Yonago Acta medica 2013;56:81–84 Review Article: Special Contribution

Dysmenorrhea and in Young Women

Tasuku Harada Division of Reproductive-Perinatal Medicine and Gynecologic Oncology, Department of , School of Medicine, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine, Yonago 683-8504, Japan

ABSTRACT women of reproductive age.3 The main clinical features is defined as symptoms associated with are dysmennorhea, chronic pelvic and . , such as , cramping and Endometriosis is a chronic and recurrent disease that ad- lumbago, that interfere with daily activity. Primary dys- versely affects quality of life in reproductive age women. menorrhea refers to menstrual pain without underlying Sampson’s implantation theory, which describes pathology, whereas secondary dysmenorrhea is menstru- intraperitoneal menstrual reflux leading to spillage of al pain associated with underlying pathology. Endome- endometrial cells into the peritoneal cavity and the result- triosis, one of the main causes of secondary dysmenor- ing development of endometrial lesions, is currently the rhea, induces dysmenorrhea, and infertility, prevailing explanation of the of endo- resulting in marked reduction of quality of life during metriosis. Increased exposure to menstruation in terms of reproductive age. This review article is a comprehensive short menstrual cycles, prolonged flow and low parity are overview of dysmenorrhea and endometriosis in young possible risk factors.4 Therefore, retrograde menstruation women. observed in 90% of menstruating women is considered a key factor in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Key words adolescent; infertility; laparoscopic sur- Incidence of endometriosis is believed to be increas- gery; oral contraceptive; ing because of changes in women’s lifestyle, such as the tendency to marry later and have fewer children. This life style change increases the number of times a woman Dysmenorrhea is defined as pathological symptoms asso- menstruates and affects the incidence of endometriosis. ciated with menstruation, marked by abdominal - ing and pain during the menstrual period that interfere MECHANISM OF (PRIMARY) DYSMENORRHEA with daily activity. Associated general symptoms, such The etiology of primary dysmenorrhea includes an ex- as , , lumbago, , and , cess or imbalance in the amount of (PGs) are also common. Dysmennorhea is categorized into two secretion from the during menstruation. types, primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea Associated general symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, refers to menstrual pain without underlying pathology, lumbago, diarrhea and headache are the sequel of influx whereas secondary dysmenorrhea refers to painful men- of PGs and its derivatives into systemic circulation. Syn- struation associated with underlying pathology (Table 1). thesis of arachidonic acids and the pathway of cyclooxy- One study, conducted with the support of the Japan genase are activated by a decline of progesterone con- Ministry of Health and Welfare, revealed that menstrual centrations in the late secretory phase. PG levels in the pain requiring pain occurs in 33% of men- endometrium of the late secretory phase increase 3 times struating Japanese women. In 6% of women, pain medi- higher than those of the proliferative phase. A further cations were ineffective and bedrest was needed. The increase in PG levels is observed during the menstrual study results suggest that 1/3 of women who menstruate phase. PGE2 and PGF2 alpha concentrations are higher may require medical intervention.1 Ikeda et al., reporting in the menstrual fluid of women with dysmenorrhea than the results of a questionnaire survey of menstrual pain in women with painless periods.5 Among PGs, PGF2a is among high school students, revealed that 90.8% of stu- considered the most potent causal factor of pain. dents experienced menstrual pain and that pain affected the daily activities of 51.8%. The incidence of menstrual Corresponding author: Tasuku Harada MD, PhD pain increased in 3rd grade students (17–18 years old) [email protected] compared with 1st and 2nd grade.2 Received 2013 September 20 The most common cause of secondary dysmenorrhea Accepted 2013 September 20 Abbreviations: GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; LEP, is endometriosis. Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent low dose estrogen-progestin; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; inflammatory disease characterized by ectopic growth of NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OC, oral contracep- endometrial stroma and affecting 5% to 15% of tive; PG, prostaglandin

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Table 1. of primary and second- gastrointestinal workup, were found to have peritoneal ary dysmenorrhea endometriotic lesions as classified by American Society

Primary Secondary of . Laparoscopic resection or dysmenorrhea dysmenorrhea cautery of all visible lesions resulted in marked improve-

