
2 Draft version August 16, 2021 1 3 Typeset using LATEX twocolumn style in AASTeX63

4 Is there any linkage between interstellar and ?

1 2, 1 1 1 3 1 4, 5 5 Suman Kumar Mondal, Prasanta Gorai, Milan Sil, Rana Ghosh, Emmanuel E. Etim, Sandip KChakrabarti, Takashi Shimonishi, 6 7 2, 8 1 6 Naoki Nakatani, Kenji Furuya, Jonathan C. Tan, and Ankan Das

1 7 Indian Centre for Space Physics, 43 Chalantika, Garia Station Road, Kolkata 700084, India 2 8 Department of Space, Earth & Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden 3 9 Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University Wukari, Katsina-Ala Road, P.M.B. 1020 Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria 4 10 Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Niigata University, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan 5 11 Environmental Science Program, Department of Science, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan 6 12 Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University, N21W10 Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0021, Japan & Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science 13 and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji Tokyo 192-0397, Japan 7 14 Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, 305-8577, Japan & National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan 8 15 Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA


17 It is speculated that there might be some linkage between interstellar and their corresponding alco-

18 hols. Here, an observational study and astrochemical modeling are coupled together to illustrate the connection

19 between them. The ALMA cycle 4 data of a hot molecular core, G10.47+0.03 is utilized for this study. Various

20 aldehydes (, propanal, and ), ( and glycol), and a

21 () are identified in this source. The excitation temperatures and the column densities of these species

22 were derived via the rotation diagram method assuming LTE conditions. An extensive investigation is carried

23 out to understand the formation of these species. Six pairs of aldehyde-alcohol: i) methanal and methanol;

24 ii) ethanal and ; iii) propanal and 1-propanol; iv) propenal and ; v) and propar-

25 gyl alcohol; vi) glycolaldehyde and ; vii) along with one pair of ketone-alcohol (acetone and

26 isopropanol) and viii) -alcohol (ethenone and ) are considered for this study. Two succes-

27 sive hydrogenation reactions in the ice phase are examined to form these alcohols from aldehydes, ketone, and

28 ketene, respectively. Quantum chemical methods are extensively executed to review the ice phase formation

29 route and the kinetics of these species. Based on the obtained kinetic data, astrochemical modeling is employed

30 to derive the abundances of these aldehydes, alcohols, ketone, and ketene in this source. It is seen that our model

31 could successfully explain the observed abundances of various species in this hot molecular core.

32 Keywords: , ISM: – molecular data – molecular processes, ISM: abundances, ISM:

33 evolution

34 1. INTRODUCTION 44 ious COMs (Chakrabarti et al. 2006a,b; Garrod & Herbst

45 2006; Garrod et al. 2008; Das et al. 2008a, 2010; Das & 35 More than 200 molecular species have been identi- 46 Chakrabarti 2011; Das et al. 2016; Sil et al. 2018). These 36 fied in the (ISM) and circumstel- 47 ice phase species may transfer to the gas phase by various 37 lar shells (McGuire 2018, https://cdms.astro.uni-koeln.de/ arXiv:2108.06240v1 [astro-ph.GA] 13 Aug 2021 48 desorption mechanisms. 38 classic/molecules), which resolved the much-unexplained 49 Alcohols and aldehydes were identified in various parts 39 mystery of the molecular Universe. Interstellar grains accel- 50 of the ISM. Methanal (, H2CO) is the simplest 40 erate the formation of Complex Organic Molecules (COMs, 51 form of aldehydes, which was first observed in space by Sny- 41 with > 6 atoms) in space. During the warm-up 52 der et al.(1969). It is an intermediary of the large com- 42 phase of a star-forming core, radicals or simple molecules 53 plex organic molecules, which can help constrain physical 43 on the grain surface become mobile and could produce var- 54 conditions in the star-forming regions (Persson et al. 2018). 55 Methanol (methyl alcohol, CH3OH) is the simplest alco- Corresponding author: Ankan Das 56 hol and is one of the most abundant interstellar molecules.

[email protected] 57 It was widely observed toward various sources (Allaman-

58 dola et al. 1992; Pontoppidan et al. 2003) and is used as a 2 Mondal et al.

59 reliable tracer of high-density environments (Menten et al. 111 is one of the isomers of the same isomeric group, was tenta-

60 1988). A wide number of studies reported the chemical ori- 112 tively detected toward Orion KL (Tercero et al. 2015). Za-

61 gin of methanol starting from formaldehyde (Watanabe & 113 verkin et al.(2018) reported that the propanal to 1-propanol

62 Kouchi 2002; Fuchs et al. 2009; Goumans 2011; Song & 114 production by the hydrogenation reaction might be inefficient

63 Kastner¨ 2017). Methanol is ubiquitous in star-forming re- 115 due to the efficient abstraction reaction.

64 gions (Weaver et al. 2018) and is mainly formed on the inter- 116 The simplest form of sugar, glycolaldehyde 65 stellar dust via successive hydrogen addition reactions with 117 (HOCH2CHO), plays an essential role in forming amino 66 (Fedoseev et al. 2015; Chuang et al. 2016; 118 acids and complex sugars (Weber 1998; Collins et al. 1995).

67 Butscher et al. 2017). 119 Glycolaldehyde was also detected outside of the Galactic

68 Woon(2002a) carried out a theoretical study of the forma- 120 Center towards the hot core G31.41+0.31 (Beltran´ et al. 69 tion of H2CO and CH3OH. Quantum chemical calculations 121 2009) (hereafter, G31). Ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH) is 70 were carried out to determine the activation barrier for the 122 the corresponding alcohol of glycolaldehyde. It was detected 71 hydrogen addition reactions (H + CO and H + H2CO) in gas, 123 in a wide variety of sources such as in the Galactic Center 72 with clusters (H2O)n (n≤ 3) and in ice phases. He 124 (Hollis et al. 2002; Belloche et al. 2013), NGC 1333-IRAS 73 included explicit water molecules to show the catalytic effect 125 2A (Maury et al. 2014), Orion bar (Brouillet et al. 2015)

74 on the activation barrier by surrounding water molecules. Ri- 126 and also in the comets C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) (Crovisier

75 mola et al.(2014); Das et al.(2008b) studied methanol for- 127 et al. 2004), C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) and C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy)

76 mation by successive hydrogen addition with CO in water 128 (Biver et al. 2014). It was also identified in the Murchinson

77 ice. They compared their simulated abundance with observa- 129 and Murray meteorites (Cooper et al. 2001). The abundance

78 tions. Recently, Song & Kastner¨ (2017) derived the tunneling 130 ratio of glycolaldehyde and ethylene glycol in star-forming 79 rate constant of H2CO + H reaction on amorphous solid wa- 131 regions and comets can help understand the possible preser- 80 ter for various product channels: CH2OH, CH3O, and H2 + 132 vation of complex organic molecules (Coutens et al. 2018). 81 HCO. They also provided the activation barrier of these three 133 (CH3OCHO) and (CH3COOH) 82 product channels and rate coefficients. 134 are two isomers of glycolaldehyde. The linkage between the 83 Identification of ethanal (CH3CHO, acetaldehyde) was 135 methyl formate, acetic acid, and glycolaldehyde can con- 84 first reported by Gottlieb(1973) toward Sgr B2 and Sgr A. 136 strain the understanding of the chemical and physical condi-

85 They reported an emission at 1065 MHz, which was assigned 137 tions of the star-forming core (Woods et al. 2013). Acetone 86 to the 110 → 111 transition of CH3CHO. This assignment 138 (CH3COCH3) is one of the most important molecules in or- 87 was based on the agreement in radial velocity with other 139 ganic chemistry, and it was the first species containing 10

88 molecules, which were observed in the galactic center region. 140 atoms identified in the ISM (Combes et al. 1987). Acetone

89 Then Fourikis et al.(1974) observed it toward Sgr B2 with 141 was also found to be present in the comet 67P/Churyumov- 90 the Parkes 64m telescope. Its successor, ethanol (C2H5OH, 142 Gerasimenko (Altwegg et al. 2017). Ethenone (CH2CO, 91 ethyl alcohol), is among the earliest complex molecules, 143 ketene) was identified for the first time toward Sgr B2(OH)

92 which was identified toward the Sgr B2 (Zuckerman et al. 144 by Turner(1977) through microwave measurements. Re-

93 1975). 145 cently, Turner et al.(2020) perform experiment combined 94 Propanal (CH3CH2CHO, ) is identified in 146 with high-level quantum chemical calculations and provide 95 Sgr B2(N) (Hollis et al. 2004), where it coexists with propy- 147 compelling evidence of ketene formation in the processed 96 nal (HC2CHO) and propenal (CH2CHCHO). The detection 148 mixture of water and carbon monoxide ices explaining the 97 of these three aldehydes toward the same source suggests that 149 observed ketene detection in deep space. The simplest enol 98 successive hydrogen additions might be an efficient process 150 compound, vinyl alcohol (CH2CHOH, ethenol), was identi- 99 to establish the chemical linkage between propynal, prope- 151 fied in an interstellar cloud of dust and gas near the center

100 nal, and propanal (Hollis et al. 2004). Propenal (also known 152 of the Milky Way galaxy toward Sgr B2(N) utilizing its

101 as ) is the simplest unsaturated aldehyde. It is the sec- 153 millimeter-wave rotational transitions (Turner & Apponi 102 ond most stable isomer of the C3H4O isomeric group (Etim 154 2001). In the dark cloud, the non-energetic process plays an 103 et al. 2018). Allyl alcohol (CH2CHCH2OH) is an isomer 155 active role in processing the ice constituents. In contrast, in 104 of propanal and the corresponding alcohol of propenal (Za- 156 the latter stages of star and planet formation, various ener-

105 verkin et al. 2018). Acetaldehyde is supposed to be a poten- 157 getic procedures play a crucial role (Fedoseev et al. 2017).

106 tial ancestor of carbohydrates and propenal (also known as 158 Laboratory experiments of methanol dissociation studied

107 acrolein) (Pizzarello & Weber 2004;C ordova´ et al. 2005). 159 through various energetic processes, such as photons, elec-

108 The corresponding alcohol of propanal is 1-propanol 160 trons, Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) photons, X-ray, etc. that 109 (CH3CH2CH2OH), which is yet to be observed in space. 161 could lead to the synthesis of various COMs. Oberg¨ et al. 110 However, trans-ethyl methyl ether (CH3CH2OCH3), which 162 (2009) found that the ratio between ethylene glycol to ethanol Aldehydes and their related alcohols 3

163 and methyl formate to ethanol varies with the ice temperature 209 chemical modeling and its implication are discussed in Sec-

164 and irradiation. 210 tion4 and finally in Section5, we conclude.

165 In this work, ALMA archival data of a hot molecular core,

166 G10.47+0.03 is analyzed which is located at a distance of

167 8.6 kpc (Sanna et al. 2014). This is a young cluster (Ce- 211 2. OBSERVATIONS OF A HOT MOLECULAR CORE,

168 saroni et al. 1998; Rolffs et al. 2011) whose luminosity is 212 G10.47+0.03 5 169 ∼ 5 × 10 L Cesaroni et al.(2010). Many simple species, 213 2.1. Observations and data analysis 170 complex organics, and molecules with higher upper energy 171 state (such as HC3N, HCN) were observed in this source, 214 This paper uses the ALMA cycle 4 archival data 172 suggesting an active site for the chemical enrichment (Ikeda 215 (12m array data) of the observations (#2016.1.00929.S) of

173 et al. 2001; Wyrowski et al. 1999; Gibb et al. 2004; Rolffs 216 G10.47+0.03 (hereafter, G10). The pointing center of the h m s 174 et al. 2011; Gorai et al. 2020). 217 G10 observations is located at α(J2000) = 18 08 38.232, ◦ 0 00 175 Recently Qasim et al.(2019) showed that the aldehyde 218 δ (J2000) =-19 51 50. 4. This observation was performed

176 and primary alcohol may be linked via successive hydrogen 219 with band 4 having four spectral bands covering the sky fre-

177 addition reactions. A similar connection is also observed 220 quencies of 129.50 − 131.44 GHz, 147.50 − 149.43 GHz,

178 between and secondary alcohols, i.e., isopropanol 221 153.00 − 154.93 GHz, and 158.49 − 160.43 GHz and corre- 179 (CH3CHOHCH3) can be synthesized via two successive hy- 222 sponding angular resolution at four different frequencies are 00 00 00 180 drogen additions with acetone (Hiraoka et al. 1998). Here, 223 1.67 (14362 AU), 1.52 (13072 AU), 1.66 (14276 AU), and 00 181 several aldehydes and alcohols are identified. Obtained col- 224 1.76 (15136 AU) respectively. The spectral resolution of

182 umn density, rotation temperature, spatial distributions of 225 the data is 976 kHz. The number of antennas used for the

183 these molecules are discussed to understand the morpholog- 226 corresponding four spectral windows are 39, 40, 41 and 39,

184 ical correlation between these aldehydes and alcohols. The 227 respectively. The flux calibrator, phase calibrator, and band-

185 astrochemical model is implemented to compare with the ob- 228 pass calibrator of this observation were J1733-1304, J1832-

186 servational finding. This work demonstrates that consecutive 229 2039, and J1924-2914. The systemic velocity of the source −1 187 hydrogen addition could contribute to forming some com- 230 is 68 km s (Rolffs et al. 2011). A detailed description of the

188 plex interstellar molecules. Here, the kinetics of the consec- 231 observations was presented in Gorai et al.(2020). Here, all

189 utive hydrogen addition reactions of alcohol production from 232 the analysis (spectral and line analysis) are carried out by us-

190 aldehyde, ketone, and ketene are examined. Binding ener- 233 ing CASA 4.7.2 software (McMullin et al. 2007). Since G10

191 gies (BEs) of a species with a grain substrate are essential 234 is a line-rich source, the corrected sigma-clipping method of

192 for constructing a chemical model. Most COMs are primar- 235 the STATCONT package (Sanchez-Monge´ et al. 2018) are

193 ily produced on the dust surface and further desorbed back 236 used to determine the continuum level in data cube. Fur-

194 to the gas phase (Requena-Torres et al. 2006). Most of the 237 ther, the spectral window of the data cube is divided into two

195 time, BE of these species is estimated, which may induce un- 238 data cubes (continuum and line emission), using the ‘uvcon-

196 certainties in the results. Our estimated BE values with the 239 tsub’ command in the CASA program. Line identification

197 water ice surface are included in our chemical model to see 240 is performed with the CASSIS (Vastel et al. 2015) (This

198 their impact. The proton affinity (PA) is not directly included 241 software has been developed by IRAP-UPS/CNRS (http:

199 in our model. But it is computed to check the reactivity of 242 //cassis.irap.omp.eu), which uses the Cologne Database for + 1 200 these species with H . The role of PA of various species and 243 Molecular (CDMS ,M uller¨ et al. 2001, 2005; 2 201 their intermediate steps is also discussed to synthesize new 244 Endres et al. 2016) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL ,

202 COMs. Some of our obtained kinetic parameters are directly 245 Pickett et al. 1998) databases. Various physical parameters

203 included in our chemical model to compare between the ob- 246 (VLSR, line blending, upper-state energy, Einstein coefficient,

204 servation and modeling yields. 247 and 3 sigma significance level) are considered. LTE syn-

205 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In 248 thetic spectra are generated with the best-fitted parameters

206 Section2, the observational results are presented. The com- 249 to compare the observed spectral feature and line identifica-

207 putational details adopted to explain the chemical linkage be- 250 tion. We have also used the https://splatalogue.online for the

208 tween aldehyde and alcohol are given in Section3. Astro- 251 additional confirmation of our choices.

