Carnets Geol. 19 (11)

E-ISSN 1634-0744 DOI 10.4267/2042/70296

New findings of the genus Revalotrypa, the oldest bryozoan genus of Baltoscandia, in north-western Russia



Abstract: New findings of esthonioporate bryozoans of the species Revalotrypa cf. inopinata, repre- senting one of the oldest bryozoans of Baltoscandia, are described from an outcrop located in Lenin- grad Oblast' (north-western Russia). The colonies of this species are very small and were extracted from limestone-cemented nodules found in glauconitic sandstones of the lower part of the Joa Member (Paroistodus proteus conodont zone, lowermost Floian, Lower Ordovician). Combined X-ray microtomo- graphy and the examination of traditional thin sections under a stereomicroscope and a light microsco- pe were used to study the morphology of this species. Key-words: • Bryozoa; • Ordovician; • Floian; • Baltoscandia; • micro-CT

Citation : FEDOROV P.V. & KOROMYSLOVA A.V. (2019).- New findings of the genus Revalotrypa, the oldest bryozoan genus of Baltoscandia, in north-western Russia.- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 19, no. 11, p. 199-209. Résumé : Nouvelles découvertes du genre Revalotrypa, le plus vieux genre bryozoaire de Baltoscandia, au nord-ouest de la Russie.- Les nouvelles découvertes de bryozoaires esthoniopo- rates de l'espèce Revalotrypa cf. inopinata, représentant l'un des plus anciens bryozoaires de Balto- scandie, sont décrites dans un affleurement situé dans l'oblast de Léningrad (nord-ouest de la Russie). Les colonies de cette espèce sont très petites et furent extraites de nodules calcaires cimentés trouvés dans les grès glauconitiques de la partie inférieure du Membre Joa (zone de сonodonte Paroistodus proteus, Floïen basal, Ordovicien inférieur). La microtomographie à rayons X combinée et l'examen de coupes minces traditionnelles au stéréomicroscope et au microscope optique sont utilisés pour étudier la morphologie de cette espèce. Mots-clefs : • Bryozoaires ; • Ordovicien ; • Floïen ; • Baltoscandie ; • microtomographie

1 St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya emb.7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg (Russia) [email protected] 2 Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya St. 123, 117997, Moscow (Russia) [email protected]

Published online in final form (pdf) on August 8, 2019 [Editor: Brian PRATT; technical editor: Bruno GRANIER]

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Introduction United Kingdom, is younger than R. yugaensis and R. inopinata, since FORTEY & RUSHTON (2000) There are not any unequivocal Cambrian bryo- correlated the Ogof Hen Formation with the upper zoans, including a 'cryptostomate bryozoan' Py- part of the T. phyllograptoides graptolite zone wackia baileyi LANDING in LANDING et al., 2010, (Fig. 1). There are two further candidates for the described from the Upper Cambrian (Tinũ For- oldest bryozoan species, including the cystopora- mation) of (LANDING et al., 2010, 2015), te bryozoan Ceramopora? unapensis ROSS, 1966, which has been reinterpreted as an octocoral with from the uppermost Tremadocian or lowermost a 'pennatulacean-like morphology' (TAYLOR et al., Floian deposits of Oklahoma, USA, and esthonio- 2013). Tremadocian to early Floian (Early Ordovi- porate bryozoan Dianulites borealis ASTROVA, cian) bryozoans are poorly represented in the 1965, from Early Ordovician deposits of Rus- geological record (Fig. 1 , while late Floian bryo- ) sia (ASTROVA, 1965; ERNST et al., 2014). However, zoans are comparatively common, especially in the classification of Ceramopora? unapensis as a north-western Russia (MODZALEVSKAYA, 1953; bryozoan was subsequently questioned by TAYLOR PUSHKIN & POPOV, 1999; GORJUNOVA, 2009; KORO- (1993), whereas the precise age of D. borealis is MYSLOVA, 2011). The oldest known unequivocal uncertain. According to ERNST et al. (2014), D. bryozoans in the world are cryptostomate and borealis is found in uppermost Tremadocian de- esthonioporate bryozoans from the Tremadocian posits, whilst NEKHOROSHEVA (2015) suggested of central China (HU & SPJELDNÆS, 1991; XIA et that D. borealis is not older than the Floian stage. al., 2007; ZHANG et al., 2009; MA et al., 2014b, 2015). The esthonioporate bryozoan species Re- In this article, findings of esthonioporate bryo- valotrypa inopinata FEDOROV et al., 2017, and R. zoans of the genus Revalotrypa are described yugaensis FEDOROV et al., 2017, from the lower- from a new location. Specimens of Revalotrypa most Floian (Lower Ordovician) of the Leningrad cf. inopinata were extracted from a thin layer of Oblast', Russian Federation, are the oldest known dense sandstone nodules cemented by limestone, unequivocal bryozoans of Baltoscandia, and most occurring within glauconitic sandstones of the likely, the oldest of the entire Baltica paleoconti- lower part of the Leetse Formation. The nodule- nent. The esthonioporate species Orbipora sp., bearing layer has been correlated with the base described by TAYLOR & COPE (1987) from the Ogof of the Floian Stage (Lower Ordovician). Hen Formation (lower Floian) of South Wales,