Within 3 yr More than 5 yr ment of their pelvic pain. Onset after after menarche Although Sampson’s theory of retrograde menstrua- Age 15–25 yr old Over 30 yr old tion and implantation is believed to explain most cases Aging Gradually improve Become worse Marriage Improve No change of endometriosis, this theory clearly cannot explain Postpartum Improve No change the cases of endometriosis in premenacheal girls who Findings of internal Endometriosis, neither menstruate nor have retrograde reflux. A recent Normal examination fibroma, etc. review by Brosens et al. suggested that endometriosis Menstruation or Time Menstruation may develop by mechanisms other than retrograde men- other time if worse Duration 4–48 h 1–5 d struation and implantation, such as coelomic , embryonic mullerian rests, or even the persistence of the forms of embryonic endometriosis recently de- By preventing , oral contraceptives (OCs) scribed.12, 13 They also proposed that the phenomenon of suppress the progesterone-driven proliferation of the uterine bleeding in neonates and concomitant retrograde secretory endometrium, resulting in a decrease in pros- menstruation in the neonate might be a source of stem taglandin synthesis and volume of menstrual fluid.6 cells that develop into premenarcheal endometriosis.12 Consistent with Sampson’s theory, reduced menstrual Therefore, it is suggested that premenarcheal and pos- flow after taking OCs contributes to reduced retrograde sibly adolescent endometriosis develop by activation of menstruation, which then impede the development of resting stem cells shed at the time of neonatal retrograde endometriosis. uterine bleeding.

MECHANISM OF PAIN DUE TO ENDOMETRIOSIS SYMPTOMS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS IN YOUNG WOM- Concentrations of PGs are higher in the menstrual blood EN of women with endometriosis.7 Bulletti et al. found that Common symptoms in women with endometriosis in- frequency, amplitude and basal pressure tone of uterine clude dysmenorrhea, lower abdominal pain and dyspa- contractions in women with endometriosis were higher reunia. Almost half of women with endometriosis also than in those without.8 Thus, the severe dysmenorrhea report their inability to become pregnant. The pain of of endometriosis patients may be the result of abnormal endometriosis in adults is often cyclic while the present- uterine contractions. ing pelvic pain of adolescents can be either acyclic or Endometriotic lesions and adhesions may also cause cyclic. Bowel and bladder symptoms commonly occur in the deep pelvic pain associated with endometriosis. Ac- adolescents (Table 3). The Endometriosis Association’s tion mechanisms of pain with endometriosis are outlined 1998 registry of 4,000 adult women with endometriosis in Table 2. The pain of patients with endometriosis is reported that 2/3 of those responding to the survey ex- thus due to both and endometriotic le- perienced their first pelvic symptoms before 20 years of sions. age, 21% before 15, and 17% between 15 to 19.14

ENDOMETRIOSIS IN YOUNG WOMEN Table 2. Mechanism of pain associated with endome- Retrospective studies report a diagnosis of endometriosis triosis in 25% to 38% of adolescents with chronic pelvic pain.9 A Pain due to endometriotic lesions Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and oral 1 Peritoneal lesions induce inflammatory reactions and secrete OCs are prescribed for adolescent patients with chronic prostaglandins, , histamine and kinin that cause pelvic pain. If these agents are refractory, endometriosis pain. has been diagnosed in 50% to 70% of these patients.10 2 Deep infiltrating endometriosis destroys tissues and nerves. These results suggest that endometriosis should be part 3 Ruptured chocolate cysts may irritate . of the differential diagnosis of chronic pelvic or lower ab- B Scar and fibrosis, secondary lesions dominal pain in premenarcheal and perimenarcheal girls. 1 Scar, fibrosis, traction, and may reduce mobility of While endometriosis usually occurs in women after organs. Pain may occur during movement or ovulation. 2 Adhesion of bowel may cause defecation pain or dyschezia. menarche, a series of 5 premenarcheal girls (ages 8.5 3 Retroverted due to adhesion, severe adhesion of to 13 years) were reported to have endometriosis.11 The to Douglas pouch, and induration of sacral may cause girls, who all had chronic pelvic pain and a negative dyschezia. 82 Dysmenorrhea/endometriosis in the young

