position the experience of different and purcliasing details are available at: and tests of the misuse of market power. nations in promoting competition in http YAvww.circit. rmit.edu.au/publics/ 5 Extending across: carrier interconnection; information and communications sectors ipm_book.html service provider and content creator access to distribution channels; and end-user access to to provide some guidance and signposts services. through the policy development maze. 1 Nevertheless, the study does recognise national differences. For example, in Australia, legislation targeted the development of a dual network Published by RMIT University Press in Ross Kelso is Senior Research Fellow infrastructure between 1991-1997 and carriers for the International Research on December 1999, The Information Policy have invested significantly in infrastructure Maze: Global Challenges - National development. Similarly, in the UK, policy has Communication and Information Responses is the result of a three-year supported infrastructure duplication. With the Technologies at RMIT. project conducted by the Centre for announcement of the US National Information Infrastructure agenda in 1993 there was a Dianne Northfteld is a Research Fellmv International Research on Communication coincidence of industry investment in and Information Technologies infrastructure and new services. at CIRCIT at RMIT and the Harvard (“CIRCIT”) at RMIT, Melbourne Information Infrastructure 1 Including regulation of horizontal and vertical Project, Kennedy School of Australia, and the Program on Information agreements between firms; control of mergers Resources Policy (“PIRP”), Harvard and acquisitions; regulation of horizontal and/or Government, Harvard University. University, U.S.A, Further information vertical integration activities of individual firms;
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