Figure 1: Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Tremadocian to early Floian bryozoans.

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The aims of this study are: (1) to describe the glauconitic sandstone and sandy limestone. In new outcrop yielding the oldest bryozoans of Bal- the east, pale gray clay with interlayers of pur- toscandia, and (2) to describe the morphological plish-gray clay of the Lakity Member wedge into characteristics of new specimens of the esthonio- the Joa Member, and the dark-green rocks of the porate bryozoan genus Revalotrypa from Balto- Mäeküla Member are replaced by variegated scandia. limestone with interlayers of clay, comprising the Vassilkovo Member (see FEDOROV et al., 2017, for Geological background details). In north-western Russia, Ordovician sedimen- In general, the thickness of the Leetse Forma- tary rocks comprise an east-west trending elon- tion in the vicinity of Saint-Petersburg varies from gated plateau, bounded in the north by the Bal- about 0.5 to 2.7 m, progressively decreasing in a tic-Ladoga Klint (Fig. 2). Ordovician strata are south to south-easterly direction (FEDOROV & composed mainly of limestone (SELIVANOVA & KOF- ERSHOVA, 2012), whilst the age of the basal layers MAN, 1971) with the exception of the lower part, of the Leetse Formation also decreases in the sa- which is represented by non-carbonate sequen- me direction (ERSHOVA, 2008). ces. These include the lower Tremadocian Obolus The Leetse Formation comprises three North Sandstone and the Dictyonema Shale (the Tosna Atlantic conodont zones (Fig. 3): Paroistodus pro- and Koporye formations, respectively), glauconi- teus, Prioniodus elegans, and Oepikodus evae te-bearing quartz sandstone of the middle Tre- (TOLMACHEVA, 2001; ERSHOVA, 2008). LÖFGREN madocian Nazya Formation, and glauconitic sand- (1993) subdivided the P. proteus conodont zone stone of the upper Tremadocian to lower Floian into 4 subzones, however, TOLMACHEVA (2001) and Leetse Formation (POPOV et al., 1989). Sedimen- TOLMACHEVA et al. (2001) recognized only the tary disconformities are described from the base upper subzone (Oelandodus elongates - Acodus of both the Nazya Formation and the Leetse For- deltatus deltatus) at the base of the most com- mation. The Leetse Formation is conformably plete sections of north-western Russia. In the overlain by a medium-bedded glauconitic limesto- Diabasbrottet stratotype section, the base of this ne of the Päite Member, informally known as the subzone is just below the base of the Tetra- 'Lower Dikary Member' (upper Floian). The Päite graptus approximatus graptolite zone, i.e., the Member forms part of the Volkhov Formation, base of the Floian stage (BERGSTRÖM et al., 2004). which comprises the base of the Ordovician car- bonate sequence. Material and methods

