SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR LIST FEBRUARY, 2020 DIPLOMATIC AND Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Commerce CONSULAR LIST Prepared by: FEBRUARY The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Commerce 2020 This Diplomatic List will be updated every six months and can also be accessed via the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’ website Kindly report all changes to the Protocol Department within the Ministry in order for changes to be included in the next edition as they occur (new addresses, arrivals, departures, promotions etc). 2 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE & COMMERCE 3RD FLOOR ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING BAY STREET, KINGSTOWN ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1 784 456 2060 OR 1 784 456 1111 EXT. 319 OR 880 FAX NUMBER: 1 784 456 2610 EMAIL ADDRESSES:
[email protected] [email protected] PROTOCOL AND CONSULAR Telephone No: 1 784 457 1489 or Ext. 362 BILATERAL UNIT Telephone No: 1 784 456 2067 or Ext. 323 MULTILATERAL UNIT Ext. 316 FOREIGN MINISTER Honourable Sir Louis Straker PERMANENT SECRETARY Mrs. Sandy Peters-Phillips FOREIGN POLICY AND RESEARCH Director – Mr. Mozart Carr BILATERAL UNIT Ms. Tamira Browne Senior Foreign Service Officer Mrs. Karlene Jackson Desk Officer Asia and Oceania Mr. Emil Dougan Desk Officer Americas Mr. Ed Dunbar Desk Officer Europe and Middle East Ms. Aliaka Jones Desk Officer Africa 3 MULTILATERAL UNIT Ms. Oslyn Porter Senior Foreign Service Officer Ms. Alicia Medica Desk Officer OECS, CARICOM, ACS Mr. Marshall Barnwell Desk Officer United Nations Mr. Westford Joseph Desk Officer United Nations Ms. Nioka Peters Desk Officer OAS, CELAC, ALBA, ACP- CARIFORUM Mr.