
BANE REGISTER Issue* Wuklr, Entarri u Bacond-CIasa M.tt.r |* tht Poat- YOLUME xjjn: NO. 33. offics at Bad Bank, U. J, un4sr the Ast o( March Id. ltTt. RED BANK, N. J.; WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1921.' $1.50 Per Year? PAGES 1 TO 8. SIDNEY BEERS'S AUCTION. WILLIAM STREET HOUSE SOLD. fQg CLUB I NEW MONMOUTH ROLL CALL. A SUICIDE IN A WOODS. Large Turnout and Good Prices at DIED IN HIS 79TH YEAR Mrs. John L. Sullivan Sells Her Prop-1 Annual Event at the Baptist Church AN ODD MARITAL STORY. Vendue at Colt'a Neck. erljr to George A. Curlii. Friday Afternoon. GEORGE W. MARTIN PASSES ICEBOATERS^ ARE GUESTS OF PELFORD'S "UNCLE CHARLEY- Sidney Beers's vendue at Colt's Mrs; John Logan Sullivan, former- The eighteenth annual roll call and WIFE BACK FROM IRELAND HAS DEAD OVER TWO WEEKS. Neck last Thursday drew a large at- AWAY AT TINTON FALLS. ly Mrs. Anna Polhemus, has sold her THOMAS IRVING BROWN. supper of the New Monmouth Bap- HUSBAND ARRESTED. tendance. Alvin Bennett of Vander- house and lot on the oast side of Wil- tist church will be held Friday after- Earl Hoyer, Out for a Walk Sunday, He waa for Many Yeara Engaged in liam street to George A. Curtis of Officers and Membera of the North Tangled Skein of Marriage Discord the Real Estate Buiiness at Ocean Shrewsbury Ice Yacht Club Were loon at the church. The celebration Unwound in Justice Wise's Court $410. A heifer sold for {110 and Middletown township for $5,000. rill begin at half-past two o'clock That Brought Sorrow to Many Grove—Of Late He bad Made Hii The house has six rooms and all im- Entertained Thursday . Night in Last Week—A Tragedy That Waa two cows*brought $50 and $40. Mi- Home with Hi. Son at Tinton FalU Mr. Brown'a Apartments. ;nd the supper will be served at half- Enacted on Both Sides of Ocean. , ' Juvenile Hearts. chael Riordan of COH'B Neck bought provements. It was built about ten >ast five o'clock. Among the - In i) woods near Belford, with a a grain drill for $110 and Charles George W. Martin died last years ago by William Hessinger for The officers and members of the peakers will be Rev. T. P. Holloway, John MacDonald of Red Bank, an pine trie sighing a requiem over him, Wednesday night in his 79th year at his own occupancy. The lot is North Shrewsbury ice yacht club employee of Thompson & Matthews, Read of Vanderburg bought a reap- secretary of the New Jersey Baptist. ^'.rJeated 'l«t week or," Charles B. Dunn lay dead for more ing machine ior $25. Mr. Beers will the home of, his son, George Martin 60x150 feet. Mr. Curtis bought the were informally entertained Thurs- & than two weeks before the body was of Tinton Falls. Death was due to place as an investment. Mr. and day night by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas state convention and Rev. Paul of nQt au portin his four.yeilr.oid move next month to the Stewart farm Hayne, pastor of the Livingston ave- d hu,r, 'Out of this ai.,.est was discovered. It was by a wound self near Oceanport, which he recently the infirmities of old age. Mr. Mar- Mra. Sullivan will > move to Florida Irving Brown at their apartments in nue Baptist church of New Bruns- inflicted in a fit of. mental despond- bought. tin was born in Pennsylvania and for in a short time. The sale was made The Register building on Broad together in Justice Wine's ency that he met his death. A deep many years was engaged in the real by William N: Worthlcy. street. The evening was spent in wick. court a story so queer that if printed cut across his right wrist, a razor estate business at Ocean Grove. Of general sociability and at ten o'clock in a ,book of fiction it would be lying beside the body and a note on late years he had lived part of the a supper was served by James R. judged as being too impossible to tjie ground beneath his hat told an SICK LESS THAN AN HOUR. time with his son at Tinton Falls and Wolcott. - VICTIMS OF A FARMHAND. happen in real life. eloquent and convincing story that part of thf time with another eon. SOLD TWICE |N ONE DAY. During the evening the club held Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald married in li)lC. A short time after the mar- left no room for. imagination as to SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. JOHN Homer Martin of .Summerfleld, near a short business session and Albert THREE HOLMDELERS FLEECED the details of the tragedy. Asbury Park. He was a widower. QUICK BUSINESS TURN MADE L. Ivins and Harry B. Willard of riage Mrs. MacDonald left for Ire- DALY OF COLT'S NECK. OUT OF *60 LAST WEEK. land with the intention of returniug The note was penned to Mr. Besides the two Bong mentioned Mr. BY PATRICK F. KENNEDY. Red Bank were elected members. Martin leaves another son and two to Red Bank after she had spent a Dunn's dearest friend, Judson Ben- Mra. John Daly Died Forty Minutes Alexander B. Chambers offered a Charles Hudson Borrows $20 from few weeks in her native land. She nett, aged five years, Bon of Edward After She waa Taken with a Pain daughters. They are Clark Martin He Bought Frank Stier'a Home at trophy for a race, the boats to be His Employer, Gets Two Forged , ..-, of New York and Misses May and ot aC 103s to the old country all /T. Bennett of Belford. As a baby in Her Heart—She waa 42 Yeara the Corner of Mechanic and High sailed by their owners. Commodore Checks Cashed and Then Leaves rightB. . , .but when she tried to engage Judson had been, nursed by the un- Old and She Left Four Children. Eva Martin of Tinton Falls. He also Streeta, and He Sold the House a James B. Weaver presented a silver for Parts Unknown. ] passage to return to the United fortunate man who took his own leaves a sister, Mra. S. M. Shcak of Few Houra Later. cup to Del and Fred Fisher for hav- Mrs. Nellie Daly, wife of John Philadelphia. The funeral was held Charles Hudson, a farmhand on ! states she was unable to do so. On life, and between the little boy and Daly of Colt's Neck, died very sud- Frank Stier last week sold his ing won the Commodore's race, the Walter Conover's place at Holmdel, j unt of the war it wa.s next to the man had grown an attachment at Homer Martin's Saturday after- house and lot on the, northeast corner first official race of the season. The acco denly last Wednesday night. She noon and the burial was at Mount disappeared last week. Before he impossible to leave the country. It seldom equalled in the strongest was about to go upstairs to go to bed of Mechanic and High streets to Pat- cup was received by Del Fisher with left he borrowed $20 and an over-, ii recently that Mra. friendships. Mr. Punn, 62 years of Prospect cemetery, near Asbury rick F. Kennedy of Monmouth street an appropriate speech. wa5 not unt very when she wus taken with a pain in Park. coat from Walter Conover', his em-. MacDonald got back to America, age, and Judaon, five years of age, her heart. Forty minutes, later she for $2,700. A few hours after the The club has accepted the"-* invita- ployer. He said he would pay Mr. One of her first acts was to have her were almost inseparable companions. was dead. A doctor reached the sale was made Mr. Kennedy sold the tion of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bray Here is the note that the man penned Conover back out of his wages for husband'arrested on a charge of not house a few minutes before the end. SALE 6F SIX LOTS. property to his brother-in-law, Dan- of Wallace street to be their guests March for the cash and the overcoat. supporting his daughter. to the boy: For a number of years Mfs. Daly had iel "w. Martin, for the same price at on Thursday night, March 3d, when Besides getting the money and the the been' subject to weak spells caused Three Red Bank Men Buy Land at which he bought the property. Mr. the next meeting of the organfzation The chief reason why Mrs. Mac- Dearest Judson—These are Fairfield Gardena. coat from his employer, Hudson got Donald did this, according to the last words you or anyone else will by heart disease, but she seemed to Martin owns and occupies the prop- will be held. two forged checks cashed at Holm-1 i j t the* justice's court, ever receive from me. Be a good Some,time ago Matthew Johnson atory sne to ( a be singularly strong and well early erty at the southeast corner of Front del. The checks were on the English-1 was hecause her husband had started hoy. Do not grieve. I am going: to Wedneaday evening. of Red Bank brfught three lots at and High streets and with the former town bank and Mr. Conover's name ! ij jt against her while she ' a better and happier land. Try to CLOSE BIDDING. a ( vorce su Mrs. Daly's maiden name waB Fairfield Gardens, at the corner of Stier property he now has a piece was signed to them. One was ior'was jn ireland, on the ground of'de- forget and forgive. Harvard street and Wesloyan' ave- of property fifty feet wide extending Five Competitors and $5 Difference $25 and was cashed by John W. ' tion. The couple had parted on Uncle Charley. Nellie Holleran arid she was a native ser of Atlantic Highlands. She was 42 nue. Last week Mr. Johnson bought from Front street to Mechanic street. Between the High and Low Bids. Hance. The other was for !>15 and • K00(| terms when Mrs. MacDonald another lot, adjoining on the north About 200 feet of frontage on High Mr. Dunn was no relation to Jud- years old. She leaves four children, Five bids with only $fi difference was cashed by Peter McDonough. ! ]c.ft for Ireland, and Mrs. MacDonald " son, but all the Bennett children the oldest of whom is Edward Daly, those already purchased by him. This street is vacant property, and Mr. between the low bid and the high Mr. Hance and Mr. McDonough di- says sne was dumbfounded when-she called him "Uncle Charley," partly who is in service with the marines lot bought by Mr. Johnston has a Martin will build four bungalows on bid was the situation which existed posited the cheeks in their home ]cai.m,([ through « letter from a because they liked him und partly in Haiti. The other children are frontage of 40 feet on the east sid.e this land next spring. when the Eatontown township com- banks and were notified a short time ; frjt>mj that her husband was seeking because it was a term of endearment Laura, John and Helen Daly, who of Wesleyan avenue and is 100 feet mittee met last week to award a later thut the checks were no Rood, ia divorce. The divorce .suit had al- which he liked. He had a wonderful- live nt home. Mrs. Daly alsQ leaves deep.' The price paid was $60. MINNESINK PARK LOTS SOLD. contract for metal ceiling work in as Mr. Conover had no funds in the | most reached a conclusion when Mra. ly kind and gerttle nature and - not two brothers and a sister.- The fu- Arthur Brower of Red Bank the new township hall. Between Englishtown bank. Mr. Conover s ' MacDonald returned.- Testimony only the Bennett children but all neral was held Saturday morning at bought three lots at Fairfield Gar- Donald Matthewi of Fair Haven some of "the bids there was less than name was forged on the cheeks, Hud-1 ]];l(| ^n taken before a judge and the youngsters of Belford adored St. Mary's church at Colt's Neck and dens last week. One of these lots Buys a Site for His Home. ten cents difference. The township son had been working at Holmdel ; thu ease had been reiVi-red for final son lha d bee wd hgi dt tl ;j thu eas d him. Ten years ago he came to Bel- the burial was at Mount Olivet ceme- adjoins on the north the lot bought Donald Matthews of Fair Haven hall was formerly Elwood Snyder's y y j actjon- jins. MaeDonald returnereturned ford from New York and during nearly a year and his conduct until j actjon- tery. by Matthew Johnson and it is the has bought from John H. Cook two Metropolitan hotel.and the contract llas t weekk hahdd beeb n suchh a s to givive 1 1 just jn tjme to be able to make appli- «nost of the time since then he had same size as that lot. The other lots at Minnesink Park, in Middle- was for metal ceilings and siduwalls- him a good reputation. Detective i cat|on f01. a rc-hearing in the ease. worked for Mr. Bennett. He had two lots have a frontage of 80 feet BELFORD SPINSTER DEAD. l town township. The (.wo lots are part in the township committee's meeting J. B. Rue is working on the ease. j MacDonald knew nothing about one bad failing—it liking for whis- on the west'side of Commonwealth of the tract which was laid out very room, the township clerk's room, the the return of his wife to.this country . key, but even in his deepest cups he Miss Elizabeth Morris Passed Away avenue and they adjoin Mr. Brower's elaborately by the Minnesink realty firemen's meeting room and the fire- and his surprise was great when he was never offensive or abusive, Last Week at the Age of 69 Yeara. other lot in the rear. Mr. Brower company several yeafs ago. The two men's apparatus room. The contract WON PRIZES AT CARDS. learned of her presence in Red Bank though his talk was muddled. Miss Elizabeth Morris of Belford paid $320 for the three lots. lots bought by Mr. Matthews have a was awarded to Daniel H. Cook of Woodmen of the World Lodge Held through a warrant sworn out by her . "Uncle Charley's" life history is Two lots at Fairfield Gardens, ex- frontage of fifty feet on Minnesink Red Bank, who was the low bidder for his arrest. James Norman, the remarkable. He had a good educa- died Saturday morning. She had a Party Last Wednesday Night. been sick with rheumatism a long tending through from the west side Boulevard, which is the name of the with an offet of $540. t:, , L i 11 .,, i , overseer of the poor, interested him- tion, part of which he obtained, in a of Commonwealth avenue to the cast broad street laid out by the realty r college. Few young men begin the time, but her condition did not be- Mr. Cook has just completed simi A-card party was held Wednesday ; ™ . h d he t the come serious until a week before the side of Wesleyan avenue, were company west of the trolley tracks lar work in, three rooms in Fred battle of life with greater promise night in Odd Fellows^ hall on Mon-, h . represent the town: Mrs. end. Mias Morris was 89 years old. bought lost week by Theodore Apple- and extending from the southern end Fisher's house on East Front stree 1 J and brighter prospects than Charles gate. The two lots bought by Mr. of the tract to the Field homestead, mouth street by the Woodmen of the . M Do 'nald s. li(1 she nad n0 desire to B. Dunn did. His ability was soon She leaves two brothers, George W. gate. and Miss Elizabeth Laug's house' ol Morris of Belford and Spencer Mor- Applegate adjoin two lots which now owned and occupied by Thomas Mechanic street. He has a contrac World lodge and the Woodmen Cir-; h husband support her. She recognized and it won him rapid pro- Coulton. Mr. Matthews's lots are at cle. The prize winners_werc Mrs. | ™ ^ ' \ motion in the business world. He ris of Atlantic Highlands. Miss were bought a short time ago by his VUUI1AJI1, „„. ,„„.„„„„„ ,„„ „.„ „„ for the same kind of work at Mr h fc t { reached his zenith as secretary to the Morris was a life-long resident of brother, John F. Applegate ineo-|the corner ofFie W avenue and are Durando's house at Leonardo. Belford and was a daughter of the dore Applegate paid $170 for the 1&0 feet deep. They are directly president of a life insurance com- two lots he has just bought. t N Yk t sl of late Benjamin Morris. The funeral across Field avenue from the Jacob DEBATE AT HIGH SCHOOL. Kaney, Mrs. Haher, Mrs. Henry pa_.ny at New York at a salary of was held Thursday afternoon at the All six of these lots are in block Olazier property. Mr. Matthews something- for the support of the v8,000 a year. Then drink began to No. 11, which extends from Harvard" Dermott, Mrs. Chandler, Mrs. David child. $8 house and the burial was at Fair pajd $800 for the two lots. Pupils Argue on the Question i Leroy, Miss Pauline Lang, Miss Ger- master him. From that time hia de- View cemetery. street northward to Fair View ave- Commission Government. Justice Wise held MacDonald in scent was rapid, according to stories nue. Next spring a new street will trude O'Brien, Miss Jane O'Brien, $500 bonds to provide $5 a week for he told to friends at Belford. He be cut through this block, connecting SEQUEL TO OWL STORY. A debate on the topic, "Resolved Miss Anna Malone, Frank E. Price, the four-year-old girl. Schenck first tasted liquor, he said, when he DEATH OF A FISHERMAN. ' with Houston street. This new That Red Bank should have a com William Francis, William Naulty, Thompson became MacDonald s John Moore May Get Blood Poison- mission form of government," was Theodore Moss, Walter Quigley, Mr. Was a boy, when a dpctor prescribed street will give the lots in the west- ing from Wounda on Hia Hands. bondsman. Mrs. MacDonald has it for sickness. From that time on John Gaqt of Belford Died of Pneu- ern part of Fairfield Gardens a held Friday among pupils of the Manott and Edmund W. Slocutn. found employment at Rumson and is he had always been a drinker and monia Last Week. shorter and quicker route to the trol- John Moore, son of Malachi Moore twelfth grade of the Red Bank high The committees in charge of the par- °«™ a "that nl of Lincroft, wishes.jpore than ever school. The debate was won by the ty were composed of Mrs. Elmer G. I « ^ ;ace. with increasing age his thirst grew. John Gant of Belford died last ley than they now have. W-~" r'nrfmrfol It was only by going through a He waa the son of wealthy and cul- Wednesday of pneumonia at the age now that he had not tried to tame a negative side, which was composed of M S Crt horned owl which got caught in one Henry Ely, Margaret Dudley and c,l Li M^ ' tremendous amount of red tape and tured parents. of 74 years, after a sickness of four by spendin pgg about $300 that friends days. He had been in poor health EATONTOWNHOUSE SOLD. of his muskrat traps. As told in last Edith Brower with Maynard White Amelia McDermott, Harry CarterJ, On January 17th of this year Mr. week's Register, John was pecked and George VanKirk, Albert E. Snyder, of Mrs. MacDonald in this country Dunn left Mr. Bennett's place, stat- several-years. In his younger days as alternate. On the losing .side were able to make possible her re- he was a fisherman. Mr. Gant leaves Elmer E. VanSchoick of Red Bank scratched on the hand by the owl were Walter VanHorn, Louise Simp- DeWitt Quackenbush and Frank turn to the United States. At first ing that he would never return. Mr. Buys Otto Applegate'a Place. when he went to feed the bird two son and Raymond Conklin with Ar- j Maybe. The Woodmen's Circle will Bennett's family did not pay much two daughters, one of whom is Mrs. weeks ago. The young man retaliat- on account of the war, and more re- attention to this statement. "Uncle Albert Wilbur of Keyport. The Elmer E. VanSchoick of Red Bank della Hardy as alternate. The hold a dance on Wednesday night, cently on account of the insurrection ha3 bought Otto Applegate's house ed by shooting the owl. He judges were John Muyskens, Jr., March 2d, in the Odd Fellows' build- in Ireland, the English authorities Charley" had had fits of despondency other daughter lives at New York. paid little attention to the wounds on before and had only gone away for The funeral was held Saturday after- near Eatontown, on the Tinton Falls Harry Sieber and Miss Mary. John- ing. are making immigration almost im- road. The price was $10,000. Mr. his hand at first, but since then symp- son. Kenneth Walker was chairman possible. Friends of Mrs. MacDon- brief spoils, and the ' Bennetts noon at the Belford Methodist church toms of blood poisoning have devel- thought that thiB was only one of and the burial Was at Fair View VanSchoick is a retired farmer. He of the meeting. On Friday of ne^t FIREMEN FEAST. ald engaged Lawyer Warren H. formerly lived at Lincroft. The oped. The hand is swollen to about week the graduating class and the his moods. The note which he wrote cemetery. twice its natural size. John is un- Annual Banquet of Relief Engine Smock of Red Bank to take the legal to Judson was dated January 19th, Eatontown property bought by him eleventh grade will argue on the measures necessary to enable Mrs. comprises about an acre of land on able to workand he has to make daily right of the open shop in American Company Held Thursday Night. showing that he probably took his Died in Her 84th Year. trips to a doctor's office. It may be MacDonald to return to this country. own life on that day. Mrs. John Reynolds of South Kat- which is a house of ten rooms with industries, The graduating class will The annual banquet Mr. Smock had to make several trips necessary to lance the swelling in his gine company was held in the com-, to unwind the- Earl Hoyer of Belford was out for ontown died Thursday 'night in her modern improvements. A large ga- argue against the open shop and the i WashinRton 1 the- legal rage is also on the place. Mr. Van- hand. eleventh grade will speak in favor of pany's house on Drummond place ^ h ke t Mr3 MacD a walk Sunday morning and in Fin- 84th year. She had been an invalid v MacDonald Schoick will move into the house it. last Thursday night. The banquet „ Trpfan.i nigan's woods he saw a dark' object for some time and her death was ST. ANTHONY'S BALL. was served after the monthly meeting lying on the ground. At firsth hastenee d by a fall two weeks ago next month. Mr. Applegate expects Mrs. MacDonald says that condi- to move to Long Branch and engage RETIRES FROM FISH BUSINESS. of' the company. A full course tur- tions in Ireland have not been exag- thought it was a tramp asleep, but when her hip was fractured. Mrs. Italian Catholics of Red Bank key dinner prepared under the direc- . g , closer investigation showed that it Reynolds leaves a son, Harry Rey- in the garage business. Cleared $300 Laat Week. atcd h( say5 th"e country i3 Joshua Bennett Haa Quit Active tion of Fred Diets, was served to ^irtuall in a state of war and that was the body of Mr. Dunn. Snow nolds of Red Bank. The funeral The second annual ball for the Work and fa Taking Things Easy. about 25 members of the company. had drifted over part of the body. waa held Sunday afternoon at the Leighton Avenue Houae Sold. all the "atrocities and horrors of war benefit of St. Anthony's Catholic Joshua Bennett of Wallace street Chief Oliver G. Frake, First Assist- are being experienced by the people. The body waa taken to Posten's house and the burial was at Glen- Charles Edwards has sold .his house church of Red Bank was held, last ant Fred Gill, Second Assistant Wai- morgue'at Atlantic Highlands and wood cemetery at Long Branch. on the west side of Leighton avenue Wednesday night at St. James's club- has retired from, the fish business was later taken to New York. and he and Mrs. Bennett are making |NORMAL SCHOOL GRADUATES. • m • a» . to Fred Freiberg of Prospect avenue house on Monmouth street. Over their home with their daughter, Mrs. Mr.' Dunn leaves a wife and a Highlanda Infant Dead. for $2,700. The new owner will oc- 400 persons were present and the firemen. daughter who live at NevtYork. He George White of Wallace street. The Six Monmouth County Young Women Cornelius G. Dorsett, eight months cupy the house and will take posses- profits amounted to about $300. The house vacated,by Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Harry C. Dowen has resigned as in Class at Trenton School. also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Isabelle sion March 1st. The sale was made hall was decorated with American first assistant foreman of Relief com- Clark of Atlantic Highlands and Mrs. old, son of Gcorgietta and George by William A. Hopping. The lot is and Italian flags. A prize waltz was nett is now occupied by their son, a Six young women from Monmouth Jennie Scott of Roselle. Perhaps no Dorsett of Highlands, died of pneu- 37^x145 feet and the house has six won by Miss Anna Sole and Frank William W. Bennett, who moved pany as he is about to move to county graduated Friday week from •Jennie oiuii ui IIUBUUU. x ciiiups nu m . on Mondit* j y « la3ti L wecki into death which has ever occurred at, ™ » 1 " ,.°* , ; rooms.and a bathroom. The hou°» Sole.' The ball committee comprised Rplfiirri'-.trnvA mnvfl poniiinp o-ripf rn The funeral was held Thursday and is provided with water and gas. Louis Dell'Omo chairman, Bonizio ayem S^ _• Schildred ™°n o"f fhTlthat^lacfafthf he | Jh«». burial was at Stone church cemccmee- Siciliano, Salvatore Cusumano, An- been tery- and vi< tragedy which waa revealed in the Elm Place Houae Sold. thony Sovierio, Dominic A. Mazza, woods Sunday morning. Michael Conzona, Raphael Santan- hard w_ Birthday Party at Keanaburg. The Red Bank real estate company gelo, Miss Anna Sole, Miss S. Aschet- he built up a large and profitable Westside fire company of Red iss Helen Batten and Mis3 Helen has aold ono of the new houses of trade nnd hihis savingi s werite investedd ank elected these officers last lonover of Asbury Park. Miss Mc- DANCE AT ELKS' HOME. • A birthday party and dance was tino, Mis3 A. Delli Veneri and Miss given a few nights ago for Mrs. White Bros, on the north side of Elm ane Galante. in real estate. He owns several •eek: iue and Miss Mildred Conover are George Schanck of Keansburg. Vo- place to Mrs. Minnie Reilly of properties in Red Bank and immedi- President—Georpe Brower. caching school at New Brunswick, It Will be Given on February 21»t ate vicinity and he intends to take Foreman—Hftrry Chnsey. by tha Ladiea' Auxiliary, cal solos were given by Miss Mar- Bloomfield, who will take possession NINETY-SIX YEARS OLD. Assistant foremen—John Onkes, Jr.. lias Thompson at Freehold, Miss garet MacFarland of Keansburg and March 1st. The lot is 35x225 feet things easy for the rest of his life. • hn Anderson, John OnkeB, Sr. anHorn at Camden and Miss Batten The ladicB* auxiliary of the Elks' -••*- • Walter Manuel and .Charles Kniffer and the house has six rooms and mod- huraday Was the Birthday of Rev. Secretary—Charles I.eMnistre. .nd Miss Helen Conover atlnWewark. lodge,of. Red Bank will hold a mas- Treasurer—Clifford Teller. querade and civic dance on Monday of Keyport. A supper was served. em improvements. The price was William N. Dunnell. War Clock to be Dedicated. Trustee—Gnat OrnberK. • -»*-«» night, February 21st, at the Elks' $7,400. Rev. William N. Dunnell of Rec- The dedication exercises of the Fire police—William Coprnn. Jnmt'B Farmers' Farewell Dance. • Everett Dance Neta $100. ;or place was 96 yeara old last Thurs- Highlands war memorial clock in the unter, Alex Macintosh. Eighty-five persons attended a home on East Front street. Prizes Newman Springa House Rented. Representative to firemen's relief a»socin- will be awarded to the man and wo- The Everett baseball club cleared lay. No formal celebration was Methodist church tower at that place ion—Clarence Sheldon. art'well parly which wns given man wearing the most original cos- nbout $100 by a dance Friday night John J. Kelliher of . Shrewsbury held, as Mr. Dunnell is a bedridden will be held next Saturday afternoon hursday night by John Eagan and tumes, the best looking costumes and in the old hotel building at Everett. has rented Mrs. William B. Clayton's invalid. However, he was able to at two o'clock. There will be a New Farmer at Middletown. lis Ron, Edward Eagan, of Tinton the funniest costumes. Spotlight Two pigs were disposed of on the co- house on the Newman Springs road, converse with friends who called on parade, a concert and speechmaking. The Joseph Hendrickson farm at Stalls. The Eagans have been work- and confetti dances will be given and operative plan and were won by near Mecca Inn. The house is rent- lim and to enjoy the birthday postal The artillery band of Sandy Hook rliddletown, which was recently ng the Valentine place several years refreshments-will be served. Mrs. Ruth Murray, daughter of DenniB ed furnished and Mr. Kelliher will lards and flowers which were sent to will furnish the music. At night lought by George Cave of New York, nd they will live on a farm near. Peter J. Eichelc will have general Murray of Red Bank. move into it next month. him. He was the first rector of Trin- a stereopticon lecture will be given rill be farmed the coming season by Trenton the coming season. They charge of the danco. and her as- ity church of Red Bank and was af- in the church by Rev. A. M. Conover Augustus Ahearn of Hazlet. John ire moving their live stock and other sistants are Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson Announcement. Thrift. terwards rector of All Saints' church of Philadelphia. • Anderson moved last week from this personal property to that place. and Mrs. Boyden Pemble, who will By this method I desire to correct Thrift means saving. You dont f New York. farm to William H. Ely's farm at have charge of the music; Mrs. have to save mbney only to be Do You Know a false report to the effect that I NOTICE. Holmdel. Holmdeler's Hand Poisoned. Charles P. Irwin, refreshments; and have gone out of business entirely. thrifty. Snve clothing and wearing that Shrewsbury Dairy milk scored William Bennett of Holmdel, bet- Mrs. Hollls S. Carter and Mrs. Doug- When I sold my wheelwright business apparel by having sumo properly To the Sporting People of Red Bank 87.8 per cent for purity and quality Hold Vi to Our Promise. ter known as "King Bennett," was las J. Harvey, publicity. Fred I retained the farm implement and taken care of. This only can be dono and Elsewhere. against all entries in official labora- Ii we tell you we'll do "thus and taken tj the Long Branch hospital O'Brien's jazz orchestra of Perth farm, machinery branch of my busi- by having a competent dyer and tory tests taken by United States IO," you'll find we always do it. Our ast week to undergo treatment for cleaner do the work. I have labored Basketball and dancing every Sat- government experts nt Trenton, Amboy will furnish the music. ness and I am -still in that branch of urday evening at Red Bank lyceum. :lothcs.cleaning, pressing an]ood poisoning in ight hnnd. tho business, I have the agency for hard the last twelve yoars to convinco Saturday, February 12th, the Orioles N. J., in January, 1021? ing experience has been such that The ailment developed, from a slight the latest improved machines and the people of Red Bank to be thrifty vs. Arrow Five of Seabright. Satur- Secure the best at once for your when we promise to mnke you look scratch. For a time it was feared Army and Navy Shop. and careful with their clothes. Now family and' household. Telephone better than the best, we keep that Coats, shirts, shoeB, underwear, .mplements and have on hand repairs day night will be your chance to show ;hnt the hand would have to be ara- for same. When in the market for I am sure with my extremely low me if you want a fast team in Red Shrewsbury Dairy Co., Red Bank promise by "making good." You mtated, but it is now getting well. blankets, rubber goods, hats, caps, prices and good guaranteed work, 8-R.—Advertisement. want to look your best nt all times. etc. Absolutely now goods as used any piece of farm machinery or im- Bank. We also have one of the best plements dont buy until you talk it that all my old customers will give dance floors in Monmouth county. We want to offer you clothes clenn- Look! Stop! by the soldiers and sailors in the me a call. I will call for and deliver Carpeta Dyed ing, pressing and repairing service United States service. Hundreds of over with me. I know I can save you Game called at nine o'clock. Danc- Custom tailor. Ladies' and gentle- money. At this time I want to thank all work. P. Margules, 37 Prospect ing before game and after. Steam any deBired shade, very quickly and thnt is second to none. Service thnt men's nuits and overcoats made to or- Red Bankers have bought from us avenue, Red Bank. Phone 230-W.— reasonable in pri^c. Red Bank Steam means lengthening the life of your and have saved a lot of money by do- all my old customers for their past heat has been instnlled. der. Workmanship guaranteed. Suit* patronage and also I want to thank Advertisement. Yours for clean sport, Dyo Works, Max Leon. proprietor,'24 apparel. This service is for you made to order, $35 up. Cleaning, Ing so. Let us prove to you that we those who have recently become ac- West Front street, Red Bank. Phono French Cleaners & Dyers, Moc Gor can sell dependable merchandise at Notice. Ray Sanborn, Manager. using, dyeing and alterations qninted with-me through recent pur- —Advertisement 734,—Advertisement. ' don, proprietor, (S Broad Htrcut, Kec done at moderate prices. Suit* retail lower than manufacturing cost chases. When in the market for any- To Whom It May Concern: Bnnk, phono 1151.—Advertisement. today. Store at 37 Broad street,•op- My wife, Lillian S. Roseberry, now Horses I Horseal called for imd delivered to you. 11 posite Register building.—Advertise- thing in my lines dont forget the old ' The Piano Shop. East Front street, Red Bank. Dom- established headquarters of C. H. of 7 Broad street, Red Bank, N. J. Let us tell you how you can benefit Fifty acclimated work horses and It's Got to be the Habit. ment. ^ having left my bed nnd board with- mii'k Clemi-nte, proprietor. I'hona Hurley, Shrewsbury, N. J., phone by our experience when buying a mules, All prices, all kinds. S. B. Meet your friends at KincHtcin' MR-It.—Advertisement. 408-M, Red Bank.—Advertisement. out just cause nnd having taken un piano. A. B. Dirhan, piano tuner arid Knight, Spring Lake, N. J., phono waiting room on Kast Front street At the Auto Tire Shop. her residence in Ucd Bank, N. J., I Let Frank re-tread, your cord and rebuildcr. Factory representative foi 723.—Advertisement, There's plenty or room nnd addition- Farms for Sale. will not bo responsible for any bills the Weaver, York and Livingston al comforts. Women especially in fabric tires and solo and heel your "I Got It At Flneateln'a." of any kind which she may contract, All Mze farms located in tho po- rubber boots und arctics. Have them That's what a number of folks pianos. Drummond placo, Red Bank. Special. vited to make use of our plnce wbil tato bolt. "Clifford G. Ilrown, Cran- Frank Roseborry. Phone 560-M.—Advertisement. Ten whole certificnftvi given Sat wniting for friends or for the trol done before you want to uses them at have anid when they told of satisfac- -Advertisement. bury Station, Middlesex county, N. 1. 26 Mechanic stroot, upstairs.—Adver- tory purchases. At Finestein's wait- urday with each evenVdollnr pur- ley.—Advertisement'.' Advertisement. ing room, West Front street, near Dr. Straughn chase. M. V. Pach, United agency tisement Ferns, Cut Flowers and Plants. —Advertisement. Ilroad street, you will find confec- In bloom, enrnations, froosias, lil la away on n vacation; Dr. Jnckson Rubber Goods for All Purpoae*. cial. Typewriter Headquartara. tionery, eignra, cigarettes, soft ica, iinrcla3un, antirrhinum, cincvaria, of Newark will be 'at the Kod Bank Buy from manufacturer | cent or drinks, magazines, . newspapera, office on Wednesday; And ; Satnrday At, Atlantic Highlands;, N. J. approval; guaranteed, •cataloiruo frtft Ten W« buy, rent, noil, exchange «nd i all color*; primulft«.istc. DiwSsin work f iinluy with specialty. William MenrB, florist, 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. and at thu Mnta- Roberta & White's annual Block Fifth Avenue Specialty Co., 60C chose. M. V. 1'iieh,United ugnncy. Store of a Thousand Items, 68 Broad more other articles needed by every- Rumson, N. J. Phone 361 RumBon, wan office Tuesday nad Friday 2:00 tnking-cnflh-siile February 1 lth t< Fifth avenue, New York.—Advertise —Advertisement. •traot. Rod Bank.—Advertisement. one almost daily.—Advertisement. —AdvortlBomcitt. to 4 :0O P. M.—Advertisement. 21st, inclusive.—Advertisement. ment. «..<»-- 1 Al Atlantic Highlands, N, i, At Atlantic Highlands, N. J. At Atlantic Highlanda, N. J. Basketball nnd dancing at Ki At Atlantic Highlanda, N. J. At Atlantic Highlanda, N. J. At Atlantic Highlanda, N. J. • Uobi'itB & Whitu'H annual stocl Roberta & While's annual stock. Roberti'-A White's annual stock- Roberta & White's annual atock- Roberts & White's annual .stock Roberta & White's annunl stock- Bank lyceum every Saturday evisi iiikiiiK-caiih-iuilo February Mth to ing. Orlolos sporting club.—Advo tBlcing-clish-Balo February 14th takiiiR-cnsh-Ralo February 14th to taking-caah-sule February 14th to taking-ensh-aale February 14th t< tftking-'caah-Baln 1. IBA-U tinhli M»trek FebruarTl^ll* 4* IkiihHyI "I14t A i"lh» 4-t on 2lBt, Inclusive.—Advertinomont. ". ., 21st, inclusive.—Advertisement. 21st, inclusive.—Advertisement. 2lBt, inclusive.—Advertisement. 2at, inclusive.—Advertisement. tiscment. •2,1st, inclusive.—Advertisement. Page Two RED BAJttC REGISTER,, FEBRUARY g,

