S'- V”


By P. A. Huot & Son, $5.00, for > Lancaster Dalhousie Sta tion Dalkeith best span carriage horses in harness. Eucn DiSTiicr if TIE nui- 15.2 and over. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Munro, 3rd Con. It's all over but the shouting. The service held by Dr. McPhail, on Lancaster, celebrated the twelfth an- A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sunday evening was well attended. By A. W. McDougald, $5,00, for best 11 IF ClENGim. span general piupose horses in harness - Department of Railways and Canals. niversary of their wedding on Wed- McDonald. Miss Maggie McDougall returned nesday evening, Sept. 13th. A large Mr. N. A. McDonald disposed of a honle on Tuesday evening after an ab- By M. Munro, barrister, Alexandria, PUBUC NOTICE is hereby ^v#n Intercolonial Railway number of their friends and relatives car of potatoes this sence of several weeks. Alexandria, Tuesday and Wed- $5.00, for best span heav'y draft maree Viader section 237 of the DominionEleo- 'were present and were pleasantly en- or geldings in harness- BADDECK BRANCH LINE. week. iion Act, that Kr. Buncan McMartin, tertained at cards and dancing. The Miss Sadie McTiCod left for Por- nesday, Sept. 26th and 27th Mias Blanche Brousseau is the guest cupine on Wednesday in company with By John Simpson & Son, general - a candidate at the present election for SEALED TENDERS addressed to home was tastefully decorated for the occasion with flags, bunting and ever- of Ottawa friends. Mrs. Allie McDougall and family. The officers and directors of the merchants, $5.00, for most prizes in Dominion House of Commons has the undersigned and endorsed "Tender sheep, divided as follows—1st $3, 2nd appointed Mr. James Kerr, of AIexau> greens. Mr. and Mrs. Munro were the Mr. John Kirk, tne well known * om- Mrs. A. R. MCTæOCî visited friends in Glengarry Agricultural Society hereby for Alba-Baddeok Branch," will be re- $2. as his official agent, under the ceived at tUi «Âo» aaiil 9ixiom recipients of many l>eautiful gifts of mercial man, was a guest at the ?om- Spring Creek during tlie week. tender thanks to the donors of the fol- linen in commemoration of their an- mcrciai on Thursday. ove act. o'clock on Thnratfay, Oeioba»' 12th, Mr. John Ross visited friends here lowing list of special prizes offered for By The J. T. Scaell Co., $5.00. for ' niversary. The residence of Mr. J. P, McCuaig, JOHN K. MACLENNAN, 1911, for the construction of a branch on Sunday. competition at the Annual Fair to be most prizes in poiirtrv—Lst ÿ.1. Jnd ■ • line of railway from a point on the Mrs. Dr. McCarthy, of St. John, N. Cote St. Patrick, was the scene of a $2. ' ituming Officer for said Electoral Mr, Findlay Fraser is at present re- held at Alexandria, on Tuesday and District. Intercolonial Railway near Alba to B., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. jolly dance on Wewnesday evening. lieving Mr. D. J. Môlntosh who is on Mary Haney. Wednesday of next week. The list is By J. D. Grant, fiAggan, $5.00, for ^Alexandria, Sept. 14, 1911. the town of Baddeck, a distance of Services in Cote St. George and Dal a two weeks holiday. best heav'y draft foal, 1911—Lst $3, .. “>2 227 miles. An elaborate lunch was served at housie Mills churches on Sunday were Mrs. John Obleman and Miss Tena, a comprehensive one and is worthy of conducted by Mr. Drysdale, of Mont- 2nd $2. Plans, specifications and form of con midnight, which was enjoyed by all, of Kirk Hill, spent Sunday the guests consideration by farmers generally. after which dancing was résumé un- real. By A. G. F. Macdonald, $5.00, for tract to be entered into may be seen of relatives in this vicinity. By J. A. McMillan, ex-M.P., silver and full information obtained on and til the wee sma' hours when all dis- Mr. and Mrs. BacSus, of West To- exhibitor taking most prizes m iwine persed singing they are jolly good fel- Miss Sarah S. Mof.eod left for Mont- cup, value $75, to exhibitor securing -1st $3, 2nd $2. after 15th inst., 1911, at the office of ronto were recent guests of her sister, real where she will spend the winter lows. Miss Nellie McCuaig. the most points for prizes for t>e9t iEClURIU DISTRICT OF THE COUN- the Chief Engineer, of the Department months. showing of live stock, from any one By R. H. Cowan, $5.00 value, hog of Railways and (Canals, Ottawa, and Mr. Angus D. McCuaig left on the Glengarry farm, the stock to be the fence wire, for best draft brood .nare at the office of the Chief Engineer of Miss Jessie McDonald, of A. H. S., TY OF GLENGlIRRy. homeseeker’s excursion to thé West spent Saturday at tier home here. property of the exhibitor ; if won ihree with foal at side. the Intercolonial Railway at Moncton, on Tuesday evening. He purposes be- seasons by the same person, the cup N.B. Kosamond ing absent two months. The first meeting of the Dalkeith By The O’Connors, millinery and to become his property, the prize to boots and shoes, $4.00 value, ladies . ;PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given Parties tendering will be required to mission study class met at the home We are sorry to announce the leath Messrs. Lewis and D. McLeod, of of Mrs. J. N. McIntosh on Tuesday. be awarded to the exhibitor taking the shoes, for best lady driver. inder section 237 of the DominionElec- accept the fair wages schedule prepar- of a bright and intelligent boy, in the Bainsville, were regflstered at theUnion highest points in the aggregate in ions Act, that Mr. John Angus Mc<> ed or to be prepared by the Depart- Hotel on Monday. Mr. John McDougald returned home classes 1 to 21 inclusive. Prizes to By F. L. Malone, merchant tailcMr, person of Adelard Periard, son of Mr. $4.(K) value, pair of trousers to order, GUan, a candidate at the present elec ment of Labour, which schedule will and Mrs. Carice Periard, 29-4th Loch- from Porcupine on Wednesday, count as follows : in classes covering Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, nee Miss for best (’lyde staîMon, 4 years and ion of members for the Dominion form part of the contract. iel, which sad event occurred on Thurs Mr. Irwin Stewart returned to col- horses and cattle, 1st, 4 points ; 2nd Cassie Macdonald, of Montreal, spent upwards. louse of Commons, has appointed Mr. Contractors are requested to bear in day of last week, after two months' several days in town guests of Mrs. lege in on Tuesday. 3 points ; 3rd, 2 points. In classes ohn HcMUlan, of Alexandria, as his mind that tenders will not be consid- suffering from the effects of a kick N. A. McDonald. Miss Annie McLennan, of Dunvegan, covering sheep and swine, 1st, 3 By F. E. Charron, merchant iaPor,^ ^^ Molal agent under the above act. points ; 2nd, 2 points ; 3rd, 1 point. ered, 'Unless made strictly in accord- from a horse.'* The funeral, on Satur- The exterior of Mr. J. A. Daoust’s spent Wednesday here. $4.00 value, pair trousers to JOHN K. MACLENNAN, ance with the printed forms, and in day, to St. Alexander church and ce- new residence on Main St. south, is Mr. Donald McDonald, of Brodie. By the Munro &; McIntosh Carriage for 4 best heifer calves, 1911. i^urning Officer for said Electoral the case of firms,- unless there are at- metery, was very largely attended. Re- being clapboarded. A handsome ver- was a visitor to' town on Tuesday. Co., Alexandria, an auto seat vutter, tached the actual signature, the na- quiem high mass being sung by Rev. By W. J. Simpson. $3.1)0 in District. andah is also being built thereto. value $40.00, to the Glengarry exhib- for the farmer’s wife taking the ture of the occupation, and place of D. D. McMillan. Deceased was at the ^exandria, »Bept. 14, 1911. itor securing the most prizes in horses 1st prizes at the Fair. residence of each member pf the firm. time of his death only eleven years, he We learn that Mr. E. H. Trickey, C. P.R. sgent, will shortly be transferred and cattle, including classes 1 to 12, An accepted bank cheque for the sum will be sorely missed by the parents inclusive. Prizes in horses to count as Meloche & Sabourin, 83.On, for and the rest of the family. The pall- to one of the Western divisions. Much Kirk Hill exhibit of white cheese, 2 boxes, of $30,000.00, made payable to the regret will bé felt upon his departure. follows : 1st, 4 points; 2nd, 3 points ; order of the Minister of Railways and bearers were Messrs. Ranny Kerr, )on- Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin and his Election in power this week, every- 3rd, 2 points. Tn cattle, 1st, 3 points ; By D. J. McDonald, grocer. $3.'W>' Canale must accompany each tender, ald John Kerr, Duncan Gelineau, Jos. body busy. 2nd, 2 points ; 3rd, 1 point. exhibitor taking most prizes in Seguin, Leo Quesnell and EmerieQues- mother, Mrs. Tobin, who were guests VOTERS’ LIST ISII which sum will t>e forfeited if the Mrs. Geo. McIntosh is expected home By the Bank of Ottawa, Alexandria, 1st $2, 2nd $1. ' - party tendering declines entering into nell. We join with their many friends of Miss Isabella S. McDonell, Bridge End, left on Monday for Dominion- shortly, we will be pleased to see her. $10.00, to the exhibitor showing the By I. Simon, merchant, $3.00,- wr ■. contract for the work, at the rates in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Periard best herd of Ayrshire cattle, composed lilcipallty of the Township of Loehiel, stated in the' offer submitted. our sincere sympathy in this their ville. ' Children's day service in St. Colum- exhibitor taking most prizes in County of Glengarry. hour of sorrow. ba Church last Sunday was largely at of four cows giving milk, and one bull roots and garden vegetables—1st $3, The cheque thus sent in will be ' re- Messrs. Angfus J. and Dan McDonald —1st prize $o, 2nd prize $3, 3rd onze who were visiting their «Thorne at tended, and the service was of great 2nd 81. turned to the respective contractors $2. Notioo ia hereby given that I have Bridge End, left on Monday, the for- interest. ginamitted or delivered 'to the per- whose tenders are not accepted. By Joseph Sabourin, 83.00, for best mer going to Porcupine aneod left for the West best crock of home-made butter. who were visiting Cote St. Patrick four cows giving milk, and one liull— iiupmittsd or deiivered, of tbs Lists tract to be entered into. In memory of our dear mother, An- on^kTùéîftâ^^ ^6 understand she ia go- 1st prize 2nd prize $3, 3rd prize friends for some weeks, left for iiome ing to for a nurse. We wish her By the News Printing Co., for pursuant to said Act of ail per- The lowest or any tender not ne- nie Urquhart, who died on Sept. 22, $2. 1910. "Gone but not forgotten." By on Tuesday. They were accompanied success. best six one pound prints, in wrap- appearing by the lost ik-vised cessarily accepted. By Ü. R. McDonald, M.P.P., $5.00, pers of home-made butter. inl Boll of the said M.inioipal- her daughter, Mrs. J. A. McRae. by Miss Jessie and Master Roddy Me- ' in St. Columba Church By order, Cuaig, who purpose residing in the for best single driver (carriage) in har ^ to be entitled to vote in the said bn ' ^ÿi&^.;néxt. ness, 15.2 or ovei By John F. McGregor, $3.00, for bo.st Innicipality at an eleotion for Kom- L. K. JONES, West. pan home-made bread (Glengarry Mills Secretary. Çor-n^ Cutting is the order of the clay, By D. R. McDonald, M.P.P., $5.00, o( the Legislative Assembly and . In loving memory of my dear wife, ^ Mrs. John H. Morrison was found excejpt Flour). ^ Municipal Mections, and that the Di^artment of Railways and Canals, Mary Ann Urquhart, who departed dead in bed at the residence of Mr. F. for best single gelding or mare in har- Mr.;^‘J. ^ McIntosh wa» in Vankleek ness, roadster, 15 hands and under. By A. D. McMaster, id List was first posted up at my Ottawa, September 9th, 1911. from this life on Sept. 9th, 1910— McCosham, Peveril, where she had A„ $3,00,. for most prizes in at lochiel, on the 13th day of Newspapers inserting this advertise- "Gone but not forgotten." J, A. Mc- been visiting for the past i,hree weeks, EUU By John McMartin, Cornwall', $5.0O, and .ranaaina thei» for ment without authority from the De- Rae. on Wednesday morning. for best span of roadsters, in harness, By N. D. MacKenzie, don, and I faersbÿ oall upon ill partment will not be paid for it. 15 hands and under. sentatlve Ontario Department : voters to tab immediate prjnedings culture, $3.00, for most to have any errors or omissioiu oor- Fisk Comers 25. •teotsd according to taw. Auction Sales ^DEMTIOII SERmCE By J. A. Kennedy, Glen Roy, $2.00, . . . Dated this 14th day of September, M ! I 1 1 I ' 'I ' »! Wl!''m I 1 Meanwhile we commend you to Go,d Mr. Dougal McIntosh, of Skye, was Thursday evening. Sept, 14th, will to exhibitor securing most prizes > îü) *-*- ' j 1911. At Glen Robertson, on Thursday, and the word of His Grace which is the guest of friends here on Sunday. long be remembered by the people of class 27. -4,, >j V. O. CHISHOLM, Sept. 2$th, farm stock and implements able to build you up and give you a Kirk Hill, for on that date the fir»t place among all those that are sanc- By J. A. Macdonell, *2.00. to f e*^ ^ ^ iClerk of the Municipality of Lochiel. D. J. Macdonell, auctioneer ; A. Dt- Miss Sara A. McKenzie is visiting foreign missionary from this congre- Department of Railways anil Canals gruire, prop. her sister, Mrs. K. McKenzie, of Mc- tified causing your pathway to be as hibitor securing most prizes in ladiefi gation, Miss M. Cameron, was desig- work, useful. latercotoaial Railway Crimmon. the shining light, shining brighter and nated to Centeal India. The pastor. brighter even unto the perfect day. Miss Margaret Fraser ’ visited at her Rev. A. Morrison, presided and con- By T. J, Gormlcy, $2.00, for liest MONCTON YARD ANC CUT-OEF. At 35-Sth Lancaster, on Wednesday, home here on Saturday. express waggon horse, hitched. Oct. 4th, 1911, farm stock and imple- ducted the devotional exermses. Rev. To Miss Margaret Cameron, SEALED TENDERS addressed to Dr. McKay asked the usual ments, D. D. McCuaig, auctioneer; Mrs Miss Katie M. McKinnon, of Skye, Lochiel, Ont. By Dr. H. L. Cheney, $2.00 for best For Sale the undersigned and endorsed "Tender prescribed questions and Rev* for Moncton Yard and Cut-Off," will Rod. McDonald, prop. was the guest of Miss Flora HacL^d herd grade cattle, four cows gi- ing on Sunday. R. McKay led in tne designation pray Dear Miss Cameron,— milk and registered bull. Farm containing 80 acres with bush, be received at this office until sixteen Miss Bella Fraser has returned iiome er. Dr. Harkness, of Cornwall, ad- We congratulate you as being the central locality. Apply immediate* o'clock on Monday, October 2nd, 1911. dressed Miss Cameron, while Dr. Mc- occasion that has wrought us together By Kenneth Mclennan, M.D., $2.00, ; 'to owner, Mrs. A, A. McMillan, 17- Plans, profiles, specifications and from Dyer after spending a couple of f for best carriage mare, foal at side. weeks visiting friends there. Kay addressed the people. Rev. A. D this evening. You have been called of Lancaster, Glen Nevis, Ont. form of contract to be entered into Lost McKenzie, a former missionary iuBrit- God and set apart by our church to can be seen on and after the 4th of I By John A. McRae, Alexandria, $2, ^ >-2 The Misses Cassie A. and FannyFra- ish Guiana, but now pastor of Rox- the work that has always been dear September at the office of the Chief On • August 6th, at a dance, near ser visited their sister, Mrs. Jno. Mc- I to exhibitor securing most prizes ID borough, conveyed the greetings of to your heart. It is, therefore, right ladies' work, fancy. I Engineer of the Department of Rail- Alexandria, a goltf brooch, represent- Leod, last week. Presbytery, Presentations were made and proper, that the meml)ers and ways and Canals, Ottawa, and at the ing the Plasher Mining Outfit. Ii find- Miss Euphemia Fraser and her '’ciend adherents of the church to which you i By I, B. Ostrora & Son, druggists, office of the Chief Engineer of the In- er will kindly return to the News of- to MISS Cameron by Mrs. Hardness on Miss Bissett, of Montreal, returned to behalf of the F. M. committee*; by belong should feel glad that the hon- $2.00, to exhibitor securing mo.st For Sale or Tc Rent tercolonial Railway, Moncton. fice, a reward will be paid. 33-3 prizes in class 30. the city after spepding two weeks' Mrs. McKay on behalf of the ladies of or has come to them to give to the North east part of Lot 2Q in 7th Parties tendering will be required to holidays at her home here. foreign field a young womap of your accept the fair wages schedule prepar- the W.P.M. societies of Glengarry, and By N. M. Bellamy, ‘V.S., $2.00, for ^oQu, seven acres, gooa house and Mrs. D. A. Chisholm and daughter. a purse of money by Mrs. McCuaig on character and training. best Percheron starlion, 4 years and stable, also never faUing well. A^ly ed or to be prepared by the Depart- meiA ol l^abour* which schedule will Teachers Wanted Miss Lillian, visited Fournier friends behalf of the congregation of Kirk You have taught in the Public ' up. |o Mrs. sT. A. MCBM, Agassiz, B.C. recently. Hill. form part of the contract. Schools of Lochiel, in which profession I By A. Markson, merchant, $2.CK), for Contractors are requested to bear in Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 8, Miss Eliza McKinnon, Skye, Hjjent Miss Cameron in her reply thanked you have been exceedingly successful, best carriage stallion, 4 years and up. mind that tenders will not be consid- Glen Sandfield. Duties to commence Sunday the guest of Miss Bell Fraser. all and asked that the prayers of all and we feel sure that you will be just ered unless made strictly in accord- September 1st, t911. Apply to W. S. would follow her as she went forth to as successful in the vocation which jou By E. H.. Stimson, Bottling Works, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Gillis, of Green- $2.00, for best 12 sections of honey. ance, with the printed forms, and in Jamieson, Seo.