Epiglottis Anterior Glottis Vestibular Fold Vocal Cord Trachea Corniculate

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Epiglottis Anterior Glottis Vestibular Fold Vocal Cord Trachea Corniculate Fig. 22.1 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 22.2 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Nasal Root cavity Bridge Hard Posterior palate nasal Dorsum nasi aperture Nasofacial angle Soft palate Nostril Apex Epiglottis Pharynx Ala nasi Naris (nostril) Larynx Esophagus Nasal septum Philtrum Trachea Left lung Alar nasal sulcus (a) Left main bronchus Lobar Nasal bone Right lung bronchus Segmental bronchus Lateral cartilage Pleural Septal nasal cavity cartilage Minor alar cartilages Pleura Major alar (cut) cartilages Dense connective Diaphragm tissue (b) 1 a-b: ©McGraw-Hill Education/Joe DeGrandis 2 Fig. 22.3 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 22.4 Frontal sinus Cribriform plate Nasal conchae: Auditory tube Superior Middle Sites of respiratory control nuclei: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Inferior Pons Medulla oblongata Meatuses Epiglottic Epiglottis Nasopharynx Hard palate Uvula cartilage Hyoid bone Oropharynx Tongue Hyoid bone Epiglottic cartilage Laryngopharynx Larynx: Epiglottis Vestibular fold Thyrohyoid ligament Vocal cord Fat pad Vertebral column Trachea Esophagus Thyroid cartilage Thyroid cartilage Laryngeal prominence (a) Cuneiform cartilage Arytenoid cartilage Corniculate cartilage Vestibular fold Meatuses: Vocal cord Frontal Superior Cricoid cartilage sinus Middle Nasal conchae: Inferior Cricotracheal Arytenoid cartilage Superior Sphenoid sinus ligament Middle Posterior nasal aperture Arytenoid muscle Inferior Pharyngeal Vestibule tonsil Cricoid cartilage Auditory Guard hairs Nasal septum: Trachea tube Naris (nostril) Perpendicular plate Tracheal cartilage Hard palate Soft palate Septal cartilage Upper lip Uvula Vomer Tongue Palatine tonsil Lingual tonsil Lower lip Pharynx: Mandible Epiglottis Nasopharynx Oropharynx (a) Anterior (b) Posterior (c) Median Laryngopharynx Vestibular fold Vocal cord Larynx Trachea Esophagus (b) (c) a: ©McGraw-Hill Education/Joe DeGrandis 3 4 Fig. 22.5 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 22.6 Anterior Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Adduction of vocal cords Abduction of vocal cords Epiglottis Glottis Thyroid cartilage Vestibular fold Cricoid cartilage Anterior Vocal cord Vocal cord Trachea Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle Corniculate Arytenoid cartilage Posterior cartilage Corniculate cartilage Posterior (a) Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (a) (c) Base of tongue Main bronchi Epiglottis Vestibular fold Vocal cord Carina Glottis Corniculate Tracheal cartilage mucosa (b) 5 (b) (d) 6 a: ©Phototake; b: ©J. Siebert/Custom Medical Stock Photo, Inc. Fig. 22.7 Fig. 22.9 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Larynx: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Thyroid cartilage Mucus Cricoid cartilage Thyroid Mucociliary Trachea cartilage escalator Apex of lung Main bronchi Larynx Cricoid Particles cartilage of debris Superior lobe Epithelium: Superior lobar Goblet cell bronchus Costal Ciliated cell Horizontal fissure surface Middle lobar Mucous gland bronchus Superior lobe Middle lobe Trachea Cartilage Inferior lobar Cardiac bronchus impression Mediastinal Oblique fissure Chondrocytes surfaces Inferior lobe Inferior lobe Oblique (b) Base of lung fissure (a) Anterior view Carina Trachealis Apex muscle Superior lobe Lobar Hyaline bronchi cartilage ring Pulmonary Lobar bronchi Main arteries bronchi Lumen Pulmonary Segmental Mucosa veins bronchi Hilum Mucous gland Middle lobe Pulmonary ligament Inferior lobe Perichondrium (a) (c) Diaphragmatic 7 surface 8 (b) Mediastinal surface, right lung Fig. 22.10 Fig. 22.11 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Bronchiole: Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Epithelium Anterior Smooth muscle Breast Alveoli Terminal bronchiole Sternum Pericardial Ribs Pulmonary arteriole cavity Respiratory bronchiole Heart Branch of pulmonary artery Left lung Right lung Visceral pleura Aorta Alveolar duct Pleural cavity Vertebra Parietal Spinal cord pleura Alveolar duct Alveoli Posterior ©Ralph Hutchings/Visuals Unlimited (a) (b) 1 mm 1 mm a: ©Dr. Gladden Willis/Visuals Unlimited; b: ©Visuals Unlimited 9 10 Fig. 22.12 Fig. 22.13 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Inspiration Sternocleidomastoid (elevates sternum) Respiratory membrane