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DATE: JULY 27, 2009





That the City Council adopt a Resolution entitled:



Expandable Polystyrene Foam (Styrofoam)

Recently, Public Works Staff conducted a survey of 108 restaurants within Dana Point and inquired as to whether or not they used any form of non-recyclable plastics (Styrofoam or otherwise) for take out or to-go items (See Supporting Document B). Of those surveyed, 67 of the restaurants (62%) used some type of expandable polystyrene (more commonly known as Styrofoam) container.

Polystyrene foam is a petroleum based byproduct that is frequently used for food packaging purposes. This material is currently non-recyclable and non-biodegradable. Because of its inability to decompose, polystyrene foam waste is consuming an ever- increasing amount of space within landfill facilities. Moreover, polystyrene foam products are detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, as well as to the ecosystem.

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Plastic Bags

In the same assessment mentioned previously, 108 restaurants were surveyed on their use of bags for to-go items. Of those surveyed, 61 restaurants (57%) used plastic bags in their business.

Plastic bags are made of polyethylene, are non-biodegradable, and are made from crude oil and natural gas, both non-renewable resources. While they can be recycled, plastic bags are often improperly disposed of, and often make their way into storm drains and the ocean.

Local business organizations, such as the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce, have expressed interest in implementing a voluntary reduction on both expandable polystyrene and plastic bags. Because water quality is such an important issue within the City, the Chamber has offered to collaborate on education and outreach efforts to support such a program.

The proposed resolution would ask both restaurants and other local businesses to comply with a voluntary reduction on the use of plastic bags and food service containers made with expandable polystyrene foam (Styrofoam). This resolution promotes the use of biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable products to lessen the impact of litter, increase the life of local landfills, and help ensure the vitality of the Pacific Ocean.


Effects of Plastic Bags and Expandable Polystyrene on Water Quality and Environment

Discarded food and beverage packaging constitutes a significant and growing portion of the City’s waste stream. Storm drains capture trash before it flows into the ocean, and the trash reduces the effectiveness of City storm drains. Retrofitting storm drains to better capture litter and trash would be cost prohibitive.

Man-made Debris that makes its way into the marine environment is a costly problem for Dana Point’s ocean-dependent economy. It threatens water quality and wildlife. When polystyrene foam debris breaks up, the pieces may be ingested by animals, often causing death. The California Coastal Commission estimates that more than one million sea birds, 100,000 marine mammals, and countless fish die each year from various forms of marine debris.

Because of the physical nature of polystyrene (i.e. floatability, breakability, large surface area), scientists are beginning to speculate about the role of polystyrene waste in contributing to other persistent, non-visible water pollution problems such as bacterial indicators. Deterioration in the quality of the ocean waters and beaches threatens public health and safety, as it negatively affects both tourism and the quality of life for Dana Point residents.

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The California Coastal Commission estimates that hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags mistaken for food. Turtles mistake the bags for jellyfish, their primary food source. Once swallowed, plastic bags choke animals or block their intestines, leading to death. Also, on land, animals suffer a similar fate to marine life when they accidentally ingest plastic bags while looking for food.


Polystyrene further contributes to urban blight as litter, especially due to its lightweight nature as it floats in water and/or is easily blown by the wind, even when disposed of properly. Similarly, plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to degrade. As litter, they breakdown into tiny fragments, contaminating soil and water. This problem is becoming increasingly difficult to manage and has costly negative implications for wildlife, aesthetics, tourism, and regulatory compliance.


Polystyrene foam is not currently recyclable in Dana Point, as recycling of the material is cost prohibitive. Environmentally conscious cities that have found it necessary to implement polystyrene foam bans to address the issue including San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Beach, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Malibu, among others

While plastic bags can be recycled, most are discarded. The Environmental Protection Agency estimated that only 5.2% of the plastic bags and sacks in the municipal waste stream in 2005 were recycled, compared with 21 percent of paper bags.


