International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3: 87-102 27 October 1983

Published by Department of Entomology, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Editorial committee: JoAnn M. Tenorio (Senior Editor). G.A. Samuelson & Neal Evenhuis (Co-editors), F.J. Radovsky (Managing Editor), S. Asahina, J.F.G. Clarke, K.C Emerson, R.G. Fennah, D.E. Hardy, R.A. Harrison, J. Lawrence, H. Levi, T.C. Maa, J. Medler, CD. Michener, W.W. Moss, CW. Sabrosky, JJ.H. Szent-Ivany, I.W.B. Thornton, J. van der Vecht, E.C Zimmerman. Devoted to original research on all terrestrial . Zoogeographic scope is worldwide, with special emphasis on the Pacific Basin and bordering land masses.

© 1983 by the Bishop Museum


The following is a list of publications of the late Dr J. Linsley Gressitt, who along with his wife, Margaret, perished in an airline crash in South China. (See Int. J. EntomoL 25(1): 1-10, for his obituary.) Following Dr Gressitt's death, it became apparent to both his family and museum colleagues that a list of his papers should be published. Dr Gressitt's diverse interest in natural history produced more than 300 papers on , especially (including monographic works on Chrysomelidae and Cerambycidae), amphibians, reptiles, biological control, zoogeography and ecology of Pacific and Antarctic insects, dispersal of arthropods, and studies on epizoic symbiosis. He also authored papers on science during the war years in China, Japan and the Philippines. In compiling this bibliography, I checked Dr Gressitt's reprints of papers available in his file against 4 lists of his published works that he had had printed for distribution. These covered the following periods: 1934-1940, 1941-1950, 1951-1960, and 1961-1970. A fifth, incom­ plete list for the period 1971-1980 was also utilized. Where reprints were not available, references were verified with available library holdings. Dr Gressitt's lists through 1970 tend to be inclusive, listing announcements and notes, as well as some mimeographed reports. He also included various announcements and lists of recent literature in Pacific Insects and Journal of Medical Entomology that did not credit him as author, but which he was responsible for as editor of the journals. It should be noted that for the latter years, notes of this kind, especially "notes and exhibitions" that appeared in the Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, were not included by Gressitt in his bibliographies, and I did not search the literature to locate them. For brevity, such incidental notes that appear together in one publication are here combined and numbered as a unit. The references, totaling 369 and spanning the years from 1934 to 1983, are listed here in chronological order. Gressitt is assumed to be sole author unless otherwise noted. Where the validity of a publication date is questioned or the actual mailing date differs from a printed publication date, the work is listed under the most verifiable year and asterisked (*); comments appear [in brackets] at the end of the citation.—Carol N. Higa, Administrative Assistant to the Chairman, Department of Entomology, Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 19000-A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, USA.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1934 1. *New longicorns from the Japan Empire (Coleopt., Cerambycidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 9(4): 163-70. [Issue date Oct. 1933, lined out by JLG with Jan. 21, 1934 written in.] International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3

1935 2. New longicorn beetles from the Japanese Empire, II (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 55(4): 379-86. 3. The Obriini of the Japanese Empire (Coleopt., Cerambycidae). Insecta Matsumurana 9(4): 144-53. 4. New species and records of longicorns from Formosa (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 57(2): 181-94. 5. New longicorn beetles ofthe subfamily from Formosa (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25(143): 286-92. 6. New longicorn beetles from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 14(4): 567-74. 7. New Japanese longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Kontyu 9(4): 166-79. 8. New longicorn beetles from Formosa, II (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 58(2): 253- 66. 9. New longicorn beetles from the Philippines, Borneo and Siam (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 58(2): 267-80.


10. Notes on collecting in Hainan Island with data on localities. Lingnan Sci. J. 15(3): 465-70. 11. New reptiles from Formosa and Hainan. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 49: 117-21. 12. Notes on collecting in Formosa. Entomol. World 4(32): 711-17, 5 fig., 1 map, 1 pl. 13. New longicorn beetles from Formosa, III (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 61(1): 89- 111,pl. 1.


14. New longicorn beetles from China, II. Lingnan Sci. J. 16(1): 89-94. 15. Note on a Philippine cobra. Copeia 1937(1): 73. 16. Soft-shelled turtle monstrosities from Hainan Island. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. 2(4): 413-15, 6 fig. 17. New Japanese longicorn beetles, II (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Kontyu 11(4): 317-27, 1 pl. 18. Note on a collecting trip in southeastern China. Lingnan Sci. J. 16(3): 439-45, 1 map. 19. New longicorn beetles from China, III (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 16(3): 447-56, pl. 4. 20. A new snake from southeastern China. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 50: 125-28. 21. New longicorn beetles from China, IV (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 16(4): 595-621, pl. 19, 20. 22. (Jean M. Linsdale & J. L. Gressitt) Soft-shelled turtles in the Colorado River Basin. Copeia 1937(4): 222-25, 3 fig.


23. New longicorn beetles from China, V (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 17(1): 45-56, pl. 4. 24. A new burrowing frog and a new lizard from Hainan Island. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 51: 127-30. 25. New longicorn beetles from Formosa, IV (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 65(3): 147- 73, 1 fig., 1 pl. 26. New longicorn beetles from China, VI (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 17(2): 151-59. 27. Some tortoise beetles from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Lingnan Sci. J. 17(2): 185-93. 28. Some hispine beetles from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae). Lingnan Sci. J. 17(3): 321-36, pl. ll. 29. Some tortoise beetles from southeastern China (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Lingnan Sci. J. 17(3): 383-88. 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 89

30. Some amphibians from Formosa and the Ryu Kyu Islands, with description of a new species. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 51: 159-64. 31. Tortoise beetles in the collection of the Lingnan Natural History Survey and Museum (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Lingnan Sci J. 17(4): 571-90.


32. A study of the longicorn beetles of Kwangtung Province, S. China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 18(1): 1-122, pl. 1-3. 33. Hispine beetles in the collection of the Lingnan Natural History Survey and Museum (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae). Lingnan Sci J. 18(2): 161-86, pl. 5. 34. Some Prionoceridae from China, Hainan, Formosa and Cochin-China (Coleoptera). Lingnan Sci. J. 18(2): 187-96, pl. 6. 35. Some hispine beetles from southeastern China (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae). Lingnan Sci. J. 18(2): 197-208, pl. 7. 36. New longicorn beetles from China, Vll (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 18(2): 209-16, pl. 8. 37. Some Oedemeridae from South China, Hainan I., Formosa and the Riukiu Islands (Coleoptera). Lingnan Sci. J. 18(2): 217-31. 38. A collection of longicorn beetles from T'ien-mu Shan, East China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Notes Entomol. Chinoise 6(4): 81-133, pl. 1-3. 39. East Asian Hispinae and Cassidinae in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences (Co­ leoptera, Chrysomelidae). Pan-Pae. Entomol 15(3): 132-43.