-Treaa., Glen Sandfield, field, were the guests of the latter'» make known the Christ of Nazareth to have chosen as your life-work. the case of firms, unless there are at- Ont. -,.-tf brbther, Mr. Angus Fraser, on Sum- the women of Central India. You have always been identified By M. McRae, ex-Warden, $2.00, for tached the actual signature, the na- day. THE ADDRESSES. with the various departments of best general purpose mare, foal at side ture of the occupation, and place of church work, and in each of these \ ou Mrs. Chas. Franklin, of Riceville, The Glengarry Presbyterial Society By John Mcl.eister, druggist, $2.00, SEALED TENDERS addressed to residence of each member of the firm. called on friends here on Monday. have been an inspiration to us by % An accepted bank cheque for the sum W.P.M.S. (^ire to extend to you your loyalty to every Christian duty. value fountain pen, for best specimen bid undersignéd, and endorsed ''Tender greetings. Their hearts go out to >r Public Building, Athena, Ontario,*^ of $40,000.00 made payable to the or- FARM FDR SALE OR TO RENT A most enjoyable evening was spent hand writing, open to pupils under 12 at the home of Mr. .lohn Campicell on you with tender thoughts, and their And while we cannot help but have years .of age of Glengarry's Separata rill be received at this office until 4.00 der of the Minister of Railways and feelings of deep regret, that we see -m., on Monday, October 9th, 1911, Canals must accompany each tender, A pretty farm consisting of 100 acres Friday. prayers will follow'^you as you go to and Public Schools. your chosen life-work. the day approaching, the day that is ►r the erection of a Public Building which sum will E>e forieited if the situate west half Lot 31-7th Con. of Miss Cassie Ann Fraser left forMont- By J. l^igeon, $1.50, value whip,- Char. One and a half miles oast to take you from uur midst, for^ we Athens, Ont. party tendering declines entering into real this week where she purpose^ As a society, they send to you this 2nd prize ladies driver. of the village of Martintown. For fur- would keep you a» our beloved friend Plans, specifications and form of con* contract for the work, at the 'ates spending some time. tangiUe token of their esteem, pray- and co-'worker in the service of our ctr can be seen and forms of tender stated in the offer submitted. ther information apply to Box 80, Mar ing for God's continued presence v*fith By D. Donovan, photographer, $2.00, The Misses Lillian Cfiiisholm and Blessed Lord, at Kirk Hill, yet, we for best drawing map. County of tàined at this Department on ap- The cheque thus sent in will be re- tintown. Ont. 34-4 Belle Fraser attended the fair in Ot- you. believe with you, that the highest hap ^arry, open to pupils under 14 vears ication to Mr. Thos. A. Hastings, turned to the respective contractors tawa on Wednesday. Dear Miss Cameron,— piness of the human soul is found in irk of works, postal station F, whose tenders are not accepted. of age, to Glengarry pupils, any Miss Sarah Ann McKenzie returned We rejoice with you that the long implicit obedience to the will of our school. * uge Street, Toront<^ Ont., and at The cheque of the successful tenderer from McCrimmon’s * orners after spend desire of your heart is being fulfilled Heavenly Father. post office at Athias, Ont. will be held as security, or part secur- Farms for Sale ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. and that to-night you are set apart Furthermore, wo Believe that your By I„ Marcoux, $1.00 to best exhibit [Persons tendering are notified that ity, for the due fulfilment of the con- Kennie McKenzie. for the glad s turned to their home in Montreal af- of foreign missions. We hope and pray, turkeys. Ont. 33-4 ter spending the last month with the tion service and tihat of others to fol- that the influence or your example may By Joseph Lalonde, barber, ires, stating their occupations and By order, low God has answered prayer for the ceé of residence. In the case of L. K. JONES, former’s brother, Mr. Angus Fraser. be felt beyond the bounds of our best specimen plain, sewing by child i Miss Jessie MacCuaig, of Ireland, fuller equipment ,of the staff at our congregation ; that young men and years or under. ms, the actual signature, the nature Secretary. The undersigned offers for sale, the three hospitals in Central India. the occupation and place of resid- Department of Railways and Canals, spent Sunday evening the guest of Miss women throughout th<* County of Glen By A. McDougall, $1.00, north half of east half of 36-9 Lochiel, Bella Fraser, before leaving for Mont- We are further glad that you are garry, and the Dominion of Canada, loe of each member of the firm must Ottawa, September 7th, 1911. containing 50 acres more or less. The landscape drawing by boy. .on given. , Newspapers inserting this advertise- real on Tuesday. going from Glengarry Presbyterial. will hear God’s earnest appeal for •ier 14 years .of age.' soil is rich heavy clay, about 20 ►ores Quite a number passed through here This i.'5 the third service of this kind workers to the fields that are white ach tender must accompanied by ment without authority from the De- clear, balance good mixed bush, road By J. F. Sauve, $1.00 for best ex- accepted e|seque ;on a chartered partment will not be paid for it. on Monday night en route for the baH held within the bounds of this Pres- already to the harvest, saying “Who allowance to the front. This property which was held in Dunvegan. byterial during the past nine years. will go for us ?" and that many will libit home-made preserves. mnk, payable to the order o! the 34-2 is one half mile east of McCrimmon's Honourable the Minister of Public We trust and pray that this may be able to respond, with the readiness Comers. For further particulars ap- only be the earnest of what shall fol- with which you have responded, say- Morks, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) ply to Malcolm Mclveod, McCrimmon, - THE NEWS mailed to any address ' o| the amount of the tender, which low when others hearing Gotimonial I K. C. DESROCHERS, sured of a complete cure. A warrant eated, the ViUagt of North LaneaeteK In obedience to His command to go your future life, and may the God of beû^ partly built thereon, end is Miss Gertie McDonald visited Alexan I , Secretary, goes with each and every case, let it dria friends recently. you set forth and can therefore claim Abraham be your God and frieml and For Zutoo Tablets rtmeni of Pubtic Works, be a watch or clock or jewellery of eloee to Schools, Churehss and Cheese the promise, "I.o, I am with you al- your excee

PURIFIED HIS BLOOD ünsiîtrss lirrrtotv 4 ♦ ♦ M ♦ M M M-4 ^ ^ 4 4 4 4 f PresDytBryïof.:;BlEngarrj NOTED BEAU OF BATH -f "j 1 GLENS ARRY Dr, Morse’s Indian Root PIHs LEGAL A special meeting of Glengarry Pres Healed Mr. Wilson’s Sores t Important Notice. bytery was held ht Kirk Hill on fhurs RICHARD NASH WAS THE FASH- day afternoon. Sept. 14th. In the ab- ION CZAR Or HIS DAY. When the sewers of the body—bowels, STEWART, WELCOME. kidneys and skin ducts—get clog^d up, sence of Mr. Govan, the moderator. the blood quickly becomes impure and —— Sir Janies I’. ' Wliitney, of Dr. iiarkness occupied the chair, fhere •llntario, on Monday afternoon of this frequently sores break out over the body. XnT.AHY PrpT jr ^ was a large attendance of ministers Remarkaole Social Lion Who Was The way to heal them, as Mr. Richard .eek, honored (ilengarry with a visit, and elders. The resignation of Mr. Laucastei Ont. We are pleased to announce to the public that we have mov Famous for His Exquisite Dress, Wilson, who lives near London, Ont., ie came in the interests of Mr. fJun- CU1Î, of Lunenburg, was accepted, and found, is to purify the blood. He •au McMartin, the ronsorvative oai» His Manners and His Success ed into the north part of our New Block while the Store is Rev. X. McLaren, of Woodlands, as- writes: JAMÏ g MILPt,N R.fic (. E. odate, and it must have been gratify- instructed to declare the pulpit vac- With the Ladies, Made a Great “For some time I had been in a low, A. being completed which will be on or about October 1st, when we ag to see many Liberals setting .nside ant on Sabbath, Sept. 17th, and to Resort of the Town of Bath—Made depressed condition. My appetite left ClVU. EXOlNEKH AÎJD fiORVÎTOIi rtwty politics and joining with tleir act as moderator during the vacancy. will be in better shape than ever to look after our different lines. the Duel a Ridiculous Thing. me and I soon began to suffer from indi- onservative friends in honoring iLe Rev. A. D. McKenzie was instructed to gestion. Quite a number of small sores ’’Rns Proûlee. Kstimatee Ac . .fti^minislér of the premier j'.'oviuce and blotches formed all over my ddn. I OD application - convey the greetings of Presbytery at Of famous beaux Richard Nash is ( OBNWAJ-i. •*’ As in the past our entire stock consisting of Shelf and Hea'vy rTfUic Dominion. The Main ^ttroiti of the designation service to be held tnat usually recognized as the first. He tried mcdicine'Io# the blood and used ilexandria were gay with bunting, evening. The most important busii css was one of the col^^brated characters many kinds of ointments,' but without 'bout RoBsinore Office in-i St East. Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, and Furniture of all kinds, will ' kgs and mottoes and the proceedings on the docket was the addrss-jos of of England in the latter part of th*e tatisfactory results. What was wanted vere enlivened l)y stirring music by Rev. R. P. Maclvay, D.D., moderator seven^enth and during tlie first half was a thorough cleansing of the bloorT conprise the very best of values with Quality and Price botii and I looked about in vahi for some medi- ^j| MUÎ^KU he o9th pipe band and the of the General Assembly of the i*res- of the eighteenth century. won Guaranteed. ; .tizens’ baml of Maxville. The byterian Church in Canada, and Rev, the title of “beau” for inhnlfftme cine that would accomplish this. aeeting, held in the Park grounds, At last Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills SOLICIXOP, ' ^ / Dr. Grant, Superintendent of Home dress, his polished manners, and hU OONVRTANORB, NOTàBÎ* FT" TI onsidering that there had been wlth- were brought to my notice, and they are We -are receiving new goods daily and until we move into Missions. Their appeal was a splendid social successes. He was bom ai one of thv most wonderful medicinet I Alezandtis, ( ( I i but a few days several of. that kind, one, and an earneee effort will be put Swansea in 1673, of good old Welsh have ever known. My blood was ptiri- our main store we will offer exceptional bargains. -as well attende(t, and the reception forth by the Presby«;ory'T\*‘ raise the parentage. After leaving Jesus Col- fled in a very short time, sores healed up, loney to Loan at Low Rates of inter*»»' iven Sir James and the other spehk- 513.000 asked by the General Assem- lege, Oxford, he purchased for him- WKf indigestion vanished. They always Mortgages Pnrch»er<î ■ rs, was all that could be desired. \Ve 813.000 asked by tne L'cnoial Ass^im- self a pair of colors in the axmy, have a place in my home and are looked ve! satisfied that Premier Whitney, in- of Revs. Tanner, McKenzie, Morrison which he soon quitted to study law. upon as the family remedy.” SHOTS, SHELLS and CARTRIDGES. iependent of politics, has carried away and ITarkncss, was appointed vo visit While at the Temple he began his Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills cleanse DWAKD H. TIFEANY. K.C., social life. Without arv'’ visible E dth him pleasant recollections of his the congregations of the Pre-t -«/tory in the fystem thoroughly. Sold by all Barrister, Thj Hunting Season is now in full swing and having prepared ■illy too shorT'dsit to the old historic aid of that cause. means of supporting his g life, his dealers at 25c a box. 6 <.:ounty of Glengarry. companions suspected him of being a Over Newe OfBce. ♦ for this we now have a full assorement of the famous “Dominion” The attention of the Presbytery v/as social highwayman. In a very short called to the Missionary Institute to time he was regarded as an authority and “Winchester” shot shells and cartridges in the many different be held in Comwa»f on Nov. Jth, 9th on dress, manners, and general sty;e D0G3 A !J THEIR NAMES. SMITH & LANQLOIS, and 10th. Delegates will be piesent In fashion. grades, which we are selling at very low prices. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOSARIE from all the congregations and Vourg Becoming disgusted with the sus- The Aristocrat?: 'î iHdog Was Once^ a I’eople's societies, and a :-plendi'l pro- PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS picions he had aroused, he left Lon- Herder ol Cattle. A Call Will Convince TIRED GIRLS gramme is being prepared for the oc- don and settled in Bath, then one of Offices—Snetsinger Block, Cornwal 1- * It is probable that few lovers of the the poorest and meanest cities in Money to Loanf None sufter so much from unguided England. When.William III. came most popular dog of to-day—the bull- ?vnd unintelligent muscular exercise as to the throne the merribers of the dog—know when he obtained his R. Smith, K.c,, M.p. A. Sandfield Langlois '/oung girls. What is here meant is Inns of Court gave an elaborate name. He is called a “bull” for the reason that formerly his services were O. eOURYILLE, " ot merely the overlong game of ten- Eageant, and - Nash was chosen to ^ A. PRINGLE, K. C. ..is, the swim prolonged to exhaustion ave full charge of all the détails. employed in the driving of cattle, Hardware and Furniture he two-step instead of the pillow; but WHV IBDV n DOME The King was so delighted with the The dog was trained to meet the Barrister, Solicitor, Notary PulLt ,iiSO that more tragic muscular over- affair that he offertnl to raise Nash to rushes of the bull by the simple ex- Solicitor for Royal Bank, Because my interests are here. pedient of seizing his charge by its ALEXANDRIA - - - ONTARIO work suffered by those who must take the knighthood. Coyiwall, Om - ip the.