Song of Study Questions

1. How long has been in Spain? 2. What was the only area of Spain that Charlemagne was unable to conquer? 3. Who held this place? 4. What evidence is there in the first laisse that the author of is ignorant of the Muslim faith? 5. King Marsil(lion) offers Charlemagne a mass of great wealth on what condition? 6. King Marsil has also offered to go to Aix and do what? 7. What does Roland suggest Charlemagne do? 8. What happened to the first two counts, Basan and Basile, who were sent to negotiate with the pagans? 9. What does suggest Charlemagne do? 10. What does Charlemagne decide to do after listening to his nephew Roland and Roland’s step-father Ganelon? 11. Whom does Roland suggest be sent as the messenger? 12. Why might it be an honor to be chosen as the messenger? 13. Why might it not be considered an honor to be chosen as the messenger? 14. Why might Roland suggest his stepfather bear the message to the Moors? 15. How does Ganelon react to Roland’s suggestion that he be the messenger? 16. What does Roland offer to do after he sees how Ganelon reacts to his suggestion? 17. How does Roland react to Ganelon’s claim that he will play some wild tricks on Roland? 18. What does Ganelon suggest when Guinemer, his uncle, suggests that he ride with Ganelon on his mission? 19. What does , King Marsil’s envoy, think of Charlemagne? 20. What does Blancandrin think of Roland? 21. Accord to Ganelon, why do the French love Roland if he is so bold? 22. What pledge do Ganelon and Blancandrin make to each other? 23. What message does Ganelon give to King Marsil? 24. How does Ganelon try to influence the King’s perception of Roland? 25. What does King Marsil’s son suggest the king do with Ganelon? 26. Who saves Ganelon from the wrath of the Moors? 27. How does Ganelon convince King Marsil to kill Roland? 28. How does Ganelon plan to allow King Marsil to kill Roland? 29. According to Ganelon, why doesn’t Ganelon return with King Marsil’s uncle, Algalife, as pament for the death of Counts Basil and Basan as Charlemagne had instructed? 30. Why might Charlemagne be happy to hear this news? 31. What does Charlemagne dream of that night? 32. Why doesn’t Charlemagne’s dream wake him? 33. How is Charlemagne described as he rides? 34. Who does Ganelon suggest command the rear-guard? 35. How does Charlemagne react to Ganelon’s suggestion? 36. How does Roland react to hearing he has been named to command the rear-guard? 37. How many Saracen soldiers does report seeing? 38. What do the French soldiers say upon hearing Oliver’s report? 39. What does Oliver ask Roland to do before the battle begins? 40. Why does Roland refuse to do this? 41. What distinction is made between Roland and Oliver? 42. What is the message of the sermon of Archbishop Turpin? 43. What does he offer to do for the soldiers as the battle approaches? 44. What penance does Archbishop Turpin ask the soldiers to do? 45. What does Aelroth, King Marsil’s nephew, say as he curses the French soldiers? 46. How does Roland react to the insult by Aelroth? 47. Why is Roland so confident that the French will win even in the face of such odds? 48. What does Roland finally offer to do? 49. Why doesn’t Oliver want him to do it? 50. What does Oliver say to show his disapproval of Roland’s decisions in battle? 51. What does Oliver believe makes a vassal good? 52. Whom does Oliver blame for the death of the French soldiers? 53. What does Oliver say Roland’s death will do? Why? 54. What does the Archbishop beg the two not to do? 55. What does the Archbishop suggest Roland do? Why? 56. How does Charlemagne react to the sounding of the horn? 57. How does Ganelon react? 58. What has figured out? 59. How do the pagans react to the sound of Charlemagne’s horns? 60. With what is Roland’s body pierced? 61. Even as he is about to die, to what do Roland’s thoughts turn as he entreats Archbishop Turpin? 62. What is Roland trying to do as he bashes his against the rock? 63. Who takes Roland’s glove as he dies? 64. Who bears Roland to heaven? 65. The pagans are said to call for the help of whom? 66. How is Ganelon killed?