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\- ■ \ V' Avmmgte Daily “Met Preiw Run ■' i' V Forr 'Die'Din WeekWMk Bndei)Bndt \ \ . , The Wither . // June *0,(0, 197019T0 Cloudy and cool «d^i Ohowen through ' Saturday, ^U| heavy 'at times. Tonight's low In BOs. 15,770 Tomorrow's high in 60s. bm* MancheaterT—A City of Village Charm day partly cloudy,' cool. y o u LXXXIX, NO. 227 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1970 (Olasalfled Advertising ofl Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS ------------------------------_ V 4 --------^------------ State’s Eyes Foeus Belfast Appeal Court Rules _ ___ I ^ Cong Launch New Attack To Tighten On DemcTeratie Party Bernadette Must Be Jailed BELFAST, Noirihem Ireland week, and she Is not expected to By CARL P. LECB8UORF (AP) — The Belfast Appeal lose her seat because, she goes Tension Grij^ping Cambodian Capital AP Political Writer Court ruled to ^ y that Bernad to prison. ITie House oF Com HARTFORD, Conn. (A P)—The strains.oF ethnic ri ette Devliil mukt go to prison. mons will have to vote whether .PHNOM PENH, Cam valries, personality clashes and “ new politics” activism A warrant For her arrest was she remains a member, smd It bodia (A P)— North V iet are threatening the long, tight party control oF Con-' to be Issued later today.. seemed most unlikely that with name6e and Viet Congr TTie court rejected an applica necticut Democratic Chairman John M. Bailey. the threat oF renewed rellgloua troops launched a new at tion from Miss Devlin, the warFare hanging over Northern As a result, the two-day party tack on Kompong Speu youngest member oF the British Ireland, the legislators would In convention opening tonight-^ early today.
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