Food service containers are defined as single use disposable products used in the and food service industry for serving or transporting prepared, ready-to- consume food or beverages. This includes, but is not limited to, plates, bowls, cups, trays, and hinged or lidded containers. This does not include single use disposable items such as straws, cup lids, or utensils, nor does it include single use packaging for unprepared foods.

Traditionally food service providers have been reluctant to change from polystyrene foam and plastic bags because of the higher cost and limited selection and availability of biodegradable or recyclable products. However, there is an assortment of new options available including cutting edge products made from paper, sugarcane stalk, rice, potato starch, tapioca, or corn. If these containers end up as litter, they will break down and not become permanent blight on our landscape, or end up as long-lasting marine debris.

The City is actively seeking opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle in an effort to comply with California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB 939) requirements relating to the amount of land-filled waste. The City is mandated to meet AB 939 requiring that all 07/27/09 Page 4 Item #29

cities and counties in California divert fifty (50%) of discarded materials from entering landfills since December 31, 2000. By reducing dependence on polystyrene products within City facilities and by choosing products that may be reused or recycled, the City will not only move towards its compliance goals of AB 939, but also incorporate the principles of the City’s Green Policy.


If the City Council authorizes the resolution on the voluntary reduction on plastic bags and food service items comprising expandable polystyrene, Staff will move forward on education and outreach programs targeted to local businesses.

It is expected the next steps will include: 1) using the existing business registration database to contact restaurants; 2) conducting an educational workshop on biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable products; and 3) working with the Chamber of Commerce and other local business organizations to promote the program.


Staff will work with the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups on implementation and outreach efforts.


The proposed resolution supports the following Strategic Plan Initiatives:

Strategic Plan Initiative I: “Restore and maintain the integrity of our ocean waters and beaches.”

Strategic Plan Initiative II: “Protect the health, safety, and welfare of our residents, businesses and visitors.”

Strategic Plan Initiative V: “Maintain, modernize, and beautify the City’s infrastructure and neighborhoods.”


Staff anticipates that no additional staff or funding will be needed to conduct outreach programs. Printed materials will be funded from the FY2010 public information budget.

Since the implementation of the City’s Green Policy on March 25, 2008, the City has taken steps to purchase environmentally-friendly recyclable or biodegradable containers, when economically feasible. Thus, no further costs will be incurred by the adoption of this resolution.

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A. Resolution 09-07-27-XX ...... 6


B. Styrofoam and Plastic Bag Summary ...... 9

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RESOLUTION NO. 09-07-27-xx


WHEREAS, the City of Dana Point has a duty to protect the natural environment for present and future generations; and

WHEREAS, there are currently more than 108 individual restaurants and food service businesses in Dana Point; and

WHEREAS, the litter problem resulting from expandable polystyrene is becoming increasingly difficult to manage and has costly negative implications for tourism, wildlife, aesthetics, and most recently, public storm drain systems; and

WHEREAS, expandable polystyrene, a petroleum based product that is frequently used for food service purposes, enters the various water bodies from both direct and indirect sources (such as storm conveyance systems), and negatively impacts the overall quality of ocean waters and adjacent beach areas; and

WHEREAS, expandable polystyrene does not effectively biodegrade in the environment, but merely breaks down into smaller particles that litter the City’s streets, parks, public places, open spaces, beaches and ocean: and

WHEREAS, a deterioration in the quality of the City’s ocean waters and beaches threatens public health, safety, and welfare and negatively affects tourism and the local economy which depends on tourist trade; and

WHEREAS, expandable polystyrene waste poses a risk to the fragile ecological balance, since marine and land wildlife often perish as a result of ingesting expandable polystyrene products; and

WHEREAS, expandable polystyrene contributes to urban blight as litter especially due to its lightweight nature as it floats in water and/or is easily blown in the wind; and

WHEREAS, expandable polystyrene food service products, by their nature, have a useful life that can be measured in minutes or hours, yet it takes several decades to hundreds of years to deteriorate in the environment or landfill; and

