th Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting at Village Hall on the 4 December 2017.

Present: Councillor Sowerby (Chair), Councillors Shrapnell, Doran, Clark, Daffern, Wilkinson and Christie together with Councillor R Britton plus eight members of the public, three of whom arrived later in the meeting. ​ ​ 157 Ten Minutes for Public to speak A presentation of the future c Cular .17 plans for Holme Farm was given by the Agent acting for the Foot owners. A planning application is shortly to be submitted. A resident of the parish reported on Gays Drove. This restricted byway is getting worse with a lot of fly tipping and deep ruts appearing where vehicles are using the track. Access should be to the relevant landowners only. Apparently Hampshire Council Clerk use bollards which only allow farm vehicles to go over them but not cars. Recent photos show a lorry going down the track. The

number plate is clearly visible and the clerk was asked to report this to the police.

It was reported that a person outside of the parish commented favourably on the report appearing in the Dun Valley News

158.17 Declarations of Interest Cllr Christie declared his interest in planning

Wiltshire Council Report The next Area Board meeting is in Whiteparish on the 7th December. The recent application regarding Nightwood Farm has been called in but Cllr Britton is not optimistic and feels it will go to appeal. The Parish Council agreed to support Cllr at the Planning Committee Meeting. The boundary review was mentioned and the councilors agreed to send in our views. Individuals may also express their views.

159.17 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on the 6th November 2017, having been circulated were taken as read and signed.

Items dealt with by the clerk

160.17 Field behind Maypole Farmhouse The clerk had written to the landowner. Cllr Sowerby has been to see the owner of Maypole Farmhouse and has agreed to see her again.

161.17 Recreation Ground Cllr Doran has been looking into the petanque area. Boswells have quoted £1115.60 including sleepers. Plant hire is included in that figure but David Hogan has offered to dig out the terrain. 22 families would be interested and the Parish Council would Clerk support the scheme. This item to be discussed at the January meeting. However, before anything is finalised, it was agreed to look at other things that might be of better use to the wider community. The clerk to contact Marcus Light again with a view to removing all the rubbish from the area. The top soil to be left for the time being. Cllr Clark has spoken to Mr Rooney regarding the pegs to the goal posts and he has agreed to look into this.

162.17 Highways The Parish Steward is due in the parish on the 13th December. The clerk is having problems trying to get letters for the new post but will make other enquiries. With regard to Litter Picking, only three councils were interested but it was agreed to approach Tom Bray who may be able to help. The programme for the Speed Indicator Device (SIDs) has been Clerk put back as one of the devices was stolen from Redlynch. Clerk The clerk to write to Highways informing them that the Parish Council is not happy that a No Right Turn sign is not going to be erected on the A36. It was suggested that the sign indicating the right turn be removed altogether. SLOW signs and Road Narrow Signs It is hoped that this work Clerk will be done in the near future. Clerk Gays Drove Between 1.00 and 1.30 p.m. on the 26th November a lorry was photographed using Gays Drove. The clerk to inform the local police of this incident. As mentioned previously, the use of bollards will be looked into. Traffic has to stop using the drove before it is ruined completely. Drains It appears that the drains from Hollyville to Horsepond are blocked and need rodding. The clerk to ask Highways Department to do this work.

The broken stile at East Grimstead has been repaired. Thanks were expressed to Anthony Cooper who carried out the work.

163.17 Footpaths Councillors Sowerby and Doran have walked the Circular footpath and ascertained where the signs need to go. They have met with Tom Bray who was very helpful and the relevant information has been sent on to him. He will provide the signs. Emails have been sent to Marcus Light regarding the GS footpaths which cross Mr Ball’s land. Mr Ludlow, another landowner involved with the path, is very much in favour of the scheme and has offered to erect the two sign posts which will be on his land. Cllr Sowerby to see the landowners in East Grimstead. All councilors in agreement with this. There has been a lot of support from the villagers and happy to form a Circular Footpath Group and do the work. Circular Footpath Group have the necessary equipment. Hopefully the New Year ’s Day walking group will walk the new footpath. This to be publicized via the village email lists.

164.17 Vision for the Parish Following the recent meeting, it was agreed to send out a questionnaire, via the village magazines, to GS/RR all residents and see what the feedback is. Cllr Sowerby thanked C Cllr Christie for his work in producing a new Vision Statement.

165.17 Planning 17/10595 –Demolish two existing wooden sheds and a concrete Clerk Clerk base and construct a 3 bay garage/workshop at Butter Furlong Farmhouse, West Grimstead. The Parish Council had no objections.

Core Strategy Meeting Cllr Clark and the clerk recently Clerk attended a meeting at the City Hall organized by the Spatial Planning Department. There is a shortfall of 250 houses in the Salisbury area. A questionnaire is awaited for each councilor.

166.17 WWI Trees Three trees have been ordered for East Grimstead and one for West Grimstead 167.17 Budget/Precept The budget was brought up to date and after a long discussion, Cllr Sowerby proposed that the precept for next year should be £12,000 an increase of £500. This was seconded by Cllr Clark and all councilors were in favour. 168.17 Brown’s Copse There has been concern expressed by a resident of East Grimstead concerning this wood. The work has currently stopped whilst the owner seeks retrospective planning permission for the access point, but once work resumes in the spring, the plan is to fell in March/April and then remove until September. They will be on site approximately one day a week. The process is very much one of thinning and ensuring trees are evenly spaced so that eventually the spaces will be filled again with existing trees that have more room to grow. The owners have also completed the ditching work along the roadside which should mean that part of the road won't flood any more. Councillor Britton understands that Brown's Copse is situated in Farley and is therefore the concern of Pitton and Farley PC.

169.17 Accounts for Payment It was agreed to pay the following accounts: Clerk ​Hurdcott Landscapes ​(grass cutting) ​ £68.84 ​Matta Products (Playing Field resurfacing) £14,418.00 ​ 170.17 Date of Next Meeting Monday 8th January 2018 at East Grimstead Reading Room at 7.30 p.m.