Leave No Trace
JOURNEYS THE MAGAZINE OF THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL CONSERVANCY July – August 2013 Leave No Trace INSIDE: Luray, Virginia ❙ Baa-tany Goat Project ❙ Gettysburg 150th ❘ JOURNEYS From the EDitor THE MAGAZINE OF THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL CONSERVANCY PURE OUTDooR RECREATION. I HAVE MY OWN REASONS FOR LOVING THE NATURAL world — these include (but are not limited to) a feeling of quiet escape, deep breaths in the open, fresh Volume 9, Number 4 July – August 2013 air, gentle breezes, gusty winds, tall shady trees, bright full moons, starry skies, birds, amphibians, reptiles, furry mammals, stunning sunrises, and serene sunsets. I also fancy campfires and taking my two dogs out to explore, and in doing so, I must be conscious of how to maintain a minimal impact on Mission the wilderness I love. For starters, a leash is best at all times for both my boys and we only travel to and The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s mission is to preserve and manage the Appalachian Trail — ensuring through places where they are allowed — and campfires are only enjoyed where permitted. that its vast natural beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, For those who love nature and the outdoors, the more wild and untouched the setting, the better and for centuries to come. the experience; but sometimes there is confusion about how to best enjoy it, yet still keep it in its most pure state. Look but don’t touch, especially in the case of wildlife, is a solid, basic, childhood rule to go by, but with hiking and camping — essentially spending hours or days “living” in the wild Board of Directors A.T.
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