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CBD: an electoral powerhouse

By Shane Scanlan Th ere are also more than 10,000 eligible votes awarded to corporations within the CBD. October’s City Even though postal voting closes on October Council election is likely to be 22, the election results won’t be known until determined right here in the sometime between Monday, October 31 and Friday, November 4. CBD, despite fewer than one in Th e VEC is allowing more time this year fi ve residents being enrolled to to refl ect the falling delivery standards of vote. Australia Post. Th e city’s urban renewal areas of CBD, Th e CBD punches well above its weight Docklands and Southbank account for more in political terms. Th e tiny postcode 3000 than half of the voting entitlement, with contains more than a third of the city’s 71,732 votes. 133,805 eligible votes. Whatever the outcome, the City of With 42,151 eligible votes within the CBD, Melbourne’s unique voting allocation system the election’s outcome rests on how these is bound to come in for criticism from judge the performance of incumbent unsuccessful candidates. candidates and the potential of new Chief among likely complaints is a prejudice aspirants. which awards two votes to property-based But Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) voting categories, compared with only a fi gures show that the postcode’s voting single vote for voters on the VEC’s roll. strength is not with its 33,000 residents. It is possible for four votes to be awarded to Only 7968 are on the state electoral roll. a single property under Melbourne’s voting It’s the CBD’s 34,183 non-resident voters system – two for the property’s owners and Welcome home for heroes who provide the muscle at the municipal two for the business occupying the premises. election. Th ere are fi ve categories which attract two Th e CBD welcomed Australia’s paralympians home in style in Th e bulk of these voters are investors who votes – Non-resident owner; resident owner own property here, but don’t live in the the Bourke St Mall on October 5. Th e disabled athletes were (who is not on VEC roll); occupier ratepayer; City of Melbourne. Th ere are 23,346 in this corporation (owner); and corporation strongly cheered by the grateful crowd for their achievements. category, and they can only be reached by (occupier). Th ese voters appear on what is election hopefuls via expensive postage – known as the Melbourne CEO’s list. Th e national paralympian team won 81 medals at the Rio putting them out of reach of all but the most cashed-up candidates. games. Continued on page 2.


Premier Daniel Andrews Suite 108, 198 Harbour Esplanade PO Box 23008 Docklands 8012 has rejected Infrastructure Tel: 8689 7980 Fax: 9602 2929 ’s proposed inner-city Advertising congestion tax. Tel: 8689 7980 Fax: 9602 2929 [email protected] Infrastructure Victoria proposed transport Reader contributions are welcome. network pricing to be introduced all over Please send articles and images to Victoria. More specifi cally, a congestion [email protected] tax was suggested for the CBD, which Candidate Phil Cleary explains a fi ner point during a fund-raising event in North Melbourne. would have cost residents $5 every time Th e deadline for the December/January they left or arrived home. edition is Th ursday, November 19. Follow us on Twitter Th e congestion tax would work via a @CBD_News_3000 CBD: an electoral powerhouse double cordon model, charging drivers $2 to enter the outer ring (areas such as Like us on Facebook Continued from page 1 Such complications resulted in less than 60 South Yarra and Clifton Hill) and then an cbdnewsmelbourne Th e City of Melbourne actively surveys per cent of eligible votes being received at additional $3 to enter the CBD. the last election in 2012. CBD News is published by Shane properties to maintain this list. Overall, Premier Andrews shot down the idea just Scanlan ([email protected]). there are more voter entitlements on the Spending by candidates would appear to hours after the draft report was released, CEO list (57,616) than the 54,790 on the be signifi cantly down on 2012. Th is year, a saying that Infrastructure Victoria was not Journalist: Khiara Elliott - electoral roll. [email protected] voluntary disclosure of donations received is the government and that he would not being maintained by Th e Age newspaper. support the taxing of pre existing roads. Lifestyle editor: Jacqui Mocek - Th e postal voting system itself is also likely [email protected] to come under renewed criticism. Critics Th e registered showed on October 17 that “We’ve had a very consistent policy about point out that it is easy to steal or otherwise 20,000 copies are printed and Team Doyle was leading the donations tally not tolling existing roads,” he said. “Th at intercept the ballots, particularly when they with $127,000 declared so far. Ken Ong's remains our policy and that won’t be distributed exclusively within are delivered to non-secure mail boxes. Melbourne's CBD each month. CBD team has declared $102,000 with most of changing.” it ($73,008) coming from the candidate News works for advertisers because Th ey also point out that the system is open Th e report said a congestion tax would himself. people like to know what is happening to potential abuse when bulk ballots are slash inner-city congestion by 35 per cent. in their neighbourhood. delivered to agents representing property Gary Morgan has stumped up $8855, Th e Opposition Leader Matthew Guy owners. Greens have declared $26,633 and Phil Views expressed by contributors are not condemned the congestion tax as Cleary's team looks like it will have at least those of the publishers. One Southbank agent had 1212 ballots “madness” and expressed he felt it would $60,000 to spend. delivered to pass on to property owners. deter people from living within the CBD. Central City - A Maturing but Still Young Market

Understanding the current and likely future position of a property in our rapidly maturing CBD real estate market requires a deeper awareness of neighbourhood, domestic and international factors than was previously necessary. This goes well beyond the notion of what a property may be “worth”, and embodies a full appreciation of the factors PUÅ\LUJPUN[OLWYVWLY[`HJYVZZ[OLLJVUVTPJWVSP[PJHSHUKZVJPHSJVU[L_[ZHUK[OLTH[\YP[`VM[OLZ\ITHYRL[PU^OPJOP[ZP[Z Melbourne is a mature, emerging World City. However, the medium and higher density markets remain in their relative infancy. 0[^HZVUS`PU[OLLHYS`TPK Z[OH[HWHY[TLU[JVU]LYZPVUZHUKZTHSSZJHSLKL]LSVWTLU[ZLTLYNLKPU[OL*)+HZI\PSKPUN owners, developers and Government (State and City of Melbourne) sought ways to generate economic returns and increase the residential population via reuse of obsolete commercial buildings impacted by the recession. In seeking to understand the broader aspects of our market, it is time we looked towards more mature cities that Melbourne ^PSSPUL]P[HIS`YLÅLJ[PU[OLM\[\YL>LTH`[OPUR5L^@VYR3VUKVUL[HSHYL>VYSK*P[PLZIL`VUKV\YJVTWHYPZVUOV^L]LY [OLPYPUULYJP[`LU]PYVUTLU[ZHYLH^PUKV^[VV\YV^UM\[\YL;OLPYHWHY[TLU[W\YJOHZLYHUKVJJ\WHU[WYVÄSLZHYLTVYLJSLHYS` KLÄULKI\PSKPUNZHYLKLZPNULK[VYLÅLJ[[OLULLKZVMYLZPKLU[Z^P[OPUHWHY[PJ\SHYSVJH[PVUHUKLHJOULPNOIV\YOVVK^P[OPU [OLJLU[YHSJP[`PZ^LSSKLÄULKI`P[ZJ\S[\YLHTIPLUJLHUKZ[YLL[ZJHWL Despite many of the early CBD conversions and projects then (and still) appealing to owner occupiers, the emergence of the CBD residential market has, to date, been underwritten by investors. More recently however, the changing structure of 4LSIV\YUL»ZOV\ZPUNTHYRL[ZHUKL]VS]PUNZVJPHSWYLMLYLUJLZOH]LTH[\YLK¯^LHYLH[[OLILNPUUPUNVM[OLUL_[L]VS\[PVUVM the central city. ;OPZZ[LWJOHUNLPZYLPNUP[PUNKLTHUKMYVTÄYZ[HUKZLJVUKOVTLI\`LYZPULZ[HISPZOLKI\PSKPUNZ\W[V 40U[OLOPNOLY ]HS\LZLJ[VY 4[OLTHYRL[PZILNPUUPUN[VYLJVNUPZL[OLLTILKKLK]HS\LPULZ[HISPZOLKL_JS\ZP]LHUKS\_\Y`I\PSKPUNZ 5L^SHUKTHYRWYVQLJ[ZHYLPUJVYWVYH[PUNOPNOLYSL]LSZVMKLZPNUHUKHTLUP[`YLÅLJ[P]LVM[OLULLKZVMZVWOPZ[PJH[LKV^ULY VJJ\WPLYZZLSSPUNZ[YVUNS`VɈ[OLWSHU[VWYLKVTPUHU[S`SVJHSW\YJOHZLYZ^OV\UKLYZ[HUK[OLJVU[L_[VM[OLZLWYVQLJ[Z ;OLZOPM[[V^HYKZOPNOLYV^ULYVJJ\WH[PVUVMHWHY[TLU[ZHJYVZZHSSWYPJLWVPU[Z^PSSIL[OLZPUNSLTVZ[ZPNUPÄJHU[MHJ[VY in the future evolution of the higher density market in Melbourne, and is of very high relevance to intending vendors and purchasers. This will be particularly evident in the central city, as future housing demand is drawn to the vibrant core.

3P[[SL3VUZKHSL:[4LSIV\YUL=0*T:    M: E: [email protected] W: ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 3 Deal or no deal? In the pre-election environment everyone was running away from a reported Market deal between building unions and the Lord Mayor – everyone, that is, except Team Doyle.

Th e Age newspaper had earlier run a Th e Greens). And the unions involved felt prominent story about an alleged secret deal compelled to front traders on October 18 to to ensure the QVM redevelopment. claim that no such deal had been done. Council administration distanced itself from Team Doyle didn’t need to say anything. It the suggestion that such a deal was actually had been heroically portrayed as saving the possible. Th e alleged off er from Team Doyle market from (mythical) militant green bans. was already council policy (championed by Can we have some normality, post-election? Trades Hall secretary Luke Hilakari, election candidate Michael Caiafa and CFMEU boss John Setka address traders. Council inconsistent on apartment design standards

By Khiara Elliott “We’re focusing on performance criteria must be clear measurement criteria,” he said. release the draft objectives alongside the of apartment design rather than specifi c draft standards,” he said. “I believe that with the draft standards, there numbers to be applied,” he said. needs to be some refi nement in terms of “It’s diffi cult to predict how successful this Th e City of Melbourne (CoM) “Whether it focuses on the amenities, the how the measurement of the performance performance-based policy is going to be has changed its tune on the layout, the natural light … I think those are requirements of these new standards are without knowing the strength of the text of State Government’s attempt all the interesting, useful criteria.” done.” the objectives.” to establish standards for the However, now that another submission Cr Ong continued on to say that some “All of the rhetoric from the Minister when has been made in response to the latest standards within the draft were now too announcing the apartment guidelines design and construction of Better Apartments Draft Design Standards clearly defi ned and that this also posed a process was around the decreasing quality apartments. document, the council has raised a number problem. of central city apartments. Yet the draft of objections. guidelines are really one-size-fi ts-all “It is also my opinion that some parts of the guidelines for apartments across the state, standards are overly prescriptive, which can When it fi rst told the government its position Key issues identifi ed from the latest which aren’t going to improve upon the actually stifl e innovative design,” he said. in July 2015, the council deliberately submission are based around the need for existing central city development overlays stricter guidelines – quite an opposite view promoted general principles. But, after the “It prescribes light requirement for kitchens anywhere near as much as we were all led to to the one it took last year. matter came before the Future Melbourne and its distance from the windows/light believe.” Committee (FMC) on September 20, access, this actually does not make sense. Key issue 5.5 from the offi cers’ report to the As Cr Leppert noted, the apartment it appears that it now wants specifi c It seems like a specifi c view of what kitchen September 20 FMC meeting states: “Th e standards guidelines have been in the works measurements. design should be.” planning provisions should be as clear and for a long time. Th e standards were expected to be fi nalised measurable as possible to provide suffi cient Deputy planning chair Cr Rohan Leppert Craig Yelland, director from Plus and released last month but, according to certainty, be easily understood and applied is also unhappy with the latest standards Architecture gave a speech on the need Planning Minister Richard Wynne, have consistently.” document. been delayed until the end of the year. for better apartment standards at a CBD Th e report goes on to say: “While the draft “Th ese apartment guidelines have been such Business Networking International (BNI) In its initial submission to the government’s standards propose minimum dimensions a long time coming. On the one hand, they lunch on September 29. draft Better Apartments discussion paper, the for bedrooms, bathrooms and storage, are far too late, but on the other, the draft still council in 2015 was vague in its language, Within the fi rst fi ve minutes of his speech, there is no minimum dimension for living needs a lot more work until the industry and and shrouded in fl uff when calling for Mr Yelland noted the ambiguity of the areas or objective regarding the layout and community are going to be confi dent that “adequate” residential densities, “well current draft standards. functionality of these spaces.” they will improve on the status quo. Th is is designed” common areas and “appropriate frustrating,” he said. “Actually, they don’t talk about size. Th ere’s sunlight”. CBD News contacted Cr Ong about his no minimum size,” he said. “But if you abide current opinion on the draft standards. Cr Leppert was also critical of the process. Councillor Ken Ong, at the time, considered by the rules then they’re all bigger, so go this approach to be more than suffi cient. “In order to enable clear compliance, there “It’s disappointing that the Minister didn’t fi gure.”