40. Supplement to "A study of the longicorn beetles of Kwangtung Province, S. China" (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 19(1): 1-20, pl. 1. 41. A winter census of Lingnan birds. Lingnan Sci. J. 19(2): 197-203, pl. 1. 42. Coleopteres longicornes chinois du Musee Heude. Notes Entomol. Chinoise 7(3): 171-202, pl. 1-5. 43. The longicorn beetles of Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 72(1-2): 1-239, pl. 1-8. 44. New longicorn beetles from islands in the southwestern Pacific (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 10(3): 415-19. 45. Notes on spring birds at Canton, 1940. Lingnan Sci. J. 19(4): 607-09.


46. A collection of longicorn beetles from Thai (Col.: Ceramb.). Philipp. J. Sci. 74: 331-47, 1 pl. 47. Amphibians and reptiles from southeastern China. Philipp. J. Sci. 75: 1-59, 1 pl. 48. New myriopods from Formosa and Hainan Island. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 11,8: 55-61. 49. Rhipiphoridae from South China (Coleoptera). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 34(3): 526-36, 1 pl. 50. On a collection of amphibians and reptiles made on Hainan Island. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. 15(3) : 175-93, 1 fig.


51. Destructive long-horned borers at Canton, China. Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 1: 1-60, 41 fig. 52. New longicorn beetles from China, VIII (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. Gf Mus. 2: 1-6, 5 fig. 53. New longicorn beetles from China, IX (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 3: 1-8, 1 pl. 90 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3

54. New longicorn beetles from Guam (Cerambycidae). "Insects of Guam—I." Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 172: 61-64. 55. Second supplement to "A study ofthe longicorn beetles of Kwangtung Prov., S. China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)." Lingnan Sci. J. 20(2-4): 205-24, pl. 8. 56. Plant-beetles from South and West China, I. Sagrinae, Donaciinae, Orsodacninae and Megalopo- dinae (Coleoptera). Lingnan Sci. J. 20(2-4): 271-93, pl. 11-14. 57. Plant-beetles from South and West China, II. Criocerinae (Chrysomelidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 20(2- 4): 295-324, pl. 15-18. 58. Plant-beetles from South and West China, III. Clytrinae, Cryptocephalinae and Chlamydinae (Co­ leoptera). Lingnan Sci. J. 20(2-4): 325-76, pl. 19-22. 59. New tortoise beetles from China (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 5: 1-4, 4 fig. 60. A provisional synopsis of the longicorn beetles of China—subfamily . Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 4: 1-34. 61. New longicorn beetles from China, X (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 7: 1-11, 1 pl. 62. A provisional synopsis ofthe longicorn beetles of China, II—subfamily Lamiinae. Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 8: 1-44. 63. (Margaret K. Sc J.L. Gressitt) A provisional bird calendar, for Canton, China. Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 10: 1-10. 64. Nouveaux longicornes de Ia Chine Orientale. Notes Entomol. Chinoise 9(5): 79-97, 2 pl.


65. Observations on the flora of China./. Calif. Hortic. Soc. 5: 153-58. 66. Entomology in war-torn China. Science 100(2606): 519.


67. New longicorn beetles from China, XI (Col. Ceramb.). Lingnan Sci. J. 21(1-4): 123-34. 68. On some genera of Oriental Orsodacninae and Eumolpinae (Col. Chrysom.). Lingnan Sci. J. 21(1- 4): 135-46, pl. 6. 69. A new tortoise-beetle name (Col.: Chrys.: Cassid.). Lingnan Sci. J. 21(1-4): 147. 70. Discussion: "The war and science in the Philippines." Science 102: 537-38.


71. Chinese chrysomelid beetles ofthe subfamily Chlamisinae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 39(1): 84-100, pi.i. 72. The war and biological sciences in Japan. Science 103(2687): 755-58. 73. Entomology in China. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.- 39(2): 153-64. 74. (G.E. Bohart & J.L. Gressitt) Three new muscoid flies from Guam. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 39(3): 418-24, 2 fig.


75. Notes on the Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 49(7): 190-92. 76. Chinese longicorn beetles of the Linda (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 40(3): 545-55.


77. New longicorn beetles from China, XII (Col.: Ceramb.). Lingnan Sci. J. 22(1-4): 43-52, 1 pl. 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 91

78. Chinese longicorn beetles of the genus Nupserha (Col.: Ceramb.). Lingnan Sci. J. 22(1-4): 55-68, Pl-2. 79. (M.K. &J.L. Gressitt) Scientific note: Chinese tree pie eats lawana. Lingnan Sci. J. 22(1-4): 147.


80. (J-L. Gressitt & S.E. Flanders) New developments in the transport of beneficial insects. J. Econ. Entomol. 42(1): 150.


81. A new prionid longicorn beetle from the Loyalty Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 14(1): 69-71, fig. 1. 82. (J-L. Gressitt 8c Y.W. Djou) Introduction to the study of citrus scale insects and their biological control in China. Spec. Publ. Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. & Mus. 13: 1-19, 9 fig. [Chinese with English summary.] 83. Two new Oriental prionids of the genus Megopis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 26(3): 134-36. 84. Indian longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part I. Indian For. Rec, Entomol. 8(2): 9-11. 85. The hispine beetles of China (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Lingnan Sci. J. 23(1-2): 53-141, pl. 4-8. 86. (S.E. Flanders, P. DeBach &J.L. Gressitt) Parasite of Glover's scale established in California. Calif. Citrogr. 35(6): 254-55.


87. Longicorn beetles from New Guinea and the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part I. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 44(1): 1-30, pl. 1. 88. Longicorn beetles from New Guinea and the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part II. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 44(2): 201-12, 1 pl. 89. Longicorn beetles from the Ryukyu Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Philipp. J. Sci. 79(2): 193- 235, 5 fig. 90. (G.E. Bohart 8c J.L. Gressitt) Filth-inhabiting flies of Guam. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 204: i-vii, 1-152, 14 fig., 17 pl. 91. The longicorn beetles of China. In: Lepesme (ed.), Longicornia 2: 1-667, 22 pl., map. 92. Interim report on coconut rhinoceros beetle study. (Invertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board), October. Mimeographed, 6 p. 93. Second interim report on coconut rhinoceros beetle study. (Invertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board), November. Mimeographed, 2 p. 94. Third interim report on coconut rhinoceros beetle study. (Invertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board), November 28. Typed, 5 p.


