Soul’s Purpose Now

A Workbook to Connect You with Your Intuition, Angels and Align with Your Soul’s Purpose Attract What You Truly Want Into Your Life

Anne Deidre Smith

Copyright 2010


This is my signature coaching system with proven results. This workbook was created based on my highly successful intuitive coaching programs. I have created a series of written exercises that will allow you to tap into your unique message and soul’s purpose. Your soul’s purpose contains all of your unique gifts and talents. It can take some effort to excavate your raw innate abilities, but the effort is worth it. It is like discovering the gold or priceless pearl within. You have a soul purpose within you that can serve the planet in a very unique way and at the very least bring you unending inspiration, happiness and fulfillment in your daily


life. The first step to discovering and aligning with your soul’s purpose is to clear away anything that is not in your highest good, limited beliefs are included in this. This clears the way to hear your own Divine guidance, the voice of your higher self and highest angels of your soul. Everyone has angels with them. Your highest angels are a part of you, and your connection to God. They (you) have all the answers that you need to live your highest good and most fulfilling life. Are you ready to unblock and unlock your highest potential? Here’s what recent graduates of my program have to say.


Testimonials from coaching with Anne:

"I recently attended Anne Deidre Smith's Advanced Intuition Certification Program. I was at a point in my life when my old life didn't work anymore, and I knew I had special gifts to contribute to the world, but I needed help putting it all together for myself. Anne's class literally changed my life! The course was well organized, with specific topics each week, and I had homework I needed to seriously think about and complete, to move forward. I am a very sensitive person, and working with Anne was a pleasure and delight. Anne has tremendous strength and great knowledge, and yet her grace and loving angelic energy made me feel comfortable to be vulnerable, and share my fears and concerns that were holding me back. I strongly encourage anyone who needs help living your true life purpose to take this course. You will not be disappointed. This course was so much more than I expected. It was wonderful! A million thank you's, Anne, for helping me bring my gifts to the world!"

Ann R, Santa Barbara, Ca

Working with Anne these past eight weeks has been an enlightening and rewarding experience. Her new coaching program has helped me remove the fear I had of bringing my work to the forefront and realizing that my voice thru writing for example needs to be heard. Her unique way of teaching and informing her student on how to be the best they can be is amazing. I encourage all who desire to take her coaching class you will not be disappointed. Thank you Anne.

Blessings & Gratitude, Cheryl D, Plymouth, Ma


"It's been thrilling to work with Anne in her Advanced Psychic Intuitive Coach and Reader Program. Finally I feel ready and able to do the work that's in tune with my life's purpose and know that I can have fun doing what I love. Anne is in a class of her own and is everything you'd want as a teacher. 's gifted, unwaveringly supportive, compassionate and highly creative. I can't imagine not going through her program. Discovering that I can do readings has been one of the highlights of my life." -- Jill H, Fresno, Ca

And this from Jill after taking my first 4 week class:

"For years it has been my dream to access higher knowledge for the benefit of myself and others, but I often felt blocked and doubtful and sometimes even embarrassed about it. Through Anne's amazing coaching, I saw and experienced that I really do have this ability. As a powerful energetic healer, Anne removed my blocks and created a safe place for me to just relax, enjoy myself and let my intuition flow. The feeling is beyond incredible. Thank you, Anne! Working with you has been an ecstatic, liberating experience!" --

Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, time with Anne is well spent. Her gift is real – she can speak to things in your life about which she can know nothing. When she does, it literally sends chills down your spine. The process is affirming and helpful, encouraging and supporting and very enlightening, all at the same time. In my case, rather than "give me a fish", she "taught me how to fish", which allowed me to engage in a daily conversation with my angels. For this, as well as all of the other gifts I have received during my life, I am eternally grateful.

Karen H, Hanover, NH

"Anne is an Enlightened and Compassionate Soul. She has channeled for me a number of times, and each time was powerfully moving. The energy I felt emanating from her resonated so deeply inside of me that it brought me to tears. The amount of unconditional love and 5

acceptance that I felt coming from her was humbling and so authentic as to leave me speechless. I would highly recommend a session with Anne to connect you to your deepest truths and answer any questions that you have." - M. Johnson, Spiritual Artist, Psychic and Medium



Introduction p.9

Profile~ Know Thyself p.11

Identifying Life Path Patterns and Beliefs p.16

Chakra Clearing p.24

Ways to Connect with Your Intuition p.34

Connect With Your Angels and Higher Self Channeling p.42

Ideal Day Empowering Exercise p.51

Article Writing p.52

Mission, Branding, Bio, Niche p.64


Putting it all together p.71

Other Products and Services by Anne p.72

Disclaimer-This workbook is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for psychological or medical care. Results may differ for each person.



My name is Anne Deidre Smith. I am a psychic, healer, author, artist, teacher and angel intuitive coach. I have been a visionary artist for eighteen years. As written in my first book, Inner Visions the Healing Path of Art, I connected to Spirit through creativity, for me it began as painting. From that I continue to evolve spiritually and creatively. From this connection to Spirit and now my highest angels, miracles in my life are now expected, this is how I believe life is meant to be.

This workbook is based on my successful intuitive coaching programs. Several years ago, I connected to my true self and began to transcend many challenges in my life. This was after many years of debilitating depression and anxiety. I know what it feels like to know in your heart that life is meant to be abundant, joy filled, peaceful and fulfilling. I now experience this as a way of life. My mission is now to remind you of the Divine Power within you and assist you in manifesting all of your highest dreams and visions as in alignment with your soul’s purpose. For when you are in alignment with your purpose, ideas and inspirations flow, doors open and you can magnetically attract to you all that you need to be happy and fulfilled in your life.

This workbook contains a series of written exercises as channeled by Spirit. If you put the time and energy into these exercises you will begin to transform your life into alignment with your soul’s purpose. In order to do that I have found it extremely helpful to


identify your life path patterns and beliefs and anything standing in your way of all the blessings and highest good in your life that you are meant to experience.

