An Examination of the Trials for Sedition Which Have Hitherto
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. THE LAWRENCE S. FLETCHER MEMORIAL FUND STANFORD SCHOOL OF LAW /fp , 2 SJlfOfiD 111 EXAMINATION OF TRIALS FOR SEDITION IN SCOTLAND. Edinburgh: Printed by Thomas and Archibald Constable, ror DAWID DOUGLAS. Loxºdon . HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND Co. cAMBRidge . MacMILLAN AND BOWE8. Glasgow . JaMES MACLEHOSE AND SONS. AN EXAMINATION OF THE TRIALS FOR SEDITION WHICH HAVE HITHERTO OCCURRED IN SCOTLAND BY THE LATE LORD COCKBURN ONE OF THE JUDGES OF THE COURT OF SESSION "When our ashes shall be scattered by the w1n,ls of heaven, the impartial voice of future times will rejudge your venlict." II em's Speech to Kis Jury. VOLUME SECOND EDINBURGH: DAVID DOUGLAS MDCCCLXXXVIII CONTENTS OF WOL. II. page XI.-Case of MAURice MARGARot, 13th January 1794, XII.-Case of CHARLEs SINCLAIR, February and March 1794, 34 XIII.-Case of Joseph GERRALD, 3d, 10th, 13th, and 14th of March 1794, 41 Proceedings in Parliament, 133 XIV.-Case of GEoRGE MEALMAKER, 10th, 11th, and 12th 150 January 1798, - - - - XV.-Case of ANGUs CAMERoN and JAMEs MENZIEs, 15th and 17th January 1798, 156 XVI.-Case of Robert JAFFRAY, Stirling, 6th September 1798, 159 XVII.-Case of DAVID BLAck and JAMEs PATERson, Perth, 20th September 1798, 162 XVIII.-Case of WILLIAM MAxwell, Edinburgh, 23d June 1800, 165 XIX.--Case of THoMAs WILson, Perth, 7th September 1802, . 168 Observations, 171 XX.—Case of ALExANDER M'LAREN and THoMAS BAIRD, 5th and 7th March 1817, 177 XXI.—Case of NEIL Douglas, Edinburgh, 26th May 1817, 192 XXII.-Case of GEoRGE KINLoch, Esquire, 22d December 1819, 204 XXIII.-Case of GILBERT MAcLEoD, 14th and 21st February and 6th March 1820, 207 Observations, 220 XXIV.-Case of John GRANT, HENRY RANKEN, and Robert HAMILTON, 7th, 9th, 13th, 18th, and 25th November 1848, 226 XXV.-Case of JAMEs CUMMING, 9th and 15th November 1849, 244 APPENDIx, 245 SEDITION TRIALS.
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