95. Fourth interim report on coconut rhinoceros beetle study. (Invertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board), January. Longhand, 7 p. 96. Fifth interim report on coconut rhinoceros beetle study. (Invertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board). Mimeographed, 5 p. 97. Longicorn beetles from New Guinea and the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part III. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 45(1): 44-58, pl. 1. 98. The tortoise beetles of China (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 4, 27(17): 433- 592, 10 pl., 4 map, 1 fig. [based on Ph.D. thesis submitted in 1945]. 99. Description of Kayangel Atoll, Palau Islands. Atoll Res. Bull. 14: 1-6, 2 map. 92 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3


100. The genus Glaucytes in the Pacific (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(1): 195-99, 4%. 101. The California Academy-Lingnan Dawn-Redwood expedition. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 4, 28(2): 25-58, 13 fig. 102. Supplement to "The hispine beetles of China" (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 29(3): 121-26, 3 fig. 103. Notes on Ngaruangl and Kayangel Atolls, Palau Islands. Atoll Res. Bull. 21: 1-5. 104. Notes on nomenclature of Japanese longicorn beetles. Entomol. Rev. Japan 6(4): 24-29. 105. The coconut rhinoceros beetle {Oryctes rhinoceros) with particular reference to the Palau Islands. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull 212: i-viii, 1-157, 50 fig. 106. Notes on nomenclature and relationships of some Palearctic and Nearctic Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 29(4): 207. 107. Sixth interim report on coconut rhinoceros beetle study. (Invertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board). Mimeographed, 3 p. 108. Report on an collecting trip to the Caroline Islands, November 1952-February 1953. (In­ vertebrate Consultant Committee for the Pacific—Pacific Science Board). Mimeographed, 9 p. 109. Splendeur et diversite du mondes des insectes. [Review of Exposition (Paris).] Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 46(4): 464. 110. Book review: "Insectes-Quatre-Vingts Agrandissements Precedes d'une Introduction et d'une Table Descriptive," by G. Colas. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 46(4): 578. 111. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(1): 18 (Adoretus sinicus B.).


112. Notes and exhibitions: Collecting in the Carolines. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(2): 267-69. 113. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(2): 272 (Colloquium on nomenclature); 274 [Sybra alternans (Wiedemann)]; 287 (gen. info.). 114. The longicorn genus Thranius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(2): 317- 26, 5 fig. 115. (J-L. Gressitt, S.E. Flanders Sc B. Bartlett) Parasites of citricola scale in Japan, and their introduction into California. Pan-Pac. Entomol. 30(1): 5-9. 116. Notes: The Rene Oberthur collection. Coleopt. Bull. 8(1): 30-31. 117. Notes on the use of photography in taxonomic work. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 49(4): 105-08, fig. 118. Introduction, bisects Micronesia 1: i-viii, 1-257, 70 fig., including 23 map. 119. Obituary: Hirobaru Yuasa (1900-1953). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 47(1): 228. 120. Book review: "A generic classification of the Japanese Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta)," by K. Takeuchi. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 47(2): 374.


121. (T. Esaki, E.H. Bryan, Jr &J.L. Gressitt) Bibliography. Insects Micronesia 2: i-iii, 1-68, map. 122. The longicorn genus Tethionea (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(3): 411 — 17, 21 fig. 123. Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae. Insects Micronesia 17(1): 1-60, 19 fig., map. 124. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 15(3): 375 (Olfersia aenescens Thompson); 383 {Cheiracanthium diversum Koch); 386 {Enicospilus kaalae Ashmead).


125. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 16(1): 4 {Desmometopa tarsalis Loew). 126. Some distribution patterns of Pacific Island faunae. Syst. Zool. 5(1): 11-32, 47, 9 map. 127. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae. Insects Micronesia 17(2): 61-183, 33 fig., map. 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 93

128. Natural history of Taiwan. (Abstract.) Proc. Hawaii. Acad. Sci. 1954-55: 8-9. 129. Entomological investigations in New Guinea mountains. Proc. Hawaii. EntomoL Soc. 16(1): 47-69, io fig. 130. The origin and distribution of insects in Micronesia, p. 109-13. Proc. XIV Int. Congr. Zool., Copen­ hagen. 131. Book review: "Island bibliographies—Micronesian botany; land environment and ecology of coral atolls/vegetation of tropical Pacific islands," by M.-H. Sachet & F.R. Fosberg. Pan-Pac. Entomol. 32(2): 92. 132. [Note] Insects of Micronesia. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 2(1): 5. 133. Notes and news in entomology: zoogeography of Pacific insects. Entomol. News 67(3): 79-81. 1957

134. The ecology of Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera), p. 414-15. XIV Proc. Int. Congr. Zool, Copenhagen. 135. (G.E. Bryant & J.L. Gressitt) Chrysomelidae of Fiji (Coleoptera). Pae. Sci. 11(1): 2-91, 47 fig. 136. Chrysomelidae of Samoa (Coleoptera). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 16(2): 242-58, 2 fig. 137. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 16(2): 183 {Cheiracanthium diversum Koch); 193 (Araecerus levipennis Jordan). 138. Insect collecting in the New Guinea area in 1956. Bishop Museum. Mimeographed, 8 p. 139. Supplement to "Longicorn beetles of China." In: Lepesme (ed.), Longicornia 3: 755-58, 1 pl. 140. The dawn redwood, Metasequoia, and its native environment. (Abstract.) Proc. Hawaii. Acad. Sci. 32: 22. 141. The origin and relationship of the fauna of Micronesia. Ann. Rep. Proc. Papua New Guinea Sci. Soc. 1955: 12-14. 142. Hispine beetles from the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Nova Guinea (n.s.) 8(2): 205- 324, 32 fig., pl. 15. 143. (S.E. Flanders & J.L. Gressitt) Natural control of California red scale in China. (Abstract.) Calif. Citrogr. 43(2): 73. 144. Rhinoceros beetles as pests of coconut palms. Proc. VIII Pae. Sci. Congr., Manila 3A: 1319-24. 145. The insect fauna of Micronesia. Proc. VIII Pae. Sci. Congr., Manila 3A: 1453-56. 146. The insect fauna ofthe Ryukyu Islands. Proc. VIII Pae. Sci. Congr., Manila 3A: 1533-38. 147. Hispine beetles ofthe coconut palm. Proc. VIII Pae. Sci. Congr., Manila 3A: 1539-45. 148. [Note] N.I.H. Grant "South Pacific Insects of Public Health Importance." Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 3(3): 5. 149. Notes and news in entomology. Entomol. News 68(3): 79 (IX Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand); 79-80 (Fire at Budapest museum). 150. Notes and news in entomology: zoogeography of Pacific insects. Entomol. News 68(5): 133-34.


151. Zoogeography of insects. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 3: 207-30. 152. (S.E. Flanders 8c J.L. Gressitt) The natural control of California red scale in China. Bull. Calif. State Dep. Agric. 47(1): 23-33, 2 fig. 153. Ants attracted to naphthalene on Malaita. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 16(3): 361-62. 154. (J-L. Gressitt & S. Nakata) Trapping of air-borne insects on ships on the Pacific. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 16(3): 363-65. 155. J.L. Gressitt collecting localities, 1957. Bishop Museum. Mimeographed, 2 p. 156. Wallace's Line and insect distribution. XV Int. Congr. Zool. London 1(16) (preprint July 1958, 3 p.); 1959, Proc, p. 66-68. 157. Obituary: Teiso Esaki (1899-1957). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 51(4): 410-11, 1 fig. 158. Terrestrial fauna, p. 1268. In: Blumenstock: "Typhoon effects at Jaluit Atoll in the Marshall Islands." Nature (London) 182: 1267-69. 159. (S.E. Flanders, J.L. Gressitt & T.W. Fisher) Casca chinensis, an internal parasite of California red scale. Hilgardia 28(3): 65-91, 9 fig. 94 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3

