Similar Burrow Architecture of Three Arid-Zone Scorpion Species Implies Similar Ecological Function

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Similar Burrow Architecture of Three Arid-Zone Scorpion Species Implies Similar Ecological Function Sci Nat (2016) 103:56 DOI 10.1007/s00114-016-1374-z ORIGINAL PAPER Similar burrow architecture of three arid-zone scorpion species implies similar ecological function Amanda M. Adams1,5 & Eugene Marais2 & J. Scott Turner3 & Lorenzo Prendini 4 & Berry Pinshow1 Received: 7 November 2015 /Revised: 16 May 2016 /Accepted: 18 May 2016 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 Abstract Many animals reside in burrows that may serve as horizontal platform near the ground surface, long enough to refuges from predators and adverse environmental conditions. accommodate the scorpion, located just below the entrance, Burrow design varies widely among and within taxa, and these 2–5 cm under the surface, which may provide a safe place structures are adaptive, fulfilling physiological (and other) func- where the scorpion can monitor the presence of potential prey, tions. We examined the burrow architecture of three scorpion predators, and mates and where the scorpion warms up before species of the family Scorpionidae: Scorpio palmatus from the foraging; (2) at least two bends that might deter incursion by Negev desert, Israel; Opistophthalmus setifrons, from the predators and may reduce convective ventilation, thereby main- Central Highlands, Namibia; and Opistophthalmus wahlbergii taining relatively high humidity and low temperature; and (3) from the Kalahari desert, Namibia. We hypothesized that bur- an enlarged terminal chamber to a depth at which temperatures row structure maintains temperature and soil moisture condi- arealmostconstant(±2–4 °C). These common features among tions optimal for the behavior and physiology of the scorpion. the burrows of three different species suggest that they are Casts of burrows, poured in situ with molten aluminum, were important for regulating the physical environment of their in- scannedin3Dtoquantifyburrowstructure. Three architectural habitants and that burrows are part of scorpions’ Bextended features were common to the burrows of all species: (1) a physiology^ (sensu Turner, Physiol Biochem Zool 74:798– 822, 2000). Communicated by: Sven Thatje Keywords Burrows . Extended organism . Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article Three-dimensional modeling . Scorpionidae . Temperature (doi:10.1007/s00114-016-1374-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. gradients * Amanda M. Adams [email protected]; [email protected] Introduction Many animals, ranging in size from ants to aardvarks, in- 1 Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, habit burrows for all or most of their lives. Burrows are an 84990 Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Israel extension of the burrower’s physiology and therefore 2 Department of Entomology, National Museum of Namibia, should be as subject to natural selection as conventional Windhoek, Namibia physiological organs (von Frisch 1974;Dawkins1984; 3 Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, College of Hansell 1984;Turner2000;Hansell2007; Turner and Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, Pinshow 2015). Such Borgans of extended physiology^ Syracuse, New York, NY 13210, USA fulfill physiological (and other) functions that would oth- 4 Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural erwise require continuous investment of energy by the an- History, New York, NY 10024, USA imal itself. These modified habitats vary enormously in 5 Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College architectural complexity (Meadows and Meadows 1991; Station, TX 77843, USA Kinlaw 1999; Whitford and Kay 1999; Turner 2000, 56 Page 2 of 11 Sci Nat (2016) 103:56 2001). Burrows can serve as refuges from adverse environ- Israel and Opistophthalmus setifrons Lawrence, 1961 mental conditions (Svendsen 1976;ReichmanandSmith and Opistophthalmus wahlbergii (Thorell, 1876) in 1990) by providing a stable micro-climate, with the sur- Namibia. The Middle Eastern and northern African ge- rounding soil buffering residents from the vagaries of nus Scorpio L., 1758 and the southern African genus physical conditions that prevail above the ground surface. Opistophthalmus C. L. Koch, 1837 are geographically In the present study, we examined the possible physiolog- separated relatives; Opistophthalmus is the basal clade ical functions of burrows built by scorpions. Many species of of Scorpionidae, sister to a clade of three genera that scorpions, in at least 10 families, construct burrows; these vary includes Scorpio as its basal clade (Prendini et al. from temporary structures, occupied for less than 24 h, to 2003). As such, some aspects of the ecology of these