
– Forecasts for 2018

Main Transits

Your 2nd ruler, Mars, is retrograde between June 26th – August 27th in your 12th house and 11th house

Your 3rd and 8th house ruler, , is retrograde between October 5th – November 16th in your 9th and 8th house

Your 10th house ruler, Jupiter, is in your 9th house from January until November 8th and moves into your 10th house from November 9th

Your 11th house ruler, Saturn, is in your 11th house

Your 12th house ruler, Uranus, moves into your 3rd house from May 15th until November 7th

The North Node is in your 6th house until November 6th and in your 5th house from November 7th

The two total lunar eclipses take place in your 6th and 12th house

The Overall Climate of 2018

2018 is a positive and uplifting year, thanks to some rare positive planetary line-ups in important areas of your chart. 2018 can be your year, with one condition: re-invent your social circle, and make sure you surround yourself with people who can help you grow. We are the average of the 5 people we spend most time with. Who are these people? Do they reflect the vision you have set for yourself? Maybe some of these 5 people are not really your friends, are just acquaintances. Or maybe these 5 people are your friends, but they do not reflect the You of tomorrow. Some people, even if they care about you, can drag you down, because they refuse to grow. In 2018, instead of letting your existing social circle define who you are, surround yourself with people who are more qualified in the areas you want to see progress in your life. They will help you grow. Time to find new mentors!

In 2018, Saturn joins Pluto in the area of your life connected to your causes and ideals, friends, communities and groups of people. You can become more serious, more committed about these areas of your life - you are now willing to work harder to achieve your long- term goals. In 2018, being part of something larger than yourself, working together with others can really set you in the direction of success. Connect with your tribe – whatever or wherever that is. This is not the time for superficial relationships, or for being part of groups that do not represent you. If you feel you don't fit in a group, you are probably right! Time to discover groups with whom you share the same ideals. Or if it is you that is not that committed to others, you will now learn how to cultivate true friendship and equality.

Jupiter, your traditional ruler, is now in your 9th house, and your outlook on life becomes more optimistic. As a result, you will become more interested in exploring the world around you – you can start learning new fields of study, learn about foreign cultures, about spirituality, or travel more than usual. In 2018 you can find the right teacher or you can become a teacher yourself. If you work in the areas of coaching, professional training, education, publishing, media, you are especially favoured. In November 2018 Jupiter moves in the sector of career. Whatever you started learning in the first 10 of 2018 you can now use to reinvent your career and bring it to the next level. So in the first 10 months of 2018 try to pursue a long-term education, get a certification, get a degree, become part of a study group. All your efforts will pay off at the end of the year.

The North Node is in your 6th house, meaning that the strategy for success in 2018 is putting in the work and paying attention to the details. Now it's time to eliminate clutter and put order in your life. Revise your daily routines and rituals – in 2018 you may want to streamline them to become more efficient. Don't waste time on daydreaming and resist the temptation to withdraw from the world when things go wrong. Focus on the everyday work, on your duties, on what needs to get done. Help others with concrete things, instead of only being being sympathetic. When you do that, you feel valuable, you feel useful, you feel aligned with your purpose. If you work in health, nutrition, fitness, self-development, you can especially benefit from his energy. Even if you generally have a more spiritual approach to life, what is going to pay off in the 2018 will be hard work and responsibility.

Uranus changes signs and moves into your 3rd house, bringing big changes in your life that will stay with you for the next 7-8 years. You will find it easier to express your creativity – during Uranus' transit in your 3rd house you may consider becoming an artist or an author. Forecasts, -by-Month

January: January is about learning how to balance your inner life with outside duties and responsibilities. This is the best time to start a big project, especially if it is connected with your talents and hobbies. With an 11th house stellium and all planets in direct motion, you are set for success - whatever you start now you will grow throughout the year. The planets in your 11th house are in positive angle with the planets in your 9th house – so you may want to set clear intentions about your new goals and dreams. Some friends or important people from your social circle will help you in your endeavours. Make sure you are not a hermit and get out of the house – this is where opportunities lie.