160. Our knowledge of insects of the Pacific islands. Proc. X Int. Congr. EntomoL, Montreal 1: 431-33. 161. New Guinea and insect distribution. Proc. X Int. Congr. EntomoL, Montreal 1: 767-73. 162. Ecology of Promecotheca papuana Csiki, a coconut beetle. Proc. X Int. Congr. EntomoL, Montreal 2: 747-53. 163. Entomology in the Pacific area with special reference to agriculture. Proc. X hit. Congr. EntomoL, Montreal 3: 395-98. 164. Development ofthe insect fauna of Oceania. The organization of faunal survey of insects (Abstracts.) Centenary & Bicentenary Congress, Univ. Malaya. 165. (J-L. Gressitt & L.W. Quate) Zoogeography and evolution of Pacific insects. Bull. EntomoL Soc. Am. 4(4): 124-26. 166. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 16(3): 318 (Hungarian entomologists); 320 (De­ struction of collections at the Hungarian Natl. Mus.); 322 (Expansion of entomological facilities at Bishop Museum); 324 (Entomological projects at B.P. Bishop Museum); 326 (Xylotrechus sp.); 329 (Trapping of airborne insects); 331 (New insects and mites on Guam 8c Bonin Islands).


167. Origin ofthe oceanic insect fauna. (Abstract.) Proc. Hawaii. Acad. Sci. 1957-58: 27-28. 168. Longicorn beetles from New Guinea, I (Cerambycidae). Pae. Insects 1(1): 59-171, 50 fig. 169. [Notes] Pae. Insects 1(1): 38 (Tenth Pacific Science Congress); 58 (Zoogeography and evolution of Pacific insects); 58 (Recent literature on Pacific insects). 170. Host relations and distribution of New Guinea hispine beetles. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 17(1): 70- 75, map. 171. (CM. Yoshimoto 8c J.L. Gressitt) Trapping of air-borne insects on ships on the Pacific (Part II). Proc. Hawaii. EntomoL Soc. 17(1): 150-55, 1 fig. 172. The coconut leaf-mining beetle Promecotheca papuana. Papua New Guinea Agric. J. 12(2-3): 119-48, 8 fig. 173. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 17(1): 1 (Entomological projects at the B.P. Bishop Museum); 8 (Orchidophilus sp.); 10 (New chrysomelid beetle on Kwajalein); 12 (Typhoon damage to Jaluit Atoll). 174. [Notes] Pae. Insects 1(2-3): 314 (Recent literature on Pacific insects); 323 (Antarctic-subantarctic entomology & airborne insects).


175. *(J.L. Gressitt 8c N.A. Weber) Bibliographic introduction to Antarctic-subantarctic entomology. Pae. Insects 1(4): 441-80, 1 fig., 2 table. [Issue date 25 Dec. 1959.] 176. *[Notes] Pae. bisects 1(4): 346 (Recent literature on Pacific insects); 345 (Fieldwork accomplished). [Issue date 25 Dec. 1959.] 177. Papuan-West Polynesian hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae). Pae. Insects 2(1): 1-90, 24 fig. 178. [Notes] Pae. Insects 2(1): 98 (Recent literature on Pacific insects); 100 (Zoogeography program). 179. Hispine beetles from New Caledonia (Chrysomelidae). Pae. Insects 2(2): 101-21, 4 fig. 180. (CM. Yoshimoto & J.L. Gressitt) Trapping of air-borne insects on ships on the Pacific (Part 3). Pae. Insects 2(2): 239-43, 1 fig. 181. (J-L. Gressitt, R.E. Leech 8c CW. O'Brien) Trapping of airborne insects in the Antarctic area. Pae. Insects 2(2): 245-50, 1 fig. 182. [Notes] Pae. Insects 2(2): 122 (Recent literature on Pacific insects); 237 (Editor's address); 238 (Pacific Science Congress); 243 (Field work in Antarctica); 250 (Bishop Museum field work); 250 (Pacific Insects Monograph). 183. Field work in Antarctica. Pae. Insects 2(3): 243-44, 1 fig. 184. [Notes] Pae. Insects 2(3): 261 (Recent literature on Pacific insects); 382 (Pacific Science Congress); 338 (Pacific Insects Monograph); 338 (Field program notes). 185. Principles and methods of zoogeography: the field approach. Can. Entomol. 92(8): 636-39. 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 95

186. The development of insect faunae in Oceania, p. 58-62. Darwin-Wallace Centenary. Proc. Centenary and Bicentenary Congress of Biology, 1958. Univ. of Malaya, Singapore. 187. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 17(2): 162 (Report on Code of Zoological No­ menclature); 167 (Chrysopa basalis Walker); 168 [Protaetia fusca (Herbst)]; 178 (Bishop Museum Antarctic research).


188. (J.L. Gressitt Sc S. Kimoto) The Chrysomelidae (Coleopt.) of China and Korea. Part 1. Pae. Insects Monogr. IA: 1-299, 1 map, 77 fig. 189. X. Terrestrial fauna, p. 69-73, photos. In: Blumenstock, D.I., "A report on typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll." Atoll Res. Bull. 75: 1-105, 10 pl. 190. (J.L. Gressitt & R.E. Leech) Insect habitats in Antarctica. Polar Rec. 10(68): 501-04, 1 pl. 191. Problems in the zoogeography of Pacific and Antarctic insects. Pae. Insects Monogr. 2: i-h, 1-94, 40 fig. (incl. 2 col. pl.). 192. Bishop Museum notes: New Guinea Field Station; Antarctic studies; List of collaborators. Pae. Insects 3(1): 202. 193. (J.L. Gressitt, J. Sedlacek, K.AJ. Wise & CM. Yoshimoto) A high speed airplane trap for air-borne organisms. Pae. Insects 3(4): 549-55, 3 fig. 194. (CM. Yoshimoto & J.L. Gressitt) Trapping of air-borne insects on ships on the Pacific (Part 4). Pae. Insects 3(4): 556-58. 195. (J.L. Gressitt, R.E. Leech, T.S. Leech, J. Sedlacek & K.AJ. Wise) Trapping of air-borne insects in the Antarctic area (Part 2). Pae. Insects 3(4): 559-62. 196. (J.L. Gressitt 8c M.A. Pryor) Supplement to "Bibliographic introduction to Antarctic-subantarctic entomology." Pae. Insects 3(4): 563-67. 197. Zoogeography of Pacific Coleoptera. XI Int. Kongr. EntomoL, Verh. 1: 463-65. 198. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 17(3): 316 (Bishop Museum Entomology Depart­ ment activities); 317 (X. Pacific Science Congress); 320 (Bishop Museum Entomology Department notes).