I believe when you “know thyself”, that is to be in awareness of what you are doing and why, transform it at a subconscious level, you can begin to make different choices based on your own powerful wisdom; this is alchemy and conscious creation.

May you be blessed through the process of completing this workbook as a tool for transformation and manifestation of your highest and best life as you discover your soul’s purpose.

Infinite Blessings of Light, Love, Joy and Wisdom, Anne


Profile~Know thyself

These exercises are meant to get you to see the bigger picture of your life, to step outside and look in. It is helpful to have a vision to move into and first it is necessary to see it, feel it, and write about it so that it becomes more real and tangible. One of my favorite quotes is “pain pushes until vision pulls” by Michael Beckwith.

List three results that you would like to achieve through completing this workbook:




What is the feeling that you would like to experience after accomplishing this?


What do you do for work now and how do you feel at the end of the day? Tired or Inspired? These are just a few feelings that could relate to this, write down what comes to you.

What is the feeling that you would like to have after achieving a lifetime lived with no regrets, what does this look like?


What is missing in your life? Is it a partner, career or soul purpose you love, or feeling more emotional well-being or all of the above?

What do you appreciate about you? What you put your attention and appreciation on expands. List 5 of your greatest strengths.







What are 5 of your weaknesses; can you look at them as blessings in disguise and transform them? It is important to love all of ourselves and value all of our experiences in order to raise our vibration and frequency to align with the highest and best for our lives.






If money was not an issue, how would you spend your time, how would you serve others, what would your life look like? I believe that the new Heaven on Earth is a place of great service, where we all contribute with our unique gifts that heal and uplift the world, there is no competition, just alignment. What would you be doing with regard to that ideal?


How do you feel about God, the Universe or Higher Power? Do you feel abandoned or let down? What is helpful in your life with this relationship? Can you feel, believe and know that nurturing this relationship can bring your highest joy?


Identifying Life Path Patterns and Beliefs

Would you describe your life as including many ups and downs, like a roller coaster or more like the turtle, slow and steady with few risks?

Do you believe that “life happens” or do you consider yourself a master of your ?


Please recall your top 3 moments of greatness/happiness and describe:

Please describe three low moments:

Please write about your past two relationships:


Please write about your current job and your previous two jobs:

Please describe your relationship with your:


Spouse or Significant other if you have one







Teachers in school



I intend that the Archangel energies begin to help clear any negative subconscious programming that has brought less than desirable people or situations into your life. I intend that this clearing continue as you complete this workbook so that you are clear to attract what you do want and what is in alignment with your highest good and best life.

Imagine that everything in your life including your relationships is something that you have created, whether you feel that negatively or positively. After going through these relationships please think about what you were thinking about yourself to have created them. Do you notice a theme around how our relationships bring out that in which we need to heal? Contemplate your thoughts about yourself in context of these relationships, i.e. what must have you been telling yourself to have stayed in them if they were unhealthy? If for example you have been carrying feelings of low self worth, just notice anyone in your life that has mirrored that for you. Once you feel total self worth, notice how that person no longer affects you emotionally. Relationships truly are about us. Notice thoughts around worthiness and deservingness. Just notice, do not judge. Please write any thoughts around this.


Honor yourself for this work, you are taking great steps to free yourself from any previous less than fulfilling experiences and allowing yourself to open up to a life that is fulfilling in all ways.


Chakra Clearing with the Archangel Energies

This is a powerful tool that you can do as often as you like to clear your chakras so that you can be spiritually fit to magnetize more health, wealth and experience increased emotional well-being. We will be working with the seven main chakras in the body for this exercise. The seven chakras are spiritual centers in your body. They are your connection to Spirit. As you cleanse and activate them you will feel better. As Jesus states that “the Kingdom of Heaven is within you” Mathew 4:17, this is what he is referring to. I am intending that the Archangel Energies work with you as you go through this exercise to clear away all that no longer serves you so that you can align to your highest good with grace and ease. Be gentle with yourself as you go through this exercise and know that what comes up is being released and cleared. As spiritual beings in a physical body we have our chakras and energy field. As we go through life and experience challenges, difficult emotions like anger and resentment accumulate in our chakras and into our energy fields and we wonder why we feel depressed, anxious, worried or sad. Think of this exercise as though you are clearing off a foggy lens, or removing any muddiness and transmuting all within to clear, sparkling, pure energy for yourself.

Let’s begin.


We will start with the Root Chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of your spine. It resonates to the color red. Root Chakra issues are related to your basic needs or feelings of survival. It is the roof over your head, feeling comfortable in your own skin, it is feeling connected to the earth, your purpose. Feeling safe, secure and able to provide for yourself financially. As you contemplate these issues I now call on the energy of Archangel Michael to now clear away all that is not of your highest good in your Root Chakra. Please write down any feelings that come up around this area now:

I now ask the energy of Archangel Michael to fill your Root Chakra with unconditional love for yourself and others. It is now sparkling, vibrant red. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.


We now go on to the Sacral Chakra. This second chakra is located a few inches above the Root Chakra, below your Solar Plexus. It resonates to the color orange. The Sacral Chakra has to do with joy, honoring your feelings, sensuality, sexuality and creativity. Think now of anything in your life that has thwarted or repressed your complete joy and anything else that comes to mind with the Sacral Chakra. As you write below I ask that the energy of Archangel Metatron begin to clear away that which no longer serves you. Write below:

I now ask that the energy of Archangel Metatron fill your Sacral Chakra with unconditional love for yourself and others. Your Sacral Chakra is now sparkling orange. Take a deep breath in and 26

breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.

