroo 10°0'0"N Asbuli !( BOORAMA GGeeddeeyyss !( 10°0'0"N Arabi SShhiiiikk AAbbddaaaall!( !( FFiiqqii AAyyuuuubb !( HHuulluull !( XXiiddddaa !( !( Borrama !( Agabar Sheikh !( !(CCeeeellaall !( Aydora o!( Agabar !( !(Ceell Affweyn Samaysa Dheer!( !( KKaaddiiggaa DDhhaannaaaann!( KKaallddaarraayy !( !( Samaysa Dheer Dabey Weyna GGoo''oo GGaalloooolleeyy LLaaaass DDoooomaaaarree !( !( !( DDhhuubbbbaattoo !( !( !( GGaabbaa GGaabboo DDaarraarrwweeyynnee XXiinnggaallooooll DDhhaahhaarr GGuuuudd CCaadd !( Rako Raaxo DDaabbaaccaaddddoo DDaarraarrwweeyynnee !( !( !( !( !( Rako Raaxo Taferi Ber !( !( !( !( !( Gebiilley CCaaddaaaaddlleeyy Goita !( !( !( !( HHaaggaayyoo Maallaaaassllee !( Goita !( Ceel Dheere CCaambbaaaarr Serir Gerad Lefe Isa Sheder Ceel Dheere !( KKaallaabbaayyddhh AArraabbssiiyyoo !( Ballanbaal Owrboogeys Erer Teisa Harrge!( ysa Ballanbaal !( Owrboogeys Baraaktaqol GARDO Bike !( !( Diredana !( Teisa Bandar Wanaag !( Baraaktaqol!( AAddiinnssoooonnee !( !( Adem Yonis !( Medigan !( Bandar Wanaag Garadag !( Banderr Beiilla !( Sardo !( !( !( !( Garadag (! !( Jilbo Dendema !( o BBaalllleehh AAhhmeedd Burao!(o BURAO DDhhaannaaaannoo!( !( !(o !( Gota !(!( !( Merar Gadhyogol !( !( !( Gadhyogol !( LLaaaassaa JJaaddddaadd Hororesa !( Qarrdho !( Karamile !( Keykey Kembolcha !( FFaarraawweeyynnee !( !( !( !( !( HHaabbaabbllee Owdweine DDhhuuuuddoo !( Ji Jiga !( Debel Weyne TToonnHARGEIS!(A !( !( Gursum !( !( !( Mieso Hirna Deder !( !( HHaarroo--SShhiiikk CCaaddooww JJuurraarraa !( !( !( !( Wera Bejiro Waarrllddaaaadd !( Harar Gorey Diba Hartishek Bender Aman !( !( Hudun Talleex !( Girawa Bombas !( !( Inaafmadow!( !( YYaakkaa !( !( QQoorrii JJaabblleeyy Inaafmadow QQoorriiddhheeeerree !( !(!( !( CCeeeell BBuuhh Asebot !( Hare Gudu Dibile !( Togdheer LLiibbooww!( !( !( !( GGuumaarr !( Cabdi Dheere QQeeeeddii HHaaaann !( XXaalliinn !( Bedeno !( Salahly Cabdi Dheere !( IIsskkuusshhuubb !( Arba Reketi Kile Jara !( Akoya Salahly Rare !( !( Caynabo Sool !( !( Gerbi !( !( !( !( Kembolcha Muke Arba !( Waarraabbeeyyee !( Bedesa !( CCaarrrroooolleeyy !( Mucha Roba Dendema !( !( !( !( Jido !( Gelalcha !( Kera K'urk'ura !( Hora Kalifo Nasiye YYooggoooorrii !( UUsskkuurree Ije Lola Nasiye !( DDaann GGoorraayyoo Gebiba !( !( !( YYeeyyllee !( !( !( !( Sewuyile DDaavveebboorriiaallee AAddhhiiccaaddeeeeyyee Gele !( !( !( !( !( Beke Tiko !( Gebibda Reidab Khatumo Ethiopia Ijegale Bososo Reidab Khatumo HHoorruuffaaddhhii !( !( !( !( !( LAS ANOD !( !( Golelola Choba Teko Uno Furda !( !( o !( Kurfa Roka Wiiddwwiiddhh !( GAROOWE !( QQaarrxxiiss !( Arara SSiibbiiddlleehh !( !( !( !( o !( Megala !( !( Gonda Libah BBooooccaannee !( Aware !( Laascanood !