Menmmtfa County Surr*g*te'« Office ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. Kotlee to creditors tb present claims otajnat e*t*tett < Dr. Caprg* D. F»jr ud Hh Daughter In the mtUcr of the estate of Victor A, C* la Florid* for tbe Wintor. CeMMtA. rtiMnt to the order of Joseph L. Don- Dr. George D. Fay and h» dan,,., mh*r, Bttnovftto of tbe County of Mon- - Inspection Invited •nonth, UKI« on the twenty-seventh day tor left Monday for Orlando, Flor- erf January, 1921, on the application of ida, where they will spend tie reat of IiKiUe S. A. Liffier, acting executrix of the the winter. Mr. and Mr*. Charlet oatate of Viet«r A, Ugler, deceased, notice tm htereby given to the creditors of said de- E. Sayder are expected home this d to exhibit to the subscriber, acting •week front Flqfida. as aforeaud, their debts and Eighty persons attended a dance &iamnAp against the said estate, under Opening of oath, within six months from the date of given Wednesday night at the Lyric tilt aforesaid order, or they will be forever theater by St. Agnes's club, which barred of their actions therefor against the has ranted the building. The danc« *aid subscriber. ; Dated KreeJKold, N, J.. January 27, mi. committee wu composed -.of Miss LOUISE S. A. LIGIER. Gladys Whitchead, Miss Genevieve Present claims to Fruit and Vegetable ALSTON BEEKMAN, Esq., Proctor. Jackson, Miss Elizabeth Heimbold, Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. Thomas Jennings, Jr., Mr*. JSTCHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. John Woodward, John Halleran and TO CATHERINE KANE, MICHAEL WELSH Edmund Linzmayer. The club held AND JAMES WELSH: a cabaret party Monday night in the By virtue of an order of the Court of Market Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day theater building. nf the date hereof, In a cause wherein Wil- Special services were held at St. liam E. Kane fs complainant, and you I and Agnea*s church today, the beginning Correct principles at the beginning bring ethers are defendants, you are required to appear, plead, answer or demur to the bill of Lent. Daring Lent a service con- of said compluiimnt, on or before the 28th Thursday, Feb. 10th sisting of rosary, sermon and bene- dar of March, next', or the said bill will be the best results in the end. This is well taken as confessed affainst you. diction will be held on Tuesday and The Baid bill In filed for partition of cer- Sunday nights and the Stations of tain lands in the Township of Middletovrn, 47 BROAD STREET, RED BANK the Cross will be held every Friday in the County of Monmouth and Stato of illustrated by the performance of the New Jersey, of which Michael Kane died night seised, ai.d certain lands in the Township .f'Mrs. Loring's Aunts" is the title of Widdletown and Borough of Red Dank, First Class Goods Prices Right of a play of three acts which will be in the County of Monmouth and State of Franklin Car today. New Jersey, of which Michael E. Kane died given on Tuesday night, February xelted; and you, Catherine Kane, are nude 22d, by the community club. There defendant because you claim a right of dower in said lands, and you, Michael Welsh will be dancing after the play. and James Welsh, are made defendants be- , Patrick Halleran and family and The fundamentals of satisfactory motor- cause you are two of the tenants in com- CHRIS BERGE John Hal[eran and family attended mon therein. the funeral on Saturday of Mrs. John Bated January 25, 1921. REILLY, QUINN & PARSONS. Daly of Colt's Neck. The service ing are light weight, flexibility and direct Solicitors of Complainant. was held at St. Mary's church at P. O. Address Red Hank. N. J. CLAYTON'S MARKET bolt's Neck. Mrs. Daly was a sister It pays to advertise in The Remitter. of Patrick and John Hallernn. air cooling. These were original princi- ea«BCIWWMMM a—O»«W»OMW»MMMIIWI 99—9—M Mr. Thompson of New York, who MMMH«W«MIMMM«N* occupied the Roberts cottage on —ese< Lincoln avenue last year, has rented ples with the Franklin Car nineteen years the Phillips house on Valley drive for next summer. •> Miss* Genevieve Ja«kson has ob- ago. Today they give comfort, economy tained an automobile driver's license. The Sandy Hook boat line- between Masquerade and Civic Dance here and New York will start run- and long life, or, expressed another way- nings May 8th. One boat will be in operation until May 21st, when an- other boat will be put into service. \ . To be given by the The full summer schedule will start 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline n Juno 26th and will continue until 7 September 8th. *' 12,500 miles to tbe set of tires LADIES AUXILIARY, B. P.O. E., No. 233 Eva Stryker. younfr daugmer oT Mrs. Charles E. Stryker, is slowly improving from inflammatory rheu- 50% slower yearly depreciation AT THE ' matism. Miss Lillian Katz. wlio recently (National Averages) graduated from .Newark normal school,.has been encased ui teach at the- Leonardo high school, ELKS' CLUBHOUSE Frank Mahoney of Hoboken has been spending a few days with Wil- liam Gaffey. •' JOHN MORROW, JR. Miss Anna Halleran is employed at East Front Street the Standard gas company's oflice. A branch of the Queens of Avalon society has been organized by Mrs. GLOBE COURT GARAGE Samuel P. Harris's Sunday-school lass of the Presbyterian church. MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21st The officers are Alice Bawtell, queen! Globe Court, Mechanic Street recent: Ethel Armstead, royal scribe; Olive Merritt, keeper of the v.oynl! purse:- Jessamine Ackorson, marshal; ( at 8:30 O'clock Olea Sorrenson. hei'Md: nnd Dorothy i Telephone 1161 Red Bank . Gehlhaus, Meta Hartman, Lillian j Gehlhaus. Marjorie I.iftle anrl Fran-j Music by Fred O'Brien's Jazz Orchestra. Prizes for handsomest, ces Patterson, pilgrims. most original and most comical costumes for both men and women HIGHLANDS NEWS. Welfare Club Held a Card Party— Back from Virginia. ili IMIIMIIIHIi* REFRESHMENTS One hundred pfrsons attended n ! can! partv given Wednesday night ; by the racial welfare society. Mrs. ! James Ccncunnon won first prize at euchre and Mrs. Samuel Burns won TICKETS ONE DOLLAR first prize at. pinochle. Crullers! made bv William Fchlhaber werej IMMHMMMIH served at the pSjty. , Mrs. Robert Liming entertained j : Fruit Growers, Attention! the Jolly Eight club Saturday night, j The evening was spent playirig cards We are now booking orders for Spraying Machines and Materials. See us before you and prizes were won by George Lim- ing and Robert Liming. order. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and! We are in a position to meet any competition considering quality. their son and Vinton H. Havens, j Calvin Parker and Henry Smith have., We carry a supply of Bean'Sprayers and Repair Parts. Friend Sprayers and Repair Parts. HAWKINS BROTHERS. returned from a stay in Virginia. ' -"Black Leaf" 40." "Sulco-V. B." Mrs. Margaret Worth and Mrs. ! Ethel Crawley will be initiated into | Orchard Brand Materials. "Vreeland's" Electro Brand, Materials. the Pocahontas lodge tonight. i Mrs. Clarence Burdge has been ! Bissell Harrows. , General Insurance and kepLfndoors _with. .sickness. ! -.'— Guns, Relief Valves, Spray Hose, Spray Fittings and many other things too numerous to James Stryker, who was operated j on a few days ag-o at a New York mention. • ' • . ' - hosnital, is improving. | Howard Limincr of Elizabeth snent i Call or write for anything you need. Real Estate. last week with his sister, Mrs. -Fred Johnson. The infant Eon of Elsworth Cot- We have been engaged in Red Bank in our lines of business for some years. We trell is sick with pneumonia. J. C, Hendrickson S Son Mrs. William Cottrell spent Mon- maintain our office at No.10 Monmouth street, on the Ground Floor, for the con venieuce day with Mrs. Henry Pierce of Bel- of our many patrons. ford. Middletown, N. J. Mrs. Richard Rast has returned from a two weeks' stay at Jersey Telephone 798-R. REAL ESTATE. Citv. Miss Virginia Bishop of Philadel- Dealers In During the year past many sales of property were effected through this office to the phia has been spending a few days satisfaction of both the buyer and seller. with friends here. FARMERS' SUPPLIES The Methodist Epworth league Many persons still desire to purchase property. For this reason we now wish to will .hold a Valentine sociable tomor- secure new listings of property. row night at Misses Minnie and Anna Quast's. Mrs. John Valentine of Highland avenue has moved to Richmond, Vir- LISTING IS FREE. ginia, where her husband is em- If you now wish to dispose of any kind of property in or near Eed Bank we would like ployed. you to list it with us for sale. You may call or send your listing, or we will send you one of our Listing Slips for this SMILES COME purpose if desired. There is no doubt many more sales of property will result if property is properly listed. AGAIN TO Forc^son The Ford Motor Company have just issued a book called "The GENERAL INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. PRETTY FACES Fordson at Work." This book is given free. Call in and get one. If This Agency issues policies for all kind of Insurance. you cannot call, write and we will mail you one without charge. It The Charm of Goad Health Has Iti We also issue Surety Bonds. ' Source in Rich Red Blood. Noth- is not what the Ford Motor Company says about the Fordson Tractor ing on Earth so Necesiary but what the army of users have to say. This book voices the hard- Particular attention is given to the necessary details in the issuing of all policies, so to Beauty. that when any loss occurs we are in a position to make a settlement entirely satis- est kind of practical experience. It shows in illustration the Fordson factory to you. , PEPTOMANGAN BUILDS Tractor,at actual work along some ninety different lines of activity. RED BLOOD It shows in these illustrations the wonderful versatility and utility of We represent only Standard Companies—known for fairness, and with a record for the Fordson Tractor. Shows it to be, beyond all question, the one prompt payment of claims. Restores the Quality of Your Blood, bit of machinery that is a necessity, not only on the farm but along Brings Back Your Color and As a matter of fact we aim to sell Service with Insurance. We are prepared and will Renews Vitality. many lines of commercial business; especially does it show up the appreciate taking up with you your insurance problems. As good as ever is that old Fordson as a valuable servant on the farm.' With it the farmer is re- maxim, Personal chiirm is like a light. It lieved of the hard work; because he can take advantage of the weather "Better R^e Insured Than Sorry." sheds its rays everywhere.™ Is thu in preparing his seed bed; he can do it at the right time; the same is liptht of your personal charm hidden under the bushel of bad blood? In- true when it comes to harvesting. It solves, to a great extent, the stead of habitual smiles do you wear problem of scarcity of labor. MORTGAGE LOANS. a tired look—almost a scowl? Do We have from time to time clients with funds who desire to obtain First Mortgage you tire easily? Are you pnlc and With its wonderful, reliable power, it brings to the farm home all Loans on desirable property. lacking In vital energy nnd ambition? the conveniences, in the way of running water in the house, electric You are not really 111. Your blood AILfluch applications are given immediate attention. has become weak and sluggish* It is lights, operation of the washing machine, churning, separating the half Bturved. What you need is the cream from the milk; it assumes and takes to itself the drudgery of In all matters relating to Real Estate, Insurance, Surety Bonds and Mortgage Loans, blood-making qualities of that splen- did tonic, Pepto-Mangan. After yau farm life both in the field and in the house and it is only a matter of we will be pleased to serve you. have taken Pepto-Miin^nn a littlu a few years until it will be as universal in its service on the farm as is ^hile you will foel n bip; improve- Cordially Yours, ment. The smiles will come back. the farmer himself. It will beconne a part of farm life; a beneficial People will see a difference in you. part; a profitable part. Get order in for there's a rush coming. You will mnko friends again. Von will have plenty of rich, red blood HAWKINS BROTHERS, and feel stronger. has ...#S-9Pt«-M»JUHW,V 4>«Ffl.-'">.'ldjrij%. W. EL IVfOUNT red blood for years. 1'nysiciahn pre- scribe it rijcht along. It has just the MATAWAN RED BANK ingredients that starved blood nceda. Telephone 352. ,-s Sold in liquid nnd tablet form. Dotl) ENGLISHTOWN NEW BRUNSWICK RED BANK,.N. J. have the same effect. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto-MnnRnn. Aak for "(Jucle'n" and bo nure thnt the full name, "Glide's Pepto-Man- gim," Is on the package. RED BANK REGISTfeft, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. Pace Three COLT'S NECK NEWS. time to catch up with a big rush of EVERETT NEWS. orders. - J>1 Meeting and Election of the •• «»•«»'. ' * Church Service to be Conducted at Christian Endeavor Society. HOLMDEI> NEWS. the Schoolhouie Sunday Nirht. y annual meeting and election Rev. Wilmer MacNair of Holmdel t he Christian Endeavor society Surprise Party Given for Mr. andwill conduct services at the Bchool- y t held at the chapel of the Re- Mra. Howard Conover Last Weak. housc.Sunday night. y ed church last week. . Games A surprise party was given for Mr. CJiarles Kelly, John Henry Hylin t other amusements were enjoyed and Mrs. Howard Conover last week and John Brady are felling a big lot y mmnitrht and everyone had a by their friends and neighbors. Most of tre'es on their farms. y of the evening was spent in playing Edylnnl Dobiskey, son of Ray- Monmouth County Farmers" t htfill time. These officers were f cd;: cards. The prizes were won by Mrs. mond' ^Dobiskey, has been out of •y •Went—Eobcrt I* Doyle. Henry Tilton and Albert Emmons. school/with sickness resulting from a-prfBtdent—Amber Matthew., Last week the Ely estate.. sold vaccination. y uurer—Charlen. Bf htnQk. , riUrr—Alice Field., teams of horses to Christian- Broder- John Brady, Jr., son of John r committee— Mr.. John Q. Bchenck. son of Shrewsbury, Harry Carter of Brady, has recovered from sickness. f >ut'commltt«e— Mr.. Walter Field.. Lincroft, Stanley Daneer of Scobey- Edward Polhcmus of Lakewood, »|c$mMr«.Ru>»cfr ville, A|bert Winfield of Vanderburg formerly of this place, spent part of y wer committee—Mm.'1-rank MattneWf, and Orin Sampson and Gilbert Ma- last week with Edward Francis. Co-Operative Association Frank B. Week"- X ilo committee—Mii« Florence Canw- gee of Marlboro. Four horses were John Warneker, son of Bernard # bought by Augustus Ahearn of Haz- Warneker, has been laid up with sci- f ie jolly Juniors met Saturday |ct and single horses were bought by atic rheumatism, but he is recover- f DIRECTORS: y •000)1 at the home of Myrtle, Leon Herbert of Tennent, Tony Sita- ing. He is employed at the factory y y red and Amber Matthews. Most relU and Frank Manee of Perth Ara- of the Sigmund Eisner company at y Charles R. Applegate Jos. T. Laird, Jr. le members were preBent. A so- boy, George Lane of Marlboro and Red Bank. Roscoe C. Clayton Theo. B. Lewis f time was enjoyed and cocoa and John Lee and Joseph Webber of James Welsh, who has .been away y y were Berved. . . Holmdel, , on a visit for his health, is much im- Tunis Denise C. Henry. Probasco ma '• Buck,. daughter 'of Garrett About 75 persons attended ah en- proved and is expected home in a y f iuck, has recovered from uick- tertainment given at the Reformed short time. y William J. Higgins Charles R. Storm y chapel last week under the direction Elizabeth Stout, daughter of Har- y H. E. Hulshart ra. Lefferson of Freehold spent of the ladies' aid society. The pro-old Stout, has recovered from scar- Daniel H. Taylor y week with her son, Joseph Lef- gram consisted largely of panto- letina and the quarantine notice has y E. W. Winsor y mimes, and $10 was cleared. Mrs. been taken off the house. y >n. John W. Hance, Mrs. Taylor Hance, William Kelly is rapidly recover- y io boys' club met Tuesday night Mrs. Howard Conover and Mra. Ezra ing from a broken leg which he Buf- y y tst week at the home of Leroy Stilwagon were in charge. fered in a runaway accident about y Stanley Hunt. Friday night the • The Holmdel card club met last two months ago. The doctor expects Offers to its Members the following y w|ll meet at the Reformed week at John M. Ely's. to take the plaster cast off the leg y y el to rehearBe for a play.' Mary Holmes, daughter of Jona- next Sunday. y Advantageous Prices for Fertilizers: y r, and Mm Henry Francis of than I. Holmes, is recovering from Dr. Frank C. Henry is having re- Bank( formerly of this place, diphtheria. pairs made to the outbuildings on his y y moved into the Covert house on -•-—•- ?reahold road. The Polish folks farm. Frank Markstein is doing the y y have been living in the. Covert It pays to ndvortlie in The Reirlftar work. y y e ha.ve moved into one of Frank 4-8-4 $46.25 reeks's houses. y y and Mrs. George Hyatt ,have y entertaining friends from y klyn. y t, vo girls of this* place who attend y 4-8-5 $48.70 T Freehold high school made re- cable showings in the mid-year y T lination in algebra last week. fanners, Attention! y y i\ Read had a percentage of 99 y Verona Clayton had a percent- We wish to announce to our trade that we are 4-8-6 $50.95 f of 98. y ra. Garrett W. Buck retui'ned in a position to meet any competition on Spray y week from the Long Branch hos- y y where she was under treat- Material, Nitrate of Soda and Fertilizers. t f ; for Bickness. She is much im- y $53.00 ed. Call us on the, phone before you place your 5-8-5 y rs. Mary Carney of East Free- y spent part of last week with orders. ' . . y Asher Crawford, y y ank E. Heyer and Asher Crawr y Formula, as well as Analysis, on each bag. , i who have been laid up with y less, were out last Thursday for y first time since they have been Hazlet Trading Co., y For further information address any of the directors. g. Joaquim Lawrence took them an automobile ride through At- Successors to VanMater & Weigand, y t c township. y f r. and Mrs. James Riordan have dealers in MEMBERSHIP. ned from a wedding trip to y y idelphia and Washington and Fanners' Implements and Supplies, Fertilizers, y f started housekeeping on the Our lists are open. DuBois place. Groceries, Seeds, Hay and Feed, Etc. y y IC repairs to Frank E. Heyer's y y dam have been completed and HAZLET, N. J. y Progressive Farmers are fast signing up for this year. y mill is again in operation. The y employees are working over- y y y National and State Bureaus of Markets approve our plan. y y fy y .•' . JOIN NOW! y The The y y TUSTING'S y This organization of Farmers, By Farmers, For Farmers. y Steinway Victrola y y THE VICTOR STORE OF THE COUNTY t f Tunis Denise, Secretary and Treasurer, Theo. B. Lewis, President, y Tt Freehold, N. J. Freehold, N. J. y i^«^^«>^«^^t^t^t^^ STUTZ CARS All the New 1921 Models have arrived and are now For That Quiet Evening being displayed at my at Home There is nothing that fits in so well, so harmoniously with every mood of everybody without a shadow of ob- Automobile Salesroom, trusiveness as the VTctrola. There is nothing that can af- ford greater enjoyment—an enjoyment that is never dulled, for one never tires of music and one never wearies 114 Monmouth Street/Corner of Pearl Street, of a Victrola, for its fund of entertainment is inexhaustible.

. A Victrola is a season ticket to Grand Opera, to Vau- deville, to. Band Concerts, to Sacred Concerts—a home can not be a home without one. RED BANK, N. J.

There is a Victrola for every purse and the most com- plete stock of Victrolas to be found anywhere in Mon- mouth County is right here in our store. We have every style and finish ranging in price from $25 to $1,250. In Drop in and see the 1921 Stutz Coupe, the Six-Passenger and addition to this we have a library of 10,000 Victor Records Four-Passenger Touring Cars, the Roadster and the Bear Cat. to place at your service the minute you buy a Victrola— you can't afford to buy anywhere elsei but the store where The new 1921 Stutz Coupe is a complete Stutz product. Its detail you can get the best service—we believe we have it—call and see us. is unsurpassable. It must be seen to be fully appreciated. You cant go wrong if your purchase is one of the Stutz line. TUSTING'S 16 Monmouth Street Red Bank

Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings DISTRIBUTOR. Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 9, 1621.

can be made to give good service if IMUMIW THE RED BANK REGISTER. the people really desire it. On the other hand, the very best form of JOHN ](. COOK, Editor and Publisher. tou t De GEORCJE C. HANCE, Associate Editor. government that ' ' imagined would not give good service if the Uuhiiipr-ii Malinger: people were indifferent, or if they THOMAS HIVING BROWN. turned the rule of the city or the PROGRESS LAUNDRY town over to corporations1 arid poli- New Jersey Food Company Entrri'il lit the postoffice ot Hf tlu-adopted the city manager plan, i 6th. $10 ..No. 7335 .states in (lie- i'r.iun and several They are tlie towns and cities where 7th. u $10 ..• .No. 24633 hundred i-ilii'.- ii:nl town.- of this the people have given care to their ; u country art' tunv i.'in enu'il under this homo government anil have obtained j 8th. $10 No. 28106 .law. The law simplilies llic modi' uf the benefits of wholqsomc rule. But | in Reducing the Price of 9th. $5 ...No. 28390 governing' )Hll!!:ril':l!itK'.-i il Mil I'llts like a good workman who can turn: out a uri'iit' tii'iil of wasti' and ex-out good work with the tools he has i ** We reduce our prices by means of large special purchases paid for in cash 10th. $5 ...: No, 39 Shut is always looking for improved , and by immediately giving the public the benefit of declining market values. 11th. $5 .. .. No. 5944 'tools which will enable him to do j 12th. $5 ,..:...No. 7891 •.The city manager law, like tlie 'still better work, these, progressive j 1I eoinniisMon ^overnmeut law, citieis s ar,d towns have turned to the j Note the following^prices and the quality of goods offered. 13th. $5 No. 13829 'usually fought liy tlif politicians of city manager plan and have adopted' 14th. both parlies whcnewr an attempt is that plan in order to gel the advan-j $5 No. 3931 rtii'.dci'to apply it;* provisions to anytajres and benefits of the very best; 15th. $5 ... a..-..No. 300 municipality. " Politicians thrive on ! governmental tools which have yet; BROOKFIELD PRINT BUTTER, (in quarters,) lb w.'stc and extra\ ;ae,ancc. That is been devised. 16th. $5 /... No. 4464 •what they are in politics for. Any Prizes awarded upon presentation of winning plan wliich puts an upright and : If the city manager plan should- he j New Laid Brookfield or Jersey Eggs, - doz certificate at the offce of downright busi)io.-s plan in f«n-r in jenacted into law in New Jersey, it f municipal government is opposed liy 'would probably be many yoarsbeforo j them. Running a town ur city on all the cities and lov in- in the state j business principles takes away the ,woul. d accept it. The politicians [ Choice Creamery Butter, - - - Ib49c "honest graft" which Rets into the" would declaim againsi Li.'- law and i pockets of politicians through waste PROGRESS LAUNDRY would declare that the "voters must [ and extravagance. stand by their parly" and defeat the Great Special Offer law; and there are many voters who "Care is our Wash Word" . ' The city manager plan is very would accept the orders of the politi- 15C lb Phone 232 Ridge and Washington simple. The municipal noveming cians, even when they knew that 5,000 lbs No. 2 California Walnuts, body appoints a ciiy manager whose these orders were issued for the j Asbury Park, N. J. / joli it is to take- charge of the work financial profit of the ' politicians 1920 Crop Guaranteed Sound'No. Z size No. 1* quality of the municipality. He manages themselves and against their own miimiiiiiiHiiiMi il, just :is the manager of a l>i£ de- welfare. Sometime, however, things partment store or the manager of awill change, for the people cannot he big industrial company lake.s charge fooled all the time. Already there is FLORIDA PINEAPPLE 9RANGES, of the work of that store or that en- evidence that; the people of many mu- Cheaper IFuel nicipalities are taking a larger inter-j 35c terprise. Politics cut no figure in Highest Grade Indian River Fruit - doz municipalities governed under the est in their homo affairs. And in the | Owing to the general decrease in labor cost aj .cily manager plan. The city mana- meantime, the enactment of the city material, we are gelling a limited number of the reguf ger plays no political favorites. His manager law will give the progres- Just received a New Shipment of job is to get first-class work done at sive towns and cities of New Jersey $12 loads of sawed oak wood sawed in stove or firepk the least cost to the municipality, j an opportunity to take'advantage of He can be removed at any time his the best law so far developed for the Extra Choice CALIFORNIA APRICOTS, lengths for $10. •work is unsatisfactory. government of municipalities. (Town Talk continued-on page 12.) Will sell half loads or quarter loads of block wocj T » * and GREEN GAGE PLUMS, large cans A numher of colleges and univer- not split, for $5 and $2.50 respectively. sities in the United States are now tvnining men for these positions. CALIFORNIA PEACHES and PEARS, large cans 25c The above prices includes delivery in or near The number of municipalities adopt- Here You are Men Bank. Terms cash. Delivery will be made on the sal] ing this form of government is in- creasing rapidly and .there is a con- Choice Jams at Reduced Prices . . . " day or the day following receipt of order. stant demand for men who ure A real sale of trained for this work. Eventually every municipality will he governed Red Raspberry, Black Raspberry, Peach, COOK BROS. in this way, for it is proving itself Flannel Shirts 25c to be the best and most effective form Pineapple and Blackberry, large 16 oz jars, Newman Springs Avenue Red Bank, N. of local government yet devised. ' Regular $5.00 value Telephone 483-R * * * Imported Scotch Marmalade, •»»»•»»••»»»•••••»»•»••»•»••••»•»••»•»»»»»»»»•»•»•< At the present time in most states, the city manager law, like the com- Crosse and BlackwelFs, John Gray's large jar 45c mission government law, has to be at $2.45 . i BOYDEN PEMBLE FRED JONESl adopted by a vote of the people bo- colors blue and brown fore it can he put in force. In al- most every case the politicians of Lenten Specials at. Reduced F*rices both parties have combined to defeat Regular $3.00 value these laws when they have come up Gorton's Mother Ann Boneless Del Monte Sardines in^ Tomato PEMBLE & JONES for a decision. In a majority of Codfish, • 1 lb. pkg...... 33c cases the people have won out over at$l;95 ( Sauce, large can ...... 25c tlie comliiued array of the politicians Gorton's Ready to Fry Codfish Imported Sardines, Boneless bf both parties. It has been in those color grey Painting, Decorating 'cities and towns where the-people Cakes, can 22c and Skinless, large can.. . 50c tukc very little.interest in their pub- lic affairs that politicians have de- Gorton's Flaked Fish, pkg.. . 13c small can. .. 3Oc feated the commission novernmc-nt and Paper Hanging pl:J.n and the city manager plan; Est. of H. ii Supp Gorton's Finnan Haddie '. . . 25c Imported Sardines with Bones, Gorton's Smoked Bloaters, large can. 30c small can. 20c Expert Work Guaranteed. Over and above the leaders of 3 for 20c Crab Meat, large can. 99c both parties stand the bi^ corpora- Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. tions. At the head of both parties Gorton's Clam Chowder, can small can., 55c stand the bi^ politicians, most of , H. J. whom have interests in the oorpora- . 15cLobster, large can 99c , tiuns ami many of whom ale lawyers Office and Residence, employed hy the big corporations. Norwegian. Mackerel in Spiced small can 55c These politicians oppose every move 87 HARDING ROAD, "which e;ives the people greater op- Tomato Sauce, can .... .25c Pink Salmon, large can 15c portunity to lule themselves. They Mac -Yonteff Herring in Tomato 12c have their puppets in the newspapers small can RED BANK, N. J. of both parties, and these newspaper Sauce, large can 29c '"Columbia River Salmon, large puppets obey the ordeis of the politi- Telephone 346-W cal leaders implicitly, for they know VanCamp's Tuna Fish, large can . . ,35c- small can. . .20c Uial this will insure to t hem the crumbs which t\il! 1'iom the tables of j can. . .40c small can... 25c Imported Sardines, Portugese ' ••••.••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••^•••••-••••••M the politicians. These, political news-I y I. 1- of our pro- papers never do any thinking for ^* Sessional ener- American Sardines in olive oil, Boneless, large can .... ,40c themselves. They are like (lie ad- urics arc dignified hy large can.20c small can. 10c ESTABLISHED 1864 TELEPHONE 111 miral in the opera, who say.-,: i\ heauliful, simplo small can 25c p.'taee. TIHJSL' whom I .".lw:iy- ii.-tt.-l :il mi jiiiil- '• ':'!l An.l 1 li.-vr tliuiii'hl <•:' lliiiil.nr.- l',,r »! • "If wo h a v e Kcrvod :.t nil: have told of their BUY IT NOW ALEXANDER D. COOPER 1 tluit'i'lit . " lilll.- !>•••>' •••-•. ai-.li ! ill.' appreciation of our liy in:il.,ii- 1M-- Ih" ;•;!.! ' „!' [!i.- IJ;I,','IIV ' ui'tt'sy JIIHI husi- Real Estate and Insurance , ness fairness. Granulated , 100 lb Sack $7.50 Under the city manager plan the j 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. j| employees of- the municipality, who AUTOAMBUIANCESERVICE HECKER'S AND CERESOTA FLOUR .ire faithful and ciimpetenl have no Chairs and tables Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and fear of' losini; their places. No fbrallocc&siona D % Bbl C £/\ 24^ lb 1 >IC 121b 70 cli,iti);e of administration can, put EST.H.C.FAY " Plate Glass Insurance - them out of their jobs. They work Sack D.OU Sack 1.45 Sack IOC for the mil nit i pal it y. under the di- rection of the" city manager. They F^resH Roasted Coffee,(2 lbs 45c) lb 2Sc

Several limes in the past lhe cily fjianager law lias been inlrodact'il in BIG DROP IN PRICE OF CONDENSED MILK tlie Keu- .letv.v lei'Jslat'Hv,' but al- •w^.ys the ciiriioraiiini^ ami the puliti- Magnolia and Silver Brands, - - - can 19c ci:ms ulium the coi pnraliens con- trol ha\e secu'red enough \titi's Roger's Condensed Milk, - - full size can 15c in the h'Kidalui'e to defeat it. PHONOGRAPH Si ngul.irly enough, lhe present Utink of it Ixfon: not A] tor move to enact a cily n!nn:i}'.tT law in you buy you Maine Style Corn, can :. . . 10c tliis Mate ha.- a pulilical inaiu'iivcr j . .... Best Rolled Oats, lb. . . 5c liacl; of it. The mayors uf Xe'.varl; . I hinlc ahmit two kinds ot sorvici." Early June Peas, can 12c Yellow Corn Meal, lb. 4c Produces a Rare Beauty of Tone and .ki.iey City :iie lieivncr.ils. lioth i when yea buy a battery l'il-t, til-' Campbell's Beans, can .... 10c of the.-ie citi..'.- under ci.nimi.'.siiin • icn\,.,. ,|lr |U1,,M. ;, ;,.|rv.ii; tmv ;t c-,.,' Choice Pea Beans, lb. . 6c Kovcrnniciit. ' The Republicans eon- jt^ ii, :„,-. ,:...h, it; |,IU- sV.-.. •!, ii f l,:i:.l Campbell's Soups,'can ..... lie The Remington method of reproduction is the ' trol I lie |efi;i.-,lal me ill linl h bra nr lies. : ,,f a.rij,.f ;il j ,|u. ,,n,t ,,{ it rctpareil tn They lie!ie\'e that if tin1 cily inan;t- i i.-rp it tiin-ntin- JH.I|>L'I|\ ; ;.m! tl.r Spirit in Crisco, for all Cooking, lb. .22c Broken grain Rice, lb. . 5c greatest advance in the perfect rendition of the Ifer'plan can be :; e(«i|,t > -it by N'l-waik I v.li;,'h lint' 'riii.'f IM!1 be rt'.'.li:i-,l. Snowdrift, for all Cooking, Marrow Beans, lb. . . . 10c artistry of music. The Remington Phonograph is and Jei.-ey City il. will lake jiway j \\!,.-., y(,,, r ,i a C.,!;:inl U Se.n lijt- : S!.me «I tin- p'.wvr i.l tl'.-.-e'Uvo H.-IU | t,-iy y,,a( ;. t a d.-tiiil'ly j;u :•' .il:,. ..I lb .'..22c Lima Beans, lb. distinguished by its charming design and high grade ocratie ina\'or.;.' ., i ni.tn,.'.' i i,.r.'!.:•. (!.:•• ;•• • i".rL'.l ,• 10c workmanship. The quality and tone are supreme.