Lower Ordovician rocks were deposited in the Based on the findings of ERSHOVA (2008), we epeiric Baltoscandian paleobasin, which covered a selected the thickest and most stratigraphically significant portion of the East European Craton complete sections of the Leetse Formation in the during the Ediacaran - Early Paleozoic (e.g., NIKI- Saint-Petersburg area (Leningrad Oblast') to stu- SHIN et al., 1996; SLIAUPA et al., 2006). Facies dy for bryozoan fauna in the lower part of the Joa equivalents of the Leetse Formation include gray Member. The thickest sections at the Lava River and reddish bioclastic limestones in central Swe- and Putilovo Quarry were not considered because den and graptolite shale in the Oslo of their fauna has already been studied in detail (PÄRNASTE & BERGSTRÖM, 2013), however, (TOLMACHEVA et al., 2001). Three localities were bryozoans are absent from the coeval Scandina- chosen and sampled during this study: the Tol- vian deposits (e.g., LINDSKOG et al., 2018). Fur- bovka River, Lamashka River, and Zolotoy Creek, thermore, no bryozoans have been discovered in which is the left-hand tributary of the Suma River deposits of the Hunneberg and Billingen regional (Fig. 2). Faunal remains comprising a carbonate stages in and Belarus, which belong to skeleton were observed in deposits correlated to the same facies zone as the Leningrad Oblast' the upper part of conodont zone P. proteus (ac- (MÄNNIL, 1959; PUSHKIN, 1987). cording to ERSHOVA, 2008) in two of the three The Leetse Formation is divided into four localities, including on the left bank of the members in the Russian part of the Baltic-Ladoga Tolbovka River, about 0.8 km south of Kotelskiy Klint (anonymous, 1987). In the west, it includes village, and on the right bank of the Lamashka only 2 members: the Joa and the Mäeküla mem- River. The coeval nodule horizon was discovered bers (Fig. 3). The Joa Member consists of weakly- in outcrops correlating to below the top of the P. cemented quartz-glauconitic and glauconitic proteus conodont zone on the right bank of the sandstone, with layers of quartz or glauconitic- Zolotoy Creek, 0.9 km north-east of the Maloye quartz sandstone at the base, and locally, Ruddilovo village, however fossilized carbonate intercalated layers of clay. The Mäeküla Member skeletal remains were not observed at outcrop comprises more tightly cemented calcareous (Fig. 3).

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Figure 2: Schematic geological map of Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast' (modified after SOKOLOVA, 1971). Arrows 1-5 mark studied sections of the Leetse Formation; arrows 3, 4, 5 mark localities of the oldest bryozoans of Baltoscandia. The new occurrence at the Zolotoy Creek is shown by arrow 3 and marked with an asterisk on the insert map. Thin intervals of glauconitic sandstone contai- of the nodules and >1 mm fraction examined un- ning fossilized skeletal remains were sampled der a binocular microscope. from the Tolbovka and Lamashka rivers. Approxi- Only small valves of strongly dolomitized arti- mately 5 kg of weakly-cemented, clayey, carbo- culated brachiopods were found in samples from nate-bearing glauconitic sandstone was extracted the Tolbovka River. The samples from Lamashka from each outcrop. The samples were repeatedly River contained only decalcified shells of articula- washed with clean water to remove the mud ted brachiopods, preserved as ferruginous in- component. After drying, the sandy residue was ternal/external molds in a weakly-consolidated sieved into >1 mm and <1 mm size fractions. clayey sand matrix. However, two very small The >1 mm fraction was examined under an bryozoans were obtained, together with nume- ordinary binocular microscope. As fossilized ske- rous valves of small rhynchonelliform brachiopods letal remains were not observed at outcrop, com- and fragments of lingulids, from the host sand- plete nodules were sampled from the Zolotoy stone containing the nodular layer at Zolotoy Creek section, along with the host clayey glauco- Creek. A further attempt to obtain additional nitic sandstone. The total weight of the sample bryozoan samples from the nodules through re- exceeded 15 kg. These samples were prepared in peated freezing and defrosting was unsuccessful. the same way as detailed above, with the surface

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Figure 3: Stratigraphic correlation of the Lower Ordovician sections yielding the oldest bryozoans of Baltoscandia, see text for details. Abbreviations: P., Pakerort; K., Koporye; N., Nazya; V., Varangu; P.d., Paltodus deltifer. Since the two bryozoan colonies were very the Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis of small, we firstly investigated the material using Research Park of Saint-Petersburg State Universi- non-destructive methods, i.e., scanning electron ty, Russian Federation, where a scanning electro- microscopy (SEM) and X-ray microtomography nic microscope Tabletop TM 3000 (Hitachi) was (micro-CT). The SEM analyses were performed at used. The colonies were then scanned with a

