Gives the Malesiana, Descriptions
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Florae Malesianae Precursores XXVIII. The genus Vaccinium in Malaysia by H. Sleumer (Rijksherbarium, Leiden) (Issued 1. XII. 1961) Within the Vaccinium L. this revision of its — which genus Malaysian species comprises more than half of the total number of species of the genus — is the last in series of a modern treatments made for North America by W. H. Camp, for the Pacific area by C. Skottsberg, and for tropical America and tropical Asia by the present author. The work formerly done in Malaysian Vaccinium has been limited to islands, as that by J. J. Smith and Schlechter for a part of New Guinea, by Copeland f. for the Philippines, and by Amshoff for Java, with the shortcomings necessarily connected with such too local work. The sections for the proposed Malaysian species in my general system in 1941 have been found still useful and here nomenclatural are kept except a change in one section and the expansion in species due to the large amount of indetermined material collected in Celebes and especially in New Guinea. The work the basis of of Vaccinium present gives my treatment to appear in the Flora Malesiana, where descriptions of all species in English language will be found; it offers a key to the sections and species, the Latin descriptions of the and the localities of all taken from number new taxa, species a large of herbarium specimens which have been kindly lent through the courtesy of the Directors of the following institutions: Arnold Arboretum (A) Leyden (L) Bogor (BO) Lae (LAE) Canberra (CANB) Melbourne (MEL) Edinburgh (E) New York (NY) Florence (FI) Stockholm (S) Gray Herbarium (GH) Kuching (SAR) Kepong (KEP) Singapore (SING) The material preserved in British Museum Nat. Hist. (BM) Geneva (G) Kew (K) Paris (P) Utrecht (U) has been studied in these herbaria. during a stay 10 BLUMEA VOL. XI, No. 1, 1961 The Malaysian specimens in the herbaria of Berkeley (UC) and Washington have been examined the author because far the (US) not by they have, as as Philippines are concerned, formerly been revised by Dr. H. F. Copeland, and cited in his of these are paper; most specimens are represented by duplicate numbers in the other herbaria mentioned above. A f means, that the specimen is lost and has not been seen by me. I have, however, studied the whole of the Berlin material before its destruction. Vaccinium L., Syst. 1, 1753, 349; G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3, 1834, 851; DC., Prodr. 7, 1839, 565; Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 2, 1859, 1060; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.- Bat. 1, 1863, 36; Benth. & Hook, f., Gen. PI. 2, 1876, 573; Becc., Malesia 1, 1878, 209; Clarke in Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. 3, 1882, 451; Drude in E. & P., Pfl. Fam. 4 (1), 1889, 51; K. & G., J. As. Soc. Beng. 74, ii, 1905, 60; Koord., Exk. Fl. 11; Verz. fam. 108; Java 3, 1912, Koord.-Schum., Syst. 1912, 233, p. J.J. S. in K. & V., Bijdr. 13, 1914, 135; Nova Guinea 12 (2), 1914, 154; I.e. 12 (5), 1917, 518; Schltr, Bot. Jahrb. 55, 1918, 167; Koord., Fl. Tjib. 1918, fam. Fl. Mai. Pen. Sc. 42 233, p. 7; Ridl., 2, 1923, 206; Copel. f., Philip. J. (4), 1930, 537; Dop in Fl. Gen. I.-C. 3, 1930, 703; J. J. S., Nova Guinea 18, 1936, 108; Sleum., Bot. Jahrb. 71, 1941, 413; 1. c. 72, 1942, 216; Amsh. in Back., — Thibaudia Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 7, 1948, fam. 163, p. 1. (non R. & P. in St. Hil.) Bl., Bijdr. 1826, 859. — (Gay) Lussacia (non H. B. K.) Bl., Bijdr. — G. 1826, 861. Agapetes (non Don) aut. var. Lectotype: V. myrtillus L. Key to the sections l.a. Corolla (campanulate, thick-fleshy, deeply 5-partite) seemingly consisting of 2 layers, the outer one thick, split at the lobes to nearly the base of the corolla, the inner thinner, less deeply split, forming a kind of decurrent membranous marginal zone towards the sinuses. (Tubules opening by introrse rather long slits.) Sect. Pachyanthum (p. 11) b. Corolla (of various shape, thin to fleshy, 5-partite to various degree) consisting the 2 of one homogeneous layer, showing no membranous wing at sinuses ... 