Thai v mild be a good t'limr in il - fi'-lf, I'm whenever pnuvr i ' l;i'j'ii | Jello, Assorted, pkg 10c Jiffy Jell, pkg 10c fiunl poll'.,, KM ' -; i.l il re.Mol'-'l t-i Ilu people ii !.-• a JM.IH! liiiiiL'* Id thr DIII Pure New Orleans Molasses, - - - - - 10c imuiily. Tin-,r shinihl he m poliiir Vhflle\l'l' ill I i;y nr III\VI] |.....clli Crystal White Karo, large No. 10 can - ... goc "The nicnl. r'.v.'ii iC the tu.'-riii ,.ir,,ii |.i WliHiyiHipcta f'olumhi.i Sn.ra.Tc H.:t- cslaMi.-li II..' (i|y ..,••,.-! mii.-iit l;nv in ,,,,,. %M. „,:, n ,he-.rvit-t- ii,•,•,-. u-i iMin.'L.' Muller's Macaroni and Spaghetti, - - - - pkg 12c Phonograph Tone is Best tliis>ta(i: w.'iv bas-d wholly .Mi :i po- ! ..,„„! ,,,. ,]u. ..u.uai.l.','.. V,.M I.U' lilicnl moti\ ", ll;i;J ivv i.- lii'iu 'he b-.« j 11. |v .i ',.• ,, m,,,illp i,r i,ft,ii.-i if Quaker's Milk Macaroni and Spaghetti, - . pkg 10c j y as Good as by p J(.-i'S<--y .-.lioulil l.ci-jt in ):iii' wilh l!i' 'I1 will -IT ih it .ill omniviiiui., ,ni• lij.lit ; "profcYc;: :i\'i' slalj'-; <>\ tli,- I'nii.h, nrd K.n:. \\'i- uill M-r that t -\ < rslhir.^ i. lint 1111 II lill'i'illil il. l!:("-:c llii'll' the Name" Every Test" i-i,,a o.M'liu.m. Wr will in.it <•' tl,.- Tiwl CRACKER SPECIAL wliich will ID til.' i!.|\ .!|ll.M'.'.- ..I' tin tiirter i.-.t, an.l if nccr -s.u y v. ill pin |,i IK-'Oplc (if I til-' sllll.'. ih nil d\Mtti Our U-ihi"ii-i fnr n-, An Assortment of 10 Varieties of Oven Fresh - - II 111 I 111 III I \ TV'. I'l'-lirt I , aiiil i . Fancy Crackers and Sugar Cookies, - ]b Wut nflr-r nil, lie l.iml of I'cvcrn- \ >ur mi n 1 u >\\ hnu. '1'tii'v :uc .ii>!< 1 Tlicnt wl;uh .LUX- i-nnnnnify )',i-!.i (Ii1- \ 1 II ill 111 111 t tVp«' of iliti'H ; ••!! pends on Ilic cili/.i-n Hu'niKchr i, I! An! IMII It , i ttrcl. of i'Ki.,1 I-...: ; Uneeda and Tak Homa Biscuit, • -• • - pkg gc il I U 1 i til cur nl' ',.-i" v,. : Investigate the latest result of Remington Genius. tlipy '"'t' (•'Hil.-nt v.'ifh ;i curiiipl niiii (juit 1 I 1 \ il'i Hit iw. in t.e.!' . tli-; i witHtcl'iil iinil cNl r;iv;i|:nn! i-uvcrfi "'STfiit "iii'lrj>- v.'VirViii-cly rrfrh:;'! LinH'iiT IN THE MEAT DEPARTMENT 1 " riilc, for tlio:-i' who iiinlil l>v Iliil S. J. PICOT, kind of Korcrniiioiil arc ever iili-rt h> Cross Rib Roast, Solid Meat, - - - - j 32 14 & 2G Mcclmnic St., SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY tnk'p ndvunf iiRi- uf tlie iiHlifrcicncc of Red Dank, N. J. citi/.oiiH, If IIH- iK'iipic waul :i v.holi'- Loins of Fresh Pork, whole or half, - - THE KNICKERBOCKER PHARMACY, Bonio, iiroivi'i'Miiivc, icdiiumic'il rov- r Bro«l and Motimouth S|r««l», R«l Dunk, N. J. evnnfLMit, (lioy can j>;ct tliut kiml UIHD. Legs Spring Lamb, lb 29c Chuck Steak, lb 19c Regltleretl PhfcrmacUU In ContUnl AtUmUnce. II nil (II'JICIHI* on the people" llu'in- Trfephon. 8Q». BOB. »1O. Prompt Dellv»ry. I I'uro Drufi, Confectionary, Soda Water, Cl««r(, Cll«rett.l. • '•* * Fcesh Pork, Shoulders, lb 20c - . Chuck Ro»»t, lb 19c It nnvn to mlvnrtiso in The ]{e>clator. Tlio poorest form of co -Advertisement. RED BAMK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. Page Five mer resident of Spring Lake and ahU wife,- He was married January BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. millionaire, died of heart disease on Ut but his parents did not know of it board a steamer bound for Europe until he returned home. last week. Mr. Allen wns 71 years Minerva Yarn Pillow Cases HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN old. He leaves a widow, whom heFailed to Appear in Court C C , MONMOUTH COUNTY. married leas than a year ago. Patpy Siciliano of Asbury Park 19 25 Parional Notoi, Saloi of Property, failed to appear in court last week to per ball. Held Up in Street. answer to a charge of selling liquor each. Building Operation., Lodge Doing., Martin Ferry of Long Branch was and his brother Paul, who furnished Lot of sweater yarns •at less Co Good quality muslin, regular Slight Fir.i, Birlhi, Marriage* and held up by two men while on hisbail of $l,GO0, was informed he must than half price'. Small'quan- Death.—Other IUm». ' way homo last Wednesday night. Broad tSt.~Red Bank. size -15x56; jriirxl hems ami produce Patsy or forfeit the bail. tities of a Cnlor is the reason.. well made. Miss Jcannette Miller, an assistant Both the hold-up "men hud revolvers. Patsy is aSo wanted on a murder in the Asbury Park library, has re-Mr. Ferry lost $18, a gold watch and charge. signed to take a similar placo in the chain and a fountain pen. ; Mew York public library. After Gypsy Smith. Died at County Hoapital, ' Mrs. Frederick Bruton of Bradley Miss Annie A. Eawctan of Freehold Beach gave birth to a eon lust week. The Ocenn Grove camp meeting died at the county hospital at Allen- The child's father 13 a gunner in the association is trying to mitke ar- wood lust Wednesday of lung , navy. * . • rangements to have "Gypsy" Smith, the noted 'English evangelist, con- trouble. She had pneumonia in No- Last Three Days of the Sale Christian Hcuser of Matawan is vember (ind it left one of her lungs building a two-story addition to hisduct a series of meetings at theaffected. Miss Bnwden was a clerk house on Main street at Matawan. pcean Grove auditorium. in the Freehold postofflci; eighteen Sale Ends Saturday at Closing Time, February 12th William A. Wonze! of Philadelphia Hotel to Ba Clothing Store.' years. ; has opened a baby carriage and toy •hop at Belmar. Heileg's hotel at Long Branch has Sportsmen Organize. A Straus Sale is A SALE Ira Stout died at his home near been leased to Phil Tinchkr, who Asbury Park sportsmen held u Allentown last Thursday nt tho' agewill remodel the building and fiti tmeeting last week at which steps of 69 years. ' . - up UB a clothing store. Mr. Tischler, were taken toward forming a county Below you will find many new items in addition to those we have left, advertised last week expects to have the store ready for organization of sportsmen with the Freehold Home Robbed. opening by March l(>th. objects of protecting ami propogat- Rompers David H. Buck's houae at Freehold Brought Bride '(Home. ing the game supply^ Robert G. Silk Underwear. Manhattan Sheets was broken into and robbed of a Poole was chosen temporary chair- e Linen Finish Toweling email sum of money and some jewel- Arthur D. Yetman, son of James man. 95 C - ly Tuesday night of last week. The E. Yetman of Freehold, arrived home $1.98 15 $1.29 for a visit lnst week accompanied by ' (Continued on next page.) each. 'thief used a Btep ladder which/he se- each. per yard. • each. cured by breaking into Miss Jo- Sizes two to six, made of, Close 'IK,'..-." while they' last, Pure '•'."bite linen'linhli t»\v- bull double heel size, Hix'M, aephine Walter's' house. Nothing madras, ^in^Iiams and nther • else was taken from Misa Walter a. - in flesh and pink. Hlo'iiuerv, elm.:;; full width, fast'selvage sheets; i'.Ur,t MHIIIJ; and tree materials. Have sold up to from starch. Worth much • camisoli--. and envelnpL's. and fa>t colnr -bnrders. Divorce Suit Loit. 1863. S 1.5o each. more. Vice Crancellor John E. Poster • has rendered u decision that the charges were not proven in the • Wool Finish Blankets Bath Towels . Curtain Materials divorce suit brought by Andrew J. C 54-Inch Serge C Cartan of Matawun against his wife, • $2.98 39 ,59 Sarah Cartan. The vice chancellor • $1.50 said much of the testimony was con- , per pair. each. per yard. ADLEM & CO. • per yard. Ijeaiitiiul goiiiis in cn>vs liars flicting and contradictory. Have sold at S5.(nt per pair; Extra lari;e a n d heavy Navy blue <>r brown storm Cot Ga.olino in Wrong Tank. double.k-J size. White with weight bleached Turkish with emliroidered colored serge, very durable; at less An agent for the Gulf refining • pink or blue KirJers. ' Look bath towels. Double yarn figures, and other novelty than wholesale cost. company put' 250 gallons of gaaohne and wear like v.uul. weave. curtain fabrics.•'79c to Sl.oo in a tank used for kerosene at the • grades. Itnlaystown store last week. The DRY GOODS •- mistake was discovered after two • Domet Flannel 32-Inch Dress Ginghams All Weather Corduroy 72-Inch Table Damask customers had bought oil and they • C C were notified in timo to prevent any •121-2°. 29 $1.00 95 Ninjury or damage. • , per yard. per yard. per yard. Buried by Coal. 32 BROAD STREET, TrefTan, Bates and other . per yard. George Hyer, who is employed in Double tleeced unbleached makes. Fast colors, all new The best there is for hoys' Bleached imported table Joseph Johnson's coal yard at As- doniet or shaker flannel. wear, also ladies' skirts. Ex- damask, two' yaids wide, bury Park, was buried beneath an RED BANK, N. J. * pmterns, in checks and Good, for infants' wear and plaids; 10c yard less than tra heavy, in that rich brown handsome designs. Last re- avalanche of coal which struck him • other uses, color. when the shutter of a coal car sud- regular price. duced price SI-50 yard.; denly opened. Hyor was dug out by STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. SATURDAYS •_ cither workmen and.: was uninjured. Fancy Linen Grass Rugs Tmm Want a Gams. OTHER DAYS 5:30 P. M. Pink Batiste ' 9-4 Sheeting The Glcburne high school football C $1.25 $2.98 c team

The hnnda of the Grange nre clenn. the farmer in his cleanly-fought fight * • . ' All its nets have been for the benefit for a decent living—has thrown light of producer and consumer alike. Be- on what happens between the pro- 7 Come in and Look Them Over cause it has helped the farmer to do ducer and the consumer. It will his share in producing, it can fittingly keep you informed of the newest say to the city consumer: ''Yours and methods in the management of your yours only is the task of remedying farm business and provide wholesome food distribution evils." entertainment for your whole family. On the score of its clean record for If you already subscribe, tell your service the Grange merits your sup- friends that: our secretary wrll order port. And it urges, too, your sup- for them the next 52 issues for just port for the work of THE COUNTRY $1.90. If you are not a subscriber, GENTLEMAN, which has stood with send in your dollar today. *» High Grade Clothing and Gents' Furnishings Monmouth County Pomona Grange, No. 12 r .•'••• S. II. WELIiH, Secretory (• W. S. WII.LETT, MnHtcr Marlboro, Now Jersey • Alleiiwood, New JvrEi-y Cor. Shrewsbury and Locust Aves., \ Red Bank Dear Secretory: I'm \i,\aii to nM the Grnnpc being pushed Vrith good ndvcrtlnin(». Anil here's my dollor for ""fHk UbllNW/'d'ttN'tUCDI'AN fur'u' yifflr^'Si wW*!y*l»»uei;-'-'nea»tdt!i-iu-tf\£ PiiWislitM •••&*• Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa, .- \ Monmnuth County Surrogate's Offlci. O. )ft< ml rick non, untt< will bo for*)vir tmrrtd of tnolr notions ttui*< (Town)___ liny, BUiroiMilo of ttu! Cmmty of Monmouth, for an a lint th« •«!lm cstiito vt ti«*jr«« C. 'UKNDItlCKMOfcf* k Ptwe Six RED BANK REGISTER,, FEBRUARY 9, 1821. home . alone and ...demanded money. of North Harmony pleaded guilty in Mrs. Glasser gave the men $10, all the federal court at Trenton last BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. she* had in the house, and the menweek to operating whiskey stills. (Continued from last page,) made their escape. They were arrested by County De- NEXT MONDAY George Albring of AUenhurst, who Crossed Wires Cause Damage. tective Smith. CLAUDE M. VAN NOTE brought suit for $30,000 against A feed wire of the lighting: com- Round. Table Banquet. FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH Rudolph Tapper of Neptune City for pany fell across a trolley wire at - The Monmouth county supervisors' alienating his wife's affections, last Keyport last week. A short circuit round table will hold a banquet at Painting, Decorating w&ek settled out of court for $300, was caused in John Cottrell's house the Marlborough hotel at Asbury which about represented Albritig's and a fire resulted but the damage Park Saturday of this week. Ed- expenses in bringing the suit. was slight; Light bulbs were broken mund Wilson of Red Bank will be St. Valentine's Day 1n several houses. the principal speaker. and Paper Hanging Temporary Home Burned.* « JW The barn on Byron Havens'a farm Held on Two Charges. Hurt at Sawmill. ' Expert Work Guaranteed atv Greenville, part of which Mr. Thomas Rahilly and his wife George C< Hohl of Allen town was Havens's family waB occupying aa apleaded not guilty of assault and caught in the machinery of a sawmill Estimates Cheerfully Furnished home, was destroyed by fire Tuesday battery upon and robbing Mandel last week and was whirled around of last week. The fire originated Jacobs at Oakhurst last November the shafting several times. He was Office and Residence Washington Street from the stove pipe. The losa is when they were arraigned in court badly injured* and was taken, to a partly covered by insurance. last week. Their trial was set forTrenton hospital. next Wednesday. RUMSON, N. J. John W. G&rhart Dead. Wina Manager's Prixo. Englishtown Store Sold. Telephone Rumion 570 John W. Garhart, a well known First prize in the department resident of Farmingdale and a rural The W. E. Mount company's gro- manager's sales conducted by Stein- mail carrier there for fifteen years, cery and dry goods store at English- bach company of Asbury Park went died at the Long Branch hospital last town has been sold to J. H. Randall to Harry Chafey of the shoe depart- Wednesday of blood poisoning which and P. A. Trimmer of New Bruns- ment, who also received first award resulted from a small cut' on hiswick. Mr. Mount has retained."the for weekly sales. hand. He was 74 years old. hardware and farm machinery part PJPELESS of the business. • Ocean Grove Man to Wed. Cheaper .Water Promised. The engagement of Gerald L. Former Resident Dead. ' Sid Reports from an engineer engaged Wright of Ocean Grove and Miss to muke a survey of the water situa- Cyrus S. King, formerly of Long Mildred I. Morrell of Canton, New LOR Branch, died at Syracuse, New York, has been announced. Miss tion at Avon shows that the borough FURNACE an obtain water from a municipally York, last week following an opera- Morrell formerly taught school at owned plant at a cost of $107. per tion. He was forty years old andAsbury Park. million gallons. The cost now isleaves a widow and one son. Mr. Spring Fish Caught. We are demonstrating this furnace at $157 per million gallons. King formerly managed The Camp at Measure Bay. Captain Daniel Gaskin of Long* Died at New York. Branch in lifting his gill net while Whitney Conant, secretary of theReturned to Jail. ' fishing last week found a sturgeon George W. Ogilvie's Store old Long Branch water supply com- William Vogelsang and George and a moBsbunker. Both these fish pany for many years and a director Young, both of Long Branch, whoare rarely caught along this coast ."IT'S THE MODERN WAY" East Front Street of the Citizens' national bank.of that were under parole from the county until spring. place, died at New York last week court, were arrested last week on New School Head. WitH the money back guarantee . of paralysis. He was 75 years old charges of disorderly conduct and —SB and leaves a widow. were returned to the county jail for Horace I. Jones of New York has W. W. KENNEDY & SONS sixty days each. been engaged as head of the com- Call and see the original pipeless furnace. Forty- Cut by Starting Auto. mercial department of the Asbury Joseph Curtis, who is employedLetter Carrier a Teacher. Park high school. Mr. Jones is to 41 Broad Street, Red Bank eight hour service guaranteed; also metal ceiling_ by Dr. O. C. Bopraidus of Keyport, Harold W. Kyle, a letter carrier at receive $2,100 a year with a bonus of $100. work. was cranking an automobile last Bulmar since free delivery was es- week when the machine moved for-tablished in 1913, has resigned to Mail Carrier Hurt. ward. Mr. Curtis put up his hund to take a position as manual training William I. Dayison of English- Bailey & Cpmstock protect himself and an artery in.his teacher' in Sussex county. Mr. Kyle town, a rural mail carrier, recently wrist was severed. -^ was a millworker before he became fell on the ice and injured his shoul- F». O. Box 342 Thieves Get $10. a letter carrier. der so he was unable to work. Two men went to fylichael Glas- Still Operators Plead. George Tracey has been substituting REID BANK, N. J. ser's house at Long Branch Friday Isaac Schultz of Perrineville and for him. night while Mrs. Glasser, was at Benjamin Kaplan and Harry Rosen (Continued on next page.)

BATTERIES How the Submarine; Can Help You ,': y^-'-'!- '<*' | A majority of all submarines in the world a pelled under the sea by Exide Batteries. * The lessons learned in developing submarine batten! and those made for telephone systems, light and powe. companies and many industrial uses, are built int the Exide made for your car. The result is a start and lighting battery of lasting power^a mattes of I WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT comfort and economy to yon.y ~ t~Sl D. A. JOHNSON CO. 9 O O 15 Mechanic St.. Red Bank Phone 1036


WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO EN JOY. the satisfaction of being a member of a thrifty—progressive—established manufacturing corporation located in your own County ? "-1

WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO PARTICIPATE in-the profits of a NEW JERSEY CORPORATION actually supply- ing the Farmers and Frait Growers of this country with dependable Insecticides and Fungicides that insure the production of the best of food products by protecting the plant life from the depredations of insects and blight? • "

WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW HOW to become a member of the STRATFORD FAMILY OF SHARE- HOLDERS at the minimum of monthly payments to you ?. COMBINATION ^ WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO DO IT NOW and receive a bonus of one share of Common Stock with every two CREAM shares of 1% Preferred Stock purchased—par value $10.00 per share ?

WOULD YOU-IF YOU COULD? WELL, YOU CAN. Send us 20% of the total amount as first payment and remit the balance in 8 consecutive monthly payments each 10% of the amount subscribed for.

NO SALESMAN WILL CALL-WE WANT TO SAVE YOU any embarrassment and ourselves the expense.

YOU WILL BE UNDER NO OBLIGATION FOR INVESTIGATING THIS WORTH WHILE CORPORATION, who are selling shares from Treasury Stock to take care of the increasing demand of the business.

CLIP THE COUPON TODAY-NOW-INQUIRE. A Wondrous Beauty :'••••' ' ...;.-; : Yours,faithfully, Cream OU will love the fragrance first. Then the • •••••••'•••• ' F. E. BROCKER, .President. Yvelvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess; of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin—without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues COUPON speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly '.... 1921 Stratford Chemical Company pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A Stratford Chemical Co., , ' Morganville, N. J. perfect base for powder. Take nhome a jar Gentlemen: Manufacturers of ~ today. Kindly »end without any obligation your interesting book "STRATFORD CHEMICAL PRODUCTS," and oblige. ^ Name...','',". .'. .'."'.'. ..'."".'.. .'.*..,',.".",. . .". V. .". * Acids and Agricultural Chemicals Address F»RESCRlF»nOlM DRUGQIST Morganville, Monmouth County, New Jersey Five «S) Registered sPharmtaolsta THE REXALL STORE Telephone 355 - RED BANK, JH. J,' RED-BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 9, 1W1.

