Calendar Non-Responsive

Daily 1-1telligence Briefing \vit1 Stuart and Janice. Secreta;::v's Office 8:15 AM 8:30 AM Depart Treasury enroutc Ronald Building ...... C . 3:30AM 8:45 AM hlmi]y Photo" Atrium, Ronald Reagan Building 8:45 At'll 9:00AM Call from Bill Dudley, left word .•....••...•...... 9:DD AM 10:15 Atvl Opening Session -- OPEN PRESS, Atrium HaH Intcmati· on,,; Relations Atrium BaUroom 11:15 Af,-l :45 AM 11 :45 AM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 1:45 PM 1:45 pj\.J 3:15 PM 3:15 PI'll 5:00 P_M 5:00 PM 6:20 PM Session II: Assuring Sustainable and Balanced Economic GrO'_\ih, Atrium Ballroom 6:20 PM 6:30 PM Depart Ronald Reagan Building enroute Treasury 6:55 PM 7:30 PM Depart Treasury enroute State Department, ReceptionlDinner ...... 7:30 PM 8:00 PM Call from BiJ1 Dudley, completed -- saw each other at dinner

.~.·.···1~ 1 ]]JJ' JJ. J ty..l..e..e..t..i.n.,g,w]i t.h].jM.ji]]D]].]e]T] ]Xjj.e, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:25 AM Greet Delegates Upon Arrival at Treasury, BeU Entrance 9:25AM 10:00 AM Opening Session for Day Two of Economic Track Discussions -- OPEN PRESS, Cash Room 10:00 AI'd 11 :45 l\.1Vl Session In: Foundation for a Strong Financial System, Cash Room ll:45 AM 1:30 PM Economic Track Luncheon, Reception Room 1:30 Pr--1 3:00 PM Economic Track Session IV: Trade and Investment, Cash Room 3:00 PM 4:00 Ph-'l Economic Track Wrap Up Session, Cash Room 4:00 PM 4:45 PM ...... 1.'.(.•)...T.US Meeting ",ith Co~Leads and Chinese Principals, Roosevelt Room, White House 4:45 PM 5020 PM Joint Closing Statement, Room 450, SEOB 5:20 PM 6:05 PM U.S. Press Conference, Room 450, EEOB ...... 6:05 PM 6:30 PM TAPED mten/iew \Ovltb CCTV-2, Diplomatic Reception Room...... 6:30 PM 6:50 PM US-China Business Council Dinner, Ritz Carlton Hotc1, 1150 22nd Street N.\l".' 6:50 PM 7:50 PM .A.rrival at Ritz Carlton Hotel ...... Em 7:15AM 8]00 AM A.:rrive at Oftlce J"! 2C,19 SOOAM 9:00AM Meeting ,'villi Governor Zhou, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2600 Woodley Road, N.\V 9:00/\.i.vl 9:30 AM \Vhitc House Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 9:30 AM 10:00 A1\-1 G-20 Meeting, Larry Summers' O.ffice, White House 10:00AM 11:00AM 's Economic COTThl1unications Meeting, Rahm Emanuel's Office, White House 11:00AM 11 :30 ;-\..."v1 Meeting with Mexican Finance Minister Carstens, Secretary's Small Conference Room 11:30A_M 12:15 P)',-1 Meeting with IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, Secretar::v's Office 12:15 PI"'! 12:45 PM l'--Jeeting ,'lith Indian Deputy Chairman l\'1ontek Singh }\-.,hlm'lalia, Secretary's Small Conference Room 12:45 Pi',-l 1:30 PM Courtesy Meeting/Greet Rosie Rios, Treasurer, Secretary's Office 1:30 Pl\''l 2:45 PIvl },,'leeting with IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, Secretary's Office 2:45 PM 3:00 PM (b) (6) 3:00 PM 3:30 Pi'll Prep for International 1ax PDB, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room 3:30 P1\-1 5:00 Ph-1 FinSOB Meeting, Secretary's Large Con:ference Room 5:00 PM 5:10 PiA Farc\vell E"lii;:nt \'lith Jeremy Stein, Diplomatic Reception Room 5:10 PfA 5:20 PM Call to Rahm Emanuel 6:15 PM 7:00 Plvl Prep for National Level Exercise with David Cohen Secretary's Office 7:00 HA 710 PM Call to FED Chairr:r:an Bernrmke. left \\cord

ivledia Breakfast wi h Joe >Jocera~ Ne\-'{ "'(ork Times< Toom 1\i\'1 \Vhite l-iomB Debrief- SecTctar:,'/s Large Conference Room Return to Office ... ~ . Can from Shel1a Bair Meeting with Gene and Alan, re:ht:althcare, Secretary's Offke Call to Rahm Emanuel, left word Call to Michael Kaplan, (b) (6) NEC Lending Meeting, Larry Surr,mers' Office, Vvnitc Housev,·ith Alan aJ1d Lew \vith Dominique Strauss Kahn, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... ~::::, .,.. Call to Jamie Dimon, left word Can to Larry Meyer -~ (b) (6) ", ",...... ' . One-on-One ""ith POTUS, \Vhite House ...... Ian Solomon, Secretary's Office ...... :...... Internal Reg Refonn, Secretary's Sroan Conference Room Call to Michelle Smith Call to Rahm Emanuel

(b) (6) ....

Arrive at Office Media with Steve Secreta.,;;'s Smal1 Conference Room 'Nith Jake and Andrew Call from Summers ...... White House Debrief, Secretary's Large Conference Room Can to Larry Summers, left word ,...•...... ,. ,...... , . Sunday Show Prep, Secretary's Small Conterence Room ...... Call to Lany Summers

Economic with Larry, Tarry Summers' Office, White House POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Oval Office, w'bite House Show Prep -with Axe, Larry Summers' Office, White House ., :...... Meeting with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, B-2:2, Capitol Meeting ,,"ith Congressman Steny Hoyer, H-107, Capitol NEe Principal's Meeting, re:trade, Large Conference Room, Situation room, 'v'li'1ite House Meeting with Bemanke, Schapiro, Dugan, Gensler, 50rn, Bowman, Secretary's Large Conference Room NEC Long Tenn Fiscal Planning, Larry Sum.tners' Office, White House with Gene and A1an Prep for Sunday Suo,v, Larry Summers' Office, \-'!hite House Presidential Appointee and Leadership Program Calendar

9:00 .4.\1 2:00PM Pmgram 2:05 PM 2:30 PIvl ;\n ,ve Trcasur:/ l}epartmcnt 2:30 PiA 2:40 PM Depart Trea:::ury cnmute Ne\vscum 2:40PM Arrive A-BC Studio (},;bkeup/Sitting in Chair;, Nc\vseum, 555 PennsYlvania Avenue, N.\\7 3:00 Pr-,,1 3:15 P]\/l lnterl/iev/ v/1th ABC Vv'eek \vith George Stephanoplous (Live to Tape), Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania A"Tnue, N.\V 6:10 Pi'll 7:45 PM 7:45PM 8:45 Pty1 (b) (6)

8:00AM 8:15 A):,,1 Daily Intelligence Briefing "Fith Stuart and Janice, Secretary's Office ...... 3:15AM 8:35/1J\'1 White House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room, \\'hite House 8:35 AM 8:50 AI'll Call from Rahill Emanuel 3:50 Af-,-1 9:00 ;\1,,1 Call to FED ChailTl1an Bemanke 9:00 i\}vl 9:40AM \VhiteHouse Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Room "",. " . 9:40.A...\cl 9:50 .tu"\'l Economic Roundup with Larry, Lany Summers' Office, VIhite House ...... 10:40 A'.'W'l . 9:50AM POTUS Daily Economic Brieflng, Oval Office, \lv'hite House 10:40 AM i 1:00 ATv! Return to Office 11:00AM 11:15 Mvl Call to Rahm Emanuel ...... • , . 11 15 ,AM 11:35AM Call fi'om Lan"y Summers, len ',,/ord 1135 AM 12:00 PM l\·1eeting with Russel] George, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration ,vith Mark Patterson, A1 Fitzpayne, Mike Mundaca, small conference room ...... 12:00 PM 12:05 PM Can from L-aTI)' Summers 12:05 PM 1210 PM Call from Bill Dudley ...... ",...... •...... 12:10 PM 12:30 PM \Veekly Meeting with Lael Brainard, Secretary's Offke ...... 12:30 PM 12:40 PM Call from Sara Feinberg 1:30 PM Phone Inteview with Bin Cohan, Secretary's Office \',o'it11 /udrew \\'ilJiams :30 Pi'ii 50 PM Homeland Security/TFI Briefing in advance ofPOTLJS on Tuesday, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room with Neal "\V01in, Stuart Levey. Howard ?\lende1soh.n, 1:50 Pi\-f 2:00 PM Return to Office 2:00 PI\j 3:00 PI\'l 2011 Budget Discussion, Secretary's Small Conference Room 3:00 PM 3:30 PM Derivatives/OTC Discussion, Secretary's Small Conference Room 3:30 Pi'll 4:25 PM 4:25 fid 4:35 PM 5:20 Piv! 6:05 PM (b) (6) 6:05 Pl'/1 6:45 PM Call from RahmEmanueL left ';'iord 6:45 PM (b) (6) 7:05 7:20 PIv! CaE from Rahm Emanuel 7:20 Pivl 7:30 (b) (6) (b) (6) 6:15 /\1\1 (b) (6) 7:25 Afvf 7:45 AM 7:45 AM 8:00 Ai'll Weeldy Meeting \-'-/11h Stuart Levey, Secretary's Office 8:00/\l\'1 8:15AM Daily Intelligence Brietlng with Stuart and Janice, Secretary's Office 8:15 AM 8:40 ,.~l\f V/hite Halls;,: Senior Staff l\·teeting, Roosevelt Room, \\'hite Hou;;;e 3:40/'\I\-1 8:45 ;1..M (b) (6) 8:45 AM 9:15AM .AJ\1 9:40 Aryf 940 AM 9:50AM 9:50AM 10:45 AM 10:45 10:50 A.M 10:50 AM 11:00 AM Prep for Schapiro/Gensler Meeting 11:00AM 11:20 AJv1 with SEC Chairwoman Mary and CFTC Chair Gary Gensler, Secretary's Office with Michael Barr, Mark Van der sma11 conference room

11 :20 Atvl 11:25 AM Can from Rahm Emanuel 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 0-20 Meeting, Session I with Lad, Clay Berry. Pollard, Steve V-linn, Wally, Secretary's Small Cor-derence Room

1:30PM 2:35 PM Phone Interview with James Stewart, New Yorker with Andrew- and Steve /\lbrecbt, Secretary's ()ftlce 2:35 PM 3:25PM \Veekly Homdand Security Briefing Session with F()TUS, re:Terrorist Finance Issues, Situation Room. White House with Stuart Levey, David Cohen ...... , Ca11 from FED Chairman Bemanke, left \\lord 3:25 PM 3:55 Pl\1 ...... Return to Office 3:55 Piv1 4:00 PM ...... Call from FED Chairman Bernanke 4:00 PM 4:05 PM ...... ::: .. 4:05 PM 4:15PM Meeting with USSS Director Sullivan, Secretary's Oflice 4:15 PM 4:30 PM MDB Candidate, Secretary's Office with Lael, Mark, Pat Maloney 5:25 PM S&ED Post Mortem, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:30 PI...1 Can to Jamie Dimon . 5:25 5:45PM 6:00 PM TBAC Presentation to the Secretarj, Secretary's Large Conference Room Call to Peter Orszag, left 'word 6:00 PM 6:05 PM ,; , . 6:05 Piv1 6:15PM Can to laITy SumTflers, left vmrd 6:15 PM 6:20PM Drop by \'>1th David re:thanks, confirmation Call to Bob Rubin 6:20 PM 6:55 PM ...... Call to Jolli, Sexton, left v/Ord 6:55 PM 7:20 PM ...... 7:20 PI\-l 7:40PM Call to Larry Summers

900 Al'\1 White liouse Senior Roose,:elt Room, \\'hite House 8:15AM ...... 00·.·.:0·0.·0.::.: .: ...... 0 . 9:00 :\M 9:30 AM 9:30 A;'ll 9:55 AM Prep for Meeting \".-jth Brazilian finance Minister i\hntega, small ccmfeTi::nce room 9:55/u\{ 10:00 AM Call to FED Chairman Bemanke Can to Christy Romer, left \'lord 10:00 A.-M 10:05 Arv-l ...... 10:05 A~,j 10:40 AM ivIeeting with Director Lockhart, Ed Deivlarco, San AvieL Secretary's Office 10:40 A1\-} 10:50 A1\-1 Farewell/Photo Op y itll Harry Wilson, Secretary's Office 10:50/\0-} 1:00AM (b) (6) 11:00 1J 05 AM to Marne Levine. left word 11:05AM 11.50AM Meeting with Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Y;,lzntcp., Secretary's SmaH Conference Rc:>-om 11:50 A:tA 12:35 Piv-l G,2D Meeting, Session 2, Secretary's Small Conference Room •••