1 https://cdms.astro.uni-koeln.de 2 https://spec.jpl.nasa.gov 4 Mondal et al.

Table 1. Summary of the line parameters of the observed molecules toward G10.47+0.03.

0 00 2 R Species J 0 0 -J 00 00 Frequency Eu ∆VImax VLS R Sµ TmbdV KaKc Ka Kc (GHz) (K) (km s−1) (K) (km s−1) (Debye2) (K km s−1)

Methanol 21−0,21 − 211,21E, vt=0 129.720384 546.2 9.6±0.2 30.1±0.6 66.9±0.1 19.8 308.7±14.5

(CH3OH) 17−4,13 − 18−3,16E, vt=0 131.134094 450.9 11.1±0.2 45.7±0.5 66.6±0.5 21.8 540.0±17.7

7−1,7 − 60,6E, vt=1 147.943673 356.3 11.1±0.8 32.1±1.9 66.2±0.4 14.4 378.5±52.8

15−0,15 − 151,15E, vt=0 148.111993 290.7 10.5±0.6 44.7±1.5 66.5±0.2 29.02 500.0±47.2

8−7,1 − 7−6,1E, vt=1 153.128697 664.5 10.4±0.2 9.15±0.1 66.8±0.1 15.9 101.1±3.1 ∗ 12−0,12 − 151,12E, vt=0 153.281282 193.8 11.37±0.2 40.28±0.6 66.3±0.1 30.7 487.4±14.5 ∗ 11−0,11 − 111,11 E, vt=0 154.425832 166.1 10.6±0.3 36.02±0.7 66.64±0.1 30.5 408.0±18.7

Ethylene Glycol 3310,23 − 3211,22, 1-1 130.115657 323 7.7±0.07 2.55±0.01 67.8± 0.03 53 20.9±0.3

(CH2OH)2 139,4 − 129,3, 0-1 130.998583 83.7 7.9±0.5 5.6±0.24 68.2±0.178 98.4 48.1±5.02

287,21 − 286,23, 1-0 131.229156 223.4 7.8±0.1 4.8±0.02 68.8± 0.04 158.3 39.8±0.7

273,25 − 272,26, 0-0 148.082465 185.5 7.2±0.13 4.8±0.15 69.3±0.12 87.3 36.89±1.8

398,32 − 397,33, 1-1 153.325448 414 10.5±0.5 3.9±0.1 69.4±0.15 385.1 44.14±3.13

84,5 − 73,5, 1-0 153.567383 25.4 8.9±0.27 13.8±0.33 66.9±0.11 60.4 131.45±7.08

133,11 − 122,10, 0-0 159.768239 48.8 8.73±0.25 9.32±0.15 68.4±0.08 62.8 86.65±3.87

Acetaldehyde 85,4 − 75,3,A 154.161467 89.8 7.3±0.7 5.0±0.4 67.6±0.3 61.7 38.8±0.10

(CH3CHO) 83,5 − 73,4,A 154.173895 114.4 6.6±0.2 1.3±0.1 67.8±0.1 44.3 9.2±0.53

84,4 − 74,3,A 154.201471 69.5 8.8±0.5 5.7±0.2 67.0±0.2 75.9 52.9±0.08

83,6 − 73,5,A 154.274686 53.7 8.4±0.2 5.3±0.1 67.1±0.7 87.0 47.5±0.01

83,5 − 73,4,E 154.296489 53.7 8.3±0.2 4.5±0.1 66.8±0.1 87.0 39.6±0.03

Propanal 107,4 − 106,5, A 147.867697 54.6 12.1±1.2 12.3±0.8 68.9±0.4 12.0 158.4±6.5

(CH3CH2CHO) 97,3 − 96,4, A 148.005214 49.6 10.1±0.3 11.5±0.3 67.6±0.1 9.3 123.8±1.5

253,22 − 252,23, A 153.554511 172.7 9.0±0.3 13.2±0.3 68.9±0.1 31.2 126.2±3.5

275,23 − 274,24, A 154.067527 206.2 8.5±0.3 13.5±0.3 69.8±0.1 41.6 123.4±3.3

162,15 − 151,14,A 159.932413 68.6 9.9±0.2 18.7±0.2 68.3±0.1 38.1 198.2±3.2

Glycolaldehyde 150,15 − 14114 153.597996 60.5 8.1±0.3 3.9±0.1 66.9±0.1 72.9 11.7±2.3

(HOCH2CHO) 207,13 − 206,14 153.614231 147.0 7.1±0.6 2.1±0.2 66.4±0.2 60.4 11.5±2.5

Acetone 2510,15 − 259,16, AE 130.708968 241 8.2±0.3 4.43±0.1 65.8±0.1 536.9 38.8± 2.1

(CH3COCH3) 122,11 − 111,10, AA 130.924799 44.1 10.6±0.2 7.7±0.1 66.3±0.1 876.4 86.6±2.9

115,7 − 104,6, EE 147.684364 48.4 9.6±0.2 6.13±0.1 67.5±0.1 783.8 62.7±2.5

2610,17 − 269,18, EE 149.190766 251 10.9±0.7 7.4±0.3 65.5±0.2 1309.1 86.1±8.2

132,11 − 123,10, AE 149.395864 55.8 10.8±1.1 8.4±0.5 68.3±0.4 517.6 96.7±15.7

142,12 − 133,11, EE 159.247634 63 8.7±0.2 14.8±0.2 67.5±0.1 1516.9 137.3±5.5

246,18 − 245,19, EE 159.415955 198 8.8±0.2 9.6±0.1 68.4± 0.1 902.1 89.16±2.6

224,18 − 223,19, EE 160.118153 157.1 9.3±0.2 4.3±0.1 65.5±0.1 607.6 42.4±2.0

Methyl formate 112,10 − 102,9, A 130.016790 40.7 9.5±0.20 17.55±0.3 66.1±0.07 28.04 178.3±6.44

(CH3OCHO) 112,10 − 102,9, E 130.010105 40.7 9.4±0.17 17.14±0.12 66.4±0.04 28.04 171.7±4.46

121,12 − 111,11, A 131.377495 230 9.38±0.2 6.28±0.05 66.7±0.05 31.39 62.7±1.83

124,8 − 114,7, E 148.575217 244.1 8.65±0.9 8.13±0.73 66.9±0.4 28.3 74.87±14.48

124,9 − 114,8, A 148.805941 56.8 8.52±0.44 18.13±0.7 66.3±0.2 28.4 164.50±14.98

Table 1 continued Aldehydes and their related alcohols 5 Table 1 (continued)

0 00 2 R Species J 0 0 -J 00 00 Frequency Eu ∆VImax VLS R Sµ TmbdV KaKc Ka Kc (GHz) (K) (km s−1) (K) (km s−1) (Debye2) (K km s−1)

133,11 − 123,10, A 158.704392 59.6 9.4±0.2 24.29±0.4 66.2±0.1 32.57 243.05±9.17

1310,4 − 1210,3, A 159.662793 120.04 8.71±0.3 18.78±0.3 66.64±0.07 14.1 174.12±4.38

137,6 − 127,5, A 160.178942 86.2 9.03±0.25 16.05±0.22 66.4±0.08 24.5 154.27±6.30

137,6 − 127,5, A 160.193496 86.2 9.5±0.15 35.15±0.32 66.48±0.04 24.5 358.00±3.00

Dimethyl ether 61,6 − 50,5, EE 131.405796 19.9 11.8±0.5 28.7±0.5 66.1±0.2 82.4 359.9±20.6

(CH3OCH3) 90,9 − 81,8, EE 153.054818 40.4 9.4±0.2 26.5±0.3 66.8±0.1 126.4 264.02±6.5

244,20 − 243,21, EE 153.385902 297.5 12.4±0.4 11.5±0.1 67.2±0.1 379.5 151.6±3.6

111,10 − 102,9, EE 154.455083 62.9 10.6±0.2 11.6±0.1 66.1±0.1 68.8 130.3±3.7 Note—∗ optically thick

252 2.2. Synthesized images 287 fitted spectra are shown in the Appendix (see Figure B1).

288 The integrated intensity for the methanol, ethylene glycol, 253 Continuum maps at 1.88 mm, 1.94 mm, 2.02 mm, and 2.30 289 and glycolaldehyde is obtained by simple Gaussian fitting 254 mm were presented in Gorai et al.(2020). They obtained the 00 290 to each transition. In the case of acetaldehyde, propanal, 255 corresponding synthesized beam and position angle 2.38 × 00 00 00 00 00 ◦ ◦ 291 acetone, methyl formate, and , torsional sub- 256 1.39 and 77.84 ; 2.03 ×1.47 and 73.50 ; 1.98 ×1.57 and 00 00 ◦ ◦ 292 states due to the internal rotation of the methyl group are no- 257 64.28 ; and 2.44 ×1.64 and 63.16 , respectively. Others pa- 293 ticed. For acetone and dimethyl ether, these sub-states are 258 rameters of continuum images such as frequency, peak flux, 294 AA, EE, EA, and AE. In the case of acetaldehyde, propanal, 259 integrated flux, and deconvolved beam size (FWHM) were 295 and methyl formate, A and E sub-states are noticed. But these 260 presented in Table 2 of Gorai et al.(2020). The synthesized 296 transitions are found to be blended with different sub-states. 261 beam size of this data cube was not sufficient to resolve the 297 These transitions were not resolved due to the low spectral 262 continuum emission. Hydrogen column density and dust op- 298 resolution of the present spectra. The integrated intensity 263 tical depth of each continuum map was presented in Table 4 299 is obtained with the Gaussian fitting and then dividing this 264 of Gorai et al.(2020). The average value of hydrogen column 2 25 −2 300 integrated intensity according to their Sµ values (obtained 265 density is ∼ 1.35×10 cm and dust optical depth is 0.136 301 from https://www.cv.nrao.edu/php/splat). The transition hav- 266 implies that the source as optically thin (Gorai et al. 2020). 302 ing maximum intensity between the torsional sub-states was

303 considered in the rotation diagram analysis to calculate the 267 2.3. Line analysis 304 rotation temperature and column density. 268 The observed spectra obtained within the circular region 00 305 2.4. Spatial distribution of aldehydes and alcohols 269 having a diameter of 2.0 (∼ 17200 AU) centered at RA h m s ◦ 0 00 270 (J2000) = (18 08 38.232), Dec (J2000) = (-19 51 50. 4) 306 The integrated intensity distribution of CH3OH, CH3CHO,

271 are continuum substracted for the analysis. The line width 307 (CH2OH)2, HOCH2CHO, CH3CH2CHO, CH3COCH3,

272 (∆V), the LSR velocity (V ), and the integrated inten- 308 CH3COH, and CH3OCH3 are shown in Appendix (see Fig- R LS R 273 sity ( TmbdV) of the each transition which is obtained 309 ures C1–C4). The source sizes are determined by using 274 after Gaussian fitting to the observed transition is noted. 310 two-dimensional Gaussian fitting of the images. The de-

275 All the line parameters corresponding to a observed tran- 311 convolved beam size of the emitting region is estimated as 0 00 q √ 2 2 276 sition such as associated quantum numbers J 0 0 -J 00 00 , 312 θs = θ − θ , where θ50 = 2 A/π is diameter of the R KaKc Ka Kc 50 beam 277 rest frequency (ν0), ∆V, TmbdV, upper state energy (Eu), 313 circle whose area (A) enclosing 50% line peak and θbeam is 278 VLS R are presented in Table1. Multiple transitions of 314 the half-power width of the synthesized beam (Rivilla et al. 279 methanol (CH3OH), acetaldehyde (CH3CHO), ethylene gly- 315 2017). It is noticed that all the lines have their peak around 280 col [(CH2OH)2], glycolaldehyde (HOCH2CHO), propanal 316 the position of the continuum. The emitting diameter of the 281 (CH3CH2CHO), acetone (CH3COCH3), methyl formate 317 observed species is summarized in Table A1. It is noticed 282 (CH3COH), and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) are identified. 318 that the emitting diameters of different observed transitions 283 This is the first time, ethylene glycol and propanal are iden- 319 are smaller than the beam size. So all these transitions are

284 tified in G10. Only two lines of glycolaldehyde are iden- 320 not well spatially resolved or, at best, marginally resolved.

285 tified. Therefore, it is considered as the tentative detection 321 In the case of methanol, the emitting region varies from 00 00 286 in this source. The observed spectra of these species and 322 1.23 to 1.81 , and it is noticed that the emitting regions of 6 Mondal et al.

