1982 First Sitting


29 1 Electoral District Boundaries Act. 1 An Act to Amend the

4 2 Fourth Appropriation Act. 1981-82 4

2 3 Interim Supply Appropriation Act. 6 1982-83

3 4 In terpreta tion Ordina nee. 8 An Act to Amend the

7 5 Loan Agreement Act (1982) No. 1 13

12 6 Pioneer Utility Grant Act. 14 An Act to Amend the

11 7 Seniors' Income Supplement Act 15

22 8 T rans port Public Utilities Act. 19 An Act to Amend the la 9 Yukon Council Act. 21 An Act to Amend the

-----... -._-----_._------

The 1982 First Sitting of the Fifth Sossion of the Twenty-fourth Council was dissolved on April 21. 1982.

- i -



The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1 (1) This Act amends the Blectoral District Boundaries Act.

2( 1) The following new section is added immediately 'before section 1: "0.5(1 ) This Act may bo cited as the Electoral District Boundaries Act."

3(1) Subsection l( 1) is amended by striking out the description of the Electoral District of Porter Creek East and, substituting the following for it: "Electoral District of East

The Electoral' District of Whitehorse Porter Creek East consists of that part of the City of White­ horse bounded by a line commencing at the point of intersection of the centre line of Wann Road and Centennial Street, thence north westwardly along the cen tre line of Cen tennial Street to the centre line of the Alaska High way. thence north westwardly along said cen tre line to the western limit of the City of Whitehorse. thence northwardly and eastwardly along the lVestern and northern limit of the City of IVhitehorse to the centrtl line of the Yukon River. thence southwardly up the centre line of the Yukon River to a point due cast of Coordinate Control Monument 70G-139-1970 in the Whitehorse Coordinated Survey Area. thence due west to the point of inter­ section of the easterly boundary of lot 262 -3. Group 804. thence northwardly along the easterly boundaries of lots 262-3 and 262-4. Group 804. to the northeasterly corner of lot 262-4. thence west­ wardly along the northerly boundary of said lot 262 -4 to the northwesterly corner of lot 262-4. Group 804. thence southwardly along the westerly boundaries of lots 262-4 and 262-3. Group 804. to a point due east of said Coordinate Control Honument 70G-139-197U. thence due west to the point of intersection of the easterly boundary of lot 1388. thence south westwardly along the outer boundaries of subdivision lots 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391. 1392. 1393. 1394. and 1395. to the southwesterly corner of lot 1395. thence due west to the intersoction of the centre lino of the pipeline right-of-way. thence northW,estwardly along said centre line to the centre line of the roadway between lots 391 and

- 1 - An Act to Amend the Electoral District Boundaries Act Cbp. 1

392-1. thence continuing northwestwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence continuing north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Eleventh Avenue. thence northeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Holly Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Twelfth Avenue. thence south westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Thirteenth Avenue. thence south­ westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Fourteenth Avenue. thence northeastwardly along said centre line to the cen tre line of Holly Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of lVann Road. thence westwardly along said centre line to the point of cOr:Jmencement."

(2) Subsection l( 1) is ar:lended by striking out the description of the Electoral District of Whitehorse Porter Creek West and substituting the following for it: "Electoral District of Whltehorse Porter Creek West

The Electoral District of Whitehorse Porter Creek IVest consists of that part of the City of IVhite­ horse bounded by a Hnc cOr:lr:lencing at the point of intersection of the centre line of Wann Road and Cen tennial Street. thence eastwardly along the centre line of Wann Road to the centre line of Holly Street. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the centrc line of Fourteenth Avenue. thence south westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence southeastwardly along said cen tre line to the centre line of Thirteenth Avenue. thence northeast­ wardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Twelfth Avenue. thence northeastwardly along said centru line to the centre line of Holly Street. thence southeast­ wardly along said centre line· to the centru line of Eleventh Avenue. thence south westwardly along said cen t re line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of the roadway betwcen lots 391 and 392 -1. thence con tinuing southeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of the pipeline right-of-way. thence continuing southeastwardly along said centru line to a point being due enst of Coordinate Control Monument 70G-139-1970 in the Whitehorse Coordinated Survey Area. thence due west to the western limit of the City of Whitehorse. thence north westwardly along the said lir:lit to the centre line of the Alaska Highway. thence south­ eastwardly along said centre line to the centru line of Centennial Struet. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the point of COr:lr.lenCCr:ltmt. 11

- 2 - An Act to Amend the Blectoral District Boundaries Act Chp. 1

(3) Subsection l( 1) is amended by striking out the description of the Electoral District of and substituting the following for it: "Blectoral District of Whitohorso Wost

The ElectoraY District of Whitehorse West consists of that part of the City of Whitehorse bounded by a line commencing at the point of inter­ section of the western prolongation of the centre line of Alexander Street and the foot of the Airport (Reserve) Escarpment. thence southwardly along the foot of said escarpment to a point due west of the northernmost corner of lot 523. Group 804. thence due east to the centre lino of tho Yukon River. thence southwardly up the centre lino of the Yukon River to the limit of the City of Whitehorse. thonce south westwardly and northwest­ wardly along said city limit to the point being due west of Coordinate Control Monumont 70G-139-1970 in the. Whitehorse Coordinated Survey Area. thence due east to the point of intersection of the centre line of the pipeline right-of-way. thence south­ wardly along said centre line to a point being due west of the southwesterly corner of lot 1395. thence due east to the southwesterly corner of said lot 1395. thence northoastwardly along the outer boundaries of lots 1395. 1394. 1393. 1392. 1391. 1390. 1389. and 1388. to a point being due cast of said Coordinate Control Monument 7UG-139-1970. thence due cast to the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of lot 262-3. Group 804. then north wardly along the westerly boundaries of lots 262-3 and 262-4 to the northwesterly corner of lot 262-4. thence eastwardly along the northerly boundary of lot 262-4 to the easterly corner of lot 262-4. thence southwardly along the easterly boundaries of lots 262-4 and 262-3. Group 804. to a point being due cast of said Coordinate Control Monument 7UG-139-1970. thence due east to the foot of the said escarpr:lent. thence southlVardly along the foot of the escarpr:lent to the point of COr:lmencer.1en t."

- 3 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1982 (lst), Chaptsr 2

FOURTH APPROPRIATION ACT, 1981-82 (Assented to April 21, 1982)

Whereas it appears by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates accompanying the message that, in addition to the sums previously appropriated, the sums not appearing in parentheses in Schedule "A" of this Act are required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon and for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1982;

And whereas, out of the sums previously appropriated, the sums appearing in parentheses in Schodule "A" of this Act are not required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon or for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1982:

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act may be cited as the Fourth Appropriation Act, 1981-82.

2 (1) In addition to the sum of $25,608,000 provided for in the First Appropriation Act, 1981-82, the sur.! of $114,529,600 provided for in the Second Appropriation Act, 1981-82 and the sum of $1,000,000 provided for in the Third Appropriation Act, 1981-82, from and out of the Yukon Consolidated Hevenue .Fund there may be paid and applied a sum not exceoding in the whole $lQ ,694 ,ODD for defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service of Yukon for the period of 12 r.!onths ending on March 31, 1982, as set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and that sum shaUnot be paid or applied except in accordance with Schedule "A".

3(1) The due application of all monies paid or applied pursuan t to section 2 shall be accounted for.

- 4 - Fourth Appropriation Act, 1981-82 Cbp. 2


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars)

Yukon Legislativo Assembly 112,000 Executive Council Office 99,000 Education 5,273,000 Consumer and Corporate Affairs 37,000 Health and Human Resources 365,000 Municipal and Cocllnunity Affairs (758,000) Tourism and Economic Developmen t (292,000) Justice 787,000 Highways and Public Works 2,628,000 Public Service Commission 51,000 Intergovernmental Relations 4,000 Finance (331,000) Heritage and Cultural Resources 95,000 Renewable Rosources 331,000 Governcent Services 521,000 Yukon Housing Corporation (48,000) Yukon Liquor Corporation 225,000 Loan Amortization 1,595,000

Total 10.694 !,.OOO -----

- 5 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1882 (1st). Chapter 3

INTERIM SUPPLY APPROPRIATION ACT. 1882-83 (Assented to March 30. 1982)

Whereas it appears by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates accompanying the message. that the sums men tioned in Sched ule "A" of t his Act are req uired for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon and for related purposes for the r:tonth of April. 1982:

The Cor:tmissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Council of the said Territory. enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act r.lay be cited as the Interim Supply Appropriation Act. 1982-83.

2(1) Fror:t and out of the Yukon Consolidated Revenue Fund there r.lay be paid and applied a sur:t not exceeding in the whole $11.493.000 for defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service of Yukon for the r.lonth of April. 1982. as· set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and that sum shall not be paid or applied except in accordance with Schedule ItAII.

3(1) The due application of all monies paid or applied pursuant to section 2 shall be accounted for.

- 6 - Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1982-83 Chp. 3


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars)

Yukon Legislative Assembly 112,000 Executive Council Office 79,000 Education 2,284,000 Consumer and Corporate Affairs 106,000 Health and Human Resources 2,140,000 Municipal and COr:1munity Affairs 543,000 Tourism and Econor:1ic Development 177,000 Justice 781,000 Ilighways and Public Works 2,367,000 Public Service Commission 101,000 Intergovernr:1ental Relations 80,000 Finance 226,000 Heritage and Cultural Resources 149,000 Renewable Resources 327,000 Governr:1ent Services 447,000 Yukon Housing Corporation 130,000 Loan Capital 833,000 Loan Amortization ._2l!.:.t.OOO

Total 11 ,493, Ojl.Q. .-----

- 7 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1982 (lat). Chapter 4


The COl'lmissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Council of the said Territory. enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act amends the Interpretation Ordinance.

2(1) Subsection l( 1) is repealed and the following is substituted for it: "l( 1) This Act may be cited as the Interpretation Act."

3(1) Subsections 2(1). 2(2),3(1),3(3),3(4),6(1) and 7 (1) are amended by striking out tho word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substituting for it in each case the word "Act".

4(1) Subsection 14(1) is amended by striking out the word "Commissioner" wherever it occurs and substi­ tuting for it in each case the exprossion "Col'lmissioner or the Coml'lissioner in Executive Council" •

5 (1 j Subsection 15 (1) is amended by striking out the word "Ordinance" and substituting for it thll word "Act" .

6 (l) Paragraph 17( 1)( I? 1 is amended by striking out the word "Coml'lissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Col'lmissioner, the COI:Jmissioner in Executive Council".

7(1) Subsection 18(1) is amended by striking out the expression "an Ordinance of the Territory or of the Northwest Territories, or an Act of any province or of Canada" and substituting for it the expression "an ordinance of the Northwest Territories or an Act of the Territory, of any Province or of . Canada".

- 8 - An Act to Amend the Interpretation Ordinance Cbp. 4

(2) . The following new subsBction is added to section 18: "Act" and "(3) In the citation of Acts of the Territory. "Ordinance" the terms IActl and IOrdinancel shall be deemed to have the same meaning. and they

may be used interchangeably. 11

8(1) The following new definitions are added to section 20 : "Act" IIIActl means an ordinance of the Terri­ tory enacted pursuant to the Yukon Act (Canada);

" Commissioner ICoClmissioner in Executive Councill 1n Executive Council" means the COClmissioner acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council;

"Executive IExecutive Council' means the Executive Council" Council appOinted under the authority of section 4 of the Yukon Act (Canada) ;

" Executive 'Executive Council Member' means the Council r.Jember of the Executive Council charged Member" by order of the COr.Jmissioner in Executive Council with responsibility for the exercise of powers under the enactment;

"Legislati vc 'Legislative Assembly' means the Council Assembly" of the Yukon Territory constituted under section 9 of the Yukon Act (Canada) ;

"Legislature" 'Legislature' l:Jeans the COr.Jmissioner acting by and with the ad vice and consent of the Legislative Assembly;",

(2) The definition of "Cor.Jmissioner in Council" in subsection 20 (1) is repealed and the following is substituted for it: " Commissioner "'Cor.Jr.Jissioner in Council' means the in Council" Legislature; ",

- 9 - An Act to Amend the Interpretation Ordinance Chp. 4

(3) The definition of "Ordinance" in subsection 20 (1) is ropealed and the following is substituted for it: "Ordinance" '''Ordinance' means an ordinance of the Tenitory enacted pursuant to the Yukon Act (Canada);".

(4) The definition of "prescribe" in subsection 20(1) is amended by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Cor:tr.tis­ sioner in Executive Council".

9 (1) Subsection 23 (2) is amende~ by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substituting for it in each case the word "ordinance" •

10(1 ) Subsections 24 (1) and (2) are ar.tended in each case by striking out the expression "Cor.tmissioner in Council" and substituting for it the word "Legislature".

(2) The following new subsection is added to Section 24:

. Uniform " (5) \\Ihcn~ an Act or a part of an Act is, or 13\\1 appears to be, based on an Act of Canada or a province, a difference between the Act of t he Territory and the other Act shall not be deer.ted to be or to in vol ve a declaration that the law in the Territory is different from the law under the other Act,"

11(1) The heading ir:1media tcly preceding section 3U is repealed and the foHowing heading is substituted tor it: "Acts" •

12 (1) Subsection 3U(1) is amended (a) by striking out the word "Ordinances" and substituting for it the word "Acts", and (b) by striking out the expression "Council of the said Territory" and substituting for· it the exp ression "Legislative Assembly". An Act to Amend the Interpretation Ordinance Chp.4

13(1) Subsection 32 (1) is amended (a) by striking out the expression "Clerk of the Council" and substituting for it the expres­ sion "Clerk of the Legislative Assembly". and (b) by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substituting for it in each case tho word "Act".

14 (1) Subsection 33 (1) is amended (a) by striking out the word "Ordinances" and substituting for it the word "Acts". and (b) by striking out the expression "Clerk of the Council" and substituting for it the expres­ sion "Clerk of the Legislative Assembly".

15 (1) Subsection 34 (1) is amended (a) by striking out the expression "Clerk of the Council" and substituting for it the expres­ sion "Clerk of the Legislative Assembly". (b) by striking out the word "Ordinances" wherever it occurs and substituting for it in each case the word "Acts". and (c) by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Commis­ sioner in Execu ti ve Council".

16 (1) Subsec tion 35 (1) is amended by striking out the expression "Clerk of the Council" and substituting for it the expression "Clerk of the Legislative Asseobly".

(2) Subsection 35(2) is amended (a) by striking out the expression "Clerk uf the Council" and substituting for it the expres­ sion "Clerk of the Legislative Assembly". and (b) by striking out the word "Ordinance" and substituting for it the word "Act".

17( 1) Subsection 36(2) is amended by striking out the word "Cornmissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Cornmissioner in Executive Council".

18(1 ) Subsection 37 (1) is amended (a) by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "CoJ:1mis­ sioner in Executive Council".

- 11 - An Act to Amend the Interpretation Ordinance Chp. 4

(b) by striking out the word "Ordinance" and substituting for it the word "Act". and (c) by striking out the word "Council" and substituting for it the expression "Legis­ lative Assembly".

- 12 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TBRRITORY . 1982 (1st), Chapter 5

LOANAGREBMBNT ACT (1982) NO. 1 (Assented to April 21, 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act may be cited as the Loan Agreement Act (1982) No. 1.

2(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council may borrow sums not exceeding in the aggregate $10,000,000 for the makiilg of loans to municipalities and for the dcvelopClent of land for sale.

3(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council is authorized to enter into and execute agreements providing for (a) the repayment of ·the sums borrowed under . section 2" (b) the payClent of interest at such a rate as may be agreed upon by the COClr.lissioner in Executi ve Council on the principal from time to time outstanding on the SUClS borrowed under section 2, and (c) such other terms and conditions as Clay be agreed upon by the COClClissioner in Executive Council.

4(1) The COClmissioner in Executive Council is empowered to do every act and exercise every power for the purpose of fulfilling every obligation assumed by . the Governnent of Yukon under this Act.

- 13 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TBRRITORY 1982 (lat), Chapter 8


The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act amends the Pioneer Utility Grant Act.

2 (1) Subsection 1 ( 1) is repealed and the· following is substituted for it: "1(1) This Act may be cited as tho Pioneer Utility Grant Act."

3 (1) Subsection 3 (1) is repealed and the following is substituted for it: "3( 1) The Executive Council Member shall pay a pioneer grant in the amount of $480 to every applicant who qualifies for a grant pursuant to this Act."

(2) Subsoction 3(2) is ar:1ended (a) by striking out the word "Ordinance" and substituting for it the word "Act", and (b) by striking out the expression "Territorial Council" and substituting for it the expres- sion "Legislative Assembly".

4(1) Subsections 2(1), 4(1), 4(2), 4(3), 6(1) and 8(1) are amended in each case by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substituting for it the word "Act".

S(1) Subsection 7 (1) is amended by striking out the word "Cor:Jmissionor" and substituting for it the word "Crown".

6 (1) Suhsection 9 (1) is amended by striking out the word "Cor:Jr.Jissioner" and substituting for it the expres­ sion "Conmissionor in Execu ti ve Council".

- 14 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1982 (1st). Chapter 7

SENIORS' INCOME SUPPLEMENT ACT (Assented to April 21. 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act may be cited as the Seniors' Income

Supplement Act ~

2(1) In this Act.

"benefit" "benefit" means any sum of money paid as an allowance under this Act;

"beneficiary" "beneficiary" means a person who receives a benefit;

"income "income supplement" means the monthly guaranteed supplement" income supplement payable under the Old Age Security Act (Canada); and

"spouse's "spouse's allowance" means the monthly spouse's . allowance" allowance payable under the Old Age Security Act (Canada).

Elig i bili t Y 3(1) The Executive Council Member may pay a monthly allowance in an amount calculated under section 4 to every person who (a) makes his hom'e in the Territory. (b) ordinarily is present in the Territory. and (c) receives the spouse's allowance or the income supplement in the Territory and not elsewhere.

Commencement (2) The eligibility of a person to receive a henefit of benefit COr:1mences upon the expiration of the month immedi­ ately following the month in which he satisfies ·the requirel:lents of subsection (1).

Cessation (3) The eligibility of a person to receive a benefit of benefit ceases upon the payment of a benefit to him for (a) the month in which he dies. or

- 15 - Seniors' Income Supplement Act Cbp. 7

(b) the month in which ho ceases to satisfy the requirements of subsection (1).

Amount of 4(1) The amount of the benefit payable to a benoficiary benefit cach month under this Act shall be $100. less (a) in the case of a boneficiary who receives the income supplement. 55 conts for every dollar by which the amount of his income supplement is less than the maximum amount of the income supplement that may be paid to any person in respect of that month under the Old Age Security Act (Canada). or (b) in the case of a beneficiary who receives the spouse's allowance. 55 cents for every dollar by which the amount of his spouse's allowance is less than the raaximum amount of the spouse's allowance that may be paid to any person in respect of that month under the Old Age Security Act (Canada).

Return of 5(1) 1\ person who receives a sum of money paid as a benefit benefit to which he is not entitled shall return it forthwith to tho· Governl'71ent of Yukon.

Recovery (2) IVhere a person receives a sum of r.lOney paid as a of benefit benefit to which he is not entitled.· it may be recovered by the Governl:lent of Yukon as a debt due to it.

Limitation (3) Pruceodings under subsection (2) r:!ay be cOl:lmenced periort at any tir:le for the recovery of money fror:! a person who I:lakes a wilful I:lisrepresentation or who COl:ll:lits fraud for the purpose of obtainiryg it. but in all other cases proceodings under suhsection (2) shall be cOl:Il:lenced within one year after the receipt of the money by the person who is not entitled to it.

Dcrtuction (4) Where any I:loney received by a person as a benefit to which he is not entitled is not returned to or recovllrlld by the Governl:lent of Yukon. the al:lount shall be dertucted frol:l any benefit for which the person may be. or may becol:le. eligible.

1\ssignmen t 6 (1) A benefit may not be assigned. charged. attached. of benefit antiCipated or given as security. and any trans­ action, instrul:lcnt or part of a transaction or

- 16 - Seniors' Income Supplement Act Chp. 7

instrument purporting to assign. charge. attach. anticipate or give as security a benefit is void.

Appeal 7(1) Any person who is refused a benefit under this Act may appeal to the Social Assistance Appeal COr.1mittee established under the Social Assistance Act for the area in which he resides. and a further appeal lies from the decision of an Appeal COr.1mittee to the Social Assistance Appeal Board established under the Social Assistance Act.

Decision (2 ) On an appeal under subsection (1). a Social Assist­ on appeal ance Appeal Committee or the Social Assistance Appeal Board may determine the eligibility of a person to receive a benefit under this Act.

Appellate (3) In respect of questions arising out of proceedings jurisdiction before or decisions of Social Assistance Appeal COr.1mittees under subsection (1). the Social Assist­ anco Appeal Board shall have (a) exclusive appellate jurisdiction throughout the Territory to hear and adjudicate upon questions of fact. and (b) appellate jurisdiction throughout tho Terri­ tory to hear and adjudicate upon questions of law. and questions of mixed fact and law.

Offence B( 1) Every person commits an offence who (a) applies for or attempts to obtain a benefit to which he knows he is not entitled. or (b) fails to comply with subsection 5(1).

Regulations 9(1) Tho COr.Jmissioner in Executive Council may make such regulations as ho deens necessary (a) prescribing the time and manner of paying benefits; (b) prescribing forms to be used for the purposes of this Act; (c) prescribing the manner of making deductions under subsection 5 (4); (d) prescribing the manner of proof of eligibility for benefits under section 3; and (e) generally. respecting any r.Jatter required for the proper administration of this Act.

- 17 - Seniors' Income Supplement Act Cbp. 7

Agreements 10(1 ) The Commissioner in Exec:;utive Council may enter into agreements with the Minister of Health and Welfare (Canada) to provide for the payment by the Government of Canada to the Government of Yukon of contributions in respect of tho cost to the Governmont of Yukon of providing benefits under this Act.

11(1)· This Act comes into force on July I, 1982.

- 18 - STATUTBS OF THB YUKON TBRRITORY 1982 (1st). Chapter 8


The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act amends the Transport Public Utilities Act.

2 (1) Subsection 1( 1) is repealed and the following is substituted for it: "l( 1) This Act may be cited as the Transport Public Utilities Act."

3 (1) Subsection 3.1 (1) is repealed and the following is substituted for it: Government "3.1(1) This Act does not apply to a vehicle vehicles registered in the name of the Governnent of Yukon."

4 (1) Subsection 38 (2) is amended by striking out the expression "or by prepaid registered mail".

(2) The following new subsections are added to section 38: Service "(3) Where a person, partnership or unincor­ by mail porated group or club has provided a mailing address to the Board in an application for a perr.lit or certificate, in a cOr.lplaint or utherwise, a copy of any order, notice, con plaint or other documen t r.lay, for the purposes of this Act, be served upon him or it by rogistered mail addressed to him or it at the address r.lost recently provided by him or it to the Board.

Registered (4) An order under section 3.4 may be served owner by registered mail addressed to the registered owner of the r.lotor vehicle at his address provided in connection with

- 19 - An Act to Amend the Transport Publlc Utllit18e Act Chp .. 8

the registration of the motor vehicle in tho Territory or elsewhere."

5(1) Subsections 2(1), 2(2), 3(1), 3.1(1), 3.1(2), 3.1(3), 3.2(3), 3.3(3), 12(1), 14(2), 28(1), 29(1), 30(2). 32(2). 35.6(1), 35.7(1). 35.7(2). 36(2), 48(1), 48(2), 48(3), 48(4), 48(7)", 48(8), 48(9), 48.1(1), 48.2(1), 48.2(5), 49(1), 49(3), 50(1) and 50 (2) are amended in each case by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substi­ tuting for it the word "Act".

6(1) Subsections 4(1), 7(1), 13(2) and 17(1) are amended in each caso by striking out the word "Comr:lissioner" wherever it occurs and substitutin.g for it the expression "Cor:lmissioner in Executive Council" •

7(1) Subsections 9(1). 10(2), 11(1), 13(1), 14(1), 16(1), 19(1), 20(1), 21(1) and 23(1) are amended in each case by striking out the word "Cor:lmissioner" wherever it occurs and substituting for it the expression "Executive Council Member".

8(1) Subsection 20(2) is amended by striking out the expression "by the COr:lmissioner under the Highways Ordinance" and substituting for it the expression "under the Highways Act".

9(1) Subsection 52(1) is ar:lended (a) by striking out the expression "The COr:lmissioner may make" and substituting for it the expression "The COJ':'lmissioner in Executive Council r:lay r:lake" , (b) by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substituting for it in each case the word "Act", and (c) in paragraph (x), by striking out the word "CoJ':'lmissioner" and substituting for 'it the expression "Executive Council Member".

- 2U - STATUTBS OF THB YUKON TBRRITORY 1982 (1st), Chapter 9

AN ACT TO AMBND THE YUKON COUNCIL ACT (Assented to April 21, 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act amends the Yukon Council Act.

2 (1) Subsection 1( 1) is repealed and the following is substituted for it: "1(1) This Act may be cited as the Legisla­ tive Assembly Act."

3(1) The Act is amended by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and substituting for it in each case the word "Act".

4 (1) The Act, except section 6, is amended by striking out the word "Council" wherever it appears otherwise than as part of the expression "Executive Council" and substituting for it in each case :the expression "Legislative Assembly".

5(1) Subsection 2( 1) is amended by striking out the definition of "Executive Council".

6(1) Subsection 6(1) is amended by striking out the word "Council" where it last occurs and substituting for it the expression "Legislative Assembly".

(2) Subsection 6 (2) is amended by striking out the word "Council" where it occurs in the first and last lines and substituting for it in each case the expression "Legislative Assembly".

7(1) Subsection 7(2) and paragraphs 7(3)(0, 7(3) (h). 7 (3)( i) and 8 (2)( e J are amended in each case by striking out the expression "Goverlll:Jen t of the Yuicon Territory" and substituting for it the expression "Governr.1ent of Yukon".

- 21 - An Act to Amend the Yukon Council Act Cbp. 9

(2) Paragraphs 8(1)(a) and (b) are amended in each case by striking out the expression "Government of the Territory" and substituting for it the expression "Government of Yukon".

(3) Paragraph 7(3)(j) is amended by striking out the word "Cor.lmissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Commissioner in Executive Council".

8(1) Tho follow·ing now subsection is added to section 40.6: "(3) For tho purposes of subsection (2), the adjustment to be made on April I, 1982, shall be an increase of 10 percent."

(2) Subsection 40.11 (1) is amendod by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Workers' COr.lpensa tion Board".

9 (1) Section 41 is repealed and the following is substituted for it: Annual "41( 1) The COr:1missioner -in Executive Council report shall, within six mon ths after the cnd of each fiscal year, prepare a report sumnarizing the acti vities and affairs of each dopartment of the Govecllr:1ent of Yukon in that year and he shall transmit the report to the Govecnr:1ent Leader who shall immediately table the report in the Legislative Assembly if it is sitting, and otherwise he shall table. the report in the Legislative Asser:1bly within fifteen days after the COr:1mencemcnt of the next sitting."


This is a table of those Statutes included in the Revised Ordinances, 1971, those subsequently added to the consolidation and those enacted since the coming into force of the Revised Ordinances, 1971.

In. = Included in Am. Amended

Enacted Sp. = Spent

Rp. Repealed History c from the earlier of: (i) enactment/ or Re. Re-enacted (ii) inclusion in R.O.Y.T., 1971

N.C.N'.R. = Not Consolidated, Not Repealed.

R.S.Y.T. = Revised Statutes of the Yukon Territory, originally published ,under the ~tle Revised Ordinances of the Yukon Territory.

S.Y.T. = Statutes of the Yukon Territory, published before November 12, 1981, under the title Ordinances of the YUk.on Territory or Ordinances of the ~~nment of Yukon.

* = On April 23, 1982 a date for the commencement of this Act had yet to be proclaimed.

Con~olidatio~ Chapter No. = Chapter designation of the Act having general application t,o members of the public, as contained in the Consolidated version of the Statutes of the Yukon Territory. '


Adult Occupational Training N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 10 Agreements Repeal

Age of Majority A-O.l En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) ,. c.

Alaska Highway Maintenance (1972) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 2

Animal Protection A-O.2 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c.

Apprentice Tra.i.ning A-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-1

Arbitration A-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-2

Archives A-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-3

Area Development 1\.-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, C. A-4/ Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c.3

Assessment and TaKation A-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 18; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 17, s. 440

Assessment in the City of N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c •. 11 l'ill i teho rse

I\.ss1gnment of Book Debts 11.-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-5; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , Cl 20, s. 74*

- 23 - Bills of Sale B-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-1, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 74*

Blasting B-2 In. R~S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-2

Boiler and Pressure Vessels B-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 1; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 1

Brands B-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-3, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20 s.3

Buildin? Standards B-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. ·1 ;. Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 17, s. 440,* Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c,l

Bulk Sales B-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-4

Bulk Sales B-4.05 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 2*

Busines's Development Assistance B-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 1*

Business Licence B-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 2(1, s 4

Cancer Diagnosis C-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-l

Cemeteries and Burial Sites C-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-2

Change o'f 'Name C-3 In. R.S.Y.T. '1971, c. C-3

Child Welfare C-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st). c. 15

Chiropractic C-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 16

Chos,es in Aqtion C-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 75*

Citizenship Instruction C-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-7 I'Igreement

Civil Defence Workers' N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 26· Compensation Agreement

Civil Emergency Measures C-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-8

Co ller;tion C-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. c-9

Community Asslstance C-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 ( 1st), c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 2 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. '" s. 21 Companies C-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-10i Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 76*

- 24 - Compensation for Victims C-l0.l En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 21 of Crime Am. S.Y.T. 1976 ( ls't), c. 5, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 3; AID. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 1

COnditional Sales C-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-lll Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 74*

COndominium C-12 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-121 AID. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 4

COnflict of Laws (Traffic C-12 •. 1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 3 Accidents)

Consumers' Protection C-13 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-13

COntributory Negligence C-14 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-14; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 5

COntroverted Elections C-15 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-15/ Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 3, s. 103

Co-operative Associations C-16 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-16; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 8, AlII. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 41 Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 2

Cornea Transplant C-17 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-17; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 14, s. 16

COroners ':-18 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-18; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (2nd) , c. 17

Corporation Securities :-19 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-19; Reqistration Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 6. Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 74*

Corrections C-19.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 ( 1st), c. 2. AlII. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 7

Court of Appeal C-20 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-20; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 3

Court Worker Agreement N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 ( 1st), c. 3

Credit Union C-20. 1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 2. Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 5*

Credit Unions C-21 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-21. Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 8. Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 6. Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 2, s. 158

Credit.,t:'s' Relief C-22 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-22

Curfew C-23 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-23

Cus,tody of Federal Parole Violators N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 4 Agrf:!ement.

Oawson, City of, General N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 25 Purposes Loan

- 25 - Dawson City Utilities Replacement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 14, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 3, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, s. 1

Dawson General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 31

Dawson iUstoric Sites N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 21 Aid Grants

Day Care 0-01 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 4

Defamation 0-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-1/ ' Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 5

Dental Profession 0-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, C. 0-1/ Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 1

Dependants' Relief 0-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 6

Dependants' Relief 0-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c· 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. ' 10, s. 3

Devolution of Real Property 0-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-4

Disabled Persons' Allowance 0-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-5; Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 11

Distress 0-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 77*

Dog 0-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 5

Elections E-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-l; Am· S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (lrd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 1, s. 104; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 ( 1st), c. 4; Rp. S. 'LT. 1979 (2nd) , c. 18, s. 5

Elections E-l.1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. ); Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 19B1 (2nd) , c. 4

Elections, 1977 E-l.2 See Elections, c. E-l.1

Electoral Oistcict E-l .) En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 2; Bnundaries Am. S. Y. T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, 5.2; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 1

Electoral District N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 1 ; Boundaries Commission Sp. June 17, 1974

Electoral ')istrict N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 ( 1st), c. ); Boundaries Commissi.on Sp. November 7, 1977

Eleetc.ical Protection E-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-2; Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (lrd) , c. )

- 26 - Electrical Protection E-2.01 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 3

Electrical Public Utilities E-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 6

Elevator and Fixed Conveyances E-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-3

Emergency Medical Aid E-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c.1

Employment Agencies E-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 5

Employment Agencies E-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 5

Energy COnservation Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 6*

Engineering Profession E-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-5

Evidence E-6 In. R.S.'Y.T. 1971, c. E-6/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 7/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 9/ Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 4

Executions E-6.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 8

Exemptions E-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-7

Expropriation E-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-8

Factors F-l In. R.S.Y.T.' 1971, c. F-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 78*

Fair Practices F-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-2, Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 7

Faro General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 30

Faro General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 27

Fatal Accidents F-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 9

Fatal Accidents F-l.l En. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 9

Fifth Appropriation, 1971-72 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 28

Fifth Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 16

Fifth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 21

Fifth Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 5 f'inancial Administration F-4 In. R,S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (lrd) , c. 4

Financial Administration F-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (lrd) , c.4

Financial Agreement, 1973 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 28

Fi'lancial Agreement, 1974 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 22

Financial Agreement, 1975 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 21

Financial Agreement, 1976 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 ( 1st), c. 10

- 27 - Financial Agreement, 1977 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 _(1st), c. 14

Financial 'Agreement, 1978 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 19

Financial Agreement, 1979 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 8

Financial Agreement, 1990 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1990 (1st), c. 10

Financial Agreement, 1991 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1991 (1st), c.

