S OUTHERN E NVIRONMENTAL L AW C ENTER Telephone 919-967-1450 601 WEST ROSEMARY STREET, SUITE 220 Facsimile 919-929-9421 CHAPEL HILL, NC 27516-2356 January 6, 2014 VIA E-MAIL AND FEDEX Jennifer Harris North Carolina Department of Transportation 1 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601
[email protected] RE: Monroe Connector/Bypass: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Dear Ms. Harris: On behalf of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, Clean Air Carolina and the Yadkin Riverkeeper, the Southern Environmental Law Center (“SELC”) submits the attached comments on the Draft Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement (“DSFEIS”) for the Monroe Connector/Bypass. In addition, we submit a report by transportation expert David T. Hartgen, which reviews NCDOT’s traffic forecasts for the project.1 Dr. Hartgen concludes that the forecasts are inadequate to support decisionmaking. The comments below identify severe deficiencies in the DSFEIS which call into question the advisability of proceeding further with the $900 million Bypass. The key shortcomings include the following: New Trends: Much has changed since NCDOT first began to study the Monroe Connector/ Bypass in 2007. But the DSFEIS, which appears to be written only to justify a new highway, disregards any new information suggesting the merits of a different approach. • Travel speeds along the U.S. 74 corridor have improved dramatically in the past five years, increasing by 10-15 mph in that short time span. • Traffic volumes in the corridor have remained flat for the past decade. • The Bypass, which was originally anticipated to save commuters travelling its full length 29-32 minutes, is now estimated to save a mere 8-12 minutes in the opening year.