Table 2. Estimated rotation temperature and column density 352 where, gu is the degeneracy of the upper state, kB is the Boltz- of the observed molecules in G10. In the last column, the ob- R 353 mann constant, TmbdV is the integrated intensity, ν is the tained column densities are compared with other observations 354 rest frequency, µ is the electric dipole moment, and S is the of G10. 355 line strength. Under LTE condition, the total column density −2 a −2 Molecule Trot[K] Ntot [cm ] Literature Ntot [cm ] 356 would be written as, CH OH 206 ± 66 (4.3 ± 3.4) × 1018 9.0 × 1018b thin 3 N Ntotal 17 u −Eu/kBTrot (CH2OH)2 185 ± 61 (5.0 ± 2.1) × 10 = exp , (2) 15 14c gu Q(Trot) CH3CHO 72 ± 11 (6.8 ± 1.1) × 10 (2.1 ± 0.7) × 10 CH CH CHO 234 ± 42 (2.4 ± 0.23) × 1017 3 2 357 where, Trot is the rotational temperature, Eu is the upper state 16 HOCH2CHO 155 1.3 × 10 358 17 17b energy, Q(Trot) is the partition function at rotational temper- CH3COCH3 224 ± 41 (5.4 ± 0.7) × 10 5.0 × 10 17 17b 359 ature. The above two equations can be rearranged as, CH3OCHO 191 ± 24 (9.1 ± 0.7) × 10 7.0×10 CH OCH 148 ± 42 (1.5 ± 0.4) × 1017 1.5 × 1018b ! ! ! ! 3 3 Nthin 1 E N u − u total Note— Estimated values have 12−33% and 8−79% uncertainty for temperature ln = + ln . (3) gu Trot kB Q(Trot) and column density, respectively. a This work, b 00 00 360 The rotational temperature and total column density of (Rolffs et al. 2011, θb = 0.28 − 4.27 , θs = 1.5 ,Tex = 200 K), c 00 00 (Ikeda et al. 2001, θb = 16 − 26 , θs = 20 , Trot = 30 ± 4 K) 361 a species are simultaneously determined from this expres-

362 sion. All the spectroscopic parameters for this analysis

363 are taken either from the Cologne Database for Molec-

364 ular Spectroscopy (CDMS, https://cdms.astro.uni-koeln.de,

365 Muller¨ et al. 2001, 2005; Endres et al. 2016) or from 323 methanol decrease with an increase of upper state energy. 366 the Jet Propulsion Laboratory datebase (JPL, http://spec. 324 Therefore, methanol could trace the temperature distribu- 367 jpl.nasa.gov, Pickett et al. 1998). Rotational diagram of 325 tion of the source. However, our data cannot provide much 368 methanol (CH OH), acetaldehyde (CH CHO), ethylene gly- 326 insight into the source’s temperature distributions due to 3 3 369 col [(CH OH) ], glycolaldehyde (HOCH CHO), propanal 327 the low angular resolution. All transitions of acetaldehyde 2 2 2 370 (CH CH CHO), acetone (CH COCH ), methyl formate 328 having upper state energy < 100 K are detected from the 3 2 3 3 00 00 371 (CH OCHO), and dimethyl ether (CH OCH ) are shown in 329 1.33 − 1.53 region. The emitting region of dimethyl ether 3 3 3 372 Figure1. The derived rotational temperatures and column 330 and methyl formate transitions having upper state energy 00 00 00 00 373 densities are summarized in Table2. In Table2, we have 331 < 100 K varies between 1.83 − 1.95 and 1.66 − 1.95 , re- 374 noted the errors. The relative percentage errors of the rota- 332 spectively. So, dimethyl ether and methyl formate transitions 375 tional temperature and column density are noted at the foot- 333 are found from roughly the similar region as acetaldehyde. 376 note of the table. The rotational diagram of glycolaldehyde 334 But the transitions of propanal, glycolaldehyde, acetone, and 377 is constructed with only two data points. Therefore, the rota- 335 ethylene glycol are detected from different positions. It is ob- 378 tional temperature has been assumed to some constant value. 336 served that the transitions of propanal, glycolaldehyde, and 379 Methanol transitions with a wide range (166 K - 664 K) 337 ethylene glycol emissions are very compact toward the dust 380 of upper state energies are observed. Some of these tran- 338 continuum except for some transitions. These suggest the 381 sitions are optically thick (i.e., 153.281 GHz and 154.425 339 grain surface origin of these species. Emissions of dimethyl 382 GHz). Therefore, it is challenging to construct the rotation 340 ether and methyl formate are found to be comparatively ex- 383 diagram with all seven unblended methanol lines (noted in 341 tended compared to the other species. The emitting region 384 Table1). Since two transitions are optically thick, these are 342 of ethylene glycol is small compared to the emission of all 385 excluded from the rotation diagram analysis. Furthermore, 343 other COMs identified in this work. The emitting region of 386 by considering the rest of the five transitions, considerable 344 dimethyl ether is found to be more extensive compared to all 18 387 uncertainty in the estimated column density ((3.7 ± 3) × 10 345 other species. −2 388 cm ) and rotational temperature (345 ± 198 K) is obtained.

389 Comparatively, a better linear fit was possible if we exclude

346 2.5. Rotation diagram analysis 390 the 148.111 GHz transitions from the rotation diagram (by 391 choosing the transitions having upper state energy > 300 347 Here, a rotational diagram analysis is performed by assum- 392 K). It yields a column density and rotational temperature of 348 ing the observed transitions are optically thin and in Local 18 −2 393 methanol (4.3±3.4)×10 cm and 206±66 K, respectively. 349 Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). For optically thin lines, 394 For the sample of considered molecules, our estimated ro- 350 column density can be expressed as (Goldsmith & Langer 395 tation temperature varies from 72 K to 234 K. A low rota- 351 1999), 396 tion temperature ∼ 72 ± 11 K for acetaldehyde is obtained, R thin 397 which is in agreement with the rotation temperature of ac- Nu 3kB TmbdV , 398 = 3 2 (1) cetaldehyde obtained by Ikeda et al.(2001). Olmi et al. gu 8π νS µ Aldehydes and their related alcohols 7

Figure 1. Rotation diagram of observed molecules are shown. The best fitted rotational temperature and column density are given in each panel. Filled purple squares are the data points and purple line represents the error bar. 8 Mondal et al.

399 (1996) derived a temperature of 160 K for CH3CN. Rolffs 450 timized structure of the reactants at CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ 400 et al.(2011) considered a temperature of 200 K to give an 451 level is carried out. The ice mixture is considered embed-

401 optimum fit to the data for line identification purposes. The 452 ded within a continuum solvation field to include the passive

402 average rotational temperature obtained from the species ob- 453 impact of bulk ice on the activation barrier and enthalpy of

403 served here is 177 K, which is in close agreement with Olmi 454 reaction. To mimic the ice phase feature, water is used as the

404 et al.(1996); Rol ffs et al.(2011). There could be a possibility 455 solvent. A self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) is routinely

405 of beam dilution on the derived column densities and excita- 456 applied in the electronic structure calculations to study the

406 tion temperatures. If the beam dilution effect is included in 457 spectroscopy and thermochemistry parameters of any species

407 the rotation diagram, it is noticed that, on average, our col- 458 in the ice phase. Explicit water molecules can also generate a

408 umn densities and temperatures would increase by a factor 459 more realistic (inhomogeneous) field. Since the typical size

409 of 3.2 and 1.4, respectively. Derived column density and ro- 460 of the interstellar water cluster (numbers of water molecules

410 tational temperature are further used in the LTE module of 461 required) is not known with certainty, it is preferred to use

411 CASSIS to produce synthetic LTE spectra and also compare 462 the SCRF method (Woon 2002b). The Polarizable Contin-

412 with our observations (see Figure B1). The average FWHM 463 uum Model (PCM) with different integral equation formal-

413 of each species from Table1 is used for this computation. 464 ism variant (IEFPCM) as a default self-consistent reaction 00 414 A source size of 2 with the ALMA telescope is considered. 465 field (SCRF) method is used for this purpose (Cances` et al.

415 Figure B1 shows a good agreement with the observed feature 466 1997; Tomasi et al. 2005). A similar level of theory and basis

416 except for the three transitions of methanol and all the tran- 467 set is used for the gas phase calculations. This method cre-

417 sitions of dimethyl ether. The intensity of the three methanol 468 ates a solute cavity by overlapping spheres (Tomasi & Per-

418 transitions is overproduced. Among them, 153.281 GHz and 469 sico 1994; Pascual-Ahuir et al. 1987). The implicit solvation

419 154.425 GHz transitions are optically thick. All the transi- 470 model places the molecule of interest inside a cavity in a con-

420 tions of dimethyl ether are underproduced. During the line 471 tinuous homogeneous dielectric medium (in this case, water)

421 analysis, it is noticed that these transitions consist of multiple 472 that represents the solvent. This method is proven to be pro-

422 sub-states. The strongest transition is only considered based 473 ducing convincing results for ices. The PCM model is used 2 423 on their Sµ value. Thus, the obtained FWHMs are possibly 474 to consider the reaction field of bulk ice. Here, the cluster

424 overestimated during the Gaussian fitting, which can under- 475 is treated explicitly to avoid spurious boundary effects. In

425 produce the intensity of these transitions in Figure B1. 476 this framework, the reaction fields issuing from a dielectric

477 constant of 78 for water or about 100 for ice (Aragones et al.

478 2011) are essentially identical. Hence, the solid phase calcu- 426 3. KINETICS OF THE ALDEHYDES, ALCOHOLS, 479 lations and the thermochemistry parameters reported here are 427 KETONE, AND KETENE OBSERVED IN G10 480 close to those in ice. The BE and PA of the aldehydes, ke- 428 Here, an extensive theoretical investigation is carried out 481 tone, ketene, and corresponding alcohols are also calculated 429 to understand the formation mechanism of some aldehydes, 482 quantum chemically discussed in Section 3.2. 430 alcohols, ketene, and ketone, which are observed in G10.

431 All the quantum chemical results presented in this article are 483 3.1. Rate constants

432 carried out using the Gaussian 09 suite of programs (Frisch 484 A cross-over temperature, Tc is defined as the maximum 433 et al. 2013). The Density Functional Theory (DFT) method 485 temperature below which tunneling reaction dominates and 434 with B3LYP functional (Becke 1993) and 6-31+G(d,p) ba- 486 above which thermal activation reaction takes over. Tc is cal- 435 sis set is used in computing the activation barrier and en- 487 culated by the following relation: 436 thalpy of reactions. Both the activation and reaction en- hω 437 ergies are calculated including the harmonic zero-point vi- T , c = 2 (4) 438 brational energy (ZPVE) and considering a temperature of 4π kB

439 ∼ ∼ 298.15 K and 1 atmosphere pressure. A fully opti- 488 where h is the Planck’s constant, kB is the Boltzmann con- 440 mized ground-state structure is verified to be a stationary 489 stant, and ω is the absolute value of the the imaginary fre-

441 point (having non-imaginary frequency) by harmonic vibra- 490 quency at the TS. For all the gas phase reactions, the transi-

442 tional frequency analysis. For the transition state (TS) calcu- 491 tion state theory (TST) is applied. Gas-phase rate constant

443 lation, the QST2 method of the Gaussian 09 program is used. 492 can be calculated by the following expression, 444 All the TSs are verified using the internal reaction coordi- kBT  ‡ 445 nate (IRC) analysis which connects reactants and products K = exp(−∆G /RT), (5) hc0 446 through the minimum energy path of the potential energy sur- ‡ 0 447 face (PES). Further, the higher-order method is employed to 493 where, ∆G is the Gibbs free energy of activation, c is the

448 examine the effect on the activation barrier calculation. The 494 concentration (∼ 1), R is the ideal gas constant and T is the

449 single point energy calculation of the TS structure and the op- 495 temperature. Aldehydes and their related alcohols 9

Table 3. Calculated Gibbs free energy of activation, activation barrier, and reaction enthalpy of alochols formation via successive hydrogen addition with aldehydes, ketone, and ketene by using lower-level [B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)] and higher-level [CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ] of theory considering 298.15 K temperature and 1 atmospheric pressure.

Serial No. Reaction type Reactions Gibbs Free Energy of Activation Activation Barrier Enthalpy of Reaction

(kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol)

Gas Phase Ice Phase Gas Phase Ice Phase Gas Phase Ice Phase

Methanal - Methanol

a i a i 1a. (NR) H2CO + H → CH2OH 10.57 11.32 5.59 (9.35) [10.35] 6.49 (10.02) [11.16] -32.31 -32.39 1b. (RR) CH2OH + H → CH3OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -94.75 -94.93 a i a i 2a. (NR) H2CO + H → CH3O 7.10 6.97 1.89 (3.35) [4.29] 1.76 (3.10) [3.26] -27.61 -27.07

2b. (RR) CH3O + H → CH3OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -99.44 -100.24

Ethanal - Ethanol

a a 3a. (NR) CH3CHO + H → CH3CHOH 11.41 12.44 5.91 (9.38) 6.91 (10.24) -27.96 -26.80 3b. (RR) CH3CHOH + H → CH3CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -92.61 -93.21 a a 4a. (NR) CH3CHO + H → CH3CH2O 10.10 10.24 4.11 (5.36) 4.25 (5.38) -21.50 -20.27

4b. (RR) CH3CH2O + H → CH3CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -99.07 -99.74

Propanal - 1-Propanol

a ii a ii 5a. (NR) CH3CH2CHO + H → CH3CH2CHOH 11.12 12.08 5.47 (9.27) [9.82] 6.41 (9.87) -28.10 [-26.31] -18.42 5b. (RR) CH3CH2CHOH + H → CH3CH2CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -92.82 -101.80 a ii a ii 6a. (NR) CH3CH2CHO + H → CH3CH2CH2O 10.08 10.27 3.99 (4.97) [5.71] 4.19 (4.96) -22.00 [-19.74] -20.76

6b. (RR) CH3CH2CH2O + H → CH3CH2CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -98.91 -99.46

Propenal - Allyl alcohol

a ii a ii 7a. (NR) CH2CHCHO + H → CH2CHCHOH 9.56 10.48 4.00(6.30) [7.89] 2.36 (10.47) -40.29 [-38.93] -39.59 7b. (RR) CH2CHCHOH + H → CH2CHCH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -76.72 -77.07 a ii a ii 8a. (NR) CH2CHCHO + H → CH2CHCH2O 10.32 10.24 4.43 (5.79) [6.43] 4.38 (6.60) -18.00 [-16.16] -16.72

