General Conference
MANUAL OP THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUKCH, AT ITS SESSION HELD IN BEOOKLYI^, K Y., MAY 1, 1872. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY CARLTON & LANAHAN, 805 BROADWAY. PLACES OF KESIDENCE OF BISHOPS AND MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE FOR THE SESSION BEGINNING MAY 1, 1S72. BISHOPS. Bishop T. A. MoREis, with D. Ayres, 161 Columbia Heights. " E. S. JANES, with J. T. Martin, 28 Pierrepont-street. " L. SCOTT, « " " " « M. SIMPSON, « " « « « E. R. AMES, " " « « FRATERNAL DELEGATES. British Wesleyan Conference—Rev. LUKE WISEMAN, D.D., with J. B. Cornell, 531 Fifth Avenue, New York. Rev. WILLIAM MOELEY PUNSHON, with J. B. Cornell, 531 Fifth Avenue, New York. Irish Wesleyan Conference—Rev. JOSEPH W M'KAY, with J. Elliott, 302 East Fifteenth-street, New York. Canada Wesleyan Conference—Rev. G. R. SANDERSON, with W D. Wilson, Roslyn, L. I. Rev. A. SUTHERLAND, with W D. Wilson, Roslyn, L. I. Canada Methodist Episcopal Conference—Rev. T. WILD, D.D., Rev. M. BENSON. Wesleyan Conference of East British America—Rev. HENRY POPE, Jr., with B. R. Corwin, 463 State-street. DELEGATES. Delegates. Conferences. Delegates. Conferences. Abernethy, George Oregon. Bates, Daniel M Wilmington. D. Ayres, ] 61 Columbia Mr. Pentecost, 24 Clin Heights. ton-street. Adams, Moses Mississippi. Beadle, William H. H.. Des Moines. Mrs. Brown, 12 Fleet- W. C. Sharpley, 47 St. street. Felix-street. Akers, Peter Illinois. Beale, Chandler Maine. Dr. J. Seott, 257 Wash I. Beale, 79 Hewes-st., ington-street. E. D. Albright, Cliarles ... Philadelphia. Beale, Charles East Maine. J. Cottier, 37 Sands-st. I. Beale, 79 Hewes-st., Albright, Charles J..
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