Application No: N/O 1/O 1080/OUT

Date Registered: 3'd September 200 1





Ward No: 69 Grid: 268664-670028 File Reference: MD Site History: TP/92/542: Erection of Dwelling (Outline) - Refused February 1993

Development Plan: (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983 - No Specific Proposals (E.PRO6) and General Residential Area (E.PR07) Northern Corridor Finalised Draft Local Plan 2000 - General Residential Area (HG3)

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: The Coal Authority, West of Water No Reply: Conditions:


Neighbours: Seven letters of objection, including Chryston Community Council Newspaper Advert: Not Required

COMMENTS: This outline application is for the erection of three dwellings in the grounds of the Old Manse, 44 Main Street, Chryston. Two of the proposed dwellings will be in the existing large front garden area and one in a currently detached side area.

Through negotiation the development has been reduced from the originally proposed five to three dwellings, two of which front on to Main Street.

There is some concern that the proposed development will place the existing impressive Old Manse dwelling in a backland position. Care has, however, been taken to ensure that there is a clear view of the majority of the original dwelling down the new private road serving the new development. The proposed dwellings will be lower (maximum 1% storey) than the two storey Old Manse thus helping ensure the continuing dominance of the original building.

Notwithstanding the objections received, it is reconmended that outline planning permission be granted. I Produced by NlOllOl080lOUT Lepartment of Planning and Environment Nwthern Division EAMONN TAYLOR Bron Way ' OLD MANSE 44 MAIN ST CHRYSTON G67 1DZ ERECTION OF THREE DWELLINGS ~A OBJECTORS I Telephone 01236 616400 Fax 01236 616420 I* I This copy has been produced specrfically for Planning and Building Control purposes only I OS Licence LA 09041L No further copies may be made RECOMMENDATION: Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That before development starts a further planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:-

a> the siting, design and external appearance of all building and other structures; b) the means of access to the site; c> the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; d) the disposal of sewage; e> details of existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained; 0 details of existing and proposed site levels.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

2. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the reserved matters, specified in Condition 1 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority.

Reason: To accord with the provision of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

3. That the development hereby permitted shall be started either within five years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the reserved matters are approved.

Reason: To accord with the provision of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

4. That the development proposals to be submitted through the necessary detailedreserved matters application shall be based on the proposals reflected on the approved sketch plan or such other scheme as may be to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interest of residential amenity by ensuring that dwellinghouses are appropriate for this central Chryston site.

5. That none of the three dwellinghouses hereby permitted shall exceed 1Y2 storeys in height.

Reason: In the interests of amenity by ensuring that the dwellinghouses relate to the local streetscape and do not dominate the Old Manse.

6. That a 2m wide footway shall be formed along the frontage to the standard and satisfaction of North Council as Roads and Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of pedestrian safety by forming a proper width footpath.

7. That the existing low front stone wall shall be rebuilt to a height of lm behind the footway required under Condition 6 above, except for access points.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and road safety by ensuring the rebuilding of the attractive wall at an appropriate location and height.

8. That the access details and parking provision shall be to the satisfaction of Council as Roads and Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interest of road safety.

9. That either :- a) a methane gas site survey, including any necessary remedial measures, shall be submitted with the detailedheserved matters application or; b) it shall be assumed that naturally occurring methane gas is present at the site and full details of precautionary measures shall be submitted with the detailedheserved matters application.

Reason: In the interest of public safety due to the possible presence of naturally occurring methane gas at the site.

List of Background Papers:

Application Form, Plans and Amended Plan dated 3'd September 2001 Strathkelvin (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983. Northern Corridor Finalised Draft Local Plan 2000. Consultation letters from The Coal Authority and West of Scotland Water. Letters of objection from Chryston Community Council, c/o Miss R Anderson, 1 Neuk Avenue, Muirhead, Chryston, G69 9EX; Mr P Wood, 36 Main Street, Chryston, G69 9DH; Mrs M Percival, Bowstead Cottage, 42 Main Street, Chryston G69 9PH; Mr J McKie, 48 Main Street, Chryston, G69 9JS; I&J Biggam, 49 Main Street, Chryston, G69 9DH, Mrs R McKie, 50 Main Street, Chryston, G69 9JV; Mr R G Barr, 51 Main Street, Chryston, G69 9DH

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr. Dean on 01236-616459. APPLICATION NO: N/01/01080/OUT


1.1 This outline application is for the construction of three houses in the grounds of the Old Manse, 44 Main Street, Chryston. Two of the proposed houses will be in the front garden area and front on to Main Street, with the third being on a fenced-off side section. A private internal road will serve two of the proposed houses plus the Old Manse. These proposals are as a result of negotiated amendments to the original submission for five houses.


