Federal Aid Should Include All Children, Says Head of Teachers' Federation Statement by Denver Non-Catholic Proves Catholics Not Alone in Opposition to Barden Bill

(Editor*f note: There is a prevalent htd president of the American Federation of Eklund pointed out this grave mistake is to all its children, just as all its children be­ the bill shows a complete evasion in providing mistaken idea that opposition to the Barden Teachers, A. F. of L. His statement was when he testified strongly against the bill in come both its warriors and its citizens. aid to Negro children in the South." and other unjmt federal aid to education bills based on a conference that he had with Rep. Washington before the House Committee on “ The establishment of facilities for health In his testimony before the Barden com­ is from Catholic sources alone. Whether John Lesinski of Michigan, who controls the Education and Labor. He said the great need examination and care should be decided by any mittee, Eklund also advocated that “ funds, purposely or not, the secular press has played majority of votes to bring the Barden bill out is for “ a fundamental program of child care school that finances at least 60 per cent of such as those in the G.I. Bill of Rights, be down-opposition to the innate injustice of the of the committee. for all children.” He returned last week from the local support of a health program. The made to benefit all those who are qualified for bill that has been voiced in other quarters. “Just wha't is the entire stand the Com­ his trm to the Capitol. ultimate aim then would be health and welfare higher education.” This article, giving the views of a non-Catholic munists are taking,” said Eklund, “ I have “ We know now that 40 per cent of the to all children wherever they live or study.” After Eklund gave the views of the Amer­ who is national president of an A. F. of L. been unable to find out. I know, however, that men walking through the draft-room doors If the Barden bill does become law, Eklund ican Federation of Teachers, he sparred verb­ union of iOO locals for teachers of elementary, they favor federal aid to public schools only. between 1941 to 1945 were physically unfit for sees various ways in which a state could ally with the chairman of the committee, who secondary, and college levels, should help dispel Both Eklund and Rep. Lesinski take ex­ service in the armed forces. That in itself misuse the funds. “ There are no controls on sought to argue down his position. Finally that mistaken idea.) ception to the Barden bill, which reserves fed­ should be a rude awakening to us of this what the state will do with the money, because the author of the five-page bill jumped to his By Don E berle eral aid only to public schools and deliberately health failure. no audit is required by the federal government. feet in exasperation. “ Mr. Eklund, is ther^ The Barden federal aid to education bill cuts off any assistance, such as transporta­ “The responsibility does not stop with Whereas any other type of federal support re­ anything about the bill you do like?” I is doomed, according to John M. Eklund of tion and health service, that children of non­ those who are enrolled in public schools. The quires an accounting, the Barden bill requires "Yes, there is, Mr, Barden,” he replied, “ I the Opportunity school in Denver, national tax supported schools now may be receiving. nation’s responsibility for physical well-being it only after the money is spent In addition like its brevity.” Three Churches to Be Dedicated in One Week Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1949— Penqjssion to Reproduce, Except Event Unprecedented in Archdiocese Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue, At Englewood School Dedication Buildings in Derby, DENVER CATHOLIC Two Denver Parishes The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Archbishop of Denver, announced this week that he will dedicate three new churches in the Denver area in Assumption week. They are: Mother of Cod church, Speer boulevard and Logan, REGISTER Tuesday, Aug. 16, at 10 a.m. The Rev. John J. Regan is The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We pastor. Hava Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven SmaRe^ Chrbt th^ King church. Eighth and ' Elm streets, Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. I^ice of A. Breen, who died in the Cathedral rectory near midnight he said. ^ Streetcar Chapel Grows Lincoln, Neb. sacrificing Sisters and a nobln Monday, July 25. To be invested in the Mary- “ The cold war of ideologic! between Brighton and Ft. Lnpton band of ladies of the Denver deanj- The donation of a second street­ cresb convent chapel at 8:30 Celebrant of the Funeral Mass is the pastor of the i! aUo recalling Chri!tian! the car to the Goat Hill community, Catechism classes have been held ery are doing a magnificent piece a.m. Aug. 17 are Frances For­ Cathedral, the Very Rev. M o n s i------world over to a clearer !en!e of on W. 66th east of N. Federal in the past year at Goat Hill and of Christian charity in acting as rests Minot, N. Dak.; Doris gnor Walter J. Canavan. Deacon duty and re!pon!ibility. boulevard, Denver, will make pos­ Mushroom by the St. Thomas Uni father and mother to these morjs Tsclncher, Hemingford, Neb.; of the Mass is the Rev. Richard "We are at a turning point in sible a chapel 25 by 40 feet, ac­ versity club members. Sodalists than seven hundred (700) help­ Duffy, pastor of St. Joseph’s par­ history,” he concluded. “ The tor­ cording to Father J. P. Trudel, S.S. from S t Catherine’s parish are and Delores Macrito of Denver. less children. jl ish of Fort Collins, a classmate ments of our time are the pangs A common roof will be built over teaching migratory workers at F t ’Those taking final vows are Sis­ The problem of child csre is of Father Breen at St. Thomas of a new birth. God grant it may both streetcars and a belfry will be Lupton in co-opwation with the ter M. Joseph Brow, Casper, Wyo.; growing locally in proportion tb '^Fminary. The Rev. Edward Ley­ be so.” added. The chapel will accommo­ University club. O Sister Marion Rotherham, Ewing, our increase in population. Yop den, close friend of the deceased, Father Dietz’ years in China date 200. Both atreetcars'^ere gifts of the Neb.; Sister M. Kathleen Dillon, know how the coat of living haa is acting as subdcacon, and will were from 1920 to 1937. In Jan­ From 150 to 200 attend the three Denver T #a m w a y corporation. Alliance, Neb.; and Sister M. Ei­ mounted in your own homes. Thp also give the sermon. Master of uary, 1935, while a member o^ the Sunday Masses said by Father They were moved without charge leen Gran, Mission, S. Dak. table and other expenses in proi- ceremonies is the Rev. John Regan, Synodal Commission in Peking, he Trudel at Goat Hill, Mushroom, by Chris Sorenson of Longmont, The Rev. H e 1 w i g Krewitt, viding for these little ones havb also a Classmate of .Father Breen. founded Lumen Service, the first and Wurtemberg. The Wurtemberg a non-Catholic, who also moved the O.S.M., of Chicago will assist soared tremendously. The Com|- Monsignor Canavan -.vill give the Catholic news service in China. community is on a farm located boxcar to the Mushroom location. John J. Jepson Archbishop Vehr. munity Chest is doing valiant serv. absolution and officiate at inter­ This organization was recently ice, as we all know, but were it ment ceremogies in Mt. Olivet transferred to the Central Catholic not for outside help, it would ha cemetery. Bureau in Shanghai and renamed impossible for our institutions tp Hua Ming. . Father Breen, a former asso­ meet current expenses and raaka ciate ^itor of the Register, had In 1937 the missioner was sent the necessary repairs of building^ been, in • ill health for several to Rome, where he remained as Seven Johnsons Enter Church and other extraordinary itemji years, but his death was unex­ Procurator General of Maryknoll which occur each year. pected. and editor-in-chief of Fides, inter­ national mission news service of 'Because Catholics Believe in Large Families' 1 commend these seven hundred He was born in Jacksonville, 111., the Propagation of the Faith so­ (700) helpless children to your kind generosity. Your donations Aug. 14, 1913, and attended St, ciety, until 1946. By Rev. Robert Kilbbidge, O.P. faith that is in him. When asked friends, but that she is "proud Sometimes Mr. Johnson finds will be divided among our varioiia Catherine’s grade school and Regis liie Maryknoll General Chap­ “ But why are you becoming by a friend, who had heard of and happy” to be a Catholic. it easier to jest with his non- high school in Denver before en­ child-caring institutions. Thesn ter in 1946 cho!e Father Diets a Catholief They believe in his intentions of becoming a “ Before we entered the Catholic friends than to give rolling in St. Thomas’ seminary in to be one of the four A!!i!tant! latge families.” Catholic: “ What’s the matter, Church,” she adds, “ we thought children remember their bead- 1931. An exceptional scholar, he -General of the order. In hi! “ tVell, I have a large family.” Ed, are you getting ready to it was merely the best of the them a direct defense of his factors in their effective prayei^ was awarded a scholarship to the po!ition B! Secretary General That was the reply of Edward die?” Christian Churches. But now we conversion. There was the time of childish innocence. Basselin foundation of the Catho­ he i! stationed at Maryknoll, Johnson of Denver to the query Mr. Johnson replied, "No, see that it is really the only he was asked why he did ilht May God bless you. lic University of America in Wash­ N. Y. of a solicitous non-Ca^olic we are getting ready to live.” Christian Church, because it is go to some Protestant church Faithfully yours, ington, D. C., and took his philos­ Maryknoll missioners are work­ friend. And so, with his wife Mrs. Johnson, who keeps the original Church founded by when he felt the need of spirit­ Durban J. Veh'r ophy course there, being awarded ing in China, Korea, Japan, and and five children, Edward John­ young by keeping busy, says she Jesus Christ. Words cannot ex­ ual help. “ I had an unfortunate Archbishop of Denvey the master of arts degree in phi­ South America. son was baptized in S t Domi­ cannot think of any clever press our joy in what we‘ have experience once in a Protestant Kindly read this letter at thn losophy in 1936. He returned to church,” he explained with Rev. E. A. Breen nic’s church, Denver, on Sun­ answers to give her wondering found.” Masses on Sunday, July 31. Tho St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, for day, July 17. mock seriousness. “ I married my Collection is to be taken on Sun­ his theology course and was or­ of 1946 for further graduate 'Register' Staff to Offer “ We felt the need of God's wife in one.” day, Aug. 7, and sent to the Chan­ dained by the Most Rev. Urban J. studies, but ill health forced him help in rearing the children,” The Johnsons' unique home, cery within two weeks. Vehr in the Denver Cathedral to return to Colorado. He served Requiem for Fr. Breen Mrs. Johnson explains. “ And 3 Gifts Made to Burse at 3454 W. Moncrieff place, May 18, 1940. as assistant at St. Joseph’s church. when we thought of joining a is the best proof of their happy From 1940 to 1946 he served Fort Collins, from July, 1947, to Members of the Register staff, Church, we thought first of the Three gifts totaling $66 were fill their assignments. And the family life. The interior has Retreot for Women on the Register staff and as as­ October, 1948, during which time of which Father E. A. Breen was a Catholic Church.. Most of our added to the All Souls’ burse ;for shortage of clergy, making it nec­ been remodeled by Mr. Johnson sistant at St. James’ parish in he did outstanding work as chap­ member for nearly six years, will good friends are Catholics. We the education of seminarians in essary for many priests to take with an eye to the practical Scheduled Sept. 1-S Denver, Father Breen was well lain of the Newman club at Colo­ officiate in a Solemn Requiem saw that Catholics take their the past week. The burse now on added duties'and burdens, is necessities of the family, rather in itself often a contributing factor known as a preacher and radio rado A. & M. college. He had been Mass for the repose of his soul religion seriously, and that their stands at $2,314. than for entertaining company. The Catholic Laywomen’a re­ orator. With Monsignor John Cav- stationed at the Cathedral since Thursday, Aug. 4 ,'in the Denver religion is nevei^eless a human A Denver friend donated $60, to ill health and subsequent loss The garage has been turned into treat association will hold its an­ of services for souls in the arch­ anagh he originated the Ask and leaving Fort Collins. He had the Cathedral at 7:46 o’clock. Cele­ and joyful religion.” Mrs. James Freeman of Omaha, a workshop, where the boys are nual retreat at Loretto Heigh$a diocese. Learn radio program heard reg­ professional degrees Litt. M. and brant will* be the Rt. Rev. Mon­ The three oldest children, Neb., gave $6, and $10 was re­ taught how to use their hands. college, Denver, Sept. 1-5, with the ularly over station KOA on Sun­ Litt. D. in journalism from the signor Matthew J. Smith; deacon, Georgianna, 12; Paul, 10; and ceived from an anonymous Denver A coVtribution to the seminary And the back yard, equipped Rev. Paul Waldron, S.S.C., of day evening. He had also been Register College of Journalism and the Rev. James Hamblin; subdea­ Stephen, 9, received their First contributor. burse will aid Archbishop Urban with cement basketball court, Omaha, Neb., as retreat mast^. speaker on the Church of the Air St. Thomas’ seminary. con, the Rev. John Ebel; and mas­ Communion with their parents The death this week of &young J. Vehr to maintain sufficient swings, and trapezes, is a mecca Exercises will open with Benedic­ p^rogram released nationally over Surviving are his mother, Mrs. ter of ceremonies, the Rev. Donal the day after their Baptism. The Denver priest, the Rev, Edward manpower to staff all parishes for the neighborhood children. tion at 7:45 p.m. Sept 1, and cloie CBS. His last major speaking as­ Margaret Breen of 4182 King O’Mahoney, S.S.C. The Very Rev. other children are Michael, 4, Breen, emphasizes the need for and to provide needed relief for Despite the fact that the John­ on Sunday, Sept. 5, at 4:30' p.m. signment was at the dedication of street, Denver, and three brothers; Monmgnor Walter J. Canavan, pas­ and Alan, 2. more priests in the archdiocese. men who are ill. son backyard''playground is now Fifteen dollars will cover expenses Our Lady of the Mountains church Maurice C. of 1652 Oneida street tor of the Cathedral and a former Mr. Johnson, 38, a sta­ There are several men continuing Contributions may be sent di­ under Papist management, at­ for the retreat. Those who wigh in Estes Park in June. and John P. of 716 Hudson street, member of the Register staff, will tionary engineer for the Mer­ their work for souls who would rectly to the Archbishop at the tendance has suffered no de­ reservations should contact Mi^ Father Breen returned to the both of Denver; and James J. of ive a brief sermon. All friends of chants’ Biscuit Co. in Denver, welcome a respite from their duties Chancery office, 1536 Logan street, cline. “ Sometimes,” sighs Mrs. Thomas M. Carioll, 884 S. Penn­ Catholic university in September New Xork city. father Breen are invited to attend. enjoys giving reason for the if thera were priests available to Denver 6, Colo. Johnson, " I wish it would.” sylvania avenue, P£. 5842, ; I FAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Stroof THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephona, KEyifona 4209 Thursday, July 28, 1949

615 17th StrMt Bftvwn Wtitsa Parishioners Cathedral Young People's Club The complete, eventful and In Walden inspiring story of Cardinal Mindszentys life, by a man Very Active To Plan Lobor Day Week End who has been his friend and a ssocia te fo r many years. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Walden.—Catholic activity in CYPC Invifti Now Mamkars: Softball enthueiasta will want to University Club to Hold Waldan, where a new church will be on hand to witness the play-off S»rv0d From 11:00 AMt to 5:00 PM. be built in 1960, is increasing. In Hotttsiat to Visit Fitsiimani Outing at Dedisse Park Choice of Soup or Cocktail past weeks a religious vacation (Cathedral Youag Paopla'i Clah) game between the K-Dueats and (St. Tkomat’ Uniroriity Clnk) CARDINAL BOAST SIRLOII^ OF BEEF/ school for children of the area has The regular business meeting of the Cathedral team, who ended Reservations are still open for Maahad Potatoei, Choice of Vegetable been held by two Missionary Sis­ ill be held at 8 p.m, in St. the season last Sunday in a two- the University club outing at De- IndiTidually Baked ters of Our Lady of Victory. Paul's reading room Wedneiday, way tie for first .place. Each team diisc park Sunday, July 29, Thirty-six attended the classes. Aug. 8. This is a good time for has a record of seven games won Breakfast will be served after 10 CHICKEN PIE prospective members to become MINDSZENTY An Altar society has been and one lost. This decisive game o’clock Mass in Christ the King Rolls, Salad, Dessert and Drink formed for the Walden parish. The acquainted with the club, and all is scheduled for 3 p.m. on Sun­ chapel above Evergreen. Those The Story of a Modern Martyr By Bela Fobion Hirliy Cliti It \U OnoU tf oir Kuia9ii4*«naR 85 Catholic young men and women are PrltftU Dlnlnt Room for Ptrtttt—Phono CH. H I! temporary officers are Mrs. Carl day, July 31, at the baseball dia­ who wish to attend should call cordially invited to attend. At this Torchy Mahoney, SP. 4512, or Mar­ 400 SEATS • NO LIQUOR • ORGAN MUSIC! Johnson, president; Cecilia Adam­ mond, E. Ninth and Columbine. "To rood this komaa story of o ttrooq bnt simpla son, Mary Ann Hamilton, and meeting, plans will be discussed for Other activities of the week are: garet Moore, PE. 5579, for reser­ WHma Schmidt. the club's annual three-day outing Saturday, July 30, tennis at 2 vations by Friday evening, July 29. moa It to bo iaipirod to lovt bottor your God, on the Labor day holiday that will The Rev. Thomas Barry, pastor pjn. in <5ity park. Players will Kistler’s stables, 4601 Belle- your eottotry and your foltowmon, for it it o ttir> be held at Camp Malo. This is one meet at the tennis courts. Maggie view, Littleton, will be the scene of Kremmling and Grand Lake, of the outitanding events of the riog ttory of foitb and charity, of toloroneo, who attends Walden, has in his Reyes, AL. 1807, is chairman of of a picnic on Aug. 13. Swim­ loyolty ond friondthip." year, and •embers are urged to be this activity. ming, dancing, and a picnic supper charge St. Peter’s church and on hand to learn all the details. rectory, Kremmling, and St. Anne’s Mary Moynihan has announced will be included in the $2 charge. FRANCIS CARDINAL tPEUMAN church and rectory. Grand Lake. On Monday, Aug. 1, the CYPC her engagement to Frank Morriss. Riding will be extra. Jack Hickisch hostess group has been scheduled CYPC extends its best wishes will furnish music by name bands. PERSONNEL by the USO-NCCS to visit Fits- to club members Dr. and Mrs. Non-members are welcome at a Simons hospital for a program of Frank Usick (Leone Klenke), who $2.60 apiece. Reservations, with $2.75 is dt 'Pen40Ha6 ^oue4 $1,000 Given games and card playing to be held were married in the Cathedral money, must be in by Saturday, in the Red Cross recreation hut July. 16, and to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Aug. 6. Poitftft paid on caeh or C.O.D. ordort Girls who would like to join this Sotuck (Maryann Zontine), who The discussion group will meet The staff of Boulevard Mortuary treat you as a To Aid Nuns group should call Elaine Petri, were married July 23. at 745 Steele street with Bill human being, not just a bookkeeping . Any Fort Collins.— (St. Jos^h’s Par­ AL. 6916, between 9 and 6, or Fr. BresD, Modarator, Diai Foley 'Thursday, July 28. "Revo­ C om e in o r M a il y o u r o r d e r family can place full confidence in Boulevard— an ish)— The Knights of Columbus Kathleen E. Lare, AL. 4679, after Club members are deeply grieved lution in a City Parish” in the efficient staff embodying*years of experience to ful­ council of Fort Collins voted to 6 p.m., by noon, Aug. 1, so that at the death of Father Edward June issue will be discussed. make a $1,000 donation toward transportation may be arranged. Breen, club moderator, who died Prtient, Post, Prospective \ fill capably every responsibility entrusted to our the building fund for a new sis« Also on Aug. 1, the Camera club July 26. Members are asked to re­ care. ters’ home. will have a meeting at 8 p.m. ^in member him in their prayers. Members. Invited to Social ^WnSLL ClcUlksL St Paul's reading room to ar­ In respect to hie memory, the By St. Joseph's Club Every service is Complete at Boulevard, regardless The road signs and posters tell­ ing the time and pla^ of Sunday range transportation for their hayride was canceled and CYPC (St, Jot.pk’a Young of cost; there are no unexpected extras. Masses have been placed on aU week-end outing on Aug.'^6 and 7 members attended the Rosary for P.ople’i Club) CHURCH GOODS HOUSE main highways, in bus depots, ho­ in the Devil’s Head area. Reserva­ Father Breen in the Cathedral. tions are necessary and may be The horseback ride, scheduled The St. Joseph’s Young People’s tels, and tourist cabins. These club will hold a dance at the par­ were put up and donated by the made by calling Bob Kramer, CH. Thursday, July 28, has been can­ Established 1902 9679, before Friday, July 29. celed also. ish hall Saturday, July 30, for all 1636 Tremont Place Knights of Columbus. present and past members, of the All the windows in St Joseph’s club. The object of this dance is TA. 3789 Denver 2, Colo. church have been remodeled and tb get all young people who were made air tight former members of the club and Mrs. Charles Schneider has re­ Colo. Springs CCW all present and prospective mem­ turned from Kalamaioo,' Mich., bers together. The dance will be­ where she spent about two months gin at 8:30 p.m., and refreshments with her daughter, son-in-law, and will be served. This is a personal their three boys. Has Europe Lecture invitation from the club officers Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hyatt of and members to attend. Indianola ranger station. North The girls from St. Joseph’s club Fork, Ida.' are parents of a girl, will again assi.st at the Infant of The same personnel with years of experience Patricia Katherine, born in Lar­ Prague nursery Sunday, July 31, By Resurrectionist Eight girls from the club worked and finest equipment used on every service. mier hospital July 15. Mrs. Hyatt is a daughter of Mrs. Lena Smith at the nursery July 24; since there of S t Joseph’s parish. Colorado Springs.— The Colo­ General of the Congregation of the are five Sundays in July St. Jo­ St. Clair’s group will sponsor a rado Springs deanery of the Den­ Resurrection, gave travelogue seph’s has been called upon to BOULEVARD assist again July 31. All girls who fried chicken dinner Sunday in St. ver Archdiocesan Council of Cath­ views and an interesting and edu­ can help in this project ^ould be Joseph’s hall from 12:30 to 2:30 olic Women met July 21 at cational talk on historical Europe o’clock. Tickets are $1. at the nursery by 9 a.m. Sacred Heart -Recreation center. that was thoroughly enjoyed by On July 27 the business meeting Wi FEDERAL BOULEVARD AT NORTH SPEER those present. The Rev. John Mix, C.R., Superior of the club was held in the parish hall to outline the program for PHONE Cfian^ 1 6 2 6 The Denver Catholic A rammag. to h.lp da- fray tk. .x p .iii. of furnitking the coming month. Resfister Find God Through Mary, Oar Lady of Guadalupo roetory Thanks are extended to Hazel Published Weekly by the will k. k.ld Aag. 27 in tko kaio- Stewart, chairman of the social Catkolie Press Society, Inc. Radio Orator's Theme mont of Our Lady of Guadalupo committee, and all those who MNVIIUNMJSTRUIMNK helped her make the picnic July 938 Bannock Street, Denver, ekurek. Proiidonti of affiliated C' ' CIOACCioaci r. ROCK. Pn$Um* Colo. New York. — Devotion to the group! aro atkad to appoint a 27 a success. >1534CaMofniaSri,^j ^ CHEVROLET DEALER Friday night, July 22, 26 mem­ Phono MAin5155<. DENVER'S OLDEST Subscription: $1 Per Year Blessed Virgin Mary was urged ekairman for tka group to ko Dsww Dir Good* CitI bers of the club attended the Entered as Second Class by the Rev. Frank Gartland, C.S.C., ratponiikla for rnnimago for y y tkoir monkori. Bears’ ball game at Bears’ stadium. Matter at the Post Office, editor of the Catholic Boy, speaking For SAFE, LAWFUL Denver, Colo. on the Faith in Our Time program. On Aug, 6 those attending first ^ 9 >1 driving, let our expert Planned by St. Francis Club Get This Father Gartland said: "When Friday breakfast at the Blue I I mechanics check your Spruce restaurant are requested we have once found Mary, and by (St. Francis de Sales' Young car’s: Dr. G. J. to bring some kitchen article for People’s Club) COHRELL’S Mary, Jesus; and by Jesus, God the a kitchen shower for the rectory. SAFETY A sports party is planned at Father, we have found all good Mrs. B. J, Fitzgerald and Mrs. HH BRAKES Schaeuble Elitch Gardens Friday, July 29. things, which include all grace and Mary McIntyre will be hostesses. LIGHTS Tho.se wishing to attend will meet CHECK-UP friendship with God; all safety The Knights of Columbus will in front of the high school at STEERING Optometnut against the enemies of God; all receive Holy Communion in a 7:30 p.m. ' EE FRONT-END body in Corpus Christi church in Communion Sunday for club Specialiit truth as opposed to falsehood; com- Todoy the 7:30 o’clock Mass Sunday, members will be July 31. Pews will ANNUAL Froo Estimateil For VUaal plete victory over the difficulties July 31. of salvation; all sweetness and all be reserved for the club at the Eye Caro joy amidst the bitterness of life.” July 11 was the wedding day 9 o’clock Mass. Breakfast will be He was quoting S t Louis de Mont- for Miss Elizabeth Anne Leonard, held afterwards, for those wishing 310 Mack BI«lg. KE. .‘>840 fort daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan­ to attend, at Ray’s restaurant p i ' YIHER iel Greene Leonard o f 1828 N. The regular meeting July 19 was Y IN E R l■ "iJ l-'J , :i:' ■ Corona stroet, and Charles Judah held in the MuJqueen cabin at Mt. Bayard, son of Mrs. Emily Bayard Vernon Country club. A water­ 4 5 5 BROADWAY • TELEPHONE PEorl 4641 of |.as Vegas, N. Mex. The cere­ melon and card social followed the mony was witnessed by the Rev. builness session. Thomas Barry of Grand Lake Marksmen Down For expert ewe examinations, complete op- COAT in the Pauline chapel, Broad­ St. Fronds' Team, 15-4 liral service, and glasses that satisfy, see . . . Patronize moor. Mr. Leonard gave his daugh­ ter in marriage. Mrs. Edward W. (St. Mark’s Young People's Club) Leonard, sister-in-law of the bride, St. Mark’s softball team added DR. M . L. PERITO was matron of hqnor. Joseph L. another game to its victories when Bayard, brother of the bridegroom, St Francis’ YPC was defeated, 320 .Symes Bldg, 16tli at Champa Sts. acted as his best man. Ushers were 16-4, on July 24. The Marksmen; TAhor 2682 25 years Practice Register Advertisers Edward W. Leonard, Frederick took the lead early in the germe Jackson, John Metzler, and Wil­ and never were in danger of los­ liam Railey, A wedding breakfast ing it Many members attended the all­ SALE was served in the green room of the Broadmoor hotel. Mr. and city dance July 21. Thanks are Mrs. Bayard will make their home extended to members from other! Offering Specin! Purchases j o H n s o n in Bloomington, Ind. clubs who attended. Bobo and Mn. J. Blaine Dodd has re­ Clancy kept them rolling in the STORAGE & m ouinc CO. turned from a trip to Chicago, aisles. Sheila and Sharon Fitz­ Bedford, Ind.; and New Orleans, patrick sang several songs. of Brand New Fall Topcoats iJOC/M. dk to m e g>t3T/U%f€E Tell Them After Mass and Commipion in Holy Family church July'24 sev­ Joseph Byrne has gone to Seat­ eral of the members had breakfast b M o v i i v o tle, Wash., to spend the month of at Bennett’s. and Overcoats-TIMELY and August with his nandparents, Mr. The next event is the monthly For the Safety of Your Goods • and Mrs. Michael Bowen. He will adoration hour on Thursday, Aug. enter the University of California 4, in Holy Ghost church from 8 to ' Mansfield de Luxe-Choice You Re^d this fall. 9 p.m. Use Johnson Service on Every Move. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jelinek The softball team will meet St. . ACB.-VTS FOR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. will bo hosts at a dinner July 30 Mary’s of Littleton at E. Ninth honoring Dr. and Mrs. Leo "MOVING WITH CABB EVERYWHERE” and Columbine on Sunday, July Drummy, who have been guests of 31, at 3 p.m. STORAGE - PACKING - SHIPPING the Jelinek family a week. Dr. Drummy is a graduate of the Har­ Council Softball Phone ]^E 2433 Denver 221 Broadway Their Ad vard university medical school Schedule, Results and served his internship at Bos­ Friday, July 29, 5:30 p.m. ton City hospital. He will take K-Ducats vs. Phi Kappas up his residency at the naval air St. Louis’ vs. St. Mary’s base hospital at Quonset Point, Sunday, July 31, 3 p.m. Off Regular R. I., as a lieutenant (j. g.). St. Mark’s vs. St. Mary’s In Cathedral vs. K-Ducats Miss Josephine Baker and Miss Results Janit Warren left Monday on an St. Mark’s, 15; St. Francis’, 6 Prices extended trip that will include St. Louis’, 6; Lourdes team, 4 Mexico, West coast states, and St. Joseph’s, 10; K-Ducats, f Canada. Cathedral, 9; St. Mary’s, 6 THE REGISTER Phi Kappas, 17; Lourdes team, 0 Beautiful All Wool, heavy 2-ply worsted Studmts Not Ignorant St. Francis’. 9; St. Anne’s, 8 GABARDD4ES, Royal Guild and Keigly Coverts. Also fine Hair Cloths and Velours! Enough, Soys Educator DON'T FORGET!! lust Look at What You Save— fA A .O O Notro Damo, Ind. — Most stu ST. BERNADETTE’S 834.50 Topcoats & Overcoats...... S lO dents today aro not ignorant LAKEWOOD withdraw it, as often ai you want. enough, according to Dr. Mortimer The tube will not loie a single pound BAZAAR TONIGHT f « Q . 6 9 J, Adler, profeuor of tho philos­ of air I Try it today! Friday & Saturday $44.50 Topcoats & Overcoats...... miW ophy o f law at tho University of W. Colfax at Garrison Chicago. Speaking to Notro Dame $ Q C . 3 4 'k They Will Appreciate TliU tpac* p»i4 for by students and faculty here, Dr. Ad­ 854.50 Topcoats & Overcoats...... w O ler said that, "instead of being ignorant, most students have er­ COXEN'S TEXACO ^ $ J A . 3 4 roneous opinions, Ths person who Hearing You Say is ignorant doesn’t know, and he SERVICE $65.00 Topcoats & Overcoats...... *TW knows that he doesn’t knqw. The 8351 W. COLFAX person in error doesn’t-know, but $ C A .O O he doesn’t know that he doesn’t 875.00 Topcoats & Overcoats...... v U know. Befors you can givt knowl- We will allow you tdge to. a person in error, you A.B.C. DOLL SHOP $5.00 "I Sow Your Ad must get rid of the error. The Hr. anO Urs. Jskn A. MsCsart full value for your old ; problem of eradicating the error DOLLS and TOYS g HOLDS IN "WILL CALL" 'TIL NOVEMBER doesn’t exist in the ignorant per­ Doll Hospital tubes up son, since he knows he doesn't Ralisloas Statast RspolrsO in know and so is more easily given MIS Arasahas HA. m i knowledge.” The Register" 1) riOCXIHITD JOE KAVANAUGH ITtli Ato. H i E. Itth Art. Lincoln at 7th' Ave. TA. 1261 lMT-41 HorkM Itrsol ^ ^ IB E mmi’S STORE.$2! SIXTTERTI TAbti III* f Thuradoy, July 28, 1949 Offiet, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTEI Telephone, KEyttone 4209 PAGE THI 6 12 Anxious Boys Need Dedication of Englewood School-Milestone in Parish moiifiiiiiziiiKiii wilk 4^ AT THE DEDICATION of the new Summer Camp Sponsors St. Louis school, Englewood, Sunday, A DOZEN YOUNC BOYS are anxiously waiting to leam July 24, is (at left) the principal speaker of whether they are to go to camp this summer. These lads, from the day, the Rev. Edward Leyden, archdiocesan 10 to 17 years of age, are living in the boys’ home, 9 Pearl street, superintendent of schools. Father Leyden is Denver, under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrison. Plastic Tiling for Walls Most of them come from broken homes; some of them have been speaking from the steps of the new school. in difficulties with the law. There are usually from 20 to 25 boys Below arc the two priests of the parish -Asphalt Tilmg for in residence and at the present time four of them are Catholics. with Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, who officiated About three years ago, Father Leonard Abercrombie of St. in the dedication ceremonies. Left to right are Francis de Sales’ parish became interested in these lads, and Bath • Kitchen • founded the Don Bosco club as a recreational character-building the Rev. John Aylward, assistant; the Rt. Rev, project. Its primary aim is to provide the bovs with healthy activi­ Monsignor Joseph O’Heron, pastor; and Arch Basement Floors ties and thus keep theth out of further trouble. There is no direct bishop Vehr. proselytizing, though at the Sunday evening meetings of the group the life of their patron has been studied with good response. NOW FATHER ABERCROMBIE and his proteges are hope­ fully planning a week of camping at the Wild Basin camping grounds in the South St, Vrain canyon. Whether the plans wiu be B & B TILING COMPANY realized depends on the generosity of others. Contributions of Joseph B. Brown • Harold J. Brachle \ funds, food, and help are needed if the camp is to materialize. CRand 9526. Free Estimates Day or Evening Arrangements have been made for tents and sleeping^ bags. A thrilling program of hiking, swimming, horseback riding, fishing, and games has been drafted, and will be implemented if those in more favorable circumstances come to the aid of these under­ privileged ones. Manhattan Restaurant! THE SPIRITUAL PROGRAM includes daily Mass and Rosary. Now Operated by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Combs Non-Catholic campers are under no obligation to be present, but Formerly of Honey Pot Inn snd HorM Shoe Inn must find quiet occupation during the time of the religious exer- Open Daily 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. Including Sundays & Holidays cises if they do not attend. If help is forthcording, the camp will be held from Aug. 7 to BREAKFASTS - LUNCHEONS - DINNERS 14. Any man who can give his services to assist Father Aber­ crombie for this period, or anyone who can donate money or food Barr quel Roorru for Parlies for this worth-while venture, is asked to contact Father Abercombie 1635 Larimer — CH. 9740 — No Liquor Sold at St. Francis de Sales’ jectory, 301 S. Sherman street, PE. 5400. V 11 IIIM IN LOYOLA PARISH ! We Are Plensed to Announce that m t. WALTER E. HEPPKE An Unusual Offering by Owner | is now associated with our company as Chief Chemist, See 2695 St. Paul Street Today! in charge of production. ^ New 3-bedroom quality home overlooking beautiful City Mr. Huppka hai been one of tbe leading Coniulting Cbemiitt 11 Park. Unusual mountain view. Designed by Colorodo'ij of the country for the past 26 yean. leading small homes Architect. Attached garage, GE His knowledge and experience will enable us to give you electric kitchen, specially decorated. Eligible for moxi-* many new products. mum FHA financing. 1e : j . s c a r r y & c o . | Open from 12 noon Manufacturing Chemists :: 1620 Market St. Denver 2, Colo, j: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH: Archbishop Dedicates New School Patronise These Friendly Firms ! Before an audience of some 700 school the flag carried by the ser­ casion was the Rev. Edward Ley­ was Sister Agnes of the Sisters of eople, the Most Rev. Urban J. vice men was blessed by the Arch­ den, archdiocesan director of St. Joseph of Carondelet, who was Open Sundays 9 to 12 Washington Park MkL What to.do about money ehr,. Archbishop of Denver, dedi­ bishop, and given to the Rt. Rev. schools, who traced the history of the superior of the first school, ^ DxJIy. T to T cated the new St. Louis parochial Monsignor Joseph P. O’Heron for the parish from the days when it and who is presently the superior Rudisill IGA .Red & White Food Start school in Englewood Sunday, use at the school. was a mission of St. Francis de of the convent in the St. Louis BILL HUGHES, Prop. ; July 24. After blessing the flag Arch­ Sales’ parish to the present day. parish; the Rt. Rev. Monsig;nor Grocery & Market The dedication ceremonies be­ bishop Vehr read the dedication The dedication services were David Maloney, who was a member Complete Food Semcis Every department in thit bonk li prayers and gave a short talk, com­ concluded with Benediction of the of S t Louis’ parish before the first Quality Meats — Groceries gan with a procession from the St. Frttb snd Froion Fruits snd Vsastebles 598 South Gilpin | menting upon the meaning of the Blessed Sacrament offered by the school was built; and the Rt. Rev. Loeisius a CIsrtoB 8P. 1717 *lt’s Smart te Bs Thrifty* organized for the purpose of Louis church. The Archbishop was prayers and congratulating the Rev. Christopher Walsh, who con­ Monsignor Charles Hagus, whose escorted to the school by an honor brother. Father Louis Hagus, ini­ helping you with your finonciol parishioners of St. Louis’ on the structed the first school in St. guard of Knights of Columbus and contribution they have made to Louis’ parish, Concordia Hall tiated plans for the first school LEN’S Pharmacy interests. You con deposit money former service men. Upon the ar­ the community. school, in 1918. when he was pastor of the St. FINER CLEANING rival of the procession at the Principal speaker for the oc­ Also present at the ceremonies Louis parish in 1913. L. 0. PEHR. Prep. It Costs No More in our savings department and Uuabtr SL Vincent d« Penl'c Parlik Have Your Doctor Phone for the Best earn interest. You eon borrow Ue Your Preicriptioo Prompt Pickup & DeUvery Msgr. Miller Pastor of Pueblo Parish 25 Years 2707 E. Louisiana RA.-3739 money for essential purchosev AIterat|pa* - Drape* At Lenlileni end Soath CUrtan Lamp Shade* Pueblo;—This summer will hiark the silver anniversary on the church debt, the parish was totally free o f financial obliga­ of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Aloysius J. Miller as pastor of St. able to meet all its current ex­ tions. It was a great accomplish­ The firms listed here de­ 'You con use our Bank Money orders or Traveler's Checks) penses. ment, one that was possible only Francis Xavier’s parish. It was just 25 years ago that St. By 1936 economic conditions so through the untiring efforts of a serve to be rem em bered D.U.[IEAIIE» Special Checking Account, or Safe Deposit Boxes. For full Francis’ parish was taken over by the then Diocese of Den­ improved that Father Miller ap­ zealous pastor and the splendid when you are distributing ver. Prior to that time, the parish had been administered by plied to the Bishop for an assist­ co-operation of his parishioners. The people of St. Francis’ remem­ your patronage in the dif­ details on services come in and discuss your problems. the Jesuit Fathers. The Most Rev. J. Henry Tihen, third ant. Fa^er William D. McCarthy 2O6 0 I 0.UNIVEWlTY7?fPE4517 was seiit and remained until the ber, too, the great care and solici­ ferent lines of business. Bishop of Denver, appointed Father Miller as the first summer of 1940, when the Rev. tude he has bad for their spiritual diocesan pastor of St. Francis’ July 31, 1924. Ordained John Kelley succeeded him. When welfare, and of his great love for June 13, 1920, Father Miller Father Kelley was appointed the sick. served as assistant at St. An­ Chancellor of the Pueblo diocese, On Monday evening, Aug. 1, thony’s, Sterling, and as pastor of the Rev. Clement Gallagher of the the people of SL Francis’ will COLORADO St; John’s, Yuma, before being Archdiocese of Denver came to gather in the Minnequa University appointed to the Pueblo pari.sh. take over the duties of assistant. clubrooms to express their appre­ nONNIE BRAE The last day of July, 1924, Father He remained for three years until ciation to their pastor with a din­ Miller and his assistant, the Rev. the Rev. Peter Maas was ap­ ner in his honor. His Excellency, NATIONAL Bernard Gillick, now pastor of St. pointed to St. Francis’. the Most Rev. Joseph C. Willging, Shopping District Joseph’s parish, Salida, arrived in Bishop of Pueblo, will be present, M iM ift riOIlAl OirOSII (N9UIANCI COtrOlAtlON It soon became apparent that a Pueblo to begin their pastoral second assistant was needed. In and also all the assistants who SEVENTEENTH AT CHAMPA • DENVER work at St. Francis’. the spring of 1947, the Rev. James have labored in St. Francis’ in the A tremendous task awaited the McDevitt was appointed to St. past 25 years. The Rev. John J. CONOCO PRODUCTS BONNIE BRAE new pastor. The parish was with­ Francis’. In the course of time he Kelley, Chancellor of th^ Pueblo Lobricatlon, Car Washing, Balterie* DRUG CO. out a parochial school and provi­ diocese and former assistant of was succeeded in turn by Fathers Becharg^, Tire Vulcanizing aLFBED C. ANDEBSEN. Owa«r-l■Uaaajw sion for this need was given first John O’Sullivan, Clement Woz- SL Francis’ , will act as toast­ Have your Doctor phone us j consideration in the new admini*^ niak, Philip Grasso, and Gerald master. The St. Francis choir wiU BONNIE BRAE your Preseripliotu tration. The copstruction'of a new, Bruggeman, the present second render some of the pastor’s fa­ CONOCO SERVICE CATHEDRAL PARISH modem brick church was begun assistant. vorite music. Beer, Wines, Etc. and upon its completion the fol­ The years from 1936 to 1943 Reservations for the anniver­ 724 So. Unirmity . PE. 9909 763 So. University RA. 26JA These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patrosusge lowing year the old church build­ found the pastor and people labor­ sary dinner may be made either in ing was turned into a school. The ing to erase the church debt. In the parish rectory or with the following years were difficult ones September, 1943, the final pay­ officers of any of the parish or­ Preisser's Red & White The firms listed here de-. for the new pastor. Not long after ment was made, leaving th« parish ganizations. the completion of the new church Grocery ond Market serve to be rememberedi — FINEST & FASTEST DRY CLEANING the depression set in. Since the PANCT MEATS, VEGETABLES, AND when you are distributing; majority of the St. Francis parish­ QUAUTT GROCERIES AT SERVICE IN DENVER ioners are of the laboring class, SEASONABLE PRICES your patronage in the dif-| the financial status of the parish CLEARANCE SALE Expert Alterations — Reasonable Charges Free Delivery SPmee 4447 ferent lines of business. became a most trying one. In Rt. Rev. Montignor A. J. Miller ZSZl E. Ohio Ats.