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Skyscan 1172 (Bruker Corporation) at the Center Bed 4 has a thickness of 0.08 m and compri- for X-ray Diffraction Studies in the same institute. ses sandstone, which is dark-green, glauconitic, No filter was used and the voltage for analyses very fine-grained to fine-grained, clayey, weakly- was 74 kV, while the current was 133 mA. Sam- cemented and completely bioturbated, with ples were rotated through 180° during examina- traces of deposit feeders infilled by a whitish clay. tion and the rotation angle was 0.7°. The exposu- The sandstone includes disjointed nodules of re was 1010 ms for each sample. The pixel reso- dense sandstone cemented by limestone, ranging lution was slightly different for the two bryo- in size from a small coin to a fist. Two very small zoans. Sample 1 (PIN 5075/1013) was scanned colonies of the bryozoan species Revalotrypa cf. with a resolution of 1.17 µm, while the pixel size inopinata FEDOROV et. al., 2017 and numerous was 1.17224 µm. Sample 2 (PIN 5075/1014) was valves of small rhynchonelliform brachiopods and scanned with a resolution of 1.24 µm, while the fragments of lingulids were found on the surface pixel size was 1.24132 µm. For each sample, 770 of the nodules and in the host sediments between virtual sections were produced. Virtual three-di- them. mensional (3D) models of the colony surfaces Bed 5 has a thickness of 0.89 m and compri- were created from the two-dimensional data. The ses sandstone, which is dark-green, glauconitic, raw micro-CT data were processed using the very fine-grained, clayey and muddy, weakly-ce- CTVox and DataViewer software. mented, and completely bioturbated, with nume- The zooecia of the studied bryozoan speci- rous traces of deposit feeders infilled with whitish mens were fully filled by micrite, which resulted or violet-gray clay. in a low contrast between the sediment and the Bed 6 has a thickness of 0.14 m and com- calcite colony walls on the micro-CT sections. For prises sandstone, which is dark-green, glauconi- this reason, traditional thin sections were made tic, very fine-grained, densely cemented with li- at the A.A. Borissiak Palaeontological Institute of mestone, and completely bioturbated. the Russian Academy of Sciences (PIN), Moscow, Bed 7 has a thickness of 0.21 m and com- Russian Federation, to study the internal struc- prises sandy limestone, which is dark green, ture of the specimens. The thin sections were glauconitic, dolomitized, and completely bioturba- studied and imaged using a Leica M165C stereo- ted. microscope (SM) and a Zeiss Axioplan 2 trans- mitted light microscope (TLM). Bed 8 has a thickness of 0.42 m and com- prises strongly dolomitized limestone, which is Dimensions are given in the text as the obser- glauconitic and light-gray, with yellow bands of ved range, followed in parentheses by the arith- limonite impregnation along several hardground metic mean ± standard deviation, number of surfaces. The thickest band is located under the colonies used (N), and total number of measure- top of the bed, which is bored by numerous ments made (n). All measurements were made Gastrochaenolites ichno sp. using the micro-CT images. The material forming the basis of this study is Systematic palaeontology archived in the bryozoan collection of the Labora- tory of Higher Invertebrates at the PIN, under Phylum Bryozoa EHRENBERG, 1831 number 5075. Class Stenolaemata BORG, 1926 Section of the Leetse Formation Superorder Palaeostomata at the Zolotoy Creek MA et al., 2014a The following beds are exposed in order of de- Order Esthonioporata ASTROVA, 1978 creasing stratigraphic age (i.e., from the base to the top of the succession; Fig. 3): Family Revalotrypidae Bed 1 has a thickness of 0.07 m and compri- GORJUNOVA, 1988 ses sandstone, which is dark-green, quartz-glau- Genus Revalotrypa BASSLER, 1952 conitic, fine-grained, muddy, completely biotur- bated, and weakly-cemented. Bed 1 overlies the Revalotrypa cf. inopinata top of the Dictyonema Shale and the contact is FEDOROV et al., 2017 represented by a disconformity. Bed 2 has a thickness of 0.03 m and compri- (Figs. 4 - 5) ses clay, which is whitish, sandy, glauconite-bea- Material: PIN 5075/1013 (Fig. 4), PIN 5075/ ring, and contains rare fragments of graptolite 1014 (Fig. 5). rhabdosomes. Occurrence: Joa Member of the Leetse Forma- Bed 3 has a thickness of 0.18 m and compri- tion (upper layers of the Paroistodus proteus co- ses sandstone, which is dark-green, quartz-glau- nodont zone, Hunneberg Regional Stage, lower- conitic, clayey, fine-grained, weakly-cemented, most Floian), right bank of the Zolotoy Creek and completely bioturbated. near Maloye Ruddilovo, Leningrad Oblast', Rus- sian Federation.