Cal] to Christy lZomer nOFM 1:30 PIv! Derivatives [v'feeting \-vitt Neal Wolin, l\:lichaeJ Barr, [vIark ,'an der \Vcide, Karthik, Chris D';\ngeh Sara Avid, Amias Gerity, Secretary's Office 1:30 PM 2:15 PM Meeting with Si:,g::p(Jre Finance lvhnister Thurman Shanmugaratnam, Lael Brainard, David Cohen, Secretary's RDom ...... : ..... 2:45 Piv1 Fa1l1nterTiational Travel Discussion. Secretary's Small Conference RDom :::: . 2:45 Pivi 3:10 PM Group Intern Photo, Ben l::n1rance 3:10 PM 3:15 PM Call from Roger Altman 3:15 PrA 4:00 PM Meeting with CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler,(b) (5) Secretary's Small Conference Room ,'\ith Mark van der weide, Amias Gerit}', Neal Wolin 4:00 PM 4:30 PM Phone Cal1 with Steve Labaton, Ne\,v York Times ee:···························· 4:30 PM 4:45 PM CFIUS Re,riew Case with Wally and l\hrk Jaskowiak, Secretary's Office ., ,::...... : 4:45 PtA 5:00 nA Unemplo:yment In::;urance with , Secretary's Office 5:00 PM ············5':'2'5: PM 2011 Budget Discussion, re: 150 Account, Secretary's Small Conference room 5:25 PIv'1 6:00 PM Can to Michael Froman. left word 6:00 Phi 630PM Phone Call ;;vith Jerry Speyer 6:30 Pr-v1 7:30 PM Dinner with Gene Sperling (b) (6)

7:20 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 Aiv1 8:05 AM Call to Larry Summers c :::cc:~; c········ . 8:05 Al\'l 9:00 AM Media Breakfast ,\/it11 USA Today. Secretary's Small Conference Room c:········· 9:00 :\[\,1 9:40 Atvl White House Debrief, Secretary's Large Conference Room 9:40 Atv1 9:50 AM Economic Roundup with Larry, wrr)' Summers' Office, White House 9:50 l\M 10:30 At'll POTUS Dail)! Economic Briefing, Oval Office, White House ...... 10:30 i\Xl 11:30AM Prep for Long Term Fiscal, Larry Summers' Office, \Vhite House ...... 11:30AM 12:00 PI\![ Meeting with Joel Hyatt (per VP Gore), Secretary's Office ::::: :: c···································· 12:00 PM 1250 PM Lunch with r ED Chairman Bemanke, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 12:50 PI'vl 'OOPM Call to CDngressman Barney Frank, left 'Nord ...... ::; 1:00PM :30 PI\'1 \\'eek1y Meeting with Lad Brainard, Secreta,.)"s Office iCC: " ,:::: 1:30 PM 3:15 PM Long Term Fiscal Planning Meeting '\-'lith 1'OTU5, Roosevelt Room, \\TJ1ite House 3:15 PM \\'eekly Oll~~~11-0~eMeetingwith POTUS, Oval Office, \Vhite l-:louse 3:55 Pf\A CaIl to Congressman Bamey Frank ...... : . 4:00PI\'1 4:15 Ft'v-t II/leeting with Duncan Niederauer, Secretary's Office ...... 4:15 PM 4:30 PM Phone Call with Senator Tom Carper 4:30 PM 5: 10 PM l'vleeting \'o/ith Senator Christopher IJodd, Room 448, Russell Senate Office Building 510 PM 51SPM Call to Rahm Emanuel, ]eft word 5 15 P[\,'1 6:00 PM Meeting: Session 3, Secretary's Small Conference Room 6:00 Ph'I 6:30 Pl'v1 Meeting 'sitll Neal, G'1ark, Jake, JeffGoldstein, Secretary's Office 6:30 Psi 7:251'lvl OTC Deri"vates Meeting, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room 7:35 Pr,'l CaJl to R&hm Emanuel 7:35 Pivi 7:40 Plvl Call to Michelle Smith 8:00 PM 9:00 Plv1 (b) (6)

7:20 AIvl 8:00 8:00 AM 8: !5 Daily Intelligence Briefing with Stua;'! and Janice, Secretary"s Office 15/\1\1 3:45 Ajvl \Vhite house Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room, \\-'hits House 8:45 AM Meeting \v1th FED Chainrmn Bemanke, Secretar)/s oms!:: 8:55 AlA Call to Mike Froman Call from FED Chainnan Hemanke 9:45 AM 9:55 AM Economic Roundup with Larry, Larry Summers· Office, \Vl1ite House 10:20 Atvl 10:30 Atv:! Dai]y Economic Briefing \'

Arrive Treasury Department \Vhite House Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:45 AM 10:15 AM (b) (5) Secretary's :::>mal1 Conference Room 10:15 AIv1 11:00 AM Senior Staff Meeting, Secretary-'s Large Conference Room 11:00 AM ]1:15 AM Return to Office 11 :15 AM 1]:20 AM Call to Rahm Emanuel 11:20AM 11:30 AM ···················c Call to Christy Romer 11:3DAM 11:45AM Lunch with JeffGoldstein. Secretary's Small Conference Room 12:00 Pi'l1 00 Pf\.-l Reg RefDrm Meeting, Secretary's Smal1 Room ·00 Pi"l 1:30 PM 1:30PM 2:00 prvl (b) (6) . Future of GSEs, Secretary's Smal1 Conterenc,:;: Room 2:00 PM 2:30 PM .,,,, , . Meeting with Brainard/Sobel, re:G20, Secretary's Small Conference Room 2:30 3:10 Ptvl ...... Call from John Koskinen, left word 3:10 PM 4:00 Pi\-l Call from Jop,n Koskinen 4:00 PM 4:05 PM Call to 4:05 pf',-{ 4:30 PM Phone Ca]lwith Phil.A.ngchdes 4:30 PM 4:45 Ptvl Call trom Larry Smnme,s 6:55 PyA 7:05 PM Dinner \vith Neal Violin, 7:30 PM 8:30 PM (b) (6)

\Veekly Meeting with Stuart Levey, Secretary's Office Daily Inte1ligence Brieilng ','lith Stuart and Jance, Secretary's Office 8:00 AM 8:30 AI'll Whitc I-louse Senior StafL Roosevelt Room, \J,Fhite Housc AM 8:55 AM ...... ~


8:55 AM 9:00 AM •...... 9:00 Ajy-j 9:40AM \Vhite House Debrief, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room ...... C'...... c: ••. . 9'40 A..M 9:50 jiJvf Economic Roundup with Larry, LaITy Summers' Ofikc, \\'hite House 9:50 A1\1 10:45 AM FOTUS Daily £cono,,,i;:; Brie±1ng, Oval Office, \',111111; House 11:30AI'A 12:00 PM Meeting \V'jtt ChIlo; Flov,'ers, Lee Sachs, Secretary's Office 12:00 PM 12:15PM Lunch with Dr. Alan Greenspan, Secretary's Small Conference Room 12:15 Piv! 12:25 PM (b) (6) :lOPM (b) (6) :15PM :20 PM Meeting \-'lith Neal Je:fI Goldstein, Secn:tar-;/s Office ...... c.. ~...... c.················ ...... •...... • . 1:20 PM 135 PM 1:35 P~v1 2:00 PM (b) (6) 2:00 Pi'lf 2:10PM Meeting with Congressman Brad Sherman, Secretary's Small Conference Room with Kim Wallace 2:10 P:1\-1 2:20 PM Call from Rahm Emanuel 3:10 PM Call from Michael Froman" left word 3:10 P}A 3:20 PM Can from Michael Froman 3:20 PM HOPM Phone Call with Small BUMiness Administrator Karen Mi11s, Secretary's Office ...... ·P·h··o··n··e Interview- wit" Joe Nocerra, New York Times \'/ith Andrew Wi'1J·'a··m··~··s······································..... 3:40 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PN! 4:10 PM NSc/NEC Meeting, rc:G20, Situation Room. Large Conference Room, \Vhite House with Mark Sobel 4:10 PM 5:00 PM Can from Bil1 Dudley, left word 5:00 PM 5A5PM Rahm Emanuel's Communications Meeting, Rahm Emanuel's Office, White House 5:45 P[;-1 6:30 PM Unemplo}'ment Insurance Meeting, Larry Summers' Office, \\'hitc House 6:30 PM 845PM CEO Dinner with , Treasury Dining Room, 2nd Floor

Breakfast with Deb Solomon. Wall Street Journal with Jake and Andrew, Secreta~v's Sma]] Conference Room 9:45 AM \Vhite House Debrief, Secretary's Large Conference Room ...... ;; . 9:45 10:30 AM Meeting "With Neal Wolin, Mark, Jeff, Jake, Lee, Secretary's Office AM ...... 10:30 AM 10:45 AIvl Meeting "\-vith Lew Alexander, Secretary's Office 10:50 Atvl ll:00AM Economic Roundup with Larry, Larry Summer's Office, \\ihite House 1140 AM Daily Economic Briefing with FOTUS. Oval Office, White J--loUSC 1:00AM ...... 11:40AM 11:45 AM Retum to Office 11:45 AI'll 12:00 PI'vl Meeting with Dick Gregg. Secretary's Office 12:00 PM -OOPM Onc+YeaT A.nniversary, SecTetar):'s Small Conference Room 1:00PM 1:25 PM Meeting with Rahm Emanuel and Larry Summers, Rahm J.:lnanuel's Office, White House 25 PM 30 PtA Ca]] from Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, left w-ord :30 PrA 2:20 PM Comp 1\-1eeting, Secretary's Sma)] Conference Room 2:25 PM Call from Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood 2:20 PM ...... 2:25 pr\1 2:30 Pl'vf Call to IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, left word 2:30PM 2:35 PM FHF/\ Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 2:35 Pt',·f (b) (6) 2:45 PM 3:00 PiA Senior StaffOff-Site Meeting, Secretary's Office 3:00 p-r/i 4:15 Pi""f Meeting with C:EOs, GOV(;;ulOr John Engler (U.S. Chamber ufComn:1GCe), Gerald Hmvard Association Steve Bartlett (CEO,Financiai Sen'iccsROLmdtable)_ Rob President, Fimmcia! Services Forum, re:debt limit 4: 15 PI\:1 5:30 PtA NEC 1Jeeting. re:smal1 banks/small business, Larry Summers' Office. White Huuse 5:30 P;-A 5:45 PM 1'leeting, Secretary's Office 5:45 PM \)15 Pl'A Call to IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. !eft word -- handled by email through Sara Avie1 615PM Small Business Meeting, Secretary's Office (b) (6) Daily Economic Briefing with POTUS" Oval Office, White House 9:50AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:45 AM (b) (6) ...•...... A~A President's \Vorking Group Ivleeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 10:45/iM 11 :50 ...... Return to Office ...... •...... 11:50 AM 12:00 PM (b) (6) 12:35 PM ...... C'..~.aJ] from Skeeter \Vortn-y ...... •...... 12:35 PM 12:40 PM ...... (b) (6) 15 PM 1:25PM Can from Rahm Emanuel, left word 25 PM 1:55 PM

V (b) (6) 1,·.:S••5..P:..l -:I, ,2•• 0•.0.P.i. l•...... Call from Rahm Emanuel 2:00PM 2:15PM 2:25 PM Call to Iv1egMcConnel1 2:15 PM ...... (b) (6) 4:00 Prvl 4:50 PM Can to Larry Summers 4:50 PM 5:15PM ...... Ca11 to Rahm Emanuel 6:15 pry! 6:25 PM (b) (6)

Daily Intelligence Briefing with Scott Thompson, Secretaris Office ...... "/hite House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room, \\'hite House 8:30 AM 8:50 At'it Return to Office . 8:50/\i,,1 9:20AM ...... Call to Michelle Smith 9:20 A;\-1 9:30 A1'1 Meeting with Alan Krueger 9:30 lu\-{ 9:50 .4..JI/1 1O:15/\;\'1 Call from IRS c.:om-.-nissioncr Doug Shulman 10:10 AM ...... Meeting \-viLl-} Michael Carroll, Secretary's Office "vith Andre's Williams 30 Alvl 12:30 PM Lunch \'lith Fi~D GOVCITlOT Tarul1o, Secretar:.v's Sma]] Conference Room 12:30 Pl','l J:45 PM Conference Call 'Nit}} Larry Summers, Alan Krueger 1:45PM 2:00 PM 3:05 Pl'A Meeting, re:Future of international Architectur<;; \'-I1th 11ark SobeL \Vhite HOllse Situation Room; Room Tr •• Retum to Office 3:)5 PD'l :USPM Prep for David Cno bterview ,vith Jake Siewert and Andrew \Vilhams, Secretary's Office lSPM 3:30 Plv-J. Inteniiew v,-ith David Cho, \Vashington Post v/ith Andrew \Villiams 3:30 PM 4:20 PM Call from Congressman Paul Kanjorski, left '.vord 4:20 Phi 4:30 PM Call to Minister Boutros-GhaL Sccretar;/s Office 4:30 PM: 4:45 PiA Call to Laf1J,' Summers 4:45PM 4:50 PM 6:00 pl\'l \-'leeting with Vice President Biden, re:529s, Vice President Biden's \Vest \\ ,ng 5:00 PM Alan Krueger Depart White I-louse enmute residence 6:00PM 6:30 PM

