It SPAR \ DAILY "I Vol. 98, No. 58 Published for San Jose State University since 1934 lhursday, April 23, 1992 Deeper wounds may cripple CSU By Les Mahler probably wouldn't be anymore cuts in adminis- Daily staff Wilier 'It's the beginning of the end of the CSU' talors. "We have the most efficient operation of all Already faced with massive budget prob- cent. SJSU's associate executive vice president for Benavidez, spokesman for the chancellor's the segments," he said. "The administration to lems, the entire CSU system may fall victim to That piece of legislation, introduced by business and financial services. office. faculty ratio is very low. There can't be any- even more aits that could lead to thousands of Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, 1)-San Fran- Should the proposed 40 percent increase "We have no more to cut," Benavidez said. more cuts," Benavidez said faculty and staff layoffs, shorter facility hours cisco, would force the Republican governor to become reality, SJSU would inherit about $3.4 "We'll have to lay off faculty, cut back on But Bentley -Adler sa the chancellor's and fewer classes. take blame for any massive budget cuts. million, according to Sauer. But all that would library hours." office would not be spared if such cuts were With a $6 billion deficit, the state depart- be negated if the state does ask CSU to absorb Those faculty cuts would be in the thou- necessary. ment of fmance is tossing around the notion of 20% hike might be added to 40% part of the budget crunch. sands, said Colleen Bentley - Adler, The chancellor's office has a staff of 300, whether or not unprotected state agencies, If the cuts come to pass, students through- Sauer said SJSU would still end up losing spokeswoman for the CSU chancellor. according to Bentley-Adler. During the last including the CSU system, would have to take out the CSU would have to endure a fee about $2.3 million even with the 40 parent fee budget cuts, positions were vacated and a hir- on five percent of the state deficit. increase of another 20 percent on top of the 40 increase to offset the five percent budget cut. $80 million would be cut from CSU ing freeze was imposed. The idea is in the contingency phase, percent already proposed, according to Jeff The proposed 40 percent increase, accord- For the CSU budget, which is $1.64 billion, The governor's office wants to see what according to Sean Garrett, public affairs assis- Chang, legislative director for the California ing to Sauer would "help you get a lot of class- according to Benavidez, the five percent cut every agency looks like with alive, 10 or 15 tant for Wilson. State Student Association. es or avoids a lot of layoffs." would amount to $80 million. percent cut, according to Clang. "Nothing's written in stone," Garrett said. "But you get to a point where you can't But with such a proposal and the possibility "It's beyond our ability to absorb," But Chang said such cuts would "look real- "We want to be prepared." raise fees anymore," Chang said. of a negative $2.3 million, Sauer said there Benavidez said. "There's no way we can main- ly bad." While the governor is asking for a projec- The five percent cuts scenario is just a "would be fewer classes, fewer students. Rev- tain course offerings." "Essentially, we and the CSU have to tion based on budget cuts in five percent incre- "drill" put on by the state, Chang said. enues would go down causing additional bud- "It's the beginning of the end of the CSU," agree," that such an absorption for the CSU ments, the Democratically controlled Assem- If CSU is asked to cut five percent from its get reductions." he said. system would be harmful, be said. bly has given Gov. Pete Wilson permission to budget, SJSU would lose $5.7 million in the The effects of such a proposal becoming While Benavidez sees cuts being made sys- make cuts at levels of six percent, up to 18 per- next school year, according to Connie Sauer, real would be "horrible, devastating," said Max tem wide at all the campuses. he said there See CSU, Page 4 Atheist activists demand UP AGAINST THE BALL freedom from religion

By Sunda Patel Robert Sherman, a reporter for the Ameri- Daily staff writer can Atheist news journal, that he didn't think atheists should be considered citi- Toting bumper stickers proclaiming, zens or patriots, according to Walling and "Save you? God can't even cure acne," American Atheist literature. and "Jesus is Lard," 1Caleda Walling spoke Walling urged atheists to dispel such to students Tuesday evening about the views by informing people about their strong influence of religion in society and beliefs, but told them not to hand out liter- the need for atheist activism. ature on the street. Walling, the founder of the San Diego "That's obnoxious. I would never force State University atheists, criticized religion atheism on anyone," she said. "I want to calling it a "tool to control the masses." represent atheism in a manner intended to "Religion is the evil. Religion is the inform, not convert." oppressor. Religion is the tool used against Walling's criticism of the Bible, which you," the 24-year-old drama major told the she referred to as the "the slave master's group of about 60 people. handbook," was often harsh and stringent. The discussion was lively with students She said the Bible supported slavery by alternately criticizing Christianity and urging slaves to submit to their masters, atheism. and degraded women by commanding Walling insisted atheism is not a reli- them to submit to their husbands. gion because atheists "Read your Bible. have no creed or Jesus did not say won- sacred writings 'Religion is the evil. derful things he which define their said some pretty crap- beliefs. Religion is the py stuff," Walling "Atheism is not a said. religion, we have no oppressor. Religion SJSU student Jeff dogmas, no rituals, is the tool used Waugh questioned no Bible and no holy Walling's criticism of places," Walling against you.' religion. said. "You make it The closest thing Kaleda Walling sound as if you think to an official creed is Founder, SDSU atheists we're stupid for the Atheist State- believing in God," he ment of Position told Walling. which was created at the behest of the "I do not think Christian people are U.S. Supreme Court when it was consider- stupid, but I don't think the Christian reli- ing the legality of compulsory Bible gion is a good one," Walling responded. recitation in public schools, Walling said. Walling justified her "Jesus is Lard" "Atheists strive for involvement in life bumper sticker by putting it in context of and not escape into death," the statement the inquisition during which people were said. "We want disease conquered, poverty persecuted for their religious beliefs. vanquished, war eliminated." "I don't think making fun of ideas is Photographs by Marcio J. Sanchez But Walling warned that the statement bad, I think violating people 's rights over should not be taken to define all atheists ideas is bad," she said. "We will laugh at since they do not all share a single set of your ideas but we will never physically ABOVE: Children from Loma Vista beliefs. harm you." Elementary School play with a giant Walling said religion had permeated all Walling said when she tir,t displayed beachball outside Tower Hall Wednes- aspects of government and Atheists must the bumper sticker on her car, someone day. The kids were visiting SJSU for unite to preserve their rights. tore off the siding, smashed in the hood "Atheists and agnostics have sat back and keyed an offensive message onto the Earth Day activities and were being too long and allowed religious powers to paint. entertained by recreation and leisure run amuck in our society and our schools," As a result, she now displays all her students. Walling said. "You cannot imagine the opinions on her car, she said. LEFT: Lisa Anderson, 7, gets her head effort it takes to keep religion out of gov- Although he did not agree with every- stuck in a parachute during play on ernment and the government out religion." thing she said, Waugh said he was glad he Walling said people who are openly attended the meeting. Tower Lawn Wednesday. atheistic run the risk of economic and "Certain things she talked about make political reprisals. President George Bush once odd See ATHEISTS, Page 4 Students eal n units INSIDE helping the homeless Casting a green shadow NEWS: By Atoorsa Savarnejad Earth Day worms Daily staff wow Students unite to fight fee increase its way to S.I SU Helping the homeless is not just a gratifying experience anymore it's also a way for students to earn extra units. By Dorothy Klavins The I lomeless Awareness Committee at SJSU is bringing Page 3 1)atly staff wnter together homeless representatives and activists today at mon who are scheduled to speak on the problems of homelessness Worms munched the garbage in Christo- at the group's Homeless Awareness Day. pher Williams' worm box. The kids from At this time, Penny Mann, who has been teaching SJSU's WORLD NEWS: EMI Frost Elementary School screamed Conununity Concepts class for two semesters, will talk about "yuck" then fought to get a better look at her class and what students can do to get involved with the More than 100 the recycling worms. homeless while earning units at the same time. killed in Mexico Williams' renewable sustained-energy Mann, who is the co-instructor of the course along with blast exhibit was one of 15 that lined the grass on Judy Ryan, said this is the first sanester they will devote a sec- one side of San Carlos Street Wednesday to tion to the root causes of homelessness. Page 5 celebrate Earth 1)ay SJSU '92. The Community Concepts class consists of about eight Speakers, displays, information and community service programs, said Jon Lovell, associate pro- music, plus about 250 kids, were pan of the fessor of English and lead teacher of the course. day's activities. Many children were on "In the class, we also give each other support when some- SPORTS: campus for Kids' Day, which is sponsored one has an idea." Mann said. by the Environmental Resource Center and Scott Sal y Daly staff photographer This class satisfies two areas of upper division general edu- Baseball: Stanford brings children from kindergarten to sixth cation for 15 departments including nursing. English and soci- throws off SJSU grade to the campus for a half-day visit. Visiting elementary school kids check out solar toys at SJSU's Earth Day ology and can be taken up to two semesters for credit. Lovell In the morning of the Earth Day events, here today. The younger generation must they recycle only aluminum and glass. said. speakers from environmental groups spoke change their points-of-view." said Wild Bill Noren, a junior in computer engineering. Other speakers will include Juan Ham, chairman of the Page 6 to a small crowd of about 100, who seemed Noren, a speaker for Help Our Planet Earth, said university housing works with the committee and president of the campus group Students United more interested in the exhibits than the a student-run organirntion, group and takes tare of the paper recycling. speakers. The group was started last semester to do See CLASS, Page 4 "The Earth needs help. That's why we're recycling in the resident halls. At this time. See EAR'IH, Page 4

4 A 2 Thursday, April 23, 1992 II San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY FORUM OPINIONS

I EDITORIAL Approval of UC pension package 'grossly unfair' board's "credibility." Wilson again Grossly unfair and shameful, however, characterize Wilson's master plan for this state. It shamelessly crucifies the poor shows skewed through unprecedented welfare cuts and mocks those who dare cling to the hope judgment that education will remain their right. Regent Frank W. Clark expressed Terminator may concern over what he called the "public Thehave just met his relations factor" of approving the deal. Whatever happened to the human match. factor? Students have names, faces and personalities. Their financial hardships Who else but Gov. Pete Wilson could are as real as the hopes they have of contend with an execution and selectively making something of their lives. break and honor promises all in the Gardner announced his retirement last period of one day without a shred of November, citing the impact of his wife's conscience or remorse? death last year. Apparently, his wife's On Monday, University of California death has not prevented him from regents stood behind their decision to accepting the presidency of the William grant retiring U.C. President 1)avid P. and Flora Hewlett Foundation in Menlo Gardner a pension deal worth $2.4 Park when his retirement becomes million. Only two of the 21 members official on Oct. 1. present opposed the plan. As the highest-paid employee of the Wilson, an ex-officio Board of state, early retirement clearly benefits Regents member, justified approval of Gardner. At a time when students are the package by saying it would be suffering from the impact of Wilson's "grossly unfaie" to the retiring president budget cuts, his acceptance of the deal is and a "shameful way" to reward his simply appalling. Fred 1_1114,11 Spartan Daily service if board members were to The only glimmer of hope here is that succumb to "political pressure." He also the board's move has prompted a expressed concern over maintaining the thorough investigation. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

