Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group Meeting

Date and Time: 1st August 2019 at 14:00 hrs. Location: Ombersley Medical Centre.

Present: Dr Gemma Moore (GM) Partner Andrea Hinton (AH) Practice Manager John Cope (JC) Chair Linda Frazier (LF) PPG member Michael O’Riordan (MJO’R) PPG member Carolyn Gumbley (CG) PPG member Val Weaver (VW) PPG member Kate Stephens (KS) Secretary Ruth Cooper-Jones Engagement Manager /Herefordshire CCG

1.1.0819 Apologies: David Mills (DM) PPG member (Hospital appointment)

The meeting opened at 14:00hrs.

2.1.0819 Visiting Speaker. JC introduced visiting speaker Ruth Cooper-Jones who gave the members an overview of ‘How the Local NHS is structured’, with the aid of a most instructive handout which outlined the pathways of funding and responsibilities and a breakdown of 2018/19 expenditure.

3.1.0819 Approval and adoption of minutes of meeting held 01.07.19 Proposed by CG. Seconded by LF.

4.1.0819 Matters Arising 4.1.i.0819 JC mentioned that he had asked Lauren Sparkes – Practice Administrator to produce the newsletter in Word format to make it more accessible. 4.1.ii.0819 Speakers for the next 3 meetings were confirmed as: September-Peter Pinfield – Chair Healthwatch Worcestershire October - A police officer from the regional team, local policing November -Amit, changing roles 4.1.iii.0819 It was confirmed that appointments with Amit should be booked via reception.


4.1.iv.0819 Health Walks. It was confirmed that the details will be included on the website and in the Newsletter. Notices will be displayed in Hallow and Holt to spread the demographics. Hallow Parish Council secretary, Ann Stark, has offered to insert notices into the Parish Council minutes and website. Ombersley & Doverdale Parish Council website will also include information. AH reported that registration for the first 3 walks was:- 1. 7+dog 2. 11 3. 13/14 CG reported that the newsletter referred to the Ramblers Association and provided a link to this although this organisation is not directly involved. AH will ensure that there is a “Healthwalks” page link. 4.1.v.0819 “Patient Access” and proxy consent. This is set up and available. KS reported that she had successfully set this up in the last few days. Change needs to be communicated to all patients. 4.1.vii.0819 AH reported that the next newsletter would be issued in Mid-August and that it was hoped that there would be monthly issues. 4.1.viii.0891 PPG minutes would be displayed on the PPG noticeboard. 4.1.ix.0819 Alzheimer’s walkthrough. AH reported that a 5 year business plan had been drawn up to include all the suggested changes to be addressed in 2020-2022. The sign from the carpark to the main entrance has been ordered and should be received 02.08.19. The clock has been installed in reception. CG queried why the toilet on the 1st floor had been out of action for so long. This is to be rectified shortly and the hot water supply in the toilets downstairs. 4.1.x.0819 500 copies of the OMC leaflet will be made available for insertion in Parish magazines in and Ombersley will also require some copies.

GM joined the meeting at 15:00hrs.

5.1.0819 Practice Update.

5.1.i.0819 Joint meeting to discuss ReSPECT has been rescheduled for Thursday October 3rd 2019 at 18:30hrs. Venue- Droitwich Methodist Church. Funds have been made available form MacMillan to support e-learning and videos for patients and legal representatives. An audit trail has been agreed to show those involved and their qualifications. 83 organisations are involved in this national initiative. 5.1.ii.0891 Dr Vicky Hicks and Dr OJ will commence employment on 7th August. 5.1.iii.0819 The surgery bid for 2 GP assistant posts has been successful. Chris Lisseman and Lauren Sparkes (Practice Administrators) have both been accepted to train. Chris will be mentored by Dr Moore and Lauren by Dr Stepien. 5.1.iv.0819 The surgery has been notified of the forthcoming CQC regulatory phone call on 15th August. It is anticipated that a full CQC inspection will follow. 5.1.v.0819 It is hoped to programme more cupcake and other fundraising events. GM has heard that Great Witley surgery provide a Christmas lunch for frailty patients. Is this something we could do?? It was proposed to discuss at 13.00hrs immediately before the next PPG meeting.


5.1.vii.0819 GM informed the meeting that Dr Vicky Hicks is trained in minor ops and joint injections and that Dr Stepien will undergo minor op training in September. MJO’R asked whether it would be possible to have a register of the minor ops available at the surgery.

6.1.0819 AOB. 6.1.i.0819 JC referred to the proposed change to out of hours dental services and the website survey already circulated. He urged all members to participate in this. 6.1.ii.0819 A meeting will be held on 28th August on the future of Hospital to be hosted by the League of Friends.

JC thanked our visiting speaker Ruth Cooper-Jones for her most interesting and informative talk.

The meeting closed at 15:40 hours.

Date of next meeting Monday September 16th 2019 at 14:00 hours in OMC Boardroom preceded by discussions around provision of a Christmas Lunch for OMC registered frail patients.