
Sunday Services June 2011

9:00 and 11:00 Volume 36 Number 6 Published at th 625 Florin Road Sunday School P-5 : 9 and 11 Sacramento CA 95831 916-428-3439 6th – 8th Grade: 9 am th th 9 – 12 Grade: 11 am Pastor Jeff Chapman Adult Class: 10 – 11 Associate Pastors Jim Zazzera, June 5 Patrick Vaughn, Quinn Summer Sermon Series Begins Vaughn See page 13 Next PresbyNews Deadline June 19 June 22 Justice Mission Begins See page 10

June 10-12 Men and Boys Retreat See page 11

June 26 Blood Drive Many Welcomes! See page 10

June 27-July 1 This month we are excited to introduce Vacation Bible School new members, and a team of new Faith See page 16 leaders! June 28-July 4 Fireworks Sales See Page 22 to meet our newest Faith See page 16 Members.

July 6 Faith at the Movies Begins Then, check out Pages 6 and 7 to learn See page 11 more about our six new deacons!

July 31 – August 6 Summer Mission Trip See page 15

The PresbyNews is published monthly by a team of volunteer writers.

Please send your submissions to Editor Suzy Hughes at [email protected]

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Our Faith Family Thank You from the DID YOU KNOW? Riebers Pat Tatro participates in Rotary (past president), Faith Presbyterian mission trips and donates plasma every eight weeks (Pat’s plasma is Dear Friends of Faith, universal and highly sought after) Thank you so very much for all the beautiful and funny cards you sent. This is the item that appears in the “Did You Know” booklet produced They made my days much happier through the efforts of the Lay Ministry Team and distributed to the being remembered, and Deacons, members of the church. They felt that it would be more helpful and thank you for the beautiful Prayer enlightening to select several of the entries from that booklet and Quilt, so soft and comfy. I will interview the individuals and ask them to expand upon their original cherish it always. A beautiful bed- entry. Steve Canaday, a member of the Lay Ministry Team, conducted throw in shades of purple and this interview with Pat: lavender, made by and angel just for me, thank you Andeen. Q: What is your motivation for all of these activities (giving back, get The wonderful food was so back more than you give, etc…)? appreciated, especially since our A: My motivation stems from being fortunate enough to discover a son, Rick and daughter, Sally came passion twenty plus years ago. I started out coaching my son’s from Boise to cheer up their dad. soccer team (Daniel). I discovered that I truly enjoyed working Our four children including Joann & with and being around the kids (the rest is history). I have no Diane also were here and they said explanation other than to say it is just who I am. the food was delicious. Thanks to all Q: Although you are very involved within the church (various who provided meals! committees, choir, and a senior high youth advisor) did you ever Needless to say the stroke was stop to consider that your activities outside of the church are also devastating! After a good cry I a way to minister and help people outside of the church realized it could have been worse environment? and soon I will be back in the loving A: I have thought about and realize that may be part of why I do it. I arms of Faith Church. Bless you all can’t really say I think about the outside ministries as such. and especially Jeff and Jim, your Everything I do I truly enjoy and I am blessed to be able to be prayers did it. involved with many different ministries. Q: You have been participating in various activities within and outside Lovingly, of the church for 20 plus years. Do you ever envision a time of Flo, Dick and the entire Rieber scaling back? family A: No, I will probably become more involved as I move towards retirement. I can’t ever imagine a time where I am not involved with the Church and outside ministries, (It is just who I am). Thank You from Q: Last and Final question. I hear when it comes to being a senior Sheron Vollstedt high (not your age) youth advisor that you are probably the Thank you to all the bakers that biggest kid of all, any truth to the rumor? contributed to the Compassion A: Absolutely. It will probably never change. Bake Sale. We really appreciate the wonderful goodies and One side note, most of you have heard Pat talk about how he cleans participation. The bake sale gutters. I interviewed Pat on a Monday night at my house (he was earned $210 and the remaining helping Cindy put the senior high photo albums together). Of course goodies went to Loaves & it was raining and one of my gutters plugged up. Being true to his Fishes. word Pat went out on my patio and unplugged the gutter (true story). Many Thanks, Sheron Vollstedt

To Learn More…There are links to ‘Did You Know’ on the church website, at 2011 June PresbyNews.docx Links are found on the ‘Our Community’ page, under Page 2 of 23 ‘Resources’, and on the ‘Outreach’ page, under ‘Missions’. Pastor’s Column Notes on My Upcoming Sabbatical (Part 2) Pastor Jeff Chapman

As I mentioned last month, our Session has graciously allowed me and my family to take a three month sabbatical this summer from June 13 to September 6. (If you’re curious as to what sabbaticals are all about, please see part one of this article in the May PresbyNews.) As promised, I want to share with you some of our plans.

This spring I was awarded a grant from the Louisville Institute to help fund this sabbatical. The application process for that grant forced me to carefully consider how I wanted to use this great gift of time. I’ll share with you here a portion of what I wrote in my application as a way to help you understand what I’ll be doing all summer.

I’ve heard it said, “The Christian faith is always personal, never private.” In other words, God knows us each by name, deeply; and we can, in turn, know God in an intimate way. Our relationship to God is uniquely personal. That relationship, however, is always meant to grow and deepen in the context of community. It’s not meant to be private. As a follower of Jesus, God has ordained that I need others and, in fact, can hardly follow God apart from other followers.

Having grasped this truth intellectually, I now long for a Sabbath where I can step out of the engrained rhythms of my often-isolated life and seek to infuse those rhythms with new habits of community. I seek a season where I can focus daily on living, working, playing, worshiping, serving, sharing and growing alongside others. By spending an extended time in a culture where others uncompromisingly depend upon Christian community, it is my hope that I can learn from others what has been so lacking in my own life and the lives of many other Christians I know and serve.

My family and I will spend six weeks living in and among a community of Christians in Erseke, Albania. Albania is the poorest nation in Europe, in part because the communist government that ruled there during the Cold War era was reputedly the most brutal of its time. It devastated this proud nation and essentially wiped out the Albanian church. In fact, when the country finally re-emerged from communism in the early ‘90s, only a handful of underground believers remained.

Since then, the church has again taken root in Albania in magnificent ways. Nevertheless, Christians there remain a slim and stark minority in an overwhelmingly secular culture. Much like believers in the early church, Albanian believers have had to learn to stick closely together or risk being overrun by the dominant and antagonistic majority. As a result, churches in that nation tend to reach much deeper levels of interdependent community than typically found in the American church.

Erseke, a city of nearly 8,000 people, contains only one, small church, yet this congregation is vibrant in its life and witness in that city. In fact, on a visit to Erseke in 2000, I marveled at how much the congregation there resembled what I imagine the Acts 2 community must have been like in its time.

During our sabbatical in Erseke, we will live among this particular community of believers, sharing daily in their work, their service, their worship, and their fellowship. I intend to be immersed in this church’s “life together”, not as a pastor or leader, but simply as a member of the community. My daily activities will include: family devotions; service alongside others; plenty of recreation; personal study; and daily life in the community.

We chose Erseka, Albania, because I have an old friend, Mark Stoscher, who serves there as a long term missionary. Some of you may remember Mark when he preached here at Faith several years ago. Coincidently, our own Natalie Reyes , with the support of our Mission Team, will be serving in the same community in Erseke for four weeks this summer. So far from our home community, it will be wonderful to be able to see at least one person from Faith!

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Following our time in Albania, we will spend our final three weeks abroad traveling through Italy and then enjoying the Appenzeller region of Switzerland. Esther’s mother grew up in that part of Switzerland and the majority of her family still lives there. This will be a rare opportunity for us, particularly our four children, to connect with their relatives and better understand their heritage.

I hope this gives you some sense of how we plan to use our time. Again, my main hope is that as I am able to spend this time focused on what it means to live in community with Christ so that I will return to you in the fall with a deepened understanding of how I can help continue to promote that sort of community here at Faith.