8b. (RR) CH2CHCH2O + H → CH2CHCH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -99.00 -99.95

Propynal -

ii a ii 9a. (NR) HC2CHO + H → HC2CHOH 8.86 9.65 3.41 [7.41] 4.20 (8.28) -43.92 [-42.42] -43.22 9b. (RR) HC2CHOH + H → HC2CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -79.53 -80.44 ii a ii 10a. (NR) HC2CHO + H → HC2CH2O 9.63 9.47 3.74 [5.78] 3.59 (5.68) -22.42 [-21.00] -22.20

10b. (RR) HC2CH2O + H → HC2CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -101.02 -101.46

Glycolaldehyde - Ethylene glycol

a iii a 11a. (NR) HOCH2CHO + H → HOCH2CHOH 11.42 12.31 5.50 (8.75) [9.51] 6.32 (9.29) -29.43 -30.43 11b. (RR) HOCH2CHOH + H → HOCH2CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -92.18 -92.44 iii a 12a. (NR) HOCH2CHO + H → HOCH2CH2O 9.43 9.67 3.34 (4.47)[4.97] 3.38 (4.17) -22.38 -22.61 12b. (RR) HOCH2CH2O + H → HOCH2CH2OH ······ 0.00 0.00 -99.22 -100.25

Acetone - Isopropanol

a a 13a. (NR) CH3COCH3 + H → CH3COHCH3 11.27 12.44 5.56 (9.15) 6.66 (9.85) -25.76 -24.35 13b. (RR) CH3COHCH3 + H → CH3CHOHCH3 ······ 0.00 0.00 -90.73 -91.08 b 14a. (NR) CH3COCH3 + H → CH3CHOCH3 12.97 12.97 6.29 6.55 (—) -16.40 -24.35 14b. (RR) CH3CHOCH3 + H → CH3CHOHCH3 ······ 0.00 0.00 -100.10 -91.08

Ethenone - Vinyl alcohol

a 15a. (NR) CH2CO + H → CH2COH 17.52 18.22 11.80 (5.39) 12.49 (17.59) -15.60 -16.96 15b. (RR) CH2COH + H → CH2CHOH ······ 0.00 0.00 -45.67 -45.30 a 16a. (NR) CH2CO + H → CH2CHO 10.04 9.92 4.36 (3.97) 4.26 (5.43) -41.76 -43.87 16b. (RR) CH2CHO + H → CH2CHOH ······ 0.00 0.00 -19.51 -18.40

Note— NR refers to Neutral-Radical reactions, and RR to Radical-Radical reactions. aBracketed values are calculated using CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level, bWe did not find true transition state, iSong & Kastner¨ (2017), iiZaverkin et al.(2018), iiiAlvarez-Barcia´ et al.(2018). 10 Mondal et al.

20 20 Methanal-Methanol Propanal-1-Propanol Propynal-Propargyl alcohol Ethenone-Vinyl alcohol Propenal-Allyl alcohol Acetone-Isopropanol Propynal-Propenal Ethanal-Ethanol Glycolaldehyde-Ethylene glycol TS12.49 10 TS TS TS TS 10 TS 6.49 6.91 6.41 TS TS 6.32 6.66 4.38 4.20 TS 4.25 4.19 6.55 3.59 3.38 4.26 2.57 1.76 2.36 0 0 + H 3 CO + H CO + H 2 2 CHO + H CHO + H CHO + H CHO + H CHO + H 2 2 2 3 H 2 CH COCH CHCHO + H 3 3 HC HC CH CH

-10 3 -10 CH CH HOCH CH CH2COH (15a) CH3CH2CHOH (5a) HOCH CH O (12a) CH2CHCH2O (8a) 2 2 -20 CH3CH2O (4a) CH CHOCH (14a) -20 HC CH O (10a) 3 3 CH3CH2CH2O (6a) 2 2 CH O (2a) CH COHCH (13a) Energy [kcal/mol] 3 3 3 Energy [kcal/mol]

CH3CHOH (3a)

-30 HOCH2CHOH (11a) -30 CH2OH (1a)

CH CHCHOH (7a) -40 2 -40 HC CHOH (9a) 2 CH2CHO (16a) HCCHCHO -50 -50 Figure 2. Schematic potential energy surfaces of alcohol formation from aldehyde and ketone for various hydrogenation reactions (representing IEFPCM correction for the influence of ice) indicating stable species and transition states. Energy differences in units of kcal/mol are shown, referenced to reactant complexes calculated using DFT-B3LYP/6-31G+(d,p) level of theory. The red lines denote H addition at O positions, whereas the black lines represent H addition at C positions. Aldehydes and their related alcohols 11

496 High-level quantum chemical calculations of six aldehyde- 547 ues vary between 1000 K and 9370 K. This uncertainty in the 497 alcohol pairs with one ketone-alcohol and one ketene-alcohol 548 BE value may lead to a very different abundance of CH3OH 498 pairs are presented and discussed in detail. Aldehyde to alco- 549 under different astrophysical environments. The hydrogen

499 hol, ketone to alcohol, ketene to alcohol formation may occur 550 abstraction reaction of methanol also plays an essential role

500 through successive hydrogen addition reaction in two steps: 551 in controlling the abundance of COMs. Methanol abstraction

501 The first step is aldehyde/ketone/ketene + H → radical-1 and 552 reaction barrier and the rate constant are taken from Song &

502 the second step is radical-1 + H → alcohol. The first step 553 Kastner¨ (2017).

503 of all these reactions is neutral-radical reactions, whereas the

504 second step is a radical-radical reaction. The first step of all 554 3.1.2. Ethanal and Ethanol 505 these reactions thus having an activation barrier, whereas the 555 506 second step is barrierless as both reactants have free elec- Here, the formation of C2H5OH via two successive hy- 556 507 trons, which makes them very reactive. Our calculations drogen addition reactions with the CH3CHO is considered. 557 508 show that six aldehydes (such as methanal, ethanal, propanal, Kinetic information (i.e., activation barrier and reaction en- 558 509 propenal, propynal, and glycolaldehyde), one ketone (such thalpy) of these two reactions are noted in Table3. Looking 559 510 as acetone), and one ketene (such as ethenone) are form- at the activation barriers reported in Table3, it is clear that 560 511 ing alcohols (such as methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, allyl al- similar to methanol formation, here also, the hydrogen addi- 561 512 cohol, propargyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, isopropanol, and tion at the carbon atom position of CH3CHO (i.e., the forma- 562 513 vinyl alcohol, respectively) via two successive hydrogen ad- tion of CH3CH2O, reaction 4a) is more efficient compared to 563 514 dition reactions. In terms of stability, the observed alcohols the hydrogen addition at the O atom position (i.e., the for- 564 515 are thermodynamically favorable compared to their isomers. mation of CH3CHOH, reaction 3a). The relative abundances 565 516 The formation of complex molecules on the grain surface between the acetaldehyde and ethyl alcohol seem to depend 566 517 through successive hydrogen additions is found to be dom- upon the evolution time, availability of the hydrogen atoms, 567 518 inant. Formation pathways of these molecules are discussed ice thickness, and ice morphology (Bisschop et al. 2007, 568 519 below, and a graphical representation of PESs of their for- 2008). Only the hydrogenation reactions are not enough in 569 520 mation mechanism considering IEFPCM model and DFT- explaining the observed abundances of ethanal-ethanol. It is 570 521 B3LYP/6-31G+(d,p) level of theory is shown in Figure2. needed to consider the ice phase reaction between CH3 and 571 CH2OH for the formation of ethanol in the ice phase.

522 3.1.1. Methanal and Methanol

572 3.1.3. Propanal and 1-Propanol 523 Here, the activation barrier of the reaction H +H2CO is 524 computed, for the production of CH2OH or CH3O (reactions The coexistence of propanal, propynal, and prope- 525 1a and 2a of Table3). It is noticed that the hydrogen addition nal in Sgr B2(N) (Hollis et al. 2004) could be ex- 526 to the carbon atom of H2CO (i.e., the formation of CH3O, plained by the following successive hydrogenation se- 527 methoxy radical) is more favorable than that of its addition quences; HC2CHO (propynal) → CH2CHCHO (propenal) 528 to the O atom of H2CO (i.e., the formation of CH2OH) in → CH3CH2CHO (propanal). Recently, Qasim et al.(2019) 529 both gas- and ice-phases considering both (DFT-B3LYP/6- studied the propanal formation by the radical-radical reaction 530 31+G(d,p) and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ) level of theory. This between HCO and H3CCH2. They used the sequential hydro- 531 is consistent with earlier experimental and theoretical results genation of propanal to form 1-propanol. The first step of the

532 (Chuang et al. 2016; Song & Kastner¨ 2017). Song & Kastner¨ reaction has a high activation barrier. But this reaction can

533 (2017) studied the TS of reactions 1a and 2a both in gas- change the saturated bond to the unsaturated radicals, which

534 phase and on five different binding sites of the amorphous may again undergo some radical-radical recombination reac-

535 solid water (ASW) surface and calculated the corresponding tions. Qasim et al.(2019) obtained a significant production

536 activation energies. We compare our activation energy values of 1-propanol with this pathway. Our TST calculation for the

537 with their gas-phase and ice-phase for binding site ASW 5 in successive hydrogenation pathways is shown in Table3. It

538 Table3, which shows a good agreement when we considered is noticed that the hydrogen addition at the carbon atom po- 539 CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. Woon(2002a) pre- sition of propanal (CH3CH2CH2O formation, reaction 6a of 540 dicted the barrier height of reaction 2a as 5.04 kcal/mol for Table3) is favorable compared to the atom position 541 the gas-phase and it decreases to 4.81 kcal/mol when the re- of propanal (CH3CH2CHOH formation, reaction 5a). The 542 action is embedded with the IPCM field. In our case, we gas-phase activation and reaction energies (including ZPVE)

543 also found the similar decreasing trend from gas-phase to of Zaverkin et al.(2018) are compared with ours in Table3

544 ice-phase considering both level of theory. Song & Kastner¨ which is in good agreement with our values calculated using 545 (2017) also computed the BE of H2CO for different sites of higher-level of theory. Except the successive hydrogenation 546 amorphous solid water (ASW) surface and found that BE val- reactions, following ice phase reactions, are also considered 12 Mondal et al.

for the formation of propynal, propenal, and propanal. 603 space is an indication of the precursor of biologically rele-

604 vant molecules. Identification of the numerous complex or-

C2H + H2CO → propynal + H, 605 ganic molecules in the Galactic Centre (GC) makes it an ac-

606 tive area of research. Specifically, the study of the chem-

O + C3H3 → propynal + H, 607 ical evolution of the grain mantle, where various energetic

608 processes (like UV radiation, X-rays, and cosmic rays, etc.) HCO + C3H3 → propenal + H, 609 may reprocess the mantle composition, are fascinating. The

610 C and O addition to the formyl radical and then three suc- HCO + H3CCH2 → propanal + H. 611 cessive hydrogen additions yield glycolaldehyde. The two

612 573 3.1.4. Propenal and Allyl Alcohol subsequent hydrogen additions to the glycolaldehyde can 613 produce ethylene glycol (Charnley 2001). Fedoseev et al. Propenal is also a product of the two successive hydrogena- 614 (2015) proposed that two HCO radicals can recombine to tion reactions with propynal. 615 produce glyoxal (HC(O)CHO), which can also subsequently

616 convert to glycolaldehyde. Coutens et al.(2018) investi- propynal + 2H → propenal (CH2CHCHO). 617 gated the formation mechanism of these two species (gly-

618 colaldehyde and ethylene glycol) using a gas-grain chemical 574 Here, the other product channel of this reaction is studied. 619 model. They studied the EG/GA ratio for various luminosi- 575 Firstly, the hydrogenation reaction of propynal would form 620 ties. Alvarez-Barcia´ et al.(2018) studied two successive hy- 576 propenal. In the second step, propenal could undergo an- 621 drogen addition reactions with acetaldehyde which can pro- 577 other hydrogenation reaction to form allyl alcohol. The TS 622 duce ethylene glycol. They also studied the hydrogen ab- 578 calculation of the first step found an activation barrier of 2.60 623 straction reactions of GA and EG. Table3 shows the kinetics 579 kcal/mol in the gas phase and 2.57 kcal/mol in the ice phase 624 involved in converting ethylene glycol from glycolaldehyde. 580 considering lower-level of theory (see Figure2). Table3 625 Like the methanal-methanol, ethanal-ethanol, propanal-1- 581 shows the activation barriers for the hydrogen addition at the 626 propanol, and ice phase pathways of propynal-propargyl al- 582 propenal’s carbon and oxygen atom position. It is noted that, 627 cohol pairs, the favorable position of the hydrogen addition 583 unlike the other cases, here, the hydrogen addition at the oxy- 628 is noted to be the carbon atom (HOCH2CH2O formation, re- 584 gen atom of propenal (CH2CHCHOH formation, reaction 7a) 629 action 12a) instead of the oxygen atom (HOCH2CHOH for- 585 seems to be more favorable than it is with the carbon atom 630 mation, reaction 11a) of glycolaldehyde. 586 position (CH2CHCH2O formation, reaction 8a) considering

587 lower-level of theory. But considering higher-level of the- 631 3.1.7. Acetone and Isopropanol

588 ory, opposite trend is found which agrees well with the val- 632 Acetone (CH3COCH3, propanone) and isopropanol 589 ues calculated by Zaverkin et al.(2018) shown in Table3 for 633 (CH3CHOHCH3, , 2-propanol) might be 590 comparison. 634 chemically connected. Table3 shows the two successive hy-

635 drogenations of acetone (reactions 13 and 14). We check 591 3.1.5. Propynal and Propargyl Alcohol 636 the TST calculations for the hydrogen addition either with

Transformation from propynal (HC2CHO) to propargyl al- 637 the oxygen atom (activation energy 5.56 kcal/mol) or with

cohol was already reported by Gorai et al.(2017b). This hap- 638 the carbon atom (activation energy 6.29 kcal/mol) position of

pened via two successive hydrogenations with propynal : 639 acetone and found that the former one is more favorable than

640 the latter in the gas phase considering lower-level of theory. propynal + 2H → propynol (propargyl alcohol, HC2CH2OH). 641 In contrast, the opposite trend was noted in the ice phase. We

642 could not find a proper TS using higher-level of theory for 592 Table3 shows a di fferent trend for the hydrogen addition for 643 reaction 14a in the ice-phase. 593 reactions 9a and 10a in the gas-phase. The hydrogen addi-

594 tion to the oxygen atom position (reaction 9a) is favorable 644 3.1.8. Ethenone and Vinyl Alcohol

595 than that of the carbon atom position (reaction 10a) using 645 Vinyl alcohol is a planar molecule, which has two confor- 596 lower-level of theory, whereas Zaverkin et al.(2018) found 646 mations. The “syn” conformer is found to be more stable 597 an opposite trend. In contrast, the opposite trend is noticed 647 than that of the “anti” conformer (Turner & Apponi 2001). 598 for the ice-phase using both lower- and higher-level of theory. 648 Here also, the “syn” conformer of vinyl alcohol is considered

649 for the quantum chemical calculations. Here, the TS of the 599 3.1.6. Glycolaldehyde and Ethylene Glycol 650 two successive hydrogen addition reactions to ketene is ex-

600 Glycolaldehyde is the simplest form of the aldose fam- 651 amined for the formation of vinyl alcohol. The first step has

601 ily. The sugars like glucose, ribose, and erythrose belong 652 an activation barrier, whereas the second step is a radical-

602 to this family. Therefore, the presence of glycolaldehyde in 653 radical reaction and is assumed to be barrierless. Vinyl al- Aldehydes and their related alcohols 13

654 cohol can also form from acetaldehyde via the isomeriza- 705 Plesset (MP2) method with an aug-cc-pVDZ basis set (Dun-

655 tion process (Kaser¨ et al. 2020). Table3 depicts that the 706 ning 1989) is used following Das et al.(2018). The ZPVE

656 hydrogen addition at the carbon atom position is more fa- 707 and basis set superposition error (BSSE) correction are not

657 vorable than the oxygen atom position of ethenone. Table3 708 considered for BE calculations.