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WHEREAS, the 1999-2000 Orange County Grand Jury report titled “The Rainy Season’s First Flush Hits the Harbors of Orange County” strongly recommended that the County of Orange and the cities within it institute a procedure to substantially reduce the use of expandable polystyrene within its jurisdiction; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dana Point is mandated to meet the California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB 939), which requires that all cities and counties in the State divert fifty percent of discarded materials by December 31, 2000, and ultimately, most single-use throwaway consumer and commercial plastic products; and

WHEREAS, there is currently no meaningful recycling of expandable polystyrene food service products, due in part to contamination from food residue; and

WHEREAS, alternative products, which are biodegradable, reusable and/or recyclable are readily available most often at reasonable cost; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dana Point desires to exercise environmental stewardship by reducing the amount of plastic bags and expandable polystyrene debris that enters the City’s storm drains, watershed, and coastal environment and reducing the amount of expandable polystyrene that enters our waste system.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dana Point as follows:

SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference.

SECTION 2. The City Council states its intention to reduce the use of plastic bags and expandable polystyrene in Dana Point.

PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this __th day of July, 2009.



______Kathy M. Ward City Clerk

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I, Kathy M. Ward, City Clerk of the City of Dana Point, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 09-07-27-x was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 27th day of July, 2009, by the following roll-call vote, to wit:






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Styrofoam and Plastic Bag Summary

Styrofoam and Paper or Plastic? Summary City of Dana Point June 2009

108 restaurants were surveyed as to whether or not they used any form of non- recyclable plastics (Styrofoam or otherwise) for take-out or to-go items. They were also asked what types of bags (if any) they used—paper or plastic. Below is a summary of the data that may help provide insight on the effect of Styrofoam regulations or otherwise.

I. Bags: Paper vs. Plastic

Type of Bag # Rest. % Paper and Plastic 25 23.1% Plastic 61 56.5% Paper 15 13.9% Neither 7 6.5%

Bag Types Neither Paper and 6% Plastic Paper 23% 14%

Plastic 57%

As demonstrated by the numbers above, the majority of restaurants use some form of plastic bags. Restaurants that do not use plastic or paper either have some form of recyclable/biodegradable bag (that they either sell to the customer or give for free) or have no use for bags. See Appendix A for the complete list of restaurants and their bag usage.

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II. Styrofoam Usage The following graphs and data are all taken from the master sheet, found at the end of this document. The analyses below look at the various ways Styrofoam is used throughout Dana Point. I classified Styrofoam into six categories or “Types”, which included: cups, small “clam shell” boxes, large “clam shell” boxes, plates, bowls, and other (different shapes, such as bowl containers for soup, etc.). Each was also classified into one of five categories: coffee/juice, deli/markets, fast food, pizza/sweets/desserts, and sit-down. I then asked each restaurant to describe the various types that they used.

A. Type of Styrofoam The following table shows the usage of each type of Styrofoam. Note that some restaurants overlap in the types of Styrofoam used, so percentages will add to more than 100%.

Type of Styrofoam # Rest. % Cups 47 43.5% Small Clam Shell 36 33.3% Large Clam Shell 45 41.7% Plates 4 3.7% Bowls 22 20.4% Other 10 9.3%

Styrofoam Type Breakdown

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

Number of Restaurants of Number 10 5 0 Cups Small Large Plates Bowls Other Clam Shell Clam Shell Type of Styrofoam

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The most prominent types of Styrofoam containers are cups, small clam shell boxes, and large clam shell boxes. In most cases, the “other” included containers with lids (like larger bowls), soup containers, and other shaped clam-shell boxes. See Appendix B for a breakdown and list of restaurants that use each type of Styrofoam.

B. Styrofoam Usage by Number of Types of Styrofoam The same data from the master file was then organized to show the restaurants in order of the most “yes” responses – that is, it listed the restaurants that used five or more types of Styrofoam at the top, and descended accordingly.

