GIPE-001249-Contents.Pdf (488.5Kb)
/ - ,", I, f :".. : l--, - _ tIM{',,'.' . _ ',__ ,,- t_\ __ i' ,-. • I Dhananjayarao Gadgil Library j "~~!1~~!~~1~~11~~1 ~~~~I IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS: FIRST SERIES. THE NEW SPIRIT. AFFIRMATIONS. THE TA~K- OF SOCIAL HYGIENE. THE PHILOSOPHY OF CONFLICT. J , THE SOUL OF SPAIN. THE WORLD OF DREAMS. STUDIES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX. ETC. IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS SECOND SERIES 1914-1920 BY HAVELOCK ELLIS LONDON CONST ABLE AND COMPANY LTD. INDEX Abnormality, 148 Che&terford, 100 Air-raid in London, 1240 Chilterns, the, 409, 58 Amber beads, 288 Chinese, philosophy, 26; &I Anglia, East, 85, 87, 166 artists, 401 Anglo-Indian fears, 740 Christianity, 21, 400, 171, 1740, 206 Antwerp, 53, 191 Christmas, 62, 210; and war, 640 Aretino, 188 Citta Vecchia, 223 Art, nations supreme in, 407; the Civilisation, very ancient, 1; war in, 218 its undue nervous reactions, Artichoke, the, 86 8; and the birth-rate, 19; Artist, the, 1405 and Man, 66; of classic Athenaeus, 2 times destroyed by mosquito, Athens, 2240 d seq. 66 / Augustine, St., 408, M Coleridge, 220 - Australia, 98, 111 Conscription, 69, 105 Cornwall, 89, 228 Bacon, Lord, 202 Cremation, the rites of, 101 Bacon, Roger, 80 Crete, ancient, 2, 1409 Bagehot,79 Croce, B., 1405 Baireuth,6 Barres, Maurice, 51 Dampier, 80 Baudelaire, 85 .. Danse Macabre," 60 Beethoven, 182, 1840, 186, 168 Dario, Ruben, 182 Begbie, Harold, 191 Davanzati, Palazzo, 11 Binet-Sangll!, 78 Death,52,88,108,116,118,188, Birth-rate and civilisation, 19 201, 212, 225 . Blake, William, 81 Democracy as a disease, 181 Boer War, 407 Dentistry, primitive, 1 Bologna, 140; its art, 15; its Derby, the Victory, 191 cathedral, 16 Deubel, Ikon, " Buckinghamshire, 409 Dream, 60, 172 Burial service, 58, 101 Dunmow, Little, 1540; Great, 157 Byzantine architecture, 19, I', Dunstan, 80 280 Dutch, architecture, 34; paint ing,401 Chalfont St.
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