The Opening by Watchtower By Konstantinos Converted to Adobe form at by w w w .sacred-m

To be truly effective, this ritual should be perform ed w ith consecrated m agical im plem ents. This includes the four elem ental w eapons and tablets, the Tablet of U nion, and the dagger and w and used in the LBRP and BRH .

This ritual is w ritten as if you are using the correct tools or im plem ents. For now , feel free to substitute the above-m entioned im plem ents. U nlike the rituals, this rite does not have to be practiced on a daily basis. H ow ever, try to becom e fam iliar w ith it, as you w ill be perform ing it before every evocation.

I suggest you w rite it out on index cards and read from them until you m em orize the ritual. Don't w orry about trying to learn this ritual, it is really a lot easier to com m it to m em ory than it seem s to be at first glance. ------1. Prepare an in the center of the room . Position the m agical tools on the altar so each is closest to the elem ental quarter it represents. The Dagger should be placed on the east side of the altar, the W and on the south, the W ater Cup on the w est, and the Earth on the north. In the altar's center, place the Tablet of U nion. Also, m ake sure the Elem ental Tablets are positioned on the correct w alls or on stands in the correct quarters. H ave your dagger for the LBRP and your w and for the BRH on the southw est and northw est corners of the altar, respectively. Stand behind the altar, facing east.

2. Pick up the dagger used for the LBRP w ith your right hand and knock on the altar three tim es using its handle. Then w alk to the northeast of your circle (m oving clockw ise) and say loudly w ith m eaning,

H ekas, H ekas Este Bebeloi! (hay-kahs, hay-kahs es-stay bee-beh-Ioy)

This com m ands all unw anted entities to leave the area because a ritual is about to begin.

3. M oving clockw ise, return to your place behind the altar, facing east. Perform the LBRP and the BRH , m aking sure to finish w ith the Analysis of the Keyw ord. N ote: W hen m oving around the altar to pick up the m agical tools in the follow ing steps, or w hen pivoting to face the direction of that tool, alw ays m ove clockw ise.

4. M ove clockw ise to the south of the altar and pick up the Fire W and. Pivot and face the Elem ental Tablet of Fire in the south. W ave your W and three tim es in the air, in front of the tablet, and then raise it. W alk clockw ise around the room , keeping the W and raised, w hile you say,

And w hen, after all the phantom s are banished, thou shalt see that H oly and Form less Fire, that Fire w hich darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the U niverse, hear thou the Voice of Fire.

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5. W hen you com e back to the south, face the tablet and w ave the W and in front of it again three tim es.

Then use the tool to trace a large, blue Invoking of Fire in the air before the tablet

W hile doing so, vibrate

O IP TEA A PED O CE (oh-ee-pay teh-ah-ah peh-doe-kay)

Then trace the figure of Leo in the center of this pentagram in red. Point to the center of it w ith the W and and vibrate

ELO H IM (el-oh-heem )

Lift the W and and say,

In the nam es and letters of the G reat Southern Q uadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the W atchtow er of the South! Put the W and back on the altar.

6. M ove clockw ise to the w est of the altar and pick up the W ater Cup. Face the Elem ental Tablet of W ater and w ave the Cup before it three tim es. Lift the Cup above your head, and w alk clockw ise around the circle saying,

So thereforefirst, the priest w ho governeth the w orks of Fire m ust sprinkle w ith the lustral w ater of the loud resounding sea.

7. W hen you return to the w est, w ave the Cup three tim es in front of the tablet. Trace a large, blue Invoking Pentagram of W ater using the tool, w hile vibrating,

M PH A RSEL G AIO L (ehm -pay-hay ahr-sell gah-ee-ohl)

Then trace the blue Eagle head in the center. Point at the center of this pentagram w ith the Cup and vibrate

A LEPH LA M ED A L (ah-Ief lah-m ed ahl)

H old the Cup above your head and say,

In the nam es and letters of the G reat W estern Q uadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the W atchtow er of the W est.

Put the Cup on the altar.

- 2 - 8. M ove to the east of your altar, pick up the Air Dagger, and pivot to face the Air Tablet. W ave the Dagger before it three tim es, and lift it above your head. W alk clockw ise around the room w ith the Dagger in the air w hile you say,

Such a Fire existeth, extending through the rushing of A ir. O r even a Fire form less, w hence com eth the im age of a voice. O r even a flashing light, abounding, revolving, w hirling forth, crying aloud.

9. W hen you arrive back at the east, w ave the w eapon in front of the tablet three m ore tim es. Trace a large, blue Invoking Pentagram of W ater using the Dagger w hile vibrating

O RO IBA H A O ZPI (oh-row ee-bah-hah ahoh- zohd-pee)

Then trace a yellow Aquarius sign in the center. Point at the center of the pentagram w ith the Dagger and vibrate

YO D H EH VA V H EH (yode-heh-vahv-heh)

H old the Dagger high and say,

In the nam es and letters of the G reat Eastern Q uadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the W atchtow er of the East.

Replace the Dagger on the altar.