( Daror Buuhoodlle Garoowe Haro K'ile Siden Meyu !( !( !( Garoowe !( !( !( (! !( KKaallaabbaayyddhh !( Furdo !( Ramis Fich Degeh Bur Uab Arorih !( Tukayel !( Haro Dimtu !( !( Meridleh !( KKaarriinnggoorrffoooodd !( !( Agemti !( !( Nugaal !( Balleh Ad GGoorrii RRiitt Eyll Laga Hida Daga Medo !( !( o !( Bilik'a !( !( Gurgur EIL !( Biad !( Segag !( !(Burtinle Elmo Dere !( !( GGaaaallaaccooooddddaayy !( Balanbal QQaallaaaannqqaallee !( Balanbal !( !( Beri Siade DDeennoouuddaa DDiiggddiigglleeii Dehen EEll HHaamuurrrree !( Megwin !( !( Ginnir BBuuuubbiiss !( !( !( Ethiopia Welwel Jariiban !( !(Goldogob !( Geladi !( !( !( !( !( !( GGaarraaccaadd Mana Boddo Werder !( Hara Bisciaraia Galcaio !( !( Kebri Dehar Galcaio (! Ramo !( !( !(o !( Kosi !( !( Melka Bafeta Gaba Gurali !( T'edecha 'Alem !( K'orahe GALCAIO !( !( Haro Buri Imi !( !( !( Danar !( EEll AAff GGuumaassoorrrreeii Haro Mumed Dibugur Mudug !( !( !( Medale Gaba Obdamer DDaabbaarroo !( !( !( !( Cabudwaaq Mahjabo Kunyo !( Camar Marie Rarchi !( !( !( Barey !( Somalia !( Gorara !( !( Masela !( Burca Haro Fanna !( !( Shilabe Cadaado Melka Taka !( HHaaddiillii Ribadleh Qaradhi !( !( Gode !( Qaradhi CCuullllii El Carre !( !( DDhhuuuussaa Maarreeeebb!( Kelafo !( DUSAMAREB o !( BBaallllii GGuubbaatt !( o Dhuusamarreeb !( CCeeeellggaaaallaaaadd !((! Mustahil !( Hobyo Afder !( OBBIA Hobyo !( Balbalaiar Filtu !( Godder !( !( El Bioba !( Ferfer Galgaduud 5°0'0"N 5°0'0"N Lame Scillindi !( !( GGooff GGaannaann !( BBaallllii DDaameerr BELET UEN !( !( EEll EEnnddaannaannee (! El Barde !(o Ceell Buurr!( Bargheile !( Xarrarrdheerre !( Bellettweiin !(!( GGooddaallòò Bakool Hiraan !( !( TTeedd !( !( Moro Idda !( Narsimo Malka Mari Moro Idda !( Narsimo !( DDeerrrrii o DOOLOW Rab Dhuure !( Dolo!( Hudurr AAuuaallee RRuuggnnoo o!( BBuuggddaa AAccaabbllee !( !( Tayeegllow !( HUDUR !( !( !( !( GGuuddaallee !( !( !( !( !( BBiioolleeii BULO BURTI Mandera WAJID TToottiittaass EEll DDaannaauuee BBuurr GGhhiibbii Ceell Dheeo rr ELDER Ramu LUUQ o!((! !( o!( Bulo Burti Adan Yabaal !( Bulo Burti !( o!( !( Cumar Bulle !( !( Cumar Bulle !( !( AAuuaallee GGuuppttii Maarreeeegg !( Waajjiid Luug SSuubbaaii GGaallooooll Belet Hawa !( Maaggddaadd GGaall TTaarrddoo BBuullaa BBaallaamaall !( !( SSiiiibbooyy !( CCaaddddaayyllee!( !( !( DDaaggààll RRuurruucchh !( BBuurrddeeeerree GARBAHAREY !(Sciao Shabelle Dhex!(e Sciao GGhheedd RRaarraann Kenya EEll AArraarr!( !(GGiiaallaallaassssi!(i!( Jalalaqsi IIaaccllee o Ban-chi Surta Adadere !( !( Berrdaalle Maarrooooddiillee !(Ban-chi Surta DDeebb GGoorruum !( QQuurraacclleeyy!( !(Adadere BAIDOA !( !( Dadabli !( !( Belhan Humei Afgoi Addo Tiley Damassa Dadabli !( !