Of course, we covet your prayers this summer. Know that you will be in ours. As I mentioned before, we will likely not hear any news from Faith during this time, either joyous or sad, but will trust that Christ continues to be at work in powerful ways in this community.

By the way, on my last Sunday here, June 12th, I will hold a forum after each worship service to share more specifics of our plans. At that time, or any time before then, I’d be happy to tell you more if you’re interested.

I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday!

Grace & Peace, Jeff

Update on Pastoral Changes During a Session gathering about a month ago, Pastor Jeff mentioned that he had recently spent a few delightful hours with a family from church. Jeff said he now knew these people in a way he hadn’t been able to before (and no doubt that sense of connection was mutual). It occurred to us that Jeff’s story exemplified the fruit Faith hoped would ripen when we revised our ordained staff’s callings six months ago. In this case, the change afforded Jeff time to know and shepherd the flock. His comment was providential in that it made us wonder, “What other fruit is ripening as a result-- growth that is slow and steady, but has gone unnoticed?” So we asked the pastors, “How have the changes expanded or deepened your ministry at Faith?” Here is a condensed version of their replies:

The main benefits for my position with these pastoral changes have been the chance to engage the Family Ministries with a fresh eye, and the joy of continuing to pour into the lives of college students. - Pastor Quinn

I have had more time to plan and think about messages for youth group and the overall vision and mission of the youth ministry in relation to the other ministries of the church…more time to meet with students this year and attend their events, which is invaluable for building relationships. - Pastor Patrick

I am finding myself with more opportunity to spend with older adults in the church, more time to think creatively about Adult Formation classes and experiences, and a singleness of focus that has made my ministry at Faith Presbyterian more central in my life. - Pastor Jim

Because some of the programmatic leadership has been transferred to the Associate Pastors, I have more time for key activities in my call here to Faith…I have been able to give even more time to sermon preparation and more time to connect face-to-face with people in the congregation. - Pastor Jeff

Do you hear the consistent chord played? It seems as if the changes have allowed each pastor to connect more deeply with people--inside the church, in the local community, and beyond. We are encouraged by the early results from the pastoral changes. And we hope you are too. As you notice some of this subtly ripening fruit as a result of the changes, please let your deacon or an elder know.

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Why do they want to put oil on my forehead? Anointing in Worship

From time to time here at Faith, including during our Lenten services this year, we have invited people to receive anointing with oil. While many have participated in this ancient ritual, some of us have done so without much understanding of what it all means. We all agree that practices done in worship are much more significant to us when we understand what they mean.

Since Old Testament times, both the laying on of hands and anointing with oil have been used by God’s people in worship. Both acts have long signified the conveyance of blessing (see Isaac blessing Jacob in Genesis 27 or Jacob blessing his grandsons in Genesis 48), or the certification of power (see Samuel anointing David in I Samuel 16:13).

In the New Testament, both anointing and the laying on of hands signified the reception of the gifts of the Holy Spirit by those who had placed their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior (I Peter 2:9; Revelation 5:10). In fact, the close association between the word “anoint” and the word “Christ” (literally, anointed One) is clear in the original Hebrew and the Greek languages of the Bible.

In the early church anointing was also often associated with healing. In James 5:14 we are instructed, “Is any one of you sick? That person should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” While oil was thought to have healing properties in those days, this practice ultimately was a symbolic and outward sign of the healing that the church believed God would bring to a person through prayer. That’s why, for instance, when we have a healing service here at Faith and pray for people, we anoint them with oil.

In general, whenever we see people being anointed with oil in scripture it is for a holy purpose. Similarly, whenever the church has continued the practice of anointing down through the ages it has been the same. The oil itself is not magical. It’s just oil. But the act of placing it on the forehead of a worshipper, typically in the sign of the cross, is a way of reminding that person, and others who may be watching, that he or she has been consecrated and blessed by God for a holy purpose.

This summer we are going to incorporate the practice of anointing with oil in our worship on Sundays when we celebrate the Lord’s Sunday (i.e. 1st Sunday of every month). As you come up to receive the bread and cup, one of our pastors will be up front and is willing, if you so choose, to anoint you with oil in the sign of the cross and speak particular words of blessing over you.

Please understand that this is completely optional. Some of you will choose not to be anointed. That’s perfectly fine. If anointing is not a practice that is meaningful for you and you find it of no help to you, then don’t get anointed. You can be a perfectly faithful Christian without being anointed. If, however, the practice of anointing with oil is a source of encouragement and blessing to you, as it has been for many believers down through the ages, then we invite you to participate. Again, either way is fine.

If you have questions about anointing, or any of the other traditions we practice in worship here at Faith, don’t hesitate to speak with one of our pastors.

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Welcome to Our Incoming Deacons: Class of 2013!

Derek Norris (Parish 14) My hobbies and interests include coaching Land Park Little League and Land Park high school soccer, playing guitar, sports, bird watching, hiking and camping. I work at Pegasus Pest Control as a pest control technician. I am excited to serve our congregation and be available to their needs. I look forward to developing closer relationships and growing closer to Christ as he shows me how to serve. Contact me at 916-267-9451, or by email: [email protected]

Robert Mendoza (Parish 3) Local boy, born and raised in the Elk Grove Sacramento area. (Some trees have broad roots, mine run deep.) I am married to Christine, with two daughters, Jessica and Jaclyn. I'm employed by Macy's, this is where Christine and I met (you can get everything at Macy's!) I'm a Regional Manager and work specifically with the Men's Clothing, Suits, and Men's Shoe divisions. Hobby-wise I'm a big cyclist. Love to ride: love the pure simplicity of the machine and the sport. Follow pro-cycling like most guys follow baseball or basketball. Enjoy working on and repairing, bicycles; I find it strangely relaxing. Big movie guy too, enjoy music and reading as well, and have been journaling for about three years. What I'm looking forward to the most is being able to give back a measure of what has been given to me. I truly believe that we are put into each other’s lives for a purpose. We may not always understand why we're there, but there is purpose for us all. I'm excited to see where God leads me; and sincerely pray and hope that I have the courage to follow. Contact me at 916-834-0437, or by email: [email protected]

Wendy Benjamin (Parish 7) I am an attorney and I have a law office with my husband, Steve Benjamin, practicing business and commercial law. I have two almost 18 year old twin daughters who just graduated from high school this week and will be attending college in the fall. I love to read, watch movies, garden, and cook, and when my girls leave for college, I plan to take up playing the piano again and do some traveling with my husband. I am also on the Worship Team and am the Usher Coordinator. I am so looking forward to serving as a deacon, and what I most look forward to is connecting with and serving the individuals and families in my parish. Contact me at 916-683-6742, or by email: [email protected]

Virginia Escalante (Parish 18) I am a mother and grandmother whose favorite thing is spending time with my grandkids! I enjoy going to yard sales and flea markets. I have raced my three Dachshunds at the State Fair for the last 4 years! I am looking forward to my deacon-ship, to help serve Gods people. Contact me at 916-995-2040, or by email: [email protected]

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New Deacons, Continued…

Erwina Bush (Parish 13) Erwina was born and raised in So. San Francisco but has lived in Elk Grove for over 20 years. Erwina is married to Lee Bush (25 years this August!!) and they have 3 children- Amy (19), Patrick (16) and Emily (12). She taught first grade until Patrick was born. Erwina does a lot of volunteer work and enjoys reading, stairway walks in San Francisco, camping and playing volleyball. She looks forward to getting to know everyone in her parish and following God's lead in service to her church family. Contact her at 916-684-3878, or by email: [email protected]

Bill Kirk (Parish 12)

Bill grew up as an Air Force brat and is now retired from two careers (U.S. Air Force and the State of California). These days you will most often find him either at his computer, writing poetry and children's books or camping and backpacking in the High Sierra with Boy Scout Troop 259, where he is the Scoutmaster. Bill and his wife, Rita, have been married for 41 years and they have two grown children and four grandchildren. In his spare time Bill works part time as a Certified Massage Therapist and he enjoys running on roads or trails whenever he can. Bill feels blessed to have been asked to serve as a deacon. He is looking forward to learning and growing from the experience and meeting all the members of his Parish. Contact him at home at 916 429-1563, by cell phone at 916 531-7746, or by email: [email protected] or [email protected]

And, Thank You!!! To the Deacon Class of 2011 The deacons would like to say a heartfelt thank you to our class of 2011, who have lovingly served their parishes at Faith!