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By Sunny Liu

A dog (pictured) was brutally beaten and suff ocated to death at CBD apartment Upper West John Dall'Amico receives Residents 3000's award from Acting Inspector Stephen Wilson on October 6. Side last month.

It is alleged that the one-year-old Husky was killed by its temporary carer when its owner, Award for apartment a Chinese international student, was on holiday in China. A source told CBD News the dog’s alleged migrants needed to be more educated about killer, also a Chinese student and a resident safety project the responsibilities of owning a pet. of Upper West Side, beat the dog, stuff ed it inside a suitcase and dumped the suitcase “Th ey need to know what it takes to look inside a bin room on level 12. Blood was after an animal and they need to be aware of Residents 3000 president John Dall’Amico and Leading Sen- found in the staircases on level 13 and 14. the options to help re-home their pets that they can’t take care of anymore,” Mr Poon Constable Glenn McFarlane have together created a new Th e source claimed the dog’s killer had been said. security assessment program for apartment buildings. physically abusing the dog for months and killed the dog when the dog was “making a Th e Animal Justice Party is calling for closure mess in the apartment”. of a pet store at Melbourne Central Shopping To commend his eff orts in the development “Th e fact that I’m a resident of the city, Centre. and assessment of residential apartment well, I want to feel safe myself,” he said. CBD News understands when the Husky’s security, Mr Dall’Amico was last month owner checked up on his dog, the carer said “Pet stores need to help re-home rescue “My job is to ensure the safety of presented with an award on behalf of the dog had been poisoned and was buried animals, not promote impulsive buying of buildings. I learnt so many things in Residents 3000. in a backyard. But when the owner insisted animals,” Mr Poon said. a professional sense that I otherwise on seeing the body, the carer allegedly Th e award was presented by Acting Inspector wouldn’t have known about.” “Many Melbourne people want the council replied that he threw the body away. Stephen Wilson at the Residents 3000 annual to step up its game to provide a better habitat Together, they created two separate general meeting on October 6. Th e building owners’ corporation sent out for animals.” assessment documents: one for residents an email to residents after the incident, Leading Sen-Constable McFarlane and Mr and one for owners’ corporations. An independent review into the RSPCA appealing for information. Dall’Amico established their friendship Inspectorate to improve its operational “Initially, Glenn had a program that was through CBD group Residents 3000, where Th e dog’s body has been sent to the RSPCA performances and effi ciency has been specifi cally targeted at residents. I think Leading Sen-Constable McFarlane engages for examination. Th e RSPCA is investigating released. that’s because he’s from suburbia,” said with the local community and informs them the case and expects to lay charges. Mr Dall’Amico. Th e State Government has recently revealed of the latest police focuses. RSPCA prosecution co-ordinator Daniel its Draft Animal Welfare Action plan, which “In suburbia, you look after your own Some two years ago, Leading Sen-Constable Bode said there had been an alarming is now out for public consultation. place, whereas in the city, it’s more of McFarlane approached Mr Dall’Amico, who increase of violence towards animals. a community. Th ere’s some questions Th e Victorian Minister for Agriculture, Jaala is also director of property management that only building managers or owners’ “Th ere is no circumstances under which it Pulford, said animal welfare was a collective company CBD Facility Management, about corporation committees would know the is acceptable for pet owners to take it upon responsibility. whether he and Residents 3000 would answers to. So that’s where we came up themselves to violently end an animal’s life,” be prepared to help in the designing of “It’s on us all to treat pets, livestock and other with the idea for two programs.” he said. “If an owner decides they just can’t a program targeting security checks for animals under our care in a way that meets manage an animal’s needs, then RSPCA apartment buildings. Each document includes a detailed community expectations and standards,” she Victoria will take any surrendered animal – checklist to be fi lled out. Th e checklists said. “Bringing a proactive welfare agenda “I identifi ed John as having the experience no question asked.” are broken down into sections regarding to Victoria is about more than simply the and expertise that I was after,” Leading Sen- areas such as property identifi cation, Lead candidate of the Animal Justice Party prevention of cruelty to animals, it is about Constable McFarlane said. intruder alarm systems and building in the Melbourne City Council elections, making sure our community knows what Mr Dall’Amico was more than willing to help. access points. Bruce Poon, said international students and else needs to be done.” CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS IN STYLE!

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Platform270P Platform270 ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 5 Soldiers of Odin: heroes or vigilantes? By Khiara Elliott

A group of men named Soldiers of Odin (SOO) have taken it upon themselves to patrol the CBD streets, believing that more protection is needed.

Dressed in distinctive black jackets with their emblem – an image of Odin, the Norse god of war masked in an Australian fl ag – Soldiers of Odin have been patrolling areas within the CBD in response to the rising levels of crime, specifi cally targeting movements like the Apex gang. It has been reported that SOO members patrol , Birrarung Marr, Soldiers of Odin members outside in Swanston St. (Picture - Facebook). the Bourke St Mall and outside train stations at night. Sen-Sgt Adam Tanner of Melbourne East chose not to directly respond any further not compare us,” it reads. Police Station told CBD News police were with media, instead releasing an offi cial According to its Facebook page, SOO is In another statement, SOO detailed it was aware of SOO’s presence, but suggested statement via its Facebook page that rejects offi cially sanctioned by the founder of the against Islam, and: “the fact that it is okay that policing was best left to the established any claims of racist activity. Finnish parent-group, Mike Ranta, who is to be proud to be black, proud to be Asian, authorities. reported online to be a white supremacist. Th e statement also requests that people not proud to be homosexual or transgender, yet Th e page states it is not a racist group. It says “I do not recommend people confront compare SOO divisions from other countries it is not acceptable and you are considered it is “critical of immigration”. off enders as this places you at risk of harm,” with the one here in Melbourne. racist if you are proud to be Australian.” he said. “Victoria Police members have “Th e government, it seems, is fl ooding our “We are a worldwide organisation, a Public posts such as these have prompted extensive training which equips them with suburbs with uncivilised immigration. We worldwide voice of collective nations all followers of the page to reply in support the skills and resources needed to respond to need to be realists here, the current cultures with their own issues but also with a shared, with graphics of Nazi propaganda. Another safety issues. We urge everyone to ring 000 if and ethnicities in which our suburbs are common problem and all wanting the comment expressed irritation with the they are in danger or witness a crime.” being fi lled with is detrimental to the safety best for our individual countries and the Victorian Government, labelling Premier of our citizens and communities,” it says. After an infl ux of media requests, SOO communities we live in. However, please do Daniel Andrews a “lefty maggot”.


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MELBOURNE LEVEL 1/180 QUEEN STREET T. 03 9600 2192 HOCKINGSTUART.COM.AU 6 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26 Residents fi ght redevelopment plans

Residents at the Royal Flagstaff Apartments on LaTrobe St are standing united against redevelopment plans that would compromise their living standards.

Property owner Spacious Property All surrounding buildings, including Development Group plans to develop the residential and educational, have been built next-door property at 488-494 LaTrobe St to a 40m height restriction and a minimum into a 64.9m residential tower, but residents of a six-metre set-back rule. Spacious’s plans have vowed to fi ght all the way to the for its site would not. It would be built right Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal up to the boundary of the Royal Flagstaff (VCAT). Apartments and cast a shadow on several apartments from as early as 1pm. And it’s not the fi rst time they have banded together to fi ght development of that site. “You’ll notice that all the buildings nearby Two years ago, Spacious attempted to don’t exceed 40m and they all have set- develop a 100m tower but the residents backs. What that does is create a sense of objected and won at VCAT. openness,” Mr Mitchell said. “Th is sense of openness, we think, is fundamentally a part Th e September 20 Future Melbourne of the character of the area.” Committee heard that 34 objections to the new plan were received – mostly relating to “When you put something right on our height, amenity and overshadowing. boundaries of that size, it becomes very Residents of Royal Flagstaff express their solidarity to protect their amenity. imposing,” said resident Sharon Vladusic. Nine Royal Flagstaff residents attended the meeting and spoke against the permit Th e sense of family within the Royal Flagstaff Mayor Robert Doyle successfully moved that proposed tower would funnel wind around application. Apartments is undeniable, with many a decision be deferred – eff ectively, leaving to their shared outside area containing their current residents opting to purchase three Council offi cers had recommended granting the decision to council offi cers. playground and tennis court. bedroom apartments to accommodate for Spacious its permit, subject to 25 conditions. “A lot of people meet out here after work and their expanding families. Councillors, however, were divided on the After the council’s non-decision, CBD News play on the playground with their children, issue and ended up not making a decision. contacted Royal Flagstaff residents about “I’m so excited and passionate about this or use the barbecue area or the tennis their ongoing plight. building and its residents,” said resident Planning chair Ken Ong moved to accept courts. Th e wind impact would make it Pranav Garg. “I bought a two-bedroom the offi cers' recommendation. And Cr “We have a very strong sense of community inappropriate to use,” he said. apartment when I fi rst moved in here, Rohan Leppert foreshadowed an alternative here,” began resident Simon Mitchell. but now my wife and I are thinking about motion, refusing the permit. “We couldn’t stand here and watch our Residents are concerned with wind impacts. kids play. Th e gusts of wind would be at an starting a family. With that in mind we But, before coming to a conclusion, Lord Th ey say the height and structure of the uncomfortable level.” bought a three-bedroom apartment.”

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CBD property owners are facing massive land tax hikes and may be further hit if recommendations are adopted for another metro rail project.

Land tax assessments for 2017 based on from the property to the railway station, councils valuations for 2016 predict that the frequency of services at the station some land tax bills will increase by as much and the distance to the railway line when as 180 per cent. determining the impact of rail transport on real estate prices. According to fi gures provided by CBRE, the land value of Exhibition St is up by 160 per “It was found that dwellings very close to cent, and Queen St by 156 per cent, more the station are on average about 25 per than 10 times the state average. cent more expensive than those 15kms or more distant. Th is percentage ranges Th is increase is largely due to the purchase between 19 per cent for low frequency of the Telstra site by Malaysian developer SP Union members display protest signs outside Melbourne Town Hall. stations, and 33 per cent for high Setia, for a staggering $101 million. frequency stations,” states the report. CBRE data also suggests that a land value Key fi ndings of the report indicated that increase of 50 per cent would create a land more than one levy would potentially be tax increase of 57 per cent. Workers demonise needed to cover construction costs. A report by Infrastructure Victoria and Ernst “Th e application of one or more & Young suggests that if a future Metro 2 betterment levies is the only way to project was built, up to 30 per cent of its costs generate signifi cant funding in the order could be funded by taxing nearby property of 25 per cent of project costs,” it reads. Mr 'Cutter-hands’ owners. “Th e complexities involved in applying industrial action commenced this week,” Mr Th e suggested Melbourne Metro 2 project By Khiara Elliott targeted betterment levies suggest that Lockwood said. would connect Southern Cross Station to hybrid value capture/ tax mechanisms areas such as Clifton Hill, Newport, Parkville Workers and protestors gathered outside are required.” Th e Australian Services Union and Fishermans Bend via a new train tunnel town hall armed with posters of acting through the CBD. Th e Infrastructure Victoria proposal drew (ASU) held a protest outside CEO Martin Cutter’s head superimposed a stern rebuke for the Property Council onto Edward Scissorhands’s body, naming Infrastructure Victoria estimates that the the town hall in late September of Victoria, which pointed out that the him “Martin Cutter-hands”. Other signs total cost for the project would be in the property industry currently paid 54 per over the City of Melbourne’s condemned his “slashing” of entitlements. range of $15-22 billion. Construction will cent of Victorian taxes despite being only Acting CEO Martin Cutter told CBD News occur over six years, starting in 2034. (CoM) failure to meet and 11 per cent of the economy. he felt the ASU’s claims on the impact of Th e report says that tax fi gures were assessed agree on a new enterprise industrial action over seven days of work Executive director, Sally Capp, said the on the nature of each project and its bans were overstated. new taxes would increase house prices, agreement (EA) for staff . predicted productivity. business costs and rents at a time when “Th e impact of the work bans to the CoM’s Analysis of the Melbourne Metro 2 project these are already unaff ordable for many. ASU organiser Ty Lockwood said he felt the direct parking infringement revenue suggests that permanent increases in taxes need to take further action after the union is nowhere near the $250,000 per day “Under the betterment levy idea for “could be in the range of 20-30 per cent of off ered to meet with management every estimated by the ASU,” he said. Melbourne Metro 2, a 40,000 sqm offi ce project costs, with the majority following to day in the lead up to the AFL grand fi nal tower with a $21 per sqm rate will face a It seems, however, that the protest and bans the Federal Government and not the State weekend, but to no avail. tax increase of approximately $800,000 have got the ball rolling on negotiations, Government as funder of the project.” each year for 30 years. Clearly, this is “We have reached out to meet in our attempt with the enterprise agreement now being Th e report study considered the distance unsustainable,” she said. to further negotiations before any planned discussed.