f C. * G. A. DELA.TU8H. BRIEF ITEMS OF HEWS. J. ARCHITECTS JUNO EHOIHMM. Bumstead'sWormSyrup Boom 17 titan BU«., Bad, Btak^V. It Tel Com. (Continued from bit page.)' "To children an aiurel of merry." Vrhtre llrectloiuarsfuUowtd.IT NEVKK FAIIH. POLLY P8»fa ftPROMS Frank P. VanNote of Farmingdale Despite icartltr and enarmons coit of HO- HAEOLD A. TILTON, tins sold his interest in the A. CSANTONIN. , It (oulalna foil done. Stood IS 803GE0N DENTIST, WORRY KILLS These taautiful Aprons arp made radoat* Unlvtnlty of FatiMItTWto. Soper ketchup concern nt that place fair years" test. 8ot£ ererrwhiTe or by »••> to Dr. 1. O. Tkrataavatts* (n our factory and aold direct to and has taken title to a farm on the man, B0« a bottle. Brawl Btrert. They say that worry has killed more people you. Th*y »re of ajr*aa cloth- and Colt's Neck road .formerly owned by TM. 0 A. Voorhves. SI. D.. Philadelphia inc. bean: liHk Id* ». M. in the following color*: rose. Copen- the ketchup concern. Mr. VanNote aay accept Saturday. than disease. hagen, light green, pink, navy, dark will move to the farm. irrefn and _t»nA A E. iJIDWELL **• TRUSS BPECIAUST We guarantee nrst-clami work-, Deal Property Sold. 1 Every once in a while we see' some one who is Ota. WOOKB. uid Chlldnitl hianahip. On receipt of 75 cents. The Mrs. A. G. Kendall property Rooms 800-1-8- Klnmooth Bulldinl. we will mail you one of these beau-- Asian Pule. N. J. really worried over troubles that should not an- at Deal has been sold to Mrs. U. Phouw-Asborr W«j«lda Z61-P-4 tlful Aprona. Any color you select. Goldberg of New YoyJc. The price Hours—9-11.1-4. 7-8. SKturdAy. Sunday snd Mwa noy them. Postpaid, If not satinfactory we dsy snd by appointment. will gladly return you your money. . is said to have been $60,000. The AU scplUncee guaranteed or vrk«s ntfuadad. This, however, is never a person who is a property has a block of frontage on Ocean avenue and is 150 feet in WHEN YOU GET BACK TIRED WILLIAM E. FOSTER, patron of the Broad Street Cleaners and Dyers. MARIE SOLKEE depth. " COUNSELLOR AAT LAWLAW. . « from your journey, let UB take Mow fork. , NoNew JaJwJ5fJ. 60 Broadway. \{ Ailsjitlc Hlchkoda, In such cases, we are the folks who assume you from the station to your home. N.T. Cltjr. V NJ New York City William H. VanBrunt of Adelphia all the worry and annoyance,, for this is our was awakened one night last week SATISFYING OUR TAXI SERVICE OBERT PIERCE, by a noise from his chicken yard. BEVERAGE R LICENSED AUCTIONEER. business. He saw two m6n trying to get in the rill recognii is convenient and eaves you time and Besldenn W Whlto. Rod Bank. hennery and fired at them with a re- Telephone 10J8-11. fatigue. •txelaJ attention to aslu of l*ra> We relieve you of all this woriy. -Let us volver. The men made a hasty re- {arm implements and personal proparty. explain how it can be done. ' treat. We keep our cars in perfect con- Going to Have a Party? Church Men Organiie Club. dition, neat and clean, and you will F. TETLEY, find our chauffeurs courteous,. effi- M• NOTARY PUBLIC Hm a Caterer! The men of the Long Branch and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. Presbyterian church last week or- ient and careful. Tetley's News Stand. BROAD STREET CLEANERS & DYERS It will save you a lot of work and ganized a club with Dr. Oscar H. 7 Broad Street. Red Bank. N, J .worriment and wont Cost you as much Seyler president and Elmer F. Law- yer secretary. , The club will hold an R. HAROLD i. STOKES, u if you did the work yourself. D DENTAL SURGEON Broad Street, next to Red Bank Trust Co. entertainment Friday night of this Successor to Dr. Frank Lee. Let me give you an estimate. week. WHITE STAR TAXI CABS M Brood Stnet. EUner DuUdln*. Rooms 4,5 and 6. RED BANK, N. J. Delerted Hit Children. BRASCH BROS., PROPRIETORS. OIBcc Hours 8:30 t> 5;0O o'clock. TELEPHONE 41B JAMES WOLCOTT Franklin P. Cottrell, formerly of Bridge ATB., Opposite Dapoi Morganville, was arrested at Stam- ou are w EO. McC. TAYLOR, C. E. ie William Street, Red Bank, N. J. y " ' G CONSULTING ENGINEER, -ford, Connecticut, last week charged » Phon» 747 CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR, Phone 482-W. with deserting his two young chil- 3,1 ow|" at night, and 8 Elmer Building. Broad St. Red Bank. N. J. dren nearly two years ago. He was can't "keep your eyes open" in the day- taken to the county jail to await time you certainly need EILLY, QUINN & PARSONS, R COUNSELLORS AT LAW. trial. • Davidaon Building, Red Bank. FINANCING THE AUTO DEALER Found Bedroom Ablaze. John J. Qutnn, ,, Theodore D. Parsons. Mrs. M. Blondel, who lives with OHN S. APPLEGATE & SON, The demand for^luto Trucks, Tractors and Automobiles requires an enormous amount her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Doolittle of J COUNSELLOES Al LAW of financing, especially of the dealer and distributor, as four-fifths of the sales are made Asbury Park, awoke Friday morning Self-poison- Davldaon BulldlilS, Broad Btnah to find her bedroom ablaze. The ing by im- RED BANK. N. on part-payment plan. , perfectly contents of the room were destroyed. eliminated DMUND WILSON, An electric heater caused the blaze. E COUNSELLOR AT LAW. food - poi- RED BANK. H, i The New Jersey Co-Operative Agency. Inc. Belmar to Have Pavilion. sons is a OBcea: 10 EAST FRONT STBEBZ. through its Finance Departments are prepared to finance responsible dealers. Plans have been accepted for the LSTON BEEKMAN, public pavilion at Belrmir drawn by COUNSELLOR AT LAW. For this service, profits accrue to the company from the following sources: Clinton B. Cook. The building will OfflceiA . It Broad street, RED BANK. S. 1, cost about $70,000. 11. F. Pierce 1. Interest on loans.' has been awarded the general con- Geo. W. Sewing, H. W. M. THOMPSON, struction work at a cost of $G5,000. D DENTAL SURGEON, 2. Service or Brokerage charge. USED CARS 2d Nat'l Bank BuildinitBildi , Red Bank. H ?' Contractor and Builder, Ga9 administered. 3. Commission on Insurance. Damages for Injuries. Hours 8-5. Max Kaplan, a Keyport tailor, has We Have RED BANK N. i J. C* KO. D. COOPER, placed through our Insurance Department. been awarded judgment of $5,000 IJT CIVIL ENGINEER. in his suit against Jacob Moore of-OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING, Several Bargains Baccessor to Geo. Cooper. C B 4. Re-discount of paper. . East Orange for injuries sustained Poatofflca Building. RED BANK. K, 1, when Kaplan was struck by Moore's Room 3. NEW JERSEY CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY automobile nearly two years ago. fcJOKGE K. ALLEN, JR., Telephone 850-J. | EMPIRE GARAGE G CIVIL ENGINEER AND HOltVEYOB, which has an established and successful brokerage business, is now developing its Finance Death from Paralysis. Boom 7. Patterson Dai Id ing. Broad BtiMt, Allan F"roat, Proprietor IEED BANK. N. J. Department. - • Frank J. Heidi, a retired baker of Jabbing of All Kinds. Long Branch, was Ktvieketi with 21 E. Front St., Red Bank EO. H,.ROBERTS, To quickly and sanely expand this Department that it may care for the present busi- G GRADUATE AU, aralysis in the street last Wedncs- Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Phone 2OB GRADUATE AUCTIONEER ness, shares are now being offered. Let us show you our plan. ay and died before the hospital was Pff or Grado Stock, Farm Salii. !«• eached. He was 75 years old and lAutl Property. New Monmouth, N. J. •aves a widow and five children. Talephoni Middlttown 271-F-8I. Charles Lewis. HAVE YOU • Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. Gasoline Tank Explodes. II Nottct' to creditors to present claima'against WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I i NEW JERSEY CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY, Inc. A gasoline tank in the Belmar II In the mntter of the estate of Harford K. Headache Ii > Robinson, Doceibeit. uto company's machine shop cxplod- DEALER IN Purnuiint to thu order of Jo3eph L. Dona- D. LESTER DAMN, PRESIDENT d Tuesday of last week and resulted Do Tour Eyes burn or itch T | hay, Surro^ato of the County of Monmouth, Do they feel tired or strained T made on the twenty-ninth day of December. n calling out the fire department, LUMBER, 1920, on the application of Geortfe W. Rob- 'he tank was thrown out doors and If BO, have your eyes examined; your inson, administrator of the estate of Har- RED BANK BRANCH: Blasues may need a change. . ford K. Robinson, deceased, notice it) hereby ut slight damage was caused. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass gjven to the creditors of Baid deceased to exhibit to the .subscriber, administrator aa Room No. 8, Eisner Ouilding ob with Realty Company. STILES Sc CO. aforesaid, their debts and demands against Frank V. B. Youngs wno has been and Builders' Hardware. , PKiladelpHIa Eye Specialists • the said estate, under onth,_ within ait rust officer for the Reacoas.t trust months from the date of the aforesaid or- Red Bank, N. iJ. REJEi BANK. N. J. | t 2nd National Bank Bids.. Room 29 der, or they will be forever barred of their :ompany of Asbury Park the past ! Every Wednesday Hours 1:00 to S p. m. actions therefor nRainafthe said subscriber. 'ear, has resigned to join the Realty Dated Freehold, N. J., Dec. 20th, 1920. PAUL. REVERE, Resident Manager evelopment company with offices at GEOUUE-W. ROBINSON. Vsbury Park and Lakewood. PLUMBER TELEPHONE S68 and STEAM FTTTER Asbury Parker in 'Hospital. Now is the time to have Furnaces, Albert S. Craig of Asbury Park is Stovea, Smoka Stacks, Gutters, a New York hospital, where he Leaders and general plumbing put •ecently underwent an operation for in order before coldjweather sets ancer of the throat. Mr. Craig ex- in. lects to return home in a short time. Estimates given for new Heaters. >chool Board Organizes. Ask about the now pipeless heater. Harrison C. Hurley has been re- HOWARD FREY ilected president of the Asbury Park Sanitary- tPlumbing iJ. M. Finkelsteio's ichoc-1 board. J. W. Aymar is vice 74 Monmouth St. Red Bank president, Egbert Close business manager and R. H. Norris custodian Telephone 234-J West—Wilder. F>rices S1O, ] BnilmofSntufiam Miss Virginia West, daughter of iV. J. West of Matawan, was mar- BUICK ked last Wednesday to William STOMACH UPSET? Wilder of Morgan. Rev. Joseph •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3'Donnell performed the ceremony. Get at the Real Cause—Take "EVERY Buick owndp esteems ea Wall Finished. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Mother's May Be Fine • A^his car because of its dependable- Another section of Seabright'a oea wall, half a mile in length, has been That's what thousands of stomach Me ness—its ability to "come through." ompleted by Jesse Howland. The 6uffereis are doing now. Instead of Out To this, the new 1921 Buick models vail now is about a mile long and it taking tonics, or trying to patch up a :ost Seabright about $100,000. poor digestion, they are attacking the bring improvements and refine- real cause of the ailment—clogged f f f isbury Park Woman Dead. liver and disordered bowe|s. ments that add to the joy of pos- Mrs. Catherine C. Griffin of As-Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse ury Pnrk died last Wednesday at the liver in a soothing, healing way. session of every Buick owner. he age of 47 years. She was theWhen the liver and Bowels are per- widow of James A. Griffin and ii forming their natural functions, away urvived by one daughter. goes indigestion and stomach troubles. A new graceful^ low, streamline Have you a bad taste, coated body; a more roomy interior with Made Record at Fishing. tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't- FOR H. C. Cook of Freehold has re care feeling, no ambition or energy, comfortable seating arrangement; ,urncd from a trip to Florida. Whil( trouble with undigested foods? Take MINE it Dayton Mr. Cook caught the OliveTablets, the substitute for calomel. and a more resilient spring suspen- imallest fish ever known to b< Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a M r" sion which makes riding delightful, :aught in Dayton waters. purely vegetable compound mixed with The Evan's System of Baking' Oil an Boardwalk. olive oil. > You will know them by their are^but a few of the new features. olive color. They do the work without Where Purity Is Paramount • The Keansburg boardwalk is cov griping, cramps or pain. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••••••••••••••••••••••• •3 red with oil which has been on th Take one or two at bedtime for quick urface of the bay for some time, relief. Eat what you like. ' Effective January /» regular equipment The oil came from oil burning ves on all models will include cord tires cls in New York harbor. Housewarminfr Planned. The Masonic club of Long Branch s planning a house-warming recep- tion when it takes possession of th Bliss property, which was recently ought by the club. New Real Estate Firm. Louis Silverstein of Belmar an iouis Lowenstein of Asbury Par have formed a partnership to cngagi the real estate business. Thei office ia at Belmar. (Continued on next page.) JUST GOT OVER A COLD? of ordinary quality are not good enough for prescription work. A Dry Cellar—'Yet a Cool One Only drugs and chemicals of the A warm cellar ia a poor storehouse. That's why vege- Look out for kiilnoy troubles and tables and other foodstuffs cannot usually be kept in the backuche. Colds overtax the kid- very highest grade of purity are basements of homes heated by the old style pipe furnaces, neys and often leave them weak. fit for uso In prescription!. We or the more costly systems. The For weuk kidneys—well, rend what use the belt obtainable no mat- (B-76) n Red Bank woman »nys: ter what the coot and allow no Home Ventilator Furnace one but registered pharmacists The Oiiaio.l PATENTED Flpaleu Modal Mrs. h. H. Gnmlorf, 21 White Manufactured only by the HOMER FURNACE CO., Homer, Mich. street, says: "I tjliidly rucommuiul to compound the medicine. will radiate enough heat to keep the cellar free from Donn'H Kidney Pills for I know that they are u splendid remedy. My kid- ' AU prescription! nro double dampness, but will not detract from its natural coolness. neya were wi*ak nml when I over- checked, thus guarding agalmt Vegetables can be stored with perfect safety. worked or took cold it always settled Heat is not wasted with the "Home Ventilator." The H. L. ZOBEL thure. I would have dull, miserable the possibility of error or inac- acicntific principle of design and operation sends all hent pains over my kidneys, I liecnme curacy. You may depend upon run down and tired easily, too. My units through the combination hot- and cold-air register, Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor kidncyn acted irregularly. I uaod the prescription! you lmvo filled and from there it is cyenly distributed throughout the house. Donn's Kidney l'ills for theso uil- at Clean, simple and safe. « Doesn't waste space and njentu.iiixl it,,.pKV>wii,, hcKiin to fed."lii'ltor. Tlin lutck- ncheH left and my kidneys were r your residence with a "Home Ventilator* in a tew hours, Seabright, N. jf. . ulated." SCflROCDER'S PHARMACY, for a little more than you would pay for a good basn burner. Ask us for more information. H. C. HUBDARD, Prop. Telephone 90 I'rlec 00i', at nil dcMi|oi'n, Don't simply nnk for a kidney remedy— 16 Brom) Struut, U«d Hank. William O'Brien, Red Bank and Seabright Ket Doon'o Kidney Pilln—the same WHEN BErTCK AUTOMOBILES AM- BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM that Mrn. Gnndorf liad, Fontor-Mil- TaUpUrt* M0 Tolephona 3B ^ [U ture and naJ If* hook!*! "From Pfg h /Vn" liurn Co., MfiB,, .IJulfulo', N. Y. P«n Eigfct RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 9, 192J. CHMOSTIAlt SCltHCX. SOCIETY. M Bn*4 SU ttfBuk, H. J. MATINEE BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. B«ITICU—SunAar ":»• A.. M, t:«t P. M EVENING gundaj-Scbool—»:JS A. M. ALL SEATS Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meatinss ALL SEATS (Continued from last page.) —8:00 P. M. | John Mayer, a summer resident of Beading Room—Wedneidajs and Sunday' | Belmar, is now a star in moving pic- from 2:S0 to 4.10 P. M. The public U eordlaUr Invited to vUll I tures and plays the leading male'part the Beading Boom and to the services. I in "Scrambled Wives." Mayer's I first connection with the movies was 1 in writing scenarios, several of which were liig successes. DRESSMAKER Drug Business Sold. The stock of "the Abdill drug store at Freehold has been sold to Stephen I L. Wood of New York, who will con- MADE WELL tinue the business. Raymond Abdill, This is just to remind you that 506 who was the registered pharmaciBt Followed a Neighbor's Advice with the- company, will remain with and Took Lydia E. Pinkham's DAY OR NIGHT Mr. Wood. Captures Burglar. Vegetable Compound •will bring you ;i smart, finely an- I William C. Cline, formerly of Vernon, Tex.—"For tnree years 1 pointed, carefully driven, high grade I.onjr Branch, captured a burglar on Buffered untold agony each month with i the DuPont estate at Claymont, TAXICAB. : pains in my sides. I Delaware, last week. Cline is an found only tempo- If you want the lines! quality serv- | architect and is employed by the Du- rary relief in doctor's I Fonts. ice at popular rates just fall this medicine or anything else I took until my number. • ' Road Delegates. husband saw an ad- j Charles R. Zacharias, George W. vertisement of I Fittenger and John Thomson have Lydia E. Pinkham's Today Wednesday, Feb. 9 Today Saturday, February 12 j been named as delegates from As- Vegetable Com- ' bury Park to the nation-wide Good pound. I mentioned Red Bank Taxicab Service Roads congress. at Chicago this it to a neighbor and I week. ehe told the she had MADGE KENNEDY HOBART BOSWORTH Office: 184 Monmouth Street, taken it with good Ocean Grove Woman Dead. reuresultl s and advised IN IN Opposite R. R. Depot i bd f Mrs. Bertha G. Snydor of Ocean me to try it. I was then in bed part of Grove died last Wednesday after a RED BANK, N. J. the time and my doctor said I would sickness of several months. She was have to be operated on, but we decided "A THOUSAND TO ONE" the wife of Frank R. Snyder and "The Girl With The Jazz Heart" CHARLES BOTTAGARO', Prop. to try the Vegetable Compound and I A SMASHING HOLIDAY SPECIAL ATTRACTION besides her husband leaves two step- also used Lydia E. Pinkham'B Sanative A picture that gallops along at break-neck speed to the sons. Wash. I am a dressmaker and am now wild strains of the Great King Jan. The "Girl with a A J. Parker Read, Jr., Production A New Lumber Company. able to go about my work and do my Jazz Heart," also-the heart of gold. A love story, sweet From the popular Max Brand novel "Fate's Honeymoon." housework besides. You are welcome and clean as a country breeze. You'll love this picture. A heart-human story of the regeneration of the man to Local and The Keansburg lumber and supply to use this letter as a testimonial aa I am ^ronke himself worthy of the love he sought, with a thousand company was ^incorporated last week 4th Episode "THE SON OF TARZAN" 1 always glad to speak a word for ypur to one against him, A picture running in high speed from iwith a capital of $125,000. The "in-' medicine."—Mrs. W. M.STEPHENS, 1103 Pollard Comedy Vod-a-Ville Movies start to finish. Long Distance i corporators are Patrick and Joseph N. Commerce St., Vernon, Texas. Overture, Hits from "The Red Mill" - - Larry LaRos There Are a Thousand to One That Hobart Bosworth Will i Keelen and Elmer E. Ross of New- iark. Dressmakers when overworked are Give You a New Thrill and a Big Sunrise in This, Moving. prone to such ailments and should profit Hit First Associated Producers' Picture | Autoist Breaks Wrist. by Mrs. Stephen's experience. Thursday, February 10 Comedy, "SEASIDE SIREN" Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine | Whitney I. Cook of Oakhurst suf- 13th Episode Helen Holmes in "THE TIGER BAND" I fi?red a broken wrist last week while Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., about General Trucking, ! cranking his automobile. Mr. Cook your health. Your letter will be opened,, Overture, "Morning, Noon nnd Night," Suppe—>Larry LaRos | is a director of the Long Branch read and answered by a woman and ; hanking company. held in strict confidence. ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN Monday and Tuesday, February 14,15 Baggage and Freehold Property Sold. MARSHALL NEILAN William N. Callahiin of Freehold Express Service. has bought the Anthony Farron presents his story, j property on Mannlapun avenue at C. MILLER I that place and will move there about The Shadows of Rosalie Byrnes FIREPROOF VANS. the first of April. Sister against sister in a struggle for happiness. One was To Build Fifty Houses. Carpenter and Contractor an angel, the other a vixen. A story of gripping interest. DINTY ' A production of unusual,,excellence. I The Seacoast construction com- 52 Branchport Avenue v WITH '- j pany of Apbury Park, of which Mi- Super Kinograms Review L. K. O. Comedy ! chad Weinstcin is one of. the incor- LONG BRANCH, N. J. Overture, "William Tell," Rossini - - Larry LaRos WESLEY BARRY ANDERSON BROS., porator.s plans to build fifty bouses Six rushing reels of mystery, drama, romance, laughter: at that place. All Kinds of Alterations nnd thrills. Big cast of favorites "headed by WESLEY Opposite Red Bank Depot . A Miscellaneous Shower. Friday, February 11 BARRY —MAIUORIE DAW. COLLEEN MOORE, TAT O'MALLEY, NOAH BERRY, KATE PRICE, BARNEY ' A miscellaneous shower was given Specialist for Leaky Roofs A J. PARKER READ, JR., PRODUCTION SHERRY, TOM GALLEUY and a dozen more. See Dinty, Red Bank, N. J. la.-t week by Miss Helen Fay of Telephone leS-W Lonj Branch the Newsboy King. See the Reel Chinatown, San Fran- Telephone 704. ' Elberon for Miss Anna 51. Woolley, , cisco in the places you dont know where this picture waa who is engaged to Albert J. Starner filmed. See this big cast, all,stars. A gripping dramn, : of New York. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To Hcwlet Tempiiny unil Kut'hryn B. Tern- that will hold you spellbound from start to finish. IN • | Ice Carnival Postponed. puny, liis wife: Sennett Comedy Super Kinogranu Hy virtue of nn order of the Court'of t TTTilTftITS TA'IIVI ' OTT? A TT i The Long Branch ice'carnival was Clmncery of New Jersey, made on the day Overture from "Madame Butterfly," Puccini—Larry LaRos PR1VAI C SEAL i:l«ili" Postponed last week because of I the iliite hereof, in n cause wherein Louis PRMffiSEAJlJHU.ViM.JLj . Solicitors of Complainant I She was 31 years old and is survived P. O. address. Red Bank. N. J. And why not? i by her mother and by a sister and a brother. The same quality Gift for Senator Stevens. 4+++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++^^ of malt and hops is Senator William A. Stevens, who used, the same scien- recently resigned as city council at Long Branch, received a gold watch tific processes of last week as a gift from the city of- brewing and ageing ficials. are followed. Skater Injured. Harold Williamson of FarrninKclale fell on his . head while skating last week and was unconscious for sev- eral hours. He has since recovered. Firemen Elect Officers. Is Your Property For Sale? William H. Diggin has been elect- ed president of the Matawan engine company. George Eastmond, Jr., is secretary and Edward Lisk treasurer. I am rearranging my spring list of properties which have been put in my hands for sale. Farmers' Exchange Offices. If you have property for sale, either houses, or farms, or vacant lots or other unimproved property, I The Monmouth county farmers' Order a cast: TOD.AV. I exchange has rented the second floor. will be pleased to include it in my list. • From your grocer (ir tL\ilcr I of the former Monmouth house building at Freehold for its offices. PRMffiSEAL 1 Belmar Market Robbed. It is desirable to have this information as early as possible and as complete as possible. If you wish -AJCOOD AJ-fVEK." Charles F. Beerman's meat market your property listed with me please fill out the following form, descriptive of your property, and mail to at. Belmar was broken into and F'E I G E N 'S'P A N robbed of meats to the value of $50 me or bring it to my office in the Davidson Building, Broad Street, Red Bank. Any additional informa- erly Sturday morning a. week.ago. Matawan Infant Dead. tion concerning your property which would be of interest to a prospective buyer will be of advantage in Audrey Thompson, daughter of making a sale. T S. C. Thompson of Mntawa'n, died Tuesday of hist week of pneumonia. She was a year and a half old. There is no charge for listing your property with me and there will be no charge of any kind unless New Express Service. a sale is made. i F. A. Shepherd of Keansburg is j about to start a daily express service , between Atlantic Highlands and New York, using automobile trucks. HOUSE AND LOT. FARM. Leases a Farm. Lester Applegate, son of Charles • Location i W. Applegate of Adelphia, has leased Location | the S. S. Silvers farm north of Free- • Acreage y...... ! hold for the coming season. Description of Building. Ice Cream Business Sold. Description of Buildings. 4,- Arthur Applegate has sold the ice cream and confectionery business at Farmingdale which he bought from Mrs. Ambrose Emmons. • Before Kryptoks Death of Infant. Number of Rooms Selling Price "Etheldu L. Tilton, two-year-old Amount which may remain on mortgage. were manufactured daughter of Jonathan Tilton of Improvements *..... Como, died Tuesday of last week of Owner Before Kryptoks were manu- bronchial pneumonia. ; factured, no one liked to wear Size of Lot bifocal glasses, because the line, On Southern Trip. Postoffice address seam or hump made the wearer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hendrick- Other Buildings on property .;, appear old. But with son of Long Branch left last week fox a trip to Florida. They will be VACANT OR UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. gone several weeks. GLASSES House from a Barn. ,1 . Location...., '. THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS A barn on the former I. M. Dudley Size of lot or number of acres the most particular person can property at Freehold is being con- Selling Price. be absolutely confident that no verted into a dwelling by Henry one will suspect that they are Housman. " "" ;' " ' ' Selling Price '.. more than yood-lnoking single- Woman Township Clerk. Amount which may remain on mortgage Amount which mayremai n on mortgage. vision glasses. Kryptoks give near and fur vision in one pair Miss Viola Tuzenew has been ap- Owner Owner of lenses, yet, preserve the an- pointed clerk of Freehold township pcaruncc of single-vision glasses.- tn succeed Tunis Smith, who recently resigned. Postoffice address Postoffice address : A cloter acquaintance with our • methodi will convince you of the efficient optical service we are capable of rendering. Call at your convenience. I Ellsworth Alexander • TILES WILLIAM H. HOUSTON, J. W. WIRTHI for Floorn, WnllB, Heartho nnd Mnn- • • tel Facings, Brass and "Wrought Iron Optalrisls jad Opticians F!!;AHh" T" Davidson y Broad Street* Red Bank, N, J. Sets and G05 Logo, Wood nnd Tile • 1 Roomt 1 and 2, Register Bldg. Mantels,,Medicine Cabinet* and Tile 4 • Red Bank, N. J. in Bathroom Accessories. Phone Red Bank 88 14 Monmouth St., Red Bank TELEPHONE S28.J. Issiitd Wteklr, Enttrtd w Bscond-Olass Mstttr e* the Post- VOLUME XLIIi: NO. 33. office at Bed Bank. N. J., under th. Act of Much «d. 1ST». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1921.' $1.50 Per Year? PAGES 9 TO 18.

