Effect of the Biological Control Agent Neoseiulus Californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Arthropod Community Structure in North Florida Strawberry Fields

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Effect of the Biological Control Agent Neoseiulus Californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Arthropod Community Structure in North Florida Strawberry Fields 436 Florida Entomologist 91(3) September 2008 EFFECT OF THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AGENT NEOSEIULUS CALIFORNICUS (ACARI: PHYTOSEIIDAE) ON ARTHROPOD COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN NORTH FLORIDA STRAWBERRY FIELDS AIMEE B. FRAULO1, ROBERT MCSORLEY2 AND OSCAR E. LIBURD2 1MacArthur Agro-Ecology Research Center, 300 Buck Island Ranch Rd., Lake Placid, FL 33852 2Entomology & Nematology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 33852 ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted during the 2006-2007 growing season to determine the ef- fect of the predatory mite, Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) on arthropod community structure when released as a biological control agent for the twospotted spider mite, Tet- ranychus urticae Koch, in north Florida strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne). Re- leases of N. californicus were conducted at approximately 1-month intervals from Dec 2006 to Feb 2007 to compare effects of predator release times on arthropod community structure. Evaluations of community structure were conducted 3 times during the growing season. The Shannon-Weaver index of diversity was used to quantify differences among release and non- release plots. Our results indicate that the release of N. californicus does not affect the ar- thropod diversity in the strawberry system studied. The generalist feeding behavior of N. californicus, coupled with a high level of richness and diversity in the strawberry ecosystem, may diffuse the measurable effect of N. californicus releases on the arthropod community structure. This makes N. californicus a desirable biological control agent for management of twospotted spider mite in strawberries while preserving arthropod diversity. Key Words: biological control, arthropod assemblage, strawberry ecosystem, twospotted spi- der mite, pest management RESUMEN Experimentos de campo fueron establecidos para determinar el efecto del acaro predador, Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), en la estructura de las comunidad de artrópodos cuando es liberado como control biológico de la arañita roja, Tetranychus urticae Koch, en Fresas (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) en el norte de la Florida. Liberaciones de N. californicus se realizaron en intervalos de un mes desde Diciembre 2006 hasta Febrero 2007, para compa- rar los efectos del tiempo de liberación de los predadores en la estructura de la comunidad de artrópodos presentes. Evaluaciones de la estructura de las comunidades se realizó tres veces durante la temporada de producción. El índice de Shannon-Weaver fue usado para cuantificar las diferencias entre los lotes donde se hicieron las liberaciones y los lotes de con- trol. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la liberación de N. californicus no afecta significa- tivamente la diversidad de artrópodos en el sistema de fresas estudiado. El comportamiento alimentario generalista de N. californicus y el alto nivel de riqueza y diversidad del sistema de producción de fresas, puede dispersar el efecto cuantificable de N. californicus en la es- tructura de la comunidad. Esta característica hace que N. californicus sea un controlador biológico importante para el manejo de la arañita roja en fresas, al mismo tiempo que se con- serva la diversidad del sistema. Translation provided by the authors. Twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae due to increased use of pesticides in modern cul- Koch (TSSM), is a key pest of strawberries tural practices. As a result, more growers are uti- (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) in north Florida. lizing biological control as an alternative to chem- High populations of TSSM can reduce foliar and ical management (Huffaker et al. 1969; Escudero floral development thereby decreasing the quality & Ferragut 2005; Rhodes et al. 2006). However, and quantity of mature fruit (Rhodes et al. 2006). little is known about the non-target effects of bio- Twospotted spider mite populations have become logical control releases on beneficial arthropods in resistant to most acaricides due their short life cy- the strawberry ecosystem. cle and high fecundity (Huffaker et al. 1969; Wil- Phytoseiid mites have been found to be highly liams 2000; Cross et al. 2001; Stumpf & Nauen effective predators in controlling TSSM (Zhi-Qui- 2001; Sato et al. 2004). Outbreaks of TSSM have ang & Sanderson 1995). Two of the most com- become more frequent over the last few decades monly used phytoseiids are Phytoseiulus persimi- Fraulo et al.: N. californicus and Arthropod Community Structure 437 lis Athias-Henriot and Neoseiulus californicus