Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 2017 No. 98 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Sergeant Thomas, an Amory native Sergeant Thomas died on Memorial called to order by the Speaker pro tem- and a 2011 Amory High School grad- Day, the day our Nation has set aside pore (Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina). uate, was assigned to Alpha Company, to honor those servicemen and women f 2nd Battalion 198th Armored, 155th Ar- who have fought and died to protect mored Brigade headquartered out of the freedoms we all enjoy. We cannot DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Tupelo, Mississippi. forget what this national holiday TEMPORE He has been described as a compas- means to the families like Sergeant The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- sionate person who loved life and Thomas’, who have experienced this fore the House the following commu- spending time with his family. When loss. We can never forget those who nication from the Speaker: his daughter, Devina Jayde Smith, was gave all for the greatness of this Na- WASHINGTON, DC, born, an incredible bond was formed be- tion. June 8, 2017. tween Sergeant Thomas and his daugh- Dixie Thunder, Sergeant Thomas, I hereby appoint the Honorable JEFF DUN- ter. Sergeant Thomas’ father, Eddie Dixie Thunder. CAN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Thomas, says the whole family is proud day. of his son’s commitment to his family f PAUL D. RYAN, and to the defense of this great Nation. CONSEQUENCES OF IRRESPON- Speaker of the House of Representatives. He divided his time between his job SIBLE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS f at NauticStar Boats manufacturing The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE plant in Amory and service in the Mis- RUTHERFORD). The Chair recognizes the sissippi Army National Guard. gentleman from Maryland (Mr. BROWN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- His mother, Jo Ann Boussouar, says for 5 minutes. ant to the order of the House of Janu- her son was always interested in the Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- military. As a young boy, Sergeant er, I take to the floor of the House nize Members from lists submitted by Thomas would say that he wanted to be today in opposition to H.R. 10, the so- the majority and minority leaders for a tank driver. morning-hour debate. The family says he excelled at soccer called Financial CHOICE Act, which is The Chair will alternate recognition in high school, where he earned a more appropriately called the ‘‘Wrong- between the parties. All time shall be scholarship to play at Itawamba Com- ful’’ CHOICE Act. equally allocated between the parties, munity College, but his patriotism led Nearly a decade since the beginning and in no event shall debate continue him down a different path, and he of the financial crisis, my district is beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other turned down the scholarship and joined still dealing with the consequences of than the majority and minority leaders the Mississippi Army National Guard. irresponsible, underregulated financial and the minority whip, shall be limited Ms. Boussouar says her son was able to institutions targeting toxic subprime to 5 minutes. fulfill his dream and to serve in the loans to unsuspecting borrowers. In f military. She is proud of her son’s will- Prince George’s County, one-quarter of ingness to sacrifice his life for the safe- all mortgages were subprime. IN MEMORY OF SERGEANT KYLE ty of his family and of this Nation. Nationally, Black homeowners were CLAYTON THOMAS Prior to the incident, several col- disproportionately affected by the fore- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The leagues and I went to Fort Irwin to dis- closure crisis, 80 percent more likely to Chair recognizes the gentleman from cuss our defense readiness capabilities lose their homes compared to other Mississippi (Mr. KELLY) for 5 minutes. at the National Training Center, and families with similar incomes and life- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. we observed the tactical operations styles. We later learned that several Speaker, I am humbled to rise today in being carried out by the 155 Brigade big banks had deliberately given people the memory of Mississippi Army Na- Combat Team of the Mississippi Army of color subprime mortgages. One such tional Guard Sergeant Kyle Clayton National Guard, my brigade, the bri- scandal-ridden bank, Wells Fargo, of- Thomas, who was killed on May 29, gade that I deployed twice with. While fered cash incentives for loan officers 2017, in a rollover incident at the Na- I did not get to meet Sergeant Thomas to peddle these, what they called ghet- tional Training Center at Fort Irwin, while I was there, I did meet several to loans to who they called mud people; California. Sergeant Thomas and three other soldiers that were just like him in other words, Black customers, often other soldiers were conducting combat and that were dedicated to serving and single mothers. maneuvers in an M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams preserving the way of life we have in For families in my district, it wasn’t Main Battle Tank. this great Nation. just about losing your home. An entire b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4705 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Jun 08, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JN7.000 H08JNPT1 H4706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 2017 generation of wealth was wiped out. am determined to oppose the Financial Washington bailed out the big banks The financial foundation for future CHOICE Act, which seeks to roll back and they said they were too big to fail, generations collapsed and may never be Wall Street reform and eliminate the but the American people never got a rebuilt. Families can’t start a family, Consumer Financial Protection Bu- bailout. The American people were save for college, or set aside for their reau. Voting against this bill is the told: You are on your own. And in own retirement. right thing to do for my district and it seven States, including my home State In the wake of the crisis, Democrats is the right thing for America. of Rhode Island, we are still working to in Congress said, never again, and we f recover jobs that were lost in this took needed action to ensure that this Great Recession. That is why it was so IN HONOR OF DEPUTY DEVIN sort of abusive behavior would never be important 2 years later when Congress HODGES repeated. We passed the Dodd-Frank passed and President Obama signed Wall Street Reform and Consumer Pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street tection Act and created the Consumer Chair recognizes the gentleman from Reform and Consumer Protection Act Financial Protection Bureau to protect South Carolina (Mr. DUNCAN) for 5 min- of 2010. American consumers from the types of utes. This law was a landmark victory for practices that led to this crisis. Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Mr. the American people, especially the Now, even as the big banks, the cre- Speaker, I rise today in honor of An- American consumer. That is why it is ators of the financial crisis, are mak- derson County Master Deputy Devin so disturbing that Republicans now ing record profits, the Financial Hodges, who tragically passed away want to take us back to the days of too CHOICE Act would once again give June 1 in the line of duty while partici- big to fail, a time when powerful Wall Wall Street permission to swindle pating in a training exercise on Lake Street special interests exploited con- working families and destroy the Con- Hartwell. sumers and small investors, and our Deputy Hodges pursued his childhood sumer Financial Protection Bureau. entire economy was put at risk. dream and started his law enforcement This would be extremely harmful for The bill before us today, which I call career out of high school working as a hardworking Americans across the the ‘‘Wrong’’ CHOICE Act, will turn dispatcher in Anderson County, then country. Wall Street into the Wild West again working for the Laurens County Sher- Since its founding, the Consumer Fi- and it will empower the big banks to do iff’s Office, the Abbeville County Sher- nancial Protection Bureau has been a what they want at the expense of hon- iff’s Office, and the Lander Police De- powerful ally of the little guy. It has est, hardworking families. This bill partment before returning to Anderson delivered nearly $12 billion in relief to takes us back to an era when financial in January of this year. more than 29 million consumers As Anderson County Sheriff Chad institutions could wipe out someone’s harmed by predatory lenders, big McBride said, Devin had a big person- retirement and foreclose on innocent banks, abusive debt collectors, and out- ality and a big heart, and it is a big homeowners completely unchecked. right scammers. loss. Devin was a man of character, a This bill repeals commonsense require- Our Nation’s veterans and military man of faith, who was known as a great ments that require financial advisers families have been some of the major father.
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