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VISIT US ONLINE! WWW.STOPNOISE.COM.AU Call today to organise a free assessment of your windows & doors 1800 880 844 [email protected] Office & Showroom- 15 Industry Blvd, Carrum Downs 3201 8 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26 Pokemon players preyed on CBD fi rst to you’re reading a text or walking around “Bikes need to be secured appropriately access An increasing rate of phone playing Pokemon Go and that is an indicator and the comment I’ll make here is: what to them that you are not paying total you spend on a good quality lock is what theft has been seen throughout attention,” began Sen Constable McFarlane. will save you a lot of problems within the the CBD, says Sen-Sgt Adam city,” he said. free Wi-Fi “When they snatch it, it’s already unlocked Tanner. so they don’t need your pass code to gain “It doesn’t matter if the bike is particularly entry. Th en they reset your factory settings valuable or not. If they’re not secured Th e nation’s fastest and largest and it’s basically a brand new phone.” appropriately or with a very thin, wire Sen-Sgt Tanner from the Melbourne East free public Wi-Fi network cable, they’re an easy target.” Police Station as well as Leading Sen Another signifi cant issue raised by Sen-Sgt was launched in the CBD on Constable Glenn McFarlane said thieves Tanner was theft from cars. According to Sen-Sgt Tanner encouraged cyclists to use September 29. were becoming more confi dent in their Sen-Sgt Tanner, items that may seem of little D-locks or something of a similar design, approach to stealing phones, taking them value to drivers are enough to cause a thief and asked them not to secure their bike to straight out of victim’s hands. anything other than the racks provided. to break in. Th e Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, Phillip Dalidakis, the City of Sen Constable McFarlane especially warned “It’s the little things like charger cables or aux Ultimately, police are urging residents Melbourne’s chief digital offi cer Michelle players of the Pokemon Go app, as the game cords too,” he said. and visitors alike to be attentive and alert urges players to walk through areas whilst in securing their personal property. Fitzgerald and TPG fi bre operations group staring at their phone screen, unaware of Again, particularly within the CBD, police general manager Reggie Naik came together “It’s about people being vigilant, people their surroundings. have seen a spike in bike theft. at Southern Cross Station to announce the being aware of their surroundings, roll out of the new network. “Th ey see the light shine on your face as He urged cyclists to buy a decent lock. making sure they’re not leaving anything Th e network, known as VicFreeWiFi, comes as part of the State Government’s $11 million Victorian Free WiFi Pilot.

Activated hot spots include all Melbourne STREET LIFE CBD train stations, the Bourke St Mall, the , and South Wharf Promenade at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Th e project is being managed by TPG and will run for fi ve years. It allows for up to 250MB worth of data per device, per day.

Another attractive feature is that it doesn’t require any personal information to log in, nor does it allow pop-up advertising, ensuring an easy, relaxed experience for users.

Ms Fitzgerald is confi dent the Wi-Fi network will only add to the city’s already established reputation.

“Free Wi-Fi will further strengthen Melbourne’s reputation as a leading city and allow more residents and visitors to access information, share their experiences and promote our city as a global tourist destination,” she said.

More access points in areas such as Docklands will be set up over the coming months. Th e full network is estimated to be operational by the end of the year.

Once the full network is complete it will be the largest of its kind in Australia, covering 3.30 pm. Bourke St. Photo by Barry C. Douglas @ an area of 600,000 sqm across Melbourne, Bendigo and Ballarat. ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 9 Surprising CBD garden haven

By Khiara Elliott Th e garden has thus far acted as a makeshift vegetable patch of sorts, comprising a few donated planter boxes and a recently-added A makeshift garden sited at the worm farm. Although the addition of the Royal Melbourne Regiment worm farm has added some green to the space, the site is still quite cold and barren – Drill Hall is to potentially a problem the upgrade is intended to fi x. receive a major upgrade. “Enhancing the space with built-in resources will make a big, big diff erence and really Th e garden forms a triangle at the corner provide a focal point for the community to of Victoria and Th erry streets in the hall’s come together,” Mr Symmons said. forecourt. To brighten up the garden with colour, Local residents and business owners of the Drill Hall Community Garden is seeking Victoria Square precinct are working with advice from Wonderment Walk Victoria and the City of Melbourne to transform it into a McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery on a lush, green sanctuary for all to use. potential artwork to add to the space.

Surrounding businesses involved in Th e precinct members' plans to add more the project include the AMES Australia green to the CBD doesn’t stop with the Drill Multicultural Hub, Cohealth and Activia Hair Hall garden. Ideas about adding plants to Fashion. Residents, sponsors and other interested people gather at the Drill Hall garden. the surrounding vicinity around Th erry and CBD News spoke with residents, designers Victoria streets have also been discussed. and businesses around the precinct about explained president of the Drill Hall Centre provides services to people with all “We’re trying to make it more of a why they believed the garden would be such Residents Association (DHRA) Martin kinds of needs. Mr Symmons works with the precinct. We’re trying to use the garden an uplifting, integral part of the community. Mulvihill. homeless in particular and hopes that the as a focal point for some of the potential upgraded garden will become a refuge for redevelopment of Th erry St and also Victoria “Th e idea of upgrading the garden is to “I think at one point it was just a car park. his clientele. St in terms of greening the space,” Mr support the residents and to provide a space It was chained off , so access was not very Symmons said. where the whole community can come easy and there was some uncertainty about “We want the homeless community to come together,” Cohealth manager Ian Symmons together and see the space as somewhere ownership so no one really knew how to get “Greenery is sorely needed in the city,” said said. they feel safe and welcome, where there’s things going,” he said. garden upgrade designer Elliott Summers. resources and where there’s an opportunity Although in need of major upheaval, the Th e upgraded garden is proposed to also for residents in social housing and residents “You’ve got a lot of apartments coming up space has a come a long way. provide a safe place for those who do not from the local area to use this garden as a everywhere, but there’s a real lack of open “It was simply an abandoned space,” necessarily have one. Cohealth Health meeting space as well,” he said. space."

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request your contact us today next appointment i ph: 03 9650 2909 4th Floor, 175 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 [] 10 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26 New medical Positive potential for lane centre for By Rhianna Busler the CBD? After years of neglect, there is still hope for Jones Lane to Th e City of Melbourne has become one of Melbourne’s received an application for unique laneways. a new medical centre to be built on Franklin St. EastEnders Inc, a group formed in 1998 to promote meeting fellow residents and a place to discuss local community issues, Th e application for 58-64 Franklin St was is urging attention be bought to the long- received on October 7. forgotten Jones Lane. Currently, the site is home to a Priceline As an area recognised by the City of Supermarket and a post offi ce but the Melbourne (CoM) as a high-density application proposes that it be turned into EastEnders members in Jones Lane. Th ey are looking for positive improvements. residential precinct, EastEnders said it was a medical centre where three practitioners sad to see the lane’s deterioration. will provide X-ray, pathology and A spokesperson for the developer Charter next meeting. dentistry services. Situated between Lonsdale and Little Hall said: “We are working with the Some of these ideas include artwork on Lonsdale streets west of Exhibition St, responsible authority regarding the upgrade buildings walls and a coff ee shop with the An on-site pharmacy is also included in EastEnders said: “Jones Lane has become of Jones Lane as part of the development theme of celebrating women to resemble the proposed plans. an area of unglamorous and socially which will include retail activation and what was once the Princess Mary Club. undesirable activities.” upgraded fi nishes consistent with the After viewing the application, CBD News “With the imminent development of the Melbourne City pallet of materials.” Although EastEnders is saddened by the has learned that the application has now Wesley Church and Princess Mary Club loss of the Princess Mary Club, it sees this been closed and archived due to it not heritage building, it is timely for the City EastEnders Inc has made eff orts to interest development as having the potential to being needed. of Melbourne to work with the developer CoM councillors Jackie Watts and Ken Ong positively aff ect the neighbourhood and to ensure this space becomes one of and local MLA Ellen Sandell in ways to bring utilise Jones Lane. “… pursuant to the provisions of Melbourne’s hidden gems,” the group said. Jones Lane back to life and have received the Melbourne Planning Scheme, positive responses. It says the lane has a long history of waste no planning permit is required for Th e Princess Mary Club was built in 1926 disposal issues from overfl owing bins to the proposed use. Accordingly, the and will soon be knocked down and EastEnders vice-president Jenny Eltham said being an illegal dumping ground and was application has been closed,” read a letter converted into a 34-level offi ce tower, right the group was currently drawing up ideas used as a “cut through” by drivers looking to addressed to the applicant, sent from next to Wesley Church. that it hoped to suggest to Cr Ong at their circumvent city traffi c snarls. planning offi cer Adam Birch.


• Dinner Companions • Social Escorts • Sensual Ladies CITY CENTRE Melbourne’s exclusive entertainment service. Highly recommended for our interstate and overseas visitors. MELBOURNE’S ICONIC CBD - 5 MMINUTESINUTES TOTO YYOUROUR DOORDOOR BROTHEL & ESCORTS Open: Mon–Thu 10am – 6am 有很美丽的中国小姐!很美丽美有很美丽的小姐!的中的中国小国小姐姐! 请看网址。请看请看网址网 。 Weekends open 24 hours Overnight rates available 9654 6011 Ph: 03 9614 1414 See real pictures of our ladies at 516-518 Flinders St, Melbourne PCA SWA 9625BE Call or book at [email protected]

MELBOURNE CBD PCA113E ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 11 A place in the new city Rhonda Dredge

Th e hail was falling in Flinders Lane last month and passers-by were taking shelter in Ross House, an historic building with three friendly interfaces to the street – a coff ee shop, a meeting place and lifts to offi ces for community groups.

Two girls were hovering in the warm glow Th e building off ers subsidised rent to 50 of the doorway as the streets glistened with community organisations, many of which rain. An offi ce worker rushed out with his cater for people with disabilities, brain takeaway as soon as there was a lull. injuries, visual impairment and old age.

Th is was community life in Flinders Lane “We have 70,000 visitors each year who need on a typical weekday. Seven meetings were access to Flinders Lane and Royston Place,” chalked up on a board just inside. Ms Moore said. “Th ey need taxi drop-off , pedestrian access. Some visually impaired Soon this area, known colloquially as the clients count the exact number of steps to Flinders Quarter, will become a demolition reach Ross House.” site. Visually impaired visitors to Ross House will have to learn new routes from the station Th e McDonalds store in Swanston St is the while dodging hoardings, heavy equipment, most profi table in the city, opening 24 hours drillers, trucks and workers employed to cut and employing a young workforce. through the fabric of the city. “Th e most likely outcome is retrenchment of 175 employees,” Ms Blackburn said. Ross House stands adjacent to the 3000 sustained levels of noise at 90 decibels site is being acquired for CBD South,” Ms sqm construction site nominated by the and more will make way for a deluge of Blackburn told the inquiry into the project. Residents of Bible House, the second Melbourne Metro Rail Authority (MMRA) for commuters rushing to reach the corporate building in the city to be converted from the new CBD South station. Other buildings sector located outside the quarter. Owners of aff ected buildings, including commercial to residential, will overlook the between this section of Flinders Lane and the Commonwealth Bank, Hungry Jack’s, new rail entrance to CBD South. the station will be compulsorily acquired. “Construction of a cabin station is meant to McDonalds, the Port Phillip Arcade, Bible minimise surface disruption,” said Michelle House, Ross House and others had their say Resident Margaret Bray said: “Th is is a case It is diffi cult to imagine a less appropriate Blackburn for McDonalds Australia, which at an environmental eff ects statement (EES) of David and Goliath. We’ve owned an place for a brand new station for the opposed the acquisition. “Th e cabin goes in hearing which fi nished last month. apartment in Bible House since 2003. It’s an commuter city. Why strike at Melbourne’s through an access shaft.” iconic building in an historically signifi cant communal heart instead of using the Amber Moore, development program area. Degraves St wasn’t a café place when By comparison, Flagstaff Station has an City Square as the place to demonstrate manager for Ross House, said the viability of Bible House was refurbished. Th e City above ground footprint of 400 sqm. the power of the engineers’ vision? A Australia’s only self-managed social justice Library wasn’t there. It’s not an easy thing to construction period of up to 10 years with “It needs to be explained why such a large building would be threatened by the project. build a community.”


