Cold Weather

Gordon G. Giesbrecht, Ph.D.

Professor Health Leisure and Human Research Institute Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2

Presentation at the Winter Wilderness Medicine Conference Snow King Resort Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Feb. 13-18, 2003

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1) Describe important characteristics of various clothing materials (i.e., moisture retention, insulation, moisture repulsion, drape etc.). 2) Explain function and importance of each layer in a clothing ensemble. 3) Demonstrate the adjustment in clothing layers to minimize heat or cold stress. 4) Recognize the importance of moisture management in clothing ensembles. 5) Recognize practical implications of clothing design with respect to comfort, protection, moisture management, and physical manipulation (i.e., donning and doffing in challenging circumstances).



Since humans are tropical animals and This can be done by keeping in mind poorly designed to withstand a cold the following: environment, they are reliant on external a) The physical work regime that protection from the cold in order to will be done (i.e., continuous or survive. This is primarily accomplished intermittent, long or short periods, through clothing. There are three main low or high work rate etc.), and principles involved in choosing cold weather clothing. b) The environmental conditions that will be encountered (i.e., 1) Clothing should be assembled as a temperature, , rain or complete ensemble. The clothing snow fall expected, prevailing wind ensemble should be designed for the conditions etc.) specific conditions to be encountered.

Cold Weather Clothing 1 Gordon Giesbrecht 2) The principles of how clothing works 3) The most important factor, which can should be understood completely and be controlled by the first two principles, every effort should be made to is to minimize moisture accumulation maintain the clothing and to use it in clothing. The cold weather properly. If this is done, one can widen enthusiast should religiously do the window of conditions in which a everything possible to… specific clothing ensemble can be used, even though they are outside the parameters that the ensemble was KEEP WATER MOLECULES OUT OF originally designed for. THE CLOTHING ENSEMBLE !!!! Water Molecules

Body Hydration Environment

Vapour } Liquid Solid (Ice) * Respiration * Intake * Sweat * Urine Movement * Interstitial Space Through * Intercellular Fluid Materials * Blood (Plasma Vol)

* Increased Hct Thermal * Increased Blood Viscosity Conductivity

* Decreased Peripheral BF * Decreased Heat Delivery Insulation Sensation

Figure 1. While water ingestion is vital for body hydration and function, water molecules greatly decrease clothing insulation and personal comfort.


1) Material properties. The following Don’t worry, no more equations. properties are important when Insulative value of a garment is mainly considering clothing adequacy: dependant on: 1) material thickness; 2) the ability of the garment to trap air, a) Insulation – Generally referred to which itself acts as an insulator; and 3) in Clo units, indicates the resistance to how dry the material is (as you will see . One Clo unit provides later). the insulation of a business suit, and b) Permeability and moisture the usual undergarments, and can be defined as: transfer – Moisture is produced at the skin through sweating and insensible 2 1 Clo = 0.18 °C/(kcal/m /hr) water loss. In the heat, liquid sweat evaporates releasing heat of

Cold Weather Clothing 2 Gordon Giesbrecht evaporation, thus increasing heat loss collar that zips up to the end of the from the skin surface. This heat loss is collar, thus providing a ‘high not always advantageous in the cold. turtleneck’ effect. This provides However, it is important to transfer as great comfort as the neck is much water as possible from the skin especially sensitive to cold air through the clothing, either in vapor currents. The high collar can also or liquid form. Permeability indicates provide frostbite protection to the ability to allow vaporized much of the face. moisture to pass through the material. An insulated hood is essential for Condensed (liquid) moisture transfer cold weather (insulation may also is also important as liquid can pass be accomplished with a toque along material fibers to the clothing underneath a thin hood). Although surface where it can evaporate. the proportion of heat lost through Moisture that remains within the the head is greatly overemphasized, material can decrease thermal a good hood will indeed minimize insulation by as much as 30-50% head heat loss, stop uncomfortable because conductive heat loss is cold air currents through the neck increased through wet clothing. of the jacket, and protect against c) Water resistance – This indicates frostbite of the face and ears. the ability of the material surface to Although it is a matter of repel liquid moisture from entering preference, sleeve cuffs (elastic cuffs the material (normally the outside inside the sleeve that close around surface). Of course, minimizing water the wrist) are very helpful in entry into the material will help reducing convective air-cooling of maintain the insulation value of the the arms. It is very important to material and thus the comfort level of consider the interface between mitts the garment. and the sleeve end itself. Unless the d) Wind resistance – The resistance to mitt fits easily and fully inside or airflow (wind) through the material. over the sleeve end, the bunching of This is very important as air flow the mitt against the sleeve end will carries heat away from the skin create a weakness in the insulative surface via convection. armor; cold wrists are common with poorly integrated jacket/mitt 2) Comfort. This will affect one’s combinations. perception of clothing effectiveness. The fit of the clothing is important. If b) Pockets and zippers. Pockets in several layers are going to be included an outer jacket should be large in an ensemble, each layer must be enough to carry everything large enough to fit loosely over the intended (i.e., winter mitts etc.), layer beneath. easy to open with mitts on, and 3) Design. Many design factors will affect must close easily and securely to prevent loss of pocket contents. not only the physical comfort/fit of the Unfortunately, style often takes garment, but will also affect the priority over function when thermal protection from the cold as clothing is designed. Thus, pockets well as practical usability of the are often small and openings are garments. slanted (even vertical) to give a a) Hoods, collars, sleeve ends and more ‘sexy’ look. Pockets should be cuffs. It is important to have a high large with the opening as close to