all. Mayor Arthur A. Patterson also FAIItHAVENE LECTSAWOMAN BOUGHTAH0M EFO R $1000 PAVING BROAD STREET. refused to vote at aUV but subse- SOLD PATRIOTIC 'HOOTCH'! ' A BIG SCHOOL MEETING.I ° BOY SCOUT ANNIVERSARY. quently changed his mind and voted | MM. Frances K. Hawkint Made a Frandeuck eLesli of eJoh Buyn sS .th Applegatee Former, JrResi. - for the motion. Mr. Griffin then Member of tbe School Board. A GREAT OUTPOURING OF CITI- ORDINANCE FOR IMPROVEMENT stated that he would not use theFOUR STOREKEEPERS NABBED Mrs. Frances K. Hawkins was Hawkins Brothers have sold to DINNER GIVEN IN RED BANK . PASSES FIRST READING. building for storehouse purposes but AND THEIR ALCOHOL SEIZED. elected a member of the Fair Haven ZENS LAST^ NIGHT. Frank Leslie of Riverside avenue the ON MONDAY NIGHT. would use it for a stable and house. Tacit Understanding- That the Town Italian Merchant! Get Into Trouble school board last night. William H. Red Bank Votei to Keep the Public house and lot on Riverside avenue The Boy Scout Movement was StarU The commissioners told him that BennetB t andd H . EdgaEd Sir Smithh were School. Outof the clJleh of Poli. and West Front street owned and Will Have to Pay (or the Trolley would be all right and to go ahead Selling Jamaica Ginger Drinlu in h formerly occupied by John S. Ap- ed in America Eleven Years Ago Company'* Share of the Work— Flasks Decorated With Washing- re-elected. ticians—Mrs. Fred R. Proctor Red This Week—Nation-wide Celebra- with the building, as it Woulil not There had been dissensions in Fair Bank's First Woman Trustee. plegate, Jr. The lot in about 100 • Other• MMatte'ra a Acted Upon. under these ciraimstanccs be a com- ton'* and Lincoln'* Pictures. Haven over the action of the school feet wide and it runs through from tion of the Event. , The ordinance providing for con- mercial building as defined in the or- Four Italian storekeepers Avere ar- board in dealing with recent scarlet j The largest crowd 'which ever at- the south side of Riverside avenue to The Red Bank district council of crete paving on the northern end ofdinance. rested and 944 small flasks of al- fever cases there. The school board ;nded a school meeting at Red Bank the north side of West Front street. the boy scouts held a dinner at Broad street, where the street is. now coholic drinks were seized in a raid followed the advice of the school turned out last night ts re-elect; Al- The house is of the colonial style of Thomas's inn on Monday night in bricked, was put through its first The board of health recommended made on two Red Bank places Mon- bert S. Miller and Andrew R. Cole- that the sewage septic tank be made on two Keel Ban* places raon- physician and there was considerable architecture and is equipped with celebration of the eleventh anniver- redding at the council meeting MOIT- day night by county detectives and! , man, whose terms had expired, and j rn improvement. It habsary of the boy scout movement in day night. The county will pave cleaned and the council voted to get criticism over their action At the everv mo( e bids'on this work. policemen. The stuff ^confiscated ,las t meetin of the school board to elect, Mrs. Fred Proctor as a new !seve n ,.oom8| |)athroom, pantry, America. All over the United States thirty feet of the street. The con- consisted principally of Jamaica William B. member of the school board. The , "den," a large Open fireplace in thethe boy scouts are celebrating the crete will be on an eight-inch base Harry J. Boskey sent a letter ask- Frank D Covert and ing for aewere on Worthley and Mar- ginger amfco ored to look like hm ft eBident of the Bchool crowd filled the meeting room on the > ijvjn(, room> electric light, gas andanniversary. and will have a bituminous covering W sk T h ,.unnjnK a cir- proceeding was very determined and Walton C. Chritsiani and Robert J. | Bank the past 25 years. Mr. Smock and would insure a more durable tract to provide a team of Worses'and he had. done some detective work ,( .ulai,- saw a f ew weeks a(r0. At first pronounced. This sentiment was en- Norman. Consolation prizes were j leaves a widow, Arabella Wilson street. Mr. Sex_ton ami Mr. Botolor wagon for street work for $187.50 a awarded to James VanPelt and Miss Smock, and two dnughters and two said they would never consent to this, month. Frank H. B'rasc'h made a bit Jennie Rogers. sons, they being Mrs. Sarriuel Har- arrangement, and the officials did not of $198. vey, Miss Jane B. Smock and Irving press the matter. John R. Matthews got the contract Church News. W. Smock of Red T,unk, and Alfred fpi* sweeping the street for another The sermon topic for Sunday P. Smock of Brooklyn. Ho also John S. Applegate, the borough year. His offer was $2,400 and he morning at the Baptist church will leaves a brother, D. DuBois Smock counsel, said that the trolley com- was the only bidder. >e "God,' Abraham Lincoln and of Red Bank;'and throe sisters, Mis3 pany owed tho town about $16,000 A contract for oil and gasoline was Annie P. Smock of Red Bank, Mrs. against j Human oCrises." A musical service for back taxes and other debts. Heawarded to the F. H. VanDorn Co. :n 1 I j]j ij held Sunday ninht. William Ketchnm of "Newark and bought at tho two stores. t j i, ™ ' the Pproposal to defeat Mr. Miller and w 0 jaicl the company was paying $250 to Recorder William J. Poulson recovering and is expected home Mr Co'leman becau8e of tneir votc Mrs. Richard Brodhead of Easton, The storekeepers claim they were A stereopticon lecture on "The the town every other month on its in-turned in $10 in fines and a report New Era and the New Needs" will be Pennsylvania. The funeral will be Idebtcdness and that this was notshowing that seven persons had been selling medicine and not alcohol and last year to appoint Mr. Gilland to that they are not guilty of breaking the position of superintendent. given tonight at the Presbyterian held tomorrow afternoon at the Ilarge enough to keep the debt,from arrested the past month. Three of PARTY FOR GOOD PUPILS. church. The seTmon topic Sunday j house and the service will be in •increasing each year. The company these persons were fined and four the law. It is claimed that the pro- Long before the time set for call- hibition amendment permits the sale ing last night's school meeting to morning: will he "My Church—Her | charge of Rev. James Dykema. The Iwnfi getting deeper and deeper into were discharged. Teacher Eutertains Children who Towers of Strength." An address burial will be at the Shrewsbury Idebt, lie said, and it must pay more of Jamaica ginger.for mediciiVal pur- Had Perfect Attendance Records. order, the town hall was jammed poses until February 14th. The with people. Everyone sa\v that the • on Abraham Lincoln will be given at Presbyterian cemetery. •or it would not keep its head above LODGE HAS A BIG NIGHT. Miss Eurctta Compton of Atlantic iwater. He said the town had paid storekeepers say they were selling 1 h I ."rh»*. arhnnl ir election would be all one way and i the vesper service Sunday afternoon. for other pavingwofk which" the trol- Offidtnl. of Colored Knight, of 6ut their stock aa rapidly as possible •^t „.,„ LtlV^tt whnmo the statement was circulated that the The ladies' aid . society, of. Grace SICK SINCE SEPTEMBER. because after February 14th the sale "-' aBfterrooPr for her pup™ politicians had decided not to present church held a luncheon Thursday jley company was legally required to Pythiai Lodge Inttalled. R TV Mrs. Richard McKen*ie Died Sunday •do and that in no instance had tho Three hundred persons saw the were ho?}Zt absen?ULJLt or ZlTo\tardy the their ticket at all. Mort V. Pach noonoon, afteaft r which the member s spenp t at Long Branch Hospital. •trolley company repaid the town. less it is sold on a doctor's prescrip- called the meeting to order nnd he new officers of the colored lodge of past month. Her guests were Ger- made a long rambling statement'wilthel afternoobe given hereaftesewing. r Aon luncheothe firstn Mrs. Mary J. McKenzie, wife of •The fact that taxes are high in RedKnights of Pythias of Red Bank in- tion. Receipts seized by the raiders trude Collins, Caroline Gartman, •Bank, Mr. Applegate said, was large- showed that over 10,000 flasks of the about the public schools. He saw the Thursday of each month. Sunday Richard McKenzie of Westside ave- stalled Thursday night by District Alma Hurley, Margaret Cain, Jay morning Rev. J. Lawrence Pitt will nue, died Sunday at the Long Branch ly due to the trolley company's bite Deputy E. A. Carroll of Keyport. stuff had been bought from the mak- Smith, Raymond Kennedy, Herbert temper of the people and he pro- •debt. The people had to be taxed, he ers by the owners of the two stores ceeded to "eat crow'^ with a ven-preach on "Homeless" and at night hospital, where she had been a medi- Thomas Bailey of Long Branch made Brett, Joseph Sheehan Lawrence on "The Bible—Some Practical Dif- cal patient since September of last •said, to make up for what the trolley the principal address. A prayer was during the past year. i geance. He said that the schools of |company should pay but did not pay. L and Migs Eve Fostcr- Red Bank had had a greater advance ficulties." year. She was 52 years old and be- made by Rev. D. K. Askews, several _„_ ..... perfect records but during the past' year than in any sides her husband, leaves'a son, How- le intimated that it was time to call choruses A'ere sung and selections ers were, under the name Z?\Zof twoboy'hos werwheo unablhade perfec to attent record thde party Roberts & White's Annual Sale. halt on this kind of financing and brands—"Truth" and "Novo." Un- previous year in the history of the ard McKenzie, and four daughters, were plnycd by the Vincent band. were Leonard Gehlhaus and Morris town and that this advancement was We place on sale for seven, days, Dorothy, Gladys, Edith and Bertha ho called on Mr. Sexton and Mr.Henry Simpson is chancellor com- der the label "Truth" on the flasks Mullin. February 14th to 21st, inclusive, McKenzie, all of whom live at home. _--.iotele- r t-o- explai-.--n ..wh. iy thtn e compan. .y mander of the lodge, .John Nepean is the benign and truthful face of due whollv to Mr. Gilland's work. merchandise of the highest quality §is not discharging its debt at a faster George Washington and under the There was an outburst of applause The body was brought to Albert W. is vice chancellor commander, Joseph Republican Club Dinner. at the mention of M%, Gilland's upon which we took a heavy loss up- SVovden's funeral parlors and pre- ' itn than $2B0 every other month. Hendrickson is master of finance, label "Novo" is the rugged and hon- on stock sheets at the close of busi- pared for burial. The funeral will Mr. Sexton, replying to Mr. Ap- est face of Abraham Lincoln. Both The Republican club of Red Bank but t for-th>Mr. Pach-3 Wesley Withington is prelate, A. D. will hold its annual dinner at the------• • iness January 31st, listing.our costs be held this afternoon at two o'clock Iplegate, said that the company could Ayres is keeper of records and seals labels state that the contents are a received. far below the present market values. not possibly pay any more at the sure cure for colds, colic and diarro- Globe hotel on Friday night of next Archibald Miller was made chair- at the house and will be in charge of and H, L. Basie is master of work. week.VThc speakers will be Thomas This together with some special Rev. Willinm E. Braisted. The burial present time. He said business with hea. The "Novo" Lincoln brand is man of the meeting and Edward purchases' from wholesalers and man- [the company was better than it had slightly stronger than the Washing- C. Sheehan, formerly president of Lafetra was named as secretary. The will be in Fair View cemetery. WAIT! SAVE MONEY! WAIT! the Jersey City chamber of com- ufacturers who needed cash, enables been, but that the company was far ton "Truth brand, according t'o the tellers were' Edward S. Allaire, Mrs. us to offer for re-sale an attractive |from being out of its troubles. He statements on the label. "Truth" is merce; Senator William B Mackay Julia M. Keough, Mrs. Harry Mor- Labor Leader Jailed. The Real Stuff in Honeflesh ii Corn- of Bergen county, and Mrs. Vaytress. array of staple merchandise at prices On a charge of disorderly conduct aid he thought it would become s"ol- ing to thee Eltly stablesStabler. I\ ;9"1 M"pe1r ttnicen.t i"i""«"alcoholiyc ..V^.—accordinBg ""-•to th"e ford and Alexander E. Russell. far below replacement costs. We .ent in time if things kept going as Mrs. Mary Wooster Sutton nominat- yesterday Samuel Cantelmo, presi- Are you about to buy horses? If lnbqls and "Novo is 93 per cent al- confidently feel that these prices, in dent of the garment makers' union ivcll as they are now, but he said he oj, wait. The real stuff is coming to coholic. The pictures of the Father PUBLIC SALE. ed Mrs. Fred R. Proctor in a brief ,th e face of tt siowiy rigjng cotton Would absolutely refuscio make any of Red Bank, was sentenced by Jus- the Ely* stables at HolmdeL Dan Ely, of His Country and of The Great addressn/i/^pcQ , in whicchu shone tolt.nlIUIdU uiofof.. mMrsMrsi a. I. ma~,.,..i...*r kPT. canno^»«nn4-t nni'f'vai..,...n;il ..»_:a pai»n fViitnlos Ul 1^-u *«"iivi ""u " 7 , * ~ [promises or TO name any time when our representative, is in Ohio buying Emancipator occupy more space on Fifty Honn and Mule« at Public Proctor's capabil P She company would be able to pay its Sale at Freehold. lilities for the place "and poss,lly not for two yea^ i tice Edward W. Wise to, n.nety d«. the horses and they ought to arrive the labels than the printed matter. and of the advi•antages of having a . ^ . that were m the county J"l. The ™™ff** debt to Red Bank. at Holmdcl early next week- . Bough- -t ' "Truth," the labels state, is made at I will hold my fifth big public sale woman on the Men g s hlrtB ttt $1 35 the Blackstone works at Newark am! of the seaaoii at my sales and ex- school board. Mr. \$2 .r,0 to $3.50, cannot be duplicated;, against him was that he stopped fac- Proof that the company was aon the farms direct from the farm- Miller and Mr. "Colema ' -"n were nomi— •"- bovs' blouses at 69c instead of $1.26 I tory workers on the street and urged public necessity and was discharging ers, these horses are sold with the 'Novo" is made at the Novo labora- change stables, in the rear of Mon- nated without any riominatinR re- mouth House, Freehold, New Jersey, 6-4 - Mohawk sheeting at 49c per them to attend a meeting of^ the a frrest public service, Mr. Sexton usual middleman's profits eliminated. I tories at Perth Amboy. the !)44 narks. paid, was afforded.by the fact that This is the same kind-of stock we bottles are piled up in the court room on Saturday, February 12th, 1921, yard, yard-wide Lonsdale muslin at union last night ami toi quit^ their 1,600,000 fares were collected during have been selling right along this!of the town hall and they give the commencing at one o'clock sharp. [the past year. He said that among winter. We could take up a whole place the appearance of a combined Twelve young teams, several young page in The Register telling about' picture gallery and distillery. One, odd "horse s and" lo' t of" second-hansecond-hand other things the company had to pny man five per cent of its gross funds to the the good points of these hors'eS'Hinr virho was at the town ball yester-1 horses. My guarantee—You musstt there would be still more to tell, i day and who knew nothing about the like your horses better than your ptatc. He said this was an unfair law ( Republican politicians had been com- blouses for §13.95, 18-inch and was a groat financial handicnp pelled to abandon their scheme. EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK. [to the trolley companies. Jitneys run Four hundred and seventeen votes towels for 16c, 63x99 Mohawk sheets parojlel with the trolley lines, he were polled and except that a few of for $1.41, 45x35 Utica pillow cases "he V. D. Company Knows How ani said, and pay no such tax on their the politicians crossed a name or two for 39c, $9.45 blankets for $6.45, 70- making payment on same.1 It Delivers the Goods. learnings, although legally they are all o\(co\ter MMonmouth county. off of their tickets the election was inch damask (all linen) for $2.35 per We are electrical and mechanical purposed to. „ uiitot* hi . _. ... H. Roberts, auctioneer. Clayton Palmer.—Advertisement. ..nanimous. Mrs. Proctor received | yard, outing flannel at 19c, dress xperts. We have just started in When the matter of paving Broad reputation bucks our guarantee. You AUTO RADIATOR WORKS. 402 votes, Mr. Miller received 410 ' ginghams at 19c, apron ginghams at msiness nnd-no job is too small or Ltreet was finally disposed of there cant go wrong when you deal with .. ., „ , „ , „ , ,.,.„ „ calicoes at IOVJC, best per- To Car Owners. otes, and Mr. Coleman received 411 ;oo difficult for us to tackle, whether Was a tacit understanding that the the Ely estate] liolmdel, N. J.-Ad- H. Heller oKeyporf Red tBan Storek W.l. l Open a Did it ever occur to you that the otes. No other person received a cales at lOV-ic nnd all underwear at i deals with motors, generator*, jtown would have to puy for the trol- vertisement. H. Heller of Red Bank will open average car will pull more, develop ingle vote. one-third off. We invite you to at- jouse wirinitf fixture work or any of Bey company's work and get its The appropriations were also car- tend our 22d annual stock-taking- ;he various other features of elec- Profit Sharing and Bonui Sale an auto radiator repair works at 77 torque, with engine running cash-sale and promise to save you noncy back when it could. presents hish srnde East Broad street, Keyport, about about 900 revolutions per minute, ried almost unanimously, less than a trical work. Free testing done. Fix- Martin Griffin was nt the meeting ill 171 Wf^i tLi.i |y< uauuta mull fjimn. < . , • * f f n than when turning about 1,600 revo- dozen votes being cast against any of money. Roberts & White, Atlantic tures made to' order. Heating coils [to get a permit to put up a uuiUling standard stocks at reduced prices; February 16th, where he hns a fully ( Highlands, N. J.—Advertisement. made to order. We know how and also for a limited period a bonus or equipped establishment ready to do jutio hs, in spite of the facfat that the the items on the ticket, 176 feet back from Maple avenue, repair work of any nature on auto atter speen develops irmore horse our prices are reasonable. The V. D. Crow Hollow brook. The build- discount of twenty per cent on pur- Proof of the Pudding is the Eating. electric company. A. M. Decker and pnu, he said, was to be used for achases of hosiery, gloves, corsets and radiators, mud guards, etc. Gapowers ? ' Experience driving may AUTO RADIATOR WORKS. So the best way for you to discover underwear; women's dresses, coats, I tanks and lamps for sale. Also other lave taught you the fact without Charles VanDorn, Red Bnnk. Phone stable and storehouse on the first that our clothes cleaning, pressing 81(i. Office and shop, 9 Marion suits, blouses, skirts nnd sweaters; auto accessories. Expert work and ;elling you why. H. Heller of Red Bank Will Open a am,repMnf , scrvicc is different is to floor nnd for living quarters on the service fully guaranteed. Prices Such car problems can be ex- street.—Advertisement. second floor. The building was children's coiits and dresses, women'H ,T „ „ Keyport. More. | • nn opportunity to demon- fur coats, neckpieces and muffs; (the moderate. Work Called for and de-plained when you take your car for Blurted lnst week, but work on it was inspection to the Aero garage, 20 H. Heller of Red Bank will open,^ th(! f(lc»/ wm yo*ouu (b thig? Special Sale. stopped when Oliver O. Frake, the bonus or discount of twenty per cent livered.— Ad vertisomcnS an auto radiator repair works at 77 We like to have people say "Can you fire chief, notified Mr. Griffin-that to be deducted from sales check at Mechanic street, to see if it would East Broad street, Keyport, about Bungalow • opronB, made of fine time of purchase). Wo resorve the A Wonderful Opportunity really pay to have it properly over- February 15th, where he has a fully clean, press and repair my suit in aporcale, $1 each, worth $2. Short ironic commercial buildings were for busy housekeepers to buy home- hauled or trade in for a new one. hurry?"" We can, and give you serv- aprons, 3li cents each, worth. 75 prohibited within the fire zone. The right to limit quantities and with- equipped establishment ready to do ice that's worth while! Even in hnste priiiiunice prohibiting such buildings draw the bonus or discount nt anymade broad, cake, pies, biscuits, fish The proprietor does the work.—Ad- repair work of any nature on auto cents. Also aprons made to yoor time without further notice. cakes, salads, preserves and other vertisement. radiators, mud guards, etc. Gawse are painstaking and thorough. measure to fit nny size. B. Lowen^ was passed in 1910, but waa soon for- "!all us any time-—we'll answer. thal's grocery store, corner Linden gotten and was never enforced. Last A. Sal?. & Co., Red Bank.—Adver- delicacies nt the delicatessen sale to tanks and lamps for sale. Also other Emergency calls please us. French Mr. Frake happened to findth etisement. be held Friday, February 11th, at Mare Pennsylvania Horse* nuto accessories. Expert work and place nnd Washington street, Red Japhia Clayton's store, under the will arrive at Colt'a Neck todny. Tho service fully guaranteed. Prices Cleaners & Dyers, Moe Gordon, pro- Bnnk. Op™ evenings.—Advertise- ordinance accidentally nnd he told Private Water Syvtems. very best that can be bought. Right prietor, (! Brood street, Red Bunk. ment. Mr. Griffin about It. auspices of Auxiliary No. !), of the moderate. Work called for and de- Phone 1161.—Advertisement. Put running water in your home Monmouth memorial hospital. Mrs. fresh from the farms of Pennsyl- livered.—Advertisement. 'Mr. Griffin claimed that inasmuch direct from the well; noo istored vania: These horses will not get sick For Rent. j the ordinance had never been en- Charles Irwin, chairman.—Advertise- Winter is Still Here. On the stato highway on Maple water. The Milwaukee system givCB ment. __».»_ - like the Western burses. Come look "Broadway Rose," Now is your chance to buy ladica' forced and other persons had notall the advantages of n wnter. main. this lot ovor before buying.^ They avenue, one-story building, new, iccii compelled to live up to it he VictroUs. sung by Henry Burr, nnd "Mother's Hid children's winter coiita at prac- 80x20, good light, two entrances and -ihould be permitted to go ahead with Represented by William II. Holman, are the right kind and hfthce p rprices ore Lullaby," by Sterling Trio, in an ex-tically half price. Ladies' Jersey 710 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. The purchase of a Victrola is alower than eluewhere. Weeks, r outside parking space. Can bo used |ils building. Councilman 0. Howard real investment. Look for the trade- F. S. ceptionally good record. Hear it to-hloomcra !i.> cents pair, or three pairs. for paint shop, storage or anything ilpplncott opposed giving Mr. (irif- Phone connection. Literature.—Ad- phone Freehold 107-F-31.—Adver- night at TuBting's, 16 Monmouth for $1. Three days only. Polly vertisement. mark Victrola. Come in for a dem- tisement. along that line. Further particular* n thfo right. Ho said that if Mr. onstration. Our stock is complete. tt—Advertisement. Prim aprons 09 cents, regularly $1. from Martin Griffin, 2.'1 Maple ave- jrlflln was going to build a stable or . *^-«.^. _ TuHting's, 10 Monmouth street.—Ad- Six Brown Brothors Come and see what you save. nue, Rod Dank.—Advertisement. j homo it would be all right for him Fritz Kreisler vertisement. To Whom It Mny Concern. Scbramm & Son, tM Monmouth plays "Love Nest" from "Mary." A play "If a Wish Could Make It So" Those having rubber boots, arctics Jto put up the building, but that un- ami "Tip Top." A good Snxophonc street.—Advertisement. Buy Your Daily Paper Here. lier the ordinance none but fireproof beautiful record; one you should add Farms Wanted. dance number Got one while they and rubbers nt the Auto Tire Shop to your collection. Buy it at Tust- being repaired will please call for Eastor Sunday From .(lie early morning to the late iiuildingd could be lined for store- List yourfurm. All business confi- last, at Turning's, 10 Monmouth evening edition you will find hero » house purposes. Mr. Lippincott made ing s, 10 Monmouth street.—Adver- dential if requested. A. J. Palmer, game at once. 20 Mechanic street, will soon I in lime. You will want tisement. street,—Advertisement. Red Hank.—Advertisement. complete assortment of the principal i motion that Mr. Grlflln not be per- real estate, 300 Carr avenue, Koanr some dyeing and cleaning done. As editions of the metropolitan pnpori., nlttcd to construct the building un- Special. burg, N. J.—Advertisement. I uxnniit a big rush soon, got your Operators Wanted Lent is More. AHIC US to save your favorite paper < ions it won fireproof. Ho explained Ten whole certificates given Sat- and button hole makers wanted nt work ill early. P. Marseilles, dyer for you. l'lneHtuln'a waiting room, jthiit he mch'rit by cnWthftt itmtitrc H¥ urday -witil weir I'vi'n -liol'mi |jui'- Banktiilirtll and tiiineiitg wit Kf.! .W,e...!iayt! a full line of fresh fish, and cli'itucr, 117 Prospect avenue, Rod ilic tlp-to-'Rnttf- "...y.V Clotbir.s-Clo, clams 'and itarnegaV oy'st'ei's." Ucil- Went Front, nt.te«t, ncni; Hioou str««t. _ puilt with concrete or metnl material. cjiuao. M. V. Pach, United agency. Bank lycoum every Saturday even- corner Broad and Monmouth streets Ilaiilc. "Tholio"' 'A'M-W'.—Advertise- —Advertisement. There was a tie voto. Councilman —Advertisement. ing. Orioles Bporting club.—Ajjver- Red Bank. One flight up.—Adver- iieBsey's fish market, 12 Went .Front ment, JMpplncott nnd Mllloxl FlUmore Tut street, Kid Hunk. Phono 377. Fri tisemoiit. tisement. All Star Trio. Victrolas. |oy voted for tho motion. Councll- Dr, Dunn, Surgeon Chiropodist, delivery ,-r-Ailv6rtM«mnk,N..J. Earl Sickles, who has been con- fined to his home the past eight Telephone 88-4 weeks witli a broken toe and stomach ^ With whom she is dealingr-the personal reliablility of her butchers and that she receives Storage and Auction Rooms, Rear of 125 Broad St. on Clay St. trouble, has recovered and has gone to Eastern, Pa., for a stay of a few < * courteous service. Therein lies the success of the Wagner Market Co., biggest RETAIL Telephone 71 months. rrrrrm rvrrrrrv Mrs. Edward Berry has returned • butchers in New Jersey. Below you will find a few of our Saturday specials. to her home at Newark after spend- ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Riddle. Miss Gladys Hulse has resumed her position at Camp Vail after hav- Jack Spratt could eat no fat, His wife could eat ing been confined to her home with X Chuclc Pot Roast, Native Beef - 18c 1b sickness. no lean. Fred Wood and Miss Constance Higham are new members of the Or- But when they had Child's Cinnamon Buns, pheus dramatic club. J Chuck Steak, - 22c lbChopped Beef, - 22c lb Archie Kelly, who just received his _ , ; discharge from the navy, is visiting They licked the platter clean. Mr.Mind Mrs. James Flint. Mrs. Ella Drum visited friends at Marlboro on Mondny. X Boiling Beef, lie lb Blade Rib Roast, - 24c lb I Why not? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferry and daughter Nellie attended the wed- ding of Mr. Ferry's niece at Roselle t Rich, flaky buns, plenty of raisins, flavored with cin- on Friday. Edward Champlin is chancing off Loins of Jersey F*orlcf whole or half 2Sc lb " namon and some filled with nut meats. his Ford sedan car. H. 0. Holbrook of Camp Vail has Such a delicious treat is awaiting you at rocoivod his commission as assistant scoutmaster of the Boy Scouts of this place. Rev. Walter Lee Greer X BrookfieldButter,pits52c lb Strictly Fresh Eggs,, 58c doz X is scoutmaster of the troop. Theodore Simmons of North Long CHILD'S BAKERY Branch was the guest of Stanley VanKirk on Sunday. | Nucoa Nut Butter, 29c lbSpreadit Nut Butter, 29c lb | Mrs. Harry Strykev has returned Red Bank, N. J. home from the Long Branch hospi- tal, where she underwent an opera- tion. Mrs. Japhia VanDyke is on theX F^orlc Shoolders, Jersey Pork, - 19c Ib t sick Hst. >**• FAIR HAVEN NEWS. X Chucks of Spring Lamb, special 18c lb Apron Sociable Nets Over $100 for Chucks of JMutton, lean, tender lie Ib X Chape] of Holy Communion. All apron sociable for tht' benefit of the chapel of Holy Communion was hold last Wednesday at Mrs.X Lamb Chops, 29c lb Mutton Chops, • - 25c lb X Daniel Allaire's and 8117 was cleared. A pipeless heater will be installed in the church next spring. Doris Baden is improving from 'scarlet fever. L.egs of IVhattoiv Special > - - 2Sc lb J Mrs. Margaret Bemlric!;son. who FURNITURE has been sick several weeks, is in a critical condition. Special meetings are hoinjr held BUYING OF US MEANS A POSITIVE SAVING TO YOU every night this week at the Metho- dist church. , BUY AT . Miss Kathryn Tobin and Delia and SALE Kathryn Mahon attended the charity ball last week at New York. A child was born last week to Mrs J. Emley of Point Pleasant. Mrs THE WAGNER SANITARY MARKETS Emley was formerly Miss Florence Allen of this place. 12 BROAD STREET, Phone 22O 22 MONMOUTH STREET, Phone 834 + 1 -The pupils of the public school 4 West Furniture Co. who were neither absent nor tardy LONG BRANCH KEYPORT RED BANK ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS HIGHLANDS * ^ during January were: X Sub-primary 'ami first jrrnde—Catherine KEYPORT, N. J. MulliKa". Carol Wuldon. Freil Chriatiuon, GOOI-KC Haim. Victor Hnwltina, Anthony X ECONOMY STORES ALL OVER NEW JERSEY SANITATION ^ • l'aliae. William Fay, Frank I.nrnaJ.nle. Second ami thir.l grades—Henri de Bir- niinRham, William Clenry, Vincent Han- 4 kins, Joseph Knrnbinos, Cnrl • LfiiiersdorfT, Drastic Reductions Jessy Mcllrny. Theodore Palise. Dona!' Sweeney. Dorothy Bennett, Mari6ti Harm Isabelle Osborne. 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Fourth and fifth grades—Betty Cleeland EGAN'S Kstella Dnhlcren. Bessie Failon. Florene 4 Havvliina, Ellen LoiderstiorfT. Gertrude Min Throughout The Store ton. Dorothy Parker, Marion Woolley, Doro thy Mnlfortl, Arthur Copen, A(iin Egelan Auto Vans and Express Jnmes LaBau. 4 Now that moving Urn* Is aear I ua This Sale is made up entirely of Brand New 1921 Fifth and sixth Krndcs—William Apple A BANK FOR BUSINESS MEN prepared to do jour next moving *J pnte. Jesse Bennett. James Burke, Philil (urnlturo, plaaoi or tuuxgaKe, to all part* Enelanil, Charles Hoscall, Charles Mc- of city or country, In the Iarceat sadAt* Merchandise which has been coming in daily since Grath, Edward Norkett. Joseph O'Konaa, 4 Forward looking business men have chosen this bank because it stands ran* la H«S Bank. Before you feav* Ralph RuHsell. Juliette Balch. Carol Little, roar aezt moving dons, write, lead as the first of the year; all of which has been bought Muriorie Minton, Mary Palise, Hazel Mu' call (or the only reliable furniture mam ford. Jack Norkett. " for something more than ordinary banking facilities. .„• a town, and get my prloea am roar next at the low. dollar. Some of this goods coming from Seventh and eighth Grades—Evereti 4 lob. All klDda or heavj or Ufkl trutk. Burdfrc, Barney Egeland, JnmeH Cleary lx( done at abort notice. Call or aMr*M Henry ChuilwiA. Harvey Little. Fr»d Mer- They find that our persona] interest and co-operation in their affairs repre- concerns who were pushed so hard for money, they riman, William Sweeney. Harmer Trnfford J. T. EGAN, Julinn Tuj.ik. Helen Ford. Dorothy Klein. 4" sent a real and practical business asset. were forced to accept our offer to secure immediate Hchmidt, .Grace Kleinechmidt, Nina Little 11 Wall Street, Red Bank Margaret Manna, Elsie Minton. Florcnc, cash. Minton, Eunice OBbome.' 4 R«MiK< pW.lZ44v«nu« to A paint in tht 3-PIECE TAPESTRY LIVING 3-PIECE KARPEN CANE line of land «f formerly William Kelly; purchased from Karl Fischer, torn theme easterly one hundred and fifty tint* ROOM SUITE PANEL SUITE down. He will construct new build- 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 to a point ia lino of otfw land of party off ings. the test part; th«nc« aoutbtasteTl^ Aftqr •with loose cushions, with Marshall spring seats, ex- feet to a point in the northerly side of Be«k- John Kaney is spending a few m&n place; thence westerly one hundV*d and' tra pillows and bolster, covered days at New York. fifty fe«t to the point or place of Itarta- in fine grade of velour, com- Al. Swenson and Joseph Calvei ninff, belnjr Intended ai lot No. 85 on* lUap $130 of tied Bank Park Property of the Clayton- plete, at were sick a few days last week, re Lihton Realty Company, made by Qiem-ge 0k suiting: from their recent vaccina Cooper, G. E., dotod April 10, lflt< de- scribed in aaM complainC The buibHna in tion. queBtlon la a two^Btory dneltinsr MUi« 3-PIECE KARPEN TAPES- A few persons from this plact building, with additions and extensions; the TRY LIVING ROOM SUITE $225 went to Everett Friday nifrht to at Ant story belns of btlflk and th* aeeend of frame, areoted «n said land. Amount with Marshall spring seats, high tend the dance given by the Evereti claimed, fifty-six dollar* (156.00), with In- athletic club. " tercflt from September 29, 1920. The *.t» back wing chair, straight chair, when the la«t material WM famished, feptb o DINING ROOM SUITES. The Holmdel fire company was plaintiff to the defendant was September 29, 81-inch davenport, called Sunday morning to put out \%29, And take notice ttiat unless you1 fit* 10-piece Mahogany Suite, chimney fire at G. H. Walling's. Be- your answer to iald complaint with tJw §PRIN6 Clerk of said Court, at Freehold, on or feaJojv fore the firemen arrived the fire was tha 9th day of March, next, the plaintiff nay $245.00 extinguished. proceed in the suit and Judgment mayito en- $175 lo-piece Jacobean Suite, Bernard Frawley, Prank Duesn tered airainat you. This notlao It pabttshedi ^ANNOUNCEMENT- pursuant to an order made in said aavs* bV $198.00 Lindsley LeMoine, John McMahon Wlllard W. Cutlpr, Esq., Judtfe of our said EXTRA SPECIAL on BED- Joseph Culver, Thomas Kaney and Circuit-Court, on the 19th day of January, lo-piece Walnut Suite, John Kaney, Miss Mary Frawley, 1921. ROOM SUITES Miss Rcgina Creevey, Misses Bessie ALSTON DEEKMAN, $275.00 Attorney «f Plaintiff. while these Suites last. and Anna McMahon and Nan Le P. O. address, Red Dank, N. J. 4-piece Walnut Suite with 10-piece Walnut Suite, Moine nttended a euchre and danct at Farminjrdale. Friday night., NOTICE. 45-inch Dresser, extra large $380.00 TO Fit AN K C IJHOWNEI.L: 6o-inch Buffet, Take notice that you, Frank C. BtownoH. Chifforette and Dressing Table, EATONTOWN NEWS. Advance Styles of being builder and owneT, are aummentd to latest style Bed in select grade 54-inch Extension Table, answer the eempJaint of Thompion A M*t- thsws Company, body oovporate, In an action of genuine American Walnut Cabinet Style China, Boy Scout* of Thi« Plica and Oeaan at law, In the. Monmouth County Circuit port Cleared $60 L.il Wmk. Court, in which ThonipHon ft Mntthewu 0cm* for this sale only, Enclosed Server, pany, budjr corporate, claim av buildiny lien Solid Walnut Chairs. The boy scouts of this place an LADIES' SPRING FOOTWEAR on certain land belong)nff to you, Blttmte In Oceanport cleared $60 by an enter the Borough of Fair Haven, in the County Above Suites have 54-inch tsinment at Crescent hnll Thnrsdaj of Monmouth and State of jN«w Jersey. $198 Beginning at a point in the inteueetion Buffet, genuine leather seat night. Most of the performers wer of the easterly line «f Harrison aventift with Former price $45o.oo. Cliairs. Camp Vail soldiers. Now On Display tht northerly line of Beekman place, thence northwesterly fifty tttt alone the catterhr James Duncan moved Monda; aide of Harrlnon avenue to a point in tho from the Drummond farm to th line or land oi form«>ly William Kelly; Hnnkinson farm. thence fattterly one hundred and fifty fret Brown Suede, Black Suede, Patent Leather and Dull Leather Strap Pumps to a point In line of other land of p*rt» ot Miss Annie Dcegnn has moved ti the nrnt part; thence aoutheaiUel/ flftr the Johnson property on Railrom in the very newest lasts. feut to a point In tho northerly •!«!« ot Doek- RUGS! RUGS! RUGS! avenue, which she recently bought. man place; theme westerly one hundred and nfty feet to the pvinC o* P»«ee of bwain- Harry Wolcott hns returned from nlTiu, b«fnv intended as lot No. 8fi oft Map 9x12 Axminster Rugs $27.50 n stay with his sister, Mrs. Robe: of Bed Bunk Park Prcuwrty of tho Olayton- I>inton Re«Hy Company, mado by fleonce Jk 9x12 Tapestry Hugs $18.00 MnrkB of Mnnasquan. MAY WE SHOW THEM TO YOU ? Coaott C. K-, daUd April 1«, 19U; tl«- Mrs. Catherine Aumack IB ver3 ffifiSi in »5« MM-labit. Th. b«IMIw l» sick lit the home of her grandson nueitlen is a tma-»tory dwellintr hounn 9x12 Velvet Rugs $24.50 We still have a limited assortment of those special sale shoes for men and bullillna with addition! and exUn«!ons; tha Cheater Wolcott. flrat *tory t>eln« of a rick and the iKond of John Dow won $f> in gold and Asi women. Probably your size is here. If so you can get a wonderful bargain. fratne, «?«eted on said land. Atanunt Largest Stock of Rugs in the County claimed, three hundred and fifty-two ilollnra FaTy won $2.50 in gold in n poo' and seventy cent. ($BB2.70), with In- tournament which ended at Edwnn tareit from S«Pteml>er iS, 1020. And Uka to Select From Taylor's hint week. Mr. Fnry tiei nctioe that unlcn yon lite your answer to •aid complaint with the Clerk of nald Frank Demurest for second place an Court, at i Freehold, on or before tht DUt ilcfi'iited Mr. Oi'raart'Bt in a Kftme t' day of Marcht next, the plaintiff may pro- decide the tie. ' ALBERT S. MILLER «*>«d In Iha m»i% 4>ml iu«HiH*t>i tn*y W en- 1 : tered againat you. This notice Is publlehcd A scries of Cliif'uttuqua Cntertai't pursuant to an order rnaile In snid cauae by ments will be giyen tomorrow night, Willsrd W. Cutler, Kna., Juilire of our *nU\ Friday night and Saturday night at "Shoe. ThalSatwfy" Circuit Court, on the llHh dny of January, Crest'ent bail. 1021. West Furniture Co. ( Al.fH'ON HEEKMAK, Attorney «f Plaintiff. Luke Longlicnd Will help you gc 18 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. P. O. uddrvBii, U9i\ Ilnnk, R J. . KEYPORT, N. J. a job, or rent your house or fill any other wnnt yon may have.—Adver II pays to ndvertiae In WMH tiscment. —/(Jvertiacniont. RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. Page Eleven

