STATUTES of the YUKON TERRITORY PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE YUKON TERRITORY IN THE YEAR 1982 BEING THE FIRST SITTING OF THE FIFTH SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, MARCH 24 - APRIL 22, 1982 DOUGLAS L. BELL COMMISSIONER STATUTBS OF THE YUKON TBRRITORY 1982 First Sitting BILL CHAPTBR No. No. TITLE PAGE No. 29 1 Electoral District Boundaries Act. 1 An Act to Amend the 4 2 Fourth Appropriation Act. 1981-82 4 2 3 Interim Supply Appropriation Act. 6 1982-83 3 4 In terpreta tion Ordina nee. 8 An Act to Amend the 7 5 Loan Agreement Act (1982) No. 1 13 12 6 Pioneer Utility Grant Act. 14 An Act to Amend the 11 7 Seniors' Income Supplement Act 15 22 8 T rans port Public Utilities Act. 19 An Act to Amend the la 9 Yukon Council Act. 21 An Act to Amend the -----... -._-----_._------ The 1982 First Sitting of the Fifth Sossion of the Twenty-fourth Council was dissolved on April 21. 1982. - i - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1982 (let), Chapter 1 AN ACT TO AMBND THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ACT (Assented to April 21, 1982) The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows: 1 (1) This Act amends the Blectoral District Boundaries Act. 2( 1) The following new section is added immediately 'before section 1: "0.5(1 ) This Act may bo cited as the Electoral District Boundaries Act." 3(1) Subsection l( 1) is amended by striking out the description of the Electoral District of Whitehorse Porter Creek East and, substituting the following for it: "Electoral District of Whitehorse Porter Creek East The Electoral' District of Whitehorse Porter Creek East consists of that part of the City of White­ horse bounded by a line commencing at the point of intersection of the centre line of Wann Road and Centennial Street, thence north westwardly along the cen tre line of Cen tennial Street to the centre line of the Alaska High way. thence north westwardly along said cen tre line to the western limit of the City of Whitehorse. thence northwardly and eastwardly along the lVestern and northern limit of the City of IVhitehorse to the centrtl line of the Yukon River. thence southwardly up the centre line of the Yukon River to a point due cast of Coordinate Control Monument 70G-139-1970 in the Whitehorse Coordinated Survey Area. thence due west to the point of inter­ section of the easterly boundary of lot 262 -3. Group 804. thence northwardly along the easterly boundaries of lots 262-3 and 262-4. Group 804. to the northeasterly corner of lot 262-4. thence west­ wardly along the northerly boundary of said lot 262 -4 to the northwesterly corner of lot 262-4. Group 804. thence southwardly along the westerly boundaries of lots 262-4 and 262-3. Group 804. to a point due east of said Coordinate Control Honument 70G-139-197U. thence due west to the point of intersection of the easterly boundary of lot 1388. thence south westwardly along the outer boundaries of subdivision lots 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391. 1392. 1393. 1394. and 1395. to the southwesterly corner of lot 1395. thence due west to the intersoction of the centre lino of the pipeline right-of-way. thence northW,estwardly along said centre line to the centre line of the roadway between lots 391 and - 1 - An Act to Amend the Electoral District Boundaries Act Cbp. 1 392-1. thence continuing northwestwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence continuing north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Eleventh Avenue. thence northeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Holly Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Twelfth Avenue. thence south westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Thirteenth Avenue. thence south­ westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Fourteenth Avenue. thence northeastwardly along said centre line to the cen tre line of Holly Street. thence north westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of lVann Road. thence westwardly along said centre line to the point of cOr:Jmencement." (2) Subsection l( 1) is ar:lended by striking out the description of the Electoral District of Whitehorse Porter Creek West and substituting the following for it: "Electoral District of Whltehorse Porter Creek West The Electoral District of Whitehorse Porter Creek IVest consists of that part of the City of IVhite­ horse bounded by a Hnc cOr:lr:lencing at the point of intersection of the centre line of Wann Road and Cen tennial Street. thence eastwardly along the centre line of Wann Road to the centre line of Holly Street. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the centrc line of Fourteenth Avenue. thence south westwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence southeastwardly along said cen tre line to the centre line of Thirteenth Avenue. thence northeast­ wardly along said centre line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of Twelfth Avenue. thence northeastwardly along said centru line to the centre line of Holly Street. thence southeast­ wardly along said centre line· to the centru line of Eleventh Avenue. thence south westwardly along said cen t re line to the centre line of Grove Street. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of the roadway betwcen lots 391 and 392 -1. thence con tinuing southeastwardly along said centre line to the centre line of the pipeline right-of-way. thence continuing southeastwardly along said centru line to a point being due enst of Coordinate Control Monument 70G-139-1970 in the Whitehorse Coordinated Survey Area. thence due west to the western limit of the City of Whitehorse. thence north westwardly along the said lir:lit to the centre line of the Alaska Highway. thence south­ eastwardly along said centre line to the centru line of Centennial Struet. thence southeastwardly along said centre line to the point of COr:lr.lenCCr:ltmt. 11 - 2 - An Act to Amend the Blectoral District Boundaries Act Chp. 1 (3) Subsection l( 1) is amended by striking out the description of the Electoral District of Whitehorse West and substituting the following for it: "Blectoral District of Whitohorso Wost The ElectoraY District of Whitehorse West consists of that part of the City of Whitehorse bounded by a line commencing at the point of inter­ section of the western prolongation of the centre line of Alexander Street and the foot of the Airport (Reserve) Escarpment. thence southwardly along the foot of said escarpment to a point due west of the northernmost corner of lot 523. Group 804. thence due east to the centre lino of tho Yukon River. thence southwardly up the centre lino of the Yukon River to the limit of the City of Whitehorse. thonce south westwardly and northwest­ wardly along said city limit to the point being due west of Coordinate Control Monumont 70G-139-1970 in the. Whitehorse Coordinated Survey Area. thence due east to the point of intersection of the centre line of the pipeline right-of-way. thence south­ wardly along said centre line to a point being due west of the southwesterly corner of lot 1395. thence due east to the southwesterly corner of said lot 1395. thence northoastwardly along the outer boundaries of lots 1395. 1394. 1393. 1392. 1391. 1390. 1389. and 1388. to a point being due cast of said Coordinate Control Monument 7UG-139-1970. thence due cast to the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of lot 262-3. Group 804. then north wardly along the westerly boundaries of lots 262-3 and 262-4 to the northwesterly corner of lot 262-4. thence eastwardly along the northerly boundary of lot 262-4 to the easterly corner of lot 262-4. thence southwardly along the easterly boundaries of lots 262-4 and 262-3. Group 804. to a point being due cast of said Coordinate Control Monument 7UG-139-1970. thence due east to the foot of the said escarpr:lent. thence southlVardly along the foot of the escarpr:lent to the point of COr:lmencer.1en t." - 3 - STATUTES OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 1982 (lst), Chaptsr 2 FOURTH APPROPRIATION ACT, 1981-82 (Assented to April 21, 1982) Whereas it appears by message from the Commissioner and in the estimates accompanying the message that, in addition to the sums previously appropriated, the sums not appearing in parentheses in Schedule "A" of this Act are required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon and for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1982; And whereas, out of the sums previously appropriated, the sums appearing in parentheses in Schodule "A" of this Act are not required for the purpose of defraying certain expenses of the public service of Yukon or for related purposes for the period of 12 months ending on March 31, 1982: The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly, enacts as follows: 1(1) This Act may be cited as the Fourth Appropriation Act, 1981-82. 2 (1) In addition to the sum of $25,608,000 provided for in the First Appropriation Act, 1981-82, the sur.! of $114,529,600 provided for in the Second Appropriation Act, 1981-82 and the sum of $1,000,000 provided for in the Third Appropriation Act, 1981-82, from and out of the Yukon Consolidated Hevenue .Fund there may be paid and applied a sum not exceoding in the whole $lQ ,694 ,ODD for defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service of Yukon for the period of 12 r.!onths ending on March 31, 1982, as set forth in Schedule "A" of this Act and that sum shaUnot be paid or applied except in accordance with Schedule "A".
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