^n^t' ih Itfe too early and press Because the community that is good In 1704 he was appointed “master .most sensitive p''rt, the nose. The spaniel, formerly one of the t too hard, the unfortunate girls who, enough for me to liVe in is good cf ceremonies” at Bath, where many most popular species of dogs, gets its .Ithough they are to grow for years enough for me to buy in. people flocked in the summer to drink Because 1 believe in transacting busi name from Spain, from which country .b pome, must bend all day over a the waters. His laws of dress and ^OGO & JJARKNESS ness with my friends. ceremony were so strictly enforced the first breeds were sent to England, ^-sewing-machine, or toil in a factory or where for a long time they were called •i laundry. Because I want to see the goods. that he was styled “King of Bath.” Barristers, Solicitoi*e.'Ac Because my home dealer “carries” Under his rule no rank would protect “Spanish dogs.” Ruskin has said, “It is a shame to me when I run short. the offender, nor dignity of station Some have thought that, the fox-, Office: Brown Block, Pitt St. Cornwal vny nation to make its young girls Because every don^r I spend at iiome condone a breach of the law. terrier derived his name from the fox, ^ Money to Loar Banque d’Hocliclaga stays at home and works for the wel- Among the laws he made for the by reason of his pointed fox-like muz- I. G. Harkneee zle, but, as a matter of fact’, the dog This maxim, which the^ Child’s Wel- fare of my community. balls and assemblies were that gen- G. T. Gogo Capital Authorized $4,000,000 are Kxhibit in Chicago has taken as Because the man'I buy from stand.s tlemen should not wear swords as was not so named on account of any I heading for one of its pictorial sér- back of his goods. part of their regular dress. He made fancied resemblance to Reynard. On the,contrary, the fox-terrier is so nam- iions, is one that no individual, no Because I sell what I produce here the duel so ridiculous that men re- J^)R. D. E D MCULlN £ * Paid Up - - - 2,500,000 a.miiy and no race can afford to ig- at home. fused to fight. It also became neces- ed beéàuse, in the days when it was much larger in size and of -greater iore. If young, growing girls are jire- Because the man I buy from pays iary for men to wear shoes and long LA, CASTEK, ONT, stockings, instead of ^6ts, at the strength than now, it. was employed aaturely exhausted in tlie service of his part of the town and county Graduate j of Ontario Veterinaiy Reserve Fund - 2 500,000 conoraic conditions, then there is Bath assemblies. by English sportsmen to draw and kill something wrong with the conditlms, Nash desired the Duchess of the fox; being sent down into Rey- College. Because the man T buy from helps Queensbury, who appeared at a. dress nard’s burrow for that purpose. or these girls, who are to be tke mo- support my school,' my church, my Veterinary Sergeon & Dentist ball in an apron of point •Many of the species of hounds so Office—Corner Main* and Oak StreeU Vanklcek Hill Br, • hers of tlie next generation, sliould be Ipular to-day are. survivors of the .trong. to be worth 500 guineas, to Becaase when ill-luck, misfortune or off, which she didj at the'sai :ime when most hunting dogs were Your Patronage Solicited. D MclNNtS The sword-of retribution is two- bereavement comes the man I buy desiring his acceptance of it.* taught to “hound” game. Then dogs :igpH. Here, as everywhere, that from is. here with the kindly greeting, the Princess Amelia reques •éclçcted by reason of their superior ,'hich irfjures the individual injures the his words of cheer and bis pocket book have one dance more aiW •sp^ed and powers of endurance were > ace. Anything that tends to exhaus- if need be. o'clock, Nash replied \hatA chosen to accompany the hunting par- A. F. MCLAREN -ion during the age of growth may rc- This gets right down to the Toot of of Bath, like those of Lycu ities. Hounds were divided into two ard development, produce ill I eeîth. the matter and vers the ground unalterable. classes—those best qualified to follow , EYE^ EAR, NOSE AND THROAT If the overplay of oretty thoroughly. Confronted with A fine new building for _1the game by scent, and those capable Office Hours 10 till 1 2 till 4 T till* less disastrous ll'an such a formidable list of reasons, what bazaars, and balls was : of sighting the quarry a long distance I CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. she poor, it is simply man would continue To buy from a Bath through Nash's influ- _ ^way. All, however, were expected PHONE-1000 of ,the play takes catalogue ? insisted that the streets shàiilÿ be ■to unite in the running down of the OFFICES—396 Somerset Street, nïÉçirrv. And so it happens that, in THE ONLY ALL-ÇANADIAN ROUTE (iji iffifilli^n air and in happy And the same reasons, should make kept in good condition, thaf” poblic, OTTAWA, ONT. HBliiRaAnS^^æncl also because its buildings should be put the Teutonic languages, the name of the merchant and business man get “hound,’ or “hund,” as the Germans mean rest, since they his printing at home, but some do and that there should 4>e ■%f^regular aH a different set of muscles into act- tariff for letting rooms and to. govern have it, was originally used to desig- HARVESTERS (C nate all species of dogs, but came in Vnty. This relief »s denied to the the prices at inns. ^LEX. H, ROBERTSON, ivorage toiler for bread, who must When Beau Nash drove out it was time to be applied to hunting-dogs EXCURSIONS V nonotonously perform the same ino- in a chariot -^drawn by six gray only. In later times there came a • CONVEYANCER horses and with lackeys, while French differentiation with respect to grey- ion^ and call upon the same group of NoTiiBY PUBLIC FOB ONüBIO 'veaey muscles day after day. horns called attention to his ap- hounds. rabbit-hounds, blood-hounds, August 16th and 25th, 1911 It is the duty of every individual to System Deeded proach. He wore a unique white hat, deerhounds, etc. COMinssioNEB HIGH COCBT OF'JUSTIC» An interesting case in point is that ’o what he can lo hasten the day and his costumes were richly em- ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENCES broidered, When gambling, at which of the German da^hund, which means 10 *;vhen the young girls of the working MAXVILLF. ONTARIO. WINNIPEG AND WESTERN eaNAOa ± Nash made considerable money, was “badger-hound.” The first dogs of this I îlusses may be insured time tp live In The Home species were employed in the drawing From stations in the Province of Ontario, Toronto, North Bay and East. V •ind breathe and fibish their growtli prohibited, the English Government pensioned him. badgers. No change of cars between the East and the Canadian West. No customs oxami- X '^fore they take up the burden of lift!. Good work in »ny department is For fifty years he ruled in Bath— nations. No immigration inspection. A carried on along systematic lines. ^ I SCELLA N ECU.'y a man of strong mind, of wit, and of A Brave Deed. Fnll information on application to nearest Can Pac. Agent or to y Without system nothing worth while good taste, generous to the poor, and FRANK KERR, ALKXANDBIA, OKT. Y is accomplished. The Duke of Connaught, Lord notable for all he had accomplished Roberts, Lord Derby, and the Bishop This rule applies not only to the to make the city a fashionable re- IVEBY STABLE business world. It is equally impor- sort. He had many rich snuff boxes nf Hereford were among the large .W SWUG tant in matters domestic. and choice trinket-s. These he sold company which assembled on the b-1 No household can be lom at ran- occasion of “Speech Day” at Welling- Stables—St. Oatberine St. East among his friends, and they are often ton College, recently. The Duke of dom. We often hear the remark : found in rare collections. In the Rear of Grana Dn.ior Pet* ?> DID FDD “Her home runs of itself,” but those mayor's room of the Guild Hall* at Connaught presented the majority of For Sale REAl ESUTE the prizes to the winners, but fxird of us who havw open behind tlie Bath there is a portrait of Beau iBia MCMII-LAN, Proprie»- Roberts handed liis award to M. S. ^ y., a teacher in a Western hi^,h .scenes know full well that without a Nash. A hous* and lot on Elgim Strert, A number of reliable properties, ia ;;|i9ol became much interested in one competent hand at the wheel, the ma- The Corporation of Bath so highly Harvey Jones, and P. M. Broadmead AlOYandria, at a snap and on vor. received from Lord Derby the Earl the towqs of Alexandria and Hawker- /i.her pupils, mit because of his iutel- chinery of every house will stop. No respected the Beau that the chamber easy tarms. For particulars apply to bury for sale, ahe several good htrsM Df Derby's prize for French. J. J. MeDoaald, Rtal Estata Agent. v|^Dce, but because of his apathy and home runs itself. voted a marble statue of him, which ]■ MACDONELL. situate in the Counties of Glengarry In handing his prize to the winner O' P.S.—Many other good and ..ainesB. She knew that he came from It is the clever housekeeper who was erected in the pump room, be- larms and Prescott. Good snaps for intsDd* Lord Roberts said he had been ask- LICENSED AucTioNEEt town properties for sale. 4-tl if^ood family, and that his brothers makes it seem so to the outsider.And tween the busts of Newton and Pope. ing purchasers. Money to loan on firt This gave rise to a stinging epigram &d wbatswas the bravest deed he had For County of Glengarr), .làd sisters, who had preceded him in the reasbn it seems so is due partly ever seen. He remembered that while mortgage. Apply to J. J. \ be. high school, had ranked high. She to system. The uninitiated may smile by Lord Chesterfield, another of the Alexandria. Ontarii Real Estate Agent, Alrxasj^rlft/ Ont, * ould not understand why tliis boy, famous English beaux, concluding on his way to Lucknow his force was 'J’hey often do, saying that to be sys- stopped by a walled enclosure. A 12-tf *.'ith. alL his advantages, 'should do tematic is to be old-fashioned and out with these lines: The statue placed these busts be- little soldier, a Punjabi Mohamme- For Sale ijcb pooîr work. To solve the problem of date. But they are wrong. dan, seeing the difficulty, endeavored MEDICA I . , T^ent to the office of the city sup- I visited last year in the home of a tween Gives satire all its strength; to open the door which barred their OT^dea-t, where are kept filed the young married woman who unfortun- way. When he tried first to draw the To a Quick Purchaser ^^^da. of evtu-y child in the public ately belongs to those who look down Wisdom and, wit are little seen, N M BELLAMY But folly at full length. bolt one of his hands was cut off by FOR SALE ^ebôoiB year by year. She found that on system: “I simply let things take ,pne of the enemy. Then he managed D Farm aad Stock with Implements WTthe first'^ve years of his school their course,” she said. They had mov- Except a few months annually passed in superintending the kmusé^ lo unfasten the bolt with his other '^.-erinary Sliigeon a 4.^. lnt:duded, ell to go at a snan. I«ca- he had ranked “E.xcellent” in ev- ed into a new house and I was helping Hand, which was subsequently nearly tioa but one mile from tn« inriving ^ ;»tudy. The next year a few “G’s” her-settle. The day came to put ments at Tunbridge, Nash t auuate ont. vet. college Mining Proposition. Bath until his health was WO^ OiUk; severed from the wrist. town of .Alexandria. For particulars ;èd replaced the “E's” in some studies away curtains and blankets for the PAUL STREET; apply to J. J. McDonald, Real Es- next wear there was not one ^‘G” summer. and 'after one of Nature's warnings he expired at his h&se in The Lost Ancestor. ALEXANDRIA, ON tate Agent. 4-W nd mat^ The following years “Tag them, my dear,” said I, as wo. St. John’s Place on the Srd of Feb- and *T”s” Struggled for supreni- rini.sbed tying up Bev’oral. “You may Of Lord Houghton, father of the The undersigned has for sale a mine ruary, 1761, aged 88 years. He was present Earl of Crewe, the following ry,- showing a steady downward lUHxj some of them before cold wea- buried in the abbey churbhyâfd,' Hi# containing a high grade mineral, with- ^urse year aher year. The next clay ther sets in and a label will save you good story is told: funeral was a public one^ at Ihe'/ex- He had seen the portrait of an ad- Wool Carded Farm For Sale in 2 J miles of the Town of Alexandria **ia. had a private interview with the endless trouble.” pense of the town, and monu- ^"^oy, arfd’ electrified hinr by saying : My friend laughed and shook her miral In a shop In Wardour street, Any person desirous of investigating ment may be seen in thé- abbey and offered $25 for it. The dealer Farm of 100 acres of clay soil, be- '•-“Gçorge, you Ix^gan to smoke 'iga- head. “I never wns systematic, you church. On the funeral day the or exchanged lor Yarn ing Fast HaU of Lot No. 27, in the same, apply to J. J. McDonald, Real know, and tags look so like red tape,” wanted $50, but ultimately came down you wore in the Gth B entire populace for many miles wit- t-o $37.60. Lord Houghton would not 9th Concession of the Township of Lo- Estate Agent, Alexandria. 21-tf she answered. So the parcels 'vere Wool «arded or exchangad for yam nessed the services for the venerable go beyond the $26, however, and did for any derired purposa. A lioek of chiel, 50 acres under high state of cul- put away unlabelled. founder of the prosperity of the city ped the aston- not get the nicture. Soon afterwards, whicH will be always on hand of two tivation and 50 acres under bush. Tlie day of reckoning came, how- of Bath. visiting a neighbor in Yorkshire, Lord This property is well fenced and con- ever, in the late summer. A certain diferent sizes in both aingls and dou- Houghton caught sight of his friend bWd and twisted so that a finer qual- veniently situated as to stores, schools Valuable Farm For blanket was needed. Of course, no An Aged Clergyman. the admiral hanging in the dining- cheese factory, post oftce and black- :jùd out ■ one knew just where , it was, and one ity will be supplied wh«i desired and June -3 was the ninety-sixth birth- r. Wilt pay liberally 1 in 1909, The average cost, of three A CANADIAN AND BRITISH POLICY FOB CANADA The News will be mailed until ^ record. I am working in a good for spare time. Work not difficult. EK- THE NEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY MAIL TO ANY ADOKESS IN CANADA JAS. J. MeDONALD, ties at the point of purch^e wag 38 the end of 1911 to all new subscribers teîtion, and am glad to say I «m a perienoe cot required. Internataonal cents per-tie. FOB ONE DOLLAB AND A-BALF A YEAR Real Estate Agent, ^nt man, thanks to you,” Dil:^ Press, Toronto, Ont. 32-JÜ. ' I-** Alexandria, On! In Canada for 30 cents. The News, Alexandria, Ont, September 22 1911



{ Tuesday and Wednesday, I SEPTJ6th#27th H.IST OF SFEOI^I-. FF-IZES =

The officers and directors oî tUo' best herd of Ayrshire cattle, composed By J. D. Grant, .T^aggan, $5.00, for By John Robertson, baker, $3.00 for By N. M. Bellamy, V.S., $2.00, for of four cows giving milk, and one bull Glengarry Agricultural Society hereby best heavy draft foal, 19li—1st $3, best crock of homc-Tnacle butter. best Percheron stailion, 4 years and —1st prize $5, 2ncJ prize $3, 3rd îrize tender thanks to the donors of the fol- 2nd $2. up. $2. By the News Printing Co., 83.LK», for lowing list of special prizes offered for By A. G. F. Macdonald, $5.00, for best six one pouna prints, in wiap- By A. Marksou, merchant, $2.00, for conipetitipii at the Annual Fair to be By the Ünion Bank of Canada, Alex- exhibitor taking most 'prizes in ^wine pers of home-made butter. best carriage stallion, 4 years and up. andria, $10.00, to the exhibitor show- held at Alexandria, on Tuesday and —1st $3, 2nd $2. By John F. McGregor, $3.00, for By E. H. Stimson, Bottling Works, Wednesday of next week. The üst is ing the best herd of HolsteiYi cattre, $2.00, for best 12 sections of honey. By R. H. Cowan, $5.00 value, hog pan home-made bread (Glengarry Mills a comprehensive one and is worthy of four cows giving milk, and one bull— fence wire, for best draft brood mare Flour). By M. McRae, ex-Warden, $2.00, for consideration by farmers generally. 1st prize $5, 2nd prize $3, 3rd prize $2. with foal at side. By A. D. McMaster, President G. A. best general purpose mare, foal at side By J. A. McMillan, ex-M.P., silver By The O'Connors, millinery and A., $3.00, for most prizes in class '•7. cup, value $75, to exhibitor securing By I). R. McDonald, M.P.P., $5.00, By John Mclieister, druggist, $2.00, boots and shoes, $4.00 value, ladies the most points for prizes for t>est for best single,

For Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and any other information apply to the Secretary. M, MUNRO, Alexandria. AÜ&US MGMASTER, President M.MUNIiQ, Secretary JOHN SIMPSON, Treasurer;

I The I^ews, Alexandria Ont, September 22 1911

^^Why,Hubby LAURIER GOVT. DEFEATED. ww dear, isn’t . Week’s Catch I )) Country and City Decisively Pronounce Against this tea all right? A GREAT FINAL SALE !G«adcD«edI ItttBis on interest tor; JiZi . -EZ3 TJZT# OF the’.Itlaoy; Seaders^oUThe Xevrs* . i Reciprocity. Conservative Have Majority of 44. FALL FENCING. all lairs now have their Glengarry Fair, Alexandria, Ont., Klection night, despite the fact that ONTARIO Tuesday and Wednesday, t'ept. 26th it was raining heavily, was a hot Algoma West—A. C. Boyoe. and 27th. Don't miss it. night here in Alexandria. Karly in the Brant—J. H. Fisher. Brantford—W. F. Cockshutt. Canadian mines last evening the crowd began to congregate NEVKR SOLI! Iff miUK e hundred and five BrockvUle—John Webster, To clear our entire stock of Wire Fencing The last four days have proved stre- before The News office, where elabor- Bruce, South— J. J. Donnelly. nuous onea for candidates and sup- (< we will offer it at prices never before porters. This is quite according to ate preparations had been made to Bruce, North—Hugh Clark. Oh, it’s not bad ! tradition as the ‘*week” is really lim- give to the people as received Carleton—Edward Kidd. Sept. 23rd, Ehifferin—J. A, Best. heard of in the history of the woven fence » establishment ited to the fouir days. over tile wire 'the returns from the At- lantic to the Pacific. On this occasion Dundas—^A. Broder. dnt Oi a Jewish But I wish you’d These prices should be an Inducement to every farmer the bulletining was exterior, and so Durham—C. J. Thornfon. Simon's store will be closed to-mor- Elgin East—D. Marshall, who can use Fencing either this Fall or next Spring, row, Saturday, it being the Jewish arranged that all might benefit there- from. Mr. E. I. Tarlton’s deft brush Elgin West—T. W. Crothers. order some Red to seaure his requirements st better than factory is week sold a New Year’s day. Open for business on Esaek North—0. Wilcox. ’ano to Mr. Jas Monday. posted the figures as received, and his prices, ts- These prices are good only on the follow- co-operation in the work is appreciat- Frontenac—J. W. Edwards. Rose — the kind ing stocK : Grenville—J. D, Reid. •amibton East—T. E. Armstrong. Sherbrooke—E. N. McCrea. Mulhem. on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, on account made apuarent that Mr. John Angus Lanark North—W. Thobum. 24c a rod. McMillan, after a strenuous fight, had Soiilanges^Sir . of it being the Jewish New Year'sDay, Lanark South—J. G. Haggart. Stanstead—C. H. Lovell. fait was attended by 916,- won out. While his majority is slight- They will re-open for lousiness, Mon- Leeds^-George Taylor. Temiscouata--C. A. Gauvreau. 200 rods 8 strand, 4 ft. high, reg, 33c. for 28c rod this year. The income was ly under that secured by him in '.-908, day morning, Sept. 25th. Lennox and Addington—W. J. Paul, Two Mountains—J. A. C. Ethier. over $300,000. The surplus his victory, all things considered, was Lincoln—E. A. Lancaster. most pleasing to himself and his sup- Vaudrenil—G. Boyer. 150 rods 6 strand, all No. 9 wire, 3 1-2 ft. high, *1>ly be about $50,000. Communion in St. Columba Church Ix>ndon—T. Beatte. Wi'ight—E. B. Devlin. Kirk Hill, next Sabbath, 24th inst porters. Muskoka—William Wright. reg. 30c for 25c a rod, M. Bellamy and family have Dr, McPhail will Pe assisted on Sat The addresses delivered later in the Middlesex East—Peter Elson. ONTARIO ession of their comfortable urday and Sunday by Kev. Mr. Me- evening by the two candidates were Middlesex North—George Elliott. Aigoima, East—J. T. Reigan, 200 rods 7 strand, all No. 9 wire. 4 ft. high, worth ft Kenyon St., recently pur- Phee, of Avonmoro. This evening (Fri sensible ones, and after hearing thorn Nipissing—George Gordon. Essex, South—A. H. Clarke. 35c. for 29c a rod. the estate of the late D. day) at 7.30, the Rev. Mr. Alexander the rank and file should now .settle Nobthimiberland East—H. J, Walker. Glengarry—J. A. McMillan. of Vankleek Hill, will preach. down to business, and with contented Northumberland West—C. A. Mun- Kent, Bast—D. A. Gordon. $ 100 rods 8 strand, all No. 9 wire, 4 ft. high reg. e s • minds enjoy this pleasant autumn wea son. Kent, West—A. B. McCoig. 35c a rod for 30c. A good buy. •of Parisian styles of The Alexander Separate School and Ontario North—S. Sharp. Tjambton, West—F. F. Pardee. lad at the MissesMc- St. Margaret's Convent re-opened on Shortly after seven o’clock, the re- Ontario South—William Smith. Middlesex, West—1). C. Ross. Brace Wire, 3c. pd, American Barb Wire $2.30 Ww lines will be on Monday morning with an even largei turns from outside began to arrive, Ottawa City—A. E. Fripp. Norfolk—\V. A. Charlton, iibition week for the attendance than usual. The pupils and as was anticipated, the cities go- Ottawa City—J. L. Chabot. Oxford, North—E. W. Neabitt. cwt. Galvd. Staples, 3c. pd. t visitors to town. have had quite a noliday, and it is ing Conservative, caused little con- Oxford South—D. Sutherland. Prescott—E. Proxilx. now up to them to, by close study, cern among the Liberals, but when the Parry Sound—James Arthurs. Russell—Charle# Murphy. d*nent to the Agri- make up for the time lost. rural constituencies began to tell the 1^1—R. Blain. Welland—William German. You can’t afford to do without Fencing bt, passed last ses- tale the story was a different one I Perth North—H. B. Morphy. Wellington, South—Hugh Guthrie. ^gislature, socie- spelling as it did in large letters vic- Perth South—M. Steele. Renfre^v, South—T. 'A. Tx)w. at these prices. 5 spoiled by the The devotion of the Forty Hours tory for Mr. Borden, the Opposition Peterboro East—J. A. Sexsmith. Wellington, North—A. M. Martin. to receive a sub- opened in the Church of the Sacred leader, and his followers. Undoubted- Peterboro West—J. H. Burnham. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Heart, here, Sunday morning, at the ly it is a keen disappointment to the Prince Edward—R. R. Hripbum. conclusion of the parochial mass, supporters of that great statesman. Renfrew North—Gerald White. Prince’s—J. W. Richard. .. . in speaking of a de closing Tuesday. The pastor, Rev. J, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who during his Simcoe North—Major! Currie. MANITOBA , said : “We know him as W. Dulin, was assisted by a number of fifteen years’ tenure of office has done Simcoe South—H. lionnox. Dauphin—R. Cruise. Cent—the more he had the clergy of the surrounding parishes so much for Canada. But some one Simcoe East—W. H. Bennett. Lisgar—J. F. Greenway. Jent—the more he got the and the faithful were present in very has to lose and in this case it is up Stormont—D. G. Alguire. COWAN’S —he's dead—we don't know large numbers. to the I.iberals to accept their defeat Toronto East—A. E. Kemp. SASKA'TCHEWAN went; but if his soul to heav- gracefully. When it was known that Toronto North—G. E. Foster. Asariniboia—J. 0. Turriff. lit—he'jl own the harps and the Conservatives were victorious, Mr. Battleford—A. Champagne. NEXT THE POST OFFICE. Wishing to give as complete a re- Toronto South—A. C. Macdondl. >m rent,” McMartin, the defeated candidate, who Toronto West—E. B. Osier. Humboldt—Dr. Neeley. port of the election returns as pos in the opinion o! many had made a Mackenzie—E. L. Cash. sible, we have held over till this ^Fri Toronto Centre—E. Bristol. hft D. Taylor,, well known as remarkably good run, Mr. D. R. Mc- Moose Jaw—E. Knowles. day) afternoon the paper with the re- Victoria—Sam Hughes. bonnected with H. S. Bowden Donald, M.P.P., and others addressed R^na—W. M. Martin. sult that in some Instances subscrib Waterloo NoHb—W. G. Weichell. ^ven years ago, has decided the gathering and mutual felicitations Saltcoate—McNutt. ers will receive their number a day Waterloo Soûth—George Clare. , back to Pembroke and is tak were exchanged, after which, headed late, but being able to fully size up Wentworth—Gordon Wilson. ALBERTA Vr die position of manager in by pipers, the main thoroughfares York. Centre—T. G. Wallace. the political situation as to which were paraded by a happy-go-lules,^.. stringing wires, and Careiton—F. B. Carvsll. The Glengarry Farmers'* Mutual Fire 'se connections for the rural the announcement of that gentleman's may be increased. St. John City and County—J. W, Gloucester—0. Tourgeon. tbe niztb day ot Jane AJ). 1911. proy- usurance Company. which we are pleased to marriage to Louise, daughter of Mr, We append a synopsis of 'the Glen- D'anielr Northumberland—W. S. Loggie. iding lor (bn bana of debnntares to ^adily gaining in popular- and Mrs. P. T. Hackett, of St. Paul, garry election, as received, the ma- York—0. S. Crockett, Reatigouebe—J. Reid. The SovereigQ Fire Insurance Compan tba anwnnt of flSOO, for tbe parpoM ^farmer and members of Minn., the interesting ceremony taking jority in each polling sub-division. We The Equity Insurance Company. of paying cost ' of oonntrootion of a Sundbury-Queens—H, H. Maclean. new Sobool building ia PaUio Sebool place on the 6th inst. Mr. McDon- also give a detailed report covering NOVA SCOTIA. St. John City—William Pugsley. Remouski Fire Insurance Company. Colcheoter-ï—J. Stanfield. Saetion Ha. Lanoaster, and tiust ' • • • [ aid's many Glengarry friends will join the country. Victoria—P. Michaud. Dominion Guarantee & Accident In- Cumberland—E. N. Rhode#. raek By-Law was regist«nd in tba oazaar, under the ausp- j with The News in extending warm ocn Westmoreland—H. R. Emmerson. surance Company. Registry Offioe of tbe County of Glan- »gratulationa. Digby—C. Jameson. lies' Aid Society of the on the Seventh day Jt Mf ▲. hurch, we understaixd, Halifax—R. L. Borden. NOVA SCOTIA The General Animals Insurance Com • • Hants—H, 0. Tremaine. rsiS" CaeXAren Hall, lliurs- Annapolis—S. W. Pickup. pany. Any motion to qnasb a. asi «.afft» ïfov. .30th and Dec. Those of our readers who purpose King's—À. DeW. Foster. Autigonish—W. Chisholm. visiting Malone, N. Y., during their The public win see that I have “the the same or any part thereof must be circle in conhection St. James Ward 47 TiUnenburg^D. Stewart. Cape Breton, North—D. D. McKenzie. made within three month* after the T p- ared to receive great fair on the 27th and 28th inst., St. Paul’s Ward 36 Qiieens-Shelbume—F. B. McCurdy. Cape Breton, South—W. F. Carroll. agency for good Life and Animal In- will have many novel features to surance Companies, and I trust they first publieation of thin notio* and >nd fancy ar- St. George’s Ward 29 'Guyeboro—J. H. Sinclair. cannot be made thereafter. terest them, and while horse racing will sujgP^ agencies as l.ancaster Village 4 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Invernees-^A. W. Chisholm. beartil^as they have in the Fire Insurance, Dated the 7tb day of July A. D. will prove attractive to many, the Maxvillp Village 9 King’s—A. Fraser. Pictou—E. N. Macdonald. 1911. with the Aeroplane flights will prove even more St. Raphaels /... 25 Queen’s—D. Nicholson. Richmond—G. W. Kyte. ARCH. J. ICACDONALD. viU make so. This feature has been contracted Williamstowiu 32 Queen’s—.A. A. Mcl^ean. Yarmouth—B. B. Law. Jeunes Kerr Clerk. ir to-day for at great expense, out the manage- South jAncaster 22 \lexandrla, Ontario First pablicetion 14th July, 1911. .^-looking ment feel that it will be more than Summerstow'n 28 MANITOBA MINIS PEES DEFEATED 25-13 time has met by the increased attetidanoe. Tyot-pwn Brandon^-J. A, M. Aikins. The following ministers went down creations are Casbion's Glen 18 MacdouaW—W. I). Staples. to defeat Thursday:— hard hat, the Martintown 20 Marquette—Dr. Roche. Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of azzy’ is once On Monday of thro week, Geoetal Munroe’s Mills 15 Portage la Prairie—A. E. Mrighen. Finance. n Otter, Inspector General, visited Corn- men’s world McPherson’s 45 Provencher—J. F. Bleau. Sir hVederick W, Borden, Minister of wall for the pmr|>o9e' of making a tho- Greenfield Selkirk—G. H. Bradbury. Militia. . ‘"The rough inspection of the riite range Duavegau Souris—Dr. Schaffner. Hon, Sidney Fisher, Minister of Tbe Men’s Store liousehold furniture of there which for several- yttet» had been Domiuionville Winnipeg—A. Haggart. Agriculture. Probabilities September 22nd 1911. Jdinary importance, as unused. He was aooon^anied by Cd. Laggan Hon. George P. Graham, Minister of is that of Mr. J. J, Macdonald, commanding c^&eer o( tke \pple- Hill SASKATCHEWAN Railways and Canals. 59th Regiment, and Capt. Magwood ©f MaxvUle. The effects are St. Elmo Prince Albert—James Mackay. Hon. William Paterson, Minister of Are For Fall and Winter private sale this (Fri- the Corps Reserve. It is likely the Fourlh Kenyon Qu’Appellet—R. S. Lake, Customs. range will be pvt in thorough order , aîpd by public auction Guna’s ... 16 Saskatoon—0. McLean. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King, Min- Cooler Wearables. Saturday. This is a and further that if a site* ia- availaWe ;.hin-y Hill ister of Labor. one will be established in the vioioity to buy house N. J.ancaster E ALBERTA Hon. William Templeman, Minister of of Alexandria in the near future. Weather” prices, as the var- N. Lancaster W 5 Calgary—R. B, Bennett. Inland Revenue re a|ll in fiwt class con- Dalhousie 12 Macleod—Tohn Herron. Hon. Jacques Bureau, Solicitor-Gen- Our store is putting on its Jlen Robertson 23 Autumn garb now and al! that On Tuesday andi Wednesday of ctext Glen; Sandlield 82 BRITISH COLUMBIA new, and good, and fashionable week, the annual fair of the Glengarry Dalkeith 8 Kootenay—S. Goodeve. in the Men’s Wear World i meeting of the Glen- CONSERVATIVE GAINS here in abundance and at the fcistitute will take Agricultural Association wiîï be iveld Kirk HiU 42 Nanaimo—F. Shephard. J in the Park grounds here. ITie direc- Quebec—Berthier, Brome, Compton, Build yourself up be- most satisfactory prices. The and Friday, Oct. 5th .oohie) 42 New W,*siminster—T. D. Taylor. D<«rcheiSter, Hochelaga, Joliette, La- tors are putting forth every effort to McCormick’s 32 famous “Cetee, ” “ Imperial ” fh School, Alexan- Vancouver—H. H. Stevens. belle, MaskinongB, Montmagny, Mont- fore winter with and “ Stanfield ” brands of un- ibson, of the Otta make it a success,, and we feel satmfi- Victoria—G. H. Barnard. ed’ that given fine- weather this year’s moreoicy, Nicolet, Pontiac, Quebec derwear in Fall and Winter \ vfril be present and 244 461 Yale-Cariboo—M. Burill, exhibition will compare most favor- Majority for McMillan, 217. County, Yamaska. weights, a splendid line of Men's ',ew, viz : (1) Nature ably with previous ones. There will Ontario—Brant, Brantford, B^cb- Cod Liver Oil Extract with and boy’s Sweater Coats, ranging -.ry Geography ; (2) fJBERALS ELECTED ville, Bruce North, Grey South, Emron in price from 75c to $5. Beau- be speeding in the ring, mtisic, la- CONSERVATIVES FXI^Cl’ED phase of Nature QUEBEC South, Kinston, Middlesex North, Creosote or Syrup of tiful Neckwear in all the rich crosse match anxl other features which QUEBEC Autumn shades and tints, in the gardening as a together with the handsome list of Bagot—Edward Slarcile. Northumberiand West, Ontario South, iudy. Many other .Argouteuil—G. H. I'erl^. Hypophosphites, with Stry- new diagonal and crossbar de- special prizes given in thus issue .