8/15/2008 <3\ 5G3 PM Calandar

8:1.5 AM at Treasury 'iU5AM 8:20 AM Daily intelligence with Scott Thompson, Secretary's 0111(;e 8:30 AM 9:00AM White House Senior Staff Meeting, ROGsy-eli Room, W11ite House 9:00 At-,A White no'..\se Debrief, SecT'etary's Small Conference

9:25 AM Cal1 to Larry Summers, left WDTd ¥, completed in person 9:35 AM 9:50 Call to Nancy Hogan,(b) (6) left· ..·····.c·····.··....\vonl .. . 9:50 A)\.-J: to:55 AM Daily Economic Briefing \vith POTUS, Oval Office, \\Thite House ·10···:·5;';-··.'0.····';1;···· 'II :00 AM Return to Office 11 :00 AM 11 :30 AM Prep for China Trade Meeting, Secretary's Office 11 :30 AM 12:15 PM Meeting ",.ith Vikram Pandit, Citgroup 12: 15 PM 12:30 PM Call from Gerry Corrigan ~- (b) (6) '1" 2···;·]··O·····P··;M······ j...••,..S·pc,.·];.··· ·····C;'a;11"','o" 'R'a'h'm'

1: 15 PM 1:20 PM Call irom Congressman Paul :KanjoTski --(b) (6) 1:20 PM 2:00 PM One-Year FollowUp DisCllssionJPrep David WesseL Secretary's Small Conference Room 2:00 PM 2:35 PM Interview with David Wessel, Secretary's Office 2:35 PM 3:00 PM Call from French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, left word 3;':'0."0', "P'M;············4·;.O·0· 'P"M'········ Principals Only NEC Meeting,(b) (1) (A) , laITy' Summers' Office. White Bouse 4·····j··S···P···M···················5: 15 PM r-,,-feeting ""lth Bob ZoelEek, Secretary's Office ...... ; ;,.ec iC.."······.··. ,. ,e • 5:15 Fly'! 6:00 PM 020 Derivatives il/leeting, Larry Summer:;' Office, White House with Mark Sobel ...... 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Depart \Vh1te House enroute residence

800.'o.M 8:50 AIv1 Return to Office 8:55 AM Call from Rahm Emanuel, left \<,,'ord 9:00 AM 9:05 A\1 Call from French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde. left word 9:05 Ar>'f 930.'o..M White House Debrief, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room .. . 9:30 Al\1 9:40 AM Call from French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde ...... ~....;" ..... 9:50AM 10:20 AM Daily Economic Briefing v,itt PO 1US, Oval Off1ce, V/hiteHouse "with Alan Krueger 10:20 AM 10:35 AM Call from Jim Lockhart, le.ft word .c.;"" ,; ,•...... ~R··e··turn to Ofi1ce 10:35 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 Ai."l 11 :00 A1\-1 Courtesy Visit with Nick Rohatyn 11 :00 AM 11 :25 AM Meeting ",ith JeffGoldstein, Al Fitzpayne, Secretaris Office

11 :25 AM 11 :30 j'>,},-1 Cal] from Rahm Emanuel ...... •...... e.····································· 1]:30 A.tvl 12:00 PM Capital Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 12:10 PM 1'15 PiA GSE Meeting, Principals Only, Secretary Geithner/Secretary Donovan, L.-8JTy Summers' Office, \Vbite House 1:15 Ph-J 2:20 PM Lunch \'lith Larry SU1YlJTlers" \Vhite House kless, Vihite House 2:20 PI\-l 3:00 PM Return to Office 3:00 PM 3:15 PM Call to FED Chairman Bemanke 3:15 PM 3:25 pr.,-i Call to Larry Summers. left \vord 3:25 PM 3:30 PM Can to Larry Surrm,crs 3:30 PM 3:40 PM Phone Call \vith f\·lichael CarrolL Secretary's Office with Andrew Vhl1iams 3:40 PM 3:50 prV! Call from Larry Summers 4:05 PI\-1 4:40 PM Can from FED Chain-nan BemanKe. left vlord 4:401';"1 4:50 PM Call from FED Chairman BemanKe 6:10PM Ca]] to Lany Summers, left ,vora 6:20 PM 6:25 PM Can from Rahm EmanueL ]eft \vord Cal] from FtD Chairrnan Bemanke

9f15UGGS at S:D3 PH Call from Rahm Emanuel Cal1 to FED Chairman Bemanke

7:20 Pfvi 7:25 P:tvl Call from Mike Froman, left ",cord 7:25 Phi 7:35 Ph'i Can to Rahm Emanuel, left wcrd 7:35 ?"fA 7:40 PM ...... Cal1 from i\hke Froman 7:40 PM 7:55 Nvi Call to Rahm Emanuel 7:55 PM 8:00 Ph-I Meeting with POTUS, Oval Office. White I-louse 8:00 PM 8:25 PM ·'··:·2···5····P··i\··\··············· 8:55 PM Can to Larry Summers, left word (b) (2)

...... (b) (2) Depart(b) (2) enroute Cleveland. Ohio ~~ (b) (2) 6:40 AM 7:45 AM Can from FED Chairman Bemanke, }eft word 7:45AM 7:50 AM Ca1J from FED Chairman Bemanke 7:50 AM 8:00 j\.lvl Arrive Cleveland, Ohio 8:00 AM 8:45AM (b) (6) 8:45 AM ICU 0 Acyl 12:45 Phil (b) (6) 10:30 M'A (b) (6) 12:45 PM 1:30 PM

Cail from Gary Gensler 2:10 PM 3:20 PM ,c. , . (b) (2) Depart Cleveiand, Ohio enToute Washington(b) (2) 3:20 P1'vi 4:30 PM Arrive Washington/(b) (2) 4:30 PI\--i 4:5u PM Department ...... •...... 4:50 PM 530 PM Ceremonial Swearing in for Rosa Gumataotao Rio, Cash Room 5:30 pr.fl 6:30 PM (b) (6)

\Vhite House Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:00AM 9:45 AM Call to Michelle Smith 9:45/u\1 10:00 AM ...... c , Prep :for 1,terview with Alan Murray, Street Journal, Secretary's Office 10:05 AM 10:15 AM ...... Taped bterview \-vitt Alan Murray, Wan Street JournaL Diplomatic Reception Room 10:15 A_M 11:15 AM Ca1J from FED Chairman Bemanke. left word . 1:20 PM 1:25 PM ...... Can from FED Chairman Bemanke 3:05 PM Call f-rom Christy Romer, left word 5:30 PM 6:30 PM .•...... Call to Rann Emanuel, left word 6:30 P!'vl 6:35 PM...... Call to Rahm Emanuel 6:35 Ptvl 6:40 PM Can from Christy Romer, left word 6:40 Ph·'l 6:45 PM ...... (b) (6)

Call from Rahm Ernanue1 5;30 Flvi 5:40PM (b) (6)

Call from JOM Dugan, left word ...... : . (b) (6)

\Vhite House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room, Vlhite House 9:00AM 10:00£\1\-1 China Tires Meeting, Situation Room, vVhite House ...... ".." . 10:00 10:30 Al;1 \Vhite House Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Room 10:30 AM 11:00 AtA Capital h1eeting, Secretary's Small Conferellce Room 11:00/\M 11:30 AM Senior Staff Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 12:30 PM 1:30PM 020 Meeting (Substance & Message), Secretary's Small Conference Room 1:30 PM 230PM Small Business/Banks Meeting, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room 3:30 PM FinSOB Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 2:30 PM ...... 4:00 PIv:! 430PM Meeting \vith Dominique Strauss Kahn, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:30 PM 5:00 PM Capital Meeting, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room ...... • ·.··c:.c c········ c······················· . 5:00 Pl'vl 6:00 PM One-Year Anniversary Plan Meeting, Secretary's Sma}] Conference Room

Si"15/20OS at 5:U (b) (2) (b) (2) Arrive Neve' York(b) (2) 8:45 .;-\i'\il 8:50/\.1-1 8:50 Atvl 9:00AM 9:15AM 930 AM (b) (6) 9:30AM 10:30 AM 11 :25 Ai'A 11:35AM Can to Jim Messina, left word 12:00 Pl'.,1 12:05 PM Call to Christy Romer, left word 12:05 PM 12:10 PM (b) (6) 12:10 PM 12:20 PM Call to Christy Ro 12:20 Pl\'I 12:30 PM Depart New York/ 12:30 PM 140 PM (b) (2) Arrive Washingto lAOPM 1:55 PM Arrive Treasury Department -----.------1:55 PM 2:05 PM Exit Strategy Secretary's Small Conference Room 2:05 PM 3:00 PM housing Meeting, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room 3:00 PM 3:05 PM Can to Jim jv-lessina 3:05 PM 310 PM Debt Limit Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:()0 Fl\-i 5:00 PM Call to Jim Messina, left \vord 6:40 PM 6:45 Phi Call to Rahill Emanuel, left word 6:45 PM 6:50 PM ...... Call to Jim Messina 6:50 PM 6:55 PM 6:55 Pi,,"! 700PM ...... C:;.alJ to Christy Romer Call to Larry Summers 7:00 PM 705PM Call to Jim fviessina 7:05 PM 7:10 PM Call from Larry Summers 7:20 PM 7:25 PM 8:25 PM Dinner \vith Leading Economists, Dining Room, 2nd Floor \\itJ'1 Jake, Alan and Sara 7:25 PM Ca]] from Larry Summers< left word . iL25 PM 8:30 PM Call to Rahm Emanuel 905 PM 9:10 P~A Call from Larry Summers 9:15 PM 9:20 PM ...... •......

l'mive at Office Off~tl1e-Record Breakfast \vith Fortune Magazine Nina Easton, Andy SeT\'itT, Allan Sloan, Jake "',,·w,", and lenni, Secretary's Sma1J Conference Room

10:00 AM Cal1 from USTR Ambassador Demetrios Marantis Call to Mark Sullivan, Director, USSS 10:00 A'vi 10:05 AM Phone Call ,vitt Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers International President. Secretary's Offlce 10:30AM 10:45 AM...... Call to David Wessel, left word 10:45 AM 10:50.A....T\-1 Call to ZanIlY Minton Beddoes -- (b) (6) 10:50 AM 11:00 AM Reg Reform Update, Secretary's Small Cor·\t··e"··~··n··c·-·e cR··o···o··p-··,·,························ 11:00 AI\-1 12:00 PM Accountability Agenda and Compensation Issues, Secretary's SmaIl Conference Room 12 00 Pf'.A LOOPM PM 1'15 PM Prep for Interview with Ryan Lizza, Ne,v Yorker "vitt Jake, Gene, Lee, Secretary's omce Interview with Ryan tina, New Yorker, Secretary's Omce j 5 2:30 PM G-20 Prep for BackgTounder with lntemationaJ··F-.·'·n'··-a··i··r··s·/··,p·u···o··1j·c···.,··.f'f·,·l·:-·,·s··.··S··ecretar/s Small Confe:cer,ce Room 2:30 PIv"! 3:00 PM G~20 Backgrounder, Media Room, 4th Floor 3:00 PM 3:25 PM 3:25 f'fv'l 3:45PM :t'rom Rahm Emanuel 3:45 PM 3:55 PM Economic Team Meet-ini<" Rahm Emanuel's Office, VFhite House 4:30 PM 5:25 prv1 (b) (6) Calendar

5 :30 PI\l 6:40 PM (b) (1) (A) 6:40 PM PM Return to 0t11ce 8:00 PI\-l (b) (6)