658 shows that the H addition to the O atom position of ketene 709 Obtained BE values are shown in Table4. It is inter-

659 (reaction 15a) requires a significantly higher activation bar- 710 esting to note that a higher BE for the alcohol is obtained

660 rier than the H addition to the O atom position of the other 711 in most cases than their corresponding aldehyde, ketone, or 661 species (reactions 1a, 3a, 5a, 7a, 9a, 11a, 13a) reported here. 712 ketene. Obtained values with CO and CH3OH significantly 662 It could be due to the change of the hybridization of C atom 713 differ from that of water. In terms of average values, the BE

663 of ketene from sp (linear) to sp2 (bent) during the H addi- 714 values with water monomer is ∼ 2.85 times higher than the 664 tion reaction. On the other hand, there is no change of hy- 715 CO monomer and 1.16 times lower in comparison to CH3OH 665 bridization upon H addition to the other aldehyde, which re- 716 monomer. Here, in our chemical model, the obtained BE val- 666 quires only small structural change and thus, the activation 717 ues with CO and CH3OH are not included because it is not 667 energy could be small. Carr et al.(1968) studied the reaction 718 available for the other species. However, BE values obtained

668 of ketene with atomic H at room temperature where the re- 719 with the c-tetramer water configuration are included in our ∗ 669 action H + H2CCO → CH3CO → CH3 + CO occurs rather 720 model with an appropriate scaling factor suggested in Das −13 3 −1 −1 670 slowly (rate constant 1.3 × 10 cm mol s ), while nei- 721 et al.(2018). In Table4, the ground state spin multiplicity 671 ther H + H2CCO → CH2CHO nor H abstraction occur very 722 of the species used to calculate the BE is also noted. Sepa- 672 significantly. 723 rate calculations (job type “opt+freq” in Gaussian 09 suite)

724 with different spin multiplicities are used. The lowest energy

725 electronic state in between these is noted as the ground state. 673 3.2. Binding Energy and Proton Affinity + + 726 The protonation reactions (i.e., X + H → XH ) and pro- 674 A sizable portion (∼ 60 − 70% of the surface coverage) of + + 727 ton transfer reactions (i.e., X + YH → XH + Y) have a sig- 675 the interstellar icy layers may contain water molecules. That 728 nificant impact on the interstellar chemistry (Wakelam et al. 676 is why the BE of the interstellar species is usually explored 729 2010; Herbst & Leung 1986). The ab-initio quantum chemi- 677 with the H2O surface. However, the rest (∼ 30 − 40%) of 730 cal approaches provide a reliable value of the proton affinity 678 the grain mantle would comprise other impurities. CO2, CO, 731 for small molecules where the experimental determination of 679 and CH3OH can occupy a sizable portion of the grain mantle 732 these parameters is a difficult task. A systematic study to cal- 680 in different lines of sight. Keane et al.(2001) summarized 733 culate the adiabatic PA of aldehydes, ketone, ketene, and cor- 681 the relative abundance of CO, CO2, and CH3OH relative to 734 responding alcohols is considered in this work. PA is defined 682 water ice could vary in the range of 0.4 − 15, 0.17 − 21, and 735 as the energy released when a proton is added to a system. 683 1.5 − 30, respectively, in different lines of sight. So, the BE 736 Thus the energy difference between a species and a species 684 with these surface species is also important in the various + 737 with an additional proton (H ) is estimated. It is calculated 685 evolutionary phases. It is needed to construct a model which 738 as the difference in energy (electronic + zero-point energy) 686 can consider the BE depending on the surface composition of 739 between a neutral species and its protonated analog, i.e., 687 the ice. Furuya & Persson(2018) reported a model in which

688 the BE depends on the surface composition of ice mantles. PA = EX − EXH+ , (6) 689 However, showing the results of such a chemical model is 690 out of scope for this work. 740 where EX is the optimized energy of the species X, and EXH+ 691 A realistic estimation of the BEs with various substrates 741 is the optimized energy of the protonated species, XH+. To

692 is not available. In the absence of any experimental val- 742 find the optimized energy of all structures, a Second-order

693 ues, the quantum chemical method provides an educated es- 743 Møller-Plesset (MP2) method with an aug-cc-pVDZ basis set

694 timate (Das et al. 2018; Wakelam et al. 2017). Here, CO and 744 is again used. This is then verified via harmonic frequency 695 CH3OH molecules are considered a substrate for this pur- 745 calculations with the equilibrium geometries having only real 696 pose. 746 frequencies. Zero-point correction to energies is not consid-

697 Gaussian 09 suite of programs employed for the quan- 747 ered to evaluate the PA of the species reported here. The pro-

698 tum chemical calculations is utilized to evaluate the BE val- 748 tonation of a neutral species can occur in more than one posi-

699 ues. To calculate the BE, which is opposite to interaction 749 tion, which yields different protonated species with other PA.

700 energy for the bound system, the optimized energy for the 750 To avoid any ambiguity, only the highest PA is noted in Ta-

701 complex system (where a species is placed at a suitable dis- 751 ble5. Protonated form with higher PA of a neutral species is

702 tance from the grain surface) is subtracted from the total op- 752 found to be more stable and more abundant (in some cases),

703 timized energies of the grain surface and species. To find the 753 and thus may be detectable. In contrast, another protonated

704 optimized energy of all structures, a Second-order Møller- 754 form with lower PA forming from the same neutral species 14 Mondal et al.

Table 4. Calculated binding energy values of the aldehydes, alcohols, ketone and ketene considered in this work.

Species Ground state Binding Energy (Kelvin)

used CO monomer CH3OH monomer H2O monomer H2O tetramer (scaled by 1.188) Available Methanal Singlet 641 2942 2896 3242a (3851) 2050b, 4500 ± 1350c Methanol Singlet 1247 3227 3124 4368a (5189) 5534b, 5000 ± 1500c Ethanal Singlet 1015 1964 3189 3849a (4573) 2450b, 5400 ± 1620c Ethanol Singlet 873 3408 2824 5045 (5993) 6584b, 5400 ± 1620c Propanal Singlet 680 3679 3522 3396 (4034) 4500 ± 1350c 1-Propanol Singlet 1298 3932 2609 4791 (5692) ··· Propenal Singlet 1043 3236 3170 3495 (4152) 5400 ± 1620c Allyl Alcohol Singlet 1381 3625 2958 5964 (7085) ··· Propynal Singlet 1174 3072 2318 3379 (4014) ··· Propargyl Alcohol Singlet 1031 4119 2870 4284 (5089) ··· Glycolaldehyde Singlet 826 3254 2871 5131 (6096) ··· Ethylene Glycol Singlet 933 4666 3144 4602 (5467) ··· Acetone Singlet 728 3769 3623 4420 (5251) 3500b Isopropanol Singlet 1369 3640 2879 5230 (6213) ··· Ethenone Singlet 732 1450 1317 2847 (3382) 2200b, 2800 ± 840c Vinyl Alcohol Singlet 1236 3407 2836 3786 (4497) ···

Note— aDas et al.(2018), bKIDA old BE, cKIDA new BE (Wakelam et al. 2017).

Table 5. Calculated proton affinity of these species.

Species Protonation Reactions Proton Affinity (kJ/mol)

Our calculation Available

+ + a Methanal HCHO + H → CH2OH 692 712.9 ± 1.1 + + a Methanol CH3OH + H → CH3OH2 740 754.3 + + a Ethanal CH3CHO + H → CH3CHOH 749 768.5 ± 1.6 + + Ethanol C2H5OH + H → C2H5OH2 764 + + Propanal CH3CH2CHO + H → HCH3CH2CHO 769 + + 1-Propanol CH3CH2CH2OH + H → HCH3CH2CH2OH 770 + + Propenal CH2CHCHO + H → CH2CHCHOH 764 + + Allyl Alcohol CH2CHCH2OH + H → CH2CHCH2OH2 773 + + Propynal HC2CHO + H → HC2CHOH 733 + + Propargyl Alcohol HC2CH2OH + H → HC2CH2OH2 742 + + Glycolaldehyde HOCH2CHO + H → H2OCH2CHO 759 + + Ethylene Glycol HOCH2CH2OH + H → HOCH2CH2OH2 797 + + Acetone CH3COCH3 + H → CH3COHCH3 793 + + Isopropanol CH3CHOHCH3 + H → CH3CHOH2CH3 782 + + a Ethenone CH2CO + H → CH3CO 822 825.3±3 + + b Vinyl Alcohol CH2CHOH + H → CH3CHOH 800 882.8

Note—aHunter & Lias(1998), bTurner & Apponi(2001)

755 is less stable. This species is very reactive, and the high re- 763 et al. 2017a,b; Sil et al. 2018; Bhat et al. 2021; Gorai et al.

756 activity of this protonated species may reduces its interstel- 764 2020; Sil et al. 2021) is implemented for studying the for-

757 lar abundance. We notice that ethenone has the highest and 765 mation of aldehydes, ketone, ketene and their corresponding

758 methanal has the lowest PA among all the species considered 766 alcohols. The low metallic elemental abundances are used as

759 for this study. 767 the initial abundances (Wakelam & Herbst 2008, EA1 set).

768 Gas-phase pathways of CMMC are mainly adopted from the

760 4. CHEMICAL MODELING 769 UMIST database (McElroy et al. 2013). Additionally, a com-

770 761 The Chemical Model for (hereafter plete network for the formation of alcohols and aldehydes is 771 762 CMMC) (Das et al. 2015a,b; Das et al. 2019, 2021; Gorai considered. For the construction of these reaction sets, the Aldehydes and their related alcohols 15

Table 6. Comparison between the observed abundance and our CMMC results with Model C (set 4).

Species Obtained abundances Obtained abundance Observed abundances

from model ratio from model G31.41+0.31 Sgr B2 (N) Orion KL G10.47+0.03

Methanal 3.3(−9) − 5.8(−7) [1.9(−7)]e [3.2(−08)]m [6.1(−7)]b Methanol 3.5(−8) − 1.4(−5) 1.0(1) − 5.3(1) [1.9(−6)]e [7.7(−7)]m [7.1(−6)]x [2.2(−7)]l [3.2 ± 2.5(−7)]a, [1.8(−6)]b Ethanal 1.8(−13) − 5.0(−9) [1.0(−9)]n [1.4(−08)]m [9.5(−8)]x [5.0 ± 0.8(−10)]a Ethanol 7.4(−10) − 9.7(−8) 8.0(−2) − 2.6(4) [2.0(−8)]n[1.3(−9)] f [1.1(−7)]m[3.6(−7)]x [1.3(−8)]l [1.2(−7)]b Propanal 7.3(−10) − 4.8(−8) [1.8 ± 0.2(−8)]a 1-Propanol 2.4(−12) − 1.1(−7) 2.6(−4) − 1.3(2) Propenal 2.0(−13) − 1.9(−9) [1.2(−10)]∗d Allyl alcohol 8.7(−15) − 1.7(−9) 3.6(−2) − 2.9(0) Propynal 3.1(−11) − 2.2(−09) Propargyl alcohol 6.4(−15) − 1.3(−11) 1.4(−4) − 1.0(−2) Glycolaldehyde 2.8(−15) − 1.3(−06) [8.3(−11)] f [3.2(−10)]m [1.9(−8)]x [1.5(−10)]l [9.6 ± 0.007(−10)]a Ethylene glycol 5.5(−17) − 1.6(−5) 1.9(−2) − 4.45(2) [1.7(−10)] f 4.1(−10)]m [2.3(−9)]l [3.7 ± 1.5(−8)]a Acetone 6.6(−14) − 1.7(−8) [2.6(−8)]m [4.0 ± 0.5(−8)]a, [1.0(−7)]b Isopropanol 1.2(−13) − 4.4(−9) 9.7(−2) − 7.4(3) Ethenone 4.6(−13) − 5.5(−9) [8.0(−8)]b Vinyl alcohol 3.5(−11) − 1.4(−8) 1.9(0) − 7.7(1) [≤2.3(−9)]∗d Methyl formate 2.3(−11) − 1.3(−6) [2.6(−9)] f [7.7(−8)]m [9.5(−8)]x [1.2(−7)]k [6.7 ± 0.5(−8)]a, [1.4(−7)]b Dimethyl ether 3.5(−9) − 1.5(−7) 1.2(−1) − 1.5(2) [4.2(−9)] f [3.5(−7)]m [3.0(−7)]k [1.1 ± 0.3(−8)]a, [3.0(−7)]b