BETTER SLEEP WHAT’S INCLUDED? ONLY 12% Forty Winks is teaming up with leading bedding manufacturer WAKE FEELING Enjoy great deals across the King Koil † AH Beard on a mission to transform these worrying sleep statistics. REFRESHED bedding range all week including: In this insightful seminar, learn about the sleep-health connection from • GET A KING, QUEEN OR leading Sleep Educator Gillian Wise to finally Wake up Wonderful. DOUBLE FOR THE PRICE OF A SINGLE

WHERE Forty Winks South Wharf, • PACKAGE DEALS WITH Level 1 DFO Homemaker Centre ADJUSTABLE BASES WHEN 12th and 13th November, 2016 • 2 FREE PILLOWS AND DELIVERY WITH PURCHASE TIME 2 – 3pm • FREE GIFT BAG FOR ALL RSVP By 9th November. Call 9682 4425 or ATTENDEES email [email protected] • WIN A KING KOIL MATTRESS, SATURDAY AND Two free King Koil pocket spring pillows valued at $260, for every King, Queen or Double mattress purchase valued over $1,000. Free metropolitan Melbourne delivery on all King Koil mattress purchases over $1,000. Offers valid to 20/11/16. †Sleep study on behalf of the ABC’s Reboot Your Life SUNDAY ONLY!* initiative with a survey of 20,000 Australians on their sleep habits, published 04/10/16. *Any customer that purchases a KK mattress on the weekend of

FI1365 the 12th and 13th November goes into the draw to win the cost of their selected mattress back. 12 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26 New players vow to shake-up city real estate market

“It makes sense on so many levels,” she said. Th e CBD has a new real estate “Not the least is the attractiveness of this approach to the banks.” player with the recent arrival And, while the new agency is well-versed to Collins St of First National in apartment development, it also has Platinum. considerable expertise in green-fi elds house and land sales and marketing. Coming from a development project “One of the reasons for locating here in background, principal Maurice Romano is Collins St is to be convenient for city workers convinced that the new agency is the best who may want to talk to someone who’s way to expand. knowledgeable about the housing market in the outer suburbs,” Ms O’Bryan said. Th e franchise has already secured the rights to 16 Asian countries, so the move from a When you also add commercial sales and small retail space in North Melbourne to 405 leasing to the list of specialties, you start to Collins St is just the fi rst step. see just how rounded this one-stop-shop is. Sales and leasing director Debbie O’Bryan is Mr Romano established his Romano the architect of the move. Already deep- Property Group in 2005. Prior to that he had entrenched in First National, Ms O’Bryan held various senior roles in the corporate negotiated the deals, fi tted out new premises world. and is charting the way forward with new Th e ambitious group managing director is service off erings. now talking the international market, with Ms O’Bryan explained that the new business plans to open offi ces in China, Hong Kong, was keen to continue and expand its off - Vietnam and Singapore. the-plan sales and marketing role for other Debbie O'Bryan and Maurice Romano outside their new premises in Collins St. One of the benefi ts of joining the First developers. Purchasers here have unprecedented Ms O’Bryan explained that building quality National group is that its name translates to She is particularly excited about a boutique capacity of shaping their future loft-style apartments for owner-occupiers to ensure “Number One” in Chinese. project in Moreland Rd, West Brunswick, apartments, with an almost unlimited capital growth was the key to the future for First National is at 405 Collins St, Melbourne, called Cornwall. potential for customisation. the development industry. phone 9614 7667.

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Adam Gleeson 0432 631 379 Debbie O’Bryan 0407 095 475 ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 13 Continuing market traditions for the next generation

Continuing the tradition of market trading Th e revitalised market will be surrounded by in a contemporary city requires necessary great streets and tree-lined spaces with more Our commitment upgrades to facilities and investment in the room for pedestrians, cyclists and improved customer experience to ensure its long term access to public transport. Th ere will still be We will: viability. plenty of car parking but it will be moved below ground so that the current car park ■ Continue to trade throughout Th e challenge with the Queen Vic Market can be transformed to “Market Square” – a renewal; is that our upgrades need to be done very 1.5 hectare backyard for all Melburnians to sensitively and in a way that protects our ■ Create a more effi cient and safer enjoy. heritage buildings and unique market place to work and visit; atmosphere. Adding to this challenge is our Th rough renewal, we will restore and return ■ commitment to continue trading during the market’s heritage sheds to where they Retain the unique atmosphere and renewal works recognising the reliance that stand today. Th e much-loved food halls will authenticity; be just as they are with only some minor so many have on our market as a regular ■ Restore and return the market’s restoration and renovation works. place to shop, trade and connect. heritage sheds to where they stand It’s a balancing act but we have to get it right Th e Queen Victoria Market has an important today; because we know that the most important place in the community and culture of our ■ Leave the much-loved food halls just thing about the Vic Market is its authenticity city and we want this to continue for the as they are, with only some minor and character. It’s the traders, the produce, next 138 years. Everything we do is about restoration and renovation works; the wonderful mix of sights, smells, sounds protecting the history, people and future of and and tastes that make the market what it is. the market and ensuring its legacy lives on for generations. In business terms, it’s our unique selling ■ Never build a supermarket or proposition. And we’re not about to do Visit the Queen Victoria Market Information shopping mall at the Queen Vic anything to compromise that. Our plans Hub at 452 Queen St between 9am – noon Market. for renewal will result in an even better on market days for more information of the By Malcolm McCullough marketplace, equipping our traders with the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal. infrastructure they need to be more effi cient Queen Victoria Market and profi table in a contemporary city. chief executive offi cer Moving market operations below ground will give traders access to cool rooms, Th e Queen Victoria Market storage, waste management facilities and dedicated delivery zones, improving working community – traders, loyal conditions and making the site a safer, more customers and indeed pedestrian friendly place for all. management, all agree that Th e renewed Queen Vic Market will be the market’s future prosperity open more often, with more on off er for customers. But it isn’t about asking traders to should be built on our unique work around the clock. history and the important Having a more fl exible marketplace will role the market has and will enable more businesses to trade at the market at diff erent times, complementing continue to play in bringing the the traditional market off ering. We’ll be people of Melbourne together. keeping things aff ordable and giving customers more choices.

It’s been evolving to meet the needs Th ere will never be a supermarket at the of Melburnians for over 138 years and Vic Market. Nor will be there be sterile, we all want to see the market perform franchised off ers. Our future will be clearly that important role long into the future. built on family-based small businesses, However, you cannot operate a 21st century innovative start-ups and social enterprise marketplace in a 19th century environment. just the way it always has been.

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LUNCH TIME LUNCH TIME AFTER WORK OH MY HAT THE WEEKEND Whether you’re in search of black and white for Derby or a pop of colour for Oaks or The Cup, look no further than the CBD for a “Fashions on the Field” worthy ensemble this Spring Racing Carnival. With race-wear popping up in a range of boutiques across the city, options are aplenty and putting together a distinctive outfi t (or two) is easily achievable in a lunchtime shopping trip. Also in the Nicholas Building, you’ll fi nd Home to more than 100 local and A successful race day ensemble should Serena Lindeman Millinery, specialising in independent designers, with a range of be simplistic and complementary – it is fi ne bespoke headwear. Serena Lindeman clothing, accessories and jewellery, the advisable to start with one element and creates made to order pieces for racing Design a Space CBD boutique is a one-stop style from there. Traditionally, hemlines events and a range of other occasions, shop for Australian designers. Th e Design a should be kept below the knee and colour but also has a range of ready-to-wear hats Space concept provides an opportunity for palettes are dependent on the day, however, available for purchase. Her studio is open designers to rent out high-profi le retail to conservative is forgettable so don’t be afraid for business from 10am to 5pm, Monday to showcase their work - so you can shop local to take a risk on a headpiece or item of Friday. Serena Lindeman Millinery, Level 6 and fi nd a one-off piece. Design a Space, 20 clothing and embrace personal style. Nicholas Building, www.serenalindeman. Manchester Lane, au Local milliner Louise Macdonald creates gorgeous hats and fascinators from her As for the gents, in keeping with tradition, studio in the Nicholas Building on Swanston Madame Virtue and Co. boutique is a haute Derby Day calls for a black suit, however, the St. Her designs have made celebrity couture haven, stocking a range of designer, other race days are open to interpretation appearances at the Melbourne Spring one-off and vintage handbags, clothing and and usually the brighter the better – Racing Carnival and Dubai World Cup and accessories. With pieces from Balenciaga, within reason! A matching shoe and she runs weekend and week-long millinery Karl Lagerfeld, YSL, Comme des Garcons belt combination signifi es a well-styled classes where budding hat-makers can learn (in addition to its own Madam Virtue Red ensemble. For suiting requirements, we WITH JACQUI MOCEK traditional and new techniques. Her studio Carpet Collection) and a range of vintage recommend Oscar Hunt tailors on Hardware is open for business Monday to Friday, but and archival Chanel and Hermes, Madam Lane. Aff ordable, tailor-made and tried and [email protected] Virtue is the boutique of choice for an tested by CBD News editor, Shane. Oscar To be featured in this section call an appointment is required so be sure to pre- exclusive outfi t. Madam Virtue and Co. 5 Hunt, 43 Hardware Lane, www.oscarhunt. 8689 7980 book. Louise Macdonald Milliner, Level 8 Nicholas Building, Crossley St,


Pop Up Patch The Power of Story

Featuring over 140 veggie crates rented by In this exhibition from the Indonesian Arts, a residents, restaurants and businesses, Pop collection of pictures, maps, sculptures and Up Patch is a CBD community gardening jewellery portray the power of story and the paradise. It’s also open to the public with a diverse realm of narrative communication mini-shop on site. forms. 10am - 5pm, Tuesday to Sunday. 10am - 4pm, daily until November 25. Fo Rooftop Carpark, Fed Square, www. Guang Yuan Art Gallery, 141 Queen St, free, [email protected]

Making the Australian Quilt Mailbox Art Space

Th is exhibition features more than 80 Mailbox is an alternative pubic art space that quilting works from around Australia, invites artists to create site-specifi c work for including key works by renowned makers a strip of restored mailboxes in the entrance and a number of recently discovered pieces foyer of 141 Flinders Ln. not exhibited before. 8am - 6pm, Monday to Saturday. 10am - 5pm, daily until November 6. Ian Foyer, 141 Finders Ln, www. Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Fed Square, entry $7,

IMPerfect Creation Lunch Box

Award-winning contemporary Malaysian Enjoys some tunes over lunch at one of sculptor, Ch’ng Huck Th eng, brings 11 bronze Melbourne Music Week’s free Lunch Box gigs works concerning the perception of beauty held at the . and ugly to the CBD in his new exhibition 12.30pm - 1.30pm, Monday to Friday, IMPerfect Creation. November 14 to 18. 11am - 5pm, Monday to Saturday until November 12. SpACE@Collins, Lvl 1, 278 Collins St, free, 16 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26

AFTER WORK MUSIC IN THE STREETS The city streets will be fi lled with noise and sounds in celebration of our world-renowned music scene as Melbourne Music Week takes over the CBD from 11 to 19 November. Th e nine-day program is dedicated to illuminating connections between music, people and places within the city, and will feature events in 40 locations across the CBD. With more than 100 events scheduled and 240 local and international artists involved, Melbourne Music Week (MMW) is set to captivate our city. Th e MMW Hub will be located at the State Library Victoria. Th e traditional silence of the iconic library will be broken as it transforms into the heart of Melbourne’s music scene, with events being held in the outdoor forecourt and the LaTrobe Reading Room, and the historic Queen’s Hall acting Th e forecourt will also host a series of Sun songwriters perform in Parliament House’s the Tower Records documentary All Th ings as the hub’s main stage – a rare opportunity Sets, with a line-up of local musicians Queens Hall, Federation and Library rooms. Must Pass will screen at Rooftop Cinema to visit this majestic room that hasn’t been playing tunes to while away the evenings. on Th ursday November 17, and Emporium Th ere’ll be a New Orleans-inspired party at opened to the public in over 10 years. Th e Coopers Beer Garden and Captain Melbourne will feature photography Fed Square on Th ursday, November 17 from Morgan’s Rum Deck will be set up for knock- exhibition Her Sound, Her Story, celebrating Hub highlights include a show by New 5.30pm, featuring seven piece brass street off drinks and in-between-set nibbles. the rich diversity of female talent over fi ve Zealand rockers Shihad on Monday, band Horns of Leroy and food truck Gumbo decades of music history, that will be open November 14, a hip-hop, soul and R&B Other events across the CBD include an Kitchen, followed by the third Live Music for the length of the program. fest with sets by Elliphant, Yeo, UV boi and intimate gig with a mystery musician Safari event hosted at 1000 Pound Bend, more on Tuesday, November 15, and an epic aboard one of Melbourne’s trams in Tram featuring a line-up of three emerging local Tickets can be purchased online or at a free party featuring Allday, Northeast Party Jam on Tuesday, November 15, and Hush: hip-hop acts – Baro, Milwaukee Banks and dedicated ticket booth located at the State House, Ali Barter and Alex Lahey hosted An Evening of Quiet Music, on Tuesday, ESESE. Library Victoria forecourt. To view the by Triple J to celebrate 10 years of Triple J November 15 and Wednesday November program and fi nd our more visit mmw. Unearthed on Friday, November 18. 16, that will see some of the nation’s prolifi c And for those less enamoured by noise,


Songs of a War Boy Blender Lane Artists Market

Lawyer Deng Adut shares his incredible Setting up shop in a vibrant laneway story of growing up a child soldier in Africa off Franklin St every Wednesday night, and how he came to be Western Sydney the summertime market features stalls, University’s Youtube star in conversation workshops, studio visits, performing arts and with Ben Mckelvey. live music. 6.15pm - 7.15pm Th ursday, November 3 5pm - 10pm every Wednesday, from Th e Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, November 16 until March 1, 2017. free, Blender Lane, 110 Franklin St, free, www.

