562 miles traveled, one-way, in 4 days!

CREATION MUSEUM TRIP July 23 – 26, 2018 Pastor Duane got teased about being #1 New friends! NRA Duffel Bags!

38 people total from Waukon & comm - nity, and Boscobel WI

..plus an additional van from Boscobel, WI

The interior of the hull

Ideas on how the animals were cared for…


• It took about 100 years for the Ark to be built • The Ark was built of “gopher wood” • According to the , the Ark measured 300 x 50 x 30 cubits, which is a volume of about 2.21 million cubic feet. It was almost one and a half football fields long and higher than a modern four-story house! • All of the animals, food, storage, and supplies would have fit comfortably on the Ark. Few wooden ships have ever come close to the size of ’s Ark. • Noah was 600 years old when he entered the Ark • Eight people were on the Ark: Noah, his wife, Noah's three sons (, , and ), and their wives were on the ark. Therefore, there were eight people on the Ark. • Noah & family were on the Ark for approximately one year; he walked on dry land again on his 601st year of life • Noah lived to the age of 950! FACTS ABOUT THE ANIMALS:

• Seven pairs of each kind of clean animal and one pair of each kind of other animals were taken on the Ark. By “clean” the Bible means animals that were "acceptable for sacrifice." That is why seven pairs of the clean animals were taken – so some of them could be sacrificed after was over without endangering the species.

• “Two of every kind” of animal came on the Ark. A “kind” is described as a “family” level of classification. Therefore, Noah cared for approximately 6700 animals on the Ark! His family of 8 were very busy!

There was a small petting zoo at the Ark, as well. Some people had a “unique” experience with the animals! ☺

Creation Museum Garden

Entering the Creation Museum