# Types of Styrofoam Used # Rest. % None 41 38.0% 1 Type 20 18.5% 2 Types 13 12.0% 3 Types 22 20.4% 4 Types 8 7.4% 5 Types 4 3.7% 6 Types 0 0.0%

Number of Styrofoam Types 5 Types 4 Types 4% 7%

None 38% 3 Types 20%

2 Types 12% 1 Type 19%

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No restaurant carries all six types of Styrofoam. Very few restaurants carry four or more types of Styrofoam, while a significant number of restaurants do not use any. Those that did not use Styrofoam containers said they used biodegradable or paper containers. The biggest deterrent from using eco-friendly containers is cost. Appendix C contains lists what restaurants used which types (if any) of Styrofoam.

C. Styrofoam Usage by Restaurant Category This last section shows the data organized by type of restaurant and the quantity of Styrofoam types (none to five types).

Coffee/Juice Deli/Markets Fast Food Pizza/Sweets/Desserts Sit Down None 7 5 6 6 17 1 Type 3 1 2 4 10 2 Types 1 2 1 1 8 3 Types 0 2 2 2 16 4 Types 0 1 0 1 6 5 Types 0 0 0 1 3 6 Types 0 0 0 0 0 % of Rest. 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 13.9% 55.6%

Styrofoam Usage by Restaurant Type

18 16 14 None 12 1 Type 10 2 Types 8 3 Types 6 4 Types 4 5 Types Number of Restaurants of Number 2 0

d n ce ets w k /Jui ar Foo fee i/M Sit Do f el Fast Co D


As seen above, sit-down restaurants should be our focus, as they comprise the largest category of restaurants in Dana Point – 55%. It is important to notice that, within the sit- down restaurants category, a large portion of restaurants do not use any Styrofoam products. To see the list of restaurants by category, see Appendix D.

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III. Summary After surveying 108 of 111 eateries in Dana Point, we now have an idea of Styrofoam usage and how regulating its use may impact restaurants. 38% of restaurants in the City do not use any type of Styrofoam, and sit-down restaurants bear the burden of most Styrofoam use because they are the most in number. The most effective way of reducing Styrofoam usage might be to target sit-down restaurants and promote/provide alternatives to non-recyclable plastics.

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Appendix A: Bag Type and Restaurants List

Plastic Plastic (cont.) Paper Agostino's Blue Dolphin Restaurant A's Burgers Subway #3339 #6942 Aurora's Taqueria Sushi Kiyo Cannons Baskin Robbins #3607 Dana Point Donuts Beach Cities Pizza Taco Surf Dippity Donuts Beach Cities Pizza II Thai Dara It's All about the Cake Bella Napoli Thai This Bonjour Café & Bistro The Coffee Importers/Blazin Blenders Mahé Brio Tuscany Grill The Fish Bucket Starbuck's Coffee Bubba Kahuna's The Harbor Grill Starbuck's Coffee Buena Vista Market Turk's Starbuck's Coffee Café Mezzaluna Wind & Sea Starbuck's Coffee Carlos Mexican Restaurant The Chocolate Soldier Casanova The Scoop Deck Chronic Tacos The Wicked Garden Coconuts Caribbean Grill Dana Kai Dana Point Yacht Club Paper and Plastic Neither Dana West Yacht Club Albertson's #6558 Buckingham Palace Bar Domino's Pizza #8340 Carl's Jr. Doheny Beach Snack Bar Donut World #693 Lavender Lounge Tea Co. El Torito Denny's Purple Feet Wine Boutique Gelato Paradiso El Pollo Loco #3273 Revo Espresso Bar Gemmell's Gelson's Market Starbuck's Coffee (PCH/Granada) Harbor Delicatessen Gen Kai The Beach House Harbor House Café Ichibiri Japanese Harpoon Henry's #161 Hennessey's Tavern Jack's Island Style Taco Jolly Roger JC Beans Coffee House Kaleyard Chinese Cuisine Jon's Fish Market McDonald's #7214 Juice Stop Peking Dragon Las Golondrinas Pick Up Stix Lucy's El Patio Café Ralph's #739 Maki Yaki Ralph's #188 Marina Ranch Market Renaissance Dana Point Mario's Restaurant by the Sea Ristorante Ferrantelli Monarch Bay Club Round Table Pizza Monarch Beach Market Shanghai Charlie's Mori Sushi Slice of New York Olamendi's Mexican Food Stuft Pizza #705481 The Brig Restaurant Proud Mary's Tutor & Spunky's Deli #2 Ribjoint 07/27/09 Page 15 Item #29