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Figure 4: Revalotrypa cf. inopinata FEDOROV et al., 2017, PIN 5075/1013, early Floian. A-C. Micro-CT images. A. Surface model, front view of grain-shaped colony showing apertures of autozooecia (Az) and neozooecia (Nz), and area with constriction (C). B. Surface model, top view. C. Model of longitudinal section showing several zooecial apertures (Z). D-E. SEM images. D. General view of colony. E. Surface of colony. F-G. SM images. F. Longitudinal thin section through the central part of the colony showing almost radially located zooecia. G. Longitudinal thin sec- tion, zooecia (outline marked) filled by microspar. Scale bars: A-C. 250 µm; D. 1 mm; E-F. 500 µm; G. 200 µm.

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Figure 5: Revalotrypa cf. inopinata FEDOROV et al., PIN 5075/1014, early Floian. A. SEM image of colony. B-D. Micro- CT images. B. Surface model of grain-shaped colony, front view. C. Model of longitudinal section showing a few zooecial tubes (arrowed). D. Model of tangential section, top view, showing two autozooecial apertures (Az). E-G. Longitudinal thin sections at different levels near the central part of the colony showing almost radially located zooe- cia (Z). E. TLM image. F. SM image. G. SM image showing the outline of the zooecia. Scale bars: A. 1 mm; B-D. 250 µm; E. 200 µm; F, G. 500 µm. Description (measurements based on speci- 5075/1013] exhibits an area with constriction, men PIN 5075/1013): Colonies grain-shaped, presumably consisting of small autozooecia and longitudinally elongated, presumably formed by neozooecia (Fig. 4.A), 350 µm wide. encrusting around a small object (Figs. 4.A, .D, Remarks: Two very small poorly preserved .F, 5.A-B, .G), and 2.5 mm long by 1.0 mm wide. colonies of bryozoans were studied from the early Secondary overgrowths absent. Autozooecia tu- Floian of Leningrad Oblast', Russian Federation, bular. Autozooecial apertures rounded to oval, which presumably belong to the species Reva- 200-230 µm (215 ± 14 µm; N 1, n 6) long by lotrypa cf. inopinata based on a comparable colo- 170-190 µm (180 ± 9 µm; N 1, n 6) wide, with ny form (FEDOROV et al., 2017: Fig. 5). However, five to six apertures per 2 mm distance. Auto- the preservation state of the studied material zooecial diaphragms not observed. Neozooecia does not allow a definitive assignment. 3D mo- abundant, separating autozooecia in one or two dels of the colony's surface of sample PIN 5075/ rows, with up to ten neozooecia surrounding each 1013 have been produced (Fig. 4.A-B), which autozooecial aperture (Fig. 4.A-B, .E). Neozooe- facilitate a description of the external morphology cial apertures polygonal and 80-110 µm (93 ± 14 of Revalotrypa cf. inopinata without using SEM µm; N 1, n 6) in diameter. One colony [PIN images, which are of poor quality (Fig. 4.D-E).