Next is the Solar Plexus Chakra, it resonates to the color yellow. It is located below your rib cage, where your stomach/naval is. This is your core power center. It relates to your feeling of being in control of your life, not others being in control of it. This is where you are immune to criticism and the opinions of others. This is where your will is aligned with God’s will. As you contemplate this area, see what comes up for you as you recall your life and feelings about not being in control, or pushed around, not respected, helpless, and or on your own, separate from God. As you begin to write I ask that the energy of Archangel Uriel to begin to clear all that no longer serves you in this area. Write below:


I now ask that the energy of Archangel Uriel fill this chakra with unconditional love for yourself and others. It is now sparkling yellow and your inner sun is bright. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.


We now move up to the Heart Chakra, this is located in your heart area and resonates to the color green. This area has to do with giving and receiving love. It is a portal for Divine Love and Wisdom; it is a gateway to higher dimensions. Many of us have left pieces of our heart with others as we have experienced trauma in our lives. I ask that through the energy of Archangel Raphael, that all your soul parts are now returned to you. As you contemplate love in your life, past and present experiences including heartache and heartbreak, from lost loves, lost loved ones, lost jobs, anything to do with giving and receiving love, wisdom and gratitude. I ask as you write below that the energy of Archangel Raphael clear all that is not of your highest good and all that no longer serves you. Write below:


I now ask that your Heart Chakra be filled by the energy of Archangel Raphael with unconditional love for yourself and others. It is now a healed, vibrant green. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.

Next is the Throat Chakra. This area is located at the throat. It resonates to the color light blue. This chakra is about communication. It relates to healthy, balanced communication. It is not stifling or repressing your words and it is not yelling and screaming. It is about honestly and authentically communicating to others. It relates to the spoken word as well as communications via writing, painting, expressing in general. For when you speak from the heart through the throat, no harm can come to yourself or others. Think now about this area and write down any thoughts that you have about communication, notice any thoughts about not being heard, feeling stifled, or about feeling angry and needing 29

to yell to get your point across. As you write below I ask that the energy of Archangel Gabriel clear all that is not of your highest good and no longer serves you in this area. Write below:

I now ask that the energy of Archangel Gabriel now fill your Throat Chakra with unconditional love for yourself and others. It is now a sparkling light blue color. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.

We now move to the Brow Chakra. This is often called your third eye of intuition. This Chakra is located between your eyebrows 30

and resonates to the color indigo. This is the area of psychic abilities, clairvoyance, intuition, Divine knowing, discernment. As you contemplate this area I ask that the Holy Spirit activate and cleanse your Brow Chakra. I ask that your spiritual gifts are awakened and that you enjoy all the benefits of feeling your Divine heritage and inheritance of all the gifts from Spirit. Write below any thoughts on this, any feelings of discomfort or blocks around this chakra. I ask that the Holy Spirit clear all that no longer serves you and is not of your highest good. Write below:

I now ask that the Holy Spirit fill your brow chakra with unconditional love for yourself and others. Your Brow Chakra is now a vibrant and sparkling indigo color. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.


The seventh chakra we will clear today is your Crown Chakra. It is located at the top of your head. It resonates to the color violet or white. This is the area where we receive the Divine. This is the vortice where the Divine enters and illuminates the lower six chakras in the body. It is our connection to our Spiritual selves. As we call on white light or the Divine to enter through the crown, our chakras are illuminated into a rainbow. All of the colors of the chakras we have been talking about are rainbow colors; this is the rainbow pathway to God. As you contemplate this area, write down any interference you feel that you may have had that has blocked you from feeling connected to Spirit. I ask that Christ clear away all that no longer serves you and not of your highest good so that you may always feel connected to your Source. Write below:

I ask that Christ fill your Crown Chakra with unconditional love for yourself and others. Your Crown Chakra is pure white and 32

sparkling violet. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. How do you feel? Honor yourself for your work with this.

Great job with this! Please do this clearing anytime as you feel guided. The energy of the Archangels, Holy Spirit and Christ are with you always as you do this work. God Bless You and may you feel the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven within you as you feel safe, secure, joy filled, creative, aligned with God’s will, free from criticism and opinions, feel loving and loved, expressed in a balanced way, feel, know, hear and see all of your psychic, spiritual gifts awakened and serving the highest good for yourself and others, and feel connected always to your angels, the Universe, God, Source energy.

Now that you are a clear and pure channel of love and light, let’s go over some ways to Connect with Your Intuition and Connect with Your Angels.


Ways to Connect with Your Intuition

There is intuition and psychic intuition. Intuition is something that most people recognize as their gut instinct. I wrote this in my first book Inner Visions~The Healing Path of Art. After I completed a painting that I titled Inner Visions this is what came to me “This is the first representation of connecting with my spiritual self, my True Self. It represents the third eye of intuition. Understanding intuition has burgeoned into a spiritual insight I never thought possible, most people are aware of gut feelings and perhaps acknowledge it as their own intuition. I feel it is more than that. Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is within you. There is a Divine consciousness which we can all access through the Holy Spirit.” Intuition is our personal GPS tracking system in us. Psychic intuition is related to the soul. It is the grand access to the Universe and All That Is. I set my intention with my psychic abilities that I am of service and devoted to the highest good as I channel information for myself and others. I set this intention and say a prayer before I connect so that I am protected and accessing only the highest realms. There is a lot of psychic clutter if you will and I recommend that you follow these guidelines to open up to the highest only for best results. I access only the angelic realm in my psychic work. If I do any mediumship, I ask an angel to connect with the person who has passed to keep my energy field


intact. That is my preference. Before beginning any psychic work please say the prayer below or something similar so that you connect to the highest Divine realms for your guidance and information. I learned several prayers from my angel teachers and combined parts of them with my own words. I added (and my client if you want to read for others, if not just omit that part).