Thank you to Bob Bagby (parish 3), Jeff Brown (14), Gary Cash (13), Joann Helmich (18), Judy Hey (1), David Leader (12), and Betty Keller (7).

You’ve been an inspiration and a gift to your Faith family, and great role models and support for your fellow deacons.

Thank You! Bob Bagby, Betty Keller and Jeff Brown

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Summer Sermon Series ‘Known as the Church that Loves’

Churches are known for all sorts of things, some good, some not so good. Some, sadly, aren’t known at all beyond their own walls.

What do you think Faith is known for in our community? What would you like us to be known for? Our building? Our staff? Our hospitality? Our programs?

Jesus took away the guesswork. In John 13:34-35, Jesus says this to his followers:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Put simply, Jesus intends for the world to know the church by its love. Specifically, we are to be known for the way we love one another.

When people come into contact with Faith Presbyterian Church, it’s one thing if they feel welcome, connect with the preaching, love the music, enjoy the programs. It’s quite another thing if they see in us a love for one another. This characteristic, above all others, shows people that we are followers of Jesus.

This summer our pastoral staff will focus our sermon series on helping us consider how we as a congregation love one another. In doing so we will use a number of the “one another” commandments which the church receives in the New Testament. Here’s a list of the commandments we will explore and their corresponding texts:

June 5 A New Command (John 13:34-35) June 12 A Church that Welcomes One Another (Romans 15:7) June 19 A Church that is Subject to One Another (Ephesians 5:21) June 26 A Church that Bears with One Another (Ephesians 4:2) July 3 A Church that Forgives One Another (Colossians 3:12-13) July 10 A Church that Confesses Sin to One Another (James 5:L13-16) July 17 A Church that Serves One Another (Galatians 5:13-14) July 24 A Church that Encourages One Another (I Thessalonians 5:11) July 31 Hope Sunday – Celebrating God’s Work in Abaya August 7 A Church that Comforts One Another (II Corinthians 1:3-4) August 14 A Church that Bears One Another’s Burdens (Galatians 6:2) August 21 A Church that Stirs One Another Up (Hebrews 10:24-25) August 28 A Church that Admonishes One Another (Colossians 3:16) September 4 A Church that Loves Christ, Builds Disciples and Serves All!

Our pastoral staff was inspired towards this sermon series by a book called Love One Another: Becoming the Church Jesus Longs For, by Gerald Sittser. You might consider purchasing the book and reading along this summer.

Update from the Finance Team Financial Update - As of April 30th our income ($305,661) exceeded our expenses ($269,446). Overall expenses are 98% of our budget expectations. Our income is $43,810 over budget expectations. You may recall our 2011 budget anticipated a deficit, $36, 682. If our income continues to exceed our expectations we will make up some of that deficit.

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PACT Shows Up to Fight Hunger

A new emerging ecumenical organization calling itself Pocket Area Churches Together or PACT made quite a dent on hunger on Sunday, May 15. Consisting of members of Faith Presbyterian, Riverside Methodist, and St. Anthony Catholic Churches, the fledgling organization brought together more than 85 volunteers to go door to door asking residents for canned goods to feed the hungry.

“Hunger never takes a day off,” said Frank Allen to the volunteers as they formed teams to go door to door. “Thousands of needy families in South Sacramento are turning to the Food Locker operated by the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership for food. A year ago the Locker was providing needed nutrition for 3,000 families per month. Now that number has climbed to nearly 6,000 families. What this means is that the Food Locker needs a lot more canned goods to meet the increasing needs.” Most of the food collected on Sunday went to the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership.

The volunteers formed teams of five--four walkers and one driver. They were assigned to go to about 100 Pocket area homes to share what the Churches are doing and to offer people an opportunity to make a donation. The results were phenomenal! According to the Director of the Food Locker, more than a 1600 pounds of food worth an estimated $3,000 was delivered on Monday morning and was already being used to feed hungry families.

What’s more, the volunteers from three Pocket area churches were thrilled with the results. “Not only did we collect a lot of food for needy families, we also had a wonderful opportunity to meet and work with members of our neighboring congregations,” said John Stockton, a leader from Riverside Methodist. “God’s Spirit was definitely with us as we prayed together, worked together, and then celebrated by sharing a meal together. We look forward to doing more projects together in the near future.”

According to Pastor Jeff Chapman, the pastors of these churches have been meeting together for years. “A few months ago, we decided it was time to turn our words and good intentions into joint action. PACT and this effort to feed the hungry was a first, excellent step.”

“We are gathering together as Christian communities of faith for the greater good of our whole community,” added Mike Higley, pastor of Riverside Wesleyan. “We believe we can do a lot more good together than separately. We’ve made a “pact” to do just that!”

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Opportunities to Get Involved

The Justice Mission In the past five months we, as a congregation, have been immersed in the study of love. What is love? Who do we love? How are we called to BLOOD DONORS SAVE LIVES love? We are constantly reminded that a great Our next blood drive will be SUNDAY JUNE 26 8:30 - portion of our love is to be given to those who 12:30 in the church parking lot. are less fortunate: the sick, the poor, the abandoned, the widows and orphans. But how Donors can sign up for a specific appointment time, or do we do this? How do we move ourselves from stop by the van Sunday morning and see what times are talking about love to loving by word and deed? still available.

Well, I believe that our first step should be to WE WILL BE TAKING SIGN-UPS BETWEEN SERVICES ON educate ourselves. We cannot step out into our JUNE 6th and 19th. community and expect to be helpful if we do not take the time to examine where we are You can also contact Sally Evey at [email protected] , going and why we are going there. Have you or 429-9510 to set up an appointment. ever sat down and thought about what injustice is and what looks like in our world? Or who are EVERY DONOR WILL RECEIVE A COUPON GOOD FOR A the oppressed and the oppressors of our time? PINT OF ICE CREAM! How are we being called by scripture to answer AT BASKIN-ROBBINS their cries?

This summer, beginning on June 19th, we are going to take six weeks to explore just this. How Adult Sunday School Classes – are we, the people of Faith, going to show our Beginning June 18th 10:15am – 10:55am love and stand against injustice? How are we

going to relieve the oppressed and fight against oppressors? And where do we begin? All are The Book of Genesis: welcome, the class will be based around group A “Look Under the Hood” discussion so the more voices in attendance the Don Fleharty, Leader better! See you on June 19th!! The first book of the Bible is a unique narration of God’s handiwork in creation and the beginnings of life that He brought forth. It is a mix of good and of evil, blessings and curses, God’s intent and humankind’s responses. This will not be a mere lecture, but an interactive exchange of ideas, comments, questions and answers. You may remember many of the Genesis stories from your Sunday School classes – this will take you beyond those accounts, shedding light into corners you may have not yet experienced. Join us for a “look under the hood.” – so to speak!

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)

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Faith At the Movies Mark your calendar for our summer tradition of movies at Faith. Beginning Wednesday July 6th at 7pm and continuing for four weeks we will have to opportunity to see these four films about redemption, hope, and meaning in life.

Get Low: A movie spun out of equal parts folk tale, fable and real-life legend about the mysterious, 1930s Tennessee hermit who famously threw his own rollicking funeral party... while he was still alive.

Like Dandelion Dust: A compelling drama that explores the different meanings of being a parent through the gritty, realistic lives of the struggling, blue-collar Porters, and the privileged Campbell family.

