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Byzcoins.Pdf [1.1 fOCY,D,APCTBEHHbiH MY3EH H30BPA3HTEJlbHbiX HCKYCCTB HMEHH A.C.TIYillKHHA THE PusHKIN S TATE M usEUM OF F INE A RTS THE PUSHKIN STATE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS Sergei A. Kovalenko BYZANTINE COINS IN THE PUSHKIN STATE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS CATALOGUE Moscow • 2015 fOCY,lJ;APCTBEHHbiM MY3EM J130EPA3J1TEJibHbiX J1CKYCCTB MMeHM A.C. ITYIIIKJ1HA C.A. KoBaJieHKO BV13AHTV1l1CKV1E MOHETbl B COEPAHl1V1 f MV1 V1 MM. A. C. OYWKV1HA KATAflOfKOflflEK~MM MocKs a • 2015 Y,[(K 737 BBK 63.2 K56 PeKoMeHooBmw K ne<tamu Y<teHbtM CoBemoM Approved for publishing by the Academic counsil TMJ1J1 UM. A. C. IIywKuHa, of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts at the meeting npomOKOll 3aceoaHWl om 20 Mafl 2013 ZOO a on May 20, 2013 Peu:eH3eHTbi: qJieH-KoppecrroH,n;eHT PAH, ,n;oKTop MCTopMqecKMX HayK IJ.f. fai1p;yKOB CTapulJ1i1 HayqHbiM coTpy,n;HMK oT,n;ena HYMM3MaTMKJ1 focy,n;apcTBeHHoro 3pMMTa)l(a B.B. fypyneBa © 1MIII1HM. A.C. ITylllKHHa, 2015 © C. A. KosaneHKO, 2015 ISBN 978-5-905942-83-9 Bee npasa 3 aurm.1~eHhi IIaMJCmu libBa JiempoBu11.a XapKo u KoHcmaHmw-ta BnaouMupoBu11.a ToneHKO In memory of Lev P. Kharko and Konstantin V. Golenko CO,IJ;EP)I(AHJ1E IJpe,z:p tlCJIOBMe 8 flMTbie MOHeTbi C MOHOrpaMMOM PW 330 KoHcTaHTMH VIII ( 1025-1028) 341 BM3aHTMMCKMe MOHeTbi PoMaH III (1 028-1 034) 342 B HYMM3Man1qecKOM co6paHMM KoHcTaHTMH IX (1042-1055) 342 fMJ1J1MM. A.C. TiyrnKMHa 10 KoHcTaHTMH X (1059-1067) 343 PoMaH IV (1 068-1071) 355 KaTaJior 18 MMxaMJI VII (1071-1078) 358 f10JICHeHit151 K KaTaJIOry 19 HMKM<Pop III ( 1078-1081) 361 AJieKce:M: I (1081-1118) 366 AHaCTaCMM I (491-518) 20 J1oaHH II (1118-1143) 373 IOcnm I (518-527) 32 IOcnm I MIOCTMHMaH I (527) 39 MaHyMJI I (1143-1180) 379 IOcTMHMaH I (527-565) 40 AHp;poHMK I (1183-1185) 389 IOCTMH II (565-578) 85 J1caaK II (1185-1195) 390 T1t16ep1t1:M: II (578-582) 109 AJieKce:M: III (1195-1203) 393 MaBpMKMM (582-602) 115 <t>oKa ( 602-610) 137 HMKeticKaJI MMrrepMR: 396 BoccTaHMe ,J1 paKJIMJI ( 608-610) 144 <t>eop;op I ( 1208-1221) 396 J1paKJIIt1M (610-641) 145 J1oaHH III (1221-1254) 396 KoHcTaHTII(641-668) 173 KoHcTaHTMH IV ( 668-685) 191 flaTMHCKaJI lt1MI1ep1t151 398 IOcTMHMaH II, rrepBoe rrpaBJieHMe (685-695) 196 BoccTaHOBJieHHaJI MMrrepMR: 401 fleOHTMH (695- 698) 197 Ap;pOHMK II (1282-1328) 401 IOcTMHMaH II, MaHyMJI II (1391-1425) 402 BTopoe rrpaBJieHMe (705-711) 197 AHaCTaCMH II (ApTeMMM) Tparre3yHp;cKaJI MMrrepMR: 402 (713-715) 198 AHp;pOHMK I (1222-1235) 402 fleB III (717-741) 198 MaHyMJI I (1238-1263) 403 KoHCTaHTMH V (741-775) 