VI- PAGE FOUR Offict, 938 Bannock Straet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttlophena, KEyitene 4205 Thursday, July 28, 1949 Final Red Rocks Concert St. Anthony's Men Called To Feature Noted Tenor To Meet Sunday, July

Denver.— A thrilling close to a Surrounded by the incompar­ (St. Anthony of Padua’s Parish, were H%ley Houghton. Wayne (jal- very successful season in the spec­ able beauty o f the ancieht Red Westwood) licoat, and George Roberts. Mrs. tacular Red Rocks theater will be Rocks, thousands will thrill to the The men of the parish are all Sedymayr played the weddfcg the appearance of a Wagnerian Metropolitan Opera ;tar as he asked to meet m the rectory Sun­ march and sang Schubert’s "Av« tenor, Laurits Melchoir, in the sings two groups of songs. Wag­ day, July 31, at 1 p.m. to work Maria.” ' final concert of the Red Rocks nerian selections will make up his on the carnival booths. Music festival on Friday night, first group, and the last group After* the wedding a reception More fancywork is needed for was held in the home of Ibe Aug. 5. will be popular numbers. He will ask the vast audience to join him the carnival. All finished articles bridegroom’s parents. The couple The magnificent Red Rocks should be given io Mrs. Sole or in singing the last song of this will hve at Grand Lake, where theater formed by fantastically Mrs. O’Brien. Mr. Gisi is employed. ! shaped red cliffs will be a~‘mag- popular group. St. Peter’s circle met Wednes­ St. Peter’s circle will be hostciss nificent setting for the dramatic The concert will open with the day at 10 a.m. in the home of to a tea Aug. 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. Rienai Overture by Wagner and voice of the great singer as he Mrs. ■ Body at 6845 Morrison in the home of Mrs. Micnaei ' performs with the Denver Sym­ three excerpts from Wagner’s Die road. This was the last meeting O’Brien, 1065 S. Sheridan, for phony orchestra under Saul Gas­ Mtigtertinger, Prelude to Act 3, before the carnival. the benefit of the bazaar. Admis­ ton. “ Apprentice Dance,” and the “ Fi­ sion will be 25 cents. nale.” In the second half of the pro­ The regular meeting of the Al­ gram, the orchestra will play “ La tar-Rosary .society will not be held St. Peter’s circle will hold a BURNS-RIPS Samba de Vera Cruze” by Pucci, in the month of August. The next cdrd party in Traynors at 5180 and “ Dapnis and Chloe.” meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. Morrison road Aug. 19 at 7;30 OR TEARS Tickets may be purchased by 7, at 1 p.m. in the rectory. p.m. Everyone is cordially invited. mail or in person from the May Lois Wine hell Tht ftrmi lUt«d here dtttrvt tp Eliminated by company box office, Denver. All tributinf your patronof# to tba dU- French or Inweoving tickets are B1.60 plus 30 cents tax. Becomes Bride b« rtmtmbered when you a n dlt* S4 Hoar Strvlce—Rauoiiibl* Pricw There will be no children’s tickets Miss Lois Winchell, daughter of ferent lioea of builneaa. HOSIERY MENDING and no reserved seats. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Winchell, be­ There will be no traffic prob came the bride of William Gisi, lem, and all ticlcet holders are Jr., son of Mr. and, Mrs. William HEALTH is ^ 0/eAhJui assured admittance to the (heater Gisi, in St. Anthony’s church and parking lots. For those who July 17. The Rev. Michael Maher WEALTH... Inweaving Co, do not wish to drive, busses leave officiated at the double-ring cere­ mony. Whm JOB art (Irtn' Phone KE. 4409 the bus terminal, 1730 Glenarm, BP hr olhert. H

A ll Summer Dresses (St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver) M. Hugolina, assisted by Eliza­ Jeanne Shadley, Lakewood: “ To duty will be taken. The address “ To Pity Is Human, to Relieve beth Jay, R. N., the class sponsor. me the cap is the symbol of the will be given by thejlev. John Re­ Is Divine.” The fir.st to receive her cap will TRISFER goal I’m striving for.” gan, pa.sto'r of Mother of God par­ Reduced 30 to 50% This motto was chosen unani­ be Mary Frances from Lakewood. Freda Silverstein, Idaho Springs; ish, who also taught religion .to the mously by the 23 students in the The following were the remarks “ My cap is a symbol of the profes­ girls while they were still on the four-year nursing program, who about the meaning o f the cap to sion I have chosen and the joys and campuj^f Loretto Heights college. WAREHOUSING BLOUSES ..•Cooly cap- began their practical experience each individual girl: sacrifices for which it stands.” The exercises will be climaxed by at St. Anthony’s clinical division Mary Frances, Lakewood: “ The Meredith Osbourn, Fort Morgan; the entire student body’s singing LOCAL HAULING sleeved darlings . . . eyelet on June 20. The white rose, which nurse’s cap means to me relief “ To me it means I’m on my way to the school song, after which there batistes, fine cottons, rayon symbolizes purity, was chosen as from pain and hope for those who becoming that nurse I so very much will be a reception in the residence CARLOAD their class flower and the blue are ill, regardless of race or re­ want to be.” lounge for the r e 1 a t i v e's and STORACE crepes. Values to $5.95. and white of Our Blessed Mother ligion. I’m very proud to be en­ Beatrice Van Orum, Denver: “ I friends of the newly capped nurses. DISTRIBUTING as cla.ss colors. titled to wear my cap.” have at last learned to adapt my­ It is noteworthy that of 26 $4 .00 On Sunday, July 31, at a candle­ self to many situations, and it is girls who began the course at Lo­ light ceremony, these girls will Barbara Amman, Stella, Neb.: 2101 ISth Street Now as Low as. 1 “ The cap means an achievement one solid step to the fulfillment retto Heights.college in September, receive their caps, an event to of my desire.” 1948, 28 are continuing the course CO. of one of my goals and a feeling of Alpine 2378 which they have been looking for­ Christine Kern, Cheyenne Wells: leading toward a B.S. degree in Famous Bathing Suit* .00 ward with hope- and expectation really belonging to the profession.” ? 4 Jean Garvis of Sioux City, la.: “ Capping means to me a step fur­ nursing, with a minor in sociology. — Out they go for...... for many months. ther in nursing and the ability to The preclinieal students in their “ The cap means that I am passing one of the milestones of my pro­ care for the sick.” crisp white uniforms will enter the Marilyn Jo Brown, Scottsbluff, hall to the tune of Handel’s fession, and have acquired the ability to deserve the honor of Neb.; “ A mere white starched cap “ Largo.” Following this, Betty means to me adaptability to a new Pedersen Morgan, president of the wearing ray crown.” Julie Stone, Denver: “ To me the life, and to be able to serve human­ senior class, will welcome the class ity with my utmost ability.” to the ranks of the profession, to cap means I have taken my first step toward my goal in life.” Barbara Salzman, W o r 1 a n d, which Betty Eulberg, president Wyo.; “ A goal gained.” of the preclinicals, will respond. Joan Shaklee, Arvada: "The sig­ Maxine Berlinger, Denver: ” A The song “ I Will Be True” is to nificance of my cap is that through cro\N'n in white that will be with me TioJJimq. but be sung by the class, followed by my life of self- it U all always as I help the sick.” the pre.sentation of caps by Si.ster mine.” Shirlee Kizzor, Lakew

Thursday, July 28, 1949 Offlea, 938 It :k Stroet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttlephont, Klyitent 4205 PAGE FIVli

De Paul Men Honor New Prelate DR. JAMES P. y ~ v - GRAY “- = r 7 ~ H ( . Optam*triit • • riSVAL CARE EYES EXAWfl/ED nSVAL TRAINING OpiomatrUl £• n 212-18 Colo. Bldg.. 1615 Calif. S t Phone for Appointment TA. 8888