•■•• :ld Beauce—H. S. Beland. Ottawa City (two seats), Oxford »rè of interest to Berthicr—J. A. Barrette. Beauharnois—L. J. Papineau. South, Perth North, Perth South, Pet- signs at 50c, 75c, $1, and $1.50- be suflBcieut to attract r»ot merely »‘X chnine, Hats and Caps, latest shapes and ought up for dis- h3)itors, but a large attendimee of Brome—G. H. Baker. Bellechasse—0.. E. Talbot. erboro West, prince Edward, Simcoe tîng. materials. Comfortable Hosiery spectators. Chambly-Vercheres—J. H. Rainville. Bonaveriturc—Charles Marcil, East, Stormont, Waterloo North, ask those who have us- in Wool, Cashmere, Lisle etc. Champlain—P. E. Blondin. Chateauguay—J. P. Brown.. Wentworth, York North. Negligee Shirts and Overshirts in most instruc Charlevoix—R. Forget. Drummond and Artliabaska—G. New Brunswick—Charlott#, Kings ed either of these pre- Percale, Madras, Zephyrs. Flan- the history Last week proved a very successful Compton—F. Cromwell. Brouillard. and Albert, Kent, St. John City and parations. nel etc. Fancy Vests, Gloves— to a close one for the various irwllinery establish DorclKwter—A. Sevigny. Gaspe—R. I.eraieux. County. a splendid assortment in wool and in several nif^nts in town who held their millin- H‘ocl>elaga—Louis Coderre. Huntingdon—James Robb. Nova Scotia—Hants, Kings, Lunen- leather for walking and driving or , meetings ery opening on Wednesday, Thursday Jacques Cartier—F. D. Monk. ' Kamouraska—E. Lapointe. burg, Shelburne. Sold at $1.00 each working- A fine showing of large at- and Fridas'. They all went to con- Joliet.te—J. P. Gilbault. Laprairje and Napierville—R. Lan- Prince Edwai-d Island—Kings, Queens Valises, Suit Cases, Steamer or vked by siderable lengths to have their dis- I>abelle—. Achim. ctôt. two seats. Lap Rugs, Shawl Straps, Tags, open-air plays outsliine any that have gone T/Lslet—E. Paquet. L'Assumption—A. Seguin. Manitoba—Brandon, I'rovencber. Ladies Hand Bags, leather Purses, Travelling Cases and the : Mr. J. heretofore, and they were indeed suc- Maskinonge—E. fellcmare. I>aval —C. A. Wilson. Saskatchewan—Prince Albert, Sas- -by- cessful in their efforts as was eviden-sed Montmaguy—D. U. Lasperance. T>ev|g—Boutin-Bourassa. katoon. celebrated "‘McPherson” Shoe i by the admiring visitors they had on M outniroroncy—R. Forget. Lotbiniere—E. Fortier. British Columbia—Nanaimo. Drop around and look each of the alloted days for their fete. Montreal— Maisonneuve—A. Vcrvîfle. through our slock. real ; It is only necessary to glance at the St. Ann's—C. J. Doherty. Megantic—T.. Pacaud. LIBERAL GAINS local windows of the establishments io im- St. Antoine—H. 1^. Ames. Missisquoi—P. W. Kay. Quebec—Drummond-Arthabaska, Que- . T. agine what one might find within Nicolet—P. E. T.amarche. Montcalm—D. A. T.afortune. l>ec West, Sherbrooke, Soulangee. John McLeister, S to doors. It would be difficult to give a Pontiac—G.R. Brabazon. Montrcial—St. James—L. A. Lapointe Ontario—Norfolk, Algoma East. New Brunswick—St. John City. 9tiOQ detailed description of the many beau Quebec County—T/. F. Pelletier. St. T.awrence—R. BickeardDoa, CHEMIST, WILU. SIMPSON *arer tiful hats shown and impossible to Rrmouski—H. Boulay. Si. Mary's—M. Martin. Nova Scotia—Halifax, one seat. not give a correct impression of these Terrebonne—B. Nantel. Portneuf—M. S. DeU»le. Cape Breton South. Alexandria, Ont. Alexandria. nro- places of business with their handsome Three Rivers—J. B. Normand. Quebec Centre—A. Laebanoe. Manitoba—Dauphin and Lisgar. appomtmeaU. Yamaïka—A. A. Mor.dou. Q^wbec E%srt—Sir Wilfrid T/auriar. Alberta—Medicine Hat. The News, Alexandria. Ont. September 22 1911

% X TmLBaÉK OF OTTAWA IVrASUSHED W74. Agricultural' ^ % THE miR THAT LEA "Unit « nil. M Nawember 1SI& S43,e64,03« ■ Don’t miss th We invite yoor # ^ Department SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT. Any sums from $i upward may be deposited Centra Canada •nd interest will be added to your balance twice yearly. Business Metlioiis in Cow Se-I Overrun in Butter Making Take What Pill ? WE HELP YOU SAVE. iection. The’ overrun in butter making is Why, a Dr. Miles’ ^ Sxhibitfji often confusing to those not familiar with the composition of butter nor ^ Anti-Pain Pill, » If a business firm should hire ten with'the process of making it. of course. Good for all kinds of ALEXAMUBIA BBANCH. t. T. UASSEY, Kanagw. men at the same daily wages, to do Overrun means merely that one OTTAWA, Sept. 8-16,191 IIABTINTOWN BBAKCH, B. W. POLLOCK, Managar. the same kind of work, and found pound of butter fat when churned in- pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, MAXVILIÆ BEANCH, C. P. HUNTER, Hanagar. that some of these men did twice as to butter will produce more than a Headache, Nervousness. Rheu- / pound of butter, just the same as a matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, much and some three times as much pound of flour when mixed with work every day as the others, and yeast, milk, salt, and water will Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Display of Canada’s finest specimens of live stock, [ did it equally well, how long would make more than a pound of bread — Backache, Stomachache, Period- field and garden produce. $16,000 in cash prizes, gold ' Capital, Rest and Undivid- it be before they would discharge or overrun. Just so with butter. ical Pains of women, and for etc; awarded for agiicultural products. Many object lessi the slow ones and #mploy only those When the cfeam tests twenty-five per cent it requires four pounds of such pain in any part of the body. Farmers. Pavilions filled with Novelties. i ed Profits $ 6,480,486. who could do an avergge or more **I have used Dr. Miles* medicines for UNION than an average amount of work ? cream to contain one pound of butter fat by churning it is washed to re- over IS years and find them excellent I Mr. Henry F. Petrich of Glencoe, keep Dr. Mile^ Anti-Pain PiUs in the Total Assets 0ver'$;47,400,000. fat bu churning it is washed to re- bouse all the time and would not think Minnesota, has charge of a cream- move the butter milk, then salted to Marvel of the Age presented in Sensational Flights c ery at that place and has recently of taking a journey without them, no suit the market. Ttie composition of matter bow uiozt a distance I am going. Curtis Aeroplane, including race with Automobile. Reprd BANK taken a cow census and compiled average butter is as follows ; I cannot praise them enough.” « duction of the Grand Naval Review as seen at Coronatioi OF CANADA records showing the pounds of but- Butter fat 82.5 per c«mt. Miss Lou M. CHURCHILL. of King George 5th. A Gorgeous Firework DispJa/ ter produced for one year by the Water 14 ^ ** 63 High St, Penacook, N. H. cows owned by the patrons of that Unique Midway and Superior Vaudeville- , / Established 1865 Funds for Your Trip Casein 1 At all drugglets. 2S dotes 26c. creamer. Mr. Petrich could not Mineral matter 2.5 “ MILKS MEDICAL CO., Toronto,Can. figure the yield of the individual In the process of making butter, no matter what part of the world you visit—secured, when- cows, but has compiled the figures the constituents naturally would vary very carefully for each individual the same as in bread, depending upon The Grounds, which have been improved and enlarged, wif ever and wherever you want them, if you carry a Travelling herd and has furnished to the writer the skill of the maker. In both cases, be a blaze of electric illumination during P'air week, tiémern^e a record of 205 herds, giving the the water would vary the most so is Letter of Credit from this Bank. a.v^rage pounds of actual butter pra Exhibition continues in full swing whole nf Saturday, Septenïp^ •esponsible fpr the greatest variation CARING FOR THE PULLETS. duced per cow from each herd for of overrun. Yet it would be impoi» 16th, with enlarged programme. Railway Rates- R'îdtjcâ.. , twelve months,. as follows : sible to make either bread or butter When neighbor calls “your pullets Obtain a Prize List from. ' T ’ ! Absolutely safe, as no one else can realize on it, and an slow as ’lasses In January at layin’” 5 herds above 250 lbs. containing no water. In fact all food introduction to the best Banks and Bankers everywhere. products whether of vegetable or of and chuckles round about his “phe- E. MCMAHON, Secrefiry. 17 herds between 200 and 250 lbs. noiDs” that beat the band layin’ at animal origin contain more or less '-"ti Our local Manager will be glad to tell you all about 73 herds between 150 and 200 lbs. moisture and this element is one of four months, let him rattle away. 88 herds between 110 and 150 lbs. the things that makes \ur ft*cd Just remember. If that red splashed them. \ 22 herds below lit; lbs. wholesome. Again, the mineral mat- egg comes much before Sept 1, that ter in the butter, which is salt, large- premature bonanza is bound to burst, One of the five best herds made an ly variés from none at all îo four for such pullets lay a few little eggs average of three hundred and forty- percent according to market demands. one pdunds of butter per cow per and then lay off their feathers to lay Alexandria Branch D. S. INoaa, VWgr. Amount of casein left in the butter them on again. Early maturity is a annum ; another two hundred and has the least effect upon overrun for ninety-eight pountte, while the aver- razzle dazzle. Fowls that lay so early it ocCTirs in small amount, depending are generally pushed to it All poul- Dalhousie Branch, T. W. Munro, Mgr. age of the two hundred and five upon how well the butter milk is re- herds above shown was one hundred moved from the butter. try have a natural breeding season and and forty-eight pounds of mamifac- To calculate the percentage of must have a period for perfect devel- ©h. No! ^ tured butter per eow per annum overrun : Suppose have seventy opment, and the bigger the breed the Don’t think for a minute I am cut.of' If you take twenty-five cents as pounds of butter Irom 200 pounds of longer to properly mature. Turkey an average value of bhtter and cream containing sixty pounds of breeders are seeing this, and many 327.50 as the cost of feeding a cow butterfat. Apply the figures to the Tea and Coffee Business — SUii a for one year, you would find that formula : twenty-two paeons of this creamery Wt. butter—Wt. butter fat Stronger than Ever. * were not getting pay for their feed, Wt. of butter fat but keeping the cows at an' actual X 100-16 2-3 p.c. ARCH'D. J. MACDONALD. In other words aividing the in- loss. Eighty-eight farmers would be making from nothing up to 310 per creacse ten oounds oy the original iur Bnlk Japan anil Black Teas, Bean Coffe North Lancaster. year per cow, and seventy-three amount of butter fat, sixty pounds, farmers making from 310 to 322.50 and multiplying by fOO gives the per- on each cow. centage of overrun. The beat you can buy for the price. Our package Teas are same quality as other dealers, but in bulk I The cost of feeding for one year GuaranteedglMetal Beds. is another question, but in the above Teas I have certainly something better. calculation we have considered only The Bed shown here has 1 1-16' the feed, estimating that the skim BUSTICATBD. Always a nice fresh stock of Spices Canned-Fruits, milk, the calf and the fertilizer I IMIT* jSst got home from Coaey, down Table Delicacies on hand. in. Pillars, 5 1-16 Fillers, 1-2 in would pay for the labor, housing and the bay; interest. m them summer nais and 9thmr thlhca 4 Brass Top Rail, 3 1-2 in. Brass to'gay; Fur an\thing wanted in my line, ring up Number. 25., The purpose of giving the result Took a dip down at Atlantic by the tea; Spindles, 1 3-4 in. Brass Vase, of Mr. Petrich^s records to the '*ead- Seen, them highball fellers **shoot the ers of The Northwestern Agricultur- ohutee" In glee. 59 in. Head and 37 in. Foot, ist is to cause every farmer to 'stop Then 1 butted In at Kewx>ort. swell and sizes 4 ft. 6 in, and 4 ft. and figure as to the pounds of butter gay; •JOHN B0YLE, fat which he is producing per cow Had a hot old time along New Tawk’s Phone 26 Alexandria, Ont, per annum. 'White way; Pricc-$5.00 Bucked the tiger fierce down at Long Minnesota, Wisconsin and Towa Branch; people boast of the wealth that has Qot done up and cut for the home ranch. come to these ' siates through the keeping of dairy cows, and the See that sunburned shirt a->hangin‘ there? farmers of North and South Dakota See that busted ’si>ender on that chair? No. 2 Health Mattress $4.25- See my Sunday shoes all worn in holes? are giving more attention to the See them calloused corns on my sore dairy business than ever before, but Springs $2.50 and up. there should certainly be an awaken- ing among the people as to the dif- Have Z got a worn and hungry look? We will deliver this Bed, Mattress, and Spiing to any place in ferences between cows and dairy Well, you ought to see my pocketbooki Aro the most import, Am I pale and thin? Well, you'd be, too. Cleanliness the TownsMp of Lansaster during the next month for $11.50 methods. With them Jersey skeeters eatin' you. points of the moaein iVL cash, or at your nearest railway station. Orders by mail will The first step is to know your owti cows and find out which ones are Net a cent left of that great big wad? Photo by C. M. Barnlta. business. When orderl have special attention. paying the,r board, which are mak- Nit, but my life’s left. I’m home, thank Purity Ood! PRBTTÏ PUIiLgTS. your Meats. Poultry, Fi.,» ing a profit and wûîch ones are caus- If to some folks It’s a rustication by the ing a loss that eats up the profits. sea sow will allow only three-year gob- or Vegetables, leinOs,^ Test your cows for butter fat and It Is sure a bustlcatlon of poor me. blers and two-year hens in their breed- C M. BARNITZ. Quality this and photie : ANNOUNCEMENT rid your* farm of those that do nnt ing pens, claiming they are not devel- produce at least one hundred and During the harvest months, we realize that owing to oped till that age. fifty pounds of butter fat per annum. GIVE BREEDERS A REST. Pullets must have time to grow or- the à:arcity of labor, ^t Is somewhat difficult for our Then set your standard at one uun- It’s wise to break up breeding pens gans. build frames and cover them dred and seventy-five and each year many friends on the outside of our regular territory to as soon as the last egg is set for with flesh and feathers. increase your requirements until hatching. How ragged the hens get. participate in the good values we are offering. To you hav,e reached an average yield of There must be constitution and The South End Meat Marliet three hundred pounds of butter fat how the constant egg production thins stamina behind a pullet or those early overcome this, my representative will be only too them down, how the ration, mainly for per cow per annum. With proper eggs are a drain and she becomes JOSEPH^ABOURJN Prop., 3^, pleased to call with complete samples of our several study and attention the farmers of eggs, surfeits them and how the yards, dwarfed and weak. so often limited, seem like a prison. Honce practical egg farmers try to ’Phone 3. ALEXANDRIA, ONT- lines. And I bespeak for him your generous patronage. the Northwest could accomplish this result, and this would mean the add- Yes. give Biddy a rest. The molt Is hold back birds that show signs of pre- ing of many millions of. dollars to coming, and she needs to recuperate coclousuess, changing them from place the annual profits of the dairy farm- before that ordeal. Clean the lice off to place and keeping them from food the Biddles. Turn them on the green, that stimulates the egg organs. To Our Bargain Counter In later issues we shall take up let them run in the clover, loaf in the I be a prime continuous layer a pullet Is supplied with a large variety of Useful Articles at 5c., 10c., questions of testing, feeding and shade, give them a chance at the bugs ' must be well nourished as a chick, be breeding, but we want every farmer and wigglers and with “first aid” from- provided with mineral for frnm^, pro- 15c., 20c. and 25c, It merits the close inspection of shrewd right now to figure the results on his buyers. nature, supplemented by a protein ra tein for organs, muscles, feathers, own farm, and The Northwestern tion, help them to accumulate nitrogen enough carbohydrates for beat and en- Agriculturist will be pleased to nave to make their winter coats. And the ergy, with plenty of greens, fresh air Canadian Northern Railwa any of its readers send in reports WJ> * W T W^ I have a very large supply, and in showing the number of cows .kept, rooster too. He has crowed loud and and water. The life a la nature makes Ji mma order to clean it up, offer in 5 hag lots amount of butter fat produced, vith lopg, begotten offspring strong, and the big, rangy, fluflay cackler. When any information as to methods, breeds he needs a vacation. Give him and •uch birds are brought from range, V , during the next week only. or feeding that will be of interest to his harem a rest Turn him out on feed them on mixed grains in litter, Barvesters , 3 Stars..