Daily Intelligence Briefing ",;,'itb Stuart, Secretary's Office 8:15 /\1\'1 8:50 AM \Yl',ite Bouo;e Senior Staff lvIeeting, Roosevelt Room \\-llitc House 8:50Af-.,.'f 9: 15 A.M Return to Office 9:1 5 ./;..M 9:55 AM Meeting v,ith Mark Van der Wicde, Jake and Sara, re:Op td, Secretary's Office ...... 9:55 .A....rvi 10,00 AM CaB to FDIC Chainvoman Sheila Bair, left word 1000 AM 10:05 At',-1 Can to Bill Gross 10:10 AM 10:15 At,.-r Call to FDIC Chairwoman SheiJa Bair 10:25 Alv1 10:35 AlA Call to Larry Fink 11:00AM 11 :35 AM ...... "v,"',·h···i··t·e· House ID)e;lb';"ie;jf~,. S~~;, t~j yl..••sS'm~.lEal11i Ic=o~.n~.f[(e.;re~JnljC"eIR~.~ooO~m;j •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...... 11 :45 AM 12:20 PM COP Testimony Secretary's Large Conference Room 12:30 Pi'll 1:30 Pl'v'I \Veekly Lunch with FED Chairman Bemanke, Federal Reserve Board 2:00 PM 2:15 PM Can to Senator Max Baucus, leftward, re:Cuba 2:15 PM 2:25 PM Can to Senator Robert Menendez, re:Cuba ...... •, jJ , . 2:55 PM 3:00 PM Call to Congressman Jose Serrano, re:Cuba 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Meeting with David Lipton, Mike Froman, Gene Sperling, Lac] Brainard (by phone), Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:15 PM 4:25 PM Ca]] to Rahm Emanuc1, left word 4:25 Pr.} 4:35 PM Can to Rahm Emanuel 5:00 P1'v1 5:15 PM Phone Call with Larry Summers, Secretary's Ofi1cc ;,;; . 6:45 7:00 PM CFIUS Signing \-vitt Mark Jaskowiak, Secretary's Office PI'"l ...... 7:15 Pl\.'l 8:05 PM Depart Office(b) (2) ...... , 'c·····.············ 8:05 PM 9:05 PM (b) (2) enroute England D 7:55 A..:'vl 8:10 AM 2DOS'" 8:10./\1\-1 9:40AM (b) (2) 9:40 i\.M 11 :50 AlA (b) (6) 1:50AM 12:00 PM (b) (2) eHToute EM !reasury n".oo Ed 12:}·0 Pfvl Bi.lateral with Chance]]or Alistair Darhng, Cb.ancel1or Darling's Office. 2nd Floor PI\i 12:40 PM Depart H}A Treasury(b) (2) 12:35 ...... 1240 PI',..'! PM ,'\rrivc Hotel 1:00 PM: 2:30 Pl'<'1 Off-the-Record Lunch vvith I inanee Media Elite,(b) (6) G(b) (6) (b) (6) 3:00 PtA 3:30 PlY:! Intenciew with Financial Timt;;s editor Lionel Barter, Thames Room, Ground 1< ]oor 3:30Hvi 4:00 PM BRIC Meeting._ River Room, 2nd Hoor 4:15 PM 4:45 PM (','ieeting v ith Governor Mario Draghi, Bank of b"tl)< Thames Room, Ground Floor 4:45 P\-1 4:55 PI\1 Pull "ii.side with hmbassador Lou Sussman, Thames Room< Ground Floor :5:05 PM 5:20 Ptvl Hi aIeral with Russian Minister Alexei Kudrin, Thames Room, Ground Floor 5:30 Plvl 6:00 PM 13 lateral Govemor Zhou, Thames Room, Ground floor G 15 P1\1 6:45 Pfvi FlOtt) ~- Bilateral 'Aiih India Finance lviinlster Pranab ]\'fukherjee ',0 9:00 PM Dinner -- Role EC2 (b) (2) G20 Ministers' i\Ieeting, Her i'.,-1ajesty's Treasury Calendar

4:00 PlVl 4:05 PM 4:30PM HOLD During Host Fress Conference. 5t James Suite 5:00 PM Press Conference OPEN PRESS, Auditorium 5:50 PM Background Gaggle \ovitt US Reporters, 5t James Suite 6:10 Pivl Depart(b) (2) ennmte(b) (2) Airport (b) (2) Arrive (b) (2)



Weekly Meeting with Stuart/DailY Intelligence, Secretary's:.O:.ffi.:.,u.:c:',: , ' . 3:15 AM 8:55 AM \Alhite House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room 8:55 AM 9:00 Return to Office 9:00AM 930 AM \lv1ilte Debrief, Secretary's Small CorJerenceRoom 10',00 AM 10:40 AM POlUS Daily Economic Briefing. Oval Office, House 10:40 AM 1LI0 AM Return to Office 11:55 AM Debt Limit Meeting. Secretary's Small Conference Room 11:10 AM ...... 11;55A\1 12:00 PM ...... "c,,:.fTom Rahm Emanuel 12:00 Pl'vl \245 PM 020 Dehvcrables with :Lae1, Gene. Larry Summers' Office, White House 12:45 PM 12:50 PM fTOm Thomas Vi1sack, Secretary of Agriculture 12:50 PM 1:00 PM ...... lOOPM 1:30 Meeting with Jake, Alan Krueger, Peter Gosselin, Secretary's Office 1:30 Pl\,1 2:30 Meeting -- the company, Secretary's Conference Room ...... •...... , .. , , 3:00 PM 3AOPM Meeting \'vith Crm.-.,n Prince of Abu Dhabi. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Secretar)/s Conference Room Call from Bm Daley(b) (6) ):40 Pryl 3:45PM ...... 3:45 PM 3:50 PM Can from JOM Dugan .. , .•...... •...... 4:00 Pl\,l 5:50 PM COl} Prep with Jake. Alastair, Peter, LeVi, Secretary's Small Room 5:50 Pl\'1 6:15 PM Call to Jim Stewart, re:New Yorker piece 6:15 PM 6:55 PM Housing Principals Meeting y,rJtl, Michael Barr, Larry Summers's Office, White House ...... " ... , ... ', 6:55 PM 7:05 PM Retun> to 0111ce ,...... c,·····~·········, :cc:·······.· .• 7:05 Prvl 9:20 PM Dinner with Media, Treasury Dining Room, Second FloOT '-?>'7th Jake, Jenni, ;jara ...... , . 9:20 nA 9:30PM R0tum to Office

Depart eUToute (b) (2) Arrive(b) (2) •...... 8:50 Atvl CaD from IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, left word 9:05 Al'll 9,'50 A"'\'l Depart(b) (6) with Vice President Biden, Education Secretary' 9:50 /;,,"\1 9:55AM Arrive SyTacuse (b) (2) 10:10 AM Call to RanT'!:', Emanuel ...... : 10:10 AJvl 10:25 AM Depart /jrport enronte Syracuse University 10:25 AM 10:30 A"\,j .i'\rrive Syracuse University/proceed to Hold RODm "'1tn Secretary !Juncan 10:30 AM 10:35 A\1 Proceed 10:35 At-A LlOPM ...... : •• ce: 1:10PM PM 2:30PM 3:00 P!Yl Tape r..rPR Phone Il1tcrvie,x, Seh-inc 228A (b) (2) Call to Marne Levine 3:30 PM 4:40PM Wheels Up (b) (2) 4:40 21v1 5:00 PM Arrive Andrevvs Air Force Base ~" ...... •.. 5:00 PM 6:15 Plv} ...... (b) (5) 6:15 PI'll 6:25 Ph-l RetuJTl to Office 6:25 PI'.'l 6:30 PM ...... Can from IRS Commissioner Doug. e...Shulman. . 6:45 PM 6:55 PM Call from David \Vessel 7:10 PM 7:30 PM Depart Office enroute Capitol Hill ...... "OPM 8:00 Plvi Arrive Capitol Hill 8:00 PM: POTUS Address to Joint Session ofCongress, H-219, Capitol

COP Testimony Prep, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:40,\M 1040 AM Economic Roundup with Larry', Larry Summers' Office, White House 10:40 Ai''ll 10:50 AM New Yorker Photo Shoot (Administration's Economic Team)< Roosevelt Room, \\'hite House 1Q:50AM 11:00 ALA Call to Jeff Irmnelt, GE -- (b) (6) , itft ""'ord ,~ ••...... ~. ::~···········,cc:~ 11:00 Af.-l 1:00PM Cabinet Meeting with POTUS (OfiJcial Cabinet Photo). Cabi"et Ramo/East Roo", Vihile i-louse I :20 Pi'll 3:30 Pivl COP Hearing, Room 419, Dirksen Senate Office Building ...... 3:30 PM 4:15 PM \Veekly One-an-One ""ith POTUS, Oval Office -- Courtesy Visit/Photo Op \",ith Carole, Elise and Ben 4:15 PM 5:45PM CNBC U-ve Town Hall Event, Nc\vseum, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.\V. 6:30 PI'll 7:30 PtA (b) (6) (b) (6)

Daily Inteiligence \\'1111 Stuart, Secretary's Office ...... ~ . 8:45 AIYl White House Senior Staff Meeting, Roose\'c]t Room, \\7hi1e House ...... ,80.. .0\".,.-10 0~O: 9/11 Moment of Silence, South Lavvn, \\'bite House 4..,,5 9•..•• Atv-! ...... ~ . 9:00 ANI 10:00 1\1\-1 Economic Strategy Meeting ",'ith Rahm, Rahm Emanuel's Office. \Vhite House ...... 10:00 A1\'1 10:35 AM- Meeting \\'ith Indian Home Minister Chidambaram, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... I0:35 A!\-l 11:40 AM \Vhite House Debrief, Sccretary"s Large Conference Room 11:40 AM 12:10 PJ\,-1 Meeting with Jake, Gene, Lee, Lew, Secretary's Small Conference Room 12:20 PM 12:50 PM Meeting -with Ken _L_--cwis, BanK ofAmerica, Secretar::/s Office ...... : ::: , : ...... •...... •...... 1:00PM 1:55 PM Briefing \\ith IRS Commissioner Shulman, Iv!ichael p,.1undaca, Gene Sperling, Al Fitzpa::/ne< Secretary's Small Conference Room 2:]5 PI'A 2:35 Pi'.'l 2:35 PI'vl 2:45 PI\1 Call from Congressman Barney Frank ...... :::...... •..•.. 4:00 PI'll 5:00 P!\T POTUS Daily Economic Briefing. o-va] Office, \Vhite House 5:00 PM 5:45 PbA Meeting with Larry, Jason Funnan, Alan Krueger, J.21T)' Summers< OffJce, \Vhite House 5:45 pr,,1 5:50 PM Rcturn. to Office 5:50 Pl\-l 6:00 PM Call from Senator Robert l\-'lenendez 6:00 PM Pull ."-.side with Colombian Finance Minister Oscar ZuJuaga, Secretary's Small Conference Room 6:l5Plv; 6:301'0,'1 )\·Jeeting with Colombian Finance Minister Oscar Zuluaga, Lad, Secretary's Sma]] Confcrenee Room Calendar

7:00 AM 7:30AM Depart residence(b) (2) 7:30 AM 8:00 Ah-l (b) (2) 8:00 Aivl 9:00AM (b) (2) 9:15/\0'1 10:00/\,\1 Arrive New York/(b) (2) ...... •.•...• ..... 10:00 AM }O:30AM -- Good Moming .c'\.i'lcrica Interview "\'/itl Diane Sawyer, 1500 Broadway, New York 10036 (comer Street) IIJ:30 ,\M l1:iS/t.M Depart ABC Studio cnroute- federal Hall National Memorial ...... Taping -- Evening News \vit11 KatiE Comic, federal HaH National, 26 Wall Street ......