Table 3. Symptoms of endometriosis in young women Table 4. Red peritoneal lesions in young patients with endometriosis Symptoms Frequency Age Patients with Combination of cyclic and acyclic pain 62.5% Number Mean [SD] red lesions Acyclic pain 28.1% Cyclic pain 9.4% Young patients 36 16.6 [1.4] 86% Intestinal pain 34.3% LAVH 8 37.4 [3.4] 20% Urinary symptoms 12.5% LAVH, laparoscopically assisted vaginal . 9.4% Data source: Davis et al., 1993.17 Abnormal discharge 6.3%

Data source: Laufer et al., 1997.10 examined 36 adolescent patients presenting with severe dysmenorrhea who were refractory to prior therapy. DIAGNOSIS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS IN YOUNG WOM- When compared with 46 women aged 31 to 46 years, EN significantly more red lesions were present in adoles- Visual inspection by or laparotomy is the cents (Table 4). gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis. However, Demco examined endometriotic lesions using pa- laparoscopy cannot always be performed in daily practice tient-assisted pelvic laparoscopy to determine color and in Japan. Therefore, the term, “clinical endometriosis”, is size and mapped these areas for pain.18 Of the lesions used when only patient history, clinical examination and that provoked a pain response, red, vascular lesions were are available to support the diagnosis. Board the most painful. This finding suggests that red lesions, certified gynecologists can correctly diagnose endome- most frequently observed in young patients with endo- triosis in 80% of the patients without laparoscopy. metriosis, may be the cause of their pain. Differential diagnosis is challenging in adolescents Although, no correlation has been found between because there can be coexisting diseases, including severity of pain symptoms and stage of the disease or those of the gastrointestinal system and urinary tract, site of the endometriotic lesions, laparoscopic resection pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, obstructive or cautery of the lesions improve symptoms in over 80% anomalies and . The presenting symptoms can of patients. also vary, ranging from only dysmenorrhea, localized Clear lesions are common in adolescent endome- abdominal pain, , non-cyclic pain or combi- triosis but are often difficult to visualize and evaluate nations of these symptoms. laparoscopically. Peritoneal defects or windows, which On examination, ovarian tumor and anomalies of are also diagnostic of endometriosis, are reportedly very the genital tract must be ruled out. We perform transab- common in adolescents. Improved visualization and dominal ultrasound examination while the patient has identification can often be obtained by increasing the a full bladder and rule out abnormalities in the uterus laparoscopic magnification.19 and ovaries. We then inspect the genital area and and do a rectal examination if necessary. Magnetic reso- CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ENDOMETRIOSIS IN nance imaging (MRI) may also help to reveal an ovarian YOUNG WOMEN tumor or anomalies. Treatment of endometriosis may be surgical or medi- cal. Surgical treatment, especially laparoscopic surgery, LAPAROSCOPIC FINDINGS IN ENDOMETRIOSIS IN is the most effective method to control pain. Careful YOUNG WOMEN history and examination is necessary to rule out pelvic Endometriotic lesions consist of a variety of types, in- tumor or inflammatory disease. Young women with dys- cluding peritoneal implants, ovarian chocolate cysts, menorrhea should be treated initially with a combination adhesions, and deep infiltrated endometriosis. Ovarian of cyclic OCs and NSAIDs. In Japan, 2 cyclic OCs con- is a common disease lesion occurring in taining low dose estrogen-progestin (LEP) are covered 17% to 44% of endometriosis patients.15 However, the by national insurance.20 Side effects, such as nausea finding is rare among adolescents and young women. and atypical bleeding, usually occur during the first 3 One review over a 15-year period reported no endome- months of therapy, and patients should be advised about triomas among the ovarian masses found in 102 infants, this. If cyclic administration is not effective, the physi- children and adolescents.16 Peritoneal endometriotic cian can recommend a continuous regimen of 3 to 4 lesions are categorized into 3 subgroups: red, black and months in which the patient takes the medication, disre- white. Davis et al. reported that red lesions are the pre- garding any breakthrough bleeding. After laparoscopic dominant implant type in adolescent patients.17 They surgery for ovarian cysts, a continuous LEP regimen is

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