I call on white gold light to surround myself (and my client) I call on my highest angels, I call on (their name)’s highest angels. Thank you that we are protected during the time that we share together today, I ask that the highest good come through, highest and best better than you could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity during our session today, thank you God, Amen.

Here now I will share with you ways to connect with your psychic intuition and angels. Parts of this are from an article that I wrote and published.

As a contemporary artist and spiritual book author I have discovered ways to receive very clear information from my Higher Self. It is an invaluable asset to have the ability to access your psychic intuition that is to hear the still, small voice from your Higher Self. Often in life we believe that other people know more than we do. While many friendships are healthy and add color to our lives, it is worth remembering a quote by Gibbons: "Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude is the school of genius." Here are ways to increase your ability to hear your inner guidance with more clarity.


Meditate~I have found the Kriya Yoga meditation as described in "Sacred Science~Meditation~Transformation~Illuminati on" by Norman Paulsen to be the most powerful way to connect to your inner Divine guidance. I began to practice this technique, which includes "I AM THAT I AM" in 2004. A few weeks later I began to write my first book. I believe that there are no coincidences. This was a major spiritual tool in helping me access the Divine within me and from that and continued practice of this meditation I had an actual white light experience in meditation and birthed the Christ Consciousness within me. This was the most remarkable personal experience with the Divine. My life was forever changed and miracles are now a frequent experience. As my consciousness has expanded, I feel thorough joy and bliss often. I receive creative ideas and inspirations that are beyond my wildest dreams. I believe that this meditation was the catalyst for the life I now experience as profoundly fulfilling. Gratitude~Several years ago, Oprah Winfrey discussed keeping a gratitude journal on her television program. Gratitude is a portal, a gateway to receiving wisdom. When you express gratitude to the universe, it sends back to you more and more. You are giving gratitude, and as you give you are creating a space within to receive. It is helpful to remember as often as possible what you are grateful for. Seeing the glass half full, not half empty, is powerful. When you are grateful, the universe gives back to you. When you are grateful, you feel joy. Joy is a magnet, and more opportunities and reasons to be grateful, will appear in your life. Much has been said about gratitude and with good reason, it works. It raises your vibrational frequency. The Universe responds powerfully to this.


Try being grateful for everything, including paying your bills, as you remain more and more in this high frequency and don’t get knocked out of it, you will create an unwavering direct and constant connection to Source energy where your prayers and dreams are answered. Stay there long enough to receive all that you are asking for. Be grateful for all of your experiences, for even the “negative” ones have value. Value every experience and as you feel grateful for it all, you stay in alignment with Source and your highest good, from that place is the Divinely magical place of manifestation of all that you are aligned with to receive in your highest good. This is a great place to be, try it! Intention~The door to inner guidance swings wide open as you set your intention. Heavenly help is always available. Because we have free will, our angels and guides are waiting for us to ask. As we ask, we receive answers. True inner guidance responds in a kind and gentle voice. Intention is the energy of creating this relationship and receiving answers. Intention is focusing your energy and is powerful. Again, with free will, it is important to set an intention. Words vibrate powerfully through the Universe. Speak your highest intentions out loud to magnify them. By setting an intention you are giving the Universe and your angel’s permission to assist you. Downtime~After setting your intention, and meditating, it is beneficial to remain open and in a state of allowing. It is not often when we are the busiest that we hear our intuition. Rather, remember that quiet and stillness are highly conducive to hearing our guidance and creative ideas can flow. I love that I learned this and it works the more time you spend with this. The Universe and your angels are always speaking to you, quietly guiding as you


allow. If you are busy ruminating about the past or worried about the future, it will be difficult for you to hear your Divine and angelic guidance. This is why the clearing work in the beginning of this workbook is so helpful. It helps create that still place from which you can hear the ideas, inspirations from your soul and all your Divine team. You came to earth with a purpose. All that you need is within you to complete and live this purpose. If you are too bogged down with worry and concern, keeping busy and distracted, you are only putting off what you came here to do. I recommend that you spend time beginning with a minimum amount of time like ten minutes if you are just beginning to do this and feel uncomfortable. Turn off all of the distractions around you so that there is just quiet. Have a notebook handy and pen. Call on your highest angels and ask for any ideas and inspirations around your soul purpose. Use Downtime for your appointment with God and keep a journal of results for continued inspiration. Worthiness~It is important to remember that you are a child of God. the best when we ask for clarity and answers is helpful. There are ego voices that may tell us we are not worthy. Be aware that this is not our true reality. We are sparks from our Creator. When we approach God with worthiness, he responds powerfully. I feel as though many of us did not receive positive messages around our self worth as we have gone through life. I realize that you actually can’t get that feeling from someone else. Even if you had a lot of praise in your life, your own feelings about yourself coming from you, is what will drive and influence the way that you feel about yourself. I had to switch gears finally and believe in my own worthiness years back. Meditating and having a close relationship with God helped. I think that before I let God in, I had a fear that God was mad at me or had abandoned me


perhaps in the past. The more time I spent with God in my meditation and downtime the more I realized how much I was loved. By creating a space within my heart to receive His love, the more creative ideas and inspirations I continue to have. Hard to have a bad day when you are creative, it is truly soulfully fulfilling. I believe that my prosperity is linked to my creativity. Abundance in all forms feels great. Abundance is not just financial, but certainly includes it. There is also an abundance of creative ideas and inspirations. Here is a prayer that I channeled in 2006 as I prayed for Abundance. This workbook is an example of gifts from the Heavens that I feel has been directly gained from prayers that I say such as this. May it bless you richly.