12:45 PM (b) (2) (b) (2) 3:15 PM 3:20 PM Arrive Washington/(b) (2) 3:20 PM 405 PM (b) (2) ...... 4:05 PM 4:10 PM Cal1 to Hank Paulson 4:10 PM 4:15PM Cali to Bill Dudley 4:J5PM 4:20PM Ca]] to Dan Jester, left word ····································C·'a···!," ·• 'Sl · \'8 Shafran, left word1···················································· . 4:20 PM 4:25 PM j , O te 4:25 PM 4:30PM Call to Mike Silva ...... 4:30 PM 4:45 PM (b) (6) 4:45 PM 5:00 PM Can to Dan Jester ~- (b) (6) ...... 5:00 Prvf 5:15 PM Ca11 to Rahm Emanuel ""...... •.... 5:15 PM 10:50 PM 11:30 P·M"·················· 10:50 PM .... (b) (6)

Can to Fed Governor Kevin WarsD, left word CaB to FED Governor Kevin Warsh 6:00 PyA 700 PM (b) (6)

l2:10PM 6:20 PM CaB from Rahm Emanuel 6:20 PM 6:50 PM (b) (6) 6:50 PM 6:55 PI\-i Can to Richanl Tn.lmk:a -- (b) (6) left word

Arri,,'e at Office Daily hltel1igence Briefing viith Stuart, Secretary's Office ...... 8:15 Ai\'1 8:45/u\'1 \\7hite House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room, \\'h1te House 8:45 AM 9:15AM Prep for Attorney General Meeting/:Lvent ','/jtt David Cohen, lVlichad Barr< Adam Szubin, Jake, lennL Secretary's Office leLlS AM Attorney General '1\:l.eeting!E\.'eDt, Diplomatic Reception Room 10:30 AM 11 :05 /1.1'\1 POTUS Meeting "",iith Dominique Strauss KahrL Bob Zoel1ick, 0' al Office, \Vhite House ...... 11 :05 AI,,1 Return to Office I l:l5 AM i2:0G vVhitc House Debrief, Secretary's S!Yl.2]) Conference Room 12:00 ""1·········PM Economic Communications l'vlceting,. Rahm Emanuel's. Office,"... "\\'hitc•...... House

H:l!Gi200S at G20 Prep, Secretary's Small ConferEnce Room 2:15 Ph-] 3:00 PM Reg Reform Testimony Prep -- Emphasis on Written TestiJTwny, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... c:··.······· 3:00 PM 3:30 PM Meeting with Gene, l-Ierb and Lee ~" sman business, Secretary's Office 3:30 PM 4:20 Phi Small Business Meeting, L.aTTJ' SUIT1.lilerS' Office, Wrrite House ccccc·················································· c········· . 4:20 PM 4:25 PM Return to Office

4:25 PI,>} 4:30 PM Call from Mike Froman c········;; ;··············c·· c ;;·········;c; cc.;·················· 4:45 PM 5:15PM Meeting vlith Al Fitzpaync, Jake Sie\vert, Andrew Mayock, Julie, re:FOL'\ 5:15 PM 6:00PM Swearing-in Ceremony for Dan Tangherlini, Cash Room 6:00PM 7:15 P?A NEC Jobs Meeting, LaTTJ' Summers' Office, White House 7:15 PM 7:20 PM Return to Office no PM 725 PM Call to Senator Judd Gregg 7:40 PM 8:45 PM Secretary's Large Conference Room 8:45 PM 9:15PM Return to Office

Daily Intelligence Briefing with Stuart, Secretary's Office 8:15 AM 8:50 AM \Vhite House Senior StaffMeeting, Roosevelt Room 8:50 AM 900 AcYl Return to Of11ce . c···.···· • c····················.·······.····.·······.·········· . 9:00AM 9:45 AM White House Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Room c················.· c c c 9:45 AM 11:00 Alv1 Discussion, re:Pittsburgh and Istanbul Schedules, Secretary's Small Conference Room 1J:00 At'll 12:00 PM POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, reJobs with Gene Sperling, Oval Office, V/hite House 12:45 PM 1:30PM Weekly Lunch with FED Chairman Beruanke, Federal Reserve Board ...... ~,. 1:30 PTv-l 2:50 PM G20 Prep with POTUS, Oval Office, White House with LaeI Brainard 2:50 P1''ll 3:00 PM Return to Office ;. ~;...... ;;;; ; ;; . 3:00 PI\-1 3:30 PM Meeting ~~ Too Big to Fail, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:00 PM iax Meeting, Secretary's Office 3:30 PM ...... 4:00PM 4:30 P1-1 Broader Exit Capital issues, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:30 PM 4:45 PM Meeting on Small Business, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:45 PM 4:55 PM Call from Rahm Emanuel 5:10 PM 5:40 PM Broader Press Strategy, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room "'ith Lad, Jake and Gene 5:40 PM 6:00 PM Cali to Ed A,drews, New York Times 6:20 PM 6:30 PM Call from Peter Orszag 6:30 PM 6:35 PM Can from Hank Paulson

(b) (6)

Daily btelligence Briefing with Stuart, Secretary's Office 8:45 AM White House Senior Staff MeetiDg, Roosevelt Koell, \\'-hite House 8:15AM ...... 8:45 AM 9:30AM House Debrief, Secretary's Small Conference Koom 9:45 10: 15 /\1\1 ...... Regc: Reronn Testimony Prep, Secretary's Small Conference Room . 10:15 Ai'A lO:3Q A1',,1 (b) (6) 10:30AM l)-OOAM Call from Rahill Emanuel 1100ArA 11:30AM Senior Staff Ivleeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room Calandar

II :30 Atv'l [1:45AM 11:45 Aivi 12:00 PM 12:00 P.f\A 12:45 PM 12:45 PM 1:45PM PM nOPM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM

5:00PM 6:15 PM 7:15PM NO PM 8:45 PM (b) (6)

Daily Intel1igence with Stuart, David Cohen, Secretary's ,c································· ·0' A" 8:25 AM Prep for 020 Press Briefing.. Secretary's Small Conference 8~•...•.•~.:., ••: :0 c :...... 0 •. 0' o····~········.···· •.'0; . 8:25 i\...M 8:40 AM Testimony Prep Michael Barr, Peter Gosselin, Secretary's Office 8:40.Alv1 9:35 AM 020 Press Brietmg Coffee, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 9:35 AM 10:00 A1-1 White House Debrief, Secretary's Large Conference Room ·1··0'·.0···O····.A···~j············ '10:30 AM Energy CEO Event with Secretary Chu, Room 350, EEOB················································· . 10:30 AM 11 :30 A1-1 (b) (6) 11 :30 A\1 11 :50 AM ,)P';;J··DDto)dd,d, S-143, Capitol with Neal Wolin and Kim Wallace ...... 11 :50 .l\1v1 Call from Klaus Kleinfeld. Chainnan and CEO of Alcoa, left word ...... "" .. , ... from Dominique Strauss Kahn, left word 12:40 PM 12:45 PM Call from FTC Jon Leiouv,ritz 12:45 PM 1:00 Pl\-1 Can to Meg McConnell LOOPM 200PM Depart Washingtow'(b) (2) enroute New York/(b) (2) (b) (2) (b) (2) 2:25 P!Y.\0 2...•.3..0 P.,N..\ . . 2:45 P_M Call to Governor Mario Drag 2:30 PM ...... ;;, , 2:45 PM 2:55 P?Y'l Call to French Finance M.inis1er Christine 12garde ...... • : 0; . 2:55 PM 3:30 Pf>'l Prep for POTUS Bilateral "'lith China, Waldorf Astoria 3:30 PM 5:35PM FOTUS Bilateral \-'lith China, Starlight Room, 'Valdod Astoria Hotel Call from Mario Draghi 5:35 PM 6:30 PM ...... ""'0'" ,...... o. ::.. ;; . 6:30 PM 7:30 PR'} New York(b) (2) (b) (2) 7:30 PM 7ASPM Arrive Washington/ (b)::: (2) 7:45 ?tv1 9:15 PM CEO Dinner with Deputy Secreta;} \Vo1 ke Siewert, Treasury Dining Room, Second Floor

Arrh'c at Office 9:30 /\]\,[ 12:15 P\·1 Testify before House Financial Services. re:Reg Reforr:n, Room 2123 Rayburn Housc Off ce Building 12 is PM Retum to Office 1:30PM 2:00 PM

Page 7 Calendar

2:00 PM 2:15 PM Diplomatic 2:15 Pi\1 2:25 PM Chairman and CEO of Alcoa 2:25 PtA 2:30 PM Call from Senator Menendez 2:50 PM 3:00 PM Call from Senator Bob Corker> left wonl 3:00 PM 3:30 PM Meeting \'-/ith Australian Treasurer \Vayne Swan, Secretary's Smail Conference Room ...... 3:30 PM 3:45PM Meeting \\-ith Neal Wolin, Secretary's Office 3:45 PM 3:50 PM Call to fED Chairman Bemanke, left word 4:10 PM 4:20 PM CaJJ from Senator Bob Corker 4:20 P}-/l: 4JOPM ············ . 4:30 PM 5:30 PM (b) (6)

7:45AM 8:45 AM Weekly Breakfast with FED Chairman Bemanke, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room ED0., z,aG 9:30AM 10:30 AM Depart Washington/(b) (2) enmute Pittsburgh, FA ~~ (b) (2) .A...'vI 1l:15 AM Arrive Pittsburgh, PA IllS AM 11:55AM Arrive Orrmi Hotel 11:55AM 12:20 Pi\'1 Lunch, Orrmi Hotel 12:45 Pl',-l 1:25 PM COTrJ-...'11unique Update with Lael Braindard!Mark Sobel, Convention Center, Bilateral Room 6 1:30 PM 2:00 PM Bilateral Meeting with Minister Fujii, Convention Center, Bilateral Room 5, Room 319 2:15 PM 2:45 PM I'vleeting with l.i\1FC Chair Boutros GhaJi and DC Chair Carstens, Convention Center, Bilateral Room 5, Room 319 2:50 PM 3:30 PM Pre-Press Briehvith Froman and Psaki, Convention Center, Bilateral Room 5, Room 319 345PM FYI -~ POTUS amives in Pittsburgh, PA 3:30 PM ...... ;c; . 3:45 Pl'vl: 4:15PM Bilateral1--Ieeting "..-ith Vice Premier 4:15 PM 4:30PM Call to Sheila Bair, left word ...... •• ; . 4:30 PM 4:45PM HOLD for Press Briefwith J\-1cDonough, Convention Center ...... • ...... •...... 4:45PM 5:25 PM Pre G~20 Press Brief \vith \\'11ite House Press Core, Convention Center, Hall C .. ...•...... 5:50 PM 6:00 PM Pre-brief with Deputy ChiefofProtocol Lee Satterfield, Phipps Conservatory 6:00 PM 6:10 Plv-f CalJ to Larry Summers, left viOrd 6:10 PM 6:10 PM G~20 Reception -- fmival photos :...... •...... 6:20 PM 6:25 PI\--} Call to Paul Kirk, left word, re:congratulations 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Finance Ministers Dinner, Convention Center


7:30 Af,;!

8:00 Alv1 8:J5AM POTUS Prc-briehvith Froman, Hotel. 8th Floor 9:30 AIv1 Plenary Convention Center, Plenary Room (Hall A) 1200 PM Finance l\-'1inisters Lunch, Convention Center, finance Ministers' Dining Room (HalJ 2:00 PM 3:45 Pl\,-l Plenar:y II, Convention Center, Plenary Room (Hall A) 4:00 PM 4:45 Ph'l Press Prep \-'lith POTUS, ConveTltion Center 4:45 Pfvl 5:15 PM POTUS Press Conference, COD\'ention Center Plvl 6:05 PM Depart COIFientioD Center (b) (2) 6:05 Pf\-'1 7 :05 PIvi ;\rrive(b) (2) Aif';Jort _. \}"Thecls up 7:05 Pf\.l 8:00 Piv! Arrl'/(;(b) (2) emoute residence


Daily intelligence Briei"1ng. Secretary's Office 8:15 ?2d 8:25 ;\...M Ca]] to Jom, Dugan ccc··,·················· 8:25 A1\-1 830AM CaB from Shena Bair , ,.. : "" , . 8:30 AIv} 9:00 AM White House Senior StaffMeeting, Roosevelt Room, \\11ite House ...... 9:15 AM 930 AM Call to Michelle Smith 9:30 AM 9:35 AM Can to Marne Levine ::c c·,,·················································· :; 9,55 AM 10:00 AM Can to Alan lrreenspan , :; c c;;··················································· . 10'.00 MvI 10:20 AM Official Photo, Annex, Room 1450 ...... 11 :00 AM 11 :30 /u\1 Weekly Meeting with Lad Secretary's Office 11 :30 .:-'\.1\1 12:30 PM White House Military Office Succession Planning, \Vbite House \'1ith Dan Tangerlilli 12:30 PM 1:00 Phi Meeting \vith Lee Sachs, Secretary's Office 1:00 PM 2GOPM (b) (6) 2:30 PM nOPM FiuSOB Meeting, ;:;ecretary's Large Conference Room 3:30 PM 4:15 Pf,-'l Istanbul Objectives, Secretary's Small Conference Room 4:15 PM 4:30 PM Call to Larry Summers 4:30 PM 5:55 PM 5:55 PM 6:35 PM (b) (6)

ED 7:40 lu\l g,OOAM .Arrive at Office 2~-'S'.. 8:00 I,M 8:30 AM Prep for Hill Reporters with Jake, Andre\-\'. Kim, Secretary's Office 8:30AM 9:30 AM Hill Reporters' Coffee v,:ith Jake, Andrew and Kim, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:40AM 9:50 AM Call fTOm Congressman Barney Frank 9:50AM 10:20 AM raTDS Daily Economic Briefing with Herb, Oval Office, White House Return to OffJce . 10:20 A1\l 10:25 AM 10:25 Al\'l 10:30 Arv:r (b) (6) 10:30 Ajv! JUDAM OFS tvl.eeting, Secretary's Sma]] Room 11:30AM 12:05 PM Lon\-' Day Remarks, The Mint, 2nd Floor 12:05 PM 12:20 PM Return to Office 12:20 PM 12:30 PM Call from Rahm Emanuel 12:30 PM 10 PM "Morning" Meeting, Secretary's Conference Room c······························ 1:10 Ph'! .50 P1v1 Housing Meeting, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room 1:50 Pivf 2:00 PM Prep for NLCC l\.'keting, Lan·y Summers' OAfice, \Vhite House ...... ••...... ;c···.···· c··························· 2:00 PM 3:00 PM SumJners!Geithner Meeting \'lith National Lahor Union Coordinating Committee, Roosevelt Room, \Vhite House 3:30 Plvl 4:00 PM i'.'1eeting \yitt Senator Judd Gregg, Room 201, Russe]] Senate Office Building ...... 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Meeting \yitt Secretary Donovan and Group of Senators, S-321. Capitol 5: 15 PM 5:30 Plvl NEe Meeting, re:FinReg, Larry Summers' omcc., "V"hite 'fIouse 5:30 PtA 6:30 Pl\-l PC lv'1eeting'Nith Stuart Levey, Situation Room) \\11ite House 6:30 PM 7:50 PM NEC Budget Meeting, Roosevelt Room. \\'hite House 7:50 PM 8:15PM Deparl White House enroute residence