Story Lounge Environment and Place in Writing

Indulge your inner-child at the City Library’s Hear award-winning author Richard Story Lounge, an after work story time for Flanagan discuss the role the environment adults with hand-selected stories and poems plays in his writing process at this special read aloud followed by casual discussion. event. 6pm - 7pm Wednesday, November 9. 6pm - 7pm Monday, November 21. City Library, 253 Flinders Lane, free, State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St, free, libraries

Dencity Deluxe Design Market

Cinema under the stars, MPavillion style, Buy Melbourne-made gifts this Christmas Dencity is a night of fi lms investigating the from a range of seventy-fi ve independent role of urban design in the creation and designers gathered together under one roof destruction of healthy social environments. for your shopping delight. 8.30pm - 10pm Wednesday, November 9. 5pm - 10pm Friday, November 25. MPavillion, , free, Th e Atrium, Fed Square, free, www. [email protected] ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 17

THE WEEKEND A FOODIES DELIGHT As if the decision wasn’t hard enough choosing where to eat on any given day in Melbourne, in November the options are 10-fold as Good Food Month returns with a top line-up of drool-worthy events. A Good Food Month favourite, the Night Noodle Markets are back in 2016 on the banks of the Yarra at Birrarung Marr with more delicious Asian hawker-style food off erings, drinks and live entertainment. Crowd pleasers Chin Chin, Wonderboar and Gelato Messina will return to the event, and be joined by newcomers Aunty Franklee and Ok-Nomi. Th ere’ll be dragon dancers, chef demonstrations and live DJ’s to have a post- dinner boogie. Arrive early to access reserved seating and a dedicated bar – it’s well worth it. Open Celebrate Chinese cuisine and culture animal – and we mean everything. Food will modest $35. From 12pm - 3pm Saturdays in daily from November 10 to 27, from 5pm with Flower Drum’s Anthony Lui and Hong be cooked by Todd Moses, Peter Sheldon November. weekdays and 4pm Saturday and Sunday. Kong-based Kei Lum Chan and Diora Fong and the French Saloon team, and will Chan at a special fi ve-course lunch banquet feature classics from Henderson’s London Take a bagel-making masterclass with Th e fi ve-course Young Chefs lunch at Oter hosted by Flower Drum. Th e banquet will restaurant St John Bread and Wine. Tickets masters at 5 & Dime Bagel and learn how to will highlight the talents of fi ve emerging feature some Flower Drum signature dishes $160 including fi ve courses with matched roll, boil and bake your very own traditional chefs set to take over the Melbourne dining alongside recipes from the Chan’s new book drinks. 6.30pm Saturday, November 26. bagels at home. Th e class includes lesson scene. Chefs Jake Kellie from Lakeside Mill, China: Th e Cookbook. Tickets $140 including and lunch – just in case your bready creation Jasper Avent from Carlton’s Town Mouse, fi ve courses with matched wines and a copy isn’t as tasty as you’d hoped. Tickets $100 Alex Xinis from the Press Club, the 2016 Pop in to Trattoria Emilia on Saturdays to of the book. 12pm Saturday, November 26. including lesson and lunch. 11am - 2pm Young Chef of the Year, Jarrod Di Blasi from experience a taste of Modena with their Sunday, November 27. Ezard and Oter’s own David Boyle will cook Acclaimed chef and author of Nose to Tail, Modenese Lunch special. Choose between for the event. Tickets $190 including fi ve Fergus Henderson, will be visiting the gnocchi fritto with mortadella mousse or To view the full program and book canapes and fi ve courses with matched French Saloon for a four-course dinner pork sausage and balsamic risotto, each tickets visit wines. 12pm - 3pm Sunday, November 20. with paired drinks to chat about all things dish paired with a glass of red or white, for a melbourne. Happy eating Melburnians!


Another World Requiem

An exhibition of other-worldly works by a Polyphonic Voices will be joined by the group of female photographers. All proceeds award-winning Adelaide Chamber Singers from the show to the One Girl charity, for a performance of Gabriel Fauré’s promoting education for girls around the Requiem Op.48 in this fi nal show for 2016. world. 7.30pm - 9.30pm Saturday, November 12. 11am - 6pm Saturday, November 4 and St Paul’s Cathedral, tickets from $40, www. Sunday, November 5. Magnet Galleries Melbourne, Lvl 2 640 Bourke St, free, www.

Air Force Band – In Memoriam Club Kids Music Academy

Join the Air Force Band for a special concert Children are invited to experiment with of remembrance, refl ection and inspiration samplers, drum machines and keyboards in the lead up to Remembrance Day on at the Club Kids Music Academy, designed November 11. to allow kids to share in the joy of electronic 2pm - 3pm Sunday, November 6. music. Melbourne Town Hall, 90 Swanston St, 11am - 3pm Saturday, November 19. free, MPavillion, Queen Victoria Gardens, free, [email protected]

Polish Festival Thessaloniki Sister City Festival

A showcase of Poland’s hospitality, hearty Th e Th essaloniki Association is hosting a food and romantic traditions, the 12th celebratory festival with Greek dancing food annual Polish Festival will feature live music, to mark the 32nd Anniversary of the Sister culinary delights and market stalls. City relationship between Melbourne and 10.30am - 5pm Sunday, November 13. Th essaloniki. Federation Square, free, www. 12.15pm - 8pm Sunday, November 27. Fed Square, free, 18 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26

Planning Some surprises from the Planning Minister Th e month of October saw a few surprise approvals from within the department of Planning Minister Richard Wynne, with the most notable being that of Fragrance Group’s 555 Collins St proposal.

Singaporean outfi t Fragrance Group has 11,280sqm offi ce space and 300 hotel rooms managed to gain approval for a 147m over 91 levels. residential tower at 555 Collins St which Another project to receive a favourable would comprise 625 apartments and a retail decision from the minister is 140 King St, a plaza at ground level that connects to the 58-storey, 188m residential tower designed adjacent 567 Collins St retail laneway. Th e by Rothelowman for Besgate Group. Th e development would have a fl oor area ratio/ glazed black tower is inspired by a luxury plot ratio of 1:24, which is signifi cantly more watch, or more specifi cally, a solid link wrist than the requirements of Planning Scheme band. Amendment C270 but in line with the interim controls of C262. Arranged in an interwoven pattern, 140 King St’s continuous facade is designed to provide Long after notions of a 400 metre a unifi ed and formal response to the site’s commercial tower and, in the wake of surrounds. Th e tower will accommodate 271 Fragrance Group’s early ambitions for a 300 apartments within a tapering form and is metre mixed-use monolith on the site, the welcome news for Besgate after its 86-storey revised Bates Smart-designed residential tower at 640 Bourke St stalled following scheme has been given the green light by Mr unanimous derision from City of Melbourne Wynne. Th is process of approval has taken 555 Collins St. due to height and lack of adequate setbacks. place in conjunction with the site being It is believed 640 Bourke St is undergoing off ered for sale. redesign to address council’s concerns. And fi nally, Aurumstone Group has been developer whose projects across Melbourne After failing to win approval for its initial revealed as the purchaser of 295-309 King to date have been relatively modest. In other news, Tong Eng Group has shown scheme, Fragrance Group appointed Knight St. CBRE City Sales successfully negotiated fi rm intentions regarding its tower at 111-125 Frank in the early stages of 2016 as handling terms for the 1292sqm site, which also has A’Beckett St which it has christened Myriad agent for what still is currently a vacant offi ce approval for a Plus Architecture-designed 66 Melbourne. Th e Singaporean developer’s Laurence Dragomir tower with prime Collins St frontage, known level residential tower. fi rst Australian foray, Myriad has yet to as Enterprise House. Laurence is an Urban receive the sign-off from the Planning While Aurumstone is pursuing a hefty Melbourne director with Th e initial Bates Smart-designed tower for Minister. It seems that once it does, sales 60-level skyscraper in New York, 295-309 expertise in the CBD the site sought approval for 1020 apartments, won’t be too far behind. King St is a signifi cant step up for the ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 19

SKYPAD Living Use your apartment space better Space may well be the fi nal frontier, but it is the lack of it that is the daily challenge for many high-rise residents.

While the Tiny House and Compact Life these movable walls, some pivot to reveal movements are promoting the virtues of entertainment units on one-side and work stripped down living, many vertical dwellers spaces on the other. One issue of concern don’t aspire to such ambitious minimalism. is the physical eff ort required to slide these wall-units. In fact space, and specifi cally storage space, continue to be major bugbears for high-rise Enter ORI, which has announced that its new residents. modular system will be available in 2017. Th ere are, however, some clever products Deriving its name from origami (the emerging that use space-age technology to Japanese art of folding paper), ORI’s help vertical dwellers make their available off erings are interesting for two reasons. space work harder for them. Firstly, they utilise robotic technology to One such range is movable internal walls, transform internal space, activated through which are not as popular as might be the touch of a button – the harder the expected. In their simplest manifestation, button is pressed, the faster the unit travels. a wall, such as one dividing a lounge and Included in this robotic unit is, on one side, a second bedroom, travels compactus-like a closet and a bed that retracts into the unit, along a predetermined pathway to the other and on the other side is a home offi ce and an Clever furniture can mean the diff erence between being comfortable or cramped. side of the apartment. Depending upon entertainment suite. direction of travel, this could increase the Th e second point of interest is that these entertaining space or, by moving it in the how well this gap can be bridged with the transforming robotic units were the result of opposite direction, reveal a work space, an right partnerships. a partnership between MIT Media Lab and exercise area or guest sleeping quarters. the designer, Yves Béhar. Over the next months, this column will keep Stepping up a notch, the moving wall itself In Australia, we bemoan the gap between watch on our universities and our local may feature inbuilt storage, taking on the Janette Corcoran the fi ne minds at our universities and the designers to discover Australian innovations appearance of an integrated unit. Apartment living expert pragmatic needs of our economy. It is that boldly go where none have gone before [email protected] While there are several variations to off erings such as those by ORI that show just to the benefi t of our vertical dwellers.

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Residents 3000 Our building has worms ... What did you say? Th e Hero apartment building in Russell St has installed a communal worm farm to reduce general waste and to provide compost for residents’ gardens.