Prayer of Abundance, Comfort and Inspiration It is through the receiving of Divinely inspired ideas that wherein will raise my vibrational frequency and will attract more and more abundance into my life. I am open to receiving the love and goodness that is pouring into me at every moment. There is nothing that I have to do. I AM and that is enough. Receiving the wisdom and ideas through the I AM presence sustains me and I become an attraction magnet, in aligning my will with God's I am sustained, wholly and completely. As I let go of financial concerns and focus on possibilities- more possibilities open up. As I continue to focus on gratitude and fulfilling my mission~Divine Commission~My financial needs will be met. I will remain expectant of miracles as I wait, dream, hope and know what it means to live in the present moment, each moment of every day. ~Anne Deidre Smith


Forgiveness~In accessing our intuition, it is important to clear the blocks in the pathway to our inner guidance. Feeling forgiveness helps in clearing the obstacles. You will develop compassion as you begin to see the light and love that is in everyone. It is very healing to see yourself in others. It unifies your consciousness. You will become an even clearer channel for Divine guidance when you feel forgiveness, mercy and compassion. It is not necessary to forgive someone face to face. You can spiritually call on them and imagine that they are there. You can ask for gold white light to surround you and that your highest angels or higher selves have a conversation about whatever it is that has troubled you. You can forgive them this way and ask that they forgive you. It is also important to forgive yourself. You can thank them, bless them and move on. This is very important when it comes to maintaining your energy field and your high vibrational frequency. When you are bogged down with anger, unforgiveness and resentment it is very difficult to access the higher realms for guidance and insight for your life. You energetically can’t be in two places at once. The energies of anger, resentment and unforgiveness are lower energies. It is highly recommended that you “forgive” everything and everyone and yourself on a daily basis to keep your energy high, pure and clear. Truth is I believe that no one intends to hurt us, they are usually acting from fear or scarcity, if you don’t take anything personally and remember that what people do and say is about them, it is a lot easier to let it go, in that way there is actually nothing to “forgive”.


The above are some effective ways to connect with your psychic intuition. Now we will discuss and do some exercises around connecting with your Highest Angels and channel your Higher Self.


Ways to Connect With Your Angels and Higher Self Channeling

When you want to connect with the highest angels of your soul you must call on them. Start by calling on your highest angels. You can receive answers in writing or by speaking it out loud. Here is an exercise for you to write down answers from your highest angels. Say the prayer from above omitting a clients name; this is a reading for you. I call on white gold light to surround myself; I call on my highest angels. Thank you that I am protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the highest good come through, highest and best better than I could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen.

Begin to think of a question regarding what you would like angelic guidance on. I have provided some room to write, feel free to get a notebook and pen for additional writing room.


Write here about any question about your: Relationship(s) to a partner, yourself, children, friends or God. (After you say your prayer and ask your question, pause and notice any feelings, that is your spiritual gift of clairsentience, notice any knowing about your answer to the question, this is claircognizance, notice what you hear, this is clairaudience, notice any images in your mind’s eye, this is clairvoyance. Whatever you feel, know, hear or see, begin to write without editing yourself. You may begin with a Dearest (your name) and your highest angels will speak to you by name. Listen and write. Write until you stop, write without taking your pen off the page, as the ego may show up at first, but keep writing. Begin Here about Relationships: I call on white gold light to surround myself; I call on my highest angels. Thank you that I am protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the highest good come through, highest and best better than I could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen. Please answer this question about my relationship: Dearest (your name here) now write:



Use a notebook if you need additional room. Next if you like ask about your: Career and or Soul’s Purpose: Follow the same directions as above. I call on white gold light to surround myself; I call on my highest angels. Thank you that I am protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the highest good come through, highest and best better than I could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen. Please answer this question about my career and or soul purpose: Dearest______, now write:


Write here about how you can feel your best emotional well-being, following directions from above. I call on white gold light to surround myself; I call on my highest angels. Thank you that I am protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the 46

highest good come through, highest and best better than I could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen. Please answer this question about how to feel my emotional best. Dearest______, now write:


Write here about any question that you have. I call on white gold light to surround myself; I call on my highest angels. Thank you that I am protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the highest good come through, highest and best better than I could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen. Please answer this question: Dearest ______, now write:


By practicing this for yourself, you can begin to practice giving answers to others. It is my intention working with Spirit on this book/workbook that you experience the opening of all your psychic channels and spiritual abilities, connect with your highest angels, the entire angelic realm, to serve the highest good in your life and that of others creating healing on the highest levels for all including the planet.

Now, regarding Channeling Your Higher Self, you can do the same prayer and exercise as above, but this time you will be speaking out loud your answer. This is how you can receive the highest information for yourself and others. Say the following prayer: I call on white gold light to surround myself; I call on my highest angels, I call on my Higher Self. Thank you that I am protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the highest good come through highest and best better than I could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen. Now, stay quiet and listen, feel, know and see anything that comes to you and say out loud, Dearest (your name) and start speaking without editing yourself. This is channeling your higher self. I have also channeled St. Germaine and other Ascended Masters this way. I have learned that channeling your Highest Angels, Higher Self is the highest form of channeling as you are linked to God and Christ Consciousness, All That Is. We no longer have to go outside of ourselves for answers. This is the Fifth Dimensional reality. This is a place where we experience Heaven on Earth. Try this often and with any questions that you have for yourself and experience your highest and best life. To channel for others try this prayer: I call on white gold light to


surround myself and ______. I call on my highest angels; I call on ______’s highest angels. Thank you that we are protected during the time that I am channeling, I ask that the highest good come through, highest and best better than you could ever imagine, I thank you that I channel with clarity and purity today, thank you God, Amen. Pause, listen, know, feel and see any answers and begin speaking out loud say: Dearest (and the person that you are channeling for’s name). Remember after channeling for yourself and others to cut cords and close up your energy. Ask for the sword of St. Michael to cut the cords and envision that cut down the front of your body. You can say all cords and ties are now severed, thank you.


Empowering Exercise

An empowering exercise that works well to move into your vision of your highest good and best life is to imagine living your ideal day. Call on your highest angels, pause and listen. Write down from start to finish one completely perfect day. After you do this exercise I recommend that you take time throughout your day and remember what you wrote, feel the feelings of that day as if it already is. This is manifesting and creative visualization. Please write below.