199. (J.L. 8c M.K. Gressitt) An improved malaise trap. Pae. Insects 4(1): 87-90, 2 fig. 200. (CM. Yoshimoto, J.L. Gressitt 8c Torben Wolff) Air-borne insects from the Galathea Expedition. Pae. Insects 4(2): 269-91, 4 fig. 201. (J-L. Gressitt, J. Coatsworth 8c CM. Yoshimoto) Air-borne insects trapped on "Monsoon Expedi­ tion." Pae. Insects 4(2): 319-23, 1 map. 202. Ecology and biogeography of land arthropods in Antarctica. (Abstracts.) Symposium on Antarctic Biology, Paris, 1982. SCAR Bull. 12: 182-83, also published as Polar Rec. 11(72): 333-34. 203. (CM. Yoshimoto, J.L. Gressitt 8c CJ. Mitchell) Trapping of air-borne insects in the Pacific-Antarctic area, 1. Pae. Insects 4(4): 847-58, 1 fig. 204. Insects of Macquarie Island. Introduction. Pae. Insects 4(4): 905-15, 3 fig. 205. Bishop Museum entomological activities. Pae. Insects 4(4): 864. 206. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 18(1): 17 (B.P. Bishop Museum research grants).


207. A fossil chrysomelid beetle from the amber of Chiapas, Mexico. J. Palaeontol. 37(1): 108-09, 1 fig. 208. (J.L. Gressitt 8c S. Kimoto) The Chrysomelidae (Coleopt.) of China and Korea, Part 2. Pae. Insects Monogr. IB: 301-1026, fig. 78-284 (1 col. pl.). 209. (J.L. Gressitt, H. Janetschek, C. Fearon 8c K.A.J. Wise) Ecology of land arthropods in southern Victoria Land. (Abstract.) Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 44: 40. 210. Biogeography ofthe Antarctic land fauna. (Abstract.) Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 44(2): 41. 96 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3

211. Report of the chairman of the standing committee on Pacific entomology. Proc. IX Pae. Sci. Congr. 9: 1-5. 212. Zoogeography of hispine beetles of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Proc. IX Pae. Sci. Congr. 9: 6-8. 213. Faunal insect surveys in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Proc. IX Pae. Sci. Congr. 9: 29-30. 214. Beetle pests of coconut in the New Guinea area. Proc. IX Pae. Sci. Congr. 9: 61-62. 215. (J-L. Gressitt, R.E. Leech & K.AJ. Wise) Entomological investigations in Antarctica. Pae. bisects 5(1): 287-304, 9 fig. 216. Hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae) from New Guinea. Pae. Insects 5(3): 591-714, 52 fig. 217. The southernmost occurring . (Abstract.) Proc. XVI Int. Congr. Zool. 1: 216. 218. Entomological research in Antarctic regions with emphasis on natural dispersal. Bull. U.S. Antarct. Pro]. Off., Wash. 4(9): 39-40, 1 fig. 219. [Note] Exchange of type specimens and other material. Pae. Insects 5(4): 795-96. 220. (CM. Yoshimoto 8c J.L. Gressitt) Trapping of air-borne insects in the Pacific-Antarctic area, 2. Pae. Insects 5(4): 873-83. 221. Q.L. Gressitt 8c S. Kimoto) Supplement to "The Chrysomelidae (Coleopt.) of China and Korea." Pae. Insects 5(4): 921-32, 3 fig. 222. [Note] Journal of Medical Entomology. Pae. Insects 5(4): 932. 223. (J.L. Gressitt 8c CM. Yoshimoto) Dispersal of animals in the Pacific, p. 283-92. In: Gressitt (ed.), Pacific Basin biogeography: a symposium. Bishop Museum Press. 224. Insects of Antarctica and subantarctic islands, p. 435-42. In: Gressitt (ed.), Pacific Basin biogeography: a symposium. Bishop Museum Press. 225. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 18(2): 198 (Bishop Museum fieldwork); 201, 211 (Bishop Museum Entomology Department); 206 (Campbell Island insects); 217 (Bishop Museum news).


226. Ecology and biogeography of land arthropods of Antarctica, p. 211-22. In: Carrick, Holdgate 8c Provost (eds.), Biologie Antarctique, Hermann Co. (1st SCAR Antarctic Biology Symposium, Paris, 1962.) 227. (J-L. Gressitt 8c J.B. Cragg et al.) Discussion: Biogeographic et ecologie des invertebres terrestres, p. 248-50. In: Carrick, Holdgate & Provost (eds.), Biologie Antarctique, Hermann Co. (1st SCAR Antarctic Biology Symposium, Paris, 1962.) 228. Insects of Campbell Island. Introduction. Pae. Insects Monogr. 7: 3-33, 14 fig. (incl. 2 col. pl.). 229. Q.L. Gressitt 8c G.A. Samuelson) Insects of Campbell Island. Coleoptera: Hydraenidae, Ptiliidae, Leptodiridae, Byrrhidae, Lathridiidae, Melandryidae. Pae. bisects Monogr. 7: 376-90, 6 fig. 230. (J.L. Gressitt & G.A. Samuelson) Insects of Campbell Island. Coleoptera: Orthoperidae (larva). Pae. Insects Monogr. 7: 410-11, 1 fig. 231. (J.L. Gressitt 8c G.A. Samuelson) Insects of Campbell Island. Peat insects. Pae. Insects Monogr. 7: 513-14. 232. (J.L. Gressitt, K.P. Rennell 8c K.AJ. Wise) Insects of Campbell Island. Ecology. Pae. Insects Monogr. 7: 515-30, 4 fig. 233. Insects of Campbell Island. Summary. Pae. bisects Monogr. 7: 531-600, 24 fig. 234. Economic chrysomelid beetles from New Guinea, with new species. Papua New Guinea Agric. J. 16(2-3): 105-16, ll fig. 235. Entomological research in Antarctic regions with emphasis on natural dispersal. Bull. U.S. Antarct. Proj. Off.,'Wash. 5(10): 50-53, 1 fig. 236. New entomology building at Bishop Museum. Pae. Insects 6(3): 523-24, 1 fig. 237. (CM. Yoshimoto & J-L. Gressitt) Dispersal studies on Aphididae, Agromyzidae and Cynipoidea. Pae. Insects 6(3): 525-31. 238. (J-L. Gressitt, CE. Fearon 8c K. Rennell) Antarctic mite populations and negative arthropod surveys. Pae. Insects 6(3): 531-40. 239. Book review: "The natural history of flies," by H. Oldroyd./. Med. Entomol. 1(3): 276. 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 97

240. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 18(3): 328 (Bishop Museum fieldwork); 340-41 (Tape recording of cicada songs; U.S.-Japan, Binational Science Cooperation Program).