Fire Prevention F-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-5, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 18, Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), C. 10/ Am. S.Y.T. 1990 (2nd), c. 12/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 7

Firearms Administration Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 3-

First Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 27

First Appropria-tion, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 21

First Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 17

First Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 20

First Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 11

First Appropriation, 1977-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 15

First Appropriation, 1979-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 19

First Appropriation, 1979-90 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 7

First nppropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), "" . .:

First Appropriation, 1991-92 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1990 (2nd), c. 9

First Appropriation, 1992-83 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1990 (2nd), c. 5

Fitness and Amateur Sport F-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-6 Agreement

Flag F-7 In. R S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-7

Floral Emblem F-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-8

~orest Protection F-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-9; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s.10

Fourth Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 20

Fourth Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S,Y.T. 1973 (4th), c. 24

Fourth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 20

~ourth Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 12

Fourth Appropriation, 1977-79 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1978 (-1st), c. 17

Fourth Appropriation, 1990-91 H.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 6

Fourth Appropriation, 1991-92 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c._2

Fraudulent Preferences F-9.1 En. S,Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 3 and Conveyances

- 29 - Frustrated Contracts F-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-l0; Rp. S.y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 11

Frustrated Contracts F-l0.l En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 11

Fuel Oil Tax F-ll In· R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-11, Rp. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 4

Fuel Oil Tax F-l1. 1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 4, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 9/ Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 2

Fur Export F-12 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-12/ Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) c. 5; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 16, s. 193

Game G-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-l, Am. S. Y .T. 1972 (1st) , c.19; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 11, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 10 I Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 7/ . Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 9i Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 8; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 193

Gaols G-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-2

Gara'ge Keepers' Lien G-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 79*

Garnishee G-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 12

Garnishee G-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 12

Gasoline Handling G-5 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 6

General Development G-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 4 Agreement

Government Employee G-6 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 5; Housing plan Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s.11

Health Care Insurance Plan H-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 3

Highways H-l.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c.l ; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 5; Am. S.y.T. 1978 (1st) , c· 5

Historic Sites and Monuments H-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c.l1

Home OWner's Grant H-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 1/ Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 4

Hospital Insurance Services H-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-3 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 8

- 29 - Hotels and Tourist H-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-4 Establishments

Housing H-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 8-5

Housing Corporation H-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 7

Housing Developnent H-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-6, AlII. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 12

Human Tissue Gift H-7 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 14

Immunity of Members 1-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 1-1, Rp. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 2, s.42

Income Tax 1-1.01 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c.7, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. ,,, AlII. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 7

Institute of Chartered 1-1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 2 Accountants

Insurance 1-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 1-2, Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 1, s. 236

Insurance 1-2.01 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 4, s. 257; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 15, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 9

Insurance Premium' Tax 1-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 ( 1st), c. 2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 12

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 23

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 16

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 5

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1982-83 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 4

International ChUd Abduction 1-2.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 6 (Hague Convention)

Interpretation 1-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 1-3 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 12 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 2, s. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 30, s. 35; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 80; Am. 'S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 4

Interprovincial Subpoena 1-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 7

Intestate Succession 1-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 1-4

Ju.. Ucature .1-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. .1-1; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c· 28, s. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 30, s. 35; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 13; * Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 15; Am. S.y.'T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 81*; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 8

- 30 - Jury J-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. J-2

Justice of the Peace J-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. J-3, Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 8, Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 8, s. 23

Justice of the Peace Court J-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 8, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 9

Labour Standards L-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-1, Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c .• 13/ . Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 9/ Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 14/ Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 9

Land Acquisition Fund L-1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd), c.

Landlord and Tenant L-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-2, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 20; Am. S.Y.T. 198.0 (1st) , c. 20, s. 14; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 10

Lands L-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 8, 14

Lands L-3.01 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 8, ·14, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 8

Legal Aid L-J.l En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 2

Legal Profession L-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 9, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 15

Legal Profession Accounts L-S In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-5 Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 16

Legislative Assembly L-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1978 ( 1st), c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 18; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 25; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 20; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 ( 1st), c. 9

Legitimation L-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-6

Limit'ltion of Actions L-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-7

Liquor L-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-8; Am. S·.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 3, s. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd)' c. 9; Am. S,Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 10* ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 17; Am. S.'{.T. 1980 (1st) " c. 20, s. 17

Liquot" Tax L-B.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. J; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 18

Lolln Agreement (1972), No. 1 N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 26

Loan II.grt!ement (1973), No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 29

Loan Agt"eement (1973) , No. 2 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 ( 1st), c. 30

- 31 - Loan Agreement (1974) , No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 24

Loan Agreement (1975 ), No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 22

Loan Agreement (1975), No. 2 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 14

Loan Agreement (1976) , No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 19.16 ( 1st), c. 13

Loan Agreement (1977) , No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 19

Loan Agreement (1978) , No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 20

Loan Agreement (1979) , No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 9

Loan Agreement (1980), No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980- (1st), o. 19, Rp/Re. S.Y.T. 1.980 (2nd) , c. 14

Loan Agreement (1981) , No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 9

Loan Agreement (1982), No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 5

Local Improvement District L-9 ·In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-9, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 21, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (2nd) , c. 22, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 11, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 22, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 6, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441·

Lord's Day L-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-l0

Lotteries L-l0.1 ·En. S.Y.T. 1974 (~nd) , c. 2

Low Cost Housing L-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-ll

Magistrate's Court M-l See Territorial Court

Maintenance M-2 In. R.S.Y.T. -1971, c. M-2, Am.· S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 30, s. 34, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 15

Marriage M-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-3, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 5

Married Women's Property M-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-4

Matrimonial Property M-4.1 See Matrimonial Property & Family Support

Matrimonial Property & M-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 11, Family Support Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, s. 2

Mechanics' Lien M-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-5, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 132·

Meniation Board M-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 9

Medical Profession M-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-6, Am. .S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 11 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 7; Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 12, 5.63

Medical Profession M-G.l En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 11

- 32 - Mental Health M-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-7; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 14; Am. S.Y.T.• 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 18

Metric Information Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 12

Miners' Lien M-8 In. R;S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-8

Mining Safety M-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-9; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 15, Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 8

Motion Pictures M-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-l0; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 12, s. 2

Motor Vehicles M-ll In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-11, Am. S. Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 23; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 15; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 117 Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 12; Am. S. Y.T. 1976 (2nd), c. 4, Am. S. Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 1, s.236; Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 4, s. 258

Motor Vehicles M-ll.l En. S. Y.T. 1977 (2nd.), c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 19, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 21, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 30, s. 35, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 32, s. 26; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 440; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 11, s. 4

Municipal M-12 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 16; Am. S. Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 14; Am. S. Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 10; Am. S. Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 7; Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 20; Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 30, s. 35; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Municipal M-12.l En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17", Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 10, s. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 11, s. 5; Am. S. Y .T. 1981 (2nd), c. 13

Municipal !\.id M-13 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 11; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 11, s. 21*

Municipal Elections !-i-14 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 12, Rp. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Municipal Employees Benefits !-i-I') En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 1, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Municipal Finance :-1-15.1 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 11*, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 11, s. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 14

Municipal General Purposes r~an (1974) N.~.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 25 f1unicipal General Purposes Loan (1975) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 23

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1976) N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 15

- 33 - Municipal General Purposes Loan ( 1977) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 20

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1978) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 21

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1979) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 10

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1980 ) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 22, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 18

Municipal General Purposes Loan ( 1981) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 12

Newspaper N-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-l, Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 12, s. 3

Noise Prevention N-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-2

Notaries N-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 12

Northern Natural N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 4 Gas Pipeline Agreement

Occupational Training 0-0.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 6

Old Age Assistance and 0-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-1, Blind Persons' Allowance Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 12

Optometry 0-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-2

Parks p-o 1 .En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 12 partnership P-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-l ; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c· 20,' s. 211 Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 19; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 83*

Pawnbrokers and Second- P-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-2 Hand Dealers

Perpetui t tes P-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-l; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 2l

Perpetuities P-l.l En. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 2l

Personal Property Security P-l.2 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20*

Pharmaceutical Chemists P-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1971 (1st) , c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (lrd) , c. II

Pioneer Utility Grant P-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1978 ( 1st), c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 22; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. H; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, s. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 ( 1st), c. 6

Pl.ebiscite p-s In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. p-5

Pounds P-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1971 (1st) , C. 171 Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 2l

Pceswnpt.lon of Oe"lth P-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-7; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 24

- l4 - Presumption of Death P-7.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 24

Public Health P-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-8, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 24/ Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 14

Public Inquiries P-8.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 5

Public Printing P-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-9

Public Service P-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-l0, Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 2, s. 217

Public Service Commission P-l0.l En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 2

Public Service Staff Relations P-ll In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-ll, Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 11

Purchase and Supply Services N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 31 Agreement

Real Estate Agents' Licensing R-O.l En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 24

Reciprocal Enforcement R-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-l, of Judgments Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 21; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 8

Reciprocal Enforcement of R-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-2, Maintenance Orders Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 25

ReCiprocal Enforcement of R-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 25 Maintenance Orders

Recording of Evidence by R-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-3 Sound Apparatus

Recreation Development R-3.l En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 6; Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 440*

Regulations R-4 In. R.S,Y,T, 1971, c. R-4 ; Am. S,Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s, 25

Rehabi li ta tion Services R-5 In. R,S,Y.T. 1971, c. R-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 17

Rental-Purchase Housing N.C.N.R, En. S.Y,T. 1972 (1st) , c. 25

Retirement Plan Benefi.c lar ies R-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 14

Robert Campbell Bridge Agreement N.t;.N.R.' En. S.Y.T. 1973 (4th) , c. 32

Sale of Goods S-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-1

Saw Logs Driving S-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, C. S-2/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 12, s. 4

School S-J In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 14

School 5-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 14; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 22

School Trespass 5-3.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 14

- 35 - Scientists and Explorers S-4 In. R.S.Y.T. ·1971, c. S-4

Second Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 29

Second Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 22

Second Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 18

Second Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 17

Second Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 18

Second Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 16

Second Appropriation, 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 ( 1st), c. 6

Second Appropriation, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 26

Second Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 27

Second Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 15

Securities S-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 26, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 84*

Sen·iors' Income Supplement S-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 7

Sixth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 19

Social Assistance S-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 13

Societies S-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-7; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 15;. Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 20, s. 27; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 23

Society of Industrial S-7.1 See Society.of Management Accountants Accountants

SOCiety of Management S-7.2 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 2 ; Accountants Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 9.

Special Rural Development N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 ( 1st), c. 15 Agreement (Special ARDA)

Stabilization Fund Loan S-7.3 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 ( 1st), c. 9; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 29*

Steam Boilers S-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-8; Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. " s. 43 Sturtents' Financial Assistance S-8.1 En. S. Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 10

Students' Grants S-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-9; Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 6

Summary Convictions S-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 30

Superannuation, Territorial S-10 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-10; Employees Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 16

- 36 - Supervision of Federal Parolees N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 7 Agreement

Supreme Court S-10.1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T-2, Am. S.Y.T. 1971 (3rd) , c. 3, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 28, s. 3

Survival of Actions S-10.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 16

Survlvorship S-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-11 i Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 31

Survivorship 5-11.1 En. S. Y. T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 31

Taxation T-0.1 See Assessment and Taxation

Tenants in Coaunon T-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T-1

Territorial Court T-2 See Supreme Court

Territorial Court T-2.05 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-1; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 28, s. 2

Territorial Municipal N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 Ust), c. 33 Employment Loans

Third Appropr ia tion, 1912-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 19

Third Appropriation, 1973-74 H.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd) , c. 23

Third Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 19

Third Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 15

Third Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 16

Third Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 17

Third Appropriation, 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.'r. 1979 (2nd) , c. 17

Third App ropr ia t ion, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2ndl, c. 24

Third Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 17

Third Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 ( 1st), c. 18

Tobacco Tax T-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2no) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.1'. 1976 ( 1st), c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 19

Trade Scho"ls Regulation T-J In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T,-3

TransEtlr of Prisoner.s Agretlment N;C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 8

Tr.allsport Public Utilities T-4 In. R.S.Y.1'. 1971, c. T-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 32; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 14; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 8

Travel f

'rrav"l Industry Development N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 5 Agr,~ement

- 37 - Trustee T-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T-5; Am. S.Y.T. 19BO (1st·), c. 331 Am. S.Y.T. 19B1 (1st) c. 16, s. 12

Unemployment Assistance Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 13 Repeal variation of Tr;.1sts V-I In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. V-I

Vital Statistics V-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. V-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. lB

Wages Recovery W-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-l

Warehouse Receipts W-l.5 En. S.Y.T. 19B1 (2nd), c. 15* warehousemen's Lien W-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-2; Am. S.Y.T. 19BO(2nd) , c. 20, s. B5*

Whitehorse, N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 197B ( 1st), c. 13 An Ordinance to open a certain portion of Land in the City of

Whitehorse General N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 32 purposes Loan (1972)

Whitehorse General N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 34 Purposes Loan (1973)

Whitehorse (Takhini and N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. lB Valleyview) Lands

Wi Idlife En. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 16

WHls W-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-J

Woodmen's Lien t~-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-4; Am. S.Y.T. 19BO (2nd), c. 20, s. 86*

Workers' Compensation !~-4. 1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. t~-5; Rp/Re. S.Y.T. 1973 (Jrd), c. 6; Am. S.Y.T •. 1975 (Jrd), c. 6, s .4; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lstl, c. 20, 5. 28; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 10, s. 6

Workmen's Compensation N-5 See Workers' Compensation

Workmen's Compensation N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd) , c. 7 Supplernent3ry Benefits

Young Offenders Welfare Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 1

Young VOjageur Agreement En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 9

Yukon Council Y-l See LeCJislative Assembly

Yukon Ri~er Basin H.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 19BO (1st) , c. 34 Study .lIgr.!ement







We begin a new practice with this volume. Regardless of the number of sittings or sessions. Acts passed during a year will be numbered consecu tively. Therefore. you will observe that the Acts reproduced here begin with Chapter 10. This practice will free us all from awkward and often confusing references to sittings and sessions.

Sydney B. Horton Legislative Counsel



2 10 Financial Agreement Act, 1982 An Act to Amend the 1

3 11 Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1982-83, (No. 2) 3

4 12 Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1982-83, (No. 3) 5

6 13 Municipal Act, An Act to Amend the 7

5 14 Students' Financial Assistance Act, An Act to Amend the 8

7 15 Wildlife Act, An Act to Amend the 15

17· 16 Executive Council Act 16

The First Session of the Twenty-Fifth Legislative Assembly was Prorogued on July 14th, 1982.

This Bill was passed in the First Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislative Assembly which was dissolved on April 21st, 1982. On that date, prior to dissolution, the Administrator reserved assent to the Bill.

- i -


FINANCIAL AGREEMENT ACT, 1882 (Assented to July 14, 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act may be cited as the Financial Agreement Act, 1982.

"agreement" 2 (1) In this Act i .'''agreement'' means the agreement entered into pursuant to section 3.

Authority 3(1) Subject to this Act, the Commissioner in Executive for Council is authorized to enter into and execute an agreement agreement providing for the payment by the Government of Canada to the Government of Yukon, in respect of the period of one year commencing on April I, 1982, and ending on March 31, 1983, (a) as an operating grant, an amount equal to $43,088,000, for operating expenses, and (b) as a capital grant, an amount equal to $24,438,000, for capital expenses.

Additional 4(1) The agreement shall provide also that the amounts provisions payable by the Government of Canada to the Government of Yukon shall be paid in the amounts and at the times set forth in a schedule to be provided by the Commissioner in Executive Council and agreed to by the Government of Canada.

Other (2 ) The agreement shall contain such other conditions conditions as may be agreed upon for the purpose of giving effect to this Act.

Amendment 5(1) The agreement may be amended from time to time by agreement between the Government of Canada and the Commissioner in Executive Council, but no such amendment is valid unless it is ratified by the Legislative Assembly.

Other 6 (1) Upon the execution of the agreement. every Act. and laws every regulation or by-law made thereunder,

- 1 - AD Act to Amend the PinaDdal Agreement Act, 1882 Cbp. 10

including the by-laws of every municipality or local improvement district, shall, for the relevant periods provided in the agreement, be deemed to be amended. suspended or inoperative as the case may be to the extent necessary to give effect to the agreement and to permit the Government of Yukon to fulfW every obligation assumed by it under the agreement.

Implementation (2) The Commissioner in Executive Council is empowered to do every act and exercise every power for the purpose of fulfWing every obligation assumed by the Government of Yukon under the agreement.

Duration (3) This section shall remain in operation only for so of section long as may be necessary to give effect to the agreement.

- 2 - .. S"I:ATUTB.S OF THB YUKON TBRRITORY ,., .1982. Chapter 11

INTBRIM SUPPLY APPROPRIATION ACT. 1982-83 (No. 2) (Assented to July 14th, 1982)

Whereas the Commissioner, pursuant to section 16 of thll Finandal Administration Act, ·has authorized the payment of amounts out of the Yukon Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon for the months of May, June .and J.uly, 1982:

The Commissioner. of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and conse.n~ of., the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1; 1) This Act may· be cIted as the Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1882-83 (No. 2).

2( 1) In addition. t.o tl1e ~um. of $37,438,000 provided for in the First Appropriation Act, 1982-83, and the sum of $11,493,000 provided for in the

Interim Supply , ~ppropr1atlon Act, 1982-83, from and out of the Yukon Consolidated Revenue Fund there may be paid and appUed a sum not exceeding in the whole $38,541,000 for defraying the several charges and expensos of the public service of Yukon for the months of May, JUOle and July. 1982 as set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and that sum shall not be paid or appljed except in accordance with Schedule "A".

3( 1) The due application of al monies paid or applied pursuant to section 2 shall be accounted for.

- 3 - Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1882-83 (No. 2) Cbp. 11


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars)

Yukon Legislative Assembly 569,000 Executive Council Office 250,000 Education 8,412,000 Consumer and Corporate Affairs 318,000 Health and Human Resources 6,419,000 Municipal and Community Affairs 2,396,000 Tourism and Economic Development' 707,000 Justice 2,343,000 Highways and Public Works 9,659,000 Public Service Commission 304,000 Intergovernmental Relations 241,000 Finance 1,046,000 Heritage and Cultural Resources 447,000 Renewable Resources 1,122,000 Government Services 1,340,000 Yukon Housing Corporation 873,000 Loan Capital 2,500,000 Loan Amortization (405,000)

Total 38!541 1 OOO

- 4 - ST!\TU,TBS OF THB YUKON TBRRITORY 1882, Chapter 12

INTBRIM SUPPLY APPROPRIATION ACT, 1882-83 (No. 3) (Assented to July 14, 1982)

Whereae it appears, by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates accompanying the message, that the sums mentioned in Schedule "A" of this Act are required for the

purpose of defraying ,c~rtain expenses of the public service of Yukon for the period of four months ending on November 30, 1982.

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act may be cited as the Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1882-83 (No. 3).

2(1) From and out of the YukQn Consolidated Revenue Fund there may be paid and applied a sum not exceeding in the whole $46,310,000 for defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service of Yukon for the period of four months ending November 30. 1982, as set forth in Sched ule "A" of this Act and that sum shall not be paid or applied except in accordance wit h Sched ule "A".

3( 1) The due application of all monies paid or applied pursuant to section 2 shall be accounted for.

- 5 - · ,Interim Supply ~pproprlatlon Act, '1982.;.83 (No. '3) Cbp. 12

SCHEDULE DAD :.:._. ('

Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars)

, . . . Yukon Legislative Assembly 343,000 Executive Council Office 314,000 Education 8,616,000 Consumer and CorpetateAffairs 424,000 Health and Human' Resources 8,559,000 Municipal and Community Affairs 2,234,000 Tourism and Economic Development 699,000 Justice 3,124,000 Highways and' Public Works 10,616,000 Public Service Commission 405,000 Intergovernmental Relations 321,000 Finance 983,000 Heritage and Cultural Reso'ure'es' 596,000 Renewable Resources 1,449,000 Government Services" 1,787,000 Yukon Housing Corpora'tion 358,000 Loan Capital 3,333,000 Loan Amortization 2,149,000

Total 46,310,000


AN ACT TO AiOND THB MUNICIPAL ACT (Assented to July 14th, 1982)

The Commissioner of the· Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act';~ineJltis ! the Municipal Act, being chapter 17 of the Statutes of the Yukon Territory. 1980 '( Second Session). . . ,

2(1) Subsection 440 (2) is repealed.

3(1) Subsection 442(2) is repealed.

(2) Subsection 442(3) is ainended by striking out the expression "at (2)".

- 7 - ..... STA~U:TBS ~F,r~~Y,t,JKON TBRRITORY . 1982. Chapter 14

A.N ACT TO AMEND THB STUDBNTS'.FINANCIAL ASSISTA.NCB ACT . ". . . . ~ " .~ .. (Assented to July 14. 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with

the advice and consent o~ the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act amends The Studente' Financial AaelstaDce Act • . . ~ .

2(1) Subse!=tion ~(l) is repealed and the following is substituted for 'it:

"1(l). . This~ct may be cited, as the Students' FInancial Assistance Act."

3(1) The definition of "approved instit ution" in subsection 2(1) is ame?ded by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Commissioner in Executive Council".

CO Subsection 2(1) is amended by striking out the definitions of "dependent student" and "independent student" and substituting the foUowing new definitions for them:

"dependent "'dependent student' means a student who student" satisfies the requirements of subsection 7(2);

"independent 'independent student' means a student who student" satisfies the requirements of subsection 7(3);

"new 'new resident student' means a student who r~Jsident satisfies the requirements of subsection student" 7( 4) ;".

(3) The definition of "Students' Financial Assistance Officer" in subsection 2( 1) is amended by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Executive Council Member".

- 8 - An Act to AmeQd the Students' Financial Assietance Act Chp. 14

4(1) Subsection 3(1) is amended (a) by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and Bubstit uting for it in each case the word "Act", and (b) by striking out the word "Commissionerll and substituting for it the expression "Executive Council Member ll •

5(1) Subsections 5(1) and (4) are amended in each case by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression IICommissioner in Executive Council ll •

6(1) Subsection 6(1) is amended by striking out the word IICommissionerll and substituting for it the expression "Executive Council Memberll.

7( 1) Section 7 is. repealed and the following is substituted for it: Eligibility 117 (1) To be eligible for financial assistance requirements under this Act, a student shall make an application to the Committee and establish, to the satisfaction of the Committee, that Ca) he is enrolled or registered as a student in a program of studies at an approved instit ution, Cb) he qualifies for financial assistance as a dependent student, as an independent student or as a new resident student under this section, and (c) he is not disqualified under any provision of this Act.

Dependent (2) A student is eligible to receiVe student financial assistance as a dependent student in respect of a quarter, semester or academic year in a program of studies at an approved institution where, at the date of the commencement of his classes in the quarter, semester or academic year, at least one of his parents is a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has resided in the Territory continuously

- 9 - An Act to Amend the Students' Financial Assistance Act Chp. 14

during the immediately preceding period of two years, and (a) he is less than 19 years of age, or (b) he is 19 years of age, he has resided in the Territory continuously during the immediately preceding period of one year, and he has previously received financial assistance as a dependent student.

Independent (3) A student is eligible to receive student financial assistance as an independent student in respect of a quarter, semester or academic year in a program of studies at an approved institution where (a) he has completed two years of secondary education in the Yukon school system or he has received financial as:,istance as a dependent student under subsection (2), and (b) he has reHided in the Territory continuously during the period of two years immediately preceding the date of tho commencement of his classes in that quarter, semester or academic year.

New (4) A student is eligible to receive resident financial assistance as a new resident student student in respect of a quarter, semester or academic year in a program of studies at an approved instit ution where (a) he is less than 19 years of age when he and at least onc of his parents take up residence together in the Territory, and in the opinion of the Committee, he is in fact a dependant of that parent at that time, (b) he completes one year of secondary education in the Yukon school system and commences his program of studies at an approved institution before he attains the age of 19 years, and (c) at the date of the commencement of his classes in the quarter, semester

- 10 - An Act to Amend' tbe Studenta' Ftn8nclal Assistance Act Chp. 14

01' academic year. (i) both he and at least one of his parents have resided in the Territory continuously since taking up residence in the Territory under paragraph (a). and (11) he is less than 24 years of age.

Absence (5) For the purposes of this section, a to study student who is residing in the Territory immediately prior to the date of the commencement of his program of studies shall' be deemed to 'continue to reside in the Terdtory during any immediately . subsequent . period during which' ~e,' is abs'ent from the Territory to pursue his program of studies.

Absence (6) For the purposes of paragraphs (2)(b), for other 3(b) and (4)(c), a student does not purposes become ineligible for financial assistance only because, in the opinion of the Committee, he interrupts his studies and is absent from the Territory for a period of time, not exceeding one academic year, (a) to work in an employment that reasonably is incidental to his 'program of studies at an approved ins tit ution, (b) to work in any other employment with the authorization of the Committee under subsection (B), (c) to travel, (d) to participate in athletic or cultural activities, or (e) to engage in any other activity of which the Committee has given its approval.

Extension (7) The Committee may, upon application, of time ·extend the time limit imposed·. by . subsection (6).

- 11 - AD Act to Amend the _ StudeDts' F~anclal Assistance Act Chp. 14

Absence (8) The Committee may authorize a student at to work any time to work outside the Territory for the purpose of earning money to finance the continuation of his studies where the student satisfies the Committee that (a) it is reasonable for the student to interrupt his studies at that time for that purpose, and (b) the student is unable to find employment in the Territory that, in the opinion of the Committee, is

reasona ble. 11

8(1) The following new section is added immediately after section 7: Special "7.1(1) Notwithstanding section 7, the Committee cases may recommend the payment of financial assistance to a student who is not otherwise eligible under this Act where, in the opinion of the Committee, (a) his ineligibility under subsection 7(2) or 7(4) is entirely the result of the death of one or both of his parents, (b) his ineligibility under subsection 7(2) or (4) is entirely the result of some technical defect in his guardianship, but at least one of the persons standing in the place of his parents satisfies the requirements of paragraph 7(2)(b) or paragraphs 7(4)(a) and (c), as the case may be, or (c) his ineligibility under para[:raph 7(2)(b) or subsection 7(3) or (4) is entirely the result of extraordinary medical, educational or similar reasons that make it reasonably necessary for him to be absent from the Territory.

Connection (2) The Committee shall not recommend any -:0 Territory payment of financial assistance under subsection (1) to a student who is

- 12 - An Act to Amel\d the Students' Financial Assistance Act Chp. 14

eligible for financial assistance in another province or country, or where the student does not, in the opinion of the

Committee, have B close and substantial connection with the Territory."

9(1) Paragraph 8(2)(a) is amended by striking out the expression "to a maximum of $220.00 per quarter, $330.00 per semester', or $660.00 per academic year" and substituting· for it the expression "to a maximum of $250 per quarter, $375 per semester or $750 per academic year".

(2) Paragraph 8(2)(b) is amended by striking out the expression "a sum of $50.00 per quarter, $75.00 per semester or $150.00 per academic year" and substituting for it the expression "a sum of $75 per quarter, $116 ·per·semester or $225 per academic year".

(3) Paragraph8(2)(c)· is amended by striking out the expression "in the amount of $330.00 per quarter, $500.00 per semester or $1000.00 per academic year" and substituting for it the expression "in the amount of $500 per quarter, $750 per semester or $1500 per icademi~ year".

(4) Subsection 8(3) is repealed and the following is substit uted for it: Poor "(3) Where a student receives financial grades assistance in respect of any quarter, semester or academic year and does not attain a 65% average or the equivalent in his program of studies during that quarter, semester or academic year, the amount of financial assistance provided to him in respect of his next ensuing period of eligibility shall not exceed 60\ of the agg."egate amount determined pursuant to subsection (2) unless, before he applies agah for financial assistance under this Act, he attains an average of 65\ or the equivalent in a subsequent quarter, semestllr, or acadomic year."

- 13 - AD Act to Amend. the : StudeDta' Assistance Act Chp. 14 . -' ',' .

10(1) . The following new subsection is added to section 9: Citizenship "(3) . No student is eligible to receive fi,nancial assistance under this Act if he is not a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, except as provided by subsection 7(2)."

.,,1 11(1) Paragraph12(1)(c) is amended by striking out the expression. "Commissioner and the".

12(1) Subsection 13(3) is amended by striking out the word "Commissioner" and substituting for it the expression "Executive Council Member".

13(1) Subsection 14(1) is amended by strik ng out the word "Commissione.r" and substituting for it the

expression "Co~missioner in Executive Council".

14(1) Subsections 2(1), 4(1), 5(6), 6(1), 8(1), 8(2), 8(4), 8(5), 8(6), 9(1), 9(2), 10(1), 10(3), 11(1), 11(2) l'Inrl 14(1) are lImended by striking out the word "Ordinance" wherever it occurs and

substituting for..i~ in each case the word "Act".

15(1) This Act comes into force on August I, 1982.


AN ACT TO AMEND THB WILDLIFB ACT (Assented to July 14, 1982)

The Commissioner' 'of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

l( 1) Schedule I of the Wildlife Act is amended by repealing the description of the boundaries of the · Wildlife Sanctuary and substituting for it the following ,description:


Kluane Wildlife Sanctuary

Comprising all ,that, portion of the Yukon Territory lying within the boundaries described as follows:

Commencing at the point of intersection of the International Boundary between Yukon Territory and the State of Alaska with the middle of the main channel of White River in approximate north latitude 61 degrees 45. minutes; thence south and easterly following the said International Boundary to its intersection with the northern boundary of the Province of British Columbia; thence easterly following the said northern boundary of British Columbia to its intersection with the western boundary of the right of way of the Baines Highway; thence north and, westerly fo1lowing the said westerly and southerly boundary of the highway right of way to its intersection with the south boundary of the Alaska Highway; thence northerly and westerly following the southerly and westerly boundary of the right of way of the Alaska Highway to kilometre 1822.4; thence southerly and westerly 5.31 kilometres in a straight line to a point at the high water mark on the north shore of the Donjek River at approximately 61 degrees 37 minutes 46 seconds north latit ude and 139 degrees 46 minutes 18 seconds west longit ude; thence northerly and westerly in a line 5.31 kilometres from, and parallel to, the Alaska Highway to a point in the middle of the main channel of the White River at approximately 61 degrees 56 minutes 21 seconds north latit ude and 140 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds west longitude; thence southwesterly along the middle of said channel to the point of commencement.



The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

1 (1) This Act may be cited as the "Executive Council Act".

2 (1) This Act shall be construed. notWithstanding anything in this Act to the contrary. so as not to affect or to purport to affect any prOVision of the Yukon Act (Canada).

Executive 3(1) For purp~ses within the legislative authority of Council the Legislature. there shall be an Executive membership Council composed of such members of the Legislative Assembly as the Commissioner may appoint.

(2) The Commissioner shall appoint one of the members of the Executive Council to be the president of the Executive Council.

Duration 4(1) The appointment of a member of the Legislative of Assembly to be a member of the Executive Council, membership upon being 'announced by the Commissioner, is effective until the earlier of (a) the announcement of the appointment of a new Exec'utive Council following the next general election, (b) the receipt by the' Commissioner of the member's written resignation from office, (c) the cessation of the member to be a member of the Legislative Assembly , or (d) the announcement by the Commissioner of the removal of the member from office.

Puwers 5(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council ma/ assign to of member a member of the Executive Council repon~ibility for the exercise of powers under any Act, and the Act shall be specified in the order making the assignment.

- 16 - Executive Council Act Chp. 16

(2) For purposes related to the fulfillment of respon­ siblity assigned to a member of the Executive Council by the Commissioner in Executive Council. the member has authority to execute on behalf of the Government of Yukon (a) any ag~ee·ment authorized under an Act respon­ sibility for the administration of which is assigned to him under subsection (1). and (b) an agreement for the expenditure of Territorial funds in relation to any matter in respect of which he has been named as the responsible member of the Executive Council by the Commissioner in Executive Council.

Transfer of 6(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council may transfer member's to another member of the Executive Council or powers rescind any 'of the responsibilities of a member of the Executive Council indefinitely. for any period of time or until the happening of any event.

7(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council may appoint any member of the Executive Council to act in the place of another member of the Executive Council who is absent from the seat of government or is unable from illness or any other reason to perform the duties of his office.

(2) Subject to sections 5 and 6, where a member of the Executive Council expects to be absent from the seat of government for any period of less than 30 days, he may, with the consent of the president of the Executive Council, name another member of the Executive Council to act in his place while he is absent, and he may name different members of the Executive Council to act in his plac:l with respect to his various duties and responsibilities.

COr:Jmissioner 8 (1) For all purposes within the legislative competence acting only of the Legislature, every power of tht! Commissioner with Executive Council shall be exercised by him only with the advice and consent of the Executive Council as signified to him by the president of the Executive Council or a

member of the ~xecutive Council acting in the place of the president.

- 17 - Executive., , , Council Act Chp. 18

(2) Subject to subsection (1), wherever a power of the Commissioner within the legislative competence of the Legislature is expressed in an Act as a

discretionary po~er, the power shall be exercised by him promptly upon receipt from the Executive Council of its advice that the power be exercised.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to this Act or the Legislative Assembly Act.

9(1) This Act comes into force on May I, 1982.

Note: This Bill was passed in the First Sitting' of the Fifth Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislative Assembly which was dissolved on April 21st, 1982. On that date, prior to dissolution, the Adminis­ trator reserved assent to the Bill.


This is a table of those Statutes included in the Revised ordinances, 1971, those subsequently added to the consolidation and those enacted since the coming into force of the Revised ordinances, 1971.


In. Included in Am. = Amended

En. Enacted Sp. = Spent

Rp. Repealed History = from the earlier of: (i) enactment I or Re. Re-enacted (ii) inclusion in R.O.Y.T., 1971

N.C.N.R. = Not Consolidated, Not Repealed.

R.S.Y.T. = Revised Statutes of the Yukon Territory, originally published under the title Revised Ordinances of the Yukon Territory.

S.Y.T. = Statutes of the Yukon Territory, published before NoveMber 12, 1981, under the title ordinances of the Yukon Territory or ordinances of the Government of Yukon.

* = On July 19, 1982 a date for the commencement of this Act had yet to be proclaimed.

Consolidation Chapter No. = Chapter designation of the Act having general application to members of the public, as contained in the Consolidated version of the Statutes of the Yukon Territory.


Adult Occupational Training N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 10 Agreements Repeal

Age of Majority A-0.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c.

Alaska Highway Maintenance (1972) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 2

Animal Protection A-0.2 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c.

Apprentice Trnining A-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-1

Arbitration A-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-2

!!.rchives A-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-l

Area Development 11.-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. A-4: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (lrd) , c.l

As~essment and Taxation A-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 13: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 18: Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 16: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 2: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 17, s. 440

A5sessment in the City of N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 11 Whitehorse

As~ignm~nt of Book Debts A-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-5: Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 74

- 19 - Bills of sale B~1 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. B-1, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 74

Blasting B-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-2

Boiler and Pressure Vessels B-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 1, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 1

Brands B-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-3, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20 s.3

Building Standards B-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , ·c. 1, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 17, s. 440,* Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c.1

Bulk Sales B-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-4

Bulk sales B-4.05 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 2*

Business Development Assistance B-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), ·c. 1*

Business Licence B-5 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. B-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s 4

Cancer Diagnosis C-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-1

Cemeteries and Burial Sites C-2 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-2

Cnange of Name C-3 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-3

Child Welfare C-4 In •. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-4/ Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 15

Chiropractic C-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-S/ Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 16

Choses in Action C-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 75

Citizenship Instruction C-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-7 Agreement

Civil Defence Workers' N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 26 Compensation Agreement

Civil Emergency Measures C-8 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-8

Collection C-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-9

Community Asslst~nce C-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 1/ Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 4/ Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 8/ Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 1/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 11, s. 21

Comp"lnies C-10 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-l0; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 76

- 20 - Compensation for Victims C-10.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 2, of Crime Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 5, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 3, Am. S. Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 10, s. 1

Conditional Sales C-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-11, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 74

Condominium C-12 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-12, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 5, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 4

Conflict of Laws (Traffic C-12.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 3 Accidents)

Consumers' Protection C-13 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-13

Contributory Negligence C-14 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-14, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 5

Controverted Elections C-15 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-15, Am. S. Y. T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 3, s. 103

Co-operative Associations C-16 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-16; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 ( 1st ) , c. 8, Am. S. Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 7, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 4; Am. S. Y.T. ·1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 2

Cornea Transplant C-17 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-17, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 14, s. 16

Coroners C-18 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-18, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (2nd) , c. 17

Corporation Securities C-19 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-19; Registration Am. S.Y.T. 1990 (1st) , c. 20, s. 6/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 74

Corrections C-19.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 7

Court of Appeal C-20 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-20, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 3

Court Worker Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 3

CredL: Union C-20.1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , C. 2/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 5·

Crerlit Unions C-21 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-21; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 8, Am. S. Y. T. 1976 (1st) , c. 6/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 2, s. 159

Credit"rs' Relief C-22 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-22

Curfew C-23 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. C-23

Custod:' of Federal Parole Violators N.e. N. R.- En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 4 Agreement

Dawson. City of, General N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 25 Purpo,;es Loan

- 21 - Dawson City Utilities Replacement N.C.N.'R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 14, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16~ s. 3, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, s. 1

Dawson General Purposes Loan N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 31

Da.wson Historic Sites N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 21 Aid Grants

Day care 0-01 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 3, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 4

Defamation 0-1" . ~ . In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-1 i Alii. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), ·c. 5

Dental Profession 0-2 ~ , . In. R.S. Y.T.· 1971, C. 0-1, Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 9, Am. S. Y.T. 1979 (1st) , co' 1

Dependants • Relief 0-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 6 Dependants' Relief 0-3.1 ... En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 6, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 3

Devolution of Real Property 0-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 0-4

Disabled Persons' Allowance 0-5 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 0-5, Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 ( 1st), c. 11

Oi,str,ess 0-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-6, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 77

Dog D-7 In. R..S.Y.T. 197~ , c. D-7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 5

Elections E-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (Jrd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 2, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 3, s. 104; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 ( 1st), c. 4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 18, s. 5

Elections E-l.l· En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2'nd) , c. 3, Alii. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 7, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 4.