REAL ESTATE. , HAY AND CORN. FURNISHED ROOMS HEIFER TO« SALE. FARM OWNERS 1 FARM OWNERS! FARM OWNERS! .ucrnsey-Hoittei. -HoItUlnn heifer for »sale,' David LUt. your farm wltb George W. Zueker Two double hoO*f»»' on P*ter« Mixed hay, timothy, ^'so. vcaatl meadow LUt JDU! farm with George W. Zucker Lift ycur W. Kackcr rti place. Bed Bank. farm with Ceo Donahue, Hctdden'*" m'i i CoCornerl , N. J. country property specialist), Marlboro, N. J. ile; all irrjprovementa: pot»6a» April hay';, fifty barrels carrots, L. A. Cartorr* (country property specialist., Marlboro, N. J. (country property apeclaliat), Marlboro, N. J. WER SPRAYER WANTED. lBt; cany terms. A. L. Iylna age Oak Glen farm, Nutuwamp road. Red Bank. 3 HAT FOR SALE. FURNISHED ROOMS. later tmildini.. Red Dank. REAL ESTATE. NITRAT2~OF SODA ' condition. Phonu 160-R Keypurt, HOUSE FOR SALE. Gold cloth turban with flower trimming; Large, comfortable, furnished rooms, cen- Fifteen-acre farm, eiK^t-room hoi) He, hot in any ijujintity from one pound to 100 SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS. JIOUH for sale, nix room a, wate :EN MOUNTAIN POTATOES price *4. CM HS6rW Bed Bank. trally located, very desirable, runnlnK nir hoat: windmill ami KOO.1 outbuildlnj.H: ton* ;. . ce lower thim N>wcnt. Phone, writa Rood location, lot fi0K:i00 ; price r McBtudy brothers, Scobeyville. water, electric lights, Phone 2.4 Red Bank. Beautiful rtvcriibl* run nude from old R , 'two mi!e« from Red Hank; ?lti,0ftOr*A. I_. or CBIL J. KiMchcr & Co., Matawan. N. J. FARM OWNERS! earpeti ted cb»ill« portlerei. Writ* for halhf f caul);lid . immediati e poa_ Apply IviijH an<"ncy. Kt>:inter buildinjr, Hed Ilank. GOOD HOME FOR SALE. , Ited * CLERKS. H. BITZAU, LUt your farm with Oeorice W. Zucker circulars. American Bag Manufactory, 200 J. H. (irejfory & Son, 42 Hroad s (country property spgclaliat., Marlboro, N. J. Six rooms and bath anil heat; lot 60x126 VcrmoDt itreet. Brooklyn, Bank. ^ , •. _ POSITION WANTED. • (Men, wfmii>nV over 17, for postal mail et dud anlmali. Bid Bask. T*U- feet; also _ai-_e; *3,&00. Henry F, Hylin, P an woikiriK h«>u*(.kt.p*r four or nervine; f 1:JO mi.nth; examination* Janu- FUR COAT FOR SALE. room II, Register building, phone 743, Hed WANT TO RENT. HOUSE FOR SALE. . five.days a week; or nu/tht'i's hdperj com- ary and February; experii-nce unn(?ceg»itry. PPIGS FOR SALE. Man's fur coat, about slae 40, for sal«; tfknk. Completely furnished hou«e or bungalow, Eleven rooms, two bathrocme and gas, on Dftfnt to take eharict- of children uveninitn Fur fn'c pnrtif«lnvn of inutniflinn, writf J. Catherine street; half of hou_e ready for oc- -five * ( l T wlc« MS. Address Box 286, Atlantic Hlgh- convenient to Gump Vail. Cupt. V. H. Kd- Leonard, (former <:ivil nervice examiner), is. |aju__N. ______' I FOR RENT. -ards, radio laboratory. Camp Vail, N. J. cupancy. Price 24,000; terms if dtsircddid. llelper, ilra)bi-er M, K.M] Hunk. 291 Eiiuitabl« buildinj;. WnHhiriKt'.ti, .p. C. Small apartment or connecting rcionm with Phone Long Branch H fiI, _ i Inquire E. •&. Gisleson, 10 Locust avenue, Kcd SALESLADIES WANTED. ; FOR SALE, conveniences for light -housekeeping. Cll Hank. _ - . FOR SALE.^ FUUNlSliED HOUSE TO LET if wlthiiul eiperlendc. F. W. Wool- Out door toilet for sale, four feet sriuare. FARM FOR SALE. Blue f» ti;aw nmi Kittiri hift^, blue satin for Hummt'r rtra»un; nine* runrna and bath. for particulars at !)8 West Front street, Hed FARM FOR SALE. ledJBunk. ; Phone 68-W, or call Frank Wesson, Fair Ilank. __ _ Farm of 100 acreB, near Red Hank, unit- ctiarnu-usi- uown, l»lu_- cloth cup*?, purple hardwood fltmrH, till improve mei.tn, well Haven. N, J. able locality for gentleman's estate. Apply Thirty acres of hind on the Everett- ry it ami rii-veral other thlnfrx; all furnisbed; onier pn-perly; one black from COLS AND TOILETS CLEANED FOR SALE. to Dr. if". C. Henry, 254 Stflte street, Perth IlatiU tuiul; no huildhiKH; pricu $2,(J0a. xuntilrle n account uf mourning.. C\.M at river, one Wnrk from trijlley ; referencpa re- enable price, George h. Rlohtrdion, FOR. SALE. chnnce to uvt « nice farm. |_. M. Hulc Outside" toilet, 6 feet miuare, slate roof, Ambojr, N. J. Phone 416. Wulliu' ritret't, ilrd Hank. *iuired^ F, WHY PAY RENT? hone 226. COCKEREL FOR EXCHANCE. _ plciiHure or commcrciil afftuinobik'. Add res* ; price 88.000 tti ijui^'k buy*' . -M, ni '» ai-re | ,TMI for rial*1 nt Kver- All sizes, located In the potato belt. Clif- \H a hf flftotn Hires; new hoiine, I. Apply to. J. H. GifK"iy & : LEATHERETTE COAT FOR SALE. Rhode Island Red .cockerel, good breed. L. B., drawt-r M, Red Bank. pll; fo nitcs from Hed Hank; live ronm», ford G. Brown, Cranlury Station, Middle- •A-V bird; will exchnnKe ort Hell. Bradford. ) t\vt> barnu, ^ri-i-nlitmrte, orchard, brook iiml Br ad street, Ited Bank, N. J. 36. AdilrMa Leatherette Coot, lex county, N. j. ______GENERAL CONTRACTORS. I :iOl) forest trees. Little cash, IOIIR *ti'iin k'-mdn-lhr, ail ill Komi coniiitinn ; Knod IMII- 11 Dergen place, near Hrflneh avenue, Hed I'o.^t,.m<-e on "ne ^ide j.nd pub- M, Red Benk^ Bank. Jamss Norman & Son, office and J-ard, FOR SALE. CADILLAC FOR SALE. One seven-roum stuccci houae. corner \ 'll' thf other. Price $1,000. M.iW NK TRUST CO. STOCK FOR SALE Four-cylinder CauHluc tourintz cur in KOOII 4T-61 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank. Con- REAL ESTATE. crete work » specialty. Get our flgurct be- GOLD AND SILVER HEMSTITCHING. Cliurth ulrrt-t nnii Morris nv l tu *uit you, K. M. Haley & • hare or more. Address Stock, condition for sale. Can be aeon lit 40 West Six-room bungalow, all Improvements, Hemstitching, buttons, pinkinK, plaitinpr, terms; J1.000 cn»h, J4.000 rrninin un bunil lie.-.! Rf-d Hunk. street, Hc-.l Hunk. fore having any work done. M, Bed Bank. tlver front property, near station; $5,600. cubic and piain stitchinK. All kinds of anil mortuaire; n sacrifico. Wciiltliy A. Seo handy things done nt the Handy Shop, IC NDLER TOURING TOR SALE. FOR SALE. A. L. Ivlns agency, Register building, Jled SEWING OR MENDING WANTED. ly. I". O. Hox 78, Ileironl, N. J. COCKERELS AND HATCHING .EGGS.. A I1*-lined white woman would like plain Brnad ntrcct, over Schroetler's drug store,' SiliKli' rntiil) Klioili' Island Heel rockprrla 7 model. Globe Court .matte, Jonn Four ducks. mid a druke for.Hnle. For Bank. Hed Bunk. EARN! SAVE! RF.AP! Jr.. Ueil Bank. . _____ particular- inquire of C. L. OUcrt,, I'hu»« pvwing til tukt hume, or mtnding fnV priv,iti* ml tmtuliiiiK iTi'i. l.y till- BittinB nr bun- SALESLADIES WANTED A nn-iisfiKi' to the sniiil! mnn ami HIIVIT. , rt'-l: tfv^ fi-oTTi spiTiully ..••Icctt'il miitincs: 716-W, Red Bank. ,__ fumiliux at ft riiauonftbte price. A-IIIICSH BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND ARLOR STOVE FOR SALE. tiilte orders for silk hosiery in privati L. S., druwi:r M. Kcd Hunk. iir.N rniMil frinii lli.^i. r'lfirs will impro e. men; $20 weekly pr commission for spare Hhot'R nnd tubes; SO'xS, S0xS*,&, 32x3 V-, muui'it uf usiuil inlerrst. Cru^'i nnpurlu- ! i.lu condition, at half price. Ad > NURSE WANTED.. 132x4, 32x4'^, 34x4. 34x4 \' , 35x5 Silvertown iind VKK (>r*>- SeubrlBht. N. J. _ A Rood reliable nurse, about 20 to .15 ne. Crescent Co., boOGl, Station Di.Ncw WANTED. z ity;.'knuchs (nice only. Write miMal tu H. ; ctiiin. Mis 11 Un.iiir Ktrict. I cord, 3Cx4, 36x4 W Silvertown cord, 36x5. Miiyer, ,lnii Ti, Ki-ani'liiirir, N. J. I years of afc*>; core of two children. Phone >rk. rurni Hmall house or rooms fo tr«.l!.;y -rc.ni- ICEBOAT FOR SALE. " I hounekeep-tu! by mmaa n and wifv; At the Auto Tire Simp, 2G Mechanic ntree.t. from 101I-M Red Bank. . BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE. j tito fleet site. Information HIGH PRICES PAID. modern -convenlcnec»enlcne . Ailld Red Bank. 1"- -- H. phone Rod n_nJkJJ78. I,nt :.()xl SO. fight-room lioilne. wnlcr. TWO COWS FOR SALE. I pur hitth prices for ladies' and vents' House, drawer M, Red ftnnh, FOR SALE. ••^ [ THOROUGH BRED RHODE ISLAND REDS. MOUTH COUNTY HUNT CLUB One grade Guernsey, one RrRde Jersey; cond-hand clothing. Call at I. Kerber's, ml icU-vlionc. ull imprnvi-ini.iita .-,i- I'M ThonHiKhhrcd S. (.'. Khndr Inland Jled a; excellent cows. Apply to K. S. Hurst, phone FARM FOR* SALE OR RENT. A :t!io-*'iItir Cypri'H > ini'ulm Irn Pi •ioi. si; nth; inii-c ^l,i)00. Will inaki' tiling 18 Monmouth street, or phone Red Bank III HtdVC bruiHiern, fil)0 cli irk s 1Q ; miIll •" | ctirkcrclrt, ln-;nitiful rii-h red .lmth under and and remove dead horaei, cows and 702-M, Mldilletown. Eighty-eight acre potato farm jTur :«;i(e nit. IniHiire K. M.. llal«\v 4 Sim. Sine 's- uvcr; hirirc \ i^ui'dUd birds (or brvcdinK ;• from 2-J. il ider, prlM S3.00; K<«>.] o,ml ili HI] t. Ami Phone-120-W. Bed Bank. c«nh rent. For full particulars conic ^t.«- lv : L'OO to 1M3 i-KK n-cord liens, sin-.s direct from ( N. O.iepi'riii), Alipk-i^ii.te Mtrti; t, 1 vIiT 1'lllZ. ~J1TNEY BUS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. FOR SALE. - or write'Clifford G. Brown, Crtmliury St It 1 I Owen furmu; pri_e winninj,' stock. Money to loan on first bond and mortgage Corn grinder, corn nheller and man's hi-- II, '(1 Haul:. CHICKENS FOR SALI foot running order. Can be aecn tion. Midiltesex county, N. J. (1. I tion invited. Mrsi If. (.. Dorr, Brand ftt_<-el. on improved real estate. Alston Dcekman, fete, all in good condition. W. Itandnll, •f lUurr.l Hu.k cc.rki-ivls garage, West End, NN J. FOR SALE AT HALF PRICK. WARM SUMMER PREDICTED. ls. Shrewsbury, N. J., ncur Kaluntown tro attorney, Hed Bank. ewman Hpringti road, Ilcil Hank. I'hune ,"l^' ! crcis.-'iiiK'. DUCKS WANTED. r-w. •_ * Twu-horsp Studclmker dump V.-»K»» So order nnw yovir di,,,rs and window IKII .•' In-t'd Uhnilc" I-.land R.-. Indian Kunner ducks and druke HORSES FOR SALE. perfect condition. ll<-nry 0. SrinM-r, ra screens. Made tu order. Dion 11 line and fur •i. I A. B. DIRHAN'S PIANO SHOP. Phone Entontown 2130-3. '_ Good second-hand hurseii for «nle; SAVE MONEY. TelfKraph Hill furm, Keyport. N. J., It. I). I will cull und take meusurfnielits and xivi' Map farm, I.ittl.- Silv*- N. J. I!o Tuniiur, repair iiur, rcirulntinir, voieinp. sonable prices. Sheridan hotel stables, D(int tlirow (nv»y your ol'l rubbers, boots. phune 275-I'*-r»I, Middletown. priry*. 'I'lioinnH GlaKHey, Westside avenue, — I strinKtnj;. vitrni.shin^, politihinff. fte.; expert * WELL DIGGING. nulre Alfred Fielder. •en or tubea. Independent Hubbcr Works. Ked Hunk. MAN TO WORK ON SHARES. ion playor piuuos; factory roprescntativc for iKSing and pump repairing. Jeroma Wharf uvt'iiuf, can make them na good TEAM FOR^ SALE. SILK DRESS FOR SALE. : Wanted, com pete nt man to work on slia •t?rt ' hii;h-Kiade ifr_.i.il, npri^lit and player pianos. Westnide nvenue, Red Bank. new. , * ' • ' Five and nix" year . old home.", nEAL ESTATE. - farm of about twenty uerc*, with ariplc >r- | We also Imy and spcciaJize in used pianos o* Size ItK, color tan; good condition; price, about 2,700 pounds, absolutely BOUI I; will Seven-room house, nil improvements, BENTS SELLING FORKOLA, , reasonable. Apply 10 Wallace street, [ted clinrd; rnan must live in or very IUJM- 1:*>.l ] fine nialiiM. Fair dllowancc for initrum*nt» POSITION WANTED. work nnywlierf. II. W. Holcombi-, 'I'inluii about five minutes from hiKh school; KimiKe Bank. Apply. utatinK pxwrii'iicc and i L'f- | in cx.liiitiir*'. DriiinmonO i>lnci', Red Bnnk. i-house, mnke SRO to $75 a week. Hunk. Phone G60-J. Fiilla road, Eutontown, N. J. lot 50X.100 feet: possoiiflion in u renminuliU Experienced farmer nnd potato grower 1 urencf. Competent. Drawer M. Rod Bnnk. | J'hoiie r»(10-M. acorn Company, Elmlra,_N. Y. tihe.ii u position as a working foreman, linn . A. li. Ivins aiieiicy, KeKiHter buililinx r BROADWAY HOTEL FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE. " FORD WANTED " ' Dent business location in Lonu; Branch. bert B. Nolan, Aabury Park, N. J., R. fr\ Hod Hank. YOUNG MAN WANTED. . T Nine-room flnt for rent, all imprnvo- GRANT PARISH arter, touring or suburban. Vol- Apply M. Corbett, Kay street, LonK Branch, No, 1. ofTcrs for sale fnrtm and country hornet all | VI.UMK man, libmit, 25, jm ai-i.-tanl. In Carr avenue, Kennshiirg^ N. J.'- mentH, centrally located, $50 per ninnlh: WANTED, HOUSE TO RENT. I purchasing departni«'iit ; must be thonm^'hly N. J. Phone 102-H. possession April 1st. A. L. Ivlns luincy. .Small house in (fooil lieifThhpihooil by ie- over Monninutb county; also seashore prop- BUICK RUNABOUT FOR SALE. erly .from Sandy Book to ltjirnen.it. Hny. POSITION WANTED. LAUNDRESS WANTED. Uuick runabout, $176. in icood mecliartical IteKist^er buildinjr. Hed Bunk. it'fl mnn and wife, excellent references anil | imlile of dict.-tliiik' ii k'"(i(l lm^ihesrt le'tti-r; BlCBmnn, experienced, men, women •oil care; occupancy May 1st ur before; 01(1 «slablished ni'-'ncy. New York connec- White laundress to take home WHBII for ndition; tireH ini i^ood. «hape; demonatia- tion. Trust buil'dili[i- Asbury Park, N. J. , bright and cnerm'tic: i/nod hiilary and un- .dcett. Box 221, MnUwan, N. X, CUSTOM HATCHING. i miwlit purchfisu. Ar ailvanciMiicnt. Apiily FOft'SALE. drower M, Red Bunk. _ ed Bank. I-Red Himli. by Icitt-r. 1'u.vlia^im.' Ai.'(>nt, A. V. Munmni. W'll atart our machine first week in l-'elnii- REAL ESTATE. 1 _,] dwellings hero; alao loti or aei-M. nry^ DuprnWn form. Katontown, N. .),, •Eitfht-roum bousf. all iniin-Kvi'i.n-.it^. two- & ('•>-, M;it:iwan, N. .1. cCreery. nsr«nt, Oceanport, N. J. OFFICES FOR RENT. ROOMS TO RENT. WANTED. Two offices for rent; In center of town. Cheerful sunny rooms to rent, double ,I!:_F'._p.. phone 47-H, Bod Bunk. , Middle lt^ed white woman for trcm-rul story t:arai.ee, 1 '•xl!-I, tv> cars ; work ^li'ip. "RICHARD CONNORS, , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Henry F. Hylln, room 9, Register building, •drt, five niinute.i' wnllt to 13road street; hoiiMework and conkiim; must Le competent ] Ai-e you ini!• ii'-tcil in :m s '; inv«-*tnitnt "dead animals, free of charge. 'RIGHT IN THE HEART OF TOWN. 1 station; ?*,H0O. A. L. phone 143, Ited Bunk. ' * entlemtn preferred. T>5 Wallace ntr.it, and reliub L> ; thrc* in family : wnshintf out; , in t!i<; ln-crerrrd .-lock .if an .ld, _->taliliMfH^I h e F l 5 w i ei Red Bank's most convenient and inviting ei- building, K.-l Bank. f )L__[_' P .°iL -?^: " - - ^? ^ ~ .eel Hnnk. ll<)I n itnd wiiK^a. Apply l<> Bus 202, agency. GIRL WANTED. jerbcr shop; expert attention; three chuirs; i {•'"",'' , Ni-w .\i-i--n nii-iviiiitil..Ml c imsiiH-rtsin ; five stores TOES, APPLES, ETC., WANTED. Jivl wanted who understands plain cook' FOR SALE. me flight _p. Second National bank build-.1 Red H»nk BEACON HOUSE. i in Ir; •lit. per:it JI;II >!i> ml _tal will lirlnB me to your door. M. ; no waahinK or ironing. Call ut 15 Wul- Dndfre sednn, n«w]y painted and in Rood In.. 'Alonz Curchin, proprietor. FARM FOR SALE. Rooms and buaid, Kond humu ccjokinjr «ni] ! a... 1 n. , American hotel. Freehold, N\_ J, .' atieet, Ited Bunk. echanical condition: K»od tiros, also cx- Farm of §1 acres, onc^hiilo from Everett, •enl comfort, steam heat; alao meala. served j trnpciit FOUNTAIN PEN LOST it' u-k. id ~"~WON.AN WANTED. tlre. G)oV>e Court KaruKf. Glob^ court, ist Monday between P«?t(!ra place' ; id Elm K'x.d IIOUKC and «>xtm. Kootl Urn and i.ut- special price to thoso tnktnf? tnenja by i r Hie week. Have moved from 10 Wallace and details, ii. lit':! ln< N Ik. N. .1. etent woman wonted for Kcneral POSITION WANTED. ed Bank. lace. If finder will brinjr name I Clay- buildin£»; pnt*s(Msii>n at once. E. M. Haley irk._ flO Mnple avenue.'Red Hank.•__, Mnn wnnta work on private place nbtnit }t\'n mnrkct, 47 llroiut ntrcvt, R«- & Sun. Shrewsbury avenue* Rod Hank. treet to 95 Broad street, Red Bank. Phony HOLLOW TILE FOR SALE. Hnnk, 18-R. N. SCHWARTZ, CUSTOM TAILOR, March \.v,i\ tl\ vicinity of -lumsoii. Adtlr ,hcy will receive liberal reward. Phone 492-J. ,fe ^ •ORN" AND^ POTATOES FOR SALE. I)ox_I73. HumHon. N. J. Two hundred and tweitty,-flve hollow tile, nrnnil sli-ei-t, Kiilniiliuvii, N. J., r.e.tt to r.ir- s Breach. NutBwamp road, M iddlo- .H; price 2T» cents •ench. Hurdle & Uuu- FIVE-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. THE RED BANK HAIR PARLOR. niT. SuitH. ovi-r ils am! limits tu Qrit.-r. J^J'hone 275-K-31, Middletown. POSITION WANTED. cll, 40 Mechanic street, Reil Bank. Phone MAN WANTED. Tun-room cottatfe with buth: t^aniKe, larKc Shampooing,, scalp and facial mas Bag. It will piiy'ynti to' cohK-'froni any 'list.-irce, Would like a portion an hoUHt'kot'por, En Single man wanted tD do prencrjil farm ith an electric vibrator; manicuring us ydii lire ^urc to *nve ton tu twenty per 04 or 71. poultry hoiirte. some fruit: on tnain thor- r j7 G. ESCHELBACH A SON, smnlm l ffiimilyi . Acire»Aclcire»» MMrs, C. A., 42 .•ork; Italian if pbsmible; jrood wanes, l-'i-fii- outrhfnre: fifteen minutes by auto to LOIIK witc^ifnTNtinff and children's hair cutting cent. Prnetieal experience ftiv over 2 i years eit Front street, Red Bank phone Munmoutthh tt HeHdd BankBk^ REAL ESTATE,* Ule'a fiirm, Wayside, R. F. D. Asbury Vark, Bra nob depot. Address Box lll^, Luna Ope*! TueBdVy eveninKH-from G:00 to 9:30. in New York city is enolu,')i to assure you Auto aceeasoHeu «nd vu.can.uln*. For rent, furnished, eitrht-room house, im- J. J., phone Wayside 340-F-23. Branch, N. J. Room 10, Eisner building. Ked Bank. Faom that I can turn out Kiiml wink. AlterinK, DRESSMAKING • FOR SALE.SALE.^ 't'ovements, one block from river, for sea- 802-M.___ cleauinir, ilyeini; ami jire^siiii; by haml. Fine lot of Rim j7lobeab , mirror nuitablo for • A. L. ivinB riKency, UfKisU'r buildini!, SHED FOR SALE. MAN WANTED. r at home. 'Esther Thompson. 1S7 Th for Lloyd Franc IB. 45 Linden place. Red 'stytLBox 365. Miitawnn, N. J. mile from Middletown village on Keyport ale cheup. Univer»a_ Security Co., GOOBC- lank. All kinds of jobbinpr promptly at- urnpike; late L. A. Patterson farm. For OvqystufTed furniture made to order; also Pa. your farm with Geomo W. Zucker CRIB FOR SALE. cushions, slip covers, etc.; tmpplies, tapes- y property specialist). Marlboro. N. J. nedt Point, Little Sliver, N. J. jnded to. Estimates cheerfully furnished, UU particulars ' nddveitK Box 54. K. F. B., FOR SALE. 'hone H73. Chili white enamel crib and mul trews Keyport, N. ^J. _ try, cretonne and leather: also lamp shade Furniture, beds, springs, mattresses, NING BOOM SET FOR SALE. HAY AND CORN FOR SALE. in Rood condition. Cnn bo ween Ity silks, tfimmiiiK."* nnd wire frames. H. i J .eessora, two parlor suites, nntiquc Chintwo hed onk ilinins: room Hot; chenp for Twenty-two tono Hitht mixed liny and 500 . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. appiyinK to Mm. Duniiar, KG West Front FIVE-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Chiirk'y fui n_ture' stor«, 3!J Munmuuth sttett, bu_helfl coi"n; deHvered anywhere. Thonifis Houses and .store properties, Monmouth Htreet, Red Bank. Phone I038-J. Ten-room cottage with bath; traraKe, lnrtro curio cabinet, tahlcfl, chairs, Morris chnirs, ite flftle. Phone Long Branch 816- Ii hall stands, gasiphites, gas nnd oil heaters. Kelly, phone 73-F-l.. Holmdel. county farms, lota for sale; easy payments. poultry house, some fruit; on main thor- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. • FOR SALE. ii^pvatora, lnrsc anrt'smnll center tables, Vgent. Caleb L. Lukcr. P. O. Box 168, Bel- ouKhfare; fifteen minutOH by auto to Iconic POSITION WANTED. Ford 1920 runabout, like new; will sacri- Brnnch depot. Address Hox 483, Long A country home on a corner, with fcOO kera, davenports, Englnndor couch, etc.; CHICKEN FARM WANTED. ord. N. J. feet front on the state road lietwe.n Hod jatetant _hlppin_r clerk or Htnclt room From two to fifteen acrt'H; nlso roll to] fice. Cnn be Bctn Friday, Saturday and Drnneh, N. J. all in fine condition. No denier*. H. O. w»nts position. Hox 221, Matawan, DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE. lunday. McDonald, Kemp and Sycamore Bnnk and Long ' Branch ; 10 K acrea; thir- ellonK, 40 Carr avenue, Kenns-iurK, i)p- desk wanted. W. A. Clayton, 60 I3roai teen rooms and hath, all improvements ; street. Red Bank, phone 37-M. . Double house for sale, six rooms on ench avenue, 439-M, Fair Hiiven, N. J. OUR CUSTOMERS itairs. ii tin1 xo to rt'comnu-nd us to their friends, price $1 1,000. Address* Owner, drawer M. COOK STOVE FOR SALE. Ide; price $4,200, ¥2,000 cash. Apply to FLORALJ PIECES. Red Bank. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. i condition; price $10. Cnn bo seen FOR SALE. . H. GieRory & Hon. 42 Broad street, Red If you hnve not mi't one, send, us your next Agricultural lime und New York Imrs 1 J BouquetB, plllowB, wreathe, flat pieces and l_aniizin, p job and you will icadily sec th At Centrevillo, fifteen minutes in autoino- House, Mintbn Lnnc, Fair Hnvcn, J larprer set pieces furnished at short notice NOTICE!!! hile from K pans burg railroad station, half mnnure for sale. C. H. Hurley, Shrewsbury, Independent Rubber Works, : Red Bank radiator workn. We repair radi- N. J. Phone _9H-M, Red Bank. FOR SALE. by Hayes Brothem, florists. Church street, Whatf^ (-•nup. _ hour walk; seven sicro.*, good house, cellar, HREE HOUSES' FOR SALE Secondhand furniture business and stock, " ,ir Haven, N. J. Phone 1042-W. ators, mudguards, Knsoline. tanks. We alao barn and wagon house. Fine five-room five rooms; good condition; LOTS FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR SALE. sell" new pu a run toed Ford Gordon radiators. house, in good condition, on nuifn road from ,nve_tiKate immediately, cheap for cash. Ap- SEE KENNEDY ABOUT IT. We" alao impair all kinds of kitchen utensils. . Frank McMahon, Rumnon, Eight lots, 20x100 feet each, at Hmlet, 3ly to Bowne Bros/, furniture store, Eatoi Must lie sold within one month, KransburK, on I.uvnvl avemie. Will rent for If you have any real estate'to sell or r 113 Went Front street, Red Bank. Thone near tlvpot; will tlivhle it wanted. V. Hop- .own, N. J._ ._ _. *_ it*w; lot . »0x20il feet; ten rooms, nil irn $200 per year or will sell for $3,500; good kjn_, ealro box 17_, Rumnon, N. J. ___ want to buy any real eatate BCP P. I'. Ken- rtivi'Ynfntst: electric light. Must i«? seer Red Bank 1177. ground for ti-iirk farm: fine brook, bent ] TWO HOU5ES FOR SALE ~^~ FERNS, FLOWERS AND PLANTS. nedy, Red Bank, about it. It will be to your o bo appreciated. Address J. N., draw ei water. Will give long lea.e. Write Mrs. noon, eix rooms; stood condition; RAW FURS WANTED. Fine Boston ferns, nil kind/ of potted ' antaRe. Phoni* 447 -R. 3le6 BanJc^ 4. Ued Hank. FARMS FOR SALE. Mnrgrett JanUen, 5H West 53rd street. New | each. Frank McMalion, Rum a on, We lir paying tht' liigheat prlceB for ni! ilantB and flowers for house decorations for All sized farmu: «oo-l. HAY.AND POTATOES FOR SALE. vertisement. Call at iao-l:(l LeiMhton ave- ent occupation, references, elf., in your first RIENCED SALESLADY WANTED. hick*. F. G. Hurst, Middletown, N. J., Palm Bench, Florida; at oncfi to The Quality Shop, 26 HOUSE WANTED^r I have a lot of very, fine timothy hay for nue, Hed Hank. letter. Sides Department, P. O. Box Ifi.1, iluinc 192-M. Newark.^ N. ,T. [street, D. Hurwitz, proprietor. Red A Binull VIOUHU wanted, improvements no h*. either delivered or at my Itnrn'; also HOUSE WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED, ncct'HHnry, around Red Bank. Addres TRY H. B. HAYES *^ iod cooking pot at not*. I i envy C. McLean. with auto; prefer man (with selling experi- Smnll Homo, drawer M, Red Bunk. Wnnteil, seven or eitdit-rmim house tn ence in jtmiill towns JIIIK1 otmntrv wteiet«. your electrical work, wiring, lamps,..mo- Rod Ilank. IMiono 1HH-W Red Hunk. _ rent by year; rent must be reasonable; in FENCE POSTS' A^TUMDBERI MONEY TO LOAN. tors, fixtures, work promptly attended town Need not tie away from home ni(,*btn. To ly to loan on bond and mortgage. Ap- , TRUCK FOR SALE. FARM FOR RENT. vicinity of Atlantic Highlands or Locust Get our prices on new material, cut to ci- ir counb_fcf. 50 Spring street, Ked Bank the rinht man we olfor high gr.-idg e p • L. Ivina, Register building. Red Iiitcrnntfuniil one-;tun truck, lfllfi model i I-'nrm hoiine, six rooms, bnrna nnd other Point. I.. K McGuckev, :(S t Bixth avenue, i ? der nnd delivered. Cook Brothers, pbon* 'hone 228-M. nrooklyn. N. Y. aying ?r,0 to ?. ekly. Stets in ppvIVet running order; unei\ very little ouUniildini*}!, with nny qimntity uf ground; Cleveland, Ohio Apply C. S. Conovor, Holmdel, N. J. ,lao peauli and npplo orehnrd, fnr rent. Hi ih-R. Hed Bank. FOUNTAIN PEN LOST ^RNISHED ROOM FOR ftENT. OUT TO MAKE GOOD. man Ritznu. Red Hnnk. Plume _:!6. FARMER WISHES POSITION. yesterday afternoon in Strain! theater. Kec- irtnbly furnished room, well heated, JAMES B. CARTON, EVERETT. N. J. There, iw only one way to tlo it. Cio Good first-class all around I'aimer. one BOARDING HOMES WANTED Wll Htroet, Rod Bank. Phono vork an lumeMt' piolit. Vulcanizing in i REAL ESTATE. und national hnnk or on Hroiid street. who knows all about farming nnd the use nf Auctioneer. Your patronage solicited. Ni Independent Rubber Wcirka, tale too great; none too small. T«na ntirety. Ni nr r IOTI1 holme, ull ini|.r lent nl Finder please return same to Miss Gladys horses, nearly life-thin- experience en farms, ) right. Phone Mlddlctown 27R-F-21. Whf [•'n ir ItllV n. Dili.- block from n Vfl' fm i-ni Shriinstiire, 117' Hudson avenue, or phone wants position, with hojise n nt free and j Jeriy State Hoard of Children's GunrilmiiB. PULLEYS AND SHAFTING. [iG0-M. Howard. REAL ESTATE. June 1st OctobiT Int. j Ii ins firewood. Call or write to 111 Orchard street. room 0.7, 15 Exchange place, Jersey t'ity, » lot of naRortcd nt?.ea pulleys, ohaft- WANTED TO RENT. IIKITI cy. R ciii. lev liullilinir. Ilinl Hi lilt. Matnwnn, N. J., box nr.. hgerE^for BUIO. Maurice Schwartz, For rent, un[m-nished, etRht-Toom houfl EXPERT CABINET MAKING. N, J. * House" of five or nij_ rooms wanted wit Antiques restored; repairing anil reunish- 'pk. nil improvements, at Fair Haven, *$55"*p < RING LOST. HOUSE FOR SALE, all improvements in or near Bed Bank. Ad nth. A. L. Ivina nfi*>noy. Heiti^ter build- injr. Solid mahotrany reproduction.s maile 1 WANTED. drt-ss A. F. a; drawer M, Hed Bnnk. Rintt with small dhumm om luiusi fov silk' nn II-.vvri^iMi . Hed Bank. Wt'dnesday evening in Ktnin to order. Fir.st-elasn work KUaranteed. }I. FIRST^OLASS AUTO^AINTING and , Kns rnrtKc; must be in pood ChnrkV furnniture store, 3!) Monmouth uc. Iti'il ll.-ihk; luith anil lint waliT, lut DODGE TOURING CAR FOR SALE. on Broail street. Kinder re ll .l-'ormerly with Healcy & Co., Loclte & Co.. Address Gfts.ItniiRe, drawer .M, FARM WANTED. street. Ked Hank. rill fe A-l condition; good rublicr! for nnli itrht to forty nci'cs with lake or river 270 Broad utreel, Red Bunk. ijnvt New Yorlt. Can paint a few earn at ronson- tfh(-i\i> tv> »iuicli buyer. G. A. Lay ton, 3r. EXTRA GOOD MILK COW WANTED. 'VanI 'l taKC. Sent! purticularn nnd location to THE HUDSON HOUSE. ' ulilc piict-a. William IT. Turn.-r, Hr., 101 West STOVE WANTED. Atlantic Highlands, N. J., phone SOS. rltt R. Lnmson, 3 West "Main street, Must be heavy milker and KO'HI looking .-I. .IVrlli.Amhi yv gd-hanil, largo, heavy cimt iron globe. ehold, N. J. First-claas board by the day or 'week RniiYml unilev live years nf iHTe; nn )uirelinie Front street, _U'<1 Bank. HOUSE FOR SALE. i-n centrally located and -pleapiint surrounding a FURNITURF. FOR SALE. I Address tJlube Stovo, drawer 1*1, No. 110 Mechanic street, improvements closed until eow can lie tested for quantity REAL ESTATE. rates reasonable. Hudfton House 145 Hud- milk, etc. Address Hamanessin farm, An a siirtnieiit of household furniture for price $4,GOO, part cimh. Apply J. H. Grt'tf Bon avenue. Phone Red Bank. 11S-W. ale re siniahle. Articles must lie sulil nn THE SANITARY BARBER SHOP ory & Hon, 42 Proud stmit, Rt-tl Bnnk. Seven-room house at Fair Haven, Rns ant phone 1, Hulmilel. PIN LOST. •liter; lot 55x20r> feet; centrally located nlurila arierniHill. Also irrimlstone suit- FOR SALE. ble fo Where the worJ sanitmy ineun_ sorne- Stnr pin l*i«t lust Thurfldny; if FOR SALE. $3,500. A. L, Ivins agency, Itenister build- HAVE YOUR WASHING DONE mill or factory, slid n few Ilreil Dorset cwi's, Ayrsliiro liuil two yt-nr-1 oi'U. Me thint?. Y^ur huir c«t the way yuu Hkt it. Ml Mrs. J. A. VanScho.ek, plione blG Fourteen "foot nil cqdni1 -rowboat, wit R^tl Bank. 1 nt the .Jersey Coast Lnuiulry, West Front nK k olti, Ucrksliiri- >fiiin*s nnd lnoil sows, a chnnce Htreet, Red Rank: family wash rou^h dry Evinrude engine, or will nell separately. Ca to iri't l-cuisti-fnil stock ri-nminnlili'. M. A. lied llnnk. George Kelly, Weller IniiJdinjr, second floor, be nccn at 4ft Ijnden place, Red Hunk. CORD WOOD FOR SALE. U.2B, with flnt work ironed $1.00: hand HAY FOR SALE. Conn. OJi'ntrnsnn farms, OHwiok. N. J. \ if desired. Charles Rrenker, pro- BOATS. Broailstrcct. Rtd Hank. " ' " Chestnut L $10, maple $12: delivered free Fifth-class ice yacht Ilansh r sale. [I three hen KOOHU and ti FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. Ked Bank nnd vicinity: also liny nr pru^or^ PJifne ZM^ I arm, Little Silver, N. J. Z, Taylor, UNFURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. This Limit holils all the pennants er class A RUBBER BARGAIN. Standard nml dwnrf bearing nize; apples, in for sale. E* H. Branch, phone Wlddl Cuuplc, no cllililroll, wolllil like .to rent mi the North Shrewsbury river is the I town 706-F-12. LOST. enrs, plumH, clicrries; also St, Regis straw- small llDUse or linlf liousi- April 1st, witllin fnste^t boat in her class in th tnte of Ne' Ovtr ji lunithiMl lmirs uf. women's. mis-Hcs' erriefl.. Willinm Bryan. Elberon. N. J. On Ilrouil or Kii.st Fiinit streets, or in UlNESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. E HAVE YOUR CLOTHES wulkimr at.sidc avenue, Red Hunk. trov, proprietor, j RIVER LOT FOR SALE. Bully O.rnmt touvinK car nml Vovil bilBiness FARMER WANTED buy any nuantity; nlso carrots and turnips. Best Front atre.t, about sixty fcot on NITRATE OF SODA MpNUMENTS. cnr, ojien sides, for sale. A. M. Hennetf & for 110 acres, all tillable, on shares; uunr- Come to see me or drop me a postal and T CARROLL '&~DECKER! Son. 1S4 Main atreet, Kranslmrjr, N, J. with riparian right*. For pnrticular« in any quantity from one pound to 10( Thomss Manson & Sons, designers ant [lteed potato drnined lanil; some tcntid truck will call on you. H. C. Seliliclitiiin, nn State Genenil tniokint; nnd forwardinu, lira) ' L., WI Ainplc avenue. jtcd Highway, opposite Fair View cemetery, Til- tonn; pvirr lower thnn lowest. Phone, writ' builders of h.Kh trradp monumenta. OfFic CARS WASHED. iil. Also larirc apple erchnnl. best vari- and IOIIR distances, hy motor truck. Auk and yard, Monmouth street and Drummom ton lane. It. F. I)., hox 7C. Ited Bunk. or call, J. Fischer & Co., Mntnwnft, N. J. Scotty is doing buaintHB at the same old eties, if desired. Aildress Farmer Wanted, uu our prices. ..^Carrol! „ Decker, 5G Men- JoUSE WANTED TO RENT. ~~~ place, Red Bank. ^ stand. Get your cara washed while you wait drawer II, Ited Bank. BLACK WALLET LOST. "j or four rooms, Home improvements; TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS. at 36 White itreet, Hed Bank. Parties mouth street, Heil Hank. Phones 234-R und We buy, rent, sell, exchange and repn Man's blaek pin seal wallet lost Tiiesdny. |>ut $25: in Keil Dunk. Apply 1'rauk PACKARD LIMOUSINE FOR HIRE. taken out for evening automobile rides. WINDOW CLEANING. February Jlst. at [In,ad street iiutinnal bank 195-W. typewriter*. Trubln'fl, the Store of a Thou Lino _(M-eii-pti«HenKfi' tmirim; cur. dny We make a specialty of cbjnninK wlridows Linci-uft, N. J. Telephone Mid- .and Item*. KB Broad strep*. Red BnnV. or on way tu Red Ilank rnilronil slntioii. 18 -K-IJ1. ___ ' nijrht; cxprricnccd drivers. Hurdvrp & AMERICAN HOTEL FOR SALE. of atore-B, oflicca nnd private residenceg ; also Driver's and dealer's license rar.K pillule.; UiiBst'll, '10 Moi'hiinic »trect. Red Hank. American hotel lunl eottnue ailjoiiiiniJ: for Kenernl office cleaning. Ratea reasonable. nnd othei nrlieleh, Finder return sum., ti, N. BUTTERBACH, DANCE HAND LAUNDRY. SattRfaction gunrnntecd. 4B Washington Rnunh iiry tu iro->r,|. CrtH for nnd in e\ery way, iiicludiliK eb-cti'ieily ; throe rooms, furnlaheil, with or month; poUHession Kelirunry 1st. A. I,. Iteds. I.eirhiirns. OrpinBtons, An- local. •.! lietwi-en I'eters plncc ami IU-ri:en prutt'i'tinii. .Soe \\A now almut ins u nine*. I privik-K*? uf l\uht liousekeepinn: or HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. VJHH atreney, Keirisler Iniililinir, He'd Haul' Finiii carefully selected stock. Write LOTS FOR SALE. In Went Ileil Hnnk. elt-ht rooms, flne place and between Maple nveuue and Broa.l J. II. Gregor>ryy && Son, .\2 (irunil ntreetf lud lit unfurnished two or three rooms, Two lots on Carpenter street,-River Plain Ilox 3 7 nnp t. N. .1. street; six ruonis und bnth: price Sil.'JM). ouple. Ui'J Hroad street., IU'«l Home; prleu $:l,Q0fl, $1,000 down. K. M. FARM FOR SALE. Hunk, phone J>3. • • Ni'i.>iu-e in all brniw-tie-, of ,hi.. ti- MIDDLETOWN DAIRY FARM? LOTS FOR SALE. In times of tl'iiul'le,, moving vans hiile you CHIX AND HATCHING EGGS. eil, with or without bnaril, for two; In a in Htraiute pnvilions. Uuy n irentieman's eultlile. illul.-v v-hisii nnd out i,( ilmvis, nml Slii'i'inl miik for liahii'H from inir own »t-. Threfl Iota, fiOxltiO.. umith ulik «f Sunm prlvnU fainily prcfern'd. Adilresa A. II,, WATCH DOG FOR SALF., ill iliaiuirenu-nl i,f nuy size counlry relate; ortlvrit n»w for baby ohlx nvcmu'i third, rouith nnd 'Kt^sP^f west1 Muve nn Airedale mid a ,Slic|ihi'rd ror Hill. home; nine linue lonius, lintli, KIIS. ,.lectri" l.-cled ste,-k, Will nlsn linndle Hie laiern- letting ctrKH of Rhode lulnnil llmlit; ih-nw_er_M, lied Hnnk. niurrieil. no children, 'miildle nee,I nml lies I I.eijKlit(»n avenue. IMionc Hnl >IjffHK 100R-1 Tnke your ehoii-e. . U. uililress, lied llnnk. HOUSE FOR SALE. Hank, residence Hnlf-Mil.' mud. Upright nliuio nml tieneli. In perfect co pillletM, one male; now layinir; $H; excep- HOUSE FOR SALF.. I'lnilie n;t.F-.'.:l, Tlmmns MnCuiie, I'lvul- ilition, r.000, cimli i-siilres May 1st. H 1,1 Uiiin i 11rut (I or anil Ihi-ei. niuiiH nml Invlb nn TWO FRF.SH COWS FOR SALE. rot 111, ii all improvements; built live home on thn farm or rlty. Cnn Thirty-five IUTPH, five n<*ren pent hen, fl Sl.r.OO, balance on imirtKnue. Apply J. II. ilinir, Mnnmoutli, N. .1. id AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. One with calf; Kooil heavy' milkers: Hpven fi- m-i iviisounhle. Apply ut J.| bent of referenoen n» a flrat-clusH ui'rt'H iKMirn, H mill I o re hind of U__>]''><; iw Oi.'k-ory & Him, 1^ lli.in.l wlrrel, Red llnnk. V -in.- Dent take a .-liiiuee. He protected, k^ aa nml eluht years old; have loo many to take 1 IMGS I-'OR SALE. 11;,-anc'l\ ll enue, Hed llivnU. IMn-ne IS:|..I . Atldrcis C. M,. p. O, box .10.. niil.'H fn.tn Htitlion. IUMI Hnnk Wen] Kxtii' ctU'ii of i\t pieiient. Julin Dnly, MrOonnlck Insure you anainiit lire ami traniipiirtntli.n. QU1I.T SALE. Four feniiile ami Ihree male, thirl i It,i>d H,,nk. Co _,„___„ fnrm, Colfn Neck. N. J. weeks ,,1,1; iiliio two ixeellentohiooil sows, theft, liublllly, cnlllslon, property •Inmate* 111B rednelloiiii in quiltii: now is tlie time I-'AIIM 1011 SALI.. HOME BARGAIN. FOR SALE. ~ In net lutrKninw Itv wnjm, cli'iln iiuiltdl m»nt one I\I»1 n half yeiun old; thor.iiiirUlue.l Y.nk- 3LAO ROOTINO, Nine nn.I ii linlf lu I i I Inml ., anil limn of use. Kee UH f,,r hisuiiince of all Litti Mx-room house in exrrl.pnt rnn- Uco npct'dwBK'in truck in flint-clnsn ODIU LemVr tin «nd Rlnte roofs mada tisht; Kltn be yeen to he appreciated. II, (>linrk'n furni- »hile», I', riolllier. care I,. II. Hiindei 'mm, 1 irnprovt'iripntfl; lot f>0x 150 feet, tion. Hwi-i't Clover fnrrrl. J, A. VaiiKcho ture store, 3S> Mnnmouth street, Red HanH. Hillusiiii, ,N. .1, llh.ine IK1., . , mile ft HIM West t.oiH'. ll.ri|t)|-l':. b.liullfnl le- ki!..l^i ...rV !!. ihvfKi'iy & lion, 42 ;Hri-«J water prooflnv lltla walls and cellars, Ou- eutiiiii on iiutlii road; no Iniildiuns. MuUe n 1 e mlnutea' wnlk of Drond ntreol; Newtnnn HprliiKH ronil,' Kvd Hnnk. Mu> (Un McClaakey, 14? Hudion *v«nu«, fi»d tre 1. llcil lliinli. 1'bi.n.i -f. !. 316. •- • •• TRY US . nice elilckeii hum Price f 1.1 Ull. Will pan castor M ir.ro. • Vri.Uiu., ti. Dank. T-lrphana 400-J. LARGE DOUIILF. HOUSE FOR SALE. 1 Second Natlonnl liAnk bulldinir. Liirire dtiuhli) holme for Hale, inioil houne, when yon want mmil cement bloclin. Call make terms to suit ptlrrhaser. K. M.TInii'y BARGAIN. i DOGS BOARDED. CRAVEL FOR SALE. Koinl lucality, all impvoveinriitB; price i>n n«. We mnUe nil «(yle» und ruliiri; ven- * Sun, Kliiewslmrv uveini.-, lUil llnnli. Have Rood comfortable puartera rirst-clndB Ki-avel. poBB*HRlntf fine pack. $111,000. For terms, etc., apply In J. II. ncmnble injcei.. Idenl Cement Illnrk nnd SBIIII I'lione .Illl'.J. iiituiinilli iMtniity "ttilry mitl iriuuMhl fjirmj CARS FOR SALE. l)oardln_r Further jiartlculnrn by Inu ciiinlltlen. Apply to M. O. Tllton, neitr Ciri'Knry A .Son, iZ Ilriuid streel. Hud lliuili. Co., Inc.. West Pink avenue, Onklini ,,t, N. J., lfllfl touring car. fHiulebaker AWNING AND CARPET CLEANING. 111 ealtle. twu liuvi.l-H, muehluery; Herman HIt«ou, Hed Hank, l'hoi Homlilen'a Corner. "' ~O. atk!re«« Box 82, N. J. plioiie IKti-M, LiiiiK Itritnrh. Awnintri*. )ioat eovera nml ourtalnn, our- tun I (n»ven-p»»en«er, Htoddard-Dnyton R«il P«nk, B. D. 1. ncren, «lr III), ivnoill.nml, npnln nrctmrd. 1918 worm drive truck with HEAL ESTATEA . Iie.n mid rll|(H elenncd, neolircil mid ntoreil; FIRE INSURANCE SERVICE. itattrt'iiiieii renuvateil nml made to oritcr; dwt'llintr, f innt Inline , tillin« nulliultill i Ml drountl, ,IU19 Pord tourlnv FOR SALE. , FIREWOOD FOR SAI._7 I wnnt ytuir luinlne«ti. Yim need th« pi'n- F.tKlit-rotmi I, Fair Haven, nils, [IB Ford raad>iter. Inquirf John Twenty nice iilio»tii, jroou rubber-tlr< tmtImth ttlid«lld water; ttwoslory h , lot 77*277 faylntf of pnrpetH, rUKH and linoleum. Kstl- two lliileH f rum • InllnII ; i•xc.ll.nt linn'l«l| , 1 liav« n lot iff npple trep wood naweil li tectiait, Costs very little. HemilUi Inruv maten ulieorfully Klvrn, MHtlafai'Mon eltnr- W*itnli!e raracre, corner Bhrew>- •nd let ofallffht single nnfnean fi ntnv« lensthB or for n flrcplnce; will dellvr when (lrp visits yn\tf property. llyllns, feet; near river ami trolley; pnssosslun In S 11,0111], ,'ii if terum. y our ehiuiee--ml l-nue *nd Newman Spring* rtrnd, tied n shvit lime: ir,,nr,{|. ,\. L. Klun iiuem'y, iinlied K.nlinril'ii, 01 Wliltn .tree!. Kid Howard Tln>ull, New Munmnu If .lenlred. Henry C. McLean, K Ilank. Plume 9S-M. quick. IloX 01)11,, l''ieeli N. J. •W.'J. IMinno U01-W IJrd llnnk. Hank. ItcnUt.-r bulldlnu, Red Hnnk. I Pure Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 0, 1B21.