Article Writing

Next I will give you an exercise to learn how to write articles. For many people, writing is an ideal creative exercise. It keeps you spiritually fit when you express yourself from the heart. These questions will assist in breaking any blocks that you may have around writing.

Have you ever thought about writing? If yes, imagine what those thoughts were and write down:

How did you do in high school English class?


Imagine writing a book, is it fiction or non-fiction, please describe:

Did you receive the message as a child that children were seen and not heard? Did you feel inferior in communicating and expressing your feelings?

Please write down 4 potential topics to write about. What is important to you?


My first article was Six Ways to Access Your Intuition. After realizing my intuition was so helpful I knew I could write about my process. I had experienced some unkindness in my life when I decided to write an article called Kindness Matters, I wrote about what I felt passionate about. What do you know how to do? What is important to you? Ask your highest angels and write down 4 titles or topics:

As you went through the article exercises could you begin to see areas around communication that have held you stuck in anyway? I ask that the archangel energies clear away any doubt or fears that you have had around writing. I recommend that you write an article this week on one of your topics that you came up with. I have written many articles. One way is straightforward, just write about what matters to you. An example of this is my Kindness Matters article. Another way of writing articles is what I call “the formula”. You take a topic, write a short paragraph about it then list, 1, 2 3, 4 or more ideas that support your topic. Write several


sentences about each one then close with a short paragraph summing it up. Below you will find sample articles that I have written and published. You can see Kindness Matters is straightforward, in the other ones I use “the formula”. At the end of this section I will give you article directories where you can submit your articles on the internet. Other websites pick up articles there and your message goes out into the world. Below are my articles. Kindness Matters Author: Anne Deidre Smith

We all have the choice to be kind in every moment of everyday. Kindness matters as the love, mercy and compassion we demonstrate to each other creates an everlasting, eternal bond. As of April 15, 2007, it will be six years that my father passed away. The lesson of kindness that he taught me is timeless. The passing of my father was the single most moment in my life. I had never known such deep devastation and loss. However, it was at his funeral and the many cards sent to me afterward that resounded what I knew about his life, it was his kindness that people remembered. Every relationship we have holds an opportunity for growth at the very least. As people come and go in our lives it is important to remember that within each encounter is an opportunity for holiness. Often in life we are challenged by our relationships with people. We all experience stress and pressure. Kindness is a choice. Every day we may be confronted by negativity at work and with our personal relationships. A natural reaction may be to lash out


because of our own stress. God gave us free will. With that said, if we take the time to see someone else's point of view, we begin to develop compassion. A good rule of thumb may be to wait 24 hours before we respond to a perceived unkindness from others. The way we respond to people in our lives matters on so many levels. The easy way out is to fight fire with fire. Again with free will this is a choice. We all have the opportunity to take the higher road and not respond in anger. Only love is real. We are all spiritual beings in a physical world. We all have experienced drama in our lives. We often connect with each other through drama which often contains anger, jealousy and resentment. This is may be conscious or unconscious. As Dr. Barbara De Angelis so eloquently writes in her incredibly transformational book "How did I Get Here?" There may be a "loving conspiracy" in your life. She writes that is "what happens when consciously or unconsciously, those closest to us undermine our efforts to grow or change." Sometimes we may need to let go of people in our lives with love. Archangel Michael can help us cut the cords with people that we have connected with through the lower energies of anger, jealousy, resentment, etc; all that is not love. Ask him to remove all cords from you that are not of love. These lower energy cords will drain us. Remember that your Higher Self is your true reality. The cords of love that we connect with each other will remain in . Be kind in every moment, as you will create an everlasting bond with everyone, in every situation. That is Heaven on Earth. Below are articles using “the formula”.


The Power of Creativity By Anne Deidre Smith Do you need to be a painter to be an artist? No, being artistic and creative is a way of life. Being creative requires you to be aware of the present moment, to listen to your intuitive guidance in that moment and act on it. Being creative is not “thinking about it”, rather listening from within and doing from a place of spontaneity, knowingness, as you hear and act, you feel a powerful sense of trust. You will feel a sense of peace and joy as you create your life from moment to moment through listening to your intuition. Painting is one vehicle of creative expression, one that has allowed me to tune into higher realms and unending inspiration. Writing is another way. I believe that there are many ways and that we are all creative, it is the way we approach life, with Faith, Hope and Love. After experiencing years of depression and anxiety, connecting with my creativity has helped me soar to new heights. I feel my inner strength and know that if I hit a wall, my creativity shows me new doors, openings; I turn a corner and see new possibilities. Why nurture our creativity? Well, when we don’t, life can become dull and meaningless. We are all born with gifts and talents and our creativity allows us to express ourselves and share our gifts and talents with others. It frees us from isolation and helps us feel our sense of community. We can wake up joyful and inspired every day. You experience wonder, miracles, freedom and peace beyond measure. You become inner directed, able to participate in the world with joy, independent of other’s opinions. Despite what is


happening in the outer world, you are connected through Spirit and live in an abundance of ideas and inspiration. Have you heard the phrase? The Kingdom of Heaven is Within The first time that I heard or read those words, helped me feel the light at the end of the tunnel. I no longer worry, at all. Intuition, psychic awareness, psychic~ meaning of the soul, all of this inner work pertains to the inner world that many of us miss if we are too busy to notice. Or too busy immersed in the earth plane world. Jesus encouraged us to be in the world but not of the world. Many people have experienced power outages, earthquakes and other major earth change experiences. It is more important than ever to learn to listen to your highest guidance that comes from within. We are so used to depending on outer resources for our well being. In times of change, let us remember how Divinely guided we are. Creativity is our connection with Spirit. Before I felt creative, I felt depressed in a way. Can you relate to this? Did you ever feel destined for creative genius destiny? That book you dreamed about writing? The art you could show somewhere? Or do you want to creatively design your life to match on the outside what you know to be true on the inside? I felt this way and am here to tell you, in my wildest dreams, when younger and was told by art teachers to forget about being an artist, did I ever dream of having my art sold, having commission work and then displaying on the Laguna Beach Gallery Website? No, but more and more my reality has surpassed my dreams. We are here to experience abundance and to experience it to the fullest. Here are four ways to discover your inner creative genius.