00 00 00 00 a e − × 25 −2 f − G31 observation: Gorai et al.(2021) (used ALMA with θb = 0.98 1.19 and NH2 = 1.53 10 cm ), Rivilla et al.(2017) (used SMA with θb = 0.75 3.5 00 × 26 −2 n × 23 −2 and NH2 = 1.2 10 cm ), Nummelin et al.(1998) (used SEST and IRAM with θb = 10 and NH2 = 1.6 10 cm ) 00 00 00 00 x − × 24 −2 m − Sgr B2 observation: Belloche et al.(2014) (used ALMA with θb = 1.2 1.9 and NH2 = 5.6 10 cm ), Belloche et al.(2013) (used IRAM with θb = 10 25 × 24 −2 and NH2 = 5.6 10 cm (Belloche et al. 2014)) 00 00 l − × 24 −2 k Orion KL observation: Brouillet et al.(2015) (used ALMA with 1 .4 1.9 and NH2 = 2.0 10 cm (Favre et al. 2011)), Tercero et al.(2015) (used ALMA 00 00 − × 24 −2 with 1.29 2 and NH2 = 2.0 10 cm (Favre et al. 2011)) 00 00 00 00 a − × 25 −2 b − G10 observation: This work (used ALMA with θb = 1.39 2.44 and NH2 = 1.35 10 cm ), Rolffs et al.(2011) (used SMA with θb = 0.28 4.27 and with 00 × 24 −2 ∗d 23 NH2 = 5 10 cm ), Dickens et al.(2001) (used SEST & NRAO for possible detection of propenal and upper limit for vinyl alcohol with θb = 45 and NH2 = 10 cm−2)


772 ice phase reactions noted in Table3 are considered. The 792 the diffusive surface reaction can lead to chemical complex-

773 activation energy barriers calculated with the CCSD(T)/aug- 793 ity. However, to successfully continue the diffusive reaction

774 cc-pVTZ level are adopted. Since, for the reaction 13a of 794 mechanism, the reactants should be in the close vicinity until

775 Table3, a true TS was not obtained with the CCSD(T) /aug- 795 they react. There is a possibility that two reactants can move

776 cc-pVTZ level of theory, the activation barrier obtained with 796 apart or be desorbed back to the gas phase. So it is essential to

777 the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory is used. For the 797 consider the competition between diffusion, desorption, and

778 gas phase destruction of these species, interstellar photoreac- 798 reaction. Following Garrod & Pauly(2011), here this pos- 7 −3 779 tions, cosmic-ray induced reactions, and ion-molecular reac- 799 sibility is included. At the high density (∼ 10 cm ) and + + + + + 780 tions with major ions (He ,H3 , HCO ,H3O ,C , etc.) are 800 around 10 K, a notable portion of the grain surface would be 781 considered. The destruction of some of these reactions was 801 covered by molecular hydrogen. At this stage, encounter des- 782 already available in McElroy et al.(2013). If it is not avail- 802 orption of H2 (Hincelin et al. 2015; Chang et al. 2021; Das 783 able, a very similar reaction with the same rate constants is 803 et al. 2021) needs to be considered to avoid an unnecessary −17 784 adopted for these reactions. A rate of 1.3 × 10 804 surge in the grain’s molecular hydrogen. The grain mantle’s −1 785 s is considered in all our models. Cosmic ray-induced des- 805 chemical composition at this phase is crucial to delivering the

786 orption and chemical desorption with the efficiency of 1% is 806 surface species into the gas phase during the warm-up stage. 787 considered. For the all-grain surface species, a photodesorp- 807 Here, the encounter desorption mechanism of H2 is consid- −3 788 tion rate of 3 × 10 per incident UV photon (Oberg¨ et al. 808 ered in our model. 789 2007) is adopted. A sticking coefficient of 1.0 is considered 809 The BE (Ed) of the surface species plays a decisive role in 790 for the neutral species. Sticking coefficients of H and H2 is 810 controlling the chemical complexity of the interstellar ice. A 791 taken from Chaabouni et al.(2012). On the grain surface, 811 straightforward relation between the diffusion energy (Eb) of 16 Mondal et al.

Table 7. Different sets of BE used based on the ratio between the

410 410 diffusion energy to binding energy (R). T =T (x 2 Model A) 390 d g 390

1e+07 7 AV (Model A) 10 370 370 BEs used R nH (Model A & B)

T (x 2 Model B) 350 350 d set 1 Wakelam et al.(2017) 0.5 A (Model B) 330 V 330 Tg (x 2 Model B) set 2 Wakelam et al.(2017) 0.35 310 310 set 3 1.188 × BE of Das et al.(2018) 0.35


290 Isothermal collapse 1e+06 Warm-up Post-warm-up 6 10 set 4 1.188 × BE of Das et al.(2018), BE of 0.35 270 270

250 H, and H from Wakelam et al.(2017) 250 ) 2 -3

230 230 V

210 210 ) (cm H


190 5 190 10 3 T & A 816 the KIDA database or taken from Das et al.(2018). Das 170 170 log(n

150 817 150 et al.(2018) provided BE values for some relevant interstellar

130 130 818 species with the water surface. They computed the interac-

110 110

1e+04 4 819

90 tion energies, varying the size of the substrate. They showed 90 10

70 70 820 that their method would yield a minimum deviation with the

50 50 821 experimentally obtained BE values when a higher-order clus- 30 30

10 10 822 ter is used. Table4 shows the computed BEs of these alde-

1e+03 3 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 x 10 1.05 x 10 1.10 x 10 1.15 x 10 823 hydes, alcohols, ketone, and ketene with various substrates. log(Time) (year) Time (year) 824 The ground state used to calculate the BE of these molecules

825 is also pointed out along with the BE values in Table4. Das

826 et al.(2018) suggested a scaling factor ∼ 1.188 while using 210 210 T =T (Model C) 200 827 200 d g the tetramer water configuration for the computation of the

1e+07 7 AV (Model C) 10 190 190 nH (Model C) 828 BE. The scaled BE values are also noted in Table4. Ex- 180 180 829 170 Isothermal collapse 170 Warm-up Post-warm-up cept for the glycolaldehyde and ethylene glycol pair, for all

160 160 830 the cases, obtained BEs with the tetramer configuration are

150 150 1e+06 6 10 831 140 140 noted to be comparatively higher than that of their related


130 ) 832 aldehyde, ketone, or ketene. These new sets of BEs with the -3 120 120

V 833

110 tetramer configuration of water molecules are included in our 110 ) (cm

100 H 100 1e+05 5 10 834 chemical model with appropriate scaling. T & A 90 90 835 log(n

80 Depending on the BEs and R values, four sets of BEs are 80

70 70 836 constructed (see Table7). For set 1 and set 2, BEs are used

60 60 837 from the KIDA database (Wakelam et al. 2017). The only


1e+04 4 50 10

40 40 838 difference between set 1 and set 2 is that for set 1, R = 0.5

30 30 839 is used, whereas, for set 2, R = 0.35 is used. Recently, Das 20 20

10 10 840 et al.(2018) provided a set of BEs for 100 relevant interstel-

1e+03 3 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 841 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 x 10 1.50 x 10 2.00 x 10 2.50 x 10 lar species with the water surface. They used the tetramer log(Time) (year) Time (year) 842 configuration of water molecules for this calculation. They

843 suggested using a scaling factor of 1.188 with this to esti-

Figure 3. Physical conditions considered in Model A and Model 844 mate the BEs of these species. The set 3 is constructed with

B are shown in the upper panel and in the lower panel, we show 845 the BE values provided by Das et al.(2018). Sil et al.(2017) the adopted physical conditions for Model C. The X-axis of the fig- 846 reported the BEs of H and H2 for a comprehensive collection ure shows the logarithmic scale for the isothermal collapsing phase, 847 of surfaces (, silica, and water). They showed that the whereas, beyond that, it is shown on the regular scale. In case of 848 BE of H and H are very sensitive to the choice of substrates. Model A and Model C, an isothermal collapsing phase is consid- 2 ered whereas in Model B, a pre-stellar core phase is considered 849 These variations should be expected for all the species if var- where temperature is decreased in the upper panel, temperature is 850 ious substrates would have been considered. But showing all scaled by a factor of 2 for the better visibility. 851 the changes here would be out of scope for this work. Here, 852 one additional BE set is considered, where the BE of H and 853 H2 are kept the same as it was used in KIDA, but for the oth- 812 a species with the BE is considered by following Eb = REd, 854 ers, it is the same as it is in set 3. Thus, in set 3, BE of H, 813 where, R may vary in between 0.35−0.8 (Garrod et al. 2007). 855 and H of 148 K, and 627 K, respectively, are used from Das 814 Here, R = 0.35 and 0.50 are used to show their effects on 2 856 et al.(2018) after scaling by 1.188, whereas in set 4, it is used 815 the chemical complexity. These BEs are either taken from

3 http://kida.astrophy.u-bordeaux.fr/ Aldehydes and their related alcohols 17

857 650 K and 440 K, respectively for H, and H2 (Wakelam et al. 904 The physical condition described here are summarized in 858 2017). R = 0.35 is considered for both the set 3 and 4. 905 Figure3. The time evolution of density, temperature, and

906 visual extinction in the three distinct phases are shown for 859 4.1. Physical conditions 907 Model A, Model B, and Model C. The left axis of Figure3

860 Here, a physical condition is used, which is suitable to ex- 908 represents the variation of temperature and visual extinction

861 plain the properties of a hot core. Three models (Model A, 909 parameter in the linear scale, whereas the right axis repre-

862 Model B, and Model C ) are implemented to describe the 910 sents the density curve in the logarithmic scale. For the better

863 chemical complexity around this region. The physical condi- 911 visibility, in the top panel, temperature is plotted by scaling

864 tion of our Model A is divided into three distinct phases. In 912 by a factor of 2. Model A and Model B start with an isother- 5 6 865 the first phase (10 -10 years), an isothermal (gas and grain 913 mal collapsing phase. In this case, the dust temperature and

866 temperature are kept the same) collapse of the cloud is con- 914 gas temperature are kept the same. Here, a region having an

867 sidered from a minimum hydrogen number density (nHmin) 915 initial temperature between 8 − 20 K is explored to check the 3 −3 868 3×10 cm to a maximum hydrogen number density (nHmax) 916 sensitivity of our Model A on the initial choice of the ini- 7 −3 869 10 cm . During this phase, the visual extinction param- 917 tial temperature. The temperature range for the initial phase

870 eter (AV ) can gradually increase due to increased density. 918 of Model A and Model C is highlighted with the red shaded

871 The following relation between AV and nH is used to con- 919 region. The visual extinction for the initial phase (isother-

872 sider this situation (Lee et al. 1996; Gorai et al. 2020; Das & 920 mal collapsing phase) of Model A and C is kept constant at st 873 Chakrabarti 2011). 921 2. In the case of Model B, the gas temperature of the 1

p p 922 phase is kept fixed at 10 K, and dust temperature is estimated AV = max(AV min, ( nH/nHmin−1)/( nHmax/nHmin−1)×AV max). 923 based on equation8. The initial visual extinction of Model B (7) 924 is varied in between 0.1 − 10 (corresponds to an initial dust 874 It is considered that AV can vary from a minimum value 925 temperature of 16 − 5 K from equation8) to check its e ffect 875 (AV min = 2) to a maximum value (AV max = 200. In the second 4 926 on chemical evolution. The initial choice of visual extinction 876 phase (5 × 10 years), the cloud remains constant at nHmax, 927 parameter and its estimated dust temperature of Model B are 877 AV max. At the end of this phase, gas and dust temperature can 928 highlighted in green and yellow, respectively, in Figure3. In 878 reach up to 200 K. The third or last phase is a post warm-up 5 929 the warm-up phase of Model A, Model B, and Model C, AV 879 phase (period of 1.0 × 10 years), where nH,AV , and temper- 930 and nH are kept constant at their highest value, and the tem- 880 ature are kept fixed at their respective highest values. 931 perature is allowed to increase up to 200 K. It is the typical 881 In the case of Model B, the pre-stellar collapsing phase is 932 temperature of a hot core (Garrod et al. 2008). In the post- 882 considered instead of the initial isothermal collapsing phase. 933 warm-up phase, both the models have identical conditions. 883 In this phase, the dust temperature is allowed to decrease as

884 the collapse proceeds. Gas temperature is kept constant at 10 934 4.2. Modeling results 885 K during this collapse. The other two phases are considered 935 4.2.1. Abundances 886 the same as Model A. Dust temperature of the pre-stellar col-

887 lapsing phase is calculated by using the following empirical 936 In Model A, various cases starting with the initial temper-

888 relation proposed by Hocuk et al.(2017) and used in Shi- 937 ature between 8 − 20 K are considered. Figure4 shows the 889 monishi et al.(2020): 938 variation of peak abundances with respect to H2 obtained dur- Hoc 1/5.9 939 ing the simulation time scale. Six pairs of aldehyde-alcohol, Td = [11 + 5.7tanh(0.61 − log10(AV ))]χuv , (8) 940 one pair of ketone-alcohol, and one pair of ketene-alcohol 890 where χuv is the Draine UV field strength (Draine 1978), cor- 941 shown. Observed abundances in G10, G31, Sgr B2(N), and 891 responding to 1.7G0 using the Habing field (Habing 1968). 942 Orion KL are shown in solid blue, red, cyan, and orange 892 Here, G0 is the Far Ultraviolet radiation field in the Habing 943 curves, respectively. In Figure4, the violet solid line rep- −3 −2 −1 893 unit (∼ 1.6 × 10 erg cm s ) integrated over the energy 944 resents the case with set 1 BEs reported in Table7. The solid 894 range 6 − 13.6eV. Here, χuv = 1 is used. 945 black line represents the case with set 2. A lower value of 895 Model C is the same as Model A. The only difference be- 946 R provides more mobility to the surface species keeping the

896 tween Model A and Model C is the isothermal collapsing 947 same resident time on grains. It yields a dramatic change in

897 time scale of the first phase. In Model C, a shorter time scale 948 the production of surface species. The changes in the chem- 5 898 (10 years) for the isothermal collapse is considered. It is 949 ical composition of interstellar ice would reflect a significant

899 more relevant for high mass star-forming regions. Thus, in 950 difference between the gas phase abundances of the species −3 900 the case of Model A, we have a density slope of ∼ 10 cm 951 shown in Figure4. The case with set 3 is represented with the −3 901 per year, whereas it is ∼ 100 cm per year in the collapsing 952 solid green line in Figure4. The set 4 case is with the solid

902 phase. The warm-up and post-warm-up timescales are kept 953 brown curve in Figure4. It is evident from Figure4 that the

903 the same as in Model A. 954 resulting peak abundance is highly sensitive on the choice of 18 Mondal et al.