semi-permanent structures, in which they spend most of their scorpions, including burrow architecture, may have been lives and more than 90 % of their time (Polis 1990). The form inherited from a common ancestor. of scorpion burrows ranges from short runs or scrapes (e.g., Scorpio palmatus, which has been extensively studied in Harington 1978; Robertson et al. 1982) to complex, spiral Israel (e.g., Levy and Amitai 1980; Shachak and Brand 1983; tunnels up to 3 m long, terminating a meter below the ground Kotzman et al. 1989; Rutin 1996; Talal et al. 2015), inhabits surface (our unpublished observations). However, most are brown-red sandy soils, loess, and alluvium (Levy and Amitai simple tunnels, 15–30 cm deep, descending gradually from 1980). Burrows are always constructed in open ground and the surface at an angle of 20–40° (Williams 1966; Newlands run parallel to the surface for approximately 10 cm before 1972a; Eastwood 1978; Newlands 1978; Polis et al. 1986; turning and descending at an angle of descent of 20–40° for Polis 1990; Prendini et al. 2003; Talal et al. 2015). Burrow 20–70 cm and terminating in an enlarged chamber (Levy and structure and depth differ among species and depend on hab- Amitai 1980; Talal et al. 2015). Depending on the species, itat and soil type, hardness, texture, and composition (Koch Opistophthalmus construct burrows under stones or in open 1978; Lamoral 1978, 1979;Koch1981; Prendini 2001, 2005; ground. These vary from shallow scrapes to elaborate, spiral- Hembree et al. 2012). The burrows of scorpions that inhabit ing tunnels in substrates of different hardness and composi- mesic environments are often shallow and constructed be- tion, from unconsolidated dune sand to compacted clay-rich neath rocks, logs, or other surface debris (Smith 1966; soils (Lamoral 1979; Prendini et al. 2003). Opistophthalmus Crawford and Riddle 1975; Eastwood 1978; Shivashankar setifrons burrows are 15–20 cm deep (Lamoral 1979). Despite 1992;Tareetal.1993; Shivashankar 1994; Talal et al. varying in depth and configuration, the burrows of different 2015), whereas, in xeric environments, scorpion burrows are species of Opistophthalmus and Scorpio are readily identified often deeper, more complex, and constructed in open ground by their typical oval-, reniform-, or crescent-shaped entrances. (Koch 1978; Lamoral 1979; Polis et al. 1986; Talal et al. A tumulus of excavated soil is often present immediately in 2015). Some species are known to move along temperature front of the entrances of occupied burrows. gradients within their burrows to regulate body temperature All species of Opistophthalmus and Scorpio are solitary (Hadley 1970b), and the tortuous architecture of some bur- and cannibalistic, except when the young reside with the rows may facilitate vertical movement within them (Polis mother after parturition until dispersing from the natal bur- 1990). row (Lamoral 1979; Shachak and Brand 1983). Short- Burrows are central to the lives of many scorpions (Polis distance dispersal of juvenile scorpions may result in 1990). Various features of the burrow may assist the scorpion dense, patchy populations in suitable habitats. in meeting the physiological challenges of its environment. Scorpionids can occupy a burrow for their entire life span, We hypothesized that burrow structure maintains temperature but dispersal information is deficient for many species. and soil moisture conditions optimal for the behavior and Burrows are excavated in the rainy season. Scorpio physiology of the scorpion. We tested the predictions that palmatus periodically leave old burrows and establish (1) burrow temperature at any depth is equal to that of the new ones throughout their lives depending on prey avail- surrounding soil at that depth and (2) the terminal chamber ability and population density (Shachak and Brand 1983). of the burrow is located at a depth at which soil temperature is The burrow serves as the location for feeding and molting, constant. while courtship, copulation, parturition, and maternal care also occur in the burrows of females (Prendini et al. 2003). Like other scorpionids, Opistophthalmus and Scorpio are Materials and methods Bsit-and-wait^ predators (McCormick and Polis 1990), emerging from their burrows to the entrances at dusk and Study species remaining there, Bdoorkeeping,^ until passing prey comes within range, whereupon they dash out to seize it and then The following three species of family Scorpionidae Latreille, retreat down their burrows to consume it (Eastwood 1978; 1802 were studied: Scorpio palmatus (Ehrenberg, 1828) in Shachak and Brand 1983; Kotzman et al. 1989). Sci Nat (2016) 103:56 Page 3 of 11 56 Study sites The height and width of burrow entrances were recorded in situ prior to casting, and the following metrics were recorded or We studied burrows at three
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