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However, the surface of the other specimen [PIN ASTROVA G.G. (1978).- Historical development, 5075/1014] is covered by glauconite grains (Fig. systematics and phylogeny of Bryozoa. Order 5.A-B), precluding our ability to study its external Trepostomata.- Trudy Paleontologicheskogo morphology. The internal structures of these Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow, vol. bryozoans are unclear, because their zooecia 169, 240 p. (in Russian). were filled by micrite and diagenetic recrystalliza- BASSLER R.S. (1952).- Taxonomic notes on genera tion to microspar has affected their calcite walls. of fossil and recent Bryozoa.- Journal of the As a result, both the micro-CT sections (Figs. Washington Academy of Sciences, Baltimore, 4.C, 5.C-D) and the thin sections (Figs. 4.F- vol. 42, p. 381-385. G, 5.E-G) have a low contrast between the sedi- BORG F. (1926).- Studies on Recent cyclostoma- ment and the calcite walls. tous Bryozoa.- Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsa- Conclusions la, vol. 10, p. 181-507. BERGSTRÖM S.M., LÖFGREN A. & MALETZ J. (2004).- Bryozoans Revalotrypa cf. inopinata FEDOROV The GSSP of the Second (Upper) Stage of the et al., 2017, are reported from a new location in Lower Ordovician Series: Diabasbrottet at the Leningrad Oblast', increasing the number of Hunneberg, Province of Västergötland, South- outcrops containing the oldest bryozoans in Bal- western .- Episodes, Seoul, vol. 27, p. toscandia to three. The oldest bryozoan fauna 265-272. can be found here only in the upper part of the P. EHRENBERG C.G. (1831).- Symbolæ physicæ, seu proteus conodont zone, near the base of the most icones et descriptiones animalium evertebra- complete sections of glauconitic sandstones, torum, sepositis insectis, quae ex itineribus which contain nodular layers enriched with pure per Libyam, Ægyptum, Nubiam, Dongalam, limestone that has not been subjected to secon- Syriam, Arabiam et Habessiniam publico dary dolomitization. institutis sumptu Friderici Guilelmi Hemprich et Christiano Godofredi Ehrenberg medicinae Combined X-ray microtomography and the et chirurgiae doctorum, studio annis MD study of traditional thin sections under a stereo- CCCXX-MDCCCXXV redierunt.- G. Reimer, microscope and a light microscope represent the Berlin, 128 p. most promising approaches for studying the mor- ERNST A., BOGOLEPOVA O.K., HUBMANN B., GOLUBKOVA phology of these very small bryozoans. 3D mo- E.Y., & GUBANOV A.P. (2014).- Dianulites (Tre- deling of a colony usually replaces 'traditional' postomata, Bryozoa) from the Early Ordo- thin-section study, because micro-CT allows sec- vician of Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia.- tions through the whole colony providing infor- Geological Magazine, Cambridge, vol. 151, no. mation on the internal morphology, but in cases 2, p. 328-338. where zooecia are partly filled by microspar, ERSHOVA V.B. (2008, unpublished).- Condensed resulting in a low contrast between the sediment deposits of the Varangu and Latorp Regional and calcite colony walls in the micro-CT image, Stages (Lower Ordovician) of the Russian part thin sections can be used. of the Baltic-Ladoga Klint.- PhD thesis, St. Acknowledgments Petersburg State University, 203 p. (in Rus- sian). Steven J. HAGEMAN (Dept. of Geology Appala- FEDOROV P.V. & ERSHOVA V.B. (2012).- Significance chian State University, Boone) is thanked for of detailed lithostratigraphical studies for helpful reviews and comments on the manuscript. reconstruction of history and paleogeography Financial support of the Russian Foundation for of ancient epeiric . In: SITNIKOV T.A., PLA- Basic Research (Research Project No. 18-05- TONOV M.V., TUGAROVA M.A., BRUSNIZYN A.I., RY- 00245-A, 18-04-01046-A) is gratefully acknow- BALKO A.E. & LALOMOV A.V. (eds.), Leningrad ledged. school of lithology. Materials of All-Russian Bibliographic references meeting of lithology dedicated to the 100th anniversary of L.B. RUKHIN (25-29 September anonymous (1987).- Resolutions of the Interde- 2012, St. Petersburg).- St. Petersburg State partmental Conference on the Stratigraphy of University, p. 258-260. (in Russian). the Ordovician and Silurian of the East Euro- FEDOROV P.V., KOROMYSLOVA A.V. & MARTHA S.O. pean Platform, 1987, including Regional Stra- (2017).- The oldest bryozoans of Baltoscandia tigraphic Schemes.- Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Iss- from the lowermost Floian (Ordovician) of ledovatelskiy Geologicheskiy Institut, Lenin- north-western Russia: Two new rare, small grad, 114 p. + 4 Regional Stratigraphic Sche- and simple species of Revalotrypidae.- PalZ, mes. (in Russian). Frankfurt am Main, vol. 91, no. 3, p. 353-373. ASTROVA G.G. (1965).- Morphology, history of de- FORTEY R.A. & RUSHTON A.W.A. (2000).- South Wa- velopment, and systematics of Ordovician and les. In: GREGORY F.J. (ed.), A revised correla- Silurian Bryozoa.- Trudy Paleontologicheskogo tion of Ordovician rocks in the .- Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow, vol. Dorset Press, Dorchester, p. 13-17. 106, 432 p. (in Russian).

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