Cold Weather Clothing 3 Gordon Giesbrecht horizontal as possible. This will forgo the fashionable short jacket increase the amount that can be put for a longer model that will overlap into the pocket and minimize the your pants and protect your seat possibility of contents falling out while you are sitting. Extra respectively. protection can also be gained by switching from a normal pant to a Zippers must be able to be bib design for the outer layer. OPERATED WITH MITTS ON. This can be greatly assisted by d) Ventilation. It is EXTREMELY attachment of 5-8 cm (2-3”) tabs to important to be able to ventilate a EACH zipper on a garment. Again, clothing ensemble while it is being fashion concerns dictate that zippers used. Two main functions of be small and inconspicuous. clothing ventilation are: 1) removal Unfortunately, all things being of water vapor from inside the equal, small zippers ‘catch’ or ‘snag’ ensemble; and 2) to allow more often and are more prone to convective, conductive, evaporative breaking. They are also and even radiative heat loss from considerably more difficult to the skin surface. Ventilation may be operate, even with the tabs. facilitated by opening sleeve ends, c) Length and overall coverage. ‘pit zips’ and the front zipper (which is a reason not to use a solid front One major weakness in a clothing pullover design). The ‘pit zips’ ensemble is often the decreased should be long enough to actually at the waist. It is allow the arms to be placed through important that upper and lower them, if the need to increase body garments either are radiative and convective heat loss continuous (one piece or attached) from the arms occurs. or overlapping. It is important to


Layering design 1) . The clothing b) Middle layer(s). The middle ensemble should have several layers layer(s) are mainly for insulation instead of one large thick layer. This and can be fleece, pile, wool or even provides the obvious advantage of thicker polyester. It should be fine-tuning or adjusting the thermal reemphasized that this middle zone insulation value in order to adjust to should comprise multiple insulative warmer or colder conditions. In layers rather than one thicker layer. addition, each layer should also be chosen to perform specific tasks. c) Outer layer. The main function of this layer is to provide wind a) Inner layer. It is common and/or moisture protection, knowledge that the inner layer depending on the prevailing (usually polyester) should be highly conditions. Various materials can vapor permeable so that moisture is be used including Gortex, 60/40 transferred or ‘wicked’ away from cloth, cordura, windstopper (PTFE the skin through to the next layers laminate), nylon, and others. of clothing. Having dry skin greatly increases one’s comfort level. 2) Layering Strategy. As stated above, it is important that a clothing ensemble

Cold Weather Clothing 4 Gordon Giesbrecht have several layers, AND that the comfortable. Again, just before appropriate layers be designed for starting out again, shed the extra layers plenty of ventilation. Therefore, heat in anticipation of increased heat AND loss can be finely tuned and moisture moisture production. removal should be optimized. These One main principle to remember in the characteristics are useless unless the cold is that… layers and ventilation openings are used properly. IT IS PREFERABLE TO OPERATE WITH A COOL SKIN SURFACE, The VISCOUS CYCLE. One common problem is that one gets cold while especially while working. preparing or waiting to start working Under normal conditions, sweating is in the cold, therefore several layers are mainly determined by skin worn. Travel then begins and temperature, thus cooler skin will result eventually (sometimes very quickly) in less sweat production and consequent the person gets very warm and moisture accumulation in clothing moisture begins to accumulate in the layers. clothing. The traveler is hesitant to stop to adjust the clothing and ‘puts up’ 3) Moisture removal at the end of the with the discomfort. Finally a rest stop day. It is best to avoid the “weekend is made and layers are taken off to adventurer syndrome” where many allow some cooling. However, no mistakes are made, not corrected, and work is being done and heat merely tolerated because one can put production is lower. The remaining up with almost anything for a few layers are now wet and uncomfortable days. One should always act as if and rapid cooling occurs causing clothing and equipment will be used on significant discomfort. By the time the a continual daily basis. Thus, at the end traveler is ready to start again, he/she of the day it is important to extract as has put on the outer layers to get warm much moisture out of the clothing again. Thus, travel starts with all of the ensemble as possible in order to restore clothing on and more heating and maximum insulation and comfort for moisture accumulation will occur the next day’s activities. during travel. The traveler will be Considerable time and effort may be colder during the next break when necessary to dry clothing over a stove outer layers are taken off again. This or fire, but it will be worth it! Studies cycle continues and gradually gets have shown that over the period of a worse. week or two, insulative ability of The best strategy is to BE PROACTIVE clothing can decrease considerably IN LAYER ADJUSTMENT. Just before even when efforts are made to remove starting out, realize that you will soon moisture each day. You will get very get warm. Therefore, take a layer or cold if your clothing looses 30-50% of two off just before starting. Even its insulation value. though it will feel cold initially, you will 4 Maintenance. It is also important to warm up once you are moving. Now take care of any physical problems or when you stop for a break, you can put damage to any element of the clothing extra layers on for added insulation ensemble. Clothing cannot be expected when your heat production is lower. to perform properly if its physical Your inside layers will not be as integrity is compromised. Therefore, moisture laden and you will be more have adequate sewing equipment and repair kits and know how to use them.