Elections, 1977 E-l.2 See Elections, c. E-l.1

Electoral District E-l.3 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 2; Boundaries Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, s.2, Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st l" c. 1

Electoral District N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 1 ; 80unrlaries CommissLon Sp. June 17, 1974

Electoral District N.C.N.R. : En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 3; Boundaries Commission Sp. November 7, 1977

Electrical Protection E-2' . ~ ; . In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-2/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (Jrd) , c. 3

- 22 - Electrical Protection E-2.01 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 3

Electrical Public Utilities £-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st) , c. 4, Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 6

Elevator and Fixed Conveyances E-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-3

Emergency Medical Aid E~3.'l En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c.l

Employment Agencies E-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. E-4/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 5

Employment Agencies £-4.1 En. S. Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 5

Energy Conservation Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st) , c. 6*

Engineering Profession £-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-5

Evidence £-6 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. E-6/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 7, Am. S,.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 9/ Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 10, s. 4

Executions E';'6. ; En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 8

Executive Council E-6.2 En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 16

Exemptions £":7 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. E-7

Expropriation £-8 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. E-8

Factors F-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 78

Fair Practices F-2 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. F-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 7

Faro General Purposes Loan N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 30

Faro General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 197J (1st) , c. 27

Fatal Accidents F-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1!J71, c. F-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 9

F-!tal Accidents F-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 198(1 (1st) , c. 9

Fifth Appropriation, 1971-72 N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 197~ (1st) , c. 28

Fifth Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 16

~'ifth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 21

Fifth Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 5

Financ ia 1 Administration F-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 4

Financial Administration F-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c.4

~'inancial Agreement, 1973 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 28

Financ ial Agreement, 1974 N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 22

Financial Agreement, 1975 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 21

- 23 - Financial A9reement, 1976 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 10

Financial A~eement, 1977 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 14

Financial A9reement, 1978 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 C1st), c •. 19

Financial A~eement, 1979 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 8

Financial A9reement, 1980 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 10

Financial A~eement, 1981 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1981 (1st), c.

Financial A9reement, 1982 EN. S.Y.T. 1982, c.l0 . . Fire Prevention F-5· In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-5, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c •. 18, Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 10, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 12, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 7

Firearms Administration A~eement N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 3

First Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 27

First Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C. N. R. En. S. Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 21

First Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 17

First Appropriation, 1975-76 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 20

First Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 11

First Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 15

First Appropriation, 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 18

First Appropriation, 1979-80 N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 7

First Appropriation, 1980-81 En. S. Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 4

First Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 8

First Appropriation, 1982-83 En. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 5

Fitness and Amateur Sport F-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-6 Agreement

Flag F-7 In. R S. Y.T. 1971, c. F-7

Floral Emblem F-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-B

~'orest Protect ion In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. F-9; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s.10

Fourth Appropri~tion, 1972-73 N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 20

Fourth Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (4th), c. 24

Fourth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 20

eourth Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 12

Fourth Appropriation, 1977-78 En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 17

Fourth Appropriation, 1980-81 En. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 6

.;; 24 - Fourth Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 2

Fraudulent Preferences 11'-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 ( 1st) , c. 3 and Conveyances

Frustrated Contracts 11'-10 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. F-10; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 11

Frustrated Contracts 11'-10.1 En. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 11

Fuel Oil Tax F-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-11; Rp. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 4

Fuel 011 Tax 11'-11.1 En. S. Y.T. 1973 pst) , c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 9, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 2

Fur Export 11'-12 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. F-12; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) c. 5; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 193

Game G-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-l, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st) , c.19; Am. S. Y.T. 1973 ( 1st), c. 11 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 10; Am. S. Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 7, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 6, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 9, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 8; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 193

Gaols G-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-2

Garage Keepers' Lien G-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971 ,. c. G-3, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 79

Garnishee G-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-4, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 12

Garnishee G-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 12

Gasoline Handling G-5 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 6

General Development G-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1917 (1st) , c. 4 I\greement

Government Employee G-6 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 5; Housing Plan Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 13; IIm. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. ·20, s. 11

He"-lth C,,-re Insura nce Plan H-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-l, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 3

Highways H-l.l En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 1; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 5; Am. S. Y. ·T. 1978 (1st), c. 5

Historic Sites and Monuments H-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c .11

Home Owner's Grant 8-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 6; 11.01. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 4

- 25 - Hospital Insurance Services H";3" In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-3, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 8

Hotels and TOurist H-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-4 Establishments

Housinq H-5 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. H-S

Housinq Corporation H-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 ( 1st), c. 7

Housinq Development H-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-6, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 12

Human Tissue Gift H-7 • En. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 14

Immunity of Members 1-1 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1-1/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c • 2, s.42 .. - Income Tax 1-1.01 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c.7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 11; Am. S. Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 7

Institute of Chartered 1-1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 2 Accountants

Insurance 1-2 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1-2; Rp. S. Y. T. 1917 (1st) , c. 1, s. 236

Insurance 1-2.01 En. S.Y.T. 1917 (1st) , c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1917 (2nd) , c. 4, s. 257/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 15/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 12, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 9

Insurance Premium Tax 1-2.1 En. S. Y. T. 1976 (1st) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 12

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1974-75 N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 23

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1980-81 N.e.N~R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 16

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1981-82 N.e. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 5

Interim Supply Approprioltion, 1982-83 N.e. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 4

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1982-83 (No. 2) N.e. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 11 Interim Supply Appropriation, 1982-83 (No. 3 ) N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 12

International Child Abduction 1-2.2 En. s. Y. T. 1981 (1st) , c. 6 (Hague Convention)

Interpretation 1-3 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1-3; Am. S.Y.T. 197) ( 1st), c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 2, s. 4/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. '20, s. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 30, s. 35; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 80; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 4

Interprovincial Subpoena 1-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 7

Intestdte Succession 1-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1-4

- 26 - Judicature J-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. J-l, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 13, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lat) , c. 28, a. 1, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lat) , c. 30, a. 35, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 13, • Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, a. 81, Am. S. Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 8

Jury J-2 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. J-2

Justice of the Peace J-3 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. J-3, Am. S. Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 8, Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 8, a. 23

Juatice of the Peace Court J-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 8r Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 9

Labour Standarda L-l In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. L-l, Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (lat ), c. 13, Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 9, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 14, Am. S. Y. T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 9

Land Acquisition Fund L-1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c.

Landlord and Tenant L-2 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c •. L-2, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 20, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 14/ Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 10

Lands L-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-3, Rp. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 8, 14

Lands L-3.01 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 8, 14; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 8

Legal Aid L-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 2

Legal Profession L-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. L-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 9, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 15

Legal Profession Accounts L-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-5 Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 16

Legislative Assembly L-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 18; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 25, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 20; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 9

IP-gi.tim'ltion L-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-6

Li.mi.tation of Actions L-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-7

Li'luor L-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-8; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 3, s. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 10*; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 17; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 17

- 27 - Liquor Tax L-8.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 "(1st), c. 3, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 18

Loan Agreement (1972), No. 1 N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 26

Loan Agreement (1973), No. N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 29

Loan Agreement (1973), No. 2 N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 19~3 (1st), c. 30

Loan Agreement (1974), No. N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 24

Loan Agreement (1975), No. N.C.N.R'- En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 22

Loan Agreement (1975), No. 2 N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 14

Loan Agreement (1976), No. N.e.N~R."" En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 13

Loan Agreement (1977), No. N.C.N.R •. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 19

Loan Agreement (1978), No. N.e.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 20

Loan Agreement (1979), No. N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 9

Loan Agreement (1980), No. N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 19, Rp/Re. S.Y.T. "1980 (2nd), c. 14

Loan Agreement (1981), No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 9

Loan Agreement (1982), No. N.e.N.R. En. S. Y. T. 1982 (1 st), c. 5

Local Improvement District L-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-9, Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 21; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (2nd), c. 22; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), C. 22/ Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 6; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Lord's Day L-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-l0

Lottel"ies L-l0.l En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 2

Low ec·st Housing L-l1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-l1

Magistrate's Court M-l See Territoriai Court

Maintenance M-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 30,s. 34; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15 See Matrimonial Property & Family Support. f-ln rr iage M-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 10, s. 5

Mar.ried Women's Property M-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-4

Matrimonial Property M-4.1 See Matrimonial Property & Family Support

Matrimonial Property & M-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 11; Family Support Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 11, s. 2

Mechanics' Lien M-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 82

- 28 - Mediation Board M-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 9

Medical Profession M-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-6, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 11, Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 7, Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 12, s.63

Medical Profession M-6.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 12, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 11 Mental Health M-7 In. R.S.Y.T.' 1971; c. M-7, Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 14, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 18

Metric Information Agreement N.C.N.R. ~n. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 12

Miners' Lien M-8 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. M-8 Mining Safety M-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-9; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 15, Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 8

Motion Pictures M-l0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-l0; RP. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 1.2, s.' 2

Motor Vehicles M-ll In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-l1/ Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 23; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 15, Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd), c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 1, 5.236; Rp. S. Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 4, 5. 258

Motor Vehicles M-ll. 1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c., 4, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 19; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 21; Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 30, s. 35; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 32,'s. 26; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, 5. 440; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 11, s. 4

Municipal M-12 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), '=. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 14; Am. S. Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 10, Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 7; Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 20; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 30,5.35; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Municipal M-12.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17*; Am. S. Y. T. 1981 (1 s t ), c. 10 , s. 7 ; Am. S. Y. T. 1981 ( 2 nd), c. 11, 5. 5: Am. S.Y.T. 19B1 (2nd), c. 13: Am. S.Y.T. 19B2, c. 13

Mun ie lp.3l .;id M-13 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 11; Rp. S.Y.T. 19B1 (1st), c. 11, s. 21*

Municipal Elections M-14 En. S. Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 12; RP. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Municipal Employees Benefits !o1-15 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 1; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

- 29 - Municipal Finance M-15.1 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 11, Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c.- 11, s. 6, Am. S. Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 14

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1974) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 25

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1975) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 23

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1976) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 15

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1977) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 20

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1978) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 21

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1979) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 10

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1980) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 22, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 18

Municipal General Purposes Loan (1981) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 12

Newspaper N-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-l, Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 12, s. 3

Noise rrevention N-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-2

Notaries N-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 12

Northern Natural N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 4 Gas Pipeline Agreement

Occupational Training 0-0.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 6

Old Age Assistance and In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-1; Blind Persons' Allowance Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 12

Optometry 0-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-2

Parks P-Ol En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 13, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 12

Par.tnership P-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-1; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 21, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 19; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 83

Pawnbrokers and Second­ P-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-2 Hand Dealers

Perpetuities P-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-3; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 23

Perpetuities P-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 23

Personal Property Security P-3.2 En. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20

Pharmar.eutical Chemists P-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-4; Am. S. Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 13

Pioneer Utility Grant P-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 1, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 22; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 11, s. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 6

- 30 - Plebiscite 1'-5 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1'-5

Pounds P-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-6, Am. S.Y.T. 197] (1st) , c. 17, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 2]

Presumption of Death P-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-7, Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 24 P-7.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 24

Public Health P-8 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1'-8; Am. S. Y.T. 1972 (1st) , C. 24/ Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (]rd) , c. 14

Public Inquiries P-8.1. En. S.Y.T. 197] (1st) , c. 5

Public Printing P-9 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 1'-9

Public Service P-l0 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. P-l0, Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 2, s. 217

Public Service Commission P-l0.l En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 2

Public Service Staff Relations P-ll In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, C. P-11/ Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (]rd) , c. 11

Purchase and Supply Services N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 197] (1st) , c. ]1 Agreement

Real Estate Agents' Licensing R-O.l En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , C. 5/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st), c. 20, s. 24

Reciprocal Enforcement R-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-l ; of Judgments Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 21 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 ( 1st), c. 10, s. 8

Reciprocal Enforcement of R-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-2, Maintenance Orders Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 25

Reciprocal Enforcement of R-2.1 En. S.'i.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 25 Maintenance Orders

Recording of Evidence by R-] In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. R-] Sound Apparatus

Recreation Development R-].l En. S.Y.T. 1977 ( 1st) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 17, s. 440*

Regulations R-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-4; Am. S.'i.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 25

Rehabilitation Services R-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 17

Renta l-Purchase Housing N.C.N.R. En. S.'i.T. 1972 (1st), c. 25

Ret irement plan Beneficiaries R-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 14

Robert Campbell Br idge Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 197] (4th) , c. J2

Sa le of Goods S-l In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. 5-1

Saw Logs Dri. ving S-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-2; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 12, s. 4

- ]1 - School S-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-3/ Rp. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 14

School S-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 14/ Am. S.Y.T. 1990 (2nd), c. 22

School Trespass S-3.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 14

Scientists and Explorers S-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-4

Second Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 29

Second Appropriation, 1973-74 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 22

Second Appropriation, 1974-75 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 18

Second Appropriation, 1975-76" En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 17

Second Appropriation, 1976-77 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 18

Second Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. " En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 16

Second Appropriation, 1978-79 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st), c. 6

Second Appropriation, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 26

Second Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 27

Second Appropriation, 1991-92 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 15

Securities S-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-5/ Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 26/ Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), ..... 20, s. 84

Seniors' Income Supplement S-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 7

Sixth Appropriation, 1974-75 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 19

Social Assistance S-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 13

Societies S-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-7; Am. S. Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 15, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, S. 27/ Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 23

Society of Industrial S-7.1 See Society of Management Accountants Accountants

Society of Management S-7.2 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 2; Account'lnts Am. S. Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 9

Special Rural Development N.e.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 15 Agreement (Special ARDA)

Stabilization Fund Loan S-7.3 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 9; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 29*

Steam Boilers S-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-8; Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 1, s. 4::.

Stu~ents' Financial Assistance S-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 14

-32 - Students' Grants S-9 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. S-9, Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 6

Summary Convictions S-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 30

Superannuation, Territorial S-10. In. R.S.Y •. T. 1971, c. S-10, Employees Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 16

Supervision of Federal Parolees N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 7 Agreement

Supreme Court S-10.1 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. T-2, Am. S.Y.T. 1971 (3rd) , c. 3, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 2, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 28, s. 3

Survival of Actions S-10.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 16

Survivorship S-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-11, Rp. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 31

Survivorship S-".1 En. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 31

Taxation T-0.1 See Assessment and Taxation

Tenants in Common T-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T-l

Territorial Court T-2 See Supreme Court

Territorial Court T~2.05 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-I, Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 2, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 28, s. 2

Territorial .Municipal N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 33 Employment Loans

Third Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 19

Third Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd) , c. 23

Third Appropriation, 1974-75 N.e. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 19

Third Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 15

Third Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 16

Third Appropriiltion, 1977-78 N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 17

TIlird Appropr ia t ion, 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 17

Third Appropri'ltion, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 24

Third Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 17

Third Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 ( 1st), c. 18

Tobacco TalC T-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 9, I\m. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 19

Trade Schools Regul'ltion T-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T-3

Transfer of Prisoners Agreement N.e.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 8

- 33 - Transport Public Utilities T-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1911, c. T-4, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. ]2, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 14, Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st) , c. 8

Travel for Medical Treatment T-4.1 En. S. Y.T. 1915 (2nd), c. 4

Travel Industry Development N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1915 (2nd) , c. 5 Agreement

Trustee T-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1911, c. T-5, Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. ]], Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) c. 16, s. 12

Unemployment Assistance Agreement N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1915 (1st) , c. 13 Repeal

Variation of Trusts V-l In. R.S. Y.T. 1911, c. V-l

Vital Statistics V-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1911, c. V-2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1913 ( 1st) , c. 18

Waqes Recovery W-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1911, c. W-l

Warehouse Receipts W-l.5 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 15*

Warehousemen's Lien W-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1911, c. W-2/ Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 85

Whitehorse, N.C.N.R•. En. S.Y.T. 1918 (1st), c. 13 An Ordinance to open a certain portion of Land in the City of

Whitehorse General N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1912 (1st) , c. 32 Purposes Loan ( 1912)

Whitehorse General N.C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1913· (1st), c. 34 Purposes Loan ( 1913)

Whitehorse (Takhini and N.C.N.R. En. S. Y. T. 1915 (2nd) , c. 18 Valleyview) Lands

Wildlife W-2.5 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 15

Wills W-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1911, c. 1'1-3

Woodmen's Lien W-4 In. R.S. Y.T. 1971, c. W-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 86

Workers' Compensittion W-4.1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1911, c. 1'1-5; Rp/Re. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1915 (3rd) , c. 6, s .4, Am. S.Y.T. 1911 (2nd) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 28; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 10, s. 6

W,)rkmen's Compens"tion w-5 See Workers' Compensation l'lorkmen's Compensation N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd) , c. 7 Supplementary Benefits

Young Offenders Welfare Agreement N.e.M.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 3

Young Voyageur Agreement N.C.N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 9

- 34 - Yukon Council Y-1 See Legislative Assembly

Yukon River Basin NoCoNoRo Eno SoYoTo 1980 (1st), Co ]4 Study Agreement

- 35 -








IS 17 Agri~ulturc Developmen t Act

20 18 The Compaines Act, 6 An Act to Amend

4 19 Fifth Appropriation Act, 1981-R~ 13

19 20 First Appropriation Act, 19f13-84 16

11 21 The Insurance Act, 18 An Act to Amend

14 22 Land Planning and Development Act 20

5 23 Landlord 'and Temmt Act, 38 An Act to Arr.end

2 24 Legislative Assembly Act, 55 An Act to Amend the

8 25 L1q4or Act, 57 An Act to Amend the

13 26 Mqt('lr Vehicles Act, 64 An Act to Amend the

16 27 Municipal Finllnce Act, 73 An Act to Amend the

12 28 Optometry Act, 74 An Act to Amend the

6 29 Partnership Act, 77 An Act to Amend the

7 30 Personal Property Security Act, 105 An Act tq Amend the

17 31 Public Sector Compensation Restraint 124 (Yukon) Act

3 32 Second Appropriation Act, 19CZ-B3 129

18 33 Third Appropriation Act, 1982-83 132

10 34 Wildlife Act, 136 An Act to Amend the

9 35 Workers' Compensation Act, 140 An Act io Amend the

The Second Session of Jhe Twenty-Fifth Ler,ir.lative Assembly was aqjotlned on December 9, 1982.

- i -

STATUTES OF THE \lUIWN TERRITOfi¥ .1982. Chapter 17

AGRICULTURE DEVEwpr.';ENT ACT (Assent~d to .'December 9. 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Asser.1bly. enacts

~H) In tbs: Act. "lands" means properties to ·which the L<\nds Act applies.

3(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council shall establish

an Agriculture Developm·~nt Courci!.,

4 (]) The Agriculture Development COllncij shall consist of three rncl'1bers appointed by the Commissioner in

Executive Council to hold office for not. more ~hdn three years at a time.

(2) One of the members shall. be appointed chairman. and another. vice-chairman.

5 (l) ,The chairman, of the Agricllltqr~ Development C(juncil is its chief executive officer. and he shall ",Ca) supervise and direct the work of the Council. and

Cb) presipe at 9~ttir.gS of th~ C(,lUncil.

(2) \"he~e the chairman is unable, ·at any time for any

r~ason to exercise the powers or perform the duties of his office. the vice-chairman may act. in his place.

6(1) A quorum is two members of the Agriculture Development Council. but a vaqmcy in the membership

- 1 - Agriculturc Development Aet Chp. 17

of the Council doc!' not impair the right of t h" remainder to act.

7 (I) A member of the Agriculture Devclopment Council who is not a member of the public service of Yukon Territory may be pain transp(1rtation. accommodation and living expenses incurred in connection with thc performance of his duties away from his'ordinary place of residence but. except as otherwise provided by the regulations. the p"yment of :.:alch expenses shall conform as nearly as posdble in all respects to the payment of sur.h expenses for members (If the public . sp.rvir.e of Yukon.

R (l; The Executive Council I.~ember may establh;h terms of reference to be followed by the Agriculture Development' Council in the performance of its duties under this Act.

9(1) Subject to thp. directions of the Executive Council Member. for the purp(1s

- 2 - Agriculture Development Act Chp. 17

sale or lease, or other agreements, (v) land use and ,subdivision controls Cor such lands, and (vi) prices for disposition of such lancls, and methods of payment: (b) the inspection, storage and marketing of . agricultural products, and the provision of relatcd service!;, (c) the institution and carrying out of advisory, research, promotional or educational programs relating to agriculture, and (d) the collection and disscmination of information respecting agriculture ill Yukon.

10 (l) The Agriculture Development Council shall, at the request of the Executive Counci! Member and at, any time it consider:; it appropriate to do ~o, advise the Executive Council Member generally respecting agriculture 'in Yukon and, in, particular, with respect to any of the following matter:" (a) the' assessment of the agricultural potential of Yukon, including the identification and evaluation of agricultural land. agricultural rer.earch,' and analysis pf markets, transportation ancl other factors affecting agriculture: (b) the clevelopll1ent of the agricultural potential of Yukon including (D the establishment and maintenance of farms and other agricultural enterprises, (ii) the clearing ane! improvement of land for agriculture, (iii) the clisposition. of Crown land for agricultuJOal, purposes, , (iv) i,rrigation and the supply of wate)' for agricultural purposes, (v) the provision of technical anc' other

- 3 - Agriculture Development Act Chp. 17

'assistance to persons engaged in agriculture, and (vi) the coordination of agricultural programs of Yukon with programs of Canada or any province, (c) the preservation, protection and management of the agricultural potential of Yukon, incJudin g 0) the preservation of agricultural land for agriculture, Oi) soil consf"rvation, (iii ) the control of agricultural c1ise,Lses, pest!: and weeds,

(iv) the zoning of a~ricultural land, . and (v) grazing and othc)' agricultural uses of public land; (d) the taxation of farms ,and other agricultural enterprises, and the taxation of agricultural land and activities on such land, (c) tne regulation of agricultural acti vities for the

benefit of the agric1:1tu'r:::J co~::-:un!ty or the

public, incJ11dinr; (j) the control of livestock running at large, Oi) the operation of agricultural equiprr.ent on 'public highways, (Hi) seed control, (iv) the branding of livestock and the administration of the Brands Act, and (v) the establishment and mainten

~.lember may require.

- 4 - Agriculture Development Act Chp. 17

11(1 ) The Commission in Executive Council !"lay make regulations (a) respecting the expen!les that may be paid to members of the Agriculture Development Council; (b) establishing agricultural programs of the Governmell t of Yukon; (c) provi1ing for the participation of the Agriculture Development Council in the disposition of land for agricultural purposes; (d) providing for the coordination of policies and

programs under thi~ Act . with policies and programs of the Government of Canada in Yukon; and (n) generally. makir.g provision for ::llch matters as he c()nDiciers necessary tor carrying this Act into effect.


AN ACT TO MtEND THE COMPJ\rHES ACT (Assented to December 9. 19B2)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by ancl with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

1 (I} This Act amends the Companies Act.

20) The following are added immediately after scction 62:

"62.10) Subject to sections 62.2 to 62.9, a c:ompan y may purchase shares issued by it.

(2) Unless its articles otherwise provide, the company shall exercisc the power cunferred by this section by resulution of the directors.

62.2(1) When a company purchases any share issued by 'it of a class with par value, the issued capital is thereby decreased hy an amount equal to the par value of the share.

(2) When a company purchases any share issued by it of a class without par value, the issued capital is thereby decreased by an amount equal to the amount obtained hy dividing (a) the amount of the consideration received by the compa.ny from time to time for which the shares of that class were issued. less any reduction of capital

- 6 - An Act to Amend the Companies Act Chp. 18

with respect to those shares effected l;ly the company in accordance with this Act. by (b) the n umbeT of issued shares of that class.

(3) Shares that have been isslled by a company and purchased by it sh .. ll be restored to the status of authorized but unissucd shares.

62.3(1) A company shall not mnke any payment to

purchase any share i~sued by it if the directors have reasonable grounds for believing that (a) the company is. or would be aftcr the payment. enable to pay its liabilities as they become due. or (b) trye realizable value of the company's assets after the payment would be less than the aggregate of its li!lbiliti~5 and the paid up capital of the remaining shares of eyery class.

62.4(1) Any directors who vote in favour of or consent to a payment that is or would be contrary to section 62.3 are jointly al1d severally liable to restore to the company

any amount so paid apd not o~herwise recover'cd by the company.

(2) A director who satisfies part or all of a liability under subsection (1) is entitled to contribution from the other directors who

- 7 - An Act to Ar.lcnd the CompAnies Act Chp. 18

voted in favour of or consented to the payment.

(3) WherE:' a" company has made a payment to purchase any share contrary to section 62.3. (a) ;my creditor who was a creciitor at the time of the vote or consent. (b) any shareholder. OT Cc) any director who is liable under subsection Cl) • may apply to the COUTt by origir,ating application for an order compelling the shareholder or former shareholder to whom or for whose benefit the payment was r.1ade to repay to the company an ilmount equal to the payment by the company for that share.

(4) On an appliciltion under subsection (3). the Court may (A) order the shareholder or former shareholder to whom or for whose benefit the payment was made to pay to the" company an amount equal to the payment made by the cornpany: (b) order the company issue an equivalent number of shilres to the shareholder or the former shareholder; (c) make any other ordcr that it thil'ks appropriate to restor·c all parties to the position they were in before the company made the p?yment contrary to section 62.3.

- 8 - An Act'tq Amend the Companies Act Chp. 18

6Z. 5 (]) . A company that purchases shares issued by if'shall 'notify the Registrar within 30 days of the date of the purchase or of the first payment for the shilres, whichever shall first 'occur, of the date, the number and the class of shares'that the company has purchased or made a payment for.

62.6(1) Where a company purchnses a share issued by it and, for the purpose of that purchase, uses for its own benefit or advantagll informatio.n that, if generally known, WOllld reasonably be expeCted to affect materially the value of the share the company is liable

to compensate any shareholder 01· former shareholder from whom the share was purchased for any loss suffered by that person as a result of the purchase.

(2) A company has no I\ability under subsection (1) where, at the time of the purchase, the shareholder knew or ought reasonably to have known the information.

62.7(1) Unless 'all of the shareholders at the date of thE purchase have unanimously agreed in writing to the proposed purchase, a company that proposes to purchase shares issucci by it shall (a) make its offer to purchasc to cvery shareholder who holds shares of the class to be purchased, (b) deliver or mail, in the manner prescribed in the articles of association

- 9 - An Act to Amend the Companies Act Chp. 18

of the company for giving a notice of meeting ",! the shareholders. a copy of the offering circular to each shareholder of record at the time of the offer stating the number and the dass of shares that the company proposes to purchase and the amount it proposes to

pay for each share. ~nu (c) file a copy of the offerirg circular with the Registrar within 15 days of the date that it is first delivered or mailed to the shareholders.

(2) \'/here the shareholders aBree to sell a greater number of shares than the company offered to buy. the company shall make its p':lrcllar,e from all of the shareholders who offered to sell as nearly as possible on a pro

r:lt~ b~sis.

(3) A public company whose shares are listed on a Canadian stock exchange. or arc traded in the over-the-counter market in Canada, is not required to comply with subsections (l) and (2) where (a) it purchases' the shares through the stock, exchange or in the over-the­ counter market, (h) there, has' been no solicitation of the shareholders by the company, and ,(c) the purchases by the company do not exceed in any single month more than 1% of the class of shares that were issued and outstanding or. the first diLy of that month.

- 10 - An Act to Amend the Compani£!1'; Act Chp. 18

62.8(1) On an application, which may be made hy originating appIi'cation, by the company the Court may, subject to any just terms and

couditions it may impose, e>:cmpt the company from any of the requirements of section 62.1 to section 62,7 where the Court is satisfied that it \'/Cluld not be prejudicial to the public or any private intcrest to do so.

(<:) Where, in connection with an offer' by a company to purchase sh;;.res issued by it, the company or the directors dp not comply with this Act or the regulations, any person

whose rights are or may reasonably b~ expected to be affected by the lack of

r.ompliaJ\~e may apply to the Court by originating application and the Court may make an order

(a) approvin~ the conte'lts of the offering circular with or without variation and requiring distribution of the, corrected dOCUmeYlt to each shareholder entitled to receive it, (b) ,restraining the distribution of the offering circular, (d requiring any person tCl comply with I this Act or the regulations, or (d) rescinding the offer.

An action for specific performance may be taken against a company with respect to a contract with the company providing for the

- 11 - · An Act to Amend the Companies Act Chp. 18

purchase of shares issueu by it, except to the' extent that the company is unable to perform the contract without contravening section 62.3.

(2) In an action referred to in su bsection (l), the onus is on the company to prove that performance of the con tract \,IIould con travene section 62.3.

(3). Until the company has fully perforMed the contract referred to in subsection (1) or

fully satis!:ied a judgment based 011 that contract, a shareholder who contracted to

sell ~ny shares or who is the judgment creditor is entitled in liquidation of the company to be ranked subordinatE' to the rights of creditors and to the rights of any class of shareholders whose rights were in priority to the rights given to the ciass of shares that he contracted to sell to the c?mpan~~, but in priority to the rights of

other sh'are}1Olders. 11

- 12 - STATUTES OF THE YUl~ON TERRITORY 1982, Chapter 19

FIFTH APPROPRIATION ACT, 1981-82 (Assented to November 10, 1982)

Whereas it appears by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates accompanying the message that, in addition to the sums previously appropriated, the sums not appl'ilring in parentheses in Schedule 11 A 11 of this Act are required for the purpo5e of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon and for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 19~2;

Anq wry~reas, out of the Bums previowsly appropriated. the sum~ appearing in parentheses in Schedule "A" of thi'f; Ar.t are not required for the -purpose of rlefl"aying certain exper.s~s of the public service of Yukon or for related purppses for the period of 12 months ending 011 March 31, 1982:

'The Commissioner of the Yukon Terptory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly enacts as follows: l( I) This Act may be cited as the Fifth Appropriation Act, 1981-82"

2 (1) In adcliti~n to the sum of $25, 60R, 000 provided for in the First Appropriation Act, 1981-82; the sum of $114,529,600 provided for in thl" Second Appropriation Act, 1981-82, the sum of SI, OpO, qoo provided f9f it:l the Third Appropriation Act, 1981-82 ana the sum of $10,694,000 provided for in the Fourth Appropriation Act, 1981-82, from and out of the Yukon Consolidated Revenue Fund there may be pnid and applied a sum not exceeding in the whole $1,877,000 for defraying the several Ch,ll"ges and expenses of the public service of Yukon for the period of 12 months ending on 1,Iarch

'31, 1982, as set forth in Schedule 11 A 11 of this Act and

- 13 - Fifth Appropriation Act, 1981-82 Chp. 19

appearing there as sums not in parentheses, and that whole sum shall not be paid or applicd except in accordance with Schedule nAil.

(2) The sums previously appropriated to. an appropriation

or item which is listed in Schedule n A n and which has a sum appearing in parentheses after it are reduced by the amount of the sun! appearing in the parentheses.

3( 1) TIle due applic.ation of all monies paid or applicd pursuant to section 2 shall be accounted fol".

- 14 - FIF.TH APPROPRIATION ACT, HJ81-82 Chp. 1£j


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars in OOO's)

SU[T,s that are required:

Executive Council Office 29 Justice 147 Intergovernmental Relations 18 Finance 371 Government Services ., 376 Yukon Housing Corporation 134 - Loan Capital 750 Loan Amortization- 52

Sub-Total (sums required) 1,877

Sums previously appropriated· that are not required I

Yukon Legislati"e Assembly (36) Education (109) ConsufTIer and Corporate Affairs . (56) Health and Human Resources (327) Municipal and ComqlUnity Aff'1-irs 0;218) Tourism and Economic Developinent (627) High,.ays and Public V/arks (17)

Public S~rvice Commission (3) Heritage and Cultural Resources (228) Renewable Resources (128) Yukon Liquor Corporation (399)

Sub-Total (sums not required) (3,148)

Total 0,2"(1)


FIRST APPP.OPRIATION ACT, 1983-84 (Ass(,l1 tce to Decernber Cj, 1982)

Whereas it appears by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates accompanying the rnc~;sage that the sums mentioned in Schedule 11 A" of this Act are required for ti1e purpose of defraying certain expensc5 of the public service of Yukon' and for related purposes [or the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1984:

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by ar.Q with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) Tt-is Act may be cited as the First Appropriation Act, 1983-84.

2 (l) From and out of the Yukon Consolidated Revenue Fund there may be paid and applied a sum not exceeding in lhe whole $24,412 ,ooe [or defraying the several charges "nd expenses of the public service of' Yukon

for the period of twelve months ending on ~,larch 31, 1984, as set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and that sum shal1 not be paid or applied except in accordance with Schedule "A". '

3 (l) 'The due, application of all monies' paid or applied ,pursuant to section 2 shall' be accounted fol' ..•

- 16 - FIRST APPROPRIATION ACT, 1983-1!4 Chp. 20


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars in ODD's)

Executive Council Office 8 Edu·cation 4,618 Consumer and Corporate Affairs· 340 Health "nd Human Resources 1,035 Municipal and Community Affairs 7,837 Economic Developmen t and In ter- GovernmcI1tal Relations 1 ,72ft Justice 406 Highways and Transportatiol' 5,418 Finance 1 Tourism, Heritage and Cultural P.esources 796 Renewable Resources· 750 Government Services 1,206 Yukon Housing Corporation 199 Yukon Liquor Corporation 70

Total 24,412

- 17 - STATUTES OF TilE YUKON TEnRITORY " 1982, Chapter 21

AN ACT TO AI\1END THE INSURANCE ACT (Assented to December 9, 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assemhly, enacts

2 (I) In subsection 34 (6), "or Ordinance" is deleted.

3(1) In subsection 129(5), "a security interest in" is substitutecl for " as security legal title to".