241. Terrestrial animals, p. 351-71. In: Hatherton (ed.), Antarctica. Methuen & Co., London. 242. (As editor) Symposium commemorating the dedication of Pauahi Hall, Bishop Museum. (Papers by A.C. Smith, J.R. Hendrickson, CW. Sabrosky, R. Traub, CE. Pemberton, J.W. Beardsley, R.T. Holway.) Pae. Insects 7(1): 1-46, 1 fig. 243. (G.A. Samuelson &J.L. Gressitt) The Cerambycidae (Coleopt.) ofthe Ryukyu Archipelago I. Pae. Insects 7(1): 47-81,4 fig. 244. Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 1 (Sagrinae, Zeugophorinae, Criocerinae). Pae. Insects 7(1): 131-89, 23 fig. 245. Transfer of collections from HSPA to Bishop Museum. Pae. Insects 7(1): 190. 246. Entomological field research in Antarctica. Bioscience 15(4): 271-74, 5 fig. 247. (E.P. Holzapfel & J.L. Gressitt) Airplane trapping of organisms and particles, p. 151-63, 5 fig. Proc. Atrnos. Biol. Conf. 1965. 248. (CM. Yoshimoto & J.L. Gressitt) Dispersal studies on Aphididae, Agromyzidae, and Cynipoidea, p. 417. Proc. XII Int. Congr. EntomoL, London, 1964. 249. Faunal relationships of the more southern subantarctic islands (Macquarie, Campbell, Aucklands, Heard, South Georgia), p. 465-66. Proc. XII Int. Congr. EntomoL, London, 1964. 250. (K.AJ. Wise & J.L. Gressitt) Far southern animals and plants. Nature 207(4992): 101-02, 1 fig. 251. (Written anonymously) Entomologists discover life farther south than previously known to exist. Bull. U.S. Antarct. Proj. Off., Wash. 6(5): 17-18. 252. Biogeography and ecology ofland arthropods of Antarctica [and the subantarctic], p. 431-90, 29 fig. In: van Oye 8c van Miegham, Biogeography and ecology in Antarctica. Junk, The Hague. 253. Ecological survey ofland arthropods. Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Bull. U.S. Antarct. Proj. Off., Wash. 6(7): 23-24. 254. Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 2 (Clytrinae, Cryptocephalinae, Chlamisinae). Pae. Insects 7(3): 387-449, 24 fig. (incl. col. pl.). 255. (J.L. Gressitt, E.W. Dawson, T. Hatherton, F.C Kinsky, E. Schofield, R.C. Wood) Balleny Islands reconnaissance expedition, 1964. Polar Rec. 12:431-35. 256. (J.L. Gressitt 8c S. Kimoto) Second supplement to "The Chrysomelidae (Coleopt.) of China and Korea." Pae. Insects 7(4): 799-806. 257. (J.L. Gressitt, J. Sedlacek 8c JJ.H. Szent-Ivany) Flora and fauna on backs of large Papuan moss- forest weevils. Science 150(3705): 1833-35, 4 fig. 258. [Note] Metric system. Science 149: 814-15. 259. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 19(1): 2 (Bishop Museum notes on fieldwork); 16 (Bird I., South Georgia collection).


260. Epizoic symbiosis: the Papuan weevil genus Gymnopholus (Leptopiinae) symbiotic with cryptogamic plants, oribatid mites, rotifers and nematodes. Pae. Insects 8(1): 221-80, 15 fig. 261. Epizoic symbiosis: cryptogamic plants growing on various weevils and on a Colydiid beetle in New Guinea. Pae. Insects 8(1): 294-97. 262. Three new leaf-beetles affecting cacao in New Britain (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Papua New Guinea Agric. J. 17(4): 168-71, 3 fig. 263. (S. Kimoto & J.L. Gressitt) The Chrysomelidae ofthe Ryukyu Archipelago. Pae. Insects 8(2): 467- 577, 50 fig. 264. (J.L. Gressitt 8c O.S. Flint, Jr) Entomological collections. Antarct. J. U.S. 1(4): 128. 265. (E.E. Gless & J.L. Gressitt) Entomological studies. Antarct. J. US. 1(4): 145-46. 266. Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 3 (Eumolpinae, 1). Pae. Insects 8(3): 777-800, 9 fig- 98 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3

267. (J.L. Gressitt & CM. Yoshimoto) Aerial transport of insects in Polar areas, particularly in the Antarctic. (Abstract.) Biometeorology II. Proc. 3rd Int. Biometeor. Congr., Pau, France, Sept. 1963. 268. The weevil genus Pantorhytes (Coleoptera), involving cacao pests and epizoic symbiosis with cryp- togamic plants and microfauna. Pae. bisects 8(4): 915-65, 22 fig. 269. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 19(2): 131 (Phora[n]cantha semipunctata Fabr.); 136 (Fungus growth on beetles); 138 (Fungi on free-living insects); 140 (Oribatid mites associated with fungi on beetles); 149 (Plants on beetles in New Guinea).


270. The role of the Papuan area in insect evolution and dissemination. Mushi 40(8): 89-95, 1 map. 271. Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 4 (Eumolpinae, 2). Pae. Insects 9(2): 295-340, 26 fig- 272. The fauna. In: Bushnell (ed.), "Terrestrial life in Antarctica." Antarct. Map Folio Series, Am. Geogr. Soc, N.Y. 5: 17-21, pl. 1,9,10,11, fig. 1. 273. (J.L. Gressitt & J. Sedlacek) Papuan weevil genus Gymnopholus: supplement and further studies in epizoic symbiosis. Pae. Insects 9(3): 481-500, 9 fig. 274. Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 5 (Eumolpinae, 3). Pae. Insects 9(3): 551-62, 6 fig. 275. Preface. Introduction. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Entomology of Antarctica." Antarct. Res. Ser. 10: vii-ix, 1-33, 6 fig. 276. (W.W. Wirth & J.L. Gressitt) Diptera: Chironomidae (midges). In: Gressitt (ed.), "Entomology of Antarctica." Antarct. Res. Ser. 10: 197-203, 2 fig. 277. (J.L. Gressitt & J. Shoup) Ecological notes on free-living mites in North Victoria Land. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Entomology of Antarctica." Antarct. Res. Ser. 10: 307-20, 3 fig. 278. Notes on arthropod populations in the Antarctic Peninsula-South Shetland Islands-South Orkney Islands area. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Entomology of Antarctica." Antarct. Res. Ser. 10: 373-91, 16 fig. 279. Book review: "Monograph of Cimicidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)," by R.L. Usinger. J. Med. Entomol. 4(1): 24-25.


280. Preservation of entomological materials in the tropics, p. 125-34, 1 fig. In: Conservation of cultural property, with particular reference to tropical areas. UNESCO, Paris. [Translations (French 8c Spanish), 1969.] 281. (J.L. Gressitt, G.A. Samuelson 8c D.H. Vitt) Moss growing on living Papuan moss-forest weevils. Nature 217(5130): 765-67, 2 fig. 282. (J.L. Gressitt &J.J.H. Szent-Ivany) Bibliography of New Guinea entomology. Pae. bisects Monogr. 18: 1-674, 1 map. 283. Insects and their relatives. Aust. Nat. Hist. 16(4): 124-28, 6 fig.


