James O. Lloyd-Smith
James O. Lloyd-Smith Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology http://www.eeb.ucla.edu/Faculty/lloydsmith University of California, Los Angeles jlloydsmith@ucla.edu Los Angeles, CA 90095 310‐206‐8207 RESEARCH Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, focusing on zoonotic and emerging pathogens; using mechanistic models and computation to integrate dynamics across scales. APPOINTMENTS Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCLA 2016‐ Professor, Dept. of Computational Medicine, UCLA 2019‐ Professor, Dept. of Biomathematics, UCLA (renamed in 2019) 2016‐2019 Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCLA 2013‐2016 Associate Professor, Dept. of Biomathematics, UCLA 2014‐2016 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCLA 2009‐2013 De Logi Chair in Biological Sciences, UCLA 2009‐2014 Member, Immunity, Microbiology and Molecular Pathogenesis Home Area, UCLA 2013‐ Member, Interdepartmental Program in Bioinformatics, UCLA 2012‐ Member, Systems and Integrative Biology Training Program, UCLA 2011‐ Research Associate, RAPIDD, Fogarty International Center, NIH 2009‐2019 Research Associate, Dept. of Biology, Penn State University 2007‐2009 EDUCATION Penn State University, Postdoctoral Fellow 2006‐2007 University of California, Berkeley, Postdoctoral Scholar 2005‐2006 University of California, Berkeley, PhD, Biophysics 2005 University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, MSc, Physics 1999 Queen’s University, Kingston ON, BSc (Honours), Physics & Chemistry 1996 GRANTS UCLA AIDS Institute Coronavirus
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