Toy Story 3: A modern classic in animation! The toys are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead of the attic right before Andy leaves for college, and it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they weren't abandoned and to return home.

Of Gods & Men: Under threat by fundamentalist terrorists, a group of Trappist monks stationed with an impoverished Algerian community must decide whether to leave or stay.

We look forward to seeing you in July!!!

Men & Boys’ Retreat: June 10-12, 2011 at Westminster Woods So, What’s Your Story? A refreshing and insightful way of viewing our lives is through the lens of story – seeing our lives as a narrative in the making. As disciples of Christ we are part of a larger story, a story of grace, compassion, reconciliation and new life. But how does this larger story affect our personal story? How do we change the plot trajectory of our story to align with the gospel story? Sadly too many are trapped in the lesser stories of the surrounding culture; stories that lack the compelling and life-transforming narrative we are created to experience. During our time away, we will explore some of the lesser stories we have adopted, what it might mean to embrace a more compelling, inspiring and life-transforming story, and how changing our story can transform our lives and the lives of those we touch. So let’s take the risk of rewriting our story, the risk of being captured by God’s bigger story, the risk of discovering the Spirit-inspired role of a lifetime we were cast to play.

Our Speaker -- Rev. Dr. Del Burnett: Del Burnett has been a Presbyterian Church USA pastor for 30 years, serving congregations in northern and southern California, as well as Alaska. Del has been the Pastor/Head of Staff at Salem First Presbyterian Church for almost two years and thoroughly enjoys living in the beautiful Willamette Valley. His passion for congregational renewal and revitalization, and Salem First’s desire to become a dynamic missional community of faith, have combined to create an exciting season of transition, growth and new life.

Del and his wife Donna have been married for 35 years. They have two adult sons, Ian and Geoff. When Del is not working he enjoys hanging out with friends and family, beachcombing, hiking and attempting to stay physically fit (note attempting). He is an avid sports fan with a passion for college sports of all types, and also finds time for golf, biking, softball and reading a good book – accompanied by a glass of wine. While he loves the life of ministry, he believes his true “calling” was to play third base for the Dodgers!

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Family Promise: Helping One Family at a Time This spring we are celebrating our sixth anniversary of participation in the Family Promise program here at Faith Church. For many members this local mission project has provided an opportunity to share our time and talents helping local families who have been struggling to provide stability and shelter for their children. For our new members who may not be familiar with Family Promise, it is a national program started over 20 years ago in New Jersey as a means to provide shelter and food to homeless families through a faith based community. There are currently programs in 41 states and in 2010 Family Promise affiliates served nearly 50,000 children and adults and involved more than 135,000 volunteers in 5,000 congregations. Family Promise of Sacramento began in the spring of 2005 and Faith Presbyterian Church has been an active congregation since the inception. We are currently one of 17 local hosting congregations and 8 supporting congregations.

What does the program look like here at Faith? Each year our church provides shelter and support once a quarter (4 times a year). Our participation begins on Sunday afternoon when volunteers “set up” our classrooms by placing foam mattresses and bedding in each of the rooms to be used by families for the week. Then at 5:15 a group of 4 dinner volunteers arrive along with the guests and share a home cooked meal and stay to clean up after dinner. At 7:00 two people take over and stay till 9:00 to provide supervision to the families and bring any activities they may want to share with the children. The activities are not a necessity and often the families prefer to stay in their rooms and wind down from their busy day. Then at 9:00 two volunteers arrive to spend the night in Link Hall and be available to help the families prepare to leave the church by 7:00 a.m. The famiies spend their day at the Family Promise Day Center near Loaves and Fishes and the children generally attend Mustard Seed School. The parents are assisted by a case worker to set weekly goals in efforts to find permanent housing and jobs. The families return to our church each evening at 5:15 and 8 more Faith volunteers are there to provide support and love. On the following Sunday morning church volunteers “take down” the classrooms, take the laundry home and prepare our church for Sunday worship.

The week beginning May 8, 2011 was our most recent participation in Family Promise. That week we housed one family of 8 persons and during our week the father received full time employment and we celebrated the birthday of one of the children who turned seven. The birthday celebration was provided on Friday evening by the Sacramento Birthday Project and it consisted of traditional cake, ice cream, presents and games. On Saturday night our 7:00 volunteer (Jennifer Smith) provided a well received activity of baking chocolate chip cookies. The family was very appreciative of the chance to bake because in their previous home they only had a microwave oven. The program is now currently full with 14 persons through the addition of 2 more families. A big thank you goes to the following Faith volunteers: Set Up Team: The Latimer family, Roy Bagby, the Thommens and Neil White Sunday Team: The Latimer family, Pat Campbell, Janet Sather, Sally Evey, Jo and Larry Thommen Monday Team: Kitty/Pat Tatro, Lee Smith, Carol Keller, Rudy Buehler and Sarah Jimenez and Jack, Janet Leader, Teri Wiliamson, Chuck Bell Tuesday Team: Glenda Arellano, Melodi Andersen, Vicky Chastain, Krysia Falltrick, Sally Allen, Audrey Sherfy, Cynthia Crow, Dan and Justin Morris Wednesday Team: Tanya/Bob Anderson, Carol Frank, Sally Vigren, Carol Brekke, Paul/Betty Keller, John/Margaux Warren Thursday Team: Marthe Sweet, Ruth Collier, Winona Miles, Lois Chan, Daren Pitts, Chuck Bell Friday Team: Kent/Sue Kim, Bimbo Akinsanya, Mary Masterson, Jennifer Smith, Marianne Jenkins and Michelle Sweeting Saturday Team: Maria, John, Cole and Ben Rodriguez, Gayle Alexis, Jennfier Smith and the Reynolds Family. Take Down Team: Lee and Patrick Bush, Cathy/Steve Healow, the Thommens Laundry Team: Ann Johnson, Erwina Bush, Donna Campbell and Andeen Lovett Shopper: Rhonda Hankey and Mattress Delivery: Kent and Sue Kim

If you would like to volunteer to participate in this local ministry, your next opportunity will be the week of October 9, 2011. You may sign up on the white board in the hallway outside of the church office or you may email Kelly Latimer ([email protected]) or Cynthia Crow ([email protected]).

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Church Updates

Make a Joyful Noise! Congregational Forum on Building Plans We’re finally ready to buy a Our leadership is currently considering a possible new organ! building expansion. At the invitation of Session, our For several years now we have known that our Building Committee has taken steps to update our current organ needs replacement. Thanks to Master Plan and to propose the next steps. At this the hard work of our Organ Task Force, led by point, we need your input. Betsy Butler and Jim Hill, the Session has approved a fund raising campaign to buy a new Please plan on joining us at one of the upcoming instrument. Building Expansion Forums. They are identical presentations, so you’ll only need to come to one. Please plan to join us on Sunday, June 5th, at a one of two special forums offered after each Monday, June 20th at 7:00 p.m. service in the sanctuary. Members of our Sunday, June 26th at 12:15 p.m. Organ Task Force and Session will be there to Thursday, July 7th at 7:00 p.m. preview the instrument we hope to purchase Sunday, July 10th at 12:15 p.m. and to answer questions. As it’s also Music Appreciation Sunday, the timing is perfect! All forums will be held here at church.

Beginning that week, members of Faith will be Questions? Please contact elders Jon Coupal given an opportunity to consider their gift (stewardship) or Dave Williamson (Property). towards the purchase of a new church organ. The good news is that a substantial portion of the funds have already been raised Pentecost Offering If you have questions in the meantime, please The Pentecost Offering is one of four annual church contact Jim Hill or Betsy Butler from the Organ wide Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church Task Force, or Jon Coupal or Jim Tracy from (USA). Through the Pentecost Offering gifts,we bring Session. God's transforming love to children at risk. We help guide and nurture the faith of Presbyterian young people. We call forth a new generation of church leadership through PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer Program.

