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8-AJL JL Jlwjlrflvrf Inside OFFICIAL T ra ffic in hum an fetuses ca lle d 7 * satanic m a rke t9 VATICAN CITY (NC) — L'Osservatore journalist. Jacquinot is the founder of “ Laissez horrible degradation of human beings," it said. was destined for a Western cosmetic company. Romano, the Vatican newspaper, has condemned V iv r e ." The editorial said the conscience of the world The book also noted a Belgian parliamentar­ as "a satanic market" a reported international At first, the news of such sales seemed should be shaken by such "planned m urder" that ian c h a rg e in 1982 that an international busin ess traffic in human fetuses for scientific research incredible, L’Osservatore Romano said in its is carried out "in the chill of reason." existed to pay women to prolong unwanted and for use in the cosmetics industry. issue dated Aug. 22. “We couldn't believe that A report in the Aug. 20 Italian newspaper pregnancies into the sixth or seventh month, and In a front-page editorial, the newspaper things could reach that point," the editorial said. Corriere Della Sera outlined some of the then sell the developed fetus for scientific commented on reports that a French pro-life “ Now we can: the charges are precise and well- assertions made by the French authors. The book research or to the cosm etics industry. The fetuses group had documented the worldwide sale of described and indicate the international scale of said that in 1977, the sale of thousands of fetuses arc removed by Caesarian section, the book said. thousands of fetuses, some of which were this satanic market, which like all markets has its from South Korea to the United States was The newspaper report said the exam ples were a deliberately delivered prematurely. centers of production and its price lists and its discovered. The fetuses reportedly were sold for small part of the book's evidence on the existence The charges were made by the organization consumers — consumers of human life," the $25 each . of the international fetus market. "Laissez Vivre" ("Let Them Live") and detailed editorial said. The editorial was signed by the In 1981, the b ook sa id , F ren ch cu stom s p olice Fetuses have been sold as teaching aids in the in a recently published book, “The Traffickers of newspaper's director, Valerio Volpini. stopped a refrigerator truck and discovered it United States, and in the early 1970s, a federal the Unborn," by French authors Claude “Not even the often-dark fantasy of science contained human fetuses. The shipment, the book grand jury was trying to trace the proceeds of the Jacquinot, a judge, and Jacques Delay, a fiction writers could have imagined such a said, came from Yugoslavia and Hungary and reported sale of dead fetuses to drug firms. 0 4 7 9 8 0 0 0 3 DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN I LOCUST & COLBERT STREETS PITTSBURGH PA 15219 8-AJL JL JlWJLrflVrf 140th Year. CXL No. 24 15 cents Established in 1844: America's Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, August 31, 1984 Inside Ju stice begins w ith g ra titu d e , says th e o lo g ian By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK cal School in Newton Centre, Mass., said for the purposes of her A noted theologian told an keynote address, "On Teaching audience of 1,500 catechists and Justly," that justice is "about a school principals that justice community's conscious struggle begins with gratitude, not guilt. to share God’s good earth" and New pastors "Given the reality that the from the Jewish tradition of average American is in the top one "fidelity to the demands of our Fr. Carl J. Gentile is one of six or two percent of the world's relationships." priests named to pastorates in wealth and our extraordinary the diocese recently. Story on Dr. Harris said that educators abundance and giftedness, the p a g e 3. must ask themselves what is the context in which we live is one in context, what is the situation to which we are called to gratitude," teach justly. "Our context is that On theology Dr. Maria Harris told those we are 'North American citizens attending "Ways to the Father," of the United States.' Our context The church is taking a critical an Aug. 22 in-service program for is different than those of a Indian look at liberation theology religious educators and school in Guatemala, a Buddhist in because the ideas behind it try administrators sponsored by the Burma, a parent raising children to raise social theories to the diocesan Religious Education in New Zealand. level of theology, says Cardinal Office. "W e do no help to the rest "The