Youth Congress Site COVER STORY
II II r ' V OP/ft 04111i2IllrAt -'-- mism---447 ark vas as/ saris/ iv vow IP mu-% lie-" OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NORTH AMERICAN REGIONAL CONFERENCES OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS VOLUME 11 JUNE, 1989 NUMBER 4 New Orleans, Louisiana Superdome Youth Congress Site COVER STORY EARTH OUR CHALLENGE, HEAVEN OUR GOAL Highlights of the United Youth Congress The Crescent City, Queen of the South, the Big Easy; all are names for world-fa- Shelton Kilby Workshop, "I Like the Beat." mous New Orleans, La., location of the United Youth Congress, April 12-15. More than 1,700 delegates and 20,000 non-dele- gate attendees from regional conferences across North America, delegations from Ber- muda, the Bahamas, Canada, the regional constituency of Southeastern and Southern California Conference and Greater New York Conference, gathered in the New Orleans Superdome for four days packed with activ- ity. In order to accommodate the large gath- Youth directors honoring Elder and Mrs. ering, three big screens were set up at Danny Davis strategic points of the arena to enable indi- Sabbath Speaker, Commander Barry viduals sitting great distances from the stage Black lege; "Ministering to the Homeless and to get a close-up view of the programs. Handicapped," Earl W. Moore, Atlanta, Ga., The first general session for the congress Harold Nesbitt; "Sensible Decision-making," took place Wednesday evening, with Pastor Jessie Wilson, Memphis, Tenn.; "Creative Jesse Wilson of the South Central Confer- Ministries" (puppets, clowns, etc.), Mike ence addressing the assembly. Dr. Eurydice Faison, Oakwood College; "It's a Black and Osterman of Oakwood College introduced White Issue" (relating to racism), Yvonne P.
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