Forty percent of the offering stays in our own congregation to support children-at-risk ministries of our choice. The remainder of the offering will be sent to Genersl Assembly Mission Council to support other programs that minister to youth and young adults and advocate for children-at -risk.

This year's theme,"So I Send You" (John 20:21), reminds us that as Jesus was sent by God to heal a hurting world, we, too, are called to do the same task. Please join us on June 12th in support of the Pentecost Offering.

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The Youth of Faith

Summer Youth Group Youth Sunday Youth Sunday on May 15th was an amazing witness to God’s work and presence in the lives of our youth. We saw it in the decorations that invited us into worship as we entered the sanctuary and multi-media, it was heard

in the songs of praise, proclaimed through prayer and This summer we will be trying something preaching and embodied in drama and dance. These different. Instead of Summer Connections we were God’s gifts bursting forth from the lives of children, will have 4 big Crunchies events. In addition to Junior High students and High Schoolers. Every prayer those events there will be weekly Crew Connect was written by small groups of youth, with the exception and Munchies Exchange. Just a reminder: of the prayer of St. Francis that was picked by youth. Summer is a great time to bring your friends. Both AJ and Sarah preached God’s word as they were

lead by God’s Spirit. Those who had speaking parts, 4 BIG EVENTS: decorators, the worship team, greeters and ushers all took time to prepare so that the name of Jesus would be June 22nd – VIDEO SCAVENGER HUNT glorified by their leading. Hunt for clues around the city, attempt crazy Youth Sunday is unique, and in some ways that is what challenges and video the whole thing to prove makes it special for many of us. But, in some ways the you completed the tasks. Meet at the church uniqueness of Youth Sunday is a shame because God’s Wednesday night at 6:00pm. gifts that were manifest in the lives and leadership of the youth should not be reserved for one Sunday. Hopefully, JUNE 26TH- Family BBQ. Right after church at this Youth Sunday might serve as a catalyst and a 12:30 join us for food, fun and connection. We reminder that the young people in our midst ought to be called upon more often to share their gifts and to be JULY 23rd – Fun at the Park! included in the leadership of our church. Hopefully, for BBQ, hang-out, play games like kick-ball, all of you who had a part in Youth Sunday you have had Softball, Ultimate and water games! Stay tuned your gifts affirmed in a way that you feel called to for details & super secret location. continue to share them with the community. So thank you to all the youth who had a part in Youth AUGUST 20TH – HOEDOWN Sunday. Thank you for glorifying God in your leadership Come join us at the church for a BBQ & potluck and helping us to do so in our worship. If you have followed by a hoot hollerin’ good old fashioned thought but have spoken your appreciation, find a youth Square Dance! Families and friends invited. on Sunday morning and let them know.

CREW CONNECT All H.S. students are invited to Crew Connect on Wednesdays at 1pm. We will meet at the church for casual conversations about faith, scripture and life while enjoying each other and some snacks.

MUNCHIES EXCHANGE All Junior High students are invited to an exchange of thoughts on faith, scripture & life. We will meet at the church on Tuesdays at 1pm. And, of course there will be snacks.

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2011 Summer Mission Trip By Rudy Buehler

Recently, I drove by a neighborhood where just two years ago, 25 members of Faith and I spent a week helping families who had never owned a home before build their first homes in the Central Valley. When we arrived, the lots had nothing more than wooden frames and concrete. Today, that neighborhood in Reedley, California is full of life, with kids’ bicycles on driveways, flowers and lawns grown in, and people sitting on front porches.

This summer, Faith church has an opportunity to once again help families in the Central Valley. Starting on July 31st and ending on August 6th, our 2011 Summer Mission Trip team will head to Goshen, California (near Visalia) to again work with Self-Help Enterprises. We will have the opportunity to work directly with the families who will eventually move into the homes. There will be plenty of work for people of all ages; the minimum age is 14 but there is no maximum age. Each morning, we will work at the construction site and in the evening we will have different activities and speakers to help us learn more about the effects of poverty in our state and what we can do to help. Along with the construction work, we also are looking for a few volunteers who would like to be our “kitchen crew” for the week.

Faith’s congregation has always had an amazing heart for service ad mission. Our mission trips have been a part of that for more than 15 years now. It is my hope that you will seriously consider joining us on this trip. So mark your calendar now for July 31st through August 6th, and join us for this amazing experience!!

For more information, please contact Mission Elder Rudy Buehler.

Save the Date – September 9th – 11th: Faith Fall Retreat – Zephyr Point, Lake Tahoe “In Feast or Fallow: Experiencing Jesus in Story and Song” with Sandra McCracken Start to plan now for our annual Fall Retreat featuring singer-songwriter Sandra McCracken. This year will again be a time for the whole family to come enjoy the community of Faith Church, the beauty of Lake Tahoe, the joy of worship, and the growth of learning together.

Sandra McCracken is an independent singer- songwriter whose smart, soulful blend of folk, pop, and gospel is as progressive as it is timeless. A founding contributor of the Indelible Grace projects, McCracken's contemporary settings of classic hymns are sung in congregations across the country. Drawing inspiration from , , , and U2, McCracken crafts songs wedding razor-sharp hooks to incisive, confessional lyrics to create a transcendent portrait of the human spirit. McCracken currently lives, writes, and records at her home in East Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, , and their two children.

Come and see all that God has planned for you and family and friends this fall!

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Get Your Fireworks & Help the Faith Mission Team!

Save the dates! The Faith fireworks booth opens its doors again Tuesday, June 28 – Monday, July 4, at the corner of Florin Road and South Land Park Drive, in the California Bank of Trust parking lot. The booth will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Firework sales have helped support the Faith Summer Mission Trip team for more than 10 years, and proceeds this year will help the team of 25-30 people travel to Goshen, California (near Visalia) to help families build their first homes. Team members are proud to sell Phantom Fireworks, and hope you will come by the booth for all your Fourth of July fun.

The team is also looking for volunteers to work at the booth. Please consider signing up for a 2- hour shift. The booth is especially busy in the final days before the 4th of July. Contact Mission Elder Rudy Buehler at [email protected] or (916) 376-7079 to sign up for a shift – or two – or for any questions about the booth.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to helping make your 4th of July spectacular!

SHAKE IT UP CAFE Vacation Bible School will be serving up fun at Faith from Monday, June 27 – Friday, July 1.

This year we will be kicking off the week with a BBQ/Ice Cream Social on Sunday, June 26 where the children will have the opportunity to meet their VBS Guides and Workshop Leaders and learn the ingredients for cooking up a life filled with the sweetness of God’s love!

During VBS we will be transforming the church into a child-friendly café full of chef’s hats and aprons, checkered tablecloths, and menus galore. The children will explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God’s word.

“Bible Bites” and “Secret Ingredients” for the week will be stirred up by these scriptures:

Psalm 27:14 – “Be ready for God” Hebrews 13:16 – “Give happily to God” John 14:1b – “Believe fully in Jesus” Luke 22:19b – “Remember Jesus often” Psalm 45:17 – “Celebrate God forever”

Registration has begun and will run through June 12. Please stop by the Children’s Ministry Office (Room 6) to register your child.

If you are a teen or adult and would like to volunteer to help on-site or behind-the-scenes, stop by Room 6 as well and please plan to attend an important planning meeting on Sunday, June 5 in-between services (10:15 am) in Room 4.

Please call Christine Mendoza (Director of Children’s Ministry) with any questions at (916) 428-3439 x306 or email her at: [email protected].

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Faith Presbyterian Church

First Sunday ~ Lord’s Table

The celebration of Communion, or the Lord’s Table, is an essential aspect of the Christian faith and integral to our community, and as such The Children’s Ministry Team and Pastors believe it is important that children be present in our worship during this celebration and remembrance of the life and saving death of Christ.