1. Set an intention. Intention is energy. We can hope and dream about being creative; declaring by intention sets the wheels in motion with the Universe to being in the co-creation process with you. Say, thank you God, Spirit, that I am now receiving brilliant creative ideas and inspirations that fulfill my destiny and life purpose now. 2. Pay attention to thoughts and feelings. As a painter I am particularly attuned to color. As a writer, I love words. Begin to pay attention to what moves you. Have fun noticing what colors you are drawn to, what words interest you. Creativity in the arts can be writing, painting, drawing, music, dance and more, like cooking. Do not be intimidated by this thinking that you need to be famous to fulfill your destiny in expressing yourself. Just do it. What moves you? Ask yourself this and let go of any judgments around the answers that you hear. 3. Take Action. Many know that they want to write, I say, buy a journal, meditate, and then write. I never took a painting class, I desperately wanted to paint, I bought the paints and painted. Classes are fine, but my message is that all that you need is within you. Act as if you already know what you are doing because you do know, deep within you, you know this. 4. Dream then Do. Imagine your finished product or situation. Spend time feeling the feelings that you wish to experience creatively. No matter what your dream is, begin to imagine it in your mind, feel it as if it 59

already is. This is manifestation and co-creation with Spirit. It is Synergy, part your participation and part grace. Dream Big~Go for it!

Anne Deidre Smith is a Psychic Intuitive Life Coach, Artist and Author. She provides personal readings and coaching. She hosted her own radio show and her artwork is on display on the Laguna Beach Gallery, Ca Website. Visit her website(s) and

Here is another example of “the formula”. How to Live Fearlessly in a Fear Filled World In A Course in Miracles there is a saying that "Nothing Real Can Be Threatened." This brings a tremendous amount of peace to me during challenging times. The ability to be certain through times of uncertainty means that whatever I am facing, I am certain that the Divine plan for me is being followed. How do we trust that what is happening in the moment is for our highest good? How do we know that we are always OK? How do we trust that if we lose our job or our partner leaves us that we won't go into despair, to stay there, to fall and not get up? One of my favorite sayings I heard recently is a zen saying "Fall down six times, get up seven." Part of my soul's journey has been to learn to experience peace no matter what I am facing. I want my life to be free of emotional


pain. I believe that this is possible. Here are five ways to help you cope with any challenge that you are facing. Ever feel as though you are waiting for the other shoe to drop? Try this: 1. Value Every Experience Understand that there is always a silver lining during negative times and events. Having the awareness that it is not what happens but rather our perception of what is happening that is the root of our suffering. It is easy to value positive experiences, but how about the negative ones? A so called negative experience could be that door closing before the next one opens. Find the gift in the negative experience. Ask yourself "What have I learned from this?" and you will be on your way to acceptance, trust and peace. 2. Remember "Nothing Real Can Be Threatened" from A Course in Miracles This to me is the ultimate in trust. Meditating on this statement can bring relief and peace. What does "Nothing Real Can Be Threatened" mean? If it is a job you are losing know that no matter what is "taken away" on the outside, the source of your abundance is on the inside. No matter what you do for work, you can offer gifts of kindness, love and service no matter where you are. Being a mystic means working for the light, for God. This is limitless and has no boundaries. In a love relationship "Nothing Real Can Be Threatened." Real love lasts, it is eternal. Feel the love that is inside of you, connected to God, Source energy and offer love. Remember love is a journey not a destination. 3. Question False Beliefs 61

This can take a little work but is very freeing. Begin to notice your thoughts. What are you telling yourself? The thoughts of the ego are subtle and damaging. Are you scaring yourself, telling yourself that you will never win, have love or succeed? Our thoughts are either based on fear or love. Fear thoughts are an illusion because only love is real. Notice your thoughts, question them. Replace fear filled thoughts with positive loving ones. This will bring a sense of calm and peace. 4. Understand Self-Sabotage Happens and Can Be Cleared In my soul's journey I have worked on clearing my subconscious beliefs. Wherever you go, there you are. I believe that our past life experiences are in our subconscious and without meaning to, we can be creating the same negative experiences over and over. This is because we are meant to heal these false beliefs. Know that there is help and that these beliefs can be cleared at the root. You can experience happiness, abundance and freedom in your life. 5. Be Patient, Kind, Gentle and With Yourself Living fearlessly can be the ultimate in living a joy filled life. It is transcending the world. Make everyday an adventure in being kind to yourself. If you notice that you are "beating yourself up", forgive yourself. Tell yourself that you are doing the best you can, let yourself off the hook. Treating ourselves in this way helps us to be able to treat others in this way, bringing Heaven on Earth.

Anne Deidre Smith is a psychic intuitive and certified angel reader. She is a published spiritual book author and a contemporary artist.

Learn how a Psychic Reading can help you.

Her book Inner Visions~The Healing Path of Art, with a foreward by Norman Paulsen, reveals the Divine messages that she has received through her intuitive artwork as well as her meditation 62


Article Source:

In the next section we will work on your bio among other things, you will need a bio at the end of every article that you submit. Blessings for writing from your heart as you inspire others with all that you have learned in wisdom!

