Thieu Makes Bid for Peace

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Thieu Makes Bid for Peace Highlands Renewal Pi-obe Is Uiged SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME Moitly sunny and milder today. THEDAILY Ugh in low (0«. Fair and mild tonight, low 4540. Tomorrow, Red Bank, Freehold partly cloudy and mild, high In Long Branch FIN^L Wt. Outlook Thuriday, partly I 7 cloudy, similar temperature. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 89 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE But Bars South Viet Surrender Thieu Makes Bid for Peace SAIGON <(AP) — Lt. Gen. Devoting the major part of his words made it highly unlikely warmly, went off without a hitch the ceremonies on television or isting "general objections" to Nguyen Van Thieu energetically inaugural address to the problem that Hanoi would find his peace despite fears of a Viet Cong at- listen over the radio. the Thieu government. No other began a four-year term as South of peace for South Vietnam, the proposals more acceptable than tack. Security forces deployed A young Buddhist monk was details were available. Vietnam's elected president today 14-year-old president made plain previous offers North Vietnamese over and around the city were reported to have burned himself Thieu's speech — which Hum- by. proposing peace talks- with ihat "Sis" offer to talk with the President Ho Chi Minh has re- the greatest ever known. to death early today in an ap- phrey hailed as "a masterpiece— Hanoi, "appointing a civilian as- Communists meant no surrender. jected. Some 50,000 troops and selected parent antigovernment protest in great speech" — was largely sociate of Vice President Nguyen Thie~u insisted freedom and in- Calm Inaugural guests were massed for half a Quang Ngai City, one of South what was expected. He promised Cao Ky to succeed Ky as pre- dependence would be defended by The 50-minute inaugural, with mile down broad Le.Loi Avenue Vietnam's northernmost provin- a strengthened army, social re- mier, and opening the elected his government and the Commu- U.S. Vice President Hubert H. in front of the inaugural stands. cial capitals. The body of the forms, a campaign against cor- House of Representatives with a nist North must learn that ag- Humphrey and representatives of Security was so tight, however, 17-year-old youth was said to ruption and called for help for call for action not words. gression will not pay. His strong 21 other nations applauding that ordinary citizens had to see have been found near a banner the peasants and a narrowing of the income gap between city and countryside. THIEU TAKES OATH — Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu Expected, Criticized takes oath as elected president of South Vietnam today. The appointment of lawyer At right is Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, who stepped down Communist Attacks Beaten Back Nguyen Van Loc as premier was also expected, and was criticized to second spot as vice president after the ceremony. in advance. Those who hoped to (AP Wirephotol see Thieu broaden his govern- ment's political base by the ap- pointment of some respected po- Allies Block Town's Seizure litical figure were disappointed Mortars Land SAIGON (AP)—U.S. and South tempt to overrun the headquar- defenders and American artil- four of the Communist intercep- .Hack today at Loc Ninh about Loc, 45, is a French-educate Vietnamese troops beat back an- ters compound of the district lery within 30 minutes, U.S. head- tors northeast, of Hanoi, the U.S. a.m., striking under the cover specialist in criminal law. whe other Communist attempt today town and the Special Forces quarters said. Command said. if darkness and 30-foot rubber for the pdst year has been to seize the town of Loc Ninh camp. This raised the Commu- North Pounded There were no Communist at- rees with the Special Forces "semicivilian" as chairman of the Army-People's Council, the group Near Palace; and U.S. Special Forces camp 72 nist toll to 365 dead in the three- Meanwhile, U.S. fighter-bomb- tacks in heavily guarded Saigon :amp as the first target. organized to give the military re- miles north of Saigon in what day battle with South Vietnam-J ers returned to North Vietnam's as Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu That assault was repulsed, mil- took the oath of office as South gime a semblance of civilian fa- U.S. officers said was an obvious ese troops and two battalions of' Hanoi-Haiphong heartland for the tary spokesmen said, and an try for a propaganda victory to the U.S. 1st Infantry Division. seventh straight day yesterday, Vietnam's elected president in an cade. It was generally ineffective, our later the Reds moved east Loc's chief claim to office ap- No One Hurt outdoor ceremony watched by counter South Vietnam's presi- Striking in four waves, the attacking four air fields, a key cross the