average U.S. Citizen is the Joseph Ratzinger, head of the of the world by feeling guilty about in the top two or three percent of Vatican Congregation for the our abundance... the world's wealth...Wealth Doctrine of the Faith. Page 6. "The reality of our being so doesn't always mean money, it extraordinarily blessed calls us H o ly F a m ily Institute m oves in means abundance and it means beyond anything else to gratitude. resources." D e a th In fa ct, I w ou ld su g gest to you that Staff members from Holy Family Institute stand began moving into the new building last Friday Having this abundance, Dr. before their new temporary home, theCammarata after Holy Family signed a one-year lease with the Sister M. Cora (the former all teaching begins in gratitude Harris said, carries with it the Building on the grounds of the former Dixmont stale for the property. Holy Family's main Philomena Staud), a member of and ends in wonder." commandments that forbid State Hospital in Kilbuck Twp. From leftare Sister administration and dormitory building was the Sisters of St. Francis of Mt. Dr. Harris, who is the Howard Linda Yankoski, assistant director of Holy Family, damaged in a recent fire, forcing officials to find a Alvernia, Millvale. Professor of Religious Education at the Andover-Newton Theologi­ (Continued on page 3) Diane Giovanazzi and Ellen Galante. Officials new temporary facility. S tate w e lfa re re fo rm a ct tie d to ris e in hom eless P en n sy lv a n ia 's 1982 w elfa re which there were few jobs and fo rce d to live from hand-to-m outh, reform legislation is partially many unemployed, Hannigan said moving from emergency shelter responsible for an increase in the that an additional effect of Act 75 to the streets to bus terminals. number of persons using has been to deny financial support “A significant number of emergency housing shelters in the to pregnant women, the mentally mentally ill individuals in the state, a diocesan official told a disabled and the victims of spouse state have turned to the General task force looking into the abuse. He said that, in Allegheny Assistance rolls when they were problems of the homeless. C ounty, a p p ro x im a te ly 15,000 denied their rightful benefits in John Hannigan, director of the persons were removed from the wake of the federally initiated diocesan Bureau for Social General Assistance rolls in the purge of SSI/SSDI rolls," Programs and Community first y e a r o f the im plem en tation o f Hannigan said. "Many had no Action, spoke at an -Aug. 22 A ct 75. employment skills or had hearing at Trinity (Protestant Hannigan said, that because of a disabilities which would prohibit Episcopal) Cathedral, Downtown. poor job market in the state, many reasonable functioning in a The hearing was one of three held former assistance recipients (the (Continued on page 2) by the Advisory Committee on "transitionally needy") were Housing for the Homeless: the other hearings being held Aug. 21 in M cK eesp ort and A u g. 23 in E ast OFFICIAL L iberty. The purpose of the hearings was G ift to school helps express belief to bring together those who provide shelter services and Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, advisory bodies to design a long­ One reliable measure of the worth of any society is the value it term plan of services to meet the places on its members, especially on the least among them. Some housing needs of the homeless, individuals seem to prosper in every society. The healthy, the Hannigan told the Pittsburgh wealthy, the clever, and others who are able to make substantial Fr. Louis Vallone (right) pastor of St. Benedict the at the parish, talk with Keith Herriot following the C a th olic. contributions as the world judges such things, are generally held Moor, and Rev. James Dixon, permanent deacon recent NOBC convention. Hannigan, in addition to making in high esteem. On the other hand, the poor, the aged, the a presentation, is a m em ber of the handicapped, those who may need special help, or those whose task force, representing Bishop contributions to society fall short, do not fare so well and very often Bevilacqua. The task force is co­ H o ly S p irit student are looked upon as both a bother and a burden. chaired by Pittsburgh Mayor This distinction between the advantaged and the disadvantaged Richard Caliguiri and Allegheny is an ancient one: but, unfortunately, it is still alive. Perhaps this is County Commissioner Thomas w hy J esu s m a d e it so cle a r that in the K in gd om o f G od th ere w ould nam ed to n a tio n a l post F oerster.
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