{(1) In subsection 147(1), "$200,000" is substituted for "seventy-five thousand dollars".

(2) In paragraph 147(2)(a), "$190,000" is suhstituted for "sixty-five thousand dollars".

(3) In paragraph 147(2) (b), "$10,000" is substituted for "ten thousand" dollars".

(~) II' subsection 147(3), "$200,000" is substituted for "seventy-five thousand dollars".

5 (l) Ir. subsection 1( 1) of the Schedule, "$5,000" is substituted for "$2,000".

(2) In subsection 1(2) of the Schedule, "$}'OOO" is substituted for "$500".

(3) In the table immediately fonowing the introductory sentence in Part I of subsection (2) of the Schedule, (a) "$5,000" is substituted for "$3,000" and for

- 18 - An Act to Amend The Insurance Act Chp. 2t

"$2,000" under the heading "Head of Household", and (b) "$5,000 is substituted for 1111 of the figures which appear under the heading "Spouse in Two-Parent Households" •

(4) In Part Il of subsection (2) of the Schedule, (a) "subject to a maximuin of $150 per week" is substituted for "subject to a maximum of $50.00 per wc!!k" , (b) "a person living in the same dwelling premises as his or her spouse" is s,ubstitutcd for "a wife residing in the same dwelling premises as her hUliband", and (c) "his or her household duties" Is substituted for "her household duties".

6{l) In subsection 3(1), 23{l), 45{l), 216{l9) and 227(2), "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner" .

(2) In subsection' 229{l), (2) and (8), "Executive Council

~Iember" I:;; substituten (or "Comn:issioner".

(3) In subsection 220.1(9), "to, the Commissioner" is deleted.

7 (1) This Act comes In to force on April I, 1 ~&3.


LAUD PLANNING. AND DEVELOP~lmIT ACT (Assented to December 9, 198Z)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, p.nacts as follows:

1 (l) This Act may be cited as the Land Planning Act.

2{l) In this Act,

"Board" me

" Commi ttec" means a Land Planning Committee established under section 17;

"district" means a land planlling district established under section 36, and includes any area, designated

by allY utllt~r lIamt!, t!l"tablishcd under that sp.ction;

"federal Minister" means the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern· Developmen t for Canada;

"municipality" has the same meaning as in the Municipal Act and includes a Local Improvement District under the Local.Improvement District Act; and

"plan" means a land use plan that is or may be prepared or adopted under. this Act and ·includes an amendment to a land use plan.

Land Planning Board

3 (l) The Commissioner in Executive Council shall establish a Land Planning Board.

- 20 - LAnd Planning Act Chp. 22

4(1) The Board shall consist of eight members appointed by the Commissioner in F.;Kecutive Council as 'follows:

(a) the Executive Council ~Iember is entitled tl) nominate four members. two of whom shall be members of the public service of Yukon and two of whom shall be Yukon residents who are not members of the public service of Yukon or Canada; (b) the Government of Canada is entitled to nominate two members fron the public service of Canada I and (c) the Council for Yukon Indians is entitled to nominate two members wpo shall not be melT,bers of the public service of Yukon or Canada r

(2) A person is not eligible to be a member of the BO'lrd unless he is a Canadian citizen.

5 (1) The Commissioner in Executive Cou~cil shall appoint

one of tre member;; of the BoaTo ~o be the chairman and another to be the vice-chairman.

(2) The chairman is the ,chief 'executive officer of the BO'lrd. and he shall

~ a) supervh.e and direct the work of the Board. and (b) preside at sittlngs of the BOard.

(3) Where the ~haiJ7marl is unable at any time, for any reason to exerCise the powers or perform the duties of

his offic~. the vice-chairman may act in his place.

6 (1) The term of offiC!:e for which members of the Beard may be appointed is net more than lour years.

- 21 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1). of the members Hrst appointed to, the Board. four shall be appointed for a term of not more than two years.

7(]) A member of the Board is eligible fur reappointment on the expiration of his term of office.

8 (l) A member of the Board 'may be paid transportation. acr.ommodation and Jiving expenses iJlcurred ir.

connection with the performance of his duties a~ c. member of the Board aWilY from his ordinary plac!'! of residence but, except as otherwise provided hy the regulations, the payment of such expenses shall conform as nearly as possible in all respects to the payment of slIch expenses for members of the public service of Yukon.

9(1) The Board shaH meet' at the call of the chairman, who 5haIl convene such meetings as he considers del'lirable -for the conduct of the business of the Board.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Board shall meet at least once each year, and it shall meet also at such times and placp.s as the Executive Council Member may direct to consider matters referred to it by the Executive Council Member.

10(1 ) A majority of the membt'rs of the Board is a quorum, . but no quorum' exists unless the chairman or vice-chairman is ·present.

(2) Subject to subsection (J), a decision of a majority of

the members present at" a nleeting of the Board is <: decision of the Board but, in the event of an evenly divided opinion between members of the Board,

- 22 - Land Pla'1nin~ Act Chp. 22

including ~he vote of the ch;tirman, the matter shall be decided in accordance with the vote of the chairman.

(3) A vacancy In the membership of· the Board reduces the number of memhers requircn for·a quorum and, subject

to subsections (1) and (2), does not impair t~c right uf the other members to act.

11 (1) The Board may by oruer make rulcf> ui procedure cunsistent with this Act .l"cspectinp;

(a) the condllct of its meetil)~s and business,

~b) ~he records to be kept in respect of the business of the Doard under this Act, (c:) the custoc;Jy, preservation and provision of access

~o the records referred to .in paragraph (b).

(d) the making of submi~sioT!!; to the Board, includillf, the information to be provided in support of

sub!l1ission 5, an cl (e) nny other matter that reaflonably is nf:cessary or advisable for the effective and orderly performance of the duties of the Board.

(2) The Board may by order mare rules such as thosf!

r~ferred to in subsection Cl) respecting the meetings and business of Committees.

12(1) Where a member of the Hoard has a direct or indirect personal, 6tl~erwise than as a lfIember o[the public, in a 'Patter under review by the Board, he

/ihall give to the Executive Council M~mber a w'ritten statement . containing particulars of his personal interest and requesting that another person be

appointed to take his place 011 the Board for its review of the matter.

- 23 ,. Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(2) Where any member of the Board is prevC::llted for any reasoll from performing his duties, or wl,ere a member requests the appointment of a substitute under subsection (1), the Executive Council Member may appoint- a substitute for such period of time as the Executive Council Member considers appropriate, but in the case of members nominated under paragraph 4(1) Cb) or (c). the Government of Canada or the Council for Yukon Indians, as the case may be is entitled to nominate the substitute.

13(1) The- Board shall make recommendations to the ExC'cutive Council- -Member and the federal Minister on matters respecting lone use planning in Yukon.

(2) The Board shall make recommendations under subsection. (1) on its .own initiative or as such matters arc referrer. to it by- the Executive Council Member.

(3) Except as pruvided by paragraph 25(1) (j), llU recommendation of the Board shall relate to land use planning in any area that is within a municipality.

(4) At the- request· of the Executive Council ~.lember and at such- other times as the Board considers appropriate the Board shall make reports to the Executive Council Member respecting the conduct of the business of the Board.

14(1) . Without limiting the generality of section 13, a recommendation of the Board under section 13 may

recomm~nd (a) the establishment uf· districts; (b) the establishment of Committees and their terms of reference;

- 24 - Land Planning Act Chp, 22

(c) the adoption, rejection or modification of plans prepared by Committees; (d) the implementation of plans; and (e) priorities for land use planning.

15 (1) In recommending a plap to the Executive Council Member. for the adoption of a plan, the Board shall (a) take into consideration the relationship uetween

the district fOl" which the plan was prepared and

other a .. ea~ of Yukon in respeCt of the contents of the proposed plan and matters l'equired to be

taken into consideration under subsection 2~(2).

(b) ~peclfy the' extent to which the public has been given ·an opportunity to examine and cOl7!l!1en t on the proposed plap, and (c) provide a surnl"lary of the comments recl;)ived from the ·publlc.

(;!) The Board may make recQmlllendations to the Executive CouJlcil Membp.r respecting public participatic:>n in the preparatjon, review, adoption and implementation of pJaps under this Act.

(3) T~e Board shall not make a' recomfllendation for the adoption of a plan unger paragraph 14(1) (c) until it I has made a recommenda.~lon under subsection (2) and allowed such amount of time as the Board considers nppropriatc fOf public partiejpat!0n to take place.

(4) A recqmmendation und"1r subsection Cn shall include statements as to (a) the specific questions, plans or other matters in respect of which public participation is being recommen ded; (b) any urgency that may affect the manner and extent to which the public should participate in the matter;

- 25 - Land Planning Act Chp. :!Z

(c) th.e apparent importance of. and public interest in. the matter for. which public participation is being recommended; (d) the factors affecting the type of public participation that should lake place. and the times and locations at \IIhich it should take placc; (e) the type of public participation that should take place. whether by way of public hearing. invitation for written submissions. public meetings or otherwis(!; (f) the times .,.nd places at which the public participation should t.akl: place; (g) the estimated cost of the . public participation being recommended; Ch) the ar. ticipated effectiveness of the proposed procedure for .public participation in relation to its cost. public in terest in the matter. and the availability and effectiveness of alternative prol:edures; and (i) any. (jthe;' m .. lll!l· lilt! .Boar.d considers appropriate or the Executive Council Member may require to

determine how public particip.a~ion in respect of

the matter l:1ay take place most effectively at ? cost appropriate to the importance of the matter,

16 Cl) .The, Board has all the and duties of a Board undcr the Public Inquiries Act.

Land Planning Comr.littees

17(1) The Commissioner in I;xecutive Council may est;;.blish a

Land Planning Committe~ for any district.

(2) The Commissioner in Executive Council may design a te the Board to perform the functions of a Committee for any district.

- 26 - Land Planllinr. Act Chp. 2~

(3) A committee may be established under subsection (1) for a purpose stated in the orc;ler establishing it, or it may be established for a fixed term, and upon the accomplishment of the purpose or the cxpiration of the tcrm, as the case may be, such a Committee shall cca:;e to exist.

18 (l) A committec shall consist of not less than four and not more than eight members appointed by the Commissioner in Executive Council as follows:

(a) the C;:oun~il fur Yukon Indians is entitlcd to nominate one member; (b) the Government of Canada is entitled. to nominate

~ne m~mber; and (c) the Executive Courycil Member is entitled to nominate the other members, one of whom shaH be

a member of the public service of Yukon ~nd anothcr, a .residcnt of the district who is not a member of the public service of Yukon or Canada.

(2) Where a municipality or other incorpo.r.ated or

unin~orporated community adjacent to or surrounded by a district appears to the Executive Council Meml:>er to ha¥e an intcl"Cst in the business· of the Commlttcc,

th~ Executive Council Member shaH make a rCfsonable effort to nominate to the CommiHee a person whQ is (a) in the case of a f11unicipality other than a Local

Improvement District, a member of the co~ncil of the municipality,

(b) in ~he case of a Local Improvement District, a trustee, and (c) in the casp. of another communi ty. a residen t of the community.

- 27 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(3) A person is not eligible to be a member of a Committee , unless he is Canadian citizen and a Yukon resident.

19(1) The Commissioner in Executive Council shall appoint one of the members of a to be the chairman and another to be the vict)-chairman.

(2) The chairman is the chief executive officer of a Committee, and he shall (a) supervise and direct the work of the Committee. ar..d (b) preside at sittings of the Committee.

(3) Where the chairman is' unable at any time fer <,.n)'

reason to exercis'e the po\V~rs or perform the duties of hi's office, the vice-chairman may act in his place.

20(1) The term of office for which members of a Committee may be appointed is not mu re than iour years.

(2) A' member of a Committee is eligible for reappointment on the expiration of his term of ·office.

21 (1) A . majority of the members of a! Committee is a quorum, but no quorum exists unless the' chairman or the vice-chairmar. ,is present.

(2)' Subject to subsection (1), a decision of a majority of

the members pr~sent at a mel!ting of a Committee is a decision of the Committee but, in the event of an evenly divided opinion between members of a Committee, including the vote of the chairman. the matter shall be decided in accordance with the vote of the chairman.

- 28 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(3) A vacancy in the membership of a Committeo rp-duces the number of members required for a quorum ilnd, subject to subsections (1) and (2),· ·does not impair the right of the remaining mempers to act.

22(1) A Committee shall meet at the c",H of the chairman, who shall convene such medings as he considers necessarv for the conduct of the business of the Commi ttee.

(2) Notwithstanding Eubsection 0), a Committee shaH meet at such times and places as the Board may .direct to consider matters referred to it by the Board.

23 (l) A member of a Committee may be pilid transportation, i;('commodatiop and living expenses incurred ir connection with the performance of his du\ies .ae a

merpber of the Committep- ~.way from his ordinary place of rt:!sidence but, except as otherwise provided by the regulations, the payment of such expenses shall conform as nearly as possible in all respects to the payment of such expenses for members of the public service of Yukon.

24(1) Subject to this Act, the regulations, the terms of reference specified under section 26 and the directions of the Board, a Committee ili responsible. for the preparation anp amendment of land use plans.

25(1) In the prepilration of a plan, a Committee shaH tC!:k~ into consideration the following matters: (a) the probable social, environmental and economic consequences of the implementation of the plan: (b) the objectives, policie5 a.nd prograr.1s of the Government of Yukon brought to the attention of

- 29 - Lflnd Plnnning Act Chp. n

the Committee by the Executive Council Member er otherwise known to the Cor.1mi ttee; (c) the suitability 'of land for various uses; (d) land area requirements for uses in relation to anticipated population and economic growth; (e) the maintenance of public health and safety; ([) the improvement of the .standard of living and quality of life in the district; (g) the preservation and enhancement of the heritage and cultural resourCf'l:; of the district; (h) the strengths and weaknesses of the economy of the district. including the supply of goods and 'servio'!s. the' opportunities "for business. and the employment of residents of the district; (i) the supply. quality and cost of public and social services in the' district; , (j) the community plans adoptl:!d by municipalities adjacent ,to or surrounded by the district; and (k) such other miltters of a merely local or privilte nature in the ciisii"ici as may be prescribed or tbe Executive Council Member may require.

26(1) Upon the, estilblishment of Commi ttee • the Commissioner in Executive' Council shall specify the terms of reference which shall govern the Committee in the fulfillment of its responsibilities under this Act.

(2) Terms of reference. under subsection (1) shall specify • (a) ,the districts in respect of' which the Coml:littee is to have' responsibilities .under this Act; (b) such rules. if any. respecting the confidentiality of the reports of. the Committee al' the Commissioner in' Executive Council considers advisable; and

- 30 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(c) such further responsibilities as the Commissioner in Executive Council considers appropriate for carrying out the purposes .of this Act.

(3) The Board may assign to a COr.lmittee, in addition to the responsibilities referred to in section 24 and paragraph 26(7.)(c), such further responsibilities as the Board consider6 appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

27(1) At the requcst of the Board and at such other tiocs

as the ~ommittee considers appropriate, " Committee

shall make reports and recol':'lrlEmdations re~pectinr. the preparation! . implemeptation, adoption or 'amendment of land. use plans for its district, and report to the Board on such other mattc!"s as the Committee considers jippropriate or the Board r.1ay require.

(2) A pl~n recommended by a Committee to the Board shall contain a statement as .to the broad social, econo!llic and environmental objectives to be achieved by the implementation of the plan, and a statement of the . recommendations of the Committee respecting the general form and charactcr of the future land use pattern in the district, including (a) the location of commercial. industrial, in sti tu tion aI, r.ecrea tional, residential, agricultural, public utility, and other uses; (b) th!,! location Qf transportation and communlC'ation corridors and facilities; (c) the location of prban settlenlents and as!;lociated developments, including water supply, sewage and solid waste disposal facilities:

(cl) the use of land art'3S subject to haz~rdous condi tions:

- 31 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(e) the preservation, protection and enhancement of land and water areas of special importance for scenic or recreational value, or for natural, historical or scientific interest; and

(f) such other matt~!rs as the Board or the F.xccutive Council Member may require.

(3) In addition to the statements required under subsection (2), a plan recommended by a Committee to the BOOlrci shall contain st;ltCr.1Cf'.ts as to the following matters respecting the implementation of the plan: (a) a program for the orderly development of the district, including proposed sequences, where ascertainable, for the. provision of publiC" services; (b) a progrilm identifying the actions required by the Government .of Yukon or Canada to implement the plan; (c) a program for the administration and enforcement

(d) the legisliltive provisions that should be made respecting land use in the district, and for the enforcement of the plan; •• ncl (e) such othcr matters as, ill the opinion of the

Board or the Executive Council ~.lember, may affect the implementation of the plan and the orderly development of the district.


28(1) i'he Commissioner in Executive Council may by order adopt· land use plans in respect of which the Board has made recommendations ..

- 32 - Land Plan nine- Act Chp. 22

(2) A plan may be amended after it is adopted, but any

such amendment shall be mad~ in accordance v,ith the provisions of this Act respecting the' preparation and adoption of plans.

(3) The Board shall not make a recommendation under subsection (1) or . (2) before it has received recommendations respecting the: plan or amendment as the case may be from ·a Committee· for the district pursuant to this Act.

~9(l ) The Exec\Jtivo Council Member lJJay, from among the persons employed in the public service, provide the Board' or a Committc.e with a, secretary and such other assist4 nts as he considers necessary for the proper conduct of. its business.

30 (l) The F.xecutive Council Member may, by order, provide for public.: participation in the preparation, amendment, review, adoption or implementation pf 'a plan.

(2) An order under subsection (l)' shall set out (a) the specific questions, plans, developmen'ts or other mattcl"S in respect of which the opportunity

for p~blic participation is to be ·provided: (b) ahe type of public participation tqat is to take place. slating the times, places and other relevant information necessary to cnablf!

inlerestcd perso'1s to make their repr~sentations: (c) the terms of reference to be followed by the Board or Committee, as the case may be, in the public participation process:

(d) th~ use to be made of the results of the public: partic:ipa tion;

- 33 - Lond Planning Act Chp. 22

(e) the notice to be given to the public or any person respectin g the public participation process; and (f) any other rules or conditions to which the public participation process is to be subject.

31 Cl) In the conduct of their business, the Board and Commi ttees are not bound by the technical rules of legal evidence, and they may accept and act upon evidence given orally or in writing obtained in such mattcr as they consider proper. whether or not the evidence is r,iven on oath or <,.ffirmation.

32 (l) the Board or a Committee is not deprived of iiny jurisdiction it may h,ave under this Act in relation to any matter by reason only that .any suit, prosecution or other proceeding relating· to the matter is before a court.

33(1) The Boa.rd may c..uthurizc ar,y., of its IIJt!JJlL~r~ lo conduct an y. of· the business of the Board for and on behalf of the Board, and a mcmber authurized to conduct such business has and may exercise all of the powers and functions of the Board, hut no report of such

H( 1) No proceedings or recommendation of the Board or a CCnlmi ttee, and roo order under section 28 adoptin g a plan or amendment, shall be called into question in any court (a) on the grounds of any defect in the nomination or appointment of any member, (b) on the grounds of any conflict of interest of .. ny member, or

- 34 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(c) for any other reason except failure of the Board or Committee to comply with this Act.

35(1) Proceeclin gs do 110t lie against the Board or a COl:'lI:1ittee, or against a person 'acting under the authority of the 'Board or a Committee, for anything in good fai th done, reported or said ill t1"!e course of the exercise, or purported exercise, of duties under this Act.

36(1 ) The Commissioner in Executive Council r,lily make regulations establishing, l .. nd planning districts or other geographic areas for purposes, related to the administration of this Act.

37(1 ) The Commissioner in Executive Council may make regulations respp.cting (a' the business and proceedings of th., Roard and Committees under this Act;

(b) the payment of expenses of, Boarcl and Comm~ttcc members, and (c) such other matters 'as he considers necessary for

carryin~ the purposes and provisions of this Act into effect.

38 (1) The, ~ommi~sioner ill Executive COUl'!.Fil JTlay m~kt' liuch J'lel1.ulatiops, relating to miltters whithin the control',of the Legislature, as he considers nec;essary or advisable for the' adminIstration 'and enforcement of a' plari adopted under this Act, ,Including, without limiting the generali ty of the foregoing, (a) the establishment of a system of zonIng: (b) the regulation of the" use, alteration and development of land, and the construction and

use ~f improvements an cl structures on land, by means of a system of permits or licences:

- 35 - Land Planning Act Chp. 22

(c) the imposition of fees and the establishment of forms respecting the administration of this Ar.t; (d) the appointmen t of inspectors and the establishmen t and their duties, powers and immuni ties; (e) the c!emolition or removal of improvements or structures (;onstructed in contr

rectification 0)' 2 voidance of con traventions of a plan, this Act or the regulations; (f) the recovery of the costs of an ythin g done by the Goverrment of. Yukon. to rectify or avoirl a contravention of a plan, this Act or the regulations; 2n d (g) the prescription of duties and prohibitions. and . the imposition of penaltip.s upon persons convicted of an offence under this Act.

(2) Where the Commissior'.er in Executive Cour'.ci! !!lakes regulations under suhsection (l) , he shall make regulations providing for. all. appeal for any person aggrieyed by a .decision of an inspector or other

person char~ed with any responsibility fOI· the administration and enforcement 'of the regulations.

3')0) . The provisions of this Act relating. to the nomination of persons to be members of the Board or Committees by the Council for Yu1

40 (l) 'rhe Commissioner in Executive Cquncil may, by order made during the period of one year immediately

- 36 - r·and Plnnning Act Chp. 22

following the date un w.hich this Act comes into force. adopt plans without the recommendation [ram the Board referrccl to in sectiqn 29.

110) This Act comes into force on a ·day to be fixed by the Commissioner in Executive Council.

- 37 .. STATUTES OF TilE YUKON TERRITORY 1982, Chapter 23

AN ACT TO AMEND THE LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT (Assen ted to December 9. 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislativ(> A5sembly •. enacts as follows: l( 1) This Act amends Part IV of the Landlord and Tenant Act.

2 (1) The following is added to subsection 60 (1) :

"'mobile home site' mealls land intended to be or used as a site for a mobile home, whether or not the landlord supplies the mobile home;".

(2) In the definition of "residential pr~mises" in subsection 60(1), includes mobile home sites" is added

immediately after !I residen tial !-,urposes!'.

3 (1) The following is added il!lmediately after section 61:

"61.1 (1) Where,. person becomes a new landlord, he is subject to this Act wi th respect to all subsisting tenancy agreements ant:! security deposits held by the immediately preceding landlord.

(2) Every new landlord is deemed to have 1I0tice of all subsisting tenallcy agreernen ts in re5pect of which he becomes the new landlord.

- 38 - An Act to Amend The Landlord And Tenant Act Chp. 23

(3) Subjec-t' to the rights of tenant~ under the othe~ provisions" of this Act.' a~ bp.tween the new landiord and the immediately preceding landlord. all security deposits held by the immediately precedin g landlord shall vest in the new landloru on the date on which he becomes the new landlord. and the immediately prcceding landlord shall deliver to the" new landlord. forthwith after hE"

becomes the new lan~lord. all such security deposits or :;;ecurities in which such deposits may have been ipvested. to,gether wit'" nH records of the immediately preceding landlord relatinc" to sflch deposits or, securities.

(4) Every new l

landlord to the same ex tent a~ if each o! the tenancy agreements" had been entcred into with the, tenant by 'the new landlord. and the immediately preceding la"dlord shall forthwith deliver to the n-rw landlord the copies of all tenancy agreements entered into by the immediately preceding ,landlord in respect' of which' the new landlord is substitu ted as the lan dlord.

(5) For the' purposes of this section, "new landlord" includes (a) any person who becomes the owner of property on which residential premises are situated or that consists of residential' premises. with r/i!spect to which at the time he becomes the owner

- 39 - An Act to Amend The J.andlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

there are subsisting tenancy agreements, (b) a person to whom a landlord assir.ns a tenancy agreemen t, (c) a trustce in bankruptcy, liquidator, receiver or committee appointed by any court or by law in respect of the property of a landlord, (d) the purchaser at a judicial snle of the residential premises of a landlord, and (e) a mortgagee of the residential premises

of il landlord who

posse~sion of the residential premises, and the assigns of such a mortgagec.

(6) This section applies 1I0twithstanding section 61."

4(1) In subsection ,65(1), "payment of rent or performance . of any other obligation under this Act or the tenancy

agreement" i~ substituted for "payment of rent".

5 (l) The following is added immediately after section 69: ., "69.1(1) No landlord shall, with respect to residential

premises c:onsis~ing of a mobile home sitc, unreasonably restrict or interfere with a tenant's attempt to Eell a mobile home situated on the residcntial premises.

(2) ft. landlord shall be deemed to have restricted unreasonably a tenant's attempt to sell a mobile home under subsection (l)

- 40 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Ten/tnt Act Ghp. 23

where the landlord (a) limits the occupation of the rcsideptial premises to a mobile home sold, leased or otherwi5c made available by any specific person or persons, or (b) charges any fee in connection with such sale or attempted sale, except for the provision of some service with respect to the .sale or attempted sale."

6(1) In subsection 70(2)" "the Gqvernment of Yukon" is substituted for "or of the Territory n.

7 (1) In subsection 730), "Legislative Assemply" is substituted for "Territorial Council".

8 (l) The following are substituted for subsections 75 (l) anc1 (2) :

"75(1) A landlord has the following responsibilities: (a) nctwithstanding any state of disrepair existing without the knowledge of the

tenant at the commencement of ~he tenancy, to provide and pJaintain in a good, safe, healthy 1IJd tenantable state or repair 0) the rented premises, the common ;lreas and the property of which they form a part, and

(ii) the services and facilities a~reed to be provided by the l'lndlord under a written or unwrittel"\ tenancy agreement;

- 41 - An Act to Amcnd The

Landlord ~lnd Tenant Act Chp. 23

(b) to comply with health, safety, maintenance and occupancy standards established by law; (c) except where the tenant vacates or ahandons the premiscs, not to withhold

01' in terferp., other than fOJ" an emergency, with the supply of any vital service, such as heat, water, electricity or any other utility to the premises, whether or not the sL'.pply of the service is an obligatioll of the landlord under the' tenancy

(2) A tenant has the following responsibilities: (a) to pay the rent when it is clue; (b) not 'to in any significant manner with the rights of either the landlorcl or other tenants in tht' premises, the common areas or the property of which they form a part;

- 42 - An Act to Amend The Landlord find Tenant Act Chp. 23

(c) 1I0t to perform illegal acts or to carry on an ilIE'gal trade, business or occupation in the premises, the common areas or the property of which they form a part: (d) not to endanger persons or property in the premises. the common areas or the property of which they for ... a part: (e) to. repair damage to the premises. the

common areas or the property of wl~ich thqy form a part caused by his wlllful or . negligent conduct or by that of persons permitted by him to enter the premises. the common areas or the proper.ty of which they form a part! (f) to maintain the premi6es and any property rented with it jn a reason"hly \ dean condition; (g) not to use the premises for other than residential purposes except with the advance consent of the landlord, which shall not be' withheld unreasonably; and (h) to vacnte the premises upon the expir'l-tion or terMination of the tenancy! n •

9 (l) The followina are a~lc~ed immediately. after section 75:

"75.1(1) Before m,king a tenancy agreement with any person. thr landlord shall disclose in writin.g to that person all rules concerning the tenancy that exist at the time that the tenancy agreement is made.

- 43 - An Act to Amend Th~ Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

(2) After making the tenancy agreement, a landlord !!lay from time to time make amend, or replace the rules if the rulet; or the amendment or the replacemcnt of the rulc!; is reasonable and intended to (a) promote the convenience, safety or welfare of the landlord's tenants: (b) preserve the landlord's property from abusive llse: or (c) make a fair distribution of services and facilities held out by the landlord for the general use of his tenants.

(3) Rules made, amended, or replaced pursuant" to subsection (2) are enforceable against the

tem1.T~t only if (a) the rules do not substantially modify the tenancy agreement, (b) the rule!; apply and are applied to all residential tenants of the landlord in a fair m1lnner, (c) the rules are clear enough so as to fairly in fC'r!!l the tenant of what re mllst or must not do in order to comply with the rules, and

(d) 'reasonable notice in writin~ of the rules is given to the tenant.

7!i.2(l) Defore makin~ a tenancy agreement with any person, the I",ndlurd shall disclose in writing to that person all 'fees and charge!' payable by that person to the landlorc1 in respect of the tenancy that are in addition to the rent payable.

- 44 - An ·Act to Amen~ The Landlord find Tenant Act Chp. 23

(2) After the tenancy agreement is made. the landlord shall not increase any fees or charges disclosed under subsection (1). or impose any additional fees or charges without giving the tenant written notice of the inorease or addition at least thrr.e months before the date the increase or addition is to be effective.

(3) The landlord· shall not increase allY fees or charges disclosed under subsection (1). or

imposp. ;InY additioIlal fees pr charge!i; during tile first year of the tenancy.

(4) An increase or addition contrary to subsections (1). (2) or (3) is void and unenforceable.

75.3(1) The Executive Council Member may designate any person to be· a rentalsman for the purposes of this Act.

(2) A rentalsman is authorized (a) to provide information 'Ind advice to Jan910rds and tenants in tenancy matters, (b) to rec;eive complaints· from. and to mediate or arbitrate disputes. between. ·Iandlords and ten·ants. (c) to dissell)inate information for the purpose of advising landlorc;ls and tenants about residen tial premises. rights and remedies. and the initiation arid conduct of legal proceeding!f. and

- 45 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

(cl) to investigate complaints about conduct in contravention of this Act in its application to residen tial tenancies.

(3) Any person who is authorized by the landlord or tenant may file a complaint with

a rentalsman on behalf of the landlorc~ or tenan t, as the case maybe.

(4) For: the purpose of investigating a complaint under subsection 0), a rentalsman may inspect" and copy any document or record releva,nt to the" complaint, and (a) he "may. enter the residential premises with the permission of the tenant, or (b) he may enter .the residential premises without the permission" of the tenant at any. reasonable time of day after giving not les$ than 24 hour::;' ·".... rittcn notice to the tenant specifying the time at which he intends to enter the premises.

(5) Except for the purposes of a prosecution under this Act ,. any court proceedings or the administration and enforcement of this Act, n9 ren.talsman or other person shall (a) knowingly communicate, or allow to be ,communicated, to any person any information obtained by or on behalf of a rentalsman under this section, or

(b) knowingly .allow an~' person to inspect or have access to any copy of any document or record obtained by or on

behalf of a rentalsman under ~his section.

- 46 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

(6) Subsectio~ (5) does not prohibi t the communication of information, or the inspection or provision of access to documen t5 . or records. as the case may be, with the consent of the person to whom the information relates or who owns the document or record.

75.4(1) Subject to subsection (2), i'. rentalsman may

medi~te ·or arbitrate ,lilY dispute hctween a landlord and a tenant in respect of the tenancy including (a) a clispl,1te with respect to the continued possessiOl, ancl occupancy of the residen tial premises by the tenant, (b) a dispute as to arreilrs or non-gsyment of rent, (c) a dispute with respect to compensation claimed by the landlord for use and occupancy of the residential premises by the tenant after the expiration or termination of the tenancy, (d) . a dispute '\S to damages caused to residen tial premises, the common areas

or the property of which th~y for!T' a

part by the tenant o~ any other person, or (e) any other displlte with respect to the perforr:lilnce by the landlorfI or . the tenant of obligations under the tenancy agreement or section 75.

(2) A rentalsma!'l may refuse to mediete or arbitrate a dispute where he is of the opinion that

- 47 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

(a) the dispute is of such a serious nature that it should be d£'Cllt with only by a court, (b) the corr.plair"lt if; frivolous, vexatious, or concerns a trivial matter, (c) the complaint primarily afiects somc person other tll

(3) A rentalsman shall not mediate or arbitrate a dispute where (a) the landlord or "the tenant has c:ornmenced proceedings in a court for the resolution of the dispute, and (b) the dispute has been previously resolved "by the court or it remains before the court.

75.5(1) A rentalsl11an shall not arbitrate

(2) Where the landlord and the tenant have "" requested a rentalsman to arbitrate a dispute under subsection (1) , neither of them is entitled to" withdraw the dispute frorr­ arbitratic>n alld the decision of tne

"ren"talsman i!'> final and binding 011 both of , them;

(3) The rentalsman may make such orders relating to the obligations of the landlord or the tenant to each other in respect of the tenancy as the rentalsman considers

- 48 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp, 23

necessary to give effect to his decision on the ?-rbitration ,"

(4) Thc rentalsman m<1y file with the clerk of the court a copy of any ordel" made by him under sunsection (4) certified by him to be a true copy. and the order then becomes an order" of the court and may be en forced as a judgment of the court.

(5) 1\ oc('ision or order" of a ren talsma'1 in respeCt of the arbitration of a dispute is not subject to appea"l in any court.

(6) For the purposes of arbitriltlng a disput~. a rentalsman has the following powers: (a) to" enter upon and inspect the rented premises at any reasonable time: (h} to require the attendance of witnesses and to receive their testimony l (c) to require the production of docllmen ts: (d) to administer oath" and affirrnations: and

(e) to establi~h rules of procedllre.

(7) In the conduct of ar. arbitr~tion a rentalsman is not boufld by the technical rules of ltlgal eyidencp. and the rentalsman may act upon evidence given orally or in writing obtained In sueh manner as the l'Icntalsman considers proper. whether or not the evidence is given on oath or affirmation,

- 49 - An Act to Amend The Lnndlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

(8) No proceedings lie against a rentalsmar. or . any person acting on behalf of a rentalsman

for anyt~ing done or purporting to be clone purEuant to this Act.

(9) The Arbitration Act do~s not Olpply to an arbitration under this Act.

75.6(1) In any proceedings unde!' ~his Part, <: judge may request a rentalsman to provide a report of any investigation conducteu by or on behalf of the rentalsl!1Oln relevant to the mCltter before the court.

(2) Upon the receipt of any report under subsection (I) at any time before or during • the proceedings, the juclge may make ill' order disposing of the matter in whole or in ,. part without holding any further hearing.

75.7(1) Section 8'l applies with the necessary chanp;efi to the giving and delivery of any notice, process or document by a rentalsman to a 12ndlord or a tenant."

10(1 ) In subsection 77(4), "14" is substituted for "fifteen".

11 (1) In "subsection 78(1), "unless otherwise agreed upon" is deleted.

(2) The followin g is added to section 7f,:

"(2) Nothing in sUb!;ection (1) prevents a I?ndlord or a ter.ant from accepting a r:otice that does not comply with subsection (1)."

- 50 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act

12(1) Subsection 80(2) is repealed.

13(1) The following are substituted for subsection 82(1):

"82(1) A notice by a tenant terminating a monthly tenancy shall be given to the landlord on or before the last day of one month 01 the tenancy to be effective on the last day of the immediately following nlonth 01 the tenancy.

(1.1) A notice by a landlord terminating a monthly tenancy shall be given to the tenant on or before the last day of one month of the tenancy to be effective on the last day of the immediately following month of the tenancy.