Cal] from Chancellor Al1stair Dar1ing 3:45 AM Cal] fromG'1ichael Carro]] (b) (6) 9:00 i'''-,M (b) (6)

'0....' '1009 ", Calendar

9:00 AM 9:45 AM Secretar::v's Small Conference Room 10:15 AM 11:00 Blankfein, Secretary's Office with Jeff Goldstein :: : :~::~~~~~~~~~~~ ::~~~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~: IJ:OOAM 12:00 Piv! Meeting 'ovith Phil Angelides and \Villiam Thomas v-/it11 Neal Wolin. Jake Siewert Sara, small conference room 12:15 PM 12:30 PM (b) (6) 1:00 PM -30PM Prep for Washington Ideas Forum Intervic\Ji, Secretary's Small Conference Room ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ 1:30 PM 35 PM l\.'1eeting with [',>,ianaged Funds Association Board, Media Room, 4th Floor 1:35 PM 1:50 PM Call from Rahill Emanuel, left \vord -- took caTe in 2: 15 meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 1:50 PM 2:15 PM POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Oval Office, White House 2:15 PM 3:00 PM Communications Meeting, Rahm Emanuel's Office< White House with Jake and Gene ...... 3:40 Plvl 3:50 PM Can to Ken Wilson 350PM 4:00 PM Call to David Wessel ...... , :: ::~ : ,: . 400PM 5:00 PM Istanbul Press Statement, Secretary's Small Conference Room 5:00 PM 5:35 PM NEC Principals Only Meeting, CRE \\'lt11 Lee Sachs, Matt Kabaker, Larry Summers' Office, White House 5:35 PM 6:00 PM Call from Ken LeVi'lS, left word 6:00 PM 7:00 PM NEC Meeting, re:Pensions with Michael Barr, Larry Summers' Office, White House Calendar

Arrive at Office 8:00 Atvl Daily Intelligence Briefing with Stuart St'cretary's Office " c····· 9:00AM Breakfast v-iith Ecouomi~t Editors, Minton Bcddocs, Ip, Christopher Lockwood. r,.-ilckletlr\'iait, Jake Sic\,vert, Andrew Secret,;ry's Conference Room 9:00/\M 9:05 fdvl Ca]] from Ken lXi/vis, Bank ofAmerica 9:05 A\1 9:20/JvJ: Morning IAecting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 9:20AM 9:25 AM Call to Peter Orszag 9:25 AM 9:30 k\.-f Call to Larry Summers 1O:10/\M 11:00A1v1 POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Roosevelt Room, yYnite House ...... •...... 11:15 At-l 12:15PM Meeting "";lth Congressman Steny Hoyer and New Dems, B-1 07, Capitol ...... "." , . 12:30 PM 12:35 PM Return to Office 12:35 PM 12:40 PM CaU from Bob Rubin 12:40 PM 12:45 PM from Larry Fink, Jeft word 1:00 pr,.-1 2:00 PM NEC Meeting -- Jobs, Larry Summers' Office, \Vhite House with Gene and Alan •.•...... " 2:00 PM 2:05 PM Return to Office 2:05 Pivl 2:10 PM Can from Congressman Barney Miller c ;...... ;;.; . 2:10PM 2:50PM Press Prep with Jake and Gene, Secertary's 2;.5'0' ,p"fy.'j 3:00 P?"l Call to leffIrr,melt 3:00 p·y··j················4···:·0····0···p',·,·,1·.·· .

4:00 Pl\-1 4:45 PM 4:45 Piv! 5:45 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PIliI ';;~1··············· ·6··:3'0·P 6:50 PM Call from Dan Tarullo 6:50 Pr,-l 7:00 PM ..... ··········C• all trom Rahm Emanuel 10:00 PM 1100PM Depart(b) (2) enroute(b) (2) Turkey

(b) (2) (b) (6) 7:30 PM 830 PM One-an-One Dinner with Stanley Fischer, Governor of Bank or Israel, Conrad Hotel, Floor R, Room 22 (b) (2)

II 6:40A(;,1 7:00 AJ'vi Depart Conrad Hotel enToute Istanbul Congress Center 00' MS 7:00 AIvI lnfonna] Breakfast, Lutri KyTdar Building, Levent, Room 2 ...... •.. c;;" • c. c.··.•··········································· 8:30 AT'll 9:45 AM Infonnal Coffee '.vith Leading Economists, ICC Level B-5, Room 10 10:00 AM 10:15 A.J.\:f HOLD for Prep for Climate Roundtable \vith Pizer/Brainard 10:15 AM :30 Ai'll Climate Finance Experts Roundtable, ICC Level B-5, Room 10 11.15AM 12:30 PM (b) (6) 12:45 PM 1:00 PM Drop by BRIC Meetings hosted by India, ICe, Hamidiy;:. Level B~2 1:45 PI-'ll Bilateral i\lceting with Russian finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Kudrin) ICC Level B-5. Room 18 1:50 PtA 2:00 PM for Bmiuard/Sobel update on 07 CorrL'Tiunique ...... 2:00 PM 2:45 r.M Framework Next Steps Tvleetingwith lJnited Kingdom, Canada) South Korea and Brazil, ICC l~vcl B-5, Room 10 3:00 PlvI 6:00 PM 0-7 tvlinisteliaL Lutf] Kydar, Marmara Hall L-3 ...... •...... 6:00 PM 6:05 PM 07 Ministerial Family Photo, Lutfi KydaL I\-larmara HalL ;; . 6:05 1'I'v1 6:30 PM HOLD/Prep for Press Conference 6:30 Plv1 7:00 Pfvl Press Conference, Rumdi Center Press Conferen(-e Room 7:00 PM 7:15 PtA Back.s'TDUnd BTiefing with Traveling Press, LutfJ KydaL l\,larmara HalL L~3 Calendar


10:00 AM DialogUE, Beykrbeyi 1 and 2, 82 10:30AM 10:50 A:M Bilateral with Turkish Deputy Prime Minister A11 SaDatan, ICC Turkey Delegation Office ~- HC-03-309 11 -OO/>,.1"v1: 11:30AM Bilateral with Xie Xuren, Chinese .binan,:;;; l\-1inister, ICC China Delegation Office B5-281 11 :30AM 11 :45 .4.J\l1 HOLD for BrainardiSobel update on Status of Th-1F COrD."TIunique 12:00 PM 1:30 PM TIviFC Restricted Session, Beylerbeyi 1 and 2, B-2 1:35 Prd 1:45PM HOLD for Prep for Food Security Roundtable ,vith Moms!BrainardlSolomon ...... 1:45PM 2:30PM Food Security Discussion, Istanbul Congress Center Level B-5, RQom 10 2:30 PM 2:45PM Drop by Food Security Donor Meetings 3:00 PM 4:00PM Roundtable \'\/ith Foreign Press, ICC Level B5, Room 10 4:15 Pt.-f 4:45 PM Bilateral with WTO Director Pascal Lamy, ICC Level B5, Room 10 4:50 PM 5:05 PM Depart Istanbul Congress Center emoute Conrad Hote] 5:05 PM 630PM (b) (6) HOLD for Prep for Western Hemisphere Dinner with Lee/Brainard 6:55 Piv'! 7:05 PM ,'c, 7:10 PM 7:25 PM Pull Aside with Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, Canadian Delegation Offices 7:30PM 8:30 PM \VestemHemisphere Small Group Finance Ministers Meeting/Dinner, Emirgan I, ICC, B-2 (b) (2)

(b) (2) enroute Development Committee MinisteriaI-Le"1/el Breakfast, ICC Level B2, Beylerbeyi Room 9:45 k\1 Development Committee, ICC B-2, lJskudar Room 11:15 AM 12:00 PM Depart Istanbul Congress Center enroute Airport ... 12:00 PM 6:00 PM . 6:00 PM 7:00 PM (b) (2) 11 :05 am-Call to Peter Orszag 6:00 pm-Arrive(b) (2) 7:00 pm-Call from Secretary Donovan (b) (6) vVhiteHouse Senior StaffMeeting, Roosevc1t Room 9:00/'\J.\'1 9:30AM :l\·1orning Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 'c,········· , . 9:30 9:50 "5.~I'vl Prep for Emanuel!Fnmk 1,·1eeting, Sccrct;:rT)/s Small Conference Room 9:50 10:30 AM POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Oval Office, White House 10:30 AM 11'45AM NEC Meeting, Roosevelt Room, White House 11 :45 /\..tv1 12:00 P:G'1 5:10 Pi"{ Budget Principals M:ecting, Roosevelt Room. Wl1ite House 10PM 5:15 PtA: Call to FED Chairman Bemanke, left word 515 PM 5:20 PM 5:20 PM 5:25 PM 6:00 PM Domestic Finance Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room Calendar

6:30 Ph':! 6:40 PM Bemanke 6:50 Pl'vl 7AO PI'vl Reg Reform Strategy Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 7:40 Ph,! 8:05 PM Depart Office emoute residence

Call to Sieve Thickc 9:00AM 9:50AM Meeting with CEOs, Technology CEO Council (TCC), Secretary-'s Large Conference Room 9:50 porus Daily Economic Briefing, Oval Office, V/hite House

10:45 AM 11 :05 A]\1 Prep fOT GSE Meeting, Secretai)r's SmaJl Conference Room 11:05Ai\'1 :20 ArYl Ca11 to Rodgin Cohen il:30AM Call to KenneLs Garbade

2:45 Pl'vl

3:30 PM (b) (6) 3:35 PM 3:40PM Ca11 from Larry Summers 4:20 PM 4:35 PM Call to Marne Levine ;; ;c;cc;c··············································· . 4:35 Pi\-1 440PM Can to Mary Miller --(b) (6) 4:40 PM 4:45 PM Call to Marisa Lago --(b) (6) ; .. ~ .... ;;;: c·········· 4:45 PM 5:10PM Prep tor Oversight Meeting, Secretaris Small Conference Room 5:10 PM 5:15PM Call to Peter Orszag 5:15PM 5:45 PM Prep for Thursday Media Can, Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room 5:45 PDA 6:15 PM (b) (6) 6:15 PhI 7:20PM NEC Meeting, Roosevelt Room, W~'1ite House ...... 7:20 Pfvl ILoa Pt4 Depart White House enroute residence

7:50 AIvl 3:00/\1.,,-1 Daily intelligence Briefing -;'/:ltb Stuart, :secretary's Office 8:00 Aiyl 9:30/\hl Breakfast \\'itll FED Chairman Bernanke, Secretary's Large Conference Room 9:30 Aivi 9:4u AM Ivledia Can \vith HUD Secretary Donovan, Secretary's Office 9:50 .~i\1 11 :00 AlA porus Daily tcconomic Briefing, Oval Office, White House II :00 AtI (b) (6) 12:15 PM 12:20 P1v1 Return to 12:20 PM :'·ieeting ,'"ith T/\.RJ"? Oversight Bodies, Secretary's Large Conference Room 1:30 1-'r'll 45 PM Farewell Photo yvit11 Greg Ligourj, Secretary's Office 1:45 Ftvl Courtesy 'Visit with Klaus Schwab, \'./or1d Lconern.ic Forum, Secretary's Small Conference Room \vitb Lael and Jake 2 PM 2:30 PM ...... """'[''';'';;\\1.'j;'(;h' 1i\;1'''eir Dugan, Stusrt Levej', Room 4332 ...... ;;; 3 PM National ,6".ssoci.ation ofManufacturers Board of Directors, Marriott 133' Pennsyh'ania /\Venlle, N.v'I SabnsD&E 3:10 PM 315P;,,1 Call from Larry Fink, left word

11f10i2G09 a1 1.30 PM hge 3 4:15 PI\-! 4:45 Ptvl Meeting \"/"1th Jeff Goldstein and Lee Sachs, Secrctary's Officc 4:45 PtA 5:10 P.t\-l Basketball ,\'itl POTUS and h-1embcrs ofCongress, South Lawn, White House 5:10 PI'll 7:00 PM Ca]] fTOm Michelle Smith, left word 7:00 Pi'll /-05 PM Call fTOm Larry Fink 7:05 PM 7:10 Pi,,! CaD from Michelle SmiL'l