IPM or biological control program in north Flor- (McGregor) (McMurtry & Croft 1997; Cloyd et al. ida strawberry while preserving non-target bene- 2006). Oatman et al. (1972) found that although ficial arthropods. P. persimilis was effective in controlling TSSM, it is a type I specialist predator of Tetranychus spe- MATERIALS AND METHODS cies and tends to decimate TSSM populations, al- tering the arthropod complex (McMurtry & Croft A preliminary study was conducted during 1997). However, Colfer et al. (2004) found that re- 2005-2006 (Jan to Mar) to assess the accuracy of leases of generalist species of phytoseiid mites sample methods and level of diversity in the such as N. californicus do not affect the diversity strawberry system. The main study was con- or abundance of arthropod populations. ducted during the 2006-2007 (Oct to Mar) grow- As a type II generalist, N. californicus has a ing season to evaluate the effect of predatory re- broad diet range that includes not only various ar- leases at 3 phenological periods: foliar, floral, and thropods, but also plant sap, honeydew, and pollen fruit development. (McMurtry & Croft 1997). Neoseiulus californicus can adapt to fluctuations in prey populations, pro- Field Preparation viding stable pest suppression over time (Croft et al. 1998; Castagnoli et al. 1999; Escudero & Fer- The field experiment was located at the Uni- ragut 2005; Greco et al. 2005). Rhodes et al. (2006) versity of Florida Plant Science Research and Ed- observed that N. californicus was able to maintain ucation Unit in Citra, Florida (82.17°W, 29.41°N). more consistent control of TSSM populations com- Sixteen research plots of 53.29 m2 with a bare pared with P. persimilis throughout the season in ground buffer of 11 m between plots were planted north Florida strawberry fields. The ability of N. with strawberries, variety ‘Festival’, during the californicus to survive on a broad array of food first week of Oct 2005 and 2006 in raised beds cov- sources contributes to its stability and may miti- ered with 6-mil black plastic mulch. Strawberry gate its effect on community structure and other plants were fertilized through the drip irrigation beneficial arthropods (Jones 1976; Powers & Mc- system once per week with 18.5 kg of ammonium Sorley 2000; Cross et al. 2001; Rhodes et al. 2006). nitrate (Southern States Cooperative, Inc., Rich- There are many natural enemies capable of mond, VA) and 32.7 kg of muriate of potash suppressing TSSM populations (Oatman et al. (Southern States Cooperative, Inc., Richmond, 1985). However, their use in biological control has VA) per ha. Nitrogen was increased in Feb to 27.1 been limited due to their generalist feeding pref- Kg/ha of ammonium nitrate to accommodate in- erences. Field studies conducted between 1964- creased nutrient demand during fruit develop- 1980 in southern California identified 9 phyto- ment. Fungicides were applied 3 times per week seiid mite species and several species of insects in rotation to all experimental plots throughout within the families Thripidae, Cecidomyiidae, the season to combat Botrytis fruit rot (Botrytis ci- Coccinellidae, Staphylinidae, Anthocoridae, Lyga- nerea) and anthracnose fruit rot (Colletotrichum edae, Chrysopidae, and Hemerobiidae as natural acutatum). The fungicides used were Abound® enemies of TSSM (Oatman et al. 1985). Rondon et (azoxystrobin) (Syngenta Crop Protection, al. (2004) conducted laboratory studies evaluating Greensboro, NC), Topsin® (thiophanate) (Cerexa- the big-eyed bug, Geocoris punctipes Say, minute gri, Inc., King of Prussia, PA), Aliette® (alumi- pirate bug, Orius insidiosus (Say), and the pink num tris) (Bayer Crop Science, Research Triangle spotted lady beetle, Coleomegilla maculata De- Park, NC), and Serenade® (Bacillus subtilis) Geer, as predators for TSSM. They found that (Agraquest, Davis, CA). No insecticides or acari- while they feed on TSSM, they preferred other cides were applied to the research plots. Prepara- phytophagous insects, thereby limiting their util- tion and management procedures are described in ity as successful biological control agents. detail in Fraulo & Liburd (2007). Conserving a robust ecosystem is essential to The experimental design used was a random- sustain the myriad of natural enemies that con- ized complete block with 4 treatments and 4 rep- tribute to a sustainable integrated pest manage- lications. Neoseiulus californicus (Koppert Biolog- ment (IPM) program. In this study, field experi- ical Systems, Romulus, MI) was released in all ments were conducted to determine the effect of treated plots at the recommended rate of 1-2 releasing N. californicus as a biological control predators per square meter. Viability was as- agent for TSSM on the arthropod complex in sessed by observing 20-30 predatory mites in a strawberry fields, and evaluated with the Shan- Petri dish with a dissecting binocular microscope non-Weaver index (H’) (Shannon 1948). Our hy- (10-20×) (Leica MZ12.5, McBain Instruments, pothesis was that inundative releases of N. cali- Chatsworth,
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