Cold Weather Clothing 5 Gordon Giesbrecht It is also important to care for clothing periodically in order to remove dirt according to manufacturer’s particles from the pores in the material. instructions. For instance, Gortex Otherwise the moisture transfer garments should be washed characteristics may be greatly (remember to follow instructions) compromised.


As stated above, it is VITALLY if, and where, moisture vapor condenses. IMORPORTANT that water vapor pass As air temperature decreases, it can hold through the clothing layers before less water in vapor form. Consider a condensing into liquid form. If temperature at which air is completely condensation does occur, liquid moisture (100%) saturated with moisture vapor. If must reach, AND PASS THROUGH the air temperature then decreases, the outside layer of the clothing before it resultant maximum vapor capacity of the freezes. In a cold environment, the air will be lower than what was in vapor moisture may freeze and be trapped form just before the temperature within the clothing. decreased. Thus, some of the moisture will It is time for a little science here. The Dew condense or form liquid water. This threshold temperature is the Dew Point. Point is the important factor determining

Body Insulation Body Insulation

Warm Evaporation Warm Gortex

T T Dew Point Dew Point

Figure 2 indicates that temperature (T) decreases as water vapor (light circles) moves from the warm body, through the clothing to the exterior environment. When the air temperature decreases below the Dew Point (dashed line), condensation will occur. Left Panel. If the liquid moisture (dark circles) can still pass through the material it will evaporate with minimal moisture accumulation within the material itself (Left). The Right Panel illustrates a potential problem with a “liquid-resistant, vapor-permeable” material, such as Gortex, in extreme cold. If the Dew Point is reached within the clothing, the liquid moisture cannot escape through the liquid-resistant membrane. It then freezes (clear circles) within the clothing, thus addidng weight and decreasing insluation.

Cold Weather Clothing 6 Gordon Giesbrecht Body Insulation Body Insulation Body Insulation Gortex

Warm Hot Evap Hot Evap

T T T Dew Dew Dew

Figure 3 indicates some strategies to minimize moisture accumulation within clothing. Left Panel – Multiple layering increases the chance that the temperature reaches the Dew Point somewhere between clothing layers. Thus if moisture condenses and freezes between the layers, ice can be brushed of from the material surfaces instead of being trapped with the material itself. Center Panel – Heavy work will increase the skin surface temperature. The new temperature profile (dark line) shows that the Dew Point occurs past the outside layer of the clothing instead of within the material, as would have occurred with a lower initial skin temperature (light line). Right Panel – This shows that an increased skin temperature is required to allow the forcing of moisture vapor through the “liquid-resistant, vapor-permeable” surface material before it condenses and evaoprates or freezes. Based on these principles, it is advisable that the outer shell should not be combined with the insulation. Therefore if condensation and freezing does occur on the inside of the outer layer it can be brushed off.

CONCLUSION Remember the following points and you will go a long way to ensuring comfortable safe clothing use in the harsh cold climate: 1) THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD WEATHER… ONLY BAD CLOTHING. 2) As much as possible, the clothing ensemble should be designed for the specific conditions to be encountered. 3) You can widen the window of conditions in which a specific clothing ensemble can be used, even though they are outside the parameters that the ensemble was originally designed for. 4) KEEP WATER MOLECULES OUT OF THE CLOTHING ENSEMBLE !!!!! This requires commitment to: a) Proactive layering changes, b) Aggressive clothing ventilation to expel moisture during the day, c) Continued efforts to remove moisture at the end of the day.

Cold Weather Clothing 7 Gordon Giesbrecht