The Most Delicious Fried Chicken PRICES DETERMINED You Have Ever Eaten BEFOREHAND Ltri*. T.ans, Hllk-Ftd. Unjslnted, Goldra Brovn, Tend.r, S«licloB*. W.Q Den., S w .4 Dnlty ind Sanday fton 11 iSO to I P. U. « The family knows just what our sit I mK Parkint N ut Door service will cost before it begins, ClM.dNM8 MonAsysMendayn Air Conditional because we sit down with them and discuss every item of expense ond are (left to right) Oscar Malo, T. Raber Taylor, secretary of the they decide what they shall spend. SMILING HAPPILY from behind a floral tribute Golden UlLanteim Particular council; Charles Partridge, president of the Brooklyn, is the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. O’Heron, newly 1265 Bdwy. Near ISth St. Re*taurant KE. 1204 Selection of a casket is easier created Domestic Prelate and jpnie»t of honor at the quarterly Com­ N. Y., Diocesan Central council; Walter Pytlinski, vice president of munion breakfast of the St. Vincent de Paul society of Denver, held the Particular council; Monsignor John R. Mulroy, principal speaker; because they do not hove to leave Sunday, July 24, in St. Louis’ parish, Englewood. Others pictured and Kernan Weekbaugh.— (Photo by Smyth) our building, and prices are marked + + + + + + -4- + so they can make their decision uninfluenced by on attendant. Msgr. Mulroy Maps De Paul Expansion SATURDAY BANKING and SPEAKING AT the quar­ His progrram includes organized those m need of work; and a Holy Father as Domeatic Prel­ terly Communion breakfast of effort to relieve slum conditions financial department to help ate, Papal Chamberlain, and Everyday ^Thriftiness , the St. Vincent de Paul society in the Denver ares and to sup­ people in temporary emergen- Knight of St. Gregory, respec­ Sunday, July 24, the Rt. Rev. port housing legi.<;lation, the set­ cies. tively. Monsignor John R. Mulroy out­ ting up of an unemployment bu­ He stressed also the fact that Committee members are; Oi- First National Bank of Englewood lined a long-range program by reau oy the council, and the only part of the society’s func­ anam, C. F. Wibel, chairman; which the society can expand building and maintenance of a tion is the bodily care of the Frank J. Kemme, and John F. Horan & Son Chapels home for the homeles.s. its work and give fuller service needy. “ We have a moral obliga­ Mohan; reception, T. R&ber IS OPEN SATURDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE KEystona 6297 KEystone 6298 to a greater number of people. He pointed out'that the coun­ tion to help them in- their spir­ Taylor, chairman; Anthony J. Hour*! 0t30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. 1527 Cleveland Place cil is doing excellent wi>rk, but itual problems as well,’’ he said. Dunst, and George W. Kellogg. that it is still on a -small scale. Open an Account in Englewood Where Monsignor Mulroy called for an THE RT. REV. Monsi;gnor expanded program and large- Joseph J. O'Heron, spiritua spi iT di- It 1$ Convenient to Bank— Thrifty to Shop tUullJUamju, Fr. Fabian Joyce scale planning through a long, rector of the Particular council gradual development. and the guest of honor at thel Redenptorists Two parking lota Week day hours: Dr. D. C. R'erthman ... breakfast, also spoke in response^ on Hampden Avenue 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. ZIPPER REPAIRS Gives Retreat at CHARLES PARTRIDGE. to congratulatory speeches by president of the diocesan coun­ Oscar Malo, Kernan Weekbaugh, Member F. D. I. C. On Alaaoot Any Garment or Artklo and Associate Will Celekate cil of Brooklyn, N. Y., explained and T. Raber Taylor. D en tistg the setup of the society in Committees were appointed ROY SYSTEM, INC. I PLATES Denver Convent Brooklyn in conjunction with for the celebration of^’Ozanam SHOE REPAIR Monsignor Mulroy’s plan. He Sunday in September and for a Founder's Feast 1606 15th Street 1206 ISth Street U t KIMBULIAN 36 BroiidwAjr SP. 4165 (Holy Ghoit Convent, Denver) laid emphasis on the setting up < reception to be tendered Mon­ GOOD CLOTHES NEED iKEyatonc 8721 TAbor 5761 of specialized departments, suen signor O'Heron, the Very Rev. (St. Joseph’s Rudamptorist Parish, Clean Your Father Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., is NOT BE EXPENSIVE the master of the eight-day retreat as a legal department for those Monsignor Elmer Kolka, and Denver) •that opened July 26 for Our Lady who cannot afford professional Judge Joseph J. Walsh, who The Feast of St. Alphonsui^ de ORIENTAL RUGS of Victory Missionary Sisters. services, unemployment, for were recently honored by the Liguori, founder of the Congrega­ • CLEANING THE Thirteen sisters, 12 from Colorado tion of the Most Holy Redeemer, Cleaning at its Best and one, Sister Carmelita, from • REPAIRING better known as the Redemptorist Big Spring, Tex., are in retreat • W EAVIN G ENGLISH at the Holy Ghost convent. Sister Fathers, will be celebrated next Carmelita came to Denver to be Wheatridge Parish Hari your old type nisi midt to fit Tuesday, Aug. 2, in a Solemn Mass new rooms. FIFTY yMrs experi- 3 DAY SERVICE with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to be offered at 8 o’cloc'k in St. Jo­ •nei {n reconditionins ORIENTALS TAILORS Felix Vigil, in the celebration of 901 FIFTEENTH STREET Pickup and Delivery their golden jubilee, July 24. seph’s church. - KIMBULIAN’S Sister Patricia of the Brighton Has First Meeting The Feast of St. Alphonsus du 2630 E. 3rd Ava. EA.8361 Combine Quality and Style 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 convent will pronounce her final Liquori is also the anniversary of at Prices You Can Afford vows on Aug. 6. Feast of Our Lady (Su. Peter and Paul'. Parish. Wheatridge) religious profession of all the of the Snows. Sister Martha Mary At the first meeting called in tne new Sts. Peter and OTiests and brothers attached to St. Joseph's. It is customary for SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS and Sister Doris will renew their Paul’s parish, some 65 to 70 parishioners assembled in the annual vows on that day. the Redemptorists to take their Completely Automatic AVWaWiiWaVSiVaWWV»WWaWS,^W.W,V„WVVWWW Weakland store last Friday night and formed the nucleus religious vows on the feast of Center Receives of the new parish organization. their founder. Father Harry S. Smith, C.SS.R., will celebrate LAWN SPRINKLING SYSTEM Sewing Machine The first work considered by the new parish was a the silver jubilee of his pro­ Small Down Payment. Use Yonr Credit— 36 Months to* Pag Teen-age girls of the Holy Ghost fession, having made his vows Aug. house-to-house census of the entire area. The parish was Let Our Trained Landseapa Designer Consult With Yam Youth center are rejoicing over divided into 10 districts, and 10 captains were selected 2, 1924, at the novitiate in DeSoto, the new electric sewing machine No Obligation, from the members present. These 10 captains and 55 Mo. The regular novena devotions 0 ^ - given to the center by the Holy in honor of Our Mother of Per­ PHONE OR WRITE Name men of Holy Ghost parish. workers, under the chairmanship ef John Weakland, will petual Help will b« held as usual With the help of Mrs. Will Haupt- meet in the Weakland store this Friday'cvening at 8 o’clock 'Tuesday at 3 and 7 :S0 p.m. EVEREH 0. NORD & SONS man and Miss Regina Phelan, the to receive the literature and final instructions for the cen­ girls plan to make dresses for the Ushers to Plan Landscape Design and Construction DENVER'S LARGEST Dealer sus that will be taken the week of July 31, lastaDsrs A Distribnters In ths Moantsln Statss. square dancing program. Fall Festival It Tsan la ths SprlnUsr Bestnesa. Complete Valve .8 5 A letter of greetings from the pastor and parishioners $128-27 EAST COLFAX AYE.. DENVER, COLO. And Ring Special...... Engaged with an enclosed prayer to St. Francis of Assisi will be left Following devotions the ushers PHONE DE. 8021 DEALERS WANTED 7 4 are asked to meet in the hall with The Uaual Price $101.87 at the home of each non-Catholic family and the census Father Smith in order to make forms in the homes of Catholics. The figures on the num­ necessary plana for the fall fes­ 1335 Broadway 1314-1338 Acoma MAIN ber of Catholic families in this area should be available tival. At the meeting held July 26 Tuesday, Aug. 2. Joe Musso was named chairman of On Clrie Cenltr the supply committee for the fes­ 3111 The enthusiasm and spirit of co-operation shown by tival. He and Father Smith will those present at this first parish meeting give assurance work together with the committee that the problems that are obviously involved in the build­ to procure all necessary supplies for the bazaar and to supervise ing of a new parish soon will find satisfactory solutions. the erection of booths and other RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. facilities. This year a spaghetti dinner, GENERAL TIRES Assumption Chapel Made prepared by the Garramone and Marchese families, vnll be served Saturday evening, Oct. 1, from 6 to General Batteries 8 o’clock. Tickets for the dinner Parish Church in Pueblo can be purchased in advance. The KRAFT RECAPPING main attraction will be the 1960 GENERAL Pueblo.— ’The Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption, Buick, to be on display Sundav Kraft Inspected night, Oct 2. The usual 2 o’clock SQUEEGEE 917 E. Evans, Pueblo, assumes the status of a parish church Mass will be offered Sunday to Used Tires effective Aug. 15, the Feast of the Assumption, it is an­ accommodate the workers at the nounced by the Most Rev, Joseph C. Willging, Bishop of bazaar. C.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. (Colfax TA 6604 Pueblo. It becomes the ninth Catholic parish within the This week end Father Carl Pueblo city limits. The remodeled chapel has been handled as Schwartz, C.SS.R., will lead a retreat at El Pomar. He will leave Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. a mission or chapel-of-ease from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for his vacation and annual re­ parish since it was first acquired treat Aug. 3.. Father Bernard Steinke of 745 Glencoe in April, 1944. After extensive re­ boundaries are canonically consid street, Denver, announce the en ered a§ belonging to Assumption Kramer, C.SS.R., is back from his modeling it was renamed and re­ vacation and is busy with prepara­ agement of their daughter, Betty decorated April 17. parish. The territory is cut off REDTCED! f0, to William G. Pankovich, .Str«tt Floor of Telex, Allen Hempel, Telex Catholic Welfare Conference, re^ It is beyond question that the CAt No Additional Cost) Park, Minneapolis, Minn., is so echoed Christ’s command to “ heal setting up of tne ninth parish within Pueblo is a large step in AUTO and FURNITURE ^ m m e m proud of this triumph ne will the sick’’ when speaking on the gladly send you a free booklet bn Hour of Faith program. He sdid the direction of providing more and better spiritual care for thou' L ^ A N S FURNITURE COMPANY how to hear more clearly, and ex­ that the Church has waged war Ubutol Terms—LOW KATES sands of the Catholic population 16TH STREET AT LAWRENCE plain how you may test this instru on sickness and disease because FBEE PABKIMG *rler» P—sr 51»i iM Cl A*w»"-Klw tiM ment with a wireless circuit in the Christ made it abundantly clear The southern boundary of the privacy of your own home without that He considered “ the weak and new pari^ is as representative LEEMAN AUTO CDs risking a penny. Write Telex today. afflicted the noblemen in His King­ melting pot of ail nations as any 8th a Broadway U , tltl, • — Adv. dom.’’ C similar area in the United States. PAGE SIX Offiet, 938 l< ;k StTMf THE DENVER CATHOLIC* REGISTER Telephone, KEyatene 4205 Thursday, July 28, 1949 Group Plans Loyola Parish Prepares Bride's Brother Officiates '49 FORD Miss Florence DO YOU R OWN ON DISPLAY Garden Party Cecilie Canjer For St. Ignatius^ Feast became the bride 72 RA. !>793i ST. BERNADETTE’S of George R. Put- So. Penn. nik before a Nu­ for appt. t LAKEWOOD At Cathedral (Loyola ParUb, Denver) LAUNDRY will enjoy a party and 'refresh­ ptial Mats in , AIR CONDITIONEO W. Colfax at Garrison Mrs. Howard N. Bell, general The Feast St. Ignatius ments in. Loyola. Anyone who as­ Holy Rotary chairman of the Cathedral Altar Loyola will be celebrated Sunday, sisted at the bazaar will be wel­ church Sunday, M GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINES comed. Washed Twice — Rimed Twice — Soft Water — 30 Minutes ^ Thun., Fri., Sat. and Rosary society’s garden party, July 31. The novena preparatory June 26. Offici­ called a preliminary meeting July to the feast will be concluded on Mrs. Emil Frei, Mrs. Walter J. ating at the cer­ 9-lb. Load 15e — TUMBLER DRYER — 32-lb. Lood 25c: 25 in the home of the society’s Saturday, July 30. Beginning at Wade, Mrs. Michael Kohut, Mrs. emony was Fa­ president, Miss Barbara C. Bach. noon on Saturday and'until mid­ Margaret Crede, Miss Abbie Flath, ther John Canjar, Mrs. Bell appointed as her assist­ night Sunday, all Jesuits and the Miss Lucy Flath, and all members brother of the 7M0 W. COI.FAX of the Loyola Altar sodality at­ LKWD. ites ants Mrs. J. 0. Laur, ticket chair­ laity can gain a plenary indulgence bride. man; Mrs. I. A. Tucker, prizes; under the u%ual conditions as often tended the retreat for the ACCW Miss Canjar it Mrs. H. Shall, refreshments ;v and as they visit Loyola. church. at El Pomar last week end. the daughter of Mrs. W. W. Allen, publicity. On Thursday, July 28, all those Father Edward P. Murphy, SJ., Mr. and Mrs. Others are still to be appointed. who worked at the Loyola Bazaar has been enjoying a few days at Frank Canjar, The annual summer garden Maryvale Villa, Fraser, together 4554 Logan A e U with Father Edward Harris, SJ., party will be held at the Cathedral (treat. the assistant principal of S t Louis The bride’s at- rectory grounds the evening of University high school. andants were Aug. 16. Because it is an evening Reports Given ^ fu o te e e 0 party an opportunity is afforded Father Robert Lakes, S.J., was Margaret Can­ the men of the parish to attend. a visitor at the rectory Sunday, jar, Delores Prlt- Bridge, pinochle, and other games July 24, and said the 8:30 Mass eckal, and Mary 'all types of lecurides, specializing In tbose^of tfa* will be played and refreshments In Parish Census in Loyola church. Drobnik. She was Rocky Mountain Empire. will be served. Father J. A. Herbers, S.J., bap­ given i n mar­ riage by her fa­ We deal in government, muoicipaL »nd co^ Tickets will be mailed within a tized James Riley Howard, infant You fik t if... son of Mr. and Mrs. Riley E. ther. poration bonds, preferred and common stocks. few days to members of the so­ By 364 Families The bridegroom ciety and their friends. Howard, the sponsors being Mr. Our statistical department will be glad to ana­ i f likes you! (Mother of God Parish, Denver) and Mrs. J. P. Becker. it the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Carl lyze yout list of holdings and make suggesdons. A- tetal of 364 census blanks Father M. A. Schaefer, S.J., were filled out by Catholic fam­ Putnik of 4730 baptized Catherine Mary Rasmus­ Race street. Ha ilies in the parish. Thera are sen, infant daughter of Mr. and still some families^ who did not served with the Mrs. G. F. Rasmussen, the 'spon­ navy f o r three have their census forms ready sors being William Close and Mar­ HUMMEL'S and others who are on vacation. years, and saw MEMBER CHICAGO garet Close. He also baptized Pa­ service in the Pa­ O The Legion of Mary will con­ Denver^s Leading tricia Orvalene Beman, infant cific. The bride­ Delicatessen tinue this project until the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. STOCK EXCHANGE survey is as completa as pos­ groom’s attend- Beman, the sponsors being Arthur ents were James sible. J. McLaughlin and Lucille Golden. Family Size The pastor is grateful to the Larson, best n e e d - it! The third infant to be baptized by man, and Leo Chicken Pot Pie census workers for their zealous Father Schaefer was Thomas Fran­ &C0MPA • wise notlierwlio servci Canjar, Joseph KEystone 6241 and untiring efforts and to the cis Bumes, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagerty, and Albert Seftrick, ushers. Picnic Foods American Beauty Spag­ people of the parish who responded F. Bjumes, the sponsors being Following the ceremony a dinner and dance were given at the ■iW s 't m I hetti to ner children. so generously to the request for James B. Reed and Lee Zanon, DX club. The couple made a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, and upon Milwaukee Sausage census information. Contains all the vital Card Club Entartaint their return took up residence at 4730 Race street.— (Jerome Studio CASSEROLES TO TAKE OUT The asphalt tile is being laid on JOHN I. SUUIVAN. nts. elements needed by The Loyola card club enter­ photo) growing bodies the floor of the church this week. 311 E. 7th KE. 1986 Through the kindness of Mr. and tained 12 members at a luncheon and brains. in the Park Lane hotel. A short :zs> Mrs. 0. M. Chadwick the entire sanctuary will be carpeted. A red meeting was held at which Mrs. Blessed Sacrament Parish 17th ot CALIFORNIA ST. • DENVER, COLORADO The Amis listed here deserve to velour curtain and canopy set off Walter J. Wade, president, re­ be rememhered when you ere die- by iron work will furnish the altar ported that three altar cloths and tributinf your patronage to the dlf- background. The church will be two shrine cloths, being made for ferent_Ilnee of huiineai. dedicated Tuesday, Aug. 16. the club by the Carmelite Sisters Girl Is Married in Hawaii Robert Chester Akins, son of of the Holy Spirit Carmel, Little­ (Blessed Sacrament Parish, the rectory for several days this ton, will be finished in the late fall. QUALITY MEATS AND Mr. and Mrs. Glen Akins, was Denver) PLAN WINTER HEAT NOW! HOMEMADE SAUSAGE baptized July 23 in St. Francis After the meeting the members St, Stephen’s church in Hono­ 'The Catholic Mothers’ club will CONVERT TO GAS W ITH A K IL U M OF ALL KINDS de Sales’ church. played bridge in the Rose room. lulu, Hawaii, was the scene of a meet in the school auditorium KEyttone 7802 4483 Wathington Mr. Kurz is a patient in Fitz- Honors were won by Mrs. P. S. double-ring ceremony when Mar­ Monday evening, Aug. 1. Mmes. A hettinx pitot ind Itt convtrtion to nttnral ( u it t ntjor, liletlm* ioTMt- Burns and Mrs. Ed WoUenJiaupt ment. KiUtm tnginwri htrt been tolTinc cm hotline probltnu for thlrtr Joeephine and Walt Slegwarth simons hospital. garet Mary Rohan, daughter of Kenneth L. Purfurst, Eugene Mc­ retri. If yonr homo it worth hottinr. it't worth hotting with t Killtm . . Father Gerard Weber, federa­ The next meeting will he held in Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rohan of Mullen, and Jack Sheehy will act Thcro'i t Gntrtntood Killtm Gtt Conroroion Bnmor for CTorg trpo of hott­ tion chaplain of the Christian the home of Mrs. B. J. Tierney this parish, and William Charles as hostesses. ing pltnt. Inrottlgtto Killtm boforo rou bar toy bnrnor. SiEGWARTH SAUSAGE MARKET Family Action movement in Chi­ Wednesday, Sept. 14. Stewart, son of Raymond C. Stew­ The Paul Etchepares and their cago, visited the rectory this week, Mmes. W. J. Wade, Margaret art of Seattle, Wash., exchanged five children are expected home Phone Note For Free Estimate. accompanied by Father R. J. Mul­ Crede, Mary Frei, and M. Kohut marriage vows on Saturday, this week end after an absence len, also of Chicago. spent last week end at El Pomar July 16, prior to a Nuptial of six weeks. They have been A confessional, altar rail, sta­ in a retreat sponsored by the Mass, with the Rev. Alphonsus visiting Mrs. Etchepare’s parents tions of the cross, candlesticks, ACCW, Barmeister officiating. in Corvallis, Mont. K illa m g a s b u r n e r c o . aiAd a credence table are still Walter J. Wade, Jr., returned The bride, who was given in Eight boys in the parish spent MANUFACTURHS AND HIATINO ENaiNEERS needed. Anyone wishing to assist marriage by Robert W. Schriber, from his vacation at Glenwood a week in Camp St. Malo near 260 BROADV^AY Hanofactnred and initalUd in obtaining these items is re­ Springs and Aspen. wore an ivory wedding gown, Estes Park, returning to Denver bj'RefbUrcd En8:iDf«ra RAce 2871 trimmed in seed pearls, with a full- quested to call the pastor. A midsummer party was held July 17. Those who participated June 20 in the home of Mrs. draped skirt ending in a train. Her were Billy McCarthy, Terry Rey­ Francis Koneeny, when she en­ finger-tip veil of illusion fell frbm nolds, Kenneth Ryan, Freddie VOSS BROS. tertained the Mother Cabrini a Juliette cap of seed pearls. She Power, Robert Thrasher, Jerry circle. Mrs. Allord substituted for carried a white prayer book, bor­ Snapp, Donald Kirley, and his BAKEBIES Mrs. Stephan Sferra, who was rowed from her sister, Mrs. Roger brother, Terry. unable to attend. C. Sullivan of Chicago. The Rev. Joseph Gustafson, a 3 Stores to Serve You Her maid of honor, Marjorie Sulpician Father, director of St. MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. The next party will be held in Higgins, wore a frock of yellow Edward’s seminary in Seattle, September in the home «of Mrs. nylon marquisette over taffeta, ^Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Mnrray^ William F, Boyle Wash., spent several days at the ankle length, made in shirtwaist rectory as a guest of Father Mul- style with long slpeves and full cahy. Father Gustafson is also the skirt editor of a magazine called The The bridesmaids, Inez Lang and Priest. Irene Inglehart, wore similar Three baptized on Sunday, all by gowns in blue and orchid, respec­ the Rev. William J. Mulcahy, were tively. All the attendants wore Leo E. Wunsch III, son of Mr. and V' matching veils with bands of vanda Mrs. Leo E. Wunsch, Jr., the spon­ orchids, and carried leis of white sors being Arthur Kulp and Mar­ carnations. garet Mary Brown; Maureen Con­ 4 Stja- ft The best man was Lt. Earl way, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine, and the ushers were Hu­ Milton J. Conway, with Mr. and bert J. Mitchell and Monty B. Mrs. 0. L. Hough as sponsors; and Garner. Shirley Jean Paul, daughter of A wedding breakfast was served Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Paul, with immediately following the cere­ Donald and Helen Jorgensen as mony in the Niumulu hotel, and sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. a reception was held at 4 o’clock O’Keefe were proxies for this in the Canon club. After a wed­ Baptism. ding trip in the islands, the young Mr. and Mrs. C. J. FVanken- couple will live in Honolulu. reiter and family are newcomers ir Mrs. Stewart is a graduate of in the parish. They moved to Den­ Light, smooth, First choice St. Catherine’s hospital of Creigh­ ver from Des Moines, la., on July ton university in Omaha, Neb., and 1 and are living at 2205 Ivanhoe. refresbiog everywhere has been supervisor of nurses in In the past 10 days they enter­ St. Francis’ hospital, Honolulu, for tained two guests from Iowa, the the past three years. Mr. Stewart, Rev. Arthur R. Ring, a professor who spent four years in the South at Dowling high school, a boys’ Pacific theater, attended the Uni­ school in Des Moines; and Richard versity of.Hawaii, and is now as­ Hartman, also of Des Moines, who sociated with an importing firm in is a theological student at L orp Honolulu. college in Dubuque, la. ' MILE HIGH DISTRIBUTING CO. Penniyivania Vititori James Foley, a resident of New Mrs. M. J. O’Donnell of Pitts­ Jersey, has been the guest of Mr. 1817 15th St. — Phone CH. 1212 burgh, Pa., and Mrs. George McRea and Mrs. James F. O’Brien. of Aspinwall, Pa., who arrived July 20, will spend two weeks as guests of the Joseph M. Rihns. The visitors are both sisters of Mrs. '•'Ve Rihn. Ella Horan, a former parish­ IS u if ioner, now of Tucson, Ariz., is at present a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dispense MANOR had as their guests, Mr. Dispense’s nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Paris of Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. A. J. Herberger and her HOUSE daughters, Marion and Dorothy, left recently for Mansfield, 0., to visit friends. This is Mrs. Herber^ ger’s old home. Her son, James, FRYING who is at present a student in Tender, young fryers, finest photography school at Yale, will that grow. Cut-up, ready-to* meet the family in Mansfield, and cook. Quick-frozen to protect they will all drive back to Denver CHICKENS together. James will spend several flavor and sold under Safe* weeks in Denver before returning wo/s money-bock guarantee. CREAM to school. ^ # The Don J. Kirleys have moved into their new home at 2646 Elm street. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunn and FRIED CHICKEN WEEK family have returned to the par­ Is Denver’s Most Popular Ico Cream ish and are living at 2360 Dahlia. JoAnne Malloy wiU entertain Made with rich, pure cream . . , Made with the very best froth fruits and flavors . . . Made the members of Our Lady of Fa­ smoother and more delicious for your complete ice cream onjoyment . Made to live up to' its tima circle in her home on the JULY 25-30 name, “ Denver’s Mott Popular Ice Cream.’’ evening of Aug. 1. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Douglas were hosts to z6 members of the Try the ice cream that’s "Everybody’s Sweetheart” Temple Buell office last Saturday Serve fried chicken this week, it’s “ Fried-Chicken W eek” — Try Dolly Madison Ice Cream TODAY! evening at a buffet supper and bridge. The awards were won by —and a mighty good time to have it. Fried chicken is always Mmes. Bryan Owen, Raymond Jor dan, Frank Bobiero, and Arthur good, but especially these hot days—and just the thing for Reilly. Mrs. Tracy Spitler drove to Man picnic suppers. Buy ready-to-cook, waste-fre^ Manor House YOUR SEVEN CONVENIENT itou last Saturday. She expects to chickens at Safeway’s low price. Consult Safeway’s ad in your visit friends in Colorado Springs. The Rev. John Walsh of Lead- local newspaper for current prices. P a DOLLY MADISON STORES ville is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. No. 1. 5130 East Colfax, at Forost Walsh. The Rev. Andrew Warwick, No. 2. 2343 East Ohio, at So. Unlvorsity pastor at Julesburg, was a guest at m No. 3. 2830 Colorado Blvd. No. 4. 1644 East Evans, at So. Gilpin WESTERKAMP'S No. 5. 4404 Lowoll Blvd. No. 6. 2252 Keornoy KE. 9043 5106 Wash. EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY No. 7. 4336 East 8th Avo., at Birch SHOULD HAVE SAFEWAY BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES — WE DELIVER —