This summer we are asking families to remain together in our worship service on Communion Sundays. We are eager to witness how the Holy Spirit will lead us to a renewed richness in this time of worship as a

complete church family, each person, young and mature watching over one-another in grace and love.

We agree that it is important for our church family to be together around the Lords Table and desire to have the children be present to Come Reflect this Summer… observe and/or participate (if appropriate) in the sacrament of Summertime Lunch & Learning Communion so that they may develop a sense of belonging to our larger church community and experience the awesome presence of Wednesdays 12pm – 1pm, Room 2, God in our worship. Begins June 15th

Facilitated by Jim Zazzera As always, if you have any questions please feel free to ask our Pastors Come and bring your lunch, and or Director of Children’s Ministry. reflect on the book:

Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived In the book Rob Bell addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith—the afterlife—arguing, would a loving God send people to eternal torment forever…? With searing insight, Bell puts hell on trial, and his message is decidedly hopeful—eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins.

Let’s think together and share. You may buy your book at the first session. Please email or call the church or sign up to reserve a book. Schedule June 15 Introduction June 22 No meeting June 29 Preface – Millions of Us July 6 Chapter One – What About The Flat Tire? July 13 Chapter Two – Here is the New There July 20 Chapter Three – Hell July 27 No meeting August 3 Chapter Four – Does God Get What God Wants? August 10 Chapter Five – Dying to Live August 17 Chapter Six – There Are Rocks Everywhere August 24 Chapter Seven – The Good News is Better Than That August 31 Chapter Eight – The End is Here

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Abaya Update: Brand New Schools are Being Built Faith Presbyterian Church continues to focus much of our global mission support on the people of Abaya, Ethiopia. Through the ministry of World Vision, we sponsor nearly 90 children in Abaya and have just invested $20,000 in a water project that will provide daily clean water to thousands of people.

One of the top priorities for the World Vision team in Abaya this year has been the construction of schools. We recently received the following report about a school (shown in photo) which was just completed in Abaya:

The only one primary school in Guangawa, a capital town of Abaya district where Abaya area development program office is located, couldn’t accommodate the ever increasing number of school age kids. The shabby school, whose walls are made of mud and poorly furnished, and was built by a local government in collaboration with district community admitted 117 pupils. It had no basic facilities like latrine and tap water that appalled the school community to a great extent. The school children coming to the school both from the village town and rural area take with them wooden or plastic seats from their respective homes to sit at as there were no enough seats in classrooms.

Prioritizing the most pressing needs of the community, Abaya Area Development Program took up the issue and discussed about the problem with district education office and reached consensus to do expansion works through building new blocks in the same compound that would create conducive learning environment. Hence, it constructed two blocks of two classrooms to the standard that the district education office has set and furnished it with all necessary school furniture. The long standing problem, lack of latrine, was solved thereby addressing hygiene and sanitation issues. Taking advantage of the spacious and well furnished rooms, over 400 more children have enrolled and a total of 1570 are currently accessing education.

Adisu Yisehak, 12, is one of the beneficiaries of the newly constructed classrooms. He said the new classrooms have given him comfort as he has adequate seats to sit at and beautiful desks to write on and put his schoolbag.

“Currently, no pupil is sitting on the ground or taking seats to school. No dust or cough either and everyone is delighted at having this opportunity. Thank you.”

The construction of the new blocks has not only delighted the pupils but also whets appetites of the school teachers who have become very energetic at having opportunities to go around in the classroom to monitor each student regularly.

Be encouraged that Faith has had a hand in the construction of this school! As you know, significant portions of our monthly child sponsorship dollars are used for community projects in Abaya which not only help our own sponsored children, but all the children in the community.

Stay tuned for other opportunities for us to support and encourage God’s work in Abaya. And as always, if you are interested in sponsoring a child in Abaya through World Vision, contact Donna Touros at [email protected].

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Session Report: May Highlights What is Session? Session is the governing body of our congregation. Made up of 17 members (pastors and elders) who are called by God and elected by the congregation, the Session is charged by God to oversee the ministry and mission of Faith Presbyterian Church. By God’s grace, Session works hard to make sure that we are becoming, day by day, the sort of church God wants us to become – A community loving Christ, building disciples, serving all.

What has Session been up to lately? The following are some of the decisions which were made this month at Session and some of the areas of ministry which were celebrated. We hope you share in the enthusiasm of Session in all that God is doing in our midst. As a reminder, Session meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 here at church. Unless otherwise determined, they are open meetings and church members are always encouraged to come listen in. We’ll even share our snacks!

- Session examines incoming elders – As instructed by the Book of Order (our Constitution), the Session took time this month to examine our four incoming elders: Sue Hooper; Sophie Bagby; Vicky Chastain; Jennifer Smith. This was a wonderful time to hear about the faith and call of each of these women as they prepare to each serve a term as elders here at Faith. Session enthusiastically voted to affirm each of them. They will be ordained and installed as elders, along with our incoming deacons, in worship on Sunday, May 29th. - Session sets time aside to discuss the issue of homosexuality – As many are aware, our denomination has recently made changes to our Book of Order that open the door for changes to the ordination standards of pastors, elders and deacons who are gay. We recognize that we, as a congregation, are going to need to find ways to dialogue around this very issue. In the coming weeks, our elders will be gathering to explore a process of dialogue which might possibly be used in our wider community. If you have questions about recent actions of our denomination, you are encouraged to speak with one of our pastoral staff. - Session approves fund raising campaign for new organ – It has long been the plan of Session to replace our rapidly failing current organ so that we can maintain a high quality of music in our worship. This month Session heard a final report from the Organ Task Force and voted to authorize our Stewardship Team to move forward immediately on raising funds for a new instrument. By September, Session hopes to make a final decision on authorizing the purchase and installation of a new organ. - Session honors the work of faithful servants – We spent an extended amount of time at this month’s meeting honoring the work of those elders who have now completed their terms on Session. On behalf of the rest of the congregation, we expressed our deep gratitude to the following individuals, for their faithful service, for their tireless work, for the strong leadership: Sue Hooper (Lay Ministry); Sarah Ainsworth (Youth); Ilah Turner (Outreach); Christine Mendoza (Children’s); Maria Rodriguez (Finance). We encourage you to take a moment yourself and express your appreciation to these dedicated servants.

If you ever have any questions for any of our elders, a complete list of names, areas of ministry, contact info, and even photos can be found on our web page under the “leadership”: page.

Presby Women This is the last of the items on the Presby Women Calendar for 2011! We’re inviting all women of Faith to join us. Please look at the date and if you’re able to join us for any or all, we’d love to have you! We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month in Link Hall. Mary Patterson leads our bible study. If you would like more information, contact our Moderator, Virgie Cornelius – 747-3827 or Kitty Tatro – 393-4734.

June 22, 11:30 AM ~ We will have a potluck luncheon. The last meeting of P.W. will be Wednesday June 22 nd. Ruth Warner has graciously offered her lovely yard for our Potluck Luncheon.

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One Day to Prevent Homelessness On any night in Sacramento 2,800 are homeless, 57% of those are sheltered, 43% are unsheltered, and 20% are families (including couples). Over the course of a year in Sacramento up to 4,257 people in Sacramento experience homelessness. The economic crisis has produced a new face of the homeless: families and individuals displaced by job losses and the rise in foreclosures. These are people that have never been homeless before and are new to the social services system. In this economic climate, these new homeless are not just the chronically homeless, they are our former co-workers who were laid off and our former neighbors that couldn’t make the rent or the mortgage. The new face of homelessness in Sacramento looks like you or me and they need a helping hand.

On Sunday, June 19, members of the Faith congregation will have the opportunity to contribute to the “One Day to Prevent Homelessness” campaign. Please join hundreds of Sacramentans engaged in a region-wide initiative to end homelessness. This campaign—Sacramento Steps Forward—is a call to join together to ensure that all Sacramentans have a place to call home. Sacramento Steps Forward is a united effort to find solutions to the complex and long- standing issues of homelessness. Other cities and counties across the country have tackled this problem. We have studied their lessons and know that Sacramento can become an example of how a region can end homelessness. You can help by contributing just one day’s rent or mortgage payment (or whatever you can give) to Sacramento Steps Forward.

