.. (l) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 229 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1986 Hawaii Contra Aid Program In Jeopardy Iran Offers Help lava Continues, By TIM AHERN Assoclated Press Wrlter Into seSSlon In January " Freeing Hostages Homes Threatened Another opponent, Sen Davld By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI WASHINGTON -- The Reagan ad Durenberger, R-Mlnn , sald, "I Assoclated Press Wrlter KALAPANA, Hawall (AP) - mlnlstratlon's pollcy of help suspect lt WIll be a cold day Kllauea Volcano contlnued to Ing Nlcaraguan rebels lS ln In Washlngton before any more NICOSIA, Cyprus -- Iran's spew lava today, and a stream deep trouble on Capltol Hlll money goes to Nlcaragua Oille parI lament speaker saId today of glowlng, molten rock threat followlng assertlons that Iran North may have kliled hlS NIC hlS country stIll would consld ened SlX addltlonal homes af lan arms money helped bankroll aragua program " er helplng free Amerlcan hos ter earller destroYlng nlne the program, supporters and One Contra aId supporter, tages In Lebanon lf the Unlted others, leavlng vlctlms ln opponents of the Contra ald Sen Sam Nunn, D-Ga , agreed, States dellvers weapons bought tears program agree notlng "Contra ald was already by the late shah The maln lava flow, however, Resumptlon of Contra ald was a very Llose questlon," and the The speaker, Hasheml Rafsan crept away from resldentlal only narrowly approved last latest revelatlon "puts It In Janl, also denled reports of Is property Thursday nlght, and month before Congress
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