Article Directories that I have submitted articles to: When you go on these sites, click on submit articles and follow the directions, it is quite easy. I love writing as it creates infinite possibilities for your life and establishes you as an expert in your field. What you came here to do in terms of your soul’s purpose can be wonderfully expressed through writing about what you care about. I am now being published in magazines and you can too. I use my articles to give seminars/speeches also. There is a lot that you can do with just one article that you have written. You can create a blog and post it there. I recommend to create your own blog and post your articles. Very easy to set up your own blog and begin to express yourself. Post your blog link on Facebook or Twitter. Get your message out into the world. Next we will focus on your mission, bio, branding and niche.


Mission, Brand, Bio, Niche

It is helpful to create a mission statement whether it is for personal or professional reasons. Your mission answers the Why of what you are doing. Why do you want to help people? What do you want them to get out of doing business with you? Why do you want to feel fulfilled every day? Your mission is as unique as you. It can be a service oriented mission, or one to remind yourself why you are living your soul’s purpose; it can be to just feel content. For example, My Mission is to remind people about the Divine Power within so that they can live joyfully. That is the short and sweet version. A longer version is: My mission and passion as an Angel Intuitive Coach is to help you unleash your creativity, gifts and talents, to feel and experience your team of celestial helpers and to connect you with your unique soul’s purpose. Your mission can include being a good listener and why that’s important, to help bring out laughter in life, it can be to be the best mom or you can be, missions are as unique


as you are. Before I did this work professionally I would drive to work each day and say to God, “Help me align my will with your will today, may every person I come in contact with be at peace because of my presence and how I help them if they ask. I was a receptionist and assistant property manager at the time. I set that mission each day and could feel the difference in my life because of it; it gave me a soulful purpose. Try this and see what resonates for you as you do this exercise. Write out a personal and professional mission for yourself.

Please write a mission statement, call on your highest angels, and think about what was important to you in the article writing exercise.

My Mission is: Personal:



Branding Exercises: Branding is about finding what it is about you that is unique, it is your personality, flair. Please call on your highest angels. Ask what is it that makes me unique or different? Please write:

What are your three favorite colors?


Do you prefer bold colors or pastel?

Writing the colors down helps in giving you an idea of a website for yourself, your colors will reflect your taste and style. I like the light pinks and purples to reflect the angels on my site. I am in the process of rebranding myself; I am eventually going to rename my business, an idea I have is: Anne Deidre, LLC~Discover the Divine Power Within I will have this on all my communications, business cards etc as a way of branding, I also use pastel light airy colors as an angelic communication from me. Play with your ideal business name and subtitle describing it like I did. Often times your Soul’s Purpose can become a business. Write several potential business names and subtitles:


Bio Please write a current bio for yourself and a dream bio:

Current Bio: This is what you have done in your life professionally so far.

Dream Bio: This is what you dream to do i.e. healer, writer, etc. once you write an article you are a writer and should add it to your bio. Write Dream Bio:


This is my bio as an example: As a Visionary Artist and Spiritual Book Author, Anne Deidre Smith is founder of Inner Visions Gallery, LLC. She is a Psychic Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach, as well as an Intuitive Art Teacher and Certified Angel Messenger. As a Transformational Teacher and Healer, Anne provides Personal Readings, Workshops and Seminars that assist in connecting people with their inner wisdom and Divine power. The result will be an increase in creativity, inner peace and joy. Anne has been a guest on television, speaking about her book, art and meditation techniques. She hosted her own radio show Hear From Your Angels.

She has worked as a Professional Psychic at metaphysical stores. Her artwork is also on display on the Laguna Beach Gallery, California website, and her articles have been published in Aspire Magazine, and Martha's Vineyard Island Inspirations Magazine. She specializes in answering your questions about relationships, soul purpose and experiencing the deepest feelings of emotional well-being. She also teaches and coaches three programs on Intuition, Develop Your Intuition and Advanced Angel Intuitive Coach and Angel Reader Certification and a 69

monthly group coaching called The Angelic Coaching Circle Teleclass. For more on Anne visit her website(s) and

This is another Bio that I use, short and sweet version: Anne Deidre Smith is an Angel Intuitive Life Coach, Healer, Intuition Teacher, Artist and Author. She provides personal readings and coaching to give the answers to the deepest questions that you have and empower you to live your life/soul’s purpose. Please visit her website(s) and Write your bio in the third person as if someone else was writing it. Also, if you have or create a blog and don’t have a website, use your blog url in your bio as it will bring people to your blog.

Niche: Begin to think about whom it is that you are helping. Is it women, men or both? Is there something missing in their life that you can help them with? Think about your ideal client and please describe:


Putting It All Together

By now you should feel connected to your Higher Self and Your Highest Angels, see where you were blocked in ways and now able to let go of all that is not of your highest good and move forward everyday into the vision of your highest good and inspired life. Live everyday knowing that you have an amazing source of wisdom within you! In any moment, for any reason you can call on your highest angels, which are the highest aspects of your soul, call on your higher self for answers about anything in your life. The Kingdom of Heaven is within YOU! That is such great news. You can do the chakra clearing in this workbook at any time to keep your energy field light and free. When you are free from worry, doubt, not reliving your past and not feeling fears of the future, you are in the perfect space to hear your Divine Guidance. It is always guiding you. May you be blessed richly in your life, knowing that you are loved, guided, protected and cared for every moment of every day. With All my Love and Infinite Blessings, Anne


Other Products and Services by Anne

Available on and Email: [email protected]

Inner Visions-The Healing Path of Art e-book

Inner Visions-The Healing Path of Art book

Readings and Coaching 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

Develop Your Intuition and Connect with Your Angels One on one coaching 4 week program meets once a week for an hour for 4 weeks.

Angel Intuitive Coach and Angel Reader Certification Program One on one 8 week coaching program meets once a week for an hour for 8 weeks.


Psychic Development and Angel Communication Circle Teleclass Monthly group coaching call meets once a month for 60 minutes.