Daily Intelligence Briefing ",,1t11 Stuart, Secretary's Office 7:55 AM Can to Mike Froman 8:00 lu\1 9:00AM Off~the·Record i\-ledi2 Breakfast, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 9:00 AM 9JOAM Moming Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room Can from Larry SmrJffiCTS . 9:30 A;'vl 9:50 Av} 9:50 AM 9:55/\J,1 Can to Jean Claude Trichet, left word ...... " . 10:20AM 10:25 )-,-...\1 Call to Jean~ClaudeTriche! 10:25 Atv1 11:05.A.M NEC Meeting, Roosevelt ,Room, "\\'hite House 11 :05 AI'd 12:00 PM POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Roosevelt Room. \\l1ite House 12:00 PM 12:45 PM DORA.. Meeting, Rahm Emanuel's Office, \V11ite House 12:45 PI'll 1:20 P£-.,-l Meeting wit11 Gus O'Donnell, tTK Cabinet, Secretary's Small Conference Room 1:20 PI'vl 1:25PM Call to Senator Max Baucus, left word 1:25 PM 1:35 PM Can to Senator Charles Schumer, left word ...... 1:35 PM 2:00 PM IVleeting ""ith Lad Brainard, re:FX report 2:00 PM 3:00 PM porus Reg Refonn/Consumer Protection Event, Roosevelt Room follmved by East Room. V/hite House 3:00 PM 3:35 PM NEC h-1eeting, Roosevelt Room, \Vhite House 4:00 PIv! 4:40 PM NEC Meeting. Lany Sum'11ers' Office, V,!.l1jte House 4:40 PI\-J 5:00 PM Ca]] to Congressman Barney frank, left ,'>'oId 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Meeting ,v1t11 Domestic Finance Staff, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 6J5PM 6:40 PM Call to Senator Charles Schumer

Ill] 8:00AM 9:00 AM No Oftjcial Schedule ~, 2eas

(b) (6)

Weekly Meeting \vith Stuart, Secretary's Office Dail::i Inte!ligence with Stuart Secretary's Office 8:20 8:30 Ap,-1 Ca]] to David Lipton ,,,,...... , ..... 8:30/\.]\,1 8:55/\M \\ihite House SeIlior StaffMeeting. Roosesdt Room, \\'hitc House 8:55 9:00 Ar,'.! Return to Office 9-4-0 AM \'ioming Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:50 1(UO A],v1 POTUS Daily EcoTiornic Briefing, Ova] Office, \\-"hiteHO\lse 10:30 AM 10 35 A.01 Rctum to Office . 'Lj5 II /"\!\'1 Tax Policy j\-:leeting, Secret8.I;/s Small Confercnce Room 11 10 ;\1\'1 II 30 AJvl iv1eeting \-vith Leo Gerard, President of the United Steel \Vorkers, SecTt.,tary's Office ,,,.ith A1 fitzpyne .:


11 :30 i\T'll 12:10 PM Senior StaffMeeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 12:10 Pl\l 12:50 PM Meeting 'with Li "{ua-nehao, Secretary's Large Confercu::e Room 12:50 Pi-A 1:00PM Meeting ,;"ith Lad, John V/eeks, re:(b) (1) (A), Secretary's OHice :5DPM Reg Reform Meetine;, Secretary's Small Conference Room 1:50 Phi 2:00 PM Call to Chairman Barney Frank 2:00 PM 3:00 PM Domestic Finance Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 3:00 PiA 3:30 Pi'll. Meeting w'lth Rahm .Gillanuel, Rahm Emanuel's Of1ke, with Jake, Gene and lviark 3:30 PI\-I 5:30 PM NEC Meeting, Roosevelt Room \>/hite I·jouse ...... 5:30 PM 5:35 PM Return to Office 5:35 PM 5:45 PM Prep for Event ",;th Jake and lenni, Secretary's Office ...... "'''' , 5:45 P!\-'I 6:15 P~"l. Media Room Event, Room 4121 6:55 PM 7:00 PM Call from IRS COTrmissioner Doug Shulman, left word 700 PM 7:10 PM Can to Senator Max Baucus 7:30 PM 9:45 PM (b) (6) . . 9:45 Pt>l 950 PM Call from Chairman Barney Frank

8:00 Ai'll enroute 8:30 AM 9:00 AM \Vhite House Senior StaffMeeting, Roosevelt Room, \Vhite House 9:00 AM 9:05 AM Return to Office 9··.·0···5·· ·Aj····?y··j················9:40 Ai\-1 Moming Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:40 Al\1 10:00AM Press Prep for TV Talkers with Jake. Jenni, Secretary's Office 10:00 Af\-'1 10:05 Aiv1 Call to Jamie Dimon, left \vord ••...... ""·00'''· 10:05 A1v1 10:10 AM Call to FED Chainnan Bemanke WI) A·M·················· Call to Ken Lewis, Ba··o·.:k····o··f'··A·:m···e···r·ic····a··············· . 10:10.4....1\1 ...... 10:15 AM 10:20 AM Call to Walter Massey, Bank ofAmerica, left word ...... 10:20."',.lvi 1025 A.M Call to , kft word 10:25 AM 1030 AM Call from IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman ...... 10:55 AM 11:00 AM Call from Larry Summers 11:15A.:.'v1 11:50 AM TV Talkers Event, SecretaT)/s Large Conference Room 11:50AM 11:55.A..,\1 Call to Phil Schiliro , . 11:55 AM 12:00 PM Call to Jamie Dimon 12:00 Ptvl 1:4-0 PM p,cieeting with fED Chainnan Bemanke, FDIC Chairwoman Bair, SEC Chairwoman Schapiro, CFTC Chair Gary Gensler, Comptroller Dugan, Neal Wolin, Michael Barr< SecretaT}:'s Large Conference Room 1:40PM 2:00PM Meeting with FED Chairman Bemanke, Secretary's Office 2:10Ptv1 2:50 P:tvf f\-Jeeting -- repayment, Secretary's Small Conference Room 3:00 PM 3:45 PM Meeting with Rodger UV;/SOD, Fidelity CEO, Secretary's Small Conference Room \vitn Neal and Jake 4:00 PM 4:55 PM Meeting \\ith Larry Summer:;, Secretary's Office 5:00 PM Call to Jamie Dimon 5:40 PhI 6:05 PM Meeting v.,ith Paul Vo1cker, Secretary's Office 6:0520,-1 6:45PM Dinner, lreasmy Dining Room, 2nd floor 7:45 PM 8:10 PM Return 10 Office 8:10 PM 8:30 P;'/1 Depmi Qmc,;: emoute residence

\\'11ite House Senior Staffrdeeting, Roose>relt Room, Whitt House IviQming (vleeting, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room 9:25 AM ] 0:40 j\.;"l Depart Omce eD-route (b) (2) /\irport \'Yitt Jake and Sara 10:40 Al\'1 10:551\_i"1 (b) (2) 'jQ!200S at ;36 PH , <


10:55 AM J1:20 AX'll 11:40AM Call from Colombian Finance >,,1inister Oscar Zuluaga. left ,vOTa ...... l1:40AM 12:20 Pi\-1 Arrive New York/(b) (2) 12:10 PG'i 12:30 PM Call to USTR Ambassador , left word 12:30 PM PM Lunch \'lith Former President Wi11iam Clinton, Office o[ine President, (b) (6) 2:15 P"M 220PM Call fTOm Mexican Finance Minister Carstens, left word ...... 3:00 PM 4:15 rrvl Wall Street Journal Editors Discussion, 1211 Avenue of AInericas (between 47th & 48th Streets, Nt\v York 4:15 PM 5:15 PM lvloderated Q&A "\-'lith John Micklethwait, Pace University 5:15 PM 5:30 PM l.A..PED Interview with Maria Bartiromo, Pace University ...... 5:30 PM 6:00PM Depart Pace University emoute Nc\v York Pen,) Station Call to A.mbassador Ron Kirk, we left word . 600 PM 6:15PM 6:15 PM 6:20 PM Can to Walier Massey, Bank ofA..·nerica 620PM 6:25 PM Call from Colombian Finance MInister Oscar Zuluaga, we left word, voicemail 6:25 PM 6:35 PM Can from Mexican Finance Minister Carstens 7:00 Plvi 9:50 PM Depart New York(b) (2) 9:50 PM 10:20 P1-1 }',.-'"rive Washington/(b) (2) (b) (6)

12:00 PM 12:50 Phi Phone Calls: 10:40 am- Fonner Congressman Dick Gephardt, left \vord 12:45 am- Call from Rahm Emanuel 1:30 pm- Cbainnan Barney Frank ...... : .

(b) (6)

6:30 PM 7:30 PM (b) (6) .

(b) (6) Call from Peter Orszag, left word 9:30.Pu\A 9:40/\1\1 Meeting with \V01in, PaUeiiWU, SkvJerL Sperling, SEcretary's Off]cE 9:40AM 9:45 Ai\-l Call from Rahill Emanuel ...... :::: :.: ...... 10:05 Atv-1 10:15 AM Call IrOm PetEr Orszag J.O: 15 A:A 10:251-0'\-1 Call to Larry Summers 10:25 AY:vl Call to Peter Orszag 10:30 10:40 AM Call to Congressman Barney Frank, left word 10:40/\1\1 10:45 AM (b) (6) . 11 JJO i\;.\-1 ll:45AIA Senior Staff Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 12:30 Pi'll 00 PM Financial Data Project l'vieeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 1:00 Pl'vl 1:30PM \Veekly IY:kcting with Lae1 Brainard, Secretary's Office 1:30 PIvl 1:4QFM 020 Meeting \vith LA., Secretary's Smal1 Conference Room 1:40 PM 1:45 PM Call fTOm Larry Summers 2:15 2:30 P;vl :Meeting w ih Domestic Finance -~ rAR? Repayment, Secretary's Small Conference Room "nO/20GB 31 j36 PH (b) (5) S,cceta<,'< Small Conferencc Room Small Business l\,'lccting, Sccretary's Office 3:30 PiA 3:40 pM """"""""""""""", 3:451'1',-1 Can to Rahm Eruanuel, left \vord 3:40 Pj-A """"""""" Call to Rahm Emanuel 4:10 PM 4:15 """""""""",,',: ::c"""" C"""" ecce """ Meeting ",,-itb Domestic hnance, Secrctary-to; Small Conferen.ce Room 5:00 Prep for PDB, Secretarls Small Conference Room 5:40 pM Meeting 'with Neal Wolin and Michael HalT, Secretary's 5:40 PM 5:45 Cali from Larry Summers 5:45 PM 6:00PM Call from Senator Charles Schumer PM 6:05 OneHon~Onewith JeffGoldstein, Secret8r;/s Office 6:35 PM 6:45 Meeting ",ith Lee Sachs, Matt Kabaker, Jeff Goldstein, Small Conference room 6:45 PM 7:20PM

Daily Briefing, Oi:1ice (b) (6) no"""""", \1;111t(; House Senior StaffMeeting, Roosevelt Room, \Vhite House 8:30AM 9:00 AM Morning I"1eeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 9:00 Ah{ AM AM POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Oval Office, \Vhite House 10:00 AM AM NEC Budget Principals Meeting, Situation Room, Secretary's Large Conference Room Call to Senator HaIT}i Reid, left word 12:00 PM "C,CC"""""',, '1'2c:15 PM Press Prep -- Secretary's Office Office/Phone Time, Secretary's Office 12:15 PM 12:20 PM Call to Peter Orszag, left word 1220 1225 PtA ...... Call to Rahm Emanuel, left word 12:25 PM 12:30 PM ..C ·· ...... h..1eeting!Lunch ",ith Chairman Bemanke, Bair, Dudley, Dugan, Secretary's Sma]] Conference Room 12:30 PM 12:35 PM Ca11 to Marne Levine 12:35 pM 12AOPM ...... Call to Senator Harry Reid 12:40 pM 12:45 PM Can to Rahm Emanuel 12:45 ...... Call to Petcr O,szag 1:40 PM Meeting \vith Ranm Emanuel, re:IARJ'!Commissions, RahmEmanuel's Office, \Vhite House 2:15 pM 3:30 PM Reuters Summit Ed Board Meeting, Reuter's office, 1333 1-1 Street, N.W. 3:30 PM 4:00 PM Meeting 'hith Senator Dodd and Rahm Emanuel, 3-143, 5: 15 600PM Meeting \-\'ith Neil Barofsky, Secretary's Small Conference Room 6:00 pl\-1 7:00 PM Call from Peter Orszag . 7:15 pM 7:20 Pi'v-I Call from Peter Orszag 8:10 pz.,1 8:15 PM

10:00/\M 9:00AM 11 :00 }\,1-1 10:GO AM 1J:30 A\'l Meeting \-"itt Prime IVlalikL \VilJarJ Botel 11 :00 ,Du"\{ ...... 12:35 P1'v1 Iv1ecting \-','ith Deputy Secretar/ Wo11n, et. aJ, Secreta,y's Small Conference Room 12:15 PlY} Canto Speaker Nancy Pelosi, left vnrd 12'_35 PM 12:55 PM to Speaker Nancy Pelosi 12:55 Pr-A J:OOPM 00 PI''ll 2:00 PM DOrM 2:20 PM 2:40 ?f\l 2:20 Pi"l '1OJ2GGS311:%PM Calendar

2:40 Piv} 2:50 PM 3:25 PM 3:35 PM Can from Sheila Bair 4:15 Pivl 4:20 PM Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) IVleeting, Department of Labor Call to Peter Orszag 6:30 PM 7:50 PM CEO Dinner, Treasury Dining Room, 2nd Floor 7:50 PM··········· 'g··d·;.O;····P'::..'1··········· Call from Rahill Emanuel, len word 8:40 Ply} 8:55 PM Call from :Larry Sum..'11ers ......