act; unable to eliminate the writer, he obliter- nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the Getting facts straight ated the writer's message. greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor AND ANOTHER Editor, lam angry because on the morning of the swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God. I don't want to respond to Geoffrey last day of Gay Pride week, I saw hate mes- And that is what some of you were. But you Tootell's arguments about how the presiden- sages chalked over those that said "Gay were washed, you were sanctified (made THING Ted R. Comerford tial search should be conducted. Pride," "Stop Homophobia," and "Stop Hate holy), you were justified in the name of the I do, however, want to correct an error of Crimes." I am angry because someone wrote Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our fact. All six candidates who were finalists for under "Gay Pride" the words "can't exist." God," (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, N1V, emphasis president of SJSU did possess earned doctor- I am angry because universities strive to added). ates. teach students about diversity, so they can To each student, faculty member and Musings from Denny's Bobbye Gorenberg survive and live in peace, and in some way staff, I appeal turn from sin and trust in Chair, Academic Senate it's failing. lam angry became these callow Jesus. Get your hands on a gospel of John have been going a little DORKASAURUS REX? Because I have students are failing the university, society and see Jesus for who He really is. If you Things strangely lately. Have you several friends in the Republican and humanity. need one (in any language), drop a note with noticed? The quality of the black community, I won't make blanket I am angry because ignorance, fear and name and phone number in the "W" slot of beans in the cafeteria is a little statements about their party, but Honorable mentions hate have once again spoiled my day and. I the O.T. student boxes across from CCB lower than usual. The grass hasn't been SHEESH! Make sure to bring your Editor ant certain, many others. 203. Thank you again for reading to the last greener anywhere until just last month. sheets and swastikas, OK boys and girls. We at REED Magazine very much appre- lam angry today, frankly, about having to line. Butterflies are everywhere. I'll be there, dressed for battle. ciate the article that appeared in the Thesday be angry. Kelly Way Considering the considerable amount I'd make threats here, but if I did, I'd edition of this week's Spartan Daily. It is Brandy Parris Senior of money that the state of California get taken away by those big, strong, gratifying to know that student interest in the Graduate Occupational therapy would have saved on his incarceration, muscular, handsome Secret Service men. school's journal of literature and an contin- English Robert Ilarris could have eaten a side of O0000000! Maybe I will. Then again, I ues to grow. Unfortunately, pressed by a beef and I would have had no problem had my fill of jail in Gail's closet last deadline, your reporter was unable to pro- with his choice of menu or its expense. I year. No threats, just jeers. Although I vide the whole story. Some of the most Execution gives hope dislike 1)omino's Pizza on political am very fond of Jerry Brown. (wink, important members of REED were not inter- Homosexuals repent Editor, grounds and wouldn't eat Kentucky Fried wink, nudge, nudge), he has little chance viewed, or even mentioned. Editor, Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. That is the Chicken for almost any amount of of winning anything, any time soon. I Dr. Robert Sweet has been the Faculty I seriously doubt this letter will make it in only word that I can think of to say about money, even the skinless kind. I still will vote for him in June, and will Advisor to REED Magazine from beyond its entirety to the Spartan Daily, but just in our criminal justice system. don't see the point of removing the fatty probably go with Perot in November. memory. It is be who SeIS and maintains the case to the readers, I beg you to absorb I cannot believe all the appeals and legal skin from chicken, only to soak it in oil Then again, everything may turn inside - high standards for poetry and fiction that the each line so that you may understand the fol- red tape that occurred for the Robert Harris again. I am pretty sure that Harris ate a out by then. Who knows? Maybe Caner staff attempts to reach. Under his guidance, lowing statements in context. Please do not case. However, his execution gives me some large bucket of KFC and two large will make another run ... REED has continued to prosper when it rip, crumble, or throw away this page until hope that our criminal justice system punish- Domino's combo pizzas and drank a six- ne parting thought before I go. might otherwise have died of neglect you do so. 'Thanks. es those who deserve it. pack of Coca-Cola. I am undecided on This is a little term rima that I Jonathon Kromery is a graduate student In light of Gay Pride Week before spring I cannot believe that there were people the death penalty as a deterrent to crime 0 composed over a "Play it in English, and the Managing Editor of this break, one message bums in my heart. who felt sorry for this animal. Protesters in general. If it were called the death again" Slam at the Denny's by the year's (1992) issue of REED. Jon was Homosexual practice is NOT simply an claimed, and still do, that the death penalty is revenge, it may be more appropriate. In Bayshore freeway. charged with organizing and overseeing the "alternative lifestyle," it is a sin. Repeat: state supported murder in itself. There are any case, Harris deserved to die. Those production of the magazine, from the sub- practicing homosexuality is sin. others who say at least use a more humane boys were too nice and handsome to die The coffee at Denny's is almost green. mission selection process last semester It is NOT NECESSARILY a greater or method of execution than the gas chamber. so young and brutally. The patrons here are stranger than through to the printing and distribution this lesser transgression than lying, hatred, bitter- I say, what about the rights of the vic- Charlie Manson convinced his parole one might semester. His organizational skills have ness, coveting, violent tempers pre-/extra- tims? They did not have a chance to appeal board that he is just nutty enough to be See on the boardwalk: Oh, the Venice allowed us to produce a fine edition of marital sex, etc. Before God, we ALL fall for their lives. They did not have a choice on kept behind bars for another five years. scene. REED out of the chaos with which we began short of His holiness and moral character which method they were going to be killed Oh lucky us: one of the few times that the process. expressed in the Ten Commandments. by. the criminal justice system actually Late nights of studying make me a Steve Wood, my co-editor in fiction, and But, God's complete forgiveness is also 'Dere arc those who say that life in prison worked. sight: Dough Mendoza, poetry editor, also deserve equally offered to all through faith in Jesus is punishment enough. The operative word is If all goes as planned and expected, I My hair is wild; my eyes are red. To praise for their work, as do all the students Christ, "... Let him turn to the Lord, and he life, which the victims no longer have. I should have my Stafford check by today. bed on the staff whose diligent efforts made will have merry on him, and to our God, for think it is about time that the liberals stop Thanks again. Kudos, kudos, kudos. I should have gone. Oh, what a horrid REED a reality. Again, we thank the Spartan he will freely pardon." (Isaiah 55:7b, NIV, victimizing the victims and start punishing 1 am coming dangerously close to night Daily for its fine coverage, but let's not for- emphasis added). the guilty. completing another full semester one get the folks who really made it happen. One note to those homosexuals who Is it that difficult of a concept for people step closer to graduation. Is that a mortar I have while Dostoyevsky rapes my have been turned off by "religion" because to understand that murder is a bad thing? board I sec on the horizon? I hope not. head: Max A. Gordon of religious people, or who have physically Does the govenunent have to say, "Please, if What would I do if I actually graduated? My brain's in pain. No grade is worth fiction co-editor, REED Magazine been abused by those who call themselves it is not too inconvenient, don't murder any- I'd to go to my 10-year high school all this. Graduate, English Christians, I apologize. Jesus NEVER advo- body"? It is simple. If someone murders reunion with a B.A. in something. "The Death of Ivan Ilych" should be cated violence as a method of conviction or someone then that person gives up his right I imagine that I'd like that well dead. conversion to the gospel.. to life. enough. Now to find a man to be my Regardless of your past experiences, the I applaud Gov. Pete Wilson and the escort. I'll have to begin that search soon. The sun is slow to rise; must leave or Angry at being angry message remains the same. God hates sin, Supreme Court judges for not delaying the Summer school is right around the miss Editor, but offers an incredible pardon bought by the execution. Hopefully, other murderers will corner: 33 days away, for those who are The teaching of the brightest profs 1 am angry today. I am angry because of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The soon follow, because it is an outrage for mur- keeping track. Joy of joys. Only $945 for I've seen. the acts of ignorance I witnessed during Gay Apostle Paul once wrote to some new Chris- derers to be put on death row for several nine units? Such a deal! My Denny's nights are rites of Pride Week. tians: years receiving free room and board. The so-called presidential candidate, raptured bliss. I am angry because I saw a man grinning, "Do you not know that the wicked will Ninos Malek Pat Buchanan is arriving on campus in a scraping chalked Clay Pride messages off the not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be Junior few weeks. Can everyone say Ted R. Comerford's column appears walkway by Clark Library with his feet. lam deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor Economics every Thursday. angry because he was proud of his symbolic idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes


EIMTORIAL STAFF ADVERI7SING STAFF ANGEIA HILL, exnutiweajitanr MICHELE BAIT, advertisingdarn TONV MAREK, at editor JASON ROTHMAN, arts and entertaimnent editor LYNN BENSON, pandastion and design edam MONICA CAMPBELL, features editor VERA DAVOUDI, retail advertising manager GREG CAMPBELL, production manager LESLIE A. SAL/MANN, photo editor ANNE Dt)uouur, sports editor HANH SCHNITTGRUND, art &realm RAMIE G. RAMIREZ, marketing manager DONNA BRAMMER, diref photographer JOHN VIEIRA, wire editor ANDY RAVI., national advertising manager MIKE CHO, dmvntown Ma nager CRISTA E. HARDIE, Pram editor TRA(II Deuutall, copy chief RISPoIl TINS: Vibha Nasal, Adele Oallocci, Stacey Down. Brian lber. Mottos Juni Dorothy Manna Marcia lepler, Lea Mahler.

Chrism! Mechem Mike O'Reilly, Strata Pateliolui Pew. Atooa Savarnejed. Jam Silva PHOTOGRAPHERS: Shells Dentrkiro, Velma NUM. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Ryan tine, Nerlam Patel Nader SaghaR Mane Rowland. Scott Sada, Alarm 1 Sanchez, Nathan Souza COLUMNISTS: Brooke Shelby Biggs, Soon Brown, Ted R Comerford, Robert Aim= Lisa Quinn Droeckhernmer. Ellie Molloy. Robert W Scoble COPY EINTOIIS: Peee Borth, Barbra Dnheny. Faye Wells ARTISTS: Ed Fowler, Fred Lonori

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SPARTAN DAILY San Jose State University II Thursday, April 23, 1992

SpartaGuide is a daily calendar available to SJSU students, faculty and staff organizations at PHONE: 924-3280 no charge. Deadline for submission: S p.m. two days before publication. Forms axe available SPARTA GUIDE at the Spartan Daily, DEll 209. Limited space may force reducing the number of insertions. FAX: 924-3282

MUSIC DEPARTMENT PHYSICS DEPARTMENT: MUSIC DEPARTMENT THEATRE ARTS DEPT.: 'The IMPROVISED MUSIC Seminar 1.W. Goodman, Stanford 69/9/W IMPROVISED MUSIC: "Four Bald Soprano," and "The Dumb row PROGRAM: Festival Of lib. 12:30. University, 1:30 p.m., SCI 251,call corners- world jazz and beyond," 8 Waiter," 500 p.m , UGH Rm. 226, call BASE: General Body meeting, 6 p.m.. 10 p.m.; Peter Apfelbaum and the 924-5245. CHINESE CAMPUS p.m., Concert Hall, call 924-4678 or 356-0345. ENG Rm. 358, call 924-8419. Hieroglyphics Ensemble, WOO p.m., FELLOWSHIP: Speaker meeting, 924-6333. THEATRE ARTS DEPT.: 'The S.U. Guadalupe Rm., SJSU UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL Concert Hall, call 924.4678, or 924- 2:30- 5:00 p.m., Bald Soprano," and 'The Dumb call 293-2881. SJS FOLK DANCERS: Bulgarian FOUNDATION: 13th annual ' RESPONSIBILITY: 'The disabled 6333. Waiter," 5:00 p.m., FIGH Rm. 226, call workshop, 8 p.m., Spartan Complex, university research forum, 2:30 - 5:30 and the work place," 10:30 a.m., S.U. PHI KAPPA PHI: Resume 356-0345. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Women's Gym Rm. 89, call 293-1302, pm., ENG Rm. 189, call 924-1429 or Loma Prieta Rm., call 924-3743. workshop/Luncheon, Noon, S.U. IMPROVISED MUSIC: 287-6369, or (510)960-1367. 924-1440. Pacheco Rm., call 262-2125. "Manufacturing of Humidifiers," 4.00 JEWISH STUDENT UNION: p m , Concert Hall. Free Admission, SOCIETY OF LATINO Ethiopian speaker. 3 p.m., S.U. PLAYWRIGHTS' AND call 924-4678 ENGINEERS AND Almaden Rm., call 450-1770. SCREENWRITERS' SUPPORT SCIENTISTS: Nominations for new GROUP: 1st meeting, 12:30- 1:30 officers, 12:30 p.m ENG Rm. 358, p.m., HMI Rm. 120, call 226-0252. call 251-6950.

