MIGHT IS RIGHT Almost Precludes the Necessity of an Introduction, Since All History, Natural Law and Common Sense Declare Its Truth
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or THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST by Ragnar Redbeard, LL.D. (University of C.) Reprint of the 1910 edition, London EDITED BY : Katja Lane ILLUSTRATED BY : Ron McVan Exclusive MILLENNIAL WOTANS VOLK EDITION 1999 Cover Art: ALEXANDER THE GREAT • TEUTONIC BERSERKER • GENERAL PATTON 14 WORD PRESS HC01 Box 268K St. Maries, Idaho 83861 USA 14 WORDS: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” - David Lane “The law immutable, indestructible, eternal, not like those of today and yesterday, but made ere time began.” — SOPHOCLES “Must we then speak of this subject, also; and shall we write concerning things that are not to be told, and shall we publish things not to be divulged, and secrets not to be spoken aloud?” — JULIAN THE EMPEROR TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor’s Note . 6 PREFACE — Commentary by Katja Lane. Preview . 8 POEMS & PIECES — Logic of To-day. All else is error. Chapter I . 17 INTRODUCTORY — The living forces of Evil are to be found in the Moral Ideals of To-day. Chapter II . 31 ICONOCLASTIC — Christian ethics impeached. Jesus, the true Prince of Evil — Mephistopheles of the world, King of Slaves. Chapter III . 54 THE SPINNING OF THE WEB — The Ship of State, a pirate ship. “All men created equal” is the strident doctrine of the maniac. Chapter IV . 89 MAN THE CARNIVORE — The Ideal Animal, a destructive warrior — not a crucified carpenter. “Moral Principles” are slave regulations. Chapter V . 119 THE CHIEF END OF MANHOOD — MATERIAL SUCCESS Self-preservation, the First Law of Nature. Hell takes the Defeated Ones — the Failures. Chapter VI . 157 LOVE AND WOMEN AND WAR — Female animals love the best fighting males. Sexual selection and the necessity of unmerciful conflict. EDITOR’S NOTE A title like MIGHT IS RIGHT almost precludes the necessity of an introduction, since all history, natural law and common sense declare its truth. The “author” of this epic manifesto remains an enigmatic issue. As most of history is merely “the propaganda of the Victor,” we shall never be certain of many details. Due to the nature of MIGHT IS RIGHT and the brutal truth of its dynamic pronunciamentos, it has never before been published with the critical eye of a major publishing house. It appears that the raw text (of the original with additions) has been meticulously preserved in a near unadulterated form. 14 WORD PRESS is honored to present here, for Wotansvolk world- wide, this exclusive Millennial Edition. For the first time since its original release a century ago, MIGHT IS RIGHT has now been published with particular and much-deserved scrutiny to detail, leaving the 1910 text nearly unaltered. Having had the task and privilege of editing this powerful piece, the arcane evidence of authorship in the work itself became quite apparent. Ragnar Redbeard indeed ranks with Nietzsche — if he himself was not the initial author — as an intelligent and erudite thinker and writer. Many believe that Jack London was Ragnar Redbeard. Nevertheless, the literary styles reveal unequivocally that MIGHT IS RIGHT had at least two distinct authors. The original, “Redbeard,” wrote in a clean, technical style, consistent and methodical. In fact, it is very possibly the product of a skilled translator who retained many of the upper-case nouns and punctuation typical of the German language; the entire text is laced with numerous foreign phrases and translations. However, interspersed throughout this treatise are sentences, often whole paragraphs, of passionate commentary expounding upon and contrasted to the near clinical approach of Ragnar Redbeard. It seems convincingly clear that these complimentary addenda were authored by Jack London, a brilliant, creative talent, naturalist, lucid visionary and exceptional philosopher with an incandescent imagination. Solely on a grammatical basis this is an airtight conclusion. London, a purely artistic genius, had no regard for standard punctuation or sentence 6 structure. His personal writing style was as idiosyncratic as his trademark passion was pronounced. The poorly punctuated, verbose, adjectival out- pourings of abundant vocabulary and run-on sentences are unmistakably London. Aside from Londonesque writing style and philosophy, the fact that some claim to have seen portions of the MIGHT IS RIGHT manuscript in London’s own hand lends credence to this theory. A careful reader will instinctively sense the temperamental roller- coaster created by the blend of these markedly distinct writers, as the cultural references swing back-and-forth between European and American orthography, colloquialisms, syntax and historical perspectives. And just as Jack