1 Thundoy, July 28, 1949 Offku, 938 li sk SirMf t m DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TuUphena, KEyiton* 4205 PAGE SEVEN Pianist, Padre at Mexican Boys Town Faculty Ckanges Announced I Qat f thesei n e s c Argentina's Peron if . For Holy Family Schools BUYS! (Holy Family Parish, Denver) N. Mex.; and Sister Jeanne D’Are Defended by Priest Hely Family grade and high to Loretto. Heights college. Den*' ’47 CmdillM school will have two additional ver. Their classes will be taught, CoBTsrtible ...... '2495 teachers for the 1949-1950 school this year by Sisters Francis Ca-< R & H, HTdramatic year. Sister Margaret Rose will mila. Rose Teresa, and M. Ros*: ’46Buick 4 1 9 Q C From South America teach in the grade school, and the alie. Sedanatta ...... I 0 3 0 high school teacher will be Sister Member* of St. Lewrenee’t | Dorothy Jane. R 4c Hi Parfaet Condition By PAUL H. Hallett circle wil give a tame* party « Three of thd former high school Tuetday, Aug. 2, in Holy Fam- | ’46 Na*h “ 600” ^ 9 4 5 Is President Juan Domingo Peron of Argentina chok­ teachers who have been trans­ ing the life of the Church in his country by his authori­ ferred to other Loretto schools ily icheol hall, W. 44th avenue Waathar Ejra Air Conditioninf are Sister Agnes Cecile to St. end Utice itreet, et 12t30 p.m. ^ Excaptionally Claan tarian government? Not according to the Rev. Dr. Amoldo Augustine’s high school, Lebanon, Dc«*ert-luncheon will be served ’34 Char. $ p J |- Homero Finochietto, a priest of Buenos Aires who has Ky.; Sister Richard Marie to Our end a special prise ewsu'ded. Tmnk Tudor ...... been sent to this country by the Argentine geverpment to Lady of Light academy, Santa Fa, All are invited. i. R & H, Orif. Black Finish studv social questions at Boston One Careful Owner c o i l ^ . Padre Finochietto is di­ rector o f the School of Social As­ Hwm rtmsrkiblr cittn sutM carry a Gaarantcc and arc offered here to ln< Registration Set sistance of the University o f sara our Catholic friends a coed hay. Bumos Aires and also is a pro­ fessor of philosophy. musements ♦ Dining; “ The government o f Peron is D reiling For Aug. 1 at an authentically Catholic govern­ m ent" the young priest assured a A Rtgiittr rMorter vhen visiting M otors Co. Parish School the office Wednesday, “ Through­ out the country he nas enforced 2111 W. Alameda PEarl 469S (St. Jame*’ Pari*h, Denver) the practical consequences of the The Thing to Do ' Renstration for St. James’ Papal encyclicals in the social When Yon Can’t Afford Disappointment school will be held in the Walsh sphere.” Memorial hall on Aug. 2 between Concerning education Padre EnJoj an Invigorating Drive the hours of 10 and 12 in the Finochietto declared that, tbouji^h morning and 2 and 4 in the the teaching of the Catholic faith to afternoon. All children except those is a part oil the official pronam ONE OF THE MOST unusual concerts a poster advertising the event At the right are Padre Cueller, who has dreamed and planned the already registered for the first for the curriculum of the schools ev^r given was presented by Maria Stoes- three grades must register at this in the Argentine, this study is free Boys Town for some 15 years, and some of the 800 time. Parents are advised that the for all students. Parents who ob­ ler, noted pianist, when she appeared in a program pohre nino$ (poor boys) of the city whom he is be­ The Holland House girls will not be required to wear ject to the course can have ethics for the benefit of a Mexican B ojt Town at Guada­ friending. (Priests are prohibited from wearing uniforms during the coming year. substituted. Religious liberty is al lajara, Mexico. At the left Is'Miss Stoesser beside clerical attire in Mexico.) (Formerly kaown a* Tha La Ray Hotel. No change Final plans are completed for lowed under the Constitution. + + + ,+ . + + 4 - .+ in ovmarship, managomont or policy) the parish picnic to be held Sun­ The welfare state hat not day afternoon, Aug. 7, in the pasted up the former land of the Montclair Civic park. E. J. Fattor aueho. In matters of social IN GOLDEN is general chairman, assisted by ealth, the priest said that med­ Mexican Boys Town Benefit John Mizicko, William R. Walsh, ical care is absolutely free for all FOR LUNCHEON OR DINNER Joe Casper, Joe Lasky, Boyd the inhabitants of the country and Bailey, High Wallace, Victor Lom­ that all the public hospitals— 20 Y ou ’ U Like the Food, Service and Atmosphere bardi, William J. Walsh, Joe in Buenos Aires alone— are served Supreme Thrill for Young Weiss, George Wieser, Dr. C. M. by religious of various Catholic Dining Rooms Open Dolly Noll, Robert Schell, Frank Kotten- communities. From 12 to 2 of noon — 5:30 to 9:30 P.M. stette, Paul Abdoo, Robert Buekus, Eugene Blish, Leo R. Boyle, Tka Ckurck in Argentina i* Sundays and Holidays From 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. George Dreher, George Denny, (uffaring from n lack of priaiti, Concert Pianist in Denver Phone Golden 68 (or Rosorvation, or Jnst Drive Ont- Dave Finnigan, Loren Griffin, not *e muck bacausa of a daartk aad Coma Ini Virgil Grimes, Vincent Halpin, of vocations as boeausa of tka By Elizabeth McSherry James Halpin, John Leydon. Mat­ fact tkal tka population kas Perhaps the most unusual concert ever given by a talented young pianist occurred in HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW COFFEE SHOP? thew Michalek, L. J. Scheiael, R. douklad in the past 20 yaars, puadalajara, Mexico, May 20, when Maria Stoesser played to a packed house of a mixed It is open from 6:30 in the morning until. T ot night. J. Needham, and Walter Bastedo. ckiafly bacausa of immigration audience, only half of whom spoke English. The picnic supper will be served from Spain, Italy, and Franca. by a committee from the PTA Is Peron a practical Catholic? But every person there understood the cause that brought the young artist to the under the direction of Mrs. Jo­ Yes, said Padre Finochietto. Also magnificent Teatro Degollado, and because the cause she benefited was so close to their A C in WIDE seph Stikel and Mrs. Katherine his colorful wife is a frequent hearts, the barrier of language Snow. Games and contests have communicant. Asked about the was no barrier at all. beds above, a shower building, and will maintain the whole city of 800 been arranged for old and young, proportion of men who are practi­ After appearances on the Pacific a stable. boys, the priest told her. and many attractive and valuable “ One could close his eyes and be “ Yoa will not talk much NOVENA cal Catholics in Argentina, the coast, in the South and Middle BOGGIOS prizes will be awarded the win­ priest replied that ever since the sure there was a stable,” Miss about me?” she cautioned anx­ West, in the Northern California Stoesser said, her mouth curving ners. A good time is guaranteed to International Eucharistic • Con­ iously, “ You will talk about SSSISII**’ IW ho attend, and Oakland symphonies, and the in a smile. that Boy* Town, and perhaps gress held in Buenos Aires in rsAsout SOI riHf injov thi wisrs 'Baptized Sunday were Carol 1934 there has been noted a true Sacramento Philharmonic orches­ Tbs boys, ranging in age from the people here will respond. . . . Mexico is so poor . . . and rooo UIVID IN A - A MOST ItFSItHINO Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and increase in Catholic life, especially tra, it was still the greatest thrill 6 to 18, woro waif* and strays OSACIOUS MANNII COCKTAIL lOUNGI ' G lV t Mrs. William P. Molitor, with Wil­ among men and young people of from tha naarby eitias. Tba American ' money goes a long of her life to Maria Stoesser when, TRIMONT AT BROADWAY liam Hogan and Alice Frary as both sexes. main building could accommo­ way. . . .” at the close of her concert, a small, There is no need to talk about sponsors; Mary Elizabeth, infant In Argentina, the most progres­ date about 300. "Soma sleap K E . 9618 % CH. 2494 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin serious-eyed boy of Guadalajara on the soft, dark loam ontsida Maria Stoasser. This account of a sive land in the Latin Americas, warm-hearted girl, unspoiled by A. Kane, with James and Colleen Free Masons have no influence, mounted the stage, presented her — it is always warm thara,” sha Eitemiller as sponsors; Christie said. the vistas of fame and honors the opposite of what is true in with a huge bouquet of Easter before her, who played her heart Ann, infant daughter o f Mr. and Mexico. As an example of how the But there are another 600 boys o f. Mrs. Alvin J. Plouff, with Irvin lilies, and proceeded to thank her out one night in the Teatro Degol­ government co-operates >.ith the who trudge back and forth from lado so that 800 little boys should and Virginia Plouff sponsors by in well-turned Spanish phrases the towns to the “ Ciudad de los f Church it may be noted that when have a new lease on life—this is proxy (James P. Garrett and Jean for what she had done for 800 Ninos Pobres” (City of Poor Boys) the Ministry of Health recently her story. Hall were proxies); Matthew proposed the legalization of pros­ little waifs in Mexico. every day in order to be taught by Harding, infant son of Mr. and titution in order to combat venereal Padre Cuellar and his handful of CZjr/u. ri r/o/n tfoW ideA . Mrs. Gregory Ames, with George What she had done waa to disease the universal Catholic pro­ giva hope to a handsome, stub­ assistants. R. and Jane M. Frazier as spon­ test that ensued caused the Ftes- Pianist Heard in I sors; and, Thomas Martin, infant born Mexican priest. Padre California-bom Maria Stoesser’s ident to summon the Argentine Cuellar, who through 15 yaars heart went out to the Mexican son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pia- Episcopate to a conference, the Denver Recital S h a m , sechi, with John Piasechi and Lottie of povarty and discouragemant, padre who did not know what it upshot of which was the retire­ refused to give up his dream of was to quit She got in touch with Maria Stoesser was presented in E d e l w e i s s Puksta as sponsors. ment of the measure. a Mexican Boyi Town. her iwent and he arranged that recital July 20 in the Kent school Novena Members of the Tekakwitha cir­ Father Finochietto went to the l^atro Degollado—a hulking auditorium by the Lamont scho cle enjoyed a 1 o’clock luncheon Miss Stoesser, now on vacation CLEN.^RM . OPEN li A M to 3 A M Kansas City, where he will stay in Denver, first met Padre Cuellar monument o f culture—should be of music, University of Denver. EACH SUNDAY at the Top of the Park June for one month in the house opened to all the people of Guadal­ That the program contained con­ 19. Those present were Mmes. when she was in Mexico City in of Bishop Edwin V. O'Hara the spring. She had given a con­ ajara, rich and poor, for a concert siderable Hungarian music was THROUGH THE Dorothy Royer, A. F. Kohles, G. to learn English. From there he by the pianist particularly interesting, as Miss W. Patterson, Robert Schell, D. cert which prompted the eminent will go to Boston college for one art critic, Enrique’ Flores Magnon, The people responded in their Stoesser is a pupil of Alexander SUMMER AND L. Murphy, J. B. Stock, and M. P. Raab. R a a b ’ s comprehensive Barnwell. year of social study. His next to write of her, “ Maria Stoesser typically quick, pocket-emptying AUTUMN MONTHS stop is Antigonish, Nova Scotia, strives not for poses, but for art generosity. The entire proceeds— knowledge of the works of his where he will study for two years unalloyed. . .,” which merely cor­ nearly $1,000 in American ex­ friends and compatriots, Bartok and Dohnanyi, ana the great Llsst, at St. Francis Xavier’s univer­ roborated the rave notices she had change—^were Padre Cuellar’s. AT 7 :4 5 P.M. is famous. Kniffhtis of sity. Father Finochietto explained received from critics Gessler, Dav­ “ He could not thank me enough,” that he was anxious to get a de­ Miss Stoesser played to a stand- idson, Frankenstein, and others on Miss Stoesser says in her soft ing-room-oiUy audience. Through­ All are invited to visit the gree from that college, not only the Pacific coast But that was all slurred voice, “ and I—I did noth­ Columbus because it was situated in a center out the-program her playing was Shrine day or night. the padre needed. Here was some­ ing so much. It is the people who notable for beautiful tone and flu­ INSURANCE of social experimentation, but be­ one who could help him. saved the 'Ciudad de los Ninos cause it was affiliated with the ent technic. Shrine will be illuminated Armed with on interpreter and Pobres’.” Juvenile — Adult Sorbonne in France. The Argen­ The program included a Bach- the fiery zeal of a crusader, the each night from 7:45 till W. J. Bindel, General Agent tines, like other South Americans, That ^nuine modesty seems to Siloti.Prelude in G Minor; “ Vari­ 11:00 P.M. look to France for their highest be a trait of Miss Stoeeier’s. She ations” and “ Fugue” by Dohnanyi; 1600 OOSSIT STRUT Leo Kell, Field Agent made no mention of the fact that three Brahms intermezsi; a Mozart WdcAB* to DcnTw’i Plnwt ITATy 0177 1575 Grant St. TA 14S0 education just as they look to the Location of Shrine United States for ideas in tech­ already critics have predicted for sonata in F major; Bartok’s SEK m , COLOEASO nology. her a star-studded future, and a “ Rondo on a Folk Theme;’’ “ Etude, COLBURN HOTEL place beside Myra-Hess as a lead­ Op. 4, No. 3” by Szymanowski; Corner South Logan LUXURIOUS ROOMS H em t o f j and lliff Street ing woman keyboard artist; or of the Paganini-Liszt “ Caprice;” Cho­ the fact that the entire course of pin’s “ Nocturne” in C minor; and Cocktail Lounge GRAND CEAUFION STSAZI 2200 South Logon Piano Talent Contest her sti^ies has been under the a brilliant finale, the Delibes-Doh- New Coffee Shop guidance of two musicians famous nanyi “ Naila" waltzes. lOth Avenne nt Grant At Lakeside July 31 in their own right—the late Wil­ MAin 6291 The firms listed here deserve to liam Harmans and the Hungarian D. B. CERISE. Maaarar be remembered when you ere die* trlbutlag your patronage to the dif­ Jack Fina of the “ ten talented conductor, Alexander Raab. ferent lines of buslnesa. fingers” will finish un his engage­ She says that many more funds •y ^Tom Burke'i Tb« firmB listed her* deserve to ^ are needed to finish the work Fa­ be remembered when you are dis- t ment at Lakeside El Patio ball­ WINTER trfbutlna your patronate to the dlf* [ room, Denver, Sunday night, ther Cuellar haa begun. One ferent fines of business. July 10. hundred American dollars a month GARDEN On Sunday afternoon, tha sec­ for ’ ond Jack Fina piano talent Good Foodg ( contest will be held at Lakeside’s and El Patio along with the regular Thirst Quenching MOUNT CARMEL matinee. This week’s winner will Drinks compete Sunday night with Danny 1114 Broadway Guerrero, 13, of Denver, who was adjudged winder of the first piano SCHOOL contest last week. The final winner will be featured on the KLZ broadcast from El July 28, 29, and 30 Patio Sunday night and will re­ Marie Stoesser St. Bernadette’s parish, Lake- SijqJhtmdth, (hm ufd, ceive a grand prize for piano ex­ wood— Bazaar at West Colfax and cellence. padre called upon Miss Stoesser Garrison. Amateur pianists who were not and invited her to Guadalajara to July 31 able to compete last week are in­ see hit pitiful little Boys Town. vited to register with the ballroom The blueprint plans he had for St. Anne’s, Arvada— Parish pic­ manager, Ray Isley, any time be­ spacious, sunny living quarters, ad­ nic, Berkeley park. fore Sunday afternoon, or call him ministration building, playground, Aug. 4, 5, 6, and 7 at GL. 1463. stables, theater, and even a ftAcrt w u n n MW BAZAAR Skitch Henderson’s orchestra swimming pool were a far cry from St Cajetan’s parish — Annual will make its first appearance in the reality. There—on the outskirts bazaar on school grounds. Denver Tuesday, Aug. 2. of sleepy Guadalajara—it lay: M t Carmel pariah— Annual ba­ mitfi. / West 36th Avenue and Navajo Street Skitch Henderson has a deft One main building of adobe, which zaar on church nounds; spaghetti keyboard style totally unlike that held the dining room and the dinner Aug. 4, 6—8 pjn. of any other maestro, and leans to padre’s quarters below and rows Holy Rosary parish — Annual m n u i i the modern French school of music; upon rows of little iron dormitory summer festivaL His prime idea in dance music is August 4-5-6 & 7th that it must be recognisable and Aug. 7 danceable. SWIMMING All Lakeside attractions will be Church Bazaar Set St. James’ parish— Annual par­ ^ ia m h u n t e r SPAGHEni DINNER-AUG. 4 open for extra hours this week ish picnic at Montclair Civic park. CLASSES end^ when the gates open at noon By Derby P a rish Aug. 10,11,12, and 13 Saturday and Sunday. Twenty dif­ Afternoons THURSDAY EVE ferent rides, games, swimming, and Annunciation parish — Annual other amusements, along with cool, For August 19 - 21 bazaar on church grounds. Mon. thru Fri. comfortable picnic rounds, are Aug. 19 and 20 S T H r Swimming Daily Including $1.00 PER PLATE available for recreation at Lake­ Sat. A Sun. 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 side. Derby.— (S t Catherine’s Parish) St. Philomena’t parish— Annual From 5 to 8 p.m. —Work is progressing on the ba­ bazaar on school grounds, lOtb Adults 60^, Children 35^ zaar that is to be held Aug. 19, 20, and Fillmore. s p im and 21 in connection with the dedi­ PROGRESS PLUNGE ^ WH88W' Sacred Heart Speaker Aug. 21 Set this amazing piano with Ome*n RwiMo • I** CSnO* cation. Some excellent articles are liOe W. Pitrida W«*twaod 1949 CHEVROLET to be on display during the bazaar. Holy Trinity parish, Westmin­ Diiphragmatic Sound Board e BQu. W. F9d. Blvd. On Display Is Geophysics txpert Those who wish further informa­ ster— Annual parish dinner .in and Accelerated Action found Ft. Loffaa Bae at dlam^t A Bdwy* tion should contact anyone from Shrine of S t Anne hall, Arvada. exclusively in famous Stein­ The Rev. Paul Guraan-Rhras, S t Catherine’s parish or call Mrs. Other Interesting Articles dn Display S.J., will be the speaker on the Elizabeth Benallo at Hazeltine Aug.*2S way ipinet and grand pianoa. t JEM’S TAVERN and Sacred Heart radio program at 206 J. St. Louis’ parish, Englewood— 12:30 Sunday, July 31, over sta­ Everyone is looking forward to Fiesta to celebrate completion of 7119 Chos. E. Wdls JLVNCHEOK tion KMYR, Denver. Father Gug- the dedication of St. Catherine’s new sebooL mah-Rivas is a member of the in­ church at Derby Friday, Aug. 19, M ih Ic C o . ■V-KU — WINS - UneSD DUNKS M a n / Other Carnival Attractions stitute o f geophysics at '8 t Louis at 10 o’clock. Mass will continue A u A i S ISS BROADWAY university, St. Louis, Mo. He will until then to be held at 9 o’clock in S t Joseph’s puish— Picnic, Elk N. B. C. Udg. 1«29 CaBf. St. jamts. at dslobext speak on “ Sununertime.” the Derby school auditorium. Falls park. h ?AGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Stroet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TaUphona, KEyttono 4205 Thurtdoy, July 21, 7949 Archbishop Vehr Questions Students at Summer School Franciscans Will Honor St. Dominic on Feast DaV (St. Dominie’* Paritli, vent prayers will be recited D en T or) honor of Our Lady of Fatii The Franciscan Fathers will cel Blessed Martin, the Infant bf ebrate a Solemn Mass at 8 o’clock Prague, and *St Frances Xavikr Thursday, Aug. 4, the Feast of St Cabrini. j Dominic, the parish patron. The Altar and Rosary sodeL In a yearly custom, which orig­ will receive Communion in the 7:|0 inated more than 700 years ago, Mass Sunday, July 31 the Franciscan Fathers pay honor to St Dominic, and the Dominicans honor S t Francis as a memorial of the friendship between the two ST.PHIL0MENA'$ saint* when they met in Rome. On both feast days the friars of the two orders chant an antiphon in rn a k Aotontlll W. 1. (Sp**d) Uia«a| jraise of their Seraphic Father, Prancis, and their Apostolic Fa­ FOR ther, Dominic. In preparation for the Feast of St. Dominic, there will be a sol­ emn triduum beginning Monday CO LD BEER evening, Aug. 1, at 7:30. The de- votion will consist of the Rosary, CALL FR. 8881 Benediction of the Blessed Sac­ rament, and the Litany of St. Dom­ Cans and Bottles inic. The usual evening Confes­ sions will be heard after the serv­ ice. A Rosary Holy Hour will be TED'S conducted at 7:30 on Friday eve- I 3504 E. Clolfax ning, at which time the usual no-

ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH Patronise These Friendly Firms

JACKSON’S Cut Rate Draga I It’s 1 thrill Prescriptions ti ke reieikerei FOUNTAIN SERVICE PKJO PBOHPT DEUVERT 0*0 SP. Ma D*v*lat A atemS*

^ A happy throng of students surrounds Archbishop Urban J. S.J.; Sister Mary Joseph; Archbishop Vehr; Sister Mary Finlan; THESE YOUNGSTERS are not stumped, even by an , RA. 1818; expert, as Archbishop Urban J. Vehr asks a few friendly Vehr, center, in the photo at right. In the background are, left to and the Rev. Arthur Versavel, SJ., director of the school. Some ^ ^ ^ F R E E DELIVERY f questions on the catechism at the summer school conducted in the right. Sister (Mary Annette, partially hidden; the Rev. Michael 100 students attended tht vacation school classes in religion.— (Photo* BUCHANAN’S YOU WILL BE PROUD NCCS-USO building, 17th and Grant streets. Schaeffer, S.J.; Mr. Casey, USO manager; the Rev. John E. Casey, by Charle* Wunder) Christian Bros. Wines THEY CAME FROM + + + AO P»f U* B**n FORGET-ME-IVOT W*D*liT*r FLOWER SHOP Msgr. Maloney to Give KIRAY Group Summer School Fete Give Vacations PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy 285 SO. DOWNING Lourdes Novena Sermon At St. John's To 160 Children nMPTATION ROTOLO'S (Our Lady of Lourdet Parish, Louis' parish in Englewood July To End Classes at 796 So. Broadway Denyer) 31 at 4 p.m. Monsignor Joseph ICE CREAMfiOe 11 O’Heron, pastor, will lead the pil­ Slates Picnic At DCCW Camp U M Gallon* V V * The novena at Our Lady of Lourdes shrine in South Denver grimage and hold the Benediction Beat Quality Fresh Egga and blessing with the relic of St, (St. John’s Pariah, Denver) Afte;* one of its most successful Standard Gas & Oils! is proving popular, and plans are NCCS Held for 100 4 ! being made to make it even more Bernadette. Parishioners from St. The KIRAY club for high school seasons the Denver Deanery Coun­ I so. Beginning Sunday evening,July Louis’ are invited to attend the students is planning a streetcar A PICNIC at Rocky Mountain lake, Denver, Thursday, Aug. 4 cil of Catholic Women concluded Broadway Creamery will bring to a close the summer school conducted for 100 students QUALITY GEANING 31, at 7:‘45, a five-minute sermon family picnic on the parish grounds picnic on Tuesday evening, Aug. 2. its camping prog;ram of five weeks H 8*. BnaSway 8P. H U by Sisters Mary Finian, Mary Joseph, and Mary Annette, Sisters SEASONABLE PRICSf will be added to the novena services. after the pilgrimage. Tables will The streetcar will leave St. John’s of Charity from Cathedral school. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr is at Our Lady of the Rockies camp T *n G*m«at* In*arU Atstx*t fbm With the novena prayer. Benedic­ be available around the center school, Sixth and Elizabeth, at 7 sponsor of the school. near Evergreen. One hundred and ■ad Th*rt tion, and blessing with the relic of house under the shade of the big o’clock and will return at 11 C0 N(K 0 PRODUaS S t Bernadette, approximately 20 trees. o’clock. Boys and girls will bring The classes are conducted for an enthusiastiiy body of pupils sixty children from Little Flower, every day in the USO-NCCS building adjacent to the Catholic Char­ minutes’ time will be taken. The Members of the Altar and their own picnic lunches. Drinks Vail, Fox street, and Holy Ghost .aibrication — Delco Batteries ities at E. 17th and Grant street. The sisters lead the children in five-minute sermon will be given Rosary society of Our Lady of and transportation will be pro­ Youth centers spent a pleasant va­ Car Washing vided at a cost of 65 cents. All work and art projects, singing, and conduct catechism classes. jo d e fu lt by Monsignor David Maloney of Lourdes will hold their August The course, designed by Father Arthur Versavel, S.J., of Sacred cation there. Marcario Aguirres of CLEANERS AND DYERS the Chancery office. meeting on Thursday, Aug. 4, in high school boys and girls are Heart parish, to fill the children’s summer months with a store W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS n i BSOAOWAT Monsignor Maloney has visited the center house, 2256 S. Logan invited. Vail center won first prize as the of useful knowledge, especially of the Catholic faith, has gained Lourdes in France and his short street. The meeting will open with Mrs. Edward Wolter will be best camper among the boys. Jo- Alameda ft Logan PE. 9840 Ptwai* PE ITU A PE. ITU ! the Rosary recited at the shrine. great assistance from Joseph Little, Denver attorney, who has Jo Martinez of Little Flower cen­ talk should be of interest to those hostess to members of St. An­ acted as a sponsor. making the novena. On Sunday, A covered-dish luncheon at the pic­ thony’s circle at luncheon and • • * ter took second, and Brian Harris MERK'S Alameda Drug Store | nic center will follow the Rosary. of Little Flower center was the Aug. 7, Father Fabian Joyce, O.F.- bridge on Monday. Aug. 1. ANOTHER ACTIVE HELPER in the project is William Ber­ T. O. PBTBB80N. Prap. [ M., of St. Elizabeth’s monastery The women will meet at the shrine The Infant of Prague circle en­ third-prize winner. Among the at 1 p.m. nard, who contributes his talent at the piano in leading the young­ girls, Laureen Abeyta of Holy DRUG STORE Cat Rate Drags j will give the five-minute sermon joyed the hospitality of Mrs. George sters in songs and skits. Fathers John E. Casey, S.J., of Sacred It was announced last month that Ghost Youth center won the Mon­ CUT RATE PRICES at the outdoor novena. B. Greer at her mountain home, Heart parish and Michael A. Schaeffer. S.J., of Loyola parish take Fonntain Serviea School Supplied ji The first pilgrimage to the new a change in the bylaws of the so­ “ Ismarego,” in Bear Creek canyon signor John R. Mulroy prize for Pn*criptl*Bi Accaiateb PUItJ an active interest in the summer school. Win**, Bm i*. Bt*. — PMutaia Your Bmsinese Appreciated Lady of Lourdes shrine will be ciety will take place soon. The Thursday, Aug. 21. being the best camper. Cathy and The classes, begun Tuesday, July 6, run from 9 in the morning 1300 So. Pearl SP. 7539 Alameda & So. Broadway made by the parishioners of St. change is in regard to the election Mrs. Henry P. LeClair was in Eileen Jones tied for second-place till noon, and every day draw a full quota of children happy in honors, and Nellie Pino was the of officers: In place of a nominat­ charge of the care of the altars learning and doing constructive work. ing committee selecting the officers, and sanctuary the last two weeks winner of the third prize. ST. CATHERINE'S members will nominate two or more in July, assisted by Mmes. Roy G. Fifty-six boys took part in the candidates for each office from the LOGAN GARAGE! Atkinson, Matt Brennan, and Wil­ first two-week session, 53 girls floor. .^11 are invited to attend this liam Hennessy. St. James' Parishioner in the second two-week session, Expert Repairing on All Makes j meeting. , and 51 girls in the last session, Complete Body. Fondor and Paint Dapt. | The Rocks of Lourdes club Mrs. Margaret Hollister of Los which was of one week’s duration. Angeles, Calif., _ is visiting Mrs. Wheel and Front End Alignment j WASINGER'S held a parish get-together on Receives Belgian Honor Taking part in the promotion of Charles Dunn and Mrs. J. 0. Rae. Wednesday, July 27. An outdoor Joseph P. Constantine, Denver the camp program this year were 275 Se. Logan . SP. SSIl'l Mr. and Mrs. John R. Moran that he had been made a Chevalier ELECTRIC STORE movie was shown and food was attorney acting as Belgian consul, de L’Ordre de la Couronne. Mrs. L. A. Higgins, chairman; served by the Rocks. The men and family will leave Friday, July received word July 25 from Baron Mrs. Fred Gushurst, Mrs. James of the club feature a party for 29, for a short vacation in Glen- This honor, accorded to servants Kenney, Mrs. John F. Murtaugh, J^Everything ElectricaV* Robert Silvercrys, Belgian Am­ of the Belgian government in the parish once each month. wood Springs. bassador in Washington, D. C„ and James P. McNeive, camp di­ BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH The Rocks of Lourdes are work­ recognition of outstanding service, rector, who, in turn, were assisted Misses Edna Morr and June was presented to Mr. Constantine Sales • Repair * Service ing on Monday and Friday eve­ by Mrs. Mary Hooper and John Patronise These Friendly Firms Siems are enjoying a vacation trip at the direction of Paul Spaak, nings each week in an attempt to on the Western slope. Landrum, the program directors Electric Roasters improve the recreational and picnic Annunciation Belgian Minister of Foreign Af­ Mrs. David O’Brien returned for the girls and boys, respectively. grounds. Barbecue pits are now fairs, oh behalf of his government. 2 0 % o ff Monday from Colorado Springs Mr. Constantine recently com­ 62 Children Feted under construction, and the men pleted 13 years of exemplary ser­ will begin making park benches where she made a retreat at El Parish Sets 3156 W. 3Stb Are. Pomar and later visited the C. D. vice in the consular department of At Vail Center H e r e ’s instant hoc water to breeze right through your for the parish grounds some time washing, dishes, and cleaning . .. then into a just-right, GLendale 8946 O’Brien family. that country. Sixty-two boys and girls were next week. relaxing cubful, l^ a u sc there's always plenty left with a Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeClair are Bazaar Meet among those honored by the Den­ Moved Here Rheem automatic. / planning a two-week vacation at ver Deanery Council of Catholic Mesa Verde. They will be joined (Annunciation Parish, Denrar) In 1920 women at a First Holy Communion Easily installed, moderately priced, economically oper­ there by their son-in-ldw and A large attendance is*expected Bom in Southern Italy on the breakfast held at the Vail com­ ated . . . Rugged, handsome, and safe. . . juac set the ST. JOHN'S PARISH daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Galen at the final bazaar meeting Aug. picturesque Straits of Messina of munity center, July 24. From finger-tip temperature control and forget about the hot Patronise These Friendly Firms Rowe, and baby. ,4 at 8:15 in Hagus hall. Homeric lore, Mr. Gonstantine June 1 to July 22 special summer water problem. classes were held at the Vail center Altar boys for the week of July emigrated to this country with his Guaranteed by America’s greatest builder o f water 31 are as follows: Sunday, 5:15, parents in 1903. His family orig- with an average daily attendance Guaranteed of more than 200 children. heaters . . . Come in, TO D A Y, or phone for information. The firms listed here de­ P. Housand and E. Stegeman; inally_ settled in Pennsylvania, Plan Bazaar 7:30, John and B. Kelly; 8:30, and, in 1920, moved to Denver. The committee from the Den­ serve to be remembered RADIO SERVICE Since then Mr. Constantine re­ ver Deanery of Catholic Women J. Charles and J. Grelenc; 9:30, . horn# comfort appliances and Sales J. and F. Preselac; 10:45, J. Haley ceived his law degree, and at pres­ was made up of Mrs. Fred Gus­ Rheem.. when you are distributing July 28-30 ent his offices are in the Midland hurst, Mrs. L. A. Higgins, and and E. Mares; and 12, B. Feely .0 0 Bank buildinp;, which serve for Mrs. Fred Thompson, ^’ho were 0 your patronage in the dif­ TIP TOP RADIO and M. McCarthy; Benediction, both his thriving law practice and assisted by Frank Barreras, assist­ 30 Gallon Deluxe... 73 installed prict. ferent lines of business. & APPLIANCE Housand, Stegeman, and J. and F. In Lakewood Preselac. the consulate. ant director of the Denver dean­ Ftps year guarantee. 2434 E. 3rd Are. EA. 2222 ery community centers; and Mrs. (St. Bernadette’* Pari.*h, Weekdays (only two Masses), Mr. and Mrs. Constantine and Permanent Waving son, Thomas, are members of St. Tito Barros, Miss Della Gonzales, PARK HILL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC. Lakewood) 6:15, J. Charles and J. Kelly; 8, Mrs. Quinteros, Mrs. P. Ciddio, a Specialty PETERSON'S At the meeting held July 20 in J. and F. Preselac; James’ parish'and reside at 1365 Monaco parkway. Miss Mary Jaramillo, Mrs. Frank 4630 East 23rd Avt. EA, 6943 the Jefferson hall, the committee Father Donald McMahon is on Barreras, John Albo, and James M y Lady Edith AUTO SERVICE chairmen advised that everything vacation. P. McNeive, director. Dependable Repairing is in readiness for the parish Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maguire NEW HOMES FOR SALE Beauty Shoppe bazaar to be held on Thursday, and Kathy Ann left Friday to On All Cars 2 and 3 Bad Rooms in Pnrk Hill ROSS VARIETY STORE HinnU Kcucler. Ugr. Friday, and Saturday evenings spend a two-week vacation in Annual Bazaar KEW LOCATION of this week. It had been reported Offtc. DE. 42U NOTIONS . INFANT WEAR 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 0788 563 Detroit FR. 5023 Evanston, 111., visiting Mr. Ma­ C*wpl*t* R«al BaUte Sarrtc* that the bazaar would be held at guire’s mother, Mrs. Theresa Ma­ W hdt tk e Hardwaro • Toys Colfax and Wadsworth, but the guire. JOHN F. BRUNO site has been changed to West At Mt. Carmel 2214-16 Kaamoy HATHAWAY’S St. Anne's club, with Mrs. T > 9 c i9 t Orders, r e Colfax and Garrison. * ReolUn DE. 4488 Highlight of the final evening Laura Cort acting as hostess, will 6107 E. 22nd CITY LACE CLEANERS meet for a picnic lunch and after­ 2625 EAST 3rd AVE. PHONE DE. 6891 will be the display of a new Ford car. The Ford has been shown at noon of games at the City park Parish Planned CurUlni - Pillowi Carefnlly Cleinnl and Returned Seme Slie. Special Car* playCTOunds Tuesday, Aug. 2, at Gleen to Table Linen*. BlankeU Unndered WiUiout Sbrlnkac*. Con’s Supermarket and the Safe­ (Our Lsdj of Mt. Carmel Paruk, way store in Lakewood and at St. 1 o’clock. 23RD AND ONEIDA WORK. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Denrer) Joseph’s church in Golden. Paul Mrs. Thomas F. Carr and Mrs. Pattridge is chairman of the spe­ Phil Ryan of the Altar society will Final plans for the forthcoming SHOPPING DISTRICT cial committee, assisted by James act as caretakers of the altars 18th annual school bazaar were Lonergan. and sacristy in the month of made at a bazaar meeting July 19. The Altar and Rosary society August. The bazaar will be held Aug. 4, GARRETT’S will "meet on Thursday, Aug. 4, in 5, 6, and 7 on the church grounds. RETHMAN A P P A R E L & G IFTS ANNUNCIATION PARISH A spaghetti dinner will be the Jefferson hall, 7821 W. Colfax. Baby, Children, and Woman's Patrontse These Friendly Firms served Aug. 4 at a cost of $1 per The hostesses for this meeting Homemade Cake Booth BEAUTY SHOP Wear person. The dinner will be served will be Mmes. C. Paul Short, E. V. “ )Fe Feature Berkshire Hose" in the Mt. Carmel society hall Experienced, Pathionteise Hair Copping, and James M. Lonerean. For Edgewater Parish AifNred i^ 8 • Toy* BENTAL LIBBAST The firms listed here de­ l \ D l i r C LOWEST from 5 to 8 p.m. A 1949 Chevrolet Stylists are ITniting to Sert* You. U K U V ) PRICES IN DENTEB Mrs. M. Haug will donate a ^ f t O Notions 2251 Onaida club coupe will be on display Sun­ serve to be rem embered Sunday, Aug, 7, will be Com­ fU§ktertil PhamiSefifi a Lovely Gifts DE. 6733 ' munion Sunday for the women and Nets Over $100 Profit day evening, Aug. 7, closing night 2229 Onaida DE. 9209 girls of the parish. of the bazaar, in addition to many rm r datter** ensateOem wU b* when you are distributing (St. Maty Magdalena’s Parish, c*rr**tl7 dl*pie**d at Paifc OO more valuable gifts. All parish­ Dies Cueaur . . . I i«sl»**r»d Fisher’s MONTYIEW your patronage in the dif­ STORE DepTer) ioners are urged to co-operate as phanesd*t* ta ***** jr«a. j Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kolbel, who Jewelry Store ferent lines of business. they have in the past years to W* pnadir ackaewMs* I*( pm BARBER SHOP MSI FRANKLIN ET. COME ON OUT! were in charge of the homemade aaat aecaptaac* by (b* *r» Watch — Jewelry Repairing make this affair a bigger and bet­ OPEN: cake booth at the bazaar, held ter success than in previous years. fmlna. da* t* fair fctcaa, *r**iH 8900 West Colfax early in the month, wish to thank •atrlc*. and aagnatlaaad sccerscr. Open 10:00 a.m. Till 8:00 p.m, 8:00 A.M, to 6:00 P.M, Weakdayaj' The Ushers’ club will hold its ETening* ST. BERNADETTE’S all the women who baked cakes. P*r nUtJaetlT* Pria** tar Bildt* 8.00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Satnrdaya3 annual picnic at Rocky Mountain Parti** and *0 ether nre*lia* VYouraup BusinessRizairvafta AppreciatedAnnr^latoA ) The booth netted more than $100 narr ous cirr depaethent 2255 Oneida • EA. 2834 CARNIVAL profit. lake Aug. 14. The altar boys of 2231 Oneida Timothy Joseph Ryan, infant the parish will be guests of honor Thur*., Fri., ft Sat. at the picnic. Members are to pre­ . PMOMS son of Dr. and Mrs Michael P. CHtaartW 1949 FORD Shown by your Ryan, was baptized recently, with pare their own basket lunches. OPEN D A IL Y s Picnic hour is set at 11 a.m. MILLER'S CLEANERS COR. M S mm CftPIN New Ford Dealer John T. Regan and Rosina Moss- MOiyrVlEW and ROSLYN brucker as sponsors. The Holy Name society will be Froagt Pick-*p and Dtllrtry j in charge of putting up the stands 10 NEW ItICK HIEEt WALKER BROTHERS / Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Siegfried Tit* Bath* — Gar**** We Give Your Clothes That A MEMBER OF ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH INVII’ES MOTORS and Kenneth of 2916 Depew street for the bazaar. All members and UU.U d«wa — G.L Personalised Touch | left Monday for Otis, Kans., to friends who desire to help are IA77II YOUR PATRONAGE 7315 W. Colfax MAin 1758 attend the funeral of a sister of ariced to assemble on the church CALL FR. 8970 2235 Oneida Dexter 7804 j Mr. Siegfried. grounds about 6 p.m. Aug, 1. I ' -4 J :