Teen-agers arrested after trying to set man on fire Students consolidate for fee fight NEW YORK (AP) Three teen- fire, O'Leary said, passing police car, O'Leary said. The agers were charged Wednesday with Two bystanders rushed to the stair- three were arrested a block away, By Adele (;allucci "Wilson's failure to represent those of us who are con- trying to set fire to a homeless man well to beat out the flames, chased the O'Leary said neither man was Daily staff writer cerned about issues confronting not only students, but sleeping in a subway station. teen-agers to the street and hailed a injured. also the poor, people of color, gays and the environmen- The teen-agers were charged with On Saturday, Mils Suidents United for Accessible tally conscious" second-degree attempted murder, first- Education will be cosponsoring a student conference The Radical Student Alliance is also cosponsoring degree attempted assault, reckless with the Radical Student Alliance to unite various orga- the conference. The group is a radical student union endangerment, criminal impersonation nizations involved in the effort to combat Gov. Pete Wil- affiliated with the Frank Little Club. and criminal mischief, said Transit son's proposed 40 percent CSU fee hike. According to club member Frank Runninghorse, the Authority police Capt. Michael Ans- "We have yet to come together," SUAE president alliance is anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-imperialist, pro- bro. Juan Ham said. working class, pro-student and activist-oriented. Police said the teen-agers allegedly The purpose of the conference, according to Ham, is The alliance hopes to meet with other activists to net- approached two men sleeping in a sta- to bring together all direct action groups involved in work and fight injustices in society, according to Run- tion stairwell in lower Manhattan. fighting the fee increase. ninghorse. The three identified themselves as liar said that the groups will work on a plan "to According to Haro, the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual police officers, then began kicking the bring us beyond the school year," until legislators vote Alliance and the Student Homeless Alliance have con- two men, poured a flammable liquid S itr.41 e on the matter. firmed participation on them and set one man's blanket on They will also "share strategies and update each other Other groups expected to attend are the Progressive on the progress we have made thus far on our respective Student Coalition from California State University, sale prices good through May 30th campuses." according to a press release. Sacramento, Direct Action for Education and Students The groups will meet to designate dates for a collec- for Affordable Education from San Francisco State Uni- N.11100,1 tive trip to the state capitol. Ham said. versity. tit ol Amyl n framing The 24 percent University of California fee increase The conference will take NC SA airbrushes place Saturday at SL Paul's A Pencookred Tinanck3I Ain MoicisCg Senvic. will also be addressed. Methodist Church on 10th and San Salvador streets at lamps According to the release, the groups will also discuss, 9:30 am. gift items furniture fine art supplies drafrting accessories pens, pencils & markers High school paper & boards & more! TUTORS NEEDED It's all on sale here! seniors get For Elementary and High School Students MONEY FOR COLLEGE AIDS testing $8 Per session (45 minutes) Flexible hours UNIVERSITY ART CENTER IURT MYERS, Ha. (AP) High Programs and materials provided MAU CALL OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION PALO ALTO/SAN FRANCISCO/SANTA CLARA/SAN JOSE school seniors will be able to get test- Kent H. Kraemer. Pr elide, t Immediate openings 267 HAMILTON AVE 1035 BATTERY ST 2555 SCOTT BLVD 318 PAGE ST ed for the AIDS virus next month in a 1199 Forest Ave, Suite 187 Pacific Grove, CA 95950 14151328-3500 14151362-4000 10081727-6762 i40/31 2974707 pilot program described as the first in Td . 4011-648-3829 Fir 408172-497') the nation to use a public agency to Princeton Home Tutoring test schoolchildren for HIV. 978-7574 School board members voted 5-0 Tuesday to allow the Lee County Health Department and the Lee County AIDS Task Force to offer the STORE YOUR STUFF tests at Riverdale High School during the school's health fair. The decision is contingent on an FOR ONLY A DOLLAR agreement relieving the school board of liability, but Gil August, executive director of the AIDS Task Force, said that should be no problem. GOOD FOR STUDENT'S FIRST MONTH RENTAL Brenda Green of the National (TWO MONTH MINUMUM RENTAL) Association of School Boards in Reston, Va., said 35 high schools throughout the nation, mostly in large urban areas, offer 111V tests. But she said those tests are offered and given by private organizations. stuff (stuf) noun. 1. the belongings The Lee County schools appear to i be the first in the nation whose tests aquired over time that serve immediate will be conducted by a public agency. objects that seem to merely "I think every part of a generation purpose. 2. has to be remembered by something," occupy. 3, things that should be stored in school board chairman David Graham ' Safe Place Storage! said after the vote. "1 would like to be \ remembered as a school district that did something about AIDS rather than sit back and let people die." Lee County's six other high schools, which already have held their health fairs this year, will begin offer- ing the tests in the fall. Sizes from 20 to 1,000 sq. ft. Some parents objected, noting that state confidentiality laws prohibit the Electronic security. school for telling them the test results. Easy access from Highways 101 and 280. Others saw the proposal as eroding ki( )ST ENS parental responsibilities. Date: April 20 - April 24 The AIDS test proposal stemmed 2:- from reports by health officials that Time: 10am 4pm - ea eight teens and 104 people in their Place: Spartan Bookstore Lobby 2 convenient locations: 20s had tested positive for the virus in the county since 1983. Only $20.00 deposit Required Mr.lwqh vngn repnw.nianve Int holl delml See ow nqnplete nnq ,eletikrn Akplay in your roller to 4OP ,CP

6880 Santa Teresa 900 Lonus Court Bernal Rd. Exit off Lincoln Ave. off Highway 101 under 280 281-0400 947-8775 It may upset you Read about the controversial band Consolidated in A«ess Magazine OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Sat.9am to 6pm: Sundays 9am to 5pm. AFE GATE HOURS: PLACE I Mon.-Sat.7am to 8pm: STORAGE Sundays 9am to 5pm. Ac (9®,c3,C3 qpe r.n. Expires 5-31-92

AIL 4 Thursday, Apr1123, 1992 San lose State University SPARTAN DAILY CLASS ATHEISTS EARTH From Front Page Amber Walker, a junior in health From Front Page From Front Page study sciences, said the group does Rene "Because paper is flammable, we Washington, an audience environmental education and action on 'There are a lot of sense, is something I member and senior in can't touch it right now but hope to do for Accessible Education and John but Christianity political sci- campus and in the Bay area. Haul, chairman of Help House the homeless myths grew up with and it is very important ence, said he studied in the priest- paper and plastic at a later date," said Homeless. to my peace of mind," Waugh said. hood for a year before becoming an Noren. This weekend, SAFER. volun- "Basically, we want to enhance the that need to be Waugh agreed with Walling that atheist after he "found out a lot of Organizations from PG&E to the teers will plant native plants in the awareness of homelessness," Haro the national motto should have the fallacies inherent in any orga- Green Party to Jerry Brown-for-Presi- Stoney Creek area near Sacramento. said. dispelled.' remained "E Pluribus Unum (out of nized religion." dent all handed out materials. Some crowds increased Mere are a lot of homeless myths many one)," rather than "In God we "I believe in what we can know The afternoon groups sold T-shirts, low-watt bulbs few dancers swayed to the that need to be dispelled. That they are Trust," instituted in 1956. as human beings. I don't believe in and a Juan Han) and whirligigs that used solar powered music of the Bliss Ninnies. drug users and alcoholics and soon. Member, Student Homeless Alliance Ile said this is a diverse country basing my life on some faith or mys- cells. There are some that are, but there are and the motto should apply to all tery cult," Washington said. Pat O'Connell of the Big Mountain also numerous that we not," !taro said. people. The discussion was organized by Michael Winkler brought his bat- Resistance & Support Group encour- According to Hato, who works ing up to homelessness. Though there were several non- the resident advisers at SJSU as pan tery -powered car, a three-wheeled aged the crowd to get "spiritually closely with SJSU's Student Home- Representatives from four organi- atheists in the audience, the majority of the Residential Life Program. vehicle that goes 30 miles before you involved" with the environment, and less Alliance, low monthly income zations will also set up their booths in of the students seemed to agree with Organizer Steven Faust said he have to find a plug and recharge. Win- the Tena Council Drum Session and high rent are two major factors the Art Quad tomorrow afternoon Walling, enthusiastically applauding wanted an event that was a little dif- kler, a former software engineer, said played traditional Native-American that lead to family homelessness. from noon to 2 p.m. to sign up volun- many of her comments. ferent from the average speaker fare. he has driven the car about two years music. Members from the SIIA, including teers. "God is a figment of people's "It was an education, that's all I and has put 4,000 miles on it. Glen Evan, a junior in envirorunen- its president Scott Wagers, Michael The university theatrical depart- imagination," said Joel Levi, a senior wanted. I learned a lot," said Faust "It's kind of scary, and I couldn't ment will also put on a scene from its political science, who said he was who explained he was not himself tal studies and librarian at the ERC Roberts and two homeless members in an find reverse," said Clvis Marrs, 9, from upcoming play on the homeless titled brought up Catholic. atheist. explained that Ben & Jerry's Ice are scheduled to give presentations of Oclagate Elementary School after he theories and contributory factors lead- "Squats" Cream donates one percent of their gave its test drive down San Carlos profits to peace and environmental Street and got stuck against a parked organizations and would be splitting real-sized car. their profits from today's sales at Earth CSU Student Affiliation for Environ- Day with local environmental groups. Brown U. students arrested at aid protest mental Respect was selling T-shirts From Front Page "It's very important we have kids and giving out information. S.AF.E.R. here. There is a chance for kids to see PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) Vartan Gregorian's office. It grew Reichley, who met with the protest- Although the projected cuts area is involved in recycling paper and grown-ups, who care about the envi- About 250 Brown University stu- into a noisy demonstration and ing students. worse case scenario, Chang said state newspapers on the campus. ronment," said Evan. dents were arrested Wednesday after spilled outside as security guards The Rutgers protesters entered legislators won't know just what's taking over the campus administra- tried unsuccessfully to keep order. the switchboard building early in the going to happen until May tax rev- tion building to demand that the Ivy "We'll stay here until we get our morning and started fielding tele- enue revised figures are in. League school stop judging appli- demands met or until they arrest phone calls, telling callers of their Once the state knows just how cants by their ability to pay. us," said senior Meredith Kolodner, protest before connecting them. Meanwhile, in New Jersey, six a member of the organizing group, much tax money was generated for Rutgers University students occu- Students for Aid and Minority Calls later were forwarded to the May, the outlook could be a little CAREER OPPORTUNITIES pied the building housing the uni- Admissions. university's police station, where more cheerful. versity's main switchboard to The students want a "need- operators handled them, said John April, the state tax revenue FOR demand a tuition freeze. blind" admissions policy, in which Whyte, telecommunications direc- In better than forecast, They ignored a judge's order to students would be admitted solely tor. numbers were said Chang. BUSINESS MAJORS leave and handcuffed themselves on the basis of their qualifications Other protesters met with Rut- together. and the university would give them gers President Francis L. Lawrence. Although no one knows what the Police stood by but took no any financial aid they needed. Lawrence said he told the students May revenues will look like, Chang immediate action while students Only about a dozen schools they wouldn't be disciplined if they Mentor Program said with April numbers up, May tried but failed to get a quick hear- nationally have such a policy, but left the building, but said he made it might be better. ing on an appeal of the judge's they include most of the other Ivy clear there would be no tuition order. League schools. freeze. Cardinet-Hughes-Clayton is offering career policy is Brown officials also obtained a They said the current Gov. Jim Florio has proposed opprtunities for business graduates interested in court order and after a day-long "class-biased" and prevents the uni- that Rutgers, a state university, and protest by an estimated 300 stu- versity from achieving cultural and other state colleges limit tuition STA TRAVEL sales and marketing. diversity. dents, university police began mak- social increases next year to 4.5 percent. ing arrests at 6 pm., when the build- Brown executive vice president We've been there. ing was to close. Robert Reichley said the university The institutions say they would need extra state funding to do that. Participate in a Sales or Marketing Mentor Lt. Paul Verrecchia estimated can't afford to spend any more than ROUND nip FROM SFO that about 250 people had been its current $19.2 million on financial Annual tuition rose from $1,110 Program and get first-hand experience from arrested by 10:30 p.m. aid. in 1982 to $3,114 in 1992, accord- LONDON $580 professionals in the field, while earning a salary The Brown protest started as a "We cannot be demanded into ing to university spokeswoman Ruth sit-in outside university president doing things we cannot do," said Scott. ZURICH $660 plus commission. PARIS $739 FRANKFURT $739 Cardinet-Hughes-Clayton also offers a wide CARACAS $598 variety of financial products and services to ISN'T IT TIME TOKYO $587 business owners and professionals. Some Restrictions Apply AND EVERYWHERE USE:

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Areas of emphasis arc: ClubThe Associated Stud ts Jute Organizati Day Cot ncil Spring Business Management Sports Theory Arena and Stadium Management Professional and School Sports Public Relations Administration Research Methods Personnel Management Planning and Utilization of Facilities Sports Physiology For participating in the Associated Students Health Services Marketing Inter-Organization Council Club Day '92 on Professional and Amateur Sports Fitness Club Management Classes begin each February and August and meet April 29, 1992, the Associated Students will one evening a week from 6:15 P. M. to 10:15 P.M. give your club/organization $50. All you have to do is send a representative to the ATTEND AN INFORMATION MEETING IOC meeting on Monday, April 27, 1992 at University Center, Faculty Lounge 2:30 in the Student Union UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Montalvo Room. Ignatian Heights, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080 (Entrance at Golden Gate Avenue between Masonic and Parker Streets) ccoLuiDN'T 1(C)IJEt ca_virs USE $ 50? Thursday, May 7, 1992 - 6:30 P.M. Tuesday, September 22, 1992 - 6:30 P.M.

For more information on Saturday, October 10, 1992 - 10:00 A.M. (in McLaren, Rm. 252) Associated Students, IOC or Club Day contact Miguel Avila at 924- 6240 or come by the Associated For more information regarding USFs M. A. in Sports & Fitness Management program, or for an application, Students Government Office on please call the College of Arcs and Sciences, Exercise and Sport Science Department at (415)666-6615, or A.S. litter Organization Council the 3rd Floor of the Student Union the Office of Summer, Intersession and Evening Programs at (415) 666-6848. SPARTAN DAILY San Jose State University Thursday, April 23, 1992

SJSU W- EATHER: TODAY - Increasing cloudiness with highs in the lower 70s. WORLD EVENTS 'TOMORROW - Sunny with highs in the mid 761s.

sewage system, Panes said. "American justice is such that suspense Portugal's Lusa news agency said the gas Even in cool weather, a spark can ignite sometimes seems to turn into sadism," com- leaked from a faulty valve in an area where hexane violently, creating a blast with a mented the French newspaper Le Provencal liquid chlorine is converted into gas. The sbockwave that can knock things down. of Marseille. Le Monde, France's most company said it was investigating. The city's fire chief claimed the explosions respected newspaper, carried a front-page edi- Lisbon radio TSF said there was no danger were caused by gasoline. Residents said the torial Wednesday describing the execution as to the capital's water supply. stink of a gas had filled the air since lhesday. a "sinister spectacle." Chlorine is a toxic gas that irritates the Gov. Guillermo Cosio Viddaurri ordered "In any other country such an on-off-on eyes and respiratory system. Chlorine and its the homeless housed temporarily in two 'mock execution,' a form of psychological compounds are commonly used to disinfect sports stadiums. A small gymnasium was set torture, would be universally condemned as a municipal water supplies up as a morgue; Radio Red said 57 bodies cruel violation of human rights," The Times had been collected at one site. of London said. The Red Cross said at least 1,000 build- In an editorial headlined "Auschwitz in ings were damaged, many heavily. The gover- Califania," The Evening Standard of London NEWS QUIZ nor of Guadalajara ordered the state universi- said the gas used to execute Harris was the ty opened to provide emergency housing for same one used in Nazi death camps. victims. Many European newspapers also con- Five correct - news sh President Carlos Salinas de Gortari sent demned the amount of time it took the gas to Three to four - reads USA dogs trained to find trapped victims to the kill Harris. Spain's leading daily, El Pais, Today. scene. The dogs were widely used in the 1985 referred in its front-page report to the "10 One to two - Where have you earthquake that claimed 10,000 lives in Mexi- minutes of agony" Harris suffered before been? co City. dying. "The execution ... has demonstrated in a shameful manner that this sort of punishment 0 Where on campus could you is outdated," said an editorial in the Nether- find over 100,000 beetles? Avenue and other streets in the Refortna dis- OD Europe reacts lands' conservative daily, Algemeen Dagblad. 0 Sewers explode trict of southeastern Guadalajara. 0 How many criminals are on At least 700 rescue workers were search- to America's death row in California? in Mexico, at ing for victims. Some residents of the lower- to middle-class neighborhood hacked fever- execution Poison gas 0 How did SUAE protest the 40 ishly at the rubble with picks and axes as they percent fee hike? least 100 dead searched for their neighbors. LONDON (AP) - European newspapers injures 75 in GUADALAJARA, Mexico (AP) - A Passengers were trapped in a bus that fell today condemned the delays leading up to the 0 In what sport did SJSU beat series of explosions in the sewer system lev- into a hole caused by the blast. execution of a convicted murderer in Califor- Portugal Fresno on Tuesday? eled houses and ripped open streets in several Some residents wandered aimlessly nia, and one British daily said not even a dog blocks of Mexico's second largest city through the ruins. should be put down with such "grisly dither." LISBON, Portugal (AP) - A cloud of 0 What type of protests are Wednesday, killing at least 100 people and Mexican television showed crumbled Robert Alton Harris, 39, was executed in yellow-green poison gas escaped from a Lis- occurring in Buffalo N.Y.? injuring about 600 others, the Mexican Red buildings and buried cars. In one shot, a child the gas chamber at San Quentin prison on bon waterworks, sending 75 people to the Cross said. wheeled his bicycle across rubble from col- Tuesday, nearly seven hours after he was hospital, the company said Wednesday. The federal government sent the army to lapsed buildings that was several feet deep. scheduled to die. The cloud of chlorine gas leaked from the keep order in the city of 3 million, where tele- A statement by Pemex, Mexico's state oil Harris, who was convicted of killing two plant late Tuesday in Sacavem, a industrial phones, electricity and water services had monopoly, said the explosions in the south- teen-agers, was already strapped into the gas suburb east of the Portuguese capital. Offi- 0011109V (i) (MIPS (K) Rofinox4 a. P.S.1S been cut. eastern Reforma district were caused by liq- chamber chair when a stay of execution was cials said 34 people remained hospitalized on (0 Of E (Z) (RH wen() IQ (I) Slia/MSNV At least nine explosions, beginning around uid hexane, used to extract edible oils from granted. He was removed from the chamber, Wednesday, including three in serious condi- 1010 a.m., blasted enormous asters and long seeds. The hexane leaked from a private then brought back and executed after the U.S. tion. jagged trenches along sections of Game cooking oil factory, La Central, into the Supreme Court lifted the stay. Edited by John Vieira, Daily wire editor From Associated Press Wire Services

FAX: 924-3282 CLASSIFIEDS PHONE: 924-3277

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Ideal for *Oyer $10 billion in 6:35 am.. 1235 pin. & 510pm. check/storage. low-0051 fronting All formats including SPA Daily consist of paid edvertleng 'Good Rates for Non-Good Drivers' 1019 Lk. Sherwood' 4 students. Call today. 947-0803. private sector aid' Trains stop at Fairfield and Davis. and graphics. Resumes and Quick return. and offerings are not approved or SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Orlando, Fl. 32818. For free into call:408 927-9299. From Sacramento, Amtrak buses other services available. Transcription services evaileble. verified by Ow newspaper 'Good Student' FOR SALE. 2 110./2.5 BA. CONDO, continue directly to Auburn / Codex Masterson's Word Processing Almaden / Branham area. Fsntity Multioar NELP WANTED IN AUTO RELATED Prwate secure parking. End unit. WRITING, RESEARCH SERVICES. / Truckee, and Marysville / Chown. Call Paul or Virginia Phone 264-4504 CALL TODAY industry Affiliate of the Agent George Garza. All subtects. 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EARN MI8 for your fraternity, ence with cataloging and online sorority, club or business by selling searching helpful but not neces- 87.00- 5.00 PER HOUR rescreened tshorts or sweatshirts sary. Pay is $10. per hour to start Fulltime or Parttime w/ your custon desgn or logo Hours to be arranged to fit your WEEKLY PAY CHECKS PRINT YOUR AD HERE. (Count approximately 30 letters and spaces for each line. Punctuation counts as one letter.) (6 color max) Quality printing schedule (days. nights, weekends Excellent benefits conveniently located in Santa Clara. O.K.) end will vary between 4-10 Credit union Cell Orseetenn Oniplilca for a his, per month. Great opportunity Vacation pay. ODOODOEIDOOODOCIODOODOOODOOLICIE1EE1 ouote Lodge! 49114343. for someone interested in Wonting Free uniforms or non unrhymed. about spaniel libraries, cataloging Referral bonus. AMAZING SECRETS REVEALIDIII or automated systems for small Apply: Mon.- Fri. 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A 6 .Thursday, April 23, 1992 San lose State University U SPAR1AN DAII Y SPORTS SJSU tagged out by Stanford 54