( Belhan Humei Afgoi Addo Tiley Damassa !( Garrbahaarrrrey AAuuddiinnllee !( !( !( Miir Toqwo RReevvaaii !(o Bogon Gad !( !( Miir Toqwo Bogon Gad DDuudduubbllee !( !( BBuurrccoosseerraa !( Baiido!( a EEll AAttffuull!( CCeeeell CCaadd !( !( !( !( BBuulloo SSuubbttaa DDiinnllaavvee TTaavvaaaarr AAbbdduurruugg GGrraannggrraassllee !( o !( BBaaaallee Maahhaaddddaayy Weeyynn Qansah Dere Lugabaro !( !( !( AAyy DDooooyyaa JOWHAR El Godgod Gedo !( Degta Reidab !( Lugabaro !( Ceel Waq El Godgod Degta Reidab RRoooobbllee CCaaddddooww UUuull !( !( !( Cangianau !( EEll BBaaii Cangianau (! (! !( Bur Hakaba o !( !( !( !( !( Bur Hakaba !( JJeemeeeeccaaddaa !( WANLAWAYN Jowharr Cadale DDaadduumaa AAddddii !(GGaarraannggaarrooww !( Cadale BBuuuulloo Maarreeeerr CCaaddaayy KKuudd !(!( Wanlla Weyn XXaawwaaaaddlleeyy Bay !( UUeell CCoobbaann !( !( EErrggaa HHaarriiss!( GGoollggoollsscceevvaall CCiillaaaann DDuudddduumaaii UUaaccaabb !( Curao !( BBiissssiigg AAddddoo Curao DINSOR !( AAddaallee!( Mooccccooiiddeerree !( !( !( o!( GGuulleelleeii !( EEll AAddeenn HHiinnddii !(o !( Dodol !(Ballad !( !( Diiiinsoorr Dodol BBeeyyttaallkkaarriiim UUaarrsscciieekk !( Khorof Harar BARDERA !( !( UUaarrsscciieecchh !( !( Faafaxhuun Baarrdheerre Faafaxhuun Affgooye o MOGADISHU NORTH !( Agagable BBeelleedd AAaamiinn Agagable !( !((! !( Banadir !( EEgghheerrttaa CCoolloollee BBaarr h !( !EL MA'AN YYaaaagg--BBaarraaaawwee K50 RReeyyddaabbaa!( !( !(o !(!(o.!h Uacalla!( GGeessiirraa!Mogadishu DDoomaaddaarree Uacalla !( !( !( UUaarr GGiirrggiirriinn ADEN ADDE INTEEll ALAddddaa !( SSaallaaggllee (! MOGADISHU GGhheerriilllee Qorryoolley!( !( GGuurrmeeyyssoo !( !( SScciiaallaambboodd!(o(! MERKA UUmbbaavvee !( !( Sakow !(!( !( Kurtun Warrey GGoollwweeyynn h Merrca BBaabboo!( God Cabhan !( ! God Cabhan !( DDaassccii--cchhii TTiiffoouu!( CCuubbii CCoouuddee MERCA Juba Dhexe !( GGoolljjaannoo Shabelle Hoose GGèèbbbbii!( BUAALE Sablale UUaarr EEssgguudduudd !( !( !( o Buale HHaawwaaaayy !( Lugnale !(BanBta uale !( Lugnale Banta AAddeellttaa!( !( !(CCaaiizzaanneeii UUaarr GGaalllloo !( !( !( AAnnggoolllee UUeeiinn AAllii AAssssaann!( BBiimaall Dif !( Savaro Barraawe BBiiddii!( Savaro !( !( I N D I A N O C E A N !( FFeerrlliittoo Mooccccoosscciiddeeddeeii Maabbuunnggoo!( TTaarrrrii GGaallleeii!( CCuuccaa!( !( BBiilloo !( !( TTaannssaaaannii Addomò !( !( Addomò Bafley Maaggaarr Bafley IIaacchh Moonniiss Gallou!( Maaddhhooookkaa !( !( Gallou !( !( !( BBiilliiqq Maarroo Affmadow o!( Jiilliib (! !( !( !( Bulo Derou Kenya AArrgghheedd Bulo Derou AFMADOW !( NNaaffttaaggoorr BBeelleedd--SSaa CCaaccuunnii !( !( KKaamssuuuumaa
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