Capillary endothelial cell Scalenes Bronchiole (fix or elevate ribs 1–2) Fluid with surfactant Pulmonary arteriole Pulmonary venule Squamous alveolar cell Lymphocyte Alveoli External intercostals Alveolar sac (elevate ribs 2–12, widen thoracic cavity) (b) Great Alveolar Pectoralis minor (cut) Capillary alveolar macrophage (elevates ribs 3–5) Forced expiration networks cell around Internal intercostals, alveoli Terminal interosseous part bronchiole Internal intercostals, (depress ribs 1–11, intercartilaginous part narrow thoracic cavity) (aid in elevating ribs) Diaphragm Respiratory Air Respiratory membrane: (ascends and bronchiole reduces depth Squamous alveolar cell Diaphragm CO of thoracic cavity) 2 Shared basement membrane (descends and Capillary endothelial cell increases depth Rectus abdominis O2 of thoracic cavity) (depresses lower ribs, pushes diaphragm upward by compressing Blood abdominal organs) (a) External abdominal oblique (same effects as (c) rectus abdominis) 11 12 Fig. 22.14 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 22.15 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Sensory nerve fiber Key Carotid body Inputs to respiratory in glossopharyngeal centers of medulla Outputs to spinal centers nerve and respiratory muscles Sensory nerve fibers in vagus nerves Output from hypothalamus, limbic system, and higher brain centers Pons Pontine respiratory group (PRG) Common carotid artery Dorsal respiratory group (DRG) Central chemoreceptors Aortic bodies Glossopharyngeal n. Ventral respiratory Vagus n. group (VRG) Medulla oblongata Intercostal nn. Aorta Spinal integrating centers Phrenic n. Heart Diaphragm and intercostal muscles Accessory muscles of respiration 13 14 Table 22.1 Fig. 22.16 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. No airflow Pleural cavity Intrapulmonary pressure 0 cm H2O Diaphragm Intrapleural pressure –5 cm H2O Ribs swing upward 1 At rest, atmospheric and like bucket handles intrapulmonary pressures during inspiration. are equal, and there is no airflow. Ribs swing downward like bucket handles during expiration. 2 Inspiration 4 Pause Airflow Airflow Intrapleural Intrapleural pressure –5 cm H2O pressure –8 cm H2O Intrapulmonary Intrapulmonary pressure +1 cm H2O pressure –1 cm H2O Diaphragm rises Diaphragm flattens 3 Expiration Rib Rib Rib Sternum Rib Sternum Sternum Sternum Ribs elevated, thoracic Sternum swings up, Ribs depressed, thoracic Sternum swings down, cavity expands laterally thoracic cavity expands cavity narrows thoracic cavity contracts anteriorly posteriorly 2 In inspiration, the thoracic cavity expands laterally, vertically, 3 In expiration, the thoracic cavity contracts in all three directions; 15 and anteriorly; intrapulmonary pressure drops 1 cm H2O below intrapulmonary pressure rises 1 cm H2O above atmospheric 16 atmospheric pressure, and air flows into the lungs. pressure, and air flows out of the lungs. Fig. 22.17 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Table 22.2 (a) Maximum possible inspiration 6,000 5,000 Inspiratory Vital capacity Inspiratory 4,000 reserve volume capacity Tidal volume 3,000 Total lung capacity 2,000 Expiratory Lung volume (mL) Lung reserve volume 1,000 Functional residual Maximum voluntary Residual capacity expiration volume 0 (b) 17 18 a: ©BSIP/Science Source Fig. 22.18 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 22.19 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Expired air Inspired air Air Air Po2 116 mm Hg Po2 159 mm Hg Pco2 32 mm Hg Pco2 0.3 mm Hg Alveolar gas exchange Alveolar air O loading Po 104 mm Hg Time 2 2 Pco2 40 mm Hg CO2 unloading CO2 O2 Blood Blood Gas transport Pulmonary circuit O carried Initial state Equilibrium state 2 from alveoli to systemic tissues Deoxygenated (a) Oxygen Oxygenated blood CO2 carried blood from systemic Po 40 mm Hg Po2 95 mm Hg tissues to 2 Pco 46 mm Hg Pco 40 mm Hg alveoli 2 2 Air Air Systemic circuit Time CO2 O2 Systemic gas exchange Blood Blood O2 unloading CO loading 2 Tissue fluid Po 40 mm Hg Initial state Equilibrium state 2 Pco2 46 mm Hg (b) Carbon dioxide 19 20 Fig. 22.20 Fig. 22.22 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. 2,500 Air in hyperbaric chamber (100% O2 at 3 atm) Reduced PO in 2 Decreased Increased Elevated PO2 in blood vessels airflow airflow blood vessels Response Result: Response to reduced Blood flow to increased ventilation matches airflow ventilation Steep gradient, rapid O Vasoconstriction of Vasodilation of pulmonary vessels pulmonary vessels
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