By Brian Harr Daily Ste writer Spring break not The Stanford baseball team was in self-destruct mode early in Tuesday's kind to Spartans game against the Spartans at Munici- broke, most of us pal Stadium. Although the Cardinal Spnngpartied and the SJSU made six errors in the first four baseball team suffered. innings, SJSU wasn't able to cash them in and suffered a 5-4 loss. "When you play a club like that For the last week and a half, you're only going to get so many while most of us enjoyed the glow chances," Spartan head coach Sam of a sun-drenched free-for-all far Piraro said after the game. removed from the worries of In the bottom of the second inning, education, the Spartans had to stay errors put Stanford (27-16, 11-10) in a after school. They had one vulnerable situation. bellacious homew irk assignment. It After getting Spartan Gerad turned out to be a nightmare. Cawhom to fly out to center, Stanford SJSU went into the first starting pitcher Brian Sackinsky gave weekend of spring break tied with up a single to SJSU first baseman Eric Long Beach State atop the Big West Pitt. standings. The Spartans were so After Cardinal second baseman much higher in the standings than Chris Kemper couldn't come up with they had been in such a long time a ground ball off Matt Wmton's bat, a that they got nosebleeds. And the throwing error by Stanford catcher blood hasn't stopped flowing yet. Mark Skeels put runners on second The 49ers tromped into and thin'. Municipal Stadium that rust But Sackinsky came back to strike weekend and swiped two of three out designated hitter Matt Wollaston games from SJSU. Disappointing swinging, and catcher Brandon but still not a huge problem. But a Petersen looking to end the threat. sizzling weekend in Fresno saw the Still scoreless through two and a Spartans shrivel like raisins. Twice half innings, SJSU shortstop David in the three-game series with the Zuniga led off the bottom of the third Bulldogs, SJSU was one pitch away with a ground ball into the hole at from a victory ... and lost. One short. Spartan pitch. Twice. A diving David Holbrook cut off The In Game 1 on Thursday, Fresno the ball, scrambled to his feet but State jumped out to a 5-1 lead. The dropped the ball trying to get it out of Spartans rallied with four runs in his glove. the eighth to tie, 5-5, and the game Mark O'Brien followed by went into extra innings. Eric Pitt's reaching on an error by the Stanford two-run shot in the top of the 10th first baseman that put runners on the inning gave SJSU a 7-5 lead, but corners and set up an RBI single by the Bulldogs rallied to win 9-7 on a Zuniga. Marciol. Sanchez - Daily staff photographer However, Sackinsky redeemed two-out, three-run homer off Spartans' 5-4 loss Tuesday Anthony Chavez in the bottom of himself again, getting Kraig Constanti- Stanford second baseman Chris Camper gets tagged out at third base by SJSU's Gerad Cawhorn during the the inning. no to strike out, Gerad Cawhom to Game 2,6-2. ground out and Eric Pitt to strike out. first to tie the game at 1-1. Although he struck out pinch hitter three innings. off two hits and struck out six Spar- Fresno State won I," Andrakin said. tans. SJSU took a 3-0 lead in Game 3 The Cardinal pitcher escaped the In the bottom of the fourth, the Tony Detter, leaving Lynch still at "That's Division allowing only one SJSU run. Spartans were finally able to take third with one out, Andrakin served up "You make a mistake and they make "I felt that Stanford really overpow- with senior starter Rob Andrakin on inning by 100 SJSU coach Sam After cruising through three advantage of the struggling Cardinal an 0-2 pitch for his second mistake you pay. I really felt fine. I was ered us they made a lot of errors, the mound and two pitches" He and we didn't capitalize," Piraro said. Piraro said his team was "basically innings, SJSU's starting pitcher Joey defense. which designated hitter Nate Olmstead percent besides those Chavez hit Skeels to lead off the A walk, a base hit and an error all promptly blasted over the center field still leads the Spartans with 72 strike- Earlier this season, the Spartans dominating." went up to Stanford's Sunken Dia- Again, one pitch made all the fourth. set up a two-run single by Zuniga fence, tying the score at three. outs. JAZZ -run Kemper followed with a double off making it 3-1 Spartans. "On an 0-2 pitch you just can't Although Winton led off the bot- mond and beat the Cardinal 7-6 in the LIVE difference. Another three a solo home run ninth inning with a Kraig Constantino Bulldog homer tied the score at 3-3. the left-field wall scoring Skeels from While Stanford's fielding problems make that kind of mistake to this kind tom of the ninth with were over after the fourth, SJSU's of team," Piraro said. off Cardinal reliever Tun Moore, the grand slam. Tuesday's win for Stan- Fresno State went on to win in the inning again, were just beginning. The Spartans went down in order in pitcher still earned his sixth save. ford evens the season series 1-1. bottom of the 10th 'When you play a (3.74 ERA) came on "We came up with some timely hits this time by a 4-3 score. Steve Solomon took it upon him- the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth giv- Aaron Dorlarque team like that self to make it a one-run-game again ing Stanford an opportunity to break next to shut down the Spartans. ... it wasn't pretty but we got the win, Wynton add to the agony, both (1- and that was big for us," Solomon game-deciding homers came with a solo home run off Chavez. the tie. Stanford hurler Matt Merenghi you're only going Rob Andrakin, normally used by Although Andrakin put the Cardi- 0) earned the win for his four innings said who went 3-4, with a double, ToT)on 0-2 pitches. gave up two runs home run and one RBI. Marsalis "The game of baseball always to get so many Piraro as a starter, was called in from nal down in order in the seventh, in the of work, in which he beats you," Piraro said. "You never the bullpen to relieve Chavez in the eighth he got into more trouble. beat it. The game of baseball is chances.' top of the sixth. After striking out Skeels, Andrakin trumpets in designed to beat you. You go Using his quick pickoff move, (5-4) made his last mistake to Kemper through periods where things go Sam Piraro Andrakin threw the ball into the Spar- who hit a towering drive to left for a San Jose against you and sometimes that SJSU head coach tan bullpen trying to get John Lynch, solo home run, giving Stanford a 5-3 period will be prolonged depending who had singled, but Lynch wound up advantage. Andrakin got the loss, lVm SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY at third. allowing three runs off three hits over on the caliber of the opponent I aT SUMMER SESSION PatTe 5 you're playing against." And the quality of the Spartans' 1992 opponents was excellent. Fresno State used the series sweep over SJSU to move into a first-place tie 1V SESSION I: June 18 - July 24 with Long Beach State in the Big West at 12-3. Cal State Fullerton is a half game back in third at 11-4, Come Celebrate SESSION II: July 27- September 1 and SJSU fell into fourth at 11-7. Short According to Marco, the Spartans must finish in third place Term Over 70 core curriculum and advanced to have a chance to qualify for post- EARTH WEEK courses in the College of Arts and season play. That makes this Commitment Sciences taught by Santa Clara's weekend's series at UC-Irvine a distinguished faculty. crucial one for SJSU. While the with the Long Term RECORDS Anteaters are in seventh place in the Reduced tuition of $120 per unit. Big West, they have chalked up wins over baseball powers USC, Gains UCLA and Long Beach State at Spartan Bookstore Enrollment open to all students in home. Need extra money tor school.' good standing. Is Michelle "We have to win at least two :all Western Temporary games (this weekend)," Piraro said. April 20-24 services. We're experts in The weekend after that the For further information. titling your sr hail and Summer Session Shocked Spartans host Cal State Fullerton at Santa Clara University Muni Stadium in what may well vaCiifion schedUle It, your *ale on selected recycled and Santa Clara, CA 95053 shocking? turn out to be a showdown for the kar,,rk schedule. After sch,s1,4 (408) 554-4833; FAX (408)554-5038 final anticipated Big West slot in reusable products! Ii iring breaks. Christmas time, post-season play. F.ister tune, summertnne or "I told (the Spartans) they still 'The Jesuit University in the Silicon Valley." have their destiny in their own sr.RTAN BOoks I oft I anytime. We have 40 years ot experience and eight dis !sit its hands," Piraro said. The next two a Spallan Slips hr. Page 4 weeks will determine whether only to find the perk, t Spring Break 1992 will be part of a d con. Western otters 0 painful dive or a distant memory. pas, immediate opening, flu Pm Johnson t baseball column &mkt(' hedules. ',NI, '5 1111 appears every Thursday COPIES , Mice or give us a Lail, Western Temporary' Seim es.

I he One rti Call when s!iii want to work. WE KNOW Title IX Review VOLLEYBALL Campbell 371-7171 of the Milpitas-Applegate 942-1919 'Net Systems, Equipment, Balls. Palo Alto (415) 494-8040 San Jose State fniversity 'Volley wear, Hats, Bags. 34 San Jose-Metro 452-1911 Intercollegiate Athletics Program 'Indoor/Outdoor Shoes. San Jose-Almaden 266-4484 Sunnyvale 245-4850 'Net & Ball Rentals. midnight to 6 a.m. self-serve copies I111111 1111 f'11\ ':11111:ill \lillS\trii: ;ill Sunnyvale-Applegate 739-7310 R,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \X 1E1 Ill i\ 1111 S \\PP,' ',1 Sit I \RI 115115 LA \111 's 1/11 5511 k i li 511111 2-. 1992 i )1 Iiis , umdil, ting a !offline , ompliam c ('51(55 10 osPALDING. Eight Ishii,. Ink hiding hitch "Ilcgialt. Athlelh pii,gralli al sdsi ii i c1151111. illl l , ollcgt, is 1. /Hite Lighi Indivari 11 1114pr:ding its on gram ,, itlii ilit Cliscrinlinalirri i 1111 ilit !IASI'. Ill stS kinkoss. Marketing tt,,ii1 11 \ Iii.inhyr. iiil Ow ',Est community (students ai Mews, ,!).!, ht's. la, tills aml TeChnik cgal .1,111i , 11, , s,!.,11! , , oinment !in the atlininistiati ni ot aililem s program Att kqinting !.1111.1 !!!..s do Nc I III, /SIC 10 Ilhlrilliik%ing kka 11 \ iin ss fink' like lit speak with the copy center NI . ire than '150tilt it Cs worliduailc .111 t x it repo scorili,c ,hili-11.1 at ( , in 1 aiiiiiits. plcast;tirh,litatuiIp.i tt. \ Is latlia la r o'ral Kit e.,ii its ..1,, ' ;,, il l iiiployntent 100i, Amen, an owned. AIM-illative V lion I )ili, e al 5n5,111 Illitor ilit Appiiintinent. l'ou als, i OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK trios i i sum i unit illus. il Ii', phi int.! Mr. Ihilwri L.Ititl al 1 I C-55n-(0' I or 515 I hills Ihniglas at # I 5-656-691-#. Plexst leave a ph, qi!. number and 295-4336 iime %%hen you can Iv reached. All \ \\ ritten stilimissn its slit mitt I,e Equal t tppinting, six, hilist. I lirilwnen nil changers 93 E. San Carlos St. at Third St. mailed to \Is Maxine Tickling. Is and Crestview motel TEMPORARY SERVICCS I kpannient of F.clucatictri, Office fair Civil Rights. Sill nue,' \ mit ills 903E El Camino tan view. Ca (415)969 4650 ACROSS FROM Mc DONALD'S it i.c.i. It int .? In. 'sin Fnin(isco. t'A 91102.

6. CenterStage

The Spartan Daily's weekly entertainment magazine 4-23-92 Getting away from the city arcio 1. Sanchez - Daily staff photographer Biking and hiking are only minutes from the traffic Spartans' 5-4 loss Tuesday the Page 6 If two hits and struck out six Spar- ins. "I felt that Stanford really ovetpow- red us they made a lot of errors, ad we didn't capitalize:. Piraro said. Earlier this season, the Spartans tent up to Stanford's Sunken Dia- iond and beat the Cardinal 7-6 in the LIVE JAZZ huh inning with a Kraig Constantino rand slam. Tuesday's win for Stan- )rd evens the season series 1-1. "We came up with some timely bits . it wasn't pretty but we got the win, Wynton nd that was big for us," Solomon aid who went 3-4, with a double, Marsalis ome run and one RBI. trumpets in San Jose kRA UNIVERSITY

ER SESSION Page 5 1992

June 18 - July 24

: July 27- September 1 curriculum and advanced me College nf Arts and ght by Santa Clara's id faculty. RECORDS tion of $120 per unit. open to all students in ng. Is Michelle formation: km Shocked rniversity :A 95053 shocking? 1; FAX (408) 554-5038 lily in the Silicon Valley." Page 4 k'"4:11 teview IC Jniversity *tics Program

I s 1 )1 Mit I \ II \ 1 Itt III I\ II X.121 \\ BF I Hsi (.:\ \WI s 1111 \X Ills .1 r,timit t,miplumty s icia it XIS! /1111.0. rt:thInt tnt Illt. IIIIsIS tIWX 2 Thursday, April 23, 1991 San Jose State University CENTERSIAGE

CENTERSTAGE SIAIT EDITORS: Angela Hill, executive editor Monica Campbell, features editor Jason Rothman, arts and entertainment editor Lynn Benson, production editor Leslie A. Salzmann, photo editor Donna Brammer, chief photographer ANIMIninit Out Traci Deguchi, copy chief

CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS: Today: Lynn Benson Campus: Bay Area poet and critic Robert Hass will give a free public reading Brooke Shelby Biggs of his poetry at 8 p.m. in 109 Washington Square Hall. For his collec- tion titled, "Twentieth Century Pleasures: Prose on Poetry" Hass won Adele Gallucci the National Book Critic's Circle Award for criticism. Mike O'Reilly Dance: F/X the club presents London disc-jockey, Para, along with disc-jock- Jason Rothman eys Spun and Harry Who? Music starts at 9 p.m., admission is $5 and urn Silva free before 10:30 p.m. with a Blackcard. Ages 21 and over only. The Cactus Club presents Disco Inferno with disc-jockey King Raffi. CONTRIBUTING Admission is free before 9:30 p.m. and $4 after. Ages 21 and over only. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Shelia Dawkins Vdina Nurse Friday: Marne Rowland Concerts: Comedian Victor Borge and composer Peter Nero will headline the San Jose Symphony's SuperPops! concert at the Event Center. The show DIRECTORS: begins at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $42 and student discounts are available. Call for information. Michele Ball, advertising Movies: "The Player," stars Tim Robbins and is a self-mockery of the Holly- Hanh Schnittgrund, art director wood movie business. Read a review of "The Player" in Friday's Spartan Greg Campbell, production manager Daily. Opens at selected theaters. "Passed Away," a star-studded black comedy that has been likened to A R T1STS: "Heathers," stars Bob Hoskins, Pamela Reed and Maureen Stapleton. The movie depicts the trials during a three-day-long Irish wake. Opens Hanh Schnittgrund at selected theaters. Lisa Quinn

A cco UNT EXECU77VES: Saturday: Mike Cho Concerts: The Jerry Garcia Band will be performing at the Event Center. Show Neelam Patel starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $21. Read a review of the show in Tues- Nader Saghafi day's Spartan Daily. Call 924-6374 for more information. Ryan Case The Judy Bats, a rising alternative band from Knoxville, will be at One Step Beyond in Santa Clara. They will be performing songs from their debut "Native Son." Doors open at 8 p.m., show starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door and $8 in advance. All ages welcome.