2.1 Under the Strathkelvin (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983 the site is covered by the following policies :-

E.PRO6: No Specific Proposals. E.PR07: General Residential Area.

2.2 The site is covered by the following policy under the Northern Corridor Finalised Draft Local Plan 2000 :-

HG3: General Residential Area.


3.1 Summaries of consultee-responses are as follows:-

0 The Coal Authority: No adverse comments. West of Scotland Water: The site can be serviced.

3.2 There are no objections from the Transportation Manager, subject to a 2m wide front footway being fomed and the internal access road serving no more than three dwellings.

3.3 Letters of objection have been submitted by Chryston Community Council and six local residents. The points of objection are as follows :-

The Old Manse is a very important part of Chryston’s heritage. New dwellings will be out of keeping and will adversely affect the Old Manse. 0 There will unattractive views of a gable from Main Street. Any in-fill in connection with the proposed development will increase the height of the proposed dwellings and cause overshadowing. 0 The development may adversely affect the roots of trees in adjacent gardens. 0 There are existing access and traffic problems with Main Street being busy, with fast traffic and a bad bend; Main Street is becoming increasingly busy and is crossed by school children and elderly pedestrians going to the post office; the proposed houses will adversely affect driver visibility; cars associated with the development may park on Main Street thus adversely affecting road safety; the pavement is too narrow; there has been a previous refusal of planning permission for a dwelling on the site due to road safety. 0 The post office/shop could suffer if parking restrictions are introduced due to parking problems associated both with the proposed development and the recently approved residential development on the opposite of Main Street. 0 The applicant has previously caused local nuisance by felling mature trees and by demolishing the front boundary wall and causing part of the site to pond. 4. OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSION

4.1 It is considered that the main issues are as follows :-

a) The amenity of the site and of the existing building: The site is currently an undistinguished (since trees were previously removed) large front garden plus an overgrown fenced off side area. The main potential problem is that, if care is not taken over the layout, the attractive Old Manse may be reduced to an unattractive backland location. This potential problem is, however, lessened by the position of the two proposed front houses allowing a view of the Old Manse from Main Street. Furthermore the Old Manse will front on to the internal private road system and will dominate the proposed houses due to its extra height (2 storeys as opposed to a proposed maximum 1% storeys).

b) The amenity of the general area: The development, as amended after negotiation, has two houses fronting on to Main Street. These houses will fully contribute towards the local streetscape. As mentioned above, the Old Manse will still be an important element in the local streetscape due to it still being visible from Main Street and because of its extra height.

It is possible that adjacent trees may be affected if their roots encroach onto the application site. The proposed houses will however be a minimum of lmetre away from boundaries. Although at certain times of the day there may be some overshadowing of adjacent properties, this is not considered to be a significant problem.

Road safety: There are no objections to the proposal from the Transportation Manager. It is accepted that Main Street is often busy and that visibility is curtailed by a bend and building position immediately to the east of the application site. It is a requirement that the existing front stone wall be moved back to allow a 2 metre wide footway and that it be rebuilt no more than 1 metre in height. No access positions are proposed in the more difficult eastern part of the frontage.

With respect to car parking, it cannot be guaranteed that there will be no occasional associated parking on Main Street. The availability of driveways and the internal road will, however, offer safer parking positions. There is no reason to believe that there will be future parking restrictions on Main Street resulting from the proposed development.

Other matters: Outline Planning Application (TP/92/542) was refused for a house on the site in February 1993. The refusal was based on reasons relating to backland development and adverse effect on the amenity of the site, on the existing building and on the general area. It is considered that the current development, as amended, reasonably overcomes the above potential problems.

The earlier felling of trees and the lowering of the height of the front stone wall by the applicant did not breach planning regulations. They are not considered to be relevant to the consideration of current application.

4.2 In conclusion it is considered that the proposed development will be compatible with the amenity of both the existing Old Manse and the high quality general environment. It is recommended that outline planning permission be granted for 3 dwellings based on the approved plan.