\ 1 ______,.L L ' I Tliurt^, July 2t, 1949 Office, 931 lennoek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4205 RAGE N IN

DP Work Joins Father, Paper Says Red Ranks Internationalixed Union Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Much Discussed in Rome Socialists Fear Commies\ Pefugee Son First Time Split , by Demagogues Rome.—The need for affiliating New York. — When the U, 8 Rome.—II Quotidiano, Catholic the various organizations of Cath­ array transport Marint Jumper Action organ, explains the impos­ olic workingmen into an inter­ But Also Fight Christians docked here, a father and son raet ing Communist losses in Italy as national group was a subject fre­ for the first time. Waiting at the I due to “ the demogogic policy of quently discussed during his stay B j U u JerSsn Despite public claima that ^ pier to meet his son Karl was John strikes,” which has driven Milan­ Berlin.—The total elimination of K lein ^ New York house painter, in Rome, said Monsignor John P. ligion is not impaired, the Com­ ese workers to the exasperation the meager remnants of Catholie who Irame to this country frora point. The article was an answer Boland of Buffalo, N. Y., long a Action in the state of Branaenburg munists continue to undermine Ire- Lithuania 20 years ago. The son's to No. 2 Communist Giuseppe Hi recognized authority on labor re­ is threatened in a bill being con­ ligious influence. The policy i^ s voyage was madr possible by Vittorio, secretaty of the Com­ lations. Such a group, according to sidered in the Communis^omi< outlined in an editorial in TaepHthe NCWC War Relief Services. An­ Monsignor Boland, would include munist General Confederation of nated Vokerat or Diet, which would Rundechau, Red-controlled dally. other heart-warming scene at dock- Italian Labor, who attributed the ths Association of Catholic Trade confine to the "church proper” all side was the reunion of Mrs. party losses to “ hesitant workers" Unions of England, the U. 3., and Church activities. It is posable ths According to the editorial, Agatha Elvys, 72-year-old Lithu­ Japan, ACLI of Italy, and all who have fallen before "the coun­ proposed measure might set the will be untouched as long as they anian DP, with her two sons Jo ter-offensive of capitalists.” other similar groups In various stay within religions bounds i^d seph and Petras Elvys of Flush­ countries of the world. pattern for the whole Soviet zone II Quotidiano points out that the do not Interfere with polities, ht- ing, Long Island. The Elvys had drop in Red ranks is not confined in Germany, which has an esti­ been separated 22 years. to Northern Italy, but is happen­ mated 2,000,000 Catholies. tack ths Communist order, or ing throughout the country. Reds Reds Don’t Like Film At- the same time the Socialists pedt the reconstruetion of (Com­ Divine Word Missionary admit 200,000 lost in Northern Cologne. — TVar Apaintt War, of Western Germany, who would be munist) democracy. Italy in two years. the Orbis motion picture produced the first to suffer were the Com Reports reaching hsra show- a Marks 60 Years in China mnnists to gain control, show a under Vatican auspices and now constant increase in the populatibn surprising hostility to all Christian Techny, 111.— The Rev. Anthony being shown in Western Germany, of concentration campa SoMa Volpert, S.V.D., 83, celebrated United Fight on Church churches, and to Catholies in par­ 260,000 have been arrested siiiee simultaneously the 60th anniver has been banned in the Soviet ticular. The Diet of the state of the end of the war, and 100,000 are sary of his ordination and his 60th Schools Is Under Way zone of Austria. In Weste|^ Ger­ Hesse has refused to provide known to have been liquidated, year as a missionary in Kansu, many the film is being Shown be­ 740,000 marks fpr ths maintenance with 60,000 deported to Russian New York.—An orgknized plan of Protestant and Catholic ch i^ Northwest China. He is also the of opposition against Mit Catho­ fore many Catholic youth groups. slave campa Two ptotieularly no­ first diamond jubilarian of the It also will be displayed publicly lains for the refugees in ths itan, torious camps in use in the SorM lic educational system^in the U. and the SoAaiist majority refused society. Father Volpert, through S. is being carr!^ out today, and in Bochum, Westphalia, at the zone are Buchenwald and Saehisjn- his own preference, has never re national German Catholic conven­ a budget for religious instruction hausen, which can acdommodcta Catholic ^ucational organizations in public schools. . turned to his native Germany for must form a united front to tion in September. 100.000. [NCWC Radio and Wir#] a -visit. When aged and infirm oppose, it. Brother Benildus, head missionaries were evacuated last of the Christian Brothers’ Educa­ PUBLIC 8 ALB OP NO MARKS spring Father Volpert asked and tional association, declared at a UNCLAIMED PRBIOHT Intornntionnl HarveaUr Co., Salt Lake 1 bar laid bullion Situated in North Denver at 3601 Kalamath street, was granted permission to remain. meeting of the group. BY City, Utah, 1 auto jack; Idol, L. X. and 2 bdl. cahia rtel slats * THE BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR of Our He is still working. As exaraplts of this opposition the church serves Spanish-speaking parishioners THE DENVEa a RIO GRANDE Co., Rifle, Colo., 4 bx. bed ends, 4 bdl. bed 1 ctn. saucepans Lady of Guadalu^)e church, Denver, which who had formerly attended S t Cajetan's. The to Catholic education Brother rails. B lengths 1" soil pip* Benildus pointed to the activities WESTERN RAILROAD COHPANT was dedicated by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in Theatine Fathers are in chargee of the parish, and 1 metal oil drain of groups united for “ separation August, 1948, is shown above in a recent photograph. the Rev. Andrew Burguera, C.R., is pastor. Death of Pioneer Prelate RIO GRANDE MOTOB WAT, INC 1 EE-gnl. wood bam] of Church and State,” the recom­ 1 metal floor drain , Mourned in Indianapolis mendation of the President’s Com­ 2 hi. dog food s Indianapolis, Ind. — The oldest mission on Higher Education that * Nolle* i* h*r*by civ*n that Th* Dtnvtr Jack's Baking Co!, Denver, Cole., 1 bdl. 1 tx. deg food priest in the Archdiocese of In­ federal aid be denied privatd° or A Rio Grand* WMtern Bailread Company, boxee. 1 bdl. papar bag* dianapolis. the Rt, Rev. John P. Church-related colleges, the Barden and Rio Grand* Motor Wny, Ine., eemmon 1 e*. toilet paper ■' O’Connell, died July 11, at 84. bill, the North Dakota vote out­ earrl*r* of fnleht and pai**nftr* tor hire, 1 large tank Monsignor O’Connell was or lawing the wearing of religious will tall th* rood* and. proptzty h«t«in 2 email tank* dained in 1883, and served as garb In public schools, and vari­ ntt*r d«*crib*d at publie auction to th* Kelly's Price Drug, Price, Utah, I bx. 1 grader bUde pastor of St. Patrick’s church un­ ous cases of litigation such as the hifhnt bidd*r (hr eaah *t It* lalvas* druge: Kolob Lumber, 8prlBgvi|la, Utah, 1 BB-gal. drum oroniU eieeylte acid til six months ago. He was made Everson case in New Jersey, the depot. 1&71 Ittb tlrtet. Denver, Colorado, 1 sprayer; Kreae, a H. A Cb„ Grand Junc- 4 pa (4" galv. pipe a Domestic Prelate in 1933. Two McCollum case in Illinois, and the eoimn-neinc at 9 :90 o'eloek *. m. Monday. tien, Colo.. 1 ctn. picturee: Kraes, S. H. Dixon case in New Mexico. 2 pc. 24” klaek pip* days before his death. Monsignor Aufuit 22, 19tf| and eontinulng from .day A Co., Colorado Springa, Colo., 1 eto. 2 pe. H* galv, pip* O’Connell left an oxygen tent to In urging his listeners to renew to day until all of aald property,- nr luf- china oupa; Krcat, S. U. A Co., Grand Remember the Church zeal for the educational prineinlea 49 pe. 24* galv. pip* celebrate Mass. tleiant thercot to pay ebareae, 1* aold. Said Junction, Colo.. 1 eta. envtlepaa; Kaaa, 12 pc. 24* galv. pip* of their order, Brother Benildus property flther ha* net b*«B *ec«pt«d, C. E.. Rio Blnaeo, Colo., I truhlT'^lalyM. said, "The answer to our detrac­ B pa 24* black pip* tors should be quiet accomplish­ taken away and eharr** tb*r*on paid by 1 trunk riding aquipmant; Kraaa, 8. H. 2 pc. 1* black pip* De Paul Society Aids the eoniicnte* o f peieone euthoriied to re­ A Co.. Grand Janetion, Cola, 1 etn. pie- ment.” ' 7 pa 124” galv. PiPa ceive the eame within ninety day* n/tOr turee. 1 pc. 224* black pip* Outcast Groupjn Japan arrival at place of conaleDmcnt, or bat 7 pa 1* X 24”y ^ p**1 tn% Nishinomiya, Japan.— Religious California Mission been left with eald company to await ehip- 2 round rod ^ * x 20’ ment without any thipplns initruetion* 1 round rod-T"x20' and class prejudice in this suburb Lanen Brae. Wholectle A Bottling Co., of Osaka, the Chicj^o of Japan, beiof (Ivan or ehipment beiac mad* (or 5 pa 1* angle iron in To Re-Open Seminory ninety day*, and baa remainad In poaiaaaion Reoeevelt, Utah, 4 pe. etoambeUer, K. D.; has attracted the aid of the St. Lindenmeier Furniture Co., Denver, Colo,, 2 pa 24” angle iron Vincent de Paul society. About Santa Ynez, Calif.— Established of th* aforeeeld company, nnclaimed for 1 pa 2 * x 4 * x t* x l0 ’ bar sto^ more than ninety day* from th* time of 2 crt kitchen cabinet tablei; Lyman, Btan- 10,0DO "shinbeimin" (descendants about 160 years ago to serve the X X ley. Blinding, Utah, 1 eta. bardwaie; 1 p*. 2* 2* 124' angle iron of Korean prisoners or Koreans Chomuh Indians, and believed to arrival at the pointa of eoneltnment or IFpteoe* 4* Mil pipe YOUR WILL who were shipwrecked in Japan) from the time of ito delivery to eald com­ Lucky Market, Paonia, Cola, 4 ex. loap; be the first seminary in Califor­ Lybarger, Walker, Oonstruetien Oa, Grand 1 etn. batteriee live segregated and shunned by nia, Old Santa Ines Mission Will pany for ehipment. 1 es. .22 long rifle shells the rest of the population. Junction. Colo., 1 sheet 4'xlO ' lion plato: soon again receive candidates for All of enid property or to much thereof 1 furnace ashbox grata and abnlMff The St. Vincent de Paul society the priesthood. Restoration work Lewie, Hervin L,,. New CeetIa ColOo 2 has stepped in and provided food a* may be necaetary, will be aold to pay water heatora. 1 bx. used truck brake bands to refit the sooth wing has been freltrht, back charsea, etoret*. handUnx 42 pa corrugated aluminum and medical care for the outcasts, under way for several years. and, slthou]^ the “ shinbeimin” and coet of remevlnx earn* to place of aalc. 1 bdl. 12 pa 11/24 pip* i r lew 'When completed, it will. be able 1 bdl. 2 door hanger rail* are strong Buddhists, the mem­ DENVER a RIO GRANDE bers of the society believe they to house between 50 end 100 sem­ Mamerial BrenH Ca, Salt Taka City, 1 wrench - REMEMBER THE inarians. The new seminary will WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANT Utah, 6 etn. cedar Moeka; Mil**, G. D„ 2 lengths round steel 24* z 12* ^re clearing up misunderstanding 1 length yound steel IB/ll* x be operated by the Capuchins. RIO GRANPE MOTOR WAY. INC. Price, Utah, 1 pkg. neon algna: Horriaon i t and removing bad feeling between Herrin Co.. Salt Uk* City, UUh, 1 bdl 2 Jar Jtrgans fee* cream the “ shinbeimin” and the other L. P, DICKINSON. g windows; Mangon* Plumbing, Helper, 1 pkg; pink froatlnge 2 ctn. paper cans people through distribution of aid. Prclsht Claim Asant. Utah, 1 toilet seat -tank and bowl; Man- POOR MISSIONS Friend of Cardinal denhall of Price, Price, Utah, 1 pkg. gaa- y^roeket -wheele kett; Mountain State* Tclepbon* A Taie- I Bgrjnekel metal I Moderns Call Obedience Munich, Germany.— Before Dr. graph Ca. Midvala, Utah. 4 rotle guy erlra; 1 ehim furnace James M. Eagan, who has served Montgomery Ward and Co., Denver. Oolo. 2 bdl. agrie. impUmant Weakness, Priest States ss religious affairs officer in Bm- 1 etn. uph. chair; Hontgomsiy Ward and 1 gat heator , OF THE ARCHDIOCESE Arapahoe Purnltur* Company, Denver, Co., Trinidad. Colo., 1 ctn. cotton plaea 1 drum sebesto* plastic eameat New York.—Obedience has be­ varia for the U.S. military gov­ il 1109-20 rubber tin Colo., 2 ctn. tahlei, 4 ctn, chain; Ameri- goode; Mason Candy Co.. Grand Junction. come synonymous with weakness, ernment for the past four years, Coh).; 9 bx. candy t Montgomery Ward and 2 pails grease 1 24 drum greese the Rev. Frank J. MePhillips, chap­ left for the United States to be­ cin F\irnltur* Company, Colorado Sprlnfa. Co., Grand Junction, Colo.; 1 etn, Mec- come dean of the Lewis College Colo., -1 crL xaa ranee; A a 0 Corp., Den­ t r i^ eupplie*; Montgomery Ward and 1 iron grease trap lain for Catholic students at the 1 bdl. 2 calf yokas of Science and Technology, a ver, Colo., 2 crt. vexetable diepitye, 2 ert. Ca, Denver, Oolo., 1 ctn. paint: Mont- University of Michigan,Michig; deplored xomary Wai^ and Ca, Alamosa, Colo., 1 X steel wbeeli in an address on the Catholic Hour. Catholic institution at Lockport, canopiee. 2 crt. xlaaa; Alamoea Cold Stor­ ctn.. wash tub leg*: McCombs Refrlgara. 1 etn. flnoreecent light Sxtnre* III., he exchanged visits with 81^ age €o.. Alamoea, Colo., SO box* aawduat; lion Service, Denver, Colo., 2 ctn. elac. I saw mandrel He laid the cause for this change 1 bdl. 9 pa metal lath year-old Cardinal Faulhaber. Amarican Sp'rinx Co., DenvaV, Colo., 1 auto motors; McMullen Motor Co.. Alemoea, to the type of educator who refers Colo., 1 crt motor; Mountain Statoa Tale- 1 bdl. rock wool {nauUtion to freedom of the will as a. "theo­ iprinx. phone A Telegraph Co., Grand Junction, 1 bdl. 2 rods A S pa 24* PiP* 1 dot, team A wagon toyt logical fantasy.” Cola, 2 bdl. braeketa; Hallow, Howard, Leadvills, Cola, 2 eta. eota and mattraN**. 1 piece flet iron 2 Black Hawk jacks 2 ctn. salee ticket* Buaey, Charlea W., Sallda. Colo., 2 box 2 box pip* fitting* 20-Year-Oid Church honaeboM xooda; Baby'a Sanitary Laundry. 1 angle Iron Salt I.ak* City, Utah, 2 ctn, printed mat­ Nawton Lumber Ca. Colorado Springe, 1 etn. 12 bottles cleaning fluid Cola, a pe. reinforcing atoel. 1 foot locker Consecrated Basiiica ter: Brake Service Wtrehoue*. Denver, 1 sx. egrieultural implement parts Paris.— Cardinal Federico Ted- PATRONIZE Colo., 1 hex auto part*; Blgga Xurtx Co., I pa iron stands Graad Junction, Colo., V e*.'Saahlitbt *»- 1 bbl, ngrasaal wntotproef bniak aaat eschini, Prefect of the Sacred 2 eta. saalrigbt food eeatailtan Congregation of St. Peter’s Bas­ aortment; Blooah, Charloa 0 „ Pueblo, Colo., Ogura, Milton. Aiamots. Colo., 1 U-gtl. 1 SE-gnl. drum meter oil ilica, has consecrated as a Basilica g ctn. houaebold xooda: Boy'a Groeery And drum fVietionaei*. 2 iron bed ralla a church, built 20 years ago in i Market. Moatroe*. Colo., 1 bieyelo tire: 1 eta. luggage 1 pa 124’ pipe Annecy, Southeast France, in Burt R. O., Alamoea, Colo.,' 1 ctn. aalea 1 bx. eempoeltion til* flooring honor of S t Francis de Sales. ticket*. 1 ax. cattle conditioner S t Francis lived in Annecy for REGISTER Penney, J. C. Co. Ine., Vernal, Utah, 1 bdl. 4 pc. 24” »0. stoel a number of years and is buried in I ctn. cotton piac* goods; Penney, J. C. 1 bag Iron Sttings Co., Inc., Roosevelt Utah, 1 ctn. elothas 1 'bx tore the Visitation convent there, which hamper; Parks Supev Market Salt Lak* 1 emery wheel he co-founded in 1607 with St. Calder. Howard, Vamat. Utah. 1 etn. City, Utah, B bdl. sealing tap*; Prove 1 fence gat* ‘ Jane Frances de Chantal. milk hone* unite: Craxuna, Ofden, Utah, Plumbing, Provo. Utah, 1 pc. IH gatv. 1 etn. furnace parto Twenty Archbishops and 1 box paint: Carter, Eiwood, Provo. Utah; pip*; Penney, J, 0. Co., Ine., Vernal, Utah, 1 pkg. to* jats Bishops took part in the consecra­ 2 etn. toilet aeatx: Chriatanaan'e Store. 1 box rubber boots; Pearton A Cipft, Rleh- IS rolls coat hangar wlrt Pleasant Grove, Utah, 1 etn dry xoodat fleld, UUh, IH horsepower motor; Pach­ 2 ctn. stove pad* tion. Champion Coal Mlalnf Co., Someraet, Colo­ eco. Moee, Del Norte, Colo., SH ax. min­ 2 bdl. machinery parts ADVERTERS rado. 1 ax bolta; Cordova, SaraSn, Jr.; eral mixture; Plane, LerOy, Jr„ Hooper, I axle Gorcla, Colo.,, 1 pkx, xiatad aaah, Coca- Cola, 1 bucket lub. grease: Public Service 1 bdl. wooden bed rails Jerusalem Franciscans Cola Bottlinx Co.. Grand Junction, Colo., Co„ Grand Junction, Cola, 1 kag small 1 etn. blanket* 1 ctn. Paper b oxn ; Cox, Johh M., Grand R. R. spikaa • Pikas Peak Novelty Co., 1 bdl. 2 bicycle tiras Help Orthodox Cleric Junction, Colo., 1 lUto engine; Crawford, Msnitou Springs. Colo., 2 etn. neveltiaa; 1 etn. inner tube* Harry B., Suainhoat Sprint*, Colo,. 2 rollt Pittaburgh Plate Gliaa Co., Denver, Colo., 2-B-gnl. cans thinner Jeruulem.—Through the efforts 2 8 f t step leddere: Poyner, Martin H. of American Franciscans, Russian woven wire; Center Grocery, Steamboat 1 etn. gliawar* Springa, Colo.. 1 bx. ealendart; Crana- Eaxle, Colo., 1 highway sign! Pepsi-Cola 1 bx. preesur* gauge Orthodox Deacon - Methody has O'Pallon Co., Grand Junction, Colo., 1 ert. Bottling Works, Pueblo, Colo., 1 ctn. 1 1 ca. Wine been released from an Isradi con­ fan and motor: Clark Rcfrlxeration Co.. gal. Jug root beer syrup. 1 busk saw frame centration camp here. A “political” Rifle, Colo.. 1 crt. ooolinx machine; 4 nliiag eoultoi* Crawleyi, Duranxa, Colo., 1 etn, pereola- 1 bdl. brace* • prisoner for about 1 year, the cleric toi*: Cordova, Ruth, San Criatobal, Nr M„ 1 wheel gained freedom because of poor Tell Them I bx baaket and stand. 1 bdl. 2 "V " pulley* A 2 "V” baits health. “ This is paradise,” he said Richfield Heme Furniahen, Richfield, 1 bdl. 2 calf yokes Utah. 2 bx. glasi articlei. 1 bdl, 2 iron door tracks . on arrival at the Orthodox mon­ Vtung jack astery on Mt. Olivet 1 artn. belt dressing A light Szturas Dry Gulch Irrigation Co., Soooarelt 1 ctn. sandwich tack* Utah, 1 pe, thraadad valve stem: Davit, 1 bdl. wooden handlee Radio Is Best Trainins: Schneider. Calvin, Craig, Cola, IS etn. 1 pkg. crutches You Reod Beryl. Priec, Utah. 1 etn. aalaeboarda: pcnonal aflecu; Sehroll, H. V. iVug Ca, For Speech, Priest Holds Downward, L. E., Midvale, Utah, 2 etn. Price, Utah, X etn, merehandise: Stewart 2 empty tank houaebold xooda: Dean's Sarviee, Provo, 1 bag insulator peg* • Distributing Co., Sait Lak* City. Utah, 1 auto radiator Omaha, Neb.— Radio is the best Utah, 1 tlra: David Bros.. Canter, Cok>., 1 ctn. elactrleal aqulpmsnt; Stewart A 1 can tub. oil, IH drum lub. oil, 2V4 1 8 ft. stoker anger means for good speech training, Wootey. Ogden, Utah, 2 ctq. auto lack: 1 bdl. exhaust pip** drums lub. oil; Denver Rendering Co.. said the Rev. Robert A, Johnston, Smith. R. A., Mt Pleasant, Utah, 1 bx. 1 bdl. 4 tucker stakto Denver Colo,, 4 sx dried bon**; Denver B battles flavoring: Snantb Markat Provo. 1 roll galv. tin S.J., a member of the executive Dry Goode Co., Denver, Colo., 1 ctn. clotbei Utah, 1 bx. 12 brooms; Safeway Stores, board of the National Catholic I Their Ad 2 metal door panel A PERM ANENT BURSE FOR THE PERPHUAl EDUCATION OF hamper: Drobnlck'e J., Oaraxe, Paonia, Ine., Denver, Colo., 1 otn. tea; Schmidt 2 etn. wallpaper Theater Conference,' at the fourth I Cole., 1 automotive part; Dev* Creek Hardkar* Ca, Grand Junction, Cola, 1 1 ctn. sleeping bags annual radio instituta of Creigh­ Mereantlla Co,. Dove Creek, Colo., X etn. bdt 12 woodan handlaa; S*-Nos Tee Day 2 stoel form blocks A SEMINARIAN IS $6,000. ANY PORTION OF • ton university. Educators from 38 dry good*. School. Toadlana, N. M„ 2 ctn. clothing: 1 etn. 12 bx. 44' ■beet metal screws Standard Supply Co., Colorado Springe, 2 ctn. photo goods states attended the two-day in­ Colo., 1 etn. auto mats; Schmidt Hard­ 2 auto springs stituta, which was held in conjunc­ in ware Co., Grand Junction, Colo., 1 bdl. 9 1 ca. curing salt THIS, HOWEVER, CAN BE LEFT. rakes; Smith, T. J., Grand Junction, Colo., 1 ctn. macaiuni ^ tion with Creighton’s summer! Ixeelaior Laundry, Grand Janetion, 2 upb. chairs; S-O Sales, Grand Junction, school. Colo., 2 etn. paper eollani Kbxrle, J. 0 ., 1 toll paper Colo.. B ca. Stapo; Shtrman Drug Co.. 1 etn. papef bags Gleeweed Springe, Colo., 1 ntlllty hex; Alamosa, Cola, 1 ctn. shampoo; Sim­ Bpbren, Pete, Pueblo, Colo., t bngt ae- 1 bdl. flooring mons, E. B., Farmington, N. H.. 2 stova, 1 lot Implaraaat frame Blessed Ears of Corn baetea. 2 bx, stove pipe, 1 axa; S t Mary's Hea- 2 bdl. 2 toll pipes pltrf. Grand Junction, Cola, I c*. Infant 1 carton food. 1 bdl. ft fork handia* Are Sym^ls of Prayer THE REGISTER 1 bdl, rug 1 Are beia THE SUM OF $600 WILL TAKE CARE Budapest.— The blessing of ears PoUmar, John, X u n rele. UtaUi. 1 eta tboei. 1 axl* shaft of com was the high point in a B pa sdil pip* Tri-Stat* Lumbar Co., Piova, U t^ . 2 pilgrimage of reparation and bdl. window alldea: Tnlscbz, Pat, San Juan 1 ML pip* strap prayer for jpod harvests in the They Witt Appreciate 6 Pueblo, N. H., 21 bags stuceepUsUr, t 1 elec, motor OF A STUDENT FOR ONE YEAR Diocese of Pecs, Hungary. After cans sad 1 etn. atueeo solution; Taylor, 4 bx. mashin* parts General Bleetrie Co., Salt Lake City. Tom S. Eagle, Colo., 2 bags neutral paat 1 pa tumbling mill part* the pilgrimage the ears of com Hearing You Say Utah, 2 etn. clock*; Oantv* Steal Co., 2 bdl. B pa sMafting # are hung near the crucifix in the Dregerton. UtaUi, 1 bx light*; Grant, W. T. 1 ML 2 pa drill •tael home as symbols of prayer for Co., Salt Lake City, 1 eta, thoe*; Graybar 1 ax. insulation good crops. Oeetrie, Salt Lain City, Utah, 1 eta. 1 empty 20 gnl. barrel aeon ilfn ; Gomet, Rafael, Denver, OoUv Utah Wbolcaale Ca, Prova Utah, 1 ci. 1 ert, work table In Buuapest a new church, of radoi 1 grind mill: Gtendenin, A. W„ canned pumpkin; Utah 'Wholaasle Ca, 1 ert. work table top For Further Information, Apply at modem architecture with a glass Denver, Colo., 2 ee, enfety book mtubee; Ihvvo, Utah, 7.ba T A F Cengh Loungda: 1 electric radiator rooof, has been dedicated. Con­ Oallegoee, Xpifnnio, Del Nerta, Cole;, 2 Uyed*. Frank, Alamosa. Colo., B pails 1 M. eannad sweat potatoag bunk boda, 1 maHraef; Graber, Oata, grease. 1 Ml. a bed nils ducted by the Franciscan Fathars "I Saw Your Ad 1 Ml. 8 24* anchor boHs Grand Jon'etlen. Colo., 2 eta. edvertiaint and dedicated to S t John Capis- mntarial; Gypaum Store k Locker, Gyp- 1 8-ft. nsatsl srotmnn bna* tran, the church has a capacity of sum. Cole.. I b w hickory amoklng wood B eta. phonograph raeerda I 800. dust. I 2 empty egg ease* Vriekan, Dick. Midvala, Utah. 2 art 1 etn. BOO food pails bicycle. 1 atn. 100 paper to a i train Bishop Haas Receives H 1- bdL 12 burlap bags 1 bdl 2 pe. 44* ptpo CHRnCERV OFFICE Civic Award From Eagles Holmaa, Prank, SprIntvIUe. Utah, 1 box 2 platform rockers Iron bote eattinga; Hunt VarljKy, Ptn- 1 Ml. toys Grand Rapids, Mich. — The gnltob, Utah, S hex glataware; Hotel William* Feundry, Balt I-alu CltTi Utah, 1 eta. auto floor teats month of August national civic Canon, Canon City, Colo., 1 ctn. lamp' 12 brake ehoea; Wileon, Cant C. P.. Camp 1 ca driad eggs service award of the Fraternal tbadaa; Baaton Brot. Mill, Craeda, Colo., Canon, Colo., 1 bx. pereonal effects; Wool- 1 es. soap, 1538 LogM Slrttl DHYtr, Gblorado Order of Eagles has been bestowed 2Vb bbl. greaae, 1 pail gnaae; Hoxar and worth. F. W. Co.. Denver, Cola, 1 etn. 1 Ml. 3 pa iron bars Sons,' Ogden, Utah, 1 etn table; HIcka, metal brackets; Walgreen Drug Ca, Den­ 1 cylinder upon Bishop Francis J. Haas for Harold J. Denver, Colo.. 2 bx pereonal' ver, Colo.. 1 ctn. 72 bottle* Caatoria; Wil­ 1 bx. fsneete his "activities in labor relations The Register" effeoto. 