$2.50 Harvest Queen. .$2.50 Bakers’King. .$2.40 the progressive dairyman.—G. L. Hub- tue grass awhile with the sporty cock- and for n fine mash, mol.st or dry, use hell. erels. Let them copy his crow, imi- the following: Royal Household. .$2.70 Strong Bakers’. ,$2.40 tate his swagger, and if any of them I Pounds. Qrojund oavts 25 starts a scrap over a juicy, fat worm i ^heat bran 25 EXCURSIONS mé he will arbitrate the matter by lick- | Cornmeai * 25: ing both kids and gobbling the wiggler j Wheat middlings 13 Meat scrap 4 25 himself. To Wiuulpog. Choice of dostiuation left to the.1^ Cut clover 10 $10*00 Arch’d. J. Macdonald, Charcoal 2 and I'leo transportation granted from W itiuipog West to llogina, SasSta- lalt Swan River and intermediate points. Ticl ets at S18, conditional on .'iOt NORTH LANCASTER. isstied to original 8’arting point as sliown on going ticket. •- ' DON’TS. DATES OF SALE Don’t be purse proud. Pride founded Aug. 3 Lines in Ontario South of .O.T.R., Toronto to Sarnia and fr ^ Province of Quebec. on a pile of cash oft tumbles witli tre- Aug. 13 North of Toronto. Sarnia hue including all l)rancheR and - mendous crash. Ontario Railway. Don’t feed mangels with the Idea Aug. i6 Points in Eastern Ontario. that they have much food value. They Aug. 33 Points West of Toronto in Ontario. rSLE are 91 per cent water. Aug. 35 All points East of T(%outo in Ontario and Quebec. Don’t forget that oats and buck- The demand for Harvesters along the Can Nor l!ines is vc Mailed Weekly My Iddress in Canada wheat are 9 per cent fiber and the IMPORTANT.—To reach Canadian Northern points it will be nt' hulls must be counted out when meas- Pacific Railway to Winnipeg. $ uring the ration. For full intormatio^apply to Agents of the Canadian Nort' From Now (intll January 1st, 1912, for Railvray, Central Ontario, Bay of Qutite and Brockvll' Don’t feed ground dry bone with the Bailways. tdea that it U anything but old dead R. Lr FAIRBAIRN, Asst. Oen’I. Pass. Agt Can. Nor. 1 Ume and that oyster ahell la not better Write for Homeseekers- Guide showing i'l.OOO free hoir -/ Only Thirty Cents at half the prioa$ The x-Tews, Alexandria, Ont. September 22 1911

burg, M «ub-Deacon- During the ffer- tory a beautiful arc mariai was render THE DEAHI DURBAR ed by Mrs. î^rhiels with her usual ar- tistic taste and expression. preparing For a Great Function In Potatoes ! - i>otatoes ! After the ceremony a sumptuous Honor of King. wedding breakfast was served at the Delhi-Ke-Basnafi is the title with charming home of the bride's parents winch tile King-c.mperor will be hail- We take pleasure in announcing to the and the usual toasts proposed and re- ed at luc Durbar m December. No of- ■‘■iv. • j ■ M A spondeecial crowns are being made at ine crown jewelers. They will ië victim's jaw and crashed De chairman den address d© be of a characteristic Indian type, and frror. One' of the bullets w-as McCaskill—Vog'an. SCOTTISH ABSTINENCE. will be assumed by Their Majesties at purchaser supplying bag or 6c. extra,, but it was so badly battei*ed t'ouaan' man or more, A very pleasant event took place at Dat's com from all de comte-slde, also the great Durbar on Dec. 12. bag supplied by us. > ot possible to toll the cal- noon on Wednesday, Sept. 13th, at Scottish Minister Protests Against The King and Queen will be in Delhi Vvolver. St. Telesphope, Vankloek Hill, when Miss Alice Edna He’s lak for tell de w-hole beez-ness. Sir Alfred Austin’s Story. from Dec. 7 to Dec. 16. The King then All persons requiring a supply will do and near-by places of ^'ogan, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs Sir Wilfred Laurier, A.i angry îScotiish clergyman has leaves for a shooting expedition to wellto place orders at once as the supply crowded at the time and George X. Vogan, was united in ma- “Munro and Mackintosh’» not ‘fraid written to x..e London Times in pro- Nepaul. He will be the guest in a ke three shots in rapid sue- trimony to John J. McCaskill, of for reciprocitay/* test against a slander up>on the Scotch shooting camp of the Maharajah. Her will be rapidly bought up Orders may indred men rushed' to the Brodie. ' nation incorporated by Mr. Alfred Majesty will remain at Agra. k ci'owd swayed toward the 'I'he marriage, which was solemnized He-’s call on Jo'nnnie Angus an’ start Austin in nis Autobiography. Mr. Aus- Among the ceremonies fixed is ja be placed with the undersigned. Urquhart’s place the man. by Rev. Allen Morrison, of Kirk Hill, heem out firs’-rate, ! tin once went to Irvine to unveil a state entry into Dellii, presentation oi dozen different descriptions took place under an arch in the draw- statue of Robert Burns. He w.rites: the inevitable addresses, and the re- La vaise is play Garçon d’Eoosse an' ' ception of several thousand Indians n given, cooly stepped out ing room, which was especially decor- den he have to wait. On my arrival 1 spent the evening J. F. McGregor, in his right hand a smoking ated for the occasion with greenery with the local authorities, and at the in a pavilion on the historic Ridge, G. Simon. He say de chieftain’s getting ole, an' where our camp was during the Mu- He put the rev'olver in his and cut flowers. not moche tarn for stay. supper or early dinner to which they treated me as a guest, I fear they must tiny days. Ruling chiefs are to visit Bd elbowed his way through The bride, who was given away . by But while bees hand Is rule dis land ^d, crossed Cordova street and have thought rue a poor creature, un- the King during Dec. 8 or Dec. 9. her father, looked charming in her w get prosperitay. less they were familiar with Southern HU Majesty is anxious to come in per- \vn Abbott street toward the wedding gow'n of white silk, with an Not a hand was raised to ways—for I drank sparingly, accord- sonal touch with them, and for these over dre.ss of silk fish not, with trim- “W’e lak for get de h*ee markette on ing to my custom, while they, to my two days he will do little but engage ami it was several minutes mings of cream satin. She wore the Les Etats Unis, in conversation with the rulers. This _ne police arrived, amazement, tossed off glass after glass customary veil of embroiçlered net and An’ w’en de famierre get in dere, he’» of whisky neat, remaining just as sob- is a brilliant stroke of policy, due en- proprietor of a shooting gallery caught with a spray of marguerite, make it some monee. tirely to the King’s perfect comprehen- SCHOOLBOOKS er as when we sat down. ^oor w'as the first to ix>ach the and carried a bouquet of white asters. So never min’ an’ don’t be scare, ju»* The minister of Irvine, as one of the sion of the whole Indian problem. It j.>f the tragedy, lie discovert Her only ornament was a beautiful vo-te for Laurier, few survivors of that memorable occa- will make permanent the good effects AND Luhart lying in a pool of his own, bracelet set with amethj'sts and bril- Dat’s help me on, an' den horraw for sion, makes effective denial, and of his visit to India. The King will noîir the front of the stoi'e at thel liants, tlie gift of the groom. reciprocitay.” leaves little doubt as to who is the not return the visits. In tlial respect Wnd 3'ide of the counter. The The bride was attended by her sis- better literary craftsman of the two his place will be taken by Lord Har- pcd fTîÎMi..^rose^n -liis eltx>w and at- ter, Mi.ss Dorothy, who wore cream Sir Wilfred den come to d© front, avec men. j“Mr. Austin was entertained dinge, who, when the King steps i.)^ to talk but he fell back un- silk voile and ^carried a bouquet of la pollitesse, by the late Provost Breckenridge, not ashore at Bombay, ceases to be Vice- I'Cious fro-ni the effort. A doctor pink sweet peas. Mr. Kenneth Mc- He’s kits de girl ^vit' de bouquet, an’ to 'supper or early dinner’—what a roy and becomes simply Governor- lii ricdly summoned, but before hie hear tw'o fine address; strange inversion ! — but to dinner General. SCHOOL SUPPLIEa Caskil), brother of the groom -was The Durbar takes place on Tuesday, Mr. I'rquhar? was dead. bestman. ■ !>• Maxville band on de grand stand somewhat after eight o’clock.. I do is play “0 Canadaw,” not know what Mr. Austin drank. I Dec. 12, and will be witnessed by at I motive for the crime and the 'i'he groom’s gift to the bridesmaid .An ^‘Fouille d’erable”, jus* lak la vaise was not so rude as to note, but I take least 50,000 people. The scene wiu be of the assassin are veiled in was a beautiful bracelet set with bril- overwhelmingly splendid even to the AT 1» play “Le Bon Garçon”. his word. W’ill he take mine.^ It is mystery and tlte police have lants, to the bestman a gold tie pin, not, and in my experience it never Indian mind, which expects a great semblance of a clue. It is thought and to the pianist a locket, “I feel quite young an’ lak de girl, has been, the habit of the ‘local au- deal. There is to be, another day, a that the motive was either Mendelssohns wedding march was don’t t’ink I am to blame. thorities’ to ‘toss off glass after glass review of 80,000 troops. The Imperial \ or revenge. After the shooting weetly rendered by Miss Avie Step- For mos’ da boy dat hear m© now, it of whisky.’ It certainly was not the Service troops are to be under the R made no attempt to tap the glad for do de tarn’, case that night. Further, those hardy command of their respective chiefs. OSTROM’s Calcutta children will sing the Nation- Mster, but it is probable that he After the ceremony, dinnei' was serv I feel as young as on d© day when I drinkers—according to Mr. Austin— 'have time after attracting the ed to upwards of two hundred guests. was mariee. would not have the hardihood to drink al Anthem on Their Majesties*' arrival 'P the shf t€. Tf Mr. Urquhart whisky ‘neat.’ There is one part of in that city in four languages—Eng- The afternoon was pleasantly spent An’ mot’ de girl she’s not afraid for lish, Gujarati, Marathi and Urdu. «■nemiee they are not known. in both vocal and instrumental music. reciprocitay.” his story true—tiiey were ‘just as sob- Wn in business- here for the er as before we sat down.’ So they Lord and Lady Mar and Kellie, Sir S^erything for were, for an obvious rea.son; they Hedworth and Lady Lambton, Lord ^rs, ane«ve w'ell enough alone”. that he has printed them, they must, I He w^as alone in the stoi'e at if they are all like this sample, be a me, his son Milliam Uiyjuhart, jr., reau, son of Mr. Joseph Gareau, all of Alexandria. A large number of fri- H© tell about Jock Cartier in fifteen- monument of poetic inventive gen- \ t/one home an hour earlier in ends of the contracting parties wit- t'orty-four, ius.’’ iROWN" PATENT nessed tile ceremony';- W'at tarn he find dis Canadaw, along BROCK OSTROM & SONI ban has positively identified thé St. I^awrence shore; King’s Sons Commoners. fr -'.ft a man wearing a dark suit 'J'he iDiide, who was given away by But affer dat de place is los, no matter The announcement that when the MEDICAL HALL, ALEXANDRIA. i^aya he w'as wdthin a f Wilfred Laurier. sons dukedoms, such as those of Kent, lie further states that he is Miss I^ella McDonald, who also wore a blue costume with hat to match. Sussex, and Gloucester, which are W. that th'3 nuin went east on Cor- Den M'.sieu Sroit’ de lawyer is come connected wnth the royal family, and itreet and (lisap[x>'nred in the 'I'he duties of groomsman were per- from Montreal, formed by Mr. 0. Deiii.s Marcoux. that the Dukedom of Kent has, in BS. Another witness is just as He’s say Glengarry comte is not for fact, been chosen already for Prince [e that the man who did the The bridal party and friends v^'ere tale at all. Albert, brings home the fact that as ng wore a light suit of clothes entertainefl at breakfast at the resid- An’ Docteur Mousseau from' Soulanges the children of a peer have no special Islouch hat, and tlvat as he emerg ence of the groom’s father, and later He’s proud for se© to-day. advantage so neither have the youngc’* \ ♦be store he put the revolver in tlu; afternoon supper was serv- So many French men come out here to children of the King himself. The up pocket and crosswl Cordova ed and a reception held at the Home Welcome Laurie». King’s wife, his eldest son, his eldest ALEXANDRIA’S GREATEST STORE h Abbott and disappeared in the. of the bride’s parents. daughter, and his eldest’s son’s wife n of ihi-' water front. It was Among the relatives from a distance Den Graham of Brockville’s take de all have special advantages by law. f lor a time that there might present were Mr. and Mrs. A. Gareau, , «tand, he’s glad for to be dere. His other children have no special ^'•two men, but the policebe- Glen Roy, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Antoine He’s beeg boss foy d© government on status unless their father thinks good 1C EVERY MOIS'DA Y BARGAIN DAY ^ M-e croAvd was so much ex- •"tareau, Lancaster ; Mr. 'T. Verniei*., de grande chemin de fer. to raise them to the peerage. A GOOD ROOF is a BUILDING’S not t>ne of them able to hotelveeper, C'oteau Jet., and Mrs. He’s tell about d© hog and wheat alto As the law of England know's no Vernier, Mr. Geo. Vernier, clerk of the classes of men except peers and com- ' “CROWN” Ifnate discription. de horse an’ hay, ET court, C’oteau Landing, and Mrs. Ver- moners, it follows that the younger mart was a man about GO An’ ax de farmeur all to vote for reciprocitay. children of the King — the eldest is If you want a roof that and he i.< gur\‘iveecoe' he’s come too late. duce of the still. He wanted his hair 100 yards Black Taffeta 36 inches wide, on sale O'clock, at St. Mary’s W’en LaurL-r is come right out, and An’ den Munro is ax de peep to cheer cut, and vvliiie the barber was getting ^‘Sterville, a very lieamiful take it off liees hat. for T.-aurier, him ready went off into a sleep. His Mondtiy per yard 7.5c. siing marriage ceivmony And smile and bow to all de peep, An’ vote for Johnnie Aîigus and head kept bobbing from one side to k when Miss Lslella UeaU'ice now w’at you t'ink of dat ? Reciprocitay. the ether, and at length the barber 75 yards Duchess Paillette, heavy rich quality, rhesterviile, was united in in making a snip cut off the lower CARRIER’S CLEARING lo l)î. .Liseijh Gormlt'v, of He’s mcc-d. wit’ Johnnie Ang"us an’ part oi his ear. The barber gasped, 36 inches wide, on sale Monday, 85c. 4 the hue Mr. .\ngus shake dat on Je ban’ then jumped about and howled, and a :SALE. lormefly of Moirisburg. '.’'he Den Hugh Mimro and Costello’s com© crowd of neighbors rushed in. Final- 4 Vvyas i.erionntfd l.iy Lev. ]'’a- up for do dc grand; ly the demonstration became so great To give place to the fall i- the presence of a large Wit’ Joe Knot dat's Reeve d© town JUBG[ ABAjODIIS CUIM that it began to attract the attention 4 1 friends and relatives, and many moi'e also. of the man in the chair, and he open- stock. I filled the church. ed one eye and said, “^Wh-wha-at’s the An’ d’en dey take do l^eog voiture and Libel Case Against Vankleek matter wid yez?" ’ sanctuary were f cg- down de town dey go. 4 “Good Lord!’’ said the barber. “I’T© Rid Gloves. jfiowers and greenery, \ Hill Review Peters Out cut off the whole lower part of your 6 Bars soap for 25c, 4 _^ift of the cho r to the De parti’s ride on Juice Delage, he’s ear.’’ Founes Pierette, our one glove, made from /ng artistically set with try for cut de dash. l/Original, Sept. 20.—'I'he action ILJE “Have ye? Ah, thin, go on wid yer 6 1 ins sardines „ 25c. presented a most charm Wit’ now kid glo\-£, he’s sit above an* alleged enmina! libel preferred by business. It was too long anyhow!” selected skins of real French kid. Colors— 4 ê as the bridal party enior- dravo de beeg calash. Judge ('oustantineau, of Ottawa, 2 Cans salmon „ 25c. |tj‘ains of Mendolsshon’s High beaver hat,—chapeau d'eastor— Mr. H. ('. Jones, editor of the Gave Him Satisfaction. tan, mode, grey, green, navy, black and white. 4 ^ by the organist. and fine, black pigeon coat, \ ankloE-k Hill Review, was dropped 3 Cans Gillets Lye 25 c. when it came up before the high -ourt Once, while stopping at a country ',s ghen away by her fa- Wit’ fftand up collar free inch high inn, Stephen Incledon, an eminent 3 lbs. Biscuits „ 25c. Every pair guaranteed. Price per pair, $1.00. 4 '»d a perfect picture of and ref duchesse satin, trim De band in do short petticoat is start lineau, who was not himself present, and stated that no evidence would be officer. He imagined he had closed 3 Cans Corn , 25c. oplique, a tulle \cil hoem play la vaise, the controversy by going off to bed, 4 ange blossoms, cor- .And den de boys from Valleyfield is presented. All costs were then .assess- ed against the plaintiff, in spite of Mr but the officer, left downstairs to 3 Boxes orange meat 25c- Ycam ro.ees and toot de Marseiîlaîee, brood over his wrongs, thought other- 4 .he was attended An’ affer dat de crowd is cheer and Maxw’ell’s objection, and the case was wise. Making his way to Incledon’s l2|]Plates „ 36c. dismissed. ❖ •tshion, of Crys- mos’ do pëer» is say, bedroom, he found the singer fast I2 Cups „ 30c. BRING US YOUR EGGS. 4 in pale blue ITTooraW' for Wilfred Laurier and The case arose out of the rep6rt of asleep. Waking him, the officer de- with black reciprocitay. a speech made by Judge Couitanti- manded satisfaction. “Satisfaction?” 3 lbs. Tea „ 25c- d carried a neau in Montreal, on .the occasion of murmured Incledon, sleepily. “Well, 4 * with pink De’y make de granri proceesion t’roo the St. Jean Baptiste celebration, and you shall have it.” Whereupon he Eggs per dozen 20c. s attend- ^ d© main ?t. of de town, a certain comment made upon it by sat up in bed and sang “Black-Eyed 4 Mr. Jones in the Review in the course Susan” in his best style. “There,” JOHN SIMPSON & SON iley, of De Johnstown Road, an’ Bishop St., iss fol- ' pa** on Race course groun’ of which he alleged that the judge he said, lying do(|^n again, "my sing- IPHONE No. 6. 4 7)»^’? flag an’ banner on de air, and was not fit to sit on the bench. When ing of that song has given satisfac- Edward Carrier. •mottoes all d© way, asked whether he wouÉd take foy tiin to thousands.” and turned over 4 and went to sleep again. ■Wit’ "Vive McMillan. Laurier, and further p.ction »n‘ the matter Mr.Jones Alexandria, Station, r»s- reri,pro

Mr. Donald A. Macdonald spentIVed- Personals nesday in .Montreal visiting relatives. Miss Annie McCuaig, St, George St. ADVANCE FALL ( NEWS from who had been visiting friends at Cot- Mr. K. D. MfcLeod, of Dalkeith, was ton Beaver and McCrimmon, returned, here on Tuesday. Our Store will be Closed Saturday, Sep# home on Wednesday. on account of our New Year’s Day. ^ Mr. C. J. Campbell, of VankleekHill, Mrs. I. A. Kinsella, who had been THE STORE that SETS THE PACE was in town Wednesday. on a visit to her mother, Mrs. M. Re-Opening Monday Morning, Sept. Lf Boyd, Klgin street, left on Monday for Lieut.-Col. R. Smith, ex-M.P., Corn- her home at North Bay, Ont, J wall, w’as in town on Tuesday. • • • Mrs. C. McCuaig and her sister, .Mrs. Miss Isabel Macdonald, Kenyon St., I. A. Kinsella, spent last week visit- This SjLimmer our business has been bigger than ever. east, visited Montreal on Wednesday. ing friends in East Templeton, and on A. MAHRSON, their return trip attended the Ottawa We are daily doing business with new customers, and these Mr. N. Rushman was in town on exhibition. ALEXANDRIA - - ONTA*. people continue to trade with us because they find here every- Monday. He left the following day for Hawkesbury. Mrs. Kinsella, of New York, is the thing they want in large varieties to choose from, of the highest guest this week of Mrs. Duncan Mc- Martin. She also had as her guest, Mrs. W. H. Barker and little son, of quality, and at the most reasonable prices. That is the reason Ottawa, were the guests this week of Mrs. A. Cameron, St. Lawrence Lodge, South Lancaster. why we have so many satisfied customers, who have been Mrs. W. L. Chalmeri. buying from us ever since the first day we opened pur store in Miss Cassie R. Macdonald, late of Mr. T. D. Carlyle and Miss D. Car- the General Advertising Department, lyle, of Munroe’s Mills, were the guest# FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR Alexandria. For Fall we are daily receiving a most beau- G.T.R., Montreal, who is visiting at of friends here on Tuesday. her home in Apple Hill, was the guest tiful stock, from factories aH over the country of fnends here on Monday. Mrs. D. D. MePbee is the guest this At MALONE, N. Y. week of Mrs. Farquhar Robertson, at Mrs. Page, Montreal, Miss McMaster their summer home at Williamstown. of Caledonia Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. Angus A. McMillan, Lochiel, v.*ere Hand in Glove with the guests on Saturday of Mrs. A. Me Sept. 26, 27, 26, & 2S, 1S1I. Messrs. A. M. Campbell, Maxville, the World. and P. A. Chisholm, Summerstown, Master, “Twin Elm Voltage,” Passif- were in town the early part of the em. Iiv Ladies’ Golf week. Mr. Arch. Lothian, of Newmarket, SIXTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION R^v. Mother .Josephine and SisterSt. Ont., spent the early part of the week Jackets, Andrew, of St. Paul, Minn., were the the giiest of his mother, Mrs. Donald guests this' week of Mrs. D. A. Mc- Lothian, Main St. She also has as Arthur, Catherine St. her guest, Mrs. Jas. Lothian, of Ot- Sweater Coats • • • A Fair for Everybody! ^ Mr. and Mrs. John McMartin, and Mr.’ A. L. Smith came over from Corn Mrs. John McDonald, who spent the Courteous and Fair Treatment Exten> Fall Short wall in Mr. McMartin’s car ans spent past month the guest of her ueice, to All. several hours in town on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Morris, returned to her home in Ludington, Mich., on Friday. She Coats, etc.. Mr. J. D. Grant, of Laggan, was in was accompanied try Mrs. 1). McDon- \ town on Saturday. ald, of Custer, Micti. Dr. W. McDougald, Montreal, spent One of the sociat events of the sea- 2A(] Admission Injf Dsf We are showing a Monday evening in town. son was the post nuptial reception given by Mrs. W. L. Chalmers, on beautiful range, Mr. Arch D. Maooonald, of Arnprior Wednesday afternoon. The handsome /isited relatives in town this week. house was cheerful with the rosy glow and would be very of firelight and shaded candles and the Complete in all Departments DENTS 'W. Mrs. James D. MePhee was the guest drawiîîg room and lea room were fra- Increased Premiums Insure Extensive Exfsy’’" ^ glad to have K!D CLOVES for several days of relatives in Otta- grant with a profusion of exquisite pink roses. Mrs. Chalmers received in Farm Produce, Cattle^ Horses, Sheep, Swine, Poultry you call and inspect We are exclusive agents here f of a dainty frock of pmk ninon over pink the celebrated Dent’s Gloves. Messrs. D. Chisholm, of Cobalt, an(^ satin with touches of gold. Mrs.Barker Art and Household Products. Angus McMartin, of Michigan, were in of Toronto assisted her daughter in the same. Every pair guaranteed to g've town this week. receiving, wearing an ashes of /oses perfect satisfaction. We are now silk gown. Mrs. Duncan A. Macdonald showing new full lines in dressed Mrs. I). Donovan, Miss M.Macdonell was in charge of the lea room and . THE RACE PROGRAM Kid, Mocha, Chamois, Cape Kid and Miss Cuddon were in Montreal for poured tea, ably assisted by Mrs. A. the day on Wednesday. H. Barker, of Ottawa, Miss Grace is very! complete and | will farin'^ together the • • • Munro and Miss Jessie Kerr. Miss R. Hope, after an enjoyable Î largest îields of the fastest horse^*£ Ic ep; holiday at her home in Summerstown 1 Miss K. Cattanach was the guest of any County Fair in the State. ^8,2oo in Stak^. , returned to town ori Thursday, ' Montreal friends this week. ^ Î Biriony In Dress Tie Hlp-Subdoed Fignre-FasiioB Retires It. • • • and Purses. Entries close Sept 16. Records Mr. Neil Macdonald, of Cobalt, re- Messrs. Alex. Danis and 0. Ranger, Î ceived a warm welcome from his .nany of Ottawa, were here yesterday. that day no bar. friends while in town the early part The “Nuform” Corset 2.29 Pace, Purse.. .^-4(10 % of the week. Mr. .J. J. Morris, of Montreal, vis- i • • • 2.20 Pace, Purse. 400 ? Is the garment that produces it. Sylph-like ited relatives at Lochiel yesterday. Messrs. D. W. McLeod, Dougal McIn- 2.17 Pace, Purse.. . 400 F grace is an admirable description,*but readily tosh, Skye ; Allan McCrimmon, Angus The Misses Ella and Annette Huot ^14 Pace, Purse. .. 400 attainable through the wearing of the proper R. McDonald and D. H. McGillivray, spent yesterday witn Montreal friends. 2.11 Pace, Purse 400 of McCrimmon, were among the visit- “ NUFORM ” Corset- Of course NU- Free-for-All Pace, Purse , ors to town on Monday, Mr. Jos. Corbett, of Ottawa, renew- • • • 2.29 Trot, Purse -±'-. FORM will not change nature’s build- ed acquaintances in town on Wednes- Mr. D. J. MePhee, of Dunvegan, vas 2.22 Trot Purse 4Q They smooth out hard lines and present day. in town on Monday. 2.16 Trot, Parse the wearer in proper poise, as well as curves Mr. J. Douglas Macdonald, of Pem- 2.24 Pacing Stake, Closed - l,0f^ \ Mr. P. W. McDonald, Apple Hill, was of grace and ease- For improvement of th - broke, was in town for the day yes- 2.25 Trotting Stake, Closed 1,0(W \ T in town on Saturday. terday. figure, service, easy fit and price, there could 2,19 Trotting Stake, Closed 1,000 ■be no more perfect harmony of result. Mr. A. J. McDonell, contractor, St. Mrs. J. Boyle and her sister. Miss 3 year-old Trotting Stake, Closed 50Ô Timothee, was in town this week. MePhee, were visitors to Montreal, on Consolation Handioap, Purse ^ Wednesday. Harmony is a law of the uni- Mrs. ]). J. McDougall, of Dalhousie verse' — and of well ordered Station, visited friends here on Sat- Mr. R. A. Taschereau, barrister, of society. Intelligent, well-bred Ladies’ Fancy Neck= Montreal, was the guest on Wednesday people follow the law of har- of Mrs. A. G. F. Macdonald, “Garry A BASE BALL PROGRAM Mr. James Morrison, of Montreal, Fen.” mony in dress. wear. Belts, etc. was the guest this week of Mrs. D. J. is being arranged between the most prominent clubsri McDonald, Eig. League. ' Shoes that do not harmonize We have just opened up a large shipment of with .other features violate these goods, they are all the newest creations Mr. Alf. Kennedy, of Montreal, is good taste. Simon’s Footwear and we would be very pleased to show them spending some weeks with his mother is made in styles to match Mrs. A. D. Kennedy. NDUSEHOID HimS The Vaudeville Performance \ - every mode of dress. to you. Mrs. Donald T.'rquhart and MissMary Nasturtium petals look like pretty on[the Stage in front of the Grand Stand will consist of the Br Urquhart, of Montreal, were the guests bits of bright velvet. Put them Intd a ton Troupe, of six people in two acts, and the Braggan Bia. of friends here this week. salad or between thin slices of bread and butter on the sandwich plate and three people- in two acts. These are undoubtedly the best Among the visitors to town the fore they will puiify the entire system. liio^t wonderful acrobatic acts of their class and are replete,— Clover tea, one of the best of tonics, part of the week we noticed Mr. A. most wonderful and amusing feats. / BETTER CLOTHES R. McMaster, of Summerstown. is made by gathering the red blossoms stemming them and steaming them for It is a primal, basic .fact in all construction work—a finished product can be Messrs. D. J. McIntosh, of Green- s*x hours. Drain and take a teacnpfut every other day. no better than its raw materials. This is equally true, whether you build field; and P. W. O’Shea, of Apple'Hill, The Canadian Hippodrome Co., were visitors to town on Tuesday. Dandelion tea is quite as effective as railroads or clothes. that made from clover blossoms. Pour with a stable of Twenty-five Choice Thorcughbred Horses, Rev. Dr. McPhail, of Kirk Hill, was boiling water over the dandelion blos- Î 20th Century Brand bench-tailored clothes are better because they have a in town on Tuesday. soms, let them stand at the back of furnish Chariot Races, Roman Standing Races, Hurdle Races better beginning, and they continue to grow better through everv process o the stove to steep for five mimites. Running Flat Races- I* Mr. and Mrs. Rory McDonakl, Skye, Strain, sweeten and drink hot or cold. making, down to the last stitch in the buttonholes. visited friends here on Wednesday. Slippery elm barr. is a cure for sore throat. Pour a cupnil of boiling water Mr. John A. McMillan, of Ijochiel, over the bark. ISTien cold strain and Good Music and Something Doing ai! the Time. transacted business here on Saturday. add lemon juice and sugar. Parsley salve will euro sores and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Seguin, Glen burns. Place a handful of chopped pa. Excursions Qn ALL EAILROADS. Robertson, were in town on IVednes- sley and teacupful of pure lard into a SHOE WISE PEOPLE, saucepan. Allow to simmer iintil the parsley is thoroughly cooked, which There is no better wisdom in regard to dress Rev. A. Govan, of Williamstown, left should require about twenty-five min- The Biggest Show on Earth at utes. Strain through a coarse cheese- than special care in the selection of footwear. last week on a two months trip to Scotland. cloth and keep coA*ercd in a dry, cobl place. the Price = » 25c. Mr. C, J. McMillan, of Toronto, is All of these remedies will be found Simon’s Footwear spending some days with Mrs. McMil- useful in treating children and will lan, Centre St. take a considerable sum from the doc- E, W. LAWRENCE, Pres, ÏHOS. ADAMS, Trïa,, i Is made to meet the precise demands of “ shoe tor’s bill at the end of the year. WALTER J. wise ’’ dressers, who are very particular and Messrs. J. I). McLeod and J. J. Mc- MALLON, Sec’y. , t ’ exacting in their buying- Donald, of Cotton Beaver, were lews A FURNTSBT.VG SUIT. callers on Wednesaay. f-f- In selecting wall paper for a room The particular buyer, who is not satisfied Miss Malone, who had been visiting with a rug, always take the rug into to wear “any old shoe’’will fully appreciate lier brother, Mr. F. !.. Malone, return- consideration. Let the paper harmon- ed to Toronto Tuesday. ize with it. being a shade or two ligh- the fit style and worth put into ter than the floor covering if you Mrs. Angus J. Macdonald, after a would have the best effect. I delightful visit to Ottawa friends, re- Some Newspaper law-Reail It The Worlds Best Shoe tyrned home on liiesday. HOME-MADE BOOKS. The picture books made at home of If any person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all, Messrs- D. A. McLeod, -\Iex >fcL<'od, colored cambric on which are pasted arrearages or the publishers may continue to send it until paycrep*’ pictures cut from magazines or papers of McCrimmon, and Alex. .nCk. asKÜl of is made, and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taket Laggan, were in town on Wednesday. are sure to amuse the small boy or girl. Make the pages sufficiently large from the office or not. There can be noriegal discontinuance uâfî; •VMîSS Mary McOims, of Glen Robert- to carry good-sized pictures, and pay payment is made.i Visit our store and let us prove to you that ours is the place to son, for the present is acting as de- some attention to the matter of ar- do all your you will save jmoney and secure the puty in the local post office. rangement of the illustrations ; a ]>age Any,.person who takes a paper .from the post office, whether of chickens, another of dogs, another directed to his name or another, or into his home, or wliether he best articles sold \n the county. Miss Irene Whyte, of Montreal, who of cats and still another of airships, has subscribed or not is responsible for the pay. , This proceeds spent the past week the guest of her will interest the child more than if the iiir~ The S ore fill be closed Saturday, September'23rd, on accennt of a Jeiisb Holiday. cousin, Mrs. Wm. Morris, returned to illustrations are placed hit or miss. upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. her home on Saturday. If the pages are buttonholed with stout thread, they •will stand bard The courts have decided that refusing to take newspaper/ Mrs. W. H. Barker, of Toronto, ar- wear better. and'periodicals from the post office, removing and leaving then rived in town Salurany aftemoop on Place.'the youngster’s initials on the uncalled for is pr-ima facie evidence of intentional fraud. a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. L. first p4ge* This suggestion of posses- Chalmers, Kjmyoii St. east. sion will please. •rne JNews, Alexandria Onî, September 22 1911