Theater The City Lights Theater Company presents the grand opening of "The Speed of Darkness," directed by Amy Glazer, head of the perfor- mance area at SJSU. The play depicts the life of a Vietnam veteran try- COVER ILLUSTRATION: ing to make a life for himself. Grand opening tickets are $20, and $10 for By Fred Limpert students after the premiere. The play will run through May 23. 1

CENTERS TAGE San Jose State University U Thursday, April 23, 1992

May sweeps bring hype and hysteria to television LOS ANGFI FS (AP) The 1991-92 television plays Rose White, a k.a. Raisa Weiss, a 1947 career girl Happy happy, joy season has officially ended. Unofficially, however, it's living a double life in Manhattan. When older sister still going. Amanda Plununer arrives fresh from a concentration May sweeps begin tonight. And so, to cover the next camp, White must reconcile her past and her present A 27 days, here is a semiofficial guide to the hype and Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation. joy for Nwktoons hysteria that go band in hand with network program- "Dayo," Sunday, May 3, 7 pm. EDT, 9 p.m PDT. ming during sweeps periods. Delta Burke stars in a two-hour comedy about a proles- Turd of the standard super-hero cartoons? You and me both. But, put this sensational sional thanks to Nickelodeon, there is a mason to wake up on Sunday morn- Remember, the reason networks woman whose life turns upside down when her ings. They're called "Nicktoons," and they're hysterically funny. stuff on in overwhelming doses is to make more money. imaginary childhood friend reappears. "Nicktoom" consist of three somewhat warped, all different and The more people watch, the more affiliate stations can "Cruel Doubt," Sunday, May 17, 9 pm and Tues- yet blatantly, unabashedly funny cartoons called "Rugrats," 'Doug" charge advertisers. day, May 19, 9 p.m. A two-part miniseries starring and (my personal favorite) "Ren and Stimpy." So even though the season ended April 12, original Blythe Danner in an adaption of writer Joe McGinniss' The title character of "Doug" is an insecure, love-kin 11 -and-1/2 programming continues until May 20. The following is best-selling nonfiction book. Danner plays Bonnie Mn year old who has a dog named Porkchop who lives in an igloo- brought to you courtesy of capitalism. Stein, who was stabbed and beaten in an attack that shaped doghouse complete with satellite dish, a best friend named NBC: killed her husband and eventually left her 20-year-old Skeeter Valentine, who is overly-enthusiastic about everything in the "Miss Rose White," Sunday, 9 p.m. Kyra Sedgwick son as a prime suspecL world, a bully named Rodger Klotz who terrorizes him and a girl, the beautiful, popular Patty Mayonnaise for whom he desperately longs, but who, alas, sees him only as a friend. Throw in a sister who is a beatnik / performance-artist and the normal angst of any Tube Talk pre-teen for flavor, and you 1111111% RECIIROSIVIDEB have a delicious cartoon fea- turing a character who is so believable that you'll recog- nize him as the kid who sat behind you in sixth grade. No matter what types of E scrapes Doug and Porkchop get into, and despite his unre- quited love for Patty the god- dess, you can't help but root . . for him. He is the David .. among the Goliaths of Sunday By Lynn Benson C K S morning cartoons. Really funny stuff. "Doug" alone is a reason to get out of bed at 10-.00 am. Sunday morn. But it is "Rugrats" and the following "Ren and Stimpy" that justify delaying your mid-morning Sunday nap. EME4 McLACH LAN MONKS OF DOOM "Rugrats" follows the adventures of a group of young toddlers and the adults who care for them. The main character, Tommy Picldes, Sarah McLachlan MAN CALIAD I and his band of curious toddlers are tortured by an older, bigger pre- Igo. schooler who is their main antagonist, with the exception of the omnipresent family dog. Each cartoon lasts for about 10 minutes, and they always have a happy ending where the infants inevitably triumph over adversity. The perspective of seeing the events through the chil- OL4 AT ..... innovative expect to see a lot of Hill,. . 011 WINN NOM . N., dren's eyes is cute as well as INTO 5.1, I Ilf MAWS 10 DR D. v 114.4 as the adults bend down to pick up wtos sous ION Rat MANI. adults' knees and oversized faces t ... - the children. It's a nice, calm cartoon perfect for the weary viewer 11.99 CD 11.99 CD who's morning caffeine has yet to kick in. 7.99 CS 7.99 CS 11.99 CD 7.99 CS And then there's "Ren and Stimpy." This is a tough one to explain. I'll begin by saying that it is without a doubt the best show of the THE CHURCH CHRIS MARS METAL FLAKE MOTHER Ren Hriek, a strung-out Chihuahua, and television season. Featuring t7I CHRIS MARS a short), this car- NORM WOE 5 AND NAND GIN N A DI his dopey companion, Stimpson J. Cat (Stimpy for 41110 ' off the deep end. WAY off. toon, and possibly the cartoonists, are way /(/ FOX broadcasting network originally aired "Ren and Stimpy," but 4110 quickly (and unwisely) dropped it from their line-up. Nickelodeon 4E10 ' gleefully snapped it up and, to the "happy happy happy, joy joy joy" (a Ren and Stimpy buzzword) of college students everywhere, have six episodes in existence ever since. 32 more been recycling the .1.1.'1' Includes episodes are in production, according to Todd Phillips of Nick- AIPP.EFEELPARADOX grjraftl ae Jara S’ea public relations. elodeon 11.95. CD 7.99 CS 11.99 CD 7.99 CS 11.99 CD 7.99 CS The best thing about "Ren and Stimpy" is that you can watch a single episode four or five times, and still laugh with maniacal glee CALF& & EFFECT HEY STEVIE WEBB WILDER during each viewing. My roommate and I had an episode on video- tape and watched it at least that many times, and still found it fresh :AUU& AFFECT Ei3 d NIP was called "Space Madness," ANONIII MINUTE and funny. My favorite R & S cartoon HEY SINE humor ad: 11; featuring Ren and Stimpy in orbit. Filled with bathroom DEATH SY NEARTSAFAA (when was the last time you saw Bugs Bunny failing in a bathtub?) and jokes about Ren's space madness affliction where be hallucinates that his bar of soap is an ice-cream bar ("I have loved this ice-cream bar since I was a child ... Oh, icy-cream bar, bow I love to lick your creamy center..." be says to a concerned Stimpy). If Tunothy I cary EH loom rOUGI OUT ever designed an animated cartoon, it would be "Ren and Stimpy." SOHN MIN drugs. It Do NOT watch this show while under the influence of illegal I: 11 39 CD 7.99 CS 9.99 CD 5.99 CS 11.99 CD 7.99 CS will blow your mind. Also on the same episode was a commercial about "Yak Shaving Day," in which the great unshaved Yak travels in OPEN 9AM TO MIDNIGHT EVERYDAY! SALE ENDS &SO 92 his magic canoe to Stimpy's house, and the next morning, Stimpy races into his bathroom and upon looking into the sink, exclaims joy- fully, "Oh joy! Shaving scum!" and with that, he puts the shaving NUB BELBMS I VIIIEB muck into his pocket and sighs dreamily "He got my letter." Ya gotta check these out. These are not your average cartoons. SAN FRANCISCO SAN MATEO BERKELEY DUBLIN One glimpse and you'll he hooked. NOW OPEN CONCORD MOUNTAIN VIEW CAMPBELL lkin't say I didn't warn you. SAN FRANCISCO IAN MATEO MAKIN MOUNTAIN VIEW LARKSPUll 2727 El Carnno Roal MNIII Cereal RI, COL WNW. AVI 6694 Amador Plus Rd Old San anlonos Rd Brooke Shelby Biggs will return next week. a 510 Duranl Avo concoRD NARRIIT 01011 rowel, VOID CAMPIDELL *me next to Cost Pip' DM I.0100.. AA STOMA IITOW0 0 IA '.... .I.I..cII I.I0 ’A AA 12150 E Milo* Pass Rd l 900 S Bascom A. 4 Thursday, April 23, 1992 San Jose State University CENTERSTAGE Wedding bells equal big ratings