(1. 2) Notwithstanding section 81 and subsection (1.1), where the landlord gives a notice terminating the tenancy and the tenancy ,8 in relation to a mobile home site, the tenancy shall not terminate in any of the months of

December, January, or February. 11

14(1) In subsection 83(1), "ninetieth" is substituted for "sixtieth" •

15 (1) The following are added immediately after section 83:

"83.1 Cl) A landlord or tenant may, at any time after a ll.otice purporting to terminate a tenancy has been given, apply to a judge for a declaratory order respecting the validjty of the termination of the tenancy under this

- 51 - "An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

Act, and the judge may (a) confirm the termination of the tenancy

on ;1 date specified in' the order, in which case the order' becomes enforceable on that date, or (b) invalidate the termination of the tenancy.

83.2(1) Notwitqstanding paragraph 78(1) (c) and sections 81, 82 and 83, where a tenant commits a ,substantial breach of his tenancy agreement, the landlord, may (a) apply, to a judge for an order terminating the tenancy, or (b) terminate the tenancy by giving 14 days' written notice of termination to the tenant, stating t"'e effective date of the termination and the details of the alleged substantial breach.

(2) In subsection (l) , "substantial breach" includes (a) a breach of a responsibility of the tenant set out in subsection 75(2), or (b) a series of breaches of a residential tenancy agreement, the cUl'!'lulative effect of which is substantial."

16 (1) In subsection 86 (1) ,

(a) "an application" is substituted for "a summary application" " Cb) "and may be started by a request to a judge or a clerk of the court for an appointment of a time

- 52 - . An Act to ,Ame~d The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

and p1ace for the hearing· of . the application" is added immedilltely after "is made".

(2) The fono~ing is substituted for subsection 86(2):

"(2) The judge or clerk of the court who receives a request .fo.r II-n appointment under subsection (1) shal\ appoint a time. and place for the hearing and the applicant shall serve a notice of the apPOintm.el).t and a copy of the application to the other· parties t~the tenancy agreement at least

three days ~ exclusive of holidays and Saturdays, befor1! the day· appointed."

170) In subsection 88(1), "75.2, 77, or 87" is substituted for "77 or 87".

18(1) The following is substituted for paragraph 89(1) (b):

n(b) any notice,· process, or document required or permitted to be delivered or given by a landlord to a tenant is sufficiently given or delivered if delivered personally to the tenant or sent by certified f'1ail addre!ised to the tenapt at the address of the residential premises described in

the tenancy agreement to which ~pa notice, process, or document relate or at any other

a~dress signifiod in writing by the tenant for the purpose." lIHI) In subsection 91(1), "a judge of the Supreme C:ourt or the Territqrial Court" is substituted for "a judge. of the c~rt or a magistrate".

- 53 - An Act to Amend The Landlord and Tenant Act Chp. 23

20(1) In subsection 92 (I), "Commissioner in Executive Council" Is substitute-d for "Commissioner".

21 (1) The following is added immediately after section 92:

"92.1 (1) For the purpose of section 63, interest on a security deposit held by a landlord in respect of residential premises consisting of a mobile home site when this Act comes into force begins to accrue on the later of (a) the coming-into-force of this Act, and (b) the dateo~ whi-~h the security deposit

is received by the landlord. n

22 (1) This Act comes into force on Janua_ry 1, 1983.


1982, Ch8~ter 24


The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1 (l) This Act amends the Legislative Assembly Act.

2 (1) The following is added immediately aiter subsection 40.6(3) :

.11(4) Notwithstanding subsoctions (2) and (3), the indemnities and expense allowances payable under this Act to members shall be -:educed to the amounts that werc payable as of March 31, 1982.

(5) On April 1, 1983 and on April 1 of each succeeding year the reduced indemnities and expense allowances established' by subscction (4) shall be adjusted pursuant to subsection (2).

(6) When the Commissioner in Executive Council declares that the reduced work schedule for the

public servi~e which was introduced on August 19, 1982 is abandoned and that some other longer

work sched4le· is introduced in its p~ace, subsection (4) shall cease to have any effect and the indemnities and expense allowances payahle under this Act to members shall be restored to the amounts they would have been if the reduction described in subsection (4) had never been imposed."

3 (l ) This Act shaJl have effect on and after November 11, 1982.

- 55 -


AN ACT" TO AMEND THE UQUOR ACT (Assented to December 9, 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

1 (1) This Act amends the Liquor Act.

2(1)- , In subsections 3(2),3(4),3(5).4(1),10(2). ]05(1), and 105 (2), "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissionfr".

3 (l) The following is substituted for section 12:

.1'12(1) The accounts and financial transactions of the Corporation are subject to the audit of the "Auditor General of Canada, and for the purpose he is entitled (a) to have access to all records, documents. books. accounts and vouchers of the Corporation, and (b) to require from officers of the Corporation such information C\S he deems necessary.

°. 1. (2) The Auditor General cif Canada shall report annually to the Executive Council Member the results of his" ell:amination of the accounts and financial statemepts of the Corporation. and the report shail state whether.. in this opinion, (a) the financial statements represent fairly the financial position of the Corporation

- 57 - An Act to Amend, The Liquor Act Chp-o 2S

at the end of the financial year and the results of it's, operations, for ,tha.t year in accordance with the , accounting policies of the Corporation applied on a basis consistent with that of the

immediately preceding year ~ ,(b) proper books of account have heen kept and the financial statements ,are in agreement with the books of account, and (c) the transactions of the Corporation that have, come under this, notice' are within the powers of the Corporation under this Act or any other Act that applies to, the Corporation.

(3)' In his report, the Auditor- General shall call' attention to any other matter wlt!Un the scope of his eX2mination that in his opinion should be brought to the attention of the Executive Council- Member.

(4) The Auditor General from time to time may make to the Corporation or the Commissioner in Executive Council such other reports as' he considers necessary or as the Executive Council Member may require.

(5) The annual report of the Auditor General shall be included in the report _referred to in

subsection 14 (1) . n

4(1)1 The following is substituted for section, 13 ~

"H{l) The Corporation shall after -the end of each fiscal year prepare and submit to the'

- 58 - An Act to Amend The Liquor Act Chp. 25

Executive Council Memb~r an annual report for the twelve months ending on the 31st day of March."

5(1) The following is substituted for subsection 15(1):

"15(1) The Executive Council Member shall table a copy of the annual report at the next ensuing session' of the Legislative Assembly."

6(1) In subsection 3'8(1), '''except draught beer" is deleted.

In subsections 41(3) and 41(4), "and wine" is adde~ immediately after "beer".

8(1) The following are substituted for subsection 47(1):

"41(1) No iicence shall be' granted under this Act to a club which is a proprietary club or is operated for pecuniary gain.

(1. 1) No licence shall be granted under this Act unless: (a) the club premises are constructed, equipped and operated to the satisfaction of the Board and in accordance with the and reg'ulations,

(b) the club has a permanent local membership of a number which, having regard to the size of the community, Is satisfactory to the Board

(c) the application for' the ,'licence is approved by two-thirds of the club members who are

- 59 - An Act to Amend The Liquor Act Chp. 25

present at a gener",l or special meeting which

is called to conE'icler the applica~ion and is attended by not less than fifty per cent of the club members,"

90) In subsection 610). "the Whitehorse metropolitan area or" is deleted, lOO) The following are added to section 63:

"(3) Notwithstanding anything els.e in this section the Board may authorize the licensee to use his cocktail lounge or tavern for purposes other than the sale of liquor during times when his premises are closed to the sale of liquor,

(4) The licensee shall not sell liquor in or for consumption outside the licensed prer:1ises during . the time he uses the premises for a purpose authorized pursuant to subsection (3) ,"

ll(l) In subsection 66(2). "by the Commissioner" is del~ted,

12 (1) The following is substituted for subsection 69(1):

"69 (l) Ey.cept as permitted pursuant to sections 64 and 68 or a licence issued under section 44. a licensee shall not allow liquor which is purchased from him to be consumed outside that part of the licensed premises in which he is permitted to sell liquor."

13(1) In subsection 84(3). "Executive Council Member ll is

ll substituted for IICommissioner ,

- 60 - An Act to Amend The Liquor Act Chp. 25

14(1) In sutlsection 103 (1) ,

(a) "hamlet" is substituted for "Local improvement district", and

'(b) "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner".

(2) The following is substituted for paragraph 103(2)(b):

" (b) a licensed premises."

(3) The following are substituted for subsections 103 (3) to (6):

," (3) Upon receiving a resolution which is duly passed by the council of a municipality and whicl'! requests that an area enforcement order be made or revoked in respect of the municipality, the Commissioner' ill 'Executive Council shall make or revoke the order in' accordance with the request.,

(1) The Commissinner in Exec~tive Council may, 'upon reCeiving a req!lest to do so from the Advisory Council of a hamlet, make or revoke an area enforcement order in respect of such public places in' the hamlet as the Commissipner in

Executive Coun~il considers appropriate.

(5) An area enforcement .order, applies to public places in a municipality or hamlet according to the terms of the order, bu t every such order made after this subsection comes in to force shall state whether the order

- 61 - An Act to Amend The Liquor Act Chp. 25

(a) applies to all public places in the municipali ty or hamlet,

(1;» applies to all public places in the municipality or hamlet except such public places as are specified in the order, or

(c) applies only to such public' places in the municipality or hamlet as are specified in the order.

(6) An area enforcement order that applies to a municipalit y may, in accordance with the resolution referred to in subsection (3), specify conditions under which the consumption of liquor is permitted or prohibited, as the case may be, in public

places to which th~ order applies.

(6.1 ) An area enforcement order that applies to a hamlet may, where it is considered appropriate by the Commissioner in Executive Council, specify conditions under which the consumption of liquor is permitted or prohibited, as the case may be, in publjc places to which the order applies.

(6.2) No area enforcement order shall be held to be ineffective in whole or in part by reason only of any difference between the resolution of the municipality and the terms or conditions of the· order.

- 62 - An Act to Amend The Liquor Act Chp. ~5

(6.3) In this section. "hamlet" and "municipality" each have the same meaning as in the

~.'lunicipal, Act."

(4) In subsection 103(7). "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioqer".

15 (1) For the purposes of section 103 of the Liquor, Act. a local improvement flistrict shall be deemed to be a municipality., and the provisions of that section and

'. this Act apply with the, neces~ary changes to local ,improvement districts.

(2) Subject to subsection 103(7) of the Liquor Act. an area enforcement order made 'in respect of a local improvement district continues to be effective after the I Municipal Act. chapter .17 of th~. Statutes of the Yukon Terri tory.. 1980 (Second Session). comes into fqrce until the order is revoked or is revoked and replaced by another such. order in response to a resolution. in respect of all or part of the area to which the original order applies. made by the local improvement district or made by a municipality which 'replaces the local improvement district!

16(1) . This Act does not come, into force with respect to hamlets until the Municipal Act. chilpter 17 of the Stiltutes of the Yukon Territory. 1980 . (Second Session). comes into force.


AN ACT TO AMEND THE MOTOR VEHICLES ACT (Assented to November 10, 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1 (1) This A ct amends the Motor Vehicles Act.

2 (1) In subsection 2 (1) , (a) the definition of "Commissioner" is deleted, (b) in the definition of "licence", "licence which has been issued under this· Act and which has not been suspended or cancelled" is substituted for "and subsisting licence issued under this Ordinance" , (c) in. the definition of "officer" , "by the Commissioner" is deleted, and

(d) in the definition of "permit", "p~rmit which has been issued. under this Ad "nd whkh has not been suspended or cancelled" is substituted for "and subsisting permit issued under this Ordinance" •

3(1) Ir. subsections 3(1), 3(3), 22(1), 22(3), 22(4), 35(1),

36(2), 37(1), 37(2), 38(1), 40(1), 50(4)~ 61(1), 64(3), 102(1), 102(2), 102(3), 102(4), 103(1), 103(2), 103(3), 104(1),105(1),105(2),106(1). 107(1). and 241.1(3). "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner" .

4(1) In subsections 4(1),6(1),12(2),12(3),23.1(1), 59(1), 59(2), 59(3), 59(4), 64(1), 64(6), 65(3), 66(2), 67(1),67(3),88(1), 140(1), 142(2). ]42(4) and 145(1), "Executive Council Member" is substituted for

- 64 - An ,~ct to Amend The

Motor V~icles Act Chp. 26

"Commissioner" •

5 (l) Subsection 5 (1) is repealed.

6'(1) In subsections 7(1) and 7(7), "an operator's licence" is substituted for "a, subsisting operator's licence".

(2) The following is addeci to section 7:

" (5.l) Subsections (2) to (5) cio not authorize a person to operate a vehicle on a highway at any time when he is disqualified under section 245 or 247 from holding an operator's licence. "

, 7(1) In subsections 9 Cl) and 11 (1) and in paragraph 18{I){b'), "a'n operator's 'licence" is substituted for "a subsisting operator's lic:ence". ',' .. '-

8(1) In subsecti9n 17(1), "an ',operator's ,licence" , is sub~tituted' fo'r ,,'a' valid and subsisting oRerator's licence" •

9(1) Subsection 20 (3) is repealed.

10 Cl) The following are substituted for subsection 21 (1):

',:r " (1) Where the Registrar or t~e Driver Control Board , ' suspend or cancel a person's licence, certificate '~f ~t;!gisiratjon, or p~rniit, or make an ordel'

disqu~lifylng a person from holding an operator's licence. the Registrar' or Driver Control' Board,'

as the case may be, shall no~ify that person of 'the suspension, cancellatio;' or disqualification.

- 65 - An Act to Amend The Motor Vehicles Act Chp. 26

(2) Where a judge is satisfied that the Registrar or the Driver Control Board has made a reasonable attempt to notify the person of the. suspension, cancellation or disqualification, and that the person is evading. delivery of the notification, he may order that it shall be sufficient notification for the Registrar to send a written notice by certified mail to that person at his last recorded address as shown by the records ()f the Registrar.

(3) A person who has been notified of the suspension or cancellation of his operator's licence or of his disqualification from holding an operator's licence shall, as soon as possible after he receiveci the notice, deliver the operator's licence to the Registrar or a peace officer .or a judge.

11(1) Paragraph 23 Cl )(a) is repealed.

12 (1) In paragraph 32 (7. )(a). "subsisting" is deleted.

13(1) In clause 36 (6)(b)(ii), "he earns income" is substituted for "he earn income".

14(1) Section 36.1 is repealed.

15 (1) In subsections 63(1) and 64(2). "the amount specified in subse~tion i47(1) of the Insurance Act" is ·substituted for "severity-five thousand dollars".

16(1 ) Subsection 92 (1) is repealed.

17(1 ) The following new sections are substituted for section 245:

- 66 - An Act, to Amend The r.1otor Vehicles Act Chp. 26

"245(1 ) Subject to section 247.1, upon the conviction .9f a. person. of an offence under section 234, 235. or 236 .of the Criminal Code (Canada) anywhere in Canada, he is disqualified from holding an operator's licence under this Act (a) for not les!, than three months from the date of the con viction, where he has not been .convicted. of an offence under section 234, 235 9r 236 of the Criminal Code (Canada) committed anywhere in C!inada . in the. period of five years

imr:ne~iately preceding the date of thp. offence,

(b) f~r not less than one ye"r from the date of the conviction, where he has been convicted of one offence under \'. . section 234, ::!35 or 236 of the Crimin

imme~iately preceding the date of the

new offe~ce, or (c) for nct less than two years from the date of the conviction, where he has been convicted of more than one offence under section 234, 235 or 236 of the Criminal Code (Canada) committed anywhere in Canada in the period of five years immediately preceding the date of the new offence.

(2) Subject to subsection (1) and section 247.1, where a pers~n is convicted in the Territory of an offence referred to in subsection (1), the co':!rt may make an order increasing the term of his disqualification by such length of

- 67 - An Act to Amend The Motor Vehicles Act Chp. 26

time as the court considers "'ppropriate.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to an offence that has been committed before this section comes into force but for which the person in not convicted until after this section comes into force. "

IS(1 ) The following new sections are substituted for 'sectio!" 247:

"247(1) Subject to section 2117.1, upon the conviction of a person of an offence under section 233 of the Criminal Code (Canada) anywhere in Canada, he is disqualified from holding an operator's licence under this Act for not less than three months from the date of the con vi ction .

(2) Subjecl lu ~t!ctiull 247.1, upon the conviction of a person of an offence under section 203, 204 or 219 of the Criminal Code (Canada) committed by means of a motor vehicle, he is disqualified from holding an operator's licence under this Act for not less than three months from the date of the conviction.

(3) Subject to subsections (1) ",ncl (2), and to section 247.1, where a person is convicted in the Territory of an offence referred to in subsections (1) or (2), the court may make an order increasing the term of his disqualification by such length of time as the court considers appropriate.

- 68 - An Act to Amend The

Motor Vehicles ~ct ~hp. 26

(4) Subsections (1), (2) and (3) do not apply in relation to an offence that has been committed before thie; section comes into force but for which the person i!: not convicted until after this section comes into force.

247.1(1) \,1 here an order is made anywhere in Canada upon the conviction of a person under section 203, 204, 219, 233, 234, 235 or 236 , of tht! Criminal Code (Canada) prohibitin g him from operating a motor vehiCle on a I highway in Canada, his disqualification from holding an operator's licence under this Act js for the longer of

(a) the period of time ~pecified in the order! and (b) the period specified or ordered under section 245 or 247 of this Act.

(2) Where a person is dis~ualified from holding an operator's licence under section 245 or 247, any such licence held by him is suspended for the duration of the disqualification.

(3) Where a perso!,! is disqualified from holding an operator's licence under section 245 or 247" he shall forthwith ,surrender' any ope,rator's licence held by him to the court to be forwarded to the Registrar (a) for retention or for re-issuance or replacement in accordance with section 247.3, Clr

.:. 69 - An Act to Amend The Motor Vehicles Act Chp. 26

(b) in the caSl~ of an operator's licence held

by a per soh referr~d to in subsecticn 7(3) , (4) or (5) , to be forwnrc.led to " the ifisuing" jurisdiction in accordance with section 60.

7.47.7. (I) Where a person \1' disol1;\li fied for r.lore than two years ullder section 7.45 or 247, he "'''Y c!pply to the "Driver Control Bo"rd

establish~d under section 22 for it~ recommendation" respectillg the ren'lwal of the disqualification, but no such application shall be made before" the expiration vi two yearI' frorn the comrncncemen t of the disqualification.

(2) \'!here the Driver COlltrol Board rcc.:ommends the removal of a disqualification, it f;h;lIl give a written record of its recommendatior, to" the applicant ",ha may. upon receipt of the record, apply to the court ior removal of his disqualification.

(3) In H: ;,.pplicatior: uncler subsection (2), the court m<:y make" such order as it considers apprC'priate res"pecting thc removal of the disqualification, and may include in an order

permittinr. the applicant to hold an operiltor'~ "liCence such conditions the court ccnsidp.r!; appropriate respecting (a) the· hours or days during which the licence may be used, <'.nd

(b) the purpose for \\;hich the licel1c~ may be u!;ed.

- 70 - An Act to Amend The Motor V chicles Act Chp. 26

(4) No order under this section entitles a person to hold an operator's licence that he is not otherwise entitled to apply for or hold under this Act.

247.3(1) Except as provided by subsection (2). an operator's licence shall not be issued or reis!;ued to a person disqualified from holding it under section 245 or 247 until the expiration. of the disqualification.

(2) Upon the making of. an order under subsection· 247.2 (3). the Registrar may issue or rei!,!sue an operator's licence. but before doing so he shall endorse on the licence a brief description of the order or an y r conditions to which it is E'ubject."

19 (l) The following ill substituted for section 248:

"248(1) Every person. who operates a vehicle on a highway at a time when he is disqualified

from· holdin~ an operator's licence under section 245 or 247 cOl!1mits an offenC"e and is liable on summary conviction (a) to a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $2.000. to imprisonment for not more than six months. or .both. where the person has not been convicted of such an offence committed anywhere in Canada in the period of five years immediately preceding the date of the ·offence.

- 71 - An Act to Amend The Motor Vehicles Act Chp. 26

(b) to imprisonment for not less than threp. months and not more than six months, where the person has been convicted on one' such offence committed anywhere in Canada in the period of five years immp.diately preceding the date of the new offence, and (c) to imprisonment of not less than six months an.d not more th;).n two years less . one day, where the person has been convicted of more than one such offence committed anywhere in Canada in the period of five years immediately preceding the date of the new offence."

20(1) In subsections 59(5).-64(4),67.1(6),67.1(7), 67.3(1), 67.4(1), '67.4(2) ;and 67.4(3), "Registrar" is substituted for "Commissioner".

2l0) In subsections 13.2(1), 4R(4), q(,(7.) , 96(3), 102(5). and 2] 1(2), "Government of Yukon" is substituted for " Commissioner"·.

22 (1) Subject to subsection: (2), this Act or any part or parts of it comes into force on such day or days as may be fixed by the Commissioner in Executive Council.

(2) Section 15 of this Act shaH come into force or. April I, 1983.

- 72 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON· TERRITORY 1982, Chc.pter 27

AN AG'1;'. TO AMEND TIlE MUNICIPAL FINANCE ACT (Assented to December 9, 1982) - '":. , . r The Commissioner of the YukoT) TGfritory, b1'i and with the

advice and consent of the Legislative Assemb}y '0" enacts as follows:

1 Cl) This Act amends the Municipal Finance Act.

2(1) In. subsectipn . 20 (4) , '.'fo~ .19,82 ar.d , 1983" is substituted for "for 1982""

(2) In subsection .,20 (5), "in 19~2 ,and 1983" is 5ubstituted for "in 1983",

3(1) In subsections 3(1), 4(1), 6(1), 7(1), 150), and 16(1), "Government .of. Yukon" is substituted for "Commissioner" ,

(2) In subsections 4 (1) , 1,5 (5) , and 16 (2) , "Executive Council Member" is substituted for "Commissioner",

(3) In subsections 10(1),: 10(2), 10(4), 11(1), 15(5), 15(6), and 19(1), "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner".


AN ACT TO AMEND THE OPTOMETRY ACT (Assented to J)ecember 9, 1982)

The Commissioner of the' Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent oi the Legislative AE'E'embly, enacts as follows:

1 (1) This Act amends the Optometry Act.

2(1) In subsections 3(1),5(1),14(1)' 15(4), 18(1), 18(2) and 18(3), "Executive Council Member" is substituted for nTerritorial Secretary".

3 (1) The following is substituted' for section 4:

"4 Cl) A person who has not practised as an optometrist in a province or state within the period of two years immediately preceding his application for registration under this Act is entitled to be registered in the Register if he has, during that period, 'graduated from a' recognized school of optometry in Canada or passed the United States National Examination.

(2) A' person who has practised as an optometrist in a province or state within the period of two years immediately preceding his application for registration under this Act is entitled to be registered in the Register if (a) he has, at any time, graduated from a recognized school of optometry in Canada or passed the United States National Examination, and

- 74 - An Act to Amend The Optometry Act Chp. 28

(b) he produces a certificate or other proof satisfactory to .the Executive Council Member that he is in good standing as an optometrist in the province or state in which he practised most recently.

(3) A person who. is not entitied to be registered in the Register under subsection (l) or (2) may be registered iT' the Register upon production of proof satisfactory to the Executive Council fl,lembcr that he has qualifications and competence to practice optometry that, in the opinion of the Executive Council Member, are similar to those required under subsection (l) or (2).

(4) Notwithstanding subsections (1), (2) and (3), a person is not entitled to be registered in the Register until he has paid the prescribed reg.istration fee."

4 (1) The following is added immediately after section 8:

"8.1(1) Notwithstanding any other Act. a person on whom a degree of doctor of optometry, or a degree of similar !itatus, has been lawfully conferred and who is registered in the Register is entitled to use the title of "doctor" or its abbreviation in connection with his practice of optor:1etry under this Act."

5(1) In subsections 14(2), 15(1), 15(6), 15(7), 17(1) and 17(2), "Executive Council Member" is substituted for "Commissioner".

- 75 - An Act to Amend The Optometry Act Chp. 28

6(1) In subsection 14(3). "pays a fee in the prescribed amount" is substituted for "pays a fee of ten dollars".

1'(1) In subsections 18 (l) and (2) • "Commissioner in Executive Council'; is substituted ior "Commissioner".

8 (l) The following· is added immediately after section 111:

"19(1 ) The: Commissioner in Executive Council may Olzke su·ch regulations as he deems necessary for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act."

(2) The foIIowine is added immediately after subsection 18 (3):

"( 4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) • a person is not entitled to be reinstated until he has paid the prescribed reinstatement fee in addition to the prescribed registration fee. "


AN ACT TO AMEND THE PARTNERSHIP ACT (Assented to November 10, 1982)

The Co~missioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act" amends the Partnership Act.

2(1) In subsection 2(1).

(a) The folIow~ng definitions are added: . "'business name' means the name under which a business is cilrr1ed on or is to be carried on and includes a firm name:

'principal place of business' means the principal premises in the Territory where the businesf; is carried on or is to· be carried on," and

(b) "registrar" is substituted for "registration c:lerk".

3(1) The heading "PART I" is added immediately after section 2.

4(1) The heading "PART U" is added immediately after section 6.

5(1) In paragraph 13(1)(a), "receives" is substituted for ureceived" •

6(1) In ~ubsection 21(1) "Part" is substituted for "Ordinance" •

- 77 - An Act to Amend The Ps'rtnership Act Chp. 29

7 (1) The foilo~ing is added immediately after section 21:

"21.1 (1) A partn:r shall Cl ct with the utmost fairness . and' good faith to~

(2) The duties imposed by this section are in addition to',' aild not in dcrogation of, any enactment or rule of law or equity relating to the 'duties o'r liabilities of partners."

8(1) In s'ubsedion' 22(1). "Subject to subsection (2)," is . . . added imiiie

? (l) In subsection 27 (1), ""nd the power is exercised in good faith" is added immediately after "between the partne~s" •

The following is substitu'ted' for subsection 33 (3) :

"(3) The assignee may c'nforce his rights under subsection 2 against the assigning partner, the ~ther ~artners or bot~:'"

11 (1) The following is substituted for section 35:

"35 (1) On the death, ba~k~uptcy or dissolution of a partner,

(a) a partnership of two partners is dissolved, and (b) subject to agreement among the partners, a partnership of more than two partners is dissolved as between the hankrupt, dead or dissolved

- 78 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

partner and the other partners.

(2) Where the share in the partnership property of a partner is charged under section 25 for the separate debt of the partner, the other partners may, by notice in writing to the partner whose share is charged,

(a) dis~olve the partnership, or (b) where there are three or more partners, dh;solve the partnership as hetween the partner whose share is charged and the other partners.

(3) A notice under subsection 2 takes effect at the time specified in the notice or forthwith if no time is speci fied. "

12 (l) In paragraph 37(1) (a), "to be incapable, because of mental infirmity, of discharging his duties as a partner" is substituted for "to be of permanently unsound mind".

(2) The following is added to section 37:

"(2) V!here there are three or more partners, the partnership may be dissolved or may be dissolved as between the partner whose condition or conduct gave rise to the application and the remaining partners." l30 ) The following is substituted for subsection 3B (2) :

"(2) An advertisement in the Yukon Gazette as 10 a

firm is notice

- 79 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

with the firm before the date of dissolution or change so advertised."

14(1 ) In subsection 40 (1), "Suhject to subsection 2," is added immediately before "After the dissolution".

(2) The following is added to 5ection 40:

" (2) Th e firm is in no case boun d by the acts of a partner who has become insolvent; but this subsection does not affect the liability of any person who has after the insolvency, represented himself or knowingly suffered himself to be represented as a partner of the insolvent."

15 (1) In sub~ection 44(1), "or to interest 4t a fair rate on the amount of his share" is substituted for "or to interest en the amount of his share".

(2) In subsection 44(~), "share of profits" is substituted for "share or profits".

16(1 ) The following are substituted for the headings and sections after section 46:



47(1) In this Part, "certificate" means a certificate under section 50 and incIudfls a certificate which has been amended.

48 (l) The provisions of this Act shall, in the case

- 80 - An Act to' Ainend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

of limited partnerships, be read subject to this Part. i.

49(1) Subject to this Part, a limited partnership may be formed to carry on any business that a partnership without limited partners may carry on.

(2) A limited partnership shall consist of (a) one or more persons who are general partners, and (b) one or more persons who are limited partners.

50 (1) A limited partnership is formed when a certificate signed by all the persons desiring to form the limited partnership is filed with the registrar.

(2) A certificate under subsection (1) shall state

(a) the business name under which the limited partnership is to be conducted; (b) the gtmcrai nature of the business carried on or in tended to be carried on; '(c) the "full name and resident address of each partner or, in the case of a partner that is a corporation, an address of the corporation in the Territory, general and limited partners being respectively designated as such; (d) the term for which the limited partnership is to exist;

- 81 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(e) the amount of cash and the nature and fair value of other property, if any, contributed by each limited partner; (£) the amount of additional contributions, if any, agreed to be made by each ,limited partner and the times at which or events on the happening of which an additional contribution is to be made; and (g) the share of the proIits or other 'compensation by way of income which each limited partner is entitled to by reason of his contribution.

(3) Where the partnership agreement contains provisions respecting any of the following matters, the certificate under subsection (1) shall also s ta te:

(a) 'the time when the contribution of each limited partner is to be returned; (b) the right of a limited partner to substitute an assignee as contributor in his place, and the terms and conditions of the substitution; (c) the right of the partners to admit additional partners; (d) the right of one or more of the limited partners to priority over other limited partners, to a return of contributions Qr to compensation by way of income, and the nature of the priority; (e) the right of a remaining general partner to continue the business on the bankruptcy, death, retirement, mental

- 82 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

incompetence or dissolution of a general partner; (f) the right of a limited partner to demand and receive property other than cash in return for his contribution: and (g) the right of the limited partners or any of them to admit an additional general partner to the partnership or to permit or require a general partner to retire from the partnership.

51 (1) A person may be a general partner and a limited partner at the same time in the same limi ted partnership.

(2) A person who is at the same time a general

partner and a limited p~rtner has the same rights and powers and is subject to the same restrictions as a general partner. but in respect of his contribution as a limited partner he has the rights against the other p2rtners that he would have had if he were not also a general partner.

52 (1) The business name of each limited

partnership shall end with t~e words "Limited Partnership" in full or the French lan guage eq uiv alen t.

(2) The surname of it limited partner shall not appear in the firm name of the limited partnership unless it is also the surname 'of one of the general partners or the business of the limited partnership has been carried on under that name before the admisflion of

- 83 - An Act to Amen.d The Partnership Act Chp. 29

that partner as a limited partner.

(3) The corporate name or a significant part of the corporate name of a Hmi ted partner shall not appear in the firm name of a limited partnership unless the husiness of the limited partnership has been carried on writing to the registrar (a) of the location of the registered office at the time the certificate is filed under subsection 50 (1), and (b) promptly, of every change in the location of the registered office.

54(1) A limited partner may contribute money and other property to the limited partnership, but not services.

(2) A limited partner's interest in the limited partnership is personal property.

55 (1) A gene.ral partner in a limited partnership has all the rights and powers and is subject to aq the restrictions and liabilities of a . partner in a partnership without limited partners except that, without the written . consent to or ratification of the specific act by . all the. limited partners, a general partner has no authority (a) to do an act which makes it impossible to carry on the business of the limited partne)·ship, (b) . to consent to a judgment against the limited partnership,

- 84 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(c) to possess limited partnership property, or dispose of any . rights in limited partnership property, for other than a partnership purpose, (d) to admit a person as a general partner or admit a person as a limited partner, unless the right to do so is given in the certificate, or (e) to continue the business of the limited partnership on the bankruptcy, death, retirement, mental incompetence or dissolution of a general partner, unless the right to do so is given in the certifica te.

56(1 ) Except as provided in this Part, a Hmi ted partner is not liable for the oi?ligations Q{ the limited partnership except in respect of the amount of property he contributes or agrees to contribute to the capital of the limited partnel'ship.

57(1) A limited partner has the same right as a general partner

(a) to inspect and ma~e copies of or take extracts from the limited partnership books at all times,

(b) to be given, on demand, ~rue and full information of all things affecting the limi ted partnership, (c) to be given a formal account of partnership affairs whenever circumstances render it just and reasonable, and

- 85 - An Act to .Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(d) to obtain dissolution and winding up of the limited partnership by court order.

58 (1) A limited partner has, subject to this Act and the partnership agreement, the right (a) to a share of the profits or other compensation by way of income, and (b) to have his contrihution to the limited partnership returned.

(2) A limited partner may receive from the limited partnership the share of the profits or the compensation by way of income stipulated for in the certi fica te if, after payment is made, whether from the property of the limited partnership or that of a general partner, the limited partnership assets exceed all the limited partnership liabilities, exceptin g liabilities to limited partners on account of their contributions and to general partners.

59(1) A limited partner may lend money to, borrow money from and transact business with the limited partnership.

(2) Except where the limited partner is also a general partner, a limited partner having a claim against the assets of the limited partnership may receive a proportionate share of the assets along with other creditors.

- 86 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(J) A limited partner making a claim described in subsection (2) shall not, respecting the claim, (a) receive or hold as collateral security, property of the limited partnership, or (b) where the assds of the limited

partner~hip at the time of the claim are not sufficient to discharge partnership liabilities to persons who are not general partners or limited partners, receive from a general partner or from the limited partnership a payment, conveyance or release from liability.

(00) Subject to subsection (2). limited partners. in relation to one another. share in the limited partnership assets in respect of their claims for capital. and for profits or compensation by way of income on their contributions, in proportion to the respective amoun ts of their claims.

(2) Where there are several limited partners. the partners may agree that one or more of the limited partners is to have a priority over the other limited partners as to the return of contributions, as to compensation by way of income, or as to any other matter, but the existence of and nature of the agreement' shall be stated in the certificate. and in the absence of a statement all limited partners, subject to subsection 0), stand on equal footing.

- 87 - An Act to Amend The Purtnership Act Chp. 29

61 (l) A limited partner is not entitled to receive from a general partner or out of the limited partnership property any part of his contribution until (a) all liabilities of the limited partnership, excepting liabilities to general partners and to limited partners on account of their contributions, have been paid or there remains sufficient limited partnership property to pay them, (b) the consent of all partners is obtained, unless the return of the contribution may be rightfully demanded under subsection (2), and (c) the certificate is cancelled or so amended as to set forth the withdrawal or reduction.

(2) Subject to subsection (1), a limited partner may rightfully demand the return of his contribution (a) on the dissolution of the limited partnership, (b) when the time specified in the certifica te for its return has arrived, or (c) after he has given 6 months' notice in writing to all other partners, if no time is specified in the certificate either for the return of the contribution or for the dissolution of the limited partnership.

- 88 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(3) A limited partner has, notwithstanding the nature of his contribution, only the right to demand and receive cash in return for it, unless (a) there is a statement to the contrary in the certificate, or (b) alI the partners consent to some other manner of returning the contribution.