RJ's Café Salt Creek Grille Smokey's BBQ Steer Crazy International BBQ Stellas Serious Italian

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Appendix B: Restaurant List by Styrofoam Type

Cups Small Clam Shell Boxes Large Clam Shell Boxes Agostino's Agostino's Agostino's A's Burgers A's Burgers A's Burgers Aurora's Taqueria Beach Cities Pizza Aurora's Taqueria Beach Cities Pizza Beach Cities Pizza II Beach Cities Pizza Beach Cities Pizza II Bella Napoli Beach Cities Pizza II Bonjour Café & Bistro Blue Dolphin Restaurant Blue Dolphin Restaurant Bubba Kahuna's Bubba Kahuna's Bonjour Café & Bistro Buena Vista Market Buena Vista Market Bubba Kahuna's Café Mezzaluna Café Mezzaluna Buena Vista Market Carlos Mexican Restaurant Carlos Mexican Restaurant Café Mezzaluna Dana Point Donuts Casanova Carlos Mexican Restaurant Del Taco #693 Chronic Tacos Casanova Denny's Coconuts Caribbean Grill Chronic Tacos Dippity Donuts Dana West Yacht Club Dana West Yacht Club Doheny Beach Snack Bar Denny's Denny's Donut World El Pollo Loco #3273 El Pollo Loco #3273 Gelson's Market El Torito El Torito Harbor Delicatessen Gemmell's Gemmell's Harbor House Café Harbor Delicatessen Gen Kai Hennessey's Tavern Harbor House Café Harbor Delicatessen Ichibiri Japanese Ichibiri Japanese Harbor House Café Island Style Taco Jack's Hennessey's Tavern Jack's Jolly Roger Ichibiri Japanese Jamba Juice Las Golondrinas Island Style Taco JC Beans Coffee House Lucy's El Patio Café Jack's Jon's Fish Market Maki Yaki Jolly Roger Juice Stop Mori Sushi Jon's Fish Market Las Golondrinas Renaissance Dana Point Las Golondrinas Maki Yaki RJ's Café Lucy's El Patio Café Olamendi's Mexican Food Shanghai Charlie's Maki Yaki Proud Mary's Slice of New York Mario's Restaurant by the Sea Purple Feet Wine Boutique Stuft Pizza Mori Sushi Ralph's # 739 Taco Surf Olamendi's Mexican Food Ralph's #188 Thai Dara Peking Dragon Renaissance Dana Point The Brig Restaurant Proud Mary's RJ's Café The Fish Bucket Renaissance Dana Point Salt Creek Grille Ribjoint Slice of New York RJ's Café Stuft Pizza Slice of New York Taco Surf Smokey's BBQ Thai Dara Stuft Pizza The Brig Restaurant Taco Surf The Fish Bucket Thai Dara The Scoop Deck The Brig Restaurant Turk's The Fish Bucket Tutor & Spunky's Deli #2 Wind & Sea 07/27/09 Page 17 Item #29

Appendix B, cont. Plates Bowls Other Types of Styrofoam Aurora's Taqueria Blue Dolphin Restaurant Carlos Mexican Restaurant Buena Vista Market Carlos Mexican Restaurant Gelato Paradiso Gelson's Market Dana West Yacht Club Gen Kai Ralph's #188 Denny's Hennessey's Tavern El Pollo Loco #3273 Las Golondrinas Gemmell's Lucy's El Patio Café Harbor House Café Mori Sushi Ichibiri Japanese Stuft Pizza Island Style Taco Taco Surf Jack's Tutor & Spunky's Deli #2 Jon's Fish Market Juice Stop Las Golondrinas Lucy's El Patio Café Maki Yaki Shanghai Charlie's Slice of New York Stuft Pizza Taco Surf The Coffee Importers/Blazin Blenders The Scoop Deck Tutor & Spunky's Deli #2