GEORGE-»II. HQHEKTS. Auctioneer. GEORGE H. .ROBERTS, •Auctioneer.' RED BANKJREGISTER. "The Bible-Its Relation to WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 1021. PUBLIC SALE v PUBLIC SALE TOWN TALK. , OF Present Day Conditions'' (Continued from page A.) OP The second sermon on the above topic in the series by The school election last night' showed the powor of the people. The • Live Stock, Machinery, Etc. the Rev. J. Lawrence Pitt, of Grace Church, will be given - T^sUll \VHA iiii (-real uvklory ff>i'' tin.;! "welfnre^of the schools and as j>re;il.a j ON Sunday evening, Feb. 13th, this subject beinjj rebuke to the greedy politicians who i Farming Implements schemed to get f.heir-clutches on tin-' Edward Gibson's Midbrook Farm, public school ay-item as was the case last'summer whei: the propk1 auisc in "The Bible-Some Practical Difficulties" tlh.-ii1 nii#iltt mid t In1, iir! c<\ tlh'.sc siiiiu- ' REYNOLDS' DRIVE and WAYSIDE ROAD politic iiins who I HIM! [u ]))'i'venL the ON appointment of ilie ;)opu!ar rhuii'r GRACE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH for supei vi.-ing piiiK'ip:il. .Tin* poupU' Tuesday, February 15th, :nv iletiM'tninod that the politicians tili:il! ni)l tvun t(Milro! of tin- schools AT 11:00 A. M., ON THE The home church where you are always welcome rttict. they c\\n\'?^(\crs Will Offer for Sale the FollowhiE Tinm l].;iiy ,ri:iv 11.M <.'.-, KU.MI ui.vl.ir-. ^ :! ti-lilns Mules, iii.iid wurWr.4 i.nil fast wnlfc- TK* i'K''-fion w a.s .'i si.ti"n;) 1 illnitrnl itui .1 »iinii. Mill lio fresli sunn:, a Hvif.TS. two 1 !U Cmi, tuii.-n-iilin l,.-t.'.l. .-.MIIII- fr.^h :n, Phone 1011-J , of u-!u' the p<'(i|>le oan.dc wlu-n tln-y^' ', ,. i.l'l: 7 11,'ifcis. niif yi'iir nlil; l[i.|«tt-in Hull, se.-.l lluvr. two Sows with l>it«. II) 1 The Undersigned Will Offer the Following for Sale: sei ilu-ir mim !., ,ai. WMIU. It was nfso i •;(, 1^ ^ I.,•.>...! Sow-., li ...N .U.ul.!.- Hum.'--., n. urly i»'« : nil MIII;1.. ihmiiMs. Crawl Holly. ir^. new; 'J lani] WiiKcns. Cutter, McCnr- n •siiii.-'l tiiliuf.' lo the IWII ;nisU'i*s "h l...-n-l.:invl I'ntnto H.i.iy. n.-w: liny Sh.-K it Mi.wini! Miu-liin.., Uny Hiil.i-. 1 I'lan.-I .1 ,-. ICi.linsr I'lilliviitoi's. nearly new: 1 line- Five sets doulilo Harness, set single Harness, 1 Horses, 4 Cows, Bull, *v!n> wet v.1 i••••-iiI.;;'I.t«r.~i' Hi.tin .• 1'li.w. twi.-lior«e South HIMUI Plow, lliiii- 16 Pigs, 5 Farm Wagons, Market Wagon, 3 Riding Cultivators, 5 single Cul- I.iuul Hull...!-, l'otulo \V,.e,ler. Film CHARLES A. McCLASKE^ 7»i..l; whw V'iH i,;. |1U. j;,,t llH'mln-r t>\' \'t- I'l.tntu llir/.-r. M.'r..rini..k I'.irn I(!.rv.->t.-i tivators, 2 Harrows, i Mowing Machines, 2 Acme Harrows, Weeder, Paris hi" v, (,. K.I.I an ullii- Stt-I, 11 ...ti Ilinn.w. .1'rti-is Oivi'ii (inn, I'oi-ti Shi'llVr, Ciili-r I'rrss, li (irimtsUnr*, Whroll-iir- M-.W. '[•uiiiip Diill, Nfi'I,y..l.rti, thr«-- nml f1.u:--hur-'.' \Vluill.-tr.-.-s, linn-^l Cider VIIIPKHP. Treen Duster, Furrowing Sled, Hay Rake, Huy Tedder, 2 Potato Bodies, 2 Rid l!;mk. UlocL-i l.n.I Pulleys, ilnr^ Clipping Miu-hiiu*. Hnns, Forks ami .ninny atlu-r nrticli-ti too lay Shelvings, Potato Planter, Potato, Sorter, Potato Cutter, Hog Oiler, Broad Street and Newman Springs Road inmi. -I-UH.-I tn ni.ntinii; 1 ~. 0 I>»i r.-lrf tiiVfii iMouuUtin I'otntm-s, J.OOO bus.ivli« Em- Cum. If)Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Whifllctrces, Corn Sheller, Hoover Potato Digger, with 'SHREWSBURY NEWS. | Ions Hay. - ' • engine;'Wheelbarrow Grass Seed Sower, 2 Riding Plows, 2 Breaking-Up TKltMS: - -All sums 1\imlfr ^!.". i'iiih; rill sums 'OUT Sllii, :i prod it of fiirht months with 1 Plows, 2 Mules 12 years old and 2 Mules 10 years old. Alfred Grover H.-wmtj a Bungalow n tinnk;it»lL> nntc with mnirovt-'il .•ifi-ui'ity. tu fivo iu-r cent (liscuunt for cash, Spring Tuotli Hnninv, Grain Drill (Fnrraeia' IJ»voiitc!.) Upper Broad Street Service Statio| .Buik on His Property. O.AKI.KS I). COHLIES. [nsiilo CUrk. Alfre.1 OOYIT lias inranlnl • lo TERMS—Sums of $25 and under, cash; sums over §25, seven months' Th'unm.s Ilouuhpity of Ki-il Hunk aj EDWARD GIBSON and credit with bankable note and approved security. A full line of Automobile Suppli contract to ennvrrt a milk housi' in j GEORGE SANBORN. E. H. FALLON. Accessories, Tires and Tubes, Etc. into a six-room lumpilov. Cook S 'CKOIiCK II. ROHKRTS, Auctioneer. Oakley of Red Ii.ml; will do Uic Monmouth County Surrogate's^ Office. moml, dec eased, notice in hereby given to 1 Notice to ci'CtliUn'3 tu IM.'sont' claimd aKainst the creditors of said doc ems ed, to exhibit to jilumltiti!} \\ork. v catatc. the subscriber, vxceutrix UH tiforeauid, their Standard and Texas Gasoline and Oils Hi'iiry Ilillmi;.- hu> 1 erovi-itd fiom n the matter of thy estate of Charles F. debts and (lemnmU ii^jiinat the tmid eiitnte, PUBLIC i under oath; within six months from the date sickiips.^- OP Dimondp cicc(H>~J<-il. of the aforesaid order, or they will be fur- Piiryuant to the orJcr of Joseph L. Dona- over barred of their actions therefor ugainat - -Mis. !,'/ir;i .Ti'llTMIips. wliO teachi'* my, tiurroKnU' of the County of Monmouth, the Kaid subscriber. Cars Called for, Washed, Polished and Retain icliDul at l.oii^1 IJiar.vh.i (.•nti.'i'taini'fl made on the seventh day of February, 1921, Farm Machinery, Live Stock and Household Goods on the application of Georiaunnii V. Dimontl, Dated Freehold, N. J.. February 7. 1921. JlOr pujiils llomlay aftcviHion. plio 'xecutrix of the edtute of Charles F. Di- GEOKGIANNA V. DIMOND. Prompt Attention and Efficient Service Guaranteed ;| \.ook hof auo^ls lo Christ church and ON other historic places in tlH'*-vU!n sets single Harness, 4 Collars, Spring \Vagon, f New hymn books' have been bought JaKffcr Wa(ron with pole and shafts; Buggy, rubber-tired Runabout, Surrey, Y - -for the choir. low flat AVa^on, "J Farm Wagons, 2 lop; wagons, cordwood Rack, 2-horse Y About 100 persons attended a Scoop., 150-clucken Brooder, S.horsepower gasoline Saw Cutter, 2 McCor- 'dviu'e'given by Dr. and Mrs. Robert miek Mowers, 2 Cultivators, Iron AKC Wheel Cultivator, Iron Roller, Y few nights 7-foot weeder, Furrowing Sled, 2-horsc Oliver Plow No. 20, 4-horse Oliver Y Me hull. Plow No. 2(1, Hoover Potato DidKer, Reuther Elevator Potato Diprper, 2- horse Sod Cutter, 30 Fowl, Hothouse construction of sash, water and heat in Y Card of Thank: good order; _' Iioyee Plows, Iron Harrow, A Harrow, Feed Cutter, Imperial Y TIK' .^OH, and < ,f Hi,- ]at( Corn 'Klii'ller, 8 Asparagus Boxes, Asparagus Trough, Paris Green Gun, 2- „_ • W. M:ivlin wi'sli to. thank horse Iron Holler, pair farm wagon Bolster Springs, 100 Bushels Corn, 100 Y tl.eii: many friemis ami nei^lihovs U-v Hamper Cox ITS, 20-ft. Ladder, flat Piano, large Bedstead. Washer and Y tl.c kimliH'-;,^ and sympathy shown \\ vintivr, I'k1.; Grindstone, Nock Yokes, Forks, Shovels, Hoes and various k ; Y U t hr in their recent bereuvement in other articles. tKe loss of llieir fatluT, and jilso.to Y Mr. Grocer and Baker TERMS—$2f> or under, cash; sums over ?25, 7 months' credit with cxpri'.vi lliou' uppr^iMutioii (if t he f music, OH* heiuiliful floral pieces and note and approved security. .-.••• Y tie. cai's loaneil for Uu- fun era!.— JOHN MCLAUGHLIN. Y Did you know that the very best grade of flour that it has ever Card of Thanks. Y been 'your privilege to Offer to your customer, namely FLAVO, is -•-T1K> Kidies of. the Chapel of Holy Y -Connuuniuit, Kuir Haven, wish to ... milled almost at your door? Just one sale and you have made a tiiiink all who donated so generously!^ Again we prove to you that it Y at t~he aprun f^neiahlt. lield al Mrs. Y Daniel Allairi'V for the purpose of pays to trade at the customer. That is a broad statement, but it is not any broader than installinc; a new heater in the church. Y Mi;-.s Lucy O'Brien,' Secretary. Y ECOMOMY MEAT MARKET Y the quality of the flour. This flour will be sold at the same price as Card of Thanks. Y other brands, and the profit margin the same. You have no worry We desire to express our thanks Just check up each item in this Y to our relative ami fi ii'iids for their about delivery delays as we can deliver the same day we receive your .Icind ovpro'ssions and (lower ottcr- ad. and note your big savings Y irtcs at the funeral 'of our helovt'd Y mother, Mis. Michael Ki-lly. order. We are milling the very finest'Corn Meal, which is a real The IVreaved l'amily. Y — Ail vert ist'ini'iit. Specials for Friday and Saturday: f treat to the eye as well as the palate. Card of Thanks. f We \w\>\\ to thank all our relatives and fi'iend.i wlm :-o kindly helped to f lighten • out hiudeu in uur lale he- Chuck Roast, best native beef * 18c Ib Y • rc-av-ineii!. Y John Ui'ynulil- ,tnd son, Harry W. Cross Rib Roast (all meat) - 3Oc Ib

Card of Thanks. Prime Rib Roast, heavy beef 25c, 30c Ib f \Vi- hci-liy lli:ii.l. our fri'inls and : . „_ . . •_.; —; — - Y i,iKi,i,,,, i,.v (iu'ir ,yiu,,aii,y in ou, j9m Porterhouse or Sirloin Steak 35c Ib Khd liiicvvcn [. Y Mr. Fanner Mr. uml Mt- l:.,yinin:il I lobeisl.y. j j " Y —AIK-CT'J .'•inciil.. i i- Fresh Chopped Beef,the hitid you'll buy again 2Oc Ib —« . «-- • «•" Y To Wlior.i It May Concern. |* Did you know that you can get your grain ground while you My wife, K"; 111;. • ri i;. • Mail.-. II.IMHJ;.; J Fresh and Corned Plate Beef 10c Ib Y left inc. 1 refu ••• I" !•:•>• ••ill bills '••"-;•" Y _wait, at our Model Community Mill? Our Bran, Wheat Middlings Iruct-d bv lur Signed. j * "Our Own Make Sausage 3Oc Ib Y Hail K. Marks.'J. and Corn products will stand the acid test, and we are selling at the --Advi-il'i.-.-i .1. '<• "Fresh Hams|(wliole or half)~ 27c~lb~ Y (ii .SAi.r.. Y same price that you are paying for common feed. A trial will con- Tl, \V. II I . !! .. \\ !•<• ii FTe^firifiouiders^of"Pqrk^TT"~18Fresfitiihlouiders c Ibjl Y Mm C,,,. ., Till... .I i.Ml.li.- MI.'- I «- v f vince you. Give us a trial and save money. tini> I. 'WI. t v. T. -lliiiil .In! ! 7. Of I'flll \t u , . I1'.'I -.1 l. .• in tl,.. f, I £ if|Genuine^Spring Lamb 28c lb Y • lion, ill (In- I'.iu.f uf .1. I'ni.I. iil|?!' 1 till' I'liiiiri i.l' M.ci I..-..I i.i.il . ^ Y . Cii (iuuil (!"• ll.i i.l, .,f Ui.,1 Shoulders Genuine Spring Lamb 18c Ib" . the r:\uu- \., t ..i.lil tlir nrovl.iiini. i.r Cli.i|ii..i- :ir' l.n» ,,f N,.,,- T Ji'mcy. 1 !• If., fur » I.ill ..I ill,J.III. f,., i ,.. Cali Hams, all sizes 18c Ib Iinij „ mill MM.,..- ,,I ,..,;,! i.uL,.isii.liil.'. .lu'r Y Office No. 213 Broad Street, to Knirmi'i J. I'IOII. nnt.-'il llDil Iliinl.. N. .1.. IVI.rmny -' Id'.M. T WILLIAM 11 , WILsdK, Armour's Star Hams 30c Ib Y Phone 120. KEYPORT, N. J. 'TO WHOM IT MAY CUNrK . -Purilirml t'i Hi'1 ri'" i-iim, .r-m. nrl nt'Z -.lUs lnKiilMiiri. i.f Ni.»' .l.'n i. ,.<, 1 l.-.l. "All ' 1 Act to nutli'lrfri- licimilu.' li •Imni'.. 'lli.'ii: • 7. -«Binctt." ll|i|»r.l I'cl.iiu.i v • . i«-;c. .iii.l • An ftllieniimi'lll tlifrclu n(i|in ..I Ai.iil in, 5 1011, notl< •• in lii'inliy 1'ivi' II,ii i iiintii, • apply to tl"' Coud uf Cotntniiii I'li'in or tin.5 ECONOMY MEAT MARKET I CSOUnt)' of Muiimolilli lit tli.< (".ml lu.il^. ill. Vrcclu'lJ. on Tliun.ilay, 11., • 1 lit li iluy of Mnrcli, 1931. »t ten IIYIIMII In tin- r ,,,..,i. or n* Monn tluircnfUT nil 1 run In* hi'iinl. for 102 Shrewsbury Avenue All ordvr id nuttiorl^e n\o to UNHUIIIH iiiintlu'r •mo, to wit, William (I'.trny BILV.Y, QUtNN i 1'AlltiONH, At(..rnoy«. One Block West from Railroad Depot »t«d Foliiunry «, 1021. WILLIAM OHTJIOVBKV. Hod llntik, N. J, RED .-BANK "REGISTER, FEBRUARY 2, 1921. Page Thirteen J.!:-'CROFT .VEWS. are "(.'xpfcctej home Murch Jtt. from t *• Florida, where they art-».sp<;nding the Twenty Pupill with Perfect Recordi .winter. for School Attendance. Churles Dryer of Asbury Park, I I'upils who Were not absent or formerly of this place, will move RADIOPHONE CONCERTS tardy ut school the past month were back to his farm nere next month'. We Are Authorized To Offer ItuBsell G. Leonard, 'William Mol/.on, A large maple treejn front of the Eugene Toril, Charles Johnson, Wil-1 Walling < property on "the stone road will be given Ham Molzon, Hazel Daly, Canie was cut down by Charles Covert last JohnBon, Jennie Bennett, Margaret week. , Molzon, Marion Hood, Harold Kelly, 'Margaret McGuire, daughter of Arabol Johnnon, Jennie McQueen, James MeCJuirc, is on the sick list. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ada Fentoii, Ricliuid Sweeney, Eliza, Horace Knox^ has gone to Virginia beth - Hnluy, Alfred Winter, .Ella to spend u month with relatives. ! The Following Residence Properties of at nine o'clock Kelly, Rudcilu Holmes und Fred David Scott spent Thursday with Langendorff. his brother, Hamilton Scott of New A gasoine tank lias been placed in York. : The Estate of Daniel W. White at Red Bank Beginning Wednesday, February front of the hotel building..- Mra. Benjamin .Duncan is working on Fred Luther will open a restaurant George Ii. -Hancu'a farm jit Scoboy- 9th, by Station 2 B. G. K. room for autoists and a delicatessen ville. store in the hotel building. Changes William JIall will move next.month POSSESSION APRIL FIRST are being made to the hotel to pro- to a house at-Little'Silver which ho vide for this new business. recently bought. Southwest corner of Broad Street and Peters Place, 10 rooms and bath, all HAROLDS. AULEJS, A barn is being built on the farm owned by Thomas Henry Grant and SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. improvements, hot water heat. Lot 4Kxl50. Tower Hill Ave., Red Bank, N. J. occupied by Charles Flock. Louis Walters bought an incubator Epidemic of Whooping Cough Sub- No. 130 Broad Street, 8 rooms and bath, hot air heat, all improvements. at Herman C. Schlichtine'H auction siding—Patrick Coyne Moves. ii Lot 48x150. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR at -Fair View recently. Most of the children who have I J' Evelyn Wyckoff, daughter of Ken- been sick with whooping cuugh have; X No. 2 Peters Place, 7 rooms and bath, h^t air heat, all improvements. AND DISTRIBUTOR FOR RADIO SUPPLIES neth Wyekoff, is Hick with whooping recovered or are well on the road to ! y cough. recovery. ' Due to this sickness and i JJ Lot 50x146. •'-'•'. Phone 339 Red Bunk Pear! White, daughter of Ansel ucknesa resulting from vaccinations | White, is recovering" from whooping the school attendance fell oil' greatly I Nos. 218 -220 Monmouth Street,corner Shrewsbury AVenue, double dwelling, cough. during the past month. I'upils who J Irving Bennett ia on the sick list. had perfect records were .Jcuuu'tte j 7 rooms and bath each side, hot air heat, all improvements. Lot 50x100. •»»•«•»•••>»»*•»»«••••«»»»•»•«•»••»»••••»••••••>•• Harry Carter bought two horses Smock and Mildred Rowehl. j rt from the Ely estate at Holmdel last Patrick Coyne has moverl from, the :'}, Also two vacant lots Nos.214-216 Monmouth Street, adjoining above double week. ^ Riordurt farm to a farm ut Kasl freehold. Michael Bordink lias dwelling on the east, size 50x94'each. VANDERBURG NEWS. moved from Colt's Neck to the Rior- Above Properties Will Be Shown By Appointment. dun farm, which he recently bought'. , Henry Thornton Tokei Up Hog 19O2 1921 Farming on Extensive Scale. The three youngest children of | } ' For Price And Further Particulars Address John Rowehl were on the :m-l; list last j.'. Henry Thornton lias made hog week. , I •{ farming an important branch of his Walter Conk, Jr., son ul' Walter j £ agricultural pursuits. He now lias I Conk, is very .sick. j »j* about twenty hogs and he has bought ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY Marcus* Millinery Store a cooking outfit to prepare food for the porkers. He Jiaa a contract for Marlboro News. I •'• 60 Broad Street Telephone 97 Red Bank, N. J. garbage at Ocean Grove, which he Miss Lillian Burley spent the feeds to'his pigs. Dr. J. W. Parker week-end with Miss Ruth .101 v of of Keel Bank is a silent partner in Elizabeth. the hog "farming enterprise. William Wyckoff of Kcyporl and final Clearance Sale of Clarence Conovcr, -Catherine and his brother Irvin of Freehold spent Margaret Bennett and Margaret the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. U. Scullion had perfect records at school Quackenbush. the past month. All of these children Rev. and Mrs. C. I.. Palmer and Wearing Apparel for Women, have not missed a day at school this Mrs. B. Quaekenbush spent Wednes- year. The attendance for the pant day at Red Bank. month slumped on account of sick- Miss Edna Hughes .-.pent the Misses and Children ness resulting from vaccinations. week-end with her mother. Mrs. John Miss Rita Braney was home Sat- Hughes. There are many businessmen having individual banking needs peculiar to their own urday and Sunday from Trenton, Mrs. M. A. Irvin, who lias been where she attends normal school. spending several weeks with her affairs. . , All prices have been ruthlessly marked down in the With a gasoline engine" last week daughter, Mrs. \V. S. Hcyc-r of Long John Long, Jr., of Everett sawed 35 Branch, returned home -Sunday. The best equipped bank is always ready to meet promptly requests for any definite majority of cases to half former prices. loads of wood in five hours for Ruth Palmer spent Sumhy with service. Charles Read. friends at Farmingdale. George S..P. Hunt.of Colt's Neck, Miss Florence McCue of New The facilities of this Bank are comprehensive and offer a personal service to each No matter what type of a hat, coat, dress, waist or fur one of the school trustees of Atlantic Brunswick spent Sunday with her j customer, covering all his domestic and foreign requirements. We solicit (he busi- township, visited the school here Fri- mother, Mrs. Kathryn McCue. you seek you will find it at Marcus if anywhere in Red Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holland, who ness of all in need of broad banking facilities. Albert WinfiehS bought a team of have been spending severnl weeks ut Bank and at lower price too. horses from the Ely estate at Holm- Savannah, Ga.,' returned home Satw del last week.. urday. Miss Lena Smith of Long Vli-anch TINTON FALLS NEWS. spent the week-end with her mother, RED BANK TRUST COMPANY Marcus' Millinery Store Mrs. M. M. Smith. - Clam Chowder Sunpcr at the Metho- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tilton enter- Formerly First National Bank dilt Church Friday Night. tained a few of their friends at their There was a large turnout to the home Friday night. clam chowder supper held by the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Detiraw and Methodists at the church Friday daughter Helen spent the week-end Red Bank, N. J. 8 Broad Street, Red Bank night. Forty quarts of clams were with friends at Morristown. used in piTjiurinj; the supper. Miss Lorene Taylor entertained Mr. ar.d Mi-a. William Casler and the sewing club at her home last Mra. Annie Kelly and her daughter Wednesday afternoon.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I COMMUNITY SAI

Drugs and Toilet Needs in a Sale Continuing the Balance of the Week MEN! Annual February The advisability of replenishing household reserves in anti- cipation of future needs will occur to many if a comparison is mado with the prices quoted below and those of the same «tandarf| lines elsewhere. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Antiphlogistine 51 Spring Suits to Measure Aspirin, 1OO tablets 86 Sale of Beacham'i Pills ; . . . , 09 Blaud'i Iron PilU .21 Bromo Seltzor , . .07, .23 Calomel Tablets 27 Caicarctt 08 ind $50 Castorin . . 27 Castor Oil, 2 oz. .12; 4 oi. . . 23 Camphorated OH, 1 oz 19 Ex-Lax Tablets 08, .31 The $40 range consists of The $50 range consists of the Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets 09 Father Johns 47, .79 serges, worsteds, cheviots and finest imported and domestic Lithio Tablets 37 Milk of Magnesia 37 cassimeres. ' wools. Musterolc _^ i.-. .47 Nujoj l • .89 Olive Oil, quart . 1 00 . Monday, February 14th, and Saturday, February 19th, Pluto •. , 31 Pond's Extrnct, 7 oz. 39 are dates that mark out an annual "opportunity week" at Omogn Oil . 26 Rhubarb and Soda Mixture, 2 oz. .18; 4 oz ' 26 Steinbach's for the men. o/f this entire community. For this Rosinol Ointment .-. 41 Stuart's Charcoal Tablott \ . J19 one week we have secured the services'of the custom tailoring- Squibb's Boric Acid, >4 Ib 27 Witch Hazel, pints .51; quarts 89 department of the largest clothing manufacturer in the Vinol '.' 1 .00 ie Violet Ammonia 19 country. ' , Rcgulol . ' 39 SOAPS. Castile, cake V '.....- IS Choose your own fabrics from new full piece Wcodbury's, cake . . . •.19 The annual movement into New Jersey Cuticurn Soap, cake 19 Capco Bath Soap, 3 enkes 25 materials on display homes of Steinbaeh furniture of distinction Packer's Tar Soup 19 Fairy Soap, 3 rakes 29 This is an unmatched opportunity to have your new' and enduring beauty—-a movement which be- ---> TALCUMS AND FACE POWDERS, CREAMS AND LOTIONS. spring clothes made to measure. We have full piece.niaterials gan last Monday--yains momentum with the Colgate's Assorted Odon 18 Steinbnch'e Talc ' 18 from which you may make individual selection over a wide Johnson & Johnson Talc 20 passing of every sale day. Store? of new and Benjoin, Glycerine and Rose Water, 4 oz. bottle 26 range of choice, assuring for yourself the distinction of made Glycerine, 4 oz. bottle : 23 exclusive furniture, is now released for the Ar» M»r« , . . 41 to measure clothing at prices which you would acknowledge Miro Dena Cold Cream 51 Pcmpcinn Face Powder *. ^52 low for spring ready made garments. first.time and inai'keil at prices which eclipse Woodbury'n Face Powder . . IS Leigh's Face Powdor .52 the most forward-looking of all readjustment MOUTH WASHES AND DISINFECTANTS. Spring Top Coats and Extra Trousers to Order at Listeriue, email .17; large ' ^ 79 attempts. Dio*ogen .37 Alkolpl -. .41, 69 Prices Correspondingly low Lysol 86 Creolin Pearson 86 We have marked this i'unii- SHAVING NECESSITIES. No orders taken after Saturday, February 19th Williams' Shaving Powder 26 ture with the most advanced Colgate's Shaving Powder 35 Menneii'j Shaving Cream 50 Ever^Rondy BUdoi, pkg , 20 Sale of Men's Shoes $8.50 of 1921 low price standards in HAIR TONICS. Barker's Hirsutus 77 view and invite comparison Haya' {Mair Health, medium 47; large 86 .0 Dandorine, medium .46 Spring Shirts $1.59 Hosiery 59c to $1.89 with furniture sales in any of L.hn & Fink Bay Rum 81 : ^rni^noff 'Shampoo, pkg. . •. 41 • \ '—m'' ^ Amainl Shampoo, pkg. .95 the city stores. Kxclnnvo fur- tfil• IUV Eau Quinine .51, .96 . •' \i'Hi' • MISCELLANEOUS. L E—--T7 -Boari?-,, .pfcg. ••• ' .23 )iiKhmj.>'s tor every room m riio L\\ i.l Fcuntain Syrinnoa •••• 89 Cotton, 1 Ib. pkR SI home enter into this sale'. - Lilac Vntietal . .' 1 00 Whisk Brooms _.' 42 New Jersey Page Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, FEJ&RUARV 9, 1021.