Earlier this year (February/March), the Hero the bins clean and to reset the signs on the Owners’ Corporation took part in a City of top of the bins to indicate which worms need Melbourne initiative to trial the eff ectiveness more food and which bins are full. and practicality of installing a worm farm One thing that is important is to see that the for a residential high-rise building that has food waste is not fermenting and that there (in this case) 150 apartments of which 40 is plenty of shredded paper included to comprise an apartment hotel. balance the acidity of the mixture. Note that Initially there were 37 apartments that old newspaper and shredded documents signed up for the trial. Each apartment was from the home offi ce are ideal. allocated an attractive kitchen bin (at no Th e advantage of having the worm farm as cost) for the collection of vegetable waste to part of common amenity is that individual feed a large colony of worms. apartments may not have enough waste Initially a series of nine Hungry Bins from to support their own Hungry Bin, whereas Wormlovers ( bins for the community make sense. Th e were installed in the car park. Each bin owners’ corporation benefi ts by signifi cantly came with a colony of 2000 worms that reducing the quantity of general waste and multiplied to around 10,000 per bin after hence the cost of taking it away. four to fi ve months. Th ese worms go about Th e City of Melbourne encourages CBD eating waste vegetable material including dwellers to embrace composting. Go shredded non-glossy paper, which they love! to Generally, once a worm farm is established, melbourne/ to learn about an off er of 25-35 each Hungry Bin is able to process up to 2 kg Hungry Bin and Worm Juice 100 litre tank. per cent off the retail price of a worm farm per day of food waste. (plus worms!). Every eight to 12 weeks the Hungry Bins Th ey quote that the total waste diverted from produce a rich soil known as the “castings”. land-fi ll under their program is 3,455,494 kg On a continuous basis the worms produce equivalent to 28,795 standard wheely bins. a “juice” that is a potent fertiliser for apartment plants and rooftop gardens. Given the large number of apartment Th e worm juice needs to be diluted by one buildings and with the many food outlets part to fi ve parts water. Th e castings can be in the CBD, it seems that reducing the cost added to normal soil making a mixture that of processing waste, could free up public is excellent for growing vegetables and all money to be spent on furthering other city manner of plants and trees. amenity projects, like beautifying laneways and adding green areas to soften, oxygenate You might think that busy CBD residents and cool the concrete jungle. would not be bothered to separate out their vegetable waste as well as their normal Hungry Bins in the car park. Kitchen caddy to store waste vegetable matter. Composting via food waste could also lead recyclables, but this has not been the to realizing the dream of more balcony and experience. After only a month or so the available. and that they are happy. By the way, my roof top gardens to make our city even more waste load was greater than expected and apartment garden is doing well on its worm beautiful. From personal experience, developing the four more Hungry Bins had to be added to juice fertiliser and I am contributing in a habit of saving vegetable waste (not citrus or the initial nine. At the same time, a 100 litre small way to reducing my carbon footprint. onions) for the worms was easy. Th e bonus drum was included so that residents could Susan Saunders is that your main waste bin does not have After the study was fi nished a month or two help themselves to the worm juice. to be emptied so often. I even fi nd myself ago, the Hero Owners’ Corporation decided vice president Ph: 0412 566 606 After the trial period, Hero’s worms are doing chopping up some items knowing that the to support the on-going maintenance of email: sue@residents3000. just fi ne. Over the past few months, residents little creatures like smaller pieces. I think the worm farm for another 12 months. have made use of 350 litres of worm juice that if these worms help my plants to thrive Wormlovers visits the property every two and, shortly, the fi rst batch of castings will be then I want to see that they are well fed weeks to check on the worm’s health, keep

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Critic History All work and no play By Rhonda Dredge

Th e lovely anarchic sensibility of painter Bill Hay is on show at fortyfi vedownstairs, inviting visitors to join in the fun.

While other shows around town present a thesis for the viewer’s interpretation, Hay has his slogan printed on a document for all to see. Twenty gouaches on paper take advantage of the fl uidity of paint and ideas, drawing Hay and fellow-painter Cathy Drummond on images from birds at Royal Park to old have a show at fortyfi vedownstairs in typewriters with attractive innards and black Flinders Lane every two to three years. “I keys. think it’s the best space in Melbourne,” Hay Hay taps vigorously on his keyboard, said. “It’s the architect’s equivalent of the enjoying the syncopated rhythm of the Golden Mean.” words “All work and no play” as they appear Drummond’s painting records all of the in ironic letters on his inner screen. detail but her material is nostalgia for the door has closed on Sam Bear’s, according to “I read Flann O’Brien’s Th e Th ird Policeman the internet. in 1980,” he says. “Th ere’s a character in the book who mixes a colour that has never been Mary Lou Jelbart, the artistic director of the seen before. I’m attempting to do the same gallery, fi rst met Hay as a young anarchist thing.” artist when she was on St Kilda City Council. “He made me feel nervous,” she told the Tertiary colours are mixed twice. “You have crowd at opening night. to select and choose, not allowing the tube to select for you,” he said. “You have to make Bill Hay and Cathy Drummond are showing the decision on colour relationships.” at fortyfi vedownstairs until October 22.

Scotts Hotel, Melbourne Th is photograph was taken in c. 1950 within the saloon bar of Say thanks Scotts Hotel, Melbourne. Scotts Hotel was situated at 444 Collins St, demand for drinks before the rigidly to your staff built in 1860 and substantially remodelled enforced 6 o’clock closing and “Time, in 1913-14 under a design by the architect, gentlemen, please”. Arthur H Fisher. Scotts Hotel was demolished in 1962, with massage gift voucher packs! Th e hotel was originally known as “the city before 10 o’clock closing came to home of country people” and stood on the Melbourne in February 1966. north side of Collins St opposite the western Th is photograph is one of the many held market of Melbourne, defi ned today by at Th e Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Market St. the city of Melbourne’s historical society. Th e site was fi rst occupied by the Lamb Inn Currently on display at the RHSV is the in 1837, renovated as the Clarendon Family exhibition Remembering the ‘burbs 1850 Hotel in 1852 and then purchased by Edward Packs contain greeting-card style vouchers with envelopes – 1960 - a refl ection on the changing Scott in 1860. and gift recipients choose their own massage. TOO EASY! suburban industry, economy, recreation Scotts Hotel was renowned for the pastoral and buildings of 22 of Melbourne’s For a customised quote email [email protected] property auctions held there, as the suburbs. Drawn from local historical gathering place for racehorse owners and societies the exhibition showcases breeders, as the Melbourne residence of the vanishing lifestyle of Melbourne’s English cricketers like WG Grace and as suburbs. Dame Nellie Melba’s favourite hotel. Th e RHSV is open Monday – Th ursday Th e prestige of the hotel had diminished by 10am – 4pm. Friday 10am – 3pm the mid-20th century and ceased trading in 239 A’Beckett St, Melbourne 1961 when the building was purchased by the Royal Insurance Company, ending its claim to be the oldest continuously licensed site in Victoria. Kate Prinsley 16 Spencer Street122 Hardware Street 308 Chapel Street 399 Chapel Street Th e photograph, by Edwin G Adamson Melbourne 3000 Melbourne 3000 Prahran 3181 South Yarra 3141 (1895-1974) shows male customers in the Kate Prinsley is executive (03) 9939 0424 (03) 9600 0922 (03) 9939 7885 (03) 9041 4379 saloon bar where prices were higher than offi cer of the Royal in the public bar with barmaids coping with Historical Society of Victoria 22 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26

Heritage How will heritage fare with the next council?

With only a matter of days left before fi nal voting in the council election, it’s worth looking briefl y at how heritage has fared under the current council, and what may be in store in the next term.

Th e city’s lack of a proper heritage review in development rather than simply letting the precincts, City North and, most importantly, debate, a strong Greens campaign,and decades and council inertia when sites fall process run though based on out-dated rules a commitment to the fi rst comprehensive excitingly, a new Heritage Agenda team under threat has seen numerous unprotected and information. study of the CBD and Southbank in over 30 vying for a spot, the next four years should buildings including the iconic Palace years were all achieved after the lobbying prove to be equally as busy as the last for Dozens of planning applications, a number Th eatre, 40 LaTrobe Street, the Duke of Kent of MHA and successful motions by Greens heritage advocacy, with more positive involving heritage, also lost quorum this Hotel and most recently parts of the Little councillor Rohan Leppert. outcomes. term due to a majority of councillors and Lon precinct all fallen victim to needless the entire Doyle ticket having accepted We’ve also seen commitments by the Lord destruction. donations from applicant developers, Mayor and his team not to take developer Th e inertia is notably due to the Lord Mayor eff ectively silencing all councillors and donations, ensuring more planning and other councillors saying they don’t want public objectors as the public vote and applications can be debated next term if the to “change the rules midway” by considering debate was made impossible. Lord Mayor is returned. Tristan Davies heritage listing when an unprotected place However, during this past term we’ve With all these studies (above) to go before President urgently needs it. also seen some major steps forward, with council as amendments next term and Melbourne Heritage A proactive council could have ensured updated heritage guidelines, heritage an election that has seen heritage at the Action better compromises between heritage and studies of the Guildford and Hardware Lane forefront of the Queen Victoria Market

We Live Here City Schools for City Kids

Th e State Government announced on Tuesday, October 11 that it is going to buy land to build a primary school in Docklands and also to build new schools in North Melbourne and Fishermans Bend.

At last the government has decided to Th e We Live Here movement supports and Summary of the preliminary fi ndings: disappointing to see that just one team - act. Families throughout the greater embraces Airbnb and the mum and dad Stephen Mayne’s - did not share those views. Melbourne area (including Docklands, the investors embracing sharing economy ideals. ■ A total of 11/14 teams (85.7 per cent) Detailed results, including additional CBD and Southbank) have been waiting for responded to the questionnaire; and comments provided by some of the teams, years to have desperately needed schools in We do not support the unregulated ■ 1/3 of the ungrouped candidates also will be posted on the We Live Here website the inner city. commercial short stay industry and their operators. Th ey are not part of the “sharing responded. in due course. economy” but of the “taking economy”. Whilst on the surface this announcement ■ A partial response (1/4 candidates) was Th e We Live Here movement encourages seems to be great news, local families and received from Th e Light on the Hill and all residents, before voting, to carefully residents must now keep up the pressure on this team was excluded from the analysis. consider what the candidates are going to the Andrews Labour Government to quickly No response was received from Th e do for residents and what their policies are get on with purchasing land and getting Heritage Agenda, or An Indigenous Voice on short-stays in residential buildings. Make these schools built. for Council. sure your voice counts. A tireless campaign run by the City Schools Results: for City Kids group and supported by the We Survey of candidates Live Here movement has been conducted 10/14 teams said no to Q1 and yes to Q2 and To canvas the opinion of candidates on over a long period of time. Q3. the issue of short-stays we sent a short questionnaire to all 58 candidates for lord It shows that ongoing pressure by these One team (Together Melbourne) said yes to mayoral and councillor positions. groups is working. Th ese ongoing eff orts Q1 and one team (Melburnian Voice) gave a Supporters of We Live Here qualifi ed yes to Q1 because short-stays had appear to be now reaping the rewards that Th e questions asked were: infi ltrated the building where they lived. Th e supporter base of We Live Here inner city residents deserve and that their continues to grow. As at August 31, a total of 1. Are you or anyone or entity associated Both teams said yes to Q2 and Q3. voice is at last being heard. 141 buildings (see diagram below) and more with you engaged in commercial short- One team (Animal Justice) said yes to Q1, than 350 individuals had registered on our You the resident have a voice and are a voter. stay operations? was not sure how to answer question 2, but website at 2. If elected would you support said yes to Q3. Supporters are the fi rst to hear breaking Council elections amendments to the Melbourne news and details of forthcoming events. Planning Scheme to insert the One team (Stephen Mayne: Transparency, We also welcome your feed-back and On Friday, October 7 the We Live Here requirement for a planning permit Independence, Accountability, Experience) suggestions about issues that can be aired in movement had a meeting with Mr Phil to be obtained before apartments in said no to Q1, Q2 and Q3. this column or on our website. Please send Cleary, a candidate for the Lord Mayor’s residential buildings can be used for Conclusions: to [email protected]. position at the upcoming City of Melbourne commercial short-stay operations, council election. Mr Cleary was also given a including those using Airbnb? We Live Here is delighted with the response Contributions are also very welcome and can tour of a residential building. to the questionnaire: thank you so much to be made online at 3. Would you support the regulation everyone who took the time to participate. We would like to thank Mr Cleary for of short-stay accommodation in showing great interest and taking time out residential buildings so owners’ We were also very gratifi ed to see the level e of his busy schedule to see for himself and corporations have a right to determine of support shown for one of the major aims “we liv emails to campaign@ here”TM understand the problems that residential the use of their building and to of We Live Here, which is to see regulation buildings across the city have with create a level playing fi eld for the of the short-stay industry in residential unregulated short-stay operators. accommodation industry? buildings. It was, therefore surprising and ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 23

Street Art The world according to Barek It’s an engaging and mystical world. One that is naive and charming, whimsical yet poignant.