(4) A limited partner is entitled to have the limited partnership and its affairs wound up where (a) he rightfulIy but unsuccessfully demands the return of his contribution, or (b) the other liabilities of the limited partnership have not been paid, or the limited partnership property is insufficient for their payment as required by paragraph (I) (a), and the limited partner seeking dissolution would otherwise be entitled to the return of his contribution.

62(1) A limited partner is liable to the limited partnership (a) for the difference, if any, between the

amount of his contribution lIS actually made and the amount· stated in the certificate as having been made, and (b) for any unpaid contribution which he agreed in the certificate to make in the future at the time and on the conditions, if any, stated in the certifica te.

- 89 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(2) A limited partner holds as trustee for the limi ted partnership (a) specific property stated in the certificate as contributed by him, but which has not in fact been contributed or which has been wrongfully returned, and (b) money or other property wrongfully paid or conveyed to him on account of his contribution.

(3) The liabilities of a limited partner as set out in this section may, subject to subsection (4), be waived or compromised, bllt only with the consent of all partners.

(4) A waiver nr compromise agreed to under subsection (3) does not affect the right of a creditor of the limited partnership to enforce a liability arising from credit which was extended or a claim which arose subsequent to the filing of the certificate by which the limited partnership was formed, but before the cancellation or amendment of the certifica te by which the waiver or compromise was effected.

(5) Where a limited partner has rightfully received the return, in whole or in part, of the capital of his contribution, he is nevertheless liable to the limited partnership for any sum, not in excess of that return with interest, necessary to discharge the limited partnership's liabilities to all creditors who extended credit or whose claims otherwise arose before the return.

- 90 - An Act to Amend The partnership Act Chp. 29.

63(1 ) A limited partner is not liable as a general partner unless he takes part in the management of the business.

64(1) Additional limited partners may be admitted to the partnership by amendment of the ceJltificate in accordance with this Part.

65(1) A limited partner may assign his interest in the limited partnership but the assignee doe£ not become a limited partrjcr except as provided in this section .

. (2) On amendment of the certificate to show the change an assignee becomes a limited partner (a) where all the limited partners and

general partner~ have consented to the cl1ange. or (b). where the terms of the certificate allow the assignor to substitute the assignee as a limited partner and the assignor does so.

(3) An assignee who has not become a limited partner has no .right (a) to require information to be given or an accounting to be made concerning partnership transactions. or (b) to inspect the partnership books,

(4) An assignee who has not become a limited partner may only receive the share of the profits. other compensation. or the return of contribution to which his assignor would have been entitled to receive if the ·assignment had not taken place.

- 91 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(5) Subject to subsection (6), on becoming a limited partner, an assignee acquires the rights and powers and is subject to all the restrictions and liabilities that his assignor had immediately before the assignment.

(6) On becoming a limited partner, an assignee does not acquire the liabilities of the assignor of which the assignee is ignorant and . which' are not specified in the certificate;

(7) An assignor is not released from liability under section 62 or section 73 or from a liability described by subsection (6) •

66 (l) The bankruptcy, retiremen t, death, mental incompetence' or dissolution of a general partner dissolves a limited partnership unless the business is continued by the remaining general partners under a right specified in the certificate, or with the consent of all the remaining partners.

67 (l) The exec'utor or administrator of the estate

of a dece~sei:i limited partner has all the rights and powers of a limited partner for the purpose of settling the estate of the deceased limited partner, and he has the powers under section 65 that the deceased person held.

(2) The estate of a deceased limited partner is liable for all his liabilities as a limited partner.

- 92 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

68 (l) A certificate shall be cancelled when the limited partnership is wound up, or no person remains a limited partner in the partnership.

69(1) A 'certificate shall be amended when (a) there' is a change in the name of the limited partnership or in the amount or character of the contribution of a -limited partner not provided for in the certificate, (b) a person is substituted as a limited partner, (c) a person is added as a limited partner, (d) a person is added as a general partner, (e) a general partner becomes bankrupt, retires, dies, becomes mentally incompetent or is dissolved and the business is continued pursuant to section 66, (f) there is a change in the nature of the business of the limited partnership, (g) a false or erroneous stater.len t is discovered in the certificate, (h) there is a change in the time as stated in the certificate for the dissolution of the limited partnership or for the return of a contribution, (i) a time is fixed for the dissolu tion of the limited partnership or for the return of a contribution, no time having been specified in the certificate, or (j) the partners desire to make a change in any other statement in the certificate in order to make the certificate accurately reflect the agreement between them.

- 93 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(2) The notice to amend a certificate shilll set out clearly the change in or addition to the certificate which is desired. and it shall be signed by all the partners.

(3) A notice to amend a certificate by substituting a limited partner or adding a limited or general partner shall also be signed by the person to be substituted or added and. where a limited partner is substituted. the amendment shall also be signed by the assigning limited partner.

70 (1) Where a person designated by section 69 as being a pe,rson who must sign a notice to cancel or amend a certificate refuses to do so. a person desiring the cancellation or amendment may apply to the Court for an order directing the cancellation or amendment.

(2) On hearing ar! application brought under subsection (1) the Court. if it finds that the applicant is entitled to have the notice in question signed. shall by order direct the registrar to record the cancellation or amendment of the certificate as set out in the order.

71(1) A certificate is cancelled or amended. as the case indicates. when there is filed with and recorded in the office of the registrar (a) a notice signed ilS required by this Part. or (b) a certified copy of an order made under ,section 70.

- 94 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

72(1) Where accounts are settled after the dissolution of a limited partnership, the liabilities of the partnership to creditors, excepting liabilities to limited partners on account of their contributions and liabilities to general partners, shall be paid first and then, subject to a statement in the

certificate or to subsequent agree~ent, the other liabilities of the partnership shall be paid in the following order: (a) to limited partners in respect of the capital of their contributions; (b) to limited partners in respect of their share of the profits and other compensation by way of income on their con tribu tions; (c) to general partners other than for capital and profits; (d) to general partners in respect of capital; and (e) to general partners in respect of profits.

73(1) V/here a certificate contains a false statement a person suffering loss as a result may hold liable as a general partner every party to the certificate who (a) knew when he signed the certificate that the statement relied on was false, or (b) became aware that it was false subsequent to the time when he signed the certificate, but within a sufficient time before the false statement was relied on to enable him to have the

- 95 - An. Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

certificate cancelled or amended, and failed to have the certificate cancelled or amended promptly.

74 (1) Where a person contributes to the capital of a business conducted .. by a person or partnership mistakenly believing that he has become a limited partner in a limited partnership and, on ascertaining the mistaken nature of his belief, he promptly renounces his interest in the profits or other compensation by way of income from the business, (a) he is not, by exercising the rights of a limited partner, a general partner with the person or in the partnership carrying on the business, and (b) he is not bound by the obligations of the person or partnership carrying on the business.

75(1 ) The Court may, on application by a judgment creditor of a limi ted partner, charge the

intere~t of the indebted limited partner with payment of the unsatisfied amount of the judgment debt, and may appoint a receiver of that interest and make all other orders, directions. and inquiries which the circumstances of the case require.

(2) Property of a limited partnership may not be disposed of in order to obtain the release of a charge created under subsection (l).

- 96 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(3) The remedies conferred by subsection (1) are additional to others that may exist in law or equity.

76(1) In a legal proceeding against a limited partnership it shall not be necessary to name any of the limited partners.

77( 1) A general or proposed general partner or limited or proposed limited partner may give written authority to it person to execute on his behalf a document under this Part.

(2) Every docuUlent executed under an authority referred to in subsection (1) shall be filed with the registrar and a copy of the authority shall be file with it.

78 (I) A limited partnership in existence on or before 'December I, 19B2, may become a limited partnership under this Part on regiRtration of a certificate under section 50 where the certificate (a) sets out the amount of the original contribution of each limited partner and the time when the contribution was made, and (b) states that the property of the partnership exceeds the amount sufficient to discharge its liabilities to persons not claiming as general or limited partners by an amount greater than the sum of the contributions of the limited partners.

- 97 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(2) A limited partnership in existence on or before December I, 1982, that dop.!; not become a limited partnership under this Part continues to be governed by sections 59 to 77 of the Partnership Act in force before December 1, 1982, and for the purposes of this subsection, those sections arc not repealed.

79(1) A limited partnership formed outside the Territory may carry on business in the Territory if it is registered under this Act.

(2) Where persons form a limited partnership in and under the laws of a place outside the Territory. the name under which they carry on business shall not be registered unless (a) the place is designated by the Commissioner in Executive Council, and (b) they file with the registrar, in addition to a declaration in prescribed form, (i) a true copy of the original certificate of limited partnership or equivalent document and of all amendments to it verified by the proper authority of the jurisdiction in which the limited partnership was formed, (ii) evidence to the satisfaction of the registrar that the limited partnership still exists as a limited partnership in the jurisdiction where it was formed, (iii) the full names and residential addresses of the general partners, and

- 98 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

(jv) a notice of· the location of the registered office required by section 53.

(3) A limited partnership registered un der thi~ section has rights and privileges the same as but not greater than. and is subject to the same du ties. restrictions. penalties and liabilities as are imposed on. a limited partnership formed under section 50.


80 (l) All persons associated in partnership for trading. manufacturing or mining purposes shall cause to be filed with the registrar. a declaration in the prescribed form.

(2) When any of the members are absent from the place where they carry or intend to carry on business at the time of making the declaration. then the declaration shall be signed by the members presen t in their own names and also for the absent !:1embers. under their written authority to that effect. and that written authority shall be at the same time filed with the registrar and annexed to the declaration.

81 (l) The declaration shall be filed within two months next after the formation of the firm and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

- 99 - An Act to Amend The Partllership Act Chp. 29

82(1 ) A similar declaration shall in a similar manner be filed when and so often as any change or alteration takes place in the membership of the firm or in the firm name, and every new declaration shall state the alteration in the membership of the firm or in the firm name.

(2) A similar declaration may be filed in a similar manner at any time if a fiat is obtained from a judge.

83(1 ) The allegations made in a declaration required under this Act cannot be controverted by any person who has signed it; nor can they be controverted, as against any person who is not a partner, by any person who, although he did not sign it, was, at the time the declaration was made, a member of the partnership mentioned in the declaration.

84(1) Until a new declaration is made and filed by him or by his partners, or any of them as aforesaid, no signer shall be deemed to have ceased to be a partner; but nothing herein shall exempt from liability any person who, being a partner, fails to declare the same as already provided; and that person may, notwithstanding the omission, be sued jointly with the partners mentioned in the declaration, or they may be sued alone, and if judgment is recovered against them, any other partner or partners may be sued jointly or severally in an action on the

- 100 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

original cause of action on which the judgment was rendered; nor shall anything in this Part be construed to affect the rights of any partners with regard to each other, except that no declaration as aforesaid shall be controverted by any signer of it.

85(1) On the dissolution of a firm, any or all of the persons who composed the firm may sign a declaration certifying the dissolution of the firm which may be in the prescribed form.

86(1 ) If any persons are associated as partners for trading, manufacturing or mining purposes, and no declaration is filed under this Part with regard· to that partnership, then any action which might be brought against all the members of ,the firm may also be brought against anyone or more of them, as carrying on or having carried on business jointly with others, . without naming those others in the writ or other process, under the name and style of their partnership or firm, and if judgment is recovered against him or them, any other partner or partners may be sued jointly or severally on the original cause of action on which the judgment is rendered.

(2) If the action is founded on any obligation or instrument in writing in which all or any of the partners bound by it are named, then all the partners named in it shall be made parties to the action and a judgment rendered against any member of such

- 101 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

existing firm for a firm debt or liability may be executed by process of execution against all and every firm stock, property and effects in the same manner and to the same extent as if the judgment had been rendered against the firm.

87(1) Every person who is engaged in business for trading, manufacturing or mining purposes, and who is not associated in partnership with any other person or persons, but who uses as his business name some name or designation other than his own name, or who in his business name uses his own name with the addition of "and company" or some other word or phrase indicating a plurality of members in the business, shall file with the registrar within two months after the day when the business name is first used, a declaration in the prescribed form.

(2) A similar declaration may be filed in a similar manner at any time if a fiat is obtained from a judge.

88 (1) The registrar shall not register a certificate under section 50 or a declaration under section 80 or 87 that contains a business name that is (a) identical to that by which another partnership, company, society or association of any kind is registered in the Territory,

- 102 - An Act' to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

.(b) so similar to the name by which another partnership, company, society, or . a·ssociation of any 'kirid is registered in the Territory that, in the opinion of the registrar, is deceiving, or (c) objected to by the registrar for any other reasoll.

(2) Paragraphs. (1) (a) and (b) do not apply where a partnership, company, society or association of any kind registered in the TerritorY' consents in writing to the use of its name in whole or in part by another partnership, company,· society. or association.

89(1) The registrar shall keep two indices of the declarations filed under this Act, one to be named the "firm index" and the other the "individual index".

(2) In the firm index the registrar shall cause to be entered in alphabetical" order .the ·styles of the respective firms in respect of which declarations have been filed with him and he shall cause to be placed opposite to each entry the names of the persons composing the firn and the date of receipt by him of each declaration.

(3) In the individual index the registrar shall cause to be entered in alphabetical order the names of each of the members of each firm -in respect of which a declaration has been filed with him, and he shall cause to be placed opposite to each entry the style of the firm

- 103 - An Act to Amend The Partnership Act Chp. 29

of which the persons are members and the date of receipt by him oC each declaration.

90(1) Every member of any partnership or other person who is required to register a declaration under this Act and fails to do so commits an offence and is liable on sumr,lary conviction to a fine of not more than $500.

91 (1) The rules of equity and of common law applicable to partnerships continue in force, except so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act.

92 (l) The Commissioner in Executive Council may make regulations (a) prescribing the fees to be charged under this. Act, and (b) prescribing. such forms as he may consider necessary for the

administration of this Act. 11 n(1) This Act comes into force on December 1, 1982.

- 104 - STATUTE~ OF THE ypXON TERRITO~Y 1982. Chapter 30


The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly. enacts as follows:

l( 1) This Act amends the Personal Property Security Act.

2(1) In paragraph (a) of the definition of "building materials" in subsection 2(1). "unbelting" is

added imm~dlately after "unscrewing".

(2) In the definition of "debtor" in subsectjon 2(1).

"but where th~ debtor and the owner of the collateral are not the same person" is substituted fpr "and where a debtor is not the owner ,of the collateral" •

(3) In subsection 2(1). the definition 'of "execu~lon creditor" is repealed.

(4) In the definition of "financial instltution" in subsection 2(1)" (a~ "means a bank, credit union. trust company" is SUbstituted for "means a bank", and

(b) "SUCh bank,credit un~on, trust compsn)! or institution" is substituted for "such bank or

ins~it utton" •

(5) In the definition of "goods" in subsection 2(1). "tangible personal property other than money" is SUbstituted for "jlll chattels personal othsr than choses jn action and money".

(6) In paragraph (a) of the definition of "instrument" in subsection 2(1), "is" is substituted ,for "constitutes part of".

- 105 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

(7) In subsection 2( 1). 'the following is substituted

for the definition of 11 pe'rson 11 : IIIperson' includes an individual, partner­ ship, association, society, body corporate, trustee, executor, admin­ istrator or legal representative;".

(8) In the definition of "purchase-money security interest" in subsection 2 (1) , (a) in paragraph (a), "a security interest in collateral that is taken or reserved ?y a seller, lessor or consignor of the collateral" is substituted for "a security interest that is taken or reserved by a seller, lessor or consignor of personal property"; and (b) in paragraph (b), "applied" is substituted for "used".

(9) In subsection 2(1), the following is substituted for the definition of "security interest": IIIsecurity interest' means an interest in goods, documents of title, securities, " . chattel paper, instruments, money or intangibles that secures payment or performance of an obligation, and includes (a) 'an interest arising from an assign­ ment of accounts or a transfer of chattel paper, (b) an interest' of a person who delivers goods to another under a consign- .. ment, and (c) an interest oC a lessor under a lease of goods for a term of one year or more, notwithstanding that the interests described in paragraphs (a) to (c) may not secure payment or performance of an obligation, but does not include the interest of a seller who has shipped goods to a buyer' under a negotiable bill of lading to his own order or to the order of his agent, unless the parties have otherwise evidenced an intention to create or provide for a security interest;".

- 106 - An Act to Amend the Persoral Property Secur1~r Act Chp. ~O

(10) The follqw~g definition is ~dded to subsection 2(1) :

IIIserial number' means, with respep~ to an aircraft governed by the Aeronautics Act (Can!lda~, the re~istrat1on marks assl~ned by the Minister of Transport;".

(11) In subsection 2(1), the definition of "suffic1ent descriptipn" is repealed,

. (12) In the definition of "trust deed". in 8ubsectlQn 2(1), "It person" Is substituted for "a body n cprporate •

( 13) S '" b'ltctlan 2 ( 3 ) is re pealed.

3(1) The follo1!ling ~s SUlJstit uted for subsection 3 (1) : !i3( 1) Subject to sections 4 an~ 55, this Act , , ' applies ~o every transaction without regard to its form anfl without regard to

. the persQn who has title to th~ collat­

eral that in substance createll a fJecur~ty. interest, inoluding, witho'"'t Umitlnij the foregoing,

(a) ~ chattel mortgage, conditic;Jn/tI

sale. eqUipment trust, fl~~ng

charge, plectge ~ trust deQd, tfUl'lt receipt, lease. assignment, conalgn· mont or transfer of chattel paper. apd (b) ap aSSIgnment of account8, tl'lJnafer of chattel paper, consi~nment, or a lease for a term of one year or more, notwithstanding that 8uch interest does not secure payment or performance of an obligation."

4 (1) In paragraph 4( 1) (I), "Matrimonial Proper~y and

FamUy S~pport Act" is substituted for "Matrimopial Property Ordinance".

SU) In subsect1~n 5(1), "are determined" is sub8t1tute~

for I'is ~etermined".

- 107 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security. Act ,.' Chp. 30

(2) In subsection 5(3), "perfected in the Territory under" is substituted for "perfected under" •. ;

6(.1)· 'In subsection' 8(2), "the last dealing giving rise to the interest in conflict ·occurs" is substituted for "the last· dealing occurred which gave rise to the conflict".

7(1) In paragraph 9(l)(b) , "a": description of' the collateral that enables the' type 'or kind of collateral taken under the security agreement to be distinguished from types or· kinds of collateral that are'· not collateral. under the security agreement" is substituted for·' "a sufficient description of the collateral".

(2) The following subsections are added to section 9: "('2) For the' purposes Of paragraph (l)(.b);: in the case of a security interest taken in all of the debtor's present and after­ acquired property. a statement indicating that a 'security interest has been taken in all of the debtor's present and after­ acquired property is sufficient.

(3)" A security inteiest in proceods is not unenforcable against a person other than the' debtor' by reason only that the security. agreement does not contain a description Of the proceeds as required by paragraph (1)( b)."

8(1) In paragraph 12('1)(b), "or to" is deleted.

(2) In paragraph 12(2)(a), "rights in goods" is substituted for "rights ·to goods".

(3) In paragraph 12(2)(b), (a) "a debtor has" is SUbstituted for "he' has", and (b) "rights in goods" ·is substituted· for "rights to goods".

(4) In subsection 12(3), "or' to" is ·deleted.

9(1) The following is substituted for subsection 14(2):

- 108 - An Act to Amend the Pereonal Property Security Act Chp. 30

"( 2) No obligation to make fut ure advances is binding on a secured party if the collateral has been seized, attached or charged under circumstances described in clause 20(1)(b) or (c) and the secured party receives notice of this fact." lOO) In paragraph 17(1)(a), a comma is added immediately after "instrument".

(2) The following is substituted for subsection 17(3): "( 3) A secured part y does not lose his security interest for failing to meet any obligations imposed by subsection (1) or (2) ,"

11(1) In subsection 18(1), (a) "A debtor, creditor, sheriff or person" is substituted for "A debtor, creditor or other person", and, (b) "or to" is deleted.

(2) In subsection 18(2). "or to" is deleted.

(3) In subsection 18(3). ". in addition to any other remedy provided under this Act, to apply to a judge for an order requiring the secured party to comply with the notice" is substituted for paragraphs (a) and (b).

(4) In subsection 18(4), "the person who has given the notice is entitled to the same remedies as provided in subsections (3) and (6)" is substituted 'for "he is liable for any direct loss or damage caused thereby to the person who has given the notice".

(5) The following is substituted for subsection 18(6): "(6) Where a secured party fails to comply with an order granted under subsection (3). a judge on application of the person who obtained the order may (a) declare the security interest of the secured party void and order regis­ tration of the security interest be removed from the registry. and

- 109 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 3D

(b) make any order he considers neces­ sary to ensure compliance with the order granted under subsection (3)."

(6) The following is substituted for subsection 18(8): "(8) Upon application of the secured party or in an application under subsection (3), a judge may (a) make any order that is reasonable and just, including an order exempt­ ing the secured party in whole or in part from complying with the notice, if the judge is satisfied that the person giving the notice, not being the debtor, is acting in bad faith and is seeking the information for other than ordinary commercial purposes, and (b) make any order as to costs that he considers fair and reasonable."

(7) The following subsection is adrlf!rI to section 18: "(12) The secured party is not required to provide a copy of any document registered in the registry."

12(1) The following is substituted for subsection 20(1): "20(1) ,An un perfected security interest is subordinate to an interest of (a) a person who has a perfected security interest or who is other­ wise entitled to priority under this Act; (b) a' person who causes the collateral to be seized under legal process, including execution, attachment or garnishment, or who obtains a charging order or equitable execu­ tion affecting the collateral, (c) a sheriff who has seized or has obtained a right to the collateral under, the Creditors' Relief Act; (d) a representative of the creditors of the debtor, but only for the purpose

- 110 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

of enforcing the rights of persons mentioned in ·paragraph (b), and a trustee in bankruptcy, (e) a transferee who is not a secured party and acquires his interest for value without notice of the security interest and before it is perfected (0 in documents of title, securities, instruments or goods, where the transfe{ee receives delivery of the collateral, Oi) in intangibles other than accounts, (iii) in accounts acquired thropgh a transaction not otherwise goverlled by this Act, or (iv) in chattel paper acquired through a transaction not otherwise governed by this Act,

where the transferee r~celves possession of the chattel paper."

(2) In subsection 20(2), "par~graphs (l}(b) to (d)" is

su~stituted for "paragraphs (l)(b) or (c)".

13(1) ~n sub~ection 21(1), "paragraphs 20(1)(b) to (d)" is substituted for "paragraphs 20(1)(b) or (c)".

14(1) In subsectlon 26 (3), "After the expiration of the . " periods of time mentioned in sl,lbsection (1) or (2)" Is substituted for "Beyond the period of IS days referred to in subsection (1)".

15(1) The following is substituted for paragraph 27(2}(a) : "(a) is perfected by the registration of a financing statement that covers the original collateral and proceeds from it. and contains a prescribed description. " •

(2) In paragraph ~7(2)(c), "a deposit account" is substituted for "an account".

- 111 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

(3) The following is substituted for subsection 27(3): U(3) In a case other than one mentioned in subsection (2), a security interest in proceeds is a continuously perfected security. interest if the interest in tho , original collateral was perfected, and the security interest in the proceeds remains perfected for a period of 15 days after receipt of the proceeds by the debtor, but becomes un perfected thereafter, unless the security interest in the proceeds is otherwise perfected by any of the methods and under the circumstances prescribed in this Act for original collateral of the same type or kind"..

16(1) The following subsection is added to section 30: "( 1.1) . Where goods of a type in respect of which registration by serial number is permitted by the regulations are sold or leased otherwise than in the ordinary course of business of the seller or lessor and the goods were eqUipment of the seller or lessor. the buyer or lessee takes free from any security interest in the .goods given by the seller or lessor and perfected under section 24 if (a) he buys or leases the goods without knowledge of thi3 'security interest, and (b) the goods are'. not: described by serial number" ID 'a financing

statement ~ ",

(2) In subsection 30(3), "(1), (1.1) and (2) is substituted for "(1) and (2)" wherever it occurs.

(3) In subsection 30(4), "subsections 46(2) to (5) during any of the IS-day periods mentioned in subsections 46(2) to (5)" is substituted for "subsection 46 (2)".

17(1) In subsection 34(1), "before or within 15 days" is substituted for "within 15· days" wherever it occurs.

- 112 - An Act to Amend the l'ersonal Prpperty Security :Act Chp. 30

(2) The following is substituted for paragraph 34(3)(b) : "(p) contains a description of the inventory and its proceeds according to type or kind, and" •

. (3) In subsection 34(6), (a) "value" is substituted for "a consideration", and (b) "giving the value has notice" is substituted for "giving the consideration knew".

C4~ The following subsection is added to seption 34: "(7) A purchase-money security interest in collateral or its proceeds held by a seller, lessor or consignor of the co.lateral has priority over any other

purchase-money security in~erest in the same collateral where the interest of the seller, lessor or consignor is perfected (a) il) the case of an intangible, within 15 days after the purchase-money security interest In the intangible attaches, or (b) in the case of collateral other than

an intangible, within 1~ da)'s after the debtor receives possession of the collatel'al,"

18(0 The fpllowlng is '!Iubstituted for paragraph 3B(5)(b) : "( b) a description of the n,tures to be removed sufficient to enable them to

be ide·ntified, n •

(2) In subsectlon 36(10), (a) "the Court" is substituted for "a court", (b) "or" at the end of paragraph (b) is deleted, (c) ", or" is added to the end of paragraph (c), and (d) the following new paragraph is added: "(d) prescribing the depository for the security".

- 113 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act . Chp. 3D

19(1) [n subsection 37(3), "a sheriff or a creditor" is substituted for "a creditor".

(2) [n subsection 37(4), "a sheriff or a creditor

referred to in subsection (~)" is sUbstituted for "an execution creditor as such".

(3) The following is substituted for paragraph 37( 5)( b): "(b) a description of the accession to be . removed sufficient to enable it to be identified,".

(4) The following is.. substituted for paragraph 37(5)(d) : "(d) . a ciescription of the goods to which the accession is affixed or attached sufficient. to: ena bIe the goods to be identified, " •

(5) [n subsection 37(6), "and" is deleted,

(6) In subsection 37(10), (a) "the Court" is substituted for "a court", (b) "or" at the end of paragraph (b) is deleted, (c) ", or" is added to the end of paragraph (c), .and (d) the following new· paragraph is added: "(d) prescribing the depository for the security" •

2D( 1) In subsection 40(3), "by the assignor" is added to the end.

21(0 The following. paragraphs are substituted for paragraph 42(I)(a): "(a) issue a· searc.h.· report stating whether there is·· registered at the time mentioned in the search report a statement (0 that bears the registration number given in the request, (ii) that shows as a debtor the person named in the req uest, or

- 114 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security .Act Chp. ~O

(Ui) that describes by serial number any collateral for which the serial number is given in the request, (a.O if such a financing statement is registered, include in the search report the information respecting the financing statement contained in the registration sr-stem,".

(2) The following subsection is added to section 42: "( 6) . Jl. certificate of the registrar is receiv- able in evidence as prima facie proof of the time of the registration of a document wltJtout proof of his signature or oHidal position."

22( 0 In paragraph 43(1)(c), "prescribed" is substituted

f~r "sufficient" •

(2) In paragraph 43(l)(d), "further or other" is subst~tuted for "other".

23(1) The following is substituted for paragraph 44(4)(a) : "(a) it contains a description of the land to which it relates that .is. satisfactory to the registrar or deputy registrar appointed under t~e Land T1Ue8 Act (Canada). and".

24(1) In subsection 45(2), "a prescribed descrlHtion of the aSSigned collateral" is substituted for "a sufficient description of the collateral to which

the assign~ent relates".

25( 0 The following is substituted for section 46: "46 (1) Where a security Interest has been perfected by registration and the debtor has the consent of the secured party to transfer his interest in the collateral or part of the collateral, the transferee is deemed to be the debtor for the purposes of registration, and the security interest Is unperfected . as against any interest arising subsequent

- 115 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

to the transfer and before the secured party registers a financing statement amending the original financing statement.

(2) Where a security interest has been perfected by registration and the secured party has notice that the debtor has transferred his interest in the coil at- eraI or part of the collateral, the security interest, as against any interest anslOg sUbsequent to the transfer and before the secured party registers a firancing statement in respect of the transfer, is unperfecte<1 15 days after the secured party has notice of the transfer.

(3) Where a security interest ~as been perfected by registration and the secured party has notice that the debtor has changed his name, the security illterest, as against any interest arising subse­ quent to the change and . before the secured party registers a financing statement in respect of the change, is unperfected 15 days after the secured party has notice of the change.

(4) Where· a security interest has been perfected by registration and the secured party has notice that the debtor is lJbout to transfer his interest· in ·'the collat­ eral or part of· the collateral, the security interest, as against any interest anslOg sUbsequent to the transfer and before the secured party registers a financing statement in respect of the transfer, is un perfected on the later of (a) the day on which the transfer takes place, and (b) 15 days after the secured party has such notice.

- 116 - An· Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

(5) Where a securit y interest has been perfected by registration and the secured party has notice that the debtor is about to change his name, the security

interest, ali again~t any interest arising subsequent to the .change and before t~e secured party registers a financing statement in respect of the change, .s unperfected on the later of .. (a) the day on which the debtor changes his name, and (b) 15 days after the secured party has such notice.

(6) This section does not have the effect of unperfecting

(a) a prior securit~. i~terest" 8S defined in subsection .71 Cl), that is registered under a prior registra­ tion law, as, defined in subsection 7l( 1), or (b) a security interest in cr;lllateral that is permitted by the regula­ tions to be and is described by its serial number in a registered financing statement.

(7) A security interest that becomes unper­

fected under this section may t~ereafter

be perf!lcted by registering a ffnanc~ng statement or as otherwise pr.ovided in this Act."

26(1) . The following Is substituted for paragraph 50(1)(a) : "(a) when the registration of the financing statement is no longer effecti ve, " •

27( 1) Section 51 Is repealed.

28(1) The following subsection Is added tp section 52: "(1.1) Where a financing statement relating to a security interest in consumer goods Is registered, th,e discharge of the registration under subsection (1) E\hsll

- 117 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

be effected by the secured party within one month after all the obligations under the security agreement creating the security interest are performed. unless the registration ceases to be effective within that month."

(2) .. In subsection 52{ 4), "without reasonable excuse" is deleted •.

29(1) In subsections 53( 1) • (2). (3) and (4) , "registrar" is substituted for "Commissioner".

(2) In subsection 53(8), "Government of Yukon". is substituted for "Commissioner".

3D( 1) The following is substituted for subsection 54 (3 ~ : "(3) Registration of a document in the registry does not constit ute constructive notice or knowledge of its contents to third parties."

31(1) In subsection 55(8). "Subject to any other Act or rule of law to the contrary, where" is substituted for "where".

(2) In subsection 55(9), everything following "reduced his claim to judgement" is deleted.

32(1) . In subsection 56(2). "Court" is substituted for "judge" •

33(1) In subsection 57(2), "shall proc~ed in ~ commerci~lly reasonable manner and" is deleted.

34(1) In paragraph 58(1)(b). "~ a reasonable manner" is delete4·

35(1) In subsection 59(1). (a) "commercially reasonable" is deleted, and (b) ".seizing" is substituted for "re-taking".

(2) The following is substituted for subsection 59 (2): "(2) Collateral may be disposed of (a) by public or private sale at any time of day' or place.

- 118 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security A.ct. Chp. 30

(b) as a whole or in commercial units or parts, or (.:;) if the security agreement so provides, by lease or by deferred payment."

(3) In paragraph 59(4)(b), "indexed in the name of the debtor or according to the serial number of the collateral, when it is permitted by the regulations for registration" is substituted for "indexed in the name of the debtor".

(4) The following is substituted for paragraph 59(5)(a) : "(a) a description of the collateral sufficient to enable it to be identified, " •

(5) In subsection 59(7), "paragraphs ("5)(c) and (n" is substituted for "paragraphs (5)(e) and (f)".

(6) In subsection 59(9), "and only for a price that bears a reasonable relationship to market value" is added to the end.

36(1) The following is substituted for paragraph 60(1)(a) : "(a) any person who has a subordinatE\. security· interest in the collateral who registers a financing statement indexed in the name of the debtor or according to the serial number of the collateral, when it is permitted by the regulations for registration, prior to the distribution of the proceeds,".

(2) In paragraph 60(1)(b), "distribution of the

p~oceeds" is substituted for "distribution of the surplus".

(3) The following subsections are added to section 60: "(1.0 The secured party is relieved from liability in respect of any sums paid by him in accordance with subsection (1).

- 119 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

(4) If the security interest secures an indebtedness, the secured party shall, if requested in writing by the debtor or any other person with an interest in the collateral, provide a statement of the results of any dealing with the collateral under section 57 or 58 or a "disposition of the collateral under section 59 or otherwise.

(5) For each statement under subsection (4), the secured party may require payment of the prescribed charges" in advance, but the debtor is entitled to a statement without charge."

37(1) In paragraph 6l(1)(b), "indexed in the name of the debtor or according to the serial number of the collateral, when it is permitted by the regulations for registration" is substituted for "indexed in the name of the debtor".

(2) In subsection 61(3), "IS-day period or periods mentioned in subsection (2)" is substituted for "IS-day pel'iod".

(3) In subsection 61(6), "after expiration of the period mentioned in subsection (3)" is deleted.

38(1) The following is substituted for section 63: "63(1) Upon application by a debtor, a creditor of a debtor, a secured party, any person who has an interest in collateral that may be affected by an order under this section or a receiver or a receiver­ manager, whether appointed by a court or pursuant to a security agreement, and after notice has been given to any person that the Court directs, the Court may (a) make any" order, including binding declarations of right and injunctive relief, that is necessary to ensure compliance with this Part or section 17, (b) give directions to any party regarding the exercise of his rights

- 120 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 30

or discharge of his obligations under this Part or section 17, (c) relieve any party from compliance with the requirements of this Part or section 17, but only on terms that are just and reasonable for all parties. concerned, (d) stay enforcement of rights provided in this Part, section 17 or the security agreement on such terms as the Court considers just and reasona ble, (e) make any order necessary to ensure protection of the interests of any person in the collateral, or (f) make an order requiring a receiver or receiver-manager, or a person by or on behalf of whom he is appointed, to make good any default in connection with the receiver's or receiver-manager's custody, manage­ ment or disposition of the collat­ eral of the debtor or to relieve such person from any default on such terms as the Court thinks fit, and to confirm any act of the receiver or receiver-manager."

39(1) The following is substit uted. for subsection 64 (3) : "(3) Except as othorwise provided in this Act, any provision in Bny agreement that purports to exclude any duty imposed on a person under this Act or to exclude or

limit the liability of a p~rson for failure to discharge duties imposed upon him by this Act is void."

(2) The following subsection is added to section 64: "( 4) In assessing damages under this Act, the Court may consider as a mitigating factor evidence that the defendant employed reasonable diligence and took all reasonable precautlons to discharge the duties imposed upon him by this Act."