284. Epizoic symbiosis. Entomol. News 80(1): 1-5, 5 fig. 285. Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 6 (Eumolpinae, 4). Pae. Insects 11(19): 1-131, 19 fig- 286. Oriental caged insects. Entomol. News 80(5): 138. 287. (J.L. Gressitt 8c CJ. Davis) Studies in the plagithmysines, endemic Hawaiian Cerambycidae (Co­ leopt.). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 20(2): 331-93, 18 fig. 288. Robert Leslie Usinger (1912-1968). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 20(2): 471-73, 1 fig. 289. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 20(2): 261 (Amy Suehiro Memorial Fund). 290. Book review: "Pests of sugar cane," by Williams et al. (eds.). Pae. Insects 11(3-4): 669-70. 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 99

1970 291. Preface. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Subantarctic entomology, particularly of South Georgia and Heard Island." Pae. Insects Monogr. 23: iii. 292. (J.L. Gressitt 8c H. Clagg) Introduction to South Georgia. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Subantarctic ento­ mology, particularly of South Georgia and Heard Island." Pae. Insects Monogr. 23: 1-15, 5 fig. (incl. col. pl.), map. 293. (J.L. Gressitt & P. Temple) Introduction to Heard Island. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Subantarctic ento­ mology, particularly of South Georgia and Heard Island." Pae. Insects Monogr. 23: 17-30, 6 fig. 294. Coleoptera: Dytiscidae and Lathridiidae of South Georgia (with Addendum: Lepidoptera). In: Gressitt (ed.), "Subantarctic entomology, particularly of South Georgia and Heard Island." Pae. Insects Monogr. 23: 235-39, 4 fig. 295. Subantarctic entomology and biogeography. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Subantarctic entomology, partic­ ularly of South Georgia and Heard Island." Pae. Insects Monogr. 23: 295-374, 28 fig. 296. Bishop Museum New Guinea Field Station. Hawaii. Bot. Soc. Newsl. 9(5): 41-42. 297. Preface. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Cerambycid-beetles of Laos (Longicornes du Laos)." Pae. bisects Monogr. 24: ii-iii. 298. (J.L. Gressitt 8c J.A. Rondon) Cerambycids of Laos (Disteniidae, Prioninae, Philinae, Aseminae, Lepturinae, Cerambycinae). In: Gressitt (ed.), "Cerambycid-beetles of Laos (Longicornes du Laos)." Pae. Insects Monogr. 24: 1-314, 48 fig. 299. Biogeography of Laos. In: Gressitt (ed.), "Cerambycid-beetles of Laos (Longicornes du Laos)." Pae. Insects Monogr. 24: 573-626, 9 fig. 300. (J.L. Gressitt 8c CJ. Davis) A new plagithmysine beetle from sandalwood (Col., Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. EntomoL Soc. 20(3): 567-69, 1 fig. 301. Book review: "Macquarie Island," by J.S. Cumpston. Pae. Insects 12(1): 38. 302. Book review: "Migration and dispersal of insects by flight," by CG. Johnson. Pae. bisects 12(1): 84. 303. [Note] Exchange of type specimens. Pae. Insects 12(1): 24. 304. Book review: "Coconut palm pests," by R.J.A.W. Lever. Pae. Insects 12(2): 260. 305. Book review: "Antarctic ecology," by M.W. Holdgate. Science 170(3962): 1073-74. 306. Notes and exhibitions. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 20(3): 482, 485, 490 (Publication note); 497 (Resemblance of a seed to a butterfly in New Guinea); 497 (Motion opposing introduction of axis deer). 307. (J.L. Gressitt 8c Setsuko Nakata) Department of Entomology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum. In: Mitchell, W.C.: "Entomology in the State of Hawaii," Univ. Hawaii Coop. Ext. Serv. Misc. Publ. 70: 17-23.


308. *(J.L. Gressitt 8c S. Sedlacek) Papuan weevil genus Gymnopholus: second supplement with studies in epizoic symbiosis. Pae. Insects 12(4): 753-62, 4 fig. [Issue date 25 Dec. 1970.] 309. Antarctic entomology with emphasis on biogeographical aspects. In: Gressitt 8c Strandtmann (eds.), "Advances in Antarctic and far southern entomology." Pae. Insects Monogr. 25: 167-78, 2 fig. 310. (J.L. Gressitt 8c Carol N. Higa) Setsuko Nakata (1930-1971). [Obituary.] Pae. Insects 13(1): iii-iv. 311. Book review: "Handbook of field methods for research on rice stem-borers and their natural enemies," IBP Handbook 14, by T. Nishida, T. Torii, K. Yasumatsu et al. Pae. Insects 13(1): 39-40. 312. Book review: "Dynamic zoogeography, with special reference to land animals," by M.D.F. Udvardy. Pae. Insects 13(1): 205-06. 313. A second fossil chrysomelid beetle from the amber of Chiapas, Mexico. Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 63: 63-64, 2 fig. 314. Relation ofthe tropical west Pacific fauna to Holarctica. (Abstract.) Proc. XIII Int. Congr. Entomol, Moscow, 2-9 Aug. 1968 Ii Ul. 315. (J-L. Gressitt 8c K.A.J. Wise) Entomology of the Aucklands and other islands south of New Zealand: introduction. Pae. Insects Monogr. 27: 1-45, 16 fig. 100 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3

316. Chrysomelid beetles ofthe Papuan subregion, 7 (Donaciinae). Pae. Insects 13(3-4): 607-09, 1 fig. 317. Relative faunal disharmony of insects on Pacific islands, p. 15-24, 1 fig. In: Entomol. Essays Commem. Retirement Prof. K. Yasumatsu.

1972 318. *(J.L. Gressitt & CJ. Davis) New plagithmysines from Kauai, Molokai and Hawaii (Coleopt.: Cer­ ambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 21(1): 67-77, 5 fig. [Issue date Aug. 1971.] 319. New plagithmysines from Molokai, Lanai and Maui (Col.: Cerambyc). Pae. Insects 14(1): 83-92, 7

320. (E.G. Linsley & J.L. Gressitt) Robert Leslie Usinger: autobiography of an entomologist. Mem. Pae. Coast Entomol. Soc. 4: 1-330. 321. Beetles, p. 63-66, 2 fig. Encycl. New Guinea. Univ. Melbourne Press 8c Univ. Papua New Guinea. 322. Insects and relatives, p. 564-73, 2 fig. Encycl. New Guinea. Univ. Melbourne Press Sc Univ. Papua New Guinea. 323. New plagithmysines from West Maui (Col.: Cerambyc). Pae. Insects 14(4): 635-45, 10 fig.


324. *(J.L. Gressitt & CJ. Davis) Seasonal occurrence ofthe Hawaiian Cerambycidae (Col.). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 21(2): 213-21. [Issue date Dec. 1972.] 325. (J.L. Gressitt 8c A.C. Ziegler) The effect on fauna of the loss of forests in New Guinea. In: Costin 8c Groves, Nature conservation in the Pacific (Proc. Symp. 12th Pae. Sci. Congr., Canberra, 1971). Aust. Natl. Univ. Press.


326. Insect biogeography. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 18: 293-321. 327. (J-L. Gressitt & CM. Yoshimoto) Insect dispersal studies in northern Alaska. Pae. Insects 16(1): 11- 30, 1 fig. 328. Wau Ecology Institute: First biennial report, October 1971 to December 1973. Wau Ecol. Inst., Papua New Guinea, 14 p., fig. 329. Coleoptera, p. 828-37. Encycl. Britannica, XV ed. Helen Hemingway Benton Publ. 330. (J.L. Gressitt & A. Hart) Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 8 (Chrysomelinae, 1). Pae. Insects 16(2-3): 261-306, 10 fig.


331. *(J.L. Gressitt 8c CJ. Davis) New plagithmysines from Kauai, Maui and Hawaii (Col.: Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 21(3): 359-63, 1 fig. [Issue date Sept. 1974.]