LOS ANGELES (AP) in November, February and May, If nothing else, the weddings With television networks figuring which happen to be ratings are a contrast to the TV movies' album mixes styles wedding bells can ring up big sweeps months," said Alan usual preoccupation with women television ratings, characters on Sternfeld, ABC's vice president in jeopardy and nasty crimes in for program planning."That small towns. By Brooke Shelby Biggs TV series are heading for the Daily vial writer altar in unprecedented numbers doesn't mean nothing happens at This month and May wed- as this season draws to a close. other times, but it's much better dings are scheduled on "Civil Who the hell is Michelle Shocked? Let's classify her, just to piss her off: "It's a staple of television that when it occurs in those three pre- Wars," "Perfect Strangers"and Michelle Shocked is a career iconoclast births, weddings and such occur cious months." 'The Wonder Years." She's a critical and popular success, but don't expect her to own up toil Four into her peculiar career, she still refuses to step inside the sys- tem, to enjoy the perks of stardom, to wear pop icon threads. It would wreck her image of the unpredictable vagabond songwriter. With her latest release, "Arkansas Traveler," Shocked has completed what she calls a trilogy. 'Mat might suggest a common theme on consecu- tive albums, but the only similarity between them is their uniqueness. Grand Opening TIED HOUSE The first two albums, "Short Sharp Shocked" and "Captain Swing" Santa Ulara's First couldn't have been less alike the first a rocking-blues collection, the sec- Cafe & Brewery ond a foray into New Orleans swing. Sushi Boat In the interest of ironic consistency, Shocked has made "Traveler" not An American lieerhall only unlike either of the first two albums, but unlike anything any other popular artist has offered. "Arkansas Traveler" is a buffet of marvelous funk, rock, country, blues, 25% off Taste our GOLD MEDAL winner Tied House Dark, bluegrass, minstrelsy and ALL SUSHI our SILVER MEDAL winner Tied House Dry, other unclassifiable styles. on our sushi boats and our SIX other fresh, handcrafted brews Shocked reached back, grabbed her southern musi- I Free California Roll I cal roots and came up with 65 N. San Pedro Ito fint 23 peso a truly inspired album. at sushi boat I San Jose Shocked conceived of I Mit LAinch Ikeitley-nrayear Drew SC I Sta I 408 295-BREW the album years ago, L Nem emens comon ewer MA liat j dreaming of taking 19th Freshdt High Quality Sushi 954 Villa St. century southern black Served on Floating Sushi Boats Mountain View minstrel music that served Beautiful di Relaxing Atmosphere 415 965-BREW as a community and family Inexpensive Prices #8 Pacific Marina bond, modernizing the Alameda tunes and lyrics and find- KOBE 510 571-4321 ing her childhood heroes to Japitnem; Resiruraiti accompany her. (408) 244-3677 FREE PARKING IN SAN JOSE! (kind on So Shocked hit the road t.i., o Show us your dated parking stub and well with her fiance/manager subtract the parking fee front your tab when you buy and a producer in a trailer 2 entrees OR a minimum SIB beverap,e purchase equipped with a studio. Not *Mid with an) other promotion or offer She hit the bacicroads and ramshackle gin joints, find- ing legendary blues artists and shinunering, undiscov- ered indigent talent. One song was recorded in a living room, another in a barn, another on a barge. In every case, the produc- tion value is remarkable 3+1 Fun! crystalline, and the small- II A AR ... All I 0 ! space friendly mood is pre- mai: served. 1.44'. Enjoy it all at San Jose Live! This month's events: Doc Watson and his pill 01. HOOP magical guitar join PUbilL11, MONDAYS: $1 well and draft 5-10pm IT UP 2-on-2 Competitions Free Throw Contests Michelle Shocked Slam Dunk Contests Cash Prizes & morel Plus, The Search for the Miller Cold Patrol Bikini Shocked on "Strawberry contest WIN A TRIP TO HAWAII, A CELLULAR PHONE, A SHOPPING SPREE & MUCH MORE! Jam," the classic Ameri- can tune so old, its origins have been forgotten. Clarence "Ciatcmouth" TUESDAYS: Pool & Dart Tournaments CASH PRIZES!! 254 Brown brings his viola to "Hold Me Bad( a Shocked update of "Franks. Bladder Busters Join KRTY in Puzzles for Tequila Tuesdays, and Johnny." featuring live music by JR & The Sidemen. WEDNESDAYS: Human Darts Rib Eating contest The Dating hick lbpelo, l'aj Mahal, the Hothouse Flowers, Dollar Bill, and tens of tGame Flight Night. $2 8-52S, 504 Sex with the Captain, plus lesser-known folksy musicians also oontrilxite their down-home hospitality fun & games dedicated to people in the airline business! and rich talents to the project. THURSDAYS: Stand-Up comedy Thirsty Thursdays: $2 20 Shocked doesn't pale in comparison either. On mandolin and guile, oz Budweiser Greek Night And Softball teams...ask Shocked holds her own, and polishes the product with her tremulous, sharp about our free parties! and distinctive vocals. FRIDAYS 11 SATURDAYS: Live Classic Rock & Roll Late Certainly the high point of "Arkansas Traveler," however, is a slowed- Night Dance Party And those Crazy Piano Players! down VINSE011 of "Cotton-Eyed Joe" called "Prodigal Daughter." Shocked SUNDAYS: $1 well & draft, 7pm to close' took the nonsense lyrics ("Had not it been for Cotton-Eyed Joe, I'd have And of course, your favorite sporting action daily on our 32 IV been married a long time ago") and made it a powerfully simplistic testa- monitors and 3 big screens. Come check us out. ment to the trials of a southern woman who has an abortion. Alison Krauss, by far the greatest folk fiddle player of all time, adds some spice to the oldest riff in southern fiddle history. She is joined by Ali- son Brown on banjo, and speed the pace at the end until even the most 150 S FIRST ST SAN JOSE reserved two-stepper can't help but kick up his heels. 401 294-LIVE All in all, it's a wonderful menagerie of Americana. It is especially rec- ommended for country fans, but anyone who appreciates the fundamentals 21'.1 Gs MIN that gave birth to almost every subsequent American form will love the res- NOM Of Petition Sunday 11 30arn to mOntstif, Monday Saturday 'I 30am tot 00arn urrection of history here. Covet crerse SYNCite, ti MOIKiey Wednesday ins Inursdee 13. ntlay a Setwelay 15 (Caye, Mensal Beim) CENTERSTAGE San Jose State University Thursday, April 23, 1992

TheSJSU Baseball Team Blowing loses a close game to Stanford. Read the story on \C4F-:73rwitrarn into San page 6. Jose HAPPY HOUR . 51111.8 Wynton Marsalis WEEKDAYS .S1 DRINKS PIANO BAR plays an inspired THURSDAY FRIDAY

show for a half DANCE WITH THURSDAY HYDROMATICS empty venue SHOW STARTS 9:00-$3 true celebration Of course, what would music, FRIDAY in the sun. This jazz and blues be without "Pedro's APRIL 24 was feel-good Getaway," a rough, tough, tumbling BIG MEN ON CAMPUS jazz, swing, piece that left you panting for San Jose's Craziest Rockers II- Velina Nurse Daily staff photographer wave your breath. hands above It moved fast, running scared, SHOW STARTS 9:00-$5 Wynton Marsalis played a two-hour show at SATURDAY your head, hon- hiding, frightened by other forces. the S.J. Center for the Performing Arts ey - dripping You could feel the tenseness, the APRIL 2.5 THE CHARMS music. rush to get away. And with the clar- AN ALL-GIRL GROUP FROM THE SIXTIES By Les Mahler There's the sun, the wind, the inet solo, the music drove you Daily staff writer ocean waves, the earth, the food round and round, an endless whirl MONDAYS and dance to celebrate. wheel of movement, and escape. TOON'S GOES LOONEY WITH If money is the root of evil, then Marsalis and his troupe of magi- Throughout each piece, each APRIL 27 BIG MEN ON CAMPUS music is the root of all passion and cians created a magic carpet to tune, each blare of trombone, alto 50( BEER TILL 10 Wynton Marsalis is the ultimate carefully lift the listener from mood sax, clarinet, slide trombone, $1 DRINKS composer. to mood: body to mind. passion to Marsalis weaved a tapestry of AUDMON FOR A BUDWEISER Performing to a crowd of about empathy, joy to sorrow. See WYNTON on Page 8 700 Tuesday evening at the San In his original composition, COMMERCIAU 5:00PM Jose Center for the Performing "The Majesty of the Blues," Arts, the eight time Grammy Marsalis lapped into the frenzy of TUESDAY Award-winning Marsalis mesmer- unstructured blues, dashing and CINEBA1417 APRIL 28 Tom Merrell & ized, captivated and completely car- dancing, in and out, up and down, ried his audience into a mild frenzy running and standing still. If there Electric Sunshine of passion. was a place to hide from the gusto And forgive Marsalis for being of the music, it must have been in WEDNESDAYS 10 minutes late. His performance the frozen tundra of the North Pole. A drinking person's bar! RISE well made up for his tardiness. This was music free falling into a Where Fraternities DANCE RAVE WITH RICK PRESTON Marsalis started it all out with a complete oblivion, adrift on an & Sororities meet! two-piece funeral dirge, exploring ocean of time. No drugs or fighting! OPEN MON - FRI 5:00 PM, SAT - SUN &OD PM both sides: pain and joy. A change of pace was next, 69 E. San Fernando 52 E. SANTA CLARA STREET (c..D SECOND 292-SING (7464) Pain, a slow drum beat, a "Embraceable You." Light the can- (corner of 2nd) methodical bass and the solemn tin- dles, drown the house lights and kering of piano keys created the place a log on the fireplace. Danc- first piece. ing lights in the eyes of a loved one, There was black, somber, gut- stretching and pulling you in deeper wrenching jazz that floated on the and deeper. Always free delivery wind and drove you to understand This was soft music that the sadness of a funeral procession. explored sexuality and sensuality If you closed your eyes, the vision all in one movement and breath. It of a dirge travels past and the wag- was soft, alluring, driving and pene- on carrying its sad cargo becomes trating. Smooth and mellow to fit 41$: start reality. the mood, and sift through your fin- Buy one slice... Suddenly, without warning, the gers. music stopped, changed and picked Thank you for the moment, I get your second slice FREE!' up. Joy, life, partying, laughter a Marsalis. second slice must be of equal or lesser value 1 Co"Pos =Ps. 4/36/9? ha* nos touts. ;,or ton .... yam sum moo re aro m.o. wow 0

vvitvus I 135 W SANTA CLARA ST DOWNTOWN SJ CHINESE CUISINE- FOOD TO GO 280-0707 Mandarin & Szechuan Cuisine Box Lunches To Go 1640 S BASCOM AVE CAMPBELL OPEN DAILY Lunch & Dinner I1:30.9:00 P.M. Catering Available Coupon aartrat 5/7/9/ tirrai 0.0 cnopon per fed*, 369-8200 eee 294-3303 or 998-9427 131 E. Jackson Street Don't forget All You Can Eat Sundays!!! 6 blocks North of Santa Clara Between 3rd & 4th Strect (5.10 PM in the San Jose location TAGE 6 Thursday, April 23, 1992 San Jose State University CENTERS

Shelia Dawkins Daily staff photographer Rachel Pitcen, 6, rides a horse at Alum Rock Park in San Jose. The park contains a variety of recreational trails. Where to go for hiking, biking relaxing

By Adele Gallus:el and Jim Silva the Gold Rush around 1845 very green. Wildflowers are in Hours: The park is open from 8 are also 20 barbecue areas, six of Daily at vmten and was turned into a park in 1976, bloom, making for an excellent spot am until 30 minutes after sundown. which are located by the stables. according to park ranger Tom Bor- for hiking, jogging or mountain bik- Location: 23201 McKean Rd. When the going gets tough, the ra. A small museum is home to ing, according to park ranger Kathy Calero Reservoir County (off Almaden Expressway) tough retreat. photos and exhibits of old mining Satterlee. Park San Jose Phone number. (408) 268-3883 And California weather is the equipment and photographs of the Alum Rock's 13 miles of trails Admission: $3 per vehicle, $3 perfect excuse for anyone to experi- early days of the area The museum are moderately difficult ranging This 2,284-acre county park has per boat ence the lazy days of stammer ... or is open the public on Saturdays from hard to easy. the only lake that contains a lot of Hours: 7 am. to dark for every- spring ... or fall ... or winter. Step from 10 am. to 4 p.m. You can pick up a jogging map water at this time, according to Ed one / 7 am. to 30 minutes prior to beyond the confines of your back- Quicksilver Park offers 3,598 detailing all of the trails in the park Richard, a seasonal maintenance sunset for lake users. yard to the great outdoors where aaes of land and 30 miles of eques- including distance and difficulty at worker. nature is the architect trian and hiking trails that range the visitor's center. The center also Boating, jet skiing and water ski- Castle Rock State Park In conjunction with the local from hilly to flat. There is no moun- has an exhibit of native animals and ing are permitted on the lake. Fish- Saratoga Earth Week festivities, we present tain biking allowed in the park. flowers. ing is also "pretty good," Richard you with an easy way to get back in Maps and brochures are available Satterlee said the North Rim said, especially for bass. Reserva- Located in the foothills above touch with the outdoors. Here you for free at the park's entrances. Trail is a beautiful biking trail that tions are required for lake use on Saratoga, Castle Rock is a popular can find some good places to fish, Thar are several walk-in sights; no extends for about four miles. The Saturdays and Sundays. spot for rock climbers and repellers, hike, mountain bike or just relax vehicles are allowed into the park. Creek Trail is another four-mile trail There is plenty of wildlife, such but also offers the average person a and enjoy some fresh air. Bona said for mountain bikers. as deer, wild pigs, wild turkeys, chance to do some hiking. All of the sites are conveniently Location: Mockingbird Hill People wishing to mid the $3 squirrels, eagles and hawks. Occa- The park extends for 3,600 located close to MU and most of Lane off /Unladen Road per vehicle entrance charge on the sionally, a mountain lion has also aaes, but only 100 acres are in use. them are inexpensive. Phone number: (408) 268-3883 weekends and holidays can enter been spotted There are 25 walk-in sites that allow Here is our list Admission: Free the Creek Trail on bike near the The park does not contain a visitors to traverse various types of Hours: Open from sunrise to intersection of Penetencia Creek bicycle trail. However, there is a trails ranging from extremely steep Almaden Quidollver Park sunset, seven days a week. Read and Toyon Road, said Sauer- horse ranch with stables. Horseback and rigorous to very easy. The Cas- New Almaden lee. riding and jogging are permitted tle Rock Trail is the most popular Alum Rock Park Location: 16240 Alum Rock along the 15-mile trail which pro- and most visited of the park and Located in South San lose this San Jose Ave. at Crothers Road vides a good view of the reservoir. leads to Castle Rock itself. park was once the largest mercury Phone number (408)249-5477 Horses can be rented for one hour at The Saratoga Gap Trail allows mine in the United States. The an= The park, benefiting from a rain- Admission: $3 per vehicle on $12.50, one and a half hours at people to hike to 23 primitive camp was first mined for mercury during soaked winter and a sunny spring, is weekends and holidays $15.00 and two hours at $20. There sites the hub of Castle Rock Part. CENTERSTAGE San Jose State University Thursday, April 23, 1992 7

helial wIcas Daily staff photographer Zack Clark, 3, touches a large-mouth bass being held by Sean Takeuchi, who caught the fish at Vasona Park in Los Gatos. Zack's mother Jennifer Clark, right, looks on.