Model A Observed value Model B Model C set 4 set 1 set 1 G31 G10 (upper limit) set 2 set 2 G10 Sgr B2(N) set 3 set 3 Orion KL set 4 set 4

10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5

-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10 methanal ethanal propanal propenal propynal glycolaldehyde acetone ethenone

10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 2

10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8

10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9

10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 Abundance w.r.t. H

10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11

10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12

10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5

8 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20

-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 10 ethanol propanol allyl alcohol propargyl alcohol ethylene glycol isopropanol vinyl alcohol

10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 10-7 2

-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10-8 10 methanol

10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-9

10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10 Abundance w.r.t. H

10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11

10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12

8 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20

Td (K) Td (K) Td (K) Td (K) Td (K) Td (K) Td (K) Td (K)

Figure 4. The initial dust temperature versus the peak gas-phase abundance obtained from Model A, Model B, and Model C is shown in various cases. Eight pairs of species are shown. Observed/upper-limit of the abundances of these species are marked with red (G31), blue (G10), Sgr B2(N) (cyan), and Orion KL (orange) if available. Since, in G10, some species are identified here, observed errors are shown with the thick blue curve. The solid curve represents the cases with Model A and dashed curves represent the same cases for Model B. Results obtained with Model C and set 4 are shown with the dashed-dot lines. The lower eight panels show the peak abundance variation of alcohols whereas the top panels show their related aldehyde, ketone, and ketene respectively. Thus, we conclude that there is both observational and theoretical evidence for production of alcohols via hydrogenation of precursor aldehydes, ketones and .

955 initial temperature. More specifically, on the dust tempera- 968 origin of these species is evident from the results obtained

956 ture. Some cases of Model A are tested with a different gas 969 from Model A. The results obtained from Model A seem to

957 temperature than dust and did not find significant differences 970 be highly sensitive to the initial dust temperature, which sug-

958 in the peak abundance. 971 gests that either these species were formed during the initial

959 It is noticed that set 1 and set 2 BEs are helpful to explain 972 cold phase or the seeds of these species were produced dur-

960 the abundances of these aldehydes and alcohols except gly- 973 ing the initial stage. The final gas-phase abundance of these

961 colaldehyde and ethylene glycol. The set 3 BEs deviate very 974 species is highly affected by the surface species present at

962 much from the observed value. It is mainly because of the 975 the beginning of the warm-up phase. The surface species at 963 adopted BE values of H (148 K) and H2 (627 K). However, 976 the warm-up phase are re-processed with the elevated tem- 964 with the set 4 BEs, the observed abundance of ethylene gly- 977 perature, where radicals take an active part in building the

965 col could be explained. It is because set 4 considered the 978 chemical complexity. Once the warm-up phase starts, the 966 BE of H and H2 same as these are in set 1 and set 2 (650 979 desorption of the surface species enhances and might reach 967 K and 440 K, respectively for H and H2). The ice phase 980 their respective sublimation temperatures and populate the Aldehydes and their related alcohols 19

10 -4 10-4 methanal ethanal Isothermal collapse Warm-up Post-warm-up propanal 10 -6 propenal 10-6 propynal glycolal acetone 10 -8 ethenone 10-8 2

10 -10 10-10

10 -12 10-12

10 -14 10-14 Abundance w.r.t. H

10 -16 10-16

10 -18 10-18

10 -20 10-20 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 41.00 x 10 5 1.50 x 10 5 2.00 x 10 5 2.50 x 10 5 log(Time) (year) Time (year)

10 -4 10-4 methanol ethanol Warm-up Post-warm-up propanol Isothermal collapse 10 -6 allyl alcohol 10-6 propargyl alcohol ethylene glycol isopropanol 10 -8 vinyl alcohol 10-8 methyl formate dimethyl ether 2

10 -10 10-10

10 -12 10-12

10 -14 10-14 Abundance w.r.t. H

10 -16 10-16

10 -18 10-18

10 -20 10-20 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 41.00 x 10 5 1.50 x 10 5 2.00 x 10 5 2.50 x 10 5 log(Time) (year) Time (year)

Figure 5. The chemical evolution of aldehyde, ketone, ketene and their corresponding alcohols are shown with the set 4 of CMMC Model C while initial dust temperature kept at 10 K. The X-axis of the figure shows the logarithmic scale for the isothermal collapsing phase, whereas, beyond that, it is shown on the regular scale. Gas phase abundance are represented with the solid curve whereas for the ice phase it is with the dashed curve. Additionally, the time evolution of propynal, methyl formate, and dimetyhyl ether are shown. 20 Mondal et al.

Model A Observed value Model B Model C set 1 G31 set 1 set 4 set 2 G10 G10 (upper limit) set 2 set 3 Sgr B2(N) set 3

set 4 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 Orion KL set 4

2 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 10 ally alcohol/ propargyl alcohol/ isopropanol/ propenal propynal acetone

101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Abundance ratio 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1

-2 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-2 10 methanol/methanal ethanol/ethanal propanol/propanal ethlyne glycol/ vinyl alcohol/ glycolaldehyde ethenone

10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20

Td(K) Td(K) Td(K) Td(K) Td(K) Td(K) Td(K) Td(K)

Figure 6. The obtained ratio in between six pairs of alcohol and aldehyde along with the ratio of alcohol-ketone and alcohol-ketene is shown. The observed ratio is marked in red (G31), blue (G10), cyan (Sgr B2(N)), and orange (Orion KL). Model A results are highlighted with solid curves whereas the same with Model B is represented with dashed curves and with Model C is represented with dot-dashed curves. Aldehydes and their related alcohols 21

981 gas phase. With set 4 BE and Model A, it is possible to ex- 1033 ered for Model C and set 4 are noted in Table6. The errors in

982 plain the observed abundances except glycolaldehyde. 1034 obtained abundances are only shown for those species which

983 The results obtained with Model B are also shown in Fig- 1035 are identified herein G10. The errors are calculated by tak- 984 ure4. All the four cases mentioned in the context of Model 1036 ing the uncertainty in estimating the H2 column density and 985 A are also considered with Model B. To visualize the differ- 1037 the column density obtained from rotation diagram analysis.

986 ences between Model A and Model B, Model B cases are 1038 Gorai et al.(2020) obtained an average column density of 25 −2 987 highlighted with the dashed curves, but with the same color 1039 ∼ 1.35 × 10 cm . The error in estimating the column 22 −2 988 codes. It is interesting to note that for Model B, significant 1040 density was ±1.0 × 10 cm , which mainly arose from the

989 changes of abundance for the adopted BE parameters are no- 1041 uncertainty of the measured flux. The error in estimating the

990 ticed. Like Model A, the results of Model B are not so much 1042 column density of the species is taken from Table2. For es-

991 sensitive to the initial choice of dust temperature. The reason 1043 timating the abundance errors for glycolaldehyde, only the 992 behind this deviation is the adopted dust temperature at the 1044 uncertainty in predicting the H2 column density is consid- st 993 1 phase of Model A and Model B (see Figure3). In Model 1045 ered. 6 994 A, the dust remains at a constant temperature for ∼ 10 years, 1046 It is noticed that our results can successfully explain the 3 995 whereas in Model B, in between a few times 10 years, it 1047 observed abundances.

996 drops down to temperature < 10 K. This affects the mobility

997 of the surface species. Since it stays at < 10 K during its first 1048 4.2.2. Molecular ratios 998 phase of evolution, Model B does not show dramatic changes 1049 In Figure6, the temperature variation of the ratio obtained 999 between the variation of the initial dust temperature. 1050 between the peak abundance of six pairs of alcohol-aldehyde, 1000 The orange curve of Figure4 represents the variation of 1051 one pair of alcohol-ketone, and one pair of alcohol-ketene for 1001 the peak abundances of these species with set 4 and Model 1052 Model A (solid curve), Model B (dashed curve), and Model 1002 C. It is interesting to note that with the shorter collapsing 1053 C (dot-dashed curves) are shown. The observed ratios for 1003 time scale (relevant for the hot core) of Model C, peak abun- 1054 G31, G10, Sgr B2(N), and Orion KL are shown with red, 1004 dances of complex organic molecules are significantly en- 1055 blue, cyan, and orange solid lines, respectively. The simu- 1005 hanced. Most of the observed abundances could be explained 1056 lated ratio between the peak abundance of alcohol and alde- 1006 with set 4 of Model C. The increase in the abundances of the 1057 hyde/ketone/ketene obtained with set 4 and Model C, along 1007 complex organic molecule with the shorter collapsing time is 1058 with the observed abundances of these species is noted in Ta- 1008 not so straightforward. Many parameters are involved in it. 1059 ble6. Table6 depicts the observed abundances in G31, G10, 1009 But the shorter collapsing time leads to a much steeper slope 1060 Sgr B2, and Orion KL, along with our modeled abundance. 1010 for the density, which means that the depletion will be much 1061 Mainly the interferometric observations (wherever available) 1011 faster and the complex molecules, once produced, will have a 1062 are noted to facilitate a comparative study between the chem- 1012 comparatively shorter time to be destroyed further. In Figure 1063 ical complexity of these hot cores. However, it is worth point- 1013 5, the time evolution of the gas phase and ice phase abun- 1064 ing out that all these observations are carried out with dif- 1014 dances of aldehydes, alcohols, ketone, and ketene with re- 1065 ferent facilities with very diverse angular and spatial resolu- 1015 spect to H2 are shown. Only the results obtained with Model 1066 tions. The facility used for each observations along with the 1016 C by considering an initial gas and ice temperature of 10 K 1067 H2 column density used to derive the abundances are noted 1017 is shown. There is some uncertainty in the observations. Ad- 1068 at the footnote of Table6. Here, the band 4 archival data 1018 ditionally, the chemical model includes lots of estimated pa- 1069 of G10 is only analyzed, which reports only one alcohol- 1019 rameters (BEs, reaction pathways, reaction rates, interaction 1070 aldehyde pair (ethylene glycol-glycolaldehyde pair). These 1020 with dust, etc.) that can induce severe skepticism. Due to 1071 two species are recognized for the first time in this source. 1021 these reasons, it is not easy to match all the observed abun- 1072 Earlier, Rolffs et al.(2011) obtained the methanol-methanal 1022 dances simultaneously. In Figure4, the peak abundance is 1073 pair. Any transitions of methanal are not identified within 1023 taken beyond the isothermal collapsing phase. Figure5, de- 1074 our spectral bands. So, a direct comparison between our ob- 1024 picts that beyond the isothermal phase these peak gas-phase 1075 tained ratios and others could not be performed. For exam- 1025 abundance appeared during the warm-up phase, when the 1076 ple, Table6 denotes a higher methanol abundance obtained 1026 temperature varies in between ∼ 100 − 120 K. So our time 4 1077 by Rolffs et al.(2011) than ours. This is because the beam 1027 uncertainty is relatively small (∼ 10 years). 1078 size of our band 4 observation of ALMA varies between 1028 A comparison between our obtained gas-phase peak abun- 00 00 1079 1.39 − 2.44 (∼ 12000 − 21000 AU, considering 8.6 kpc 1029 dance with the observational results is shown in Table6. 1080 distance). In contrast, the beam size of the submillimeter Ar- 1030 Only the results obtained with set 4 of Model C are used to 1081 ray (SMA) observation at 345 GHz of Rolffs et al.(2011) 1031 show this comparison. Minimum and maximum peak abun- 00 1082 is 0.3 (∼ 2600 AU, considering 8.6 kpc distance). The in- 1032 dances obtained within the initial temperature range consid- 1083 tegrated emission map of the methanol transitions shown in 22 Mondal et al.

1084 Figure C3 suggests that the methanol is more compact. So 1134 • Various aldehydes, alcohols, and a ketone are iden-

1085 as expected, with the higher spatial resolution, Rolffs et al. 1135 tified in G10. Among them, ethylene glycol and

1086 (2011) can trace the more inner region of the G10, and thus 1136 propanal are detected for the first time in G10, and gly-

1087 they obtained a higher abundance than us. Furthermore, for 1137 colaldehyde is tentatively detected.