- 121 - An Act to Amend the Pereonal Property Security Act Chp. 30

40(1) In clause 67(I)(b)(i). "general partners" is substituted for "partners".

(2) The following is substit uted for clause 67 (1)(b)(iD: , "(ii) by registered mail mailed to the post office address of the principal place of business of the partnership within the Territory and addressed to the partnership, to anyone or more of the general partners, or to any person having control or management of the partnership business at that place of business at the time of service.".

41(1 ) In subsection 68(1), "sections 5, 6, 7 and 13. Part Ill." is SUbstituted for "sections 5 to 7, 13 and 34,".

42(1) In subsection 69(1), "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner".

43(1) In subsection 71 (1), the following is substit uted for the definition of "prior security interest":

'''prior security interest' means an interest created, reserved or provided for by a security agreement or other transaction validly created or entered into. before this section comes into force, that is a security interest within the meaning of this Act and to which this Act would have applied if it had been in force at the time the security agreement or other transaction was entered into; and".

(2) In subsection 71(2), (a) "registered and perfected" is substituted for "registered", and (b) "where the security interest could be perfected by registration if it were to arise

- 122 - An Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act Chp. 3p

after this Act comes into force" is added to the end.

(3) In subsection 71(9), "comes into force under" is sub;;tituted for "come into force under".

In subsection 76(1), "10~, 104" is deleted.

45(-1) In subsection 77(2). "Section 6" is substituted for "Ser;:tion 7".

46(1 ) In subsections 85(1) and (2), in each case, "the

name of the owner or the serial numbe~ of the goods pursuant to" is substituted for "the name of the

ow ~er of the goods under".

47(1) In subsection 87(1), "Crown" is substituted for "Commissioner" •

48(1) Notwithstanding section 1, th~ Companle,~ Act is amended by adding sections 103 and 104 which were repealed by subsection ,76( 1) of the Personal Property Sec\1rity Act.

4Q(1) Subsections 2(11), 2(13),17(2),24(1,), 27(1), 28(0, 35(3), 35(4), 35(6), 37(1), 44(1) and 48(1)

come into force on th~ date of assent.

(2) Except as provided by subsection (1), this Act shall be deomed to have come into for~,e ori June 1, 1982.

- 123 - STATUTES OF THE YUIWN TERRITORY 1982, Chapter 31


The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1 (1)' This Act may he cited as the Public Sector Compensation Restraint (Yukop.) Act.

2(1) In this Act,

"compensation" means all forms of pay, benefits, and perquisites paid or provided, directly or indirectly, by or on behalf of an employer to or for the benefit of an employe~ and includes all forms of holiday or leave;

"employee" has the !':ame meaning as in the Public Service Commission Act and includes order-in-council employees;

"in a managerial or confidential capacity" has the same meaning as in the Public ServiCe Staff Relations Act:

"public serviCe" has the same meaning as in the Public Service Commission Act;

"teacher" has the same meaning as in the School Act;

"wage rate" means a single rate of payor a range ()f pay, including cost-of-living adjustmen ts. or, where no such rate or range exists, any fixed or ascertainable amount of pay.

- 124 - Public Sector Compensation Restraint (Yukon) Act Chp. 31

3 (1) Subject to subsection (3), all provisions of this Act apply notwithstanding any other Act, any regulation, any order-in-council, or any by-law.

(2) All provisions of this Act apply notwithstanding any contract, or arbitral award" regardless of when that contract or arbitral award is made.

(3) Nothing in this Act appli~s to the compensation defined in and payable under the Workers Compensation Act.

4(1) This section applies to all employees who are employed in the public service in a managerial or confidential capacity and to all persons, including judges" of the Territorial Court, who are deemed to be employed in a managerial or confidential capacity.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the wage rate for each person to whom this section applies shall be deemed to have been reduced with effect from August 19, 19112 to the rate that was payable on December 31, 1981 in "r"elAtion to the positlon he now occupies and, "for 50 long as he occupied it, any other position he occupied after August 19, 1982.

(3) If the reduced work schedule that was introduced effective August 19, 1982 is abandoned and some other longer work schedule is in traduced in its place, then the wage rates for the persons to whom this se"ction applies will be increased to not less than the rates

payabl~ on ~anuary 1, 1982.

(4) Subject to subsection (3), nothing in this section prevents or restricts the esta!Jlishment of a different wage to be effective after March 31, 1982 or. the establishment of a different work schedule.

- 125 - , Public Sector Compensation Restraint (l,'·ukon) Act Chp. 31

5 (1) This section applies to all employees other than tCilchers and to all persons, including judges of the Territorial Court, who are deemed to be employees or who are deemed to be employed in a managerial or confidential capacity.

(2) The rate of compensation payable. to persons to whom this section applies shall not (C'.) exceed before April I, 1984 the amount that is 6% greater than the wage rates payable to those persons, effective August 18, 1982, and (b) exceed before April I, 1985 the amount that is 5% . greater than the rate of the compensation that is permitted under paragraph (a).

6(1) The rate of compensation payable to teachers shall not (a) exceed bp-fore September I, 1984 the amount that is 6% greater than the wage rates payable to teachers, effective September I, 1982, and (b) exceed before September I, 1985 the amount that is 5% greater than the rate of the compensation that is permitted under paragraph (a).

7(1) The indemnity payable under the Municipal Act to a mayor or an alderman and the allowances payable to trustees under the Local Improvement District Act shall not (a) exceed before January I, 19E4 the amount that is 6% greater than the indemnity payable to a mayor or alderman on the day this Act .comes into force, and (b) exceed before January 1,1985 the amount that is 5% greater than the amount that is permitted under paragraph (a).

- 1<:6 - Public Sector Compensation Rcstraint (Yukon) Act Chp. 31

(2) The definition of "employee" given by section 2 does not apply in subsection (3).

(3) The' rate of compensation payable' to employees of a municipality or of a local improvement district shall not (a) exceed before January 1, 198'1 the amount that is 6% greater than the wage rates payable to those employees, p.ffectlve the day. this Act comes in to force, and (1;l) exceed before' January 1, 1985 the amount which is 5% greater than the rate of the compensation that is permitted under paragraph (a).

8 (l) The fe~s payable under the Lp.p;al Aid Act to lawyers

shall not, in r~lation to any matter,

(a) exceed before April 1 ~. 1984 the. amount that is 6% greater than those . fees that are payable to lawyers when this Act comes into force, and (b) exceed before April I, 1985 the amount that is 5% greater than the fees that are. permitted under paragraph (a).

9 (l) . For the purposes of the ElectriCal Public Utilities Act and subject to subsection (2), the rates that a public utility may charge for the suppiy of electricity shall not, in relation to any classification of user, (a>' exceed before December 31, 1983 the amount that is 6\ greater than the rates that are charged when this Act comes into force, and (b) exceed before December 31, 1984, the anlOunt that . is 5% greater than the rates that are permitted under paragraph (a).

- 127 - Public Sector Compensation' Restr.aint (Yukon) Act Chp. 31

(2) Subsection, (1) does not, restrict an increase that is caused by an increase in the 'cost or the quantity of petroleum used in the supply of the electricity for which an increase in the rate to be charged' is sought.

10(1) Nothing in this Act restricts or prevents the granting of an increase of pay to iI person in recognition of the merit of ,that'· person of -the quality of the work performed by him.

- 128 - STATUTES OF TilE YlJKON: TERRITORY 1982, Chapter 31

SECOND APPROPRIATION ACT, 1982-03 (Assented to' November 30, 1982)

Whereas it apP'rars by message from the Commissioner qnd in the estimates accompanying the message that, in addition to the sums previously. appropriated, the sums mentiqned in Schedule "A" of this Act are required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon and for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1983:

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, hy and with the advice and consent of the Council of the said Territory, enacts as' follows:

10) This Act may be cited as the Second Appropriation Act, 1982-83.

20) In addition to the sum of $37,438,000 provided for in the First Appropriation Act, 1982-83, but including the sum of $11,493,000 -provided for in the Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1982-83,the sum of $3€ ,541,000 provided for in the Interim Supply Appropriation Act, 1982-83 (No. 2), and the sum of $46,310,000 provided for in the Interim Supply Appropriation Ar:t, 1982-83 (No. 3)! from and out of the Yukon Ccnsolidated Revenue Fund there may be paid and applied a surn not e"ceeding in the whole $133,557,000 for defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service:' of Yukon for the period of ] 2 months ending on March 31, 1983, as set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and

t~at sum shall not be paid or applied except in accordance with Schedule "A" •

. - 129 - Second Appropriotion Act. 1982-83 Chp. 32

3 (1) The due application of, all mor.ies paid or applied pursuant to section 2 shall be accounted for.

- 130 - SECOND APPROPRIATION ACT, 1982-83 Chp. 32


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars in 000'5)

Yukon Legislative Assemby 1,157 Executive Council Office 1,431 Education 25,323 Consumer and Corporate Affairs 1,074 Health and Human Resources 25,136 Municipal and Community Affairs 6,223 Economic" Development and Inter- Governmental Relations 1,637 Justice 9,288 Highways and Transportation 25,640 Public Service Commission 1,126 Finance 3,338 Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Resources 2,588

Renewable Resources ~,817 Government Services 6,276 Yukon Housing Corporation 1.454 Loan Capital 10.000 Loan Amortization 7,049

Total 133,557


TflJRD APPROPnIATION ACT, 1982-83 (Assented to December 9, 1982)

Whereas it appears by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates ;lccompanyin g the message that, in addition to the sums previously appropriated, the sums not appearing in parenthesis in Schedule "A" of this Act are required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon and for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1983:

And whereas, out of the sums previously appropriated, the sums appearing in parenthesis in Schedule "A" of" this Act are not required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon or for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1982.

The Commissioner of the Yukon Teri'itui:'Y, by anu with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows: l( 1) This Act may be cited as the Third Appropri;ltion Act, 1982-83.

2(1) In addition to the sum of $37,438,000 provided for in the First Appropriation Act, 1982-83, and the sum of $133,557,000 provided for in the Second Appropriation Act, 1982-83, from and out of the Yukon Consolidated Revenue Fund there may be paid and applied a sum not exceeding in the whole $5,226,000 for defraying the several charges and expenses of the public Foervice of Yukon for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1983, as set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and appearing there as sums not in parentheses, and that

- 132 - Third Appropriation Act. 1982-83 Chp. 33

sum shall not be paid or applied except in accordance

wi th Schedule 11 A".

(2) The sums previously appropriated to a~ appropriation

of item that is listed in Schedule 11 A" and that has a sum appearing in parentheses after it are reducp.d by the amount of the sum appearing in the parentheses.

3(1) The due ,application of all monies paid or applied pursuant to section 2 shall be accounted fer.

(2) The sums appearing in Schedule B are the total sums that have been appropriated by the First Appropriation Act. 1982-83. the Second Appropriation Act. 1982-83 and this Act. '

- 133 - THIRD APPROPRIATION ACT, 1982-83 Chp. 33


Appropriation or Item $ (Dollars in OOO's)

Sums that are required:

Education 1,]24 Highways and Transportation 1,279 Finance 1,643 Renewable Resources 114 Governmen t Services 323 Yukon Liquor Corporation 743

Sub-Total (sums required) 5,226

Sums previously appropriated that are not required:

Executive Council Office (4) Health and Human Resources (42) Municipal and Community Affairs (5,595) Economic Development and Inter- governmental Relations (2,228) Justice (746) Tourism, Heri tage and Culturrtl Resources (41) Yukon Housing Corporation 0,378)

Sub-Total (sums not required) 00,034)

TOTAL (4,808)

- 134 - THIRD APPROPRIATION ACT, 1982-83 Chp. 33


$ (Dollars in OOO's)

Appropriation or Item CapHql o &M TOTAL

Yukon Legislative Assembly 1,157 1,157

Ex~cutive Council Office 2 1.431 1,433 Education 8,633 25,323 33,956 , ' ", l.'· Consumer and Corporate Affairs 2 1,074 1,076 , ' Health and Human Resources 322 25,136 25,458

~,lunicipal and Commu,nity Affairs ~,234 6,223 13,457 1'1, Economic Development and Intergovernmental P-elations 1,440 1,637 3,077 Justice 322 9,288 9,610 ! :' Highways and Transportation, 8,174 25,640 33,814 \., :. Public Service Commission 1,126 1,126 FinaDce 1,643 3,338 4,981 " .'.. ; , Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Resources 2,588 4,390 1,802, , , Renewable Resources 626 4,817 5,443 '.' Government Services 1,396 6,276 7,672 Yukon Housing Corporation 194 1,454 1,648 Yukon Liquor Corporation 840 840 Loan Capital 10,000 10,000 Loan Amortization 7,049 7,049

; ,,', - TOTAL 32,630 133,557 166,187

- 135 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1982. Chapter, 34

AN ACT TO AMEND THE WII.m.IFE ACT (Assented to December!). 1982)

The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows:

1(1) This Act amends the Wildlife Act.

2(1) In subsection 3(1), "Eskimos" is substituted for "Eskimo· .

3(1) In the third line of subsection 51(1), "of a licence" is substituted for "or a licence".

4(1) In subsection 83(1), "subsection .37(2)" is substituted for "subsections 37(2) and (5)".

5 (1) The following is substituted for subsection 94 (l ) :

11 (1) A concession granted to a person who has not previously held the same kind of concession shall not be renewed more than once under paragraph

9~(3)(a). n

6(1) In subsection 96(2), "subsections 102(3) and 104(2)" is substituted for "subsection _102 (3)".

(2) The following is added to section 96:

"( 4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no compensation is payable for the revocation, suspension or non-renewal of

- 136 - An Act to Amend The Wildlife Act Chp. 34

(a) a concession granted to a person who has not previously held a concession of the same kind, or (b) a concession renewed under paragraph 93(3)(a), and no reference to the Concession and Compensation Review Board established .under section 168 is required in respect of the revocation, suspension or non-renewal of such a con cession. "

70) Paragraph 101 (l)( a) is repealed.

8(1) In subsection 104(1). "equal to tw\ce the average annual net inc(\me of the holder of the concession and his assignees, if any, . in the period of three years immediately preceding the date on which notice. is given" is substituted ·for "nqt exceeding such amount as may pe recommended by the Conce"sion and Compensation Review Board established under section 168".

(2) The following is added to section 104:

"(1.1) For the purposes of subsection (1), "net income" means the net income of the holder of the concessior, as reported foY' income tax purposes, in relation to th~ trapping arefl described in the con·cession."

(3) In subsection 104(2), "Board established" is substituted for "Board".

- 137 - An Act to Amend The Wildlife Act Chp. 34

9-(1). The following are added to section 107:

n(1.1) A natural person who applies for an outfitter's certificate shall disclose in writing to the Executive Council Member whether and the extent to which he owns, or owns an interest in, any share capital having voting rights of any corporation which is carrying on the business of outfitting non-resident hunters or which has carried on that business during any part of the year immediately preceding the date of the application.

(1. 2) If the natural person who applies for an . outfitter's certificate owns, or owns an interest in, any share capital hi'.ving voting rights of a corporation of the kind described in subsection .(1.1), an outfitter's certificate shall not be issued to that natural person and may be issued to the corporation only if the corporation qualifies for it under paragraph (1) (a) ."

(2) In subsection 107(4), "A corporation that is the holder of an outfitter's certificate" is substituted for "A corporation" .

10(1) In. paragraph 109(2)(c). "subsection 19(1). 200).

.29(3), 21(1), ~OO), 41(1), 43(1), 49(1) or 52(1)" is substituted for "subsection 19 (1), 20 (1), 20 (3), 21 (1) or 52(1)".

- 138 - An Act to Amend The Wildlife Act Chp. 34

(2) In subsection 109(3). "the offence" is substituted for "offence" .

11 (1) The following is substituted for paragraph 134(2) (a):

"(a) the court may ord~r the release of the thing te any other persqn. if the court is ·satisfied thilt the person was not a pa.rty to the offence. in which case the maximum fine that' may be

imposed upon the accused may be incr~ased by an amount equal to the· fair value of the thing.

or. If

12(1 ) In paragraph 136(1)(a). "justice of the.:peace" is substituted for "a justice of the peace".

13(1 ) Ir. subsection 145 (2) • the following new paragraphs are substituted for all words which appeal" after "he may":

11 (a) order the forfeiture to the Crown of any security provided under section 134. or

(b) where no sec\lrity has been provided. increase the fine. if any. imposed by him under subsection 141(1) or (3) by an amount equal to the fair value of the thing released from

seizure. 11


1982, (;hoptcr 35



(Assented to December 9, 1982)

The CommiGsioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as foJlow~:

1(1) This Act·amends the Workers' Compensation Act.

7. (1) In subsection 2 (1), the definitions of "Commissioner", "referee", and "Secretary" are deleted.

(2) In subsection 2(1), the following is substituted for the definition of "employer":

'''employer'' means eve'ry pe'rsQn, firm, 'association. body or corporation having in his or its service one or more workers, and includes (a) an independent operator to whom this Act has been made applicable under section 5.1, (b) the Government of Yukon, and (c) the Crown in right of Callada insofar as it submits to the operation of this Act."

(3) The following definitions are added to subsection 2 (1) :

"'executive director' means the executive director appointed under subsection 10.1(2):

'independent operator' means a person who carries on or engages in any industry and does not employ any workers in connection with that industry:

- 140 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

'volunteer. worker' means a person who does any work for a person as a volunteer rec«;iving no remuneration or only nominal remuneration."

(4) In the definition of "medical aid" in subsection 2 (l) • "Board" is substituted for " Commissioner or referee".

(5) The following are added t<;l section 2:

"(2) Where a person does any work in an industry to which this Act applies for a

person engage~ in that industry. the person who does the work shall. for the purposes of this Act. be deemed to be a worker of the person for whom he does the work except

whe~ the person doing the work '.' (a) is himself an employer. or the worker of an employer. in an industry whether this Act does or does not apply to that industry. (b) is a person to whom compensation is not payable by reason of his being a director of a corporation. or (c) is an independent operator whose application to have this Act apply to him has been approved by the Board under section 5.1.

(3) Notwithstandin~ . subsection (2) • the Board may. upon the application of a person engaged in an industry to which this Act applies. deem all persons doipg work for that person in that industry to be his workers for the purposes of this Act.

- 141 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(4) Notwi thstanding subsection (2), the Board, if it considers it advisable to do 50, may by order declare su bsection (2) not to apply to any designated class of persons."

3(1.) The following is substituted for subsection 3(1):

"3(1 ) Subject to subsection 5(2), this Act applies to all employers and all workers in all industries in the Territory, except (a) persons referred to in' paragraph 5(l)(a), (b), or (c). and Cb) employers and workers in the industries designated by order of the Board."

(2) Subsection 3(2) is repealed.

4(1) The following is substituted for subsection 4(1):

"4 (1) The Board may by order establish such subclassifications, differen tial5 and proportions in the rates as between the different kinds of employment in the same class as the Board considers advisable, and where any particular industry in the opinion of the Board is so circurr.stanced or conducted that the hazard is greater than the average of the class or subclass to which the irdustry is assigned, the Board may by order impose upon the industry a special rate, differential or assessment to correspond with the excessive hazard of the industry. "

- 142 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp, 35

5,1) The, following is added immediately after section 5:

Subject to' subsection (4), (5) and (7), compensation shall not be paid to a volunteer worker, an independent operator, an employer or a director of a cprporation ,unless an application' to have this Act apply , to him has: been 'approved by the Board,

,(2) Su~ject to subsections (4), (5) and (7), compensation shall not be paid to a member of the Council of a municipality unless an application' has been made by resolution of the Council of, the municipality to have the Act apply to the members of the Council, anf the appllcatjon has been approved by the Board;

(3) An application under subsection Cl) or (2) shall state 'the' sum for which coverage is requested', which shall not exceed the maximum wage rate, and such assessment shall be levied in respect of the application as the Boalfd may 'order',

(4) Where' an application 'under' subsection (1) or (2) is approved, the provisions of this Act relating to workers shall be deemed to apply to the person in respect of whom the application was made' with the necessary

changes and, ~here applicable, he shall for the purposes, of assessment under this Act be deemed to be his own employer,

- 143 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(5) Vlhere _the approval by the Aoard of an -application under subsection (1) or (2) is delayed by inadvertance, the Board in its discretion may make its - approval effective from the date on which the application might otherwise have been approved.

(6) Subject to subsection (7). the approval of an application under this section is effective until the last day of February in the year immediately' following 'the year in which thp. approval is made.

(7) The Board may at any tirr.e revoke its approval of an application rr.ac1e under subsection (1) or (2) , and upon the revocation subsection (4) ceases to apply to the person in respect of whom the

application was made. n

6(1) In subsection 6(8), -"the Executive Council Member on the recommendation of the Board" is substituted for "the Commissioner".

(2) In subsection -6 (9), (a) "Board" is substituted for "Commissioner". (b) "it" is substituted for "him".

(3) In subsection 6(10), (a) "Yukon" is deleted, and (b) "Board" is substituted-for "Commissioner".

7 (1) Section 8 is repealed.

- 144 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

8 (1) In subsection 10 (l) , .. (a) "three" is substituted for "four", (b) "Commissioner. in Executive Council" is· substituted for "Commissioner". (c) "and" is added to the end of paragraph (b), and (d). the following is substituted for paragraph (c): "(c) one member from the public service of the Terr.itory, who shall be the Chairman."

(2) In subsection 10(2),

(a) "~Iembers of the Board other than the Chairman" is substituted for "Members of the Board" and . (b) "'Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for riCpmmissioner".

(3) The fo)]o~ing il3 added to section 10:

0(2.1) The Chairman of the Board shall hold office during good behaviour for five years at a time. "

(4) The substituted for subsection 100):

"(3) The Commissioner in Executive Council shall

fix the remunera~ion of each member of the . Board other than the Chairman. and such remuneration shall be paid out of the Comrensation Fund."

(5) In suhsec;tion 10(4), "two" is substituted for "three".

9 (l) In subsection 10.1 (1). "and in the exercise of its PC?wers· under this Act ihe Board shall be deemed to be acting on behalf of the Commissioner" is substituted f()r ·on I:>ehalf of the Commissioner".

- 145 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(2) In subsections 10 .. 1(2) and (4), "executive director" is substituted for "Secretary".

(3) The following is substituted for subsection 10.1 (8) :

"(8) Orders of the Board under subsections 2(4), 3(1}, 4(1), 38(2), 41(3), 58(11), 75(2), 79(4), 80(2) and 81(2) come into force upon their publication in the Yukon Gazette."

(4) In subsection 10.1(9), (a) "ExeCutive Council Meinb~r" is substituted for "Commissioner"; . (b) "not later than May 31" is added immediately after "once in each 'year", and (c) "before the Legislative Assembly within 15 days after it has been inade if the Assembly is then sitting, and otherwise within 15 days after the commencement of the next . ensuing session." is substituted for ·"before the next session of the Territorial Council".·

10(1 ) Subsection Il(I} is amended (a) "Board" is substituted for "referee", (b) "and referred to him by the Commissioner" is deleted, (c) "by it" is substitli"ted for "by him", and (d) "its" is substituted for "his".

(2) Subsect~on 11(9) is repealed.

- 146 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

11(1) The folIo.wing sections ?re. substituted for section 15:

"15(1) An app'l~cation. for compensation shall be dealt with and determined in the first instance on behalf of the Board by one or more claims officers •

. . (2) Where a permanent disability results from an accident, the evaluation of the worker's disability shall be made on behalf of the Board by .. one medical and one non-medical Person selected by the Board.

Vlhere the Board makes a decision as to the entitlement of a worker or his dependant to compensation. it shall advise the worker and his employer. as soon as practicable of the . I' ~ particulars of its decision. and upon request . .~ it shall provide him or his employer wit}, a summary of the reasons for its decision. including medical reasons.

15.2(1) Upon the written request .of a worker or his employer. the Board shall cause the record of the worker's claim for compensation to be reviewed by a review committee appointed by the Board. and the review. committee may (a) hear representations on behalf of the worker or his employer. and

(b) confirm. Y~Ty. or reverse any decision made in respect of the claim.

- 147 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(2) For the purposes of its review of a claim. the review committee may require the worker to submit himself to a medical examination by 'a medical practitioner who is not employed by the' Board. and subsection 21(2) and (3) apply with the necessary chan"ges.

(3) A decision of a review committee under subsection (1) may be appealed to the Board by the worker. and in considering the appeal the Board' shall (a) consider the records of the claims officers and the review c:ommittee relating to the claim. ';md (b) give the worker' and his employer an opportunity to be heard and to present new or additional evidence.

15.3(1) In the case of the death of a worker. sections 15 to 15.2 apply with the necessary' changes to a dependant of the, worker in respect of his claim for or entitlement to compensation." '

12 (1) In subsection 21(3), "in efther case" is deleted.

13(1) The following is substituted for subsection 22 (1) :

"22(1) 'In connec~ion with an appeal to the Board under subsection 15.2(3). the worker may make a wlitten request to the Board for examination pursuant to the provisions of this section. and after consultation with the worker and his attending medical

- 148 - An Act to Amend The' Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

rractitioner ,'if' any, the Board may nominate a. duly qualified medical practitioner for the purpose of the examination."

14 (l) In subsection 26(2), "the Board" is substituted for "the referee shall forthwith notify the Commissioner of the request, and the Commissioner".

15(1 ) In paragraph 30 (l) (d): "$650" is substituted for "two hundred seventy-five dollars".

(2) In paragraph '30(1) (e), "$1"65" is substituted for "ninety dollars".

, (3) In paragraph 30(1) ({), "$180" i~ substituted for "one . hunpl'ed five dollars".

(4) The followi'ng subsections are substituted for subsections 30(2) and '(3):

"(2) V/here the worker dies as a result of an acCident and leaves no dependant spouse, or the dependant spouse subsequently dies, and any suitable person acts as foster parent in keeping up a household and maintaining and taking care of the children in a manner that I . the Board considers safisfactory, the foster parent 'while so acting is entitled to receive compensiltion until the child attains the age of 16 years.

(3) II!here the worker dies as a result of an .acc~dent and leaves no dependant spouse, or the dependant spouse subsequently dies, and

- 149 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

the children are maintained by more than one of the persons referred to in subsection (2), the amount that would be payable to a foster parent under subsection (2) shall be divided between them according to the number of children maintained by each of them. and any discontinuance of payment to anyone of them does not affect payment to any of the others. "

16(1) Sections 38 to 41 are repealed and the following new sections are substituted for them:

n 38 (1) Where a worker is entitled to compensation because of a,n accident occurring after 1982 that causes permanent disability he shall be paid, on account of the disability but not on account of any impairment (If his earning capacity, a lump "sum award in an amount calculated in accordance with subsection (2).

(2) The Doard shall by order establish a rating schedule for application in calculating the amounts of awards made under subsection (1) .

39(1 ) When a worker who is entitled to compensation because of an accident which occurs after 1982 and which causes permanent or temporary disability suffers a loss of earnings as a result after the day of the accident, the Board shall" estimate the impairment of his earning capacity and the weekly loss of earnings resulting from that

- 150 - An Act ~o Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

impairmen~;· and' he shllll be paid for each week an' amount· equal to 75 per cent of that weekly loss; . '.

(2), Subject to the"ott'\er provisions of this Act. the weekly amount referred to in subsection (l) continues to be payable as long as the loss; of earnings continues as a result of the impairment: of the worker's earning capacity. or until the worker attains the age of 65 ,years. whichever occurs first.

(3) The weekly amount referred to in 'subsection (1) shall not ex'ceed the weekly equivalent of the maximum wage rate. '::


39.1 (1) Subject. to . sec;tion 40. calculation of the

impairmen~' of' ,earning capacity for the purposes of subsection 39(1) shall be based on ,the difference between the worker's average weekly earnings at the

commencement of his 10Sf; of earnings because of the injury. and the wage the worker is estimated' by the Board to be capable of earning at a suitable occupation after sustaining that Inj4ry.

39.2(1) Notwithstanding subsection 39(2). where a worker is 63 years of a!Je or more at the commencement of his loss of earnings because of, an accident' occurring after 1982 that causes permanent disability. the Board may make the payments under subsection 39(1) for a period of not more than two years following the date of the accident.

- 151 - An Act tq Amend The Wqrkers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

39.3(1) Wht;re a worker injured in an accident occurring after 1982 ret\lrns to full employment and thereafter suffers a recurrence of the injury, the compensation payable to him shall be based on the greater of (a) ·his average weekly earnings at the time of the commencement of his loss of earnings resulting from the injury when the injury was initially sustained, and Cb) . the average weekly earnings at the time . ci.f his loss of earnings resulting from the recurrence of the injury, ·Iess any compensation he is already receiving in. respect of that injury.

40(1) The amount of payments made under sections 39, 39.2 and 39.3 shall be reviewed annually, and adjustments in any amount shall be based on the difference between (a) the worker's average weekly earnings at the corr.mencement of his loss of earnings because of the accident varied by the percentage change in the average annual Consumer Price Index

~stablished each y~ar by Statistics Canada, and Cb) the wage it is estimated the worker, at

the time of the revie~. is c~pable of earning.

(2) The amount determined under Paragraph 40(1 )(a) shall not exceed the maximum wage rate in effect at the time of the review. I

- 152 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35 (3) Calculations of the percentage change in the average annual, Con!iumer Price Index shall be the percentar,e change for a period of 12 months ending on the last day of a month chosen hy the Board in each year. and that

percel~tage shall be applied to the average weekly earnings of the worker unqer review under subsection (l) on the anlliversary date of the commencement of his loss of earnings because of the ,accident in the year following the year if,' wh'ich the calculation is made.

41 Cl) Where 'conip~nsa'tlon in respect of an accident occurring ... fter 1982. is payable to a worker for a period ,exceeding 24 consecutive months. the Board shall set aside an amount equal to 10 per cent of the compensation as it is paid. and that amount. together with accrued interest. shall QC used to provide an annuity for the worker at age 65.

(2) The amount set aside pursuant to subsection (1) may be set aside in the reserves of the Boare: or. on the request of the worker. it may be paid into an estaIJlished superannuation plan.

(3) Where thc annuity provided to .. a worker .. under subsection' '(l) is less than an amount fixed by order of the Board. the Boarcj

shall. in lieu of t~at annuity. pay to the worker the accumulated capital and interest.

(4) \"Jhere the Board determines that the effect of the injury on the pension of the worker is

- 153 - An Act. to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

greater than is recognized by the payments under subsection (1) and that it causes undue hardship to the worker, the Board may supplement the income of that worker upon his attaining the age of &5 years to increase the amount of his income to the minimum amount of compensation payable at that time.

41.1(1) Where a wl!lrker is entitled to compensation because of an accident occurring in 1982 or earlier, his entitlement to compensation and the amount of compensation to which he is entitled shall be determined pursuant to this Act as it was in force before January 1, 1983.

41.2 (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any compensation payable by the Board under this Act to a worker in respect of an accident occurring after 1982 shall be reduced by the amount that person is entitled to receive in respect of the injury under the Canada Pension Plan."

17(1~ In subsections 43(1) and (2), "sections 39.1,39.3, and 40" are substituted for "section 40".

18 (1) In subsection 44 (1), (a) "section 39 or 42" is substituted for "sections 38 to 42". (b) "basis, result in a" is added immediately before "r;lte of remuneration that exceeds".

- 154 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(2) In' subsection 44(6), "section 39 or' 42" Is substituted for "sections 39 to 42".

19(1) In subsection' 57. (2) , (a) paragraph (c) is deleted, arid (b) in paragraph (h), "Executive Council Memher" is substituted for "Commissioner;'.

(2) The following are added immediately ~fter subsection 52 (2) :

"(2.1) No funds shall be paid or lent out of the Compensation Fund except as expressly provided by this Act.

(2.2) Except as provided under subsection 16.1 (4), no legal costs or expenses incurred by any person other than the Board in the conduct of any proceedings before, or in the making of representations to, a review committee or the Board shall be paid ou t of the Compensation Fund."

(3) In subseotion 52q), "Commlssipner in Executive C;ouncil" is substituted for "Commissioner".

(4) The following is 'added immediately after subsp.ction 52 (3) :

"(3.1) 'Notwithstanding subsection (3), the Board may delete from the accounts in whole or in part any obligation or debt que to the Compensation Fund that does not exceed $1,000."

- ] 55 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

20(1) In subsection 53 (l) , "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner".

21 (1) . the following new section is added immediately after section 54:

"54.1 (l) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the receipt, investment and payment of money . by the Board ·is subject to the Financial Administration Act; all money received, invested or spent by the Board shall be deemed to be received, invested or spent by it on behalf of the Commissioner; all money owing to the Doard shall be deemed to be owed to it in its c2pacity as a representative of the Commissioner; and all procee.dings taken by the Board for the collection for any money due to the Board under this Act shall be deemed to be taken by the. Board for and on behalf of the Commissioner. "

22 (1) In subsection 55 (1), "subject to section 54.1 and the regulations, the Board" is substituted for "The Commissiolle,r" •

23(1 ) The following is substituted fot:' section 56:

"56 (I ) The Board shall cause an actuarial evaluation of the Compensation Fund to be performed at least once· every three years by a qualified actuary, and the report of the actuary shall be included in the next report of the Board under subsection 10.1(9).

- 156 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(2) The accqunts .and financial transactions of the Compensation Fund administered by the Board are subject to the audit of the Auditor Generi;ll of Canada, and for that purpose he is entitled (a) to have, access to all records, documents, books, accounts and vouchers of the Board, and ,(b) to require from members and officers of the Board such information as he deems necessary.

(3) Tlie Auditor General of Canada sh\lll report annually to the Executive Council Member the resu,lts of his examination of the accounts and financial statements of the Compensation Fund administere,d by the Board" and the report shall state whether, in his opinion, (a) the financ::ial statements represent fairly the financial position of the Compensation Fund at the end of the financial year and the results of its operations Cor that year in accordance

wi~h the ,accounting policies of the Board applied on a basis consistent with that of th'e immed,iately preceding year, (b) proper book" of account' have been kept and the financial statements are in agreement with the books of account, and (c) the transactions of the Board that have come under his notice are within the powers of the Board under this Act or any other Act that applies to the Board.

- 151 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensotion Aet Chp. 35

(4) In his report the A udi tor General shall call attention to any matter within the. scope of his examination· that in his opinion should be 'brought to the attention of the Legislative Assembly.

(5) The Auditor General from time to time may make to the Board or the Executive Council Member such other reports as he considers necessary or as the Executive Council , Member may require.

(6) The annual report of the Auditor-General shall be include'cl in the report referred to in subsection 10.i(9) next laid before the Legislative As'sembly."

24(l ) The following is substituted for subsection 58 (11) :

" (11) The Board may, by order, adopt a system of merit rating."

25 Cl) Subsection 60 (2) is r~pealed.

26 (1) In paragraph 67(1) (b), "or partly from one and partly from the other" is substituted for "or partly from one or partly ·from the other".

27(1) Section '68 is repealed.

28(1) In subsection 71 (1);' "$2,000" is substituted for "one thousand 'dollars".