airstrip and hit the dential inauguration. power plant and a big railroad U.S. Vice President Hubert H. peared to be that he was born SAIGON (AP) — Viet Cong Theu. It had been feared that' Communists managed on the listrict headquarters compound yard. A U.S. Navy F4 Phantom Humphrey and representatives of in the south and had a close per- gunners, apparently firing from the Viet Cong would try some- U.S. spokesmen said the Com- third try to penetrate 'the pe- ihd the Special Forces camp munists left 110 bodies on the rimeters of the military | installa- shot down a MIG17 in an aerial 21 other foreign nations. sonal relationship with Vice Pres- the outskirts of Saigon, landed thing spectacular to mar the In- iimuitaqeously. auguration ceremony, but it went battlefield alter that renewed at- tions but were driven out by the duel between Navy jets and with The Viet Cong made its first ident Ky, the air force comman- three rounds tonight in the rear (See VIETNAM, Pg. 3, Col. 1) (See THIEU, Pg. 3, Col. 3) of Independence Palace as Presi- off without a hitch. dent Nguyen Van Thieu was en- Parade Is Hit tertaining Vice-President Hubert Last year on South Vietnam's H. Humphrey and 2,000 inaugural National Day, Nov. 1, the Viet guests. Cong hit the city with mortar Atlantic Highlands U.R. Governor Receives No one in the brightly lighted and recoilless rifle fire during palace was hurt by the blasts the parade, killed eight persons that shook the windows, and the and wounded 45. Another Nation- party went on. al Day parade is planned Disorder Rumors First reports said two persons Wednesday. were injured • outside the palace Inside thd palace as the explo- Probe Asketf by 2 Groups TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Richard J. Hughes said yester- sions were heard were President and in the rear of the structure day that he had received rumors "of threatened disorders in but that none of the dignitaries Thieu and 2,000 guests, including By LEE STARNES ...... Daily Register learned yester- Housing and Urban Development the Regular Republican ticket, some of our communities possibly under cover of the tradi- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Department (HUD) to conduct an called the fliers "subterfuge." gathering .for an inaugural re- delegates to the inauguration tional Halloween levity." from 22 countries. Two separate organizations have Campaign urgent and immediate investiga- "If whoever put out this ma- ception was hurt. Hughes warned that he would not tolerate "violence or First sketchy accounts said The blasts shook the windows called for investigations letter dated tion of what it termed "biased, terial is so proud of what urban any other unlawful conduct which may tend to threaten the Federal politically oriented" material. three rounds of 61mm mortar of the palace but first reports local urban renewal agency, The renewal can do, then why don't peace of our state." indicated the building itself was The GOP committee, contends they put their names on it?" he fire had been aimed at the pal- An aide to the governor refused to disclose the source ace and had exploded in the not damaged. the agency is preparing and asked. of the rumors or whether they were connected in any way mailing to the general public, at rear. One of the mortar rounds was Mr. Katz added that the Dem- with racial tensions. New Jersey was hit by a wave of ra- The entire Saigon area had said to have hit a guard post at government expense, five bro- ocratic organization helped to cial disturbances this summer, including five days of rioting chures "which we believe to be been under heavy security guard the southwest corner of the pal- write the flier and said members in Newark. Halloween is tonight. The preceding evening is for the inauguration in the morn- ace rounds. Several cars were obviously political campaign were hedging on the author of it traditionally known as "mischief night" when youngsters en- material." ing of President Nguyen Van (See MORTARS, Pg. 3, Col. 6) "The catch phrase 'clean up gage in such pranks as soaping up windows of stores and In a telegram to Sen. Clifford First Avenue, hold down taxes' cars. Hughes said there "is always the question of credibility" P. Case, The Atlantic Highlands a hackneyed campaign slo- when examining rumors of violence. But, he said, "the full Taxpayers Association stated: gan," he said. "The whole thing force of the state will be utilized, if necessary, to assure "The Atlantic Highlands urban that our streets will be safe." Will Demonstrate renewal office is issuing biased, is propaganda and nothing more than political propaganda at "I know that I have the support of my seven million fel- politically oriented fliers and are low citizens, of all races and circumstances" in resolving to using federal funds to do it." that." (See RENEWAL, Pg.
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