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Appendix C: Restaurants List by Usage

Restaurants with No Styrofoam Usage Albertson's # 6558 Baskin Robbins Brio Tuscany Grill Buckingham Palace Bar Burger King # 6942 Cannons Carl's Jr. Dana Kai Dana Point Yacht Club Domino's Pizza #8340 Harpoon Henry's It's All about the Cake Jack In The Box #161 Kaleyard Chinese Cuisine Lavender Lounge Tea Co. Mahé Marina Ranch Market McDonald's # 7214 Monarch Bay Club Monarch Beach Market Pick Up Stix Pizza Hut #705481 Revo Espresso Bar Ristorante Ferrantelli Round Table Pizza Starbuck's Coffee (Monarch Beach) Starbuck's Coffee (Ritz Carlton Dr.) Starbuck's Coffee (PCH/Granada) Starbuck's Coffee (Del Prado/Amber) Starbuck's Coffee (Ocean Ranch) Steer Crazy International BBQ Stellas Serious Italian Subway (Ocean Ranch) Subway (PCH) Sushi Kiyo Taco Bell #3607 Thai This The Beach House The Chocolate Soldier The Harbor Grill The Wicked Garden

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Appendix C, cont.

1 Type of Styrofoam

Restaurant List Type Used Bella Napoli small clam shell boxes Coconuts Caribbean Grill small clam shell boxes Dana Point Donuts cups Del Taco #693 cups Dippity Donuts cups Doheny Beach Snack Bar cups Donut World cups Gelato Paradiso other products Jamba Juice cups JC Beans Coffee House cups Mario's Restaurant by the Sea large clam shell boxes Peking Dragon large clam shell boxes Purple Feet Wine Boutique cups Ralph's # 739 cups Ribjoint large clam shell boxes Salt Creek Grille cups Smokey's BBQ large clam shell boxes The Coffee Importers/Blazin Blenders bowls Turk's cups Wind & Sea cups

2 Types of Styrofoam

Restaurant List Type Used Type Used Bonjour Café & Bistro cups large clam shell boxes Casanova small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Chronic Tacos small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes El Torito small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Gelson's Market cups plates Gen Kai large clam shell boxes other products Jolly Roger small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Juice Stop cups bowls Olamendi's Mexican Food cups large clam shell boxes Proud Mary's cups large clam shell boxes Ralph's #188 cups plates Shanghai Charlie's small clam shell boxes bowls The Scoop Deck cups bowls

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Appendix C, cont.

3 Types of Styrofoam

Restaurant List Type Used Type Used Type Used Agostino's cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes A's Burgers cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Aurora's Taqueria cups large clam shell boxes plates Beach Cities Pizza cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Beach Cities Pizza II cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Blue Dolphin Restaurant small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Bubba Kahuna's cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Café Mezzaluna cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Dana West Yacht Club small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls El Pollo Loco #3273 small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Gemmell's small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Harbor Delicatessen cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Hennessey's Tavern cups large clam shell boxes other products Island Style Taco cups large clam shell boxes bowls Jon's Fish Market cups large clam shell boxes bowls Mori Sushi small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes other products Renaissance Dana Point cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes RJ's Café cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Thai Dara cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes The Brig Restaurant cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes The Fish Bucket cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes Tutor & Spunky's Deli #2 cups bowls other products

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Appendix C, cont.