Update from the Stewardship Team Faith's Stewardship Team is so grateful for the congregation's generous support of all the efforts of our church. While many other churches are struggling financially, Faith continues to grow (in membership, financial resources and, of course, spiritually). While members may think of the Stewardship Ministry as being responsible for our annual pledge program (and that is indeed a big part of what we do) we also want to remind everyone that Stewardship is a year round effort. Beginning on March 20, 2011 and continuing on the third Sunday of every month, your Stewardship Ministry will have a table in the Narthex after each service to answer your questions about additional avenues for charitable giving to Faith. Issue of Wills & Trusts can be confusing, but we can help. We will have many printed resources that will help you not only with planned giving, but also how to simply organize your day-to-day finances. We look forward to serving you.

Peace, Jon Coupal (Stewardship Elder)

Support Natalie in her Mission in Albania! My name is Natalie Reyes and I am a college student and member of Faith Presbyterian Church. I will be traveling to Erseke, Albania this summer to volunteer at a Christian summer camp run by the Torchbearers International Organization which serves over 1,000 Albanian children yearly. I was granted a scholarship from the Conney Willis Memorial Mission fund to help finance my trip. The camp is very similar to Westminster Woods, having ropes courses, crafts, swimming, archery and other activities for children to do while experiencing a week with God. As a Compassion Weekend project, I am asking for donations of several craft supply items the camp is in need of. I will be shipping these items to the camp in May for their use this summer. The camp is in great need of lanyard or plastic lacing string in 100 yard rolls in all colors, something that the kids love to use for lanyard making and cannot be bought in Albania. They are also in need of embroidery string/6 strand craft floss for friendship bracelets, popsicle sticks, face paint, sidewalk chalk, pipe cleaners, foam stickers in different shapes, and glue sticks. These items can be purchased at Michaels, Walmart or Joann's Fabrics. Donations may be placed in a box located in the narthex or dropped off at church during Compassion Weekend. If you are unable to purchase these items, you may donate a gift card from any of the stores listed above or cash donations will be accepted to purchase items and help defray the cost of shipping. I greatly appreciate your support and prayers as I travel to Albania, and thank you for helping these children fully experience God's love at summer camp.

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Food for Thought Snowman Perseverance by Greg Rapier

I went up to Truckee this winter with about ten other young adults as part of the church’s College and 20’s retreat. One of the highlights of the retreat was our trip to the snow. We walked to a secluded spot, isolated from the flocks of tourists gathered at the large resorts. During the entire journey, we did not see a single footprint that wasn’t our own. There was something very peaceful about it.

As we made our way to the top of the hill, some students began sledding, and others started to build a snowman. My girlfriend Lissette was alone working on a snowman of her own. I don’t know how many snowmen she has built before, but considering she is from Ecuador (which literally means Equator), it is safe to assume the number is rather low. She described to me her vision: Instead of building a traditional snowman, Lissette wanted her snowman to have legs.

Being the amazing boyfriend that I am, I offered her a few kind words of encouragement by saying, “Lissette, give up. It can’t be done. You are wasting your time.” But she was stubborn and unwilling to take no for an answer. She tried many different techniques, but each time the body was placed onto the legs, the snowman crumbled to the ground.

We were on the hill for about an hour, and the rest of the group was exhausted and ready to head back into the warm cabin. Lissette stalled for about five minutes, desperate to finish the snowman she had been working on for the past hour. As I turned to bring her back to the rest of the group on the other side of the hill, I saw the pride in Lissette’s face. Standing beside her was a 3-foot tall snowman with legs. It wasn’t perfectly sculpted and symmetrical, but at this point, that hardly mattered. It was beautiful.

Later that evening, Lissette asked a very poignant question: What If I had that same sense of perseverance in the rest of my life? What if I had that same patience with God? I think this is exactly the type of patience God expects us to have. The Christian life is not easy. We hear many voices, both from the outside world and within our own heads, telling us to give up our Christian life. This whole Christianity thing is a myth. It’s not real. It can’t be done. You’re not a perfect Christian; you’re just wasting your time.

But God isn’t asking us to be a perfect Christians; he is only asking that we try. No matter how many times we get knocked down, we must get back up and keep moving forward. God does not judge us on the beauty of our snowmen, but rather on the heart that made it. If we can maintain our Lissette's Snowman with legs patience, perseverance, and faith, we will, in the end, receive the ultimate reward. The end result will be a snowman entirely unique to each of us. And while our work may not be pretty, our Father will notice the effort, and continue to bless us for eternity.

Food for Thought is a weekly post on our Youth website by Greg Rapier (Youth Ministry Intern).

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Welcome to Our Newest Faith Members!

Carole Brekke

John & Kelly Latimer John and Kelly have lived in California all of their lives. John was born and raised in Santa Rosa, while Kelly was born and raised in Vallejo. They met during their senior year at Sac State and after three years of dating they were married and moved to Elk Grove where they have lived ever since. John and Kelly have three daughters, Julia (15), Claire (12) and Emily (12). John is a partner at a lobbying firm in Sacramento and Kelly is a stay-at-home mom. In his spare time, John enjoys playing golf, reading and taking family trips, while Kelly enjoys volunteering at the girl’s schools, attending Bible Study Fellowship and her work with the Family Promise program. The Latimer family came to visit Faith nearly three years ago, and have been attending ever since.

Liz Gibson Liz grew up in the Sacramento and Calaveras County regions. She is retired from the California State Library where she worked as a Library Automation Consultant. Liz currently volunteers a lot of her time at various places: Bichon Fur Kids Rescue; Sacramento Public Library-Friends of the Library Book Den, Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library-Friends of the Library Bookstore and she also volunteers in our church office as an Office Assistant. Liz also enjoys gardening, video editing, computer analysis, reading and dog rescue work. Liz said she was made to feel very welcome at Faith at a time in her life when she really needed assistance in building a closer relationship with God.

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Property Maintenance and Building Plans and Vision

Property Maintenance Short Term: There have been several large repair projects that were unexpected. For example, a water leak in the janitor closet and kitchen near Link Hall required re-routing water lines in the concrete floor that had rusted out. Portions of the laminate flooring also had to be replaced. A major roof leak over the Sanctuary required re-roofing half of the largest roof. The carpet in the Sanctuary is deteriorating rapidly because the mastic originally used to adhere it to the floor has turned to dust-which is the white powder visible on the carpet. Repair is not an option because of the age of the broadloom; it will tear if it is stretched.

Smaller projects include: 1) replacing a collapsed sewer line near the east property line and adding two clean outs to make it easier in the future to identify problems; 2) re-carpeting the Children's Ministry Office. the Nursery, Jeff Chapman's Office, Kristi Johnson's Business Office and Jim Zazzera's Office. Some of these rooms also have been repainted and new window coverings will be installed in most of these rooms; and 3) outside lighting on the buildings is being upgraded and broken fixtures are being replaced.

The church buildings are aging which is not unexpected. To plan for future repairs, a consultant was hired to prepare a plan and budget for each component of the church facility. This plan will give Church leaders and members an idea of what to expect and plan for in the future. It is clear from this plan that reserves for repairing various components of the facility need to be increased to avoid problems associated with deferring maintenance.

Building In June of this year, we will hold congregational forums to present possible next steps in our master building plans. We are seeking input from members of Faith before we proceed any further. Whatever input is received from these forums will be taken back to Session. At that time, Session may decide to ask the congregation to formally vote (at a congregational meeting) to enter into a building campaign.

Dates for the congregational forums are as follows: -Monday, June 20th, 7:00 p.m. -Sunday, June 26th, 12:15 p.m. -Thursday, July 7th, 7:00 p.m. -Sunday, July 10th, 12:15 p.m.