2.a. Tubules opening by elongate introrse slits, which attain */s to '/* of the total length of the tubules 3 b. Tubules opening by relatively short introrse slits or (sometimes terminal) pores 4 3.a. Corolla ± Anthers with dorsal campanulate, 5-partite halfway. long spurs ± (1—1,5 mm), the tubules double as long as the thecea Sect. Galeopetalum (p. 13) b. Corolla urceolate to subglobular, shortly 5-lobed. Anthers with short or rather the tubules ± inconspicuous dorsal spurs, as long as the thecae Sect. Rigiolepis (p. 14) 4.a. Flowers solitary. Peduncle, if any, very short . Sect. Oarianthe (p. 22) Flowers in distinct few- which reduced b. to many-flowered racemes, may be partially to a 2- or even 1-flowered inflorescence (which then bears a distinct peduncle) 5 5.a. Calyx lobes elongate-subulate, 2—4 times as long as the calyx tube Sect. Neojunghuhnia (p. 37) b. Calyx lobes usually as long as or shorter than the calyx tube (if subulate, never exceeding the latter) 6 6.a. Flowers each subtended by a conspicuous, ± foliaceous bract, which persists at least for some time during anthesis Sect. Bracteata (p. 41) b. Flowers subtended by a small, not foliaceous, generally (very) early caducous bract, which mostly has at least gone in the start of the anthesis Sect. Nesococcus (p. 57) H. Sleumer: Florae Malesianae Precursores XXVIII. Vaccinium 11 1. Sect. Pachyanthum Sleum., Bot. Jahrb. 71, 1941, 417; I.e. 72, 1942, 217. Type species: V. macbainii F. v. M. The section is confined to the Eastern half of New Guinea. Key to the species l.a. Calyx relatively large at anthesis, (5—)6—7 mm long including the lobes, which 1,5 are —2(-—2,5) mm long; calyx tube subcampanulate to broadly cylindrical . 2 b. Calyx relatively small at anthesis, (2—)3—4(rarely up to 5) mm long including the lobes, which are 0,5—1 (rarely up to 1,5) mm long; calyx tube generally semiglobose to subsemiglobose-cylindrical, or sometimes subcylindrical, 2—3 mm in diam. at anthesis 3 2.a. Calyx subcampanulate, c. mm in tube 4 diam. at anthesis. Leaves very coriaceous, stiff, minutely but well visibly denticulate or crenulate, ovate or ovate-oblong, 2 rarely oblong or suborbicular, —4(—4,5) by (1,3—) 1,5—2(—2,5) cm 1. V. macbainii b. Calyx tube subcampanulate to broadly cylindrical, (3—)4( —5) mm in diam. at ± anthesis. Leaves entire, coriaceous, but less stiff, obovate to broad-elliptic or V. rounded, (5,5-—)7—9(—11) by (3,5—-)4—5,5(—8,5) cm . 2. ingens 3.a. Leaves ovate, (acuminate, 7—12(—14) by 3,5—5,5(—7,5) cm). Pedicels without collarette of the below the ... 3. V. fissiflorum a glands at very apex calyx b. Leaves of other form Pedicels with collarette of (mostly smaller). a numerous ± spreading glands or glandular hairs at the very apex just below the calyx . 4 4.a. Collarette of thick and ± subsubulate which consisting flattish, glands rarely occur also on the calyx and the pedicels 5 b. Collarette consisting of slender (not flattened), less thickish glandular hairs, which may occur also on the calyx and the pedicels 6 5.a. Leaves to obtuse oblong elliptic-obovate, rarely more elliptic-oblong or elliptic, or mostly rounded at the apex, (3—)5—8( ——11) by (1,6—)2,5—3,5(—-5,5) cm 4. V. keysseri var. keysseri ± b. Leaves oblong, shortly subacutely acuminate at the apex, 4—7 by 1,8—3 cm 4. V. keysseri var. acutatum 6.a. Leaves large, (5—)6—9,5 by 3—5,5 cm (obovate or obovate-elliptic) V. 5. amplifolium var. giganteum b. Leaves smaller, of various form 7 7.a. Leaves subovate-elliptic, broad-elliptic or suborbicular, or if elliptic-oblong, over 4 cm long 5. V. amplifolium var. amplifolium 8 b. Leaves obovate-elliptic, oblong-obovate or oblong 8.a. Leaves or 5. V. var. obovate-elliptic oblong-obovate. amplifolium stabilipes rather small b. Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong and (1,5—3(—4) by (0,8—) 1 —1,5 cm) 5. V. amplifolium var. oblongum 1. V. macbainii F. v. M., Trans. R. Soc. Vict. n. s. 1 (2), 1889, 17; Wright, Kew Bull. 1899, 103; Sleum., Bot. Jahrb. 72, 1942, 220. NEW GUINEA. Southeastern part, Centr. Distr., Mt Knutsford, McGregor anno 1889 (K, type). Mt Scratchley, 3050—3960 m, Giulianetti anno 1896 (K, MEL). Mt Albert Edward, 3680 m, Brass 4242, 4293, 4335, 4336 (pedicels finely pubescent), 4423. 2. V. ingens Sleum., Bot. Jahrb. 72, 1942, 220. Southeastern Morobe Kaindi = 2060 NEW GUINEA. part, Distr., ( Wau), m, Brass 29564, 29567. Centr. Distr., Mt Tafa, 2400 m, Brass 4845 (A, BO, L; NY, type, in 1890 Carr 13641. Mt f B); Matate-Lala Divide, 2440 m, Carr 15008; Alola, m, Yule, McGregor anno 1890. 3. V. fissiflorum Sleum., Bot. Jahrb. 72, 1942, 219. NEW GUINEA. Eastern part, Western Highlands, near Wankl village, c. 5 km SE of Mt Pullen Daulo Hagen station, 2200 m, Hoogland & 5881. Eastern Highlands, near 12 BLUMEA VOL. XI, No. 1, 1961 Asaro-Mairi 2400 & Pullen camp, Divide, m, Hoogland 5493; Dengalagu Mission, Upper Chimbu 1980 N. G. F. 8888 2000 valley, m, Womersley; Purosa, Okapa area, m, Brass 31846; Asaro-Mairifuca Divide, 2440 m, Pullen 474. Morobe Distr., Sattelberg area. —2300 Clemens 9426 1700—2000 Samanzing, 2000 m, (B, type, f); Sambanga, m, Clemens 7120 (B, f).