4 Types of Styrofoam

Restaurant List Type Used Type Used Type Used Type Used Buena Vista Market cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes plates Denny's cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Harbor House Café cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Ichibiri Japanese cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Jack's cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Lucy's El Patio Café small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls other products Maki Yaki cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls Slice of New York cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls

5 Types of Styrofoam

Restaurant List Type Used Type Used Type Used Type Used Type Used

Stuft Pizza cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls other products (containers)

Carlos Mexican Restaurant cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls other products (containers)

Las Golondrinas cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls other products (containers)

Taco Surf cups small clam shell boxes large clam shell boxes bowls other products (containers) 07/27/09 Page 22 Item #29

Appendix D: Restaurants Categorized by Food Type

Coffee and Juice Restaurant Name Number of Types of Styrofoam Lavendar Lounge Tea Co. 0 Revo Espresso Bar 0 Starbuck's Coffee (Monarch Beach) 0 Starbuck's Coffee (Ritz Carlton Dr.) 0 Starbuck's Coffee (PCH/Granada) 0 Starbuck's Coffee (Del Prado/Amber) 0 Starbuck's Coffee (Ocean Ranch) 0 Jamba Juice 1 JC Beans Coffee House 1 The Coffee Importers/Blazin Blenders 1 Juice Stop 2

Deli and Markets Restaurant Name Number of Types of Styrofoam Subway (Ocean Ranch) 0 Subway (PCH) 0 Albertson's #6558 0 Marina Ranch Market 0 Monarch Beach Market 0 Ralph's #739 1 Gelson's Market 2 Ralph's #188 2 Harbor Delicatessen 3 Tutor & Spunky's Deli #2 3 Buena Vista Market 4

Fast Food Restaurant Name Number of Types of Styrofoam Burger King #6942 0 Carl's Jr. 0 Jack In The Box #161 0 McDonald's #7214 0 Pick Up Stix 0 Taco Bell #3607 0 Del Taco #693 1 Doheny Beach Snack Bar 1 Chronic Tacos 2 El Pollo Loco #3273 3 Island Style Taco 3

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Pizza, Sweets, Desserts Restaurant Name Number of Types of Styrofoam Baskin Robbins 0 Domino's Pizza #8340 0 It's All about the Cake 0 Round Table Pizza 0 Pizza Hut #705481 0 The Chocolate Soldier 0 Dana Point Donuts 1 Dippity Donuts 1 Donut World 1 Gelato Paradiso 1 The Scoop Deck 2 Beach Cities Pizza 3 Beach Cities Pizza II 3 Slice of New York 4 Stuft Pizza 5

Sit-Down Restaurant Name Number of Types of Styrofoam Brio Tuscany Grill 0 Buckingham Palace Bar 0 Cannons 0 Dana Point Yacht Club 0 Harpoon Henry's 0 Kaleyard Chinese Cuisine 0 Mahé 0 Monarch Bay Club 0 Ristorante Ferrantelli 0 Steer Crazy International BBQ 0 Stellas Serious Italian 0 Sushi Kiyo 0 Thai This 0 The Beach House 0 The Harbor Grill 0 The Wicked Garden 0 Dana Kai 0 Mario's Restaurant by the Sea 1 Peking Dragon 1 Ribjoint 1 Smokey's BBQ 1 Bella Napoli 1 Coconuts Caribbean Grill 1 Purple Feet Wine Boutique 1 Salt Creek Grille 1 Turk's 1 Wind & Sea 1

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Sit-Down (cont.) Restaurant Name Number of Types of Styrofoam Casanova 2 El Torito 2 Jolly Roger 2 Bonjour Café & Bistro 2 Olamendi's Mexican Food 2 Proud Mary's 2 Gen Kai 2 Shanghai Charlie's 2 Agostino's 3 A's Burgers 3 Bubba Kahuna's 3 Café Mezzaluna 3 Renaissance Dana Point 3 RJ's Café 3 Thai Dara 3 The Brig Restaurant 3 The Fish Bucket 3 Mori Sushi 3 Blue Dolphin Restaurant 3 Dana West Yacht Club 3 Gemmell's 3 Hennessey's Tavern 3 Jon's Fish Market 3 Aurora's Taqueria 3 Denny's 4 Harbor House Café 4 Ichibiri Japanese 4 Jack's 4 Maki Yaki 4 Lucy's El Patio Café 4 Carlos Mexican Restaurant 5 Las Golondrinas 5 Taco Surf 5