>*X**>*X**X*<**>*X**X**>*X**t**I**X*<' WELL, WELL! XÏ THIS i3a HOME DYE it J;hat AKYONE .can use .OÎ Interest * II ❖ ❖ \ ^ to Women dyed ALL these ^^WFFERENTKINPS of Goods — aith fhe SAME 05*. I used No Chance of MU* •x**x~>^<**> takes. Simple and Clean. Send for Free Color Card may be kept on one.^ On another slip and Booklet UU keep the bills which come with tin* DYOLA l0HEIVt"^KINIK''‘~»| RÎCHAWDMN' IN IHE WOMEN’S WORLD provisions from the market. CO., Limited, Try adding a little salt and a 'ittlo Montreal Can, soap shaved so fine that iL,is almost TO MAKE GOOD FIES. a powder, to the kettle of ^arch; you \ Do not roll tlxe paste too thin. H it will be surprised at the extra lustre \as not sufficient thickness it will be the starch gives the clothes. ing and some other coffee sweets. anh tasteless when baked. Oftentimes a piece of fine emery Brown two tablespoonfuls of granulat Using preserves for pie fillings, board such as is used for manicuring ed sugar. When a reddish brown, but ■ips of paste over the top, lat- the bails, w 11 remove an unsightly not burned, add three tablespoonfuls èhion, but never use a cover or blot of ink. Rub the spot gently, lest of boiling hot coffee, such as would be ^JSt. the texture of the paper or cloth be made for breakfast, in the proportion >mdle paste as little as possible impaired. of a heaping teaspoouful of powdered A solution of chloride of lime and i»d in as cold a place as you can lind coffee to a cup. When the caramel Ffour both board and roller plentiful- water, a tablespoonful of the lime to has dissolved in the coffee, mix with ly and roll quickly. Butter the tins, two gallons of water, is an excellent sifted powdered sugar until of the de- v^l before putting in the bottom medium for removing the most stub- sired thickness for frosting or bon- ci^t and do not cut it until the lop born stains. Soak the stained gar- Vrot is laid on, as it is apt to shrink ment for hours in the solution, and Chocolate is perhaps combined with •jwn at the edges. in titne the offending spots will dis- more flavors than any other. One Ti e tart apple is the one for pies, appear, and tgis without injury to the might almost say that everything un- f t'-tod jiavor. If fruit is not ripe it der the sun is combined with cho- Keep a few pieces of camphor gum colate by confectioners. Dates, figs, 9 »e stewed and allowed to get ie sugar added and then put in your linen closet ; it will aid in ginger, lemon, orange, pistachio, jrust. If used warm the crust keeping the linen white. strawberry, raspberry, peppermint, soggy. If fish is wrappw. well in oiled pa- violet, rose, wintergreen, even ordi- per, it will not impart à flavor or od- ary molasses candy, all acquire a coat- or to other food stuffs in ^the refriger- APPLE AND PINEAPPLE, ing of the blackest chocolate and ar« eaten with pleasure by those who ^le and pineapple make a If, after opening and draining the would consider a housewife wellnigh of jelly.- To half a peck box of sardines, you slip the tiny fish unbalanced should she use some of used a medium-sized on a plate and sprinkle with lemon these combinations at home in creams fok the fruit together tin • juice, draining the Ksh a second time and câkes. The truth is that flavors ii drain. Return the juice before serving, you will And the flavor which may be combined to advantage A after measuring it. Mea- vastly improved. If some of the fish in a box of mixed bonbons are often i(|unt of sugar equal to the are left keep covered, and ne5:t day impossible in other forms of sweets. ^ Iten* the juice has boiled^ ex‘ mince them with hard boiled egg for a fiventy minutea, pour it on the var and'stir constantly till all Occasionally boil out the coffee or ■“ ^ssolved. Then pour at tea pot with a solution of borax and jelly glasses. Jelly nade water. It is a elennser and purifier. HOHSEHOLO NOTES For Sale AS way will set very quickly. Borax is an excellent medium for keep BUILDER’S SUPPLIES ing tinware of any kind bright. Buttermilk is the best possible thing One emaU farm initable for market CASTER CUPS. to clean linoleum and oilcloth. FOR MODERN HOMES. garden or henery, containing 37| acres ',A piece of heavy furniture such as a If a boiled egg Is fresh it will dry Franklin County FEEII FIDUI situate in the Village of Lancaatcr. ^uch, Morris chair or large table, ev- quickly when taken from the water. Good house and bam. A rare chance though provided with casters, will For a bee sting, simply drop chlo- I carry the most complete line unsightly marks, on a hardwood HOW TO COMBINE FUlVORS roform on the stung place and it will to buy a small farm. Convenient to - Caster cups, whether of glass, entirely kill the poison. 7- Fair of Dressed Matched Spruce Lumber R.R. station, also best of land; about or wood, win prevent this. The The real culinary genius has little A full supply in stock need for rules about the combination Cheese will be kept moist and- free and if it is yonr intention to make 5 acres bush. '■«. fit into these dish-shaped hold- of flavors in coo«ery. Nevertheless^ from mould if wrapped in cloth wrung extensive aiterations in the oid home living the housewife many a out in vinegar. of Mill Feeds, Feed ,>t’ rules are useful, and may be of greats MALONE or to erect a new barn or other out One small 15 acre farm neat Baine- Apply as quickly as possible a, piece use to those who possess only talent ville Station, with new house and and not genius. of ice—holding it, on the injured part buddings. Knowing it wiii pay you Flour, Oornmeal, Bran i CREAM OF CORN-SOUP. for several momenis, and no blister NEW YORK STATE bam ; excellent soil. There are three kinds of combina- V Six ears of green corn or one can of will appear. to purchase here, permit me to re- tions. In one one flavor is subservient Eyeglasses may be made bright and and Provender. om, one pint of cold water, two table to another, being merely used to mind yon that I can fiii your order A larg^ dwelling situate in South ^^oonfuls of chopped onion, one pint of clear by sprinkling them with alcohol Sept. 26 to 29 emphasize it ; in another the two with despatch in any of the foliowing scalded milk, one and a half teaspoon- from an atomisei and then rubbing Lancaster, an ideal summer residence. flavors create a new one, and^ in a with soft tissue paper. 'fuls of salt, a little celery, salt aïid third class two flavors, or even more, Building Materials, yenne, half a pint of whipped cream. A brass-headed lack driven into are combined in suen a way as to Several towellings In Lancaster and Tee tablespoonfuls of butter and three each of the lower corners of picture keep each one distinct, while pro- Matched Spruce'Sheeting, Flooring, South Lancaster Villages. '^blespoonfuls of flour. Cook the corn frames prevents pictures from leaving ducing an harmonious whole. EXGORSIOISEPT. 2S ' the cc.d water for twenty minutes, marks on the wall. TAG Clapboards,-. Featheredge Clap- As an example or the first order, a Glengarry Mills A number of 100 acre farms. * a sieve, add the scalded When' sweepinîg Turkey, Axminster boards, V Joint Ceiling, Laths, Hard I Co^ the oniop thoroughly in slight lemon flavor is often added to ^ any thick piled carpet, always brush strawberry sweets to accentuate that LIMITED, For further particulars, eaU on or JUtter, add the flour and seaeo«- The way of the pile and it will look special Train wood Flooring, Windows, Doors, write to 4 4/. Ithe bom mixture ; cook for five of the berry. This delicious berry fresh and bright lor years. Fare. T me. Mouldings, Verandah Materials* etc- JOHN F.CMcGREG0R, then strain ; add the whipped does not always need such an addi- If you are distressed to find that D. P. J. TOBIN, \s^tl and serve at once. tion, but frequently, when it chances some careless person has scratched $1.50...Moose Creek 8.05 a.m. New Brunswick Shingle^. 13-tf Lancaster, Ont. to be lacking in flavor, the lemon will the new white paint with a match try 1.25.. MAAGER. .MaxvilIe... 8.15 give a zest without taking from its In- SCHOOLGIRL’S HAIR RIB- rubbing the darkened surface with part 1.25.. .Greenfield 8.24 dividuality. Hence its use much in ' ' RON’S. of a cut lemon. 1.25.. COAL AND WOOD. .Alexandria 8.37 strawberry frappe» and sherbets. A You can remove grease spots from ffhen there are several schoolgirl strawberry icing for cake is usually wallpaper with blotting paper and a 1.25.. .Glen Robertso-' ... , 8.30 j daughters m the tamily the expendi- too saccharine without a few' drops hot iron. Put the blotting paper over 1.25.. .Hawkesbury 7.30 ture on hair ribbons becomes quite a of lemon juice. Lemon juice, too, as the stain and press with the hot iron. 1.25.. .Vankleek Hill 7.48 considérable item. Fastidious mothers everyone knows, is used with many Chopped pistachio nuts are delicious 1.25.. Dp/ P. J. Tobin, WONDERLAND .Dalkeith 8.04 declare that ribbons never look insipidly sweet fruits for the same served with plain vanilla cream or 1.25.. LA^CASTER, ON”'. .Cxlen Sandfield 8.10 washed should try the fol- reason. blanc mange. THEHTRE Students are annually trained |[iod : Vanilla — only a few drops of the When making baked-custard, if the 1.25„.Ste. Justine 9.00 :uixture of three ounces of for business at the very best — is sometimes added to milk is warmed before adding the Arrive Malone 10.35 ÿ throe tablespoonfuls of frostings and bonbons flavored with eggs no water will settle in the bot- AV ^ teacup of gin and water, coffee or maple, merely to give them tom of the baking dish. Tickets good to return until Sept. Moving Pictures ^on is placed on a board nnd character, as they are often a little It is a good plnii to wipe out all 30, 1911. F3LL TERM jomim ' with the mixture. It is then flat without it. Only the most deli- greasy utensils with a piece of soft Return special leaves Malone 7.45 at the /;by dipping several times in cate suggestion's of vanilla should be paper before washing. This simpli- water, and not squeezed used. Too much hides the flavor in- fies the washing process. Destroy the p.u. OTTAWA . ONT.,.-' I hung over a line to drip, stead of accentuating it. It is well tc paper immediately. Corner St. Paul and ’ i’>etween cloths and ironed by avoid much vanilla, even when i^ed To remove marks and scratches on Dominion Streets, 'the ribbons from under the alone. Some cook books have a way dull finished furniture steam it under Trains Alexandria East Bonnd ^ prevents creasing and a of fairly dosing their sweets with va- wet newspaper and a hot flatiron. -,gy appearance at finish. The iron This must be done only if the furni- uld be kept still with pressure up- x\j.xoIG 1 ^ A.M,A Vf (Daily),of Coteaufor Montreal, Junction poinj.^ and J. E. S1ÜIIE, Vanilla and chocolate together are, ture has a dull finish. Calls for office help are an- it. Hawkesbury. Arrive Montreal a.m. of course, familiar enough. Without Don’t dampen silk when pressing ; opens Sept. 5th, 1911. We have ite ribbons will not turn yellow nually received. More than we it, chocolate is apt to be a trifle too a moderately hot iron \\ith a cloth washed if the water is warm in- 4 .‘±04.Q T>r .M,AT treai,Daily exceptGlen Robertson, Sunday), forHawkes- Mon helped thousands to mount the ladder bitter for most palates, but more than or paper, between the garment and can fill by far. Any young of hot, and the soap used a fine bury, Coteau Junction, Valleyfleld, CornwaU of success. May we not help you ? An Interesting, Instructive and a few drops of vanilla in a chocolate the iron, when the pressing is done and Brockville. Arrive Montreal 6.S0 p.m. i^ity. Rinse in three waters, Write for our free catalogue. mixture is a mistake. A drop or two on the right side, should be used. man or young woman who will sing a strong blue, Amusing Programme each night of vanilla is sometimes added to A method by wMch rooms may be 6 1 A Tt A/r (Daily), for Coteau Junction and the sun until half dry, • hen ,1U F.M. poiutB West. VaUeyfleld, Swan- Address George F. Smith, Prin., take a thorough course at this peach desserts by foreign cooks, but made mouseproof is to have the walls Change of Films every evening let dean muslin with a warm ton, also Boston and New York, Arrives Mon- more than the mere suggestion takes while still in the rough lined with fine treal 7.55 p.m. 2-lyr. Cornwall, Ont except Monday. great school is sure of secur- from the fine peach flavor. It should meshed wire mosquito netting, after never be used except with fruit that which the lumber is put on. 8^7.Of Ür.JVl. \T (Daily points, except Montreal, Sunday), Toronto, for loca and ing a good position. Short- , TRE MEDICINE CHEST, chances to E>e somewhat tasteless. To When putting »away the summer west. Arrive Montreal 10.40. ADMISSION ; Adults 10c. Cbildren 6c. hand, Commercial and Civil ^/iîlossom time was grandmother's use it with a peach of fine flavor .vov.ld suits of boy.s and men, be sure that Lime for Stocking the family medicine be atrocious. tlxere are no matches left in the pock- Trains leave Alexandria West Bonnd WHITE CLOVER Service. You may enter any- ets. Fires in attics often start from chest. Should you doubt this fact, Vanilla is sometimes used with c»- time. For catalogue write, examine her recipe aook and note how coanut, but it is not as good as an mice nibbling matches in clothes. 10 1^ A \A (Daily), for Ottawa. Arrive IV.1*^ A.IVI, Ottawa.Ottawa n.4fin..m11.45 a.m. Cement Blocks many things grown in the garden for orange flavor in this way. Orango In dusting a room, do not fail to dust the brass or iron bed well. Re- ornamental purposes only were used to and cocoanut make a mo.st happy 1 n 1 ^ A \A (Daily except Sunday), for Ot- The undersignod, an agent tor co- member that the head and foot pieces^ XV. A.M. tawa,Bockland, Varry Sound, W. E. COWLING, Principal ï^^Qrestall visit» of the family doo- combination, and this is a sample of rnent, keops constantly in stock oc is under the spring should be ua fr othftf. flavoring of caramel ia better than PRITATB *‘i01iaT ATA1LAB1.B. softd «UBP lor iOiaatrwod kind of an ache or pain in man or beast. koftlod. It mil partie. TAnilla to give o»aracter to a maple ^ dkoettaos innluaibio to tadiot. 25c. at alt druggists. Free sample oa Geo. W. Shepherd JOHN R06ERTS0N, FAF.MS FOB SAUi. frosting or bonbon. It is likewise >i.M>K SUPPLY CO.. request. Dougin & Co., Hi^Mlaee, Out Oettotal.'cootsfterC nicer than vanilla with a coffee frost- Agent, Aleiaodria. ALEXANDRIA. moDUNALt Jeweller. J

^ ,/^1.