Canary Islands, Spain), with Em- Phasis on Naturalized and (Potentially) Invasive Species

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Canary Islands, Spain), with Em- Phasis on Naturalized and (Potentially) Invasive Species Collectanea Botanica 35: e001 enero-diciembre 2016 ISSN-L: 0010-0730 New xenophytes from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), with em- phasis on naturalized and (potentially) invasive species R. OTTO1 & F. VERLOOVE2 1 Lindenstraße, 2, D-96163 Gundelsheim, Germany 2 Botanic Garden of Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, B-1860 Meise, Belgium Author for correspondence: R. Otto ([email protected]) Editor: N. Ibáñez Received 9 May 2014; accepted 3 July 2014; published on line 5 July 2016 Abstract NEW XENOPHYTES FROM LA PALMA (CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN), WITH EMPHASIS ON NATURALIZED AND (POTENTIALLY) INVASIVE SPECIES.— Many years of field work in La Palma (western Canary Islands) yielded a number of interesting new records of non-native vascular plants. Amaranthus blitoides, A. deflexus, Aptenia cordifolia, Argemone ochroleuca, Begonia schmidtiana, Capsella rubella, Cardamine hamiltonii, Centratherum punctatum, Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, Chasmanthe floribunda(widely confused with C. aethiopica and Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora in Macaronesia), Chenop- odium probstii, Commelina latifolia var. latifolia, Dichondra micrantha, Dysphania anthelmintica, Epilobium ciliatum, Erigeron sumatrensis, Erodium neuradifolium, Eucalyptus globulus, Euphorbia hypericifolia, E. maculata, Gamo- chaeta antillana, Geranium pyrenaicum, Hedychium coronarium, Hypochaeris radicata, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, K. delagoensis, K. ×houghtonii, Kickxia commutata subsp. graeca, K. spuria subsp. integrifolia, Lactuca viminea subsp. ramosissima, Landoltia punctata, Malvastrum coromandelianum subsp. capitatospicatum, Oenothera jamesii, Orobanche nana, Oxalis latifolia, Papaver hybridum, P. setigerum, Pilea microphylla, Podranea ricasoliana, Po- lygonum arenastrum, Portulaca granulatostellulata, P. nicaraguensis, P. nitida, P. papillatostellulata, Rumex crispus subsp. crispus, R. pulcher subsp. pulcher, R. ×pratensis, Sechium edule, Sida spinosa var. angustifolia, Silene nocturna, Solanum abutiloides, S. alatum, S. decipiens, Sonchus tenerrimus, Spergularia marina, Stellaria pallida, Tragopogon porrifolius subsp. australis, Tribulus terrestris and Trifolium repens subsp. repens are naturalized or (potentially) inva- sive xenophytes, reported for the first time from either the Canary Islands or from La Palma. 37 additional, presumably ephemeral taxa are reported for the first time from the Canary Islands, whereas 56 ephemeral taxa are new for La Palma. Key words: Canary Islands; chorology; La Palma; new records; vascular plants; xenophytes. Resumen NUEVOS XENÓFITOS DE LA PALMA (ISLAS CANARIAS, ESPAÑA), CON ÉNFASIS EN LAS ESPEciES NATURAliZADAS Y (POTEnciALMENTE) inVASORAS.— Varios años de trabajos de campo en La Palma (Islas Canarias occidentales) han posibilitado el descubrimiento de nuevas plantas vasculares no nativas. Amaranthus blitoides, A. deflexus, Aptenia cordifolia, Argemone ochroleuca, Be- gonia schmidtiana, Capsella rubella, Cardamine hamiltonii, Centratherum punctatum, Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare, Chasmanthe floribunda (ampliamente confundida con C. aethiopica y Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora en Macaronesia), Che- nopodium probstii, Commelina latifolia var. latifolia, Dichondra micrantha, Dysphania anthelmintica, Epilobium ciliatum, Erigeron sumatrensis, Erodium neuradifolium, Eucalyptus globulus, Euphorbia hypericifolia, E. maculata, Gamochaeta antillana, Geranium pyrenaicum, Hedychium coronarium, Hypochaeris radicata, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, K. delagoen- sis, K. ×houghtonii, Kickxia commutata subsp. graeca, K. spuria subsp. integrifolia, Lactuca viminea subsp. ramosissima, Landoltia punctata, Malvastrum coromandelianum subsp. capitatospicatum, Oenothera jamesii, Orobanche nana, Oxalis latifolia, Papaver hybridum, P. setigerum, Pilea microphylla, Podranea ricasoliana, Polygonum arenastrum, Portulaca gra- nulatostellulata, P. nicaraguensis, P. nitida, P. papillatostellulata, Rumex crispus subsp. crispus, R. pulcher subsp. pulcher, R. ×pratensis, Sechium edule, Sida spinosa var. angustifolia, Silene nocturna, Solanum abutiloides, S. alatum, S. decipiens, Sonchus tenerrimus, Spergularia marina, Stellaria pallida, Tragopogon porrifolius subsp. australis, Tribulus terrestris y Trifolium repens subsp. repens son xenófitos naturalizados o (potencialmente) invasores, que se citan por primera vez para las Islas Canarias o para la isla de La Palma. 37 táxones adicionales, probablemente casuales, se dan a conocer por primera vez de las Islas Canarias, y 56 táxones de la isla de La Palma. Palabras clave: corología; islas Canarias; La Palma; nuevas citas; plantas vasculares; xenófitos. 