© Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 2019. 11(2):174–178 174 DOI: 10.25285/2078-1938-2019-11-2-174-178 Artemy Magun John Roberts. The Reasoning of Unreason: Universalism, Capitalism, and Disen- lightenment. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. 224 pp. ISBN 978-1-350- 01584-5. Artemy Magun, European University at Saint Petersburg. Address for correspondence: Gagarinskaia ul, 6/1А, Saint Petersburg, 191187, Russia.
[email protected]. John Roberts, a leading figure in studies of artistic modernism, has published a book of political theory. This is not as surprising as it might appear, since the aesthetic writings of Roberts (e.g., Roberts 2015) were written from a leftist, critical theory perspective and pondered the relationship between avant-garde art and politics. The question of universality played an important role in those writings, too. Roberts ap- proached the subject dialectically, in a Hegelian way, by identifying the universality of art with the telos of a double negation: the negation of art’s increasingly banal critical and subversive stance toward all social institutions (itself included), which would push art out of itself into a revolutionary praxis. Roberts’s new work raises the question of universality even more thematically, in trying to reaffirm it in the present circumstances, against the reign of monetary abstraction and legalistic uniformi- ty—which is not quite the same thing as the universal. The true, “emancipatory” universal is “reason-in-struggle,” an infinite project of grounding all human practic- es in reason and contesting its irrational limitations. The political occasion of Roberts’s book is his preoccupation with the rise of conservatism and reaction: in Europe and the United States (the “New Right”), as well as elsewhere (Islamic fundamentalism and authoritarian nationalism, for which Russian president Vladimir Putin also gets a mention).