199 J1oaHH II (1280-1297) 407 fleB IV (775- 780) 202 AJieKceti II (1297-1330) · 409 KOHCTaHTMH VI (780-797) 202 BacMJIMH (1332-1340) 410 HMKM<Pop I (802-811) 204 AJieKceti III (1349-1390) 410 fleB V (813-820) 205 MMxaMJI II (820-829) 207 IJp1t1JIO)KeHit151 411 <t>eo<PMJI (829-842) 208 MMxaMJI III (842-867) 212 1. J1MrrepaTopbr 412 BacMJIMti I (867-886) 213 2. MoHeTHbre p;BOpbi 413 fleB VI (886- 912) 226 3. MoHorpaMMbi, 6yKBbi, KoHcTaHTMH VII (913-959) 235 ,li;OI10JIHit1TeJibHbie Clt1MBOJibi 414 PoMaH II (959-963) 256 4. Hap;qeKaHKM 416 HMKM<Pop II (963-969) 256 5. TiepeqeKaHKM 416 J1oaHH I (969-976) 260 6. fpa<P<Pit1Tit1 418 BacMJIMM II (976-1025) 264 7. IJpOit1CX0)K,ll;eHMe 420 AHOHMMHbie <PoJIJIMCbi 274 8. flMTepaTypa lt1 COKpa~eHit151 421 6 CONTENT Preface 9 Cast coins with monogram PW 330 Constantine VIII (1025-1028) 341 Byzantine coins in the Romanus III (1028-1034) 342 numismatic collection of the Constantine IX (1042-1055) 342 Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts 14 ConstantineX ( 1059-1 067) 343 Romanus IV ( 1068-1071) 355 Catalogue 18 Michael VII (1071-1078) 358 Introductory commentaries to the catalogue 19 Nicephorus III (1078-1081) 361 Alexius I (1081-1118) Anastasius I (491-518) 20 366 Justin I (518-527) 32 John II (1118-1143) 373 Justin I and Justinian I (527) 39 Manuel I (1143-1180) 379 Justinian I (527 -565) 40 Andronicus I (1183-1185) 389 Justin II (565-578) 85 Isaac II (1185-1195) 390 Tiberius II (578-582) 109 Alexius III (1195-1203) 393 Maurice (582-602) 115 Phoca (602-610) 137 Nicaean Empire: 396 Heraclius' revolt (608-610) 144 Theodore I (1208-1221) 396 Heraclius (610-641) 145 John III (1221-1254) 396 Constans II (641-668) 173 Constantine IV ( 668-685) 191 Latin Empire 398 Justinian II, first reign (685-695) 196 Restored Empire 401 Leontius (695-698) 197 Andronicus II (1282-1328) 401 Justinian II, Manuel II (1391-1425) 402 second reign (705-711) 197 Anastasius II (Artemius) Trapezunt Empire: 402 (713-715) 198 Andronicus I (1222-1235) 402 Leo III (717-741) 198 Manueli(1238-1263) 403 Constantine V (741-775) 199 John II (1280-1297) 407 Leo IV (775-780) 202 Alexius II {1297-1330) 409 Constantine VI (780-797) 202 Basil (1332-1340) 410 Nicephorus I (802-811) 204 Alexius III (1349-1390) 410 Leo V (813-820) 205 Michael II (820-829) 207 Indexes 411 Theophilus (829-842) 208 1. Emperors 412 Michael III (842-867) 212 Basil I ( 867 -886) 213 2. Mints 413 Leo VI (886-912) 226 3. Monograms, letters, Constantine VII (913-959) 235 additional symbols 414 Romanusii (959-963) 256 4. Countermarks 416 Nicephorus II (963-969) 256 5. Overstrikes 416 John I (969-976) 260 