Promise-Prophecy-Possession Itinerary

March 14 - 25, 2021

You have heard it said, visiting is a “once-in-a-lifetime experience!” We declare that being in Israel is much more than that! If you have been to Israel to see the Biblical historical sites and now yearn to go beyond, this is your opportunity to experience Judea and Samaria, the very heartland of Israel itself. See the magnificent mountains of Israel, hill-top villages, meet the settlers and feel their passion to be good stewards of the LAND entrusted to them by our God.

See where God spoke the PROMISES to Abraham; where the PROPHETS lived; where PROPHECY is being fulfilled in the ’ POSSESSION of the land today. Experience the heart of GOD, the heart of the LAND and the heart of the PEOPLE.

Day 1 Sunday March 14

The day has finally arrived! We depart for Israel from Winnipeg to Toronto on WestJet and connect with El Al Israel Airlines to Tel Aviv.

Day 2 Monday March 15

Arrive in , the City of Gold! We begin at the Kotel (Western Wall) returned to Jewish hands in 1967. This is sacred area for Torah followers. After lunch visit the Temple Institute, see the utensils, containers, priestly vestments, etc., all waiting for the rebuilt temple. A special stop at the Shorashim Biblical Shop…you will immediately gain two very precious Jewish friends, Moshe & Dov, brothers from Montreal! Overnight at Prima Kings Hotel …. your home away from home for the next 10 nights!

Day 3 Tuesday March 16

We now begin our four-day adventure in Judea & Samaria…they ARE the Mountains of Israel! See the rolling hills alive with olive groves & vineyards & meet the people who have a vision to fulfill Ezekiel’s prophecy (36:8). We join Sondra Baras (Christian Friends of Israeli Communities) in Karnei Shomron for an overview of the settlement movement; visit ancient Shiloh, the first home of the Tabernacle set up under Joshua’s leadership & where Hannah fervently prayed for a child, Samuel; view the Tirzah Valley, Abraham’s route to Elon Morey where God appeared to him with the promise to give this LAND to his offspring (Gen. 12). Meet farmers who have planted “vineyards in the mountains of Samaria” (Jer. 31) and sample their fruit of the vine!

Day 4 Wednesday March 17

Our first day in Judea begins with a visit to the Kibbutz Kfar Etzion Museum to see & hear the story of the struggle the Jews faced as they fought to restore the LAND. Sondra will fill this day with people and places that give witness to the Restoration.

Day 5 Thursday March 18 Today, meet Rabbis Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, their families and the community of Arugot Farm, a brand-new settlement on a Judean hilltop. You will hear their incredible testimonies! After lunch, under the leadership of Yishai Fleisher, we visit where the Patriarchs and their families lived and are buried, where King David first established his kingdom.

Day 6 Friday March 19

Our day begins in an with Ardie Geldman. Ardie has many surprises for us, including the Way of the Patriarchs, a visit to the “Jacob’s sheep” farm, transported from Egypt to Canada, then on to Israel where they too have made ! Tonight, we have the privilege of going to synagogue, then sharing Shabbat dinner with a Jewish family …... an experience you will not forget! Back to Jerusalem for the night.

Day 7 Saturday March 20

Today is Shabbat & we wish to experience it as the Jewish people do….in a quiet fashion! We will attend Synagogue in the morning, and then remain in a restful mode for the rest of the day. A walk in the neighborhood to observe and to pray is as active as it will be.

Day 8 Sunday March 21

Begin the day ascending the Temple Mount (Mt. Moriah), the most contested property in the world, yet purchased by David for 800 shekels, with a title deed. Explore the City of David, an on-going, extensive archeological dig under a former parking lot. We will get to see the Pool of Siloam, a recently opened site, the largest ritual bath found to date. This is where Yeshua healed the blind man. Afternoon filled with Jerusalem surprises!

Day 9 Monday March 22

Today we want to take you to the most iconic place in Jerusalem…Mahane Yehuda Market, a place of unbelievable sights, sounds & smells! Also, we will check out one of the oldest neighborhoods in Jerusalem, quaint and picturesque, Nachlaot. After lunch we visit an amazing ministry, Bridges for Peace, at their Assistance Centre, to meet a group of committed people who are the hands & feet of Yeshua to many who have made Aliyah to the land. After another fabulous dinner in the hotel dining room, we will gather for a presentation by David Nekrutman, Center for Jewish Christian Understanding and Cooperation. Come with your ideas and questions!

Day 10 Tuesday March 23

This morning we are in for a treat as we visit Yad LaKashish, a non-profit organization which provides work opportunities for the elderly, producing a wide variety of high-quality needlework, silk painting, art, metal filigree and much more, need gifts? Our next stop is the Friends of Zion Museum, featuring Christian Zionist participation in the formation of the state of Israel, presented in a most unique way! Then, a look behind the scenes……meet Josh Reinstein, Christian Allies Caucus, who works diligently to build lines of communication between Israel’s Knesset and Governments around the world. You will be encouraged!

Day 11 Wednesday March 24

We begin our last day in the land with a visit to Succot , the 24/7 prayer house overlooking the Hinnom Valley. May the mandate of Psalm 122: 6 be strengthened within us as we hear & see firsthand the work of intercessors. Become a watchman on the walls of this great land! After lunch enjoy meandering Zion Square, Ben Yehuda and Jaffa streets. Or go to the Old City, ride the light rail or go for one last falafel! During the evening we will meet for a time of sharing personal reflections.

Day 12 Thursday March 25

We leave the beloved LAND of Israel, forever changed, longing to return!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem … Psalm122:6

* Itinerary may change in content and order

* Tour members must be in sufficiently good health to walk numerous miles a day on uneven terrain

* Tour registrations limited to 21