Th is much-loved Brisbane artist has a large that people wanted my version of the world fan base here in Melbourne and a visit from and not how it really is!” him is a much anticipated street treat. It “I don’t feel the need to be famous but just seems we can’t get enough of him! to make enough money that enables me to About 10 years ago, Barek embarked on a survive and keep on painting. Th is will be lifestyle change deciding to make a living enough to make me happy.” from his art. A prolifi c artist, his contribution Fast forward to Barek’s forthcoming, and to the street is primarily paste-ups. fourth, Melbourne exhibition. I revisited him Last year I spoke to him on the eve of his for an update. third and, what turned out to be, a very For his World of his Own exhibition he successful exhibition at Off the Kerb Gallery has chosen to slow down, technique-wise. in Collingwood. It was a new direction Loosely based on a tribal theme, the works for him – with paintings, drawings and have crisp fi nishes with less “drippy” eff ects. sculptures inspired by Japanese folklore For some pieces he has chosen to combine including monsters and ghost stories, tree realism with his trademark simplistic style. spirits and water gods. He has been experimenting with acrylics, “My intention is to educate people making combined with ink and paper cut-outs to them appreciate a diff erent culture,” he said. create an 3D eff ect and he uses double Th e chameleon was a reoccurring image. glazing to create shadows. Some are on Perhaps this was a metaphor for the artist? timber, others on canvas. ”My aim is introduce something diff erent Barek’s surfaces are manifold. He enhances love the drawing process and it’s something everything that has happened to me, I’m wallpaper off cuts and magazines and and original into each exhibition. I know I’m committed to doing every day – to amazed by the journey it has taken me on.” what works and what’s popular,” he said. knitting books with his images. perfect my craft. I enjoy making stuff and “My popularity has had a momentum of Once accused of living in his own world, he “Part of my experience when I come to would be depriving myself of this pleasure if its own. It’s something that I innocently has turned this into a positive and created a Melbourne is a pilgrimage to Hosier Lane. it was to become mass-produced,” he said. blundered into it. I’ve seen other artists “Barek” world. Art has given Barek a voice. Th e Brisbane scene is not like the Melbourne “Painting is such a liberating experience who’ve been painting for a lot longer, still Long may he be vocal! one. Street art isn’t condoned and there for me. My foray onto the street has been struggling for recognition. So I feel very lucky are very few places to get one’s work up! World of His Own is showing at Off Th e Kerb with small steps. Growing from stickers but with my success.” However, I fi nd that because of their size and Gallery in Collingwood from October 21 with a move, because of size limitations, to placement knee level or below, they tend to “It has taken me by surprise. I try only October until November 3. wheat pastes. Originally I didn’t put a name survive from visit to visit. I also save my best to make art that I like. And, although I to the work. It was just something I did. But work for these trips south.” appreciate photo-realism, I’ve come to it began to be noticed, with people ‘faving’ realise that with my work, it’s my vision, this Lorraine Ellis His pieces are one-off s – originals, not it on Flickr and this encouraged me to keep childish naivety, that people are interested If you are interested photocopies. going.” in.” in Melbourne street “It’s art that’s actually made for the street, Barek’s work is original and very personal. “I don’t have any outside infl uences and my art there is more on with every piece being hand-drawn. “I never imagined that anyone would buy work is generated from my imagination. It my Facebook page, StreetsmART Originality tends to get lost in a photocopy. I it! I feel very blessed that they do and with was quite a turning point when I realised

VCAT Watch Minister gives mixed signals on apartment sizes In a recent VCAT case, Port Melbourne Land Custodians Pty Ltd v Minister for Planning [2016] VCAT 1643, developers lodged an appeal against a decision by the Minister for Planning to refuse a number of amendments to a planning permit for a proposed multi-tower apartment development in Plummer St Port Melbourne.

Interestingly, one of his grounds of refusal sqm to 4056 sqm; and revising the lifts, stairs Th e tribunal agreed that the above Th ere is an overdue need for minimum was the small apartment sizes – an issue the and services core. modifi cations should be applied to achieve standards on the internal amenity for minister decided was not important enough an acceptable outcome. However, it did apartments. Th e lack of standards has Th e minister considered that the proposed to include in the draft apartment design not agree with increasing the minimum caused diffi culty for the tribunal in deciding additional apartments were being achieved guidelines released for public comment in apartments sizes and balcony sizes and said: what is acceptable and there are many at the expense of a reduction in internal August. “Provided the internal area of an apartment examples of poor quality apartments. It will amenity. Specifi cally, the concerns related is useable, I do not consider it is necessary be interesting to see whether the minister Th e original permit was for three towers to: to require a one or two bedroom dwelling includes standards on minimum apartment containing a mix of 447 dwellings and Th e tribunal found there was, in fact, no to have a minimum area or to require all sizes, given his stance in this matter. 13 townhouses. Part of the amendments reduced separation between the towers and balconies to be eight square metres with a included reconfi guring apartment layouts; that the curved facades resulted in a slight minimum dimension of two metres.” increasing the number of apartments to increase. 536; reducing the number of townhouses Th e tribunal made reference to draft Better Mark Marsden to 11; removing all borrowed-light Th e applicant called a planning expert Apartments Draft Design Standards that Managing editor bedrooms; reducing the fl oor-to-fl oor witness and he also considered there was exhibited by the minister at the time levels to 2.95m (was 3.2m); redesigning the needed to be a number of improvements of the hearing, but gave little weight to Victorian Planning Reports podium landscaping and roof top facilities; to the internal amenity of the apartments, this document as it “has yet to be fully increasing the communal areas from 2396 including: considered and implemented”. [email protected] 24 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26


Spencer Nagy, Dr Pietas Nyamayaro, Emma Cholakians and Dr David Izon. Strength to strength

Th e Southbank Medical Clinic’s philosophy is providing an accessible and patient-focused “one-stop-shop” for the local communities of Southbank, South Melbourne and the CBD.

Its charismatic lead GP, Dr David Izon, Izon explained: “Th ere is nothing worse explained that the clinic’s key focus than going to the doctor and waiting 45 was providing medical treatment of the minutes for your appointment. Th at is not highest quality whilst being in a relaxed okay.” Putting your sleep health fi rst environment which is both patient-centred “At our practice, you can log in and convenient. electronically, grab a cup of coff ee and Forty Winks South Wharf is teaming up with a leading bedding “Our surgery is very patient-orientated. put your feet up in the waiting room When we created this clinic, we looked at watching TV. It’s an opportunity to chill manufacturer as part of its mission to improve the lives of locals via not only high quality care but the ‘patient out. journey’ from booking an appointment a better night’s sleep. Th e idea of not being rushed is important, across a number of media, to accessing as occasionally an emergency may make a number of services including typical doctors run a little late,” he said. According to the ABC’s 2016 study Reboot Having operated at South Wharf for seven general practice services, therapists e.g. Your Life, 75 per cent of Australians are years, she said the team was well equipped psychologists and dieticians, to specialist Dr Izon is also a qualifi ed skin cancer currently having trouble falling asleep, to providing the right advice, service and of services such as skin cancer surveillance, sub-specialist. He off ers both skin cancer while only 12 per cent are waking up feeling course, beds to the local community! surgery and non-surgical cosmetic surveillance via mole mapping as well as refreshed. treatments. We off er a travel clinic and are a surgery in house. “All our team are sleep experts. Most of our recognised yellow fever centre,” Dr Izon said. “Th ere are no other clinics locally that Forty Winks South Wharf owner Virginia team have been in the bedding industry “We are also in the fi nal stages of developing off er such a doctor-led service. Many Williams said the brand had teamed up with for many years,” she said. “All our team a weight loss clinic which comprises a other skin clinics off er nurse-led mole a leading bedding manufacturer AH Beard has extensive product knowledge to help dietician, exercise physiologist, psychologist mapping and rely on a doctor to look at to provide customers with the best advice customers select the right mattress for their and physician in a multidisciplinary photographs and interpret them,” Dr Izon on how to consistently get a good night’s needs.” shut-eye. approach.” said. “Like any industry, there are constantly According to AH Beard, the top fi ve tips for “You can book an appointment online via “We off er a boutique-style approach new developments and new innovative helping people waking up feeling wonderful your PC, iPhone or Android device via a where you see the same doctor on each technology so training and education is are: specifi c app and also notify your arrival via visit”. ongoing. Th is means our team can off er our tablets located at reception in the practice if With Southbank’s local community Make sure you have a comfortable mattress customers the very best sleep solution.” the receptionist is busy. Tea and coff ee are growing rapidly, Dr Izon seems really that provides the correct support; complimentary.” Th e store will host free sleep education enthusiastic about growing Southbank Make sleep a priority – sticking to a schedule seminars on November 12 and 13 between “Our population is very diverse. Our aim is Family Medical Clinic to meet growing helps reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle 2pm and 3pm with leading sleep educator to be able to service these populations with demand. and can help you to fall asleep; Gillian Wise, who will share her insights and high quality medicine.” “We have an eclectic population of information on how to transform peoples’ Create the idea sleep environment – create Given Southbank Family Medical Clinic’s upper-middle class owners, young sleeping habits. a room that’s ideal for sleeping to create a broad set of health services, including professional families and students with suitable environment for you; Customers can also currently enjoy great general practice services, therapy services, their own specifi c health needs. Th e area Avoid caff eine before bed time – your body deals across the King Koil bedding range, travel clinic and occupational health is largely under-doctored, in a soon to be doesn’t store caff eine but it takes many including package deals with adjustable services, the clinic is rapidly becoming high-density population. It is the perfect hours to eliminate the stimulant and its bases, an up-size off er, two free King Koil Southbank’s go-to medical practice. environment, as we off er all of these services, and we are growing. Onwards eff ects; and pocket spring pillows upon purchase, free Dr Izon, originally an English general delivery with every purchase over $1000 and and upwards!” Wind down and keep a routine – do the same practitioner trained in the UK, is also part of the chance to win a King Koil mattress. things each night to tell your body it’s time a medical team comprising a regular female GP Dr Pietas Nyamayaro who also trained as to wind down. Take a warm bath or shower, For more information on Southbank a general practitioner is the UK. read a book or listen to soothing music. Family Medical Clinic, its staff and Forty Winks South Wharf is located on level 1 With many inner-city locals leading busy and Th ey are both complimented by Dr Ivor its services, please go to www. of the DFO Homemaker Centre. high-pressure working lives, Virginia said Davis, a very experienced Australian practitioner who has worked in the local area Forty Winks South Wharf was committed To RSVP to the free health seminar call 9682 Look for Australian Family Medical for many years. to providing a holistic approach to helping 4425 or email fortywinks@southwharf. Centre Group on Th e App Store or Google customers to get a good sleep. Th e surgery typically runs to time. As Dr Play. ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 25

Letters to the Editor Pet's Corner Council must help animals

A recent (September 28) report in Th e Age highlighted a local case of extreme animal cruelty that the RSPCA is investigating in Melbourne’s CBD.

A dog was stuff ed into a suitcase and and assistance provided for animals when dumped in a garbage room of an apartment people are sometimes forced to emigrate or tower. Th is dog has been abused over a long leave the municipality. period and ultimately met a violent and horrifi c death. As well as the RSPCA inquiry, the police in Melbourne can be more eff ective in their Th e RSPCA statistics also show Melbourne response to animal cruelty cases, which they council area to have the third highest are entitled to follow up, as well as council number of cruelty complaints, despite rangers, with delegated powers under the having relatively fewer domestic animals Prevention of Cruelty To Animals act. than comparable councils. Th e Animal Justice Party is running Th is shows the need for leadership from for council on behalf of the animals of town hall. Melbourne’s council plan for Melbourne, on a platform of improved the next period must include greater companion animal management, an end to provision for animal welfare. It is not just horse-drawn carriages on city streets and a city for people, but for animals as well. fairer rates for residents and business. We need greater education provided to our resident population, which includes a Bruce Poon, Victorian Convenor of the greater number of people with limited time Animal Justice Party in residence. We also need more people to speak up when they see animals at risk 15 Exploration Lane, Melbourne

Top Class Fluffy fl atmate By Rhianna Busler

Aki, the two-year-old Japanese Spitz pup is nothing but a white ball of friendly fl uff .

Z Dai and his fl at mate have owned Aki since the duo hit the CBD streets on weekends. he was born and love having the playful pup around. “I would say the city is quite an animal- friendly area, especially in this garden. “I moved to Melbourne from China two I’m always seeing people walking their years ago because I study over here and I dogs,” he said. open 24/7 | love how convenient living in the city is to everything, especially RMIT the university I While Aki sits with his tail in the mud go to,” Dai said. munching on the grass, Dai admits sexy & wild | that the pup’s pristine white fur can Admitting that Aki is usually pretty chilled sometimes need a good shampooing. genuine escorts | out at home, Dai said Aki loved his daily walks and was always on the look out to “Aki is a really good apartment dog and make new human friends. loves lots going on around him. Living in “My fl at mate owns Aki but I’m always out the CBD is so local to everything and it’s walking him. We come to nice having the gardens so close to where everyday. It’s his favourite place to walk,” Dai I live,” Dai said. said. Describing Aki as a naive, crazy and Dai said that the popular gardens were cute pup, Dai said he was the favourite always fi lled with other dog owners when fl atmate. 26 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26 WHAT’S ON COMMUNITY CALENDAR


7:20am for a 7:40am start, Tuesdays WEDNESDAYS 5.45PM-7PM INNER MELBOURNE THE HUB, 80 HARBOUR ESPLANADE LIFE ACTIVITIES CLUB ROTARY CENTRAL SUNRISE Meeting on selected dates and various loca- Interested in what we do? Join us for breakfast! OPEN DOOR SINGERS tions, IMLAC takes in the city’s parks, its culture, We meet at the RACV City Club 501 Bourke St, Find your voice, experience the joy of sing- fabulous eating options as well as festivals, galleries and concerts. Melbourne. ing in a choir and meet new friends. or call Dianne 0425 140 981