1 hand bag; Howard. J. M., Den­ cox, C. H., Denver, Cola, 2 ctn. futures; 8 pa atoel angle Iren work enhancing the welfare of our ver, Goto., 1 bdl. clothing: Hinkle, J. W. Weiteen Appliance, Qeuver, Cola, 2 art 2 bdl. 4 onltlvster iboa* country and particularly ^our com­ a Son, Alamoea. Colo.. 2 gg-gal, dram*- sink lap*: 'Woolworlb. T. W. Ca, Durango, 1 nzle shaft i-' and t g-gal. cant nephilt Swr comp.; Cola, 1 etn. dry goodi; Wilhelm, A. Boyd. 1 t* drive shaft munity, whicn holds you in highest Hygnd* StorM, Dnnago, Colo., 1 etn. Grand Janetion, Colo., 2 bales scrap can­ 1 ctn. ie* oraam mixtiir* respect and esteem.” Cbriatmaa tree ornnmenta. vas. 1 pa sheet staal U 'g t ’ zH * 1 J: PAGI T IN Offie*, 938 B< ;k SfrMt DINVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, July 28, 1949 Chinese Reds Compdign Dr. F. A. Smith WHAT ABOUT FRAMES? To Kill Christianity Rose Marie Levnik, Pauline Lunka SEE YOU TONIGHT OptometriMt Wli«B picking out n framo, bo anro to pick oat • atplo and Arlington, Vr.-—Chinese Com- FRIDAY and SATURDAY nronisls are carrying on a relent­ sm color wkick blondi karmoniohilr with yoar gonoral appoaranco. Of St Catherine's Win 4-H Awards Eye* Examined 6 VUnel Care ST. BERNADETTE’S Tkoro aro no lot rnloi oxcopt tkoao of good taato. Lot n’a ihdw less campaign to destroy Christi­ anity benind the Red curtain in Individttelly Styled Glesiea jon wkat wo karo. North China, Mongolia, and Man­ . Winners o f the BAZAAR churia, according to authoritative district 4-H dem­ reports smuggled o^t of Red-occu- onstration con­ 8900 West Colfax S W I G E R T BROS, lidd North China and reaching the test, held at Ford Optical Co. ThI* ipac. paid tor br mmaculate Heart missions here. L on ^ oh t July KEyAont 7651 LAKEWOOD FEEDS 1S50 California OptometriUs Christians who associate with 1558 Broadway priests are threatened. In some 23, were Misa Rose Marie Lev­ 8525 W. Colfax Lkwd. 1327 Bettor Vision Good Service villages Christians have been TAbor 1295 for Every Age At Right Prices forced to abjure their faith. Cath­ nik, 4230 Lowell olic institutions are being de­ boulevard, a n d GLA 8 BB 8 INDIVIDtTALLT STYLED stroyed or taken away from the Pauline Lunka, Catholic missions. Orphans are given to pagan nurses or turned 3101 W. Denver, out into the streets. both of St, Cath­ Religious Articles In most places priests may not erine’s parish. ^ Statues ^ Rosaries ^ Metlals ^ Pictures REQUIESCANT leave the city or town. Soldiers These girls IN PACE accompany a priest to the altar placed first in ^ Crucifixes ^ Prayer Books ^ Peadaats ^ Books ^ Plaques THEODORE when h| says Mass and attempt to the dairy foods disturb the ceremony with all demon stration COMPLETE LINE OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH AND HOME EDWAKO J. BASSON. 17« Datroit team division, •trttt. HtubttKi o( Luniiti4 G. Buaon. kinds o f questions. The names of Mftif waa offertd Juiy 17 io all people attending Mass are and will compete HACKETHAL St. John thf Evanf'eliat'a church, ln« taken Red guard. for state honors termant Mt.. Olivet. W. P. Horan A Son Many Christians have fallen against winners A. I*. W agner mortuary. from the mother DONAU> McDOUGALL, Chicago. 111.; away due to fear and per.secution. MORTUARY formerly of 8824 E. Sixth ^enue. Hua* But many more still persevere in five distriAs of < iii iK'ii <;oons < o. WUliam O’Brien, AMOciato hand of Florenca McOoufall: father of the face of the Reds. When Mass Colorado. Nary Ivou McDoufall; brother of Helena is celebrated the congregations are This cousin I k. n:t:M (MM> I Itli 1449>S1 Kalamatk St. Gertrude. Eliie. Francea. Eleanor, and Allan MoDougail. all of Baltimore, Md. numerous. team is well Phono HAin 4006 Raquiem Maaa waa offered July 28 in known for the St, John the Evanfeliat'a church. In­ terment lit. Olivet. W. P. Horan A Soo tempting cheese mortuary. French Honor Our Lody dishes prepared EMILE B. MOTTO, iftBO Lincoln before PTA gireet. Requiem Haas wia offered July In Readiness for 1950. groups last WE MAKE KEYS 27 in Holy Ghoat church. Interment Mt. spring when 4-H Olivet, W. P. Horan A Son mortuary. Paris.—Frequent public cere­ was J»eing intro­ Gunsmiths • Locksmiths MARGARET McLANE FAURSCHOU. 4881 Newton atreet. Wife of Carl Faur- monies of homage to the Ble^ed duced into Den­ Safe Repairing aehou: aiater of Mary Faulkner; aunt Virgin have been held throughout ver paroebiai of Mra. Kennet^ Plank and Mra. £. G. France this summer in prepara­ schools. Novelty Repairing llillii. Roaary will be aaid Thuraday. Bar or Nlokt Sarriea aa Aata Eara July 28, at 8 p.ro. Requiem High 'Mast tion for the Holy Year of I960. * The girls be­ They include: CaU TA. 9949 will be offered Friday, July 29, in St. gan 4-H club Cathcrine'a church. Interment Mt. Olivet. A Marian Congress at Blois, work when Bose Gnna and Ammnnition Boulevard mortuary. noting consecration of the Basilica JOHN T. POWERS. Central City. Fa- Marie w a s 9 theV of John T. Powers, Jr., and WUliam of Our Lady of the Trinity erected years o 1 d and WEBER ARMS Powers: grandfather of Joanne, Jimmy, by the Capuchins. With a 48-bell Pauline was 10. 1M2 Urimor TA. *04$ and Jerry ( and fathen-ln-law oif Phyilia carillon tower, the Basilica was Their first proj­ Powera. Requiem Maas was offered July designed by the first French 1001 BANNO 28 in St. Dominic's church. Interment ect was canning, ALpine 0473 Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary, officer killed in World war II. under the able f V E N I N G S FRANCES DOMANlf, ISU £m m on- A pilgrimage of 80,000 to the leadership ' of a P E a r l 5 0 9 1 Mother of Eleanora Dotnaon of Denver, Sanctuary of Notre Dame de LAWN MOWERS Mrs. Laura Pahner of Chicago, and iveighbor, Mrs. Liesse in the Diocese of Soissons, Rommel. It was $17.75 John L,. Domann of Huntington Park and ap Calif.; -aiater of Miaa Ann Canter' of atonement for theft of a jeweled due ‘ greatly to 9 9 - Tiffin, 9** Mrs. W. W. Rosa of crown from the statue of the Ma­ the- perseverance Power Mowers U53 " Denver; also survived by aix grand­ Why Pay More* donna. The figure received a new and interest of children and three great-grandchildren. crpwn, paid for largely by prison­ Uaod Mowora.... _..$5 and np Roaary wUl be said Thuraday,-July 28, their leader that Pauline Lunka (left) and Rose Marie Levnik • (Trademark) MOWERS SHARPENED at 8 p.m. Requiem High Mass will He ers. the girls enrolled, offered Friday, July 29. in the Cathedral. A huge procession in Lille of . . . REPAIRED Iirt'erment Ml. Olivet. OHnger mortuary. a year later in a 4-H cooking club. club meetings.* The parents were some household task, while actu­ pilgrims bearing 72 statues of Our Mrs. Rommel has been their leader always willing to do what seemed BELLARMINO MARTINEZ, 1281 De- Lady, honoring the city’s pa­ ally performing the various stops cator street. Brother of *Kelea R. Mar- ever since, taking them through needed to help their daughters of the procedure. ’ WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES tines, Teresa Valdes. Margaret Montella. troness, Notre Dame de la Treille. four years of cooking, one year of COMPANY Mary Trujillo, Emma Reveda. Adolph along their 4-H path— “ To Learn In 1947, this young team won A Basilica to her is being built canning, and three years, of sew­ by Doing.” Mtrtints, and Lucille Masters, Requiem that will rival the largest Gothic Colorado Ovmed Stores High Mali was offered July 26 In 8 t. ing. Much credit for this success The reward is now evident: Two grand championship honors for a At L GLODT Ctjetan'a church. Interment Mt. Olivet Cathedrals. story should go to the parents of demonstration on carrots. It is in­ Englewood ROO §anta Fe Dr. Oiinter mortuary. * young ^irls have learned to pte- u s Broadway PE. MSS An international aviation pil­ both young girls, for .the co-opera­ pare dishes that have received teresting to know that the words SHIRLEY ANN ROMERO. 804 Curtis grimage and one by Free French *30 South Broadway 15th and California atreet. Daughter of Mr. and Mr4. Levy tion they, so willingly gave in see­ state honors; they have made and action of all demonstrations Romero; and sister of Richard and veterans to the Shrine of Lourdes ing that there were no 4-H club dresses for school and play; they were written by the girls them­ 3933 W. Colfax 17th & Tremont Danny. Maas of the Angela waa offered are planned. July 27 in St, Cajetan'a church. Inter­ meetings missed, or home work have learned to-^patch and darn; selves. Their most recent demon­ ment Mt. Olivet. Trevino mortuary, skipped.. This often meant piling they can select becoming colors stration includes the latest ipon- JOHN J, VALDEZ, 1840 Boulder. Assum ptionists Plan cooking utensils and covered cas­ and care for their clothes; they ing methods and will be given '•WW W W W WW WW ’ Huabapd of Lucy Valdea; father of Do­ seroles into baskets and carrying have gained confidence in their during the Denver 4-H fair, to be A MtusoUsm Owner Seyx . lores and Viola; son of Ljbiradita Val­ 5 Trips in Holy Year des; and brother of Margaret V. Sena them to all parts of the city to at­ own ability by standing before an held Aug. 12 and 13 in the City ; CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING and Mra. Ncpomqseno VaHes. Requiem WqMcster, Mass.—A series of tend demonstration contests and audience and tellipg how to do auditorium annex. Maas was offered July 26 in S t Patrick's five pilgrimages for the Holy Year, F X T ] church. Interment M t Olivet. Trevino -L- mortuary. 1960, has been announced by the Ads GRACE MARIE BLACKWOOK.. 825 Association of Our Lady of Salva­ W. Colfax. Sister of Mrs. Irene Kabel. tion. Conducted by the A^ump- ' It arill pay yon to mad ALL of the (oUowinf advertiaemanta. l«ancaattr, N. V. Requiem Mass was of­ fered July 22 in S t James' thureh. In­ tionist Fathers, the trips will in­ Loretto Nun Costumes Pageant a A A AO. A A A A A A. A. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A terment M t Olivet. clude visits to Rome and the prin­ LUCY £. STACKHOUSE, 186 Grant. cipal sbrine.s of Europe. The dura­ Mother of Mra. Lucille Sellers and John BRICK REPAIRS APARTMENT WANTED and BUI Stackhouse; and aUter of Mra. tion of each pilgrimage will be REGISTER employe and wife desire un* Anna Fox, Six grandehildren. and oile about 50 days, and the cost to the BBICK REPAIRS I SpwdalUIng in brick furnished apartment. Phone GRand 1035« great-grandchild also survive. Requiem Marking 300th Anniversary of poiotinc and npalrins, alao cialkinz and individual will range from $955 Mail is being offered Thui^day, July 28. paintinf. DE. S«50. WALTER EVANS. DECORATING AND PAINTING in Holy Roaary ebutch, Glpb«v4ltA inter­ to $1,195. 9te Steele. ^Tlntil cotti were kcought to ment Mt. Olivet. Wallpaper hangixK, paintins, remodelinx. our attention, we always RUTH L. WHITFIELD, 25 W. Archer. Call KE. 5798. ^ T Wifo of,John Whitfield; and daughter Scoop! News Is Out WANTED TO RENT thought a Mauteleum inrest- of Narci^o 9* l>uran. Requiem Maas was Jesuit Martyrs in Ontario PAINTING-PAPERHANGING inent was far beyond out offm’ed July 28 in St. Joseph's church. Paris.— Dr. Paul C. Payne, gen­ PLEASE 1 {plater emploTce with family eral secretary of the board of means. Wo were amaied to Interment Mt. Olivet. A recent issue of the Toronto Telegram carried a feature story concerning Sister Ma­ of two cbUdtm desperately needs unfur­ PAINTIN G. paperbanginK,' decorating. find the low costs lesulting Christian education of the Pres­ nished or furnished house or apt Call Quality work. Refercncoe. E, T, Yeager, MRS. ROSE.ITALLANO byterian Church in the U.S.A;, rie Anthony, a member of the Loretto Heights college dramatic department staff, who is Mathew, Ke. 4205, Ext 16. or leave word 87 W. Maple, SPruce 2954. from modem engineering and Mrt. Rox* lUlUno *f .241^ W. 85th with operator. nMnufactuiing skill. ” xv4tnue di«d in a local hOapiul July 25 said here that the Vatican’s de­ now in Canada to costume the gigantic pageant, A Salute to Canada^^ which is honoring the afUr Buffering a htart gUaeWt'Sh« had cree excommunicating Catholics yOUNG wprkina eonpla desire 8-room fur­ been ia btd health for the pa*t few 300th anniversary of the Jesuit mart>’rs, at Midland, Ontario, July 27 through 31. Homes For Sale •R THr SSANim IM mi r/uious who aid the Communist party nished apt, private bath. Prefer Eaat Den­ yeart.. y “ This is the biggest project I've handled so far,” Sister Marie Anthony told the Tor­ ver. Call EA. 5397 after 6 p.m. rainbow link She wa« bom In Italy March 9, 1872. “ indicates the Pope’s desire to onto reporter while she rolled out IN ST. LOUIS Pariah. Englewood, 2 beau­ and waa reared there. Tn 1891 aba wAI gain a foothold in America by ex­ tiful comer iota, one block from achool married in Italy to Angelo iltalianp. and ploiting the American fear of bolts of; material, checked designs, doeskin, chiffon, georgette, cotton, University of America in the fields HELP WANTED and church. All taxes paid. Phone SUnaet they came to thiy country apd y«nver Communism.’’ and all-the-whila kept a wary eye and nylon.” .of education and philosophy. In 1-8945. in 1920. Mr. Italiano died in 1982. INVES’nCATIONS She it Burvived by a daughter, Mrs. on the budget “ There are more In addition to doing all the de­ addition to her gradutito' study. Jean Peck, and Gary and Annalou Ryan; signing, stenciling, and buying of Sister Janet has done coiisidehtble Deteetivia TRUE Value look 217 So. Ciarkaon. 1-S Amelia Calamino, and two aona.' I.ouis brothers, the Rev. Joseph A. Ryan.' S.J.. than 400 costumes needed and so General inveatiKations. Criminal, civil Rm. Apartment and 1-2 Rm. with large JACQUES BROTHERS and Eugene Italiano, all of Denver: a and Dan Ryan; aiater. Margie Ryan; and far,we. have 300 made, using 600 materials. Sister Marie Anthony is research work and writing on the casea solved. Missine persons snd wit­ porch, bath upataiVs. 4 Rms. and ileeping aiatars Mra. Marietta Bruno of Chicago; supervising the large gr^up of problems of the curriculum of nesses locsted. Process servers. Dsy snd porch, bath on 1ft floor. 2 lots, garage 105! nine grandchildren and two great- cousina. Slater Eivq Joaeph and Margie yards _ of cotton, bolts of awning Since 1902 McGinnity. seamstresses whp are making the Catholic schools; and she is an nisht service. Licensed and bonded. Free only $8,500.00. $3,000.00 down. Owner grandehildran. ^ material and bpekram, and yards consultation. Read our ad in the Denver carry balance 5«^. By appointment A. J. Requiem Mtia U being offered Tbur*- The Requiem Maia waa offered Jab* costumes. There is still a large associate njember of the staff of 28 E. 6th Ave. AL 2019 35 in Holy Family ebureh, with Father and'yards of silk.” telephone directory. TAbor 0776, 812-813 Mayrhofer, Agent, FR. 9785. ______day, July 28. In Our Lady of Mt. Carmel number of them to be completed, the commission on American citi­ Exchange Bids., 1080 15th St ehurah. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Ryan aa celebrant. The Rev. William H. Sister Marie Anthony has had OPEN DAILY mortuary. Jonea delivered the aermon. Interment but Sister Marie Anthony prom­ zenship at the Catholic university. MC CAULEY DETECTIVE BUREAU Cloee to Chrift the King church and achool. Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. to desig^n such costumes as stylized Indian dress for the various Huron ises that all will be finished on time She is al.so associated with the Edu­ New five-room bungalow. Full finished PATRICK RYAN “ even- if the last costume isn’t cation Department of the National baaement with bath. $2,500 down wilt Patrick Kya^. long-time reaident of PVT, RUSSELL E. GALLAGHER ballet numbers, orange-red cos­ DRUGGISTS handle. 985 Foreet, DE. 0912 nAi 0. a. Denver, died July. 22. Burial servieea for Pvt. RuaseJl E. tumes with streamers for the done until two minutes after the Catholic Welfare Conference and .Wkat PATCNT He waa born Sept. 2, 1879. in Peru. Gallagher will be held Aug. t in Little show begins!” has represented the NCWC for the ■It. C O L D .SPRING oprict Rock National cemetery, LiUle Rock. flame 'dance, -a part of the spec­ N. Y. He attended achool there and came Both th,e story and music of past year on the United States TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS MONUMENTS to Denver when about 20. Ark. , ■ tacle of the burning o f Fort Ste. Pvt. Gallagher, sob of the late Dr. Salute to Canada have been written Department of Education’s com­ CARTWRIGHT Ii4*im f«f au»iT4i Mr. Ryan was employed for 4| years Marie; and elegant period garb will ba filled correctly at at the United States Mint in Denver. James Gallagher and Mrs. GallagVer. by Father Daniel A. Lord, S.J., mission on life adjustment educa­ who DOW lives in Arkansas, was killed for the French and English court -He had retired a year ago. who is also directing the pageant.. tion of youth. WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY He ia aurvfved by hip wife. Rde> E: in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor scene.s. REALTY COMPANY THp RAINBOW LINE OF GRANITES and adjacent arqiy posts. He waa* sta­ It will be an infpressive spectacle, Ryan; children. Owen G.- Ryan, Mary tioned at Hickam Field. ' - Mounties .'Co-Operate lavish in French, English, Indian, + + + Pb. SP. 9765 1096 South Gaylord St 219 Midland Sav. Bldg. R. Pack, and Jeannette R. Ryan; daugh- Realtor KE. 6384 tar-in-Uw. Jean 'Ryan; grandchildren. He was graduated from Aurora high and symbolic costuming, and in achool. “ Then there are specials,” Sis­ 1265 ST. PAUL ter added, ‘.‘like tlje flowing robes unusual lighting. Approximately TOWELS & LINEN SUPPLY 4 bedroomi JOSEPH G. MALDANADO of St. Mlcllhe'l, the blood-red cas­ 500 men and women are partici­ One of the nicest in arrangement for a Joaeph G. Maldanado of 3864 UmaUlia pating in the pageant, and four True family home—24 f t living room - atreet died July 21 In St. Joseph’s bos- socks for the rti'artyrs, and a real stages, constructed at various MOUNTAIN TOWEL R SUPPLY CO. full dining room, four fireplaces, full pital after a l^ g illness. Mountie uniform. We had to get basement, gas heat, one.car garage, He was born Sepu 9, 1888. In Sah special pe'nAission from Ottawa to levels up a hillside near the Mar­ Strrico furniabod for Officoa. Barbers. $11,500. ‘Well-Knolun CathoWc Personnel Miguel counter and had lived his wnUre tyrs' shrine will be its scene. RaotAuranta. Stores, and Banquats Ufa in Colorado. He lived in Center 16 use that Mountie uniform. Fortu­ 760 CLAYTON yeart.before coming to Donver in 1942. nately, we, don’t have to be too All Ontario i# looking on the B W. BSCKIU8. Manaser Attractive, thatched roof English In 1917 he married Ida Valdex'in particulaV about detail since the pageant aa a g;reat civic aiid his­ bungalow. Cathedral celling living Trinidad. torical event: and special - trains 1227 Curtia S t M^. 796* room, 2 bedrooms, 2% hatha. Excellent He it survived by his. wife: Joar costiiT^s'will'be'seed from a dis- kitchen with nook. F'ull finished ba»e- children. Ernest Lee 4ind Joseph Mal­ tantb;'<'sb ' Tve’Ve 'Aised knotted and bu.sse9 will bring spectators to ment. A distinctive home. the shrine art Midland for each of ...a fM danado. Jr.; Mrs. Susan Andrich. and thre'Ad for b6rfds,'“^lded wood for BOREN 1110 ELM Mrs. Rosemary Fabrizio;. and three metlils.’ dnd the like. For some of the performances. grandehildren. 2 bedroom ranch type home, excellent Requiem Mass was offered July 25 in the costumes, however, we’ve had Transfer & Storage construction. Large yard. Carpeting. Holy Trinity church. Trinidad. to. hays ,gi:sat_qu.8ntities of real Sister Mary Janet Venetian blinds. Buyer may ssfume Moviny Storing large loan. On Workshop Faculty Piano Moving-Baggage Storing CARTWRIGHT REALTY Note Institute's Jubilee Sister Mary Janet, well known 616 E.47th Ave. MA. 2867 COMPANY locally as a former teacher and 219 Midland Sav. Bldg. KE. 6884 principal of Cathedral high school, MR. HAROLD BELLM Denver, will return to the city this LADY OF LOURDES summer to take part in the work­ PARISH shop in Catholic higher education Our Client Wants 2 or 3 bedroom horns for women Aug. 24 through 30 at CARY’S In our parish. If yon srs looking for Quick BaU — Call Loretto Heights college. 1500 S. BROADWAY For the past four years. Sister SH , 1 7 4 9 Mary Janet has lived in Washing­ ton, D.Ct where she is engaged in ► W e Pay Cash O’Neal & Son Wi ilu hsii buititil UN i MmiKlUM graduate study at the Catholic Is St V^iiwnt 4« fifil't fiflili isc Mh. Mr. Bellm has been with Olinger's lor 14 years and is For Used Furniture Russian Orthodox Nuns DO YOUR FLOORS well known in Catholic circles here. He is a member of Slater Mary Janet and LOOK SHARBY? Ousted by Communists MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS St. Dominic's Church and is a graduate of Sacred Heart For the Finest in Jerusalem.—Finding themselves PE 6914 RA 1423 Sanding & Finishing High School, in Denve,r and thi Cincinnati College of an uncomfortable minority when Call a “ Red” Russian religious secured i a m miiies t iu 9 p.b . CALL GL. 7453 Embalming. He is also a member of fhe American Legion. control of their convent in Ain- > A A A A A Ai . A J Karim, the town of the Visitation, ZO!VE CAB National Floor Service White Russian Orthodox nuns MAin 7171 Mr. Bellm is a licensed embalmer and funeral director Prompt, Coartaoaa Scrrlce moved to a house built some years CBEAPKB RATES yimerican Pennant and makes his home at 2826 West 29th Avenue. ago by an Anglican woman. The ^WAY•RADIO JERRY BREEl^l house, known as “ Miss Carey’s CLEAN NEW CABS Mfg. Co. Place," was'intended for use as a NEW LOCATION LETTERING AND DECORATING convent of perpOtual adoration for OF ALL Ara<^TIC UNIFORMS 1004 15th Sl Protestant nuns, but the plan never IHonumeii is CHENILLE LETTERS. EMBLEMS came to fruition. We bare erected many Iteaati- a n d MONOGRAMS fnl monament* in Ml Olivet NOW OPEN Cemetery. F$84 14th St, Foiitlos Building. KE M67 ^ Show Relig^ious Interest, Priest Says of Students A. T. THOMSON CHECKER CABS 600 Sherman St TA 8018 Also Sightseeing T r^s 16lh ol la u ld .r Ithaca, N. Y.—The spiritual ad­ lt U f € h ED DUNDON *1 At* 2233 viser Cornell, university, the m oRTaiRiis Rev. Donald M. Cleary, has called Optometrist the religious renaissance among \ JOINING IN THE 75th ANNIVERSARY celebra­ today’s college students "amazing.” and Optician WE HAVE MOVED tion of the founding of the Institute of the Immaculate “ Before the war, only 22 to 28 per Ck)nceptioB at Labsidieville, La., were these members of the commu­ cent of the Cornell student body Helen Walsh nity, an aunt and her five nieces. The five are sisters or first cousins was interested in religious activi­ AaaoeUt* ABEGG-FELLOWS P rinting Co. tp .V r at Sk qrmaa GLendale 3663 tq the others. Pictured with Sister Melanie (center), the aunt, are: ties; today the percentage exceeds W. R. JOSEPH EYES EXAMINEb 1454 W^lon in Rear • Denver • KE. 4054 Sister Veronica, Sister .Mary Elizabeth, Sister Elvina, Sister Dolores, 60,” Father Cleary told the Au­ PhoM TAbai ISSO land Sister Claudia. Another sister is hoping to join the community. burn Lions’ club. S tS -S lO MUJaati* BUa.