2 R. OTTO & F. VERLOOVE Cómo citar este artículo / Citation Otto, R. & Verloove, F. 2016. New xenophytes from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), with emphasis on naturalized and (poten- tially) invasive species. Collectanea Botanica 35: e001. doi: Copyright © 2016 CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) Spain 3.0. INTRODUCTION specimens of most taxa are preserved in the pri- vate herbarium of the first author (hereafter as The vascular flora of the island of La Palma (Spain, “pers. herb. RO”). Duplicates were often deposited Canary Islands) was thoroughly described by San- in the herbarium of the Botanic Garden of Meise, tos-Guerra (1983) in his monumental work Vege- Belgium (BR), some also in the herbaria of the tación y flora de La Palma. Since then relatively Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum of Ber- few new data has been published. Brandes (2005) lin-Dahlem (B) and the Botanische Staatssammlu- reported about roadside vegetation on the island and ng München (M), both in Germany (acronyms ac- Acebes Ginovés et al. (2009) provided an up-to-date cording to Thiers, 2014). checklist for the entire archipelago. New records of The actual presence or absence on the island Poaceae were presented by Otto & Scholz (2012) of La Palma of the non-native taxa here present- and three recent papers dealt with acquisitions to the ed was each time compared with data provided by flora of La Palma, both of native and non-native spe- Hohenester & Welss (1993), Acebes Ginovés et al. cies (Santos-Guerra et al., 2013a, b, 2014). (2004, 2009) and the Banco de Datos de Biodiver- Despite the long tradition of studies on the flo- sidad de Canarias (http://www.biodiversidadca- ra of the Canary Islands, new data still come to For some recently introduced species light. Particularly the non-native flora obviously several additional papers were checked as well. is still imperfectly known and the number of new The paper is divided in three parts. The first and introductions (deliberate as well as accidental) still major part deals with (probably) naturalized or (po- seems on the increase (see for instance Verloove tentially) invasive species. Each entry includes the & Reyes-Betancort, 2011; Verloove, 2013). In this scientific name of the taxon (if useful accompanied by paper new records are presented for species that are one or more synonyms), the family to which the tax- either new to the Canary Islands (and even Macar- on belongs (see below), kind of chorological novelty, onesia as a whole) or new to the island of La Palma. enumeration of selected herbarium collections and/or Records are also provided for several species for personal observations (often also with exact locality which the genuine presence in La Palma required indication, using Google Maps coordinates), origin confirmation. Finally, new localities are given for (primary as well as secondary distribution range), species that were only recently reported for the first known distribution in the Canary Islands (abbreviat- time from La Palma. ed as follows: H = El Hierro, P = La Palma, G = La In this paper the emphasis is on species that are Gomera, T = Tenerife, C = Gran Canaria, F = Fuerte- either naturalized, (potentially) invasive or that are ventura, L = Lanzarote) and its estimated degree of otherwise of interest. Records of (mostly) occa- naturalization in La Palma (sensu Richardson et al., sional garden escapes or (presumably) ephemeral 2000). If relevant, some additional information is also introductions (“casual alien plants” sensu Richard- provided (nomenclatural or taxonomic comments, son et al., 2000) are only briefly commented. identification keys, etc.). In the second part records of (presumably) ephemeral aliens are presented. These may be either new to the Canary Islands or new to the MATERIALS AND METHODS island of La Palma. For these records only herbarium data are referred to. For convenience, within each of Records here presented are the result of many years these parts, all taxa are presented in alphabetical order. of field work in La Palma conducted by the first Familial and generic classifications are in accord- author, mainly between 1998 and 2014. Voucher ance with APGIII (2009). For the taxa treated herein Collectanea Botanica vol. 35 (enero-diciembre 2016), e001, ISSN-L: 0010-0730, New xenophytes from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) 3 this means, for instance, that Agavaceae are includ- R. Otto 6726 (pers. herb. RO, dupl. BR); Villa de ed in Asparagaceae, Caesalpinioideae in Fabaceae, Mazo, El Pueblo, cemetery, cobbles, 19.08.2005, Chenopodiaceae in Amaranthaceae, Lemnaceae in R. Otto 11157 (pers. herb. RO); ibid., roadside LP- Araceae, and Turneraceae in Passifloraceae. 206, 18.08.2008, R.
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