10.30am to 2pm Wednesday – Friday – Fourth Monday of each month. Lunchtime @ Sunday 11am - 5pm Saturdays @ Fed Square St Peter’s East Melbourne MEET UP WITH FRIENDS BOOK MARKET AUSTRAL SALON OF MUSIC Instant coffee or tea with a biscuit for $1.00 Meet up with friends or enjoy meeting others at Join Melbourne’s bibliophiles at the city’s Listen to music from talented young musi- St Francis Pastoral Centre (entry next to the book largest weekly book market, in The Atrium at cians. Make new friends. shop in the church yard). Fed Square. 326 Lonsdale St, 9663 2495 Mob 0449 727 910

Every Friday in November. First Thursday of each month, December 7, 7pm 10am – 12 noon. 10am @ The Docklands Library November 25, 11am THE LABORASTORY HEALTHY AGEING SEMINAR FREE EMPLOYMENT SUNRISE PROBUS CLUB An evening dedicated to the stories of science; WORKSHOPS Probus Clubs for over 50s. Keep your mind Vitality, Vivacity, Vigour, Vim! Focus on your four V’s the heroes, the egos, the breakthroughs and active, meet new friends, share interests and With celebrated psychotherapist Dr Francis Macnab the mistakes. From forgotten history and lonely enjoy activities. 1. Job search breakthroughs Tickets $20 includes a light lunch laboratories, science and scientists quite literally 2. The hidden job market Contact Sue on 0418 562 181 or take centre stage. [email protected] 3. Resume writing BOOKINGS: 4. Inspiring strategies for 2017 WIRE Women’s Information and Referral Third Tuesday of each month Every Monday - Saturday Meets second Tuesday of the month Exchange. 7pm - 8pm, Boyd Centre, 372 Spencer St, West Melbourne FED SQUARE GUIDED TOURS EASTENDERS COFFEE CLUB 207 City Rd, Southbank Phone 1300 134 130 Come along and join the company of friends Learn about the site’s history, unique architecture and neighbours. Meet new people and be and the engineering marvels that make Fed Square MELBOURNE CITY one of the city’s great icons. informed. 10am, Pomodoro Sardo Restaurant, SOUTHBANK LIONS CLUB 111 Lonsdale St. Meet outside Melbourne Visitor Centre at the fl ag, Fed Square, From 11am, Free [email protected] Contact: [email protected]

Join our Events Drinks Night on the fi rst October 16 – November 20 October 28 until December 4, 2016 Thursday of each month - 6pm at the Gallery hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Sunday 9am-3pm. Kelvin Club, 14 Melbourne Pl. INTERNAL WORLDS EXHIBITION LETTING GO A community group that connects, supports and BY CLAIR BREMNER represents residents of Melbourne’s CBD. Recent paintings and mixed media works by Barb Henderson Events are posted on our web site at: Free entry to this beautiful exhibition in the St Art at St Francis, 326 Lonsdale St (Cnr Elizabeth St), Michael’s Gallery (behind the church) Melbourne 120 Collins St Ph: 9663 2495


St Michael's City on a Hill Scots’ Church St Paul’s Cathedral 120 Collins St, Melbourne, 3000 Sundays at 9am, 10.30am and 6pm. 156, Collins St Cnr Flinders and Swanston Streets Ph: 9654 5120 Hoyts Cinemas, Melbourne Central Ph: 9650 9903 Ph: 9653 4333 Church times: Sundays 10:30 am (Indonesian), 11:00 am Sundays: 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Sunday Service at 10.00am Collins Street Baptist Church (Traditional) and 5:00 pm (Contemporary) (Choral Evensong) Free organ recitals at 1.00pm on Thursdays. 174 Collins St For more information please contact the Ph: 9650 1180 St Francis’ Church St. Augustine’s Catholic Church office during office hours (Monday to Friday Sundays services: 10.30am and 5.00pm 326 Lonsdale St | 9663 2495 631 Bourke St. Melb 9.00am to 5.00pm). Sunday: 7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11am (St Ph: 9614 1722 Hillsong City Youth Francis’ Choir) and 12.30, 1.30, 4.30, 6.00 Sundays Mass: 10.30am & 8.00pm Chabad of Melbourne Krimper Cafe, 20 Guildford Lane, pm Mon – Fri Mass: 1.05pm Suite 301, 343 Lt Collins St Melbourne - Every Friday 7pm-9pm Filipino Community Mass: Second Sunday Mon – Fri Confessions: 12.30pm Ph: 9525-9929 of the month at 2.30pm Chabad of Melbourne CBD hosts regular Holy Cross Orthodox Mission Indonesian Community Mass: Third Sunday lunchtime lecture series on various topics. 261/265 Spring St of the month at 2.30pm ISSUE 26 CBD NEWS 27

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ACCOUNTING DENTAL SURGEON MEDICAL CENTRE Dr. Sharon Chui B.D.Sc.M.DENT ⠭⾥䆞᠔ Residential/Commercial Sales/Leasing/Owners Corporation 12 Collins St Suite 46 Level 4 Melbourne Hours - Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5:30pm Proudly serving the CBD After hours & weekend consultations by appointment Maximising your profits by Speaking 㣅䇁೑䁲㉸䇁 minimising your tax 846 Bourke Street, Docklands | 9251 9000 Phone 9654 6181 PH 9603 0066 Mob: 0456 888 009 All Hours People minded, Property Driven ESCORTS SAFE CUSTODY SERVICES BROTHEL SWA113E PHOTOGRAPHY Guardian Vaults Scottish House, 100 William Street, Melbourne, 3000 professional photography Tel 9606 0588 Fax 9606 0911

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FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL PET HEALTH CARE Open 7 days a week Mon-Fri 8am-7pm Sat-Sun 9am-5pm For advice & appointments Ph: 9646 5300 109 Bay St, Port Melbourne

T: 03 9001 1333 818 Bourke Street, Docklands VIC 3008 YOUR SALES Glenn Donnelly m: 0419 998 235 TARGET IS DENTIST LEASING Lina D’Ambrosio m: 0430 959 851 OUR SELLING | LEASING | PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LIQUOR TARGET sGENERALDENTISTry sRESTORATIVE COSMETIC sTEETHWHITENING sCHILDREnÓSORALHEALTH sDENTALHYGIENE sANTI AGEINGTREATMENTS sFACIALAESTHETICS Need a drink? ph: 03 9650 2909 Adam Gleeson 0432 631 379 We deliver FREE Talk to CBD News owner in the CBD Residential Sales Manager Shane Scanlan 4th Floor, 175 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected] 172 Queen Street Melbourne T 0419 542 625 Ground Floor 405 Collins Street Melbourne Ph. 03 9670 2753 E [email protected] Services: about how to customise your ÎGeneral Dentistry ÎCosmetic Dentistry ÎDental Implants ÎPreventative Care campaign to our audience Invisalign Î ÎDentures every month. Phone 03 9654 8977 WE THINK INSIDE THE Level 1, 100 Collins Street Melbourne CBD GRID Web: Email: [email protected] MELBOURNE LEVEL 1/180 QUEEN STREET T. 03 9600 2192 HOCKINGSTUART.COM.AU 28 CBD NEWS ISSUE 26 市中心CBD是一个选举重地

Shane Scanlan 撰稿

10月份的墨尔本市政议会选举 人,选举结果将取决于这些人如何 选举重量来自34183名非居住选民。 的1万张有资格选票。 结果很可能就在市中心确定,尽管 判断现任候选人的表现和新候选人 这些选民大多数在墨尔本市中 尽管邮寄投票于10月22日关 少于五分之一的居民登记投票。 的潜力。 心投资,拥有物业,并不居住在这 闭,但是选举结果要在10月31日周 CBD的冲击远远超过其在政治 儿。这一类别的人数有23346人,唯 一和11月4日周五之间知晓。 但是维多利亚选举委员会 上的重量。微妙的邮政编码3000包 有选举才能通过昂贵的邮资接触到 (VEC)的数据显示,依据邮政编码号 为了应付今年澳大利亚邮局降 含了该市区133805名有资格选民的 他们,平时从不联系,但他们可是 选举的强度并不在其中的33000名居 低投递标准,维多利亚选举委员会 三分之一以上。 最能兑现的侯选者。 民。因为其中只有7968人在州选民 将允许等待更长时间。 CBD内有资格的选民为42151 名册上注册,而实际上这次市政的 另外CBD还有来自于企业公司 市政公寓 市中心业主 将受到双重 标准不一 税的冲击 Khiara Elliott撰稿 Khiara Elliott撰稿 对州政府试图建立的公寓设 计和建造标准,墨尔本市政改变 市中心业主正面临着大幅度的 了其看法。 土地税上涨,如果采纳了另一个城 2015年7月市政第一次表明 市地铁轨道项目的建议,那可能会 其立场时,故意提出要建立一般 受到进一步冲击。 的标准。 可是在9月20日该事宜 根据2016年的市政评估预 提交于未来墨尔本委员会(FMC) 测,2017年的一些土地税收将上涨 之后,现在市政似乎想要的是具 多达180%。 体的测评标准。 根据世邦魏理仕(CBRE)提供的 这些标准预计于上个月完成 数据,Exhibition街的土地价值上 并公布,但根据州规划厅长理查 升了160%,而Queen街的土地价值 德·温恩(Richard Wynne),这 上升了156%,是整个州平均水平的 些标准要推迟到年底完成。 10倍以上。 在最初提交给政府的 “更 这一上涨主要是由于马来西亚 佳公寓设计标准草案 的讨论文件 开发商SP Setia用惊人的1.01亿澳 中,市政在2015年呼吁其“充足” 元购买了原Telstra的场地。 住宅密度,“设计良好”的公共区 世邦魏理仕数据还表明,土地价 域和“适当的阳光”时,其语言含 值增长50%将导致土地税增加57%。 糊不清,甚至有所隐瞒。 维多利亚基础设施机构和安永 当时的市政议员肯·翁 (Ken 会计师事务所的一份报告表明,如 Ong)认为这种方法已足够了。 果未来的城市地铁轨道项目建成, 他说:“我们关注的是公寓 那么30%的项目成本将可能通过对 设计的性能标准,而不是具体的 附近业主的征税来资助。 数字,” 这个墨尔本地铁轨道项目将 “无论对设施,布局,自然 建造一个通过市中心的新地铁隧 光的关注...我认为这些都是有益 道,该地铁项目将连接南十字星 和有用的标准。” (Southern Cross)火车站到克利 然而,针对最新的更佳公寓 欢迎凯旋而归 夫顿山(Clifton Hill),纽波特 设计标准草案文件,市政又提交 (Newport),帕克维尔(Parkville) 了另一份材料,提出了一些反对 和渔人弯(Fisherman’s Bend)。 意见。 10月5日在市中心伯克(Bourke) 欢迎人群为残疾运动员的成 维多利亚基础设施机构估计, 这份最近提交的材料中,关 街的购物中心举行了欢迎参加残奥 就而热烈地欢呼。国家残奥队在里 该项目的总成本将在150-220亿澳元 键问题就是需要更严格的准则, 会的澳大利亚运动员凯旋而归的仪 约的残奥会比赛中共赢得了81枚奖 的范围内, 从2034年开始,项目建 这与去年市政所持的观点相反。 式。 牌。 设将持续6年。 奥丁士兵:是英雄还是治安团体?

Khiara Elliott撰稿 的行动。 们不是一个种族主义的团体,但同时 的存在情况,但建议治安管理最好 据报道奥丁士兵成员们在晚上 又说“移民会带来重大的问题”。 由已有的法定机构来管理。 一个取名为奥丁士兵(SOO)的一 巡逻联邦广场(Federation Square) 该脸书说:“政府现在是让不 他说:“我不建议大家与罪犯 群男士,自行组织起来在市中心街道 ,Birrarung Marr公园,伯克 文明的移民像洪水般地泛滥我们的 面对面,因为这会给你带来伤害的 巡逻,认为这些地方需要更多保护。 (Bourke)商业大街以及火车站外面。 住区。我们在这儿需要成为现实主 危险。” 他们穿着独特的黑色夹克衫, 根据奥丁士兵的脸书记载,奥 义者,我们的住区目前所充满的文 “维多利亚警察接受了大量的 带有他们的徽章:上面是奥丁的图 丁士兵已正式获得芬兰上级团体创 化和种族,对我们的公民和社区的 培训,使他们掌握了应对安全问题 像,在澳大利亚的旗帜上画着诺尔 始人迈克·兰塔 (Mike Ranta) 的 安全都是有害的。” 所需的技能和资源。如果遇到危险 战神像。奥丁的士兵们已经在市中 官方认可,迈克在网上被广泛报道 墨尔本东区警察局高级警官亚 或目击犯罪,我们要求大家打000电 心内巡逻,以应对不断上升的犯罪 为白人至上主义者。 当·坦纳 (Adam Tanner)告诉本报 话。” 率,特别针对艾派克斯(Apex)团伙 虽然奥丁士兵的脸书声明,他 (CBD新闻报),警察已了解奥丁士兵