i Thursday, July I t , 194f OHk«, 938 lannock fliM l THI DINVIR CATHOLIC RMISTIlt Talaplitiia, Klyitana 420S FA O I n i V I M The Denver Catholic Register The Common Man's Make My Shroud President.. Jilost Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Crusade for Peace Of $1,000 Bills Editor______Rt- Rev, Matthew Smith, Ph,D., LL.D., Joor.D. S is jq iid jih ic d L By Rev. Johk B. Ebel B y J a c k H e h e r Managing Director.______Rev. John B. Cavanagh, M.A., littD . Catholics of France and of Germany,-two of Money is an interesting subject More people Associate Editors— Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Linns Riordan, A.B., the most inimical nations in Europe, are co-op- ■pend more time worrying and talking about it LittM .; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Rev. John Ebel, M.A.; Rev. ersting in a movement that will do more to bring THE LADY DOTH PROTEST TOO SMUGLY than about any other one subject iq the world'. Robert Eekeisen, M.A.; Paul H. Hallett LittD.; Art Editor, Leo peace to------the world than the ------UN, UNESCO,■), ora il People worry about the lack of it, or the keeping the deliberations of diplomats and statesmen. By Paul H. Hallitt H n. Roosevelt has three times supported a Canavan. Editorial Assistants: Jack Heher, A.B.; James Kelly, A.B. of It. or the making of i t No one, to be sure, The movement is Pax Ckruti (Tbe Peace of Is Mrs. Roosevelt anti-CatholicT Tha issue is policy that woul(| discriminate against C Catholics a th o " spends any time trying not to make i t Christ), and it has spread in s few years to many sot to be decided on the basis of platitudes about as surely as any “gentleman's ansement” dis- If anyone would care to find out what hap* Entered as second clan matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. criminatM against Jem . This, witeout reference nations of the world. Its cause was advanced in tolerance, or even on that o f the lady's campai^- pens to people when they make plenty of money^ Published Weekly by the U. S. by the visit of Bishop Pierre Marie ing for A1 Smith 21 yean ago. The fact remains to her record of other stands, which, taken to- tha foUomng should provide some subject fax THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.)' Theas of Tarbe and Lourdes, director of the that Mrs. Roosevelt has repeatedly, as tbe Car­ gethtr, can ba called anti-Catholic, is enough to thought, if not for a change in attitude toward movement, a few months ago. dinal charged in his letter to her, pleaded causes establish her aa discriminatory. ^ “ long, green bills." 988 Bannock Street, 1 Mrs. Roosevelt says in her defense: “ One's In the first weeks of 1946, a few Catholic that are anti-Catholic, _ . In 1923, at the Edgewater Beach hotel i'l^ Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 Does this make her an^i^atholic? Tha truth basie beliefs must be stated on matters which we French laymen, all of whom had been victims of Chicago, were gathered a jnoup of the world’s will standVut more clearly if we draw a parallel think important, but that can be done as citizens the Nazi regime, got tbe ides of a crusade of most successful financiers. Collectively, they con Subscription: in what can fa&ly 1m termed anti-Semitism. and not as members of any particular religious wayer for Germany. The war was still going on; trolled more wealth than the U. S. Treasury^ 75 cents per year in Archdiocese of Denver. One who opposes Zionism or the policies of the faith.” They were at the pinnacle of fame. Young ment French and Germans were carrying arms and In other words, when Mrs. Roosevelt supports 41.25 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. killing one another. But other Frenchmen were state of Israel may be animated by secret anti- drooled at the power and prestige they hrfd. Semitism,‘ or he may have honest dildifferences of the Barden bill she does that as a citizen en The lineup of tycoons included: 1. The presi* praying for the Germans, and, in particular, for Cardinal Spellman opposes it he does so ^s a the downfall of Nazism. The movement was first opinion with what is after all just a movement dent of the world’s largest independent steel com­ Thursdoy, July 28, 1949 in world JewVy. It would usually be impossible member “ of a particularular religious faith.” Elea­ pany; 2. the greatest wheat speculator; 3. the approved by Bishop Theas, and later by several nor, in accusing the Cardinal of patronizing other French Bishops. to tell without reference to the person’s record president of the New York Stock Exchange; in relation to Jews. But if this same person union o f Church and State, but exercises her 4. a member of the President’s cabinet; 5. the OFFICIAL) ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER With the defeat of Germany and its surren­ comes out for the enforceability of “gentleman’s right o f criticism as an American citizen. When greatest “ bear” in 'Wall street; 6. the director der in May, 1946, tbe Pax Chntti movement en­ agreements,” the object o f which is to exclude the Cardinal accuses Mrs. Roosevelt of anti- o f the American branch of the Bank of Interna­ The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. larged its objective. Members were now asked Catholicism for opposing any aid to Catholic We confirm it as the official publication o f tbe Archdiocese. What­ Jews or Negroes from certain residential areas, tional Settlements; and 7. the head of the world’s to pray for all nations, in order to obtain peace he would immediately show his hand, and it school children he is unfairly injecting religion greatest monopoly. ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or in the world. German Catholics gave fervent and in ^ a civic matter, and Mrs. Roosevelt assumes those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared officiaL would not matter how often he said: “ Some of This was a_ most imposing array of talent in', enthusiastic support to the movement, which, en­ my best friends are Jews." an air of wounded innocence. the financial^ field. Their business was money. '! We hope The Register will bo read in every home o f the couraged by the Hierarchy, grew rapidly. Mrs. Roosevelt protests that sha.has no ill Archdiocese. Twenty-six years later, not too long a time„ The movement,' in the little more than four feeling toward any religion. She is so sunk in the descriptions of these same men take a some­ We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in secularism and vague idealism that it is doubtful the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. years of its existence, has twice been blessed by The Press Failed what different twist. the Holy Father, who said; “ At a time when men B y R ev. J a m e s B . H a h b l ik whether she knows enough of the issue to have Now toe list reads like this; 1. Charles «i URBAN J, VEHR, either ill or good feeling. She has exploited her are working so energetically for peace— and so Motives for support of the Catholic press are Schwab, lived on borrowed money for the last Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. husband’s position to retain a place in journalism often in vain—the crusade of Pax Chritti is varied. They may rSnge all the way from the five years of his life and died broke; 2. Arthur' all out o f proportion to her abilities. She has spreading everywhere the Christian concept of highest supernatural motive to the lowest natural Cutten, died abroad, insolvent; 3. Richard Whit-, time and again spoken as though she were only peace and creating, by the prayers of its mem­ one; from tbe love of God to financial support of ney, recently released from Sing Sing; 4. Albert, another private citizen, while she must have bers and the circulation of its literature, an at­ ecclesiastical projects. To the writer, however, Fall, was pardoned from prison so that he could mosphere of universal understanding that will be the greatest raiton d'etre for the Catholic press known that she exercised an influence that put die at home; 6. Jesse Livermore,e, cemmicommitted sui­ Strange But True upon her a responsibility others did not have. ^ e basis for a true and lasting reconciliation be­ is its function as a medium for accurate and com­ cide; 6. Leon Fraser, committed suicide; 7. Ivar She h x not been content with tbe restraint that tween men and between nations.” plete information. Kreuger, commited suicide. every other President's wife or widow has exer­ As an external sign of the success of the Perhaps this particular function has never It will be hard to convince us that toe pos­ movement, international meetings were soon cised. Therefore she does not deserve the defer­ session of money, or toe desire for more money,' HdUL VERONES (in t-H ti been so well illustrated as in the past week in ence to her personal feelings those First Ladies held, bringing together those who, in time of war, the matter of Cardinal Spellman’s letter to Mrs. had nothing to do with the fate of these men.' JUST DlSCO^fUD /V LOMXM ‘ had been divided by hatred and set one against expected with justice. Roosevelt conceniing her support of tha Barden There will be some who will raise the cry of KDHG LOST/bR CtHWRai the other. “ These reunions, both in Germany and federal aid to education bill. For in its coverage in France, were real victories of Christian char­ “ hypersensitivity” a^inst the Cardinal. The fact WAS SOLD m t A SMAU SUM M of the Cardinal’s letter the nation’s secular press Deceptive Mirror ity,” says Bishop Theas in an article written for that it has taken this long for any of the Hier­ failed utterly to present the real content of the archy to speak out against this woman’s influ-' By George Weldon 1 9 4 7 AS AN UMMOWW fW/NtlNO. the American EeeUsiaetiealEee Review, - ■ missive. One is almost tempted to accuse that ence is the best refutation of the charge. Elmer Klink was a harmless soul. He was not IMU l MsmsaneUefdoiiafu The first international pilgrimage of Pax press of deliberately withholding the “ meat” of Father Edward Breen very bright, but then he never got into any Chritti to Lourdes, in July, 1948, was under the the letter because it would have meant presenting trouble, either; not until he bought toe second-- leadership of Cardinal Frings of Cologne, Ger­ the Catholic argument against the discriminatory Dante imagined that he saw the unseen world at 36, “half way along the road of this our life.” hand mirror with the poorly made glass, at any many; Cardinal Segura of Seville, Spain; and Barden measure. To avoid that, tiie Cardinal’s rate. Cardinal Saliege of Toulouse, France. Another reference to Mrs. Roosevelt’s anti-Catholic record At that age Father Edward Aloysius Breen ex­ changed the inevidence of faith for the sight of '^ e n Elmer first looked into toe mirror, he international pilgrimage was held in Lourdes, was given exclusive play. And yet, those refer­ received a shock. It looked as though his nose ily of this year, for which a con-France, in Julyily of this year, for which a con-France, ences form only about one-tenth of the letter’s eternity. His unforeseen death recalls memories of nine and fewer years ago when he was was larger than it used to be, and his face looked, gress of Pax Chrieti in Italy made plans. In I960, content. smaller. _ It seemed silly a-t the time and he* the Holy Year, Pax Chrieti will hold its inter­ The body of the message repeats in calm and head of tbe Register’t proof room, or working in other important editorial positions. Though not laughed it off. He went about his work as usual: national convention in Rome. clear sentences the reasons why the Barden bill that day, but he was uneasy, and from time to. is un-American and unfairly discriminatory. But well even then, the gentle, boyish priest always In its activity. Pax 'Chrieti is solely spiritual. had a quip to keep the “ galley slaves” in good time he unconsciously reached up and rubbedl But its program is one that is eminently practical tbe American public will not know why or what his nose—not that he believed in such nonsense,: the Cardinal wrote if its information comes only humor. and that will do as much for those who practice Spiritual directors, to encourage coiltempt for but he just wanted to make sure. it as for the cause of world peace. Prayer and from the secular press. For the important parts When he came home that night, even before, of the letter, those that are concerned with the the world, are fond of tolling us how soon we will o f i f / i the practice of fraternal charity are the two-fold be forgotten after our death. But Father Breen he took o ff his coat, he sttayed— casually, you, weapons it is using in the battle for peace. Of real issue, are being printed only in Catholic understand— to the mirror and looked quickly. ROSARY BRIDQK AT 7MT papers, at least in most states. will not be erased from the memories of his its program Bishop Theas says: Register associates until they have completed the There it was again! In the course of toe evening SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF Only by reading the entire letter will a Cath­ he made several more trips to the mirror andl “ Prayer is indispensable to the establishment, olic be ready to support the Church’s program second half of the road from which he was taken. m CAPE, THREE R N K R S , protection, and strengthening of peace. Men are fingered his nose almost constantly, and the more, CANADA, o r r in H it iorm. and toe Cardinal’s message to Mrs. Roosevelt. he■ I Tlooked o ...... and felt,..... toe ‘less certain he ■ became.^ capable of bringing war into the world, of cover­ Far from villifying or unjustly accusing the wife e f Ro s a r y b e a d s . ing the earth with death and ruin. Yet we see That night he slept only fitfully and even got.' of our late President, the j Cardinal proceeds The Faintly Rational up several times to look into the mirror. By them powerless in establishing peace. Without in restrained and logical atyl God and prayer there is nothing to which we can / morning he was so nervous he smoked five ciga-, ^ TWOTM SANDSTONE He points out that Mrs. Roosevelt-has sup­ Professor Rapoport rettes before breakfast and then spilled his coffee. | RJNT RtOMTHE cling. The peace that we long for is that peace ported the Barden bill without acquainting her­ that has its source in Jesus Christ, upon whom By Frank Morbiss He was convinced that-his nose was growing, RRANOSCAN self with the facts of the issue, and he shows In Denver last week a man ape spoke of ways to and that it would eventually absorb his entirai rest all Christian values of justice and charity. that the letter is not Written hastily or without Monasjer/,camus, make people happy. Dr. Anatol Rapoport of the face. It was a fantastic thought, but Elmer de-j This peace is a gift of God, obtained by prayer. provocation, for three times the columnist used CO-TYRONE,IRELAND U is that unanimous and fervent prayer that University of Chicago told a convention of Gen- cided that just to he certaiii he would examine, the newspapers for her anti-Catholic campaign. eral Semanticists that scientists can point the w ^ his profile carefully to Bee'^axs.ctly where bis nosa NAS BEEN FOUND Pax Chritti would like to solicit from Christiansjhria Referring to her statement that she is against intuernermouwe all over the world. We ask the daily recitation to a harmonious world. That statement shouia ended and his face bo^an. i- religious control of schools paid for by tax­ have made even a group of scholars come to THERE, INTO imCH of one Hail Mary, the invocation of the Queen He went to the mirror once more, but found! payers’ money, he denies that any such control mental attention, for one need not he astute to that he could not mark the exact dividing line.|‘ IT m s FRoBARLy of Peace^ and prayer to the patron saint of that IS sought. But he also shows the injustice of nation of whom the members are citizens. (Our know that a man who feels he has the key to The nose and the face.seemed to blend at a'cer- RUNS WHEN THE ' counting parochial pupils when funds are allo­ others’ happiness is potentially a dangerous man. tain point so that he could not be sure which was m onastery w a s sA a oD S oeyE A K Lady of the Immaculate Conception is the patron cated and excluding them from the benefits. He oi^the U. S.) “ Only science has been able-to provide con- which. This con-vinCed him that his nose had A O O .t - then comments on the narrow vision of a hill rational answers to rationalsi questions,”


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BUILDERS ^m RKINSPLa ^ W e Appreciat^^ Your Patronage 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. II r

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MA. 0168 P. J. KireUiof, P r e s . SEVENTEENTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS 12S6 Arapahoe St. C F. Suiil, Vies Pres> Denver, Colo. PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street. THE DENVER CATHOLIC RMISTIR Ttlepiient, Klystene 4205 Thursday, July 28, 1949 Club Englewood Parish Plans Liniineiit Assured Slates Picnic Pilgrimage on July 31 M en's Club A fte r F o r Aug. 14 (St. Laais’ Parish, Englswood) Softball Practice (St. Vinaent 4e Paul'a Paiidh, A p a ^ h pilgrimage to the grotto in Our Lady of Lourdes Denver) parish will be held this Sunday, July 81, at 4 p.m. Following (St. Pbilomena’* Perish, Denver) The Pinoehle club’i annual piC' oervlcei at the grotto there will be a basket picnic on the The Men’s club of S t Philo- file will ba held at Bargan p8rk grounds surrounding the church. mena’s parish will supply liniment on SudtUy, Aug. 14.. Refrath* for all members at the meeting manta and eom-on-tha-eob will ba Members'of the St. Louis Young People’s club will re­ fumiahad, but thoM attanding ara ceive Communion in the 8 o’clock Thursday, July 28, at 8 p.m. This askad to bring thair own lunehai Mass this Sunday. Mr. Fritz, scoutmaster; Ed Butter­ assurance is given in view of the and rdrinUng utenllU. AH man- Offitert of tha St. Louis' Boost­ field, Fred Boom, Charles Cava­ workout scheduled for the mem­ ers’ club chosen at the last regular naugh, Edward Duffy, Stephen bars of the parish Are invited to bers at 8:30 p.m. at Eighth and attend. maating are Bill Burnett, presi­ Kuplack, Paul Ross, Richard Sun- dent;: Carl Balia, vice preaident; gaila, and John Theauica. Columbine in preparation for the Mr. and Mrs. Pater Collatin are softball game with the K-Ducats, Ed Butterfield, aacretary; and ContributioBi on th<- day of parents of a girl boM July tt. current leaders of the Young Peo- Niek Vranesic, treasurer. Father the dedication o f tba now St. Mrsr Collatin is the lormar Mlia )ie’s dill) club laftfriiDleague. The Men^\TATt^ Alt«K club Katherine Haney. John Aylirard'wlll act as chaplain. Louie ichool were received from Mr. and Mr*. J. Kernan Week- las challenged the younger men to Mrs. Barnard Shay entertained Scouts from- the parish scout the game. All members are urged troop 136 who are attending Camp baugh, $1,000; Jama* L. Gar­ at the Top of the Park at a lunch­ to play at least one inning. eon on Saturday, 88. Tahoaa near Ward this week are vin, Jr., end Franei* J. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. J. V. ColaoMn Bra in memory of their grandmother, Information on the various tent on a vacation trip, which will in­ Mr*. Hannah Sullivan Garvin, party attractions has been avail­ clude a flight from New Orleans Pilgrim Group $500; Mr. and Mr*. Joe Flood, able at the church door after on the A k^ Clipper, and a Car- llOO; and Mr. and Mr*. H. At- Masses on the past two Sundays. ribean cruise. kin*on $50. The portable radio and camera, to The St Michael the Archangel T o V isit at Members of the Altar society be shown at the party Aug. 19- Recomnended Firms will meet in the new school for a 20, have been attracting special circle was entertainad July 18 in attention. tha home of Mrs. William Ehr- covered-dish luncheon Thursday, man, 818 S. Vine street Among Denver Shrine July 28, at 12:30 p.m. The reg;ular Donations Needed for AUTO the guests attending were Mmss. meeting will follow the luncheon. Walter Mleger and E. J. WitulakL The Living Rosary pilgrimage, All parishioners are invited to For Hope Chest Honors were won by Mrs. Ehrman composed of people from through­ a meeting in the new school Thurs­ Donations are still needed for SERVICE and Mrs.. J. V. Valkanbuth. out the llnited States and Canada, day evening, July 28, at 8 o’clock the hope chest. Mrs. Mack Switzer Mrs. 0. C. Finder wHl be hostess will arrive in Denver Aug. 15. to make plans for the parish fiesta is in charge of collecting g;ifts. ‘ to the circle at its next maatibg. Monsignor Eugene O’Sullivan of Aug. 25, 26, and 27. The meeting The banns of marriage have been The date tamains tentative, v St Vincent de Paul’s parish will is being called by Father John published for Leo J. Ruffini, Sts. pinciate at High Mats and Beho- Aylwara, who is general chairman. Cyril and Methqdius’ parish, Rbck Mr. and Mri. Felix Vigil dietion at the Mother Cabrini The St. Louis Boosters’ club is SpringSj Wyo., and Norma Jeanne Bnckley Bros. Motors St. Clora's Aid Group shrine on the same day. Transpor­ holding a games party in the new Dona of St. Philomena’s; and for + + + + tation to the shrine will he fur­ school Friday evening, July 29, at Eugene P. Rieger, Christ the King Sales - STUDEBAKER — S e r v ic e nished by the Rocky Mountain 8:80 o’clock. parish, Denver, and Mary Teresa To Sponsor Lunclioon Motor company at 81-60 per per­ AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS A TRUCKS Infants baptized last Sunday Siegel of St. Philomena’s. t son. EXPEBT BOOT AND flNDEB WOBS — QDAUTT PAINTING Parents of 15 Celebrate The laasheea aaj party epaa- were Patricia Eileen Marshall, The Sodality card club met STEAM CLEANING - WASHING - LUBRICATION SERVICE *ar«4 by St. Clara’s Aid sadaty Lunch arill bo strved immedi­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wednesday evening, July 27, In will ba bald at tba arpbaaaga, ately followinc the service at the 660 So. Broadway — New Location — RA. 2826 Golden Wedding Jubilee Marshall, with Carl F. Belle and the home of Margaret Ann FoyC 3800 W. 29tb avaaaa, Danvar, Mount Vernon Country club at Ida Belle as sponsors, and ]^bert Parishioners were urged at all (St. Cajetan’t Parish, Denver) ception was held in the Vigil home. Wadaasday, Aag. 8, at 1 1.]. p.M. 81.26 per plate. Gary Maifarth, son of Mr. and the Masses July 24 to co-operate Announcing the appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Vigil, 1463 Mr. and Mrs. V i^l received many ' Hostfstas ara Mrs. H. sjwU, Further information or reserva­ Mrs. Robert A. Maifarth, witl>|iin the Tri-County x-ray project, Federal boulevard, recently cele­ ?ifts from thmr children and Mrs. M. Laaiy, aad MissHiss EHaa- tions may be obtained by calling Paul Maifarth and Daniela Ciar- whose mobile units are in St. Phil- brated their golden jubilee. The riends. batb Sbaaby. TA. 1480. allo as sponsors. omena’s parish area this week, j ABLES MOTOR COMPANY celebration began with a High **Another Friendly, Modern Center for Mass in St. Cajetan^ church. Of PACKARD S^es and Service” their 15 children, 13 were present for the occasion. Two sons in SpecialtMed Automotive Service . . . Texaco Gas & Oils California, William and Albert, 3520 E. Colfax at Monroe — FR. 2761 were unable to be here. This is the Hrst oi several advertisements by Public Service Company to inform taxpayers and Eight sons and their families and five daughters of Mr. and Mrs. electric consumats oi ks poskion wkb respect to power irom the Colorado—Big Thompson Project, Vigil joined in their parents’ jub­ ilee celebration. Among these were Louis, Tony, Ben, Chris, Norbert, DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNERS Mrs. Ro.se Valles, Mrs. Irene Mor­ Timely service NOW prevents costly repair bills later — so ales, and Mi.ss Caroline Vigil from / don't delay or neglect needed repairs. Dnve in for dependable Denver; and Tom, Jack, and Helen service performed by mechanics, who have the “ know how’’ from Los Angeles; Tobin Vigil to service your car or truck! from Albuquerque, N. Mex.; and Sister Carmelita of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters from JAMES MOTOR CO. Big Springs, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. 1278 Lincoln Dodge dt Plxmouth Scdet A Service KE. 8221 Vigil have 28 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. All but AVOID WASTE OF two of the grandchildren were here for the reception. The Rev. John Ordinas, C.R., pastor of St. Cajetan’s parish, VIC HEBERT, Inc. ointed to the Christian family of HilOSON J IW B fc S Since 1918 [r. and Mrs. Vigil as an example TAXPAYERS’ DOLLARS ON to others in this pagan-minded world. After th« sermon, Mr. and Mrs. Vigil with their attendants, 3660 Downing Denver Phone AC 4848 Mr. and Mrs. John Romero; the two bridesmaid granddaughters, Viola and Celine Valles, and Abel and DUPLICATING Julian Valles, knelt in the sanctu arv as Father Ordinas blessed the jubilarians. The main altar was HEY KIDS I I decorated with gold and white Bring the folks out flowers. Above the tabernacle was a large circle with the gold figures ST. BERNADETTE’S “ 50“ on it. After the Mass, a re- TRANSMISSION LINES BAZAAR Recent Bride 8900 W. Colfax Tonight, Fri., and Sat. AUTOMOTIVE JEFFERSON GAS SERVICE A highly Important quaition confronting Cengrtii to­ by request by the Bureau for certain of these lines in 1950 & ELECTRIC Visit Danver's 7821 W. Colfax Lkwd. 877 LEADING SERVICE day is whether or not it «rill appropriate F^aral fundi for it $769,000. CENTER the running of duplicating and unnaetisary transmission LETnm ne Where You Get Not only has the Company submitted the above plans, Quality at a lines by Federal agencies such as tha Buraau of Raclamation. Fair Price I with respect to transmission of power, but it is also ready, CHRYSLER-PUMOUTHI O pen E v e - During the past few years, tha Buraau of Raclamation able and willing to purchase any and all power, both firm WORBRORDWAY _ nliig§ ’till 9 9 * has made various requaits for funds from Congresi for the and dump, made available to it from the Colorado-Big EXPERT AUTO REPAIR erection of transmission lines in Northern Colorado that Thompson Project at a cost not exceeding the cost to the AU Makes V Easy Time Peymente would duplicate the existing facilities of this Company. The Company of generating equivalent energy. The Company TlLIPHONI TASOR 5191 NorfliwesteraAitoGo. 13TN A BROADWAY • DINVIR 849 Broedway TAbor 6201 Bureau has alto requested the appropriation of funds for is on record through public statements and franchise re­ running transmission lines interconnecting the Colorado-Big quirements to pass on to its customers, under supervision of , COOLING SYSTEM M&M And Thompson Project and tha tranimiition systam of this Com­ local regulatory authorities, any savings that may result RADIATOR WORKS BaiUtots B

