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Teaching World Music in the Netherlands 1983-2003. A cross-cultural investigation into concepts, ideas and pratcices of music transmission in culturally diverse environments

Schippers, H.

Publication date 2004

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Citation for published version (APA): Schippers, H. (2004). Teaching World Music in the Netherlands 1983-2003. A cross-cultural investigation into concepts, ideas and pratcices of music transmission in culturally diverse environments.

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Download date:26 Sep 2021 GLOSSARYGLOSSARY OF TERMS

Glossaryy of Terms Spellingg of world music terms throughout this dissertation is based on the glossary of The Garland Encyclopedia ofof World Music, from which most of the descriptions below are derived, with the New Grove Dictionary of MusicalMusical Instruments as the secondary reference. Terms that occur in neither are spelled in concordance with commonn usage in academic writing on the specific tradition. Definitions of non-musical terms are derived from thee discussions in this dissertation. alap p non-metricc exposition of a raga in Indian music alap-jor-jhala a openingg section of a raga in dhrupad and instrumental music analytic c structured,, step-by-step approach to presenting material to be learned angsel l dramaticc rhythmic break in Balinese music arabesk k formm of syncretic Turkish urban asheq q Turkishh bard or minstrel (lit. lover) astai i firstt line of section or composition in Indian music (lit. stable) aural l throughh hearing; see oral authenticity y strivingg for historical correctness, original context or trueness to self avirr bhav, tiru bhav playingg with expression of a raga (lit. into mood, out of mood) baglamaa (saz) long-necked,, Turkish folk lute balo(phone) ) Africann xylophone bandoneon n Argentinee button accordion used in tango music bansuri i Indiann bamboo flute bayaka a tribee of pygmies of the rain forests in Central Africa bhangra a popular,, Indian-derived dance song that developed in the UK bhava a emotionn in Indian music bimusicality y havingg a musicall frame of reference or musical skills from two cultures bol(s) ) word(s)) or syllable(s) representing drum strokes or dance steps in India canon n workss that serve as a reference in a musical tradition chab-rai i raii of the young (North Africa) chansonnier r singerr in a style of chöngak k courtt music of Korea (lit. proper music) communityy music musicall practice taking the ambitions of the community as starting point context t temporal,, acoustic, ideological or social environment of music cross-cultural l involvingg representatives or representation of more than one cultures culturee bearer personn who represent a specific (musical) culture culturall diversity neutrall term referring to the representation of more than one culture cumbia a Colombiann genre of Caribbean music dalang g puppeteerr in Indonesian shadow-puppet theatre darbOka a goblet-shaped,, single-headed drum found throughout the Arab world djembe e large,, Wassoulou goblet-shaped drum (Africa) duende e referencee to the soul or spirit of flamenco music dunn dun basss drum in djembe ensemble, also reference to largest of three drums ewe e aa kwa-speaking people of Ghana and Togo filmïgït t filmm songs, recorded for commercial Indian films flamenco o song,, dance and guitar style developed in Andalucia (Southern Spain) ga a peoplee of South-eastern Ghana, also used to refer to their music gagaku u Japanesee court music and dance gamelan n Indonesiann orchestra consisting mostly of struck idiophones gamelann gong kebyar Balinesee dynamic modern gamelan style gasba a termm for the nay, or flute, in North Africa

219 9 TEACHINGTEACHING WORLD MUSIC IN THE NETHERLANDS 1983-2003 gat t instrumentall composition in North-Indian classical music gordangg sembilan Mandailann Batak nine-drum ensemble griot t West-Africann music specialist guellal l Northh African cylindrical drum guru-sisya-parampara a master-disciplee tradition in India highlife e Popularr West African musical genre, combining pop & traditional rhythms hikaye e Turkishh folk story hindustanii music classicall music of North India holistic c approachh to teaching using actual musical practice as direct source huju u Shanghaii opera intercultural l tryingg to establish contact between cultures through work, school, etc. isicathamiya a stepp dancing choirs that blend ragtime and indigenous part singing (SA) jali i professionall musician amongst the mandinka (West Africa) jig g livelyy Irish, English and Scottish dance jor r Soloo vocal or instrumental section with a recurring pulse in alap karawitan n Javanese,, gamelan-based court music kawina a oldestt Creole music from Surinam kenkeni i smallestt of three dunduns, bass drums in djembe ensemble khyal l pre-eminentt Hindustani vocal genre since the 18th century kompang g Malay,, single-headed frame drum of Arab origin kora a Mandinkaa harp-lute(west Africa) koto o Japanesee board zither having 13 strings kutiridingo o conicall drum from the Gambia, played with hand and stick mandinka a peoplee including manding, malinké, mandingo, maninka maqam m genericc term for melodic mode in the Arab world (Azerbaijani: mugam) mbira a shonaa plucked lamellophone (Zimbabwe) monocultural l usingg a single (dominant) culture as the frame of reference multicultural l workingg form an acceptance of cultural differences and separation oral l byy listening or word of mouth (rather than notation); includes aural puk k Korean,, barrel-shaped drum p'ansori i Koreann musical storytelling, narrated qa'ida a Hindustanii theme-and-variation composition for table qin n seven-stringedd plucked zither from China raga a Indiann modal system, melodic resource for composition & improvisation rai i formm of energetic Algerian music rasa a thee aesthetic sentiment called forth by Indian performing arts rebab b short-neckedd plucked string instrument sanbang g middle-sizedd of three dunduns, bass drums in a djembe ensemble salsa a Afro-Hispanicc Caribbean song and dance form, rooted in Cuban son samba a formm of popular Brazilian music and dance with prominent percussion sambhangra a fusionn of samba and bhangra sarod d short,, unfretted, plucked Indian lute saz z lit.. instrument; often used to refer to Turkish baglama shakuhachi i Japanesee notched vertical bamboo flute shöga a systemm for learning Japanese music consisting of syllables or mnemonics

220 0 GLOSSARYGLOSSARY OF TERMS sitar r long-necked,, frettedplucke d lute from India seka a communall music making in Bali and Lombok solfeggio o (moree commonly solfège) fixed do-system of sol-fa sylables son n Cubann song tradition érti i termm referring to microtone, drone or intonation in Indian classical music svara a scalee degree or pitch in indian music sydmyö ö Japanesee buddhist chant tabla a Northh Indian small drums played in a pair tala a organisationn of time, rhythm and metre in Indian music, a metric cycle tan n improvisatoryy melodic phrase in Indian classical music tango o Argentinee nostalgic, melancholic music and dance tanpura a long-necked,, unfretted plucked drone lute from India tarab b thee intangible essence of Arab music thumri i lightt classical Hindustani vocal or instrumental form and style tradition n definitionn of relation to past through canon, rules, practice, or context transcultural l termm referring to profound merging of several cultures & value systems ud d pluckedd Arab lute found throughout the Middle East ustad-sagird d muslimm term for master-disciple relation in India. Turkish: usta-cirak) wayang g shadoww puppetry of Indonesia worldd music thee phenomenon of music tasking root outside of its culture of origin worldd beat termm used to describe hybrid music with western production values


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