10. M ove clockw ise to the north of the altar and pick up the Earth Pentacle. Face the Tablet of Earth and w ave the Pentacle before it three tim es. Then w alk clockw ise around the circle w ith the Pentacle high in the air w hile saying,

Stoop not dow n into the darkly splendid w orld, w herein continually lieth a faithless depth and H ades w rapped in gloom , delighting in unintelligible im ages, precipitous, w inding; a black ever-rolling abyss, ever espousing a body unlum inous, form less, and void.

11. W hen you return to the north, w ave the Pentacle in front of the tablet three m ore tim es. Then trace a large, blue Invoking Pentagram of Earth using the Pentacle, w hile vibrating

EM O R D IA L H ECTEG A (ee-m ohr dee-ahl hec-tey-gah)

In the center, trace a w hite Taurus sign. Point at the center of the pentagram w ith the Pentacle and vibrate

AD O N AI (ah-doenye)

- 3 - Then hold the Pentacle above your head and say,

In the nam es and letters of the G reat N orthern Q uadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the W atchtow er of the N orth.

Return the Pentacle to the altar.

12. M ove clockw ise to the w est side of your altar and face east. O ver the altar and Tablet of U nion, m ake the follow ing Sign of the Rending of the Veil: Step forw ard w ith your left foot and, at the sam e tim e, thrust your arm s, palm s together, forw ard. Then separate your arm s as if you w ere separating tw o curtains.

13. Say the follow ing in Enochian, vibrating the w ords in capital letters: O l Sonuf Vaorsagi G oho Iada Balta. ELEXA RPEH CO M AN AN U TA BITO M . Zodakara Eka Zodakare ad Zodam eranu. ado Kikle Q aa Piap Piam oel od Vaoan. (O h-ell soh-noof vay-oh-air-sah-jee goh-hoh ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. Elex- ar-pay-hay Co-m ah-nah-noo Tah-bee-toh-ehm . Zohd-ah-kah-rah ehkah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ahm ehr-ah-noo oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-m oh-ehl oh-dah vay-oh-ah-noo)

This translates to:

"I reign over you, says the G od of Justice. (Three m agical nam es) M ove, therefore, m ove and appear. O pen the m ysteries of creation: balance, righteousness, and truth."

14. Say the follow ing:

I invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres, w hose dw elling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe. Be ye also the guardians of this m ystic sphere. K eepfar rem oved the evil and the unbalanced.

Strengthen and inspire m e so that I m ay preserve unsullied this abode of the m ysteries of the eternal gods. Let m y sphere be pure and holy so that I m ay enter in and becom e a partaker of the secrets of the Light D ivine.

15. M ove clockw ise to the northeast corner of your circle and face that direction. Say the follow ing:

The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the Earth. Let m e thereforeform a vortex in this cham ber that the invisible Sun of the spirit m ay shine therein from above.

16. W alk clockw ise around your circle three tim es. Each tim e you pass the east, m ake the Sign of the Enterer (see LBRP, step 7) in the direction you are m oving. This is how you form the vortex m entioned in the last step.

After the third tim e you pass the east and m ake the Sign of the Enterer, return to the w est of your altar and face east. You should feel the vortex of energy in your circle. - 4 - 17. M ake the Sign of the Enterer and say, H oly art Thou, Lord of the U niverse.

M ake the Sign of the Enterer again and say, H oly art Thou, W hom N ature hath not Form ed.

M ake the Sign of the Enterer one m ore tim e and say, H oly art Thou, the V ast and M ighty O ne. Lord of the Light and of the D arkness.

N ow give the Sign of Silence (see LBRP, step 7).

18. After you perform w hatever m agical w ork you w ant to accom plish and are ready to end the cerem ony, say the follow ing:

U nto thee, sole w ise, sole eternal, and sole m erciful O ne, be the praise and glory forever, w ho has perm itted m e w ho standeth hum bly before Thee to enter into this far into the sanctuary of the m ysteries. N ot unto m e but unto Thy nam e be the glory.

Let the influence of Thy divine ones descend upon m y head, and teach m e the value of self-sacrifice so that I shrink not in the hour of m y trial, but that thus m y nam e m ay be w ritten on high and m y genius stand in the presence of the holy ones.

19. N ow w alk around the circle three tim es, counterclockw ise. G ive the Sign of the Enterer as you pass the east, in the direction you are w alking. The vortex of energy you created earlier should now begin to fade aw ay.

20. Perform the LBRP and the BRH .

21. Say the follow ing, m aking sure to vibrate the w ords in capital letters:

I now release any spirits that m ay have been im prisoned by this cerem ony. D epart in peace to your abodes and habitations, and go w ith the blessings of YEH ESH U A H YEH O VA SH AH (yeh-hay-shoe-ah yeh-ho-vah-shah)

22. Knock three tim es on the altar w ith the handle of the dagger you used to perform the LBRP and say,

I now declare this tem ple duly closed.

Steps 19 to 22 of this ritual are know n collectively as the Closing by W atchtow er. It should be clear by now , after reading the various orations, the types of links that are created w ith Divine w hen this ritual is perform ed.

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