«<**4*«*4*«****»***flKS»**««*#«4««»*^^ Health in Spite

TO THE PATRONS of Winter Stuffing . of the : [ WEEKLY .HEALTH TALK. n BROAD STREET STORE, AMERICAN STORES COMPANY, By DRS.A;M. & N. C. ENGLERT, '';"*"'•''•' , ' • ' Chiropractors. ' ' RED BANK, N. J. Soacfrward The penalty of gluttony is suffering, at any time, but in winter the penalty for stuffing is colds, coughs, kidney trouble, and when resistance is low, such serious It is very gratifying to see'the liberal pairona'ge of our winter diseases as influenza and pneumonia. 'customers at the Broad Street Store increasing each and every The Backbone of Nearly every one is guilty of overeating in some degree. When the spine is in daV( and" as manager of this store it is my desire to extend to j Your Prosperity good order and there is no interference with nerve impulses to the stomach, lungs, each and every customer my thanks and'appreciation.for this , is your health. The liver and kidneys, Nature is usually able to take care of the excess eaten without increasing business, especially so during the short time 1 have foundation of your health is your back- discomfort. If you suffer from winter colds, and find it hard to throw them off, been in charge of this branch. bone. The body, is chiropractic spinal adjustments will bring you back to normal health and, strength. 1 shall endeavor to make this store as attractive as pos- a machine and the backbone is the sible by giving my patrons the best merchandise and selling main '.'shaft, down Well of Digestive Breakdown. same :i$ close as market conditions will permit. whi.ch travel nerve "Though doctoring constantly I kept getting worse. CHIROPRACTIC Another feature of my management will be the refunding impulses to all parts of the body. From 212 pounds I dropped to 168. • I spent twenty days of money on any unsatisfactory purchase. If you are dis- in a Martinsville sanitarium. Different specialists pro- CORRECTS 1 H3EA5E3YJHE FOLLOWING pleased with anything purchased at this store do.nt hesitate to When any one of nounced it intestinal' indigestion, catarrh of the stomach the. twenty - four ~t speak to nit; about it. I and bowels, and two called it Bright's Disease. After movable joints of taking chiropractic spinal adjustments for more than two Yours fof better service, the main shaft, or backbone, are out.of months I was again able to do all my o farm work and JOSEPH >1CCOLO, alignment, there is back to my usual weight and strength."—John Briney, - . Manager, pressure upon spinal Chiropractic Research Bureau, Statement No! 1251. American Stores Company, nerves at the nerve- exit and disease or ACT FOR HEALTH TODAY. . Broad Street, Red Bank. ."* " ' impulse-starvation, is started in some part Delay adds to suffering. Consultation is without charge of the body. or obligation. Chiropractic Spinal Enlarged Quarters. •i adjustments remove The growth of our practice has made it necessary to en- • Y pressure and the large and remodel our offices. When the alterations are £ disease disappears. completed these offices will be second to none in the state. Y Chiropractic Adjust- We are equipping four new, light and airy • ad justing LOWER PINCHED >»x~>>*^ i ments are restoring rooms with zenith chiropractic tables which greatly facili- eVE5,IMP055IBLE health to sufferers tate the giving of chiropractic adjustments and are the TO FURNISH NEWS FROM KEYPORT.! from such season- last word in the Chiropractic field. We employ the famous able diseases as PROPER IMPULSES MAX KAPLAN WINS DAMAGE colds, headaches, Universal Technic in our practice. SUIT. coughs, influenza, LIFE AND HEALTH) tonsilitis, bronchi- Call, write or phone for explanatory »literature. He is Awarded $5,000 for Injuries TO THEIR 0R6ANS Caused by an Automobile—Series tis and pneumonia. of Lectures at Reformed Churcli— Monmouth County Pioneer Chiropractors, . AND TI55UE5 Firemen to Give a Masquerade. ^iiuiiiiimunmnTTTTnTrnTTTT Max Kaplan, a local tailor, has re- ceived a verdict of $0,000 against ANDREW M. NELL3E C. Jacob Moore of East Orange. Kap- lan was run down by Moore's auto- mobile in July, 1919, and was in the hospital for several months. His in- juries resulted in one leg being three ENGLERT & ENGLERT inches shorter than the other. We have often wished for soft water to wash Rev.-F. T. B. Reynolds delivered on Sunday night the first of a series our customers' clothes and now we have just 133 BROAD STREET, - - - RED BANK, N. J. of lectures on "Americanization," illustrated by stereopticon views. installed a $2,500 filter and water softener and the Office Hours: 2 to 8 P. M. Daily. Thursday 10 to 12 A. M. And by Appointment. Phone Red Bank 332. He will deliver two lectures a month for the next three months at the Re-, results are surprising. formed church on alternate Sunday nights. It does away with jsoda and other material Mrs. S. DeNyse of Brooklyn was necessary to break the hardness of water ilij this the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Anderson. locality, allows the soap to take instant action' and The Royal Arcanumites will cele- brate ladies' night on Friday night, thereby $aves the time and hence the WEAR AND Established in Same Location Since 1873 February 25th. TEAR on linens made by a long wash period, • William Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee, has re-enlisted in the formerly necessary to remove the dirt. STORE HOURS: New Spring Merchan- army and is stationed on the Mexi- can border. • Why not take advantage of the latest in service 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. dise is Arriving " The Second Keyport loan associa- tion closed the books for subscrip- by sending your clothes to us ? Saturdays, 9:30. Daily. tions to the nineteenth series on Thursday night, over fifteen hundred shares having been subscribed. Mrs. Yancy Anderson has re- opened her restaurant on Broad RED BANK STEAM L4UNDRY street, which has been closed since • her husband's death, several months IMPORTANT. FIVE BIG SHOE SPECIALS FOR Advance Styles in ago. "THE SOFT WATER LAUNDRY" The Keyport yacht club dance will 62 WHITE STREET, RED BANK, N. J. We call your especial at- LADIES' be held Friday night at the club house. Telephone 32-J. tention to our Saturday & Monday Ready-Trimmed Mrs. Augustus Schaffer and son HATS. Winston of Irvington are visiting New Colored Radium the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Misses' Patent Colt and Gun Metal ,' T. V. Cottrell. s Shadow All-Over Handsome Hats of Mrs. Devillo Rogers of Alexandria button. Sizes 12 to 2. Formerly Straw and Satin, Taffeta "Bay, N. Y., was the guest last week Our Select Dairy Products Colors: brown, grey, of Mrs. T. S. Coe. $5.00, now .$2.45" and Straw and Georgette Louis Chisman is having a house have no equal. peari, black, also ecru all- and Straw. Very artistic . built at the corner of Broad and over eyelet embroidery. Children's Gun Metal lace, sizes 6 to Hurley streets. combinations. They are The senior class of the high school You are cordially invited to visit Mea- We are also showing 11. Formerly S4.OO, now $2.75 quaint turn-olf-tlie-face gave a dance Friday night at the all the leading high school auditorium. Women's Patent Colt and Kid lace, brim or drooping over the Mrs, Elizabeth Post celebrated dowbrook and Sunnybrook Farms, the sizes 3 to 4. Formerly S7.00, now $2.45 eyes. Colors: henna, . her 01st birthday Tuesday of last New Shades in navy, Copenhagen, week. Wornen's Kid Comfort lace, size 4 to Hugh Robinson, superintendent of source of our supply. Georgette brown and black. v of the aeromarine company, has re- 8. Formerly S6.00, now $3.45- turned from a visit to Dayton, Ohio. including new, silver grey, Special John F. Reed has returned from a henna, burnt orange and Boys' Gun Metal Bluchers, sizes 9 to several weeks' trip to Florida. The annual reception of the Key- Monmouth Dairy Co., Inc. Harding blue. 2. Formerly $4.So, now $3.25 $3.50 to $6.50. port literary club will be held on Tuesday, February 22d. The Clarion Six of Red Bank will 139 Branch Avenue. give an entertainment Monday night in the Reformed church' under the auspices of the Indies' aid. Telephone 886. The Keyport engine company wil Keyport were Sunday guests of Mra. Monmouth County Surrogate'e Office. Dry Goods Specials for Saturday and give a masquerade dance at their j Notice to rrcditors to present claims against rooms on Main street Monday night, ClnlFy. estate. February 21st. The Indies' aid of St. John's In the mutter of the estate of James Edward church met with Mrs. Hurry S. Uortlcn. deceaneil. Raymond Bartlett, a tenor of New.Cowles last Wednesday afternoon. Pursunnt to the order of Joseph L. Dona- York, will be one of the soloists at; hay, BUrroimtc of the county of Monmouth, Monday the monthly musical services at the jAfter the liuMnean Becsion n social iiimle on the .•iiiliU-.-iilh ilny of Jnntiary, j hour followed and refreshments were 1921, on the application of Red Hank Trust ' First Baptist church, Sunday after- i Company, executor of the estate of James noon, February 27th. served. Edward Uorden. deceased, notice is hereby The Keyport literary club will be Miss Hnzcl Polinf* of Keyport jrivpn to the creditors of »nld deceased to spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. exhibit to the suhscriher, executor ns ttfore- entertained Friday afternoon at the Bai I'M'ixvly • attended. Music 45x36 Pillow Cases t 5()c ,30c ea, Wrt-Wool.Black and While—-> •• ...-: ••• One of tho feature ,\..; n Innje lias (li-i-i'dcil tu I'eUiii tliis supttiViition j : 1 l>irthday calce with i.mdli < was •furniiihed by Holiness orchestra of penmanship, printing, physical | (Also-42x36) ' '' * '." checks , S 1.09 .' 98c yd. The ladies' uuxilmy of tne fin from Miitiiwnn. Another dance will training and sewing below the eighth i eonipimy met with Miv, Annii lie held on Friday . ninlit,' of this grades. The board had decided to ] I week. dispense with the principals in these These are all bottom prices and tlie indications at present are that merchandise will advance in Virginia Youiij?, daughter of Mr.subjects, but not penmanship and •price in the near future, so dont hesitate. If you need goods, our advice is buy now while the'prices are the week-end Eugene Laughlm and Mrs. Frank V. It, Younjjf of An-physical training as subjects, in tho -,m son nnd John Can.lim i.f Newbury Park, in a Kiiesl of her jrninrt- interest of economy. The decision away down. York; Frank LauKhlfn of Keyport imrcntu, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. aroused nulilic sentiment imd the Kdwnrd Laughlln-of Morg«nville and Youn^ of Glendnle fuun. trustees Have yielded to the view of *- ind M«. Thomas Uagutm of Tile - inarri.'ijtn of Minn I.enn the public. lor, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. ivmtvca in /America, r: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coc, best preventive against illness. d Mrs. J. Henry WullinK, joree Willett and her r Poulton's First Wedding, r.der William J. Poulson pcr- THE AMERICAN his first wedding ceremony lay. The sroom and the bride New Imported Materials Now at Hand William John Zugorski and NOW OPENED F( Sysk, both of Red Bank. The I have just received a large shipment of piece goods for are living on Herbert street. custom work from England. In my New Building, 11* Longhead has helped thou- The material is in the most desired effects in Scotch f people. He will \elp you twilla, English Serges and Worsteds. adjoining Charles E. Johnston's Automobile ho haa helped them.—Adver- ts This is the first shipment of this kind I have received in to see all my old custome five years and I am now prepared to make you a suit from OE RICH & SON, your choice of these materials. »ns and Contractors. Suit, cut to your individual measure and not factory Expert Barbers in Brick and Plaster Work. cut by the hundreds, from $58 to $125, according to Ditching and Grading. style and trimmings selected. All modern Sanitary Fixtures c 76 Avenue A, These suits will stand a lot of extra heavy wear and ntlc Highlands, N. J. are fully guaranteed by me in every way. found in First C I also carry a full line of fine ready-to-wear suits for men from $25 up to $4O. Also Barbers' Supplies, "V RUGS! Let me show you my line. an Sweep for Next BRUNO MAZZA day and Saturday CUSTOM TAILOR P. F. KENNE No. 1 East Front Street RED BANK, N. J. at Wholesale Prices Up Stairs Phone 15-J :i P. S.-Don't forget that I Deal in is the balance of a large if about 500 rugs which I at the great sale of Smith's Co. They are all in suitable i and a great many are of 1 designs, about 150 small Axminstef about half price. a. lot of Gold Seal Congoleum new designs just arrived this There "are only about forty arge size rugs and not many jne pattern, so think quick a^ •CVT THEUN1VERS lext Saturday. i WEST The right combination I The Ford S 9 W. Front Street All wool, fast color fabrics, This splendid car is growing me Red Bank, N. J. expert workmanship. every day the demand for the enclose II Trolleyi PMI the Door Opens the way to safe when you think that-the Ford Sedan,

*• Walter L. Minch of Bridgeton wna unable to attend the farmers'" meet- 2fe ing at the agricultural school at The Oridal Store Leonardo. last Thursday, where he was scheduled to lead a discussion on [ potatoes and cover cropping. Never- Telephone 508 theless the discussion was conducted, li.l farmers being present. Another meeting: will be held at the same place tomorrow afternoon nt two o'clock and Mr. Minch has notified The Greatest Drop in Prices of the farmers that he will surely be present. . A. barn ill Port Monmouth owned Groceries in Red Bank in Years by the Donovan estate was destroyed i by fire a few diiys ago. _ j Kindly look over these prices below, compare Overseer Melvin P. Yard has im- them with what you are paying elsewhere, deduct proved Railroad avenue at Belford with a coating of tinders. them and add quality and come here and get it. Tho social committee of. the Whenever you buy at Bray's there always is a Christian,., Kmleavor society of the New MoVvmouth Baptist church met Guarantee behind the purchase of value received at Miss Dean Waiting's n few nights or money refunded. ago and arranged to hold a sociable Knduy night, February '-!5th. The members of the committee are Miss Walling, Miss Gladys Johnson, Miss Balance of Week the Following Nana Helwig, Miss jCola Casler, J. T. The Best Butter Made and Sold in Red Bank, lb. Hillycr, Carl llchvig and James E. j 52c The newly organized basketball team of boy scouts of New Mon-1 Strictly Fresh Jersey Eggs, no other kind, doz. mouth started its career with victory i 62c a few nights ago by defeating Sandy ' THE BIGGEST SALE EVENT 1 Hook at that place by a score of 18 | Granulated Sugar, lb 7 /4c to 10. The New Monmouth players | are Charles Cromey, John Kelly, | Magnolia Brand Condensed Milk, can ...... 19c Fred Jones, Henry L.ibreque and : IN MONMOUTH COUNTY Clarence Fowler. . j Nucoa Nut Butter, lb 31c Nine Junior American Mechanics j of Belford put up a flagpole Sunday j My Special Coffee, lb. . . . .'. .24c on the school grounds at Oak Grove, i in RnriUin township. The pole rais- Be on the Alert for Announcement Once tried, always buy. ing party consisted of Reuben Phil- Pillsbury's or Hecker's Flour, bbl $11.50 lips, John Glass, Richard Walling, George Hilliker. Gordon White, bag 75c and J$1.50 George Ilalsey, William Tarnow and of Date of Sale and Last of Bargains George Acker. Pet or Borden's Milk, tall can . 14c Miss Helen Coe of Tort Mon- mouth entertained sixteen guests at i Large Norway Salt Mackerel, lb., 25c a 500 party Thursday niprht. First prizes were won by Miss Agnes Wall- Yuban, White House or Hotel Astor Coffee, lb. ing and Harold Morford. The con- solation prizes went . to Miss 11. 40c , Melissa Cook and Harry Allen. Hotel Astor Rice, lb. pkg 12c Mrs. John E. William?of Navesink has returned from a visit with her Kirkman's, Octagon, P. & G., Fels and Babbitt's daughter, Mrs. Alfred Wallacott of Fitchburg, Massachusetts. - Mrs. • Soaps, each 7c Mildred Williams of New York spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Salm's Phalanx Tomatoes, large can 20c Mrs. John E. Williams. Those good kind. Automobiles owned by Mrs. Ward Jeffers and Miss Gladys Gaffey of, The H. C. S. Motor Cars are the talk of Broadway Campbell's Soups, can 12c Atlantic Highlands were slightly damaged in a collision near Atlantic Also a Large Supply in my Fruit and Vege- Highlands last week, but no one was table Department. £-j hurt. To be assured of a delivery place your order NOW as Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and Jersey Green Mountain Potatoes, extra good their daughter Valorie of Point : late orders may cause disappointment cookers, J/ bushel basket 55c Pleasant, Virginia, spent part of last 2 week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Red and Yellow Onions, % bushel basket .. . 70c Walling of Port Monmouth. Leonardo high school's basketball Large and juicy Grapefruit, Florida Oranges team will play Manasquan high school tonight on the Leonardo court. Dnlfn«t by from the Indian River, Tangarines, all kinds of On Friday night Leonardo will meet Apples, Strawberries, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Celery, Long Branch high school. Joseph Irons of Port Monmouth Tomatoes, New Cabbage, String Beans, Spinach is recovering from a broken leg and everything else that is kept in a first-class, which he suffered in an accident a month ago wjien his motorcycle col- 1 up-to-date store. lided with -nn-automobile. Miss Madeline Tryon of Pittman is stopping with Mrs. George W. Kin- GEORGE BUTTER BRAY, ney of Port Monmouth. Miss Tryon is 'practicing'teaching at Port Mon- Am paying 60c per dozen in trade for Fresh mouth for ten weeks. The Car—Born with a Reputation Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mount of Jersey Eggs. Locust Point spent Saturday and Sunday at New Brunswick with their daughter Geraldine, who teaches school at that place. I Miss Bessie Sickles of Xavesink -hfl-'i-EIlUJl.VQ Florida tu visit hei sister mid brother. Miss .VTyF;>. SicTrter~mrtl- BALDWIN'S > Ashton Sickles, who are spending j the winter then1: II- PHOTO, ART AND MUSIC SHOP A special service was held Sunday night at the Navei-isik Methodist ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. j church. J. L. Humbert of Atlantic Highlands spoke, ...oil • "The Value of Education." MikVALENTINES'- ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hi'spix-anx, Sr., of Navesink, have i;.'i;n .spending i iM§ BOOKLETS, CARDS. CrTJTL'TS and POST CAR PS _ ; r :: .1 few da'-s with Mi-, and Mrs. Frank ~ri"l'" 'i OLD $ jj? I'espreiiux. Jr., of Il;iyoimcv Mr. \inil Mrs. Hanici Ahearn and '4 MAKE YOUR SELPTCTION WHILE THE ASSORTMENT their daughters -of Belforil spent IS GOOD Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Polinjr of Keyport. i CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION Special services for boy scouts i were held at the New Monmouth jn^TONERY- BOOKS, CAMERAS.__SH 1-^ET__MUSI_C. liuptist church Sunday and were largely attended. • n Uonjamin J. Haulbo&koy of Leon- ' Have'you heard ttk""B7\.LDWIN" "rh'onoKni^h'?*~ ardo joined the Woodmen of Amer- ica lodge of Atlantic Highlands on Monday night. John Reichman is at his home at EFFECTIVE AT ONCE Ht'lford on a furlough from a steam- ship on which he is employed as first engineer. Martin Tilton has succeeded his father, the late. Charles Tilton, as Fordson Tractor tender of the drawbridge at Belford. Frank Wilson of lle-lTord bought a motor sea skiff from Hubert Crane last week. The boiit is -4 feet long. REDUCED TO Mi', and Mrs. John Tighe of Leon- ardo attended the funeral of a rela- j tive at Newark last Friday. for Economy, Comfort and Miss M. Melissa Cook of Port! Monmouth was a visitor at Landers- i ville Saturday and Sunday.-- Chester Wade has rented I113 j Serviceability j bungalow for next summer to a j F\ O. B. DETROIT I family from Asbury Park. j I William Faitcl of Jersey City ; spent Sunday with Miss Margaret ED. VON KATTENGELL REPRESENTING A REDUCTION OF $165i Iliiulboskey of Leonardo. The junirr high school- class, will Eastern Distributor hold a dance Friday night at the Leonardo sclinollunise. RED BANK, N. J. William E. Lee of New York spent i Saturday and Sunday with his brother, Garrett Lee. OUNT Stanley Jaboda of NW York was i a guest of J, ('. Hunyon of Port Mon- mouth on .Saturday. Matawan Red Bank John Greeley of Port Mnnmouth COMPANV has started a milk route through that place anil lielford. Englishtown New Brunswick Gladys Cantelmo, ^laughter of Saniui'i Cantelmo of Port Monmouth, U.S.A. is sick with grip. Mrs. l'hilip Lavoii1 of lielford is Co 8T1UTE » sicl: at the home of a friend at High- lands. WILLIAM O'BRIEN Mrs. .lames Carter of Port Mon- mouth is sick with grip. Mrs. J. Tallman of Leonardo ia MEANS visiting ut Rutherford. AH cars sold in New York will receive service in Red Bank or vice versa if desired HIGH GRADE SERVICE I Sell Real. Entate I Approved and Improved I Rent Cottages 1830 Broadway Monmouth at Maple „,,.. • Wrjto Insurance ; ••>^P-*I'-H*l-." New-York t:ilyr Heating Plumbing Roofing Monmouth County Farms Water Systems Copper Work Earthen and Iron Pipe W. A HOPPING TRUEX BUILDING i RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT BROAD STREET I RED BANK. N. i. RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. P*ge Seventeen 1871 FIFTY YEARS 1921 ASBURY PARK A Brilliant jSeries of Social and Civic Events 6j TOGETHER WITH A $4,000,000 COMMUNITY SALE IIFTY" years of progress, in which have come to Asbury Park the fruits of half a century of progressive development and commercial growth, are being celebratedjin the Golden Anniversary Celebration which is being conducted under the auspices of the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce. Of this celebration the 12 weeks' series F of Community Sales is an important feature and one which is proving of great benefit to the shopping public of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Next week will inaugurate the fifth week of the Community Salesand every business house co-operating in this campaign will release for quick disposal and at sacrifice prices new, high-class merchandise valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, parts of the original pool of $4,000,000 in stock which the united merchants have thrown into these sales. Throughout the remainder of the series the campaign is to be featured by many notable events, all of which are parts of the big anniversary celebration. Affairs which are expected to prove equally as important_as the wonderful Business Men's Exposition with which the campaign was opened several weeks ago are to be held in the near future.. April 4 will witness the opening of another great exhibition—the Sportsmen's Show, to be held under the auspices of the Automotive Committee of the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce. Throughout the entire State merchants have followed the lead of the Asbury Park businessmen until now the selling spirit has assumed that beneficial and co-operative aspect which is forcing steadily lower the prices of all the-necessaries of life. Asbury Park has pioneered in a great movement and the features which made this great series of Community Sales an inaugural for the merchandising efforts of the united business men of the entire State are still to be found and' enjoyed in Asbury Park. Here there has been no reservation of stock—no attempt at disposing of goods of inferior quality. The Community Sales are forcing present and future pricesjtola reasonable level, Thousands of people from Monmouth and Ocean Counties have visited the stores, have seen the truly wonderful offerings and have made purchases at great savings. See the stocks and be convinced. Every offering is a " Golden Opportunity." Every counter is a bargain bazaar. !]Svery merchant co-operating is putting his shoulder to the wheel in the most notable instance of commercial unity that has ever been recorded in New Jersey. See the directory and visit the stores.


MATINEE 2:3O EVENING 7:OO TO 10:40 COMING SOON-WATCH FOR DATE COMING SOON-WATCH FOR DATE EUGENE O'BRIEN "DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES" In John Lynch's Great Story SPFCIAL ALL STAR CAST "Broadway and -Home" PALACE A Tom Terms Production PHONE eoa RED By Popular Demand Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 10th, lltfr and 12th By Popular Demand THE WOMAN THE WOMAN WHO KNOWS WHO KNOWS FORD & GOODRICH, SingingMIM, Talking and Dancing MAY HUNTE, Singin ELLIg Comedienne FERDRSO & BELLS, Wop Comedians WE SHOW PICTURES AND VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOWE8T PRICE ON THE JERSEY COAST

Thursday, February 10th Friday, February 11th Saturday, February 12th Monday, February 14th GRAND HOLIDAY BILL MAY McAVOY CONWAY TEARLE ALICE LAKE and ' The Famous Star in in the Best Picture of the Year BUCK JONES BRUCE GORDON IN KING OF THE WEST, IN "Whispering Devils" BODY AND SOUL JUST F»AL,S THE HOUSE OF FROM HENRY ARTHUR JONES' THE TOLLING BELL Famous Story Supported by STUART HOLMES A Romantic Drama of Love and Mystery "MICHAEL AND HIS LOST ANGEL" Adapted from the Famous Stage Play In Louisiana in the First Episode of 4th episode of William Duncan by WILLIAM HULBURT 7th Episode of "FANTOMAS" in "FIGHTING FATE" Sunshine Comedy, "HIS NOISY STILL" mm OF THE caucus PATHE NEWS Special Attraction Tuesday and* Wednesday, February, 15th and 16th Special Attraction

A THRILLING TALE OF1 SAN FRANCISCO'S UNDERWORLD See "Black Mike," played by Lon Chaney; "fVSolly Madden," played by Priscilla Dean; and "Dapper Bill," played by Wheeler Oakland 3 The Screen Sensation of York *•<-.' Two Da^s Only Tuesday Only, Topics of the Day, Special Comedy Wednesday Only, Special Two Reel Comedy •TOM MIX The Texan'vfllrKtre--TODAY

Borough Budget Approved—Gas Company Raises Rates. At Thursday night's meeting of j the mayor nnrl council the budget lor 1921 of ?i>7,74o was approved. No objections were made by .the citi- I zens at the meeting. The Standard Kas comparfy, now in the hands of FOOD the receiver, sent a letter stating that '4 after-Frbrumy™ Tfltii—tire—iiiuiTOriy" charge for each street gas light in the borough would be $4.40 instead | The Verdict of the F»ufolic of $3. The light committee with the j co-operation of the council will con-[ is true when they talk of the Freshness and Quality-of our Goods. Jer with the company and will report' The mere fact that we make a turnover of our Stocks at least 25 times a year makes it impossible for at the next meeting of the council. There are Ii4 street gas lights in any of our goods to get shop worn or stale. Kumson. A two-year contract was PANTS Jnade with the Public Service electric Carloads of all commodities are continually rolling into our warehouses at Netvark and from there to company to furnish IOC street lights j Made to Your Order $ at the annual charge of $22.»2 each I our numerous branch stores. for 152 sixty-candle power lights and! $66 each for fourteen. 400 candle- Thus we are able to combine quality and freshness at Economy Prices. power lights. The sixty-candle, power lights will replace the 'A'l- candle power lights now used ami 1 the change will he made July 1st. There has already arrived the new Sprfnjrand Summer James E. Bogle> the new assessor, goods: The prices of the new goods, compared with last LENTEN SPECIALTIES YOU WILL NEED said the property assessments were; '4 Not uTiiform and that a complete sur- year's, are certainly down to their extreme lowest point. vey of the borough was necessary. ' Since labor has come down" we can afFoi-d to make you a Best Red Salmon, can 35c Best Coffee, lb 25c He said if the assessments were ail- suit anywhere from $35.00 up.- Besides the low prices we justed it would result in a greater Finest Shrimp, can. 25c Bond Bread, loaf 13c revenue for the borough. Permis- offer, we also offer you another pair of pants free of charge MEAT Pure Lard, lb 17c sion was granted to the board of with every order for a new suit taken in before Saturday, Tuna Fish, can.. . .22c and 40c health to have its books audited. Japanese Crab Meat, can. . . 55c Choice Cuts Chuck Roast. . .18c Eagle Brand Milk, can 23c BiilB amounting to about $350 for March 5th. the maintenance of the fire trucks '4 Choi« Shad;, can 22c Choice Meaty Prunes, lb. .. 12V2 .for one month we IT held over for in- All our goods are 1OO per cent pure wooi. vestigation at the request oL' Council- Fish Cakes, ready to eat, ca»j Fresh or Corned Plate. .... 12c I X L Condensed Milk, can. . 16c man Harry I. Caesar, who lielievnl Style and satisfaction guaranteed. Choice Head Rice, 4 lbs. ., .25c the bills were exorbitant. A bill of 20c $100 for new tools for, the1 fire trucks Best Lobster, can 55c Short Forequarter Spring Lamb' Best Teas, lb 35c •were ordered paid. A large part of the bills held over represented Demarco, the Tailor, McGowan's Salmon, can 12 lbs. Gold Medal Flour. . .75c charges for repairs to the truck be- 27c and 45c 14c Heckers' Farina, pkg. longing to company No. -. Patrick 60 WHITE STREET, RED BANK. Kennedy, chief of the lire depart- Choice Pink Salmon, can. . . 15c 15c and 23c ment, made a request for more hose. His request was referred to the fire Kippered Herring, can Lamb Chops 25c Jello, Tryphosa, pkg 10c v, committee. The annual financial re- .U'ttn-y, John K.MV. J,.h Sm-ni n, Wednesday and special services ale 13c, 25c and 30c Muller's Macaroni, pkg. . . . 12c ™ port "was read and accepted. ("ill-ton. Mini-ill.-: U:irjr Ha Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howlaml of HI..II. l.l.lliM. ItH-.'. • beiiiir lield at Holy Cross 'church. Big Smoked Sardines, can. . ,8c Lenox Soap, 10 cakes 38c A Rockavray, New Jersey, spent lust 'IVnll. ,•!•«,!(• Vi.- Bmi-ry, V.rr.oi, Vn IHirinR I.ont sorvicc-s will 1H> held on Pure Pork Sausage 30c Ili-init. l.mii,,. (ihrv. Wednesday and Frjday nights and on Boneless Herring, jar 18c week with Mr. nud Mrs. Jesse How- NU. J. '4 I X L Evaporated Milk 12c Sunday afternoon. It Is Good. land, i Vi »I >rr.-iil.. .Mil.lml Mrs. Thomas ('. Clink of Port lliiyiillill .-.•us, l.ioxi The Oceanic free library hud 1,(172 Del Monte Sardines, can. . .20c Choice Apricots, lb 35c •<> Maxti.-l. visitors during January. The circu- Stewing Chickens ...... 33c Washington, Long Island, spent part r '4 noi- Connor*, .li-nrii, lation in January was l,04. > books. Besti Prunes, lb 19c of last week with Mrs. I.. I!. Van- York State Cheese, lb 37c Until further notice the library will NeBt. Misses (iraee and Kline Van- Goode Nut Butter, lb 25c $ l ml.- tin rl. Louis not be open on Sunday afternoons. VanCamp Sardines, in olive oil, Nest are visiting at •Port/\V;is liing- I li'iiry. lii'ii,. Iliivis. (i,...rfo Wiinl. 4 Jersey Pork Shoulders ....20c Miss Helen Ciillan of Mew York, a I-.'mill Kmile Durnlliy llarii, F.nthei- can 25c Choice Peas, can V ton. former school teacher at | Rumson, The record of at(eridanee in theKni.Ty. Illiv,. Knioiy. M.ivi,- Uint,.|,,ii,,ili. 12c, 19c and 22c 9 .M;u> O'llri.-ii. H,-],.|III Slu-a, Mm- \"iuiltriiiit was operated on yesterday at the Mustard Sardines, can 18c li..li.-1-t Anil,-i-on 4 Rumson public schools in January rresbyterian hospital at New York. Stewing Lamb .. 12c I'lfili n-uili.- H.-li-ll Aiiilorioti. n, piiei< Maryland Corn, can 10c Jg* fihowed the following pupils neither lr S. II. ('oniii.', a government p . Cli.iiry. Hilly .M,ih,.u..y, J,.s.-,,li Miin,),r Al- ro Gorton Codfish, pkg 32c absent nor late during the month: 1 Del Monte Spinach, can.... 19c flfil lli-ilu-rt, I'uul IliHU'limum, llulli' i'i.ii- hihition enfoixenu'iit a^ent,' spoilt 4 .SCHOOL NO. 1. ni.r, H.'l.illiy Multiliill. Sunday mornini; at tile Presbyterian Kindergarten—-Hilly P'IWMI, Anliur K.-IT, : SiMli raj,- i;,-,irci' (I'ltri.-n. lie.],.,, Tar- Shredded Codfish, pkg. . . .12c Heckers' Pancake Flour, pkg. church on conelitious in New Jersey., Try our good Bolognas 28c Alfred Duhlurcn. K\« H.nvmau. Kmily Pitt- l.i.-l.. U.-U-ii Ctuir. .Ivum-m- Davi^ Avm^ 14c and 30c len. l,urv,,Sili>- CIMIB- i mixed voices will sinpr- Uichnnl h. '. Allrr Kmi-vy, Music for iluncino; wus fiiniishetl liy the Orpheus orchestra of Ciunp Vnil tirhce Mich*, (Jinn1 Nicljulii^ Mnry O'l.etiiy, J^nnlr Woman*. . Haekett')! orcliestru. lust Tluirsdny nijrht nt Crescent linll I'lfth irrmli'—llu'B Cim liinlium, Kvclyn at Katontown, AMERICAN FOOD CO, Over 2M! sieesons attended a 4 Finn, Kllcn Ki'u.'li. Hornie Miir-llim*. Mnry Nieholiia, Harry (Vlli», l. ('..•.k. Iln- etielii'e party and dance Mondav Miss Mary Murphy was {surprised vie! Hull. Olto'finili., William Selniliz. ni^'ht at Holy Cross hall, '('lie party Monday night of last, week on her Red Bank Branch figlitvcnth birthday hy a party of 4 KUtii KIA.I Kwlly '>r of pri/.cH were tnvaided. Ocean Grove ,H*l*n O'Hout-lu.. Mnnrnrot Witt. Elizjil)<-1h •lolin llolan won liist pi ize and Mrs. Give Luke & Chancel Asbury IParlc KmHh. Mildred Tvoul. Vnu] llintelmnnn received Hei'ond Ho'll help you sell tilings, help you KMith (imcli.-HcTBril Knurr, Juavph prizi1. Joseph .Sheridan won a live 714 Cookman Ave. 39 Pilgrim Pathway fili*.nl, l'hnil,» Mnrlntn«li, John tlurphy, find things you've lost and help you lS(l*«rd O'llourkf, llany Zoliel. chicken, wliieli mis iliFposeil of on the get anything you want.—Advertise Nlntll K»I!C—J»lm Hlllti'lnmnll. Wllllnm co-opcrnlivu iilmi. Today is Ashincnt.