London was infectiously enticed, it is assured that the reader will have his own personal, emotional and eloquent reaction to the illuminisms apotheosized herein. Regardless of the true identity of the authors, truth is indisputable; truth is its own author. Some have criticized this iconoclastic masterpiece for “advocating anarchy.” The fact that we might perceive the ruthless cruelty of Nature as chaos does not change our reality: Man and all his laws are subject to the mercilessly indomitable LAWS OF NATURE. Our racial survival depends on Aryan man rediscovering his Nature-ordained manhood. He must choose between cowardice and courage, between comfort and freedom, between extinction and a future for White children. There is no compromise. Victory sanctifies. Nature rules. As an editor and publisher with 14 WORD PRESS, Katja (Mrs. David Lane) supports her husband’s political struggle and distributes his writings. Mr. Lane is a political prisoner serving 190 years in the United States Federal Penitentiary for alleged “civil rights violations.” The daughter of an MIA pilot in Vietnam, Katja has spent over 30 years “seeking truth where tyrants would deny it.” 7 PREVIEW THE LOGIC OF TO-DAY “Inferior organisms succumb and perish or are enslaved. Superior organisms survive, propagate, and possess.” — DARWIN. “All men are created equal” — IS AN INFERNAL LIE. “Not by speechifying and majority votes can the great questions of To-Day be settled ...but by iron and by blood” — BISMARCK. PAX VOBISCUM Fill high your vaults with booty, Bid evolution cease, And chant Belzchazzar’s anthem — “O, Baal preserve the peace.” 8 PREVIEW THE LOGIC OF TO-DAY Might was right when Caesar bled upon the stones of Rome, Might was right when Joshua led his hordes o’er Jordan’s foam, And Might was right when German troops poured down through Paris gay; It’s the Gospel of the Ancient World and the Logic of To-Day. Behind all Kings and Presidents — all Government and Law, Are army-corps and cannoneers — to hold the world in awe. And sword-strong races own the earth and ride the Conqueror’s Car — And LIBERTY has ne’er been won, except by deeds of war. What are the lords of hoarded gold — the silent SEMITE rings? What are the plunder-patriots — high-pontiffs, priests and kings What are they but bold master-minds, best fitted for the fray Who comprehend and vanquish by — the Logic of To-Day. Cain’s knotted club is scepter still — the “Rights of Man” is fraud; Christ’s Ethics are for creeping things — true manhood smiles at “God.” 9 MIGHT IS RIGHT For Might is Right when empires sink in storms of steel and flame; And it is RIGHT when weakling breeds — are hunted down like game. Then what’s the use of dreaming dreams — that “each shall get his own” By forceless votes of meek-eyed thralls, who blindly sweat and moan? No! a curse is on their cankered brains — their very bones decay; Go! trace your fate in the Iron Game, is the Logic of To-Day. The Strong must ever rule the Weak, is grim Primordial Law — On earth’s broad racial threshing floor, the Meek are beaten straw — Then ride to Power o’er foemen’s neck let NOTHING bar your way; If you are FIT you’ll rule and reign, is the Logic of To-Day. You must prove your Right by deeds of Might — of splendour and renown. If need-be march through flames of hell, to dash opponents down. If need-be die on scaffold high — in the mornings misty gray For “LIBERTY OR DEATH” is still the Logic of To-Day. Might was Right when Gideon led, the “chosen” tribes of old, 10 PREVIEW And it was right when Titus burnt, their Temple roofed with gold; And Might was Right from Bunkers Hill, to far Manila Bay, By land and flood it’s wrote in blood — the Gospel of To-Day. “Put not your trust in princes” is a saying old and true, “Put not your hope in Governments” translateth it anew. All ‘Books of Law’ and ‘Golden Rules’ are fashioned to betray ‘The Survival of the Strongest’ is the Gospel of To-Day. Might was Right when Carthage flames lit up the Punic foam — And — when the naked steel of Gaul weighed down the spoil of Rome; And Might was Right when Richmond fell — and at Thermopalye — It’s the Logic of the Ancient World — and the Gospel of To-Day. Where pendant suns in millions swing, around this whirling earth, It’s Might, it’s Force that holds the brakes, and steers through life and death; Force governs all organic life, inspires Right and Wrong. It’s Natures plan to weed-out man, and TEST who are the Strong. 11 MIGHT IS RIGHT OPPORTUNITIES A man’s opportunities are never exhausted so long as other men (who are not his friends) possess millions of acres and thousands of tons of gold. The guarded treasure halls and iron-clad temples of modern kings and presidents, high priests and millionaires, are positively the richest the world has even known. Bulging are they with the vast hoards of silver and diamonds and gold.