- 158 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(2) In subsection 71(3), (a) "by" is substituted for "on behalf of", ,and (b) "Board" is substituted for "Commissioner".

29 (1), In subsection 72(2), "or a copy of it certified by the

execl,ltive director t~ be ... true, copy" is substituted for "or a certified copy of it".

(2) Su bsections 72 (5) and (6) arc repealed.

30(1 ) In subsection 75{Z), "Board by order" is substituted for "Commissioner".

31 (1) 1:1:. eubsection 76(1), "$1,000" is substituted for "five hundred dollars".

(2) In subsection 76(3), "$500" is, substituted for "two hundred fifty dollal's".

, (3) In subsection 76(4), "$200" is substituted for "one hundred dollars".

(4) The following is added to se~tion 76:

"(6) Proceedings in respect of an offence under this Act may be in!>tituted at any time within

one year after th~ subjeCt matter of the proceedings arises."

32(1) In subsection 77(1). "$1,000" is substituted for "five hundred dollars".

33 (l) In subsection 79(1), "this section or sectiol'\ 40" is substituted for "this section". I

- 159 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

(2) In subsection 79(7.), "1982" is substituted for "1973".

(3) In subsection 79(4), "Board shall by order in January of each year or :1S early as possible thereafter, establish" is substituted for "Commissioner shall in 'January ] 975 and in January of each succeeding year or as cal'ly as possible thereafter, prociaim".

(4) The following is added to section 79:

"( 5) Subsection (3) applies only to compensation payable in respect of accidents occurring before 1983;"

34 (1) Suhsection 80(1) is repealed.

(2) In subsection 80(2), "Board shall by order in January

of each year 01' as early as possible thereafter, est<,.blish" is substituted for "Commissioner shall in Janu:1ry 1975 and in January of each year succeeding year nr as early as possible ther'eafter, proclaim".

(3) The following is substituted for subsection 80(3):

"(3) The amount of the maximum wage rate established by the Boal'a from time to time pursuant to subsection (2) shall be the annual earnings of a worker paid at the weekly rate established by the Board as the average weekly earnings in the immediately preceding period of 17. months of workers who received compensation under this P.ct in respect of acciden ts occurring in that period. "

- 160 - An Act . to Amend The Workers' Compel'lsetion Act Chp. 35

35(1) In subsection 81(1) ,. "Commissioner in Executive Council" is substituted for "Commissioner".

(2) The following is added to section 81:

"(2) The Doard may by order make rules consistent with this Act and the regulations relating to (a) the conduct of proceedings before the Board. (b) the making of applications to the Board, including the information and evidence to be furnished by :applicants, (c) the establishment. of forms, (d) the certification or publication of orders and decisions of the· Board not required to be published in the Gazette under subsection 10.1(8). and

(e) any oth~r matter' that reasonably is necessary or advisable for the effective and orderly periorr.1ance of the duties of the Board."

36(1) In subsections S(3), 6(2). 6(4). 6(5). 6(6), 6(11), 6(12),13(1),13(3),14(1),16(3),16(4),16.1(1), 16.1(2),16.1(4)' 17(3), 18(1). 18(2), 19(1). 19(2), 19(3), 20(1), 20(3); 20(4), 21(1), 21(2), 21(3), 23(1),

23(2), 24(1), 25(~), 25(2), 25(3), 25(4), 25(5), 25(6), 7.5(7), 25(8), 25(9), 26(3), 26(4), 26(5), 26(6), 27(1), 28(1), 29(1), 46(1), 46(2),46(3),47(1), 48(2), 51(1), 51(3), 51(4), 51(5), 5l(6), 51.1(1), 51.1(2), 54(1.1), 57(1). 58(2), 58(4), 58(5). 58(6). 58(7), 58(8), 58(9). 58(10), 58(13), 58(14), 58(15), 56(17), 59(2), 60(1), 6](1),61(2),61(3),61(4),61(5),61(6),61(8). 61(9).

, - 161 - An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act Chp. 35

61(11). 61(13). 61(14), 62(1). 62(2). 62(3). 63(1)' 64(1). 65(1). 65(3), 65(4), 66(1), 66(2), 66(3), 66(4), 66(5), 66(6). 66(7), -66(9), 67(3), 67(4), 71(1), 71(2), 72(1), 72(3), 72(4), 72(7). 72(8), 73(2), 74(1), 75(1), 75(4), 75(6). 75(7), 76(5) and 77(1). "Board" is substituted for "Commissioner".

37(1) In subsections 6(2), 6(12), 11(4). 12(1). 16.1(1), 16.1(4),22(2),25(2),25(3). 26(3), 51(1), 57(1), 61(5). 66(5). 72(3)-and 72(7), "it" is substituted for "he" •

38(1) In subsections 11(2). 11(3), 11(4). 11(5), 11(6), 11(7), 11(8), 12(1), 22(2), 22(3), 22(4), 26(1), 30(1), 32(1), 32(2) ,: 33(1), 36(2), 37(1), 49(1), 49(2) and 51(2), "Board" is substituted for "referee".

39(1) In subsections 11(3),11(4),11(6),14(1),19(3). 25(4). 25(6). 51(3). 61(4), 61(5). 61(8), 66(5). 72(8) and 76(5)-, "it" is substituted for "him".

(2) In subsections 61(2), 66(1) and 66(3), "it" is substituted for "him" where the latter first occurs.

(3) In subsection 75(4), "it" is substituted for "him" where the latter last occurs.

40(1) In subsections 11(4), 16(3), 22(2), 26(3), 32(1)' 62(1) and 72(1), "its'" is substituted for "his".

(2) In subsection 16.1(2), "its" is substituted for "his" where the latter-last occurs.

(3) In par;tgraph l6.1(4)(b), "its" is substituted Ior "his" .

- 162 - An Act to',' Amend The Workers' Compensation .Act· Chp. 35

(4) In paragraph 16.1(4) (c) " "its" is substituted for' "his'i where the latter last occurs .

. ',i 41 (1) In paragraph 16.1(4)(d) and subsection 54(1:1), "Board's" is substituted for "Commissioner's". ..,

" /: 42 (1) In subsections 18(2}. 2] (1), 2] (2) and 21(3), "or the

referee" and "as the case may b<;" ar~ .d~leted:.

43(1 ) This Act comes into force on January I, ]983.

(2) 'Notwithstanding subsection (1), section 9 comes into

force. on a day, to b~ fixed by the· Commissioner in Executive Council.


This is a table of those Statutes included in the Revised Ordinances. ] 971. those subsequently added to the consolidation and those enacted since the coming into force of the Revised Ordinances, 1971.


In. = Included in Am. = Amended

En. Enacted Sp. = Spent

Rp. = Repealed History = from the earlier of: (i) enactment: or Re. Re-enacted (ii) inclusion in R.O.Y.T .• 1971

N.C.N.R. Not Consolidated, Not Repealed.

R.S.Y.T. = Revised Statutes of the Yukon Territory. originally published under the title Revised Ordinances of the Yukon Territory.

S. Y . T. = Statutes of the Yukon Territory, published before November 12. 1981. under the title Ordinances of the Yukon Territory or Ordinances of the Government of Yukon.

• = On December 31, 1982 a date for the commencement of this Act had yet to be proclaimed.

Consolidation Chapter No. = Chapter designation of the Act having general application to members of the public. as contained in the Consolidated version of the Statutes of the Yukon Territory.


Adult Occupational Training N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (lst). c. 10 Agreements Repeal

Age of Hajority A-O.] En. S.Y.T. 1972 (lst) • c. 1

Agriculture Development A-0.01 En. S.Y.T. 1982. c.17

Alaska Highway Maintenance N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (lst) • c. 2 (1972)

Animal Protection A-O.2 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd). c. 1

Apprentice Training A-I In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. A-I

Appropriation See First, Second. etc. to Sixth

Arbi tration A-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. A-2

Archives A-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. ,4.-3

Area Development A-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971 , c. A-4: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c.3

- 164 - Assessment and Taxation A-4.1 En. S. Y. T. 1972 (lst), c. 13; . Am. S.Y.T. 1975' (ist), c. i8; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst), c. 20, s. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 440

Assessment in the City of N. C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 11 Whitehorse

Assignment of Book Debts , A-5 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. A-5; Rp. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd), c. ,20, s. 74

Bills of Sale B-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-1; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, 5. 74

BlastingB-a In, R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. B-2

Boiler and Pressure Vessels B-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd)" c. 1; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 1

Brands B-3 ,In. R.S;Y.T. 1971, c. B-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst); c. 20, s. 3

Building Standards B-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (lst) , c. 1; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 440;* Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 1

Bulk Sales B-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 8-4

Bulk Sales, B-4. OS, En. S.Y~T. 1981,,(2nd),c. 2*

Business ,Development Assistance B-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c; 1*

Business Licence B-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 19071", ~'. 8-5; Am. S.Y.T. 198,0 (.l,s~), c. 20, s .. 4,

Cancer Diagnosis C-l In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. C-1

Ce'meteries and Burjal Sites C-2 In. It.S. Y. T. 1971, c. C-2

Change of Name C-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-3

Child Welfare C-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (lst), c. 15

Chiropractic C-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (lst)" c. 16

Choses in Action C-6 In; R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-6; Am; S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20"s. 75

Citizenship Instruction C-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-7 Agreement ' ,', Civil Defence Workers' N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (lst), ~:. 26 Compensation Agreement

Civil Emergency ~.~~asures C-8 In. R.S. Y. T. 1

- 165 - Collection C-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-9

Community Assistance C-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) • c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) • c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) • c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) • c. 2·. Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) • c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) • c. 16. s. 2 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) • c. 11, s. 21

Companies C-I0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-IO; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) • c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) • c. 3; Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd). c. 2 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 20. s. 76 Am. S.Y.T. 1982. c. 18 Compensation for Victims C-I0.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (l st) , c. 2·. of Crime Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st), c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (l st) • C. 10. s. 1

Conditional Sales C-ll In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-ll ; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 74

Condominium C-12 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-12; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd). c. 5; Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 4

Conflict of Laws (Traffic C-12.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) • c. 3 Accidents)

Consumers' Protection C-13 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-13

Contributory Negligence C-14 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-14; Am. S. Y.T. 19110 (1st) • c. 20. s. 5

Controverted Elections C-15 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C""15; Am. S. Y.T. 1977 (2nd)' c. 3. s. 103

CoOoperative Associations C-16 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-16; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) • c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) • c. 7·. Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) • c. 10. s. 2

Cornea Transplant C-17 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-17; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 ( 1st) • c. 14. s. 16

Coroners C-18 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-18; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (2nd) , c. 17

Corporation Securities C-19 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-19; Registration Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) • c. 20. s. 6; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) • c. 20. s. 74

- 166 - Corrections C-19.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 20. 5.7

Court of Appeal C-20 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. C-20; Am. -S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 3

Court Worker Agr:eement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st). c. 3

Credit Union C-20; 1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 2; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 5*

Credit Unions C-21 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. C-21; Am. S. Y. T. 1975 (2nd), c. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st). c. 6; Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st). c. 2. s. 158

Creditors' Relief C-22 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c.'C-22

Curfew C-23 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c .. C-:23

Custody of Federal Parole N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 4 Violators Agreement

Dawson, City of, General fl.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1liit).;, c. 25 Purposes Loan

Dawson City Utilities N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st),. c. 14;. Replacement' Am. S. Y.T. 1980 (2n'd) , c. 16, s. 3 ; Am.S. Y.T. 1981 (2nd). c. 11. s. 1

Dawson General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) • c. 31

Dawson I-iistoric Sites N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1 st) • c. 21 Aid Grants

Day Care D-Ol En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 3; Am. S:,Y.~., 198,0 (2nd). c, 16. s. 4

Defamation D-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. D-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 5

Dental Profession 0-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. D-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st). c. 9; A~. S.Y.T. 1979 (lst), c. 1,

Dependants' Relief 0-3 In. R.S.Y •. T. 1971, c. D-3; Rp. S:Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c: 6 Dependants' Relief D-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st). c. 10. s. 3

D~volution of Rea.!: Property D-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-4

Disabled 'Persons' Allowance D-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. D-5; Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st). c. 11

Distress D-6 In. F..S.Y.T. 1971. c. D.-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). C. 20. s. 77

- 167 - Dog D-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. D-7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 16.5.5

Elections E-l In. R. S. Y . T. 1971. c. E-l; Am. S. Y. T. 1974 (2nd). c. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd). c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st). c .. 9; Am. S. Y • T. 1977· (2nd). c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd). c. 3. s. 104; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st). c. 4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd). c. 18.5.5

Elections E-l.l . En. S. Y. T. 1977 (2nd). c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 20. 5. 8; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd). c. 4

Elections. 1977 E-l.2 See Elections. c. E-l.l

Electoral District E-l.3 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd). c. 2; Boundaries Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd). c. 11.5.2; Am. S.Y.T. 1982."

Electoral District N:C.N.R. .En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd). c. 1; Boundaries Commission Sp. June 17:· 1974 . .

Electoral District N.C.N.R. .En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) •. c. 3; Boundaries Commission Sp. November 7. 1977

Electrical Protection E-2 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971. c. E-2; .Rp. S. Y. T ~ 1976 (3rd). c. 3

Electrical Protection E-2.01 En. S.Y.T. 1976· (3rd). c. 3

Electrical Public Utilities E-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1912 (1st). c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd). c. 6

Elevator and Fixed Conveyances E-3 In. R. S. Y • T. 1971. c. E-3

Emergency Medical Aid E-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd). c. 1

Employment Agencies E-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c .. E-4; Rp. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st). c. 5

Employment Agencies E-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st). c. 5

Energy Conservation Agreement N .. C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 6*

Engineering Profession E-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. E-5

Evidence E-6 In. R .. S.Y.T. 1971. c. E-6; .Am. S. Y. T. 1980. (1st). c. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 20·. s. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st). c. 10. s. 4

Executions E-6.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 8

Executive Council E-6.2 En. S.Y.T. 1982. c. 16

- 168 - Exemptions E-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-7 , , Expropriation E-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. E-8

Factors F-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-1; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), "c. 16, s. 6; Am. S.Y.T., 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 78 Fair Practices F,-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-2: Am. S.Y.T. 1974 -(2itCl) , c; 7

Faro General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 30

Faro General Purposes Loan N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st); c. 27

Fatal Acciden ts F-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971 ~ 'c. F-3: Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 9

Fatal Accidents F-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1s,t) , c. 9

Fifth Appropriation, 1971-72 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 28

Fifth Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. E;n. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 16

Fifth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 21

Fifth Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , C. '5

Financial Administration 'F-4, 'In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-4': Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 4

Financial Administration F-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 4

Financial Agreement, 1973 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 28

Financial Agreement, 1974 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 22

Financial Agreement, 1975 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 21

Financial -'Agreement " 1976 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1 st) , c. 10

Financial AgreemeIlt, 1977 N.C.N.R; En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c, 14

Financial Agreement, 1978 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (I st) , c. 19

Financial Agreement, 1979 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) ,: c.-- a

Financial ' Agreement, 1960 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 10

Financial Agreement, 1981 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , C.

Financial Agreement, 1982 N.-C.N.R. ' En. S.Y;T. 1982, c:' !Ci'

Fire Prevention F-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, C. 'f-5: Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c.18 : Am. S.Y.T. 1973 Ost) , c. 10: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 12: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 16, s. 7

- 169 - Firearms Administration N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , C. 3 Agreement First Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (Ist) , c. 27 First Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 21 First Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 17 First Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 20

First Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. F.n. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 11 First Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 15 First Appropriation, 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 18

First Appropriation, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 7 First Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 4 First Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 8 First Appropriation, 1982-83 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 5

First Appropriation. 1983-84 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 20 Fitness and Amateur Sport F-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971 , C. F-6 Agreement Fifth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974(2nd) , c. 21 Fifth Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En S.Y.T. 1982, c. 19 Flag F-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, C. F-7 Floral Emblem F-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971 , c. F-8 Forest Protection F-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-9; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (Ist), c. 20, s. 10

Fourth Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (l st) , c. 20 Fourth Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (4th) , c. 24

Fourth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 20 Fourth Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. :1.976 (1st) , c. 12

Fourth Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 17 Fourth Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 6 Fourth Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (15t) , c. 2 Fraudulent Preferences F-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 3 and Conveyances

- 170 - Frustrated Contracts F-I0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-I0; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1~t), c. 11

Frustrated Contracts F-I0.l En. S.Y.T. 1980 Ost), c. 11

Fuel Oil Tax F-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F:-11; Rp. S. Y • T. 1973 0 5t), c. 4

Fuel Oil Tax F-11.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (15~). c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (15t) , c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 05t), c. 2

Fur Export F-12 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. F-12; . Am. S. Y. T. 1979 (2nd), c. 5; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 16, s. 193

Game G-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, C. G-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (15t) , c. 19; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (Ist) ,c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. ~O; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 7·, Am. S. Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 8 ; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 16, 5. 193

Gaols G-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-2

Garage Keepers' Lien G-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 79

Garnishee G-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. G-4 ; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (15t) , c. 12.

Garnishee G-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (15t) , c. 12

Gasoline Handling G-5 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (15t) , C. 6

General Development G-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (l st) , c. 4 Agreement

Government Employee G-6 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (15t). c. 5; Housing Plan Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (15t). c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (15t) , c.20,.s. 11

Health Care Insurance PI"n H-l In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. H-l; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st)..c. 3,

Highways H-1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. I; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c.,5; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (15t) , c. 5

Historic Sites and Monuments H-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971"c. H-2; Am. S. Y' T. 1975 (2nd), C. 11

- 171 - Home Owners' Grant H-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1976 (I st) , c. 1 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 '(1st) , c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 19E1 (1st) , c. 4

Hospital Insurance Services H-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 197], c. H-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 8

Hotels and Tourist H-4 In. R.S.Y.T. ]971, c. H-4 Establishmen ts

Housing H-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-5

Housing Corporation H-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 7

Housing Development H-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. H-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd). c. 12

Human Tissue Gift H-7 En. S. Y. T. 1980 (1st). c. ]4

Immunity of Members I-I In. R.S.Y.T. ]971, c. I-I; Rp. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 2, s. 42

Income Tax I-l.Ol En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 7

Institute of Chartered 1-l.IEn. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 2 Accountante:

Insurance 1-2 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. 1-2; Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (lst). c. I, s. 236

Insurance 1-2.01 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st). c. 1; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 4, s. 257; Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (1st) , c. IS; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st). c. 20, s. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 16, s. 9 Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 21

Insurance Premium Tax I-2.1En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 2; Am. S. 'LT. 1976 (3rd) , c. 7·, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 12

Interim Supply Appropriation; N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 23 1974-75

Interim Supply Appropriation, N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 16 1980-81

Interim Supply Appropriation, N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 5 1981-82

Interim Supply Appropriation, N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1 st) , c. 4 1982-83

Interim Supply Appropriation, 1982-83 (no. 2) N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 11

- 172 - In terim Supply Appropriation, 1982-83 (no. 3) , N.C.N.R. En. S. Y • T. 1982, c. 12

Internation Child Abduction I-2.2En. S.Y.T. 1981 (15t), c. 6 (Hague Convention)'

In terpretation 1-3 Tn. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 1-3: Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. ]2: Am. S.Y.T. 1974,(2nd), c.,8: Am. S. Y. T. 1979 (2nd); c. 2, s. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 30, s. 35: Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 80: Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 4

Interprovincial Subpoena I-3.1En. S.Y.T. 1981 (15t), c. 7

Intestate Suq:ession 1-4 'in. R.S.Y.T. ] 971, c. 1-4

, , Judicature J-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. J-l; 'Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 13: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 28, s. 1 : Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 30, s. 35: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 13: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. 20, s. 81: Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 8

Jury J'-2 In. R.S.Y.T., c. J-2

Justice of the Peace In. R. S. Y . T. 1971, c. J - 3 : Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 8: ,Rp. S.Y.T., 1979, (2nd), c. 8, s. 23

Justice of the Peace Court J-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 8:. Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), C. 9

Labour Standards L-l In'. R.S.Y:T. 1971, c. L-l: Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st),.c.,q; Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 9: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 14: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), 'c. 9

Land Acquisition Fund I.-I. 1 En. S. Y.T. 1976 (2n~l)" c. 1

Land Planning L-1.2 En. S. Y. T. 1982~ c. 22*

Landlord and Tenant L-2 'In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-2: Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 20: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 14: Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 10 Am'. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 23

Lands L-3 In. R. S. Y. T. 1971, c. L-3: Rp. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c',B, 14

Lands L-3.01 En. S,Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 8,14: Am. S.Y.T. 19B1 (1st), c. 8

- 173 - Lega] Aid L-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3 re! ) • c. 2 Lega] Profession L-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. L-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) • c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd). c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (l st) • c. 20. s. 15 Legal Profession Accounts L-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. L-5; Am. S.Y.T. ]980 (1st) • c . 20. s. 16

Legislative Assembly . L":5.] En. S.Y.T. 1978 (lst) • c. 2; Am. S.Y.1'. 1979 (2nd) • c. 18; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 25; Am. S.Y.T. ]98] (l at) • c. 20; Am. S.Y.T. 1987- (lst) • c. 9 Am. S.Y.T. 1982. c. 24

Legitimation 1.-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. L-6 Limitation of Actions L-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. L-7

Liquor 1.-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. L-8; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (lst) • c. 3. 5. 5; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd) • c. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (lst) • c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2ne!) • c. 10*; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) • c. 17; Am. S.Y.T. ]980 (lst) • c. 20. s. 17 Am. S.Y.T. ]982. c. 25 Liquor Tax L-8.1 En. S.Y.!"' 1976 (1st) • c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) • c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) • c. ]8

Loan Agreement (1972 )'. No. 1 . N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (lst) • c. 26 Loan Agreement (1973) • No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) • c. 29

Loan Agreement (1973) • 1':0. 2 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) • c. 30 Loan Agreement (1974) • No. 1 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) • c. 24

Loan Agreement (1975) • f'

Loan Agreeme!lt (1976). No. 1 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st). c. 13 Loan Agreement (1977) • No. 1 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (lst) • c. 19

Loan Agreement (l978). Ne. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (lst) • c. 20 Loan Agreement (1979). No. N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (lst) • c. 9 Loan Agreement (1980). No. 1 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) • c. 19; Rp/Re. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 14

Loan Agreement (1981). No. 1 N.C·N·R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (lst) • c. 9

- 174 - Loan Agreement (1982), No. 1 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 5

Local Improvemen t Dis trict L-9 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. L-9; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st), c. 21; Am. S.Y.T. 1972 (2nd), c. 22; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st), c. 22; Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd),c. 6; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441*

Lord's Day L-10 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. L-I0

Lotteries L-I0.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 2

Low Cost Housing L-11 In. R. S. Y . T. 1971, c. L-11

Magistrate's Court M-I See Territorial Court

Maintenance M-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-2; Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (15t), c. 30, s. 34; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15 See Matrimonial Property I!o Family Support.

Marriage M-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-3; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st). c. 10, s. 5

Married Women's Property ~1-4 In. R.S. Y. 1'. 1971, c. M-4

Matrimonial Property M-4.1 See Matrimonial Property I!o Family Support

Matrimonial Property I!o . M-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 11; Family Support Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd), c. 15; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, 5.10; A~. S.Y.T. 19£:1 (2nd). c. 11, s. 3

Mechanics' Lien . M-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. 111-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 20. s. 82

Mediation Board ~1-5 .1 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st). c. 9

Medical Profession M-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. M-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd). c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st). c. 7; Rp. S. Y. T. 1979 (2nd). c. 12. s. 63

Medical Profession M-6.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd). c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 16. s. 11

Mental Health M-7 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. M-7; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st). c. 14; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (15t), c. 20. s. 18

Metric Information Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S. Y. T. 1977 (?nd).~ c. 12

Miners' Lien M-8. In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. M-8

- 175 - Mining Safety M-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-9; Am. S. Y. T., 1974 (2nd) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 15; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) , c. 8

Motion Pictures M-IO In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-I0; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 12, s. 2

Motor VehiCles M-ll In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. M-ll ; Am S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 23; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 15 ; Am. S.Y.T. ]974 (2nd), c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. ]2; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd) , c. 4', Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. I, s. 236; Rp. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd) , c. 4, s. 258

Motor Vehicles h.l-l1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd), c. 4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 19; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1 st) , c. 21; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 30, s. 35; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 32, s. 26; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 440; Am. S.Y.T. ]981 (2nd) , c. 11, s. 4 Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 26

Municipal M-12 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 ,(1st), c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 14; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (Jrd) ,'c. 10; A'm. S.Y.T. ]977 (2nd). c. 7·, Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 20; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (I st) , c.' 30, '5. 35; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 '(2nd) , c. 17, s. 441*

Municipal M-12 .1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17"'; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st), c. 10, s. 7; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c.lI, 5.5; Am. S. Y. T. 1981 (2nd), c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 13

Municipal Aid M-13 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 11; Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (I st)", ,c. 11, s. 21

Municipal Elections tvI-14 En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 12; Rp. S.Y.T. ]980 (2nd) , c. 17, s. 441* lviunicipal Employees Benefits M-IS En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 1 ; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 17, s. 441'"

Municipal Finance M-lS.1 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1 st) , c. 11; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd) , c. 11, s. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 14 Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. (:,

Municipal General Purposes N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 25 Loan (1974)

- 176 - Municipal General Purposes N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (lst) , c. 23 Loan (1975)

Municipal General Purposes N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) , c. 15 Loan (1976 )

Municipal General- Purposes - N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1",t) , c, 20 Loan (1977)

Municipal General Purposes N.C;.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (lst) , c. 21 Loan (l97~ )

Municipal General P,,!rposE's N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (lst) , c. 10 Loan (1979)

Municipal General Purposes N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 22: Loan (1980) Am. S.Y.T. 1980'(2ncl), c. 18

Municipal General Purposes N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (lst) , c. 12 Loan (1981 )

Newspaper N-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-l: Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 12, s. 3

Noise Prevention N-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N.,.2

Notaries N-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. N-3: Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 12

Northern Natural N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (lst) , c. 4 Gas Pipeline Agreement

Occupational Training 0-0.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (lst), c. 6-

Old Age Assistance and 0-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 0-1: Blind Persons' Allowance Rp. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), Cl 12

Optometry 0-2 In. R.S. Y .T. 1971, c. 0-2 Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 28

Parks P-Ol - En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 13: Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16, s. 12

Partnership P-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-l: Am. S.Y.T. 1977 (2nd)" c.-8: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, s. 21: Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd), c. 19: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s·.83 Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 29

Pawnbrokers and Second.,. P-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-2 Hand Dealers

Perpet ui ties P-3 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. P-3: Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 23

Perpetuities P-3.1 En. S. Y. T. 1980 (lst) , c. 23

- 177 - Personal Property Security P-3.2 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20 Am. S. Y . T. 1982, c. 30

Pharmaceutical Chemists P-4 In. R. S. Y. T. 197,1, c. P-4: Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (lst). c. 16: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c:. 13

Pioneer Utility Gran t P-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1978 (lst) , c. 1: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 20, s. 22: Am. S.Y.T . .l98.J (lst) , c. 13: Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd). c. 11, s. 7: Am. S.Y.T. 1982 (lst) , c. f,

Plebiscite P-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-5,

Pounds P-6 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-:-6:, Am. S.Y.T. ]973 (lst). c. 17: Am. S.Y.T. 19EO (lst). c. 20, s. 23

Presumption of Death P-7 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. P-7; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 24

Presumption of Death P-7.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 24

Public Health P-8 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-8: Am. S.Y.T. 1977. (lst). c. 24; Am. S. Y. T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 14

Public Inquiries P-8.1 En. S.Y.T. 1973 (lst) , c. 5

Public Printing P-9 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-9

Public Sector C

Public Service, P-I0 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-I0; Rp. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd), c. 2, s. 217

Public Service Commission P-I0 .1 En. S. Y. T • .1976 (2nd~, 'c., 2

Public Service Staff, Relations P-11 In~ R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. P-ll:, Am. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd), c. 13; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 11

Purchase and Supply, Service!; N.C.N.R. En. S. Y. T. 1973 (1st), c. 31 'Agreement

Real Estate Agents' Licensing R-O.l En. S.Y.T. 1977 (lst) , c. 5: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 20, s. 24

Reciprocal Enforcement R-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-l; of Judgments', Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd). c. 21; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (lst). c. 10, 5.8

Reciprocal Enforcement of R-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-,2; IAaintenance Orders Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst), c. 25

Reciprocal Enforcement of En. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 25 Maintenace Orders

- 178 - Recording of Evidence by R-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-3 Sound Apparatus

Recreation Development R-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 6: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) , c. ]7, 5. 440*

Regulations R-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-4: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. 20, 5. 25

Rehabilitation Services R-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. R-5: Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) , c. 17

Rental-Purchase Housing N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 25

Retirement Plan Beneficiaries R-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) , c. 14 Robert Campbell Bridge N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (4th) , c. 32 Agreement

Sale of Goods S-1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-1

Saw Logs Driving S-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c.S-2: Rp. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 12, 5. 4

School S-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-3: Rp. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 14

School S-3.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 14: Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 22

School Trespass S-3.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 14

Scientists and Explorers S-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-4

Second Appropriation, 1972-73 N.C.U.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 29 Second Appropriation, 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) , c. 22 Secone! Appropriation", 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) , c. 18 Second Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) , c. 17

Second Appropriation, 1976-77 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) " c. 18 Second Appropriation, 1977-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) , c. 16 Second Appropriation, 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (1st) , c. 6 Second Appropriation, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (lst) , c. 26

Second Appropriation, 1980-81 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) , c. Z7

Second Appropriation, 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. 15 Second Appropriation, 1982-83 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 32

,.. 179 - Securities s-s In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (3rd), c. 12; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 20, s. 26; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. e4

Seniors' Income Supplement S-5.1 En. S.Y.T. 1982 (1st), c. 7

Sixth Appropriation, 1974-75 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. ]9

Small Claims See Judicature

Social Assistance 5-6 In. R.S.Y.T. ]971, c. 8-6; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 16,5. 13

Societies S-7 'In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-7; Am. S. Y. T. 1974 (2nd), c. 15; Am. S. Y. T. 1980 Ost), c. 20, s. 27; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 23

Society of Industrial S-7.1 See Society of Management Accoun tan ts Accoun tan ts

Society of Management 5-7.2 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 2; Accoun tan ts Am. S. Y. T. 1977 (2nd), c. 9

Special Rural Development N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 15 Agreement (SpE'cial ARDA)

Stabilization Fund Loan S-7.3 En. S.Y.T. ]977 Ost), c. 7; Am. S. Y. T. 1978 (1st), c. 9; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 29*

Steam Boiler's S-8 In. R.S. Y .T. 1971, c. S-8; Rp. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 1, s. 4

StudE'r.ts' Financial Assistance S-8.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 3; Am. S. Y. T. 1978 (1st), c. 10; Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 14

Students' Grants S-9 In. R.S. Y. T. 1971, c. S-9; Rp. S.Y.T. ]975 (2nd), c. 6

Summary Convictions S-9.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (15t), c. 30

Superannuation, Territorial S-lO In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. S-10; Employees Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd), c. 16

Supervision of Federal Parolees N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (15t), c. 7 Agreement

Supreme Court S-10.1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. T-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1971 (3rd), c. 3; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd), c. 2; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 28, s. 3

Survival of Actions S-10.2 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (15t), c. 16

Survivorship S-11 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. 5-11; Rp. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 31 SlIrvivorship S-l1.1 En. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st), c. 31

- 180 - Taxation T-O.l See Assessment and Taxation

Tenants in Common T-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. T-l

Territorial Court T-2 See Supreme Court

Territorial Court T-2.05 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. M-I; Am. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd). ·c. 2 ; Ani. S.Y.T. 19EG (1st). c. 28. s. 2

Territorial Municipal N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) • c. 33 Employment Loans

Third Appropriation. 1972-73 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st) • c. 19

Third Appropriation. 1973-74 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd) • c. 23

Third Appropriation. 1974-75 N.C.N.R. . En. S.Y.T . 1974 (2nd). c. 19

Third Appropriation, 1975-76 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd) , c. 1"5

Third Appropriation. 1976-77' N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), iC• ~6

Third Appropriation. 19~7-78 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1977 (1st) • c. 17.- Third Appropriation. 1978-79 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1979 (2nd) • c. 17

Third Appropriation, 1979-80 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) • c. 24

Third Appropriation. 19"80-81 N'.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) • c. 17

Third Appropriation. 1981-82 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) • c. 18

Third Appropriation .' 1982-83 N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 33

Tobacco Tax T-2.1 En. S.Y.T. 1974 (2nd) • c. 3 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1976 (1st) • C. 9; Am. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st) • c. 12 ; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) • c. 19

Trade Schools Regulation T-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. T-3

Transfer of Prisoners Agreement N.C.H.R. E~. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st) • c. 8

Transport Public Utilities T-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. T-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) • c. 32; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd) • c. 16. s. 14; Am. S. Y.T. 1982 (1st) • c. 8

Travel for Medical Treatment T-4.1 En. S.Y.T. 1975 (2nd) • c. 4

Travel Industry Developmen t N.C.N.R. Eri. S.Y.T. 1975 ·(2nd).- c. 5 Agreement

Trustee T-5 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. T-5; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (1st) • c. 33; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) • c. 16. s. 12

- 181 - Unemployment Assistance N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st). c. 13 Agreement Repeal

Variation of Trusts V-I In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. V-I

Vital Statistics V-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971. c. V-2; Am. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 18

Wages Recovery W-l In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-l

Warehouse Receipts \11-1.5 En. S. Y. T. 1981 (2nc!). c. 15*

Warehousemen's ~ien W-2 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-2; Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20, s. 85

Whitehorse, N. C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1978 (1st), c. 13 An Ordinance to open

Whitehorse General N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1972 (1st) , c. 32 Purposes Loan (1972)

Whitehorse General ~ N. C. N. R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (1st), c. 34 Purposes Loan (1973)

Whitehorse (Takhini

Wildlife W-2.5 En. S.Y.T. 1981 (2nd), c. 16; Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 15 Am. S.Y.T. 1982, c. 34

Wills W-3 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. \'/-3

Woodmen's Lien W-4 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. \11-4; Am. S.Y.T. 1980 (2nd), c. 20. s. 86

Workers' Compensation \\'-4.1 In. R.S.Y.T. 1971, c. W-5; Rp/P,e. S. Y. T. 1973 (3rd), c. 6; Am. S.Y.T. 1975 (3rd), c. 6, s. 4;. Am. S. Y. T. 1977 (2nd), c. 10; Am. S. Y. T. 1980 (1st). c. 20, s. 28; Am. S.Y.T. 1981 (1st) , c. ]0, s. 6 Am. S.Y.T. 1962, c. 35 Workmen's Compensation W-5 See Workers' Compensation

Workmen's Compensation N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1973 (3rd), c. 7 Supplementary Benefits

Young Offenders Welfare N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1976 (2nd), c. 3 Agreement

Young Voyageur Agreement N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. 1975 (1st), c. 9

Yukon Council Y-l See Legislative Assembly

Yukon River Basin N.C.N.R. En. S.Y.T. ]980 (1st), c. 34 Study Agreement

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