6. Graffiti 418 Basil II (976-1025) 264 7. Provenance 420 Anonymous folles 274 8. Literature and abbreviations 421 7 TIPE)J;J1CJIOBJ1E HyM113MaT11qecKaJI KOJIJieK~11JI fMMM 11M. A . C. I1yrnK11Ha JIBJI>IeTc>I ogH11M 113 crapei1rn11x 11 Kpyrmei1rn11x HYM113MaT11qecK11X co6paH11M Pocc1111. OgHaKo, B OTJI11q11e or KOJIJieK~11M MOHeT 11 MegaJieM, xpaHJI~11XCJI B focygapCTBeHHOM li1CTOp11qeCKOM My3ee 11 focygapcrBeHHOM 3pM11Ta)l{e, HYM113MaT11qecKoe co6paH11e fMMM MaJio 113BeCTHO KaK III11pOKOM rry6JI11Ke, TaK 11 crre~11aJI11CTaM, rrpe)l{ge BCero, B C11JIY OTCYTCTB11JI IIJiaHOMepHbiX rry6JI11Ka~11M MaTep11aJIOB co6paH11JI B <!JopMaTe HayqHbiX KaTaJIOfOB. D,o HegaBHero BpeMeH11, pa6ora A. B. OpernH11KOBa, rrocBm~eHHa>I orr11caH1110 gpeBHerpeqeCK11X MOHeT 11 BbiiiiegiiiaJI e~e B 1891 rogy, OCTaBaJiaCb eg11HCTBeHHbiM o6pa3~0M TaKOfO poga. I10JIO)KeH11e IIOHeMHOry HaqaJIO 11CIIpaBJIJITbCJI B IIOCJiegH11e rOgbi, 11 rry6JI11Ka~11JI KaTaJiora HaXOgJI~11XCJI B fMJi1Ji1 B113aHT11MCK11X MOHeT JIBJIJieTCJI Ba)l{HbiM IIIarOM B 3TOM HarrpaBJieH1111. 3ro yg11B11TeJibHO, HO B113aHT11MCK11e MOHeTbi, xpaHJI~HecJI B oreqecrBeHHbiX My3e>IX, 11 IIOHbiHe HaXOgJITCJI Ha IIOJIO)l{eH1111 CBOeo6pa3HOM HYM113MaT11qeCKOM «3onyrnK11» . B orn11q11e or aHT11qHoi1 11JI11 pyccKoM: HYMl13MaT11K11, KOJIJieK~1111 Korophrx B Begy~11x My3eMHbiX yqpe)l{geH11JIX Pocc1111 JIBJIJIIOTCJI rrpegMeTOM IIOCJiegoBaTeJibHOM HayqHOM KaTaJIOf113a~1111, IIOJIHbie rry6JI11Ka~1111 B113aHT11MCK11X pa3geJIOB My3eMHbiX HYM113MaT11qecK11X co6paH11M cerogHJI rrpaKT11qecK11 orcyTCTBYIOT. Me)l{gy TeM, 3HaqeH11e BBegeH11JI B HayqHbiM o6opOT He OTgeJibHbiX rnegeBpOB 11JI11 pap11reTOB, a KpyrrHbiX MaCC11BOB HYM113MaT11qecKoro Marep11ana, B03MO)l{HOCT11 gJIJI qero rrpegocTaBJIJIIOT 11MeHHO My3eMHbre KOJIJieK~1111, rpygHo rrepeo~eH11Tb. 3To Ba)l{HO KaK B CBJI311 C B03MO)l{HOCTbiO paCIII11peH11JI rrp11MeHeH11JI Tpag11~110HHbiX MerogoB HYM113Mar11qecKoro 11ccnegoBaH11JI, TaK11X Harrp11Mep, KaK T11IIOJIOr11qecK11M, IIITeMrreJibHbiM 11JI11 Merponor11qecK11M aHaJI!13, TaK 11 gJIJI rrepcrreKT11B gaJihHeM:rnero pa3B11T11JI cpaBH11TeJibHO HOBbiX rrogxogOB, CBJI3aHHbiX C MaTeMaT11KO- CTaT11CT11qeCK11M11 11CCJiegOBaH11JIM11. IJogrOTOBKa HaCTOJI~ero 113gaH11JI B 3Haq11TeJibHOM CTerreH11 CTaJia B03MO)l{HOM 6narogap>I rronyqeHHOMY aBropoM rpaHTY <!JoHga AneKcaHgpa <!JoH fyM60JibgTa, II03BOJI11BIIIeMy B OKT>I6pe-Ho>I6pe 2012 roga pa6oraTb B 6116n11oTeKax EepJI11HCKOro M11H~Ka611Hera, EepJI11HCKO-EpaHgeH6yprcKOM AKageM1111 HayK, HeMe~Koro Apxeo­ JIOr11qecKoro li1HCT11Tyra (EepJI11H, fepMaH11>I) . CorpygH11K11 3T11X yqpe)l{geH11M 11, rrpe)l{ge Bcero, goKrop Ynbp11Ka TieTep (Eepn11HCKo-EpaHgeH6yprcKa>I AKageM11JI HayK) 11 goKrop KapcreH ,lJ,aMeH (EepJI11HCK11M M10H~Ka611Her) oKa3aJI11 MHe HeO~eH11MYIO IIOMO~b KaK B II011CKe Heo6xog11MOM li11Teparypbi, TaK 11 gpy)l{eCK11M o6cy)l{geH11eM pa3JI11qHbiX rrpo6neM aHT11qHoJ1 11 B113aHT11MCKOM HYM113MaT11K11. MHe XOTeJIOCb 6bi Bbipa311Tb 11M MOIO 11CKpeHHIOIO 6JiarogapHOCTb. Oco6y10 pOJib B rrogroTOBKe 3Toro 113gaH11JI chrrpaJI11 B. B. fypyneBa 11 TI. r. faM:gyKoB, KOTOpbre B3JIJI11 Ha ce6>I HenerK11M rpyg pe~eH311poBaH11JI rrpegnarae­ Moro Karanora 11 cgenan11 Macey oqeHb ~eHHbiX 11 rroJie3HbiX 3aMeqaH11M. Enarogap>I JII06e3HOCT11 B. B. fypyneBOM, aBTop He TOJibKO CMor 03HaKOM11TbCJI c 6orareJ1rneJ1 KOJIJieK~11ei1 B113aHT11MCKOM HYM113MaT11K11, xpaH>I~eM:cJI B focygapCTBeHHOM 3pM11Ta)l{e, HO 11 IIOJIYq11JI MHOfO Ba)l{HbiX rrpaKT11qeCK11X COBeTOB, BeCbMa IIOMOfiii11X B pa6ore Hag pyKOII11CbiO. 5[ KpaJ1He IIp113HaTeJieH pe~eH3eHTaM 3a BCIO IIOMO~b, KOTOpa>I 6hiJia OKa3aHa 11M11 B XOge pa60Tbi Hag pyKOII11CbiO KaTaJiora, 11 XOTeJI 6bi OTMeT11Tb, qTO BCe HegoqeTbi, KOTOpbre MOfli11 B HeM COXpaH11TbCJI, HaXOgJITCJI 11CKJIIOq11TeJibHO Ha COBeCT11 aBTopa. B 3aKJIIOqeH11e, MHe xorenocb 6br Bbrpa311Tb 11CKpeHHIOIO 6narogapHOCTb M011M gpy3b>IM - rocrrog11Hy Y11Jib>IMY M. CreHKo6y 11 rocrro)l{e D,)l{yg11T X11rreHc ( CreHKo6) - 3a 11x JII06e3Hoe comac11e B3JITb Ha ce6>I rpyg rrpoBepK11 11 11CrrpaBJieH11JI aHrJIOJI3brqHoro Bap11aHTa rrpeg11CJIOB11JI 11 BBOgHOM rJiaBbi K KaTaJiory. Cepzeu KoaaJZeHKO 8 PREFACE The numismatic collection of the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is one of the oldest and largest collections of its kind in Russia. However, compared with the collections of coins and medals in the State Historical Museu·m and State Hermitage, the numismatic collection of the Pushkin Museum is little known to the public or even to specialists. This is due primarily to the lack of regularly published catalogues. Until recently, Alexei Oreshnikov's book of 1891 describing the Greek coins remained the only example of such a catalogue. The situation has slowly improved in the last few years and publication of the catalogue of Byzantine coins from the Pushkin Museum is an important step in this direction. Surprisingly enough, Byzantine coins in Russian museums are still in the position of some sort of numismatic "Cinderella': By contrast with ancient or Russian numismatics, which in the leading museums are subjects of systematic scholarly cataloguing, comprehensive scientific publications of the Byzantine parts of such collections are practically non-existent.
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