(b) (6) g:50A~M 8:55 AM Call to John Dugan, left word 8:55 AM 900AM Can to USTR Ambassador Ron Kirk 9:00 AM 9:30AM Morning Meeting, Secretary-'s Small Conference Room 9:30 .4JA 10:00 Ll\1 Prep for Hill Meetings, Secretary's Small Conference Room lO:OO.A..-M 10:30 At'll Meeting ,.-"itb Todd Stem, State Department, Secretary's Sma1J Conference Room 10:30.t\M 10:40 AM Meeting with Lael Brainard, Mike Fedroni, Secretary's Sma]} Conference Room 10:40 /\tv1 10:50 AM Call from Rahm Emanuel 11:00 AM 11:15 AM ··························· (b) (6) •·.•••..•••..•••..•••.•.•.•...•...... 11:30 A.l\1 12:00 PM l\lecting with Senator Mark Warner, 5-324, Capitol 1200 PM 12:30 PM Meeting with Senator Mike Johanns, Room 404, Russel] Senate Office Building :10PM 1:30 PM Call to Bill Dudley ~~ spoke with Brian Sack 1:30 PI\·l 2:15 PM Meeting with U.S. Travel Association CEOs. Secretary's Large Conference Room 2 15 PM 3:15 PI'd Testimony Messaging Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room ODe~on~One 3:15 Plvl 3:50 PM Weekly Meeting with POTUS. Oval Office, White Eo··u·'··e························ 3:50 PM 4:00 PI\-l Cal1 to David Wessell 4:00 PM 4:45 P~l\l Scheduling Discussion (Scotland, APEC and Domestic), Secretar~/s Smai1 Conference Room 4:45 PM 6:00 PM Reg Reform Meeting, Secretary's S1na11 Conference Room ...... 6:00 Pi'll 6:15 PM Small Business Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 6:15 PM 6:30 PM Call to Ken Feinberg 6:30 PI\1 7:30 PI'A Conference Call "'>'lith FED Chainnun Bemanke and FDIC Chair Sheila Bair, Secretaris Office

8:00/L'1;;1 8:30AM Daily Intelligence Briefing, Secretary's Office ED ....•...... :: ;c '" ;; . CO, 2QG~ 8:30 AM 9:15 AM White House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room. \'-/"hite House NEe Trade MeetinK. Larry Summers' Office, White House . 9:15 A.0/1 10:10 AM II 10 !,,--,"""1 Meeting \'/it11 Congressman Barney hank Room 2252, Ra: bum House Omce lJuilding 11 :lOA;'.i1 11 :15 AI'll Call from Congressman IvIike Thompson 11 :30 A1J 11:40 iu\,l Call from Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, left word 11 4(j AI'YJ 11:50AM Cali fTOm Ed Liddy, re:Chicago trip, left \'/ord -~ saV-i in Chicago 11 :50 Atv1 12:00 PI,,} rVleeting with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, H-232, Capitol 12:001'1\1 12:40 PM (b) (6) 12:40 Phil 2:00 PM :Lunch \\/it11 Secretary of State HilLary ClintoD, 8th Floor Dining Room, State Departmen, 2201 C Street N.\\-' 2:00 PM 315 PM \\'eekly Meeiing with Lan;'- Summers, Larry Sum'TIers' Office, \Vhite House P.\-l 4:00 PM Meeting ",,",tn World Bank President Bob Zoellick, Secretary's Sma]) Conference Room 4:00 Pl\-'l 5:30 1'0'1 NEC Budget Meeting,Roosevelt Room. \\j,ite House 5:30 Pi>'l 6:30 I'M Principalsf'Aeeting, Secretary's Small Conierer;;;e Room (b) (6)

Call to Pat Parkinson, left word ...... 8:30 AM 9:00 AM White House Senior StaffMeeting, Roosevelt Room, Vlhite l-IQuse 9:00 Al\'! 9:25 i\;Yl Prep fDr Meeting with Senator Carl Levin, Secretary/"ss' 'S;,sn~.."aJ]ll'C "fll~re"r;!Rl,O;'oam;,' •••••••••••••••·.••••••• ·.•••••••••• Call [TOm Mario Draghi, left word" 9:25 AM 9:30AM , . 9:30AM 1000 AM Farewell Photo with Chris Gorgone, Secretary's Office 10:00 Aiv! 10:35 AM POTUS Daily Economic Briefing, Oval Office, White House 1035 AM 1O:40.AJ\1 Call to Sheila Bair, left \-vord

10:40 }"Jvl 10:50AM ...... (b) (5) 10:50 AM 11 :00 Aivi Call from Mario Draghi 11:00AM 11:30 AM Senior Staff Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 11 :30 /\,-l'vl 12:15 PM GSE/Housing Meeting, Small Conft'Tence Room 12:15PM 1:00 PM Tax PoHcy Meeting, Secretary's Small Conference Room 1:00PM 2:00 PM SmaH Business Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 2:00PM 2:30 Pl\·1 Meeting with Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Small Conference Room 2:30 PM 3:15 PM Economic Message ("leeting, Rahill Emanuel's Office, \Vhite House 3:15 PtA 4:00PM Meeting ,,"ith SUillrners, Romer, Funnan and Krueger, Larry SUD:1..'TIers' Office, \Vhite House 4:00 Phi 4:05 PM Call fTOm Rahm Emanuel, left \vord

4:05 PM 6:30 PM ...... 8..'.." 1.·.0.1' Staff Grfstie Meeting, Blair House . 6:30 PM 7-:0PM Call to Congressman Barney Frank 7:10PM 7:20 PM Cali from Rahill Emanuel Call from Rahm Emanu',"] . 7:20 PM 7:25 PM

Daily Intenigence Briefing, Secretary's Office

8:00AM 8:45 AM Breakfast ,\'ith Martin Wolf, Krishna Guha, Ed Luce, Jake, Andre\v, Sara, Secretary's Small Conference Room ......

8:45 AM 9:05 AM Call from Larry Summers.,.. ]..e..f,',l",or,d ;; . j 9:05 AM 9:10 AM ...... (...1.a..11 from Larry Summers and Phil Schi1iro 9:10AM 9:15AM Ivloming rAeeting, Secret.ary-'sLarge Conference Room 9:15AM 9:20AM Call to Congressman Barney Frank 9:20 iVA 9:30 At\'1 CaE to Larry Summers 9:35 ANi 10:00/\...M Meeting with Senator Car] Levin, Secretary's Small Conference Room Call from Sheila Bair 10:00 At'l1 10:30 AM ...... •.....•.... 11 lOAM Tranjatlantic Econ01ric Council Meeting, Room] 105, State Departrnen , 2201 C Street, N.W 11:[5 At,,'! SIFt\'1A Prep, Secretar::v's Small Conference Room 11 :30 /\j\-1 PM Testimony Prep, Secretary's Small Conference Room 12:30 PM. 1:00 Pi\-'1 (b) (6) 00 Pi\-l 130PM Can to Pat Parkinson 30PM 1 45 Plvl DeDart, \Vashin(b) (2) 1AS Phi 2:50 PM 2:50 Pi\·1 4:00 Plv1 /\rriv,:; New York/(b) (2) PM 5:20 Pf'A. Depart !\-:1arriott Marquis Fiotel (b) (2)

",'10120093j 1 36PM Calendar

5:20 PM 5:30 PM 6:00PM 6:30 FlY'l Call from Rahm Emanuel 6:30 PM 7:45 PI'll De-part Ne\\' York/(b) (2) emoute V/ashington/(b) (2) 7A5 y:tvI 3:15 PM Arrive WashingtonJ(b) (2)

Tvke-ting \,/]th Lord Adair Tumer, Secretary's Small Conference Room ...... 9:30/dvl 10:00 AM 10:0u AIvl 10:30 AM lOeJO ."""1 1140 AM 12:00 PM 12:25 PM 12:25 PM 12:30 PM 1230 PM 12:35 PM 1:35 PM lAO PM 1:40 PI\·1 2:30PM Meeting with Rep. Anna Eshoo and other Reps, Room 200. Cannon House Office Building 2:30 PM 3:45 PM Meeting with Congressman Barney Frank and Rahm Emanuel, Room 2128 House Office Building 3:45PM 3:50 PM Call from Rahill Emanuel 4:10 PM 4:15 PM ...... c:,aJ,I, to Chairman Bame:.' F..r..TI.TI..k . 4:45 PM 4:50 PM Can to Larry Summers ...... , ~"'" .•...... ,...... , •...... , ..... 4:50 PM 6:00PM Monthly FinSOB Meeting, Secretary's Large Conference Room 6:00 PM 7:30 PM NEC Budget Meeting, Roosevelt Room, \lv11it(: House nOPM 8:30 Pl>'l Dinner with Peter Orszag,(b) (6)

745 AM 8:25 AM i1.rrive at Office 1m] ...... "" , . 2%S"0 8:25 AT\l 8:45 AM Call to Larry Summers 9:15 AM \Vhite House Senior Staff Meeting, Roosevelt Room, \ii/hite House 8:45 AM ...... 9:15 AM 9:30 AI'll Depart Treasury enroute Rayburn House Office ...... "T...... , 9:30AM 10:30 Aivl Testimony -- House Financial Services, Room 2128, RaybumBouse Office Building 11:00AM 12:30 PM Return to Treasury 1:30 PM Weekly Lunch with FED Chainnan Bemanke, Lad and Mark Sobel, Federal Reserve Board 12:30 PM ...... '30PM 1:50 PM Return to Office 2:25 PM Call to Phil Schiliro, left word '50PM ...... 2:25 PM 2:30PM Cail to Phil Schiliro 2:30 ?fA 2:40 Plvi Call to Senator Max Baueus " , ••...... 2:40PM 2:45 PM Cal] to Senator Harry Reid ...... , " 2:50 PM Call to Phil Schi1iro. left word 2:45 PM ...... 2:50 Pfy1 2:55 PM Can to Rahm Emanuel 2:"1<:: Pl\-1 3:30 PM Call to Senator Mark \Varner. left word 3:30 Pt'I 4:25 PM \Vashington/(b) (2) enroute Chicago(b) (2)

4:25 PM 5:25 P1J (b) (2) 5:25 Prj 5:50 PI-A Call to Phil Schiliro 5:50 6:00 PIA Call to Chairman Barney F'8.nk

11 10'2009 at ~ 3G PM Calendar

6:30 :P:fvl 6:35 PM tVlark "Vamer

Chicago Schedule Time 6:15 pm- Arrive Chicago Economic Club [vleet/Greet '.Yith Bill Daley, Grand Ballroom, Regency 6:30 pm- Reception 6:45 pm- Dinner 7:45 pm- Participate in moderated Q&A with John W. rodgers 9:00 pm- Depart Hyatt Regency emoute(b) (2)

Nev; Markets Tax Credit Program: National Ay"ards Announcement -- OPEN PRESS, Greater West TO\YTI Project, 2021 \,,1. Fulton Street, Chicago ...... ~; :;:. 12:00 PM 1:00 Ph1 Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Meeting. Tribune Offices, 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago 1:55 PM 2;05 PM Phone Call with Senator Chris Dodd 2:05 PM PM Depart Chicago(b) (2) 4:55PM 5:00PM Arrive Washington/(b) (2) 5;00 PM 5:45PM Phone Can "",'ith Larry Summers 5:45PM 6:15 PM Phone Call with Paul Vo1cker 700 PM 8:00PM (b) (6) 8:00 PM 9:00PM Phone Calls 6:05 pm- CalI from Rahm Emanuel, jeft word 6:25 pm- Call to Sara Feinberg 6:35 pm- Call from Rahm Emanuel 6:40 pm- Call from Larry Summers, left word 6:50 pm- Call to David Axelrod ......

9:00 AM :00 PM 1'15 PM AJTlve at Office :15 PM 2:00 PM (b) (2) 2:00 PIvI 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:15 PM 3;15 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 400PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:15PM 7:30 PM Arrive Kennedy Center ,,/ith Carole 7:30 PM 10:00 PM (b) (6) ...... 10:00 PM 11:00PM Post-Perforrnancc Reception< Kennedy Center