All Summer Long Choreographed by Randy Pelletier Description:32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music: All Summer Long by [105 bpm / CD: Rock N Roll Jesus] You're The Ticket by John Michael Montgomery [100 bpm / Leave A Mark / Available on iTunes] Step Sheet provided by Rose Haven 404.379.1213 or [email protected] Start dancing on lyrics.

WALK, WALK, ROCK & TURN, ROCK & CROSS, ROCK & CROSS 1-2 Step left forward (1), step right forward (2), 3&4 Rock left forward (3), recover on right (&), turn ½ left pivoting on the ball of right stepping left forward (weighted) (4), 5&6 Rock right to right side (5), recover on left (&), cross right over left (6), 7&8 Rock left to left side (7); recover on right (&), cross left over right (8).

TOUCH, ¼ TURN SAILOR, STOMP UP, KICK BALL STEP, STEP, ½ TURN PIVOT 1-2&3 Touch right toe to right side (1), swing and cross right behind left while turning ¼ Right (2), step left to side (&), step right to side (3), 4 Stomp left (no weight) 5&6 Kick left forward (5); step ball of left next to right (&), step right forward (6), 7-8 Step forward left (7), pivot ½ turn right on balls of both feet ending with weight on Right (8).

3 WIZARD STEPS, HEEL JACKS 1-2& Step left diagonally forward left (1), lock right behind left (2), step left diagonally forward left (&), 3-4& Step right diagonally forward right (3), lock left behind right (4), step right diagonally forward right (&), 5-6& Step left diagonally forward left (5), lock right behind left (6), step left diagonally forward left (&), 7&8& Touch right heel forward (7), step right in place (&), step left heel forward (8), step left in place (&)

WALK, WALK, ¼ TURN, CROSS, TURN, TURN, STOMP, STOMP, STOMP 1-2 Step right forward (1), step left forward (2), 3-4 Pivot ¼ right on balls of both feet (3), cross left over right (4), 5-6 ¼ turn left stepping right back (5), ½ turn left stepping left forward (6), 7&8 Attitude stomps forward: right (7), left (&), right (8).

REPEAT Dance from the Beginning.

RESTARTS: When danced to the song All Summer Long, there are two restarts The first restart is immediately after count 20& when you begin dance on wall 7, (2nd time you begin the dance on back wall). Dance though the 2nd wizard step (Count 20&) and restart dance. You will be restarting the dance facing 9:00 The second restart is immediately after count 20& when you begin dance on wall 11, (3rd time you begin the dance on the front wall). Dance though the 2nd wizard step (Count 20&) and restart dance. You will be restarting the dance facing 3:00