I Tliurtday, July 28, 1949 Office, 938 Ian neck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyetene 4205 PAGE THtRTEEli Knights Hold Installation Stratton Church Thanksgiving in Alaska 26 Are Presen t Denver Physicians Wan^ O f Officers in Boulder At Wray Meeting All to Have Medical Cdre Boulikr.— The Knights of Co­ The Boulder assembly of the Being Blessed lumbus .council 1188 held instalU- Fourth Degree held installation “ Never avoid medical care be­ of the cost of medical care by tion of officers July 20. The dis- of newly elected officers July 26. cause you 4o not believe you can bribing to his attention]n itsit In July 28 Rite Of Altar Group afford it,” advises the Denver pledge that no one in Denver rict deputy, John Peay of F t Francis J. Reinert, past faithful County Medical society, “ Every­ will ever be charged more zhan Collins, officiated at the instal­ navigator, offidated. Newly Wray.— Twenty-six members of The $117,000 Church of St. one can afford a doctor. If the a reasonable ,fee. A reasonable lation of the newly elected officers, elected officers were as follows: Charles Borromeo in Strat­ St, Andrew’s Altar and Rosary so­ fee must be measured by coijipe- who are E. Kotterstette, grand ciety and their pastor, the Rev. regular fee of your doctor would Joseph Kirby, faithful navigator; ton, being dedicated this work an undue hardship on you, tence of the doctor and |the knight: George Reinert, deputy Joseph A. Korb, attended the July amount of skill and servicel re­ grand knight; Clair Ford, chancel­ John Reinert, faithful captain; F. morning, Thursday, July 28, meeting of the society. Mrs. L. J. he will gladly set it within your Dolan, faithful admiral; U. Mel­ ability to pay.” quired, but in no case cap it lor; C. Burgess, warden; A. Dome, at 11 o’clock by Archbishop McMillan presided, and the host­ be more than the patient is Able lecker, faithful pilot; J. Moratto, Believing that manv people financial secretary; J. Carrer, re­ Urban J. Vehr, baa been entirelyly esses were Mrs. William Menke, to pay without depriving him­ faithful controller; J. Bush, in­ avoid securing medical aid be­ corder; J. Burgess, inside guard; paid for. Mrs. Joseph Conrad, Mrs. William self or his family of other ne'ces- side guard; and A. Dome, outside cause of the expense, the medical L. Laeser, outside guard; and N. The 800 ^riahioner* and the Welch, Mrs. Frank Wilson, and sities. I Mellecker, treasurer. sentinel. pariah aocietiea have been moat Mrs. Harry Stephenson. society has been attempting for two years to draw up and pub­ generoua in aupplying fumiah- After a business session, at Patients are urged to discuss lish a schedule of average fees. inga 7or the Mifice. Included which plans were made for fuller their financial circumstances among the fumiahinga donated are co-operation in deanery activities, After an exhaustive study it waa frankly with their doctor before found that, in a city the size of a Conaonata electric organ, the a luncheon waa served. Several of receiving treatment, and, shiuld main and side altars, stations of the group hope to attend the dean­ Denver, such a schedule would they be charge4 what they)be­ the cross, and altar rail. ery meeting in Greeley, Aug. 9 either be so complicated or so lieve is an unreasonable fee^.to The Rev. Edward Dinan, admin­ Miss Barbara Wilson of St. An­ loose that it would be meaning­ notify the Medical Economics (Colorado springs ^ istrator of the parish, will be cele­ drew’s ’ parish and Jack Renshaw less. committee at AComa 5817. The brant of the Solemn Maas follow- of Denver were married in St Finding that such a schedule committee will not hesitate to lowing the dedication. Assisting FATHER BERNARD R. HUBBARD, S.J. (right), Andrew's church Saturday, June is not feasible, the society hopes set a reduced fee if such is! i him will be the Rt. Rev. Monsignor says prayer of thanksgiving with his companions after 26. Father Korb officiated. The to overcome the layman’s fear Gregory Smith, deacon; the Rev. scaling a difficult height in the volcanic region of Alaska. Father young people will live in Denver, Timothy Cronin, S.J., a cousin of Hubbard is the famous “ Glacier Priest.” Now 69, he is a veteran where the bridegroom is employed. Father Dinan, aubdeacon; and the of many expeditions to Western Alaska. He knows the North as few Mrs. William Diss and Mary Very Rev. Monsignor Bernard men know it. He has carried on various studies there, ranging from Lou' Diss spent a vacation in Salt Cullen, master of ceremonies. meteorology to anthropology, and has lived inside a volcano, climbed Lake City, The new church, which will seat icy peaks, and been marooned in the frozen wastes. Stoket-Devlin Nuptial* % 620, will serve approximately 100 Miss Leo Nora Devlin, daughter families in Stratton and the neigh­ of Leo G. Devlin, became the boring towns, totaling some 800 bride of William Stokes in a souls. The parish supports its own Father Puhl to Leave double-ring ceremony performed parish school, staffed by the Pre­ before the Rev. Joseph A. Korb,, cious Blood Sisters of O’Fallon, July 4. Patricia Devlin, sister of Mo. the bride, was her attendant. In the evening after the dedica­ Rifle After Stepping Frank Schramerck attended the tion, Confirmation will be admin­ bridegroom. Timothy C, Devlin, istered in the new church to more brother of the bride, acted as than 100 adults and children. This usher. will be the first time since 1942 The bride is employed as assist- that Confirmation has been given In for Father Reed buyer in the draperydrant and rug in the Stratton parish. department of the George Innea M AY REALTY Rifle.— (St, Mary’s Parish)— The Rev. Albert E. Puhl, company, Wichita, Kans., where she has made her home for the from the Cathedral parish in Denver, will be leaving here past seven years. The bridegroom R E A L T O R Knights Plan the latter part of this week after taking over the official is an employe of the International duties of St. Mary’s parish for the past two months during Harvester company, Wichita, INSURANCE - LOANS Father Paul Reed’s leave of absence because of illness. since his graduation from Okla­ Purchase of homa A. and M. college in Jan- Father Edward J. Praezkowski, his death, Mr. Flynn was visiting uary. ! Ute Theater Bldg. named to the Rifle parish and mis­ Greeley Hall sions, was expected to arrive relatives and friends in Minne­ A reception was held in the Colorado Springs, Colo. Wednesday or Thursday of this sota. Survivors of the deceased are church parlor following the cere­ week to begin his official duties. his wife, Mrs. Doris Flynn; a mony, Greeley— (S t Peter’s Parish) daughter, Mrs. Mary Danielson; Mr. and Mrs. Stokes left after MAIN 1898 — The K. of C. are considering the Father Paul Reed, who was named chaplain at the Glockner-Penrose and a son, William Flynn. the reception for Wichita where purchase of their own hall. they will make their home. Banns of Matrimony were pub­ hospital in Colorado Spring, ex­ A combined farewell party and lished for the first time Sunday changing positions with Father handkerchief shower was given by The firms listed here de­ -1/ four ISeeds Are Electrical for James Beetham and Guida Fraezkowski, will assume his of­ the Altar and Rosary society in Cafl Main 939” - ' Haefeli, both of this parish. ficial duties this week also. the home of Mrs. R. W. Cook Man Member of Society serve to be rem em bered WIRINO—FIXTURES ANP REPAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Harley Ortman Wednesday evening, July 20, hon­ Sharon Lee Sandau, the infant oring Mrs. Jack Hubbard. A social when you are distributing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron left by auto Sunday for a few And Is Individual Also days’ vacation in the Mesa Verde evening was enjoyed after the your patronage in the dif­ Berwick Electric Co. Sandau, LaSalle, was baptized J. D. BERWICK National park area, and they plan gifts were opened, and re­ Chicago.— Since, today, society Sunday, The sponSors were Lloyd freshments were served by the ferent lines of business. Colorado SpHnfn. Colorado Dreiling and Carolee Norbertine to return home on next Tuesday is being confounded with the evening. hoste.ss. Guests included Mmes. State, it is the job of the Catholic Adolph Coort Company, Goidan, Colorado, U.SIA. Dreiling, brother and sister of Richard Snoody, Dow Thurston, Mrs. Sandau. Mrs. Sandau is the Funeral Mass university to show that “ in man Maurice Putnam, 'Victor Kalcevic, there is a substantial union of former Emeline Dreiling, of Ker­ For Harry Flynn Bill Wipngton, Harley Ortman, The Murray Drug Co. WILLIAM C. CRARON sey and Johnstown. body and soul, that he is at once a Requiem High Mass was sung Elaine Ortman, Mrs. Jack Hubr member of society and an individ­ bard, honored guest; and Mrs. R. '^Superior Service Stores” O p to m etru t The infant daughter of Mr. and the Church of the Preciousin ual,” declared Monsignor Freder­ W. Cook, hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James L. Blue was baptized Blood in New Castle July 28 for ick G. Hochwalt of ^ e NCWC at Main Slora Phone Main 144 m Narth Tajaa BL Jack Hubbard and children are Sunday. Her name is Rebecca Jo­ Harry Flynn, who died Saturday a De Paul university educational PHONE UAIN M«S hanna. The sponsors were Mr. L. making their home in Glenwood Hain Star* — 11 North Tajon Bt. evening, July 23. Father Puhl of­ symposium. Other speakers at the North Storo — B » North Tejoa 8L COLORADO BPRINGa COLO. Bachman and Veda Bachman. ficiated at the Mass. Interment SprinM. Father Puhl officiated at Mass symposium were the Rev.-Pius J. The Archdiocesan deanery meet­ was at Calvary cemetery in Grand Barth, O.F.M.) De Paul university ; ing will be held here Au^. 9, in Junction. in Rangely and Artesia last Sun­ Get Bourns (o f Denver) day. On Saturday evening, July 23, Dr. George N. Shuster, president Newman hall. The morning ses­ Mr. Flynn was a well-known of Hunter college. New York; and Candy and Ice Cream at F U R IV m J R E SHOP sion will begin at 10 o’clock fol­ citieen and prominent business­ Father Puhl was a dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dr. Harold C. H9nt, general su­ 0PB0L8TEB1RG. lowed by luncheon at the Ander­ man in New Castle and in the sur­ perintendent of Chicago schools. Johnson-English BB-DPH0L8TERIN0 AND son Tea house. rounding vicinity. At the time of Purdy of Rangely and a breakfast **Colorful Colorado — Playground of AmericiT REPAIRING guest on Sunday in the home of Blip CoTtn snd DraptriM Mr. and Mrs. Coletti of Artesia. Truman Dodges Drug Go. Umd* to Order James Rooks o f, Rangely re­ Washingfton.— Asked at a press LENTHERIC ToUetHe. Furniture Made to Order ceived his First C):^munion in 7H 8. CueaS* A»«. Male t t t t Roggen Weekday Masses conference July 21 whether he in­ t%|m U BIJ« at PhwlW Mass Sunday, July 24. Janies was tended to appoint a Catholic to away several weeks ago when the fill the Supreme Court vacancy oc­ other communicants received. SUlINGVOURPDRTnER!! The Heyse Sheet casioned by the death of Frank Metal and Roofing At 7 Through Harvest Guests at the rectory Sunday, Murphy, President Truman said INCORPORATED July 24, were Father Donald Mc­ he ^ d no comment. The President HEATING ROOPINQ Roggen.— Weekday Mtssses will Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sigg. Susan Sigg Mahon of Denver, Father Michael said there was no dearth of rec­ SOUARI DANCE ENTERPRISE TENT SHEET METAL be at 7 o’clock in.. Sacred Heart and Bernard Buchholz were spon­ Kavanagh of Colorado Springs, ommendations; every federal I2» SO. NEVADA and Clem • Goettlemen of Grand AND AWNING CO. Pbont> Main church. South Roggen, it wai an­ sors. judge in the country has been en­ Bat IS8S nounced Sunday. Sunday Masses Junction. PH. 1264 Mary Ruth Knespel from La­ dorsed. for the harvest season will be Salle IS visiting in the home of Saturday Nite 6 o’clock, at Roggen, and 8 o’clock her aupt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bible in Chinese in Keenesburg. Peter J. Buchholz. Perfect fun for all agei |n Florence IGausner spent the Hong Kong.— A Chinese trans­ Army Surplus Catherine Kersen spent Wednes­ lation of the Bible for Catholics HEIDELBERG'S week end at.the W. L. Blick home. day, Thursday, and Friday with AND the finest 'Western atmo^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchholz, will be ready in three years, re­ CLOTHING her aunt, Mrs. George Kersen, ports the Rev. Maurice F. Ahern, phere at ' with Gerald, Freddie, Richard, near Wiggins; Men’f Furnithinift Patsy, and their new daughter, M.M., of Chicago. Three Irish Camp Supplies Regina Marie, visited in the home Mr. and Mrs. John Evers and Franciscans and three Chinese 10 NORTH TEJON ST. family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman priests are translating the Old Ree. Army McClelland of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchholz Saddlei ...... 7.95 last week. Patsy is staying in Barney were dinner guests in the Testament. This will ’'e the first Joe Linnebur home July 17. complete translation of the Bible New Army CanTM ELDORADO SPRINGS the country with her grandparents Foldinz Cot* ...... — 4.89 COMPUMENTB OP for another week or two. New 18x16 Green Army A.A. **The Family ResorV* OLSON & BENBOW Mr. and Mra. John Marx from Waterproof Scuad Tent*...._ * ^ * * ^ '' tNGtS-l Kingman, Kans., stopped in for a Wed in Longmont Ree. Wool Blanket Mummy P L B G . & H TG . CO. visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sleepina Bag, with new A A K QfYlolor* S n c . Klausner July 23 and 24. Miss Joan water-repellant eoeer ------116 North Weber St. Mrs. Hubert Qrth and Amelia Bauer, daughter New 7x9 Umbrella Tinta, 0 /4 K A of Mr. and Mrs. waterproof with Boor comp. Tel. Main 3U6L -SALES W f X i T r m drove to Loveland Julv 20. New Army Surplua Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Orth, Alex Bauer, re­ 2.98 cently became Kapok Life Preaervera . Amelia and boys, and Mrs. Ruth Ree. Army . McLaughlin and daughter, Gloria, the bride of Jo- 1.95 s e p h William Raincoat*____ from California were Sunday din­ Rec. Army Wool FORT COLLINS ner guests in the Gabriel Orth Gold, son of Mr. Blanketa ...... 3.95 home near Bennett. Mrs. Mc­ ind Mrs. Mat- Laughlin and Gloria remained for 'thew G,old, .in a pu^TeZ™ 1.98 *'’ 3.95 a few days’ visit with her brother double-ring cere- }7*w 5x7 Waterproof The firms listed here de­ Get to Know ra 0 n y in St 2.98 VISITORS ARE ALWAYS and family. Tarpaulin ...... The rirms liSted here de­ John’s church in serve to be remembered LEE After the K. of C. meeting last A complete line of tenia and WELCOME AT Longmont before The Druggist ! serve to be remembered week, Francis Brussard from camping tuppiiei. Write for when you are distributing the Rev. James when you are distributing Phoenix, Ariz., and Marvin Milan free catalogue. ESTES PARK DRUG STORE SHINN'S PHARMAa Mahrer, O.S.B. your patronage in the dif­ Tha Razall 8tor« I from Denver were house gruests ESTES PARK. COLO. your patronage in the dif­ NORTHERN HOTEL COR. The bride, in the Peter J. Buchholz home. Denver Army Store ferent lines of business. Lea Tifhe. Prop. ferent lines of business. PH. 92 F t CollinA Many old friends dropped in for given in m a r- a “ songfest." riage by her fa­ imimmMimunnmNiiamaHiiiiMtmitiiimiiMMmimiiiiiiitwiiiu|uumn| ther, wore a Mrs. Frank Kersen and daugh­ “ Come to Church in the Rockies'* j | ter returned July 22 from a weeks' ^ w n of Chantilly J 2 In F t Collins on Hiwajs 87 and 287 visit in the home o f her parents, uice Over satin DREILING MOTORS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hudson, near and net, and her hotel McConnell's Pharmacy; | Adena. lace veil fell from Bnick and G.M.C. Spocialiata — Sales and Export Sorrico Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Barney and a lace cap. Her The Friendly Drug Store on the Corner | Let Porcelainiae Your Car family, who have been men))>er8 of bouquet was a COLORADO sheaf of white Phone 30 Estes Park, C0I9. ' | this parish for several years, have ijlemvood sprhujs ■MniftimmiiumimimmmniiuiiHiiNnuiiiutI MmtHBMMMKS Telephone 626 sold their farm east of here and roses on white are> moving to Hudson. They an­ satin leaves. She nounced this week that they have wore two strand / purchased the Jewel cafe next to pearls, a gift of LUMBER ALEY DRUG GO. Fa B. TALLEY the Texaco station on the north the brid^oom. ^ Miss Dorothy ^ Refrigeration Service side of Hudson and that their PRESCRIPTfON Commarcial and Household Air opening day will'be Monday, Aug. Anne Bauer, sis- Complete Line of . Conditioning ter of the bride, DRUGGISTS 1. (LItch Portnit. Looxmont) Appliances and Elactric Motor was maid of honor. She wore ice Building Materials Pbaas'HalB U . US 8a. Ttiaa 81 During the first week, hours will Repairing blue satin, with elbow-length mitts She scattered rose petals in the Flooring * Paint* * Hardware COLORADO SPRINGB be from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and be­ path of the bride. MAin 56S1 322 N. Tajon S t ginning Aug. 8 they will be open and a picture hat to match, and carried a colonial bouquet of roses Mrs. Gold attended Loretto from 7 a.m. until midnight Heights college Mr. Gold is a ESTES PARK LUMBER ZEC% % & A D A M S Miss Phyllis Robel from Ellen- and aweet peas. senior at the University of Colo- wood, Ksns., spent a week at the BLICK SPORTING Conoco Service Station College Classmate road. Mr. and Mrs. Gold are mak­ CO.. home o f her schoolmate. Miss ing their home in Ixingmont. Susan Sigg. She returned home Is Bridesmaid G. E. Casex, Mgr. Pjione 48 A reception held in S t John’s FREB DELTVBBT GOODS CO. NOCO July 22. Another school friend. Bridesmaids were Betty Lou hall, Longmont, was attended by *VTsrythlBc tor Erarr Sperf* Miss Margie Weber, and her par­ some 400 guests. Phone Main 930 ents, Mr. and Mrs. (Charles Weber, Bauer, sister of the bride, and 19 NO. TEJON ST. from Dorrance, Kans., stopped in Eleanor Balagna of Canon City, HOTaBa Arm. M Cach* la Paadn for a visit July 28. a classmate from Loretto 'Heights 74a Mrs. Nick Kersen and her college. The bridesmaids’ gowns ( i h i i e A f t mother, Mrs. Annie Rothermal, and bats were similar to those CORNER from (ikiahoma were visiting the worn by the maid of honor. They AURORA George Kersen home south of carried roses and aweet peas. CUPBOARD Wiggins July 19. Francis Sewold of Sterling, ( jJ a c U t eiANO UKI, Hubert Orth left July 21 for a cousin of the bride, was best Andale, Kana., where he attended man. Ushers were William Robin­ C O lO tA O O for Ladies and Children NEW FASHION the funeral of his sister-in-law, son and Frank Schell III. The PURSE BROS. Mra, Mary Orth. He returned to ring-bearer was Dennis Bauer, a 25 GUEST COTTAGES ON Also Complete Blouse Denver July 23, and Mr. and Mrs. cousm of the bride. He carried the 1000 FEET OF LAKE SHORE & Lingerie line Cleaners & Dyers GROCERY * MARKET Joe Brand and family drove him rings on a white, aatin heart-shaped JOHN H. JOBNSOK HqHI and Olalag Roeai GROCEBIES — HEATS — FBUITB home that evening. pillow. Olflea Plant Copocily 135 lar USHVA'nONS sm fe w Open gProM OOU lOOU Eaat CoUax VEGETABLES Sunday morning the Rev. C. P. The flower girl, Judith Ann Se­ trsrci 09stt « pb«M . . . Year 'Round W. Elkhorn SSS B. Aiaauda A re. Antora S3 »7#S Eaat Colfax A rt. Ph. Asrera l i t Sanger officiated at the Baptiam wold, a oousin of the bride, was Writ* Mr. & Mrt. Hmry W. Rhon* DINVn, AC«m 3021. Dora Jean’ s of Stanley Joseph, infant son of dressed in ice blue satin and net 1 \

\ FACE FOURTEEN Office, 93t B< ;k Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephewe, KEyttene 4205 Tfiuredey, July 2S, 1^49 Recently Wed Christ the King School H omentaker's New Policy Set FUN GALORE! i ! Department ■ For Restaurant Is Readied for Blessing ST. BERNADETTE’i JM BAZAAR PatroniM The$0 Reliabla mnd Friendly Firms (Christ the King Parish, Denver) In K. of C. Hall The voluntwrs from the Men's club, which is getting the MOO W. Calfaa classrooms in readiness for the dedication in August, will THURS.. FRI., SAT. A change in management meet Saturday, July 30, at 2 o’clock in the school hall. As more TNI* tn rtser et THE of the restaurant operated in men are needed for this work, the officers of the Men’s club STILES LAMPEY HATCHER^ McVeigh Company the Knights of Columbus hall, ask all members to be present. 16th and Grant streets, has S525 W. Colfax Lkwd. io6K PAINTING AND Baptized Sunday,ay, July 24,24 in Christ the King church was Wil­ son, Bobbie, in for a children’s ELECTRIC SERVICE DECORATING been announced by Edward party Saturday afternoon, July O’Connor, grand knight The liam Hart McNichols, infant son of Wirin)$ — Lighting CONTRACTORS State Senator and Mrs Stephen 30, to help him celebrate his third 1328 Inca KE. 0718 change, according to O’Connor, is birthday, f 1100 Larimer TA. 6875 the result of a desire by the Den­ L. R. McNichols. Sponsors were MOVING ver council to provide a place for Robert A. Hart, Sr., the maternal Mrs. J, D. Buckley, chairman of the public to purchase excellent grandfather, and Mrs. Cassie Mc­ altars and linens, wishes to thank METAL WEATHER meals at reasonable prices. With Nichols, the paternal grandmother. Mmes. E. J. McCabe, Harry Sims, STORAGE the change of management and a Miss Mayme O’Haire acted. as and James Reitz for the work done l l x STRIPPING . . . CAULKING by them in July. NDERSOW^ complete revamping of the menu, proxy for Mrs. McNichols. Also SHIPPING . IM Im IS Vur* Ezpvrivnc* officers of the Knights of Colum­ baptized was Clyde Anthony, in­ Local and ! fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Satisfaction Guaranteed bus expect steadily increasing pa­ Long Distance I Interior - Exterior Painting tronage of the already popular A. Mancuso of 1325 Holly street. Phone CH. 6561 eating spot. y Sponsors were Raymond T. John­ ZELLER'S M o ^ g [. ADAMS & WILDING son and Miss Virginia M. Loren- Denver 6, Colora now Refrigeration and Electric Storage • Packing 1 1158 California KE 1609 sen. 1 04 2 -il Santa Fe Drive clati into the knights ii tchod- Service on all makes. Returning vacationers are Mr. Shipping I uled Sunday, Aug, 7, Con.ider- All Type* of Frano i •THE BEST IN LUGGAGE able interest ii being .hown by and Mrs. J. D. Buckley and fam­ Used Refrigerators as low ily, who spent two weeks motor­ Boildingi Movod , The firms listed here de­ Of AU K»Aa pro.pective candidate*. Wally as $69.50 ing through Montana, Wyoming, Free Estfmetee j serve to be rem embered Webb, deputy grand knight, heads membership activities. and Yellowstone National Park; GUARANTEED I when you are distributing and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Teng- DUFFY STORAGEI K. of C. Youth Band ler, who spent a couple of weeks EASY TERMS your patronage in the dif­ in Glenwood Springs. disc Maytag Automatic Washers & MOVING COoj ferent lines of business. Plays in Englewood Miss Jean Coughlin entertained b t IMS and Gibson Refrigerators l I The Knights of Columbus youth on July 27 at a supper party in 1521 20th S band made it latest appearance at her home, honoring Miss Suzanne ?4 E. ALAMEDA RA. 0648 TeJ KE. 6228 the dedication of the new St, Louis Brubeck, daughter of Mrs. Albert i parish school in Englewood. Fur­ de Bey. Miss Brubeck will be mar­ J. A. Johnson & Son ther rehearsals and appearances ried in August. JUSSEL are on the popular band’s crowded Mr. and Mrs. Jack Driscol have Electric Co. Established 35 Years slate. sold their home at 1368 Eudora Satisfied Users Tell You 1163 California St. • Gutters • Sheet Metal Square dancing for knights and street and have taken a house at Electrical Contractors • Gas Furnaces their guests will be held Friday 945 Forest. Call AL. 1743 for evening, Aug. 22, in the K. of C. IS THE B B A CaarantMil ElKtiical Jok * Gas Conversion Burners Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kerr are 709 E. 6th Are. KE. 4031 hall. The event is becoming stead­ spending their vacation motoring ily more popular, according to through Colorado. Lecturer Aldo Notarianni. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowrie and Knights have been urged by the family left last week on a motor grand knight to express their com­ trip to El Paso, Tex., and other mittee preference on forms pro­ ON .SATURDAY, JULY 2, in St. Vincent de'Paul’s southern points. REUPHOLSTFR vided them. Activities under the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCabe and There’* only one for the money leadership of newly appointed church, Denver, Miss Helen Anne Smith, daughter of Mr. Recover $pQ 50 and Mrs. Thomas M. Smith of Denver, became the bride of James L. family have gone to Cheyenne for . . . one for the «how—^hon it committee chairmen are expected the Frontier Days. 2 Pieces 0 ? l Up to begin ip the immediate future, Balagna, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Balagna of Florence. come* to paint, and that'a DUTCH Furniture Repairing in an effort to make this an out­ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, uncle of the bride, offiicated Mary Immaculate circle en­ BOY. Our *ati*fitd enitemar* will at the double-ring ceremony. joyed the ho^itality of Mrs. Stan­ standing year for the Denver coun­ toll you how DUTCH BOY givoa cil, according to O’Connor. The bride' was given in marriage by her father and wore a ley Nowack in her home July 20. Colorado Upholstering Co. gown of traditional white satin trimmed with seed pearls. Her Mmes. Sidney Amburgh, Harold your homo a lift I Ra.tora* old inr- GL. 2304 2501 16th St. finger-tip veil of imported silk illusion fell from a headdress of seed Langford, and Richard A. Mulli­ faea* . . . Craata* naw beauty. pearls. She cariyed a white prayer book topped with white orchids and gan were welcomed as ^ests. Choo.e Raady-mixad DUTCH BOY G u ild Will M eet streamers of stephanotis. Bridge honors were awarded to Tint* or Puro.t White hero now I Mrs. Mary Beth Feely.'sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Mrs. Sidney Amburgh and Mrs. ft: Electricol Contracting & Repniring Bridesmaids were Miss Harriet Balagna, sister of the bridegroom, Harold Lowrie. The members of In Convent July 29 and Miss Dorothy Smith, sister of the bride. The attendants were the circle presented Mrs. Nowack gowned in full-length white dotted ninon over light blue taffeta. with a gift of an electric lamp. Complete Line Avoilable at EARL J.STROHMINGER The annuel summer meeting They wore white horsehair bonnets trimmed in blue and carried lace Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawes of St. Joseph’s guild will be baskets filled with varicolored flowers. The blue and white color^heme have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. ilactric Compaiy held Friday, July 29, at 2 was in honor of the Blessed Virgin and the Feast of the Visitation, on Paul Naes anq children of Keno­ Lletiued and Bonded p.m. in the St. Francis de Sales which day the wedding occurred. At the Nuptial Mass vocal solos sha, Wis. Mrs. Naes is a sister of University Park Lumber Co. Membtr National Electrical Contractors Ass'n. parish convent, Denver, where were sung by Miss Margaret Oyler and Edward T. Smith. Mrs. Hawes. 1810 So. Josephine PE. 2435 the organisation held its charter Mrs. Balagna is a graduate of St. Francis de Sales’ high school Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Laird and 1178 Stout St. AC. 5733 meeting 10 years ago. and the Seton school of nursing in Colorado Springs. Mr. Balagna is son, Richard, of Omaha, Neb., are a navy veteran and served in the South Pacific area in the war. He is Plans for the table prizes for guests of Mr. and Mrs.^eo Laugh- a graduate of Holy Cross abbey in Canon City and is now attending lin. the guild’s annual card party wilt the University of Denver. be made. ^11 members are re­ Miss Ella Horan of Tucson, minded that the meeting will in­ Ariz., a former resident of Den­ clude a kitchen linen shower for ver, is spending a couple of weeks KNO HY PINEI Dependable Plumbing & Heating Co. the convent. T. B. Dangerous Past 40; here as the guest of Mrs. Harold Wall Board — Floorii The hostesses will be the presi­ Collins. cmadel Roofing ‘T All Plumbing and Healing Installationg dent, Mrs. John B. Craig; Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tengler I Turner, Mrs. George Eppich. Mrs. All Should Be X-Rayed have as their guests for two weeks W. P. Mulligan, and Mrs. Harry The necessity of participation in tuberculosis rarely makes its ap­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luther of BeBjamin Moore i C. E. Bohannon - 47Q0 W. Colfax - AL 1444 Grout. # Cleveland, 0. the current chest x-ray survey by pearance after the age of 40.” All Sisters of St. Joseph in Den­ Mrs. J. J. Jacobucci had a visit epuint Points— Vomishoe | persons of 40 years of age and "This,” he said, "is a mistaken ver ar« invited to attend. over the week end from her sister, over was brought out today in a impression. It is no longer true Enamel* Sister Mary St. Ida of Mundelein i statement from Dr. David Reis- that the disease preys only upon ELDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY college, Chicago, 111., who is spend­ \ ner, Denver director of the Divi­ the younger age groups. Recent Picket Fence Material | Guy Elder, Contractor sion of Tuberculosis Control. ing the summer in Boulder. Sister fathers Grabrian observations indicate that the on­ Mary St. Ida is accompanied by Floor Sanders to Rent! Dr. Reisner, who is a nationally set of tuberculosis after the age Sister Mary Clement. Mrs. Jacob- Industrial and Commercial Building recognized authority on tubercu­ of 40 is not at all a rarity to­ ucci’s father, S. M. Forsythe of losis, pointed out that there is “ ra- day.’’ 175 Vallejo St. PEarl 8930 Visiting Parents Boulder, also visited her over the ECONOMY LUMBER & HARDWARE th«rr a widespread impression that Dr. Reisner said that a late U.S. week end. (Holy Rosary^_^rish, Denver) 350 So. Colorado Blvd. Eaay Paymaat* DE. 84M Public Health report revealed that Mrs. Stephen L. R. McNichols FOR BEST VALUES IN Two brother priests, both the peak of the tuberculosis death has asked the friends of her little Servites, Fathers Joseph and Vic­ rate for White males was at 70 tor Grabrian, are visiting their Grotto Work years of age, and that the death UNPAINTED FURNITURE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grab­ ate for White females rose sharply HOME SERVICE CO. rian, 4701 Grant street. Father after 60 years of age. PAnSTING HOME INSULATION The Glue Pot Joseph is stationed at Our Lady of "It is unfortunate that persons THIS AD IS WORTH SI ON ANY CHEST Sorrows church, Ladysmith, Wis., s Started DECORATING 1518 Colorado JSIvd-. EAsl 2652 in the age groups above 40 are and Father Victor at the Church of 1500 Exclusive WaUpapers Annunciata, Chicago, III. not responding as well to our ap­ Johns-Manvilie at large savings There will be no meeting of the In Morrison peal to have a chest x-ray as they Holy Name society in the month 712-26tii St. TA. 1562 It Modernizes should. 1 feel that such persons Rock Wool of August. I Morrison.— (Mt. Elizabeth Re­ have a civic responsibility to take Old Frame Buildings The Holy Rosary parish bazaar beat)— Work has started on the For Your Snmmer will be held on the school grounds, grotto of Our Blessed Mother; the part in this program; first, for COMFORT self protection— and equally im­ 4672 Pearl street, Aug. 4-7. A 1949 foundation has been laid and the Reduces Hewing Costs up to 50% Chevrolet will be on display. building will be started soon. The portant— for the protection of A Johni-MaavilU In.tallod Job Stove and Furnace Parta grotto is located south of the their family, friends, and co-work­ WiU Lait a Lifotimo Brick Siding building. CLEANING Still Available ers. It can not be emphasized too The redecorating has been com­ strongly that T.B. is a contagious rSEB MOTH PEOOnNO GAS FURNACES pleted in both the interior and ex­ disease and neglect by any per­ Home Insulation & Improvement Co. terior of the retreat. son may result in its spread 2P..Uvi-E S