1088 deriving the abundances from Rolffs et al.(2011), a hydro- 24 −2 1138 • The column densities and fractional abundances of the 1089 gen column density of 5 × 10 cm is used. In contrast, our 25 −2 1139 observed molecules are estimated assuming LTE con- 1090 abundance is derived by considering 1.35 × 10 cm (Gorai 1140 ditions. The kinetic temperatures of the gas are also 1091 et al. 2020), which might also create significant variation. 1141 evaluated, which varies from 72 K to 234 K. 1092 Since our chemical model does not consider the spatial vari-

1093 ation of the abundances, explaining the observed ratio with 1142 • The spatial distributions of the observed species are in- 1094 the suitable beam size is also out of scope for this work. 1143 vestigated, and their zeroth-order moment maps and 1095 The observed ratio is calculated from the observed pair 1144 emitting regions are provided. However, molecular 1096 from the same source (if available). It depicts that the 1145 emissions are not well spatially resolved or, at best, 1097 methanol to methanal abundance ratio in these sources can 1146 marginally resolved. Thus, we need high angular res- 1098 vary between 2.95−23.8, whereas our calculated methanol to 1147 olution data to understand their detail distributions in 1099 methanal ratio varies between 10−53. The observed ratio be- 1148 G10. 1100 tween ethanol to ethanal varies between 5−261, whereas our

1101 model results show it ranges between 0.08 − 25600. The ob- 1149 • Successive hydrogenation reaction can lead to

1102 served ethylene glycol to glycolaldehyde ratio varies between 1150 the formation of alcohol starting from the alde-

1103 1.3 − 37, whereas our model derives 0.019 − 445. The ob- 1151 hyde/ketone/ketene. Extensive quantum chemical cal-

1104 served ratio between the vinyl alcohol to ethenone is 0.021, 1152 culations are carried out to yield the TS of some of

1105 whereas our chemical model estimates 1.78 − 77. In brief, 1153 these reactions. The first step of the hydrogen addition

1106 the observed ratio of three alcohol-aldehyde pairs (methanal- 1154 reactions has an activation barrier, whereas the second

1107 methanol, ethanal-ethanol, glycolaldehyde-ethylene glycol) 1155 step could be considered barrier-less radical-radical

1108 is > 1 in G10, G31, Sgr B2(N), and Orion KL. Thus, in the 1156 reactions. Our higher-level (CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ)

1109 high-mass star-forming regions, the abundances of these al- 1157 ice-phase calculations depict the first step of hydro-

1110 cohols are generally higher than their respective aldehydes. 1158 genation reaction at the carbon atom position for all

1111 Our estimated molecular ratios for these alcohol-aldehyde 1159 the pairs (except acetone-isopropanol) is compara-

1112 pairs are similar to the observed values in the temperature 1160 tively favorable than the oxygen atom position. In the

1113 range 12 − 18 K (see Figure6). However, in the case of 1161 acetone-isopropanol couple, an actual TS could not

1114 the vinyl alcohol to ethenone, the observed abundance ratio 1162 be obtained for the hydrogenation to the carbon atom

1115 could not be explained. It could be because of the consid- 1163 position. However, the lower-level calculation (DFT-

1116 eration of the upper limit of vinyl alcohol observation from 1164 B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)) in the ice-phase shows the same

1117 the single-dish observation of Dickens et al.(2001) for de- 1165 trend.

1118 riving the molecular ratio. A little ambiguity between our 1166 • BEs of these species are computed with various sub- 1119 obtained ratio of the dimethyl ether (DE) and methyl formate 1167 strates such as H2O, CH3OH, and CO. For most cases, 1120 (MF) is obtained. DE/MF <1 is received from our observa- 1168 the BE of alcohols is found to be greater than that 1121 tional analysis, whereas Rolffs et al.(2011) noted it >1 for 1169 of the corresponding aldehyde/ketone/ketene. On av- 1122 the same source. Also, in other high mass sources, the ratio 1170 erage, the computed BEs with CH3OH monomer is 1123 is >1 (4.5 for Sgr B2, 2 for G31, and 2.5 for the Orion KL). 1171 found ∼ 1.16 times higher, and with CO monomer, it 1124 Our modeling results find that the ratio of DE with the MF 1172 is ∼ 2.85 times lower than that of the water monomer. 1125 can vary between 0.12 − 152. 1173 These new sets of BEs would help understand the 1174 chemical complexity, where CO and CH3OH would 1175 also efficiently cover the icy mantle. BEs of the species 1126 5. CONCLUSIONS 1176 reported in this study for the alcohol, aldehyde, ketone,

1127 Here, our CMMC model coupled with the observational 1177 and ketenes is a little bit on the higher side (∼ 3000 1128 study is used to explain the abundance of some interstellar 1178 K) with the H2O c-tetramer configuration. Compara- 1129 aldehydes, ketone, ketene, along with their corresponding al- 1179 tively, a higher surface temperature is needed to trans-

1130 cohols. It is noticed that there is both observational and theo- 1180 fer these surface species in the gas phase. Such a high

1131 retical evidence for production of alcohols via hydrogenation 1181 temperature is usually achieved deep inside the cloud

1132 of precursor aldehydes, ketones and ketenes. The following 1182 in the hot core phase. If the grain surface pathways are

1133 are the main highlights of this paper. 1183 the only deriving route, then species with lower BE Aldehydes and their related alcohols 23

1184 are expected to have more extended emission than the

1185 species with relatively higher BE. Since our observed

1186 beam size was large, it is not possible to spatially re-

1187 solve the inner region and comment on the dependency

1188 between the BE and size of the emitting region.

1189 • Our CMMC model with the shorter collapsing time 5 1190 scale (∼ 10 years) was able to reproduce the observed

1191 abundance and observed ratio between various species.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2016.1.00929.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in coop- eration with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Obser- vatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. S.K.M. acknowledges CSIR fellowship (Ref no. 18/06/2017(i) EU- V). P.G. acknowledges support from a Chalmers Cosmic Ori- gins postdoctoral fellowship. M.S. gratefully acknowledges DST, the Government of India for providing financial as- sistance through the DST-INSPIRE Fellowship [IF160109] scheme. A.D. acknowledges ISRO respond project (Grant No. ISRO/RES/2/402/16-17) for partial financial support. J.C.T. acknowledges support from the Chalmers Foundation and VR grant. T.S. and A.D. acknowledge Indo-Japan Col- laborative Science Programme. This research was possible in part due to a Grant-In-Aid from the Higher Education De- partment of the Government of West Bengal.

1192 Software: Gaussian 09 (Frisch et al. 2013), CASA 4.7.2

1193 (McMullin et al. 2007), CASSIS (Vastel et al. 2015). 24 Mondal et al.


1195 A. EMITTING DIAMETER 1198 ting diameter refers to the average source size. 2D Gaussian

1199 fittings of a region (area enclosing 50% line peak) of the mo- 1196 The emitting diameter of each transition of the observed 1200 ment map image are performed. After averaging the semi- 1197 molecules is shown in Table A1. Here, the average emit- 1201 minor and semi-major axis, the emission region’s diameters

1202 are obtained.

Table A1. The emitting diameter of each transition of observed species toward G10.47+0.03.

0 00 Species J 0 0 -J 00 00 Frequency Eu Emitting diameter (average) KaKc Ka Kc 00 (GHz) (K) θs ∗ Methanol 110,11 − 111,11 E, vt=0 154.425832 166.1 1.81 ∗ (CH3OH) 120,12 − 151,12E, vt=0 153.281282 193.8 1.79

150,15 − 151,15E, vt=0 148.111993 290.7 1.78

7−1,7 − 60,6E, vt=1 147.943673 356.3 1.56

17−4,13 − 18−3,16E, vt=0 131.134094 450.9 1.45

210,21 − 211,21E, vt=0 129.720384 546.2 1.33

88−7,1 − 7−6,1E, vt=1 153.128697 664.5 1.23

Ethylene Glycol 84,5 − 73,5, 1-0 153.567383 25.4 1.83

(g-HOCH2CHO) 133,11 − 122,10, 0-0 159.768239 48.8 1.85

139,4 − 129,3, 0-1 130.998583 83.8 1.04

273,25 − 272,26, 0-0 148.082465 185.5 1.04

287,21 − 286,23, 1-0 131.229156 223.4 1.21

3310,23 − 3211,22, 1-1 130.115657 323.0 1.60

398,32 − 397,33, 1-1 153.325448 414 1.27

Acetaldehyde 83,6 − 73,5,A 154.2746864 53.7 1.49

(CH3CHO) 83,5 − 73,4,E 154.296489 53.7 1.53

84,4 − 74,3, A 154.201471 69.5 1.38

85,4 − 75,3, A 154.161467 89.8 1.33

83,5 − 73,4, A 154.173895 114.4 1.0

Propanal 97,2 − 96,3, A 148.005042 49.6 1.18

(CH3CH2CHO) 107,3 − 106,4, E 147.867178 54.6 1.27

162,15 − 151,14, E 159.932346 68.6 0.83

253,22 − 252,23, A 153.554511 172.7 1.87

275,23 − 274,24, E 154.066288 206.2 1.08

Glycolaldehyde 150,15 − 14114 153.597995 60.5 1.26

(HOCH2CHO) 207,13 − 206,14 153.614231 147.0 0.89

Acetone 122,11 − 111,10, AA 130.924799 44.1 1.28

(CH3COCH3) 115,7 − 104,6, EE 147.684364 48.4 1.83

132,11 − 123,10, AE 149.395864 55.8 1.56

143,12 − 132,11, EE 159.2476343 63.4 1.29

Table A1 continued Aldehydes and their related alcohols 25 Table A1 (continued)

0 00 Species J 0 0 -J 00 00 Frequency Eu Emitting diameter (average) KaKc Ka Kc 00 (GHz) (K) θs

224,18 − 223,19, EE 160.118153 157.1 1.38

246,18 − 245,19, EE 159.415955 198.9 1.50

2510,15 − 259,16, AE 130.708968 241.0 1.0

2610,17 − 269,18, EE 149.190766 251.0 1.35

Methyl formate 112,10 − 102,9, A 130.016790 40.7 1.87

(CH3OCHO) 112,10 − 102,9, E 130.010105 40.7 1.80

124,9 − 114,8, A 148.805941 56.8 1.95

133,11 − 123,10, A 158.704392 59.6 1.85

137,6 − 127,5, A 160.178942 86.2 1.82

137,6 − 127,5, A 160.193496 86.2 1.66

1310,4 − 1210,3, A 159.662793 120.0 1.67

121,12 − 111,11, A 131.377495 230.0 1.0

124,8 − 114,7, E 148.575217 244.1 1.69

Dimethyl ether 61,6 − 50,5, AA 131.406552 19.9 1.91

(CH3OCH3) 90,3 − 81,8, AE 153.055196 40.4 1.83

111,10 − 102,9, AE 154.456506 62.9 1.95

244,20 − 243,21, EE 153.385902 297.5 1.44 Note— ∗ optically thick


1204 The observed, fitted and LTE spectra of observed transi-

12051206tions are shown in Figure B1. 26 Mondal et al.

Figure B1. The observed spectra (solid black lines) along with the fitted Gaussian profile (solid green lines) and the LTE synthetic spectrum with our derived parameters (rotation temperature and column density) from rotational diagram analysis with the solid blue lines are shown. 00 For the LTE calculation, a source size of 2 and average FWHM obtained from the Gaussian fitting (noted in Table1) of each species are −1 used. The dashed red line shows the systematic velocity (VLS R) of the source at ∼ 68 km s . In addition, the name of the species and their respective transitions (in GHz) and optical depth of each transitions are given in each panel. Optical depth of all transitions are calculated based on the parameters assumed during LTE modeling. The last two transitions of methanol are optically thick, which are largely overproduced with the LTE consideration. The intensity of all the transitions of dimethyl ether is underproduced, possibly because our overestimated FWHM for dimethyl ether. Aldehydes and their related alcohols 27


1208 The integrated intensity distribution of all observed

1209 molecules is shown in Figures C1, C2, C3, and C4. The

1210 integrated intensity is obtained in the velocity range where

1211 the emission line is seen. It is typically obtained between

1212 58 km/s to 78 km/s. This range slightly varies for some

1213 species. Figures C1 and C2 show the intensity distribution

1214 of the observed molecules having upper energy state < 100

1215 K and Figures C3 and C4 show the intensity distribution for

1216 the molecules with upper energy state > 100 K. 28 Mondal et al.

154.16146 GHz (89K) 154.20147 GHz (69K) 154.27468 GHz (53K) 154.29648 GHz (53K)

Acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde

130.99858 GHz (83K) 153.56738 GHz (25K) 159.76823 GHz (48K) 147.86769 GHz (54K)

Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol Propanal

148.00521 GHz (49K) 159.93241 GHz (68K) 147.68436 GHz (48K) 149.39586 GHz (55K)

Propanal Propanal Acetone Acetone

159.24763 GHz (63K) 130.92479 GHz (44K) 153.59799 GHz (60K) 130.01010 GHz (40K)

Acetone Acetone Glycolaldehyde Methyl formate

Figure C1. Integrated emission maps of observed transitions with upper energy state less than 100 K. Name of the molecules along with their respective transitions (in GHz) and upper energy state (in K) are given in each panel. The contours are shown at 20, 50, and 80% of maximum flux. The observed beam is shown in the lower-left corner of each figure. Three blue plus signs indicate the HII regions B1, B2, and A in the anticlockwise direction starting from the left black cross situated in the white and pink zones of continuum images (Cesaroni et al. 2010). Aldehydes and their related alcohols 29

130.01679 GHz (40K) 148.80594 GHz (56K) 160.19349 GHz (86K) 160.17894 GHz (86K)

Methyl formate Methyl formate Methyl formate Methyl formate

158.70439 GHz (59K) 131.40579 GHz (19K) 153.05481 GHz (40K) 154.45508 GHz (62K)

Methyl formate Dimethyl ether Dimethyl ether Dimethyl ether

Figure C2. Same as Figure C1. 30 Mondal et al.

154.42583 GHz (166K) 153.28128 GHz (193K) 148.11199 GHz (290K) 147.94367 GHz (356K)

Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol

131.13409 GHz (450K) 129.72038 GHz (546K) 153.12869 GHz (664K) 153.61423 GHz (147K)

Methanol Methanol Methanol Glycolaldehyde

153.32544 GHz (414K) 131.22915 GHz (223K) 130.11565 GHz (323K) 148.08246 GHz (185K)

Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol

154.17389 GHz (114K) 148.57521 GHz (244K) 159.66279 GHz (120K) 131.37749 GHz (230K)

Acetaldehyde Methyl formate Methyl formate Methyl formate

Figure C3. Integrated emission maps of observed transitions with upper energy state greater than 100 K are shown. The contours are shown at 20, 50, and 80% of maximum flux. The observed beam is shown in the lower-left corner of each figure. Three blue plus signs indicate the HII regions B1, B2, and A in the anti-clockwise direction starting from the left black cross situated in the white and pink zones of continuum images (Cesaroni et al. 2010). Aldehydes and their related alcohols 31

153.55451 GHz (172K) 154.06752 GHz (206K) 130.70896 GHz (241K) 159.41595 GHz (198K)

Propanal Propanal Acetone Acetone

160.11815 GHz (157K) 149.19076 GHz (251K) 153.38590 GHz (297K)

Acetone Acetone Dimethyl ether

Figure C4. Same as Figure C3. 32 Mondal et al.


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