A plan has been prepared to landscape and enclose the yard area between the Sanctuary and Link Hall along the Florin Road frontage. This plan includes a garden sanctuary with walkways and a fountain to dampen traffic noise, a sound wall to improve quiet, and a pavilion that can be used for outside events. The Congregation will be asked if this plan should be implemented even if the building expansion plans are not approved.

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Faith Music Ministry In Grateful Acknowledgement and Appreciation for their Service To Faith Presbyterian Church Through their gift of music September 2010 – June 2011

Director of Music: Betsy Butler Organist/Accompanist: Thomas Stahl Faith Brass Director: Dennis Merwin Young Faith Singers: Melody Tactaquin Willis Ackman Paul Kinney Chris Becker Peter Kinney Rene Beers Barbara La Placa Brien Bell Claire Leader Patti Bill David Leader Gary Cash Harry Lewis Jon Cash Jeff May Lois Chan Jenny May Esther Chapman Marti McAlister Jeff Chapman Thomas McDuffy Lenore Connett Dennis Merwin – Brass Director Bob Connett Nancy Mitchell Virgie Cornelius Lori Nichols Joe De Illy Mike Nichols Dick Dyer Fred Noteware Sally Evey Kathy Pehrson Don Fleharty Dan Pehrson Dian Frye Ken Pisor Joann Helmich Jeff Richards Judy Hey Steve Rock Ellen Holmgren Liz Shahbazian Bob Holmgren Jan Slipe Linda Jacobs Pat Tatro Lesley James Johanna Thommen Brad Johnson Lillian Thurston Hal Johnson Carolyn Tillman Bruce Kern Barbara Tracy Sue Kim Dorothy Vaughn Jennifer Kincaid Bill Welch Sharon Kincaid Dick West Cindi Kinney Rick Williams

Young Faith Singers Jacqueline Laybourn Noel Chapman Emily Martin Bereket Chapman Nya Mitchell Gadebo Chapman Isabel Selling Mallory Hubler Margaux Warren James Kubish

Save the Date Sunday June 26th @ 12:30 on patio All Family BBQ and VBS ice-cream social

In an effort to honor family’s time and desire to be together we are combining our Faith Family End of the Year BBQ, Youth End of the year BBQ and the VBS Ice-cream social.

Briefly we will share about the All Faith Family’s summer happenings, Youth Summer Events and Small Group gatherings, VBS children will meet your Guide and Workshop Leaders and VBS parents will learn the “Shake It Up” lessons to continue conversations at home! There will also be games, fun and good food!

*Food will be provided, donations welcomed*

JUNE 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 9:00 AM Worship Service Memorial Day- 11:00 AM AA 6:30 AM Prayer 2:00 PM Older 8:00 PM AA 10:15 AM Adult Sunday Office Closed Meeting Gathering Adult Life Group Meeting School 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Al Anon 2:00 PM Adult 7:00 PM Choir 11:00 AM Worship Service Women's AA Meeting Discussion Group Practice 8:00 PM AA Meeting Meeting 8:00 PM AA 6:30 PM Young 8:00 PM AA Meeting Adults Life Group Meeting 8:00 PM AA Meeting 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:00 AM Worship Service 1:00 PM 11:00 AM AA 6:30 AM Prayer 2:00 PM Older Men's Retreat Men's Retreat 10:15 AM Adult Sunday Crafters' Club Meeting Gathering Adult Life Group 8:00 PM AA School 1:30 PM Mens' 7:00 PM Al Anon 6:30 PM Young 7:00 PM Choir Meeting 11:00 AM Worship Service Life Group Meeting Adults Life Group Practice 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM 8:00 PM AA 8:00 PM AA 8:00 PM AA Women's AA Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Men's Retreat 1:00 PM 11:00 AM AA 6:30 AM Prayer 2:00 PM Older 8:00 PM AA 9:00 AM Worship Service Crafters' Club Meeting Gathering Adult Life Group Meeting 10:15 AM Adult Sunday 1:30 PM Mens' 7:00 PM Al Anon 12:00 PM Book 7:00 PM Choir School Life Group Meeting Study w/Jim Practice 11:00 AM Worship Service 7:00 PM Session 8:00 PM AA Zazzera 8:00 PM AA 12:30 PM Deacons' Meeting Meeting 6:30 PM Young Meeting Meeting 7:00 PM Adults Life Group 8:00 PM AA Meeting Women's AA 8:00 PM AA Meeting Meeting 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:00 AM Worship Service 1:00 PM 11:00 AM AA 6:30 AM Prayer 2:00 PM Older 8:00 PM AA 10:15 AM Adult Sunday Crafters' Club Meeting Gathering Adult Life Group Meeting School 1:30 PM Mens' 7:00 PM Al Anon 10:00 AM PW 7:00 PM Choir 11:00 AM Worship Service Life Group Meeting Bible Study Practice 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM 8:00 PM AA 11:30 AM PW 8:00 PM AA Women's AA Meeting Meeting/Luncheon Meeting Meeting 12:00 PM Book Study w/Jim Zazzera 6:00 PM Communications Meeting 6:00 PM Youth Video Scavenger Hunt 6:30 PM Young Adults Life Group 8:00 PM AA Meeting 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 8:00 AM Blood Drive 9:00 AM Vacation Bible 6:30 AM Prayer 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Worship Service Vacation Bible School Gathering Vacation Bible Vacation Bible 10:15 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM AA 9:00 AM School School School 1:00 PM Meeting Vacation Bible 2:00 PM Older 8:00 PM AA 11:00 AM Worship Service Crafters' Club 7:00 PM Al Anon School Adult Life Group Meeting 12:30 PM Family BBQ 1:30 PM Mens' Meeting 12:00 PM Book 7:00 PM Choir 8:00 PM AA Meeting Life Group 8:00 PM AA Study w/Jim Practice 7:00 PM Meeting Zazzera 8:00 PM AA Women's AA 6:30 PM Young Meeting Meeting Adults Life Group 8:00 PM AA Meeting

June 2011 Assistant Schedule

June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 Worship 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Service Acolyte Joshua Smith Margaux Warren Cole Rodriguez Joshua Smith Audio Operator Bill Baker Don Sperling David Nash Rick Hom Coffee Hosts Dave and Teri Williamson Dick and Beth West Ann Johnson and Gary Donna Touros and Christa Cash Horst Greeters Beth and Dick West Marianne Jenkins and Bob and Georgianne John and Sally Ravas Bill Frey Becker Offering Escort Norma McKay Don Sperling Maria Rodriguez Don Sperling Ushers Hal and Ilah Turner Bob and Tanya Donna Touros and Walter Jon Coupal and Alycia Anderson Newport Harshield Worship Courtney Turner David Nash Mike Nichols Mark Laybourn Assistant Worship 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Service Acolyte Colin Reynolds Mikey Rock Nick Voskes Mallory Hubler Audio Operator Joe Parente Rick Hom Ken Finch Carroll Collier Coffee Hosts Toy Bagby and Dan Morris Jarvis and Glenda Wilma Cornelius and Pat and Kitty Tatro Arellano Susan Little Greeters Jarvis and Glenda Dick and Betty McClure Erin and Sarah Ainsworth Melodi Anderson and Arellano Dawn Vollmar Offering Escort Jarvis Arellano Helen Christianson Barbara Powell Dick McClure Ushers David Nash and Carey John and Maria Rick and Cynthia Crow Greg and Lori Rapier Kincaid Rodriguez Worship Bob Connett Vicky Chastain Greg Rapier Don Fleharty Assistant Lockup Dave Williamson Dick and Betty McClure Dave Williamson Tom Busch Tellers Norma McKay and Marilyn Bob Connett and Dick Kitty Tatro and Jarvis Jim Tracy and Erwina Bush Becker McClure Arellano