The park's headquarters is stationed by intermediate to expert mountain leases out part of its land to cattle issued. Picnic areas, a small pond occasional mountain lion can also there and maps and firewood are on bikers. They encourage to wear hel- ranchers and bikers can ride along where visitors can feed the ducks be spotted. sale during the weekends. It is ille- mets and to bring water because the the mooing cows. and an 18-hole golf course offer a Location: 11401 Stevens gal to cut down firewood in a state trails are rigorous. Along with the cattle, the park wide range of activities for students Canyon Rd. (at Foothill Express- Park. Though water skiing, jet skiing also features an array of wildlife, to enjoy the outdoors. way) Location: 15000 Skyline Boule- and boating are not possible on the including deer and hawks. Hang gliding is another activity Phone number 867-3654 vard south of the intersection of relatively shallow lakes, fishing is There are three small ponds that is popular at Ed Levin. Admission: Free, $3 to launch a Highways 9 and 32 permitted for those 16 yeas of age located in the park where catfish Location: 3100 Calaveras Road boat Phone nwnber. (408) 867-2952 and older who have valid California and bass fishing is popular, and at Downing Reed Hours: 8 am. to dusk. Admission: Free fishing licenses. there are 20 camp sites available on Phone number. 262-6N0 Hours: Open from 6 a.m. until Meyer recommends Coil Lake a first-come, first-serve basis. Admission: There is a ..1 charge Uvas Canyon County Park sunset. and Kelly Lake for the more experi- Horseback-riding lessons are also per vehicle on weekends and holi- Morgan Hill enced fisherman. He said these available at the stables. Free maps days until the end of May when the Henry W. Coe State Park lakes contain an abundant amount of the trails, ponds and campsites fee is charged seven days a week This I,049-acre park is located of big fish. can be picked up at the park head- Hours: Open from 8 a.m. until in a canyon among the Santa Cruz Santa Clara County There are also 20 primitive quarters. dusk for non-campers. Mountains and features several The lakes are full and everything campsites, the bathrooms of which Location: 18495 Mt. Hamilton waterfalls and seven miles of trails is green at Henry W. Coe State have pit toilettes, as opposed to Road at Quimby Road Stevens Creek County for hiking. It offers 25 campsites Park, according to Dean Meyer, flush toilettes, and no showers. Phone number. 274-6121 Park Cupertino and several picnic areas are avail- park maintenance worker. On Sunday, them will be a salute Admission $3 per vehicle on able on a first-come, first served In the 1800s, it was a working to Earth Day at the Park Visitor's weekends and holidays This 777 -acre county park is basis. A one-mile trail leads along cattle ranch. Today, that area is con- Center from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. Hours: Open from 8 am. until located in the foothills of the Santa Swanson Creek to the waterfalls sidered park headquarters. The rest Location: E. Dunne Ave. (14 sunset. Cruz Mountains. It contains an through a beautiful grove of trees. of the park the second largest miles east of Morgan Hill) archery range and a short trail for The park is minutes away from state park in California at 68,000 Phone number: 779-2728 Ed Levin County Park mountain bicycle riding. It also has Uvas Reservoir, a popular attraction acres is considered back country. Admission: $3 per person / per Milpitas trails for hikers, joggers and eques- for fishermen. The dam is stocked In the 22,000 acres comprising night for backpackers, $5 day-use trians. Trails are also located along a every two weeks with trout by the the Orestimhe Wilderness, no bicy- fee per vehicle for day hikers, $7 The 1544-acre park is located in riparian environment, a river Department of Fish and Game. Call cles or vehicles are allowed. The per vehicle / per camp site / per the hills of Milpitas and offers a ecosystem, and the San Andreas Coyote Bait and Tackle at 463-0711 area is restricted to horseback riding night in the headquarter's area wide range of outdoor activities Fault area. for more information. and hiking only. Hours: 8 am. to 4:30 p.m., Mon- including hiking, mountain biking, The park also provides visitors Location: 8515 Croy Road at The fire roads and hiking trails day through Sunday. piandring and golfing. with a lake shore picnic area and a Uvas Road are about 200 miles long. Dogs are The 16 miles of trails can be bartmue area Phone number: 779-9232 not allowLd on the trails, only in the Joseph Grant County Park used for horseback riding and hik- The park has access to the lit- Admission: Daily cost is $8 for headquarters area where they must San Jose ing and range form a third of a mile mont Older open space area which one vehicle and $4 for an additional he leashed and under positive con- to almost three miles. is part of the Mid -Peninsula vehicle to get into the park trol at all times. Horseback riders This 9,522-acre park was for- Following the Monument Park Regional Open Space District. Hours: Park is open from 7 am. must provide their own horses. merly a cattle ranch and was turned Road Trail can lead you to Monu- For those interested in fishing, until dusk. Though year-round backpacking into a park in 1978. It has 40 miles ment Peak which offers a panoram- the Stevens Creek Reservoir is air- is allowed, Meyer recommends of winding fire trails for hiking, bik- ic view of Santa Clara Valley. A rently being stocked with rainbow Vasona Lake Park October through mid-June for such ing and horseback riding. "Ilie park new mountain bike trail that extends trout, according to Mike Sheehan, a Los Gatos an activity; the streams and springs is green and wildflowers are in for seven miles is under a trial peri- park ranger and 1991 SJSU gradu- tend to dry up in the summer when bloom. The park has both hilly oak od basis, so bikers are warned to ate in social science. There is also This perk contains a paved path the temperature can reach the triple groves and flat grasslands. The abide by the rules when traversing plenty of wildlife in the park, Shee- heavily used by roller skaters, jog- digits. Volunteer Bob Kelley said trails vary from easy to difficult and the trail. Helmets are required on han said. Deer, raccoons, skunks the bicycling trails should be used are smooth for biking. The park still the trail and citations will be strictly and bobcats inhabit the park. An See WILDERNESS, Page 8 CENTERSTAGE 8 Thursday, April 23, 1992 San Jose State University SJSU artists reflect their talent at exhibit Mime Rowland Daily staff photographer SJSU artist Robin Whitney's glass slipper is displayed at the 'Memories, Dreams and Reflections' exhibit Mike O'Reilly "Each artist was given an 8 1/2 machines, lakes, flags, self-portraits, "Memories, Dreams And Art Building room 133, will go to Daffy staff writer toll mmx. There were no instruc- a glass slipper and a glittering bra- Reflections," features 78 pieces of help support the Art Alumni Asso- tions nor restrictions put upon zier. art from 100 alumni and faculty ciation, and soften the effects of The fourth installment of SJSU's them," Belcher said. "All we asked In past exhibits the artists have members. budget cuts within the art and An Alumni Association's Annual them to do is return it to us within used clocks, birdhouses and chairs The Art Alumni Association design department. Fund-raiser started Tuesday night. six weeks." as their main source of their materi- sent each artist a letter of invitation Silent bidding on the works have The exhibition and auction pre- Belcher said that the use of mir- al. Belcher said previous to participate through the art depart- begun with the start of the exhibi- sent the artist's reflections of what is rors provided the artist with the auction/exhibits have been success- ment office. tion, and the bidding will conclude an. The SJSU Art Alumni Associa- option to move in a variety of direc- ful on several leveLs. Belcher said the office received with the May 16 auction, where for- tion along with the art department tions, because it is a material not "Just having the event is impor- about 300 answers, but she only mer news anchorman, Jan Hutchins, presents "Memories, Dreams And regularly used in art The freedom tant:' Belcher said. "It is unifying, selected the first 100 to reply. will act as the auctioneer. Reflections," which will run that the materials involved resulted because it offers a place on campus Featured artist of the exhibit are Tickets for the auction are avail- through May 14 at Gallery One in in a number of fun and creative for the art to be seen." Jim Pridgeon, Sam Richardson, able at the exhibit, from the An the Art Building. pieces Belcher said. The fund-raiser also provides an Willis Nelson, Neil A. Boor and Alumni Board of directors and at Theta Belcher, administrator of Belcher said most of the artists opportunity for graduates of SJSU Geri Wetig. the door. the fund-raiser, said each piece of who participated tried to have fun graduates to give a little back to the According to Belcher, the pro- Student tickets are $10, and $15 art has been derived from trans- with their work. From the mirrors art and design department Belcher ceeds from the auction, which will for general admission. Admission to formed Miran the artist received resulted in time said. be held at 8 p.m. on May 16 in the the exhibit is free.

WILDERNESS: Places to escape Recycle the Daily Front Page 7 Vasona Lake. Bas.s, croppie, catfish basis.The park also contains a base- gers, cyclists and rollerbladers, and coy comprise the lake and pro- ball diamond and a volleyball area according to Santa Clara County vide for good fishing. Location: 298 Garden Hill Dr. Park Ranger Sharron Woehl. The The picnic area contains eight Phone number. 356-2729 section of the paved trail that runs large areas which can be reserved Admission: $3 per vehicle on through the park is three to five and can accommodate up to 100 weekends and holidays only, $3 per miles in length. people, according to WOC111. vehicle on a daily basis, effective Dogs are allowed within the Roughly 200 to 300 tables and ore week before Memorial Day to park, but they must be leashed. 150 barbecue pits are available to one week after Labor Day Non-power boats are permitted on visitors on a first-come, first-served Hours: 8 arn. to sundown. , ame & Hobby Shoppe Wynton ANNIVERSARY from pages Ati images and movement, a mixture of green salad thrown in with iit Z ambrosia, sweet and bitter with ilg50TH each taste. I TS Malcom!) By the time the last note hung I Dungeons & wavering in the air, stuck in mid- ..04. stream, flirting acmss the stage and Pre-Reletso a e:7 out to the furthest row, the aowd Pre-relensc.i ire4U ta Y had consumed every blare, strum, Prepoym,nt with 6rcive Non-Refundab chord, formation, every nuance Showtimes 5.00, 7:30, 9:45 (Sat/Sun also 2:30) I and wanted more. Cartoon, Newsreel and Wurlitzer Organ every evening 50p22-9333 I 39189 Fremont I After all, all good things must The Stanford Theatre tfarvM11rive eventually come to an end . Even e cknaclorne T to_r 221 University, Palo Alto (415) 324-3700 Wynton Marsalis. -11a114111111161iit IIIMelillarliiir-111110M1