332. *(J.L. 8c M.K. Gressitt) Yumi olgeta laikim diwai (We all need trees). Wau Ecol. Inst. Leafl. no. 1. 8 p. [Not dated.] 333. Natural areas (ecological areas) in the Pacific, p. 86-89. In: Lamb 8c Gressitt (eds.), Ecology and conservation in Papua New Guinea. Wau Ecol. Inst. Pamphl, no. 2. 153 p. 334. Wau Ecology Institute: Second biennial report, January 1974 to December 1975. Wau Ecol. Inst., Papua New Guinea. 16 p., fig. 335. *Dr. J. Linsley Gressitt (Gregory Medal for 1975; acceptance speech), p. 56-57. Formal Proc. XIU Pae. Sci. Congr., Vancouver, B.C., 1975. [Not dated.]


336. Symbiosis runs wild on the backs of high-living weevils. Smithsonian 7(11): 135-40 (February issue). 1983 J.L. Gressitt bibliography 101

337. Wau institute studies unique Papuan biota. Bioscience 27(2): 149-50. 338. More observations of birds of paradise feeding in mixed flocks. New Guinea Bird Soc. New sl. 134: 3-4. 339. (J-L. Gressitt & CJ. Davis) New plagithmysines from Kauai and West Maui (Coleopt.: Ceramby­ cidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 22(2): 237-39, 1 fig. 340. (J-L. Gressitt & C.J. Davis) A new plagithmysine from Ilex on Hawaii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 22(2): 241-43, 1 fig. 341. Papuan weevil genus Gymnopholus: third supplement with studies in epizoic symbiosis. Pae. Insects 17(2-3): 179-95, 5 fig. 342. (J .L. Gressitt & R.W. Hornabrook) Handbook of common New Guinea beetles. Wau Ecol. Inst. Handbook no. 2. 87 p., 36 fig.


343. National Geographic Society-Bishop Museum New Guinea entomological expedition, p. 227-37. Natl. Geogr. Soc. Res. Rep., 1969 Proj. 344. Book review: "Butterflies of West Malaysia and Singapore," by W.A. Fleming. Pae. Insects 18(1-2): 51-52. 345. Book review: "Surtsey, Iceland. The development of a new fauna, 1963-1970. Terrestrial inver­ tebrates," by CH. Lindroth, H. Andersson, H. Bodvarsson & S.H. Richter. Pae. Insects 18(1-2): 111-12. 346. Evolution ofthe endemic Hawaiian cerambycid beetles. Pae. Insects 18(3-4): 137-67, 12 fig. 347. Wau Ecology Institute: Third biennial report, January 1976 to December 1977. Wau Ecol. Inst., Papua New Guinea. 12 p. 348. (J-L. Gressitt, G. Nalu & W.C. Gagne) Lukautim samting long Papua New Guinea (Conservation in Papua New Guinea). Wau Ecol. Inst. Leafl. no. 2. 12 p., 1 fig. 349. (J-L. Gressitt, Nalini Nadkarni, with illustrations by M.K. Gressitt) Guide to Mt. Kaindi: background to montane New Guinea ecology. Wau Ecol. Inst. Handbook no. 5. 35 p., 48 fig.

1979 350. (S. Kimoto &J.L. Gressitt) Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. I. Sagrinae, Donaciinae, Zeugophorinae, Megalopodinae and Criocerinae. Pae. Insects 20(2-3): 191- 256. 351. Observations on forest change in montane New Guinea, p. 54-55. (Abstract.) XIVPae. Sci. Congr., Khabarovsk, 1979. Also published in Ecology and Environmental Protection in the Pacific Region. 1981. Nauka, Moscow. 1980 352. Biogeography of New Guinea beetles, p. 219. (Abstract.) 2nd Int. Congr. Syst. & Evol. Biol., Vancouver, Can. 353. (G.A. Samuelson, J.L. Gressitt & R.P. Papp) Ecological notes on certain plagithmysines, an insular- radiated group of cerambycids endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Insecta: Coleoptera), p. 333. (Abstract.) 2nd Int. Congr. Syst. & Evol. Biol, Vancouver, Can. 354. Wau Ecology Institute: Fourth biennial report, January 1978 to December 1979. ll p., fig. Wau Ecol. Inst., Papua New Guinea. 355. Thoughts on entomological editing and publishing. Entomol. Generalis 6(2/4): 379-81. 356. Evolution and distribution of insects in Asia and Pacific area: introduction, p. 7. (Abstract.) XVI Int. Congr. EntomoL, Kyoto, 1980.

1981 357. (S. Kimoto &J.L. Gressitt) Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. II. Clytrinae, Cryptocephalinae, Chlamisinae, Lamprosomatinae and Chrysomelinae. Pae. Insects 23(3-4): 286-391, 56 fig. 102 International Journal of Entomology Vol. 25, no. 2-3


358. General introduction, p. 3-13,3 fig. In: Gressitt (ed.), Biogeography and ecology of New Guinea. Monogr. Biol. 42(1). W. Junk, The Hague. 359. (D.G. Frodin & J-L. Gressitt) Biological exploration of New Guinea, p. 87-130, 4 fig. In: Gressitt (ed.), Biogeography and ecology of New Guinea. Monogr. Biol. 42(1). W. Junk, The Hague. 360. Ecology and biogeography of New Guinea Coleoptera (beetles), p. 709-34. In: Gressitt (ed.), Bio­ geography and ecology of New Guinea. Monogr. Biol. 42(2). W. Junk, The Hague. 361. Zoological summary, p. 897-918, 2 fig. In: Gressitt (ed.), Biogeography and ecology of New Guinea. Monogr. Biol. 42(2). W. Junk, The Hague. 362. (W.C. Gagne & J.L. Gressitt) Conservation in New Guinea, p. 945-66, 14 fig. In: Gressitt (ed.) Biogeography and ecology of New Guinea. Monogr. Biol. 42(2). W. Junk, The Hague. 363. (S. Kimoto & J.L. Gressitt) Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. III. Eumolpinae. Esakia 18: 1-141, 43 fig. 364. Pacific-Asian biogeography with examples from the Coleoptera. Entomol. Gen. 8(1): 1-11. (Intro­ ductory speech, symposium on evolution and distribution of insects in Asia and the Pacific area, XVI Int. Congr. EntomoL, Kyoto, Japan, 1980.) 365. Announcement: Forum—Pacific biogeography. Entomol. Gen. 8(1): 98. 366. Announcement: Research in New Guinea (Wau Ecology Institute). Entomol. Gen. 8(1) : 111-12. 367. Wau Ecology Institute—Papua New Guinea. Chrysomela. Report No. 7 (July): 5-7.


368. Systematics and biogeography ofthe longicorn beetle tribe Tmesisternini. Pae. Insects Monogr. 41. ?275 p., 41 fig. (4 col. plates) (with preface by G.A. Samuelson). (In press.)

In preparation

369. (J.L. Gressitt 8c G.A. Samuelson) Biosystematics of Melanesian Hispinae (Chrysomelidae).