February: In February you want to pay extra attention to your intuition – important messages will come to you from unusual places. This is a great time to do visualization exercises – you want to turn your vivid imagination into something concrete, in something that is visible in the material world. Some investments you did in your career will now pay off, so you can hear positive news about your finances, especially if they are related to other people's money or financial institutions. In February there is a partial Solar Eclipse in your 12th house – you may need to let go of some habits – especially related to your health, fitness or diet, that are no longer helpful. You may want to fast, eliminate an addiction, reduce the intensity of a draconic fitness program – the focus is more on letting go of the old, not necessarily on starting new regimens.

March: Early March, a conversation you have with your partner or with someone from your family can leave you very vulnerable. But if you go beyond the feelings of shame and inadequacy you can discover something meaningful about yourself that will shed light on your more unconscious urges and psychological drivers. What is brought to the surface has no longer power over us.

April: In April, you will get even more serious about the projects you started in January – February, as Mars is conjunct Saturn and Pluto in your 11th house. You will see the first concrete results of your efforts. In the 1st half of April, you can go through some sort of relationship reassessment. Some people from the past can come back into your life. In the 2nd half of the month, you can have some news or surprises related to your work or health. Your social life is great now – make sure you meet people and communicate as much as possible – your message is now more persuasive than ever. If you are a writer or an author, you can especially benefit from this energy. Traveling is also possible in April.

May: May is one of the most important months of the year, because Uranus, the ruler of your 12th house of the unconscious, changes signs and enters your 3rd house of the mind, communication, travel and everyday activities. Now is time to awaken your mind to the endless creative possibilities that lie inside you. This transit will help you bring your unconscious to the surface – you can now finally eliminate some destructive thinking patterns, or you can discover new skills and talents you were not aware off, especially in the area of writing, design, painting, DIY. Possibilities are endless. In May try to stay away from arguments with your partner because they might escalate – and if they do escalate in the midst of Uranus' shift, you may be tempted to make a radical decision about your relationship that you might end up regretting later.

June: June is about working hard to get things done. Although you are now more productive than usual, you can nevertheless start feeling very anxious, because Mars goes retrograde in your 12th house. You can feel a lot of tension related to what you feel is lack or slow progress towards your goals. Some of these worries can also be related to your finances, because Mars is the ruler of your 2nd house of money and possessions. You can now discover that some of the things you used to value, some things that were relevant to you in the past, are no longer valid.

July: In July, if you choose to put your energy into the outside world, you might feel it is going to waste; instead, try to put it on the inside - do some self-inquiry, some self- exploration. You can find out that there are still some incompletions in your life, and that you cannot move on with your life unless you properly close certain chapters. If you are single, in the 2nd half of June, you can have some interesting romantic opportunities. At the end of the month there is a difficult eclipse in your 12th house which is also conjunct Mars retrograde. As strange as it might sound, what you need to do is let go of letting go. Something about your general approach to life, how you take on opportunities, will have to change. And although this is not the time to make big changes, you may want to make a commitment to yourself that you are going to take the necessary actions as soon as Mars goes direct.

August: Your work life comes back into focus. Despite the fact that we have 6 planets retrograde, the worst has passed already, and now you feel more confident about the future. At least now you know what needs to change in your life. Because Mars is still retrograde, avoid starting new projects, but you can bring to completion some projects from the past.

September: In September relationships come into focus – you can spend more quality time with your romantic partner or make more connections with business partners and authorities. This is one of the most positive months of the year, and you feel more optimistic about the future. You can now start a new field of study, find a mentor, travel and expand your horizons. September is also very good for social life. With almost all planets above the horizon, you want to get out of the house and put yourself out there.

October: Venus goes retrograde and you may want to revise your finances and align your budget with your long term goals. You may consider investing in your education or do some long-term financial planning. October can be a disruptive month, filled with fated encounters, but avoid if you can to start completely new relationships right now. You can also have some dealings related to law or be required to travel unexpectedly.

November: Jupiter, your traditional ruler changes signs and moves into your career sector. This is a time for big new beginnings – a new life direction, a new career direction, a new status. Your popularity can improve and you can receive some recognition and rewards. The North Node moves into your 5th house, shifting your focus from work to fun.

December: December brings you even more good news related to your career and overall life direction. If in November you started thinking about the changes you want to make, now you can put them into practice. 2018 has been a good year for you but 2019 looks even more promising. It is definitely a good time to be a Pisces ascendant!