VOL. 4 NO. 164 POLITIfriday, january 7, 2011 CO www.politico.com The Cantor Brand Goes Live on Day Two Majority leader raises national profile It’s an early sign Cantor is build- most aggressive press shops on ing his brand: He’s got the “Cantor Capitol Hill. rule,” in which he asks lawmak- While Republicans insist that By Ri c h a r d E. Co h e n all before 8 a.m., standing before ers, “Are my efforts addressing they’re united and coordinated the ring of cameras overlooking job creation and the economy?” on message and strategy, it’s clear If Day One of the new Republi- the rotunda of the Cannon House He has eight “Cantor protocols” that Cantor as majority leader can majority was John Boehner’s Office Building. He also did local to guide legislation, including wants to step out on his own a lot moment, Day Two was all about Richmond radio, read his piece of the requirement of constitutional more now that Republicans are Eric Cantor. the Constitution on the floor, met authority for legislation, and so- in the majority. His media blitz in The No. 2 Republican blitzed with other senior GOP leaders called cut-go rules for new federal john shinkle — politico five national morning TV shows and with his top aides. spending. And he has one of the See cantor on Page 16 House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Debt Ceiling Presents Early Test for GOP By Jo n a t h a n Al l e n a n d Ja k e Sh e r m a n

House Republicans might want to duck: They’re about to run smack into the debt ceiling. A spending-obsessed new Republican majority received a dire warning from Treasury Secretary , who sent Congress a letter Thursday outlining the dooms- john shinkle — day scenario that would ensue if politico Reuters lawmakers fail to raise the debt Timothy Newly appointed White House chief of staff Bill Daley will build bridges to the business community, sources said. limit and the nation defaults on Geithner its credit obligations. The early missive from Geithner sets the stage for what could be a brutally divisive battle over Daley Takes Obama Back to the Future whether — and under what circumstances — House Republicans will provide enough votes

Clinton-Gore By Gl e n n Th r u s h which drew predictable fire from liberals See republicans on Page 10 a n d Ca r o l E. Le e Thursday, underscores Obama’s deter- veteran takes mination to run from the center in 2012 over as new President is banking on and somewhat neutralize the outright an old name in Chicago politics to offer hostility of many business groups to his chief of staff him new momentum in Washington. administration. His selection of the defiantly moder- Anti-Reform ate Bill Daley as his new chief of staff, See daley on Page 15 Democrats Cool To Repeal Vote Chairman Inherits Financial Mess at DCCC By Ca r r i e Bu d o f f Br o w n a n d Je n n i f e r Ha b e r k o r n Rep. Steve By Jo h n Br e s n a h a n tee this cycle. The DCCC is nearly Israel says a n d Al e x Is e n s t a d t $20 million in debt, the electoral Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) attacked the health the House map may be even more daunting care bill in March as a massive government over- will be in Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) is not in 2012 after redistricting, and reach, weighted down with new taxes but short play next exactly vowing to win back the fundraising even tougher as the on real reforms. year. House in 2012, but he still insists party competes for money during But repeal it, the way House Republicans “the House will be in play” next a presidential election cycle. would? No way, says Shuler, one of his party’s reuters year. The DCCC has slightly more most conservative members. Yet Israel is inheriting a mess than $3 million cash on hand, and “There are some very good things in this bill as he takes over the Democratic Congressional Campaign Commit- See DCcC on Page 13 See democrats on Page 12 inside white house Congress politics Jimmy opinion Stewart Gene Sperling is the new head of Jeff Sessions and Kent Conrad A post-racial climate in Chicago ap “Mr. Smith” wouldn’t recognize the National Economic Council. say they really can work together. may help . today’s brand of filibuster. Page 3 Page 4 Page 8 Page 18